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Table of Contents
Executive Summary................................................2
History of ipourlife................................................4
Research (SWOT)..................................................6-7
Target Market........................................................10
Compitive Analysis................................................11-12
Creative .................................................................14-28
          Print Advertisment...................................16
          Social Media............................................18-24
Public Relations......................................................29
Flight Schedule.......................................................32
Executive Summary
      Ignite has developed an integrated marketing solution to give greater
awareness to the ipourlife brand name.

         After conducting primary and secondary research, we have determined
our best approach to creating growth for ipourlife is through expanding our target
market to 18-24 year olds. Because of this target market we have dedicated a
significant portion of our campaign to social media promotions and special events.
We will also reach our target market through some traditional print media as well.

         Our tagline and main focus of the campaign is “the need is everywhere.” We
want to focus on the fact that ipourlife is unique in that it works to promote a better
life for those locally and internationally. This is ipourlife’s biggest selling point and
the drive of our campaign.

        With a promotional budget of $25,000, we will utilize social media tools
such as Facebook and Twitter to push information out, Flickr and YouTube to show our
market visually who they are impacting, Foursquare to raise funds and traditional
media to raise awareness. We are also recommending that ipourlife modernize and
re-organize their website to create better information flow and brand imaging.

       ipourlife is a growing non-for-profit organization. To increase top of the
mind awareness in the Springfield area and nationally, ipourlife must create a
cohesive brand image.

        Currently, ipourlife raises these funds through private donations and
sponsorships, a 5k race and Respect Revolution. Respect Revolution is ipourlife’s
largest event not only because they have celebrity endorsement of Alyson Stoner,
but also because the tour talks about touchy subjects for most young teenager girls
                              and teaches them that in order for others to respect
                              them, they must first respect themselves. ipourlife
                              is growing faster than it can currently handle and
                              Respect Revolution is becoming its own event rather
                              than supporting and tying back to ipourlife.

                                     Through a more organized and maturely
                             designed website, social media, traditional media,
                             and events, we aim to make ipourlife easily
                             recognizable within their competition. We will create
                             a larger following by increasing their target market
                             from Middle School to High School aged girls to 18-
                             24 year old college students and young professionals.

History of ipourlife
ipourlife is a non-profit organization that began in 2009 after it’s founder, Julie
Higgins, visited a refuge camp and was touched by the lack of respect women
received. ipourlife has since developed their mission into several categories.

•   Charity to local organizations that focus on:

               “Education, healthy living, or women’s

•   Gifting funds internationally:

               “For sustainability to El Salvador Refugees.”


               “Clean water, a health center, and school in
                              Chuko, Ethiopia.”


•   Increase Facebook and Twitter followers by 10% ever week.

•   Establish long-term donators.

•   Increase donations by 50%.

•   Create a recognizable brand image.

•   Increase event attendance.

•   Find business sponsors that share similar target market

Research (SWOT)

ipourlife has developed a lot of support from celebrities and important opinion
leaders both nationally and locally. This allows them to reach more people via social
media because so many people follow their opinions and statements. Because of
ipourlife’s target market being teenagers to young adults, social media and celebrities
are a perfect draw for their campaign. They actually get to go to the other country
and work directly with the people they help. They also have a very good volunteer
participation. Something ipourlife has that not many others do is that they give 50%
to local nonprofits and 50% to international causes.

ipourlife’s greatest weakness is the fact that they are losing their identity through
Respect Revolution. The Respect Tour is only one aspect of all that ipourlife does,
however, it dominates their social media and website. Also, the social media and
website are lacking in information and engagement with their target market. They
are also not promoting their events and organization very well. We feel they could
have a lot of free publicity that they are not utilizing. They are not publicizing their
most unique features about the actual organization.

Research (SWOT)
ipourlife has a great opportunity with all of the excitement supporters have for their
organization and their willingness to donate anything from time and money to mobile
applications. They have support pouring in, they just need to channel, organize, focus
their volunteers to really utilize the help. The support will increase the people they can
reach and in turn grow ipourlife. They also have a big opportunity to reach out to a
lot of college and high schools for support. Springfield has a lot in the area.

The biggest threat ipourlife faces is becoming lost in the face of Respect Revolution.
Their mission also threatens them significantly because it is very similar to other local
and national, more well-known organizations.

Current Social Media:
98 people currently follow them on Facebook (as of February 27, 2011)
Last post was November 2, 2010)
96 tweets, 18 following, 66 followers on Twitter

Primary Research:
Our class surveyed over 800 people by posting and distributing
surveys through social networking sites. The majority of people
surveyed were young adults and 70.8% were female. A few
significant findings contributing to the focus of this campaign
are found below:

Reasons to support a cause:
76.2% said because of personal beliefs/of interest to me.
52.1% said they were influence by someone close.
50.2% said they like to feel they can make a difference.
48.3% said they had a personal connection.

Most important reasons to support a cause:
67.9% said whether or not a charity gives 100% back to the cause.
3.3% said they cared about celebrity involvement:
7.9% said they cared if the charity targets their Generation:
       These last two were the items that ipourlife tends to focus on currently.
       Our data suggests that this is not the way to reach our target market.

Best way to reach them:
Positive word of mouth
Through groups they are involved in

They believe that contributing to local needs is the most important, but support
national and international causes as well.

People are most likely to donate to something that assists children followed by
education, then healthcare

People prefer runs/walks over concerts.

90% of our survey audience has given to a cause, but the biggest reason listed
as to why people have never donated to a cause is because they do not have the
money to do so.

Target Market
According to Julie Higgins, ipourlife currently seeks to target young teens in high
school. For the purpose of this campaign, we are extending this market to young

•    Age: 18-24 (primary)
•    Gender: Female (primary) Male (secondary)
•    Location: Springfield, MO and surrounding Ozark area (primary)
•    Income: Under $20,000 (primary)

•     Active in organizations (church, academic, Fraternity/Sorority, work)
•     Currently in school, or recent graduate (high school-college)
•     Enjoys an active lifestyle (running etc)
•     People who have donated to causes in the past- through participation or

Competitive Analysis
Convoy of Hope:
While this is a national organization, they are
headquartered in Springfield making it a big
competition. While they focus on mostly disaster
relief and food, they do partner with ipourlife
on several projects and it was Convoy, according
to Julie Higgins, that found one of the refugee
camps ipourlife serves. Convoy of Hope has
weekly service opportunities that allow college, church and other organizations to
donate to Convoy of Hope without actually having to donate their money. Because
our target market has such a small income, this offers great competition to ipourlife
who has minimal non-monetary opportunities.

