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Solutions to Transform Lives™
Live long. Live healthy.
WHY Replenish™
16-2004NA • 020916
Suk Cho, Ph.D.
Chief Science Officer
When I work out in the gym, I invest my time and effort and
I want to maximize my results. I know you do too. This is
why you’ll love what we have in store for you.
The AMPED products have been designed to help you take
advantage of the latest in sports nutrition science. Any
athlete can benefit from these products, regardless of the
type, length, or level of training intensity. You’ve probably
already felt the effects of our pre-workout product AMPED
Power. Now the AMPED line is complete (for now) with the
addition of three new products developed based on the
concept of proper nutrient timing.
Nutrient timing involves getting the right nutrients, in the
right dosages, at the right times. Centered on your training
to maximize performance, increase gains, and speed
Along with AMPED Power, the family of products also now
includes AMPED NOx, AMPED Fuel, and AMPED Recover.
The pages of this newsletter will introduce you to the
science behind these products, how to use them, and the
importance of nutrient timing for peak performance.
I hope you’re as AMPED as I am about this line!
Live well and adventurously,
The AMPED System was developed to help everyone optimize and fuel their workouts with perfectly timed nutrition.
A word from the chief... CO NTR I B UTO RS
Suk Cho, Ph.D.
Chief Science Officer
Eric Gumpricht, Ph.D.
Manager of Research and Science
Yuhua Chen, Ph.D.
Director of Product and
Manufacturing Process Development
Mamun Monsoor, Ph.D.
Director of Product Innovation
David Despain, M.Sc.
Director of Science Communications
Sara Richter, B.Sc.
Product Education Supervisor
Alex Mohr, M.Sc.
Research Nutritionist
Taylor Cole, B.Sc.
Nutrition Communications Specialist
Lindsay Gnant M.Sc., RDN
Nutrition Communications Specialist
Theresa “Nacho” Montiel
Graphic Designer
2 Solutions to Transform Lives™
The AMPED™ product line is much more than a few meager sports
supplements. It’s a comprehensive performance system that includes
pre-, mid-, and post-workout products to keep you fueled from the
beginning of your workout to the moment you start the recovery
process. With the new additions of AMPED NOx taken pre-workout,
AMPED Fuel taken mid-workout, and AMPED Recover taken post-
workout, you can begin each workout armed with high-quality nutrition
for top performance.
The pre-workout period is all about preparing your
body with readily available energy, supporting
blood flow, and enhancing focus. AMPED Power,
our first AMPED product, addresses each one of
these issues with its specialized mix of ingredients.
AMPED NOx is a convenient source of vegetable-
derived nitrates and fruit polyphenols that can be
taken before training to boost stamina. Success
in the gym depends heavily on how much oxygen
is delivered to muscles and how much waste is
removed from them. To provide muscles with
oxygen requires adequate blood supply. However,
when you exercise intensely or for long periods of
time, the supply of oxygen-rich blood can’t keep
up with the demand. Ultimately, a lack of oxygen
and a buildup of cellular waste results in fatigue,
exhaustion, and subpar athletic performance.
AMPED NOx works uniquely in this period of
fatigue and low oxygen. The vegetable derived
nitrates are molecules that lead to nitric oxide
production while supporting blood circulation.
Specifically, research shows that healthy nitrates
improve athletic performance by improving oxygen
use and by increasing power output. This action
results in reduced exhaustion in runners (1-3). Fruit
juice-sourced polyphenols function as antioxidants
and support healthy blood flow by assisting in the
conversion of nitrate to nitric oxide (4-6). AMPED
NOx supports high performance high during the
most demanding workouts.*
During your workout you may need an extra energy
boost, especially during long runs or bike rides.
AMPED Fuel, taken during training, Fuel taken
during training provides you with quick energy
and reduces fatigue and muscle breakdown, and
promotes faster muscle recovery following training.
When exercising for long periods, you burn through
carbohydrates stored in muscle. Eventually, you
become exhausted and performance suffers. As
energy stores decline, the body begins to rob
proteins from muscle to use as energy. AMPED
Fuel supplies the body with an optimal dose of
carbohydrate energy derived from apple, agave,
and molasses. The puree also has branched-chain
amino acids to halt muscle breakdown. AMPED
Fuel sustains energy and to help keep performing
at a high level.*
After a demanding workout, you need to consume
the right nutrients to promote recovery in the post-
workout period. AMPED Recover is formulated for this
period to promote muscle synthesis, protect against
muscle loss, and speed exercise recovery. Following
an intense training session, your body moves toward
a state of muscle protein breakdown (7). AMPED
Recover triggers the cellular mechanisms for repairing
and building these muscle proteins. (8). By pairing
AMPED Recover with IsaPro® or IsaLean® PRO Shake
after workouts, your body will activate protein
synthesis more easily and receive the necessary
supply of building blocks for the muscle growth
process. The result is faster recovery so you are able
to move on to your next workout more rapidly.
As part of an in-house subjective evaluation through
a survey questionnaire, Isagenix scientists found that
subjects who used AMPED Fuel and AMPED Recover
reported less fatigue and greater energy levels during
and after workouts. The intervention study included
43 subjects who self-identified as “serious athletes.”
All used AMPED Recover and 36 used a combination
of AMPED Fuel and AMPED Recover as part of their
normal workout routines.
The subjects each received a month’s supply of
product for their use. After 30 days, all subjects
reported their results through an online link where
they reported their results through a comprehensive
online survey. The survey included extensive sensory
responses related to taste, texture, and sweetness. In
addition, it included questions asking subjects to rate
their level of soreness, alertness, recovery time, and
level of focus.
From the data, a total of 86 percent of the
respondents who used AMPED Recover reported
less post-workout muscle soreness, a slight majority
of 53 percent reported greater energy levels, and
79 percent of the subjects reported that recovery
time significantly improved. Among the subjects
who used a combination of AMPED Fuel and AMPED
Recover, 71 percent reported less fatigue and 68
percent reported greater energy levels, with a
minority reporting improvements in either alertness,
recovery, or focus.*
The results of this study although limited, help
provide additional validation for use of products that
are designed for nutrient timing. Through proper
nutrient timing, Isagenix AMPED products are set to
take athletes to the next level in sports performance.
