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JIGYASA-The Inter-Defence
Institutional Quiz(Finals)
QM - Surg Lt Cdr Hitesh Mahato
• Col Prafull Mohan – OiC, Debating and Quiz Club, AFMC
• Gp Capt Anurakshat Gupta - For having helped with Qs.
• Sq Ldr Abhishek Singh (CHAF, Bangalore) – For helping with Qs.
• Lt Cdr Tilak Baloria – An ex-shipmate, for some valuable Naval trivia.
• All participating teams – Thank you for your patronage.
• Sulci and Gyri - The AFMC Quiz Club.
Teams On Board
Team NDA Team AFMC-A
Team INA Team AFMC-B
Leaving Harbour Brief
• This Quiz is not a test of ‘how much you remember’
• However, what it will test is ‘ how much you can work out from a set of clues’
• The Quiz is super accessible and replete with hints. So, no matter how ridiculous the answer might
seem, make guesses.
• 14 Qs Infinite bounce CW
• 10 Qs on the buzzer
• 14 Qs Infinite Bounce ACW
• Audience :- If you know an answer, keep it to yourself. Every question passed off stage comes to
you and and a bar of Chocolate awaits.
• I’m your captain for this sailing, hence I get to have the last word.
• In case of a doubt, refer rule above. J
Let go all lines.
• Screenshot 2019-09-15 at 6.10.43 PM
1) Alexander Frater is a travel writer from the UK who
followed the ______up the western coast of India, from
Trivandrum to Bombay, then crossing to Delhi and
Calcutta, to finish in Cherrapunji and documented his
travels in the book shown alongside.
What was he chasing/following??
A must read(if you were to take my
recommendation) J
2) The guy in the picture is Lou Majaw , a
quasi-musician/celebrity in Shillong
christened ‘The ____ ____ of Shillong’.
One evening in 1972, while sitting with a
group of friends at a get together, he picked
the guitar and strummed some songs of his
favourite singer/songwriter.
The evening was a hit with his friends and
thus began his eternal love for this
singer/songwriter, which has seen him host
a music fest in his idol’s name every year
Who’s being spoken of?
• “We say a lot with our hands. We spread them wide to indicate size, stab the air for
emphasis and reach out to draw people in. Waving our hands about when we speak
makes us appear less robotic – and that’s true for robots too.”
• At the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute in Daejeon,
Korea, when a group of researchers had to train a machine learning
system to match hand gestures to different words, they came up with an
ingenious method and when asked why they explained it as above.
• How did they train these Robots??
• Legend has it this town gets it’s name from the fact that it was once a
major supplier of two items-Ropes and bricks.
• Though no longer true, it still is a major trading venue for the plywood
industry and is home to a Military Ordnance Factory and Soya Oil mills.
• Name this town which by virtue of it’s location is amongst one of India’s
major Railway junctions.
• The headline in the previous slide, courtesy an order dated January 3, 2019, from India’s public
service broadcaster Prasar Bharati which directed the closure of the ______ _______of All India
Radio (AIR) as well as five other Regional Academies of Broadcasting and Multimedia (RABM)
located at Lucknow, Shillong, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Thiruvananthapuram.
• Set up under the Prime Ministership of Rajiv Gandhi on May 18, 1988, ______ _______was the only
channel available after most of AIR’s stations closed in the evenings and was also one of AIR’s three-
tier radio broadcast systems (local, regional and national),it’s aim being to “broadcast programmes of
entertainment and music with hourly News Bulletins for the entire country” every day from 6:50 pm to
6:12 am.
• Because it’s broadcast via Short and Medium wave frequency, _____ _______ enabled listeners—
especially soldiers—located in the inaccessible regions of the country such as at the borders to tune
in to the same radio station as the rest of the country and keep up-to-date with national news and
Which two word answer makes for this piece of fauji nostalgia??
• While at the Battle of Flamborough Head,
John Paul Jones, Continental Navy Captain
and his combined American and French
squadron of ships went head-to-head with
large British frigates protecting British
• From the Bonhomme Richard, Jones
engaged the frigate HMS Serapis for hours.
Each tried to board then subsequently sink
their opponent.
• When the captain of Serapis called for Jones
to surrender, he uttered something which is
now a part of military folklore as one of the
wittiest comebacks ever to a call of
• The famous words please.
• The Gothic 'Royal Alfred Sailors' Home', built
by FW Stevens once served as an abode for
sick seamen where they could recover while
staring at the views of the Bombay harbour.
