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Welcome To
The Lone Wolf Quiz
Waves, 2017
The Lone Wolf Quiz
Waves, 2017
BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus
Crafted and Hosted By
Lucky Kaul
29 October, 2017
Thanks to Rithwik Kambil, Varun Rustagi, Mohd Fahad,
Mayukh Nair and Ashish Singh for trying the quiz beforehand
and giving me feedback / framing suggestions etc.
The Deal
26 questions - 30 points in total. Questions 23-26 are for 2 points. Q20 was a video question that has
been framed in text for Slideshare audience.
The question has been explained in WHITE, while what I expect from you has been asked in YELLOW.
No googling/any other form of malpractice is allowed. Detection of the same will result in immediate
Top 9 Lone Wolves into the final. This rule can and will be altered if needed.
This elimination round has NO TIE BREAKERS.
Your starting score in the final will be your score in this round multiplied by three.
In all cases, unless otherwise specified, blanks ARE indicative of the length of the word(s).
The Moscow-Washington hotline is a communication channel that allows for
immediate contact between the Pentagon and the Kremlin.
While there were proposals for improving communication between both
nations since the late 50s, it wasn’t until a certain jolt in the early 1960s that
caused a scare in both countries, got them working to establish this hotline as
soon as necessary - as without this , decoding and sending messages across
took awfully long - making it too late for the nations to wait for replies in order
to make crucial decisions.
Which jolt that thankfully ended on another October 28, prompted the
establishment of this hotline?
The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962
The hotline was established on June 20, 1963
In 1991, the recommendations of M J Peherwani to create a certain entity, that
challenged the existing monopoly another entity in this field enjoyed for more
than a century, made the Finance Ministry in 1992 appoint Dr.Patil of IDBI to
oversee the same.
Patil wanted such an entity to be accessible from anywhere across the country.
He did not like the noises that traditionally took place in the working of such
places - thus he also ended up making its major operations electronic by 1994
- making it more efficient.
Which well-known entity in India was thus set up?
National Stock Exchange
Traditionally, investors used to shriek across
commands in order to trade stocks
Erythema ab igne is a medical condition that causes the change of
pigmentation of the skin to certain darker colours. In the somewhat
olden times, the general class of people who were affected by this
were ones who used to work near open fires or stoves.
However, in the recent times, cases of this condition have risen in a
specific part of the body thanks to the frequent use of a necessity -
thus giving Erythema ab igne a more popular name.
What is this condition now commonly known as?
Laptop Thigh Syndrome/Condition
Their prolonged use heats them up and if balanced on thighs, affects them
The justification behind the stability of such structures is due to
them being built like catenoids - which offer optimal ratios between
their heights and diameters to eliminate structural tension that
would otherwise cause them to implode or bulge - the need for the
same arising because of their construction using a not very stable
but required building material given the circumstances in which
they’re built.
What structures am I talking about? Image follows.
Following the marriage of Tamil leader Periyar to a young woman named
Maniammai, his cadres did not wish to work with him as Periyar had
appointed his wife as his party’s successor.
Thus, his party’s administrative committee met at Chennai’s Robinson Park
in September 1949 and came to a consensus that even if the party’s
members remove Periyar as President, it won’t help them achieve their
basic goals.
In what would go on to change TN’s political map, what resulted
following a decision taken by the angered leader of these cadres?
The Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam(DMK)
Periyar was the leader of Dravidar
Kazhagam (DK). Annadurai formed
the DMK as a breakaway faction
from the DK following Periyar’s
marriage to someone almost 40
years younger to him, which
angered Annadurai.
John Nettleship (1939-2011) was a British schoolteacher among
whose students included a certain now well known celebrity.
As per an interview given by Nettleship, he was, by his own
admission, “demanding, wouldn’t suffer fools gladly, exacting” -
this nature of his probably being the reason why he inspired
someone else who was conceptualised by the celebrity.
