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K-Circle Quiz of the Month
16TH JANUARY, 2016
The Format
Written Round (6 questions)
Dries: Clockwise (18 questions)
Written Round (6 questions)
Dries: Anti-clockwise (18 questions)
Written: The Year That Was
6 questions
+5 for each correct answer
Questions on all things 2015
+5 bonus for 6 correct answers
In November last year, the official website of this political party started selling a limited-
edition t-shirt to anyone who donated a certain amount of money.
What was the party trying to cash in on/What has been blanked out?
The pata, or dandpatta is an Indian sword with a gauntlet integrated as a handguard.
Ranging in length from 10 to 44 inches, it was considered to be a highly effective
weapon for infantrymen against heavily armoured cavalry due to its thrusting ability.
Created during the Mughal period, the pata's use in warfare appears to be mostly
restricted to the 17th century.
In what context did we see a pata being used extensively in December?
Blackstar is a song by X which was released as the lead single from a studio album of the
same name. The music video depicts a woman with a tail discovering a dead astronaut
and taking his jewel-encrusted skull to an ancient, otherworldly town.
The song was originally over eleven minutes long, making it X's second-longest track
ever made but it was edited down to 9:57 due to a particular reason.
X? What was the reason for editing the track?
Authorities at the Chennai airport repeatedly face this issue at a particular point in
January every year. Departing and arriving flights are delayed by hours with some flights
hovering over the airport for several minutes before getting permission to land, and
other flights being diverted to other locations.
Sometimes, the airport is shut for more than two hours in the morning to counter this.
What problem is it that the authorities face?
Victor Luckerson, of TIME magazine, coined this term referring to the impact it has made
on various cultural issues. He pointed to some of the segments that have helped to make
some kind of fundamental change in society:
• Ending unfair bail requirements
• Crashing the FCC over net neutrality
• Raising awareness of civil forfeiture laws
What term did Luckerson coin?
A Chinese couple currently traveling the world and filming a documentary decided to
undertake the project. Deeply moved by what had happened, they donated $120,000 for
the specialized technical equipment that was required.
The couple fine-tuned their work on a mountainside in China and carried it out at the
designated location after receiving approval from UNESCO.
What was the couple aiming to do?
Exchange Sheets
+5 for each correct answer
+5 bonus for 6 correct answers
In November last year, the official website of this political party started selling a limited-
edition t-shirt to anyone who donated a certain amount of money.
What was the party trying to cash in on/What has been blanked out?
Justin Trudeau’s response when asked by a reporter why it was
important for him to have a gender-equal cabinet
The pata, or dandpatta is an Indian sword with a gauntlet integrated as a handguard.
Ranging in length from 10 to 44 inches, it was considered to be a highly effective
weapon for infantrymen against heavily armoured cavalry due to its thrusting ability.
Created during the Mughal period, the pata's use in warfare appears to be mostly
restricted to the 17th century.
In what context did we see a pata being used extensively in December?
War sequences in Bajirao Mastani
Blackstar is a song by X which was released as the lead single from a studio album of the
same name. The music video depicts a woman with a tail discovering a dead astronaut
and taking his jewel-encrusted skull to an ancient, otherworldly town.
The song was originally over eleven minutes long, making it X's second-longest track
ever made but it was edited down to 9:57 due to a particular reason.
X? What was the reason for editing the track?
David Bowie
It was edited because iTunes would not post singles over ten minutes in length.
Authorities at the Chennai airport repeatedly face this issue at a particular point in
January every year. Departing and arriving flights are delayed by hours with some flights
hovering over the airport for several minutes before getting permission to land, and
other flights being diverted to other locations.
Sometimes, the airport is shut for more than two hours in the morning to counter this.
What problem is it that the authorities face?
Smog caused by ‘bhogi’ fires burning across the
city severely reducing visibility in the skies
Victor Luckerson, of TIME magazine, coined this term referring to the impact it has made
on various cultural issues. He pointed to some of the segments that have helped to make
some kind of fundamental change in society:
• Ending unfair bail requirements
• Crashing the FCC over net neutrality
• Raising awareness of civil forfeiture laws
What term did Luckerson coin?
The John Oliver Effect
A Chinese couple currently traveling the world and filming a documentary decided to
undertake the project. Deeply moved by what had happened, they donated $120,000 for
the specialized technical equipment that was required.
The couple fine-tuned their work on a mountainside in China and carried it out at the
designated location after receiving approval from UNESCO.
What was the couple aiming to do?
Holographic reconstruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas
Dries: Clockwise
18 questions
Infinite Bounce, with Pounce
Part points, as and when applicable
In 1996, Vijay Shankardass, a renowned lawyer was contacted by X's team of lawyers in England
and was asked if he could intervene and help out in sorting a particular matter. His initial
response had been: " 'No way - it sounds like a snake pit.' Then, he met X and decided she was a
remarkable woman - "upright, straight, clear-headed and trustworthy. So I agreed to help."
In the long process that followed, he was regularly blackmailed and threatened, both by the
mafia and the claimants themselves. Several threatened to shoot him; on one occasion his car
was hijacked as he drove to the airport. "There were some extremely rough men," Shankardass
said. "Undesirable characters - hollow, shallow and proud. I had to have a full-time guard for two
Shankardass managed to persuade all 2,740 claimants into a settlement and the 130-odd legal
cases were eventually settled off.
What was happening here?
Safety Slide
 The claimants were the various descendants (legitimate and illegitimate) of
the different Nizams.
 Shankardass was called by Princess Esra, Mukarram Jah’s ex-wife to sort
out their claims pertaining to ownership of the Nizam’s jewels.
Katz's Delicatessen is a kosher style restaurant located on the Lower East Side in
Manhattan. Since its founding in 1888, it has become popular among locals and tourists
alike for its pastrami sandwiches and hot dogs, both of which are widely considered
among New York's best.
A sign has been hung up in this restaurant and key words from it have been blanked out.
Looking at the photographs of the restaurant, fill in the key words.
Safety Slide
Where ‘Harry Met Sally’
 From Meg Ryan's famous fake orgasm scene in ‘When Harry Met Sally’, followed by
Estelle Reiner's iconic line "I'll have what she's having”.
Tommy Ward was a South African cricketer who played in 23 Tests from 1912 to 1924. In
the opening Test of the 1912 Triangular Tournament between South Africa and Australia
at Old Trafford, his performance led to him becoming part of an unfortunate list and also
led to a remarkable record being created.
The list here refers to him joining a group of 5 cricketers (there have been a lot more
since) and the record is something that has never been replicated again.
 What was/is this group?
 What is the record?
Safety Slide
a) List of batsmen out for a ‘pair’ on Test debut
b) Only time that two hat tricks have been taken in the same Test (and incidentally, by
the same bowler)
In 2004, more than 25 years later, Peter Rowan, of Edinburgh’s RBL Music was looking to
secure royalties amounting to as much as ₤6,000 for 23 former students of the Islington
Green School in North London.
According to the European wire service Agence France-Presse, Rowan filed his first claim
on behalf of former student Peter Thorpe, though he said he hoped to add other
students to the claim.
Thorpe was part of something that took place without the permission of the
headmistress and when she finally found out, she forbade him and the other students
from appearing on television or radio, making Rowan’s job of identifying the students
more difficult over the years.
Put funda.
Safety Slide
Rowan was asking for royalties for the students who appeared in Pink Floyd’s 1979
single, Another Brick In the Wall, Pt. 2 which had lines like “No dark sarcasm in the
classroom/ Hey! Teachers, leave them kids alone.”
Although there were previous human settlers (that later became extinct), the
current demographic mostly flows from the 27 that came here in 1790.
 Who were these 27?
 Which British Overseas Territory is this?
Safety Slide
a) The HMS Bounty mutineers (along with the native Tahitian men and
b) Pitcairn Islands
The grave of X and his wife, Olave are in Nyeri, Kenya. X died on 8 January 1941 and is
buried in St. Peter's Cemetery in the Wajee Nature Park.