Toms Shoes:
Toms Shoes was started by Blake Mycoskie in 2006 when he visited Argentina
and met many children without shoes. He began Toms shoes so that for every pair
of shoes that was purchased, another pair would go to someone in need. This is
important children without shoes are at risk for infection and diseases. Toms has
                                     many campus clubs helping out on university
                                     campuses as well as internships, both of which
                                     appeal to a younger generation. They also
                                     have a signature event that is unlike any
                                     other organization: “One Day Without Shoes”
                                     in which 250,000 people went one day
                                     without shoes to raise awareness about the
                                     cause. While there are no specific celebrities
                                     on board, there are many celebrities that
                                     support the cause and wear Toms.

Competitive Analysis
                          This organization has over 2 million members backing
                          their cause. It is an organization that uses grassroots
                          advocacy to fight extreme poverty, preventable
                          disease and encourage education in Africa. The
                          organization was founded by Bono, so like ipourlife,
                          has celebrity backing. They emphasize to members that
                          they want your voice, not your money because they do
                          a lot of advocacy work. They have a student advocate
                          group on college campuses (ie “The ONE Campaign
                          at Missouri State University) and therefore can easily
reach the same target market we are aiming for.

According to their website, “Unicef’s mission is to advocate for the protection of
children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to
reach their full potential.” Uniceif has several different focus areas, but they all
relate to children’s rights. They focus on to poverty,
violence, disease and discrimination that serve as
obstacles keeping a child from success and healthy
living. Uniceif has been in operation since 1946 and
have a very large following.
Something that they do that relates to our target
market is the trick-or-treat for Uniceif that allows
children the opportunity to give up collecting candy on
Halloween in exchange for donations to Uniceif. It is a
way to allow people with a smaller income to donate
to a worthy cause.

        ipourlife must recreate their brand image to set themselves apart from other
non-for-profit organizations in the Springfield area and nationally. ipourlife stands
proud in their community’s roots and donates 50% of their proceeds to local charities
in the Ozark area, while the other half is donated around the world to places such
as El Salvador and Ethiopia.

        By using relational positioning ipourlife can reach college students and
young professionals between the ages of 18-24. ipourlife we will differentiate
themselves from other non-for-profits in the area. We will create an emotional
connection between our community and men, women, and children in struggling
nations. ipourlife aims to empower young and matured women across the world
through both male and female audiences.

        By advocating community members to “pour” their lives into someone else,
they will in turn create a better life for themselves through the use of a improved
ipourlife website, blogs, social media, and organizational appearances. On an
individual level, ipourlife will first push individuals to be more self aware. By better
understanding themselves, they can more easily understand and respect others.
Next, with opened eyes, community members will see that as humans, we are all
more alike than we are different.

       We all need shelter, water, education, love, and self confidence. Across the
world the severity of these things change, but are none-the-less present. Finally,
community members will be able to better relate to their neighbors here in the
United States and others around the world that are also struggling with these issues.
With the accomplishment of the community building their own self-worth, they also
have the satisfaction of helping others create self-respect within them.

Creative- Billboards

   MIKE Billbord

Creative- Website

Creative- Print Ad

Creative- Non-Traditional
ipourlife CD:
A great way to easily raise money is by finding local unsigned bands that are willing
to donate a song or two to put on an album that ipourlife can sell at businesses
around town, online on the ipourlife website and at ipourlife events.

The CD’s will be purchased through Oasis CD Manufacturing at a cost of $1.09
per CD for 1,000 CDs. We recommend buying 1,000 CDs to allow a trial run. They
provide everything after giving the initial tracks of music to be put on the album.

Oasis will print the album artwork you want with the case. The CD will also be
available for purchase on iTunes and Once receiving the CD’s, ipourlife
would require the bands that donated songs to buy back 50 CD’s for $5 a piece. The
remaining CDs will be sold at ipourlife’s events.

The total cost of this would be $1,090 to Oasis CD Manufacturing. ipourlife can sell
each CD for $5 making a $3.91 profit per CD. If all CDs are sold, ipourlife will make
a profit of $3,910 plus the sales from iTunes and

Creative- Social Media
Twitter is an easy way to put up simple updates and announcements about ipourlife
to over 145 million people. We would use the TweetReach option that gives ipourlife
a chance to see measurable results about how engagement is with particular target
markets, which for ipourlife is male and female college students and young profes-
sionals between the ages of 18-24. The TweetReach application allows ipourlife to
measure if this outlet is paying off and reaching their target market as desired. Links
to other ipourlife social networking sites will be easily accessible from our Twitter

Creative- Social Media
Youtube is a free way to market your organization. YouTube gets 20 million viewers a
month. In this visually-rich society, to reach our target market we need to be reaching
them through visually appealing images rather than simply words. ipourlife can raise
awareness for their cause by uploading videos taken from refugee camps to show
Americans the living conditions in the country and where their efforts are going.

Video clips from their two main events, the Respect Revolution concert and the 5K run,
would be uploaded to create curiosity in participating next year in the events and
to show the entertaining and active ways ipourlife raises money and awareness. If
ipourlife wanted to create a commercial, YouTube would be a free way to get the
commercials out to their target audience. ipourlife’s target audience is 18-24 year
olds which is the main viewers using YouTube.

Creative- Social Media
Flickr is a photo management application that lets individuals post photos and videos
to be viewed by others. These photos and videos will be embedded into our Twitter,
Facebook, and Blog. Flickr asks the photo submitter to organize tags which enable
searchers to find image when searching a related topic. This gets ipourlife’s image
out to the public that may not know too much about ipourlife.

Creative- Social Media
The blog we created is separated into three different areas, ipourlife, local, and
international. The ipourlife section would be a place for ipourlife to post information
about what they are doing as a non-profit and up and coming and prior events. The
local section of the blog is a place where readers can find local information about
the needs around the United States and how people can help. It’s also a place where
ipourlife can talk about local newsworthy happenings that may affect how ipourlife
donates its time and resources. The last part of the blog, is where ipourlife can post
international efforts, needs, and news. This last portion would allow readers to have
a deeper understanding of what is going on in the world and how they can help.
Overall the blog will be used as an informational and emotional resource and can
help with donation efforts and allow an open forum for readers.

