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Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency
Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
Profile of the Regent of Pakpak Bharat
Tokoh muda ini lahir di Medan tanggal 6 September 1969. Tokoh yang
taat beragama Katholik ini mengawali pendidikannya di SD Maria Fatima
di Jember, lulus tahun 1982; kemudian melanjutkannya di SMPK Maria
Fatima di Jember, lulus tahun 1985, dan SMA Negeri 5 di Bandung,
lulus tahun 1988. Beliau kemudian meningkatkan pendidikannya di
Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, lulus Strata-1 tahun 1995, dan menempuh
pendidikan di La Trobe University of Melbourne, Australia, lulus Strata 2
tahun 2000 dan terakhir Lulus pendidikan Strata 3 dari STT IKAT Jakarta
tahun 2016.
Pengalaman dalam berorganisasi selama ini menempa kemampuan
tokoh muda ini untuk memimpin wilayah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
selama 2 periode (2010-2015 dan 2016-2021). Berbagai organisasi
yang pernah diperaninya adalah: OSIS SMAN 5 Bandung (1987-1988);
Senat Fakultas Ekonomi, Jakarta (1990-1992); Financial Management
Australian Association, Melbourne-Australia (1999-2000); Ketua Dewan
Penasehat Forum Komunikasi Umat Beragama Kabupaten Pakpak
Bharat; dan Ketua DPC Partai Demokrat Pakpak Bharat Periode
This young leader was born in Medan on 6 September 1969.
The Catholic religious leader has started his education in Maria
Fatima Elementary School (SD) in Jember, graduated in 1982; then
at Trisakti University of Jakarta, graduated his Strata-1 in 1995,
and was educated at La Trobe University of Melbourne , Australia,
graduated his Strata-2 in 2000 and last graduated his education of
Strate-3 of STT IKAT of Jakarta in 2016.
His experience in the organization during the time has forged
the young leader’s ability to lead the region of Pakpak Bharat
Regency during two periods (2010-2015 and 2016-2021). Various
organizations that once starred were: OSIS SMAN 5 Bandung
(1987-1988); Senate of the Faculty of Economics, Jakarta (1990-
1992); the Australian Financial Management Association,
Melbourne-Australia (1999-2000); the Chairman of the Advisory
Board of Communication Forum for Religious Pakpak Bharat
Regency; and the DPC Chairman of the Democratic Party of
Pakpak Bharat Regency of period of 2011-present.
Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency
Foreword the Head of One-Stop Office of Investment and Integrated
Service of Pakpak Bharat Regency
Drs. Losmar Berutu, MM
Puji dan syukur kita panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa,
atas anugerah dan rahmatNya, penyusunan buku “Profil Investasi
DaerahKabupaten Pakpak Bharat” ini dapat terselesaikan.
Buku ini merupakan upaya nyata dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Pakpak
Bharat khususnya Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu
tentang potensi dan peluang investasi di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat,
dengan tujuan buku ini dapat menjadi media promosi sekaligus referensi
bagi kalangan investor yang berminat berinvestasi di Kabupaten Pakpak
Buku “Profil Investasi Daerah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat” merupakan
gambaran singkat tentang potensi dan peluang investasi yang akan
terlayani dengan mudah, cepat dan transparan.
Sebagai sumber informasi bagi masyarakat dan kalangan investor, buku
ini diharapkan dapat memberikan ruang terjalin nya kerjasama antara
pemerintah daerah dengan para pengusaha dalam dan luar negeri
dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alam yang tersedia di Kabupaten
Pakpak Bharat.
Demikianlah buku ini kami susun, semoga buku ini bermanfaat dan
memberikan dampak yang positif bagi perkembangan investasi di
Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat dan kami sangat mengharapkan saran yang
sifatnya membangun dari berbagi pihak untuk kesempurnaan dari Buku
Profil Investasi daerah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Terimakasih!
“Kami siap Melayani dengan Hati, Sepenuh Hati dan Hati-hati”
Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of God the Almighty,
for His Grace and Mercy, the preparation of the book entitled
"Profile of Regional Investment of Pakpak Bharat Regency" can be
The book is a concrete effort of the Government of Pakpak
Bharat Regency in particular the One-Stop Office of Investment
and Integrated Services of Pakpak Bharat Regency in presenting
factual information about potential and investment opportunity
in Pakpak Bharat Regency, with the aim of the book can be a
promotional media as well as a reference for investors Interested
to invest in Pakpak Bharat Regency.
The book entitled "Profile of Regional Investment of Pakpak Bharat
Regency" is a brief description of the potential and investment
opportunities that will be served easily, quickly and transparently.
As a source of information for the public and the investors, the
book is expected to provide space for the cooperation between
local government and domestic and foreign entrepreneurs in the
management of natural resources available in Pakpak Bharat
So the book we compile, hopefully the book will be useful and give a
Regency and we are looking forward to constructive suggestions
from the sharing of parties to perfection from the Profile of Regional
Investment of Pakpak Bharat Regency. Thank you!
"We are ready to Serve with Heart, Wholehearted and Careful".
Njuah-Njuah/Salam Sejahtera/Best Wishes…..
Njuah-Njuah/Salam Sejahtera/Best Wishes…..
Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat adalah salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi
Sumatera Utara. Kabupaten ini dibentuk pada tanggal 28 Juli 2003
dan merupakan hasil dari pemekaran Kabupaten Dairi. Pakpak Bharat
terletak di kaki pegunungan Bukit Barisan. Kegiatan perekonomian
terfokus pada pertanian dan perkebunan. Hampir 90% penduduk
kawasan ini beretnis Pakpak, sebuah sub suku Batak. Kabupaten
ini terletak antara 96°00’00” - 98°31’00” Bujur Timur dan 02°15’00” -
03°32’00” Lintang Utara, dengan batas-batas wilayah sebagai berikut:
•	 Sebelah Utara dibatasi oleh Kabupaten Dairi;
•	 Sebelah Selatan dibatasi oleh Kabupaten Aceh Singkil dan
Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan;
•	 Sebelah Timur dibatasi oleh Kabupaten Toba Samosir; dan
•	 Sebelah Barat dibatasi Kabupaten Aceh Singkil dan Kota.
Pakpak Bharat is one of Regencies in North Sumatra Province.
The Regency was formed on 28 July 2003 and is the result of
the separation of Dairi Regency. Pakpak Bharat is located at
the foothills of Bukit Barisan Mountains. The economic activity
is focused on agriculture and plantations. Almost 90% of the
population in the region is Pakpak ethnic, a Sub-Tribe of Batak. The
Regency is situated between 96°00'00" - 98°31'00" East Longitude
and 02°15'00" - 03°32'00" North Latitude, with boundaries are as
•	 Dairi Regency in the North;
•	 AcehSingkilandHumbangHasundutanRegenciesintheSouth;
•	 Toba Samosir Regency in the East; and
•	 Aceh Singkil and Kota in the West.
Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency
The total area of Pakpak Bharat is 1,121.83 km2, which consists of
8 districts (the Districts of Salak, Kerajaan, Sitellu Tali Urang Jehe,
Tinada, Siempat Rube, Sitellu Tali Urang Julu, Pergetteng Getteng
Sengkut and Pagindar), 52 villages (50 self-help villages and 2 self-
support villages) and 211 hamlets.
Pakpak Bharat has tropical climate, with altitude between 700 and
1500 m above sea level. Hilly geographical conditions and has 26
streams with a length between 4 and 75 km. Recorded rainfall was
between 209 mm (February) and 42,675 mm (April). The average
air temperature ranged between 180 -280C, relative air humidity
ranged from 86% to 92%.
Regency population is composed of various tribes, spread evenly
throughout the villages. The Regency is surrounded by different
tribe areas, so that tribal blending became heterogeneous. Among
these tribes are: Pakpak (Native Tribe), Batak, Karo, Java, Aceh,
Mandailing, Nias, and several other tribes. The population of
Pakpak Bharat in 2015 was as many as 45,516 people in 10,171
households, which comprised of 23,001 men and 22,515 women
(sex-ratio: 102.15). The average population density was 37 people
per square kilometer. The population growth rate in the Regency
was an average of 2.23%. Total labor force reached 24,588
people (some 23,879 people was working and 709 people was
Participation Rate reached 175.52, while Open Unemployment
Rate was recorded of 2.88%.
Luas wilayah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat adalah 1.121,830 km2, yang
terdiri dari 8 kecamatan (Kecamatan Salak, Kerajaan, Sitellu Tali Urang
Jehe, Tinada, Siempat Rube, Sitellu Tali Urang Julu, Pergetteng Getteng
Sengkut dan Pagindar), dan terdiri dari 52 desa (50 desa swadaya dan 2
desa swakarsa) dan 211 dusun.
Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat memiliki iklim tropis, dengan ketinggian
antara 700-1500 m di atas permukaan laut. Kondisi geografis berbukit-
bukit, memiliki 26 aliran sungai dengan panjang antara 4 sampai 75
km. Curah hujan tercatat antara 209 mm (Februari) sampai 42.675 mm
(April). Suhu udara rata-rata berkisar antara 180-280C, kelembaban
udara relatif berkisar 86-92%.
Penduduk Kabupaten ini terdiri dari beragam suku yang tersebar
merata di seluruh pelosok desa. Kabupaten ini dikelilingi oleh daerah
yang berlainan suku sehingga terjadilah pembauran suku menjadi
heterogen. Suku-suku tersebut antara-lain adalah: Suku Pakpak
(penduduk asli), Batak, Karo, Jawa, Aceh, Mandailing, Nias, dan
beberapa suku lainnya. Jumlah penduduk Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
tahun 2015 sebanyak 45.516 jiwa dalam 10.171 rumah-tangga, terdiri
dari laki-laki 23.001 jiwa dan perempuan 22.515 jiwa (rasio: 102,15).
Kepadatan penduduk rata-rata mencapai 37 jiwa per kilometer
persegi. Laju pertumbuhan penduduk di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
rata-rata sebesar 2,23%. Jumlah Angkatan Kerja mencapai 24.588
orang (bekerja sejumlah 23.879 orang dan pengangguran mencapai
709 orang) dan 3.428 orang bukan angkatan kerja. Tingkat Partisipasi
Angkatan Kerja mencapai 175,52 dengan Tingkat Pengangguran
Terbuka tercatat 2,88%.
Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
"The realization of Unite and Prosperity, Excellence in Quality
of Life, Leading in the Public Service of Pakpak Bharat based
on Religion and Culture"
1.	 Continuing Performance Improvement of Government
Personnel, including Governance Management of
Professionals, Amanah (Mandate) Leadership and Qualified
Public Services;
2.	 Improving Qualified Economic Empowerment based-on
Local Natural Resources;
3.	 Improving the Quality of Human Resources with Highly
Competitiveness, Ruled by the Cultural of Pakpak and Piety
in God the Almighty;
4.	 Improving Health Status through Excellence Care and Health
Facilities especially For Mother and Child to Achieve Golden
Generation of Pakpak Bharat.
