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                       SUBJECT           -         ENGLISH
                       CLASS                       -    IX
                       CHAPTER           -         ESSAY WRITING- I
                       MODULE                      -    BASICS    OF           ESSAY
                       (Word Count-2609)




       Start with an animated visual, showing a green area full of trees. A big
       bulldozer comes in and starts striking down and smashing the trees
       one by one .Show this visual disaster with appropriate musical impact.
       for at least 2 to 3 secs. Two teen aged boys, wearing shirts and
       trousers, passing by, see the shocking scene and stop. They start
       talking and protesting.(Show the animated images of the boys with the
       dialogues in bubbles)

       Shyam: Have you seen what’s happening?

       Kushal :Yes. See how ruthlessly they are smashing the trees!

       Shyam: I believe some Shopping Centre is coming up here. So they want to
       clear up the space, by spoiling the greenery and creating a concrete jungle.

       Kushal: Why can’t we stop them?

       Shyam: No! They said they had got the orders from the concerned
       authorities and they have to clear up the whole space!

        Kushal; It’s so sad that many people do not understand the value of trees
       and they are being cut down so mercilessly.

       Shyam: Let’s organize a written campaign to protest against the cutting of
       trees. In this way may be others join us too.

       Kushal: I have an Idea! Let’s write an effective Essay on the seriousness of
       the situation. This will be circulated in all the localities, so that there is a
       social awareness and people are motivated in general, to stop such things


        from happening.

        Shyam: That’s great. I’m sure some more people would like to join in the
        written campaign. Why wait? Let’s start immediately, so that fast action is

Anchor 1:

pZfuU w?Bz{ ftFtk; j? fe s[;hA fJj fdqF t/y e/ u'ezB/ j' rJ/ j't'r/ . eh s[;h o[ykA dh
eNkJh d/ fto'X ftZu j' oj/ b/y w[fjzw ftu Fkwb j'Dk g;zd eo'r/ .fJ; d/ bJh nkU ;G s'A
gfjbkA n;hA fJe gqGktFkbh b/y fbyDkA f;yhJ/. fJ; gkm ftZu n;hA f;ykAr/



After this lesson ends, children will be able to

   •   Define an essay.

   •   Appreciate the need for an essay.

   •   List the essentials for an essay.

   •   State the different types of essays based upon the content.

   •   Make an ordered outline to prepare for an essay.

Text on screen with voice over

What is an essay?

fBpzX fbykJh dk T[j nk:'fis fj;k j? fi; ftZu b/ye fJe ftF/F ftF/ Bz{ ft;Eko Bkb
gqrNkT[Dk ukjz[dk j? .

Cut to ANCHOR 2:

What this sentence means will become clear as we look at the different aspects of
an essay.

SUPER: (Insert a clipart or Icon to show unity in writing) Image for reference.

   •   UNITY


         VO: Unity                                   of thoughts is very important while
planning to write an ‘Essay.’ Few children think loudly over a given topic. Points are
noted down. Then the essay is written ,with the convergence of the common points,
each one writing the points in his/her own way. Each point is linked to one given
topic ,maintaining the unity of the written content.

Anchor2 continues:

fBpzX dk ftFk fJe jh j'Dk ukjhdk j?. n;hA ftF/ d/ tZy tZy gfjb{nkA s/ rb eo ;ed/ jkA go
fJe ftF/ Bz{ fJe jh yzv ftZu Bjh fby ;ed/ ns/ BkA jh nrb/ yzv ftu fpbe[b tyok fby ;ed/ jkA

For example, look at these two sentences.

f;fynk ;ko/ pfunkA tk;s/ pj[s io{oh j? . w?Bz{ ;zrhs Bz{ ;[DBk pj[s uzrk brdk j?.
Is there any connection between the two lines? Can you guess the topic of the essay
from these lines? No, because there is no unity between the lines. Look at these
lines now.

f;fynk ;ko/ pfunkA tk;s/ pj[s io{oh j?.jo pZu/ Bz{ ;e{Pb ikDk uzrk brdk j?.
Is there a topic now? Yes. Both the lines talk about education and children. So, our
essay should have a clear topic and the whole essay should talk only about that and
nothing else.


ORDER       (insert an icon or clipart to represent ‘order’.Image for reference.)