• The top gable bears a relief by sculptor
Richard Lockwood Boulton depicting
Neptune (the God of the Sea) , sea horses,
nymphs, and waves as a tribute to the
Arabian Sea.
• What present day institution operates out of
the Royal Alfred Sailor’s Home??
• Screenshot 2019-09-16 at 1.50.24 AM
To quote food historian Pushpesh Pant :-
“I believe that _______have a strong correlation with poverty. They rule the palate in arid zones or
where the land is otherwise not as fertile.”
They also became the chief accompaniment for the main carbohydrate for those whose access to food
and fuel was restricted for social and economic reasons.
He further says, “For example,the poor often eat bhakri, onions and ________in Maharashtra. The
spicy, salty condiments are a way to satiate hunger by overpowering the senses, so you feel like you
ate a lot, but didn’t. (It’s) a sad thought.”
Which is this food item which according to Prof. Pant can be a Socio-economic marker??
10) To quote from the US Navy Marine mammal program website(Snapshot in next slide) :-
• _________ have excellent underwater hearing and low light vision which enables them to detect
and track underwater targets even in dark and murky waters.
• They’re also able to dive much deeper and longer over human divers without showing any signs of
‘decompression sickness’ or ‘bends’
• Hence they’re often deployed around nuclear submarines to patrol and detect the presence of
underwater threats, enemy robots or divers.
Which is this good friend of Navies worldwide??
• Solo East is a company (website snapshot in the next slide) that specializes in
tours to a ‘particular place’ and has been organizing one and two day trips to that
destination for the last 20 years.
• It saw a sudden spike in ticket sales up to the tune of 135% after a certain
occurring in May 19.
What one word answer connects that destination and the happenings of May 19?
In what would count as one of the most bizarre yet hilarious accounts of fandom, a group of fans of this cricketer,
who’s routinely underachieved at the International level, came up with an Instagram account swearing to post
one picture of the cricketer everyday till he hits a century.
At last count,(ie, yesterday) the page had 261 posts, all pictures in the same pose, and recently the admin had a
conundrum coz even as he waited for a century, his hero ended up taking an unlikely 5 wickets.
Who’s the hero in question??
Joshua Karthik R is one of India’s foremost
photographers famous for the work he’s done via
co-founding ‘StoriesbyJosephJRadhik’,
an immensely successful photography firm with
the experience of having covered high profile
events like the Virat-Anushka wedding and many
The picture alongside won at the IPA-19 in NYC a
week back.
Fittingly, what is the picture called??
Dragon on the water
• The __X__ and ___Y___ Stores was a departmental store group in the United Kingdom, which
originated as a co-operative society for military officers in the 19th century. The first branch of the
stores in the Indian sub-continent was opened in Bombay followed by followed by branches in
Karachi, Calcutta, Delhi, Shimla and Ranchi.
• To shop at one of their department stores, you had to verify that you or a family member was a part
of the military, allowing registration as a fee-paying member of the store. The departmental stores
were not located on or near military bases, but in the city's shopping districts.
• Some historians believe these to be the earliest prototypes of the modern day CSDs.
• X and Y please.
Screenshot 2019-09-15 at
8.59.01 AM
10 easy-peasy Military themed Qs on the buzzer
Buzzer Check Reminder
• Snapshot (on next slide) of the home page of the recently
launched IAF game called ‘IAF-A cut above’.
• Who’s the gentleman whose silhouette features on the home
• Tiger shark
• A fort built by Shivaji
• A naval station in Uran, Raigad district, Maharashtra
The first 3 of a particular series are named after the following.
What is being referred to??
The Kalveri class Scorpenes – Kalveri, Khanderi and Karanj
• Kalver
String of Pearls
• Just a week back, Bangalore Watch Company, a startup,
unveiled a limited edition 21 piece collection of mechanical
watches as a tribute to the Indian Air Force.
• How exactly are they paying tribute to the IAF?
The watches contain fuselage of MIG-21’s
Sena Medal, Nausena Medal, Vayu Sena medal
• When the Assam regiment was under siege at Kohima by the Japanese, they
were under heavy attack. There was no way out, no way to get more supplies.
• But, they survived. And the only reason they did was that before the siege,
their quartermaster was drawing supplies for soldiers who had already
been martyred.
• As a result, they had a surplus and were able to wait the siege out and plan out
their attack without the scarcity of food.
How is this story immortalised in Indian Fauji folklore??
7) Boota Singh, was a Sikh ex-soldier of the British Army who served at the Burma
front under the command of Lord Mountbatten during World War II.
His story was mentioned in the book , Freedom at Midnight by Larry Collins and
Dominique Lapierre and also influenced a 2007 Hollywood film called partition.
How was Boota Singh’s story immortalised via a 2001 Bollywood film ??
8) Possible explanations behind the disappearance of Taiwan and Japan’s national
flags from a place it was seen in 1986 but won’t be seen in 2020. :-
• The involvement of Tencent Pictures, a Chinese film distributor and production
• Others suggest that the difference is due to storytelling. The new patch appears to
say “85-86” with the words “Indian Ocean Cruise”
Where exactly have these flags disappeared from?
Tom Cruise’ Bomber Jackets in Top Gun(1986) vs the one in Top Gun
9) One of the ‘Steel cities’ of India, this town had a big role to play in both the World wars, courtesy, the
iron that it supplied for shells, weapons, guns and much more.
The tank in picture was thus named in honour of this town and was one of the success stories of WW-II.
Name the city/the tank.
10) During the Battle of Britain where aircrafts fought for Air supremacy in South England, Harold
Ridley, an Ophthalmologist, while operating on a Pilot whose Fighter plane’s canopy had shattered,
realized that somehow the body’s immune system had not reacted against the PMMA(Poly Methy
Metha acrylate) splinters from the canopy lodged in the pilot’s eye.
What medical discovery resulted as an offshoot of this observation??
Intra ocular Lens
• Said to have been first made in Lucknow, UP. This sweet milky roti is credited to an experimental bazaar
cook who prepared the dough by substituting water with egg and saffron-infused milk.
Rarely baked in homes, these rotis lie stacked on dhaba counters, often covered with a protective net-
like material.
• Often the source of friendly feuds between Old timers from Delhi and Lucknow over the Lucknow-wallahs
claim that their ‘Oudhi ______’-with its golden-hued top-is the real ______.
• Even Sadia Dehlvi, author of a Delhi cookbook, confesses that the Delhi _______ is actually the
baqarkhani roti. “The real ________ belongs to Oudh,” she gracefully concedes.
• Even as the Delhi-Lucknow food fight raged on, a third variety from Meerut threw it’s hat into the ring
and is now found more often than either of the original incumbents.
• What’s this sweet indulgence known as??
(Pictures in next slide)
• Screenshot 2019-09-16 at 2.08.35 AM
• Screenshot 2019-09-16 at 2.08.15 AM
16) What’s going on?
Shooting of the Album cover of
‘A momentary lapse of reason’
• Contrary to popular belief, this smart, precise impact, cost effective piece of technology has no
firepower itself.
• It in fact is a 'guidance kit' that is attached to a standard warhead or bomb. What it does is turn the
bomb into a smart device with the ability to glide in air and make minor adjustments to precisely hit its
• Consisting of two pieces - one attached to the bomb's head with a camera at its tip and the second
attached at the end acts like a fin allowing a bomb outfitted with this technology to glide.
• While a GPS chipset has all sorts of data required for identifying the target fed into it, the camera
takes live images of what is in front of the bomb which are then cross-referenced with the data stored
on the memory chip what it’s makers call a "unique scene-matching algorithm".
• What is being talked about??
(Used during
Balakot )
Precise Impact
Cost Effective
• The original track of this song featured the word, ‘Sabka’.
• However, when the director shared the song with her father he pointed out that ‘sabka’
seems like a generalisation and advised her to use ‘apna’ as that makes it sound more
personal and relatable to everyone in the audience.
• Basking in the success of the song and the movie, the director said later :-
• “If you look at it, changing the word Sabka to Apna did work wonders for the track with
almost everyone mouthing the lines. If that wasn’t all, the fact that the same words were
used on the publicity material and merchandise drove the point home capitalizing on the fact
that each individual looks first to himself and then to the others.”
• Sing out this song please.
Images of a set of rock formations
from a village called YANA in
Uttara Kannada, Karnataka.
Quite different from other rock
formations in this area, they are
pitch black in colour.
Ask the locals and they point
towards a legend about someone
who was burnt to death via deceit
here, the soot lending the rocks it’s
black colour.
Which story from Hindu mythology
does this correspond to??