Who is Nettleship said to be the inspiration behind? Image
Severus Snape in the Harry Potter series
Around October last year, Intel came out with a new series of unmanned
aerial vehicles, that boasted of sensing solutions for orthography and 3D
reconstruction, with millimeter accuracy for Ground Sample Distance (GSD).
For a few days somewhere in mid 2017, these vehicles helped give an idea
of important topographical features like grass health and grass cover, which
greatly helped the people examining it in their analyses by, as IBM puts it,
“giving insights from spectral imaging. “
What job were these vehicles performing, and in what sporting context?
Analysed Pitch Reports during the ICC Champions Trophy
It is interesting to note that in spite of it not being the host nation, Brazil
gets the chance to begin the proceedings every year since 1955 (its 10th
edition) - due to a funny reason that it was often Brazil who offered to
begin the function versus others - the host nation coming second in line.
While every valid country gets 15 minutes of time, it is only in theory and
there have been instances of these being as long as 50 minutes to 269
minutes in 1960 - the longest recorded instance of such an act.
What “act” am I talking about, where in the order for all valid
countries to perform the same depends on their level of
representation and preference?
Chance to speak at the United Nations General Assembly
(Just UN will not do, as UN is much more than just the GA)
The longest recorded speech overall is
believed to be that of VK Krishna Menon that
lasted more than 7 hours - however he made
the same in the Security Council.
__ __ ___ is a cocktail traditionally consumed in the US during
Christmas. Conceptualised by Pierce Egan in the 1820s, it is a
variant of eggnog with brandy and rum served hot, usually in a mug
or bowl.
Its name is said to have come from __ __ ___, or Life in London, an
1821 stage adaptation of Egan’s works - and not from a couple
whose members have been rivals for almost eight decades.
Gimme name of cocktail. Image follows because dikhta accha hai.
The switching over from the then followed Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in
1582 brought about alterations of certain days and events for some of the nations
that followed it. One such case was seen in Sweden in 1712.
Sweden had initially performed the above conversion in 1700 and in order to
compensate for the 11 dropped days in the process, did not consider any of the leap
years from 1700 to 1740 as one. However, in the process, the Empire forgot this in
1704 and ‘08, and so the King simply switched back to the Julian one in 1712, where it
became a leap year, and made up for the lost day in 1700 by making a novel inclusion.
What inclusion was made, that in 1712 also prevented any kind of ‘singling out’ in
the months for that year?
The inclusion of a 30th February
In the Julian, 1712 was once again considered a leap year and
so two leap days were added - the 2nd one being a 30th
February, making it the only case of a 30th February ever,
and thus it was the 1st month to have 30 days that year (and
not April).
Sweden reverted back to the Gregorian in 1753.
This widely consumed item gets a prefix added to its usual name because of its
manufacturing process, where in it is manufactured without any industrial
exposure, untreated by chemicals or altered by temperature - thus being made
from the purest form of its raw material.
However, one drawback of this type is that it has a lower flash point than the rest,
thus heating it would quickly cause loss in its purity and thus also of the benefits it
otherwise provides to its conscious users.
What item is this?
What prefix to its usual name am I talking about?
Olive Oil
Extra Virgin
The story goes that Bhaskar Ghose, the then spearhead of an Indian
organisation got into touch with his college mate, Suresh Mullick and told him
about the Bhairavi Raga being common to Hindustani and Carnatic classical
music. He then went on to describe the actual purpose of meeting Mullick, to
which Mullick responded in the positive.
What followed was an intense effort of aligning with about 30 busy celebrities
across 20 locations in India and yet ensure a sense of uniformity - this
cooperation probably being possible because of the inspiring concept.
What was the result of the above, that the country got to know of 29 years
ago at the Red Fort?
Mile Sur Mera Tumhara
The Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles honours celebrities , generally
from the entertainment industry, by cementing a star bearing their name on
the ground. There, however, have been a few exceptions to this.