5.	 Developing the Infrastructure to Accelerate Economic Growth
and Facilitate Accessibility Across Regions and Increasing
Widely Use of Technology and Informatics.
6.	 Being the Center for Leading Education and Health in North
Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP)
IDR. 749.63 billion, while at constant prices of 2010 reached IDR.
639.24 billion. The Agricultural Sector was still dominated by the
contribution of 56.67%, followed by 12.74% of the Administration,
Defense and Compulsory Social Security Sector, 10.28% of the
Construction Sector and 10.16% of the Wholesale and Retail,
Automobile and Motorcycle Repair Sector. The growth rate of
5.93% was recorded.
“Terwujudnya Pakpak Bharat Yang Bersatu Dan
Sejahtera, Unggul Dalam Kualitas Hidup, Terdepan
Dalam Pelayanan Publik Berlandaskan Agama Dan
1.	 Melanjutkan Peningkatan Kinerja Aparatur Pemerintah, Meliputi
Manajemen Pemerintahan Yang Profesional, Kepemimpinan Yang
Amanah Dan Pelayanan Publik Yang Berkualitas;
2.	 Meningkatkan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Yang
Berkualitas Yang Berbasis Pada Sumber Daya Alam Lokal.
3.	 Meningkatkan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Yang Berdaya
Saing Tinggi Yang Dilandasi Budaya Pakpak Dan Ketakwaan Pada
Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
4.	 Meningkatkan Derajat Kesehatan Melalui Pelayanan Dan Fasilitas
Kesehatan Yang Prima Terutama Untuk Ibu Dan Anak Dalam
Mewujudkan Generasi Emas Pakpak Bharat.
5.	 Mengembangkan Infrastruktur Untuk Mendorong Percepatan
Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Memperlancar Aksesibilitas Antar
Wilayah Serta Meningkatkan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Dan
Informatika Secara Luas.
6.	 Menjadi Sentra Pendidikan Dan Kesehatan Yang Unggul Di
Provinsi Sumatera Utara.
Produk Domestik Regional Bruto
PDRB Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat pada tahun 2015 atas dasar harga
berlaku mencapai Rp. 749,63 milyar, sedangkan atas dasar harga konstan
2010 mencapai Rp. 639,24 milyar. Sektor Pertanian masih mendominasi
dengan kontribusi 56,67%, disusul 12,74% dari Sektor Administrasi
Pemerintahan, Pertahanan dan Jaminan Sosial Wajib, 10,28% dari Sektor
Konstruksi dan 10,16% dari Sektor Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran,
Reparasi Mobil dan Speda motor. Laju pertumbuhan tercatat 5,93%.
Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency
1 Social
Kindergarten (6 units); Primary School (58 units)/Islamic Primary
School (11 units); Junior Secondary School (25 units)/Islamic Junior
High School (1 unit); and Vocational High School (3 units).
1 Hospital, 8 Public Health Centers (PHC/Puskesmas); 25 Sub-
PHC (Pustu); 49 Rural Health Posts (Poskesdes); and 89 Integrated
Services Posts (Posyandu). Medics: 23 general practitioners, 7
specialists and 6 dentists, 141 midwives, 126 nurses, 11 dental
nurses, 13 pharmacists, 8 Pharmaceutical Workers, 16 Nutritionists,
8 Health Analysts, 5 Technical Medical and Rontgen, 12 Experts on
Sanitation and 28 Bachelors of Public Health.
19,158 Muslims, 23,069 Protestant, and 2,047 Catholic with 78
mosques, 19 small mosques/prayer houses, 13 Catholic Churches and
103 Protestant Churches.
2 Transportation
Land transportation
Long of roads: 733.769 km (41.00 km of State Roads, 69.50 km of
Provincial Roads and 623.179 km of District Roads). 123 bridges
(103 bridges in good condition, 8 in medium condition, 9 in lightly
damaged condition and 3 in severely damaged) with a total length of
1,599.30 meters.
71 customers of automated telephone connection (STO); telephone
exchange capacity: 244 connections.
3 Energy
Clean water
5,478 KWh of Meter mechanical customers and 2,492 KWh of Prepaid
customers, with the support of micro power plants (PLTM) Kombih I
(Installed Capacity: 1500 kWh and Capacity power: 1400 KWh) and
PLTM Kombih II (Installed capacity: 1500 KWh and Capacity power:
1400 KWh).
The drinking water for 1,110 customers.
4 Industry & Trade
2 small industries with 10 workers and 1,521 household crafts with
5,097 workers.
77 legal entities; Means of trade: 8 Markets, 18 stores, 59 kiosks and
149 stalls.
Financial Transactions are backed by two banks, namely Bank Rakyat Indonesia of Salak Unit and Bank SUMUT of Salak Sub-Branch.
Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
1 Agriculture
Animal Husbandry
Marine and Fisheries
Paddy (wetland and dry-land), maize, soybeans, mungbeans, groundnuts,
cassava and sweet potatoes.
Vegetables (red pepper and tomato) and fruits (durian, orange, pineapple and
banana). ,
Gambir (leading commodity), Robusta and Arabica coffee, rubber, coconut,
incense, cinnamon, pepper, patchouli, oil palm, cocoa and tobacco.
Forest area of 109 693 ha consists of 44,136 ha of protected forests, 5,943 ha of
conservation forest, 10,224 ha of permanent production forest and 49,390 ha of
limited production forest. The forest products: 14,820.04 m 3.
and 3,710 ducks/Muscovy.
Aquaculture (calm pond water and Mina Paddy) with a production of 31.95 tons;
Capture Fishery in open public water (rivers, puddles) with a production of 7.70
common catfish, and others.
2 Tourism
Destinations Nature
and History / Culture.
There are 3 hotels (Waris, Impana and Lolona) by 48 rooms.
Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency
1. Agriculture
Increased Rice Production, Crops and Horticulture (chili and onion;
Durian, Orange and Banana).
Pakpak Bharat
2. Plantation
Increased Production of coffee, oil palm, rubber, patchouli, cocoa
and clove.
The entire Districts
3. Forestry
Utilization in principles of sustainable forest products and by-
products: Gambier, incense sticks, rattan, bee honey, cinnamon,
bamboo, resins and bark of medang tree.
Pakpak Bharat
The development of beef cattle, domestic chicken, broilers and
Pakpak Bharat
Fisheries &
Development of:
a. Mari-culture, Capture and Open Water Fisheries;
b. Brackish Water and Freshwater Aquaculture.
Pakpak Bharat
6 Industry/ Trade Local Trade and Industry Development Center. Pakpak Bharat
7. Tourism
Facilities and Infrastructure Improvement of Tourism at various
locations, including access roads to the location from the capital of
the Regency.
Pakpak Bharat
Increasing Electricity Production such as PLTMH, PLTM and PLTA
for the entire regency’s areas supported by the many streams of
Very Long River.
Pakpak Bharat
9. Clean Water Development and Drinking Water Management. Pakpak Bharat
Pakpak Bharat as Investment Destination Region
1. Pakpak Bharat Regency has a strategic position in the
development of the area in North Sumatra, because the Regency
connects the centers of regional development such as Dairi
Regency and other Regency as well as Aceh Singkil Regency in
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province. The large number of people
of North Sumatera, including Medan, in particular and Indonesia
in general is a very potential market for the products derived
from Pakpak Bharat Regency. Thus the Regency can draw and
take advantage of business opportunities in trade, services, and
tourism as well as other activities.
Pakpak Bharat Sebagai Daerah Tujuan Investasi
1. Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat memiliki posisi yang strategis dalam
pengembangan wilayah di Sumatera Utara, karena Kabupaten
ini menghubungkan pusat- pusat pengembangan wilayah seperti
Kabupaten Dairi dan Kabupaten lainnya serta Kabupaten Aceh Singkil
di Provinsi Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. Besarnya jumlah penduduk
Sumatera Utara termasuk Medan pada khususnya dan Indonesia pada
umumnya merupakan pangsa pasar yang sangat potensial bagi produk-
produk yang berasal dari Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Dengan demikian
kabupaten ini dapat menarik dan memanfaatkan peluang-peluang bisnis
pada sektor perdagangan, jasa, dan pariwisata dan aktivitas lainnya.
Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
2. Pakpak Bharat Regency has a road network which up to the
present continues to be developed that can connect the Regency
with other provinces, due to the Regency is located on State Road
path that connects the Provinces of North Sumatra and Nanggroe
Aceh Darrussalam, so that it will trigger economic development
more dynamic. The availability of the road of inter-Regencies as
to Dairi Regency which has been smooth and Humbahas Regency
which is still needed to be improved as well, including the Support
Regency of Lake Toba Destination is being driven by the Central
Government through the Authority of Lake Toba.
Pakpak Bharat Regency in improving excellence public services
implements Law No. 25 of 2009. Pakpak Bharat Regency becomes
a pilot model of implementation on Quality Management System
ISO 9001:2008 in an integrated and independent manners for
local government level of Regencies. The entire Local Government
Organizations (OPD) and Technical Implementation Units (UPT)
in Pakpak Bharat Regency have compiled quality manuals related
to public services in accordance with QMS ISO 9001:2008. The
application simultaneously on all OPD and UPT is the first in
Indonesia. Pakpak Bharat Regency obtained 2nd ranking in the
public service in North Sumatra.
There are so many investment opportunities in Pakpak Bharat
Regency that are not yet in exploration and taken seriously. It is
associated with local budgets which are still limited. To that end,
it is expected investor interest in developing their investment in
Pakpak Bharat in the fields of Hydro Power Plants (PLTA) related
to the program of President Joko Widodo who committed to
realize electric provision of about 35,000 megawatt (MW) in the
next 5 years term (2014-2019). Throughout the next 5 years, the
2. Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat memiliki jaringan jalan yang sampai saat
ini terus dibenahi yang dapat menghubungkan kabupaten ini dengan
Provinsi lainnya, yaitu karena Kabupaten ini terletak pada lintasan
Jalan Negara yang menghubungkan wilayah Provinsi Sumatera Utara
dan Provinsi Nangroe Aceh Darrussalam, sehingga akan memicu
pengembangan ekonomi yang lebih dinamis. Tersedianya jalan antara
kabupaten seperti dengan Kabupaten Dairi yang sudah mulus dan
Kabupaten Humbahas yang masih harus diperbaiki serta termasuk
Kabupaten Penopang Destinasi Danau Toba yang sedang digerakan
oleh Pemerintah Pusat melalui Badan Otoritas Danau Toba.
Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat dalam meningkatkan pelayanan publik yang
prima melaksanakan UU No 25 thn 2009 Tentang Pelayanan Publik.
Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat menjadi model percontohan penerapan
Sistim Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2008 secara terintegrasi dan mandiri
level Pemda Kabupaten. Seluruh OPD dan UPT di Kabupaten Pakpak
Bharat telah menyusun manual mutu terkait pelayanan publik sesuai
SMM ISO 9001:2008. penerapan sekaligus pada semua OPD dan UPT
ini, merupakan yang pertama di Indonesia. Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
memperoleh ranking II dalam pelayanan publik di Sumatera Utara.
Banyak sekali peluang investasi di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat yang
belum di explorasi dan ditangani dengan serius, hal ini terkait dengan
anggaran daerah yang masih terbatas. Untuk itu, diharapkan para
investor yang berminat untuk mengembangkan Investasi Penanaman
Modalnya dikabupaten Pakpak Bharat dibidang Pembangkit Listrik
Tenaga Air (PLTA) sekaitan dengan program Bapak Presiden RI Joko
Widodo yang telah berkomitmen untuk merealisasikan penyediaan
listrik sebesar 35.000 Megawatt (MW) dalam jangka waktu 5 tahun
Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency
government and the State Electricity Company (PLN) and private
sector will build 109 plants; each comprising 35 projects by PLN
with a total capacity of 10,681 MW and 74 projects by private/
Independent Power Producer (IPP) with a total capacity of 25,904
MW. And in 2015 PLN had signed a power plant contract of 10,000
MW as the first phase of the total 35,000 MW. For the investors
do not need to hesitate to invest in Pakpak Bharat Regency
considering the development of the Regency quite rapidly and be
among several Regencies. Access roads continue to be improved
and the related licensing business climate has also been made
easy through the Office of Licensing Services One Stop then it
should investors glanced Pakpak Bharat as a great potential,
especially in tourism.
Policy of the Local Government of Pakpak Bharat
Regency to Investment
A policy is formulated for clear objectives, including long-term,
medium-term and short-term goals. The investment climate refers
which is the main interest of those who control the capital. The
investment climate always has significance to determine the level
of investment, but the climate is becoming increasingly prominent
as a general mobilization of capital extends specifically, when the
controllers of capital based in a particular jurisdiction are able to
explore opportunities outside condition of the jurisdiction.
Although the different frictions have an interest in the policies of
the different and sometimes conflicting, some of the fundamental
policies of common concern for all controllers of the capital and
becoming increasingly important as a business process from an
investor are increasing.
(2014-2019). Sepanjang 5 tahun ke depan, pemerintah bersama PLN
dan swasta akan membangun 109 pembangkit; masing-masing terdiri
35 proyek oleh PLN dengan total kapasitas 10.681 MW dan 74 proyek
oleh swasta/Independent Power Producer (IPP) dengan total kapasitas
25.904 MW. Dan pada tahun 2015 PLN akan menandatangani kontrak
ribu MW. untuk para investor tidak perlu ragu-ragu melakukan investasi
di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat mengingat perkembangan Kabupaten ini
yang cukup pesat dan berada diantara beberapa Kabupaten.Akses jalan
terus diperbaiki dan iklim usaha terkait perizinan juga sudah dipermudah
melalui Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu
Satu Pintu, sudah selayaknya para investor melirik Kabupaten Pakpak
Bharat sebagai potensi yang besar khususnya dibidang pariwisata.
Kebijakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
terhadap Investasi
Sebuah kebijakan dirumuskan untuk tujuan yang jelas, termasuk tujuan
jangka panjang, jangka menengah, dan jangka pendek. Iklim investasi
mengacu kepada konstelasi kebijakan di lingkungan suatu yuridiksi
tertentu yang merupakan kepentingan utama dari orang-orang yang
menguasai modal. Iklim investasi selalu mempunyai arti penting untuk
menentukan tingkat investasi, tetapi iklim itu menjadi semakin menonjol
ketika mobilisasi umum dari modal meluas secara khusus, ketika para
pengendali modal yang berpangkalan di suatu yuridiksi tertentu menjadi
mampu untuk menjelajahi kesempatan kondisi luar yuridiksi tersebut.
Sekalipun friksi-friksi yang berbeda mempunyai kepentingan pada
kebijakan-kebijakan yang berbeda dan kadang-kadang bertentangan.
Beberapa kebijakan mendasar yang menjadi perhatian bersama bagi
semua pengendali modal dan menjadi semakin penting ketika proses
sebuah usaha dari seorang investor meningkat.
Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
Investment policy plays a very important role in determining
how the investors will be associated with the investment. It is
appropriate to their advantage to expand, not narrowing the
range of places available for them. An important element in the
ability of an investor to gain great advantage is the presence and
competitiveness of investors and other companies. Creating an
attractive investment climate throughout the national jurisdiction
is proved to be technically very difficult, because of the variety of
destabilization. The cost to build good infrastructures for political,
legal and supporting infrastructure demanded by investors is very
expensive, if implemented generally in the territory. The scopes of
the location that can be selected by the owners of capital are very
spacious, so that their bargaining positions are very strong and
their demands for responsive policy are very broad.
It is responded wisely by the Local Government of Pakpak Bharat
Regency in providing facilities and infrastructure in order to enable
investors to invest in the area.
Efforts of the Local Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency.
In an effort to attract the influx of investors both from within the
country (PMDN) or from abroad (PMA), some of the things done by
1.	 Exploring and identifying to determine the leading potential
in the regions that can be offered to investors;
2.	 Promoting or road showing or other publications in the
industry especially attractive to foreign investors;
3.	 Establishing regional government policy and legal
arrangements that support the creation of a favorable
climate for investors;
4.	 Adjusting local government policy and legal arrangements
that are not in accordance with the provisions of either
international or national investment;
Kebijakan investasi memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam
menentukan seberapa para pelaku akan terkait dengan investasi,
hal ini sesuai dengan keunggulan mereka untuk memperluas, bukan
mempersempit jangkauan tempat tersedia bagi mereka. Suatu
unsur terpenting dalam kemampuan seorang investor untuk meraih
keuntungan besar adalah kehadiran dan daya saing para investor dan
perusahan-perusahaan lain. Menciptakan iklim investasi yang menarik
seluruh yuridiksi nasional terbukti secara teknis sangatlah sulit, karena
banyaknya berbagai kepentingan yang harus diikutsertakan dan secara
politis dan sosial bersifat destabibilisasi. Biaya untuk membangun
infrakstruktur baik politis, hukum dan sarana prasarana pendukung yang
diminta oleh investor sangat mahal, bila dilaksanakan secara umum di
wilayah Negara. Ruang lingkup lokasi yang dapat dipilih oleh para pemilik
modal sangat luas, sehingga posisi tawar-menawar mereka sangat kuat
dan pemintaan mereka untuk kebijakan responsif sangat luas.
Hal ini disikapi dengan bijak oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Pakpak
Bharat dalam menyediakan sarana dan prasarana pendukung guna
memudahkan mereka untuk menanamkan modalnya di daerah ini.
Upaya Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
Dalam upaya menarik masuknya investor baik dari dalam negeri (PMDN)
maupun dari luar negeri (PMA), beberapa hal dilakukan oleh Pemerintah
Daerah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat, antara lain adalah:
1.	 Menggali dan mengidentifikasikan untuk menentukan potensi
unggulan daerah yang bisa ditawarkan pada investor;
2.	 Melakukan promosi atau road show ataupun publikasi lain pada
industri terutama yang menarik bagi investor asing;
3.	 Menetapkan kebijakan pemerintah daerah dan pengaturan hukum
yang mendukung penciptaan iklim yang kondusif bagi investor;
4.	 Melakukan penyesuaian kebijakan pemerintah daerah dan
pengaturan hukum yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan
penanaman modal baik internasional ataupun nasonal;
Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency
5.	 Preparing the improvement of human resources in the local
authorities to provide good service for investors;
6.	 Supporting the active participation of the community or the
public on the activities and supervision of capital activities;
7.	 Improving the increase of supporting facilities for the smooth
of capital;
8.	 Repairing licensing services for investment in simple, quick,
easy, inexpensive, and satisfying manners;
9.	 Striving for safety, comfort, environmental order in the frame
of creating a friendly climate and satisfying; and
10.	 Supporting the provision of facilities to increase resources of
the community to occupy a strategic position and the case of
technology transfer.
Investment Incentive (Fiscal and Non-Fiscal)
The Local Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency continues to
encourage the acceleration for investors to invest in the Regency
by providing various facilities, both of licensing, taxation, labor
supply, facilities and infrastructure, and other related matters.
Potential Tourism Objects
Pakpak Bharat Regency has some tourism potential, especially
natural tourism objects; among them is Une Lae Waterfall in
Kecupak I Village of Pergetteng-Getteng Sengkut District and Lae
Mbilulu Waterfall in Prongil Village of Tinada District as being
the leading Tourism Destination Region (DTW) of Pakpak Bharat
Some of the potential that can be used as a tourism object in
Pakpak Bharat that needs investors to develop are as follows:
1. DELLENG SIMPON which has very beautiful natural scenery has
a value of interesting attractions to visit. Delleng Simpon is the
highest mountain peak in Pakpak Bharat Regency. During the day,
Delleng Simpon becomes a local tourism destination that is visited
by people from different regions. Not only society of Pakpak,
the visitors from other regions are also amazed at the beauty of
natural panorama of Delleng Simpon. The region is a regional
boundary of the Regencies of Pakpak Bharat and Humbang
Hasundutan. Regions around Delleng Simpon has high value
cultural artifacts such as the Legend of Eluh Berru Tinambunan
Springs, Perkemenjenan (garden of incense) as livelihoods of
the community, Barati for Merbanto, cultural sites like Mejan,
5.	 Mempersiapkan peningkatan sumber daya manusia aparat daerah
dalam memberikan pelayanan yang baik bagi investor;
6.	 Mendukung partisipasi aktif masyarakat atau publik pada aktivitas
dan pengawasan kegiatan permodalan;
7.	 Perbaikan peningkatan sarana dan prasarana pendukung bagi
kelancaran modal;
8.	 Perbaikan pelayanan perizinan bagi penanaman modal secara
sederhana, cepat, mudah, murah, dan memuaskan;
9.	 Mengupayakan keamanan, kenyamanan, ketertiban lingkungan
agar tercipta iklim yang ramah dan memuaskan; dan
10.	 Mendukung pemberian fasilitas untuk peningkatan sumber-daya
masyarakat agar dapat menduduki jabatan strategis dan terjadi
alih teknologi.
Insentif Investasi (Fiskal dan Non-Fiskal)
Pemerintah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat, terus mendorong percepatan
bagi investor untuk menanamkan investasi di kabupaten tersebut dengan
memberikan berbagai kemudahan, baik dari perijinan, perpajakan,
penyediaan tenaga kerja, sarana dan prasarana, serta hal-hal lain terkait.