™ 3
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Proper hydration is the key to good performance during a workout. This is why we
are welcoming Replenish™ to the AMPED product line under a new name: AMPED™
Hydrate. AMPED Hydrate has the same quality ingredients and refreshing flavors as
Replenish, but now has a new name and a new place in the Performance line.
Maintaining adequate hydration is vital for everyone, but it’s especially important for
people who are physically active. Even mild dehydration can have a serious impact
on athletic performance. Athletes begin to experience measurable decreases in
performance after a loss of just 1 or 2 percent of their body weight from dehydration
(1). For example, runners who were dehydrated by only 2 percent of body weight
had a 7 percent decrease in speed compared to when they were well hydrated (2).
Physically active people can face additional challenges to maintaining good
hydration compared to those with a less active lifestyle. Not only do those who train
hard need to replace water, but it is also critical to replace electrolytes lost in sweat.
Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals that are present in blood and body
fluids. They help to regulate many functions within the body including hydration, pH,
blood pressure, and nerve and muscle function. While all electrolytes are important,
sodium and potassium are the two that need most attention during exercise. Sodium
and potassium work together to support peak functioning, but are lost in the
highest amounts during heavy sweating. Both physical and mental performance are
impaired when sodium and potassium levels become unbalanced.
Active people can lose a significant amount of sodium in a short period of time
through perspiration. For example, a study using elite soccer athletes found that
the players lost an average of 2 grams of sodium through sweat during a 90-minute
training session (3). For comparison, government guidelines recommend that most
people limit daily sodium intake to 2.3 grams (4). The soccer players in this study
lost about a day’s worth of sodium in just 90 minutes of exercise. Even though
the body loses a much smaller amount of potassium through perspiration, it’s
still necessary to replace potassium to keep electrolyte levels in balance. Muscle
cramping, weakness, and low energy levels are common when potassium or sodium
levels are out of balance.
Athletes can’t simply rely on water to provide right hydration. Proper
hydration requires the right balance of both fluids and electrolytes. AMPED Hydrate
is formulated with the electrolytes an active person needs most, including sodium
and potassium, to support complete hydration and optimal performance. In addition
to electrolytes, AMPED Hydrate also contains vitamin C and B complex as well as
the right amount of fast-absorbing carbohydrates to support performance without
overloading on sugar. At only 35 calories per serving, it’s a sports drink that provides
proper replenishment and hydration for athletes and nonathletes alike.
WHY Replenish™
4 Solutions to Transform Lives™
The ability to recover from strenuous workouts is critical to anyone that exercises. Faster recovery means the
ability to train more frequently and more intensely, resulting in greater performance gains. Whether you’re a
runner looking to improve your marathon time or a figure athlete looking to tone your muscle, you want less
soreness coupled with quickly recovered muscles.
Athletes from all disciplines look for optimal performance in their sports. Building the appropriate amount of
muscle and recovering from training are major concerns.
Following an intense training session, the body can move toward a catabolic state of muscle protein
breakdown (1). This breakdown leads to micro-trauma in muscle cells and muscle soreness that is caused
by increased tension force and muscle lengthening. The micro-trauma causes muscle cells to activate pain
receptors for prolonged recovery.
AMPED Recover is a post-workout recovery aid designed to help trigger muscle synthesis with branched-chain
amino acids, L-carnitine, and other supporting amino acids. The drink triggers the cellular mechanisms for
rebuilding proteins in muscle (2). The trigger is termed “mammalian target of rapamycin,” or mTOR for short,
and once activated, can build muscle if the adequate dietary protein is available (2).
Branched-chain amino acids are present in the muscles at high levels and provide three important amino
acids: L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine. The hallmark of the AMPED Recover formula is the effective dose
of L- leucine that has the ability to stimulate mTOR and reduce muscle breakdown (2, 3). Isoleucine helps your
body absorb carbohydrates into cells and valine can be used as a readily available source of energy or muscle-
building material (4-6). L-carnitine is involved in energy metabolism and mitochondrial protection that can
support oxygen in muscle tissue and directly help in recovery after exercise (7-9).
By including IsaPro® or IsaLean® PRO Shake alongside AMPED Recover after your workout, you also supply all
the amino acids needed from high-grade protein to help build muscle tissue. For fast, quality muscle recovery,
consume a serving of AMPED Recover and one to two scoops of IsaPro or a serving of IsaLean PRO Shake
following your workout. They can be enjoyed apart or mixed together. If you decide to mix them, we suggest
you use Vanilla IsaPro or IsaLean PRO Shake and blend with ice for a delicious post-workout shake.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Do you remember the last time you did an all-out
sprint or lifted weights to the point of failure? You
may recall having noticed a distinct “burning” in
your working muscles that caused you so much
pain that you couldn’t continue. At this point, you
stopped to rest.
What happens at the cellular level during these
high-intensity exercises? Your body is burning
carbohydrates rapidly to keep up with the energy
demand. As a byproduct of this process (glycolysis),
lactic acid builds up and quickly breaks down to
lactate and acid. The increased acidity within your
cells shuts down many of the energy pathways
needed to keep you going.
However, our bodies have an essential enzyme known
as nitric oxide synthase that produces nitric oxide
from the amino acid L-arginine. Nitric oxide is great
at increasing vasodilation, or widening of the blood
vessels, which allows for more important nutrients
like oxygen, glucose, electrolytes, and amino acids
to travel through the blood stream to your muscles
events (1). These beneficial effects in the body by
nitrates and nitric oxide are even greater when
combined with polyphenols (5-7).
Nitrates like those found in AMPED NOx use a
different pathway to produce nitric oxide than
AMPED Power, making them ideal for intense
exercise. Nitrates also improve stamina by helping
muscles use energy more efficiently.
Vegetable Nitrates, FRUIT POLYPHENOLS*
Vegetable-sourced nitrates lead to nitric oxide
production that supports blood circulation.