One notable exception is the inclusion of Muhammad Ali. He was included as
his boxing heroics were considered as “live entertaining performances”.
Another reason why he’s a singled out exception is that his star is placed
above the ground, by his choice - and today hung near the entrance of the
Dolby Theatre.
Why is his star located above the ground?
Muhammad Ali was a believer in Islam (he
converted by changing his name from Cassius
Thus he did not want anyone to step foot on the
name of (Prophet) Muhammad. So his star lies
above the ground.
One of the few reasons behind a certain advice being given
globally is that in case of emergency there are only about 90
seconds to perform the evacuation, so it is important to see
to it that the vision of the people in danger should not get
blurred if they experience a sudden contrast in the lighting
conditions during the evacuation process - thus saving time.
What advice is thus given in the world of transport?
To keep window shades/blinds open during flights
_____ _______ was a gang in New York formed in 1825 and is
believed to the first known criminal gang in the City. Lead by
Edward Coleman, it was formed initially by such members to rebel
against their low social status but later turned to crime to relieve
their frustration. In later years, few more groups bearing this or
slightly similar names also emerged - including an all women’s
gang in London that specialised in shoplifting, for a few years.
What was the name of this group, believed to have been taken
from the title of a famous folk tale?
Forty Thieves
(The women’s gang were also known as Forty Elephants)
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is a law enforcement
organisation in the US that investigates and attempts to prevent offenses relating to
the above subjects.
While it operates relevant laboratories for research, it was home to the founding of a
certain unique library in 1968 - relating to a product that undergoes breakdown of its
“chromophores” when exposed to UV rays - and thus the investigators use UV and
infrared rays in order to conduct relevant analyses - trying to relate the sample with
almost 11,400 of its kind available to them.
Now owned by the US Secret Service, what exactly does this library contain OR
what is the job of this library?
This is the largest International Ink Library in the world
Research is done in order to date the ink - to have an idea of when
exactly letters etc. were written, say death threats, or even the ink
markings on a baseball OR , also catch forged documents.
The Vale of Arryn is a region in the TV show Game of Thrones. It
consists of the Vale, the Mountains of the Moon, the snakewood,
three islands, AND one other region that projects out into the sea -
the smallest of which plays host to one of the houses in the show.
Thanks to its former king having good relations with the Vale, his
son was raised along with the children of the Vale. When his father
died, he inherited the property - following which one of the children
of the Vale, Edmure, called him by a name owing to his short stature
and the region he now ruled.
What name resulted that stuck ever since? Image follows.
Littlefinger, aka Petyr Baelish
(The region is called The Fingers)
This monument was designed by Mr. Kenzo and was opened in 1954. On August
1, 1964, a flame was lit and keeps burning even to this day in order to spread the
intended message - with respect to something that happened almost a decade
before its opening.
What does the monument intend to remind people of?
As per orders, when exactly is the burning flame to be extinguished?
Images follow.
The Hiroshima-Nagasaki Bombing / Use of Nuclear weapons
The flame is to be extinguished after all
nuclear weapons on earth are abolished.
As added trivia, this was also the flame used
to light the flame for the 1994 Hiroshima
Asian Games (Yes, one of the Asian Games
has been held at Hiroshima).
When this personality was interviewed in December 2014, he remarked that initially he
had to teach students at the Patna Science College from a range of study years - right
from intermediate to Bachelor and Master degree students.
However, he was shocked on not being able to motivate the junior students using a well
known 1960 work in his field, as he realised that he had himself come across it only during
his Masters days, when he started to appreciate the field he worked in. Thus he set out to
find a solution to this issue at the intermediate education level, and the rest is history.
Who is this nationally reputed personality? What ‘solution’ germinated from this?
HC Verma - Recently retired from academia at IIT Kanpur
In 1961, an Indian movie maker had come up with a short film adaptation of a
well known short story written by someone from his very state.