His gravestone bears a circle with a dot in the centre. When wife Olave died, her ashes
were interred beside her husband. Kenya has declared the grave a national monument.
On the gravestone, below X’s name is the title ‘Chief _____ of the World’ and underneath
Olave’s name is the title ‘World Chief ______’. The blanks reflect something which the
couple founded, which is in existence even today.
Fill in the blanks.
Safety Slide
Chief Scout of the World, World Chief Guide
Robert Baden-Powell founded The Boy Scouts Association and along with his wife Olave,
he also started the The Girl Guides Association.
Y is a ‘promise’ made by X which has been in effect since 1984. It was first made in the
United States serving as the backbone of X’s rapid growth into the largest one of its kind
in the country.
However, due to the number of lawsuits arising out of Y, X had to discontinue this in the
United States in 1993. The ‘promise’ is still made in some parts of the world, including
The final trigger (leading to it being discontinued in the US) was due to a jury verdict in
St. Louis that awarded more than $78 million to a woman who was affected due to it.
X and Y?
Safety Slide
X- Domino’s Pizza
Y- “30 minutes or it's free”
Pizza deliverers were seen to cause numerous accidents because they would often over
speed to deliver the pizza in less than 30 minutes.
Xs are the cheapest and most popular means of public transportation in the Phillippines.
They are known for their crowded seating and kitsch decorations, which have become a
ubiquitous symbol of Philippine culture and art. X is a portmanteau of two words A and
A: This word comes from what Xs were originally made from, which the US Army, after
World War II had left back in the hundreds.
B: Some sources say it comes from an archaic, colloquial term for a five-cent coin in the
US (the nickel) which was the common fare for unlicensed and inexpensive taxi cabs
whereas other sources say that the word simply comes from the fact that the passengers
sit in very close proximity to each other.
Safety Slide
A- Jeep
B- ‘Jitney’, the colloquial term or ‘knee’ because passengers would inadvertently
keep knocking their knees against each other.
Aleiodes are very small wasps that belong to a unique subfamily of wasps that mummify
the caterpillars they parasitize on. Adult female wasps inject an egg into a caterpillar,
where it hatches. The host caterpillar remains alive for a time while the wasp larva slowly
eats its insides. The caterpillar eventually shrinks and dies, with the larva forming a
cocoon inside the mummy.
While all other Aleiodes wasps take the same route and get out by cutting a round hole
near the posterior end of the caterpillar, a particular species of this wasp, on the other
hand, takes an alternative path and gets out by cutting off the entire back end of the
This inspired taxonomists to name it after X, who won the Congressional Gold Medal in
1960. Who was it named after, and why?
Safety Slide
Robert Frost, because the aleiodes frosti takes The Road Not Taken 
X is a weapon-based martial art from Tamil Nadu, but is also traditionally practised by
the Tamil community of Sri Lanka and Malaysia. It is closely related to Kalaripayattu and
the Sri Lankan martial art Y.
X: Derives from a Tamil word meaning "hill“, and a Kannada word which we know in
English to be the fastest-growing plant in the word.
Y: Derives from the Sinhalese word ____ - a root word for 'body', denoting physical
combat and ____, meaning fight. Y’s distinct feature lies in the use of pressure point
attacks to inflict pain or permanently paralyze the opponent.
X and Y?
Safety Slide
X- Silambam (silam + bambu)
Y- Angampora (anga + pora)
The clip here is from a 1973 film directed by Nanubhai Vakil. The song featured had been
used previously elsewhere, and Vakil’s film was a version of it. In the earlier film, it was
sung by Wazir Mohammad Khan and the song bears a very unique distinction in
A) What’s the unique distinction that the previous recording possesses?
B) In which film was it previously used?
C) Identify the singer/actor from the 1973 film.
Video link at:
Safety Slide
a) First ever song in Indian cinema
b) Alam Ara (1931)
c) Wazir Mohammad Khan himself
In 1926, W. Douglas Burden set out for an expedition to an obscure island in the Dutch
East Indies. He was seeking what he called “a primeval monster in a primeval setting.”
The expedition built traps and eventually succeeded in collecting two live specimens, and
ten dead ones.
After returning to New York, Burden hoped to get a theatrical release for the film he
cobbled together from the expedition’s considerable footage but the movie industry
deemed it not quite melodramatic enough. A friend of Burden’s named Merian C.
Cooper soon corrected this, with his own fictionalized version of the expedition which
became the premise for a 1933 film.
a) What did Burden name this ‘primeval monster’ after the expedition?
b) What was the 1933 film?
Safety Slide
a) He coined the term Komodo Dragon
b) King Kong
Chicago, in the 19th century was faced with a pressing issue owing to the structural
nature of its buildings. Unpleasant living conditions and conducive conditions for
pathogens caused numerous epidemics like typhoid and dysentery. An 1854 outbreak of
cholera led to 6 % of the population of the city being wiped out.
After many heated discussions, a solution materialized which also saw the booming rise
of a business in itself. Implementing the solution in its entirely took nearly 20 years but
public health became better than ever due to this.
What exactly was the issue? What business stemmed out of the solution?
Safety Slide
a) The elevation of the Chicago area was not much higher than the
shorelines of Lake Michigan, so for many years there was little or no naturally
occurring drainage from the city surface.
b) Raising building blocks
Dr. Spencer Silver, a scientist working at X was attempting to develop a super-strong
_________. Instead, he accidentally created a "low-tack", reusable, pressure-sensitive one.
For five years, Silver promoted his "solution without a problem" within X both informally
and through seminars but failed to gain acceptance. In 1974, a colleague who had
attended one of his seminars, Art Fry, came up with the idea of using it for something.
Fry then utilized X's officially sanctioned "permitted bootlegging" policy to develop the
idea further.
Where were they working? What did they create?
Safety Slide
3M, Post-it/sticky notes
As the debate flares anew over what ought to be done with it, supporters point to an
often forgotten factoid: It is one of the best real estate deals that the country has seen.
To be precise, 46.8 square miles of land for 2,000 gold coins – or $4,085 a year.
As cheap as the rental fee is, most years it's actually free. X and later, his brother have
routinely refused to encash the checks out of protest saying it was being used for “dirty
work”. Since 1959, only one check has been cashed and X later admitted in his
‘Reflections’ column that this was done in error.
What real estate deal is this?
Safety Slide
The U.S. deal with Cuba to lease land in Guantanamo Bay,
as part of the Cuban-American Treaty.
Retired engineer Ratnam Chitturi launched the North South Foundation in the 1990s to
raise money to educate underprivileged children in India. The Foundation raises funds by
organizing educational competitions for participants of Indian origin in the United
States for geography, science, mathematics and _________.
Shalini Shankar, an associate professor of anthropology and Asian-American studies at
Northwestern University feels that these regional competitions lay the foundation for a
particular trend, by helping students train and practise regularly with their parents.
(which is very essential for that trend)
What trend is this?
Safety Slide
Indian-Americans winning the Scripps National Spelling
Bee (All the Indian-American winners at Scripps so far have
been NSF contestants)
Scinde Dawk was a very old postal system where runners were paid according to their
distance of travel and the weight of their letters. This was a local Indus Valley system,
inefficient and inadequate for the military and commercial needs of the British East India
Company after their conquest of the region in February, 1843, following the Battle of
How is the name derived?
Safety Slide
From “Scinde”, the British spelling of the name of the
province of Sindh, and “Dawk”, the anglicised spelling of
the Hindustani word “Dak” or Post
X is located at the very gates of Paris, in the communes of Neuilly-sur-Seine and
Levallois, Hauts-de-Seine. It is 7 km distant (in a straight line) from the towers of Notre
Dame and 3 km from the Etoile.