Specifically, studies have demonstrated that nitrate
supplementation improves athletic performance by
improving oxygen use, increasing power output and
time to exhaustion (2-4).
Fruit polyphenols in AMPED NOx can function
as antioxidants and help support blood flow by
assisting in the conversion of nitrates to nitric oxide.
These polyphenols not only work well with nitrates,
but also support cardiovascular health through their
positive impact on blood vessel elasticity. (5-7)
The use of both vegetable-derived nitrates and fruit
polyphenols in AMPED NOx can support exercise
at all levels of intensity. In fact, the ingredients
have been studied in all different types of sports
including cycling, running, rowing, swimming, team
sports, and weight lifting.
While AMPED NOx can be taken at any time of
day, studies suggest that nitrates will reach peak
concentrations at approximately two to three hours
after ingestion and can stay elevated for up to 24
hours in your bloodstream (6, 8). For maximum
benefit to exercise, take alongside AMPED Power
and e+. AMPED Power supplies creatine and also
supports nitric oxide production through different
pathways. e+ offers a natural energy boost
featuring Adaptogens ideal for performance, and
caffeine from green tea and yerba mate to help you
push through your workout.
when they need them most. When vasodilation
decreases, so can performance. Ultimately, a lack
of oxygen and a buildup of waste results in fatigue,
exhaustion, and subpar athletic performance.
AMPED NOx is a pre-workout product comprised
of nitrate-rich vegetable extracts and polyphenolic-
rich fruit extracts. These vegetable extracts, from
beets, red spinach, and celery, provide high levels of
nitrates that convert to nitric oxide through a series of
reactions (1-4). Nitric oxide in turn promotes
vasodilation and blood flow throughout the body.
Nitrates are natural molecules found in food that
support blood flow to muscles necessary for
increased stamina. When consumed as part of a
supplement, they are quickly absorbed and converted
to nitric oxide, which relaxes and widens blood
vessels, allowing for more blood to reach muscle.
Nitrates can also reduce the rate of fatigue
from muscle contraction occurring from intense
cardiovascular exercise or muscular endurance
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
9IsagenixHealth.net8 Solutions to Transform Lives™
1110 Solutions to Transform Lives™
Endurance athletes rely heavily on carbohydrates to fuel their performance
before and during their training. When exercising for long periods, athletes burn
through stored glycogen (stored carbohydrates in muscle) and sugar, or glucose,
in their bloodstream (1-2). Eventually fuel stores run low and athletes hit a wall,
exhausting themselves and hindering their performance.
Whether it be a marathon, a half-day adventure race, or a 40-mile training ride,
the difference between just making it through an event and crushing it can
be tied directly to nutrition. More specifically, since endurance-based activity
burns through your body’s glycogen quickly, replenishment midway through
your activity is essential to maintain stamina. It’s also crucial to protect your
muscles as your body burns through its protein stores.
AMPED Fuel™ is a puree of wholesome carbohydrate sources including apple,
agave, and molasses to provide athletes optimal nutrition during endurance
events like running and cycling. The product supplies quick energy during
workouts, reduces fatigue and protects muscles, and promotes faster muscle
recovery following training.
Carbohydrate gel or puree products taken during high-intensity and endurance
exercise, especially that lasting more than one to two hours, significantly
improve performance, according to scientific research on athletes and
performance (1-3).
To maximize the availability of carbohydrates and minimize gastrointestinal
distress, an optimal ratio of different forms of carbohydrates should be
consumed (5-8). The ideal ratio is one that allows for the quickest absorption
and immediate use for energy and maintenance of blood sugar levels with a
mixture of glucose and fructose (5, 6).
This “sugar balance” spares existing stores of glycogen and primes the body
with greater energy and performance as the endurance activity continues.
Consuming carbohydrates during exercise can also help limit the breakdown
and release of protein from muscle.
Furthermore, studies suggest that consuming a modest dose of branched-
chain amino acids during extended exercise makes additional protein
synthesis available to the body helping to reduce and offset protein loss (4).
Supplementation with BCAAs during training may also suppress exercise-
induced muscle damage, and muscle soreness, and accelerate recovery (4-9).
By supplying the body with 22 grams of carbohydrates in an optimal glucose-
fructose ratio along with branched-chain amino acids, AMPED Fuel is an ideal
nutritional supplement for energy replenishment and enhanced performance.
At least 90 minutes before
training or a competition,
consume a meal consisting
of carbs, an easy-to-digest
source of protein, and
moderate fat, along with at
least 16 ounces of fluid.
Whole-grain bagel, banana,
half-serving of IsaLean®
PRO Shake
Take AMPED NOx and
AMPED Power before your
workout, and e+ just before
you start your workout for
an added boost
Take AMPED Fuel
throughout your workout
and between intense bouts
of training
Take AMPED Recover and
1 to 2 servings of IsaPro®
with a banana*
*To replenish muscles and liver
glycogen synthesis, consume
roughly half your body weight
in grams of carbohydrates in
smaller, more frequent over
three to four hours post-
exercise. Excellent choices
include fresh fruit, sweet
potatoes, rice, honey, and oats.
1110 Solutions to Transform Lives™
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Nitric oxide is a gas released in the lining of blood vessels that
causes vasodilation, the widening of blood vessels, resulting in a
larger diameter and greater blood flow throughout the body.
This improves nutrient absorption and oxygen utilization resulting
in reducing fatigue so you can train longer and harder.
AMPED NOx is a pre-workout product comprised of
nitrate-rich vegetable and polyphenolic-rich fruit extracts.
Nitrates are quickly absorbed and converted to nitric oxide,
which relaxes and widens blood vessels, allowing for more
blood to reach muscle. Nitrates work under conditions of
low oxygen and high acidity making AMPED NOx perfect for
endurance exercise.
With increased vasodilation, nutrient exchange in the body
is accelerated resulting in delivery of essential nutrients of
muscle metabolism and waste removal.
Proper blood flow also improves nutrient delivery to
muscles enhancing replenishment and recovery.
Power contains Nitrosigine®
which is a powerful precursor to
nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide
is necessary for healthy blood
flow, which improves oxygen
and nutrient delivery to muscles,
thereby boosting training gains.
