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Inversely converse 5th volume
Behind the scenes
True Wisdom Never Fails
How Inversely Converse thought came to my mind?.
Answer is another query....
Ans: How things or fact or object or event or space or nature or etc would have born or created
or happened?
Right from learning alphabets to prose ...I used to think how those alphabets were created...was
it jumped out of God's Brain or mind.
Or based on ease of producing the sounds or based on complexities of producing the
Likewise if I start exploring the thoughts of what was thought or taught by our fore-ancestors...I
have seen miracles happening...but what is its use or purpose..
"The purpose is to produce more intellectuals with adorable wisdom which love the society and
subsequently motivate it to a elite one..
Another main cause is to make life a beautiful one. In order to understand this I will explain a
scenario ..
Nature which we thinks are plants , trees , fruits, and my perception nature is everything
including God to stool to fruits to any carpentry work to the glass made by Saint gobain to death
of human to the last which is fortune or luck which once again believes to be some force which
could be a divine or authoritative...what less one can say about nature..if that is the is
called"Inversely Converse".
Practice Inversely start with one has to undergo mind storming thoughts followed
by eccentricity and unknown confusion,
Needless to mention one surely feel the "knowledge ecstasy'.....when that happens one look
more enigmatic to the environment but over a period of time he or she will come out with an
invention or become an elite personality in the field of their choice. It could be politics,
mentoring, sports, etc.,.
What I am doing now is to pass the experience which I had as it was to others.... Because I
didn't get the thought of Inversely Converse jumped out of space into my took years
and years of practice......I started with hypothesis followed by laws...
"More the wisdom...more will be the peace
Law of Inversely Converse and Computer-Science
Undefined with unorganized thoughts are to some extent coagulated as single discipline and
hence forth branches of engineering disciplines blossomed. One such bud is computer science
Well I had a thought that's why... should I learn theories which are common to other Engineering mathematics , Engineering Engineering
Chemistry to Electrical circuits, to process and etc....
As decades passed by .. engineering
disciplines get diversified and many micro level engineering are coming up..not only that
sandwich engineering disciplines are also creeping up to the level from where we are
unable to understand the basics .
In my opinion, universities must or should give sufficient lectures during induction
program of undergraduation post graduation or PhD..about the purpose of syllabus and
their applications..if possible future developments....becos to my knowledge most
students learn all those syllabus by compulsion and fear about their career ...which
should be removed and positive attitude should be injected .
Electronics, electrical , computer science, mechatronics, mechanical and etc.,. are
different disciplines but the boundaries need not be proper..why????
Mathematical laws versus Inversely Converse laws
During my initial presentation of Inversely Converse i proposed that inverse Converse is
based on phenomenon not principles...but just few days back during the "first thought of
God" post publication , I confirmed that like left and right brain god's first thought is made
of principle and phenomenon...
Having said above the topic of discussion is "Mathematical laws versus Inversely
Converse laws.. Both are same which meet and both are parallel which won't
meet...based upon which law of Inversely Converse you are applying.
If you apply law 3a "work against work"..they won't meet....
If you apply law 3b"work inside work" they will meet...
Similarly... there are 25 laws ..the inference varies....
Now coming to law.... Fiction or Fact....
" In mathematics Number theory and cryptography are bonded in such a fashion they
are applicable for encryption and decryption mechanism.
Both cryptography and number theory are fiction once upon a time and now they are
fact...which means based on application ...inference keep changing...and hence laws of
mathematics and laws of Inversely Converse ..are WHAT????
SAID " WE UNDERGONE or Experienced...
Psychology and law of Inversely Converse
Couple of months back I was having conversation with one of pal who unwantedly trying to drag
me for some nonsense work with whatsoever intention is a typical example in psychology.
Which is "ear to nose conversation". What it says.. . Hope those who done PhD can correlate
their involvement in their field of study to " Ear to nose conversation ".
Application of " Ear to nose conversation ".
. Defence deployment
. Intelligence
. Talent identification
. Reading between lines
Law 2(b) of inversely converse
Thomas Alva Edison
Follow your thoughts not mind reading...
This law 2(b) of inversely converse is the most challenging law to practice . Just take any
defined quantum of time and try to recollect whatever your thought. It is not easier one. If you
attempt it for years or months based on individual potential he or she may get confused.
Any event be it war, invention, ceremony gathering...collecting the thought is not child's play.
More specifically ,inve invention has crucial impact as of law 2b is concerned...
Many inventors would have undergone it...
Laws of Inversely converse.......
Albert Einstein & Adolf Hitler
Right from Einstein's Theory of Relativity to Sir Donald Bradman's triple tons to Adolf Hitler's
economic reforms in Germany to Space invasion by USSR AND USA to the Bio war which the
world facing now "COVID-19 all obeys laws of inversely converse.
Watch out... ..
Postulates Versus Laws in Inversely Converse
Postulates and laws can be used interchangeably. There is no hard and fast rule as of inversely
converses are concerned. But I started explaining with postulates . Later on I will use laws or
postulates. Accordingly audiences also can use or name them. My objective is to make society
an elitable one which is not child's play. So long I have been using as postulates simply
because I haven't proved and this inversely converse discipline not known to many though they
have undergone it. Now onwards it's going to be LAWS OF INVERSELY CONVERSE.
Consolidated Postulates of Inversely Converse
Postulate 1: Extension of old one
Postulate 2a: Inability to choose a tool though the object is fit enough for the thesis.
Postulate 2b: Follow your thoughts not mind reading.
Postulate 3 (a): Work against work
Postulate 3(b) work inside work
Postulate 4: Dirty Subject and eternal discovery get coagulated to new prototype which
mattered mostly and hence the disappearance of the respective subject..
Postulate 5: man made objects are none in the space, all are change of form to another Or a
new Reason can be stated irrespecctive of ettc.,.
Postulate 6: Nothing is essential , all matter and their properties are intertwined and so it is
never ending ....
Postulate 7: Birth of space ...or their is nothing called aging GOD
postulate 8: sensible philosophy cant be identified, only realiized
Postulate 9: materialistic world exercised well enough leads to new progressive environment .
Postulate 10: Divine intervention and the urge to find the new object leads to victory.
Postulate 11:Life of the to be victorious subject and hence the new miracle.
Postulate 12:”Fiction or Fact “ both are interchangeable.
Postulate 13: New concept cant impact the respective society immediately.
Postulate 14:More the debate ; more will be the resilence and everlasting of the invention or
Postulate 15: Petulant or to become annoyed remarks are essential , which we call as critics.
Postulate 16. Origin of thoughts for any invention could be some cause.
Postulate 17: Application of any new theory normally not predetermined in most of the cases.
Postulate 18. Exhaust or exclaimed after invention should exist .
Postulate 19: "Jack of all or Master of all ", meaning attempting to develop metaskill leads to
knowledge hunger .
Postulate 20:Welfare to the society and hence every new creation has some creation as origin.
Postulate 21: Beginning and Ending of inversely converse exists only if source of space is an
identified one.