It has about 4,000 inhabitants and is nearly 2 km long and nearly 200 m wide at its
widest point. Its name translates as "Island of the Bowl" or "Island of the Big Bowl".
Why would X be important to you if you study theories/interpretations of art?
Safety Slide
Georges Seurat's ‘A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La
Grande Jatte’
Written: We know them as something else!
• 6 questions
• +5 for each correct answer
• +5 bonus for 6 correct answers
• Questions on little-known aspects of individuals, who are
known to us for different reasons
We Shall Overcome is a 1987 folk album that was sold at 25 locations in Vermont. The
album was dedicated to “men and women around the world involved in the struggle for
peace and justice”. To record the album, X was joined by 30 Vermont-based musicians
who provided the musical backing to his vocal styling for well known songs such as
Woody Guthrie’s “This Land is Your Land”.
X signed a contract guaranteeing him royalties if the album ever turned a profit. But, he
never made any. However, since a remastered version of the album was released last
year, the album has already more than doubled its original sales.
Identify X.
“A monumental bash on the head” was how this Pilot Officer of the Royal Air Force
described his plane crash in the Western Desert. For him, it was a time of existential crisis.
For almost a month, he inhabited a hazy world of total darkness, uncertain of time or
surroundings. Concussed, blind and isolated from family and friends, he was disoriented
and helpless. His imagination ran wild and his sense of fantasy heightened.
Who is he?
In 1967, she ran unsuccessfully in a special election in California's 11th congressional
district but lost to law school professor Pete McCloskey. Henry Kissinger overheard her
talking about Namibia at a party and she was later appointed Representative to the 24th
United Nations General Assembly and was also the United States Ambassador to Ghana
and Czechoslovakia.
She was present during the Velvet Revolution, which brought about the end of
Communism in Czechoslovakia. She also played a critical role in hastening the end of the
Communist regime by openly sympathizing with anti-Communist dissidents and later
establishing formal diplomatic relations with the newly elected government led by Václav
Identify the actor with Poonam Dhillon from this 1985 film ‘Kabhi Ajnabi The’.
Video link at:
While working as bouncer, his wearing of gold neck chains and other jewellery was the
result of customers losing the items or leaving them behind at the night club after a
fight. A customer, who may have been banned from the club or was trying to avoid
another confrontation, would not re-enter the club if he wore their jewellery and stood
out front.
He then became a bodyguard for well-known personalities such as Muhammad Ali, Steve
McQueen, Michael Jackson, and Joe Frazier charging from $3,000 per day to a maximum
of $10,000 per day, depending on the clientele's risk-rate and traveling locations.
Historians can find only one recorded defeat of him in 12 years, a regimental
championship match against Hank Thompson while serving with the Illinois Volunteers.
"He was a proud competitor but a humble sportsman," David Fleming wrote of the 6-
foot-4, 180-pound hard man. "And when his wrestling skills diminished, his leadership
qualities emerged.“
He was also a prodigious trash talker and once beat a man with a single toss and
challenged the mob that had gathered with a shout: "Any of you want to try it, come on
and whet your horns!“
Exchange Sheets
+5 for each correct answer
+5 bonus for 6 correct answers
We Shall Overcome is a 1987 folk album that was sold at 25 locations in Vermont. The
album was dedicated to “men and women around the world involved in the struggle for
peace and justice”. To record the album, X was joined by 30 Vermont-based musicians
who provided the musical backing to his vocal styling for well known songs such as
Woody Guthrie’s “This Land is Your Land”.
X signed a contract guaranteeing him royalties if the album ever turned a profit. But, he
never made any. However, since a remastered version of the album was released last
year, the album has already more than doubled its original sales.
Identify X.
Bernie Sanders
“A monumental bash on the head” was how this Pilot Officer of the Royal Air Force
described his plane crash in the Western Desert. For him, it was a time of existential crisis.
For almost a month, he inhabited a hazy world of total darkness, uncertain of time or
surroundings. Concussed, blind and isolated from family and friends, he was disoriented
and helpless. His imagination ran wild and his sense of fantasy heightened.
Who is he?
Roald Dahl
In 1967, she ran unsuccessfully in a special election in California's 11th congressional
district but lost to law school professor Pete McCloskey. Henry Kissinger overheard her
talking about Namibia at a party and she was later appointed Representative to the 24th
United Nations General Assembly and was also the United States Ambassador to Ghana
and Czechoslovakia.
She was present during the Velvet Revolution, which brought about the end of
Communism in Czechoslovakia. She also played a critical role in hastening the end of the
Communist regime by openly sympathizing with anti-Communist dissidents and later
establishing formal diplomatic relations with the newly elected government led by Václav
Shirley Temple
Identify the actor with Poonam Dhillon from this 1985 film ‘Kabhi Ajnabi The’.
Sandeep Patil
While working as bouncer, his wearing of gold neck chains and other jewellery was the
result of customers losing the items or leaving them behind at the night club after a
fight. A customer, who may have been banned from the club or was trying to avoid
another confrontation, would not re-enter the club if he wore their jewellery and stood
out front.
He then became a bodyguard for well-known personalities such as Muhammad Ali, Steve
McQueen, Michael Jackson, and Joe Frazier charging from $3,000 per day to a maximum
of $10,000 per day, depending on the clientele's risk-rate and traveling locations.
Mr T.
Historians can find only one recorded defeat of him in 12 years, a regimental
championship match against Hank Thompson while serving with the Illinois Volunteers.
"He was a proud competitor but a humble sportsman," David Fleming wrote of the 6-
foot-4, 180-pound hard man. "And when his wrestling skills diminished, his leadership
qualities emerged.“
He was also a prodigious trash talker and once beat a man with a single toss and
challenged the mob that had gathered with a shout: "Any of you want to try it, come on
and whet your horns!“
Abraham Lincoln
Dries: Anti-clockwise
18 questions
Infinite Bounce, with Pounce
Part points, as and when applicable
The plot of the 1986 adventure fantasy film Labyrinth is very reminiscent of X and Y, two
stories that are incidentally known to be used in mind control programming: A young
girl, bored and distraught with her normal life, finds herself in a fantasy land, where
anything can happen.
In order to go back home, she embarks on a dangerous quest where she uses her wits,
courage and strength to go past the obstacles in a world where no rules are established.
a) What are X and Y?
b) What is the room in this scene modelled upon?
Safety Slide
a) Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz
b) M.C. Escher’s Relativity
The suffix is not “____", it is "a____". The meaning of "a____" in Urdu is ‘settlement’ or ‘the
area or environment where an organism or ecological community normally lives with
reference to the name.’
It is theorized that the fact that these cities were ruled by Muslim rulers or has/had a
dominant population speaking Urdu is where the influence comes in.
What is the suffix?
Safety Slide
Abad (as in Hyderabad, Ahmedabad,
Secunderabad, Allahabad, etc.)
The United States has never used the rank XY. Instead, Congress created the rank of
‘General of the Army” in 1944, a five-star rank equivalent to that of XY in other countries.
One reason why XY was not used could be because Y has traditionally been used for
civilian law enforcement officers. Another reason which a Washington columnist
suggested was that the first ‘General of the Army’ rejected the idea because he did not
like the way he would be addressed if the rank XY was used.
a) What is the rank XY?
b) Who was this ‘General of the Army’?
Safety Slide
a) Field Marshal
b) George Marshall, who did not want to be addressed as
‘Marshal Marshall’
A few years ago, residents of Greek’s third largest island appealed to a court in Athens to
ban this word, claiming that as the island's inhabitants, they were the only true _______s.
The petitioners said, “They can do what they want, and they can call themselves what
they want, but not _______s.”
The court rejected the application and ruled that the word in its adopted Greek and
international context did not offend or threaten the individual, collective or human rights
of the island's residents.
Put funda.
Safety Slide
Residents of Lesbos did not want the LGBT community to use the
word ‘lesbian’, claiming that as the island's inhabitants, they were
the only true Lesbians.