Potensi Objek Wisata
Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat memiliki beberapa potensi wisata khususnya
terdapat di desa Kecupak I Kecamatan Pergetteng-getteng Sengkut dan
Air Terjun Lae Mbilulu di desa Prongil Kecamatan Tinada yang menjadi
Daerah Tujuan Wisata (DTW) unggulan Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat.
Pakpak Bharat yang butuh investor untuk mengembangkannya adalah
sebagai berikut:
1. DELLENG SIMPON yang memiliki panorama alam yang sangat indah
memiliki nilai wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Delleng simpon
adalah puncak gunung tertinggi di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Selama ini
masyarakat dari berbagai daerah. Tak hanya masyarakat Pakpak, para
pendatang dari daerah lainpun kagum akan keindahan dari panorama
alam Delleng Simpon. Kawasan Delleng Simpon merupakan batas
wilayah pemerintahan Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat dengan Kabupaten
Humbang Hasundutan. Kawasan di sekitar Delleng Simpon memiliki
peninggalan-peninggalan budaya yang tinggi seperti Legenda Mata
Air Eluh Berru Tnambunan, Perkemenjenan (kebun kemeyan) sebagai
mata pencarian masyarakat, Barati untuk Merbanto, situs-situs budaya
Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
Traditional House, Lae Merah (red water naturally) as well as the
Legend of Silaan in Ulumerah Village; It is located in the area of the
Provincial road that easy to visit.
2. "SAMPUREN SIMBILULU" WATERFALL: It is located in Tinata
District of Prongil Julu Village. The road to the site is still under
construction, in the next the location will certainly be able to
reliable because the potential of beauty especially if increasingly
managed. Simbilulu Waterfall is one of the great sights and
interesting to throw a sense of fatigue due to work for a full week.
Simbilulu Waterfall has a height of about 40 m with a depth of
pond of about 5 m and area of about 60 m2. Sambilulu Waterfall
has two waterfalls side by side from the one source of the river.
Within about 5 km from Tinada or about 20 km from Sidikalang.
3. ELUH BERRU TINAMBUNAN SPRING: There is a legendary story in
to be the former Berru Tinambunen tears when she cried. Located at
the foot of "Delleng Simpon" in Rumerah Village of Sitellu Tali Urang
Julu District. The road to the area is the Provincial Road and has
been built and passable by two-wheel or four-wheel vehicles. Please
Regencies of Pakpak Bharat and Humbang Hasundutan.
seperti Mejan, Rumah Adat, Lae Merah (sungai yang berwarna merah
alami) serta Legenda Silaan di Desa Ulumerah; Berada di kawasan jalan
Provinsi yang mudah untuk dikunjungi.
2. AIR TERJUN "SAMPUREN SIMBILULU". Letaknya di Kecamatan
Tinada Desa Prongil Julu. Jalan menuju lokasi ini masih dalam
tahap pembangunan, ke depan objek wisata ini pasti bisa diandalkan
karena potensi keindahannya apalagi ditata sedemikian rupa. Air
Terjun Simbilulu merupakan salah satu tempat wisata yang bagus dan
menarik untuk membuang rasa penat Anda karena bekerja selama
seminggu penuh.Air Terjun Simbilulu memiliki ketinggian + 40 m dengan
kedalamannya + 5 m dan luasnya 60 m2. Air terjun ini memiliki 2 air
terjun yang berdampingan dari satu sumber sungai. Berjarak +/- 5 km
dari Tinada atau +/- 20 km dari Sidikalang.
3. MATAAIR ELUH BERRU TINAMBUNAN. Ada cerita yang melegenda
di masyarakat Pakpak, yaitu Cerita Berru Tinambunan dari Pakpak
Suak Kelasen. Cerita ini melahirkan legenda berupa mata air yang
tidak pernah kering walau musim kemarau berkepanjangan. Diyakini
ini adalah bekas air mata Berru Tinambunan saat menangis. Terletak
di kaki "Delleng Simpon" Desa Rumerah Kecamatan Sitellu Tali Urang
Julu. Jalan ke kawasan ini adalah jalan Provinsi dan telah dibangun dan
bisa dilewati kendaraan roda dua atau roda empat. Silahkan berkunjung,
masyarakat yang ramah siap mengantar ke tempat tujuan…!! Lokasi Air
Mata Berru Tinambunan juga merupakan tapal batas antara Kabupaten
Pakpak Bharat dengan Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan.
Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency
4. Satu opini lain adalah pembangunan WISATAADAT PAKPAK SILIMA
SUAK di Delleng Simpon Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Pemerintah
Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat memiliki potensi yang besar untuk
mewujudkan ini. Harus ada gebrakan besar pembangunan di Kabupaten
Pakpak Bharat khususnya yang mengarah pelestarian budaya Pakpak
sekaligus bernilai ekonomi yang bisa menggerakkan roda pembangunan
Kabupaten ini. Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat kedepan harus bisa jadi pusat
budaya dan pustaka visual budaya Pakpak.
5. AIR TERJUN LAE UNE. Berada di Kecupak, sekitar 7 Km dari Kota
Salak ibu kota Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Air terjun ini merupakan wisata
air terjun yang masih sangat alami dan belum banyak mendapatkan
sentuhan dari luar, sehingga cukup menarik wisatawan. Sampuren atau
Air Terjun Lae Une berada di Desa Kecupak I Kecamatan Pergetteng-
getteng Sengkut. Objek wisata alam ini dapat di tempuh sekitar 15 menit
dari ibukota Pakpak Bharat – Salak dengan menggunakan kendaraan
roda 2 maupun roda 4. Air terjun ini cukup terkenal sebagai objek wisata
lokal di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Sampai saat ini pengunjung bebas
masuk ke lokasi Lae Une tanpa dikenakan pungutan retribusi. Keindahan
Air Terjun Lae Une, walau belum mendapat penataan dan fasilitas yang
memadai mampu mengundang kekaguman setiap orang yang melihatnya.
kesejukannya dapat membuat orang terlena berlama lama di Lae Une,
bahkan tanpa mandi merupakan sebuah kerugian yang besar apabila
berkunjung ke sini. Keindahannya membuat kita lupa untuk pulang.
Alangkah indahnya ciptaan Tuhan yang diberikan kepada manusia agar
manusia selalu ingat kepada sang pencipta, khususnya Lae Une.
6. AIR TERJUN LAE SINGGABIT. Letaknya di Dusun Kuta Delleng,
Desa Mahala, Kec. Tinada. Air Terjun Lae Singgabit memiliki pesona
alam yang sangat indah dan alami. Pesona ini belum banyak diketahui
secara luas karena akses masih sulit untuk dicapai.
4. Another opinion is the construction of INDIGENOUS TOURISM OF
PAKPAK SILIMA SUAK in Delleng Simpon of Pakpak Bharat. The Local
Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency has great potential to realize
this. There should be a big buzz of development in Pakpak Bharat
Regency in particular that leads to cultural preservation of Pakpak as
and yet a lot to get a touch from the outside, so it is quite interesting
Pergetteng-getteng Sengkut District. The natural tourism object can
be taken for about 15 minutes from Salak, the capital city of Pakpak
Bharat Regency using 2-wheel or 4-wheel vehicles. The waterfall
is quite famous as local tourism object in Pakpak Bharat Regency.
Until now, visitors are free to enter the location of Lae Une without
being subject to levy charges. The beauty of Une Lae Waterfall,
although has not received adequate facilities arrangement and is
able to invite the admiration of everyone who see it. The coolness
can make people complacent to linger in the location, even without
a shower is a major disadvantage when visiting here. The beauty
makes we forget to go home. A step beauty of divine creation that
was given to human being, so that people always remember the
Creator, especially Lae Une.
6. LAE SINGGABIT WATERFALL: It is in Kuta Delleng Hamlet of
Mahala Village in Tinada District. Lae Singgabit Waterfall has a
natural charm that is very beautiful and natural. The charm has
not been widely known since access is still difficult to achieve.
Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
For The Activities Of Foreign Direct Investment (PMA) & Domestic Investment (PMDN)
Increased Rice Production, Crops and
Horticulture (chili and onion; Durian,
Orange and Banana).
Pakpak Bharat
Government and
Increased Production of coffee, oil palm,
rubber, patchouli, cocoa and clove.
The entire
Government and
Utilization in principles of sustainable
forest products and by-products:
Gambier, incense sticks, rattan, bee
honey, cinnamon, bamboo, resins and
bark of medang tree.
Pakpak Bharat
Government and
The development of beef cattle,
domestic chicken, broilers and ducks. Pakpak Bharat
Government and
Development of:
a. Mari-culture, Capture and Open
Water Fisheries;
b. Brackish Water and Freshwater
Pakpak Bharat
Government and
Local Trade and Industry Development
Center. Pakpak Bharat
Government and
Facilities and Infrastructure
Improvement of Tourism at various
locations, including access roads to the
location from the capital of the Regency.
Pakpak Bharat
Government and
Increasing Electricity Production such
as PLTMH, PLTM and PLTA for the entire
regency’s areas supported by the many
streams of Very Long River.
Pakpak Bharat
Development and Drinking Water
Pakpak Bharat
Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency
Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Satu Pintu
Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat
Kompleks Panorama Indah Sindeka-Salak, Kab. Pakpak Bharat 22272 , Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Telp/Faks : (0627)-7433033
Email :
Webmail : /
Website : /
Kontak Person :
1. Bapak Losmar Berutu, MM / 0822-9439-6488 / Kepala Dinas
2. Bapak Haganta Sebayang / 0853-7325-5244 / Kabid Pm
3. Bapak Freddy / 0822-7444-3714 / Kasi Pm
Peta Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat

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Investasi kab. pakpak bharat

  • 1. Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency 1 KABUPATENPAKPAKBHARAT PELUANG INVESTASI
  • 2. Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat 2 PROFIL BUPATI PAKPAK BHARAT REMIGO YOLANDO BERUTU, MBA. Profile of the Regent of Pakpak Bharat Tokoh muda ini lahir di Medan tanggal 6 September 1969. Tokoh yang taat beragama Katholik ini mengawali pendidikannya di SD Maria Fatima di Jember, lulus tahun 1982; kemudian melanjutkannya di SMPK Maria Fatima di Jember, lulus tahun 1985, dan SMA Negeri 5 di Bandung, lulus tahun 1988. Beliau kemudian meningkatkan pendidikannya di Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, lulus Strata-1 tahun 1995, dan menempuh pendidikan di La Trobe University of Melbourne, Australia, lulus Strata 2 tahun 2000 dan terakhir Lulus pendidikan Strata 3 dari STT IKAT Jakarta tahun 2016. Pengalaman dalam berorganisasi selama ini menempa kemampuan tokoh muda ini untuk memimpin wilayah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat selama 2 periode (2010-2015 dan 2016-2021). Berbagai organisasi yang pernah diperaninya adalah: OSIS SMAN 5 Bandung (1987-1988); Senat Fakultas Ekonomi, Jakarta (1990-1992); Financial Management Australian Association, Melbourne-Australia (1999-2000); Ketua Dewan Penasehat Forum Komunikasi Umat Beragama Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat; dan Ketua DPC Partai Demokrat Pakpak Bharat Periode 2011-sekarang. This young leader was born in Medan on 6 September 1969. The Catholic religious leader has started his education in Maria Fatima Elementary School (SD) in Jember, graduated in 1982; then continueonSMPKMariaFatimainJember,graduatedin1985,and SMAN5Bandung,graduatingin1988.Hethenraiseshiseducation at Trisakti University of Jakarta, graduated his Strata-1 in 1995, and was educated at La Trobe University of Melbourne , Australia, graduated his Strata-2 in 2000 and last graduated his education of Strate-3 of STT IKAT of Jakarta in 2016. His experience in the organization during the time has forged the young leader’s ability to lead the region of Pakpak Bharat Regency during two periods (2010-2015 and 2016-2021). Various organizations that once starred were: OSIS SMAN 5 Bandung (1987-1988); Senate of the Faculty of Economics, Jakarta (1990- 1992); the Australian Financial Management Association, Melbourne-Australia (1999-2000); the Chairman of the Advisory Board of Communication Forum for Religious Pakpak Bharat Regency; and the DPC Chairman of the Democratic Party of Pakpak Bharat Regency of period of 2011-present.