Postulate 22: Nature of inversely converse remains dirty and entangled one ,but the ecstasy
which we draw out of it is immense pleasure .
Postulate 23: Postulates so far and to come in future are all from one source which is postulate
2(b) which is “ follow your thoughts not mind reading.
Postulate 24: Reinvent postulate 2(b) very often.
Postulate 25:Is nothing but postulate 1... meaning “inversely converse means extension of the
old thing or phrase or invention etc...meaning all postulates are spiral in nature
Corona and Inversely converse
Nature has plenty to say. We have no other option except to listen. When nature ask some thing
to ponder... Which is inevitable.... Then answer also by nature.
Like what is the answer for corona. Corona has answer.. Which could be herbal treatment....
Right from few millennium back our ancestors believed anything which gives bitter taste like
Bitter gourd or neem leaves are all good antibiotic for human health. If we continue to consume
over a period of time our body immunity will grow.
What is there for CORONA19 in Inversely converse? Corona is a virus... Which transforms it's
molecular structure irrespective of new drugs....
In due course I will explain how all the postulates are justified in Inversely converse.
Still DaVinci(1st Renaissance man) ... An Inversely Converse Character
First Renaissance Man
Leonardo Da Vinci and inversely converse
Strong trait with unquenched hunger of knowledge.... A man with multiple skills..
. Few of them are as follows
1. His own shorthand.
2. Right hand writing skill.
3. Left hand writing skill.
4. Done many sketches about human physiology.
5.Done painting works.
Man blessed with too many skills...
He mostly hate his findings to be shared out. Many of which still remain confused and can't be
Talking about his character... He definitely was a strong character... Needless to mention that
he was an eccentric character... As well…
Purpose of poetry - Inversely Converse
Ancient days poems were composed for many usages. One such usage was sending the
messages from opponent or neighbour countries by spies to their mother land.
Messages were sent in poetry form with a key
Either in-built in poem.
The poem once reach the destination it can be decrypted and information can be sought.
That way poems are used for multiple usages.
Will it obeys inversely converse. ..
Yes is my answer. An art established for a different purpose. But it's usage became for other
purpose as well.
Nothing in this world is concrete . Again the perception varies from individual to individual.
"One concept but multiple application. "
"One application multiple concept... "
Orthogonal and Perspective projection are inversely converse
Orthogonal and perspective are inversely converse.
Postulate 1: both are extension to each other.
Postulate 3a and postulate 3b are satisfied.
Postulate 2a and 2b also satisfied.
How. Think it over. .
Likewise other postulates as well.. .
World War 1 and world War 2 are inversely converse
Germany which was responsible for both world Wars got defeated badly following which
German nation was badly humiliated
. One German (Adolf Hitler) responsible for world War 2 another German ( Albert Einstein)
responsible for end of world War 2 .
More to be discussed.
See u later
Star and Delta Electric circuits are Inversely Converse
Star and Delta Electric circuits are inversely converse....Think or ponder..
Will see u soon.
Cloud computing is an inversely converse of Distributed computing
Cloud computing and Distributed computing are inversely converse.
How ..if you go through inversely can correlate.
Come back shortly..till then think followed by ponder....
C++ and Java are inversely converse
Find out how C++ and Java are inversely converse.
Very favourite topic to most of the IT professionals. C++ was little older than java. Though both
are object paradigm and one with some limitations and the other has better clarity. Both are
languages and responsible for some specifications to be developed. There by it has wider
applications which could be horizontal or vertical.
C++ is a language but many vendors deployed it under different flavours and so on. Following
which they also have versions.many decades passed by still the usage of C++ created a deep
Java on the other hand has many libraries which covered up many limitations exposed by C++.
Java also is a kind of open source support for other packages/solutions or other specifications
to come up with.
In java garbage collection gives us a good leverage to develop and deploy software with ease.
Not only that many Mobile apps for example ANDROID apps are developed with ease given a
knowledge and skill of java. Ofcourse, no need to counteract or it is not essential to come up
with a quote that "C++ IS AN ANCESTOR TO JAVA". Though knowledge of C++ is not required
to gain expertise in java. Ofcourse, needless to mention the hardware requirement of C++
initially to start up like other software or application was not immense until java package
development followed by deployment.
Other examples:
Visual C++ and Visual Basic are inversely converse.
Unix and windows are inversely converse.
Internet explorer and Netscape navigator are inversely converse.
Samsung and Apple are inversely converse.
Hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion are inversely converse
In organic chemistry both hydrogen and hydroxide ions are inversely converse. If any alcohol
and acid reacts water content which is a combination of hydrogen and hydroxide ion) gets
eliminated and resultant will be an acetate compound.
Hydrogen is a positive ion whereas hydroxide is a negative represents acid other
represents base...
Let us discuss chemistry from elementary level. Chemistry is a branch of science meant for
development of humanity. All living beings operate based on chemistry right from medicine to
organisation of human body. So am I deviating from per definition of
is a relationship between two or more elements and formation of new derivatives....each and
every element has protons , neutrons and electrons...the objective is not instruct chemistry .but
how that discipline got organized.... every now and then new developments coming up...and it is
an irreversible reaction to my perspective and many other people perspective as well.
How about nomenclature?.. Again it is the naming convention that one has to follow by
More will be discussed as of inversely converse not only in organic but also in inorganic and
physical chemistry .
as well.
Laplace Transform and Inverse Laplace Transform are inversely converse
Laplace transform and Inverse Laplace Transform are inversely converse. Readers should
have the desired knowledge in Laplace transform and inverIn Laplace transform. Then only he
or she can understand how inversely converse exists in Laplace transform and ILT(Inverse
Laplace transform).
More to discuss....keep in touch
First Thought Of GOD.....Continued(2)
PRINCIPLE (VS) PHENOMENON: Which one came first?
Some random behavior which we call phenomenon happen due to which some creation
happened . Because of which "the creation" adopt certain principles. Let me come in the other
way some random principle happened during sometime in the past or present. As a result of
which some behavior might have formed.
Meaning prior to phenomenon exist it should have one or more principles based upon which the
concept formation and vice versa.
Now can we form a conclusion which one is father to which principle or phenomenon. But as per
people understanding, principles are formed but only after trial and errors of
behaviors(phenomenon) . In most of my prior posts , i used to say that "inversely converse "has
no principle only it has phenomenon.
Now coming to the first thought of god, it so happen that god is also "trail and error" entity or
philosophy not only to my perception but many people as well. Hence forth it is phenomenon
which comes into the mind of god . Like what happen to human based on "trial and error " i.e
phenomenon, only most of the principles are formed.
I was often questioned by my blog readers that "My justification of inversely converse are mostly
from mathematics ". Though i was not good enough in maths , one of my most likable discipline
is maths. Simply because numbers are north pole to me and i know very well that i am south
Like right brain and left brain in medicine and like numbers and symbols are in mathematics
"Principles and phenomenon "are in inversely converse .
Now let me again recreate a topic of discussion what could be the first thought of god?
Can human exists without one part of brain?
For any creativity both principle and phenomenon are must . May be some inventors have
difference of opinion. But as of inversely converse there is no difference of opinion.