                          +                       =
      LEARNING                                                        KNOWLEDGE


Cut to ANCHOR3:

s[;h ;ko/ fJ; rZb Bkb ;fjws j't'r/ fe id'A th n;hA fe;h yk; t;s{ pko/ rZb eod/ jkA ikA fe;h
xNBk pko/ fbyd/ jkA skA T[BkAQ ;kohnkA rZbkA dk bVhpZX j'Dk pj[s io{oh j? .
;kfonkA ftukokA dk eqwtko j'Dk pj[s ioPoh j? .n;hA e'Jh th tke , i' ;kv/ fdwkr ftZu nkJ/
fJzM jh BjhA fby ;ed/ .;kfonkA ftukokA Bz{ ;'ue/ bVhpZX eo b?Dk ukjhdk j? . i/ n;h
tkekA Bz{ bVhpZX Bjh eokAr/ skA T[j fBpzX p/soshpk pD ikJ/rk ns/ T[; Bz{ gVQB ftZu
e'Jh ;[nkd BjhA nkJ/rk .

(This sentence appears on screen while the Anchor speaks)

I fell down. I was playing in the park.

The two sentences do not make sense. Was he playing in the park when he fell
down or did he fall down and continue playing in the park? Look at the sentences

(This sentence appears on screen while the Anchor speaks)

I was playing in the park and I fell down.

This makes sense. So, order of thoughts is very important to convey the correct



  VO. with icon and script shown on the screen. There is no rule to what the
length of the essay should be but it should not be so long that the reader gets bored.
Avoid repeating points and giving unnecessary details.

A teacher asked two sisters Geeta and Payal, why they did not come to school the
previous day. Here is how they answered.

MM2: Show the teacher, Mrs.Sethi,wearing saree, an 8 year old girl,wearing
salwar kameez and chunni, talking. Her dress should have the name Geeta
written on it. Voice over is as follows-


Mrs. Sethi: Geeta, Why were you absent, yesterday?

Geeta:: Ma’am, I had to go for my cousin’s wedding. The wedding was in Mumbai.
Do you know it takes two days by train to reach there? Mumbai is very crowded.
Everybody is so busy there. Didi’s lehenga was so beautiful…

Show another 8 year old girl wearing salwar , kameez and chunni, talking. Her
dress should have the name Payal written on it. Voice over is as follows-

Mrs. Sethi:And why did you not come, Payal?

Payal: Ma’am, I had gone for my cousin’s wedding in Mumbai.

Cut to ANCHOR4:

nfXnkge f;oc fJj ikDBk ukjz[dk ;h fe e[Vh ;e{b feUA Bjh nkJh .wz[pJh ns/ ftnkj
pko/ ikDekoh dh e'Jh b'V BjhA ;h fJ; finkdk ikDekoh B/ rhsk d/ i[nkp Bz{ nA?At/
jh bzpk pDk fdsk .

SUPER      :

STYLE                      VO. With icon and script on the screen.

The essay should be in a style in which you want to pass the message to the
reader. You can be humorous or very serious; you can be casual or formal. The
essay should have your individuality. Look at the following sentences.

Text with voice over

Let’s save trees.
We can save trees if we want to.
We must raise our voice and save our trees.

Anchor4 continues:

Can you see the different moods of the three sentences? The first one is casual. The
second one is serious but is not motivating. The third sentence is both – serious and
motivating. Which style do you think Kushal should choose? Now that depends upon


Why do we write essays? We have seen why Kushal and Shyam want to write an
essay. They want to educate people on saving trees. But that is not the only reason
to write essays.

An essay can be written on any topic. Based on the topics, we can classify essays
into the following types.

VO with Text on Screen      (The words in dark letters should blink.)

A Reflective essay contains our thoughts, belief and opinion on a topic. Example:
‘Speaking the truth’

In a Reflective essay, we present our opinions, our ideas on a topic. Examples of
such topics are: ‘Speaking the truth’, ‘Are joint families better?’ , ‘Importance of
being educated’, ‘Patriotism’ etc.

A Narrative essay narrates an event or events in somebody’s life. Example: ‘Life of
Guru Gobind Singhji’

In a Narrative essay, we narrate an event – when it took place, what happened,
what caused it, what happened after the event etc. We sometimes talk about
different events which took place in a person’s life. Examples of such topics are:
‘20-20 World Cup final’, ‘Life of Mahatma Gandhi’, ‘My first visit to a museum’ etc.

