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English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
A Different Kind of School
Word Meaning Word Meaning
Authority ‫اختیار‬ Citizen ‫شہری‬
Bandage ‫پٹی‬ Carefully ‫سے‬ ‫احتیاطی‬
Comforting ‫رام‬ٓ‫ا‬ Lame ‫لنگڑا‬
Interesting ‫دلچسپ‬ Appreciate ‫دینا‬ ‫داد‬
Kindness ‫رحمدلی‬ Cripple ‫اپا‬‫ہ‬‫ج‬‫لنگڑا‬ ،
Responsible ‫دار‬ ‫ذمہ‬ Guess ‫لگانا‬ ‫اندازہ‬
1.Answer the following questions:
Q-a: What sort of lady was Miss Farida?
Ans. Miss Farida was middle-aged, full of authority, yet kindly and understanding and had
plump figure.
Q-b: What was the real aim of Miss Farida’s school?
Ans. The real aim of this school was to teach thoughtfulness, kindness to others, and being
responsible citizen.
Q-c: What was the “game” that every child in the school had to play?
Ans. In each term, every child in the school had to play one blind day, one lame day, one deaf
day, one dumb day, and one injured day to understand what misfortune is.
Q-d: “Every child has one blind day, one lame day, one deaf day, one injured day and
one dumb day.” Which is the hardest day? Why?
Ans. Dumb day, because on this day child’s mouth is not bandaged, and they have to exercise
their will-power.
Q-e: When the writer was leaving the school, what did Miss Farida say?
Ans. Miss Farida said “Ah!Then, there is something in my system after all.”
Q-f: What have you learnt from this lesson?
Ans. I have learnt that everyone has to recognise, appreciate and understand the misfortune.
If someone is really disable it is our duty to take care of him/her on road crossing, leading
towards home/school, serving with food/water.
2-Use the following in sentences of your own:
Word Sentences
a) Gradually Gradually, I understood the problem.
b) Troublesome Arm is tied up a bit more troublesome.
c) Awful It is awful to be blind.
d) Hopeless Hopeless people do not get their dreams.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
e) Plump Miss Farida had plump figure.
f) Responsible He is a responsible citizen.
g) Crutch She is lame, therefore, is on crutches.
h) frightening It is frightening not to see.
3-Re-read the lesson and correct the following sentences:
a) He seemed to be describing me to her.
b) I asked her some questions about her teaching methods.
c) I went to the window which overlooked a large garden and playground at the back.
d) She seems to be a hopeless cripple.
e) She is not really lame. This only her lame day.
4- Re-read the lesson and write a topic sentence of the paragraph number 3. Identify the
adjectives used to introduce Miss Farida.
Topic Sentence: “Miss Farida’s personality and her teaching methods”
2-Full of authority
Find the meaning of the given words locating their guide work.
Word Meaning Word Meaning
a) Boarding ‫لگانا‬ ‫تختے‬ b) Scholar ‫عالم‬
c) Research ‫تحقیق‬ d) Organization ‫تنظیم‬
e) Fortnightly ‫بعد‬ ‫ہفتے‬ ‫دو‬ ‫ہر‬ f) Academics ‫متعلق‬ ‫سے‬ ‫کالیج‬
Language Study:
Part of Speech—Nouns
Noun: it is the name of a person, a place, a thing or an idea.
For example, Ali, school, book etc.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
Fill in the blanks with nouns:
a) Our English teacher teaches us original text.
b) The neighing of a horse signals his presence.
c) We get education at a school.
d) I have bought an interesting book. You may read it.
Collective Noun: it refers to a number of people, class, or things. For example, nation,
galaxy etc.
Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns.
a) A committee was established to review this issue.
b) The football team of the school played well.
c) A flock of birds flies together.
d) A group of stars is called galaxy.
e) A fleet of ships advanced towards the shore.
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Countable Noun: it is the type of noun that can be counted. Example: chair, pen, book.
Uncountable Noun: it is also type of noun that cannot be counted. Example: Sugar, Sand, air
Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns
Aim Hair
Eyes Misery
Girl Misfortune
Day Authority
Complete the following sentences with suitable words or phrases. Then circle the
direct object and put a cross (x) over the indirect object.
a) Anas sent a complaint to the manager (x).
b) Saima gave me (x) a pen.
c) My grandma told me (x) the fairy tale.
d) She read his brother’s (x) diary.
Write supporting details for the given topic sentences, following the conventions of
paragraph writing:
a) I like to take care of my classmates. We are not only classmates but we are like brother
and sister of a family. We study in the same school, and play together in playground, and go
home together. When they remain, absent I help them by giving their leave application to the
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
teacher and informing them about lectures, fair work, and assignments. On Eid day, I wish
them. If the classmate is poor I financially help him/her for buying books, journals and pens.
b) Miss Saliha Nazar speaks English. She is intelligent and English is her favorite language.
She most of the time like to speak in English with their classmates and teachers. Her teachers
appreciate her for having good communication skills. Parents support her for higher studies in
future and she has ability to be a lecturer in English field to serve their society as well as
Express personal interest and general everyday aspects.
Raamesh: Are you interested in football?
Zaroon: Yeah, I am interested in football.
Raamesh: Do you read magazine daily?
Zaroon: Yes, I do. And you?
Raamesh: No, I don’t. Are you keen on reading?
Zaroon: Yes, I have a great interest in comic storybooks.
Ramesh: Where do you spend your free time?
Zaroon: I prefer to spend my time in the library and on the computer.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
1.Answer the following questions:
Q-a. Which nation is superior to others?
Ans. Nation having knowledge is superior to others.
Q-b. What is the real name of Ibn-e-Khaldun?
Ans. The real name of Ibn-e-Khaldun was Abdur-Rehman.
Q-c. Which subjects did he learn when he was attached to the court of Marni?
Ans. He learnt philosophy, logic, Shariah and Arab studies.
Q-d. Was Ibn-e-Khaldun interested in political affairs?
Ans. Yes. He was interested in political affairs.
Q-e. Which great tragedy did he face?
Ans. The great tragedy he faced was that he lost his whole family and life savings in the result
of an accident.
Q-f. Why was Ibn-e-Khaldun praised by the European historians?
Ans. Because of his masterpiece book “Kitab-al-Ibr”.
2. Guess the meanings of the following words and use them in sentences of your own:
S.# Words Meanings Sentences
a. Humanities ‫ادب‬ ‫و‬ ‫علم‬ ،‫انسانیت‬ Muslims excelled in humanities.
b. Innate ‫پیدائشی‬ ‫یا‬ ‫فطری‬ He has innate power of management.
c. Scholar ‫عالم‬ Majid’s motto is to be an Islamic Scholar.
d. Several ‫مختلف‬ He made same mistake several times.
e. Conqueror ‫فاتح‬ Muhammad Bin Qasim was a great conqueror.
f. Rhetoric ‫بازی‬ ‫بیان‬ He convinced parents by his rhetoric.
g. Political ‫سیاس‬‫ی‬ In school, political talking is prohibited.
h. Contributions ‫خدمات‬ Dr. Abdul Qadir’s contributions will never forget.
3.Write the singular of the plural and plural of the singular nouns:
S.# Singular Plural
a. Key Keys
b. Calf Calves
c. Zoo Zoos
d. Woman Women
e. Cry Cries
f. Tax Taxes
g. Fairy Fairies
h. Torch Torches
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
i. Estate Estates
j. Sheep Sheep
k. Tooth Teeth
l. Leaf Leaves
4. Sentence Structure—Types of Sentences
Declarative Sentence: it tells a statement. It ends with a full stop (.).
Interrogative Sentence: it asks a question. It ends with a question mark (?).
Exclamatory Sentence: it shows strong feelings. It has an exclamation mark (!).
Imperative Sentence: it shows a request or command. It ends with full stop.
a) Where does your aunt live? (Interrogative)
b) How hot the summers are! (Exclamatory)
c) Switch off the radio, please. (Imperative)
d) Stop making excuses. (Imperative)
e) I left my watch on the table. (Declarative)
5. Write two sentences of each types:
a. Declarative:
S.# Words Sentences
1. Newspaper He read the newspaper daily.
2. Mountains He went to visit mountains of Karonjhar.
b. Interrogative:
S.# Words Sentences
1. Why Why he cannot listen?
2. How How can I help you?
c. Imperative:
S.# Words Sentences
1. Respect Respect your parents, teachers and relatives.
2. Write Please, write the letter to me.
d. Exclamatory:
S.# Words Sentences
1. Wow! Wow! Wonderful weather is today.
2. Alas! Alas! I could not get first grade.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
The Class Teacher
School of Excellence
Honourable Sir
With respectfully, I submit following few lines for your consideration. My elder brother’s
marriage ceremony is taking place at Golarchi in the upcoming week. So, I will not be able to
attend my classes.
I, therefore, request to you, kindly grant me leave for four days, on date 17 to 20 May, 2017.
I would remain thankful to you for this act of kindness.
Thanking you in anticipation
Yours faithfully
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
Mother’s day is a very special day of the year for both kids and mother. It is being celebrated
since many years, every year on the second Sunday of the month of May in Pakistan. It is
celebrated by the teachers and students in the schools by inviting mothers. Students take part
in many cultural activities to impress their mothers. Mothers are especially invited to school
by their kids on the order of school Principal and teachers. At this day mothers are given lots
of gifts, love and respects by their kids. Kids prepare special poem or conversation in Urdu or
English for their mothers.
Mother’s day is celebrated in many countries at different days in order to highlight mother’s
role in our everyday life. All mothers play lots of great role in the life of their kids from giving
birth to making them a well being human. It is only mother who shapes the child’s character
and then whole life. Every mother plays a great role in the growth and development of their
child. She takes care about everything what a kid wants.
She awakes in the early morning, help us in brushing, bathing, preparing breakfast and lunch
for school, dress up, help us in home work, give food, milk and fruits at proper time, give
medicine at right time. When we become ill, she washes and irons our clothes, plays game with
us in the home playground. She makes us sleep in the night at proper time, prepare delicious
dinner to us and other lots of activities. Actually, we cannot count our mother’s daily activities.