Creative- Social Media
Having a Facebook page and a group page will allow ipourlife to reach over 600
million people all over the world through one venue. Facebook is the quickest way to
contact your audience all over the world through a single message. Facebook makes
it possible for an organization to use cause marketing. ipourlife’s Facebook page will
reach their target market and provide information about upcoming events, volunteer
opportunities, and fundraising.

                          We will set up an ipourlife causes application that allows
                          users to “like” their cause, share their cause with others,
                          and donate to the cause. We would register ipourlife
                          through Guidestar, which is the database that pulls the
                          beneficiary’s information. Once registered, users simply
                          click the “Donate” button where they can donate by
                          credit card any amount they choose (which can be done
                          once or monthly). The causes link allows you to share your
                          mission, fundraising, impact, bulletin, photos, and people
                          can also post on the wall. Non-profits usually spend 20-
40% of their money on fundraising; through Facebook they can raise awareness for

Links to other ipourlife social networking sites will be easily accessible from our
Facebook page.

Creative- Social Media
Facebook Ads:
Facebooks ads are a virtual way to plan a successful campaign online; create,
target, and budget your ad; and test different versions of each ad head-to-head
to discover what works. Facebook Marketplace would allow ipourlife to show social
endorsements for an ad which makes it more appealing to your audience. Ipourlife
will use Facebook ads to promote their website and/or events. Facebook ads appear
on the sidebar of Facebook users’ profile page. Facebook users will be able to see
the ad by ipourlife and find out simple information that can drive them to learn more
at their website. Users can also “like” the ad, which allows them to express their
sentiment about the ad/cause and share it with their friends.

Creative- Social Media
Foursquare is a social networking application that lets individuals “check in” at
their current location. When the person checks in their friends/family can see the
individuals name, the name of their current location, and possibly who else is with
him or her. During our yearlong “Keep the Change” ipourlife Benefit, each time
a person lets ipourlife keep their change at the participating business they can
“check in” on foursquare and let friends and family know. We could also rally other
stores/restaurants to give customers 10-15% off their purchase if they “check in”
on foursquare on a particular day. We would also use foursquare to “check in” at
ipourlife events, which brings awareness to the organization and their events.

Creative- Events
        In the Springfield area we have multiple college campuses such as: Missouri
State University Drury College, Evangel University, Everest College, Baptist Bible
College, Cox College, Vatterott College, and Ozark Technical College. This is a huge
base to find volunteers and raise funds for ipourlife. By creating competition within
these colleges and between them, students can participate and raise awareness
of ipourlife’s cause while engaging students to be proactive within our community.
Missouri State University, Drury College, and Evangel University all have collegiate
athletics in addition to Missouri State University and Drury College having active
Greek communities.

        Volunteers will also be used to conduct and conferences assemblies at college
universities as well as local high schools in the Springfield/Ozark area such as Bailey
Alternative High School, Central High School, Glendale High School, Hillcrest High
School, Kickapoo High School, and Parkview High School. Volunteers will spread
ipourlife’s mission, self-empowerment and ipourlife’s global and regional impact.
The presentation is meant to be moving and very visual. During this presentation
ipourlife will pass around a bucket giving students an opportunity to donate any
spare change to the cause.

Creative- Events
Grocery/Gas Station Donations:
To create awareness and interest for ipourlife in our community we must engage our
target market of 18-24 year old college students and young professionals. In the
beginning of summer (June) we will partner up with Springfield area community gas
stations and grocery stores for a donation drive. Businesses involved could include
grocery stores such as Dillions, Price Cutter, Aldi, Walmart, and Sam’s Club . Gas
stations could include Kum & Go, Casey’s General Store, Rapid Roberts-Conoco,
Fast-N-Friendly, Phillips 66, and Break Time. Donation cards of $1, $5, $10 will be
available for purchase at customer check-out to raise funds for ipourlife. Each store
will have the customer sign their name on the ipourlife card, then hang it up for other
customers to see. These cards will not only create funds for ipourlife, but also create
awareness of ipourlife as a prominent charity in Springfield.

Keep the Change:
To more closely address our target market, we will start a Keep the Change
donation drive at local businesses geared toward modern college students and
young professions. A different business in downtown Springfield will be given a
participating month. Within this month, with a purchase from their store, customers
will be given the option for ipourlife to keep their change from their purchase or a
donation could simply be made. Businesses could include: 3House Boutique, 5 Pound
Apparel, Amy Cakes, Apple Empire, Blush Downtown-Boutique, Envy Clothing, Global
Fayre, Good Girl Art, INDIE Boutique, Moxie Cinema, Staxx Apparel, and The Cup.

Creative- Events
Shanty-Night Live:
An event that would be geared toward Greek life at Springfield colleges is “Shanty-
Night Live”. This is a perfect opportunity for corporate sponsors to be hit hard in
our community. Shanties will begin to be constructed by Greek members on each
college campus in a high-traffic locale late in the afternoon. Donations of cardboard,
tape, aluminum, etc… to build the shanties will be given from local businesses such
as Lowes, Home Depot, and Habitat for Humanity Re-sale Shop. Once constructed,
participants will stay in their newly built shanty until midnight. At midnight, a candle
light session will be held to speak on the refugees that live this way in El Salvador and
the hope for a better tomorrow for them. Before everyone leaves the site, signs will
be hung up around the Shanty village stating facts, quotes, and provoking emotional
questions about refugee life so students the next day on campus can see and witness
refugee life for themselves. T-shirts will be provided for participants. This event would
be a perfect opportunity for media coverage by local news for ipourlife, “Shanty-
Night Live” sponsors, and the Greek community at both colleges.

Benefit Dinner:
We will hold a family dinner. Groups such as Moms Like Me, Women’s Intersports Net-
work, Dress for Success, Shakti Women, Women’s Ministry Network, Missouri Women’s
Council, and Women Supporting Women in Business will be contacted to market the
dinner to their members and friends. The dinner will address issues such as ipourlife’s
mission, refugee life, and women’s empowerment. A first course will be served of the
exact rations of food that is given in the El Salvador refugee camp. Then the main
course dinner will fixed to mimic foods similar to that eaten in El Salvador. After and
during dinner a speaker will speak on women’s role in society here and in El Salvador.
It will focus on the struggles we all face and how we are all more alike than we are

Creative- Events
Steps for Water:
One competition for athletic teams at both Missouri State University and Drury
college should include “Steps for Water”. It will be a competition relay race. On
average, the people in a Ethiopian village that ipourlife is helping must walk 1 hour
to find clean water, which translates to approximately 3 miles or about 6,000 steps.
ipourlife will use the money raised to benefit the building of a well in between
two villages in Ethiopia to reduce the amount of time to get water to 10 minutes,
cut the distance to .5 miles, and minimize the amount of steps to 1,000. Walkers
will raise donations for the walk by collecting donations from community members
before the relay. The relay will be .5 miles to symbolize the new well being built.
Each organization’s team will be split up across the walking course at 5 different
checkpoints approximately 350 yards apart. Each checkpoint will have 3-4 team
members. Each team will carry a bucket of water between each check point. The
team to complete the course with the most amount of water left in the shortest time
will win. When choosing a route for the relay, a street in downtown Springfield
would be an ideal choice for attraction and finding sponsorships.