The benefits of Nitrosigine™ start
in as little as 30
minutes after
consuming and
make it ideal for
short intense
your body requires greater oxygen
and nutrients supplied by blood. With
nitric oxide, your blood vessels relax
supporting oxygen and blood flow for
improved performance.
13IsagenixHealth.net12 Solutions to Transform Lives™
Nitrosigine is a registered trademark of Nutrition 21, LLC and is patent protected.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
15IsagenixHealth.net14 Solutions to Transform Lives™
AMPED: The Next Level of
Nutrient Timing in Sports Nutrition
1.	 Bailey SJ, et al. Dietary nitrate
supplementation reduces the O2
cost of low-intensity exercise and
enhances tolerance to high-intensity
exercise in humans. J Appl Physiol
2009; 107:1144-55.
2.	 Cermak NM et al. Nitrate
supplementation’s improvement
of 10-km time-trial performance in
trained cyclists. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc
Metab 2012;22:64-71.
3.	 Jones AM et al. Influence of dietary
nitrate supplementation on exercise
tolerance and performance. Nestle
Nutr Inst Workshop Ser 2013; 75:27-
4.	 Barona J et al. Grape consumption
increases anti-inflammatory markers
and upregulates peripheral nitric
oxide synthase in the absence of
dyslipidemias in men with metabolic
syndrome. Nutrients 2012 Dec 6;
5.	 Li SH et al. The acute effects of grape
polyphenols supplementation on
endothelial function in adults: meta-
analyses of controlled trials. PLoS One
2013 Jul 24; 8(7):e69818.
6.	 Ignarro LJ et al. Pomegranate juice
protects nitric oxide against oxidative
destruction and enhances the
biological actions of nitric oxide. Nitric
Oxide 2006 Sep; 15(2):93-102.
7.	 Clarkson PM et al. Exercise-induced
muscle damage, repair, and
adaptation in humans. J Appl Physiol
1988; 65:1-6.
8.	 Du M et al. Leucine stimulates
mammalian target of rapamycin
signaling in C2C12 myoblasts in part
through inhibition of adenosine
monophosphate-activated protein
kinase. J Anim Sci 2007; 85:919-27.
Why Replenish Became
AMPED Hydrate
1.	 Sawka MN, Pandolf KB. Effects of
body water loss on physiological
function and exercise performance.
In: Gisolfi CV, Lamb DR, eds.
Perspectives in Exercise Science and
Sports Medicine: Fluid Homeostasis
During Exercise. Indianapolis, Ind:
Benchmark Press;1990:1-38.
2.	 Armstrong LE, Costil DL, Fink
WJ. Influence of diuretic-induced
dehydration on competitive running
performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc.
3.	 Maughan RJ et al .Water balance and
salt losses in competitive football.
Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2007
4.	 US Department of Agriculture and
US Department of Health and Human
Services, Dietary Guidelines for
Americans, 2010. Washington, DC: US
Government Printing Office, January
Maximize Muscle Gains
With AMPED Recover
1.	 Clarkson PM et al. Exercise-induced
muscle damage, repair, and
adaptation in humans. Journal of
Applied Physiology 1988; 65:1-6.
2.	 Du M et al. Leucine stimulates
mammalian target of rapamycin
signaling in C2C12 myoblasts in part
through inhibition of adenosine
monophosphate-activated protein
kinase. Journal of Animal Science
2007; 85:919-27.
3.	 Drummond MJ et al. Rapamycin
administration in humans blocks
the contraction-induced increase in
skeletal muscle protein synthesis. The
Journal of Physiology 2009; 587:1535-
4.	 Doi M et al. Isoleucine, a potent
plasma glucose-lowering amino
acid, stimulates glucose uptake in
C 2 C 12 myotubes. Biochemical
and Biophysical Research
Communications 2003; 312:1111-7.
5.	 Doi M et al. Hypoglycemic effect
of isoleucine involves increased
muscle glucose uptake and whole
body glucose oxidation and
decreased hepatic gluconeogenesis.
American Journal of Physiology-
Endocrinology and Metabolism 2007;
6.	 Letto J et al. Valine metabolism.
Gluconeogenesis from
3-hydroxyisobutyrate. Biochemistry
Journal 1986; 240:909-12.
7.	 Volek JS et al. L-Carnitine L-tartrate
supplementation favorably affects
markers of recovery from exercise
stress. Am J Physiol Endocrinol
Metab. 2002 Feb;282(2):E474-82.
8.	 Ho JY et al. l-Carnitine l-tartrate
supplementation favorably affects
biochemical markers of recovery
from physical exertion in middle-aged
men and women. Metabolism. 2010
9.	 Giamberardino MA et al. Effects of
prolonged L-carnitine administration
on delayed muscle pain and CK
release after eccentric effort.
International Journal of Sports
Medicine 1996; 17:320-4
Amped NOx
Out of the Box
1.	 Wylie LJ et al. Dietary nitrate
supplementation improves team
sport-specific intense intermittent
exercise performance. Eur J Appl
Physiol. 2013 Jul; 113(7):1673-84.
2.	 Bailey SJ et al. Dietary nitrate
supplementation reduces the O2
cost of low-intensity exercise and
enhances tolerance to high-intensity
exercise in humans. J Appl Physiol.
2009; 107:1144-55.
3.	 Cermak NM et al. Nitrate
supplementation’s improvement
of 10-km time-trial performance in
trained cyclists. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc
Metab. 2012; 22:64-71.
4.	 Jones AM et al. Influence of dietary
nitrate supplementation on exercise
tolerance and performance. Nestle
Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 2013; 75:27-
5.	 Barona J et al. Grape consumption
increases anti-inflammatory markers
and upregulates peripheral nitric
oxide synthase in the absence of
dyslipidemias in men with metabolic
syndrome. Nutrients. 2012 Dec 6;
6.	 Li SH et al. The acute effects of grape
polyphenols supplementation on
endothelial function in adults: meta-
analyses of controlled trials. PLoS
One. 2013 Jul 24;8(7):e69818.