She does unlimited works for whole day long. She is only responsible for all works of all
members of the family. Simply, we can say mothers are great.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
Meadow Surprises
1.Answer the following questions:
Q-a. What do meadows have?
Ans. Meadows have surprises.
Q-b. What may we see upon a buttercup?
Ans. We may see a butterfly upon a buttercup.
Q-c. Which flower’s head has turned to airy parachutes?
Ans. Dandelion flower’s head has turned to airy parachutes.
Q-d. Who can discover the secrets of meadows?
Ans. Lois Brandt Philips can discover the secrets of meadows.
Q-e. What does the poet want to say in this poem?
Ans. The poet wants to describe the beauty of a grassy land and unveil the hidden truths of
Use the following in sentences of your own:
S.# Word Sentence
1. Velvet grass He likes velvet grass.
2. Drinking straws The drinking straws of a butterfly are beautiful.
3. Meadow houses There are many meadow houses in the jungle.
4. Amazing mound On our earth, many amazing mounds are found.
5. Fuzzy head A dandelion has fuzzy head.
6. Walk through Catherine walks through meadow.
3. One line of this poem suggests that we need a keen eye and a sharp ear to enjoy a
meadow. Identify the line and recite the whole stanza that contains this line.
Ans. “You may discover these yourself, if you look and listen well.” It recites that if you want
to enjoy the journey of meadow then you must focus each and everything that comes and
moves, and you suppose to keep your ear open to listen the pretty sound of the meadow.
The poet tells meadow have surprises. We can observe the things in nature. We may know the
secrets of many things to see. We can see a butterfly sips the nectar up. We can see a still rabbit
and can see a blooming dandelion where you can explore the houses of animals and you can
see and listen well. It is possible through discover yourself and we need observation.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
Write the correct possessive form for each of following.
S.# Simple form Possessive form
1. The ball of the boy was lost. The boy’s ball was lost.
2. The books of the women are new. The women’s books are new.
3. Where are the saddles of the horses? Where are the horses’ saddles?
4. I am searching the pencil of the boss. I am searching the boss’s pencil.
5. The handbags of the ladies are very small. The ladies’ handbags are very small.
Sentence Structure—Simple Present Tense
a. A Chinese lady speaks Chinese.
b. The teacher teaches us regularly.
c. The bus arrives at 7:30 in the evening.
d. She washes the clothes and irons them.
e. I write a letter and post it.
The Present Continuous Tense
Fill in the blanks using the Present Continuous Tense.
a. The stars are twinkling in the sky.
b. My sister is writing an article for a newspaper.
c. You are getting hundred percent marks till now.
d. The birds are chirping here.
e. I am waiting for you.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
The Story of Dr Dolittle-I
1. Answer the following questions:
Q-a) What did the people say when Dr. Dolittle walked down the street?
Ans. People would say “There goes the Doctor, he is a clever man.”
Q-b) What did he say when his sister Sarah complained against the animals?
Ans. Against the complaint he said, “But I like the animals”.
Q-c) How did Dr. Dolittle become poorer?
Ans. As time went on, Dolittle became animal doctor, when animals got well, they did not want
to go away. So, in this way he went on getting more and more pets and he became poorer.
Q-d) What was Dr. Dolittle’s attitude towards money?
Ans. Dolittle used to say about money “Money is a nuisance, what does money matter, so long
as we are happy?”
Q-e) Who is the most practical person in the story? Give reasons for your choice.
Ans. Dolittle’s friend, because he advised him to be an animal doctor by seeing Dolittle’s care
and interest for the pets.
Q-f) Predict what will happen in the second part of the story.
Ans. On the suggestion of Chee Chee, monkeys will give him going away present of Pushmi-
Pullyu and doctor will return home.
2. Use the following in sentences of your own:
S.# Words Sentences
a. Of course Of course, I have seen crocodile.
b. Give up Never give up in your life.
c. Stockings The student did not wear stockings so he punished.
d. A lot of Google has a lot of information.
e. Very soon Very soon, Aisha will get diamond position.
f. Passed by Rafey passed by his teacher.
3. Recall the story elements read in the previous class and choose correct options:
i. Dr. Dolittle’s friend is an important_b) character_of the story.
ii. Dr. Dolittle’s interest in animals, his poverty and invitation from Africa are c) settings_of
the story_events.
iii. The tone of the writer towards animals’ care is_d) sympathetic_.
iv. Care for animals is_theme_.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
Reflexive Pronoun: it is used when the object in a sentence refers to the same person or thing
as the subject of the sentence.
Examples: myself, themselves, yourself, ourselves, herself, himself etcetera.
Match the two parts of these short dialogues and encircle the reflection pronouns:
S.# A B
a. Would you like me to help you? Oh, I hurt myself. (e)
b. Where did you learn riding? No, I made it myself. (c)
c. Did you get that lampshade at the crafts fair? Sorry, read yourself. (d)
d. Can you read me the newspaper? Actually, I leant it myself. (b)
e. Why do you have bandage around your head? Thanks, I can do it myself. (a)
Sentence Structure
Present Perfect Tense: it tells that an action or event began in the past and is completed now.
Affirmative sentence: subject+has/have+third form of verb+object.
Example: I have sent you a letter.
Negative sentence: subject+has/have+not+third form of verb+object.
Example: She has not broken her promise.
Interrogative sentence: has/have+subject.
Example: Have they stolen your things?
Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Tense:
a) My mother has got the email.
b) They have eaten all the fruits.
c) The principal has allocated this room to another student.
d) Our teacher has taught us about our lifestyle.
e) We have attained our targets successfully.
f) She has lost her book on the way to school.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
The Story of Dr. Dolittle-II
1. Answer the following questions:
a) How did monkey catch Pushmi-Pullyu?
Ans. Monkeys followed the footprints of Pushmi-Pullyu, found near a river-edge; they all
joined hands and made a great circle around the grass; when Pushmi-Pullyu came out, he could
not escape and they caught him.
b) What did Dr. Dolittle promise the Pushmi-Pullyu?
Ans. Dr. Dolittle promised the Pushmi-Pullyu that if he would not like the white men’s land,
he would be sent back.
c) The Pushmi-Pullyu had a mind of his own. Explain with the help of hints given in this story.
Ans. Nobody ever succeeded to catch him, because, no matter which way the hunter came, he
always faced him; besides, one half of him slept at a time while, other head was always awake
and watching. He ate from one mouth and spoke from other, in this way, he never became rude.
d) How did the monkeys see Dr. Dollittle off?
Ans. All the monkeys went with him as far as the edge of their country, carrying his trunk and
bags, to see him off.
e) What is the purpose of the writer to write this story?
Ans. The purpose of this story is that people should take care, shows kindness and love to
f) What do you think whether Dr. Dolittle was a great human being or a great vet? Give
reasons for your choice.
Ans. I think, Dr. Dolittle was a great vet, because, for pets, he gave up to treat the humans.
2. Use the following in sentences of your own:
S.# Words Sentences
a. Scarce Years ago, Pushmi-Pullyu was scarce in the African jungles.
b. Menagerie Buffalos are kept in Menagerie.
c. Footprints Monkeys followed the footprints of Pushmi-Pullyu.
d. Persuade Monkeys persuade Pushmi-Pullyu to go with doctor.
e. Polite Be polite while talking.
f. Settle Sameed settled in Germany.
g. Heart of the jungle Pushmi-Pullyu was heart of the jungle.
3. Use the gapped summary given below to summarise “The Story of Dr. Dolittle”.
Dr. Dolittle, a vet, lived in Puddleby with his high hat. His love was for animals. His sister,
Sarah complained against animals, but he said “ I like the animals”. He became poor, because
he spent lots of money to feed animals.His friend’s advice him you should give up being a
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
people’s doctor and be an animal’s doctor. He received an invitation from Africa to treat eh
monkeys. Monkeys gifted a Pushmi-Pullyu. Pushmi-Pullyu’s fears infornt of Dr. Dolittle’s
preparation to go back home grand party and animal was a tribute to Dr. Dolittle from the
4. Choose the correct spelling of the words that should be put in the blanks.
a) A vet gest excellence in veterinary medicine.
b) A good administrator is aware of effects of social crisis.
c) Money makes mere go.
d) Confession brings me peace of mind.
e) Please, confirm me your schedule.
5. Fill in the blanks with “one, any or some”:
a) Has she any money in her bag?
b) Do you have some data in your C drive?
c) Aslam has a beautiful garden. I have not any.
d) He attended a party. It was a grand one.
e) She invited some of her friends on her brother’s wedding ceremony.
7. Put past form of verb in the blanks:
Rashid was a good boy. He respected the elders and loved the young ones. He also took care
of animals and birds. He helped the people who needed him. He visited the library regularly
and read books. His teachers taught him to discover the wonders of the world. One day he
thought, “There is no wonder so great as human being is. “He ran hurriedly to his teacher to
know how he could grasp this wonder.
8. Insert colon (:) where required:
a) Matter has four states: solid, liquid, gas and plasma.
b) The book contains two parts: life sciences and physical sciences.
c) I need some stationary: a notebook, a pencil and a rubber.
d) Suhail has four friends: Rashid, Amir, Dawood and Awais.
e) My younger sister has shown me her collection: stamps, coins and portraits.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
The Rain
1. Answer the following questions:
a) What are the green leaves drinking?
Ans. The green leaves are drinking rain.
b) Why do the poor get drop after drop?
Ans. Because rich are on the top and poor is beneath so they get drop after drop.
c) What happens when the sun comes out?
Ans. When the sun comes out rain shall stop and wondrous light fill the atmosphere.
d) What is the effect of sun shining after the rain stops?
Ans. When sun shines bright it shows a lovely scene.
e) What is your personal response to the scene described in the poem?
Ans. Certainly! The scene looks wonderful when rain stops and sun comes out.
2. Use the following in sentences of your own:
S.# Word Sentence
a. Beneath Lubna sits beneath the tree.
b. Noise Please! Do not make noise.
c. Round Sun has round shape.
d. Shines When sun shines earth becomes bright.
e. Hope Always, keep hope on Almighty Allah.