Public Relations

         Two weeks prior to each event or activity hosted by ipourlife we will send
a press release to all the major media outlets, such as; 417 magazine, KY3, News-
Leader, and Community Free Press. We will also send out public service announcements
to local radio stations to reach the part of our younger target audience that does not
use paper media or watch the news. Some stations we will contact are, Power 96.5,
Alice 95.5, 105.9 KGBX, and KTTS 94.7. Majority of radio stations to a set number
of public service announcements for free, we will attempt to use one of those spots
to save money in our budget.

       We will also promote upcoming events and activities through our social
media outlets. We will have daily updates on our Facebook page, Twitter account,
and blog about the event and where to get more information. Videos of the past
years events will also be uploaded on YouTube so our target audience can see what
the event entails.


         For ipourlife’s media scheduling we will combine continuous advertising
with a flighting strategy during the month of May and June. Most of the media schedule
is continuous which means year-round. We are going to distribute a direct mail piece
during the month of May. This will be distributed to households throughout Springfield.

        We also will run a one-panel billboard ad during May also to coincide with
the direct mail. As far as E-Marketing goes it is very critical to the success of our
campaign. Social media will be updated weekly if not daily. Our unique FourSquare
promotion will create a strong push to help raise funds for ipourlife.

        In addition to social media, we are going to host some events that will create
strong publicity and hopefully create some well needed buzz. School assemblies are
an event that will help connect to high school students. An assembly will be held every
month at various Springfield schools. A “Steps for Water” event will be a competition
among athletes from Missouri State, Drury, and Evangel.

        In addiction to that event, we will also host a “Shanty Night Live” for Greeks to
help promote the ipourlife cause. A promotional CD will also be available throughout
the year on a first come first serve basis. A great donation drive called “Keep the
Change” is something that we feel will raise some additional revenue for our cause.
With the combination of these various media outlets we hope to create a strong
foundation for Ipourlife.

Flight Schedule







• Increase Facebook and Twitter followers by 10% ever week.
       (Easy to track in short time and is a reachable goal)
• Establish long-term donators.
• Increase donations by 50%.
• Create a recognizable brand image.
• Increase event attendance.
• Find business sponsors that share similar target market

• Create a database to monitor donations.
       (Who is giving, where do they live, how much, how often, predict future
       donations by looking at frequencies, address/email address, contact info)
• Issue a 5 question survey at events and incorporate the survey into a raffle for an
• Track blog hits and uploads
• Track attendance at events and compare the previous events.
• Insert a tracking hit meter on website.
       (See how many hits and when the homepage is being visited.)

         We know that our ideas will have a great impact on ipourlife. In order
to test and prove our success we will look at our objectives before our plan takes
action and compare it to the statistics that we will track during our plan.

         One of the biggest ways we can track donations is by creating a database
using something as simple as Microsoft Access. ipourlife will be able to look at who
is donating and where they live. An example would be if billboards are placed in
two separate parts of town, when the number of new supporters stops expanding
in that one particular area, ipourlife will know to move that billboard ad is not as
effective in that area anymore.

        We also would link all the contact information so that we can send
newsletters and other direct mail pieces to specific supporters thanking and
informing them. ipourlife will compare the attendance from the previous years’
events with future events. Small, simple surveys will be handed out for attendees
to complete for an entering into a drawing when people at our events. Prizes can
include donations of t-shirts from sponsors, ipourlife benefit CD’s, and donated
gift cards from local businesses`. We will also monitor the amount of traffic on
social networking sites. ipourlife can use this information to invest in future events in
particular regions.


        Pictured above is a small scale example of what ipourlife’s database could
look like. It is broken down by: First Name, Last Name, Address, City, Zip Code,
State, Email, $ Donation, Date Donated, Age, and Gender. With access, an advanced
sort and filter can be achieved. In this document, input is sorted by “$ Donation” is
descending order, then “Date Donated” in descending order, and finally by “Age”
in descending order. With these filters, if the “$ Donation” is the same between ID
8 and 4, the next information to be sorted is the “Date Donated” and so on. The
sort and filter feature is beneficial for ipourlife because it allows a breakdown of
all ipourlife supporters. Adding supporters and their information is easier than with
other traditional record keeping methods. Through Microsoft Access, information
can be linked to Excel where charts and graphs of information are easily produced.
In Excel, ipourlife can calculate even the most advanced statistics in a matter of
seconds with accuracy.

         We feel very confident in our strategy and found it important to break down
to the principles in advertising to successfully manage our channels and fulfill our
objectives. Ignite has used the budget and made sure the money being spent will be
going to the most important and vital areas. We feel the events that we came up
with have great potential to not only raise a good amount of money but also create
awareness for the ipourlife cause. Our campaign proposes that we focus mainly
on creating a brand image and using social media to expand and find loyal long-
term supporters to build a strong and dependable base for the beginning of a new

Measuring Success:
It will be important that we precisely calculate the numbers we gather because
without that accuracy we can’t prove what we have done has worked. The great
thing about having so many channels of advertising allows us to see each one’s
success or failure and can tell us the areas we need to improve upon.

What to Look Forward to:
Once we can establish a brand image, we feel advertising in especially local areas
will become easier. Then when area businesses see a new trend they will want to
partner up and at that point ipourlife will be like the snow ball effect and ipourlife
will become a household name for charities. By letting people know this is a local
charity that is here to stay, finding new supporters should not be a problem. We will
also be able to manage our growth since we have so many channels that people can
contribute through.