  • 3. Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency 3 SAMBUTAN KEPALA DINAS PENANAMAN MODAL DAN PELAYANAN TERPADU SATU PINTU KABUPATEN PAKPAK BHARAT Foreword the Head of One-Stop Office of Investment and Integrated Service of Pakpak Bharat Regency Drs. Losmar Berutu, MM Puji dan syukur kita panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, atas anugerah dan rahmatNya, penyusunan buku “Profil Investasi DaerahKabupaten Pakpak Bharat” ini dapat terselesaikan. Buku ini merupakan upaya nyata dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat khususnya Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu SatuPintuKabupatenPakpakBharatdalammenyajikaninformasifaktual tentang potensi dan peluang investasi di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat, dengan tujuan buku ini dapat menjadi media promosi sekaligus referensi bagi kalangan investor yang berminat berinvestasi di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Buku “Profil Investasi Daerah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat” merupakan gambaran singkat tentang potensi dan peluang investasi yang akan terlayani dengan mudah, cepat dan transparan. Sebagai sumber informasi bagi masyarakat dan kalangan investor, buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan ruang terjalin nya kerjasama antara pemerintah daerah dengan para pengusaha dalam dan luar negeri dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alam yang tersedia di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Demikianlah buku ini kami susun, semoga buku ini bermanfaat dan memberikan dampak yang positif bagi perkembangan investasi di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat dan kami sangat mengharapkan saran yang sifatnya membangun dari berbagi pihak untuk kesempurnaan dari Buku Profil Investasi daerah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Terimakasih! “Kami siap Melayani dengan Hati, Sepenuh Hati dan Hati-hati” Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of God the Almighty, for His Grace and Mercy, the preparation of the book entitled "Profile of Regional Investment of Pakpak Bharat Regency" can be resolved. The book is a concrete effort of the Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency in particular the One-Stop Office of Investment and Integrated Services of Pakpak Bharat Regency in presenting factual information about potential and investment opportunity in Pakpak Bharat Regency, with the aim of the book can be a promotional media as well as a reference for investors Interested to invest in Pakpak Bharat Regency. The book entitled "Profile of Regional Investment of Pakpak Bharat Regency" is a brief description of the potential and investment opportunities that will be served easily, quickly and transparently. As a source of information for the public and the investors, the book is expected to provide space for the cooperation between local government and domestic and foreign entrepreneurs in the management of natural resources available in Pakpak Bharat Regency. So the book we compile, hopefully the book will be useful and give a positiveimpactforthedevelopmentofinvestmentinPakpakBharat Regency and we are looking forward to constructive suggestions from the sharing of parties to perfection from the Profile of Regional Investment of Pakpak Bharat Regency. Thank you! "We are ready to Serve with Heart, Wholehearted and Careful". Njuah-Njuah/Salam Sejahtera/Best Wishes….. Njuah-Njuah/Salam Sejahtera/Best Wishes…..
  • 4. Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat 4 GAMBARAN UMUM DAERAH Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat adalah salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Kabupaten ini dibentuk pada tanggal 28 Juli 2003 dan merupakan hasil dari pemekaran Kabupaten Dairi. Pakpak Bharat terletak di kaki pegunungan Bukit Barisan. Kegiatan perekonomian terfokus pada pertanian dan perkebunan. Hampir 90% penduduk kawasan ini beretnis Pakpak, sebuah sub suku Batak. Kabupaten ini terletak antara 96°00’00” - 98°31’00” Bujur Timur dan 02°15’00” - 03°32’00” Lintang Utara, dengan batas-batas wilayah sebagai berikut: • Sebelah Utara dibatasi oleh Kabupaten Dairi; • Sebelah Selatan dibatasi oleh Kabupaten Aceh Singkil dan Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan; • Sebelah Timur dibatasi oleh Kabupaten Toba Samosir; dan • Sebelah Barat dibatasi Kabupaten Aceh Singkil dan Kota. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE REGION Pakpak Bharat is one of Regencies in North Sumatra Province. The Regency was formed on 28 July 2003 and is the result of the separation of Dairi Regency. Pakpak Bharat is located at the foothills of Bukit Barisan Mountains. The economic activity is focused on agriculture and plantations. Almost 90% of the population in the region is Pakpak ethnic, a Sub-Tribe of Batak. The Regency is situated between 96°00'00" - 98°31'00" East Longitude and 02°15'00" - 03°32'00" North Latitude, with boundaries are as follows: • Dairi Regency in the North; • AcehSingkilandHumbangHasundutanRegenciesintheSouth; • Toba Samosir Regency in the East; and • Aceh Singkil and Kota in the West. BRIGHT PROSPECTS INVESTMENT IN PAKPAK BHARAT REGENCY PROSPEK CERAH INVESTASI DI KABUPATEN PAKPAK BHARAT
  • 5. Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency 5 The total area of Pakpak Bharat is 1,121.83 km2, which consists of 8 districts (the Districts of Salak, Kerajaan, Sitellu Tali Urang Jehe, Tinada, Siempat Rube, Sitellu Tali Urang Julu, Pergetteng Getteng Sengkut and Pagindar), 52 villages (50 self-help villages and 2 self- support villages) and 211 hamlets. Pakpak Bharat has tropical climate, with altitude between 700 and 1500 m above sea level. Hilly geographical conditions and has 26 streams with a length between 4 and 75 km. Recorded rainfall was between 209 mm (February) and 42,675 mm (April). The average air temperature ranged between 180 -280C, relative air humidity ranged from 86% to 92%. Regency population is composed of various tribes, spread evenly throughout the villages. The Regency is surrounded by different tribe areas, so that tribal blending became heterogeneous. Among these tribes are: Pakpak (Native Tribe), Batak, Karo, Java, Aceh, Mandailing, Nias, and several other tribes. The population of Pakpak Bharat in 2015 was as many as 45,516 people in 10,171 households, which comprised of 23,001 men and 22,515 women (sex-ratio: 102.15). The average population density was 37 people per square kilometer. The population growth rate in the Regency was an average of 2.23%. Total labor force reached 24,588 people (some 23,879 people was working and 709 people was unemployment)and3,428peoplewerenotlaborforce.LaborForce Participation Rate reached 175.52, while Open Unemployment Rate was recorded of 2.88%. Luas wilayah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat adalah 1.121,830 km2, yang terdiri dari 8 kecamatan (Kecamatan Salak, Kerajaan, Sitellu Tali Urang Jehe, Tinada, Siempat Rube, Sitellu Tali Urang Julu, Pergetteng Getteng Sengkut dan Pagindar), dan terdiri dari 52 desa (50 desa swadaya dan 2 desa swakarsa) dan 211 dusun. Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat memiliki iklim tropis, dengan ketinggian antara 700-1500 m di atas permukaan laut. Kondisi geografis berbukit- bukit, memiliki 26 aliran sungai dengan panjang antara 4 sampai 75 km. Curah hujan tercatat antara 209 mm (Februari) sampai 42.675 mm (April). Suhu udara rata-rata berkisar antara 180-280C, kelembaban udara relatif berkisar 86-92%. Penduduk Kabupaten ini terdiri dari beragam suku yang tersebar merata di seluruh pelosok desa. Kabupaten ini dikelilingi oleh daerah yang berlainan suku sehingga terjadilah pembauran suku menjadi heterogen. Suku-suku tersebut antara-lain adalah: Suku Pakpak (penduduk asli), Batak, Karo, Jawa, Aceh, Mandailing, Nias, dan beberapa suku lainnya. Jumlah penduduk Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat tahun 2015 sebanyak 45.516 jiwa dalam 10.171 rumah-tangga, terdiri dari laki-laki 23.001 jiwa dan perempuan 22.515 jiwa (rasio: 102,15). Kepadatan penduduk rata-rata mencapai 37 jiwa per kilometer persegi. Laju pertumbuhan penduduk di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat rata-rata sebesar 2,23%. Jumlah Angkatan Kerja mencapai 24.588 orang (bekerja sejumlah 23.879 orang dan pengangguran mencapai 709 orang) dan 3.428 orang bukan angkatan kerja. Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja mencapai 175,52 dengan Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka tercatat 2,88%.