When asked about it by a Russian coach prior to the Olympics, X replied that it did not
slow him down, and on the contrary, it was actually useful for performance by providing
the streamlining necessary to make him bullet shaped.
The coach translated as fast as he could for the other coaches, and by the following year,
every Russian who was participating had one.
Who is X, and what is he talking about?
Safety Slide
Mark Spitz, on his moustache
HMS Plumper was a later Archer-class gun-brig of the Royal Navy. The French captured
her in 1805 and took her into their Navy under the name Argus.
In 1822 the ship was condemned in Saint-Louis, Senegal and eventually destroyed . This
was because the ship became a breeding ground for diseases after something that
happened in 1816 and several crew members died from various infections .
Why did this ship have to be condemned ?
Safety Slide
As it had previously carried the survivors and the dead
bodies from The Raft of the Medusa , the lower deck had
become a festering ground for diseases
X and its offshoot, Y, are genres of literature that explore social and political structures.
X fiction is the creation of an ideal society as the setting for a novel.
Y (sometimes referred to as apocalyptic literature) is the opposite: creation of an utterly
horrible or degraded society that is generally headed to an irreversible oblivion.
Many novels combine both, often as a metaphor for the different directions humanity
can take in its choices, ending up with one of two possible futures.
What are these two genres?
Safety Slide
X-Utopia, Y-Dystopia
X is a brand of Polish rye vodka produced and distributed by LVMH. It is named after the
Polish presidential palace, whose illustration appears on its bottles. It is produced
exclusively in Poland in the town of Żyrardów and has worldwide distribution.
In 2015, _________ Vodka was chosen to be the official vodka brand of a movie with the
brand president saying, "I think X is a man of style, taste, and character, and he’s a man
who knows the difference—he makes distinct choices in what he drinks, what he drives
and what he wears, and those choices are universally respected and admired”.
a) Which brand is this?
b) What film did it become the official vodka brand of?
Safety Slide
Belvedere, Spectre
Will Shortz, currently the crossword puzzle editor for The New York Times stated in an
interview that his favourite crossword of all time is from November 5, 1996.
The remarkable feature of this puzzle was that 39-Across could be answered in two ways,
and all the Down clues and answers that crossed it would work either way (e.g., "Black
Halloween animal" could be either BAT or CAT depending on which answer you filled in
at 39-Across; similarly "French 101 word" could equal LUI or OUI, etc.)
What were the two possible answers for 39-Across? What was 43-Across
Clue: 68- Across
Safety Slide
39 Across: Clinton/Bob Dole
43 Across: Elected
68 Across: MisterPresident
The Year of Living Dangerously is a 1982 drama film directed by Peter Weir. The story is
about a love affair set in Indonesia during the overthrow of President Sukarno.
The film depicts the affair between protagonist Guy Hamilton and Jill Bryant, a British
Embassy officer. A main character is the Chinese-Australian dwarf Billy Kwan, a
photographer who teams up with Hamilton and shows him the ropes in a city where
simmering danger is about to boil over into violence and revolution.
The portrayal of Billy Kwan by X went on to win an Academy Award, in what was
probably the first instance of its kind.
What was so unique about the win?
Safety Slide
The role of Billy Kwan was essayed by Linda Hunt. This was
the first time an Oscar was awarded to an actor/actress for
playing a member of the opposite sex
Phalia is a small town in Mandi Bahauddin District, Punjab, Pakistan. The town was
once part of the second of the two cities (Mong and _____) on opposite banks of
the river Hydaspes (now called the Jhelum).
A famous battle took place to the west of Mandi Bahauddin in 326 BCE which led
to Phalia being named in honour of?
Safety Slide
Bucephalus, after Alexander defeated Porus in the Battle of
the Hydaspes River
Eco-pranksters ‘The Yes Men’ along with some help from London design firm Kennedy
Monk designed their own water bottle brand a few years ago taking a dig at something.
The bottle comes with an ingredient list that boasts that the bottle contains
dichlormethane, carbon tetrachloride, and chloroform — chemicals that create health
problems ranging from optic neuropathy to hepatitis to burns to coma to death.
The logo is affixed on an elegantly shaped bottle, which lets would-be drinkers know that
“The unique qualities of our water come from years of slow-leaching toxins at this site.”
Id the water bottle brand/put funda.
Safety Slide
B’eau Pal/Water sourced from the site of the Bhopal Gas
The salutes of the Indian Air Force and the Indian Army were the same until a few years
ago. The soldiers saluted with their palms facing front, till the IAF gave its personnel a
new salute with the plane of the palm at 45-degree angle to the forehead.
However, the Indian Navy has always had a different one as they salute with their palms
facing downwards.
Why is the Navy salute distinctive?
Safety Slide
The Navy adopted a version with the palm facing
downwards, because many men working on ships had
dirty palms and to display them was considered
While 'X' has never elaborated on the significance of the number ___, several conspiracy
theories have been floating around since 'Y' used it. One theory alludes to the second
order addition of the number's digits adding up to 7, which is an otherwise significant
number throughout the series.
Another theory alludes to the fact that the number's digits are a numerical anagram of
another number, made famous by the series.
What are the numbers? Who are X and Y?
Safety Slide
Turn to page 394, Platform 9¾
X- JK Rowling, Y-Alan Rickman
Former diplomat and chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board Shaharyar Khan wrote a
book titled ‘Cricket Cauldron: The Turbulent Politics of Sport in Pakistan’. In it, he cited
three possible theories explaining a decision taken by X in 2005:
1. Because it inspired X after teammates, Inzamam-ul-Haq in particular, encouraged
him to do so.
2. X believed that it could secure him the captain’s cap.
3. X made the call because 'he wished to overcome the psychologically debilitating
stigma of being a Dalit.‘
X? What decision was this?
Safety Slide
Yousuf Youhana converting to Islam, and changing his name to Mohammad Yousuf
X talking to Wired magazine in 2013:
“What I did was almost 50 years ago and it's about 4,000 times easier today. To do so
then, you needed a Heidelberg printed press, you had to be a skilled printer, know how
to do colour separations, negatives, type-setting... those presses were 90 feet long and
18 feet high. There was a lot of work involved in creating one. Today, you open a laptop.”
Today, the majority of X’s work is for the U. S. government. He has been associated with
the FBI for over four decades and has lectured to and consulted with hundreds of
financial institutions, corporations and government agencies around the world.
Who is X, or in what context have we seen/heard of him in the world of pop culture?
Safety Slide
Frank William Abagnale, Jr., whose life story provided the inspiration for the film Catch
Me If You Can, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Abagnale.
Professor Paulo Araújo Duarte of the Federal University of Santa Catarina stated that they
were intended to represent the sky at 8:30 in the morning of 15th November 1889, the
moment at which the constellation of the Southern Cross was on the meridian of a
particular city. Another article by J.R.V. Costa says the exact time was actually 8:37.
The list of constellations and stars as seen on that day put together looked like this
(image to follow).
a) What is being described?
b) Why was this particular date chosen?
Safety Slide
A) Stars and constellations on the Flag of Brazil
B) Brazil became a Republic on this day
Final question coming up
“As told to us by our grandfather Mohammad Hussain, everything else around was a
jungle. There were no lights and no proper roads. And his shop was just around the
corner of a naturally formed road. There was no name either. Amongst all the other
sweets, he would sell XY.
X, one of the main ingredients was a speciality spice from Turkey and the rest was milk,
ghee, sugar and saffron. The Nizam loved the sweet so much that he announced that our
shop be named after the nickname of one of his sons.”
 What is the sweet dish XY?
 These are the origins of which 100-year old establishment?
Safety Slide
XY- Jauzi Halwa
Hameedi Confectioners, Mozamjahi Market
Thank you!