3. The summary of the poem.
In “The Rain” the poet describes a scene of rain and beautiful sunshine after the rain. In which
he praises the rain’s drop which falls on ground and leaves. He hears the sound of drop that
falls from the cloud to earth. He feels joy when sun comes out after the rain and environment
looks crystal clear.
4. Choose the linking verbs from the boxes and fill in the blanks.
a) This faithful lady seems contented as she has faith in Allah.
b) At night, the birds are in the nest.
c) In anger, his face turned red.
d) Asad remained silent in the whole meeting.
e) I feel great today.
f) My mother’s voice sounds strange on the phone.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
5. Fill in the blanks with the past continuous tense or the simple past tense of the verbs:
a) An inexperienced driver was driving when the accident took place.
b) When the principal was entering the school, the students read books.
c) Anam was buying a cake because she felt hungry.
d) The last time when I was meeting him, he learnt Arabic language.
e) When I was reaching the station, the travellers, were got on the train.
6. Make sentences of the Past Continuous Tense from the following verbs.
a) Sail: He was sailing on Pacific Ocean.
b) Say: Narain was saying truth.
c) Leave: Ashok was leaving for Islamabad.
d) Build: Javed was building his factory.
e) Visit: Shayan was visiting Liaquat University.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
Knowledge is power is the famous proverb which means knowledge is very powerful and has
ability to win over all other physical power in the world. Knowledge plays great role in all
aspects of the life by let us know the easy and effective ways to solve the situations. Knowledge
is a very powerful factor which helps us to get success and position in the life. It can be said
that money and physical strength are also important tools of power; however, both are not so
powerful like knowledge. Money and physical strength cannot buy or steal the knowledge; it
can only be achieved by the continuous practice, devotion, and patience.
Knowledge helps us to convert our planning into the right action and enables to get the
difference between right or wrong and good or bad. It helps us to overcome our weaknesses
and faults as well as makes us able to face the dangers and difficulties by giving lots of courage
and confidence. It makes a person more powerful by giving him mental, moral and spiritual
advancement in the life.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
The Class Teacher
School of Excellence
Respected Sir
With respectfully, I submit following few lines for your consideration, that I am suffering from
fever since last night. So, I am not able to attend my classes.
Therefore, I request to you, kindly grant me leave for two days, on date 3 to 4 October, 2018.
I would remain thankful to you for this act of kindness.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours Sincerely
The Class Teacher
School of Excellence
Esteemed Sir
With respectfully, I submit following few lines for your consideration, that I have an urgent
piece of work at home. So, I cannot attend my classes.
Therefore, I request to you, kindly grant me leave for one days, on date October 3, 2018.
I would remain thankful to you for this act of kindness.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
General Knowledge
1. Who discovered the bulb:
Ans. Thomas Edison
2. The real name of Ibn-e-Khaldun was:
Ans. Abdur Rehman.
3. Ibn-e-Khaldun was born on………in North Africa.
Ans. May 27, 1332.
4. Ibn-e-Khaldun wrote the famous book named:
Ans: Kitab-al-Ibr.
5. Ibn-e-Khaldun performed the pilgrimage to Makkah in:
Ans. 1387.
6. The poem “Meadow Surprises” is written by:
Ans. Lois Brandt Philip.
7. Which is the biggest planet?
Ans. Jupiter
8. The largest gulf in the world is:
Ans. Gulf of Mexico
9. The poem “The Rain” is written by:
Ans. William Henry Davies.
10. The tallest building in the world is:
Ans. Burj Khalifa, Dubai
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
English to Urdu Translations
S# English Urdu
1 Allama Iqbal is our national poet.
2 He is writing an essay.
3 The school is tidy and clean.
4 Cleanliness is half of our faith.
5 She is writing an application.
6 He goes to the market.
7 His brother was doctor.
8 My uncle is civil judge.
9 I had a pen.
10 She reads the poem.
11 Amar plays the cricket.
12 He is watching television.
13 Bill Gate is the richest man.
14 Arif Alvi is president of Pakistan.
15 Please! Keep silence.
16 I was gone to Karachi yesterday.
17 He takes care of his neighbours.
18 He is a good boy.
19 I live in Pakistan.
20 The biggest city of Pakistan is Karachi.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
The Olympic Games
Words Meanings Words Meanings
Imagination ‫وصتر‬،‫ایخل‬ Contestant ‫وال‬‫رکےن‬‫اقمالب‬
Athlete ‫الھکڑی‬ International ‫اوقلایم‬‫نیب‬
Participation ‫ومشتیل‬ Interlocking ‫المان‬
Occupied ‫وبقمہض‬ Continent ‫ربامظع‬
Exclusively ‫پ‬‫وطر‬‫اایتمزی‬ Pageant ‫رظنم‬‫ششک‬‫پ‬،‫امتہش‬
Competition ‫اقمالب‬ Ceremony ‫رقتبی‬
Conquering ‫رکان‬‫حتف‬ Host ‫زیمابن‬
1. Answer the following questions:
a) Which games were added to the Olympic in 688 B.C. and 680 B.C?
Ans. Boxing and the four-horse chariot race were added to the Olympic in 680-688 B.C.
b) What does Olympiad mean?
Ans. The four-year period between two successive Olympic Games is called an Olympiad.
c) Why did Emperor Theodosius abolish the Olympic Games?
Ans. Emperor Theodosius abolished the Olympic Games because of the decline in their quality.
d) When and where did the modern Olympic Games take place first time?
Ans. In 1896, the first modern Olympic games took place in the Panatheniac Stadium, Athens,
e) What does the Olympic symbol stand for?
Ans. The Olympic Symbol, stands for five interlocking rings that represent the continents of
Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North and South America.
f) How far do you agree with Baron Pierre de Courbertin that the essential thing in life is
not conquering but fighting well?
Ans. I disagreed with the above statement, the essential thing in life is conquering but fighting
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
2. Use the following words in your own sentences:
S# Words Sentences
a) Exclusively School devoted exclusively the need of children.
b) Chariot Children ride in the chariot.
c) Abolish Government abolished the chemical plant.
d) Ruins He himself ruins his career.
e) Complex It is a complex question.
f) Spectator Spectator paid the ticket charges.
3. Fill in the blanks with “a” or “an”.
a) a university b) a European ambassador
c) a unique character d) an umpire
e) a one-day match f) an L.L.B
4. Tick the correct articles in the following sentences:
a) An egg has an oval shape.
b) The Lahore Fort is a magnificent monument.
c) A pen is mightier than the sword.
d) A scientist should work for the progress of humankind.
e) Shane Warne is an Australian cricketer.
f) Safa is an F.A and she wants to be a graduate.
5. Fill in the blanks with “must, may, should or ought to”.
a) I should perform my duties honestly.
b) He ought to apply for this post now.
c) Today is the last day. You must pay your dues.
d) Noor may be angry with her sister.
e) He should not present such a senseless idea.
6. Complete the sentences with “need” or “need not”:
a) Asma needs clean the rooms today.
b) You need not speak to him about it. The issue has already been resolved.
c) They don’t need to pay the dues, they have already been paid.
d) I did not need to complain to the teacher.
e) You need not to go home without finishing your work.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
7. Fill in the blanks with “dare, need and would”.
a) Would you mind if I call you regularly?
b) I dare not ask him for a favor.
c) I could not hear it; would you repeat it please?
d) Would you like me to get you some tea?
e) How dare you say it?
f) You need not work on his project now.
8. Use both the structures to make sentences from given combinations: Express Future
a) Ahmad will arrive at the station.
b) They will attend the ceremony.
c) You are going to receive the guests.
d) The students will get marksheets.
e) Madiha is going to attain the first position.
9. Insert colon (:) in the following sentences:
a) Quetta Express arrives at 3:15 pm at the platform.
b) Hassan Jalal has visited three countries: Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.
c) A teacher says: “English learners are always well-read”.
d) A thinker says: “The best way to understand a subject is to write a book on it.”
e) My friends will visit me at 2:00 p.m.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
Gulliver in the Land of the Giants
Words Meanings Words Meanings
Giant ‫بڑا‬ ‫بہت‬ Astonish ‫حی‬‫کرنا‬ ‫ران‬
Adventure ،‫مہم‬‫سفر‬ ‫کا‬ ‫خطروں‬ Movement ‫تحریک‬ ،‫حرکت‬ ‫و‬ ‫نقل‬
Inhabitant ‫والے‬ ‫رہنے‬ ،‫مکین‬ Creature ‫مخلوق‬
Extract ‫نکالنا‬ Handkerchief ‫رومال‬
Accidently ‫سے‬ ‫اتفاق‬ Except ‫بغیر‬ ‫کے‬
Struggle ‫جدوجہد‬ Disobey ‫کرنا‬ ‫نافرمانی‬
Unfortunately ‫سے‬ ‫قسمتی‬ ‫بد‬ Suddenly ‫اچانک‬
1. Answer the following questions:
a) What did Gulliver do when the farmer placed him on the ground?
Ans: Gulliver got up at once and walked slowly backwards and forwards between farmer’s
b) How did Gulliver communicate his intention to the farmer and his workmen?
Ans: Gulliver communicated his intention that he did not intend to run away. He took off his
hat and made a low bow. Then he fell on his knees, raised his hands towards them and spoke a
few words loudly.
c) How did the farmer carry Gulliver back to his home?
Ans: Gulliver was wrapped in handkerchief except for his head, and carried by the farmer to
his home.
d) Why did Gulliver have to face the difficulty to lift a “small” cup?
Ans: Gulliver had to face the difficulty to lift a “small” cup because the cup was filled with
three gallons of water. Therefore, it was difficult to lift.
e) How did the baby react as he saw Gulliver?
Ans: The baby started shouting so loudly, that could have been heard far away.
f) Why did Gulliver speak humbly to the giant farmer?
Ans: Farmer thought Gulliver would bite him, and farmer would throw him away. So, he spoke
to him humbly.
2. Use the following in sentences of your own:
S# Words Sentences
a. Thunder The bus thundered down the road.
b. Human We should respect every human.
c. Screamed She screamed with pain.
d. Deafened He blessed with a deafened son.
e. Plaything A father bought a plaything from the fair.
f. Permit Parents did permit his son for picnic.
g. Cautiously He drives cautiously in traffic.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
i. Frightened A baby frightened by seeing Gulliver.
