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IT 7113 Research Project
Joselyn Giron
Ethan Chandler
December 15th 2019
• In this report we take a look at four visualization tools: Tableau,
Google Data Studio, Qlikview, and Datawrapper in order to clearly
explain the differences that each platform has.
• Business Intelligence operations in a company with low data
governance will need different capabilities than a business with
multiple DBA’s. Our goal for this report is to:
• Help better understand the proper use case for each product
• What abilities each platform provides that helps make business decisions.
• Better understand what business needs help make determinations for
data visualization tools and platforms
Problem Statement
Which data visualization tool is the right one to use?
• Tableau has become one of the most trusted names in data visualization
software. Its design is more user friendly than most and focuses on creating
visualizations and putting them together in Stories or Dashboards. Tableau can
scale to the user's ability because of its ability to make very good visualizations
for users with no experience but with an experienced user the possibilities of
Tableau make it one of the most powerful all-around data visualization tools
• On the initial start Tableau offers a view like many visualization software's with
the option to import data. When this is done in multiple tables the tables can
be joined in any way the user sees fit. With this option larger schemas can be
used. Unlike quicker visualization tools Tableau can handle large data sets. Once
loaded the data source view shows the data in a column and row view where
the user can refine the data types and columns that will be needed for
visualization creation. Once the load is completed Tableau becomes a click and
drag interface with a UI that is easy to operate. By simply dragging data from
the dock on the left onto the canvas Tableau can begin to try and interpret the
type of chart the user is trying to create. If Tableau chooses incorrectly the user
can select from many different options.
• When considering data visualization tools Tableau both delivers the ease of
design but also the ability to derive data from inside the software. This ease of
use transfers well to the syntax used in Tableau and it is its own version of a
standard development language. Simple syntax helps the user be able to create
and extrapolate on the data that the user has imported. Tableau gives the user
the ability to create these derived columns but also manipulate them with
measures and switch statements. All of these options make Tableau incredibly
flexible, especially for a power user. To be able to write proprietary filters and
create calculations that are not originally in the data inside of the visualization
tool is a very important feature included in Tableau. Most other visualization
software is not as user friendly when developing.
• Tableau is also set apart in its geographical abilities. With Esri mapping software
plugins Tableau now has one of the leaders in GIS software inside of its
analytical visualization tool. This pairing can help create maps easily without any
experience needed. Geographical data can be mapped easily because of
Tableau’s built in catalogue of mapping knowledge. Zip codes and Cities are
already there to be used in filled maps and heat maps.
• Tableau in case studies on helping with management is considered a
logical next step from standard visualizations like ones available in
MacroSoft's Excel. (3) The ability to create visualizations without the need
for programming is a great strength of Tableau.
• Salesforce is a large CRM software company. Its recent acquisition of
Tableau it has created a greater market for Tableau. Having the link
between Tableau and Salesforce data will make visualizations for
businesses of that are already employing Tableau even easier. Salesforce is
in use in all business sizes and types and this makes Tableau even easier
to begin creating visualizations. A connection between the two will make
Tableau the choice of those already using Salesforce and create a
workflow between the two platforms so that the visualization developer
has to spend less time cleaning and transforming the data for use in
Tableau- Sheet
1. Data Source
2. Dimensions
3. Measures
4. Parameters
5. Filters Card
6. Marks Card
7. Columns &
Row Data
8. Visualization
Tableau- Dashboard
9. Screen Type
10. Sheets
11. Objects
12. Toolbar for
13. Dashboard
14. Filters
Tableau- Data Connections
Data Connections
16. Data Connection
17. Tables
18. Joins
19. Data
20. Connection to
• Google Data Studio is a web-based only data visualization tool that
allows raw data to be presented in interactive dashboards.
• It is a very recent tool- launched in 2016 and was released from
beta mode in 2018.