I presume there is not much difference between astrology and astronomy . In both disciplines,
stars are there . Meaning the assumptions which we draw from stars in astrology are different
from astronomy. Can we say they are inversely converse? Again I dont have good expertise
but still they are inversely converse.
Now you the readers form a conclusion whether inversely converse has principle or it is just
phenomenon. But i am very much sure , not many could have come to a conclusion. If so
means they have not a taken a step inside inversely converse. Anyone with powerful intuition
can frame not form that what i am going to convey . what was my blog topic? "INVERSELY
CONVERSE". Meaning what just went through this post above and below repeatedly are so to
form an idea whether both principle and phenomenon are plaited concept like right and left
First Concept Or Thought Of GOD!!!!!!!!
Again let us start with a scenario simply because I haven't gone into the nucleus of inversely
converse. To learn or discuss nucleus of inversely converse one needs to do the thoughts
needless to mention he or she must gain sufficient expertise in implementing thought
experiments so as to develop meta skill. Without thought experiments and meta skill,
understanding inversely converse is next to impossible.
What we have to do? Learn the thoughts experiments and meta skill simultaneously. Thought
experiments and meta-skill are two breads . In between them inversely converse exists . Based
on the behavior of inversely converse thought experiments and hence Meta-skill development.
The shape of this "inversely converse", is made out of thought experiments and meta skill . If we
go through the experiments which are carried out by nature by producing genius and the results
which are monitored by elements of nature .Meaning we can assume for all theoretical purposes
that take "human being become genius after toil". Again quantum of toil is directly proportional
to one's achievements. Again with many parameters one's success is measured . Sometimes
with more fortune and sometimes with blessing under disguise. Likewise i can say more but
what is the point? .The point is all philosophers comes under inversely converse discipline or in
other words inversely converse is an element in singular or compound if plural which exists in
other philosophies.
Meaning "inversely converse itself is an inversely converse " since it follows different definition .
According to the ambience in which we are going to discuss or talk with. like chameleon
inversely converse it varies. But what is the point. the point is inversely converse is super set
and all other philosophies exists as subsets.
I am not forcing anyone to follow inversely converse . Not simply because it is difficult to
understand the nucleus of inversely converse. If it would have happened probably i can come
with a better jargon it may be verb or noun and so on. Meaning inversely converse is neither
noun nor verb . No need to talk about other words like adjective or science or theology or etc.,. .
So how to go about with inversely converse as of now. I prefer the readers or audience to
undergo the experience of "HOW THINGS WOULD HAVE BORN" .Hence forth just adhere to
what you know and correlate your knowledge to understand "Inversely converse".
If inversely converse is a father then immediate son would be thought experiments and his
immediate would be meta skill. Now anyone or many among the reader or audience can ask
why shouldn't it be other ways like thought experiments is father of two sons which are inversely
converse and meta-skill and so on . Extend the thought and so inversely converse and meta-
skill are twins. It is inconclusive what if i change the blog name as "THOUGHT EXPERIMENTS
" instead of inversely converse. In other words why shouldn't I keep the name of the blog as
META SKILL so inversely converse and thought experiments as twins or brothers or sister or
mixture of both meaning not necessarily twins.
The point is inversely converse is an inert vocabulary which has no principles just a
phenomenon. Now how the space would have born or what would be the first thought of god.
Answer could be
" Inversely converse" which i can't force .
Now let me explain ,again i jam just briefing out the philosophy which I experienced so far and
continues to under the jargon name which is " inversely-converse".
All along the thought of god is "INVERSELY CONVERSE" how can i be so sure?
well as of now or time being let us assume and later on we corroborate.
Questions Lead to Probable Assumptions:
1. If no space only god exists where he would have lived?
Meaning before space god exists. so now the thought of space wouldn't be in the mind of
2. God exists and let us assume he thinks the following"
a. "Why am i existing ?" by God.
Those who strictly follow theology would or wouldn't have agreed to it.
3.What if God thinks ?
Irrespective of being superior - force why not let me create creatures and draw inferences out
of it or he or she after doing his or her beliefs .
corollary(a): "God knows everything."?
If god knows everything there is no point of space and followed by astro-
bodies including planets or stars or comets etc.,.
4. What if God didn't exists only science alone?if so what is the role of science in inversely
converse or vice versa.?
Well meaning "science grows". But from where to where...
Now i will jump to core part of inversely converse. what is that? let us take the example of
Newton's third law of motion. "Every action there is an equal and opposite reaction".
meaning what ? assuming i as omprakash would like to start my first thought. assuming i am
hungry . following are possibilities...
Thought 1: want to eat
Thought 2: how much to eat
Thought 3: where is food
Thought 0: stomach ache.
Thought -100: feel like eating
Thought 0.001: comfortable relatively
Thought 4: stomach filled with food.
Readers should have patience in understanding inverse converse. now recollect what i
mentioned in previous posts which talks about postulate 1 and postulate 2 (a) and postulate
Postulate 1, 2a, 2b are in the nucleus and rest of the the postulates travels in the orbit around
this postulates like how electrons in orbit and protons and neutrons in nucleus...
Still I haven't finished the core part of inversely- converse just shown what it could have been. If
everyone understand the fundamental philosophy of our existence including science or god or
other theories , the killing will be reduced and people in earth take peace measures and hence
earth live longer and so nature and definitely followed by creatures including humans.
I also aware that I haven't provided the relationship between thought experiments and meta skill
with inversely converse crystal clear. As it take different level of maturity . So where do we go
from here . We have traveled enough as per inversely converse philosophy. Is it sufficient ? it is
up to the respective reader.
Are Alfred Nobel and Prof.Albert Einstein responsible for World War -1 & 2
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite to break a small mounds or Big rocks to pulverize or demolish
old buildings. Dynamite was predominately used in World War -1 and Alfred Nobel was
criticized though his invention was not meant for that purpose.
Having said above Alfred Nobel realized his name would be imprinted as a devil personality in
history he formed a trust and whatever the sum which his factories make out of selling
dynamites and other inventions would be spent to the society for sevice rendered by
personalities in various fields like Medicine, Peace, Literature , Chemistry and Physics. That
way his image was not tarnished as it would have been.
Prof.Albert Einstein
Coming to Prof.Albert Einstein he invented world famous equation though he did not win Nobel
prize for the above. It was Photo Electric Effect which won the Nobel prize in physics in the year
When Adolf Hitler became Dictator of Germany , Prof.Einstein moved from Germany to United
States of America and became faculty memeber in Institute of advanced study in princeton
university as professor was a jew and that he sensed the treat which Hitler was to do against
jews. During Einstein's stay in united states of america he received a letter from one of his
contemporary scientist who stayed in Germany that Germany was going to come up with
Nuclear weapon. If it happened and hence Herr Hitler would use against rest of the world . So
Prof.Einstein wrote a letter to Mr.Franklin D Roosevelt who was President of America that
World his facing the threat if Germany invent Nuclear Weapon .