The snippets played during the quiz depicted some of the main events in the
story, that included its protagonist meeting a young girl in his newly allotted
house, to him teaching her how to write, to her taking care of him in a
motherly fashion when he was ill - only to be abandoned by him towards the
end of the story as he was sick of living in this house and had thus applied for
a different job. The ending of the story sees the girl angrily ignoring the
protagonist - leaving both the people back to their usual lives.
Identify this story, that a good deal of us would have come across in our
childhood and its author.
The Postmaster by Rabindranath Tagore
In the world of GUI, the ______ is a graphical control
element (usually containing a vertical stack of items)
that allows users to see more or see less options in a
drop down menu - such as in the case of a show/hide list
you would find while surfing.
What invention from the world of music is this
element named after? Image follows.
Getting the first word in its name by combining the Latin
translations of two words, “around” and “day”, this
phenomenon had pathbreaking research done in it in the mid-
1980s , wherein fruit flies were experimented on in order to
demonstrate how animals (including humans) sync regularly with
the surroundings and prepare themselves to respond to any
changes in them.
What two word term is this?
How did it recently come back into popular consciousness?
The Circadian Rhythm
(circa means around, which is why you hear eg. “circa 1800”, and
diem -> dian means “day”)
Probably taking her name from the eponymous city, X , in ancient Greek literature is
described to be the goddess of wisdom, craft and war. She was also revered as the
protector of the city.
Greek god Y , one of the more complex deities, has been recognised as the god of music,
healing, the sun and light, etc. He was however also seen as a god who could bring illness.
Goddess X and the the chief epithet of Y together made global news last decade, when
their (re)creation was inspired by them being a connection to ancient Greece and the
modern times - thus linking Greek history and the _____ ____.
Identify X and Y(or his epithet).
Where and how would you have seen them last decade, based on figurines like the one
shown? Image follows.
Athena and Phoebus(epithet of Apollo)
Mascots of the 2004 Summer Olympics
The Torrijos-Carter treaties are a set of treaties signed in 1977 between the US and another
north American nation where in the US returned back to the nation on December 31,1999 a
certain national treasure, after having controlled it for 96 years.
While this did make news the world over, it probably wouldn’t have got much attention in
India because of a crisis that prevailed in a neighbouring country - a week-long matter that
had assumed national importance with the lives of 190 citizens in jeopardy - with the
decisions that caused its end still under debate.
What location of global economic importance was returned to its rightful owner?
What crisis was India dealing with, that saw its end only in the last few hours of the
The Panama Canal
The IC 814 hijack, that finally ended following a
series of tense negotiations
In the following slides you’ll see two paintings recreated
by two people - Limbrick and Fragomeni using whatever
they have in their office - including themselves!
For half points each, identify paintings and painters.
Surnames of painters will do, but I need full names of
paintings. (0.5*4)
Images follow.
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
Napoleon Crossing the Alps by Jacques-Louis David
Super Smash Bros. Melee is a crossover fighting game developed by Nintendo.
One of the most popular games in competitive gaming, it has a set of almost 250
bonuses (and thus points) a player can earn as a result of his/her actions - for
example a First Strike wins you 500 points, where in you’ve to deliver a first blow
in a match.
Another of such bonuses is a bonus called Switzerland, that earns the player a
whopping 12000 points.
How exactly in the game does a player earn a Switzerland? (Kindly be a little
specific here).
Why did the game’s developers decide to call this bonus a Switzerland?
By neither attacking someone nor being hit
Intended as a tribute to Switzerland’s neutrality during the two World Wars
It has not been involved in any war since its neutrality was established in 1815
Finals follow..stay tuned!
Hope you enjoyed the elims!