3. Fill in the blanks using the Future Continuous Tense.
a) Zia will be looking for a new job next week.
b) The girls will be boiling eggs for breakfast.
c) Next year, the government will be opening new schools.
d) Our aunt will be inviting her relatives for her son’s wedding.
e) He will be delivering a lecture on child education.
f) The young children will be watching a match on TV.
Part of Speech: Transitive and Intransitive verb
1-Transitive verb: it needs an object to complete its meaning.
Example: The player threw the ball.
2-Intransitive verb: it does not need an object to complete its meaning.
Example: He moved quietly.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
The Fisherman
Words Meanings Words Meanings
Fisherman ‫مچھیرا‬ ،‫گیر‬ ‫ماہی‬ Wonder ‫تعجب‬ ،‫حیرت‬
Bottom ‫نیچے‬ Clouds ‫بادل‬
Abed ‫میں‬ ‫رام‬ٓ‫ا‬،‫پر‬ ‫بستر‬ Sniff ‫لینا‬ ‫اندر‬ ‫کو‬ ‫سانس‬
Bread ‫روٹی‬ Tides ‫لہریں‬
strange ‫عجیب‬ Wind ‫ہوا‬
1. Answer the following questions:
a) Where does the fisherman get his bread?
Ans: The fisherman gets his bread from the bottom of the sea.
b) What does “bread” mean in the first stanza?
Ans: “bread” mean food in the first stanza.
c) Why does the poet find a fisherman’s life strange?
Ans: The poet finds a fisherman’s life strange because he spends half on the shore and half
upon the sea.
d) Does the fisherman know much about city life? How did you guess it?
Ans: The fisherman knows much about city life, I guessed when he sniffs and shuts one eye.
e) What could be the things “of wonder” and “of fear”?
Ans: These things could the sea creatures.
Part of Speech: Adjective
Adjective: it describes a noun or pronoun.
Examples: half, good, better, beautiful, handsome, small, big, long, high etcetera.
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives.
a) This work is more difficult than that.
b) This is the best news I have heard in months.
c) Time is the best healer.
d) The youngest of the two women is very shy.
e) My sister is wearing a pretty dress.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
Word Meaning Word Meaning
Prophet ‫رسول‬ ،‫پیغمبر‬ Devoted ‫کی‬ ‫وقف‬
Quarrelled ‫کیا‬ ‫جھگڑا‬ Destruction ‫تباہی‬
Idol ‫بت‬ Witness ‫شاہد‬ ،‫گواہ‬
Resurrection ‫حشر‬ ،‫قیامت‬ Heir ‫وارث‬
Preached ‫کی‬ ‫تبلیغ‬ Rage ‫غصہ‬
Worshipping ‫کرنا‬ ‫عبادت‬ Surrender ‫ڈالنا‬ ‫ہتھیار‬ ،‫جانا‬ ‫جھک‬
1. Answer the following questions:
a) What did Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) preach?
Ans: Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) preached his people the Oneness of God, and he is the Lord of all
creation, who controlled life, death and resurrection.
b) What did he say to his father, Azar?
Ans: Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) told his father, Azar, to desist from worshipping idols.
c) What did the people ask Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)?
Ans: People asked about the destruction of idols in the temple.
d) Who was Hazrat Ismail (AS)?
Ans: Hazrat Ismail (AS) was the son of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS).
e) When do the Muslims make remembrance of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)’s sacrifice?
Ans: Muslims all over the world slaughter animals on the 10th
of Zil-Haj every year for
remembrance of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)’s sacrifice.
2. Use the following in sentences of your own:
S# Words Sentences
a. Responded Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) responded against the worship of idols.
b. Dispute Human should live peacefully and avoid dispute.
c. Quarrel There was quarrel on water.
d. Outrage He outrages ones’ modesty.
e. Blazing The blazing sun’s light bright the world.
f. Protect The policeman protected the citizen.
g. Surrender Criminal surrender in front of police.
h. Commitment Commitment leads to success.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
3. Change the voice of the following sentences.
a) People formed a queue on the road.
Passive: A queue was formed by people on the road.
b) They elected Shoaib as their team leader.
Passive: Shoaib was elected by them as their team leader.
c) I was forced by my seniors to resign.
Active: My seniors forced me to resign.
d) The child is frightened by thunder and lightning.
Active: Thunder and lightning frightened the child.
e) Miss Sadaf will teach us Geometry tomorrow.
Passive: We will be taught Geometry by Miss Sadaf tomorrow.
f) I will be selected by the selectors in a national town.
Active: The selectors will select me in a national town.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
Around the World in Eighty Days
Word Meaning Word Meaning
Servant ‫نوکر‬ Journey ‫سفر‬
Talkative ‫باتونی‬ Passenger ‫مسافر‬
Wandered ‫دھر‬ُ‫ا‬ ‫ادھر‬‫پھرنا‬ Crowd ‫بھیڑ‬
Slaughter ‫کرنا‬ ‫ذبح‬ Immediately ‫سے‬ ‫جلدی‬
Joyfully ‫سے‬ ‫خوشی‬ Unbearable ‫قابل‬ ‫نا‬‫برداشت‬
Disappointed ‫کیا‬ ‫مایوس‬ Tension ‫پریشانی‬
1. Answer the following questions:
a) How did Mr Fogg live?
Ans: Mr Fogg was orderly mind and regular habits, who lived by the clock.
b) Why did he fire his servant?
Ans: Mr Fogg fired his servant because he brought in shaving water that was two degrees
colder than it should have been.
c) Who was referred to as a machine? Why?
Ans: Mr Fogg’s new servant referred to as a machine because he was punctual to serve his
d) Which was more important to Mr Fogg, time or place?
Ans: Time was more important to Mr Fogg than place.
e) Which were the fastest means of travelling in those days?
Ans: Those days train and steamships were the fastest means of travelling.
2. Use the following in sentences of your own
S# Words Sentences
a. Previous Mr Fogg fired his previous servant.
b. Talkative Mr Fogg’s new servant was talkative.
c. Domestic Buffalo is a domestic animal.
d. No longer He is no longer with us.
e. Announced Prime Minister announced youth policy.
f. Justified She could not justified her answer.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate transitional devices.
a) You have solved first sum. Similarly, you can do the whole exercise.
b) He had done a great wrong. Therefore, he was dismissed from his post.
c) He called them collectively, instead of, calling their names.
d) First you should have a brainstorming to generate ideas then you will be able to plan well.
e) Pakistanis love one another so they shared the sufferings of the victims of the earthquake.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
Foolish Questions
Word Meaning Word Meaning
Foolish ‫بیوقوف‬ Hanged ‫ہوا‬ ‫لٹکا‬
Pupil ‫علم‬ ‫طالب‬ Shade ‫سایہ‬
Elbow ‫کہنی‬ Knee ‫گھٹنا‬
Palm ‫ہتیلی‬ Crown ‫تاج‬
Strange ‫عجیب‬ Crook ‫کرنا‬ ‫ٹیڑھا‬
Pretty ‫حسین‬ ،‫خوبصورت‬
1. Answer the following questions:
a) What is the relationship between knee and cap?
Ans: The relationship between knee and cap is strange.
b) Why does the poet want to call eyes a school?
Ans: The poet calls eye a school because it teaches us many new things.
c) What does “crown” mean in the poem?
Ans: “Crown” in the poem means brain.
d) Tell the name of the tree used in the poem in a different sense.
Ans: “Palm” of his hand used as tree in the poem.
e) What does the calf eat?
Ans: The calf eats the corn on his toe.
2. Use the following in sentences of your own:
S# Words Sentences
a. Lock of hair Cap is a lock of hair.
b. Jewel Some jewels found underground.
c. Bridge Bridge connects the people of two sides.
d. Sent Razaque sent his father a mail.
e. Hanged Judge penned case and declared hanged to death decision.
3. Part of Speech
Preposition: it shows a relationship between a noun or pronoun and some other words in a
Example: into, in, on, for, by, at etcetera.
Compound Preposition: it consists of two or more words working together as one word and
functioning as a preposition.
Example: in spite of, despite, instead of, due to, in between etcetera.
English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th
Compiled by:
Seetal Daas (
4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition form the brackets.
a) The baby fell into the well.
b) I am looking for my lost book.
c) Go and sit besides your elder brother.
d) Jeddah is a city of Saudi Arabia.
e) Can I pay for the books by a credit card?
f) We should prefer wisdom to wealth.
g) Our school peon was sitting on a chair.
h) They awoke at dawn to see the sunrise.
i) The thief was caught by the policeman.
j) Cut the cake into pieces.
4. Complete the sentences, choosing the appropriate preposition.
a) He likes to work indoors.
b) Adnan is going abroad for higher studies.
c) An old man is walking towards the market.
d) He is coming behind us.
e) They moved forward to show their determination.

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  • 1. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 1 LESSON 1 A Different Kind of School Word Meaning Word Meaning Authority ‫اختیار‬ Citizen ‫شہری‬ Bandage ‫پٹی‬ Carefully ‫سے‬ ‫احتیاطی‬ Comforting ‫رام‬ٓ‫ا‬ Lame ‫لنگڑا‬ Interesting ‫دلچسپ‬ Appreciate ‫دینا‬ ‫داد‬ Kindness ‫رحمدلی‬ Cripple ‫اپا‬‫ہ‬‫ج‬‫لنگڑا‬ ، Responsible ‫دار‬ ‫ذمہ‬ Guess ‫لگانا‬ ‫اندازہ‬ 1.Answer the following questions: Q-a: What sort of lady was Miss Farida? Ans. Miss Farida was middle-aged, full of authority, yet kindly and understanding and had plump figure. Q-b: What was the real aim of Miss Farida’s school? Ans. The real aim of this school was to teach thoughtfulness, kindness to others, and being responsible citizen. Q-c: What was the “game” that every child in the school had to play? Ans. In each term, every child in the school had to play one blind day, one lame day, one deaf day, one dumb day, and one injured day to understand what misfortune is. Q-d: “Every child has one blind day, one lame day, one deaf day, one injured day and one dumb day.” Which is the hardest day? Why? Ans. Dumb day, because on this day child’s mouth is not bandaged, and they have to exercise their will-power. Q-e: When the writer was leaving the school, what did Miss Farida say? Ans. Miss Farida said “Ah!Then, there is something in my system after all.” Q-f: What have you learnt from this lesson? Ans. I have learnt that everyone has to recognise, appreciate and understand the misfortune. If someone is really disable it is our duty to take care of him/her on road crossing, leading towards home/school, serving with food/water. 2-Use the following in sentences of your own: Word Sentences a) Gradually Gradually, I understood the problem. b) Troublesome Arm is tied up a bit more troublesome. c) Awful It is awful to be blind. d) Hopeless Hopeless people do not get their dreams.
  • 2. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 2 e) Plump Miss Farida had plump figure. f) Responsible He is a responsible citizen. g) Crutch She is lame, therefore, is on crutches. h) frightening It is frightening not to see. 3-Re-read the lesson and correct the following sentences: a) He seemed to be describing me to her. b) I asked her some questions about her teaching methods. c) I went to the window which overlooked a large garden and playground at the back. d) She seems to be a hopeless cripple. e) She is not really lame. This only her lame day. 4- Re-read the lesson and write a topic sentence of the paragraph number 3. Identify the adjectives used to introduce Miss Farida. Topic Sentence: “Miss Farida’s personality and her teaching methods” Adjectives 1-Middle-aged 2-Full of authority 3-Kindly 4-Understanding 5-Grey 6-Plump 7-Homesick 8-Simple Find the meaning of the given words locating their guide work. Word Meaning Word Meaning a) Boarding ‫لگانا‬ ‫تختے‬ b) Scholar ‫عالم‬ c) Research ‫تحقیق‬ d) Organization ‫تنظیم‬ e) Fortnightly ‫بعد‬ ‫ہفتے‬ ‫دو‬ ‫ہر‬ f) Academics ‫متعلق‬ ‫سے‬ ‫کالیج‬ Language Study: Part of Speech—Nouns Noun: it is the name of a person, a place, a thing or an idea. For example, Ali, school, book etc.
  • 3. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 3 Fill in the blanks with nouns: a) Our English teacher teaches us original text. b) The neighing of a horse signals his presence. c) We get education at a school. d) I have bought an interesting book. You may read it. Collective Noun: it refers to a number of people, class, or things. For example, nation, galaxy etc. Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns. a) A committee was established to review this issue. b) The football team of the school played well. c) A flock of birds flies together. d) A group of stars is called galaxy. e) A fleet of ships advanced towards the shore. Countable and Uncountable Nouns Countable Noun: it is the type of noun that can be counted. Example: chair, pen, book. Uncountable Noun: it is also type of noun that cannot be counted. Example: Sugar, Sand, air etc. Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns Aim Hair Eyes Misery Girl Misfortune Day Authority Complete the following sentences with suitable words or phrases. Then circle the direct object and put a cross (x) over the indirect object. a) Anas sent a complaint to the manager (x). b) Saima gave me (x) a pen. c) My grandma told me (x) the fairy tale. d) She read his brother’s (x) diary. Write supporting details for the given topic sentences, following the conventions of paragraph writing: a) I like to take care of my classmates. We are not only classmates but we are like brother and sister of a family. We study in the same school, and play together in playground, and go home together. When they remain, absent I help them by giving their leave application to the
  • 4. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 4 teacher and informing them about lectures, fair work, and assignments. On Eid day, I wish them. If the classmate is poor I financially help him/her for buying books, journals and pens. b) Miss Saliha Nazar speaks English. She is intelligent and English is her favorite language. She most of the time like to speak in English with their classmates and teachers. Her teachers appreciate her for having good communication skills. Parents support her for higher studies in future and she has ability to be a lecturer in English field to serve their society as well as nation. Express personal interest and general everyday aspects. Raamesh: Are you interested in football? Zaroon: Yeah, I am interested in football. Raamesh: Do you read magazine daily? Zaroon: Yes, I do. And you? Raamesh: No, I don’t. Are you keen on reading? Zaroon: Yes, I have a great interest in comic storybooks. Ramesh: Where do you spend your free time? Zaroon: I prefer to spend my time in the library and on the computer.
  • 5. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 5 LESSON 2 Ibn-e-Khaldun 1.Answer the following questions: Q-a. Which nation is superior to others? Ans. Nation having knowledge is superior to others. Q-b. What is the real name of Ibn-e-Khaldun? Ans. The real name of Ibn-e-Khaldun was Abdur-Rehman. Q-c. Which subjects did he learn when he was attached to the court of Marni? Ans. He learnt philosophy, logic, Shariah and Arab studies. Q-d. Was Ibn-e-Khaldun interested in political affairs? Ans. Yes. He was interested in political affairs. Q-e. Which great tragedy did he face? Ans. The great tragedy he faced was that he lost his whole family and life savings in the result of an accident. Q-f. Why was Ibn-e-Khaldun praised by the European historians? Ans. Because of his masterpiece book “Kitab-al-Ibr”. 2. Guess the meanings of the following words and use them in sentences of your own: S.# Words Meanings Sentences a. Humanities ‫ادب‬ ‫و‬ ‫علم‬ ،‫انسانیت‬ Muslims excelled in humanities. b. Innate ‫پیدائشی‬ ‫یا‬ ‫فطری‬ He has innate power of management. c. Scholar ‫عالم‬ Majid’s motto is to be an Islamic Scholar. d. Several ‫مختلف‬ He made same mistake several times. e. Conqueror ‫فاتح‬ Muhammad Bin Qasim was a great conqueror. f. Rhetoric ‫بازی‬ ‫بیان‬ He convinced parents by his rhetoric. g. Political ‫سیاس‬‫ی‬ In school, political talking is prohibited. h. Contributions ‫خدمات‬ Dr. Abdul Qadir’s contributions will never forget. 3.Write the singular of the plural and plural of the singular nouns: S.# Singular Plural a. Key Keys b. Calf Calves c. Zoo Zoos d. Woman Women e. Cry Cries f. Tax Taxes g. Fairy Fairies h. Torch Torches
  • 6. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 6 i. Estate Estates j. Sheep Sheep k. Tooth Teeth l. Leaf Leaves 4. Sentence Structure—Types of Sentences Declarative Sentence: it tells a statement. It ends with a full stop (.). Interrogative Sentence: it asks a question. It ends with a question mark (?). Exclamatory Sentence: it shows strong feelings. It has an exclamation mark (!). Imperative Sentence: it shows a request or command. It ends with full stop. Examples: a) Where does your aunt live? (Interrogative) b) How hot the summers are! (Exclamatory) c) Switch off the radio, please. (Imperative) d) Stop making excuses. (Imperative) e) I left my watch on the table. (Declarative) 5. Write two sentences of each types: a. Declarative: S.# Words Sentences 1. Newspaper He read the newspaper daily. 2. Mountains He went to visit mountains of Karonjhar. b. Interrogative: S.# Words Sentences 1. Why Why he cannot listen? 2. How How can I help you? c. Imperative: S.# Words Sentences 1. Respect Respect your parents, teachers and relatives. 2. Write Please, write the letter to me. d. Exclamatory: S.# Words Sentences 1. Wow! Wow! Wonderful weather is today. 2. Alas! Alas! I could not get first grade.
  • 7. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 7 To The Class Teacher School of Excellence Golarchi Subject: REQUEST FOR BROTHER’S MARRIAGE LEAVE FOR FOUR DAYS Honourable Sir With respectfully, I submit following few lines for your consideration. My elder brother’s marriage ceremony is taking place at Golarchi in the upcoming week. So, I will not be able to attend my classes. I, therefore, request to you, kindly grant me leave for four days, on date 17 to 20 May, 2017. I would remain thankful to you for this act of kindness. Thanking you in anticipation Yours faithfully ____________
  • 8. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 8 MOTHER’S DAY Mother’s day is a very special day of the year for both kids and mother. It is being celebrated since many years, every year on the second Sunday of the month of May in Pakistan. It is celebrated by the teachers and students in the schools by inviting mothers. Students take part in many cultural activities to impress their mothers. Mothers are especially invited to school by their kids on the order of school Principal and teachers. At this day mothers are given lots of gifts, love and respects by their kids. Kids prepare special poem or conversation in Urdu or English for their mothers. Mother’s day is celebrated in many countries at different days in order to highlight mother’s role in our everyday life. All mothers play lots of great role in the life of their kids from giving birth to making them a well being human. It is only mother who shapes the child’s character and then whole life. Every mother plays a great role in the growth and development of their child. She takes care about everything what a kid wants. She awakes in the early morning, help us in brushing, bathing, preparing breakfast and lunch for school, dress up, help us in home work, give food, milk and fruits at proper time, give medicine at right time. When we become ill, she washes and irons our clothes, plays game with us in the home playground. She makes us sleep in the night at proper time, prepare delicious dinner to us and other lots of activities. Actually, we cannot count our mother’s daily activities. She does unlimited works for whole day long. She is only responsible for all works of all members of the family. Simply, we can say mothers are great.
  • 9. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 9 LESSON 3 Meadow Surprises 1.Answer the following questions: Q-a. What do meadows have? Ans. Meadows have surprises. Q-b. What may we see upon a buttercup? Ans. We may see a butterfly upon a buttercup. Q-c. Which flower’s head has turned to airy parachutes? Ans. Dandelion flower’s head has turned to airy parachutes. Q-d. Who can discover the secrets of meadows? Ans. Lois Brandt Philips can discover the secrets of meadows. Q-e. What does the poet want to say in this poem? Ans. The poet wants to describe the beauty of a grassy land and unveil the hidden truths of nature. Use the following in sentences of your own: S.# Word Sentence 1. Velvet grass He likes velvet grass. 2. Drinking straws The drinking straws of a butterfly are beautiful. 3. Meadow houses There are many meadow houses in the jungle. 4. Amazing mound On our earth, many amazing mounds are found. 5. Fuzzy head A dandelion has fuzzy head. 6. Walk through Catherine walks through meadow. 3. One line of this poem suggests that we need a keen eye and a sharp ear to enjoy a meadow. Identify the line and recite the whole stanza that contains this line. Ans. “You may discover these yourself, if you look and listen well.” It recites that if you want to enjoy the journey of meadow then you must focus each and everything that comes and moves, and you suppose to keep your ear open to listen the pretty sound of the meadow. 4.Summary The poet tells meadow have surprises. We can observe the things in nature. We may know the secrets of many things to see. We can see a butterfly sips the nectar up. We can see a still rabbit and can see a blooming dandelion where you can explore the houses of animals and you can see and listen well. It is possible through discover yourself and we need observation.
  • 10. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 10 Write the correct possessive form for each of following. S.# Simple form Possessive form 1. The ball of the boy was lost. The boy’s ball was lost. 2. The books of the women are new. The women’s books are new. 3. Where are the saddles of the horses? Where are the horses’ saddles? 4. I am searching the pencil of the boss. I am searching the boss’s pencil. 5. The handbags of the ladies are very small. The ladies’ handbags are very small. Sentence Structure—Simple Present Tense a. A Chinese lady speaks Chinese. b. The teacher teaches us regularly. c. The bus arrives at 7:30 in the evening. d. She washes the clothes and irons them. e. I write a letter and post it. The Present Continuous Tense Fill in the blanks using the Present Continuous Tense. a. The stars are twinkling in the sky. b. My sister is writing an article for a newspaper. c. You are getting hundred percent marks till now. d. The birds are chirping here. e. I am waiting for you.
  • 11. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 11 LESSON 4 The Story of Dr Dolittle-I 1. Answer the following questions: Q-a) What did the people say when Dr. Dolittle walked down the street? Ans. People would say “There goes the Doctor, he is a clever man.” Q-b) What did he say when his sister Sarah complained against the animals? Ans. Against the complaint he said, “But I like the animals”. Q-c) How did Dr. Dolittle become poorer? Ans. As time went on, Dolittle became animal doctor, when animals got well, they did not want to go away. So, in this way he went on getting more and more pets and he became poorer. Q-d) What was Dr. Dolittle’s attitude towards money? Ans. Dolittle used to say about money “Money is a nuisance, what does money matter, so long as we are happy?” Q-e) Who is the most practical person in the story? Give reasons for your choice. Ans. Dolittle’s friend, because he advised him to be an animal doctor by seeing Dolittle’s care and interest for the pets. Q-f) Predict what will happen in the second part of the story. Ans. On the suggestion of Chee Chee, monkeys will give him going away present of Pushmi- Pullyu and doctor will return home. 2. Use the following in sentences of your own: S.# Words Sentences a. Of course Of course, I have seen crocodile. b. Give up Never give up in your life. c. Stockings The student did not wear stockings so he punished. d. A lot of Google has a lot of information. e. Very soon Very soon, Aisha will get diamond position. f. Passed by Rafey passed by his teacher. 3. Recall the story elements read in the previous class and choose correct options: i. Dr. Dolittle’s friend is an important_b) character_of the story. ii. Dr. Dolittle’s interest in animals, his poverty and invitation from Africa are c) settings_of the story_events. iii. The tone of the writer towards animals’ care is_d) sympathetic_. iv. Care for animals is_theme_.
  • 12. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 12 Reflexive Pronoun: it is used when the object in a sentence refers to the same person or thing as the subject of the sentence. Examples: myself, themselves, yourself, ourselves, herself, himself etcetera. Match the two parts of these short dialogues and encircle the reflection pronouns: S.# A B a. Would you like me to help you? Oh, I hurt myself. (e) b. Where did you learn riding? No, I made it myself. (c) c. Did you get that lampshade at the crafts fair? Sorry, read yourself. (d) d. Can you read me the newspaper? Actually, I leant it myself. (b) e. Why do you have bandage around your head? Thanks, I can do it myself. (a) Sentence Structure Present Perfect Tense: it tells that an action or event began in the past and is completed now. Affirmative sentence: subject+has/have+third form of verb+object. Example: I have sent you a letter. Negative sentence: subject+has/have+not+third form of verb+object. Example: She has not broken her promise. Interrogative sentence: has/have+subject. Example: Have they stolen your things? Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Tense: a) My mother has got the email. b) They have eaten all the fruits. c) The principal has allocated this room to another student. d) Our teacher has taught us about our lifestyle. e) We have attained our targets successfully. f) She has lost her book on the way to school.
  • 13. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 13 LESSON 5 The Story of Dr. Dolittle-II 1. Answer the following questions: a) How did monkey catch Pushmi-Pullyu? Ans. Monkeys followed the footprints of Pushmi-Pullyu, found near a river-edge; they all joined hands and made a great circle around the grass; when Pushmi-Pullyu came out, he could not escape and they caught him. b) What did Dr. Dolittle promise the Pushmi-Pullyu? Ans. Dr. Dolittle promised the Pushmi-Pullyu that if he would not like the white men’s land, he would be sent back. c) The Pushmi-Pullyu had a mind of his own. Explain with the help of hints given in this story. Ans. Nobody ever succeeded to catch him, because, no matter which way the hunter came, he always faced him; besides, one half of him slept at a time while, other head was always awake and watching. He ate from one mouth and spoke from other, in this way, he never became rude. d) How did the monkeys see Dr. Dollittle off? Ans. All the monkeys went with him as far as the edge of their country, carrying his trunk and bags, to see him off. e) What is the purpose of the writer to write this story? Ans. The purpose of this story is that people should take care, shows kindness and love to animals. f) What do you think whether Dr. Dolittle was a great human being or a great vet? Give reasons for your choice. Ans. I think, Dr. Dolittle was a great vet, because, for pets, he gave up to treat the humans. 2. Use the following in sentences of your own: S.# Words Sentences a. Scarce Years ago, Pushmi-Pullyu was scarce in the African jungles. b. Menagerie Buffalos are kept in Menagerie. c. Footprints Monkeys followed the footprints of Pushmi-Pullyu. d. Persuade Monkeys persuade Pushmi-Pullyu to go with doctor. e. Polite Be polite while talking. f. Settle Sameed settled in Germany. g. Heart of the jungle Pushmi-Pullyu was heart of the jungle. 3. Use the gapped summary given below to summarise “The Story of Dr. Dolittle”. Dr. Dolittle, a vet, lived in Puddleby with his high hat. His love was for animals. His sister, Sarah complained against animals, but he said “ I like the animals”. He became poor, because he spent lots of money to feed animals.His friend’s advice him you should give up being a
  • 14. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 14 people’s doctor and be an animal’s doctor. He received an invitation from Africa to treat eh monkeys. Monkeys gifted a Pushmi-Pullyu. Pushmi-Pullyu’s fears infornt of Dr. Dolittle’s preparation to go back home grand party and animal was a tribute to Dr. Dolittle from the monkeys. 4. Choose the correct spelling of the words that should be put in the blanks. a) A vet gest excellence in veterinary medicine. b) A good administrator is aware of effects of social crisis. c) Money makes mere go. d) Confession brings me peace of mind. e) Please, confirm me your schedule. 5. Fill in the blanks with “one, any or some”: a) Has she any money in her bag? b) Do you have some data in your C drive? c) Aslam has a beautiful garden. I have not any. d) He attended a party. It was a grand one. e) She invited some of her friends on her brother’s wedding ceremony. 7. Put past form of verb in the blanks: Rashid was a good boy. He respected the elders and loved the young ones. He also took care of animals and birds. He helped the people who needed him. He visited the library regularly and read books. His teachers taught him to discover the wonders of the world. One day he thought, “There is no wonder so great as human being is. “He ran hurriedly to his teacher to know how he could grasp this wonder. 8. Insert colon (:) where required: a) Matter has four states: solid, liquid, gas and plasma. b) The book contains two parts: life sciences and physical sciences. c) I need some stationary: a notebook, a pencil and a rubber. d) Suhail has four friends: Rashid, Amir, Dawood and Awais. e) My younger sister has shown me her collection: stamps, coins and portraits.
  • 15. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 15 LESSON 6 The Rain 1. Answer the following questions: a) What are the green leaves drinking? Ans. The green leaves are drinking rain. b) Why do the poor get drop after drop? Ans. Because rich are on the top and poor is beneath so they get drop after drop. c) What happens when the sun comes out? Ans. When the sun comes out rain shall stop and wondrous light fill the atmosphere. d) What is the effect of sun shining after the rain stops? Ans. When sun shines bright it shows a lovely scene. e) What is your personal response to the scene described in the poem? Ans. Certainly! The scene looks wonderful when rain stops and sun comes out. 2. Use the following in sentences of your own: S.# Word Sentence a. Beneath Lubna sits beneath the tree. b. Noise Please! Do not make noise. c. Round Sun has round shape. d. Shines When sun shines earth becomes bright. e. Hope Always, keep hope on Almighty Allah. 3. The summary of the poem. In “The Rain” the poet describes a scene of rain and beautiful sunshine after the rain. In which he praises the rain’s drop which falls on ground and leaves. He hears the sound of drop that falls from the cloud to earth. He feels joy when sun comes out after the rain and environment looks crystal clear. 4. Choose the linking verbs from the boxes and fill in the blanks. a) This faithful lady seems contented as she has faith in Allah. b) At night, the birds are in the nest. c) In anger, his face turned red. d) Asad remained silent in the whole meeting. e) I feel great today. f) My mother’s voice sounds strange on the phone.
  • 16. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 16 5. Fill in the blanks with the past continuous tense or the simple past tense of the verbs: a) An inexperienced driver was driving when the accident took place. b) When the principal was entering the school, the students read books. c) Anam was buying a cake because she felt hungry. d) The last time when I was meeting him, he learnt Arabic language. e) When I was reaching the station, the travellers, were got on the train. 6. Make sentences of the Past Continuous Tense from the following verbs. a) Sail: He was sailing on Pacific Ocean. b) Say: Narain was saying truth. c) Leave: Ashok was leaving for Islamabad. d) Build: Javed was building his factory. e) Visit: Shayan was visiting Liaquat University.