  • 6. Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat 6 Vision "The realization of Unite and Prosperity, Excellence in Quality of Life, Leading in the Public Service of Pakpak Bharat based on Religion and Culture" Mission 1. Continuing Performance Improvement of Government Personnel, including Governance Management of Professionals, Amanah (Mandate) Leadership and Qualified Public Services; 2. Improving Qualified Economic Empowerment based-on Local Natural Resources; 3. Improving the Quality of Human Resources with Highly Competitiveness, Ruled by the Cultural of Pakpak and Piety in God the Almighty; 4. Improving Health Status through Excellence Care and Health Facilities especially For Mother and Child to Achieve Golden Generation of Pakpak Bharat. 5. Developing the Infrastructure to Accelerate Economic Growth and Facilitate Accessibility Across Regions and Increasing Widely Use of Technology and Informatics. 6. Being the Center for Leading Education and Health in North Sumatra. Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) GRDPofPakpakBharatin2015onthebasisofcurrentpricereached IDR. 749.63 billion, while at constant prices of 2010 reached IDR. 639.24 billion. The Agricultural Sector was still dominated by the contribution of 56.67%, followed by 12.74% of the Administration, Defense and Compulsory Social Security Sector, 10.28% of the Construction Sector and 10.16% of the Wholesale and Retail, Automobile and Motorcycle Repair Sector. The growth rate of 5.93% was recorded. Visi “Terwujudnya Pakpak Bharat Yang Bersatu Dan Sejahtera, Unggul Dalam Kualitas Hidup, Terdepan Dalam Pelayanan Publik Berlandaskan Agama Dan Budaya” Misi 1. Melanjutkan Peningkatan Kinerja Aparatur Pemerintah, Meliputi Manajemen Pemerintahan Yang Profesional, Kepemimpinan Yang Amanah Dan Pelayanan Publik Yang Berkualitas; 2. Meningkatkan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Yang Berkualitas Yang Berbasis Pada Sumber Daya Alam Lokal. 3. Meningkatkan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Yang Berdaya Saing Tinggi Yang Dilandasi Budaya Pakpak Dan Ketakwaan Pada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. 4. Meningkatkan Derajat Kesehatan Melalui Pelayanan Dan Fasilitas Kesehatan Yang Prima Terutama Untuk Ibu Dan Anak Dalam Mewujudkan Generasi Emas Pakpak Bharat. 5. Mengembangkan Infrastruktur Untuk Mendorong Percepatan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Memperlancar Aksesibilitas Antar Wilayah Serta Meningkatkan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Dan Informatika Secara Luas. 6. Menjadi Sentra Pendidikan Dan Kesehatan Yang Unggul Di Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Produk Domestik Regional Bruto PDRB Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat pada tahun 2015 atas dasar harga berlaku mencapai Rp. 749,63 milyar, sedangkan atas dasar harga konstan 2010 mencapai Rp. 639,24 milyar. Sektor Pertanian masih mendominasi dengan kontribusi 56,67%, disusul 12,74% dari Sektor Administrasi Pemerintahan, Pertahanan dan Jaminan Sosial Wajib, 10,28% dari Sektor Konstruksi dan 10,16% dari Sektor Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran, Reparasi Mobil dan Speda motor. Laju pertumbuhan tercatat 5,93%.
  • 7. Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency 7 No SECTOR SUB-SECTOR DESCRIPTION 1 Social Education Health Religion Kindergarten (6 units); Primary School (58 units)/Islamic Primary School (11 units); Junior Secondary School (25 units)/Islamic Junior SecondarySchool(3units);SeniorHighSchool(5units)/IslamicSenior High School (1 unit); and Vocational High School (3 units). 1 Hospital, 8 Public Health Centers (PHC/Puskesmas); 25 Sub- PHC (Pustu); 49 Rural Health Posts (Poskesdes); and 89 Integrated Services Posts (Posyandu). Medics: 23 general practitioners, 7 specialists and 6 dentists, 141 midwives, 126 nurses, 11 dental nurses, 13 pharmacists, 8 Pharmaceutical Workers, 16 Nutritionists, 8 Health Analysts, 5 Technical Medical and Rontgen, 12 Experts on Sanitation and 28 Bachelors of Public Health. 19,158 Muslims, 23,069 Protestant, and 2,047 Catholic with 78 mosques, 19 small mosques/prayer houses, 13 Catholic Churches and 103 Protestant Churches. 2 Transportation Land transportation Communication Long of roads: 733.769 km (41.00 km of State Roads, 69.50 km of Provincial Roads and 623.179 km of District Roads). 123 bridges (103 bridges in good condition, 8 in medium condition, 9 in lightly damaged condition and 3 in severely damaged) with a total length of 1,599.30 meters. 71 customers of automated telephone connection (STO); telephone exchange capacity: 244 connections. 3 Energy Electricity Clean water 5,478 KWh of Meter mechanical customers and 2,492 KWh of Prepaid customers, with the support of micro power plants (PLTM) Kombih I (Installed Capacity: 1500 kWh and Capacity power: 1400 KWh) and PLTM Kombih II (Installed capacity: 1500 KWh and Capacity power: 1400 KWh). The drinking water for 1,110 customers. 4 Industry & Trade Industry Trading 2 small industries with 10 workers and 1,521 household crafts with 5,097 workers. 77 legal entities; Means of trade: 8 Markets, 18 stores, 59 kiosks and 149 stalls. Financial Transactions are backed by two banks, namely Bank Rakyat Indonesia of Salak Unit and Bank SUMUT of Salak Sub-Branch. EXISTING FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE
  • 8. Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat 8 No SECTOR SUB-SECTOR DESCRIPTION 1 Agriculture Food-Crops Horticulture Smallholder Forestry Animal Husbandry Marine and Fisheries Paddy (wetland and dry-land), maize, soybeans, mungbeans, groundnuts, cassava and sweet potatoes. Vegetables (red pepper and tomato) and fruits (durian, orange, pineapple and banana). , Gambir (leading commodity), Robusta and Arabica coffee, rubber, coconut, incense, cinnamon, pepper, patchouli, oil palm, cocoa and tobacco. Forest area of 109 693 ha consists of 44,136 ha of protected forests, 5,943 ha of conservation forest, 10,224 ha of permanent production forest and 49,390 ha of limited production forest. The forest products: 14,820.04 m 3. 234Beefcattle,1,431buffaloes,5,984pigs,923goats,122,377domesticchickens and 3,710 ducks/Muscovy. Aquaculture (calm pond water and Mina Paddy) with a production of 31.95 tons; Capture Fishery in open public water (rivers, puddles) with a production of 7.70 tons.Typesoffish:commoncarps,redandblackNiletilapia,Mozambiquetilapia, common catfish, and others. 2 Tourism Destinations Nature and History / Culture. There are 3 hotels (Waris, Impana and Lolona) by 48 rooms. NATURAL RESOURCES POTENTIAL
  • 9. Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency 9 No. SECTOR BUSINESS FIELDS (INVESTMENT PROJECTS) NAME OF REGIONAL (SUB) 1. Agriculture Increased Rice Production, Crops and Horticulture (chili and onion; Durian, Orange and Banana). Pakpak Bharat 2. Plantation Increased Production of coffee, oil palm, rubber, patchouli, cocoa and clove. The entire Districts 3. Forestry Utilization in principles of sustainable forest products and by- products: Gambier, incense sticks, rattan, bee honey, cinnamon, bamboo, resins and bark of medang tree. Pakpak Bharat 4. Animal Husbandry The development of beef cattle, domestic chicken, broilers and ducks. Pakpak Bharat 5. Fisheries & Marine Development of: a. Mari-culture, Capture and Open Water Fisheries; b. Brackish Water and Freshwater Aquaculture. Pakpak Bharat 6 Industry/ Trade Local Trade and Industry Development Center. Pakpak Bharat 7. Tourism Facilities and Infrastructure Improvement of Tourism at various locations, including access roads to the location from the capital of the Regency. Pakpak Bharat 8. Electrical Energy Increasing Electricity Production such as PLTMH, PLTM and PLTA for the entire regency’s areas supported by the many streams of Very Long River. Pakpak Bharat 9. Clean Water Development and Drinking Water Management. Pakpak Bharat INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES CONVENIENCE INVESTMENT IN PAKPAK BHARAT REGENCY Pakpak Bharat as Investment Destination Region WHY IS IT RECOMMENDED TO INVEST IN PAKPAK BHARAT REGENCY? 1. Pakpak Bharat Regency has a strategic position in the development of the area in North Sumatra, because the Regency connects the centers of regional development such as Dairi Regency and other Regency as well as Aceh Singkil Regency in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province. The large number of people of North Sumatera, including Medan, in particular and Indonesia in general is a very potential market for the products derived from Pakpak Bharat Regency. Thus the Regency can draw and take advantage of business opportunities in trade, services, and tourism as well as other activities. KEMUDAHANBERINVESTASIDIKABUPATEN PAKPAK BHARAT Pakpak Bharat Sebagai Daerah Tujuan Investasi MENGAPA DISARANKAN BERINVESTASI DI KABUPATEN PAKPAK BHARAT ? 1. Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat memiliki posisi yang strategis dalam pengembangan wilayah di Sumatera Utara, karena Kabupaten ini menghubungkan pusat- pusat pengembangan wilayah seperti Kabupaten Dairi dan Kabupaten lainnya serta Kabupaten Aceh Singkil di Provinsi Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. Besarnya jumlah penduduk Sumatera Utara termasuk Medan pada khususnya dan Indonesia pada umumnya merupakan pangsa pasar yang sangat potensial bagi produk- produk yang berasal dari Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Dengan demikian kabupaten ini dapat menarik dan memanfaatkan peluang-peluang bisnis pada sektor perdagangan, jasa, dan pariwisata dan aktivitas lainnya.