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Prelims - The Waves Lone Wolf General Quiz 2017

  • 1. Welcome To The Lone Wolf Quiz Waves, 2017
  • 2. The Lone Wolf Quiz Waves, 2017 BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus Prelims Crafted and Hosted By Lucky Kaul 29 October, 2017
  • 3. Acknowledgments Thanks to Rithwik Kambil, Varun Rustagi, Mohd Fahad, Mayukh Nair and Ashish Singh for trying the quiz beforehand and giving me feedback / framing suggestions etc.
  • 4. The Deal 26 questions - 30 points in total. Questions 23-26 are for 2 points. Q20 was a video question that has been framed in text for Slideshare audience. The question has been explained in WHITE, while what I expect from you has been asked in YELLOW. No googling/any other form of malpractice is allowed. Detection of the same will result in immediate disqualification. Top 9 Lone Wolves into the final. This rule can and will be altered if needed. This elimination round has NO TIE BREAKERS. Your starting score in the final will be your score in this round multiplied by three. In all cases, unless otherwise specified, blanks ARE indicative of the length of the word(s).
  • 5. 1 The Moscow-Washington hotline is a communication channel that allows for immediate contact between the Pentagon and the Kremlin. While there were proposals for improving communication between both nations since the late 50s, it wasn’t until a certain jolt in the early 1960s that caused a scare in both countries, got them working to establish this hotline as soon as necessary - as without this , decoding and sending messages across took awfully long - making it too late for the nations to wait for replies in order to make crucial decisions. Which jolt that thankfully ended on another October 28, prompted the establishment of this hotline?
  • 6. The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 The hotline was established on June 20, 1963
  • 7. 2 In 1991, the recommendations of M J Peherwani to create a certain entity, that challenged the existing monopoly another entity in this field enjoyed for more than a century, made the Finance Ministry in 1992 appoint Dr.Patil of IDBI to oversee the same. Patil wanted such an entity to be accessible from anywhere across the country. He did not like the noises that traditionally took place in the working of such places - thus he also ended up making its major operations electronic by 1994 - making it more efficient. Which well-known entity in India was thus set up?
  • 8. National Stock Exchange Traditionally, investors used to shriek across commands in order to trade stocks
  • 9. 3 Erythema ab igne is a medical condition that causes the change of pigmentation of the skin to certain darker colours. In the somewhat olden times, the general class of people who were affected by this were ones who used to work near open fires or stoves. However, in the recent times, cases of this condition have risen in a specific part of the body thanks to the frequent use of a necessity - thus giving Erythema ab igne a more popular name. What is this condition now commonly known as?
  • 10. Laptop Thigh Syndrome/Condition Their prolonged use heats them up and if balanced on thighs, affects them
  • 11. 4 The justification behind the stability of such structures is due to them being built like catenoids - which offer optimal ratios between their heights and diameters to eliminate structural tension that would otherwise cause them to implode or bulge - the need for the same arising because of their construction using a not very stable but required building material given the circumstances in which they’re built. What structures am I talking about? Image follows.
  • 12.
  • 14. 5 Following the marriage of Tamil leader Periyar to a young woman named Maniammai, his cadres did not wish to work with him as Periyar had appointed his wife as his party’s successor. Thus, his party’s administrative committee met at Chennai’s Robinson Park in September 1949 and came to a consensus that even if the party’s members remove Periyar as President, it won’t help them achieve their basic goals. In what would go on to change TN’s political map, what resulted following a decision taken by the angered leader of these cadres?
  • 15. The Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam(DMK) Periyar was the leader of Dravidar Kazhagam (DK). Annadurai formed the DMK as a breakaway faction from the DK following Periyar’s marriage to someone almost 40 years younger to him, which angered Annadurai.
  • 16. 6 John Nettleship (1939-2011) was a British schoolteacher among whose students included a certain now well known celebrity. As per an interview given by Nettleship, he was, by his own admission, “demanding, wouldn’t suffer fools gladly, exacting” - this nature of his probably being the reason why he inspired someone else who was conceptualised by the celebrity. Who is Nettleship said to be the inspiration behind? Image follows.
  • 17.