After Pearl - Harbor disaster imposed by japan during world war -2 United States decided to test
the Nuclear weapon against Japan in the year 1945 when World war - 2 came to end . So they
dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many people died and after even six decades the after-
effect is still there . The radiation of the bomb affected the new born kids .
After hearing the news that Hiroshima and Nagasaki was tested using Nuclear Bombs, Einstein
become crestfallen and from then on he wrote letters to many Apex- authorities in many
countries that Nuclear weapon should not be encouraged.
Now can we say it is because of Prof.Alber Einstein that after - effect of world war - 2 and Alfred
Nobel for world war - 1 was pathetic .
Conclusion as of Inversely Converse:
One(Alfred Nobel ) responsible for the formation of Nobel Prize Committe, which is the highest
prize in this Universe and another (Prof.Albert Einstein) Received Nobel Prize in the year 1921
have played key role in world wars ???. I leave the audience whoever read this post to decide
whether they are fall under the tile of this blog which is Inversely Converse in many perceptions.
Who founded space and where Inversely converse involved?
Till now no one define the origin of space. Many theory came and still to come .... and how the
space is transforming and what we are experiencing can be conceived by our sixth sense ...
let us start with an example: please dont get offended as i m not in favor of religion or caste if it
happened ..please apologize as the intention was not so. lets start..
Millenniums back... creatures created.. now let us assume first human being created that
point of time there is no defined grammar or literature for communication... now let us start a
After the respected human being creation....and after a definite amount of time he or she might
have undergone some kind of hunger ..which could be in need of water or any solid stuff say in
need of energy....or he would have communicated ..when there is no means of
communication... so let us assume some how they have communicated and found a solution
which is water and/or fruits. Now whether noun or verb which came to the world first.... becos
thirst is an action so definetly verb. but the word is thirst made out of alphabets obviously it
is a noun..... let me explain....meaning verb is name and so it is noun.
Forget about noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, gerund ...all came to the world after literature
revolution ..which transformed periodically. so my question is leaving the word "thirst" .....which
one comes first ..whether noun or verb or pronoun or etc.,...i dont think any one have solid proof
what came first as of humans are concerned ..
Now coming to god ..what thought came first to of theology or science
......Will be continued alter ..
Jack of all or Master of all", meaning attempting to develop meta skill leads to knowledge
"Jack of all" leads to "knowledge hunger" spirally .Meaning during the course of time,
knowledge and skill acquired over a indefinite period of time leads to once meta-skill
development . How it played a role in inversely converse. It is playing a role ....but how? Jack of
all and master of all are inversely converse.
There is nothing called " Master Of All". May be relatively we can call as so . It is only " Jack of
all" which act as a driving force to make our life meaningful one. Right from Aristotle to Newton
to Einstein to Stephen
Hawking all are jack of all not master of all in my perception. God or any governing force
believed to be controlling us ......again it is a belief which might vary from individual to
No sixth sense mammal create a sand of less than a millimeter or to be precise one can
convert an object from one form to another, meaning not a new creation from nowhere. so how
come any subject however victorious he or she maybe can claim i am " master of all, which i
presume in absolute context.
Even an eternal entity (god), which i may conclude to some extent cant claim he or she knows
everything about his or her creations. If he or she (god) was so sure about his or her creations
he or she would not have created a nature or space which means the respected so called
eternal entity is or was not matured enough as "MASTER OF ALL".
Conclusion as of inversely converse: there is not big variation between " jack of all or master of
all" relatively.
Both are Genius of Genius - Newton Vs Einstein
Newton vs Einstein
One was an easy goer whereas other was not. Both were not good in wearing nice clothes .
Newton most of the time was dirty during his experimentation as he was so obsessed in finding
the nuances of space or nature ..whatever we call. Both were always obsessed with some thing
from which they dont want to come out .But Newton was way ahead of Einstein in all means
though newton's understanding of universe about 350 years was thrown back by Einstein.
Newton's genius came to light or rather i would say recognised at the age of 29 whereas
Einstein at the age of 26. Many do thought experiments but it was the sheer personality of
Einstein and Newton were rated and till now ahead of other contemporaries lived before or
going to happen.
why newton was not easy goer?
Newton was not a bright student in his initial school days and so,. pulled out of school by his
mother and sent to farming . It was during this time he developed Windmill on his own. On
seeing this by his teacher and uncle , they pressed his mother to sent him to school . But was
disinterested towards this and agreed later that this young budding genius of genius has to take
care of his needs on his own including fees.
So newton has to work in the students hostel mess and take care of fellow students by cleaning
and the money he earned was used to pay his fees which made him to grow in a little less than
a normal student. This reflected when become faculty in cambridge university and every now
and then hookes have to warn newton about his suspension.
Newton Genius of Genius ? how?
Newton never wasted time . At times he forgot to eat, sleep including bath. He was so obsessed
in his reasearch. He laid robust foundation for today's science which is calculus and he laid
unshakeable foundation in science by providing Theory of Optics. He gave the budding theory
of gravitation though he secretly admitted to his closed friends that he was not to able
understand the theory of gravitation.
Till now there is only one living Scientific-god in human form in this earth which is SIR ISAAC
Was Newton Mentally-ill person?
Yes and No when King made newton president of royal society he threatened his colleagues
and went ahead and published his findings. He remained Royal Society President close to 3
decades meaning till his death.
How Newton was recognized?
A genius in my understanding should be dirty , obsessed in research of nature, mentally
unstable meaning eccentric . More the genius more he is eccentric. Ofcourse the quantum of
eccentric is a function of how much is one genius.
Newton was rewarded with positions, accolades and money poured to him. But still his
contemporaries felt he was not recognized as he should have.
Newton suffered from nervous disorder again few years after which he suffered from nervous
breakdown. Records mentioned that he stopped his research work as per his friends
following which he was made royal society president. He was the first scientist who was
knighted followed by chief of Royal Society. he died at the age of 87. Newton didnt marry.
Synopsis about 'absent - minded ' Prof.Albert Einstein.
Einstein a jew and master-thought-experimenter . There were days Einstein was banished by
many universities. After his specfic theiory of relativity he was followed by many scientific
celebrities that what made him do the thought experiments so successfully. At times Einstein felt
uncomfortable that he was followed in Berlin streets and so private life was disturbed.
In contrast to Newton, Einstien took his life very lightly and so sought his friend's help which was
Grosmann and arrived world famous equation. Though Einstein was also scientist of scientist
and he was the man and because of whom Newton's understanding of universe was thrown.
Though i have to admit einstein defeated newton after 350 years it is true that Newon remains
incomparable to Einstein.
Conclusion as of now both Newton and Einstein are scientist of scientist . Needless to conclude
both are also eccentric.
Inversely converse 5th volume

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Inversely converse 5th volume

  • 1. Inversely converse 5th volume Behind the scenes True Wisdom Never Fails How Inversely Converse thought came to my mind?. Answer is another query.... Ans: How things or fact or object or event or space or nature or etc would have born or created or happened? Right from learning alphabets to prose ...I used to think how those alphabets were created...was it jumped out of God's Brain or mind. Or based on ease of producing the sounds or based on complexities of producing the symbols.... Likewise if I start exploring the thoughts of what was thought or taught by our fore-ancestors...I have seen miracles happening...but what is its use or purpose.. "The purpose is to produce more intellectuals with adorable wisdom which love the society and subsequently motivate it to a elite one.. Another main cause is to make life a beautiful one. In order to understand this I will explain a scenario .. Nature which we thinks are plants , trees , fruits, and my perception nature is everything including God to stool to fruits to any carpentry work to the glass made by Saint gobain to death of human to the last which is fortune or luck which once again believes to be some force which could be a divine or authoritative...what less one can say about nature..if that is the is called"Inversely Converse". Practice Inversely start with one has to undergo mind storming thoughts followed by eccentricity and unknown confusion, Needless to mention one surely feel the "knowledge ecstasy'.....when that happens one look more enigmatic to the environment but over a period of time he or she will come out with an invention or become an elite personality in the field of their choice. It could be politics, mentoring, sports, etc.,. What I am doing now is to pass the experience which I had as it was to others.... Because I didn't get the thought of Inversely Converse jumped out of space into my took years and years of practice......I started with hypothesis followed by laws...
  • 2. Inference: "More the wisdom...more will be the peace " Law of Inversely Converse and Computer-Science Undefined with unorganized thoughts are to some extent coagulated as single discipline and hence forth branches of engineering disciplines blossomed. One such bud is computer science engineering. Well I had a thought that's why... should I learn theories which are common to other Engineering mathematics , Engineering Engineering Chemistry to Electrical circuits, to process and etc.... As decades passed by .. engineering disciplines get diversified and many micro level engineering are coming up..not only that sandwich engineering disciplines are also creeping up to the level from where we are unable to understand the basics . In my opinion, universities must or should give sufficient lectures during induction program of undergraduation post graduation or PhD..about the purpose of syllabus and their applications..if possible future developments....becos to my knowledge most students learn all those syllabus by compulsion and fear about their career ...which should be removed and positive attitude should be injected . Electronics, electrical , computer science, mechatronics, mechanical and etc.,. are different disciplines but the boundaries need not be proper..why???? Mathematical laws versus Inversely Converse laws During my initial presentation of Inversely Converse i proposed that inverse Converse is based on phenomenon not principles...but just few days back during the "first thought of God" post publication , I confirmed that like left and right brain god's first thought is made of principle and phenomenon... Having said above the topic of discussion is "Mathematical laws versus Inversely Converse laws.. Both are same which meet and both are parallel which won't meet...based upon which law of Inversely Converse you are applying. If you apply law 3a "work against work"..they won't meet....
  • 3. If you apply law 3b"work inside work" they will meet... Similarly... there are 25 laws ..the inference varies.... Now coming to law.... Fiction or Fact.... " In mathematics Number theory and cryptography are bonded in such a fashion they are applicable for encryption and decryption mechanism. Both cryptography and number theory are fiction once upon a time and now they are fact...which means based on application ...inference keep changing...and hence laws of mathematics and laws of Inversely Converse ..are WHAT???? ... TAKE TIME...LOT OF WONDERFUL BONDS AMONG MANY DIVERSE FIELDS ARE GOING TO EMERGE WHICH ..LIKE I SAID " WE UNDERGONE or Experienced... BUT???? Psychology and law of Inversely Converse Couple of months back I was having conversation with one of pal who unwantedly trying to drag me for some nonsense work with whatsoever intention is a typical example in psychology. Which is "ear to nose conversation". What it says.. . Hope those who done PhD can correlate their involvement in their field of study to " Ear to nose conversation ". Application of " Ear to nose conversation ". . Defence deployment . Intelligence . Talent identification . Reading between lines Law 2(b) of inversely converse Thomas Alva Edison
  • 4. Follow your thoughts not mind reading... This law 2(b) of inversely converse is the most challenging law to practice . Just take any defined quantum of time and try to recollect whatever your thought. It is not easier one. If you attempt it for years or months based on individual potential he or she may get confused. Any event be it war, invention, ceremony gathering...collecting the thought is not child's play. More specifically ,inve invention has crucial impact as of law 2b is concerned... Many inventors would have undergone it... Laws of Inversely converse....... Albert Einstein & Adolf Hitler SPUTNIK BY USSR SIR DONALD BRADMAN Right from Einstein's Theory of Relativity to Sir Donald Bradman's triple tons to Adolf Hitler's economic reforms in Germany to Space invasion by USSR AND USA to the Bio war which the world facing now "COVID-19 all obeys laws of inversely converse. Watch out... .. LAWS OF INVERSELY CONVERSE.... CHEERS Postulates Versus Laws in Inversely Converse
  • 5. Postulates and laws can be used interchangeably. There is no hard and fast rule as of inversely converses are concerned. But I started explaining with postulates . Later on I will use laws or postulates. Accordingly audiences also can use or name them. My objective is to make society an elitable one which is not child's play. So long I have been using as postulates simply because I haven't proved and this inversely converse discipline not known to many though they have undergone it. Now onwards it's going to be LAWS OF INVERSELY CONVERSE. Consolidated Postulates of Inversely Converse Postulate 1: Extension of old one Postulate 2a: Inability to choose a tool though the object is fit enough for the thesis. Postulate 2b: Follow your thoughts not mind reading. Postulate 3 (a): Work against work Postulate 3(b) work inside work Postulate 4: Dirty Subject and eternal discovery get coagulated to new prototype which mattered mostly and hence the disappearance of the respective subject.. Postulate 5: man made objects are none in the space, all are change of form to another Or a new Reason can be stated irrespecctive of ettc.,. Postulate 6: Nothing is essential , all matter and their properties are intertwined and so it is never ending .... Postulate 7: Birth of space ...or their is nothing called aging GOD postulate 8: sensible philosophy cant be identified, only realiized Postulate 9: materialistic world exercised well enough leads to new progressive environment . Postulate 10: Divine intervention and the urge to find the new object leads to victory. Postulate 11:Life of the to be victorious subject and hence the new miracle. Postulate 12:”Fiction or Fact “ both are interchangeable. Postulate 13: New concept cant impact the respective society immediately.
  • 6. Postulate 14:More the debate ; more will be the resilence and everlasting of the invention or discovery. Postulate 15: Petulant or to become annoyed remarks are essential , which we call as critics. Postulate 16. Origin of thoughts for any invention could be some cause. Postulate 17: Application of any new theory normally not predetermined in most of the cases. Postulate 18. Exhaust or exclaimed after invention should exist . Postulate 19: "Jack of all or Master of all ", meaning attempting to develop metaskill leads to knowledge hunger . Postulate 20:Welfare to the society and hence every new creation has some creation as origin. Postulate 21: Beginning and Ending of inversely converse exists only if source of space is an identified one. Postulate 22: Nature of inversely converse remains dirty and entangled one ,but the ecstasy which we draw out of it is immense pleasure . Postulate 23: Postulates so far and to come in future are all from one source which is postulate 2(b) which is “ follow your thoughts not mind reading. Postulate 24: Reinvent postulate 2(b) very often. Postulate 25:Is nothing but postulate 1... meaning “inversely converse means extension of the old thing or phrase or invention etc...meaning all postulates are spiral in nature Corona and Inversely converse Nature has plenty to say. We have no other option except to listen. When nature ask some thing to ponder... Which is inevitable.... Then answer also by nature. Like what is the answer for corona. Corona has answer.. Which could be herbal treatment.... Right from few millennium back our ancestors believed anything which gives bitter taste like Bitter gourd or neem leaves are all good antibiotic for human health. If we continue to consume over a period of time our body immunity will grow. What is there for CORONA19 in Inversely converse? Corona is a virus... Which transforms it's molecular structure irrespective of new drugs.... In due course I will explain how all the postulates are justified in Inversely converse.
  • 7. Still DaVinci(1st Renaissance man) ... An Inversely Converse Character First Renaissance Man Leonardo Da Vinci and inversely converse Strong trait with unquenched hunger of knowledge.... A man with multiple skills.. . Few of them are as follows 1. His own shorthand. 2. Right hand writing skill. 3. Left hand writing skill. 4. Done many sketches about human physiology. 5.Done painting works. Etc.,. Man blessed with too many skills... He mostly hate his findings to be shared out. Many of which still remain confused and can't be decrypted.... Talking about his character... He definitely was a strong character... Needless to mention that he was an eccentric character... As well… Purpose of poetry - Inversely Converse Ancient days poems were composed for many usages. One such usage was sending the messages from opponent or neighbour countries by spies to their mother land. Messages were sent in poetry form with a key Either in-built in poem. The poem once reach the destination it can be decrypted and information can be sought. That way poems are used for multiple usages. Will it obeys inversely converse. .. Yes is my answer. An art established for a different purpose. But it's usage became for other
  • 8. purpose as well. Nothing in this world is concrete . Again the perception varies from individual to individual. "One concept but multiple application. " "One application multiple concept... " Orthogonal and Perspective projection are inversely converse Orthogonal and perspective are inversely converse. Postulate 1: both are extension to each other. Postulate 3a and postulate 3b are satisfied. Postulate 2a and 2b also satisfied. How. Think it over. . Likewise other postulates as well.. . World War 1 and world War 2 are inversely converse Germany which was responsible for both world Wars got defeated badly following which German nation was badly humiliated . One German (Adolf Hitler) responsible for world War 2 another German ( Albert Einstein) responsible for end of world War 2 . More to be discussed. See u later Star and Delta Electric circuits are Inversely Converse Star and Delta Electric circuits are inversely converse....Think or ponder.. Will see u soon.
  • 9. Cloud computing is an inversely converse of Distributed computing Cloud computing and Distributed computing are inversely converse. How ..if you go through inversely can correlate. Come back shortly..till then think followed by ponder.... C++ and Java are inversely converse Find out how C++ and Java are inversely converse. Very favourite topic to most of the IT professionals. C++ was little older than java. Though both are object paradigm and one with some limitations and the other has better clarity. Both are languages and responsible for some specifications to be developed. There by it has wider applications which could be horizontal or vertical. C++ is a language but many vendors deployed it under different flavours and so on. Following which they also have versions.many decades passed by still the usage of C++ created a deep impact. Java on the other hand has many libraries which covered up many limitations exposed by C++. Java also is a kind of open source support for other packages/solutions or other specifications to come up with. YET AGAIN JAVA AND C++ ARE INVERSELY CONVERSE: In java garbage collection gives us a good leverage to develop and deploy software with ease. Not only that many Mobile apps for example ANDROID apps are developed with ease given a knowledge and skill of java. Ofcourse, no need to counteract or it is not essential to come up with a quote that "C++ IS AN ANCESTOR TO JAVA". Though knowledge of C++ is not required to gain expertise in java. Ofcourse, needless to mention the hardware requirement of C++ initially to start up like other software or application was not immense until java package development followed by deployment. Other examples: Visual C++ and Visual Basic are inversely converse.
  • 10. Unix and windows are inversely converse. Internet explorer and Netscape navigator are inversely converse. Samsung and Apple are inversely converse. Hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion are inversely converse In organic chemistry both hydrogen and hydroxide ions are inversely converse. If any alcohol and acid reacts water content which is a combination of hydrogen and hydroxide ion) gets eliminated and resultant will be an acetate compound. Hydrogen is a positive ion whereas hydroxide is a negative represents acid other represents base... Let us discuss chemistry from elementary level. Chemistry is a branch of science meant for development of humanity. All living beings operate based on chemistry right from medicine to organisation of human body. So am I deviating from per definition of is a relationship between two or more elements and formation of new derivatives....each and every element has protons , neutrons and electrons...the objective is not instruct chemistry .but how that discipline got organized.... every now and then new developments coming up...and it is an irreversible reaction to my perspective and many other people perspective as well. How about nomenclature?.. Again it is the naming convention that one has to follow by compulsion. More will be discussed as of inversely converse not only in organic but also in inorganic and physical chemistry . as well. Laplace Transform and Inverse Laplace Transform are inversely converse Laplace transform and Inverse Laplace Transform are inversely converse. Readers should have the desired knowledge in Laplace transform and inverIn Laplace transform. Then only he or she can understand how inversely converse exists in Laplace transform and ILT(Inverse Laplace transform). More to discuss....keep in touch First Thought Of GOD.....Continued(2)
  • 11. PRINCIPLE (VS) PHENOMENON: Which one came first? Some random behavior which we call phenomenon happen due to which some creation happened . Because of which "the creation" adopt certain principles. Let me come in the other way some random principle happened during sometime in the past or present. As a result of which some behavior might have formed. Meaning prior to phenomenon exist it should have one or more principles based upon which the concept formation and vice versa. Now can we form a conclusion which one is father to which principle or phenomenon. But as per people understanding, principles are formed but only after trial and errors of behaviors(phenomenon) . In most of my prior posts , i used to say that "inversely converse "has no principle only it has phenomenon. Now coming to the first thought of god, it so happen that god is also "trail and error" entity or philosophy not only to my perception but many people as well. Hence forth it is phenomenon which comes into the mind of god . Like what happen to human based on "trial and error " i.e phenomenon, only most of the principles are formed. NOW WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE... I was often questioned by my blog readers that "My justification of inversely converse are mostly from mathematics ". Though i was not good enough in maths , one of my most likable discipline is maths. Simply because numbers are north pole to me and i know very well that i am south pole. Like right brain and left brain in medicine and like numbers and symbols are in mathematics "Principles and phenomenon "are in inversely converse . Now let me again recreate a topic of discussion what could be the first thought of god? Can human exists without one part of brain? For any creativity both principle and phenomenon are must . May be some inventors have difference of opinion. But as of inversely converse there is no difference of opinion. I presume there is not much difference between astrology and astronomy . In both disciplines, stars are there . Meaning the assumptions which we draw from stars in astrology are different from astronomy. Can we say they are inversely converse? Again I dont have good expertise but still they are inversely converse. CONCLUSION AS OF THIS POST: Now you the readers form a conclusion whether inversely converse has principle or it is just
  • 12. phenomenon. But i am very much sure , not many could have come to a conclusion. If so means they have not a taken a step inside inversely converse. Anyone with powerful intuition can frame not form that what i am going to convey . what was my blog topic? "INVERSELY CONVERSE". Meaning what just went through this post above and below repeatedly are so to form an idea whether both principle and phenomenon are plaited concept like right and left brain..... STILL NOT YET OVER .... First Concept Or Thought Of GOD!!!!!!!! INTRODUCTION: Again let us start with a scenario simply because I haven't gone into the nucleus of inversely converse. To learn or discuss nucleus of inversely converse one needs to do the thoughts needless to mention he or she must gain sufficient expertise in implementing thought experiments so as to develop meta skill. Without thought experiments and meta skill, understanding inversely converse is next to impossible. PREREQUISITES: What we have to do? Learn the thoughts experiments and meta skill simultaneously. Thought experiments and meta-skill are two breads . In between them inversely converse exists . Based on the behavior of inversely converse thought experiments and hence Meta-skill development. DISCUSSION ..FOR GOD KNOWS WHAT PURPOSE ? The shape of this "inversely converse", is made out of thought experiments and meta skill . If we go through the experiments which are carried out by nature by producing genius and the results which are monitored by elements of nature .Meaning we can assume for all theoretical purposes that take "human being become genius after toil". Again quantum of toil is directly proportional to one's achievements. Again with many parameters one's success is measured . Sometimes with more fortune and sometimes with blessing under disguise. Likewise i can say more but what is the point? .The point is all philosophers comes under inversely converse discipline or in other words inversely converse is an element in singular or compound if plural which exists in other philosophies. Meaning "inversely converse itself is an inversely converse " since it follows different definition . According to the ambience in which we are going to discuss or talk with. like chameleon inversely converse it varies. But what is the point. the point is inversely converse is super set
  • 13. and all other philosophies exists as subsets. I am not forcing anyone to follow inversely converse . Not simply because it is difficult to understand the nucleus of inversely converse. If it would have happened probably i can come with a better jargon it may be verb or noun and so on. Meaning inversely converse is neither noun nor verb . No need to talk about other words like adjective or science or theology or etc.,. . So how to go about with inversely converse as of now. I prefer the readers or audience to undergo the experience of "HOW THINGS WOULD HAVE BORN" .Hence forth just adhere to what you know and correlate your knowledge to understand "Inversely converse". IS INVERSELY CONVERSE A MISNOMER: If inversely converse is a father then immediate son would be thought experiments and his immediate would be meta skill. Now anyone or many among the reader or audience can ask why shouldn't it be other ways like thought experiments is father of two sons which are inversely converse and meta-skill and so on . Extend the thought and so inversely converse and meta- skill are twins. It is inconclusive what if i change the blog name as "THOUGHT EXPERIMENTS " instead of inversely converse. In other words why shouldn't I keep the name of the blog as META SKILL so inversely converse and thought experiments as twins or brothers or sister or mixture of both meaning not necessarily twins. The point is inversely converse is an inert vocabulary which has no principles just a phenomenon. Now how the space would have born or what would be the first thought of god. Answer could be " Inversely converse" which i can't force . Now let me explain ,again i jam just briefing out the philosophy which I experienced so far and continues to under the jargon name which is " inversely-converse". All along the thought of god is "INVERSELY CONVERSE" how can i be so sure? well as of now or time being let us assume and later on we corroborate. Questions Lead to Probable Assumptions: 1. If no space only god exists where he would have lived? Meaning before space god exists. so now the thought of space wouldn't be in the mind of god. 2. God exists and let us assume he thinks the following" a. "Why am i existing ?" by God. Those who strictly follow theology would or wouldn't have agreed to it. 3.What if God thinks ?
  • 14. Irrespective of being superior - force why not let me create creatures and draw inferences out of it or he or she after doing his or her beliefs . corollary(a): "God knows everything."? If god knows everything there is no point of space and followed by astro- bodies including planets or stars or comets etc.,. 4. What if God didn't exists only science alone?if so what is the role of science in inversely converse or vice versa.? Well meaning "science grows". But from where to where... INVERSELY - CONVERSE CORE: Now i will jump to core part of inversely converse. what is that? let us take the example of Newton's third law of motion. "Every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". meaning what ? assuming i as omprakash would like to start my first thought. assuming i am hungry . following are possibilities... Thought 1: want to eat Thought 2: how much to eat Thought 3: where is food Thought 0: stomach ache. Thought -100: feel like eating Thought 0.001: comfortable relatively Thought 4: stomach filled with food. JUST OBSERVE ALL THE ABOVE THOUGHTS ARE RELATED SEQUENTIALLY OR SOME THOUGHTS WHICH ACT AS OPPOSITE ...IN MY PERCEPTION THOUGHT 2 AND THOUGHT 0.001 ARE OPPOSITE .AGAIN THOUGHT 1 AND THOUGHT 0.001 ARE OPPOSITE . Readers should have patience in understanding inverse converse. now recollect what i mentioned in previous posts which talks about postulate 1 and postulate 2 (a) and postulate 2(b). Postulate 1, 2a, 2b are in the nucleus and rest of the the postulates travels in the orbit around this postulates like how electrons in orbit and protons and neutrons in nucleus... INFERENCE AS OF THIS POST.. Still I haven't finished the core part of inversely- converse just shown what it could have been. If
  • 15. everyone understand the fundamental philosophy of our existence including science or god or other theories , the killing will be reduced and people in earth take peace measures and hence earth live longer and so nature and definitely followed by creatures including humans. I also aware that I haven't provided the relationship between thought experiments and meta skill with inversely converse crystal clear. As it take different level of maturity . So where do we go from here . We have traveled enough as per inversely converse philosophy. Is it sufficient ? it is up to the respective reader. NOT YET OVER..... WILL BE CONTINUED LATER...AS THE OBJECTIVE IS NOT OVER ...TALKING TOO MUCH ABOUT THE TOPIC " FIRST CONCEPT OR THOUGHT OF GOD" CANT BE DESCRIBED IN A NUTSHELL... ALL THE BEST...SEE U LATER... Are Alfred Nobel and Prof.Albert Einstein responsible for World War -1 & 2 Alfred Nobel invented dynamite to break a small mounds or Big rocks to pulverize or demolish old buildings. Dynamite was predominately used in World War -1 and Alfred Nobel was criticized though his invention was not meant for that purpose. Having said above Alfred Nobel realized his name would be imprinted as a devil personality in history he formed a trust and whatever the sum which his factories make out of selling dynamites and other inventions would be spent to the society for sevice rendered by personalities in various fields like Medicine, Peace, Literature , Chemistry and Physics. That way his image was not tarnished as it would have been. Prof.Albert Einstein
  • 16. Coming to Prof.Albert Einstein he invented world famous equation though he did not win Nobel prize for the above. It was Photo Electric Effect which won the Nobel prize in physics in the year 1921. When Adolf Hitler became Dictator of Germany , Prof.Einstein moved from Germany to United States of America and became faculty memeber in Institute of advanced study in princeton university as professor was a jew and that he sensed the treat which Hitler was to do against jews. During Einstein's stay in united states of america he received a letter from one of his contemporary scientist who stayed in Germany that Germany was going to come up with Nuclear weapon. If it happened and hence Herr Hitler would use against rest of the world . So Prof.Einstein wrote a letter to Mr.Franklin D Roosevelt who was President of America that World his facing the threat if Germany invent Nuclear Weapon . After Pearl - Harbor disaster imposed by japan during world war -2 United States decided to test the Nuclear weapon against Japan in the year 1945 when World war - 2 came to end . So they dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many people died and after even six decades the after- effect is still there . The radiation of the bomb affected the new born kids . After hearing the news that Hiroshima and Nagasaki was tested using Nuclear Bombs, Einstein become crestfallen and from then on he wrote letters to many Apex- authorities in many countries that Nuclear weapon should not be encouraged. Now can we say it is because of Prof.Alber Einstein that after - effect of world war - 2 and Alfred Nobel for world war - 1 was pathetic . Conclusion as of Inversely Converse: One(Alfred Nobel ) responsible for the formation of Nobel Prize Committe, which is the highest prize in this Universe and another (Prof.Albert Einstein) Received Nobel Prize in the year 1921 have played key role in world wars ???. I leave the audience whoever read this post to decide whether they are fall under the tile of this blog which is Inversely Converse in many perceptions. Who founded space and where Inversely converse involved? Till now no one define the origin of space. Many theory came and still to come .... and how the space is transforming and what we are experiencing can be conceived by our sixth sense ... let us start with an example: please dont get offended as i m not in favor of religion or caste if it happened ..please apologize as the intention was not so. lets start..
  • 17. Millenniums back... creatures created.. now let us assume first human being created that point of time there is no defined grammar or literature for communication... now let us start a scenario. After the respected human being creation....and after a definite amount of time he or she might have undergone some kind of hunger ..which could be in need of water or any solid stuff say in need of energy....or he would have communicated ..when there is no means of communication... so let us assume some how they have communicated and found a solution which is water and/or fruits. Now whether noun or verb which came to the world first.... becos thirst is an action so definetly verb. but the word is thirst made out of alphabets obviously it is a noun..... let me explain....meaning verb is name and so it is noun. Forget about noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, gerund ...all came to the world after literature revolution ..which transformed periodically. so my question is leaving the word "thirst" .....which one comes first ..whether noun or verb or pronoun or etc.,...i dont think any one have solid proof what came first as of humans are concerned .. Now coming to god ..what thought came first to of theology or science ......Will be continued alter .. Jack of all or Master of all", meaning attempting to develop meta skill leads to knowledge hunger. "Jack of all" leads to "knowledge hunger" spirally .Meaning during the course of time, knowledge and skill acquired over a indefinite period of time leads to once meta-skill development . How it played a role in inversely converse. It is playing a role ....but how? Jack of all and master of all are inversely converse. There is nothing called " Master Of All". May be relatively we can call as so . It is only " Jack of all" which act as a driving force to make our life meaningful one. Right from Aristotle to Newton to Einstein to Stephen Hawking all are jack of all not master of all in my perception. God or any governing force believed to be controlling us ......again it is a belief which might vary from individual to individual. No sixth sense mammal create a sand of less than a millimeter or to be precise one can convert an object from one form to another, meaning not a new creation from nowhere. so how come any subject however victorious he or she maybe can claim i am " master of all, which i presume in absolute context.
  • 18. Even an eternal entity (god), which i may conclude to some extent cant claim he or she knows everything about his or her creations. If he or she (god) was so sure about his or her creations he or she would not have created a nature or space which means the respected so called eternal entity is or was not matured enough as "MASTER OF ALL". Conclusion as of inversely converse: there is not big variation between " jack of all or master of all" relatively. Both are Genius of Genius - Newton Vs Einstein Newton vs Einstein One was an easy goer whereas other was not. Both were not good in wearing nice clothes . Newton most of the time was dirty during his experimentation as he was so obsessed in finding the nuances of space or nature ..whatever we call. Both were always obsessed with some thing from which they dont want to come out .But Newton was way ahead of Einstein in all means though newton's understanding of universe about 350 years was thrown back by Einstein. Newton's genius came to light or rather i would say recognised at the age of 29 whereas Einstein at the age of 26. Many do thought experiments but it was the sheer personality of Einstein and Newton were rated and till now ahead of other contemporaries lived before or going to happen. why newton was not easy goer? Newton was not a bright student in his initial school days and so,. pulled out of school by his mother and sent to farming . It was during this time he developed Windmill on his own. On seeing this by his teacher and uncle , they pressed his mother to sent him to school . But was disinterested towards this and agreed later that this young budding genius of genius has to take care of his needs on his own including fees. So newton has to work in the students hostel mess and take care of fellow students by cleaning and the money he earned was used to pay his fees which made him to grow in a little less than a normal student. This reflected when become faculty in cambridge university and every now and then hookes have to warn newton about his suspension. Newton Genius of Genius ? how? Newton never wasted time . At times he forgot to eat, sleep including bath. He was so obsessed in his reasearch. He laid robust foundation for today's science which is calculus and he laid unshakeable foundation in science by providing Theory of Optics. He gave the budding theory of gravitation though he secretly admitted to his closed friends that he was not to able
  • 19. understand the theory of gravitation. Till now there is only one living Scientific-god in human form in this earth which is SIR ISAAC NEWTON. Was Newton Mentally-ill person? Yes and No when King made newton president of royal society he threatened his colleagues and went ahead and published his findings. He remained Royal Society President close to 3 decades meaning till his death. How Newton was recognized? A genius in my understanding should be dirty , obsessed in research of nature, mentally unstable meaning eccentric . More the genius more he is eccentric. Ofcourse the quantum of eccentric is a function of how much is one genius. Newton was rewarded with positions, accolades and money poured to him. But still his contemporaries felt he was not recognized as he should have. Newton suffered from nervous disorder again few years after which he suffered from nervous breakdown. Records mentioned that he stopped his research work as per his friends suggestion. following which he was made royal society president. He was the first scientist who was knighted followed by chief of Royal Society. he died at the age of 87. Newton didnt marry. Synopsis about 'absent - minded ' Prof.Albert Einstein. Einstein a jew and master-thought-experimenter . There were days Einstein was banished by many universities. After his specfic theiory of relativity he was followed by many scientific celebrities that what made him do the thought experiments so successfully. At times Einstein felt uncomfortable that he was followed in Berlin streets and so private life was disturbed. In contrast to Newton, Einstien took his life very lightly and so sought his friend's help which was Grosmann and arrived world famous equation. Though Einstein was also scientist of scientist and he was the man and because of whom Newton's understanding of universe was thrown. Though i have to admit einstein defeated newton after 350 years it is true that Newon remains incomparable to Einstein. Conclusion as of now both Newton and Einstein are scientist of scientist . Needless to conclude both are also eccentric.