A Descriptive essay describes a place/ thing/ phenomena. Example: ‘Earthquakes’

In a Descriptive essay, we describe the topic. We assume the reader knows
nothing about it. We describe the topic, its causes, effects, relevance; give
examples and facts required by the topic. Examples of such topics are: ‘Volcanoes’,
‘Oil Companies of India’, ‘Right nutrition for children’ etc.

 An Imaginative essay contains the imagination of the writer. Example: ‘My space

In an Imaginative essay, we imagine an artificial situation and write down our
thoughts. We put ourselves in situations we have never been in and imagine how
it must be. The things written in these essays may or may not come true. Examples
of such topics are: ‘If I were the President’, ‘If we lived on moon’, ‘A day without

Often essays are not of one particular type, but a combination of these types. One
need not remember the types, but it is important to be aware of them.

Cut to MM4:

Show the two boys Shyam and Kushal again, talking to each other, the
dialogues in bubbles.


Kushal:    OK, Let’s start writing the essay. First write down that we should protest
           against the cutting of trees.
Shyam:     Hey, wait. Don’t start writing immediately. Let’s first arrange our thoughts.
Kushal:    How should we go about writing the essay then?

VO with Text on screen:

Before you begin writing an essay, ask yourself the following questions.

   •   What is the topic of the essay?

   •   Whom are you writing the essay for?

   •   What is its purpose?

After you are clear about the aim of your essay, go on to decide what you are going
to write.

       •   First make a rough outline of the major aspects that you are going to
           write about.
       •   Then arrange them in a proper order.

       •   Now under each major aspect that you wrote, think of the smaller
           points you want to include.

       •    While thinking of smaller details, also think of examples, facts and
           proverbs that you wish to include in your essay.

Shyam:     So, Kushal. Let’s follow the procedure. We have decided on the topic, it is
           ‘Save our trees’. Now whom are you writing the essay for?
Kushal:    For the public, the residents of this colony. They should know about this.
Shyam:     What is the purpose of this essay?
Kushal:    Through this essay, I want to educate the residents about the importance
           of trees and want to motivate them to join me and protest against this
Shyam:     Good. Now that our motive stands clear, let’s make the outline.
Kushal:    I will do that.

Cut to Anchor- 5

While Kushal makes the outline for his essay, let’s see how one makes an outline.
Let’s take a topic, say, ‘Education’. We want to write the essay for the people of


India, children and elderly, and convince them about the necessity of education.
What all should we write in it?

VO with Text on screen:

   •    EDUCATION-Meaning of the word,or definition of ‘Education’.

   •    Need for education.

   •    Present status of education in India.

   •    Causes for not sending children to school.

   •    What we can do about it.

   •    Effect on the child’s life.

Cut to Anchor 6:

fJj ftFk pj[s ftFkb j? fJ;Bz{ fJe fBpzX ftZu g{ok eoBk pj[s w[Ffeb j? . go n;hA fJj efj ;ed/
jkA fe fJj ;ko/ B[es/ wZ[y jB fiBQkA d/ fj;kp Bkb ;kBz{ fBpzX fbyDk j? .fJj fXnkB d/D
tkbh rZb j? fe fJE/ fe;h th B[es/ Bz{ ft;Eko Bkb BjhA df;nk frnk j? .j[D ;kBz{A
fJBkQA ;kfonkA B[efsnkA Bz{ bVhpZX eoBk j?. f;fynk dh gfoGkFk ;G s'A gfjbkA
nkT[Dh ukjhdh j? feUAeh T[j ;kv/ ftF/ dk noE ;gFN eo/rh

Next should be the Needs, causes, then effects, then present status and finally
the steps we can take towards the cause.

  Why this order? Well, imagine you are to explain why you are going with your
friends for a picnic. What will you do? First you will explain why picnic is important
and you want to go. Then you will ask for reasons why your parents don’t want you
to go. Then you will tell them, what will happen if you don’t go. Then the present
status, that is, how many of your friends are going etc. And finally you will try to
suggest some steps by which both issues are resolved, like suggesting to go but
come back early. Isn’t it? It’s exactly like that. Develop the topic as if it is a
conversation. Only then will the readers enjoy and understand your essay.