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ipourlife's Marketing Campaign

  • 2. Table of Contents Executive Summary................................................2 Introduction.............................................................3 History of ipourlife................................................4 Objectives...............................................................5 Research (SWOT)..................................................6-7 Research..................................................................8-9 Target Market........................................................10 Compitive Analysis................................................11-12 Positioning...............................................................13 Creative .................................................................14-28 Billboards..................................................14 Website.....................................................15 Print Advertisment...................................16 Non-Traditional........................................17 Social Media............................................18-24 Events.........................................................25-28 Public Relations......................................................29 Budget.....................................................................30 Flight........................................................................31 Flight Schedule.......................................................32 Measurement..........................................................33-35 Conclusion...............................................................36
  • 3. Executive Summary Ignite has developed an integrated marketing solution to give greater awareness to the ipourlife brand name. After conducting primary and secondary research, we have determined our best approach to creating growth for ipourlife is through expanding our target market to 18-24 year olds. Because of this target market we have dedicated a significant portion of our campaign to social media promotions and special events. We will also reach our target market through some traditional print media as well. Our tagline and main focus of the campaign is “the need is everywhere.” We want to focus on the fact that ipourlife is unique in that it works to promote a better life for those locally and internationally. This is ipourlife’s biggest selling point and the drive of our campaign. With a promotional budget of $25,000, we will utilize social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter to push information out, Flickr and YouTube to show our market visually who they are impacting, Foursquare to raise funds and traditional media to raise awareness. We are also recommending that ipourlife modernize and re-organize their website to create better information flow and brand imaging. 2
  • 4. Introduction ipourlife is a growing non-for-profit organization. To increase top of the mind awareness in the Springfield area and nationally, ipourlife must create a cohesive brand image. Currently, ipourlife raises these funds through private donations and sponsorships, a 5k race and Respect Revolution. Respect Revolution is ipourlife’s largest event not only because they have celebrity endorsement of Alyson Stoner, but also because the tour talks about touchy subjects for most young teenager girls and teaches them that in order for others to respect them, they must first respect themselves. ipourlife is growing faster than it can currently handle and Respect Revolution is becoming its own event rather than supporting and tying back to ipourlife. Through a more organized and maturely designed website, social media, traditional media, and events, we aim to make ipourlife easily recognizable within their competition. We will create a larger following by increasing their target market from Middle School to High School aged girls to 18- 24 year old college students and young professionals. 3
  • 5. History of ipourlife ipourlife is a non-profit organization that began in 2009 after it’s founder, Julie Higgins, visited a refuge camp and was touched by the lack of respect women received. ipourlife has since developed their mission into several categories. • Charity to local organizations that focus on: “Education, healthy living, or women’s empowerment.” • Gifting funds internationally: “For sustainability to El Salvador Refugees.” and “Clean water, a health center, and school in Chuko, Ethiopia.” 4
  • 6. Objectives • Increase Facebook and Twitter followers by 10% ever week. • Establish long-term donators. • Increase donations by 50%. • Create a recognizable brand image. • Increase event attendance. • Find business sponsors that share similar target market 5
  • 7. Research (SWOT) Strengths: ipourlife has developed a lot of support from celebrities and important opinion leaders both nationally and locally. This allows them to reach more people via social media because so many people follow their opinions and statements. Because of ipourlife’s target market being teenagers to young adults, social media and celebrities are a perfect draw for their campaign. They actually get to go to the other country and work directly with the people they help. They also have a very good volunteer participation. Something ipourlife has that not many others do is that they give 50% to local nonprofits and 50% to international causes. Weaknesses: ipourlife’s greatest weakness is the fact that they are losing their identity through Respect Revolution. The Respect Tour is only one aspect of all that ipourlife does, however, it dominates their social media and website. Also, the social media and website are lacking in information and engagement with their target market. They are also not promoting their events and organization very well. We feel they could have a lot of free publicity that they are not utilizing. They are not publicizing their most unique features about the actual organization. 6
  • 8. Research (SWOT) Opportunities: ipourlife has a great opportunity with all of the excitement supporters have for their organization and their willingness to donate anything from time and money to mobile applications. They have support pouring in, they just need to channel, organize, focus their volunteers to really utilize the help. The support will increase the people they can reach and in turn grow ipourlife. They also have a big opportunity to reach out to a lot of college and high schools for support. Springfield has a lot in the area. Threats: The biggest threat ipourlife faces is becoming lost in the face of Respect Revolution. Their mission also threatens them significantly because it is very similar to other local and national, more well-known organizations. 7
  • 9. Research Current Social Media: 98 people currently follow them on Facebook (as of February 27, 2011) Last post was November 2, 2010) 96 tweets, 18 following, 66 followers on Twitter Primary Research: Our class surveyed over 800 people by posting and distributing surveys through social networking sites. The majority of people surveyed were young adults and 70.8% were female. A few significant findings contributing to the focus of this campaign are found below: Reasons to support a cause: 76.2% said because of personal beliefs/of interest to me. 52.1% said they were influence by someone close. 50.2% said they like to feel they can make a difference. 48.3% said they had a personal connection. 8
  • 10. Research Most important reasons to support a cause: 67.9% said whether or not a charity gives 100% back to the cause. 3.3% said they cared about celebrity involvement: 7.9% said they cared if the charity targets their Generation: These last two were the items that ipourlife tends to focus on currently. Our data suggests that this is not the way to reach our target market. Best way to reach them: Facebook Positive word of mouth Through groups they are involved in They believe that contributing to local needs is the most important, but support national and international causes as well. People are most likely to donate to something that assists children followed by education, then healthcare People prefer runs/walks over concerts. 90% of our survey audience has given to a cause, but the biggest reason listed as to why people have never donated to a cause is because they do not have the money to do so. 9
  • 11. Target Market According to Julie Higgins, ipourlife currently seeks to target young teens in high school. For the purpose of this campaign, we are extending this market to young adults. Demographics: • Age: 18-24 (primary) • Gender: Female (primary) Male (secondary) • Location: Springfield, MO and surrounding Ozark area (primary) • Income: Under $20,000 (primary) Psychographics: • Active in organizations (church, academic, Fraternity/Sorority, work) • Currently in school, or recent graduate (high school-college) • Enjoys an active lifestyle (running etc) • People who have donated to causes in the past- through participation or donations 10
