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The Islamic Revival is now at an
unprecedented pace and conitnues
to gain momentum around the world.
Non-muslims continue to embrace
Islam at an astounding rate; those
who used to sin have started to
repent and return to Allah and every
new generation of Muslims seems
to surpass their parents in practising
Islam; showing concern for the affairs
of Muslims around the world; rising to
stand against oppression and in calling
for the implementation of the Shari’ah
of Islam.
This conference looks to highlight this
revival and point out our duties and
responsibilities in this era of Islamic
Page 3
Who Are Ahl Al Sunnah
Wal Jama’ah?
The Need for Shari’ah
Working Collectively For
The Shari’ah
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C H A P T E R 1
Who are Ahl Al Sunnah Wal
The prophet (saw) said, ‘My Ummah
will be divided into 73 sects, all of them
are destroyed and one will be saved.’
They asked, ‘Which is the saved sect O
messenger of Allah?’ he said, ‘What I and
my companions are upon.’ [ibn Majah]
This saved sect is the standard by which
everyone should be weighed against.
If all other sects, creeds, beliefs and
interpretations of Islam are misguided
and destroyed and only the creed
and understanding of the prophet and
companions are saved, there is no doubt
that any Muslim who seeks salvation
must emulate them in their beliefs,
understandings and Manhaj (path and
methodology). The authenticity of their
understanding has been praised and
attested in the Qur’an,
“The foremost to believe from the
Muhajireen and the Ansaar, and those who
follow them correctly, Allah is pleased with
them and they are pleased with Him (swt),
and we have prepared for them gardens
under which rivers flow, they will live there
forever. That is a great success” [EMQ
Page 5
The prophet (saw) and his companions
were those that came to the people while
they were corrupted and called them to
reform and return to Allah. They face
challenge and confrontation and were seen
as something strange, the way the prophet
(saw) said, “Islam started as something
strange and will return as something
strange so Tuba (a place in Jannah) is
for the strangers (al-Ghurabaa).” [Musnad
Imam Ahmad]
After this original strangeness, there will
inevitably be a second strangeness when
people have neglected Islam and start
to see it as something strange again. In
that time there will always be a portion
of believers who are al-Ghurabaa calling
people to reform and reviving the Aqeedah,
Sunnah and Jihad of the prophet and his
companions. When the companions asked,
“Who are al Ghurabaa, O messenger of
Allah?” he replied, “those who reform others
when the people have become corrupted.”
[Musnad Imam Ahmad]
These are the followers of the saved sect,
Ahl Al Sunnah Wal Jama’ah. They have
also been described as Al-Taa’ifah al-
Dhaahirah and Al-Taa’ifah Al-Mansoorah.
That is because they will always be that
small portion of the Ummah that will
continue to dominate and come out with the
Truth, defending and fighting for it with their
words and their swords. The prophet (saw)
said, “There will always continue a portion
of my Ummah that are defending the Truth
and it does not harm them whoever blames
them until the day of judgement.” [Muslim]
This is clearly evident in the history of the
Ummah of Islam, after the companions,
we saw their followers from Ahl Al Sunnah
Wal Jama’ah rising in every era to revive
the Ummah and to refute every innovator
and every tyrant. Great scholars such as
Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, who revived the
people said it was created; Sheikh ul Islam
ibn Taymiyyah who revived the Aqeedah
of the Salaf and revived the jihad when
Crusaders, Tatars and Faatimis started to
invade the Muslims; Sheikh Muhammad
ibn Abdul Wahhab who revived the Sunnah
when people were embroiled with Bid’ah
and many other scholars and Mujahideen
who revived this Ummah when they were
It is incumbent on all Muslims today seek
out and co-operate with this portion of the
Ummah who are striving for the Deen of
Allah today, reviving the Aqeedah, Manhaj,
Understanding and example of the prophet
(saw) and his companions in this strange
time when the people have left the Sunnah
of the Messenger (saw) and followed
innovations and desires, when the rulers
have dismantled the Shari’ah of Allah and
replaced it with the law of man and when
the non-muslims have invaded the lands of
the Muslims and continue to occupy, fight
and murder the Ummah of Muhammad
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C H A P T E R 2
The Need for Shariah
1400 hundred years ago Allah(swt) the all
knowing revealed to Muhammad (saw) a
complete way of life that is perfect for all
people and for all times. That system is
the shariah, it is a complete set of rules
that are implemented as a complete
system of life. For decades man has had
free reign to implement whatever laws suit
him, these rules generally are beneficial for
some i.e. those with power and wealth and
oppression to those who are weak.