Cut to Anchor 7:
Dear friends, let’s represent ‘Essay writing’ in a diagrammatic way:
(Show the following diagram with VO explaining it.)

The part of the diagram which the VO explains should blink, one at a time.


     •   First we need to know ‘what is an Essay’.(Anchor reads from the
         diagram, and the sentences blink as the anchor reads.)

     •   Next we come to the basic chareterestics of an ‘Essay’.(As the anchor
         reads, point by point, the main wordsor sub-headings will blink.)

     •   Then we need to know the different kinds of essays.(As the anchor
         reads, the sub-headings blink, one by one.)

                                      AN ‘ESSAY’


                                 a.Unity of thoughts
                                 and ideas.                     a.Reflective,
                                                                based on our abstract
   An ‘Essay’ is an              b.Should be in Order           thoughts. eg. Truth
   organized piece               c.Concise and to the           b.Narrative
   of writing, based             point.                         telling about an incident
   on a particular topic.        d.Mood and                     or someone’s life.

                                 e.Style is different in        c.Descriptive,
                                                                describing a place, thing.
                                 each kind of essay, and
                                 depends on the writer.         d.Imaginative,
                                                                containing the
                                                                imagination of the

Children ,let’s repeat what we have learnt till now .So far we have learnt:

(VO with text on screen. The words in dark letters should blink when the
anchor says those words.)

An essay is an organized piece of writing based on a particular topic.
    It should have Unity of thoughts and ideas,in order, concise and to the point,
      and should have a mood and style of its own, depending on the writer.


    It can be of different kinds- Reflective, based on our abstract thoughts ,eg.
     ‘Truth’; Narrative- telling about an incident or someone’s life; Descriptive-
     describing a place or thing; Imaginative-containing the imagination of the

    Before we start writing the essay, we should ask ourselves three

          •   What is the topic of the essay?
          •   Whom are we writing the essay for?
          •   What is its purpose?

    After we have answers to these questions, we make a rough outline,
     arranging them in order and then writing the minor points.

Question - Answer Session

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order.

(Question appears first, and after 3 seconds the answer appears)

   •   Question.   We should light a candle.
             The electricity has gone off.
              How will we study in the dark?

Answer.       The electricity has gone off.
              How will we study in the dark?
              We should light a candle.

   •   Question.      Every one wants justice.
             Instead we should follow the law.
             But, taking revenge by doing a criminal act is not the correct way.

Answer.       Every one wants justice.
              But, taking revenge by doing a criminal act is not the correct way.
              Instead we should follow the law.

   •   Question.       But, if we have the determination, we can overcome any
               Whatever be our aim, there will be challenges on the way.
               Determination means to work towards our aim without getting

Answer.        Determination means to work towards our aim without getting
               Whatever be our aim, there will be challenges on the way.
               But, if we have the determination, we can overcome any challenge.


Here’s a topic, think of any 3 things you can write on it, noting the points,
while watching the animated visual.

(Topic flashes with the animated collage on pollution, with music., After 3
seconds the answer flashes)


(Show an animated scene of air pollution,      noise pollution ,water pollution
,mixing visions and with appropriate music for about 3secs.).

  • What is pollution?
  • Its causes.
  • Its effects.
  • How can we reduce it?


(.Show an animated picture of a family watching TV in their living room, some
villagers watching TV in a Paan Shop, some young students viewing their
favourite program in the common room in a college, small children watching a
colourful cartoon in their school hall, people crowding around a TV in a
restaurant to watch a cricket match. This can again be shown by mixing
visions and appropriate music for 3 secs.)

  • Why do people watch television
  • Its uses.
  • Its harmful effects.
  • Steps to make it more useful.

Here’s one for you to think yourself.


Cut to Anchor:

So friends, while Kushal thinks about what all he can write, you think about what you
can write on the topic ‘Books’. Next time, we will learn how to convert these outlines
into an essay. Thank You for being with us. Hope you are all ready to write good
essays. Well,       GIVE IT A TRY!      ALL THE BEST!!

End of the episode.