  • 12. Competitive Analysis Convoy of Hope: While this is a national organization, they are headquartered in Springfield making it a big competition. While they focus on mostly disaster relief and food, they do partner with ipourlife on several projects and it was Convoy, according to Julie Higgins, that found one of the refugee camps ipourlife serves. Convoy of Hope has weekly service opportunities that allow college, church and other organizations to donate to Convoy of Hope without actually having to donate their money. Because our target market has such a small income, this offers great competition to ipourlife who has minimal non-monetary opportunities. Toms Shoes: Toms Shoes was started by Blake Mycoskie in 2006 when he visited Argentina and met many children without shoes. He began Toms shoes so that for every pair of shoes that was purchased, another pair would go to someone in need. This is important children without shoes are at risk for infection and diseases. Toms has many campus clubs helping out on university campuses as well as internships, both of which appeal to a younger generation. They also have a signature event that is unlike any other organization: “One Day Without Shoes” in which 250,000 people went one day without shoes to raise awareness about the cause. While there are no specific celebrities on board, there are many celebrities that support the cause and wear Toms. 11
  • 13. Competitive Analysis One: This organization has over 2 million members backing their cause. It is an organization that uses grassroots advocacy to fight extreme poverty, preventable disease and encourage education in Africa. The organization was founded by Bono, so like ipourlife, has celebrity backing. They emphasize to members that they want your voice, not your money because they do a lot of advocacy work. They have a student advocate group on college campuses (ie “The ONE Campaign at Missouri State University) and therefore can easily reach the same target market we are aiming for. Uniceif: According to their website, “Unicef’s mission is to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.” Uniceif has several different focus areas, but they all relate to children’s rights. They focus on to poverty, violence, disease and discrimination that serve as obstacles keeping a child from success and healthy living. Uniceif has been in operation since 1946 and have a very large following. Something that they do that relates to our target market is the trick-or-treat for Uniceif that allows children the opportunity to give up collecting candy on Halloween in exchange for donations to Uniceif. It is a way to allow people with a smaller income to donate to a worthy cause. 12
  • 14. Positioning ipourlife must recreate their brand image to set themselves apart from other non-for-profit organizations in the Springfield area and nationally. ipourlife stands proud in their community’s roots and donates 50% of their proceeds to local charities in the Ozark area, while the other half is donated around the world to places such as El Salvador and Ethiopia. By using relational positioning ipourlife can reach college students and young professionals between the ages of 18-24. ipourlife we will differentiate themselves from other non-for-profits in the area. We will create an emotional connection between our community and men, women, and children in struggling nations. ipourlife aims to empower young and matured women across the world through both male and female audiences. By advocating community members to “pour” their lives into someone else, they will in turn create a better life for themselves through the use of a improved ipourlife website, blogs, social media, and organizational appearances. On an individual level, ipourlife will first push individuals to be more self aware. By better understanding themselves, they can more easily understand and respect others. Next, with opened eyes, community members will see that as humans, we are all more alike than we are different. We all need shelter, water, education, love, and self confidence. Across the world the severity of these things change, but are none-the-less present. Finally, community members will be able to better relate to their neighbors here in the United States and others around the world that are also struggling with these issues. With the accomplishment of the community building their own self-worth, they also have the satisfaction of helping others create self-respect within them. 13
  • 15. Creative- Billboards MIKE Billbord 14
  • 18. Creative- Non-Traditional ipourlife CD: A great way to easily raise money is by finding local unsigned bands that are willing to donate a song or two to put on an album that ipourlife can sell at businesses around town, online on the ipourlife website and at ipourlife events. The CD’s will be purchased through Oasis CD Manufacturing at a cost of $1.09 per CD for 1,000 CDs. We recommend buying 1,000 CDs to allow a trial run. They provide everything after giving the initial tracks of music to be put on the album. Oasis will print the album artwork you want with the case. The CD will also be available for purchase on iTunes and Once receiving the CD’s, ipourlife would require the bands that donated songs to buy back 50 CD’s for $5 a piece. The remaining CDs will be sold at ipourlife’s events. The total cost of this would be $1,090 to Oasis CD Manufacturing. ipourlife can sell each CD for $5 making a $3.91 profit per CD. If all CDs are sold, ipourlife will make a profit of $3,910 plus the sales from iTunes and 17
  • 19. Creative- Social Media Twitter: Twitter is an easy way to put up simple updates and announcements about ipourlife to over 145 million people. We would use the TweetReach option that gives ipourlife a chance to see measurable results about how engagement is with particular target markets, which for ipourlife is male and female college students and young profes- sionals between the ages of 18-24. The TweetReach application allows ipourlife to measure if this outlet is paying off and reaching their target market as desired. Links to other ipourlife social networking sites will be easily accessible from our Twitter page. 18
  • 20. Creative- Social Media YouTube: Youtube is a free way to market your organization. YouTube gets 20 million viewers a month. In this visually-rich society, to reach our target market we need to be reaching them through visually appealing images rather than simply words. ipourlife can raise awareness for their cause by uploading videos taken from refugee camps to show Americans the living conditions in the country and where their efforts are going. Video clips from their two main events, the Respect Revolution concert and the 5K run, would be uploaded to create curiosity in participating next year in the events and to show the entertaining and active ways ipourlife raises money and awareness. If ipourlife wanted to create a commercial, YouTube would be a free way to get the commercials out to their target audience. ipourlife’s target audience is 18-24 year olds which is the main viewers using YouTube. 19
  • 21. Creative- Social Media Flickr: Flickr is a photo management application that lets individuals post photos and videos to be viewed by others. These photos and videos will be embedded into our Twitter, Facebook, and Blog. Flickr asks the photo submitter to organize tags which enable searchers to find image when searching a related topic. This gets ipourlife’s image out to the public that may not know too much about ipourlife. 20
  • 22. Creative- Social Media Blog: The blog we created is separated into three different areas, ipourlife, local, and international. The ipourlife section would be a place for ipourlife to post information about what they are doing as a non-profit and up and coming and prior events. The local section of the blog is a place where readers can find local information about the needs around the United States and how people can help. It’s also a place where ipourlife can talk about local newsworthy happenings that may affect how ipourlife donates its time and resources. The last part of the blog, is where ipourlife can post international efforts, needs, and news. This last portion would allow readers to have a deeper understanding of what is going on in the world and how they can help. Overall the blog will be used as an informational and emotional resource and can help with donation efforts and allow an open forum for readers. 23