  • 18. Severus Snape in the Harry Potter series
  • 19. 7 Around October last year, Intel came out with a new series of unmanned aerial vehicles, that boasted of sensing solutions for orthography and 3D reconstruction, with millimeter accuracy for Ground Sample Distance (GSD). For a few days somewhere in mid 2017, these vehicles helped give an idea of important topographical features like grass health and grass cover, which greatly helped the people examining it in their analyses by, as IBM puts it, “giving insights from spectral imaging. “ What job were these vehicles performing, and in what sporting context?
  • 20. Analysed Pitch Reports during the ICC Champions Trophy
  • 21. 8 It is interesting to note that in spite of it not being the host nation, Brazil gets the chance to begin the proceedings every year since 1955 (its 10th edition) - due to a funny reason that it was often Brazil who offered to begin the function versus others - the host nation coming second in line. While every valid country gets 15 minutes of time, it is only in theory and there have been instances of these being as long as 50 minutes to 269 minutes in 1960 - the longest recorded instance of such an act. What “act” am I talking about, where in the order for all valid countries to perform the same depends on their level of representation and preference?
  • 22. Chance to speak at the United Nations General Assembly (Just UN will not do, as UN is much more than just the GA) The longest recorded speech overall is believed to be that of VK Krishna Menon that lasted more than 7 hours - however he made the same in the Security Council.
  • 23.
  • 24. 9 __ __ ___ is a cocktail traditionally consumed in the US during Christmas. Conceptualised by Pierce Egan in the 1820s, it is a variant of eggnog with brandy and rum served hot, usually in a mug or bowl. Its name is said to have come from __ __ ___, or Life in London, an 1821 stage adaptation of Egan’s works - and not from a couple whose members have been rivals for almost eight decades. Gimme name of cocktail. Image follows because dikhta accha hai.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27. 10 The switching over from the then followed Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in 1582 brought about alterations of certain days and events for some of the nations that followed it. One such case was seen in Sweden in 1712. Sweden had initially performed the above conversion in 1700 and in order to compensate for the 11 dropped days in the process, did not consider any of the leap years from 1700 to 1740 as one. However, in the process, the Empire forgot this in 1704 and ‘08, and so the King simply switched back to the Julian one in 1712, where it became a leap year, and made up for the lost day in 1700 by making a novel inclusion. What inclusion was made, that in 1712 also prevented any kind of ‘singling out’ in the months for that year?
  • 28. The inclusion of a 30th February In the Julian, 1712 was once again considered a leap year and so two leap days were added - the 2nd one being a 30th February, making it the only case of a 30th February ever, and thus it was the 1st month to have 30 days that year (and not April). Sweden reverted back to the Gregorian in 1753.
  • 29. 11 This widely consumed item gets a prefix added to its usual name because of its manufacturing process, where in it is manufactured without any industrial exposure, untreated by chemicals or altered by temperature - thus being made from the purest form of its raw material. However, one drawback of this type is that it has a lower flash point than the rest, thus heating it would quickly cause loss in its purity and thus also of the benefits it otherwise provides to its conscious users. What item is this? What prefix to its usual name am I talking about?
  • 31. 12 The story goes that Bhaskar Ghose, the then spearhead of an Indian organisation got into touch with his college mate, Suresh Mullick and told him about the Bhairavi Raga being common to Hindustani and Carnatic classical music. He then went on to describe the actual purpose of meeting Mullick, to which Mullick responded in the positive. What followed was an intense effort of aligning with about 30 busy celebrities across 20 locations in India and yet ensure a sense of uniformity - this cooperation probably being possible because of the inspiring concept. What was the result of the above, that the country got to know of 29 years ago at the Red Fort?
  • 32. Mile Sur Mera Tumhara
  • 33. 13 The Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles honours celebrities , generally from the entertainment industry, by cementing a star bearing their name on the ground. There, however, have been a few exceptions to this. One notable exception is the inclusion of Muhammad Ali. He was included as his boxing heroics were considered as “live entertaining performances”. Another reason why he’s a singled out exception is that his star is placed above the ground, by his choice - and today hung near the entrance of the Dolby Theatre. Why is his star located above the ground?
  • 34. Muhammad Ali was a believer in Islam (he converted by changing his name from Cassius Clay). Thus he did not want anyone to step foot on the name of (Prophet) Muhammad. So his star lies above the ground.
  • 35.
  • 36. 14 One of the few reasons behind a certain advice being given globally is that in case of emergency there are only about 90 seconds to perform the evacuation, so it is important to see to it that the vision of the people in danger should not get blurred if they experience a sudden contrast in the lighting conditions during the evacuation process - thus saving time. What advice is thus given in the world of transport?
  • 37. To keep window shades/blinds open during flights
  • 38. 15 _____ _______ was a gang in New York formed in 1825 and is believed to the first known criminal gang in the City. Lead by Edward Coleman, it was formed initially by such members to rebel against their low social status but later turned to crime to relieve their frustration. In later years, few more groups bearing this or slightly similar names also emerged - including an all women’s gang in London that specialised in shoplifting, for a few years. What was the name of this group, believed to have been taken from the title of a famous folk tale?
  • 39. Forty Thieves (The women’s gang were also known as Forty Elephants)
  • 40. 16 The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is a law enforcement organisation in the US that investigates and attempts to prevent offenses relating to the above subjects. While it operates relevant laboratories for research, it was home to the founding of a certain unique library in 1968 - relating to a product that undergoes breakdown of its “chromophores” when exposed to UV rays - and thus the investigators use UV and infrared rays in order to conduct relevant analyses - trying to relate the sample with almost 11,400 of its kind available to them. Now owned by the US Secret Service, what exactly does this library contain OR what is the job of this library?
  • 41. This is the largest International Ink Library in the world Research is done in order to date the ink - to have an idea of when exactly letters etc. were written, say death threats, or even the ink markings on a baseball OR , also catch forged documents.
  • 42.
  • 43. 17 The Vale of Arryn is a region in the TV show Game of Thrones. It consists of the Vale, the Mountains of the Moon, the snakewood, three islands, AND one other region that projects out into the sea - the smallest of which plays host to one of the houses in the show. Thanks to its former king having good relations with the Vale, his son was raised along with the children of the Vale. When his father died, he inherited the property - following which one of the children of the Vale, Edmure, called him by a name owing to his short stature and the region he now ruled. What name resulted that stuck ever since? Image follows.
  • 44.
  • 45. Littlefinger, aka Petyr Baelish (The region is called The Fingers)
  • 46. 18 This monument was designed by Mr. Kenzo and was opened in 1954. On August 1, 1964, a flame was lit and keeps burning even to this day in order to spread the intended message - with respect to something that happened almost a decade before its opening. What does the monument intend to remind people of? As per orders, when exactly is the burning flame to be extinguished? Images follow.
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49. The Hiroshima-Nagasaki Bombing / Use of Nuclear weapons The flame is to be extinguished after all nuclear weapons on earth are abolished. As added trivia, this was also the flame used to light the flame for the 1994 Hiroshima Asian Games (Yes, one of the Asian Games has been held at Hiroshima).
  • 50.
  • 51. 19 When this personality was interviewed in December 2014, he remarked that initially he had to teach students at the Patna Science College from a range of study years - right from intermediate to Bachelor and Master degree students. However, he was shocked on not being able to motivate the junior students using a well known 1960 work in his field, as he realised that he had himself come across it only during his Masters days, when he started to appreciate the field he worked in. Thus he set out to find a solution to this issue at the intermediate education level, and the rest is history. Who is this nationally reputed personality? What ‘solution’ germinated from this?
  • 52. HC Verma - Recently retired from academia at IIT Kanpur
  • 53.