7.	 Ignarro LJ et al. Pomegranate juice
protects nitric oxide against oxidative
destruction and enhances the
biological actions of nitric oxide. Nitric
Oxide. 2006 Sep; 15(2):93-102.
8.	 Clements WT et al. Nitrate ingestion:
a review of the health and physical
performance effects. Nutrients. 2014
Nov 18; 6(11):5224-64.
Performance Spotlight:
1.	 Patterson SD  Gray SC. Carbohydrate-
gel supplementation and endurance
performance during intermittent high-
intensity shuttle running. Int J Sport
Nutr Exerc Metab. 2007 Oct; 17(5):445-
2.	 Phillips SM et al. Carbohydrate gel
ingestion significantly improves the
intermittent endurance capacity, but
not sprint performance, of adolescent
team games players during a simulated
team games protocol. Eur J Appl
Physiol. 2012 Mar; 112(3):1133-41.
3.	 Saunders MJ et al. Consumption of
an oral carbohydrate-protein gel
improves cycling endurance and
prevents postexercise muscle damage.
J Strength Cond Res. 2007 Aug;
4.	 Kim DH et al. Effect of BCAA intake
during endurance exercises on
fatigue substances, muscle damage
substances, and energy metabolism
substances. J Exerc Nutrition Biochem.
2013 Dec; 17(4):169-80.
5.	 Jentjens RL et al. Oxidation of
combined ingestion of glucose and
fructose during exercise. J Appl Physiol.
2004 Apr; 96(4):1277-84. Epub 2003
Dec 2.
6.	 Rowlands DS et al. Effect of graded
fructose coingestion with maltodextrin
on exogenous 14C-fructose and
13C-glucose oxidation efficiency and
high-intensity cycling performance.
J Appl Physiol (1985). 2008 Jun;
7.	 Jeukendrup AE et al. Multiple
transportable carbohydrates enhance
gastric emptying and fluid delivery.
Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010
8.	 Rowlands DS et al. Composite versus
single transportable carbohydrate
solution enhances race and laboratory
cycling performance. Appl Physiol Nutr
Metab. 2012 Jun;37(3):425-36.
9.	 Negro M et al. Branched-chain
amino acid supplementation does
not enhance athletic performance
but affects muscle recovery and the
immune system. J Sports Med Phys
Fitness. 2008 Sep; 48(3):347-51.
* Isagenix is in the process of rebranding Replenish™
into AMPED™ Hydrate. Same great formula, now part of the AMPED line. Keep an eye out for the new AMPED Hydrate packaging in 2016.
supplies creatine,
Nitrosigine® and
citrulline for
greater gains in
and power.
For extended
training sessions,
take AMPED
Fuel for easily
and BCAAs for
sustained energy.
For fast recovery
after workouts,
AMPED Recover
supplies BCAAs
and l-carnitine
to support the
Love e+ as a
pre-workout boost?
Keep using it for
long-lasting energy!
And for max recovery
after workouts, keep using
IsaPro or IsaLean
PRO Shake.
Hydrate* anytime
before, during, or
after workouts to
stay well hydrated
and nourished for
optimal athletic
For optimal
take AMPED NOx
anytime before
exercise to train
harder and longer.
#AMPEDModeTh e AMPED pro d uc t lin e is develope d on th e conce pt of n utrie nt timing for bet te r
pe r formance , re cove r y, and training gains for athletes and eve r yday ac tive pe ople .
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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  • 2. Suk Cho, Ph.D. Chief Science Officer When I work out in the gym, I invest my time and effort and I want to maximize my results. I know you do too. This is why you’ll love what we have in store for you. The AMPED products have been designed to help you take advantage of the latest in sports nutrition science. Any athlete can benefit from these products, regardless of the type, length, or level of training intensity. You’ve probably already felt the effects of our pre-workout product AMPED Power. Now the AMPED line is complete (for now) with the addition of three new products developed based on the concept of proper nutrient timing. Nutrient timing involves getting the right nutrients, in the right dosages, at the right times. Centered on your training to maximize performance, increase gains, and speed recovery. Along with AMPED Power, the family of products also now includes AMPED NOx, AMPED Fuel, and AMPED Recover. The pages of this newsletter will introduce you to the science behind these products, how to use them, and the importance of nutrient timing for peak performance. I hope you’re as AMPED as I am about this line! Live well and adventurously, The AMPED System was developed to help everyone optimize and fuel their workouts with perfectly timed nutrition. A word from the chief... CO NTR I B UTO RS EDITORIAL BOARD Suk Cho, Ph.D. Chief Science Officer Eric Gumpricht, Ph.D. Manager of Research and Science Yuhua Chen, Ph.D. Director of Product and Manufacturing Process Development Mamun Monsoor, Ph.D. Director of Product Innovation MANAGING EDITOR David Despain, M.Sc. Director of Science Communications COPYWRITING Sara Richter, B.Sc. Product Education Supervisor Alex Mohr, M.Sc. Research Nutritionist Taylor Cole, B.Sc. Nutrition Communications Specialist Lindsay Gnant M.Sc., RDN Nutrition Communications Specialist DESIGN Theresa “Nacho” Montiel Graphic Designer +WHAT’S IN AN GYM BAG
  • 3. 2 Solutions to Transform Lives™ The AMPED™ product line is much more than a few meager sports supplements. It’s a comprehensive performance system that includes pre-, mid-, and post-workout products to keep you fueled from the beginning of your workout to the moment you start the recovery process. With the new additions of AMPED NOx taken pre-workout, AMPED Fuel taken mid-workout, and AMPED Recover taken post- workout, you can begin each workout armed with high-quality nutrition for top performance. PRE-WORKOUT The pre-workout period is all about preparing your body with readily available energy, supporting blood flow, and enhancing focus. AMPED Power, our first AMPED product, addresses each one of these issues with its specialized mix of ingredients. AMPED NOx is a convenient source of vegetable- derived nitrates and fruit polyphenols that can be taken before training to boost stamina. Success in the gym depends heavily on how much oxygen is delivered to muscles and how much waste is removed from them. To provide muscles with oxygen requires adequate blood supply. However, when you exercise intensely or for long periods of time, the supply of oxygen-rich blood can’t keep up with the demand. Ultimately, a lack of oxygen and a buildup of cellular waste results in fatigue, exhaustion, and subpar athletic performance. AMPED NOx works uniquely in this period of fatigue and low oxygen. The vegetable derived nitrates are molecules that lead to nitric oxide production while supporting blood circulation. Specifically, research shows that healthy nitrates improve athletic performance by improving oxygen use and by increasing power output. This action results in reduced exhaustion in runners (1-3). Fruit juice-sourced polyphenols function as antioxidants and support healthy blood flow by assisting in the conversion of nitrate to nitric oxide (4-6). AMPED NOx supports high performance high during the most demanding workouts.* MID-WORKOUT During your workout you may need an extra energy boost, especially during long runs or bike rides. AMPED Fuel, taken during training, Fuel taken during training provides you with quick energy and reduces fatigue and muscle breakdown, and promotes faster muscle recovery following training. When exercising for long periods, you burn through carbohydrates stored in muscle. Eventually, you become exhausted and performance suffers. As energy stores decline, the body begins to rob proteins from muscle to use as energy. AMPED Fuel supplies the body with an optimal dose of carbohydrate energy derived from apple, agave, and molasses. The puree also has branched-chain amino acids to halt muscle breakdown. AMPED Fuel sustains energy and to help keep performing at a high level.* POST-WORKOUT After a demanding workout, you need to consume the right nutrients to promote recovery in the post- workout period. AMPED Recover is formulated for this period to promote muscle synthesis, protect against muscle loss, and speed exercise recovery. Following an intense training session, your body moves toward a state of muscle protein breakdown (7). AMPED Recover triggers the cellular mechanisms for repairing and building these muscle proteins. (8). By pairing AMPED Recover with IsaPro® or IsaLean® PRO Shake after workouts, your body will activate protein synthesis more easily and receive the necessary supply of building blocks for the muscle growth process. The result is faster recovery so you are able to move on to your next workout more rapidly. STUDY ON AMPED FUEL AND RECOVER As part of an in-house subjective evaluation through a survey questionnaire, Isagenix scientists found that subjects who used AMPED Fuel and AMPED Recover reported less fatigue and greater energy levels during and after workouts. The intervention study included 43 subjects who self-identified as “serious athletes.” All used AMPED Recover and 36 used a combination of AMPED Fuel and AMPED Recover as part of their normal workout routines. The subjects each received a month’s supply of product for their use. After 30 days, all subjects reported their results through an online link where they reported their results through a comprehensive online survey. The survey included extensive sensory responses related to taste, texture, and sweetness. In addition, it included questions asking subjects to rate their level of soreness, alertness, recovery time, and level of focus. From the data, a total of 86 percent of the respondents who used AMPED Recover reported less post-workout muscle soreness, a slight majority of 53 percent reported greater energy levels, and 79 percent of the subjects reported that recovery time significantly improved. Among the subjects who used a combination of AMPED Fuel and AMPED Recover, 71 percent reported less fatigue and 68 percent reported greater energy levels, with a minority reporting improvements in either alertness, recovery, or focus.* The results of this study although limited, help provide additional validation for use of products that are designed for nutrient timing. Through proper nutrient timing, Isagenix AMPED products are set to take athletes to the next level in sports performance. IN SPORTS NUTRITION THE NEXT LEVEL OF NUTRIENT TIMING AMPED: ™ 3 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • 4. Proper hydration is the key to good performance during a workout. This is why we are welcoming Replenish™ to the AMPED product line under a new name: AMPED™ Hydrate. AMPED Hydrate has the same quality ingredients and refreshing flavors as Replenish, but now has a new name and a new place in the Performance line. Maintaining adequate hydration is vital for everyone, but it’s especially important for people who are physically active. Even mild dehydration can have a serious impact on athletic performance. Athletes begin to experience measurable decreases in performance after a loss of just 1 or 2 percent of their body weight from dehydration (1). For example, runners who were dehydrated by only 2 percent of body weight had a 7 percent decrease in speed compared to when they were well hydrated (2). Physically active people can face additional challenges to maintaining good hydration compared to those with a less active lifestyle. Not only do those who train hard need to replace water, but it is also critical to replace electrolytes lost in sweat. Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals that are present in blood and body fluids. They help to regulate many functions within the body including hydration, pH, blood pressure, and nerve and muscle function. While all electrolytes are important, sodium and potassium are the two that need most attention during exercise. Sodium and potassium work together to support peak functioning, but are lost in the highest amounts during heavy sweating. Both physical and mental performance are impaired when sodium and potassium levels become unbalanced. Active people can lose a significant amount of sodium in a short period of time through perspiration. For example, a study using elite soccer athletes found that the players lost an average of 2 grams of sodium through sweat during a 90-minute training session (3). For comparison, government guidelines recommend that most people limit daily sodium intake to 2.3 grams (4). The soccer players in this study lost about a day’s worth of sodium in just 90 minutes of exercise. Even though the body loses a much smaller amount of potassium through perspiration, it’s still necessary to replace potassium to keep electrolyte levels in balance. Muscle cramping, weakness, and low energy levels are common when potassium or sodium levels are out of balance. Athletes can’t simply rely on water to provide right hydration. Proper hydration requires the right balance of both fluids and electrolytes. AMPED Hydrate is formulated with the electrolytes an active person needs most, including sodium and potassium, to support complete hydration and optimal performance. In addition to electrolytes, AMPED Hydrate also contains vitamin C and B complex as well as the right amount of fast-absorbing carbohydrates to support performance without overloading on sugar. At only 35 calories per serving, it’s a sports drink that provides proper replenishment and hydration for athletes and nonathletes alike. WHY Replenish™ IS BECOMING 4 Solutions to Transform Lives™