• Connectors to Google Data Sources- It is not only a single BI tool, it
can work with other tools from the Google Analytics Solutions data
(software suite for analyzing data)
• Allows the transformation of raw data into interactive visualizations
dashboards and has a library of built-in visual types
• It is a great tool for collaboration- can allow others to view and edit
the dashboard you are working with (the same way as other Google
tools such as Google Docs and Google Drive)
Google Data Studio
1. Button to create new file
2. Search bar
3. File type tabs (reports,
data sources, explorer)
4. Option icons
5. Filter file list
6. Report samples and
7. File list
Google Data Studio
Report Editor
1. Logo to return to Reports Home page
2. Menu bar
3. Embed reports, full screen, data
freshness, copy report, view/edit toggle,
google marketing platform product
switcher, google profile icon
4. Page controls
5. Undo/Redo
6. Add a chart button
7. Text, image, and shape tools
8. Data range, filter control, data controls
9. Share report button
10. Where charts will be displayed
11. Properties panel
12. Available fields panel
Google Data Studio
Data Source editor
1. Data source name
2. Version history
3. Data source options
4. Copy
5. Create report
6. Add a field
7. Edit connection
8. Fields
9. Field type
10. Aggregation
11. Calculated fields
12.Refresh fields
13.Field count
Google Data Studio
Google Data Studio
Chart Types
Area Charts
Bar Charts
Bullet Charts
Geo Charts
Google Data Studio
Chart Types
Other charts types include:
 combo
 scorecard
 pie
 pivot table
 tables
• Fully integration with other
Google products
• Simple to use
• Great collaboration
• Not as flexible when it
comes to dashboards
• Cannot add custom visuals
only modify the ones available
• No functionality for mixing
and blending data- the data
itself must be ready for
• There is no desktop version
of this tool
Google Data Studio
Advantages and Disadvantages
• Qlikview is one the most frequent used analytics tools due to its
reliability and ease-of-use.
• Combines some of the industry standard tools (artificial intelligence,
internet of things, analytics engine) for efficient data analysis.
• Qlikview’s focus is on the user as receiver of data. Maintains
association between data and retrieval of relative items.
• Is a flexible software that allows customization to the look and feel
of any visualizations and dashboards.
• Enables conduction of data cleansing operations (extract, transform,
load engine)
• Manipulation of data associations automatically- can recognized
relationship between various data items in a set without any explicit
pre-configuration work by the user.
• Useful dashboard features that allow creation of advance
dashboards based on data from multiple sources.
• Faster queries and more memory-efficient due to keeping the data
input in memory, for example keeping data input in the RAM of a
server. Quick computation of aggregation instead of querying
precomputed aggregated values.
Qlikview- Features
Qlikview- Features
Types of charts include:
 bar
 line
 combo
 scatter
 pie
 pivot table
 straight table
Qlikview- Chart Types
To add a chart in QlikView right-click on dashboard, go to new
sheet object, and click on Chart option. The window above will
Qlikview- Chart Types
Block Charts Scatter chart
• Qlikview provides prebuilt
dashboards application and
associative dashboards that are
innovative and intuitive to use.
• Provides advanced search
capabilities by pulling data in-
memory with the use of the
associative dashboards
• Dashboard and reports are
easy to navigate
• Building reports requires high
level of developer skills and
have proficiency in SQL and
Qlikview’s query language
• Pricing can be expensive
and its pricing policy can be
confusing and not
Qlikview- Advantages
and Disadvantages
• Pacific Life Insurance Company- a company that offers variety of life
insurance products, annuities, mutual funds, and services for both individuals
and businesses, choose to use Qlikview due to its user-driven solution.
• Tim Shaheen, VP of strategy and shared services in Pacific Life’s Life Division, stated that
the quick turnaround is a major benefit of Qlikview:
• “We don’t wait for everything to be fully fleshed out before we start putting information and
contents in front of folk, instead we iterate through designs to get to a solution.”
• Their company wanted a BI tool that would apply agile methodology as users would
build applications, test these, and then rebuild again.
• Before using Qlikview, the company was using Excel for static reports and Microsoft SQL
Server Reporting Services to generate reports.
• One of the challenges with Qlikview was with data governance- tracking data
transformation and lineage within the files has been difficult: to help manage the issue
used software called Informatica for metadata management and have staff member
specialize in data governance
• For the future, would like to expand Qlikview’s usage to other departments such as their
Finance Department.
Qlikview Case Studies
• Accounting firm called Armanino also decided to use QlikView in order
to solve it’s issue with spending days pulling data from various sources
for monthly meetings.
• Created an executive dashboard with metrics such as revenue,
realization, staff utilization, effective rate per hour, and accounts
receivable aging. The firm’s users can have different permissions rights.
• The results of using Qlikview was that it enable their users to better
understand their business in a real-time basis (uptick on key metrics that
impacted profitability).
Qlikview Case Studies
• DataWrapper is a data visualization tool that is open source and
available on the web or can be locally installed and run.