This is where Lord Vishnu’s MOHINI
avatar tricked Bhasmasura into
burning himself.
• Think of logging out of YouTube and you’d struggle to find the logout button, hidden amidst layers of
• Click on a link you stumbled on to while scrolling your FB/Insta feeds and you’re taken to a link that
opens within the app.
• Experts feel these are all deliberate attempts by app developers to make the consumer spend
maximum time on their apps.
• Which element of pop culture ‘with a similar sounding description’ does this effect take it’s name
You can checkout anytime you like
you can never leave.
This annual list by ‘Sports Pro’ magazine features Virat Kohli at 15.
The only other cricketer on this list is a debutant at no. 40
Who be No. 40??
• The Bolivian Navy has nearly 5,000 personnel despite the fact
that Bolivia is landlocked.
• It maintains a naval presence on Lake Titicaca, the highest
navigable lake in the world.
• How does a landlocked country have a Navy?
• Bolivia lost the War of Pacific (1879-83)to Chile early in the 20th
century and had to cede its coast as a result of the same.
• Antofagasta port was lost
• The Bolivians established
a small Naval force on
Lake Titicaca & hope till
date to get back the coast.
• Its principles and operational guidelines are highlighted in its Charter, the Chantilly Principles,
and the later La Mancha Agreement.
• Formed by amalgamation of teams dealing with the Bhola Cyclone (1970) in East Pakistan and the
Biafra Secession of Nigeria (1971).
• Ubiquitous in conflict zones today. Who/What?
The map shows
Kuril Islands in the
North Pacific
What technical
anomaly does the
tussle over it by
Japan and Russia
lead to ??
25) The term was first used to mean "having the highest qualifications" in reference to commercial
ships. The term referred to the highest possible rating in the system instituted prior to 1800 by the
famous insurer of Lloyd's of London.
Lloyd's registry of ships explains this rating thus :
‘The first character denotes New Ships, or Ships Renewed or Restored. The Storage condition of
Vessels are designated by the second character.’
Since shipping was of such great importance to the British economy in the 18th and 19th centuries, and
since Lloyd's was so well known, the rating system became part of the public consciousness. It was
soon common to express one's admiration for a vessel by referring to it as an ”______ ship.”
What is being spoken of??
26) Domestication shaped wolves into dogs and transformed both their behaviour and
their anatomy such that the levator anguli oculi medialis, a muscle responsible for
raising the inner eyebrow intensely, is uniformly present in dogs but not in wolves.
What resulted thus??
Puppy Eyes
27) To quote from the CNN Traveller magazine
It may not seem so, but the _______ is one of the most crucial safety features of an aircraft,
perhaps even more important than your seat-belt and the life-jacket.
Commercial passenger aircraft usually fly at altitudes over 30,000 feet, where air pressure is very
low. This can cause severe health complications. To prevent this, pilots turn a knob to maintain a
steady air pressure inside the cabin. However, as the aircraft climbs, the pressure inside the cabin
becomes much higher than what it is outside.
This particular safety feature applies physics to counter this high pressure threat.
Which is the safety feature being spoken of??
The rounded edges in Aircraft
• While the metal fuselage can
easily endure the high altitude
pressure stress, it is the windows
that pose a bit of a problem.
• Stress tends to concentrate
towards the edges, which is why
surfaces with sharp corners crack
• With rounded corners, the force is
evenly distributed across the
pane, making your window
virtually shatter-proof.
carrier launched just after World War II, led an
eventful life. It saw combat in Korea and
Vietnam, and even suffered a massive
magnesium fire. It made cameos in several films
about the Korean War, and even hosted a ballet
performance while docked in Manhattan in 1952.
Once sunken in 2006, it was transformed from a
warship into the world’s largest artificial reef
made from recycled materials.
Affectionately, it was nicknamed ______ , an
apparent tribute to the ‘Great Barrier Reef’.
The nickname please.
Final Scores??
• AFMC-Team B : 95 points
• INA : 55 points
• AFMC Team A : 45 points
• NDA : 20 points
Thank You.
See you at JIGYASA-20.

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  • 1. JIGYASA-The Inter-Defence Institutional Quiz(Finals) SULCI AND GYRI-THE AFMC QUIZ CLUB PRESENTS QM - Surg Lt Cdr Hitesh Mahato
  • 2. Acknowledgements • Col Prafull Mohan – OiC, Debating and Quiz Club, AFMC • Gp Capt Anurakshat Gupta - For having helped with Qs. • Sq Ldr Abhishek Singh (CHAF, Bangalore) – For helping with Qs. • Lt Cdr Tilak Baloria – An ex-shipmate, for some valuable Naval trivia. • All participating teams – Thank you for your patronage. • Sulci and Gyri - The AFMC Quiz Club.