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January 2016 Quiz of the Month at K-Circle

  • 1. K-Circle Quiz of the Month 16TH JANUARY, 2016 LOKESH KAZA
  • 2. The Format Written Round (6 questions) Dries: Clockwise (18 questions) Written Round (6 questions) Dries: Anti-clockwise (18 questions)
  • 3. Written: The Year That Was 6 questions +5 for each correct answer Questions on all things 2015 +5 bonus for 6 correct answers
  • 4. 1. In November last year, the official website of this political party started selling a limited- edition t-shirt to anyone who donated a certain amount of money. What was the party trying to cash in on/What has been blanked out?
  • 5.
  • 6. 2. The pata, or dandpatta is an Indian sword with a gauntlet integrated as a handguard. Ranging in length from 10 to 44 inches, it was considered to be a highly effective weapon for infantrymen against heavily armoured cavalry due to its thrusting ability. Created during the Mughal period, the pata's use in warfare appears to be mostly restricted to the 17th century. In what context did we see a pata being used extensively in December?
  • 7. 3. Blackstar is a song by X which was released as the lead single from a studio album of the same name. The music video depicts a woman with a tail discovering a dead astronaut and taking his jewel-encrusted skull to an ancient, otherworldly town. The song was originally over eleven minutes long, making it X's second-longest track ever made but it was edited down to 9:57 due to a particular reason. X? What was the reason for editing the track?
  • 8. 4. Authorities at the Chennai airport repeatedly face this issue at a particular point in January every year. Departing and arriving flights are delayed by hours with some flights hovering over the airport for several minutes before getting permission to land, and other flights being diverted to other locations. Sometimes, the airport is shut for more than two hours in the morning to counter this. What problem is it that the authorities face?
  • 9. 5. Victor Luckerson, of TIME magazine, coined this term referring to the impact it has made on various cultural issues. He pointed to some of the segments that have helped to make some kind of fundamental change in society: • Ending unfair bail requirements • Crashing the FCC over net neutrality • Raising awareness of civil forfeiture laws What term did Luckerson coin?
  • 10. 6. A Chinese couple currently traveling the world and filming a documentary decided to undertake the project. Deeply moved by what had happened, they donated $120,000 for the specialized technical equipment that was required. The couple fine-tuned their work on a mountainside in China and carried it out at the designated location after receiving approval from UNESCO. What was the couple aiming to do?
  • 11. Exchange Sheets +5 for each correct answer +5 bonus for 6 correct answers
  • 12. 1. In November last year, the official website of this political party started selling a limited- edition t-shirt to anyone who donated a certain amount of money. What was the party trying to cash in on/What has been blanked out?
  • 13.
  • 14. Justin Trudeau’s response when asked by a reporter why it was important for him to have a gender-equal cabinet
  • 15. 2. The pata, or dandpatta is an Indian sword with a gauntlet integrated as a handguard. Ranging in length from 10 to 44 inches, it was considered to be a highly effective weapon for infantrymen against heavily armoured cavalry due to its thrusting ability. Created during the Mughal period, the pata's use in warfare appears to be mostly restricted to the 17th century. In what context did we see a pata being used extensively in December?
  • 16. War sequences in Bajirao Mastani
  • 17. 3. Blackstar is a song by X which was released as the lead single from a studio album of the same name. The music video depicts a woman with a tail discovering a dead astronaut and taking his jewel-encrusted skull to an ancient, otherworldly town. The song was originally over eleven minutes long, making it X's second-longest track ever made but it was edited down to 9:57 due to a particular reason. X? What was the reason for editing the track?
  • 18. David Bowie It was edited because iTunes would not post singles over ten minutes in length.
  • 19. 4. Authorities at the Chennai airport repeatedly face this issue at a particular point in January every year. Departing and arriving flights are delayed by hours with some flights hovering over the airport for several minutes before getting permission to land, and other flights being diverted to other locations. Sometimes, the airport is shut for more than two hours in the morning to counter this. What problem is it that the authorities face?
  • 20. Smog caused by ‘bhogi’ fires burning across the city severely reducing visibility in the skies
  • 21. 5. Victor Luckerson, of TIME magazine, coined this term referring to the impact it has made on various cultural issues. He pointed to some of the segments that have helped to make some kind of fundamental change in society: • Ending unfair bail requirements • Crashing the FCC over net neutrality • Raising awareness of civil forfeiture laws What term did Luckerson coin?
  • 22. The John Oliver Effect
  • 23. 6. A Chinese couple currently traveling the world and filming a documentary decided to undertake the project. Deeply moved by what had happened, they donated $120,000 for the specialized technical equipment that was required. The couple fine-tuned their work on a mountainside in China and carried it out at the designated location after receiving approval from UNESCO. What was the couple aiming to do?
  • 24. Holographic reconstruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas
  • 25. Dries: Clockwise 18 questions Infinite Bounce, with Pounce +10/-10 Part points, as and when applicable
  • 26. 7. In 1996, Vijay Shankardass, a renowned lawyer was contacted by X's team of lawyers in England and was asked if he could intervene and help out in sorting a particular matter. His initial response had been: " 'No way - it sounds like a snake pit.' Then, he met X and decided she was a remarkable woman - "upright, straight, clear-headed and trustworthy. So I agreed to help." In the long process that followed, he was regularly blackmailed and threatened, both by the mafia and the claimants themselves. Several threatened to shoot him; on one occasion his car was hijacked as he drove to the airport. "There were some extremely rough men," Shankardass said. "Undesirable characters - hollow, shallow and proud. I had to have a full-time guard for two years." Shankardass managed to persuade all 2,740 claimants into a settlement and the 130-odd legal cases were eventually settled off. What was happening here?
  • 28.  The claimants were the various descendants (legitimate and illegitimate) of the different Nizams.  Shankardass was called by Princess Esra, Mukarram Jah’s ex-wife to sort out their claims pertaining to ownership of the Nizam’s jewels.
  • 29. 8. Katz's Delicatessen is a kosher style restaurant located on the Lower East Side in Manhattan. Since its founding in 1888, it has become popular among locals and tourists alike for its pastrami sandwiches and hot dogs, both of which are widely considered among New York's best. A sign has been hung up in this restaurant and key words from it have been blanked out. Looking at the photographs of the restaurant, fill in the key words.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 34. Where ‘Harry Met Sally’  From Meg Ryan's famous fake orgasm scene in ‘When Harry Met Sally’, followed by Estelle Reiner's iconic line "I'll have what she's having”.
  • 35. 9. Tommy Ward was a South African cricketer who played in 23 Tests from 1912 to 1924. In the opening Test of the 1912 Triangular Tournament between South Africa and Australia at Old Trafford, his performance led to him becoming part of an unfortunate list and also led to a remarkable record being created. The list here refers to him joining a group of 5 cricketers (there have been a lot more since) and the record is something that has never been replicated again.  What was/is this group?  What is the record?
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 39. a) List of batsmen out for a ‘pair’ on Test debut b) Only time that two hat tricks have been taken in the same Test (and incidentally, by the same bowler)
  • 40. 10. In 2004, more than 25 years later, Peter Rowan, of Edinburgh’s RBL Music was looking to secure royalties amounting to as much as ₤6,000 for 23 former students of the Islington Green School in North London. According to the European wire service Agence France-Presse, Rowan filed his first claim on behalf of former student Peter Thorpe, though he said he hoped to add other students to the claim. Thorpe was part of something that took place without the permission of the headmistress and when she finally found out, she forbade him and the other students from appearing on television or radio, making Rowan’s job of identifying the students more difficult over the years. Put funda.
  • 42. Rowan was asking for royalties for the students who appeared in Pink Floyd’s 1979 single, Another Brick In the Wall, Pt. 2 which had lines like “No dark sarcasm in the classroom/ Hey! Teachers, leave them kids alone.”
  • 43. 11. Although there were previous human settlers (that later became extinct), the current demographic mostly flows from the 27 that came here in 1790.  Who were these 27?  Which British Overseas Territory is this?