  • 5. The ability to recover from strenuous workouts is critical to anyone that exercises. Faster recovery means the ability to train more frequently and more intensely, resulting in greater performance gains. Whether you’re a runner looking to improve your marathon time or a figure athlete looking to tone your muscle, you want less soreness coupled with quickly recovered muscles. Athletes from all disciplines look for optimal performance in their sports. Building the appropriate amount of muscle and recovering from training are major concerns. Following an intense training session, the body can move toward a catabolic state of muscle protein breakdown (1). This breakdown leads to micro-trauma in muscle cells and muscle soreness that is caused by increased tension force and muscle lengthening. The micro-trauma causes muscle cells to activate pain receptors for prolonged recovery. AMPED Recover is a post-workout recovery aid designed to help trigger muscle synthesis with branched-chain amino acids, L-carnitine, and other supporting amino acids. The drink triggers the cellular mechanisms for rebuilding proteins in muscle (2). The trigger is termed “mammalian target of rapamycin,” or mTOR for short, and once activated, can build muscle if the adequate dietary protein is available (2). Branched-chain amino acids are present in the muscles at high levels and provide three important amino acids: L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine. The hallmark of the AMPED Recover formula is the effective dose of L- leucine that has the ability to stimulate mTOR and reduce muscle breakdown (2, 3). Isoleucine helps your body absorb carbohydrates into cells and valine can be used as a readily available source of energy or muscle- building material (4-6). L-carnitine is involved in energy metabolism and mitochondrial protection that can support oxygen in muscle tissue and directly help in recovery after exercise (7-9). By including IsaPro® or IsaLean® PRO Shake alongside AMPED Recover after your workout, you also supply all the amino acids needed from high-grade protein to help build muscle tissue. For fast, quality muscle recovery, consume a serving of AMPED Recover and one to two scoops of IsaPro or a serving of IsaLean PRO Shake following your workout. They can be enjoyed apart or mixed together. If you decide to mix them, we suggest you use Vanilla IsaPro or IsaLean PRO Shake and blend with ice for a delicious post-workout shake. AMPED WITH B O O S T MUSCLE GAINS Recover * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • 6. Do you remember the last time you did an all-out sprint or lifted weights to the point of failure? You may recall having noticed a distinct “burning” in your working muscles that caused you so much pain that you couldn’t continue. At this point, you stopped to rest. What happens at the cellular level during these high-intensity exercises? Your body is burning carbohydrates rapidly to keep up with the energy demand. As a byproduct of this process (glycolysis), lactic acid builds up and quickly breaks down to lactate and acid. The increased acidity within your cells shuts down many of the energy pathways needed to keep you going. However, our bodies have an essential enzyme known as nitric oxide synthase that produces nitric oxide from the amino acid L-arginine. Nitric oxide is great at increasing vasodilation, or widening of the blood vessels, which allows for more important nutrients like oxygen, glucose, electrolytes, and amino acids to travel through the blood stream to your muscles AMPED™ NOx OUT OF THE BOX events (1). These beneficial effects in the body by nitrates and nitric oxide are even greater when combined with polyphenols (5-7). Nitrates like those found in AMPED NOx use a different pathway to produce nitric oxide than AMPED Power, making them ideal for intense exercise. Nitrates also improve stamina by helping muscles use energy more efficiently. Vegetable Nitrates, FRUIT POLYPHENOLS* Vegetable-sourced nitrates lead to nitric oxide production that supports blood circulation. Specifically, studies have demonstrated that nitrate supplementation improves athletic performance by improving oxygen use, increasing power output and time to exhaustion (2-4). Fruit polyphenols in AMPED NOx can function as antioxidants and help support blood flow by assisting in the conversion of nitrates to nitric oxide. These polyphenols not only work well with nitrates, but also support cardiovascular health through their positive impact on blood vessel elasticity. (5-7) The use of both vegetable-derived nitrates and fruit polyphenols in AMPED NOx can support exercise at all levels of intensity. In fact, the ingredients have been studied in all different types of sports including cycling, running, rowing, swimming, team sports, and weight lifting. While AMPED NOx can be taken at any time of day, studies suggest that nitrates will reach peak concentrations at approximately two to three hours after ingestion and can stay elevated for up to 24 hours in your bloodstream (6, 8). For maximum benefit to exercise, take alongside AMPED Power and e+. AMPED Power supplies creatine and also supports nitric oxide production through different pathways. e+ offers a natural energy boost featuring Adaptogens ideal for performance, and caffeine from green tea and yerba mate to help you push through your workout. when they need them most. When vasodilation decreases, so can performance. Ultimately, a lack of oxygen and a buildup of waste results in fatigue, exhaustion, and subpar athletic performance. NOx OUT YOUR WORKOUT* AMPED NOx is a pre-workout product comprised of nitrate-rich vegetable extracts and polyphenolic- rich fruit extracts. These vegetable extracts, from beets, red spinach, and celery, provide high levels of nitrates that convert to nitric oxide through a series of reactions (1-4). Nitric oxide in turn promotes vasodilation and blood flow throughout the body. Nitrates are natural molecules found in food that support blood flow to muscles necessary for increased stamina. When consumed as part of a supplement, they are quickly absorbed and converted to nitric oxide, which relaxes and widens blood vessels, allowing for more blood to reach muscle. Nitrates can also reduce the rate of fatigue from muscle contraction occurring from intense cardiovascular exercise or muscular endurance * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 9IsagenixHealth.net8 Solutions to Transform Lives™