  • 23. Creative- Social Media Facebook: Having a Facebook page and a group page will allow ipourlife to reach over 600 million people all over the world through one venue. Facebook is the quickest way to contact your audience all over the world through a single message. Facebook makes it possible for an organization to use cause marketing. ipourlife’s Facebook page will reach their target market and provide information about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and fundraising. We will set up an ipourlife causes application that allows users to “like” their cause, share their cause with others, and donate to the cause. We would register ipourlife through Guidestar, which is the database that pulls the beneficiary’s information. Once registered, users simply click the “Donate” button where they can donate by credit card any amount they choose (which can be done once or monthly). The causes link allows you to share your mission, fundraising, impact, bulletin, photos, and people can also post on the wall. Non-profits usually spend 20- 40% of their money on fundraising; through Facebook they can raise awareness for free. Links to other ipourlife social networking sites will be easily accessible from our Facebook page. 22
  • 24. Creative- Social Media Facebook Ads: Facebooks ads are a virtual way to plan a successful campaign online; create, target, and budget your ad; and test different versions of each ad head-to-head to discover what works. Facebook Marketplace would allow ipourlife to show social endorsements for an ad which makes it more appealing to your audience. Ipourlife will use Facebook ads to promote their website and/or events. Facebook ads appear on the sidebar of Facebook users’ profile page. Facebook users will be able to see the ad by ipourlife and find out simple information that can drive them to learn more at their website. Users can also “like” the ad, which allows them to express their sentiment about the ad/cause and share it with their friends. 23
  • 25. Creative- Social Media Foursquare: Foursquare is a social networking application that lets individuals “check in” at their current location. When the person checks in their friends/family can see the individuals name, the name of their current location, and possibly who else is with him or her. During our yearlong “Keep the Change” ipourlife Benefit, each time a person lets ipourlife keep their change at the participating business they can “check in” on foursquare and let friends and family know. We could also rally other stores/restaurants to give customers 10-15% off their purchase if they “check in” on foursquare on a particular day. We would also use foursquare to “check in” at ipourlife events, which brings awareness to the organization and their events. 24
  • 26. Creative- Events In the Springfield area we have multiple college campuses such as: Missouri State University Drury College, Evangel University, Everest College, Baptist Bible College, Cox College, Vatterott College, and Ozark Technical College. This is a huge base to find volunteers and raise funds for ipourlife. By creating competition within these colleges and between them, students can participate and raise awareness of ipourlife’s cause while engaging students to be proactive within our community. Missouri State University, Drury College, and Evangel University all have collegiate athletics in addition to Missouri State University and Drury College having active Greek communities. Volunteers will also be used to conduct and conferences assemblies at college universities as well as local high schools in the Springfield/Ozark area such as Bailey Alternative High School, Central High School, Glendale High School, Hillcrest High School, Kickapoo High School, and Parkview High School. Volunteers will spread ipourlife’s mission, self-empowerment and ipourlife’s global and regional impact. The presentation is meant to be moving and very visual. During this presentation ipourlife will pass around a bucket giving students an opportunity to donate any spare change to the cause. 25
  • 27. Creative- Events Grocery/Gas Station Donations: To create awareness and interest for ipourlife in our community we must engage our target market of 18-24 year old college students and young professionals. In the beginning of summer (June) we will partner up with Springfield area community gas stations and grocery stores for a donation drive. Businesses involved could include grocery stores such as Dillions, Price Cutter, Aldi, Walmart, and Sam’s Club . Gas stations could include Kum & Go, Casey’s General Store, Rapid Roberts-Conoco, Fast-N-Friendly, Phillips 66, and Break Time. Donation cards of $1, $5, $10 will be available for purchase at customer check-out to raise funds for ipourlife. Each store will have the customer sign their name on the ipourlife card, then hang it up for other customers to see. These cards will not only create funds for ipourlife, but also create awareness of ipourlife as a prominent charity in Springfield. Keep the Change: To more closely address our target market, we will start a Keep the Change donation drive at local businesses geared toward modern college students and young professions. A different business in downtown Springfield will be given a participating month. Within this month, with a purchase from their store, customers will be given the option for ipourlife to keep their change from their purchase or a donation could simply be made. Businesses could include: 3House Boutique, 5 Pound Apparel, Amy Cakes, Apple Empire, Blush Downtown-Boutique, Envy Clothing, Global Fayre, Good Girl Art, INDIE Boutique, Moxie Cinema, Staxx Apparel, and The Cup. 26
  • 28. Creative- Events Shanty-Night Live: An event that would be geared toward Greek life at Springfield colleges is “Shanty- Night Live”. This is a perfect opportunity for corporate sponsors to be hit hard in our community. Shanties will begin to be constructed by Greek members on each college campus in a high-traffic locale late in the afternoon. Donations of cardboard, tape, aluminum, etc… to build the shanties will be given from local businesses such as Lowes, Home Depot, and Habitat for Humanity Re-sale Shop. Once constructed, participants will stay in their newly built shanty until midnight. At midnight, a candle light session will be held to speak on the refugees that live this way in El Salvador and the hope for a better tomorrow for them. Before everyone leaves the site, signs will be hung up around the Shanty village stating facts, quotes, and provoking emotional questions about refugee life so students the next day on campus can see and witness refugee life for themselves. T-shirts will be provided for participants. This event would be a perfect opportunity for media coverage by local news for ipourlife, “Shanty- Night Live” sponsors, and the Greek community at both colleges. Benefit Dinner: We will hold a family dinner. Groups such as Moms Like Me, Women’s Intersports Net- work, Dress for Success, Shakti Women, Women’s Ministry Network, Missouri Women’s Council, and Women Supporting Women in Business will be contacted to market the dinner to their members and friends. The dinner will address issues such as ipourlife’s mission, refugee life, and women’s empowerment. A first course will be served of the exact rations of food that is given in the El Salvador refugee camp. Then the main course dinner will fixed to mimic foods similar to that eaten in El Salvador. After and during dinner a speaker will speak on women’s role in society here and in El Salvador. It will focus on the struggles we all face and how we are all more alike than we are different. 27
  • 29. Creative- Events Steps for Water: One competition for athletic teams at both Missouri State University and Drury college should include “Steps for Water”. It will be a competition relay race. On average, the people in a Ethiopian village that ipourlife is helping must walk 1 hour to find clean water, which translates to approximately 3 miles or about 6,000 steps. ipourlife will use the money raised to benefit the building of a well in between two villages in Ethiopia to reduce the amount of time to get water to 10 minutes, cut the distance to .5 miles, and minimize the amount of steps to 1,000. Walkers will raise donations for the walk by collecting donations from community members before the relay. The relay will be .5 miles to symbolize the new well being built. Each organization’s team will be split up across the walking course at 5 different checkpoints approximately 350 yards apart. Each checkpoint will have 3-4 team members. Each team will carry a bucket of water between each check point. The team to complete the course with the most amount of water left in the shortest time will win. When choosing a route for the relay, a street in downtown Springfield would be an ideal choice for attraction and finding sponsorships. 28