  • 17. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 17 KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Knowledge is power is the famous proverb which means knowledge is very powerful and has ability to win over all other physical power in the world. Knowledge plays great role in all aspects of the life by let us know the easy and effective ways to solve the situations. Knowledge is a very powerful factor which helps us to get success and position in the life. It can be said that money and physical strength are also important tools of power; however, both are not so powerful like knowledge. Money and physical strength cannot buy or steal the knowledge; it can only be achieved by the continuous practice, devotion, and patience. Knowledge helps us to convert our planning into the right action and enables to get the difference between right or wrong and good or bad. It helps us to overcome our weaknesses and faults as well as makes us able to face the dangers and difficulties by giving lots of courage and confidence. It makes a person more powerful by giving him mental, moral and spiritual advancement in the life.
  • 18. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 18 To The Class Teacher School of Excellence Golarchi Subject: REQUEST FOR TWO DAYS LEAVE FOR FEVER Respected Sir With respectfully, I submit following few lines for your consideration, that I am suffering from fever since last night. So, I am not able to attend my classes. Therefore, I request to you, kindly grant me leave for two days, on date 3 to 4 October, 2018. I would remain thankful to you for this act of kindness. Thanking you in anticipation. Yours Sincerely ____________ To The Class Teacher School of Excellence Golarchi Subject: REQUEST FOR ONE DAY URGENT LEAVE Esteemed Sir With respectfully, I submit following few lines for your consideration, that I have an urgent piece of work at home. So, I cannot attend my classes. Therefore, I request to you, kindly grant me leave for one days, on date October 3, 2018. I would remain thankful to you for this act of kindness. Thanking you in anticipation. Yours faithfully ____________
  • 19. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 19 General Knowledge 1. Who discovered the bulb: Ans. Thomas Edison 2. The real name of Ibn-e-Khaldun was: Ans. Abdur Rehman. 3. Ibn-e-Khaldun was born on………in North Africa. Ans. May 27, 1332. 4. Ibn-e-Khaldun wrote the famous book named: Ans: Kitab-al-Ibr. 5. Ibn-e-Khaldun performed the pilgrimage to Makkah in: Ans. 1387. 6. The poem “Meadow Surprises” is written by: Ans. Lois Brandt Philip. 7. Which is the biggest planet? Ans. Jupiter 8. The largest gulf in the world is: Ans. Gulf of Mexico 9. The poem “The Rain” is written by: Ans. William Henry Davies. 10. The tallest building in the world is: Ans. Burj Khalifa, Dubai
  • 20. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 20 English to Urdu Translations S# English Urdu 1 Allama Iqbal is our national poet. ‫ےہ۔‬‫اشرع‬‫وقیم‬‫امہرے‬‫اابقل‬‫العہم‬ 2 He is writing an essay. ‫ےہ۔‬‫راہ‬‫ھکل‬‫ومضمن‬‫وہ‬ 3 The school is tidy and clean. ‫ےہ۔‬‫رھتسا‬‫اور‬‫اصف‬‫وکسل‬ 4 Cleanliness is half of our faith. ‫ےہ۔‬‫اامین‬‫فصن‬‫افصیئ‬ 5 She is writing an application. ‫دروخاس‬‫اکی‬‫وہ‬‫ےہ۔‬‫ریہ‬‫ھکل‬ 6 He goes to the market. ‫وہ‬‫ےہ۔‬‫اجات‬‫امرٹیک‬ 7 His brother was doctor. ‫ڈارٹک‬‫اھبیئ‬‫اک‬‫اس‬‫اھت۔‬ 8 My uncle is civil judge. ‫ےہ۔‬‫جج‬‫وسل‬‫اچچ‬‫ریما‬ 9 I had a pen. ‫ملق‬‫اپس‬‫ریمے‬‫اھت‬‫۔‬ 10 She reads the poem. ‫ےہ۔‬‫ڑپیتھ‬‫مظن‬‫وہ‬ 11 Amar plays the cricket. ‫ےہ۔‬‫اتلیھک‬‫رکٹیک‬‫ارم‬ 12 He is watching television. ‫ےہ۔‬‫راہ‬‫دھکی‬‫ویلیٹژن‬‫وہ‬ 13 Bill Gate is the richest man. ‫ےہ۔‬‫ٓادیم‬‫رتنی‬‫اریم‬‫ٹیگ‬‫لب‬ 14 Arif Alvi is president of Pakistan. ‫ےہ۔‬‫اپاتسکن‬‫دصر‬‫اولی‬‫اعرف‬ 15 Please! Keep silence. ‫رکںی۔‬‫اایتخر‬‫اخومیش‬!‫ہک‬‫رک‬‫رہمابین‬ 16 I was gone to Karachi yesterday. ‫یگ‬‫رکایچ‬‫لک‬‫ںیم‬‫اھت۔‬ 17 He takes care of his neighbours. ‫ےہ۔‬‫راتھک‬‫ایخل‬‫اک‬‫ڑپوویسں‬‫اےنپ‬‫وہ‬ 18 He is a good boy. ‫ےہ۔‬‫ڑلاک‬‫ااھچ‬‫اکی‬‫وہ‬ 19 I live in Pakistan. ‫وہں۔‬‫راتہ‬‫ںیم‬‫اپاتسکن‬‫ںیم‬ 20 The biggest city of Pakistan is Karachi. ‫ےہ۔‬‫رکایچ‬‫رہش‬‫ڑبا‬‫اک‬‫اپاتسکن‬
  • 21. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 21 LESSON 7 The Olympic Games Words Meanings Words Meanings Imagination ‫وصتر‬،‫ایخل‬ Contestant ‫وال‬‫رکےن‬‫اقمالب‬ Athlete ‫الھکڑی‬ International ‫اوقلایم‬‫نیب‬ Participation ‫ومشتیل‬ Interlocking ‫المان‬ Occupied ‫وبقمہض‬ Continent ‫ربامظع‬ Exclusively ‫پ‬‫وطر‬‫اایتمزی‬ Pageant ‫رظنم‬‫ششک‬‫پ‬،‫امتہش‬ Competition ‫اقمالب‬ Ceremony ‫رقتبی‬ Conquering ‫رکان‬‫حتف‬ Host ‫زیمابن‬ 1. Answer the following questions: a) Which games were added to the Olympic in 688 B.C. and 680 B.C? Ans. Boxing and the four-horse chariot race were added to the Olympic in 680-688 B.C. b) What does Olympiad mean? Ans. The four-year period between two successive Olympic Games is called an Olympiad. c) Why did Emperor Theodosius abolish the Olympic Games? Ans. Emperor Theodosius abolished the Olympic Games because of the decline in their quality. d) When and where did the modern Olympic Games take place first time? Ans. In 1896, the first modern Olympic games took place in the Panatheniac Stadium, Athens, Greece. e) What does the Olympic symbol stand for? Ans. The Olympic Symbol, stands for five interlocking rings that represent the continents of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North and South America. f) How far do you agree with Baron Pierre de Courbertin that the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well? Ans. I disagreed with the above statement, the essential thing in life is conquering but fighting well.
  • 22. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 22 2. Use the following words in your own sentences: S# Words Sentences a) Exclusively School devoted exclusively the need of children. b) Chariot Children ride in the chariot. c) Abolish Government abolished the chemical plant. d) Ruins He himself ruins his career. e) Complex It is a complex question. f) Spectator Spectator paid the ticket charges. 3. Fill in the blanks with “a” or “an”. a) a university b) a European ambassador c) a unique character d) an umpire e) a one-day match f) an L.L.B 4. Tick the correct articles in the following sentences: a) An egg has an oval shape. b) The Lahore Fort is a magnificent monument. c) A pen is mightier than the sword. d) A scientist should work for the progress of humankind. e) Shane Warne is an Australian cricketer. f) Safa is an F.A and she wants to be a graduate. 5. Fill in the blanks with “must, may, should or ought to”. a) I should perform my duties honestly. b) He ought to apply for this post now. c) Today is the last day. You must pay your dues. d) Noor may be angry with her sister. e) He should not present such a senseless idea. 6. Complete the sentences with “need” or “need not”: a) Asma needs clean the rooms today. b) You need not speak to him about it. The issue has already been resolved. c) They don’t need to pay the dues, they have already been paid. d) I did not need to complain to the teacher. e) You need not to go home without finishing your work.
  • 23. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 23 7. Fill in the blanks with “dare, need and would”. a) Would you mind if I call you regularly? b) I dare not ask him for a favor. c) I could not hear it; would you repeat it please? d) Would you like me to get you some tea? e) How dare you say it? f) You need not work on his project now. 8. Use both the structures to make sentences from given combinations: Express Future Time. a) Ahmad will arrive at the station. b) They will attend the ceremony. c) You are going to receive the guests. d) The students will get marksheets. e) Madiha is going to attain the first position. 9. Insert colon (:) in the following sentences: a) Quetta Express arrives at 3:15 pm at the platform. b) Hassan Jalal has visited three countries: Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. c) A teacher says: “English learners are always well-read”. d) A thinker says: “The best way to understand a subject is to write a book on it.” e) My friends will visit me at 2:00 p.m.