  • 7. 1110 Solutions to Transform Lives™ Endurance athletes rely heavily on carbohydrates to fuel their performance before and during their training. When exercising for long periods, athletes burn through stored glycogen (stored carbohydrates in muscle) and sugar, or glucose, in their bloodstream (1-2). Eventually fuel stores run low and athletes hit a wall, exhausting themselves and hindering their performance. Whether it be a marathon, a half-day adventure race, or a 40-mile training ride, the difference between just making it through an event and crushing it can be tied directly to nutrition. More specifically, since endurance-based activity burns through your body’s glycogen quickly, replenishment midway through your activity is essential to maintain stamina. It’s also crucial to protect your muscles as your body burns through its protein stores. AMPED Fuel™ is a puree of wholesome carbohydrate sources including apple, agave, and molasses to provide athletes optimal nutrition during endurance events like running and cycling. The product supplies quick energy during workouts, reduces fatigue and protects muscles, and promotes faster muscle recovery following training. Carbohydrate gel or puree products taken during high-intensity and endurance exercise, especially that lasting more than one to two hours, significantly improve performance, according to scientific research on athletes and performance (1-3). To maximize the availability of carbohydrates and minimize gastrointestinal distress, an optimal ratio of different forms of carbohydrates should be consumed (5-8). The ideal ratio is one that allows for the quickest absorption and immediate use for energy and maintenance of blood sugar levels with a mixture of glucose and fructose (5, 6). This “sugar balance” spares existing stores of glycogen and primes the body with greater energy and performance as the endurance activity continues. Consuming carbohydrates during exercise can also help limit the breakdown and release of protein from muscle. Furthermore, studies suggest that consuming a modest dose of branched- chain amino acids during extended exercise makes additional protein synthesis available to the body helping to reduce and offset protein loss (4). Supplementation with BCAAs during training may also suppress exercise- induced muscle damage, and muscle soreness, and accelerate recovery (4-9). By supplying the body with 22 grams of carbohydrates in an optimal glucose- fructose ratio along with branched-chain amino acids, AMPED Fuel is an ideal nutritional supplement for energy replenishment and enhanced performance. At least 90 minutes before training or a competition, consume a meal consisting of carbs, an easy-to-digest source of protein, and moderate fat, along with at least 16 ounces of fluid. MEAL: Whole-grain bagel, banana, half-serving of IsaLean® PRO Shake PRE-WORKOUT: Take AMPED NOx and AMPED Power before your workout, and e+ just before you start your workout for an added boost MID-WORKOUT: Take AMPED Fuel throughout your workout and between intense bouts of training POST-WORKOUT: Take AMPED Recover and 1 to 2 servings of IsaPro® with a banana* *To replenish muscles and liver glycogen synthesis, consume roughly half your body weight in grams of carbohydrates in smaller, more frequent over three to four hours post- exercise. Excellent choices include fresh fruit, sweet potatoes, rice, honey, and oats. GETTING SET UP FOR ENDURANCE T R A I N I N G PERFORMANCE SPOTLIGHT: AMPED™ Fuel* 1110 Solutions to Transform Lives™ * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • 8. NITRIC OXIDE E X P L A I N E D AMPED™ Power AND AMPED NOx. WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Nitric oxide is a gas released in the lining of blood vessels that causes vasodilation, the widening of blood vessels, resulting in a larger diameter and greater blood flow throughout the body. This improves nutrient absorption and oxygen utilization resulting in reducing fatigue so you can train longer and harder. AMPED NOx is a pre-workout product comprised of nitrate-rich vegetable and polyphenolic-rich fruit extracts. Nitrates are quickly absorbed and converted to nitric oxide, which relaxes and widens blood vessels, allowing for more blood to reach muscle. Nitrates work under conditions of low oxygen and high acidity making AMPED NOx perfect for endurance exercise. With increased vasodilation, nutrient exchange in the body is accelerated resulting in delivery of essential nutrients of muscle metabolism and waste removal. Proper blood flow also improves nutrient delivery to muscles enhancing replenishment and recovery. AMPED™ Power contains Nitrosigine® which is a powerful precursor to nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide is necessary for healthy blood flow, which improves oxygen and nutrient delivery to muscles, thereby boosting training gains. The benefits of Nitrosigine™ start in as little as 30 minutes after consuming and make it ideal for short intense training. DURING EXERCISE, your body requires greater oxygen and nutrients supplied by blood. With nitric oxide, your blood vessels relax supporting oxygen and blood flow for improved performance. 13IsagenixHealth.net12 Solutions to Transform Lives™ Nitrosigine is a registered trademark of Nutrition 21, LLC and is patent protected. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • 9. 15IsagenixHealth.net14 Solutions to Transform Lives™ AMPED: The Next Level of Nutrient Timing in Sports Nutrition 1. Bailey SJ, et al. Dietary nitrate supplementation reduces the O2 cost of low-intensity exercise and enhances tolerance to high-intensity exercise in humans. J Appl Physiol 2009; 107:1144-55. 2. Cermak NM et al. Nitrate supplementation’s improvement of 10-km time-trial performance in trained cyclists. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2012;22:64-71. 3. Jones AM et al. Influence of dietary nitrate supplementation on exercise tolerance and performance. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser 2013; 75:27- 40. 4. Barona J et al. Grape consumption increases anti-inflammatory markers and upregulates peripheral nitric oxide synthase in the absence of dyslipidemias in men with metabolic syndrome. Nutrients 2012 Dec 6; 4(12):1945-57. 5. Li SH et al. The acute effects of grape polyphenols supplementation on endothelial function in adults: meta- analyses of controlled trials. 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  • 10. NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS • NO ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS • NO ARTIFICIAL COLORS * Isagenix is in the process of rebranding Replenish™ into AMPED™ Hydrate. Same great formula, now part of the AMPED line. Keep an eye out for the new AMPED Hydrate packaging in 2016. AMPED Power supplies creatine, Nitrosigine® and citrulline for greater gains in strength and power. For extended training sessions, take AMPED Fuel for easily digestible carbohydrates and BCAAs for sustained energy. For fast recovery after workouts, AMPED Recover supplies BCAAs and l-carnitine to support the muscle-building process. Love e+ as a pre-workout boost? Keep using it for long-lasting energy! And for max recovery after workouts, keep using IsaPro or IsaLean PRO Shake. Take AMPED Hydrate* anytime before, during, or after workouts to stay well hydrated and nourished for optimal athletic performance. TAKE YOUR TRAINING TO For optimal athletic performance, take AMPED NOx anytime before exercise to train harder and longer. PRE-WORKOUT DURING WORKOUT POST DON’T FORGET #AMPEDModeTh e AMPED pro d uc t lin e is develope d on th e conce pt of n utrie nt timing for bet te r pe r formance , re cove r y, and training gains for athletes and eve r yday ac tive pe ople . * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.