The script has been reviewed by - -------------------------------


Signature - -------------------------------------------------------------

Date - ------------------------------------------------------------------


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  • 1. PES/ENG/IX/006 Note- File for Beta Evaluation. - Pl mark the portion reqd in Punjabi. A PUNJAB EDUSAT SOCIETY PRODUCTION SUBJECT - ENGLISH CLASS - IX CHAPTER - ESSAY WRITING- I MODULE - BASICS OF ESSAY WRITING (Word Count-2609) MM1 . MM-1 Start with an animated visual, showing a green area full of trees. A big bulldozer comes in and starts striking down and smashing the trees one by one .Show this visual disaster with appropriate musical impact. for at least 2 to 3 secs. Two teen aged boys, wearing shirts and trousers, passing by, see the shocking scene and stop. They start talking and protesting.(Show the animated images of the boys with the dialogues in bubbles) Shyam: Have you seen what’s happening? Kushal :Yes. See how ruthlessly they are smashing the trees! Shyam: I believe some Shopping Centre is coming up here. So they want to clear up the space, by spoiling the greenery and creating a concrete jungle. Kushal: Why can’t we stop them? Shyam: No! They said they had got the orders from the concerned authorities and they have to clear up the whole space! Kushal; It’s so sad that many people do not understand the value of trees and they are being cut down so mercilessly. Shyam: Let’s organize a written campaign to protest against the cutting of trees. In this way may be others join us too. Kushal: I have an Idea! Let’s write an effective Essay on the seriousness of the situation. This will be circulated in all the localities, so that there is a social awareness and people are motivated in general, to stop such things 1
  • 2. PES/ENG/IX/006 from happening. Shyam: That’s great. I’m sure some more people would like to join in the written campaign. Why wait? Let’s start immediately, so that fast action is taken. Anchor 1: pZfuU w?Bz{ ftFtk; j? fe s[;hA fJj fdqF t/y e/ u'ezB/ j' rJ/ j't'r/ . eh s[;h o[ykA dh eNkJh d/ fto'X ftZu j' oj/ b/y w[fjzw ftu Fkwb j'Dk g;zd eo'r/ .fJ; d/ bJh nkU ;G s'A gfjbkA n;hA fJe gqGktFkbh b/y fbyDkA f;yhJ/. fJ; gkm ftZu n;hA f;ykAr/ SUPER: LEARNING OBJECTIVES After this lesson ends, children will be able to • Define an essay. • Appreciate the need for an essay. • List the essentials for an essay. • State the different types of essays based upon the content. • Make an ordered outline to prepare for an essay. Text on screen with voice over What is an essay? fBpzX fbykJh dk T[j nk:'fis fj;k j? fi; ftZu b/ye fJe ftF/F ftF/ Bz{ ft;Eko Bkb gqrNkT[Dk ukjz[dk j? . Cut to ANCHOR 2: What this sentence means will become clear as we look at the different aspects of an essay. SUPER: (Insert a clipart or Icon to show unity in writing) Image for reference. • UNITY 2
  • 3. PES/ENG/IX/006 VO: Unity of thoughts is very important while planning to write an ‘Essay.’ Few children think loudly over a given topic. Points are noted down. Then the essay is written ,with the convergence of the common points, each one writing the points in his/her own way. Each point is linked to one given topic ,maintaining the unity of the written content. Anchor2 continues: fBpzX dk ftFk fJe jh j'Dk ukjhdk j?. n;hA ftF/ d/ tZy tZy gfjb{nkA s/ rb eo ;ed/ jkA go fJe ftF/ Bz{ fJe jh yzv ftZu Bjh fby ;ed/ ns/ BkA jh nrb/ yzv ftu fpbe[b tyok fby ;ed/ jkA For example, look at these two sentences. f;fynk ;ko/ pfunkA tk;s/ pj[s io{oh j? . w?Bz{ ;zrhs Bz{ ;[DBk pj[s uzrk brdk j?. Is there any connection between the two lines? Can you guess the topic of the essay from these lines? No, because there is no unity between the lines. Look at these lines now. f;fynk ;ko/ pfunkA tk;s/ pj[s io{oh j?.jo pZu/ Bz{ ;e{Pb ikDk uzrk brdk j?. Is there a topic now? Yes. Both the lines talk about education and children. So, our essay should have a clear topic and the whole essay should talk only about that and nothing else. SUPER ORDER (insert an icon or clipart to represent ‘order’.Image for reference.) + = LEARNING KNOWLEDGE EDUCATION 3