  • 24. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 24 LESSON 8 Gulliver in the Land of the Giants Words Meanings Words Meanings Giant ‫بڑا‬ ‫بہت‬ Astonish ‫حی‬‫کرنا‬ ‫ران‬ Adventure ،‫مہم‬‫سفر‬ ‫کا‬ ‫خطروں‬ Movement ‫تحریک‬ ،‫حرکت‬ ‫و‬ ‫نقل‬ Inhabitant ‫والے‬ ‫رہنے‬ ،‫مکین‬ Creature ‫مخلوق‬ Extract ‫نکالنا‬ Handkerchief ‫رومال‬ Accidently ‫سے‬ ‫اتفاق‬ Except ‫بغیر‬ ‫کے‬ Struggle ‫جدوجہد‬ Disobey ‫کرنا‬ ‫نافرمانی‬ Unfortunately ‫سے‬ ‫قسمتی‬ ‫بد‬ Suddenly ‫اچانک‬ 1. Answer the following questions: a) What did Gulliver do when the farmer placed him on the ground? Ans: Gulliver got up at once and walked slowly backwards and forwards between farmer’s feet. b) How did Gulliver communicate his intention to the farmer and his workmen? Ans: Gulliver communicated his intention that he did not intend to run away. He took off his hat and made a low bow. Then he fell on his knees, raised his hands towards them and spoke a few words loudly. c) How did the farmer carry Gulliver back to his home? Ans: Gulliver was wrapped in handkerchief except for his head, and carried by the farmer to his home. d) Why did Gulliver have to face the difficulty to lift a “small” cup? Ans: Gulliver had to face the difficulty to lift a “small” cup because the cup was filled with three gallons of water. Therefore, it was difficult to lift. e) How did the baby react as he saw Gulliver? Ans: The baby started shouting so loudly, that could have been heard far away. f) Why did Gulliver speak humbly to the giant farmer? Ans: Farmer thought Gulliver would bite him, and farmer would throw him away. So, he spoke to him humbly. 2. Use the following in sentences of your own: S# Words Sentences a. Thunder The bus thundered down the road. b. Human We should respect every human. c. Screamed She screamed with pain. d. Deafened He blessed with a deafened son. e. Plaything A father bought a plaything from the fair. f. Permit Parents did permit his son for picnic. g. Cautiously He drives cautiously in traffic.
  • 25. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 25 i. Frightened A baby frightened by seeing Gulliver. 3. Fill in the blanks using the Future Continuous Tense. a) Zia will be looking for a new job next week. b) The girls will be boiling eggs for breakfast. c) Next year, the government will be opening new schools. d) Our aunt will be inviting her relatives for her son’s wedding. e) He will be delivering a lecture on child education. f) The young children will be watching a match on TV. Part of Speech: Transitive and Intransitive verb 1-Transitive verb: it needs an object to complete its meaning. Example: The player threw the ball. 2-Intransitive verb: it does not need an object to complete its meaning. Example: He moved quietly.
  • 26. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 26 LESSON 9 The Fisherman Words Meanings Words Meanings Fisherman ‫مچھیرا‬ ،‫گیر‬ ‫ماہی‬ Wonder ‫تعجب‬ ،‫حیرت‬ Bottom ‫نیچے‬ Clouds ‫بادل‬ Abed ‫میں‬ ‫رام‬ٓ‫ا‬،‫پر‬ ‫بستر‬ Sniff ‫لینا‬ ‫اندر‬ ‫کو‬ ‫سانس‬ Bread ‫روٹی‬ Tides ‫لہریں‬ strange ‫عجیب‬ Wind ‫ہوا‬ 1. Answer the following questions: a) Where does the fisherman get his bread? Ans: The fisherman gets his bread from the bottom of the sea. b) What does “bread” mean in the first stanza? Ans: “bread” mean food in the first stanza. c) Why does the poet find a fisherman’s life strange? Ans: The poet finds a fisherman’s life strange because he spends half on the shore and half upon the sea. d) Does the fisherman know much about city life? How did you guess it? Ans: The fisherman knows much about city life, I guessed when he sniffs and shuts one eye. e) What could be the things “of wonder” and “of fear”? Ans: These things could the sea creatures. Part of Speech: Adjective Adjective: it describes a noun or pronoun. Examples: half, good, better, beautiful, handsome, small, big, long, high etcetera. 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives. a) This work is more difficult than that. b) This is the best news I have heard in months. c) Time is the best healer. d) The youngest of the two women is very shy. e) My sister is wearing a pretty dress.
  • 27. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 27 LESSON 10 Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) Word Meaning Word Meaning Prophet ‫رسول‬ ،‫پیغمبر‬ Devoted ‫کی‬ ‫وقف‬ Quarrelled ‫کیا‬ ‫جھگڑا‬ Destruction ‫تباہی‬ Idol ‫بت‬ Witness ‫شاہد‬ ،‫گواہ‬ Resurrection ‫حشر‬ ،‫قیامت‬ Heir ‫وارث‬ Preached ‫کی‬ ‫تبلیغ‬ Rage ‫غصہ‬ Worshipping ‫کرنا‬ ‫عبادت‬ Surrender ‫ڈالنا‬ ‫ہتھیار‬ ،‫جانا‬ ‫جھک‬ 1. Answer the following questions: a) What did Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) preach? Ans: Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) preached his people the Oneness of God, and he is the Lord of all creation, who controlled life, death and resurrection. b) What did he say to his father, Azar? Ans: Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) told his father, Azar, to desist from worshipping idols. c) What did the people ask Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)? Ans: People asked about the destruction of idols in the temple. d) Who was Hazrat Ismail (AS)? Ans: Hazrat Ismail (AS) was the son of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). e) When do the Muslims make remembrance of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)’s sacrifice? Ans: Muslims all over the world slaughter animals on the 10th of Zil-Haj every year for remembrance of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)’s sacrifice. 2. Use the following in sentences of your own: S# Words Sentences a. Responded Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) responded against the worship of idols. b. Dispute Human should live peacefully and avoid dispute. c. Quarrel There was quarrel on water. d. Outrage He outrages ones’ modesty. e. Blazing The blazing sun’s light bright the world. f. Protect The policeman protected the citizen. g. Surrender Criminal surrender in front of police. h. Commitment Commitment leads to success.
  • 28. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 28 3. Change the voice of the following sentences. a) People formed a queue on the road. Passive: A queue was formed by people on the road. b) They elected Shoaib as their team leader. Passive: Shoaib was elected by them as their team leader. c) I was forced by my seniors to resign. Active: My seniors forced me to resign. d) The child is frightened by thunder and lightning. Active: Thunder and lightning frightened the child. e) Miss Sadaf will teach us Geometry tomorrow. Passive: We will be taught Geometry by Miss Sadaf tomorrow. f) I will be selected by the selectors in a national town. Active: The selectors will select me in a national town.
  • 29. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 29 LESSON 11 Around the World in Eighty Days Word Meaning Word Meaning Servant ‫نوکر‬ Journey ‫سفر‬ Talkative ‫باتونی‬ Passenger ‫مسافر‬ Wandered ‫دھر‬ُ‫ا‬ ‫ادھر‬‫پھرنا‬ Crowd ‫بھیڑ‬ Slaughter ‫کرنا‬ ‫ذبح‬ Immediately ‫سے‬ ‫جلدی‬ Joyfully ‫سے‬ ‫خوشی‬ Unbearable ‫قابل‬ ‫نا‬‫برداشت‬ Disappointed ‫کیا‬ ‫مایوس‬ Tension ‫پریشانی‬ 1. Answer the following questions: a) How did Mr Fogg live? Ans: Mr Fogg was orderly mind and regular habits, who lived by the clock. b) Why did he fire his servant? Ans: Mr Fogg fired his servant because he brought in shaving water that was two degrees colder than it should have been. c) Who was referred to as a machine? Why? Ans: Mr Fogg’s new servant referred to as a machine because he was punctual to serve his master. d) Which was more important to Mr Fogg, time or place? Ans: Time was more important to Mr Fogg than place. e) Which were the fastest means of travelling in those days? Ans: Those days train and steamships were the fastest means of travelling. 2. Use the following in sentences of your own S# Words Sentences a. Previous Mr Fogg fired his previous servant. b. Talkative Mr Fogg’s new servant was talkative. c. Domestic Buffalo is a domestic animal. d. No longer He is no longer with us. e. Announced Prime Minister announced youth policy. f. Justified She could not justified her answer.
  • 30. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 30 3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate transitional devices. a) You have solved first sum. Similarly, you can do the whole exercise. b) He had done a great wrong. Therefore, he was dismissed from his post. c) He called them collectively, instead of, calling their names. d) First you should have a brainstorming to generate ideas then you will be able to plan well. e) Pakistanis love one another so they shared the sufferings of the victims of the earthquake.
  • 31. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 31 LESSON 12 Foolish Questions Word Meaning Word Meaning Foolish ‫بیوقوف‬ Hanged ‫ہوا‬ ‫لٹکا‬ Pupil ‫علم‬ ‫طالب‬ Shade ‫سایہ‬ Elbow ‫کہنی‬ Knee ‫گھٹنا‬ Palm ‫ہتیلی‬ Crown ‫تاج‬ Strange ‫عجیب‬ Crook ‫کرنا‬ ‫ٹیڑھا‬ Pretty ‫حسین‬ ،‫خوبصورت‬ 1. Answer the following questions: a) What is the relationship between knee and cap? Ans: The relationship between knee and cap is strange. b) Why does the poet want to call eyes a school? Ans: The poet calls eye a school because it teaches us many new things. c) What does “crown” mean in the poem? Ans: “Crown” in the poem means brain. d) Tell the name of the tree used in the poem in a different sense. Ans: “Palm” of his hand used as tree in the poem. e) What does the calf eat? Ans: The calf eats the corn on his toe. 2. Use the following in sentences of your own: S# Words Sentences a. Lock of hair Cap is a lock of hair. b. Jewel Some jewels found underground. c. Bridge Bridge connects the people of two sides. d. Sent Razaque sent his father a mail. e. Hanged Judge penned case and declared hanged to death decision. 3. Part of Speech Preposition: it shows a relationship between a noun or pronoun and some other words in a sentence. Example: into, in, on, for, by, at etcetera. Compound Preposition: it consists of two or more words working together as one word and functioning as a preposition. Example: in spite of, despite, instead of, due to, in between etcetera.
  • 32. English—Iqbal Series Notes for Class 7th Compiled by: Seetal Daas ( Teacher—English 32 4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition form the brackets. a) The baby fell into the well. b) I am looking for my lost book. c) Go and sit besides your elder brother. d) Jeddah is a city of Saudi Arabia. e) Can I pay for the books by a credit card? f) We should prefer wisdom to wealth. g) Our school peon was sitting on a chair. h) They awoke at dawn to see the sunrise. i) The thief was caught by the policeman. j) Cut the cake into pieces. 4. Complete the sentences, choosing the appropriate preposition. a) He likes to work indoors. b) Adnan is going abroad for higher studies. c) An old man is walking towards the market. d) He is coming behind us. e) They moved forward to show their determination.