  • 3. Teams On Board Team NDA Team AFMC-A Team INA Team AFMC-B
  • 4. Leaving Harbour Brief • This Quiz is not a test of ‘how much you remember’ • However, what it will test is ‘ how much you can work out from a set of clues’ • The Quiz is super accessible and replete with hints. So, no matter how ridiculous the answer might seem, make guesses. • 14 Qs Infinite bounce CW • 10 Qs on the buzzer • 14 Qs Infinite Bounce ACW • Audience :- If you know an answer, keep it to yourself. Every question passed off stage comes to you and and a bar of Chocolate awaits. • I’m your captain for this sailing, hence I get to have the last word. • In case of a doubt, refer rule above. J
  • 5. Let go all lines. • Screenshot 2019-09-15 at 6.10.43 PM
  • 6. 1) Alexander Frater is a travel writer from the UK who followed the ______up the western coast of India, from Trivandrum to Bombay, then crossing to Delhi and Calcutta, to finish in Cherrapunji and documented his travels in the book shown alongside. What was he chasing/following??
  • 7.
  • 8. A must read(if you were to take my recommendation) J
  • 9. 2) The guy in the picture is Lou Majaw , a quasi-musician/celebrity in Shillong christened ‘The ____ ____ of Shillong’. One evening in 1972, while sitting with a group of friends at a get together, he picked the guitar and strummed some songs of his favourite singer/songwriter. The evening was a hit with his friends and thus began his eternal love for this singer/songwriter, which has seen him host a music fest in his idol’s name every year since. Who’s being spoken of?
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. 3) • “We say a lot with our hands. We spread them wide to indicate size, stab the air for emphasis and reach out to draw people in. Waving our hands about when we speak makes us appear less robotic – and that’s true for robots too.” • At the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute in Daejeon, Korea, when a group of researchers had to train a machine learning system to match hand gestures to different words, they came up with an ingenious method and when asked why they explained it as above. • How did they train these Robots??
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. 4) • Legend has it this town gets it’s name from the fact that it was once a major supplier of two items-Ropes and bricks. • Though no longer true, it still is a major trading venue for the plywood industry and is home to a Military Ordnance Factory and Soya Oil mills. • Name this town which by virtue of it’s location is amongst one of India’s major Railway junctions.
  • 16.
  • 18. 5)
  • 19. • The headline in the previous slide, courtesy an order dated January 3, 2019, from India’s public service broadcaster Prasar Bharati which directed the closure of the ______ _______of All India Radio (AIR) as well as five other Regional Academies of Broadcasting and Multimedia (RABM) located at Lucknow, Shillong, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Thiruvananthapuram. • Set up under the Prime Ministership of Rajiv Gandhi on May 18, 1988, ______ _______was the only channel available after most of AIR’s stations closed in the evenings and was also one of AIR’s three- tier radio broadcast systems (local, regional and national),it’s aim being to “broadcast programmes of entertainment and music with hourly News Bulletins for the entire country” every day from 6:50 pm to 6:12 am. • Because it’s broadcast via Short and Medium wave frequency, _____ _______ enabled listeners— especially soldiers—located in the inaccessible regions of the country such as at the borders to tune in to the same radio station as the rest of the country and keep up-to-date with national news and programmes. Which two word answer makes for this piece of fauji nostalgia??
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22. 6) • While at the Battle of Flamborough Head, John Paul Jones, Continental Navy Captain and his combined American and French squadron of ships went head-to-head with large British frigates protecting British shipping. • From the Bonhomme Richard, Jones engaged the frigate HMS Serapis for hours. Each tried to board then subsequently sink their opponent. • When the captain of Serapis called for Jones to surrender, he uttered something which is now a part of military folklore as one of the wittiest comebacks ever to a call of surrender. • The famous words please.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25. 7) • The Gothic 'Royal Alfred Sailors' Home', built by FW Stevens once served as an abode for sick seamen where they could recover while staring at the views of the Bombay harbour. • The top gable bears a relief by sculptor Richard Lockwood Boulton depicting Neptune (the God of the Sea) , sea horses, nymphs, and waves as a tribute to the Arabian Sea. • What present day institution operates out of the Royal Alfred Sailor’s Home?? .
  • 26.
  • 27. • Screenshot 2019-09-16 at 1.50.24 AM
  • 28. 8)
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32. 9) To quote food historian Pushpesh Pant :- “I believe that _______have a strong correlation with poverty. They rule the palate in arid zones or where the land is otherwise not as fertile.” They also became the chief accompaniment for the main carbohydrate for those whose access to food and fuel was restricted for social and economic reasons. He further says, “For example,the poor often eat bhakri, onions and ________in Maharashtra. The spicy, salty condiments are a way to satiate hunger by overpowering the senses, so you feel like you ate a lot, but didn’t. (It’s) a sad thought.” Which is this food item which according to Prof. Pant can be a Socio-economic marker??
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. 10) To quote from the US Navy Marine mammal program website(Snapshot in next slide) :- • _________ have excellent underwater hearing and low light vision which enables them to detect and track underwater targets even in dark and murky waters. • They’re also able to dive much deeper and longer over human divers without showing any signs of ‘decompression sickness’ or ‘bends’ • Hence they’re often deployed around nuclear submarines to patrol and detect the presence of underwater threats, enemy robots or divers. Which is this good friend of Navies worldwide??
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 39. • Solo East is a company (website snapshot in the next slide) that specializes in tours to a ‘particular place’ and has been organizing one and two day trips to that destination for the last 20 years. • It saw a sudden spike in ticket sales up to the tune of 135% after a certain occurring in May 19. What one word answer connects that destination and the happenings of May 19? 11)
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43. In what would count as one of the most bizarre yet hilarious accounts of fandom, a group of fans of this cricketer, who’s routinely underachieved at the International level, came up with an Instagram account swearing to post one picture of the cricketer everyday till he hits a century. At last count,(ie, yesterday) the page had 261 posts, all pictures in the same pose, and recently the admin had a conundrum coz even as he waited for a century, his hero ended up taking an unlikely 5 wickets. Who’s the hero in question?? 12)
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46. 13) Joshua Karthik R is one of India’s foremost photographers famous for the work he’s done via co-founding ‘StoriesbyJosephJRadhik’, an immensely successful photography firm with the experience of having covered high profile events like the Virat-Anushka wedding and many more. The picture alongside won at the IPA-19 in NYC a week back. Fittingly, what is the picture called??
  • 47.
  • 48. Dragon on the water
  • 49. • The __X__ and ___Y___ Stores was a departmental store group in the United Kingdom, which originated as a co-operative society for military officers in the 19th century. The first branch of the stores in the Indian sub-continent was opened in Bombay followed by followed by branches in Karachi, Calcutta, Delhi, Shimla and Ranchi. • To shop at one of their department stores, you had to verify that you or a family member was a part of the military, allowing registration as a fee-paying member of the store. The departmental stores were not located on or near military bases, but in the city's shopping districts. • Some historians believe these to be the earliest prototypes of the modern day CSDs. • X and Y please. 14)
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 53. Screenshot 2019-09-15 at 8.59.01 AM 10 easy-peasy Military themed Qs on the buzzer +10/-5
  • 55. 1) • Snapshot (on next slide) of the home page of the recently launched IAF game called ‘IAF-A cut above’. • Who’s the gentleman whose silhouette features on the home page??
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58.
  • 59. 2) • Tiger shark • A fort built by Shivaji • A naval station in Uran, Raigad district, Maharashtra The first 3 of a particular series are named after the following. What is being referred to??
  • 60.
  • 61. The Kalveri class Scorpenes – Kalveri, Khanderi and Karanj • Kalver
  • 62. 3)
  • 63.
  • 65. 4) • Just a week back, Bangalore Watch Company, a startup, unveiled a limited edition 21 piece collection of mechanical watches as a tribute to the Indian Air Force. • How exactly are they paying tribute to the IAF?
  • 66.
  • 67. The watches contain fuselage of MIG-21’s
  • 68. 5)
  • 69.
  • 70. Sena Medal, Nausena Medal, Vayu Sena medal
  • 71. • When the Assam regiment was under siege at Kohima by the Japanese, they were under heavy attack. There was no way out, no way to get more supplies. • But, they survived. And the only reason they did was that before the siege, their quartermaster was drawing supplies for soldiers who had already been martyred. • As a result, they had a surplus and were able to wait the siege out and plan out their attack without the scarcity of food. How is this story immortalised in Indian Fauji folklore?? 6)
  • 72.
  • 73.
  • 74. 7) Boota Singh, was a Sikh ex-soldier of the British Army who served at the Burma front under the command of Lord Mountbatten during World War II. His story was mentioned in the book , Freedom at Midnight by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre and also influenced a 2007 Hollywood film called partition. How was Boota Singh’s story immortalised via a 2001 Bollywood film ??
  • 75.
  • 76.
  • 77. 8) Possible explanations behind the disappearance of Taiwan and Japan’s national flags from a place it was seen in 1986 but won’t be seen in 2020. :- • The involvement of Tencent Pictures, a Chinese film distributor and production company. • Others suggest that the difference is due to storytelling. The new patch appears to say “85-86” with the words “Indian Ocean Cruise” Where exactly have these flags disappeared from?
  • 78.
  • 79. Tom Cruise’ Bomber Jackets in Top Gun(1986) vs the one in Top Gun Maverick(2020)
  • 80. 9) One of the ‘Steel cities’ of India, this town had a big role to play in both the World wars, courtesy, the iron that it supplied for shells, weapons, guns and much more. The tank in picture was thus named in honour of this town and was one of the success stories of WW-II. Name the city/the tank.
  • 81.
  • 83. 10) During the Battle of Britain where aircrafts fought for Air supremacy in South England, Harold Ridley, an Ophthalmologist, while operating on a Pilot whose Fighter plane’s canopy had shattered, realized that somehow the body’s immune system had not reacted against the PMMA(Poly Methy Metha acrylate) splinters from the canopy lodged in the pilot’s eye. What medical discovery resulted as an offshoot of this observation??
  • 84.
  • 87. • Said to have been first made in Lucknow, UP. This sweet milky roti is credited to an experimental bazaar cook who prepared the dough by substituting water with egg and saffron-infused milk. Rarely baked in homes, these rotis lie stacked on dhaba counters, often covered with a protective net- like material. • Often the source of friendly feuds between Old timers from Delhi and Lucknow over the Lucknow-wallahs claim that their ‘Oudhi ______’-with its golden-hued top-is the real ______. • Even Sadia Dehlvi, author of a Delhi cookbook, confesses that the Delhi _______ is actually the baqarkhani roti. “The real ________ belongs to Oudh,” she gracefully concedes. • Even as the Delhi-Lucknow food fight raged on, a third variety from Meerut threw it’s hat into the ring and is now found more often than either of the original incumbents. • What’s this sweet indulgence known as?? (Pictures in next slide) 15)
  • 88. • Screenshot 2019-09-16 at 2.08.35 AM • Screenshot 2019-09-16 at 2.08.15 AM
  • 89.
  • 90.
  • 92.
  • 93. Shooting of the Album cover of ‘A momentary lapse of reason’
  • 94. • Contrary to popular belief, this smart, precise impact, cost effective piece of technology has no firepower itself. • It in fact is a 'guidance kit' that is attached to a standard warhead or bomb. What it does is turn the bomb into a smart device with the ability to glide in air and make minor adjustments to precisely hit its target. • Consisting of two pieces - one attached to the bomb's head with a camera at its tip and the second attached at the end acts like a fin allowing a bomb outfitted with this technology to glide. • While a GPS chipset has all sorts of data required for identifying the target fed into it, the camera takes live images of what is in front of the bomb which are then cross-referenced with the data stored on the memory chip what it’s makers call a "unique scene-matching algorithm". • What is being talked about?? 17)
  • 95.
  • 97. • The original track of this song featured the word, ‘Sabka’. • However, when the director shared the song with her father he pointed out that ‘sabka’ seems like a generalisation and advised her to use ‘apna’ as that makes it sound more personal and relatable to everyone in the audience. • Basking in the success of the song and the movie, the director said later :- • “If you look at it, changing the word Sabka to Apna did work wonders for the track with almost everyone mouthing the lines. If that wasn’t all, the fact that the same words were used on the publicity material and merchandise drove the point home capitalizing on the fact that each individual looks first to himself and then to the others.” • Sing out this song please. 18)
  • 98.
  • 99.
  • 100. 19) Images of a set of rock formations from a village called YANA in Uttara Kannada, Karnataka. Quite different from other rock formations in this area, they are pitch black in colour. Ask the locals and they point towards a legend about someone who was burnt to death via deceit here, the soot lending the rocks it’s black colour. Which story from Hindu mythology does this correspond to??
  • 101.
  • 102. This is where Lord Vishnu’s MOHINI avatar tricked Bhasmasura into burning himself.
  • 103. 20) • Think of logging out of YouTube and you’d struggle to find the logout button, hidden amidst layers of links. • Click on a link you stumbled on to while scrolling your FB/Insta feeds and you’re taken to a link that opens within the app. • Experts feel these are all deliberate attempts by app developers to make the consumer spend maximum time on their apps. • Which element of pop culture ‘with a similar sounding description’ does this effect take it’s name from??
  • 104.
  • 105. You can checkout anytime you like but you can never leave.
  • 106. This annual list by ‘Sports Pro’ magazine features Virat Kohli at 15. The only other cricketer on this list is a debutant at no. 40 Who be No. 40?? 21)
  • 107.
  • 108.
  • 109. 22) • The Bolivian Navy has nearly 5,000 personnel despite the fact that Bolivia is landlocked. • It maintains a naval presence on Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world. • How does a landlocked country have a Navy?
  • 110.
  • 111. • Bolivia lost the War of Pacific (1879-83)to Chile early in the 20th century and had to cede its coast as a result of the same. • Antofagasta port was lost • The Bolivians established a small Naval force on Lake Titicaca & hope till date to get back the coast.
  • 112. 23) • Its principles and operational guidelines are highlighted in its Charter, the Chantilly Principles, and the later La Mancha Agreement. • Formed by amalgamation of teams dealing with the Bhola Cyclone (1970) in East Pakistan and the Biafra Secession of Nigeria (1971). • Ubiquitous in conflict zones today. Who/What?
  • 113.
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  • 115. 24) The map shows Kuril Islands in the North Pacific Ocean. What technical anomaly does the tussle over it by Japan and Russia lead to ??
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  • 118. 25) The term was first used to mean "having the highest qualifications" in reference to commercial ships. The term referred to the highest possible rating in the system instituted prior to 1800 by the famous insurer of Lloyd's of London. Lloyd's registry of ships explains this rating thus : ‘The first character denotes New Ships, or Ships Renewed or Restored. The Storage condition of Vessels are designated by the second character.’ Since shipping was of such great importance to the British economy in the 18th and 19th centuries, and since Lloyd's was so well known, the rating system became part of the public consciousness. It was soon common to express one's admiration for a vessel by referring to it as an ”______ ship.” What is being spoken of??
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  • 121. 26) Domestication shaped wolves into dogs and transformed both their behaviour and their anatomy such that the levator anguli oculi medialis, a muscle responsible for raising the inner eyebrow intensely, is uniformly present in dogs but not in wolves. What resulted thus??
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  • 124. 27) To quote from the CNN Traveller magazine It may not seem so, but the _______ is one of the most crucial safety features of an aircraft, perhaps even more important than your seat-belt and the life-jacket. Commercial passenger aircraft usually fly at altitudes over 30,000 feet, where air pressure is very low. This can cause severe health complications. To prevent this, pilots turn a knob to maintain a steady air pressure inside the cabin. However, as the aircraft climbs, the pressure inside the cabin becomes much higher than what it is outside. This particular safety feature applies physics to counter this high pressure threat. Which is the safety feature being spoken of??
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  • 126. The rounded edges in Aircraft windows. • While the metal fuselage can easily endure the high altitude pressure stress, it is the windows that pose a bit of a problem. • Stress tends to concentrate towards the edges, which is why surfaces with sharp corners crack easily. • With rounded corners, the force is evenly distributed across the pane, making your window virtually shatter-proof.
  • 127. THE USS ORISKANY, A 888-FOOT aircraft carrier launched just after World War II, led an eventful life. It saw combat in Korea and Vietnam, and even suffered a massive magnesium fire. It made cameos in several films about the Korean War, and even hosted a ballet performance while docked in Manhattan in 1952. Once sunken in 2006, it was transformed from a warship into the world’s largest artificial reef made from recycled materials. Affectionately, it was nicknamed ______ , an apparent tribute to the ‘Great Barrier Reef’. The nickname please. 28)
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  • 130. Final Scores?? • AFMC-Team B : 95 points • INA : 55 points • AFMC Team A : 45 points • NDA : 20 points
  • 132. Thank You. See you at JIGYASA-20.