  • 4. PES/ENG/IX/006 Cut to ANCHOR3: s[;h ;ko/ fJ; rZb Bkb ;fjws j't'r/ fe id'A th n;hA fe;h yk; t;s{ pko/ rZb eod/ jkA ikA fe;h xNBk pko/ fbyd/ jkA skA T[BkAQ ;kohnkA rZbkA dk bVhpZX j'Dk pj[s io{oh j? . ;kfonkA ftukokA dk eqwtko j'Dk pj[s ioPoh j? .n;hA e'Jh th tke , i' ;kv/ fdwkr ftZu nkJ/ fJzM jh BjhA fby ;ed/ .;kfonkA ftukokA Bz{ ;'ue/ bVhpZX eo b?Dk ukjhdk j? . i/ n;h tkekA Bz{ bVhpZX Bjh eokAr/ skA T[j fBpzX p/soshpk pD ikJ/rk ns/ T[; Bz{ gVQB ftZu e'Jh ;[nkd BjhA nkJ/rk . . (This sentence appears on screen while the Anchor speaks) I fell down. I was playing in the park. The two sentences do not make sense. Was he playing in the park when he fell down or did he fall down and continue playing in the park? Look at the sentences now. (This sentence appears on screen while the Anchor speaks) I was playing in the park and I fell down. This makes sense. So, order of thoughts is very important to convey the correct meaning. SUPER: CONCISE VO. with icon and script shown on the screen. There is no rule to what the length of the essay should be but it should not be so long that the reader gets bored. Avoid repeating points and giving unnecessary details. A teacher asked two sisters Geeta and Payal, why they did not come to school the previous day. Here is how they answered. MM2: Show the teacher, Mrs.Sethi,wearing saree, an 8 year old girl,wearing salwar kameez and chunni, talking. Her dress should have the name Geeta written on it. Voice over is as follows- 4
  • 5. PES/ENG/IX/006 Mrs. Sethi: Geeta, Why were you absent, yesterday? Geeta:: Ma’am, I had to go for my cousin’s wedding. The wedding was in Mumbai. Do you know it takes two days by train to reach there? Mumbai is very crowded. Everybody is so busy there. Didi’s lehenga was so beautiful… Show another 8 year old girl wearing salwar , kameez and chunni, talking. Her dress should have the name Payal written on it. Voice over is as follows- Mrs. Sethi:And why did you not come, Payal? Payal: Ma’am, I had gone for my cousin’s wedding in Mumbai. Cut to ANCHOR4: nfXnkge f;oc fJj ikDBk ukjz[dk ;h fe e[Vh ;e{b feUA Bjh nkJh .wz[pJh ns/ ftnkj pko/ ikDekoh dh e'Jh b'V BjhA ;h fJ; finkdk ikDekoh B/ rhsk d/ i[nkp Bz{ nA?At/ jh bzpk pDk fdsk . SUPER : STYLE VO. With icon and script on the screen. The essay should be in a style in which you want to pass the message to the reader. You can be humorous or very serious; you can be casual or formal. The essay should have your individuality. Look at the following sentences. Text with voice over Let’s save trees. We can save trees if we want to. We must raise our voice and save our trees. Anchor4 continues: Can you see the different moods of the three sentences? The first one is casual. The second one is serious but is not motivating. The third sentence is both – serious and motivating. Which style do you think Kushal should choose? Now that depends upon you! 5
  • 6. PES/ENG/IX/006 Why do we write essays? We have seen why Kushal and Shyam want to write an essay. They want to educate people on saving trees. But that is not the only reason to write essays. An essay can be written on any topic. Based on the topics, we can classify essays into the following types. VO with Text on Screen (The words in dark letters should blink.) A Reflective essay contains our thoughts, belief and opinion on a topic. Example: ‘Speaking the truth’ In a Reflective essay, we present our opinions, our ideas on a topic. Examples of such topics are: ‘Speaking the truth’, ‘Are joint families better?’ , ‘Importance of being educated’, ‘Patriotism’ etc. A Narrative essay narrates an event or events in somebody’s life. Example: ‘Life of Guru Gobind Singhji’ In a Narrative essay, we narrate an event – when it took place, what happened, what caused it, what happened after the event etc. We sometimes talk about different events which took place in a person’s life. Examples of such topics are: ‘20-20 World Cup final’, ‘Life of Mahatma Gandhi’, ‘My first visit to a museum’ etc. A Descriptive essay describes a place/ thing/ phenomena. Example: ‘Earthquakes’ In a Descriptive essay, we describe the topic. We assume the reader knows nothing about it. We describe the topic, its causes, effects, relevance; give examples and facts required by the topic. Examples of such topics are: ‘Volcanoes’, ‘Oil Companies of India’, ‘Right nutrition for children’ etc. An Imaginative essay contains the imagination of the writer. Example: ‘My space journey’ In an Imaginative essay, we imagine an artificial situation and write down our thoughts. We put ourselves in situations we have never been in and imagine how it must be. The things written in these essays may or may not come true. Examples of such topics are: ‘If I were the President’, ‘If we lived on moon’, ‘A day without electricity’. Often essays are not of one particular type, but a combination of these types. One need not remember the types, but it is important to be aware of them. Cut to MM4: Show the two boys Shyam and Kushal again, talking to each other, the dialogues in bubbles. 6