  • 30. Public Relations Two weeks prior to each event or activity hosted by ipourlife we will send a press release to all the major media outlets, such as; 417 magazine, KY3, News- Leader, and Community Free Press. We will also send out public service announcements to local radio stations to reach the part of our younger target audience that does not use paper media or watch the news. Some stations we will contact are, Power 96.5, Alice 95.5, 105.9 KGBX, and KTTS 94.7. Majority of radio stations to a set number of public service announcements for free, we will attempt to use one of those spots to save money in our budget. We will also promote upcoming events and activities through our social media outlets. We will have daily updates on our Facebook page, Twitter account, and blog about the event and where to get more information. Videos of the past years events will also be uploaded on YouTube so our target audience can see what the event entails. 29
  • 31. Budget 30
  • 32. Flight For ipourlife’s media scheduling we will combine continuous advertising with a flighting strategy during the month of May and June. Most of the media schedule is continuous which means year-round. We are going to distribute a direct mail piece during the month of May. This will be distributed to households throughout Springfield. We also will run a one-panel billboard ad during May also to coincide with the direct mail. As far as E-Marketing goes it is very critical to the success of our campaign. Social media will be updated weekly if not daily. Our unique FourSquare promotion will create a strong push to help raise funds for ipourlife. In addition to social media, we are going to host some events that will create strong publicity and hopefully create some well needed buzz. School assemblies are an event that will help connect to high school students. An assembly will be held every month at various Springfield schools. A “Steps for Water” event will be a competition among athletes from Missouri State, Drury, and Evangel. In addiction to that event, we will also host a “Shanty Night Live” for Greeks to help promote the ipourlife cause. A promotional CD will also be available throughout the year on a first come first serve basis. A great donation drive called “Keep the Change” is something that we feel will raise some additional revenue for our cause. With the combination of these various media outlets we hope to create a strong foundation for Ipourlife. 31
  • 33. Flight Schedule   Jan     Feb     Mar     Apr     May     Jun     Jul     Aug     Sep     Oct     Nov     Dec     Print                           Direct  Mail             X               X     Billboard             X                       417  magazine  Ad             X               E  Marketing                           Twitter  /Facebook   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   Updates   Four-­Square  Promotion   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   Website   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   Facebook  Updates   X   X   X   X     X     X     X     X     X     X   X   X   E-­Blasts   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X     Events                           School   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   Assembly/Conference   Benefit  Dinner             X               Steps  for  Water                 X           Shanty  Night  Live         X                   Additional  Media                           YouTube  Video   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X     Keep  the  change  donation   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   drive   Promotional  CD   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X     32
  • 34. Measurement Objectives: • Increase Facebook and Twitter followers by 10% ever week. (Easy to track in short time and is a reachable goal) • Establish long-term donators. • Increase donations by 50%. • Create a recognizable brand image. • Increase event attendance. • Find business sponsors that share similar target market Tracking: • Create a database to monitor donations. (Who is giving, where do they live, how much, how often, predict future donations by looking at frequencies, address/email address, contact info) • Issue a 5 question survey at events and incorporate the survey into a raffle for an incentive. • Track blog hits and uploads • Track attendance at events and compare the previous events. • Insert a tracking hit meter on website. (See how many hits and when the homepage is being visited.) 33
  • 35. Measurement We know that our ideas will have a great impact on ipourlife. In order to test and prove our success we will look at our objectives before our plan takes action and compare it to the statistics that we will track during our plan. One of the biggest ways we can track donations is by creating a database using something as simple as Microsoft Access. ipourlife will be able to look at who is donating and where they live. An example would be if billboards are placed in two separate parts of town, when the number of new supporters stops expanding in that one particular area, ipourlife will know to move that billboard ad is not as effective in that area anymore. We also would link all the contact information so that we can send newsletters and other direct mail pieces to specific supporters thanking and informing them. ipourlife will compare the attendance from the previous years’ events with future events. Small, simple surveys will be handed out for attendees to complete for an entering into a drawing when people at our events. Prizes can include donations of t-shirts from sponsors, ipourlife benefit CD’s, and donated gift cards from local businesses`. We will also monitor the amount of traffic on social networking sites. ipourlife can use this information to invest in future events in particular regions. 34
  • 36. Measurment Pictured above is a small scale example of what ipourlife’s database could look like. It is broken down by: First Name, Last Name, Address, City, Zip Code, State, Email, $ Donation, Date Donated, Age, and Gender. With access, an advanced sort and filter can be achieved. In this document, input is sorted by “$ Donation” is descending order, then “Date Donated” in descending order, and finally by “Age” in descending order. With these filters, if the “$ Donation” is the same between ID 8 and 4, the next information to be sorted is the “Date Donated” and so on. The sort and filter feature is beneficial for ipourlife because it allows a breakdown of all ipourlife supporters. Adding supporters and their information is easier than with other traditional record keeping methods. Through Microsoft Access, information can be linked to Excel where charts and graphs of information are easily produced. In Excel, ipourlife can calculate even the most advanced statistics in a matter of seconds with accuracy. 35
  • 37. Conclusion We feel very confident in our strategy and found it important to break down to the principles in advertising to successfully manage our channels and fulfill our objectives. Ignite has used the budget and made sure the money being spent will be going to the most important and vital areas. We feel the events that we came up with have great potential to not only raise a good amount of money but also create awareness for the ipourlife cause. Our campaign proposes that we focus mainly on creating a brand image and using social media to expand and find loyal long- term supporters to build a strong and dependable base for the beginning of a new charity. Measuring Success: It will be important that we precisely calculate the numbers we gather because without that accuracy we can’t prove what we have done has worked. The great thing about having so many channels of advertising allows us to see each one’s success or failure and can tell us the areas we need to improve upon. What to Look Forward to: Once we can establish a brand image, we feel advertising in especially local areas will become easier. Then when area businesses see a new trend they will want to partner up and at that point ipourlife will be like the snow ball effect and ipourlife will become a household name for charities. By letting people know this is a local charity that is here to stay, finding new supporters should not be a problem. We will also be able to manage our growth since we have so many channels that people can contribute through. 36