As time moves along we are starting to see
the signs of decay, we see that democracy
and freedom are unfolding. Morally,
militarily and more recently, financially we
have seen big failures, cracks in the system
of democracy and as any animal lashes out
at any threat in her dying moments we see
the democratic nations lashing out at their
perceived threat.
We have seen in recent years the invasion
of Iraq and Afghanistan, the banning of the
Niqab in France and Belgium, draconian
ant-terror laws in the UK, the constant
vehement attacks on the Messenger
Page 7
Muhammad(saw), Islam the Shariah and
the Muslims in the media, on the internet
and elsewhere, these are the desperate
lashings out of a dying system.
is infallible, they cannot understand those
who do not believe in it and just as the
Christians in the time of the Spanish
inquisition would not accept anything other
than Christianity we find today nothing but
democracy will be excepted, if you do not
believe in democracy you are some sort
of fanatic or extremist; these same people
believe that democracy is everlasting and
that is not the case, the Roman empire for
example, or the Greek Empire came to an
end; that is the ebb and flow of history and
democracy is just another system that has
had its day and is on its way out.
Islam has brought countless benefits not
only to the Muslims but to mankind, yet
Islam and in particular the Shari’ah has
always been attacked throughout the ages.
The Shari’ah has become a dirty word in
society, to the extent that many Muslims
are ashamed to talk about it, there are
some who completely condemn it believing
(wrongly) that somehow it is not part of
Islam, whilst others say “Brother don’t talk
about the Shariah, they can’t handle it, this
is not the time”. These “Muslims” do not
know what the Shari’ah is they have been
defeated by the kuffar (disbelievers); they
have been educated in this society, brought
up watching their news and reading their
newspapers and now they actually believe
the lies.
The shariah is something the Muslims
should be proud of, it is something
they should study, discuss, strive for
and implement in their own lives and in
society. There are many attacks made
against the shariah, but people who live in
glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, and
indeed if the media directed some of its
would be
We live in
a society
where the moral values have been
dismantled and for any who say “No, we
have morals.” Name one moral value
in this society? The kids in school say
“You’re bad!” meaning you’re good?! And
this is indicative of society, where the
good has become bad and the bad has
become good. Where those who enjoin
good and forbid evil are the “fanatics”,
“fundamentalists” etc. and those who
fornicate, commit crimes and are involved
in all the corruption are the heroes the
upright and praised.
“Islam has brought
countless benefits not
only to the Muslims
but to mankind
Page 8
You are free to sleep with your neighbour,
your neighbour’s mother, your friend’s
mother and their father... and their cat and
dog. There is no such thing as adultery
rather it is more common to see boyfriends
and girlfriends. In fact in school if you do
not have a boyfriend or a girlfriend you are
mocked as a ‘homosexual’, but now even
that is praiseworthy in this society!
The notion of marriage has become
completely valueless and just another
reason to have a party. In the shariah
marriage is protected by law, for those
men or women who decide to betray their
husband or wife by sleeping
with some stranger there is
a severe punishment; if one
or the other is not happy
with the marriage there is a
system of divorce and there
is a mechanism for either
the man or woman to be
released from the marriage
contract, a mechanism that
maintains dignity and honour for both the
man and the woman.
People talk about women’s rights, human
rights and even animal rights, but what
about the rights of children to have a
family i.e. a mother and a father in the
same household? What about the right
of the child to life? In the medieval ages
when a mother did not want a baby she
would conceive it then throw it in the river,
and even before Islam the baby would be
buried, if it was not wanted. Today, the
child is simply ‘aborted’ (at least the mother
doesn’t have to see it!!); a child can be fully
formed and moving in the womb but in this
country if this baby is not ‘convenient’ it can
be blended and sucked out of the womb or
in other words killed or murdered.
In Islam the foetus, child, man, woman,
elderly, the rich and the poor all have rights
even the dead have rights; the foetus has
the right to live and the right of inheritance;
the child has the right to be educated; the
elderly have the right to be clothed and fed
by their children; and the dead have the right
to be buried with dignity
and respect. These are
just a few examples of
the rights in Islam, can
we honestly say in this
society we have these
rights? The foetuses are
aborted then thrown in
bin liners along with the
other rubbish, children
are ill educated and taught sex education,
and how to be a good citizen thereby
trampling over any moral values the child
may have learned from their parents. In
this society when the mother and father
become old and frail they are shuttled of
to the nearest old people’s home where
they are forgotten by the very children they
bought up.
People say, “They (Muslims) want to send
us back to the medieval ages with this
“In Islam the foetus,
child, man, woman,
elderly, the rich and
the poor all have rights
Page 9
shariah”, democracy has already sent
us back to the medieval ages and not
the medieval ages in the Islamic lands
where Islam was implemented but their
own medieval ages of lawlessness and
oppression. The only difference between
our times and the medieval ages is the
means of implementing the corruption, so
in the medieval ages summary justice was
the norm, today they achieve the same
ends but wrap it in the clothes of “The British
Justice System”, whereas in the medieval
ages it took half an hour to reach a guilty
verdict, these days it takes half a year and
makes a handful of lawyers and a judge
very rich, the conclusion for a Muslim is the
same however, they reach a guilty verdict.
Justice is the right of a
few, particularly those rich
middle class white folk;
if you are not white then
you are guilty once it is
established that you are
Black, Asian, Arab, Muslim
etc. etc. The courts have
become like a market
place with prosecution
lawyers making deals with
defence lawyers, “Plead
guilty and you will get a
shorter sentence”. The prosecution and
defence lawyers collude, and the judge
puts the cost of the case before a sound
judgement. How were the cases prepared
in the medieval ages? By mob rule and
majority opinion, so when someone was
believed to be guilty the mob would rise
against them and implement their justice
against them.
Today times have moved on, we have
technology and innovation and the mob
has been replaced by the media who
whip the public into a fervour against the
plaintiff , then fuelled by this feeling the
jury eventually find them guilty and there
are plenty of examples of this particularly
against the Muslim community.
In Islam the Judge is qualified and impartial,
the laws are exacted against everyone
from the ruler to the lay person without
exception, nobody is above the law, and
nobody can buy the law with expensive
lawyers. Justice is the
right of everyone, justice
not only in criminal
proceedings but in the
marketplace and family
as well. Furthermore,
in the Islamic court the
overriding principle is
that if there is doubt then
there is no case. In this
country the jury decides
“Well he could be” or
“He’s probably guilty”
There are trials that have taken place in
which the jury could not decide, so the
accused is tried again and again until
the prosecution find a jury that finds the
“the Judge is qualified
and impartial, the laws
are exacted against
everyone from the
ruler to the lay person
without exception
Page 10
accused guilty; surely if the jury could not
find them guilty the first time there is doubt
in the case. One problem is that there are
so many crimes in this country that the
criminal justice system has become like a
conveyor belt i.e. there is not enough time
and not enough money for real justice so
they just keep up the pretence with their
wigs, gowns, titles and medieval customs.
In Islam whatever the cost, whoever the
individual accused, whatever the crime,
they have the right to justice exacted by a
qualified impartial judge.
Laws under democracy
will never be correct even
according to those who
believe in democracy,
politicians can never get the
laws right, their laws can be
changed depending on the
flavour of the month, or the
mood of the population, the international
atmosphere and so on.
One of the miracles of Islam is that it has
a complete set of laws that emanate from
one source, the Quran and the traditions of
the final Messenger Muhammad (saw), a
set of laws that has not had to be amended
and that brings justice for all times.
Allah(swt) says, “Verily the absolute right
of legislating is for none but Allah (SWT)”
[EMQ 12:40]
We have seen many examples of how
corrupted man is when he legislates,
we have seen examples of legislation
being made for an individual for example,
legislation that is for a particular religion in
many of the terror laws and more recently
we have seen how legislation was made to
benefit politicians, when MP’s were busy
stealing the money of the people, claiming
expenses for anything that moved they
claimed that it was a problem with the
legislation as if the legislation wrote itself,
in fact it was those very MP’s who several
years earlier wrote
and agreed on that
legislation. Man made
law can only lead to
one things and that is
Allah (swt) says
“Corruption manifests
itself on the land and the sea by what man
creates (man-made law)” [emq Surah Ar-
Rum 30:41]
These are just a few problems in society
and we are sure you have witnessed many
more, the corruption under democracy is
countless and as Muslims we must expose
and forbid all the corruption and we must
present Islam as an alternative.
We should study and know our Deen,
the Quran needs to become a reference
point; unfortunately, in many homes
“Verily, the absolute
right of legislating is
for none but Allah
Page 11
the Quran is a dusty book kept on the
highest shelf, and taken out once a year
during Ramadaan; the Quran has become
something melodious and nice to listen
to, something relaxing, like some type of
background music. However, the Quran is
not background music, it is not a ringtone
on your mobile, it should be your reference
manual for your life; unfortunately, today
Muslims refer elsewhere for direction.
The deen needs to be studied together, do
not believe that the sahaba sat at home
reading books and studied their deen
alone, the sahabah studied their deen
collectively and acted upon its commands
immediately; there is no part of Islam that
they found shameful or that they held back
for a later date; as the Quran was revealed
it became their life.
Today in these corrupted times the Muslims
must work together, they must learn their
deen and act upon it as a matter of urgency,
they must implement Islam, the whole of
it, in their personal lives and call for it in
society, the shariah must be implemented
as a duty to Allah (swt) wherever you are;
the earth belongs to Allah (swt), and the
whole earth is needy for the shariah.
Carry Islam with confidence and have
full belief in it, do not be half hearted,
put your full effort behind it. Be like the
sahabah who had no doubt about Islam
and who implemented it comprehensively.
They struggled for it and suffered as
a consequence at the hands of the
government. Do not be disheartened by
the constant plotting of the kuffar and their
constant attacks, this should strengthen
your Imaan because it is the same attack
and plotting that took place in the time of
Muhammad (saw).
Verily, Allah(swt) does not need you to
implement the Shariah - it will happen;
however, you need to be involved in the
struggle of Muhammad (saw) and the
sahabah who were the only other people in
history to establish the Shariah.
“you need to be involved
in the struggle of
Muhammad (saw) and
the sahabah
Page 12
C H A P T E R 3
Working Collectively for the
The Muslim Ummah today is undoubtedly
living in an extremely rare and unusual
situation. Throughout the history of Islam,
our Pious Predecessors (Salaf) have
always lived by Islam on a personal and
political level, under one leader (Imam,
or Khaleefah). Sadly, after centuries of
war and bloody crusades, the shield of
this Ummah was eventually destroyed on
the 3rd of March 1924 through the British
government and their crony, Mustafa
Kemal Atatürk.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) described
the Imaam of the Muslims as a shield
(junnah), saying: “Verily the leader (Imam)
of the Muslims is a shield behind whom
the Muslims fight and are protected…”
(Saheeh Muslim, Hadeeth 1841)
There is not a single ruler today who is fit to
lead a flock of sheep, let alone the Muslim
Ummah. They have all sold their Deen
for a lousy price and have consequently
chosen kufr over Imaan. If the Messenger
Muhammad (SAW) said, “If there are two
Imams, kill the latter,” (Saheeh Muslim,
Hadeeth 1853) what would he say if he
Page 13
were alive today, where his Ummah is
being governed by over 55 different rulers,
each with their own independent state and
constitution, and each being subservient to
the allies of Shaytaan and Taaghout?
The humiliation, attack, brutality and
calamities we are facing nowadays – in
Afghanistan, Chechnya, Iraq, Pakistan,
Palestine, Somalia and across the world –
are a direct result of our inability and failure
to appoint an Imam who is sworn to govern
us by the Book of Allah and Sunnah of His
Messenger (SAW).
How can we claim to be followers of the
Sunnah and defenders of the Deen when
we prefer to live among the disbelievers
(under their laws), imitate them and fail
to distinguish ourselves from their camp?
How can we claim to love Allah and His
Messenger (SAW) when we are too
ashamed to call for their legislated Shari’ah
and are too neglectful of establishing the
Law of Allah on Earth, which is a duty upon
every single Muslim?
Working to establish the Khilaafah is
one of the greatest duties of today, after
Tawheed in Allah (‘Azza wa-Jal). And this
duty cannot be accomplished unless we
work collectively under an ameer. This is
because “that which leads to the fulfilment
of an obligation is itself an obligation.” In
other words, because the Khilaafah cannot
be established by scattered individual
efforts, working for it collectively with a
jamaa’ah (movement) becomes obligatory.
Furthermore, it is well known that forbidding
the evil, which is prevalent all around us,
is also a duty. And the fact that the evil of
man-made law (shirk) is still present today,
it has now become fard muhattam (an
urgent, binding duty) upon all Muslims to
work collectively and rid the world of this
great munkar (evil).
It is reported that the Messenger of Allah
(SAW) said, “He who dies without having
pledged allegiance (to the Khaleefah) will
die the death of jaahiliyyah (i.e. in a state
before Islam was revealed),” (Saheeh
Muslim, Hadeeth 1851).
it is obligatory to pledge our allegiance.
Therefore, in order to save ourselves from
such a death, we must engage in working
collectively to establish this Imam upon
the methodology of Ahl us-Sunnah wal-
Jamaa’ah; that is, the Prophet (SAW) and
his Companions (RA).
“Working to establish
the Khilaafah is one of
the greatest duties of
today after Tawheed
Page 14

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Islamic Revival Booklet

  • 2. ISLAMIC REVIVAL THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE j Page 2 WHAT IS INSIDE? C O N T E N T S Introduction The Islamic Revival is now at an unprecedented pace and conitnues to gain momentum around the world. Non-muslims continue to embrace Islam at an astounding rate; those who used to sin have started to repent and return to Allah and every new generation of Muslims seems to surpass their parents in practising Islam; showing concern for the affairs of Muslims around the world; rising to stand against oppression and in calling for the implementation of the Shari’ah of Islam. This conference looks to highlight this revival and point out our duties and responsibilities in this era of Islamic revival.
  • 3. Page 3 THE INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC REVIVAL CONFERENCE 2010 Introduction Contents Who Are Ahl Al Sunnah Wal Jama’ah? The Need for Shari’ah Working Collectively For The Shari’ah Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 12 CONTENTS
  • 4. ISLAMIC REVIVAL THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE j Page 4 WHO ARE AHL AL SUNNAH WAL JAMA’AH? C H A P T E R 1 Who are Ahl Al Sunnah Wal Jama’ah? The prophet (saw) said, ‘My Ummah will be divided into 73 sects, all of them are destroyed and one will be saved.’ They asked, ‘Which is the saved sect O messenger of Allah?’ he said, ‘What I and my companions are upon.’ [ibn Majah] This saved sect is the standard by which everyone should be weighed against. If all other sects, creeds, beliefs and interpretations of Islam are misguided and destroyed and only the creed and understanding of the prophet and companions are saved, there is no doubt that any Muslim who seeks salvation must emulate them in their beliefs, understandings and Manhaj (path and methodology). The authenticity of their understanding has been praised and attested in the Qur’an, “The foremost to believe from the Muhajireen and the Ansaar, and those who follow them correctly, Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him (swt), and we have prepared for them gardens under which rivers flow, they will live there forever. That is a great success” [EMQ 9:100]
  • 5. Page 5 THE INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC REVIVAL CONFERENCE 2010 The prophet (saw) and his companions were those that came to the people while they were corrupted and called them to reform and return to Allah. They face challenge and confrontation and were seen as something strange, the way the prophet (saw) said, “Islam started as something strange and will return as something strange so Tuba (a place in Jannah) is for the strangers (al-Ghurabaa).” [Musnad Imam Ahmad] After this original strangeness, there will inevitably be a second strangeness when people have neglected Islam and start to see it as something strange again. In that time there will always be a portion of believers who are al-Ghurabaa calling people to reform and reviving the Aqeedah, Sunnah and Jihad of the prophet and his companions. When the companions asked, “Who are al Ghurabaa, O messenger of Allah?” he replied, “those who reform others when the people have become corrupted.” [Musnad Imam Ahmad] These are the followers of the saved sect, Ahl Al Sunnah Wal Jama’ah. They have also been described as Al-Taa’ifah al- Dhaahirah and Al-Taa’ifah Al-Mansoorah. That is because they will always be that small portion of the Ummah that will continue to dominate and come out with the Truth, defending and fighting for it with their words and their swords. The prophet (saw) said, “There will always continue a portion of my Ummah that are defending the Truth and it does not harm them whoever blames them until the day of judgement.” [Muslim] This is clearly evident in the history of the Ummah of Islam, after the companions, we saw their followers from Ahl Al Sunnah Wal Jama’ah rising in every era to revive the Ummah and to refute every innovator and every tyrant. Great scholars such as Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, who revived the AqeedahoftheSalafabouttheQur’anwhen people said it was created; Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah who revived the Aqeedah of the Salaf and revived the jihad when Crusaders, Tatars and Faatimis started to invade the Muslims; Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab who revived the Sunnah when people were embroiled with Bid’ah and many other scholars and Mujahideen who revived this Ummah when they were corrupted. It is incumbent on all Muslims today seek out and co-operate with this portion of the Ummah who are striving for the Deen of Allah today, reviving the Aqeedah, Manhaj, Understanding and example of the prophet (saw) and his companions in this strange time when the people have left the Sunnah of the Messenger (saw) and followed innovations and desires, when the rulers have dismantled the Shari’ah of Allah and replaced it with the law of man and when the non-muslims have invaded the lands of the Muslims and continue to occupy, fight and murder the Ummah of Muhammad (saw).
  • 6. ISLAMIC REVIVAL THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE j Page 6 THE NEED FOR SHARI’AH C H A P T E R 2 The Need for Shariah 1400 hundred years ago Allah(swt) the all knowing revealed to Muhammad (saw) a complete way of life that is perfect for all people and for all times. That system is the shariah, it is a complete set of rules that are implemented as a complete system of life. For decades man has had free reign to implement whatever laws suit him, these rules generally are beneficial for some i.e. those with power and wealth and oppression to those who are weak. As time moves along we are starting to see the signs of decay, we see that democracy and freedom are unfolding. Morally, militarily and more recently, financially we have seen big failures, cracks in the system of democracy and as any animal lashes out at any threat in her dying moments we see the democratic nations lashing out at their perceived threat. We have seen in recent years the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, the banning of the Niqab in France and Belgium, draconian ant-terror laws in the UK, the constant vehement attacks on the Messenger
  • 7. Page 7 THE INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC REVIVAL CONFERENCE 2010 Muhammad(saw), Islam the Shariah and the Muslims in the media, on the internet and elsewhere, these are the desperate lashings out of a dying system. Therearemanywhobelievethatdemocracy is infallible, they cannot understand those who do not believe in it and just as the Christians in the time of the Spanish inquisition would not accept anything other than Christianity we find today nothing but democracy will be excepted, if you do not believe in democracy you are some sort of fanatic or extremist; these same people believe that democracy is everlasting and thatitwillneverdie,weknowthathistorically that is not the case, the Roman empire for example, or the Greek Empire came to an end; that is the ebb and flow of history and democracy is just another system that has had its day and is on its way out. Islam has brought countless benefits not only to the Muslims but to mankind, yet Islam and in particular the Shari’ah has always been attacked throughout the ages. The Shari’ah has become a dirty word in society, to the extent that many Muslims are ashamed to talk about it, there are some who completely condemn it believing (wrongly) that somehow it is not part of Islam, whilst others say “Brother don’t talk about the Shariah, they can’t handle it, this is not the time”. These “Muslims” do not know what the Shari’ah is they have been defeated by the kuffar (disbelievers); they have been educated in this society, brought up watching their news and reading their newspapers and now they actually believe the lies. The shariah is something the Muslims should be proud of, it is something they should study, discuss, strive for and implement in their own lives and in society. There are many attacks made against the shariah, but people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, and indeed if the media directed some of its “journalistic impartiality” inwardly many windows would be broken. We live in a society where the moral values have been dismantled and for any who say “No, we have morals.” Name one moral value in this society? The kids in school say “You’re bad!” meaning you’re good?! And this is indicative of society, where the good has become bad and the bad has become good. Where those who enjoin good and forbid evil are the “fanatics”, “fundamentalists” etc. and those who fornicate, commit crimes and are involved in all the corruption are the heroes the upright and praised. “Islam has brought countless benefits not only to the Muslims but to mankind ”
  • 8. Page 8 THE INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC REVIVAL CONFERENCE 2010 You are free to sleep with your neighbour, your neighbour’s mother, your friend’s mother and their father... and their cat and dog. There is no such thing as adultery rather it is more common to see boyfriends and girlfriends. In fact in school if you do not have a boyfriend or a girlfriend you are mocked as a ‘homosexual’, but now even that is praiseworthy in this society! The notion of marriage has become completely valueless and just another reason to have a party. In the shariah marriage is protected by law, for those men or women who decide to betray their husband or wife by sleeping with some stranger there is a severe punishment; if one or the other is not happy with the marriage there is a system of divorce and there is a mechanism for either the man or woman to be released from the marriage contract, a mechanism that maintains dignity and honour for both the man and the woman. People talk about women’s rights, human rights and even animal rights, but what about the rights of children to have a family i.e. a mother and a father in the same household? What about the right of the child to life? In the medieval ages when a mother did not want a baby she would conceive it then throw it in the river, and even before Islam the baby would be buried, if it was not wanted. Today, the child is simply ‘aborted’ (at least the mother doesn’t have to see it!!); a child can be fully formed and moving in the womb but in this country if this baby is not ‘convenient’ it can be blended and sucked out of the womb or in other words killed or murdered. In Islam the foetus, child, man, woman, elderly, the rich and the poor all have rights even the dead have rights; the foetus has the right to live and the right of inheritance; the child has the right to be educated; the elderly have the right to be clothed and fed by their children; and the dead have the right to be buried with dignity and respect. These are just a few examples of the rights in Islam, can we honestly say in this society we have these rights? The foetuses are aborted then thrown in bin liners along with the other rubbish, children are ill educated and taught sex education, and how to be a good citizen thereby trampling over any moral values the child may have learned from their parents. In this society when the mother and father become old and frail they are shuttled of to the nearest old people’s home where they are forgotten by the very children they bought up. People say, “They (Muslims) want to send us back to the medieval ages with this “In Islam the foetus, child, man, woman, elderly, the rich and the poor all have rights ”
  • 9. Page 9 THE INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC REVIVAL CONFERENCE 2010 shariah”, democracy has already sent us back to the medieval ages and not the medieval ages in the Islamic lands where Islam was implemented but their own medieval ages of lawlessness and oppression. The only difference between our times and the medieval ages is the means of implementing the corruption, so in the medieval ages summary justice was the norm, today they achieve the same ends but wrap it in the clothes of “The British Justice System”, whereas in the medieval ages it took half an hour to reach a guilty verdict, these days it takes half a year and makes a handful of lawyers and a judge very rich, the conclusion for a Muslim is the same however, they reach a guilty verdict. Justice is the right of a few, particularly those rich middle class white folk; if you are not white then you are guilty once it is established that you are Black, Asian, Arab, Muslim etc. etc. The courts have become like a market place with prosecution lawyers making deals with defence lawyers, “Plead guilty and you will get a shorter sentence”. The prosecution and defence lawyers collude, and the judge puts the cost of the case before a sound judgement. How were the cases prepared in the medieval ages? By mob rule and majority opinion, so when someone was believed to be guilty the mob would rise against them and implement their justice against them. Today times have moved on, we have technology and innovation and the mob has been replaced by the media who whip the public into a fervour against the plaintiff , then fuelled by this feeling the jury eventually find them guilty and there are plenty of examples of this particularly against the Muslim community. In Islam the Judge is qualified and impartial, the laws are exacted against everyone from the ruler to the lay person without exception, nobody is above the law, and nobody can buy the law with expensive lawyers. Justice is the right of everyone, justice not only in criminal proceedings but in the marketplace and family as well. Furthermore, in the Islamic court the overriding principle is that if there is doubt then there is no case. In this country the jury decides “Well he could be” or “He’s probably guilty” etc. There are trials that have taken place in which the jury could not decide, so the accused is tried again and again until the prosecution find a jury that finds the “the Judge is qualified and impartial, the laws are exacted against everyone from the ruler to the lay person without exception ”
  • 10. Page 10 THE INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC REVIVAL CONFERENCE 2010 accused guilty; surely if the jury could not find them guilty the first time there is doubt in the case. One problem is that there are so many crimes in this country that the criminal justice system has become like a conveyor belt i.e. there is not enough time and not enough money for real justice so they just keep up the pretence with their wigs, gowns, titles and medieval customs. In Islam whatever the cost, whoever the individual accused, whatever the crime, they have the right to justice exacted by a qualified impartial judge. Laws under democracy will never be correct even according to those who believe in democracy, politicians can never get the laws right, their laws can be changed depending on the flavour of the month, or the mood of the population, the international atmosphere and so on. One of the miracles of Islam is that it has a complete set of laws that emanate from one source, the Quran and the traditions of the final Messenger Muhammad (saw), a set of laws that has not had to be amended and that brings justice for all times. Allah(swt) says, “Verily the absolute right of legislating is for none but Allah (SWT)” [EMQ 12:40] We have seen many examples of how corrupted man is when he legislates, we have seen examples of legislation being made for an individual for example, legislation that is for a particular religion in many of the terror laws and more recently we have seen how legislation was made to benefit politicians, when MP’s were busy stealing the money of the people, claiming expenses for anything that moved they claimed that it was a problem with the legislation as if the legislation wrote itself, in fact it was those very MP’s who several years earlier wrote and agreed on that legislation. Man made law can only lead to one things and that is corruption. Allah (swt) says “Corruption manifests itself on the land and the sea by what man creates (man-made law)” [emq Surah Ar- Rum 30:41] These are just a few problems in society and we are sure you have witnessed many more, the corruption under democracy is countless and as Muslims we must expose and forbid all the corruption and we must present Islam as an alternative. We should study and know our Deen, the Quran needs to become a reference point; unfortunately, in many homes “Verily, the absolute right of legislating is for none but Allah ”
  • 11. Page 11 THE INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC REVIVAL CONFERENCE 2010 the Quran is a dusty book kept on the highest shelf, and taken out once a year during Ramadaan; the Quran has become something melodious and nice to listen to, something relaxing, like some type of background music. However, the Quran is not background music, it is not a ringtone on your mobile, it should be your reference manual for your life; unfortunately, today Muslims refer elsewhere for direction. The deen needs to be studied together, do not believe that the sahaba sat at home reading books and studied their deen alone, the sahabah studied their deen collectively and acted upon its commands immediately; there is no part of Islam that they found shameful or that they held back for a later date; as the Quran was revealed it became their life. Today in these corrupted times the Muslims must work together, they must learn their deen and act upon it as a matter of urgency, they must implement Islam, the whole of it, in their personal lives and call for it in society, the shariah must be implemented as a duty to Allah (swt) wherever you are; the earth belongs to Allah (swt), and the whole earth is needy for the shariah. Carry Islam with confidence and have full belief in it, do not be half hearted, put your full effort behind it. Be like the sahabah who had no doubt about Islam and who implemented it comprehensively. They struggled for it and suffered as a consequence at the hands of the government. Do not be disheartened by the constant plotting of the kuffar and their constant attacks, this should strengthen your Imaan because it is the same attack and plotting that took place in the time of Muhammad (saw). Verily, Allah(swt) does not need you to implement the Shariah - it will happen; however, you need to be involved in the struggle of Muhammad (saw) and the sahabah who were the only other people in history to establish the Shariah. “you need to be involved in the struggle of Muhammad (saw) and the sahabah ”
  • 12. ISLAMIC REVIVAL THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE j Page 12 WORKING COLLECTIVELY FOR SHARI’AH C H A P T E R 3 Working Collectively for the Shari’ah The Muslim Ummah today is undoubtedly living in an extremely rare and unusual situation. Throughout the history of Islam, our Pious Predecessors (Salaf) have always lived by Islam on a personal and political level, under one leader (Imam, or Khaleefah). Sadly, after centuries of war and bloody crusades, the shield of this Ummah was eventually destroyed on the 3rd of March 1924 through the British government and their crony, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) described the Imaam of the Muslims as a shield (junnah), saying: “Verily the leader (Imam) of the Muslims is a shield behind whom the Muslims fight and are protected…” (Saheeh Muslim, Hadeeth 1841) There is not a single ruler today who is fit to lead a flock of sheep, let alone the Muslim Ummah. They have all sold their Deen for a lousy price and have consequently chosen kufr over Imaan. If the Messenger Muhammad (SAW) said, “If there are two Imams, kill the latter,” (Saheeh Muslim, Hadeeth 1853) what would he say if he
  • 13. Page 13 THE INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC REVIVAL CONFERENCE 2010 were alive today, where his Ummah is being governed by over 55 different rulers, each with their own independent state and constitution, and each being subservient to the allies of Shaytaan and Taaghout? The humiliation, attack, brutality and calamities we are facing nowadays – in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine, Somalia and across the world – are a direct result of our inability and failure to appoint an Imam who is sworn to govern us by the Book of Allah and Sunnah of His Messenger (SAW). How can we claim to be followers of the Sunnah and defenders of the Deen when we prefer to live among the disbelievers (under their laws), imitate them and fail to distinguish ourselves from their camp? How can we claim to love Allah and His Messenger (SAW) when we are too ashamed to call for their legislated Shari’ah and are too neglectful of establishing the Law of Allah on Earth, which is a duty upon every single Muslim? Working to establish the Khilaafah is one of the greatest duties of today, after Tawheed in Allah (‘Azza wa-Jal). And this duty cannot be accomplished unless we work collectively under an ameer. This is because “that which leads to the fulfilment of an obligation is itself an obligation.” In other words, because the Khilaafah cannot be established by scattered individual efforts, working for it collectively with a jamaa’ah (movement) becomes obligatory. Furthermore, it is well known that forbidding the evil, which is prevalent all around us, is also a duty. And the fact that the evil of man-made law (shirk) is still present today, it has now become fard muhattam (an urgent, binding duty) upon all Muslims to work collectively and rid the world of this great munkar (evil). It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “He who dies without having pledged allegiance (to the Khaleefah) will die the death of jaahiliyyah (i.e. in a state before Islam was revealed),” (Saheeh Muslim, Hadeeth 1851). Todaythereisnokhaleefah(Imam)towhom it is obligatory to pledge our allegiance. Therefore, in order to save ourselves from such a death, we must engage in working collectively to establish this Imam upon the methodology of Ahl us-Sunnah wal- Jamaa’ah; that is, the Prophet (SAW) and his Companions (RA). “Working to establish the Khilaafah is one of the greatest duties of today after Tawheed ”