  • 7. PES/ENG/IX/006 Kushal: OK, Let’s start writing the essay. First write down that we should protest against the cutting of trees. Shyam: Hey, wait. Don’t start writing immediately. Let’s first arrange our thoughts. Kushal: How should we go about writing the essay then? VO with Text on screen: Before you begin writing an essay, ask yourself the following questions. • What is the topic of the essay? • Whom are you writing the essay for? • What is its purpose? After you are clear about the aim of your essay, go on to decide what you are going to write. • First make a rough outline of the major aspects that you are going to write about. . • Then arrange them in a proper order. • Now under each major aspect that you wrote, think of the smaller points you want to include. • While thinking of smaller details, also think of examples, facts and proverbs that you wish to include in your essay. Shyam: So, Kushal. Let’s follow the procedure. We have decided on the topic, it is ‘Save our trees’. Now whom are you writing the essay for? Kushal: For the public, the residents of this colony. They should know about this. Shyam: What is the purpose of this essay? Kushal: Through this essay, I want to educate the residents about the importance of trees and want to motivate them to join me and protest against this cruelty. Shyam: Good. Now that our motive stands clear, let’s make the outline. Kushal: I will do that. Cut to Anchor- 5 While Kushal makes the outline for his essay, let’s see how one makes an outline. Let’s take a topic, say, ‘Education’. We want to write the essay for the people of 7
  • 8. PES/ENG/IX/006 India, children and elderly, and convince them about the necessity of education. What all should we write in it? VO with Text on screen: • EDUCATION-Meaning of the word,or definition of ‘Education’. • Need for education. • Present status of education in India. • Causes for not sending children to school. • What we can do about it. • Effect on the child’s life. Cut to Anchor 6: fJj ftFk pj[s ftFkb j? fJ;Bz{ fJe fBpzX ftZu g{ok eoBk pj[s w[Ffeb j? . go n;hA fJj efj ;ed/ jkA fe fJj ;ko/ B[es/ wZ[y jB fiBQkA d/ fj;kp Bkb ;kBz{ fBpzX fbyDk j? .fJj fXnkB d/D tkbh rZb j? fe fJE/ fe;h th B[es/ Bz{ ft;Eko Bkb BjhA df;nk frnk j? .j[D ;kBz{A fJBkQA ;kfonkA B[efsnkA Bz{ bVhpZX eoBk j?. f;fynk dh gfoGkFk ;G s'A gfjbkA nkT[Dh ukjhdh j? feUAeh T[j ;kv/ ftF/ dk noE ;gFN eo/rh Next should be the Needs, causes, then effects, then present status and finally the steps we can take towards the cause. Why this order? Well, imagine you are to explain why you are going with your friends for a picnic. What will you do? First you will explain why picnic is important and you want to go. Then you will ask for reasons why your parents don’t want you to go. Then you will tell them, what will happen if you don’t go. Then the present status, that is, how many of your friends are going etc. And finally you will try to suggest some steps by which both issues are resolved, like suggesting to go but come back early. Isn’t it? It’s exactly like that. Develop the topic as if it is a conversation. Only then will the readers enjoy and understand your essay. Super SUMMARY Cut to Anchor 7: Dear friends, let’s represent ‘Essay writing’ in a diagrammatic way: (Show the following diagram with VO explaining it.) The part of the diagram which the VO explains should blink, one at a time. 8