  • 44.
  • 46. a) The HMS Bounty mutineers (along with the native Tahitian men and women). b) Pitcairn Islands
  • 47. 12. The grave of X and his wife, Olave are in Nyeri, Kenya. X died on 8 January 1941 and is buried in St. Peter's Cemetery in the Wajee Nature Park. His gravestone bears a circle with a dot in the centre. When wife Olave died, her ashes were interred beside her husband. Kenya has declared the grave a national monument. On the gravestone, below X’s name is the title ‘Chief _____ of the World’ and underneath Olave’s name is the title ‘World Chief ______’. The blanks reflect something which the couple founded, which is in existence even today. Fill in the blanks.
  • 48.
  • 50. Chief Scout of the World, World Chief Guide Robert Baden-Powell founded The Boy Scouts Association and along with his wife Olave, he also started the The Girl Guides Association.
  • 51. 13. Y is a ‘promise’ made by X which has been in effect since 1984. It was first made in the United States serving as the backbone of X’s rapid growth into the largest one of its kind in the country. However, due to the number of lawsuits arising out of Y, X had to discontinue this in the United States in 1993. The ‘promise’ is still made in some parts of the world, including India. The final trigger (leading to it being discontinued in the US) was due to a jury verdict in St. Louis that awarded more than $78 million to a woman who was affected due to it. X and Y?
  • 53. X- Domino’s Pizza Y- “30 minutes or it's free” Pizza deliverers were seen to cause numerous accidents because they would often over speed to deliver the pizza in less than 30 minutes.
  • 54. 14. Xs are the cheapest and most popular means of public transportation in the Phillippines. They are known for their crowded seating and kitsch decorations, which have become a ubiquitous symbol of Philippine culture and art. X is a portmanteau of two words A and B. A: This word comes from what Xs were originally made from, which the US Army, after World War II had left back in the hundreds. B: Some sources say it comes from an archaic, colloquial term for a five-cent coin in the US (the nickel) which was the common fare for unlicensed and inexpensive taxi cabs whereas other sources say that the word simply comes from the fact that the passengers sit in very close proximity to each other. X?
  • 56. Jeepney A- Jeep B- ‘Jitney’, the colloquial term or ‘knee’ because passengers would inadvertently keep knocking their knees against each other.
  • 57. 15. Aleiodes are very small wasps that belong to a unique subfamily of wasps that mummify the caterpillars they parasitize on. Adult female wasps inject an egg into a caterpillar, where it hatches. The host caterpillar remains alive for a time while the wasp larva slowly eats its insides. The caterpillar eventually shrinks and dies, with the larva forming a cocoon inside the mummy. While all other Aleiodes wasps take the same route and get out by cutting a round hole near the posterior end of the caterpillar, a particular species of this wasp, on the other hand, takes an alternative path and gets out by cutting off the entire back end of the caterpillar. This inspired taxonomists to name it after X, who won the Congressional Gold Medal in 1960. Who was it named after, and why?
  • 59. Robert Frost, because the aleiodes frosti takes The Road Not Taken 
  • 60. 16. X is a weapon-based martial art from Tamil Nadu, but is also traditionally practised by the Tamil community of Sri Lanka and Malaysia. It is closely related to Kalaripayattu and the Sri Lankan martial art Y. X: Derives from a Tamil word meaning "hill“, and a Kannada word which we know in English to be the fastest-growing plant in the word. Y: Derives from the Sinhalese word ____ - a root word for 'body', denoting physical combat and ____, meaning fight. Y’s distinct feature lies in the use of pressure point attacks to inflict pain or permanently paralyze the opponent. X and Y?
  • 61. X Y
  • 63. X- Silambam (silam + bambu) Y- Angampora (anga + pora)
  • 64. 17. The clip here is from a 1973 film directed by Nanubhai Vakil. The song featured had been used previously elsewhere, and Vakil’s film was a version of it. In the earlier film, it was sung by Wazir Mohammad Khan and the song bears a very unique distinction in Bollywood. A) What’s the unique distinction that the previous recording possesses? B) In which film was it previously used? C) Identify the singer/actor from the 1973 film. Video link at:
  • 66. a) First ever song in Indian cinema b) Alam Ara (1931) c) Wazir Mohammad Khan himself
  • 67. 18. In 1926, W. Douglas Burden set out for an expedition to an obscure island in the Dutch East Indies. He was seeking what he called “a primeval monster in a primeval setting.” The expedition built traps and eventually succeeded in collecting two live specimens, and ten dead ones. After returning to New York, Burden hoped to get a theatrical release for the film he cobbled together from the expedition’s considerable footage but the movie industry deemed it not quite melodramatic enough. A friend of Burden’s named Merian C. Cooper soon corrected this, with his own fictionalized version of the expedition which became the premise for a 1933 film. a) What did Burden name this ‘primeval monster’ after the expedition? b) What was the 1933 film?
  • 69. a) He coined the term Komodo Dragon b) King Kong
  • 70. 19. Chicago, in the 19th century was faced with a pressing issue owing to the structural nature of its buildings. Unpleasant living conditions and conducive conditions for pathogens caused numerous epidemics like typhoid and dysentery. An 1854 outbreak of cholera led to 6 % of the population of the city being wiped out. After many heated discussions, a solution materialized which also saw the booming rise of a business in itself. Implementing the solution in its entirely took nearly 20 years but public health became better than ever due to this. What exactly was the issue? What business stemmed out of the solution?
  • 72. a) The elevation of the Chicago area was not much higher than the shorelines of Lake Michigan, so for many years there was little or no naturally occurring drainage from the city surface. b) Raising building blocks
  • 73. 20. Dr. Spencer Silver, a scientist working at X was attempting to develop a super-strong _________. Instead, he accidentally created a "low-tack", reusable, pressure-sensitive one. For five years, Silver promoted his "solution without a problem" within X both informally and through seminars but failed to gain acceptance. In 1974, a colleague who had attended one of his seminars, Art Fry, came up with the idea of using it for something. Fry then utilized X's officially sanctioned "permitted bootlegging" policy to develop the idea further. Where were they working? What did they create?
  • 76. 21. As the debate flares anew over what ought to be done with it, supporters point to an often forgotten factoid: It is one of the best real estate deals that the country has seen. To be precise, 46.8 square miles of land for 2,000 gold coins – or $4,085 a year. As cheap as the rental fee is, most years it's actually free. X and later, his brother have routinely refused to encash the checks out of protest saying it was being used for “dirty work”. Since 1959, only one check has been cashed and X later admitted in his ‘Reflections’ column that this was done in error. What real estate deal is this?
  • 78. The U.S. deal with Cuba to lease land in Guantanamo Bay, as part of the Cuban-American Treaty.
  • 79. 22. Retired engineer Ratnam Chitturi launched the North South Foundation in the 1990s to raise money to educate underprivileged children in India. The Foundation raises funds by organizing educational competitions for participants of Indian origin in the United States for geography, science, mathematics and _________. Shalini Shankar, an associate professor of anthropology and Asian-American studies at Northwestern University feels that these regional competitions lay the foundation for a particular trend, by helping students train and practise regularly with their parents. (which is very essential for that trend) What trend is this?
  • 81. Indian-Americans winning the Scripps National Spelling Bee (All the Indian-American winners at Scripps so far have been NSF contestants)
  • 82. 23. Scinde Dawk was a very old postal system where runners were paid according to their distance of travel and the weight of their letters. This was a local Indus Valley system, inefficient and inadequate for the military and commercial needs of the British East India Company after their conquest of the region in February, 1843, following the Battle of Miani. How is the name derived?
  • 84. From “Scinde”, the British spelling of the name of the province of Sindh, and “Dawk”, the anglicised spelling of the Hindustani word “Dak” or Post
  • 85. 24. X is located at the very gates of Paris, in the communes of Neuilly-sur-Seine and Levallois, Hauts-de-Seine. It is 7 km distant (in a straight line) from the towers of Notre Dame and 3 km from the Etoile. It has about 4,000 inhabitants and is nearly 2 km long and nearly 200 m wide at its widest point. Its name translates as "Island of the Bowl" or "Island of the Big Bowl". Why would X be important to you if you study theories/interpretations of art?
  • 86.
  • 88. Georges Seurat's ‘A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte’
  • 89. Written: We know them as something else! • 6 questions • +5 for each correct answer • +5 bonus for 6 correct answers • Questions on little-known aspects of individuals, who are known to us for different reasons
  • 90. 25. We Shall Overcome is a 1987 folk album that was sold at 25 locations in Vermont. The album was dedicated to “men and women around the world involved in the struggle for peace and justice”. To record the album, X was joined by 30 Vermont-based musicians who provided the musical backing to his vocal styling for well known songs such as Woody Guthrie’s “This Land is Your Land”. X signed a contract guaranteeing him royalties if the album ever turned a profit. But, he never made any. However, since a remastered version of the album was released last year, the album has already more than doubled its original sales. Identify X.
  • 91. 26. “A monumental bash on the head” was how this Pilot Officer of the Royal Air Force described his plane crash in the Western Desert. For him, it was a time of existential crisis. For almost a month, he inhabited a hazy world of total darkness, uncertain of time or surroundings. Concussed, blind and isolated from family and friends, he was disoriented and helpless. His imagination ran wild and his sense of fantasy heightened. Who is he?
  • 92.
  • 93. 27. In 1967, she ran unsuccessfully in a special election in California's 11th congressional district but lost to law school professor Pete McCloskey. Henry Kissinger overheard her talking about Namibia at a party and she was later appointed Representative to the 24th United Nations General Assembly and was also the United States Ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia. She was present during the Velvet Revolution, which brought about the end of Communism in Czechoslovakia. She also played a critical role in hastening the end of the Communist regime by openly sympathizing with anti-Communist dissidents and later establishing formal diplomatic relations with the newly elected government led by Václav Havel. Who?
  • 94.
  • 95. 28. Identify the actor with Poonam Dhillon from this 1985 film ‘Kabhi Ajnabi The’. Video link at:
  • 96. 29. While working as bouncer, his wearing of gold neck chains and other jewellery was the result of customers losing the items or leaving them behind at the night club after a fight. A customer, who may have been banned from the club or was trying to avoid another confrontation, would not re-enter the club if he wore their jewellery and stood out front. He then became a bodyguard for well-known personalities such as Muhammad Ali, Steve McQueen, Michael Jackson, and Joe Frazier charging from $3,000 per day to a maximum of $10,000 per day, depending on the clientele's risk-rate and traveling locations. Who?
  • 97. 30. Historians can find only one recorded defeat of him in 12 years, a regimental championship match against Hank Thompson while serving with the Illinois Volunteers. "He was a proud competitor but a humble sportsman," David Fleming wrote of the 6- foot-4, 180-pound hard man. "And when his wrestling skills diminished, his leadership qualities emerged.“ He was also a prodigious trash talker and once beat a man with a single toss and challenged the mob that had gathered with a shout: "Any of you want to try it, come on and whet your horns!“ Who?
  • 98. Exchange Sheets +5 for each correct answer +5 bonus for 6 correct answers
  • 99. 25. We Shall Overcome is a 1987 folk album that was sold at 25 locations in Vermont. The album was dedicated to “men and women around the world involved in the struggle for peace and justice”. To record the album, X was joined by 30 Vermont-based musicians who provided the musical backing to his vocal styling for well known songs such as Woody Guthrie’s “This Land is Your Land”. X signed a contract guaranteeing him royalties if the album ever turned a profit. But, he never made any. However, since a remastered version of the album was released last year, the album has already more than doubled its original sales. Identify X.
  • 101. 26. “A monumental bash on the head” was how this Pilot Officer of the Royal Air Force described his plane crash in the Western Desert. For him, it was a time of existential crisis. For almost a month, he inhabited a hazy world of total darkness, uncertain of time or surroundings. Concussed, blind and isolated from family and friends, he was disoriented and helpless. His imagination ran wild and his sense of fantasy heightened. Who is he?
  • 102.
  • 104. 27. In 1967, she ran unsuccessfully in a special election in California's 11th congressional district but lost to law school professor Pete McCloskey. Henry Kissinger overheard her talking about Namibia at a party and she was later appointed Representative to the 24th United Nations General Assembly and was also the United States Ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia. She was present during the Velvet Revolution, which brought about the end of Communism in Czechoslovakia. She also played a critical role in hastening the end of the Communist regime by openly sympathizing with anti-Communist dissidents and later establishing formal diplomatic relations with the newly elected government led by Václav Havel. Who?
  • 105.
  • 107. 28. Identify the actor with Poonam Dhillon from this 1985 film ‘Kabhi Ajnabi The’.
  • 109. 29. While working as bouncer, his wearing of gold neck chains and other jewellery was the result of customers losing the items or leaving them behind at the night club after a fight. A customer, who may have been banned from the club or was trying to avoid another confrontation, would not re-enter the club if he wore their jewellery and stood out front. He then became a bodyguard for well-known personalities such as Muhammad Ali, Steve McQueen, Michael Jackson, and Joe Frazier charging from $3,000 per day to a maximum of $10,000 per day, depending on the clientele's risk-rate and traveling locations. Who?
  • 110. Mr T.
  • 111. 30. Historians can find only one recorded defeat of him in 12 years, a regimental championship match against Hank Thompson while serving with the Illinois Volunteers. "He was a proud competitor but a humble sportsman," David Fleming wrote of the 6- foot-4, 180-pound hard man. "And when his wrestling skills diminished, his leadership qualities emerged.“ He was also a prodigious trash talker and once beat a man with a single toss and challenged the mob that had gathered with a shout: "Any of you want to try it, come on and whet your horns!“ Who?
  • 113. Dries: Anti-clockwise 18 questions Infinite Bounce, with Pounce +10/-10 Part points, as and when applicable
  • 114. 31. The plot of the 1986 adventure fantasy film Labyrinth is very reminiscent of X and Y, two stories that are incidentally known to be used in mind control programming: A young girl, bored and distraught with her normal life, finds herself in a fantasy land, where anything can happen. In order to go back home, she embarks on a dangerous quest where she uses her wits, courage and strength to go past the obstacles in a world where no rules are established. a) What are X and Y? b) What is the room in this scene modelled upon?
  • 115.
  • 117. a) Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz b) M.C. Escher’s Relativity
  • 118. 32. The suffix is not “____", it is "a____". The meaning of "a____" in Urdu is ‘settlement’ or ‘the area or environment where an organism or ecological community normally lives with reference to the name.’ It is theorized that the fact that these cities were ruled by Muslim rulers or has/had a dominant population speaking Urdu is where the influence comes in. What is the suffix?
  • 120. Abad (as in Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Secunderabad, Allahabad, etc.)
  • 121. 33. The United States has never used the rank XY. Instead, Congress created the rank of ‘General of the Army” in 1944, a five-star rank equivalent to that of XY in other countries. One reason why XY was not used could be because Y has traditionally been used for civilian law enforcement officers. Another reason which a Washington columnist suggested was that the first ‘General of the Army’ rejected the idea because he did not like the way he would be addressed if the rank XY was used. a) What is the rank XY? b) Who was this ‘General of the Army’?
  • 123. a) Field Marshal b) George Marshall, who did not want to be addressed as ‘Marshal Marshall’
  • 124. 34. A few years ago, residents of Greek’s third largest island appealed to a court in Athens to ban this word, claiming that as the island's inhabitants, they were the only true _______s. The petitioners said, “They can do what they want, and they can call themselves what they want, but not _______s.” The court rejected the application and ruled that the word in its adopted Greek and international context did not offend or threaten the individual, collective or human rights of the island's residents. Put funda.
  • 125.
  • 127. Residents of Lesbos did not want the LGBT community to use the word ‘lesbian’, claiming that as the island's inhabitants, they were the only true Lesbians.
  • 128. 35. When asked about it by a Russian coach prior to the Olympics, X replied that it did not slow him down, and on the contrary, it was actually useful for performance by providing the streamlining necessary to make him bullet shaped. The coach translated as fast as he could for the other coaches, and by the following year, every Russian who was participating had one. Who is X, and what is he talking about?
  • 130. Mark Spitz, on his moustache
  • 131. 36. HMS Plumper was a later Archer-class gun-brig of the Royal Navy. The French captured her in 1805 and took her into their Navy under the name Argus. In 1822 the ship was condemned in Saint-Louis, Senegal and eventually destroyed . This was because the ship became a breeding ground for diseases after something that happened in 1816 and several crew members died from various infections . Why did this ship have to be condemned ?
  • 133. As it had previously carried the survivors and the dead bodies from The Raft of the Medusa , the lower deck had become a festering ground for diseases
  • 134. 37. X and its offshoot, Y, are genres of literature that explore social and political structures. X fiction is the creation of an ideal society as the setting for a novel. Y (sometimes referred to as apocalyptic literature) is the opposite: creation of an utterly horrible or degraded society that is generally headed to an irreversible oblivion. Many novels combine both, often as a metaphor for the different directions humanity can take in its choices, ending up with one of two possible futures. What are these two genres?
  • 137. 38. X is a brand of Polish rye vodka produced and distributed by LVMH. It is named after the Polish presidential palace, whose illustration appears on its bottles. It is produced exclusively in Poland in the town of Żyrardów and has worldwide distribution. In 2015, _________ Vodka was chosen to be the official vodka brand of a movie with the brand president saying, "I think X is a man of style, taste, and character, and he’s a man who knows the difference—he makes distinct choices in what he drinks, what he drives and what he wears, and those choices are universally respected and admired”. a) Which brand is this? b) What film did it become the official vodka brand of?
  • 138.
  • 141. 39. Will Shortz, currently the crossword puzzle editor for The New York Times stated in an interview that his favourite crossword of all time is from November 5, 1996. The remarkable feature of this puzzle was that 39-Across could be answered in two ways, and all the Down clues and answers that crossed it would work either way (e.g., "Black Halloween animal" could be either BAT or CAT depending on which answer you filled in at 39-Across; similarly "French 101 word" could equal LUI or OUI, etc.) What were the two possible answers for 39-Across? What was 43-Across Clue: 68- Across
  • 142.
  • 144. 39 Across: Clinton/Bob Dole 43 Across: Elected 68 Across: MisterPresident
  • 145. 40. The Year of Living Dangerously is a 1982 drama film directed by Peter Weir. The story is about a love affair set in Indonesia during the overthrow of President Sukarno. The film depicts the affair between protagonist Guy Hamilton and Jill Bryant, a British Embassy officer. A main character is the Chinese-Australian dwarf Billy Kwan, a photographer who teams up with Hamilton and shows him the ropes in a city where simmering danger is about to boil over into violence and revolution. The portrayal of Billy Kwan by X went on to win an Academy Award, in what was probably the first instance of its kind. What was so unique about the win?
  • 146.
  • 148. The role of Billy Kwan was essayed by Linda Hunt. This was the first time an Oscar was awarded to an actor/actress for playing a member of the opposite sex
  • 149. 41. Phalia is a small town in Mandi Bahauddin District, Punjab, Pakistan. The town was once part of the second of the two cities (Mong and _____) on opposite banks of the river Hydaspes (now called the Jhelum). A famous battle took place to the west of Mandi Bahauddin in 326 BCE which led to Phalia being named in honour of?
  • 151. Bucephalus, after Alexander defeated Porus in the Battle of the Hydaspes River
  • 152. 42. Eco-pranksters ‘The Yes Men’ along with some help from London design firm Kennedy Monk designed their own water bottle brand a few years ago taking a dig at something. The bottle comes with an ingredient list that boasts that the bottle contains dichlormethane, carbon tetrachloride, and chloroform — chemicals that create health problems ranging from optic neuropathy to hepatitis to burns to coma to death. The logo is affixed on an elegantly shaped bottle, which lets would-be drinkers know that “The unique qualities of our water come from years of slow-leaching toxins at this site.” Id the water bottle brand/put funda.
  • 154. B’eau Pal/Water sourced from the site of the Bhopal Gas tragedy
  • 155. 43. The salutes of the Indian Air Force and the Indian Army were the same until a few years ago. The soldiers saluted with their palms facing front, till the IAF gave its personnel a new salute with the plane of the palm at 45-degree angle to the forehead. However, the Indian Navy has always had a different one as they salute with their palms facing downwards. Why is the Navy salute distinctive?
  • 156.
  • 158. The Navy adopted a version with the palm facing downwards, because many men working on ships had dirty palms and to display them was considered disrespectful.
  • 159. 44. While 'X' has never elaborated on the significance of the number ___, several conspiracy theories have been floating around since 'Y' used it. One theory alludes to the second order addition of the number's digits adding up to 7, which is an otherwise significant number throughout the series. Another theory alludes to the fact that the number's digits are a numerical anagram of another number, made famous by the series. What are the numbers? Who are X and Y?
  • 161. Turn to page 394, Platform 9¾ X- JK Rowling, Y-Alan Rickman
  • 162. 45. Former diplomat and chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board Shaharyar Khan wrote a book titled ‘Cricket Cauldron: The Turbulent Politics of Sport in Pakistan’. In it, he cited three possible theories explaining a decision taken by X in 2005: 1. Because it inspired X after teammates, Inzamam-ul-Haq in particular, encouraged him to do so. 2. X believed that it could secure him the captain’s cap. 3. X made the call because 'he wished to overcome the psychologically debilitating stigma of being a Dalit.‘ X? What decision was this?
  • 164. Yousuf Youhana converting to Islam, and changing his name to Mohammad Yousuf
  • 165. 46. X talking to Wired magazine in 2013: “What I did was almost 50 years ago and it's about 4,000 times easier today. To do so then, you needed a Heidelberg printed press, you had to be a skilled printer, know how to do colour separations, negatives, type-setting... those presses were 90 feet long and 18 feet high. There was a lot of work involved in creating one. Today, you open a laptop.” Today, the majority of X’s work is for the U. S. government. He has been associated with the FBI for over four decades and has lectured to and consulted with hundreds of financial institutions, corporations and government agencies around the world. Who is X, or in what context have we seen/heard of him in the world of pop culture?
  • 167. Frank William Abagnale, Jr., whose life story provided the inspiration for the film Catch Me If You Can, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Abagnale.
  • 168. 47. Professor Paulo Araújo Duarte of the Federal University of Santa Catarina stated that they were intended to represent the sky at 8:30 in the morning of 15th November 1889, the moment at which the constellation of the Southern Cross was on the meridian of a particular city. Another article by J.R.V. Costa says the exact time was actually 8:37. The list of constellations and stars as seen on that day put together looked like this (image to follow). a) What is being described? b) Why was this particular date chosen?
  • 169.
  • 171. A) Stars and constellations on the Flag of Brazil B) Brazil became a Republic on this day
  • 173. 48. “As told to us by our grandfather Mohammad Hussain, everything else around was a jungle. There were no lights and no proper roads. And his shop was just around the corner of a naturally formed road. There was no name either. Amongst all the other sweets, he would sell XY. X, one of the main ingredients was a speciality spice from Turkey and the rest was milk, ghee, sugar and saffron. The Nizam loved the sweet so much that he announced that our shop be named after the nickname of one of his sons.”  What is the sweet dish XY?  These are the origins of which 100-year old establishment?