  • 54. 20 In 1961, an Indian movie maker had come up with a short film adaptation of a well known short story written by someone from his very state. The snippets played during the quiz depicted some of the main events in the story, that included its protagonist meeting a young girl in his newly allotted house, to him teaching her how to write, to her taking care of him in a motherly fashion when he was ill - only to be abandoned by him towards the end of the story as he was sick of living in this house and had thus applied for a different job. The ending of the story sees the girl angrily ignoring the protagonist - leaving both the people back to their usual lives. Identify this story, that a good deal of us would have come across in our childhood and its author.
  • 55. The Postmaster by Rabindranath Tagore
  • 56. 21 In the world of GUI, the ______ is a graphical control element (usually containing a vertical stack of items) that allows users to see more or see less options in a drop down menu - such as in the case of a show/hide list you would find while surfing. What invention from the world of music is this element named after? Image follows.
  • 57.
  • 59. 22 Getting the first word in its name by combining the Latin translations of two words, “around” and “day”, this phenomenon had pathbreaking research done in it in the mid- 1980s , wherein fruit flies were experimented on in order to demonstrate how animals (including humans) sync regularly with the surroundings and prepare themselves to respond to any changes in them. What two word term is this? How did it recently come back into popular consciousness?
  • 60. The Circadian Rhythm (circa means around, which is why you hear eg. “circa 1800”, and diem -> dian means “day”)
  • 61.
  • 63. 23 Probably taking her name from the eponymous city, X , in ancient Greek literature is described to be the goddess of wisdom, craft and war. She was also revered as the protector of the city. Greek god Y , one of the more complex deities, has been recognised as the god of music, healing, the sun and light, etc. He was however also seen as a god who could bring illness. Goddess X and the the chief epithet of Y together made global news last decade, when their (re)creation was inspired by them being a connection to ancient Greece and the modern times - thus linking Greek history and the _____ ____. Identify X and Y(or his epithet). Where and how would you have seen them last decade, based on figurines like the one shown? Image follows.
  • 64.
  • 65. Athena and Phoebus(epithet of Apollo) Mascots of the 2004 Summer Olympics
  • 66. 24 The Torrijos-Carter treaties are a set of treaties signed in 1977 between the US and another north American nation where in the US returned back to the nation on December 31,1999 a certain national treasure, after having controlled it for 96 years. While this did make news the world over, it probably wouldn’t have got much attention in India because of a crisis that prevailed in a neighbouring country - a week-long matter that had assumed national importance with the lives of 190 citizens in jeopardy - with the decisions that caused its end still under debate. What location of global economic importance was returned to its rightful owner? What crisis was India dealing with, that saw its end only in the last few hours of the millennium?
  • 68. The IC 814 hijack, that finally ended following a series of tense negotiations
  • 69. 25 In the following slides you’ll see two paintings recreated by two people - Limbrick and Fragomeni using whatever they have in their office - including themselves! For half points each, identify paintings and painters. Surnames of painters will do, but I need full names of paintings. (0.5*4) Images follow.
  • 70.
  • 71.
  • 72. Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci Napoleon Crossing the Alps by Jacques-Louis David
  • 73. 26 Super Smash Bros. Melee is a crossover fighting game developed by Nintendo. One of the most popular games in competitive gaming, it has a set of almost 250 bonuses (and thus points) a player can earn as a result of his/her actions - for example a First Strike wins you 500 points, where in you’ve to deliver a first blow in a match. Another of such bonuses is a bonus called Switzerland, that earns the player a whopping 12000 points. How exactly in the game does a player earn a Switzerland? (Kindly be a little specific here). Why did the game’s developers decide to call this bonus a Switzerland?
  • 74. By neither attacking someone nor being hit
  • 75. Intended as a tribute to Switzerland’s neutrality during the two World Wars It has not been involved in any war since its neutrality was established in 1815
  • 76. Finals follow..stay tuned! Hope you enjoyed the elims!