  • 9. PES/ENG/IX/006 VO • First we need to know ‘what is an Essay’.(Anchor reads from the diagram, and the sentences blink as the anchor reads.) • Next we come to the basic chareterestics of an ‘Essay’.(As the anchor reads, point by point, the main wordsor sub-headings will blink.) • Then we need to know the different kinds of essays.(As the anchor reads, the sub-headings blink, one by one.) AN ‘ESSAY’ WHAT IS AN ‘ESSAY’ CHARECTERESTICS DIFFERENT KINDS a.Unity of thoughts and ideas. a.Reflective, based on our abstract An ‘Essay’ is an b.Should be in Order thoughts. eg. Truth organized piece c.Concise and to the b.Narrative of writing, based point. telling about an incident on a particular topic. d.Mood and or someone’s life. e.Style is different in c.Descriptive, describing a place, thing. each kind of essay, and depends on the writer. d.Imaginative, containing the imagination of the writer. Children ,let’s repeat what we have learnt till now .So far we have learnt: (VO with text on screen. The words in dark letters should blink when the anchor says those words.) An essay is an organized piece of writing based on a particular topic.  It should have Unity of thoughts and ideas,in order, concise and to the point, and should have a mood and style of its own, depending on the writer. 9
  • 10. PES/ENG/IX/006  It can be of different kinds- Reflective, based on our abstract thoughts ,eg. ‘Truth’; Narrative- telling about an incident or someone’s life; Descriptive- describing a place or thing; Imaginative-containing the imagination of the writer.  Before we start writing the essay, we should ask ourselves three questions: • What is the topic of the essay? • Whom are we writing the essay for? • What is its purpose?  After we have answers to these questions, we make a rough outline, arranging them in order and then writing the minor points. Question - Answer Session Arrange the following sentences in the correct order. (Question appears first, and after 3 seconds the answer appears) • Question. We should light a candle. The electricity has gone off. How will we study in the dark? Answer. The electricity has gone off. How will we study in the dark? We should light a candle. • Question. Every one wants justice. Instead we should follow the law. But, taking revenge by doing a criminal act is not the correct way. Answer. Every one wants justice. But, taking revenge by doing a criminal act is not the correct way. Instead we should follow the law. • Question. But, if we have the determination, we can overcome any challenge. Whatever be our aim, there will be challenges on the way. Determination means to work towards our aim without getting distracted. Answer. Determination means to work towards our aim without getting distracted. Whatever be our aim, there will be challenges on the way. But, if we have the determination, we can overcome any challenge. 10
  • 11. PES/ENG/IX/006 Here’s a topic, think of any 3 things you can write on it, noting the points, while watching the animated visual. (Topic flashes with the animated collage on pollution, with music., After 3 seconds the answer flashes) TOPIC – POLLUTION (Show an animated scene of air pollution, noise pollution ,water pollution ,mixing visions and with appropriate music for about 3secs.). Answer • What is pollution? • Its causes. • Its effects. • How can we reduce it? TOPIC – TELEVISION (.Show an animated picture of a family watching TV in their living room, some villagers watching TV in a Paan Shop, some young students viewing their favourite program in the common room in a college, small children watching a colourful cartoon in their school hall, people crowding around a TV in a restaurant to watch a cricket match. This can again be shown by mixing visions and appropriate music for 3 secs.) Answer • Why do people watch television • Its uses. • Its harmful effects. • Steps to make it more useful. Here’s one for you to think yourself. TOPIC – BOOKS Cut to Anchor: So friends, while Kushal thinks about what all he can write, you think about what you can write on the topic ‘Books’. Next time, we will learn how to convert these outlines into an essay. Thank You for being with us. Hope you are all ready to write good essays. Well, GIVE IT A TRY! ALL THE BEST!! End of the episode. The script has been reviewed by - ------------------------------- 11
  • 12. PES/ENG/IX/006 Signature - ------------------------------------------------------------- Date - ------------------------------------------------------------------ 12