  • 10. Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat 10 2. Pakpak Bharat Regency has a road network which up to the present continues to be developed that can connect the Regency with other provinces, due to the Regency is located on State Road path that connects the Provinces of North Sumatra and Nanggroe Aceh Darrussalam, so that it will trigger economic development more dynamic. The availability of the road of inter-Regencies as to Dairi Regency which has been smooth and Humbahas Regency which is still needed to be improved as well, including the Support Regency of Lake Toba Destination is being driven by the Central Government through the Authority of Lake Toba. BREAKTHROUGH IN PUBLIC SERVICE – the Local Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency in improving excellence public services implements Law No. 25 of 2009. Pakpak Bharat Regency becomes a pilot model of implementation on Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 in an integrated and independent manners for local government level of Regencies. The entire Local Government Organizations (OPD) and Technical Implementation Units (UPT) in Pakpak Bharat Regency have compiled quality manuals related to public services in accordance with QMS ISO 9001:2008. The application simultaneously on all OPD and UPT is the first in Indonesia. Pakpak Bharat Regency obtained 2nd ranking in the public service in North Sumatra. There are so many investment opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency that are not yet in exploration and taken seriously. It is associated with local budgets which are still limited. To that end, it is expected investor interest in developing their investment in Pakpak Bharat in the fields of Hydro Power Plants (PLTA) related to the program of President Joko Widodo who committed to realize electric provision of about 35,000 megawatt (MW) in the next 5 years term (2014-2019). Throughout the next 5 years, the 2. Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat memiliki jaringan jalan yang sampai saat ini terus dibenahi yang dapat menghubungkan kabupaten ini dengan Provinsi lainnya, yaitu karena Kabupaten ini terletak pada lintasan Jalan Negara yang menghubungkan wilayah Provinsi Sumatera Utara dan Provinsi Nangroe Aceh Darrussalam, sehingga akan memicu pengembangan ekonomi yang lebih dinamis. Tersedianya jalan antara kabupaten seperti dengan Kabupaten Dairi yang sudah mulus dan Kabupaten Humbahas yang masih harus diperbaiki serta termasuk Kabupaten Penopang Destinasi Danau Toba yang sedang digerakan oleh Pemerintah Pusat melalui Badan Otoritas Danau Toba. TEROBOSAN DALAM PELAYANAN PUBLIK - Pemerintah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat dalam meningkatkan pelayanan publik yang prima melaksanakan UU No 25 thn 2009 Tentang Pelayanan Publik. Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat menjadi model percontohan penerapan Sistim Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2008 secara terintegrasi dan mandiri level Pemda Kabupaten. Seluruh OPD dan UPT di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat telah menyusun manual mutu terkait pelayanan publik sesuai SMM ISO 9001:2008. penerapan sekaligus pada semua OPD dan UPT ini, merupakan yang pertama di Indonesia. Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat memperoleh ranking II dalam pelayanan publik di Sumatera Utara. Banyak sekali peluang investasi di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat yang belum di explorasi dan ditangani dengan serius, hal ini terkait dengan anggaran daerah yang masih terbatas. Untuk itu, diharapkan para investor yang berminat untuk mengembangkan Investasi Penanaman Modalnya dikabupaten Pakpak Bharat dibidang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA) sekaitan dengan program Bapak Presiden RI Joko Widodo yang telah berkomitmen untuk merealisasikan penyediaan listrik sebesar 35.000 Megawatt (MW) dalam jangka waktu 5 tahun
  • 11. Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency 11 government and the State Electricity Company (PLN) and private sector will build 109 plants; each comprising 35 projects by PLN with a total capacity of 10,681 MW and 74 projects by private/ Independent Power Producer (IPP) with a total capacity of 25,904 MW. And in 2015 PLN had signed a power plant contract of 10,000 MW as the first phase of the total 35,000 MW. For the investors do not need to hesitate to invest in Pakpak Bharat Regency considering the development of the Regency quite rapidly and be among several Regencies. Access roads continue to be improved and the related licensing business climate has also been made easy through the Office of Licensing Services One Stop then it should investors glanced Pakpak Bharat as a great potential, especially in tourism. Policy of the Local Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency to Investment A policy is formulated for clear objectives, including long-term, medium-term and short-term goals. The investment climate refers totheconstellationofpolicyinaparticularjurisdictionenvironment which is the main interest of those who control the capital. The investment climate always has significance to determine the level of investment, but the climate is becoming increasingly prominent as a general mobilization of capital extends specifically, when the controllers of capital based in a particular jurisdiction are able to explore opportunities outside condition of the jurisdiction. Although the different frictions have an interest in the policies of the different and sometimes conflicting, some of the fundamental policies of common concern for all controllers of the capital and becoming increasingly important as a business process from an investor are increasing. (2014-2019). Sepanjang 5 tahun ke depan, pemerintah bersama PLN dan swasta akan membangun 109 pembangkit; masing-masing terdiri 35 proyek oleh PLN dengan total kapasitas 10.681 MW dan 74 proyek oleh swasta/Independent Power Producer (IPP) dengan total kapasitas 25.904 MW. Dan pada tahun 2015 PLN akan menandatangani kontrak pembangkitsebesar10ribuMWsebagaitahapIdaritotalkeseluruhan35 ribu MW. untuk para investor tidak perlu ragu-ragu melakukan investasi di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat mengingat perkembangan Kabupaten ini yang cukup pesat dan berada diantara beberapa Kabupaten.Akses jalan terus diperbaiki dan iklim usaha terkait perizinan juga sudah dipermudah melalui Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Satu Pintu, sudah selayaknya para investor melirik Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat sebagai potensi yang besar khususnya dibidang pariwisata. Kebijakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat terhadap Investasi Sebuah kebijakan dirumuskan untuk tujuan yang jelas, termasuk tujuan jangka panjang, jangka menengah, dan jangka pendek. Iklim investasi mengacu kepada konstelasi kebijakan di lingkungan suatu yuridiksi tertentu yang merupakan kepentingan utama dari orang-orang yang menguasai modal. Iklim investasi selalu mempunyai arti penting untuk menentukan tingkat investasi, tetapi iklim itu menjadi semakin menonjol ketika mobilisasi umum dari modal meluas secara khusus, ketika para pengendali modal yang berpangkalan di suatu yuridiksi tertentu menjadi mampu untuk menjelajahi kesempatan kondisi luar yuridiksi tersebut. Sekalipun friksi-friksi yang berbeda mempunyai kepentingan pada kebijakan-kebijakan yang berbeda dan kadang-kadang bertentangan. Beberapa kebijakan mendasar yang menjadi perhatian bersama bagi semua pengendali modal dan menjadi semakin penting ketika proses sebuah usaha dari seorang investor meningkat.
  • 12. Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat 12 Investment policy plays a very important role in determining how the investors will be associated with the investment. It is appropriate to their advantage to expand, not narrowing the range of places available for them. An important element in the ability of an investor to gain great advantage is the presence and competitiveness of investors and other companies. Creating an attractive investment climate throughout the national jurisdiction is proved to be technically very difficult, because of the variety of intereststhatshouldbeincludedandthepoliticalandsocialnatural destabilization. The cost to build good infrastructures for political, legal and supporting infrastructure demanded by investors is very expensive, if implemented generally in the territory. The scopes of the location that can be selected by the owners of capital are very spacious, so that their bargaining positions are very strong and their demands for responsive policy are very broad. It is responded wisely by the Local Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency in providing facilities and infrastructure in order to enable investors to invest in the area. Efforts of the Local Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency. In an effort to attract the influx of investors both from within the country (PMDN) or from abroad (PMA), some of the things done by theLocalGovernmentofPakpakBharatRegency,amongothersare: 1. Exploring and identifying to determine the leading potential in the regions that can be offered to investors; 2. Promoting or road showing or other publications in the industry especially attractive to foreign investors; 3. Establishing regional government policy and legal arrangements that support the creation of a favorable climate for investors; 4. Adjusting local government policy and legal arrangements that are not in accordance with the provisions of either international or national investment; Kebijakan investasi memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam menentukan seberapa para pelaku akan terkait dengan investasi, hal ini sesuai dengan keunggulan mereka untuk memperluas, bukan mempersempit jangkauan tempat tersedia bagi mereka. Suatu unsur terpenting dalam kemampuan seorang investor untuk meraih keuntungan besar adalah kehadiran dan daya saing para investor dan perusahan-perusahaan lain. Menciptakan iklim investasi yang menarik seluruh yuridiksi nasional terbukti secara teknis sangatlah sulit, karena banyaknya berbagai kepentingan yang harus diikutsertakan dan secara politis dan sosial bersifat destabibilisasi. Biaya untuk membangun infrakstruktur baik politis, hukum dan sarana prasarana pendukung yang diminta oleh investor sangat mahal, bila dilaksanakan secara umum di wilayah Negara. Ruang lingkup lokasi yang dapat dipilih oleh para pemilik modal sangat luas, sehingga posisi tawar-menawar mereka sangat kuat dan pemintaan mereka untuk kebijakan responsif sangat luas. Hal ini disikapi dengan bijak oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat dalam menyediakan sarana dan prasarana pendukung guna memudahkan mereka untuk menanamkan modalnya di daerah ini. Upaya Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat Dalam upaya menarik masuknya investor baik dari dalam negeri (PMDN) maupun dari luar negeri (PMA), beberapa hal dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat, antara lain adalah: 1. Menggali dan mengidentifikasikan untuk menentukan potensi unggulan daerah yang bisa ditawarkan pada investor; 2. Melakukan promosi atau road show ataupun publikasi lain pada industri terutama yang menarik bagi investor asing; 3. Menetapkan kebijakan pemerintah daerah dan pengaturan hukum yang mendukung penciptaan iklim yang kondusif bagi investor; 4. Melakukan penyesuaian kebijakan pemerintah daerah dan pengaturan hukum yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan penanaman modal baik internasional ataupun nasonal;