• Unlike the larger data visualization tools in use
today DataWrapper focuses on the ease of creating a quick and
effective chart, graph, or map. The approach is one that does not
require any coding or design to create a visualization.
• While most visualization software requires knowledge of the platform
or software to create DataWrapper does not require anything from
the user. This makes DataWrapper very simple to create and publish
charts for consumption by embedding online or as a report image.
For the user who rarely needs visualizations DataWrapper would be
the most efficient option.
• While it is possible to use live data with a locally installed version
of DataWrapper this research will focus on the most common
application of DataWrapper which is online access via the browser.
“Datawrapper, was developed for data journalism and powers
the interactive graphs in online news services.”
• Users of DataWrapper may be using data from a flat text file or csv
and need a graph very quickly and that is what DataWrapper offers.
• As cost is prohibitive of most BI platforms specifically Tableau
and PowerBI with their monthly subscription fees for
use, DataWrapper is completely free to use and publish visualizations.
These visualizations are limited but there is no concern of licensing or
The cost and steps that take it to create a
visualization set DataWrapper apart from the other
visualization tools because of their ease of use. No
account creation is required which makes this the
best for purposes that are quick and no need to
save the work for future changes. After the data is
uploaded then it can be cleaned and transformed if
needed. Calculated columns can be created
using JavaScript as the syntax to perform any
functions on the data such as average or sum. Then
it takes the user to the visualize phase where the
user simply adds labels, determines groups that the
data might need to be colored in and sorting. If
dates are in the data here in the visualization stage
can the user set up max and min dates. After all
steps have been taken the user proceeds to the
publish phase where an email is used to send the
embed code and an iframe is sent for the final
product to be embedded into a webpage or report.
Once this is finished the chart is hosted
by Datawrapper. This is much easier than most BI
software that requires a server or cloud subscription
to host the queried data and visualization.
• In a use case where business dashboards with multiple visualizations and
data sets are needed DataWrapper will not be useful. It excels in producing
quick easy to understand visualizations. Charting maps is a newer feature
of DataWrapper and it allows for a more immersive ability to use
geographical data and see more than simple charts and graphs that are
available in excel. This option has helped expand DataWrapper from a
quick solution to a more full-service visualization tool while still not being a
reporting tool like Tableau, PowerBI or Google Data Studio. Mapping
however is a very good use of DataWrapper because of its ease of use. A
smaller company looking to investigate CRM data that includes geographic
data could use this to visualize their customer base and more with the
offerings that are in their newly added mapping portfolio.
• There are very little analysis abilities in DataWrapper. The only calculations
that are possible are calculated columns written in JavaScript. This is useful
but cannot be used to help make business decisions and stakeholders can
view the charts, but the underlying information will be required to be put
through the ETL phases before it arrives at DataWrapper. This makes it less
useful for projects or users with data that can change quickly and should
be monitored. Reports should be run in another visualization tool because
each time the data is updated it will require the visualization to be rebuilt
or reloaded to be current.
• The initial abilities of DataWrapper are very similar to Google Data Studio
with its layout and its quick visualization creation. But it lacks the ability to
create multiple visualizations or filters to help users drill down into data on
a more granular level. Unlike Tableau the charts are not initially well
designed and may take some color changes and formatting to ensure that
they are visually appealing and useful for a report or end user.
• Overall DataWrapper does not offer many options that Microsoft Excel
could offer. In a time where most computing has moved from the local
machine and into the browser DataWrapper will have some use cases. Data
wrapper also gives the user the ability to create one visual and not need an
account but also the ability to create an account if they would like to edit
visualizations later. By creating a quick visualization creator DataWrapper is
the solution for users who need visualizations for reports that are not
transactional data that changes regularly or for journalistic reasons where
the story being told is not dynamic and will only be used once.
DataWrapper- Upload Data
Upload Data
1. Data Import
2. Copy and Paste
DataWrapper- Data
Check & Describe
3. Create Calculated
4. Review Data
DataWrapper- Visualize
5. Select Chart Type
6. Select Color Scheme
DataWrapper- Visualize
Visualize -
7. Annotate and
Tool Tip design
8. Publish &
• The average DataWrapper user is one with the following needs:
• Quick Visualization Creation
• No cost to create and use
• Can be used anywhere without software
• Simple Visualizations with some interactive features like tooltip
• Embedding into website
• Historical data that will not be dynamic
• The average Tableau user is one with the following needs:
• Pre-cleaned data
• Looking for clean UI
• Easy to understand when creating new measures
• The average Qlikview user is one with the following needs:
• Is the right solution for a business if they are prepared to apply and use a software that has a
programmatic interface.
• Users of this tool must have the right question from the beginning and be willing to put extra effort in
maintaining proper reporting of data.
• Speed and efficiency in creating dashboards
• The average Google Data Studio user is one with the following needs:
• Simple to use tool
• Sharing dashboards and reports with other users for collaboration work.
Agarwal, A. (2019). Hands-on dashboard development with QlikView : Practical
guide to creating interactive and user-friendly business intelligence dashboards.
Birmingham ; Mumbai : Packt Publishing.
ALEXANDER, A. (2014). Case Studies: Business intelligence. Accounting Today,
28(6), 32. Retrieved from
Bobriakov, I. (2018). A Comparative Analysis of Top 6 BI and Data Visualization
Tools in 2018. Medium. Retrieved from
Briggs, L. (2015). BI Case Study. Business Intelligence Journal, 20(1), 30–32.
Retrieved from
Chart References. Data Studio Help. Google Support. Retrieved from
Ertug, G., Gruber, M., Nyberg, A., & Steensma, H. K. (2018). From the Editors-A Brief
Primer on Data Visualization Opportunities in Management Research. Academy of
Management Journal, 61(5), 1613–1625. https://doi-
Find your way around. Data Studio Help. Google Support. Retrieved from
Lisa Maria Perkhofer, Peter Hofer, Conny Walchshofer, Thomas Plank, & Hans-
Christian Jetter. (2019). Interactive visualization of big data in the field of accounting :
A survey of current practice and potential barriers for adoption. Journal of Applied
Accounting Research, 20(4), 497–525. https://doi-
Business intelligence and data visualisation tools make translating complex financial
information into something useful for stakeholders a much easier task. Acuity, 6(5),
Resource/Reading List
• Tableau:
• Learning Tableau 2019: Tools for Business Intelligence, data prep, and visual
analytics, 3rd Edition by Joshua N. Milligan
• Visual Analytics with Tableau by Alexander Loth
• Design and Tableau Information
• Forum and Walkthroughs
• Google Data Studio:
• Report Gallery:
• Google Analytics YouTube channel playlist:
• Blog post: An overview of all Google Data Studio Chart types in 2019 by
Michael Howe-Ely
Resource/Reading List
• Qlikview:
• QlikView Essentials by Chandraish Sinha
• For other books see article: Best books for Qlikview Learning
• Qlikview help guide:
• DataWrapper:
• DataWrapper’s blog:
• Thoughts & How to do’s category:
Google Data Studio Qlikview Tableau DataWrapper
Importing File type MySQL, Google
Sheets, CVS,
Excel, SQL CSV, Excel, Copy and Paste,
XLS, CSV, Google
Sheet, Link External
Publishing Style Reports,
Dashboard Single Visualization
Live Yes Yes Yes No
Data Manipulation
Javascript SQL Proprietary Javascript
• Offered Natively
— Can be Developed
Chart Type Google Data
Qlikview Tableau DataWrapper
Bar Chart • • • •
Split Bars • • • •
Stacked Bars • • • •
Grouped Bars • • • •
Bullet Bars • • •
Dot Plot • •
Range Plot — •
Arrow Plot — •
Column Chart • • • •
Grouped Column Chart • • • •
Stacked Column Chart • • • •
Area Chart • • • •
Chart Type Google Data
Qlikview Tableau DataWrapper
Line Chart • • • •
Pie Chart • • — •
Donut Chart • • — •
Multiple Pies • • — •
Multiple Donuts • • — •
Scatter Plot • • — •
Election Donut • — •
Table • • — •
Heat Maps • • •
Highlight tables •
Packed Bubbles •
Gantt Chart — •
Circle View •
Maps • — • •
Symbol Maps — • •
Legend • Offered Natively
— Can be Developed
Thank You

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IT7113 research project_group_4

  • 1. IT 7113 Research Project Report Joselyn Giron Ethan Chandler December 15th 2019
  • 2. • In this report we take a look at four visualization tools: Tableau, Google Data Studio, Qlikview, and Datawrapper in order to clearly explain the differences that each platform has. • Business Intelligence operations in a company with low data governance will need different capabilities than a business with multiple DBA’s. Our goal for this report is to: • Help better understand the proper use case for each product • What abilities each platform provides that helps make business decisions. • Better understand what business needs help make determinations for data visualization tools and platforms Abstract/executive overview
  • 3. DATA VISUALIZATIO N TOOLS GOOGLE DATA STUDIO DATAWRAPPER TABLEAU QLIKVIEW Problem Statement Which data visualization tool is the right one to use?
  • 4. • Tableau has become one of the most trusted names in data visualization software. Its design is more user friendly than most and focuses on creating visualizations and putting them together in Stories or Dashboards. Tableau can scale to the user's ability because of its ability to make very good visualizations for users with no experience but with an experienced user the possibilities of Tableau make it one of the most powerful all-around data visualization tools today. • On the initial start Tableau offers a view like many visualization software's with the option to import data. When this is done in multiple tables the tables can be joined in any way the user sees fit. With this option larger schemas can be used. Unlike quicker visualization tools Tableau can handle large data sets. Once loaded the data source view shows the data in a column and row view where the user can refine the data types and columns that will be needed for visualization creation. Once the load is completed Tableau becomes a click and drag interface with a UI that is easy to operate. By simply dragging data from the dock on the left onto the canvas Tableau can begin to try and interpret the type of chart the user is trying to create. If Tableau chooses incorrectly the user can select from many different options. Tableau
  • 5. • When considering data visualization tools Tableau both delivers the ease of design but also the ability to derive data from inside the software. This ease of use transfers well to the syntax used in Tableau and it is its own version of a standard development language. Simple syntax helps the user be able to create and extrapolate on the data that the user has imported. Tableau gives the user the ability to create these derived columns but also manipulate them with measures and switch statements. All of these options make Tableau incredibly flexible, especially for a power user. To be able to write proprietary filters and create calculations that are not originally in the data inside of the visualization tool is a very important feature included in Tableau. Most other visualization software is not as user friendly when developing. • Tableau is also set apart in its geographical abilities. With Esri mapping software plugins Tableau now has one of the leaders in GIS software inside of its analytical visualization tool. This pairing can help create maps easily without any experience needed. Geographical data can be mapped easily because of Tableau’s built in catalogue of mapping knowledge. Zip codes and Cities are already there to be used in filled maps and heat maps. Tableau
  • 6. • Tableau in case studies on helping with management is considered a logical next step from standard visualizations like ones available in MacroSoft's Excel. (3) The ability to create visualizations without the need for programming is a great strength of Tableau. • Salesforce is a large CRM software company. Its recent acquisition of Tableau it has created a greater market for Tableau. Having the link between Tableau and Salesforce data will make visualizations for businesses of that are already employing Tableau even easier. Salesforce is in use in all business sizes and types and this makes Tableau even easier to begin creating visualizations. A connection between the two will make Tableau the choice of those already using Salesforce and create a workflow between the two platforms so that the visualization developer has to spend less time cleaning and transforming the data for use in Tableau. Tableau
  • 7. Tableau- Sheet Sheet 1. Data Source 2. Dimensions 3. Measures 4. Parameters 5. Filters Card 6. Marks Card 7. Columns & Row Data 8. Visualization
  • 8. Tableau- Dashboard Sheet 9. Screen Type 10. Sheets 11. Objects 12. Toolbar for Viewing 13. Dashboard 14. Filters 15. Sheets/Dashboard Tabs
  • 9. Tableau- Data Connections Data Connections 16. Data Connection 17. Tables 18. Joins 19. Data 20. Connection to Data
  • 10. • Google Data Studio is a web-based only data visualization tool that allows raw data to be presented in interactive dashboards. • It is a very recent tool- launched in 2016 and was released from beta mode in 2018. • Connectors to Google Data Sources- It is not only a single BI tool, it can work with other tools from the Google Analytics Solutions data (software suite for analyzing data) • Allows the transformation of raw data into interactive visualizations dashboards and has a library of built-in visual types • It is a great tool for collaboration- can allow others to view and edit the dashboard you are working with (the same way as other Google tools such as Google Docs and Google Drive) Google Data Studio Features
  • 11. Homepage 1. Button to create new file 2. Search bar 3. File type tabs (reports, data sources, explorer) 4. Option icons 5. Filter file list 6. Report samples and templates 7. File list Google Data Studio Features
  • 12. Report Editor 1. Logo to return to Reports Home page 2. Menu bar 3. Embed reports, full screen, data freshness, copy report, view/edit toggle, google marketing platform product switcher, google profile icon 4. Page controls 5. Undo/Redo 6. Add a chart button 7. Text, image, and shape tools 8. Data range, filter control, data controls 9. Share report button 10. Where charts will be displayed 11. Properties panel 12. Available fields panel Google Data Studio Features
  • 13. Data Source editor 1. Data source name 2. Version history 3. Data source options 4. Copy 5. Create report 6. Add a field 7. Edit connection 8. Fields 9. Field type 10. Aggregation 11. Calculated fields 12.Refresh fields 13.Field count Google Data Studio Features
  • 14. Google Data Studio Chart Types Area Charts Bar Charts Bullet Charts Geo Charts
  • 15. Google Data Studio Chart Types Treemaps Other charts types include:  combo  scorecard  pie  pivot table  tables
  • 16. • Fully integration with other Google products • Simple to use • Great collaboration capabilities • Not as flexible when it comes to dashboards interactivity • Cannot add custom visuals only modify the ones available • No functionality for mixing and blending data- the data itself must be ready for visualization • There is no desktop version of this tool Google Data Studio Advantages and Disadvantages
  • 17. • Qlikview is one the most frequent used analytics tools due to its reliability and ease-of-use. • Combines some of the industry standard tools (artificial intelligence, internet of things, analytics engine) for efficient data analysis. • Qlikview’s focus is on the user as receiver of data. Maintains association between data and retrieval of relative items. • Is a flexible software that allows customization to the look and feel of any visualizations and dashboards. • Enables conduction of data cleansing operations (extract, transform, load engine) Qlikview
  • 18. • Manipulation of data associations automatically- can recognized relationship between various data items in a set without any explicit pre-configuration work by the user. • Useful dashboard features that allow creation of advance dashboards based on data from multiple sources. • Faster queries and more memory-efficient due to keeping the data input in memory, for example keeping data input in the RAM of a server. Quick computation of aggregation instead of querying precomputed aggregated values. Qlikview- Features
  • 20. Types of charts include:  bar  line  combo  scatter  pie  pivot table  straight table Qlikview- Chart Types To add a chart in QlikView right-click on dashboard, go to new sheet object, and click on Chart option. The window above will appear.
  • 21. Qlikview- Chart Types Block Charts Scatter chart
  • 22. • Qlikview provides prebuilt dashboards application and associative dashboards that are innovative and intuitive to use. • Provides advanced search capabilities by pulling data in- memory with the use of the associative dashboards • Dashboard and reports are easy to navigate • Building reports requires high level of developer skills and have proficiency in SQL and Qlikview’s query language • Pricing can be expensive and its pricing policy can be confusing and not straightforward Qlikview- Advantages and Disadvantages
  • 23. • Pacific Life Insurance Company- a company that offers variety of life insurance products, annuities, mutual funds, and services for both individuals and businesses, choose to use Qlikview due to its user-driven solution. • Tim Shaheen, VP of strategy and shared services in Pacific Life’s Life Division, stated that the quick turnaround is a major benefit of Qlikview: • “We don’t wait for everything to be fully fleshed out before we start putting information and contents in front of folk, instead we iterate through designs to get to a solution.” • Their company wanted a BI tool that would apply agile methodology as users would build applications, test these, and then rebuild again. • Before using Qlikview, the company was using Excel for static reports and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services to generate reports. • One of the challenges with Qlikview was with data governance- tracking data transformation and lineage within the files has been difficult: to help manage the issue used software called Informatica for metadata management and have staff member specialize in data governance • For the future, would like to expand Qlikview’s usage to other departments such as their Finance Department. Qlikview Case Studies
  • 24. • Accounting firm called Armanino also decided to use QlikView in order to solve it’s issue with spending days pulling data from various sources for monthly meetings. • Created an executive dashboard with metrics such as revenue, realization, staff utilization, effective rate per hour, and accounts receivable aging. The firm’s users can have different permissions rights. • The results of using Qlikview was that it enable their users to better understand their business in a real-time basis (uptick on key metrics that impacted profitability). Qlikview Case Studies
  • 25. • DataWrapper is a data visualization tool that is open source and available on the web or can be locally installed and run. • Unlike the larger data visualization tools in use today DataWrapper focuses on the ease of creating a quick and effective chart, graph, or map. The approach is one that does not require any coding or design to create a visualization. • While most visualization software requires knowledge of the platform or software to create DataWrapper does not require anything from the user. This makes DataWrapper very simple to create and publish charts for consumption by embedding online or as a report image. For the user who rarely needs visualizations DataWrapper would be the most efficient option. Datawrapper
  • 26. • While it is possible to use live data with a locally installed version of DataWrapper this research will focus on the most common application of DataWrapper which is online access via the browser. “Datawrapper, was developed for data journalism and powers the interactive graphs in online news services.” • Users of DataWrapper may be using data from a flat text file or csv and need a graph very quickly and that is what DataWrapper offers. • As cost is prohibitive of most BI platforms specifically Tableau and PowerBI with their monthly subscription fees for use, DataWrapper is completely free to use and publish visualizations. These visualizations are limited but there is no concern of licensing or publishing. Datawrapper
  • 27. The cost and steps that take it to create a visualization set DataWrapper apart from the other visualization tools because of their ease of use. No account creation is required which makes this the best for purposes that are quick and no need to save the work for future changes. After the data is uploaded then it can be cleaned and transformed if needed. Calculated columns can be created using JavaScript as the syntax to perform any functions on the data such as average or sum. Then it takes the user to the visualize phase where the user simply adds labels, determines groups that the data might need to be colored in and sorting. If dates are in the data here in the visualization stage can the user set up max and min dates. After all steps have been taken the user proceeds to the publish phase where an email is used to send the embed code and an iframe is sent for the final product to be embedded into a webpage or report. Once this is finished the chart is hosted by Datawrapper. This is much easier than most BI software that requires a server or cloud subscription to host the queried data and visualization. Datawrapper
  • 28. • In a use case where business dashboards with multiple visualizations and data sets are needed DataWrapper will not be useful. It excels in producing quick easy to understand visualizations. Charting maps is a newer feature of DataWrapper and it allows for a more immersive ability to use geographical data and see more than simple charts and graphs that are available in excel. This option has helped expand DataWrapper from a quick solution to a more full-service visualization tool while still not being a reporting tool like Tableau, PowerBI or Google Data Studio. Mapping however is a very good use of DataWrapper because of its ease of use. A smaller company looking to investigate CRM data that includes geographic data could use this to visualize their customer base and more with the offerings that are in their newly added mapping portfolio. Datawrapper
  • 29. • There are very little analysis abilities in DataWrapper. The only calculations that are possible are calculated columns written in JavaScript. This is useful but cannot be used to help make business decisions and stakeholders can view the charts, but the underlying information will be required to be put through the ETL phases before it arrives at DataWrapper. This makes it less useful for projects or users with data that can change quickly and should be monitored. Reports should be run in another visualization tool because each time the data is updated it will require the visualization to be rebuilt or reloaded to be current. • The initial abilities of DataWrapper are very similar to Google Data Studio with its layout and its quick visualization creation. But it lacks the ability to create multiple visualizations or filters to help users drill down into data on a more granular level. Unlike Tableau the charts are not initially well designed and may take some color changes and formatting to ensure that they are visually appealing and useful for a report or end user. Datawrapper
  • 30. • Overall DataWrapper does not offer many options that Microsoft Excel could offer. In a time where most computing has moved from the local machine and into the browser DataWrapper will have some use cases. Data wrapper also gives the user the ability to create one visual and not need an account but also the ability to create an account if they would like to edit visualizations later. By creating a quick visualization creator DataWrapper is the solution for users who need visualizations for reports that are not transactional data that changes regularly or for journalistic reasons where the story being told is not dynamic and will only be used once. Datawrapper
  • 31. DataWrapper- Upload Data Upload Data 1. Data Import Options 2. Copy and Paste Field
  • 32. DataWrapper- Data Check & Describe 3. Create Calculated Colum 4. Review Data
  • 33. DataWrapper- Visualize Visualize 5. Select Chart Type 6. Select Color Scheme
  • 34. DataWrapper- Visualize Visualize - Refine 7. Annotate and Tool Tip design 8. Publish & Embed
  • 35. • The average DataWrapper user is one with the following needs: • Quick Visualization Creation • No cost to create and use • Can be used anywhere without software • Simple Visualizations with some interactive features like tooltip • Embedding into website • Historical data that will not be dynamic • The average Tableau user is one with the following needs: • Pre-cleaned data • Looking for clean UI • Easy to understand when creating new measures • The average Qlikview user is one with the following needs: • Is the right solution for a business if they are prepared to apply and use a software that has a programmatic interface. • Users of this tool must have the right question from the beginning and be willing to put extra effort in maintaining proper reporting of data. • Speed and efficiency in creating dashboards • The average Google Data Studio user is one with the following needs: • Simple to use tool • Sharing dashboards and reports with other users for collaboration work. Conclusion
  • 36. Agarwal, A. (2019). Hands-on dashboard development with QlikView : Practical guide to creating interactive and user-friendly business intelligence dashboards. Birmingham ; Mumbai : Packt Publishing. ALEXANDER, A. (2014). Case Studies: Business intelligence. Accounting Today, 28(6), 32. Retrieved from &AN=96516056&site=ehost-live&scope=site Bobriakov, I. (2018). A Comparative Analysis of Top 6 BI and Data Visualization Tools in 2018. Medium. Retrieved from machine-learning-company/a-comparative-analysis-of-top-6-bi-and-data- visualization-tools-in-2018-658490665973 Briggs, L. (2015). BI Case Study. Business Intelligence Journal, 20(1), 30–32. Retrieved from &AN=101605387&site=eds-live&scope=site References
  • 37. Chart References. Data Studio Help. Google Support. Retrieved from Ertug, G., Gruber, M., Nyberg, A., & Steensma, H. K. (2018). From the Editors-A Brief Primer on Data Visualization Opportunities in Management Research. Academy of Management Journal, 61(5), 1613–1625. https://doi- Find your way around. Data Studio Help. Google Support. Retrieved from Lisa Maria Perkhofer, Peter Hofer, Conny Walchshofer, Thomas Plank, & Hans- Christian Jetter. (2019). Interactive visualization of big data in the field of accounting : A survey of current practice and potential barriers for adoption. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 20(4), 497–525. https://doi- MACPHERSON, S. (2019). CHOOSING THE RIGHT BUSINESS INSIGHT TOOLS: Business intelligence and data visualisation tools make translating complex financial information into something useful for stakeholders a much easier task. Acuity, 6(5), 50–53. N=138905569&site=eds-live&scope=site References
  • 38. Resource/Reading List • Tableau: • Learning Tableau 2019: Tools for Business Intelligence, data prep, and visual analytics, 3rd Edition by Joshua N. Milligan • Visual Analytics with Tableau by Alexander Loth • Design and Tableau Information • Forum and Walkthroughs • Google Data Studio: • Report Gallery: • Google Analytics YouTube channel playlist: fbVvA4_a6YZxWHEO4 • Blog post: An overview of all Google Data Studio Chart types in 2019 by Michael Howe-Ely all-google-data-studio-chart-types-in-2019/
  • 39. Resource/Reading List • Qlikview: • QlikView Essentials by Chandraish Sinha • For other books see article: Best books for Qlikview Learning 451d5a715e1e • Qlikview help guide: US/qlikview/April2019/Content/QV_HelpSites/Home.htm • DataWrapper: • DataWrapper’s blog: • Thoughts & How to do’s category: to-s/
  • 40. Appendix Google Data Studio Qlikview Tableau DataWrapper Importing File type MySQL, Google Sheets, CVS, BigQuery Excel, SQL CSV, Excel, Copy and Paste, XLS, CSV, Google Sheet, Link External Dataset Publishing Style Reports, Dashboards Reports, Dashboards Dashboard Single Visualization Live Yes Yes Yes No Data Manipulation Language Javascript SQL Proprietary Javascript
  • 41. Appendix • Offered Natively — Can be Developed Legend Chart Type Google Data Studio Qlikview Tableau DataWrapper Bar Chart • • • • Split Bars • • • • Stacked Bars • • • • Grouped Bars • • • • Bullet Bars • • • Dot Plot • • Range Plot — • Arrow Plot — • Column Chart • • • • Grouped Column Chart • • • • Stacked Column Chart • • • • Area Chart • • • •
  • 42. Appendix Chart Type Google Data Studio Qlikview Tableau DataWrapper Line Chart • • • • Pie Chart • • — • Donut Chart • • — • Multiple Pies • • — • Multiple Donuts • • — • Scatter Plot • • — • Election Donut • — • Table • • — • Heat Maps • • • Highlight tables • Packed Bubbles • Gantt Chart — • Circle View • Maps • — • • Symbol Maps — • • Legend • Offered Natively — Can be Developed