  • 13. Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency 13 5. Preparing the improvement of human resources in the local authorities to provide good service for investors; 6. Supporting the active participation of the community or the public on the activities and supervision of capital activities; 7. Improving the increase of supporting facilities for the smooth of capital; 8. Repairing licensing services for investment in simple, quick, easy, inexpensive, and satisfying manners; 9. Striving for safety, comfort, environmental order in the frame of creating a friendly climate and satisfying; and 10. Supporting the provision of facilities to increase resources of the community to occupy a strategic position and the case of technology transfer. Investment Incentive (Fiscal and Non-Fiscal) The Local Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency continues to encourage the acceleration for investors to invest in the Regency by providing various facilities, both of licensing, taxation, labor supply, facilities and infrastructure, and other related matters. Potential Tourism Objects Pakpak Bharat Regency has some tourism potential, especially natural tourism objects; among them is Une Lae Waterfall in Kecupak I Village of Pergetteng-Getteng Sengkut District and Lae Mbilulu Waterfall in Prongil Village of Tinada District as being the leading Tourism Destination Region (DTW) of Pakpak Bharat Regency. Some of the potential that can be used as a tourism object in Pakpak Bharat that needs investors to develop are as follows: 1. DELLENG SIMPON which has very beautiful natural scenery has a value of interesting attractions to visit. Delleng Simpon is the highest mountain peak in Pakpak Bharat Regency. During the day, Delleng Simpon becomes a local tourism destination that is visited by people from different regions. Not only society of Pakpak, the visitors from other regions are also amazed at the beauty of natural panorama of Delleng Simpon. The region is a regional boundary of the Regencies of Pakpak Bharat and Humbang Hasundutan. Regions around Delleng Simpon has high value cultural artifacts such as the Legend of Eluh Berru Tinambunan Springs, Perkemenjenan (garden of incense) as livelihoods of the community, Barati for Merbanto, cultural sites like Mejan, 5. Mempersiapkan peningkatan sumber daya manusia aparat daerah dalam memberikan pelayanan yang baik bagi investor; 6. Mendukung partisipasi aktif masyarakat atau publik pada aktivitas dan pengawasan kegiatan permodalan; 7. Perbaikan peningkatan sarana dan prasarana pendukung bagi kelancaran modal; 8. Perbaikan pelayanan perizinan bagi penanaman modal secara sederhana, cepat, mudah, murah, dan memuaskan; 9. Mengupayakan keamanan, kenyamanan, ketertiban lingkungan agar tercipta iklim yang ramah dan memuaskan; dan 10. Mendukung pemberian fasilitas untuk peningkatan sumber-daya masyarakat agar dapat menduduki jabatan strategis dan terjadi alih teknologi. Insentif Investasi (Fiskal dan Non-Fiskal) Pemerintah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat, terus mendorong percepatan bagi investor untuk menanamkan investasi di kabupaten tersebut dengan memberikan berbagai kemudahan, baik dari perijinan, perpajakan, penyediaan tenaga kerja, sarana dan prasarana, serta hal-hal lain terkait. Potensi Objek Wisata Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat memiliki beberapa potensi wisata khususnya wisataalam,diantaranyaadalahairterjunsepertiAirTerjunLaeUneyang terdapat di desa Kecupak I Kecamatan Pergetteng-getteng Sengkut dan Air Terjun Lae Mbilulu di desa Prongil Kecamatan Tinada yang menjadi Daerah Tujuan Wisata (DTW) unggulan Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. BeberapapotensiyangdapatdijadikansebagaiobjekwisatadiKabupaten Pakpak Bharat yang butuh investor untuk mengembangkannya adalah sebagai berikut: 1. DELLENG SIMPON yang memiliki panorama alam yang sangat indah memiliki nilai wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Delleng simpon adalah puncak gunung tertinggi di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Selama ini DellengSimponmenjadidaerahtujuanwisatalokalyangramaidikunjungi masyarakat dari berbagai daerah. Tak hanya masyarakat Pakpak, para pendatang dari daerah lainpun kagum akan keindahan dari panorama alam Delleng Simpon. Kawasan Delleng Simpon merupakan batas wilayah pemerintahan Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat dengan Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan. Kawasan di sekitar Delleng Simpon memiliki peninggalan-peninggalan budaya yang tinggi seperti Legenda Mata Air Eluh Berru Tnambunan, Perkemenjenan (kebun kemeyan) sebagai mata pencarian masyarakat, Barati untuk Merbanto, situs-situs budaya
  • 14. Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat 14 Traditional House, Lae Merah (red water naturally) as well as the Legend of Silaan in Ulumerah Village; It is located in the area of the Provincial road that easy to visit. 2. "SAMPUREN SIMBILULU" WATERFALL: It is located in Tinata District of Prongil Julu Village. The road to the site is still under construction, in the next the location will certainly be able to reliable because the potential of beauty especially if increasingly managed. Simbilulu Waterfall is one of the great sights and interesting to throw a sense of fatigue due to work for a full week. Simbilulu Waterfall has a height of about 40 m with a depth of pond of about 5 m and area of about 60 m2. Sambilulu Waterfall has two waterfalls side by side from the one source of the river. Within about 5 km from Tinada or about 20 km from Sidikalang. 3. ELUH BERRU TINAMBUNAN SPRING: There is a legendary story in thecommunityofPakpak,namelytheStoryofBerruTinambunanof PakpakSuakKelasen.Thestorygavebirthtothelegendintheformof springsthatneverdriesdespiteofpersistentdrought.Thisisbelieved to be the former Berru Tinambunen tears when she cried. Located at the foot of "Delleng Simpon" in Rumerah Village of Sitellu Tali Urang Julu District. The road to the area is the Provincial Road and has been built and passable by two-wheel or four-wheel vehicles. Please visit,friendlypeoplereadytotaketothedestination…!!Thelocation ofBerruTinambunanSpringsalsoastheboundarylinebetweenthe Regencies of Pakpak Bharat and Humbang Hasundutan. seperti Mejan, Rumah Adat, Lae Merah (sungai yang berwarna merah alami) serta Legenda Silaan di Desa Ulumerah; Berada di kawasan jalan Provinsi yang mudah untuk dikunjungi. 2. AIR TERJUN "SAMPUREN SIMBILULU". Letaknya di Kecamatan Tinada Desa Prongil Julu. Jalan menuju lokasi ini masih dalam tahap pembangunan, ke depan objek wisata ini pasti bisa diandalkan karena potensi keindahannya apalagi ditata sedemikian rupa. Air Terjun Simbilulu merupakan salah satu tempat wisata yang bagus dan menarik untuk membuang rasa penat Anda karena bekerja selama seminggu penuh.Air Terjun Simbilulu memiliki ketinggian + 40 m dengan kedalamannya + 5 m dan luasnya 60 m2. Air terjun ini memiliki 2 air terjun yang berdampingan dari satu sumber sungai. Berjarak +/- 5 km dari Tinada atau +/- 20 km dari Sidikalang. 3. MATAAIR ELUH BERRU TINAMBUNAN. Ada cerita yang melegenda di masyarakat Pakpak, yaitu Cerita Berru Tinambunan dari Pakpak Suak Kelasen. Cerita ini melahirkan legenda berupa mata air yang tidak pernah kering walau musim kemarau berkepanjangan. Diyakini ini adalah bekas air mata Berru Tinambunan saat menangis. Terletak di kaki "Delleng Simpon" Desa Rumerah Kecamatan Sitellu Tali Urang Julu. Jalan ke kawasan ini adalah jalan Provinsi dan telah dibangun dan bisa dilewati kendaraan roda dua atau roda empat. Silahkan berkunjung, masyarakat yang ramah siap mengantar ke tempat tujuan…!! Lokasi Air Mata Berru Tinambunan juga merupakan tapal batas antara Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat dengan Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan.
  • 15. Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency 15 4. Satu opini lain adalah pembangunan WISATAADAT PAKPAK SILIMA SUAK di Delleng Simpon Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Pemerintah Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat memiliki potensi yang besar untuk mewujudkan ini. Harus ada gebrakan besar pembangunan di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat khususnya yang mengarah pelestarian budaya Pakpak sekaligus bernilai ekonomi yang bisa menggerakkan roda pembangunan Kabupaten ini. Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat kedepan harus bisa jadi pusat budaya dan pustaka visual budaya Pakpak. 5. AIR TERJUN LAE UNE. Berada di Kecupak, sekitar 7 Km dari Kota Salak ibu kota Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Air terjun ini merupakan wisata air terjun yang masih sangat alami dan belum banyak mendapatkan sentuhan dari luar, sehingga cukup menarik wisatawan. Sampuren atau Air Terjun Lae Une berada di Desa Kecupak I Kecamatan Pergetteng- getteng Sengkut. Objek wisata alam ini dapat di tempuh sekitar 15 menit dari ibukota Pakpak Bharat – Salak dengan menggunakan kendaraan roda 2 maupun roda 4. Air terjun ini cukup terkenal sebagai objek wisata lokal di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat. Sampai saat ini pengunjung bebas masuk ke lokasi Lae Une tanpa dikenakan pungutan retribusi. Keindahan Air Terjun Lae Une, walau belum mendapat penataan dan fasilitas yang memadai mampu mengundang kekaguman setiap orang yang melihatnya. kesejukannya dapat membuat orang terlena berlama lama di Lae Une, bahkan tanpa mandi merupakan sebuah kerugian yang besar apabila berkunjung ke sini. Keindahannya membuat kita lupa untuk pulang. Alangkah indahnya ciptaan Tuhan yang diberikan kepada manusia agar manusia selalu ingat kepada sang pencipta, khususnya Lae Une. 6. AIR TERJUN LAE SINGGABIT. Letaknya di Dusun Kuta Delleng, Desa Mahala, Kec. Tinada. Air Terjun Lae Singgabit memiliki pesona alam yang sangat indah dan alami. Pesona ini belum banyak diketahui secara luas karena akses masih sulit untuk dicapai. 4. Another opinion is the construction of INDIGENOUS TOURISM OF PAKPAK SILIMA SUAK in Delleng Simpon of Pakpak Bharat. The Local Government of Pakpak Bharat Regency has great potential to realize this. There should be a big buzz of development in Pakpak Bharat Regency in particular that leads to cultural preservation of Pakpak as wellaseconomicvaluethatcouldmovethewheelsofdevelopmentof theRegency.PakpakBharatRegencyinthefutureshouldbeabletobe aculturalcenterandalibraryofvisualcultureofPakpak. 5.LAEUNEWATERFALL:LocatedinKecupak,about7KmfromSalak, thecapitalcityofPakpakBharatRegency.Thewaterfallissonatural and yet a lot to get a touch from the outside, so it is quite interesting fortravelers.SampurenorUneLaeWaterfallisinKecupakIVillageof Pergetteng-getteng Sengkut District. The natural tourism object can be taken for about 15 minutes from Salak, the capital city of Pakpak Bharat Regency using 2-wheel or 4-wheel vehicles. The waterfall is quite famous as local tourism object in Pakpak Bharat Regency. Until now, visitors are free to enter the location of Lae Une without being subject to levy charges. The beauty of Une Lae Waterfall, although has not received adequate facilities arrangement and is able to invite the admiration of everyone who see it. The coolness can make people complacent to linger in the location, even without a shower is a major disadvantage when visiting here. The beauty makes we forget to go home. A step beauty of divine creation that was given to human being, so that people always remember the Creator, especially Lae Une. 6. LAE SINGGABIT WATERFALL: It is in Kuta Delleng Hamlet of Mahala Village in Tinada District. Lae Singgabit Waterfall has a natural charm that is very beautiful and natural. The charm has not been widely known since access is still difficult to achieve.
  • 16. Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat 16 DATA TABULATION LEADING BUSINESS SECTORS OF PAKPAK BHARAT REGENCY For The Activities Of Foreign Direct Investment (PMA) & Domestic Investment (PMDN) No. SECTOR BUSINESS FIELDS (INVESTMENT PROJECTS) NAME OF REGIONAL (SUB) STATUS KEPEMILIKAN NILAI INVESTASI (USD/IDR) 1. AGRICULTURE Increased Rice Production, Crops and Horticulture (chili and onion; Durian, Orange and Banana). Pakpak Bharat Local Government and Community 2. PLANTATION Increased Production of coffee, oil palm, rubber, patchouli, cocoa and clove. The entire Districts Local Government and Community 3. FORESTRY Utilization in principles of sustainable forest products and by-products: Gambier, incense sticks, rattan, bee honey, cinnamon, bamboo, resins and bark of medang tree. Pakpak Bharat Local Government and Community 4. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY The development of beef cattle, domestic chicken, broilers and ducks. Pakpak Bharat Local Government and Community 5. FISHERIES AND MARINE Development of: a. Mari-culture, Capture and Open Water Fisheries; b. Brackish Water and Freshwater Aquaculture. Pakpak Bharat Local Government and Community 6. INDUSTRY / TRADE Local Trade and Industry Development Center. Pakpak Bharat Local Government and Community 7. TOURISM Facilities and Infrastructure Improvement of Tourism at various locations, including access roads to the location from the capital of the Regency. Pakpak Bharat Local Government and Community 8. ELECTRICAL ENERGY Increasing Electricity Production such as PLTMH, PLTM and PLTA for the entire regency’s areas supported by the many streams of Very Long River. Pakpak Bharat Local Government 9. CLEAN WATER Development and Drinking Water Management. Pakpak Bharat Local Government
  • 17. Investment Opportunities in Pakpak Bharat Regency 17
  • 18. Peluang Investasi Di Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat 18 KONTAK INVESTASI : Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Satu Pintu Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat Kompleks Panorama Indah Sindeka-Salak, Kab. Pakpak Bharat 22272 , Provinsi Sumatera Utara Telp/Faks : (0627)-7433033 Email : Webmail : / Website : / Kontak Person : 1. Bapak Losmar Berutu, MM / 0822-9439-6488 / Kepala Dinas 2. Bapak Haganta Sebayang / 0853-7325-5244 / Kabid Pm 3. Bapak Freddy / 0822-7444-3714 / Kasi Pm Peta Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat