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Graduation Paper Translation in Economy
I certify that no part of the above report has been copied or reproduced by me from
any other’s work without acknowledgement and that the report is originally written
by me under strict guidance of my supervisor.
Ho Chi Minh City, July 22nd
, 2022
Graduation Paper Translation in Economy
I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Ma. Nguyen The Hoa, for
helping me with the research material required to execute this thesis assignment to a
satisfactory degree.
Graduation Paper Translation in Economy
Declaration ..................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 1. Rationale ..............................................................................................6
CHAPTER 2. Internship organization ........................................................................7
2.1 Organization details ..............................................................................................7
2.2 About Duong Huynh Limited Company...............................................................7
B. Development...........................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 1. Definition.............................................................................................9
1.1 Concepts of economy............................................................................................9
CHAPTER 2. The translated texts ............................................................................10
2.1 The translated texts of the two articles (from English to Vietnamese)...............10
2.2 The translated texts of the two articles (From Vietnamese to English)..............25
CHAPTER 3. Comments on the translations............................................................34
3.1 Genre of texts ......................................................................................................34
3.2 The difficulties and convenience met during the translation..............................35
C. Conclusion and recommendations........................................................................38
Graduation Paper Translation in Economy
Vietnam is one the world’s largest exporters of textiles, garments, and clothing. The
industry reached an export turnover of over 36 billion U.S. dollars in 2018 (Doan,
2022 ). The textile and garment sector is an important pillar in the country’s
economy; it is a major contributor to the country’s gross domestic product and
employs over 2.7 million people across six thousand companies (Doan, 2022 ). The
Vietnamese textile industry is forecasted to represent up to 30% of the global
market share over the next decade (Kennemer, 2022 ).
The Vietnamese textile industry consists primarily of custom clothing and garment
manufacturers (Thygesen Textile Vietnam, 2019). These companies rely on manual
labor to manufacture products according to the specifications of their customers
(Thygesen Textile Vietnam, 2019). Only the largest clothing companies in the
world can justify the costs of using fully automated clothing factories to
manufacture their products. Other businesses rely on custom clothing and garment
manufacturers to produce their products and often choose Vietnamese companies to
produce them (Thygesen Textile Vietnam, 2019). Vietnamese textile, garment, and
clothing companies distinguish themselves from global competition by providing
cheap services while still providing high production quality (Kennemer, 2022 ).
Graduation Paper Translation in Economy
2.1 Organization details
Duong Huynh Limited Company
Address 340/1 No Trang Long street, Ward 13, Binh Thanh District,
Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Telephone number 0283553739
Fax number 02838055764
Email address
Tax code 0302586983
2.2 About Duong Huynh Limited Company
Duong Huynh Limited Company provides custom garment manufacturing services
to customers all over the world. The company specializes in the trading,
manufacturing, outsourcing of various garment and apparel products. Duong Huynh
Limited Company was founded in 2002 in Ho Chi Minh City and has operated there
ever since. The company started as a family business but has since grown to over
100 employees. Most of the company’s employees work as clothing manufacturers,
but there are plenty of other responsibilities such as technical design, quality control
and administrative tasks. Clothes are the primary business of Duong Huynh Limited
Company, but they also manufacture other goods such as bags and backpacks,
headwear, and footwear. Most of the company’s products are made from cotton,
denim, spandex and khaki, but other fabrics are used as well.
With over 15 years of experience, Duong Huynh Limited Company has gained an
international reputation for producing high quality garments and apparel. The
company currently manufactures products for numerous international companies,
including companies from the United States of America, Canada,Germany, France,
Japan, Korea, China, and many others. Duong Huynh Limited
Graduation Paper Translation in Economy
Companydistinguishes itself from its competitors by offering competitive prices and
timely delivery. Additionally, the company leverages their team’s long-term
experience in developing, manufacturing, and trading garment and apparel products
to provide exceptional product quality.
Duong Huynh Limited Company is proud of its heritage as an authentic family
business. Moreover, the company has grown rapidly without artificial stimuli such
as foreign investment, which projects steady and reliable growth for years to come.
Graduation Paper Translation in Economy
1.1 Concepts of economy
An economy is commonly understood as the field of production, distribution and
trade, in combination with the consumption of goods and services by different
parties. In his book “Urban Sustainability in Theory and Practice: Circles of
sustainability”, Paul James defines the economy as “The economy is defined as a
social domain that emphasizes the practices, discourses and material expressions
associated with the production, use and management of resources. Here the concept
of ‘resources’ is used in the broadest sense of that word, including in settings where
resources were/are not instrumentalized or reduced to a means to other ends,
including accruing exchange value. Although the domain of economics was only
abstracted as a named area of social life and self-consciously practiced as a separate
domain in the early modern period, this definition allows it to be used across
different places and times. Questions of power are ever present in the economic
domain in relation to contested outcomes over the use of resources.”
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VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 10
2.1 The translated texts of the two articles (from English to Vietnamese)
2.1.1 Article 1: EVFTA opportunity for textile sector to grow by leaps
and bounds. Translation
EVFTA opportunity for textile sector
to grow by leaps and bounds.
Cơ hội bức phá cho ngành dệt may
thông qua Hiệp định thương mại tự
do giữa Việt Nam và Liên Minh châu
Vietnam's textile and garment exports
to the EU could rise ten-fold to $40
billion after the EU-Vietnam Free
Trade Agreement takes effect.
Xuất khẩu hàng dệt may của Việt Nam
sang thị trường châu Âu có thể tăng
gấp 10 lần, cán mốc 40 tỷ USD sau khi
Hiệp định thương mại tự do giữa Việt
Nam và Liên minh Châu Âu (EVFTA)
có hiệu lực.
"Vietnam could be exporting as much
as $40 billion worth a year to the EU
after the deal comes into force. The
potential figure is $100 billion," said
Truong Van Cam, vice chairman of the
Vietnam Textile and Apparel
Association (VITAS).
Theo nhận định của ông Trương Văn
Cẩm - Phó chủ tịch Hiệp hội Dệt may
Việt Nam (VITAS), giá trị xuất khẩu
hàng may mặc của Việt Nam sang châu
Âu có thể đạt đến 40 tỷ USD một năm
sau khi thỏa thuận có hiệu lực. Giá trị
tiềm năng lên đến 100 tỷ USD.
The EVFTA will be signed in Hanoi on
June 30 after nine years of negotiations,
and immediately afterwards 70.3
percent of Vietnamese products
exported to the EU would be free of
Hiệp định EVFTA sẽ được ký kết tại
Hà Nội vào ngày 30/6 sau 9 năm đàm
phán. Ngay sau khi ký kết, 70,3% các
sản phẩm xuất khẩu từ Việt Nam sang
thị trường châu Âu sẽ được miễn thuế.
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Textiles and garments are currently
subject to an average tariff of 9.6
percent in the EU, but it would
gradually reduce to 0 percent over
seven years.
Hiện bình quân thuế suất xuất khẩu
ngành hàng dệt may sang châu Âu là
9,6%, nhưng thuế suất sẽ giảm dần về
0% trong vòng 7 năm.
The EU is the second largest importer
of Vietnamese textiles after the U.S.
and its imports from Vietnam are
growing by 7-10 percent a year. Last
year they were worth $4.16 billion,
accounting for 15 percent of Vietnam’s
total textile exports, according to the
General Statistics Office.
Các nước trong Liên Minh châu Âu là
thị trường nhập khẩu hàng dệt may
Việt Nam đứng thứ 2, với mức tăng
trưởng hằng năm từ 7% đến 10% chỉ
sau Mỹ. Theo Tổng cục Thống kê, giá
trị xuất khẩu năm ngoái đạt 4,16 tỷ
USD, chiếm 15% tổng kim ngạch xuất
khẩu hàng dệt may cả nước.
Securities firm Viet Dragon Securities
said in a new report that major textile
companies such as Saigon, TNG, May
10 and Viet Tien Garment will see
orders increase dramatically when the
trade deal comes into force.
Trong một báo cáo mới đây, Công ty
cổ phần Chứng khoán Rồng Việt nhận
định, những doanh nghiệp dệt may lớn
như May Sài Gòn, TNG, May 10 hay
Việt Tiến sẽ ghi nhận tăng trưởng đơn
hàng rõ rệt khi EVFTA có hiệu lực.
Than Duc Viet, deputy general director
of May 10, said his company plans to
link up with domestic suppliers in the
yarn-forward supply chain in order to
comply with proof of origin rules and
take advantage of the trade agreement.
Ông Trần Đức Việt - Phó tổng giám
đốc công ty May 10 cho biết, công ty
đã lên kế hoạch liên kết với các nhà
cung ứng nội địa trong chuỗi cung ứng
‘từ sợi trở đi’ để tuân thủ quy tắc xuất
xứ và tận dụng tốt lợi thế của hiệp định.
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VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 12
Pham Hong Hai, general director of
HSBC Vietnam, expects Vietnam’s
GDP to increase by 0.1 percentage
point a year because of EVFTA trade
advantages. Besides, the highquality
standards that are mandatory under the
deal would boost Vietnam's pace of
reform and international integration, he
Tổng giám đốc Ngân hàng HSBC Việt
Nam, ông Phạm Hồng Hải kỳ vọng
GDP Việt Nam sẽ tăng lên 0.1% mỗi
năm nhờ vào các lợi thế thương mại từ
EVFTA. Bên cạnh đó, các tiêu chuẩn
chất lượng nghiêm ngặt bắt buộc trong
thỏa thuận sẽ thúc đẩy tốc độ cải cách
và hội nhập quốc tế của Việt Nam, ông
cho biết thêm.
But Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, director of
the WTO and Integration Centre at the
Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and
Industry said grasping the opportunities
arising from the EVFTA would not be
easy since the tariff breaks are only for
goods that meet quality standards and
rules of origin. Domestic value must
account for at least 40 percent of the
final product, according to EVFTA
Tuy nhiên, theo bà Nguyễn Thị Thu
Trang - Giám đốc trung tâm WTO và
Hội nhập, Phòng Thương Mại và Công
nghiệp Việt Nam, sẽ không dễ dàng
nắm bắt được cơ hội từ EVFTA vì chỉ
những hàng hóa đáp ứng được yêu cầu
về chất lượng và quy tắc xuất xứ mới
được hưởng ưu đãi thuế. Theo các điều
luật trong EVFTA, hàm lượng giá trị
nội địa phải đạt không dưới 40%.
Stimulating growth in Vietnam’s weak
raw materials and feedstock sector
could be a problem, but the trade deal
should bring more foreign investment
in Vietnam’s supporting industries,
Trang said.
Bà Trang cho biết, thách thức to lớn
của ngành dệt may là kích thích tăng
trưởng nguồn cung nguyên phụ liệu ít
ỏi trong nước. Tuy nhiên, đây cũng là
cơ hội để thu hút các nhà đầu tư nước
ngoài vào ngành công nghiệp phụ trợ
của Việt Nam.
Hai of HSBC also expressed concern
about the fact that the textile industry
Cùng chia sẻ quan điểm về vấn đề trên,
ông Hải cho biết, phần lớn nguyên phụ
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imports most of its inputs, and only
large local and foreign companies are
able to meet the domestic percentage
liệu của ngành may mặc được nhập
khẩu. Hiện chỉ những doanh nghiệp lớn
và các doanh nghiệp có vốn đầu tư
nước ngoài mới có đủ khả năng đáp
ứng được yêu cầu về tỷ lệ nội địa.
"Vietnam needs to realize that it is
necessary to build a truly domestic
textile industry to take full advantage of
these benefits."
“Việt Nam cần nhận thức được sự cần
thiết trong việc xây dựng một nền công
nghiệp dệt may nội địa thực sự để có
thể tận dụng được hết những lợi ích
này”, ông Hải nhận định.
Cam of VITAS said small and medium-
sized enterprises must link up to form
domestic supply chains, ensuring final
products meet origin requirements.
Ông Trương Văn Cẩm cho rằng, các
doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ phải kết nối
với nhau để hình thành chuỗi cung ứng
nội địa, đảm đảm thành phẩm đáp ứng
yêu cầu về quy tắc xuất xứ.
They also need to familiarize
themselves with the professional ways
of the world’s most modern market, he
Các doanh nghiệp cũng cần phải làm
quen với cách thức chuyên nghiệp của
thị trường hiện đại bậc nhất thế giới,
ông cho biết thêm.
grow-by-leaps-and-bounds-3944913.html Analysis
In this article, there are some main language phenomena such as references and
reiteration which have been used as a method to make the text more cohesive and
logical. Besides, there is also simile and idiom as figurative language. However, the
following analysis particularly conducts an analysis of the grammatical devices.
Graduation Paper Translation in Economy
VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 14
i. Reference:
Reference is defined as the specific nature of information that is signaled and
retrieval. There are three types of reference: personal reference, demonstrative
reference, and comparative reference.
Based on analyzed data, the author used reference devices twelve times in total,
most of which are personal references. Among three types of references, personal
references occurredeight times, accounting for majority of references in the text,
followed by demonstrative reference with only three instances of “that”, and one
instance of “these”. There is no usage of comparative reference found in this
article. However, it should be noted that, the article theappeared several times
throughout the text, which embodies a particular individual or a subclass such as
“the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement”, “the EU”, “the WTO and Integration
Centre”, “the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce”, “the trade deal”, etc.
i.a. Personal reference
Personal reference is the reference by means of function in the speech situation,
through category person. Personal reference consists of three classes of personal
pronouns, possessive determiners (also called ‘possessive adjectives’), and
possessive pronouns.
Examples of description of personal references are as follows:
E.g 1:Textiles and garments are currently subject to an average tariff of 9.6
percent in the EU, but it would gradually reduce to 0 percent over seven years.
In the fifth sentence, personal reference is found as “it”, which refers to “average
tariff”. Since the word “it” refers to the word preceding it, it is categorized as an
anaphoric reference.
E.g 2: The EU is the second largest importer of Vietnamese textiles after the U.S.
and its imports from Vietnam are growing by 7-10 percent a year. Hai of HSBC
also expressed concern about the fact that the textile industry imports most of its
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inputs, and only large local and foreign companies are able to meet the domestic
percentage requirement.
In in both above sentences, the personal reference that can be found is its. The
possessive determiner “its” refers back to “The EU”, and “the textile industry
imports”, respectively. In both cases, “its” is an anaphoric reference as it refers to
the word preceding it.
E.g 3:The EU is the second largest importer of Vietnamese textiles after the U.S.
and its imports from Vietnam are growing by 7-10 percent a year. Last year, they
were worth $4.16 billion, accounting for 15 percent of Vietnam’s total textile
exports, according to the General Statistics Office.
In the seventh sentence, the author used the subject “they” to refer to
“imports”, which means the Europe Union’s imports, in the sixth sentence. This is a
form of endophoric anaphora.
E.g 4:Than Duc Viet, deputy general director of May 10, said his company plans
to link up with domestic suppliers in the yarn-forward supply chain in order to
comply with proof of origin rules and take advantage of the trade agreement.
The personal reference is “his”, which refers backwards to subject Than Duc Viet.
This is defined as an anaphoric reference as “his”refers to the word preceding it.
E.g 5:Pham Hong Hai, general director of HSBC Vietnam, expects Vietnam’s
GDP to increase by 0.1 percentage point a year because of EVFTA trade
advantages. Besides, the high quality standards that are mandatory under the deal
would boost Vietnam's pace of reform and international integration, he added.
A personal reference is found as “he”, which anaphorically refers to subject “Pham
Hong Hai”.
E.g 6:Cam of VITAS said small and medium-sized enterprises must link up to form
domestic supply chains, ensuring final products meet origin requirements.They also
need to familiarize themselves with the professional ways of the world’s most
modern market, he added.
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There are two personal references in last sentence of the text. The first one is the
third person plural personal pronoun “they”, which refers to “small and medium-
sized enterprises” in the previous sentence, whilesubject the “he” refers to “Cam”.
Both are categorized as anaphoric references since they both allude to previous
words on the text.
i.b. Demonstrative reference
Following are examples demonstrative references:
E.g 1:Besides, the high quality standards that are mandatory under the deal would
boost Vietnam's pace of reform and international integration, he added.
E.g 2:But Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, director of the WTO and Integration Centre at
the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry said grasping the opportunities
arising from the EVFTA would not be easy since the tariff breaks are only for goods
that meet quality standards and rules of origin.
E.g 3:Hai of HSBC also expressed concern about the fact that the textile industry
imports most of its inputs, and only large local and foreign companies are able to
meet the domestic percentage requirement.
The demonstrative reference“that” anaphorically refers to “the high quality
standards”, “goods”, and “the fact” in example 1, 2, and 3,respectively.
E.g 4:Vietnam needs to realize that it is necessary to build a truly domestic textile
industry to take full advantage of these benefits.
This instance shows that the determinative demonstrative “these” modifies the noun
benefits, because it refers to the means of location, on scale of proximity.
ii. Lexical cohesion
ii.a. Reiteration
Throughout the text, the author used variations of reiteration such as repetition,
synonymy, and meronymy.
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For instance, because the article is about the opportunities as well as the
challenges that EVFTA will bring to our economy, especially textile industry
when it takes effect, it is obvious that some items such as “EVFTA”, “the EU”,
“Vietnam”, “textile”, “garment”, “the trade deal”, “imports”, and “exports”
are repeated several times throughout the text in order to strongly emphasize the
main topic and the author’s idea. Besides, some effective synonymies were used to
avoid redundancy. For instance, the author used some items of similar meaning to
mention “textile companies”, such as “large local”, and “enterprises”. Another
example of synonymy is the usage of these items “origin rules”, “rules of origin”,
“the domestic percentage requirement”, “origin requirements”, all of which refers
to Rules of Origin in the EVFTA. The phenomenon of superordinate is used in the
following example:
E.g 1:Securities firm Viet Dragon Securities said in a new report that major textile
companies such as Saigon, TNG, May 10 and Viet Tien Garment will see orders
increase dramatically when the trade deal comes into force.
This is a simple example of meronymy, another the form of reiteration aside from
repetition and synonymy. Meronymy is a whole-part relationship between items. In
above sentence, the items“Saigon”, “TNG”, “May 10” and “Viet Tien Garment”
are co-meronyms of the item “major textile companies”. In other words, “major
textile companies” is superordinate item of “Saigon”, “TNG”, “May 10” and
“Viet Tien Garment”.
ii.b. Collocation
Beside reiteration, the author also uses collocation, which is a combination of
vocabulary items that occur together, such as the combination of an adjective and
nouns in phrase “the high quality standards”, or verbs and nouns such as “come
into force”, “takes effect”, and “take full advantage of these benefits”.
2.1.2 Article 2: Garment producers find way to weather crisis
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VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 18 Translation
Garment producers find way to
weather crisis
Doanh nghiệp may mặc tìm đường
vượt qua khủng hoảng
The COVID-19 pandemic has left
Vietnam’s textile and garment sector in
deep trouble because of rising order
cancellations and delays, but some
producers have found a way around and
been able to weather the storm.
Đại dịch COVID-19 khiến ngành hàng
dệt may tại Việt Nam lâm vào tình trạng
khó khăn khi tỷ lệ giãn đơn hàng thậm
chí hủy bỏ đơn ngày càng tăng. Tuy
nhiên, nhiều doanh nghiệp đã tìm được
cách khắc phục để có thể vượt qua cơn
bão này.
The pandemic has been a blow for
domestic garment makers who had
already been struggling to source
materials elsewhere outside of China
after Vietnam’s northern neighbour went
into lockdown in late January. And now,
just as things are beginning to return to
normal in China, bigger problems have
emerged as the disease has spread
globally, hitting orders from key markets
for Vietnam such as the US and Europe.
Đại dịch đã giáng một đòn mạnh vào các
nhà sản xuất hàng may mặc trong nước,
những người đã phải vật lộn để tìm
nguồn nguyên phụ liệu thay thế cho các
nguồn từ Trung Quốc sau khi người
hàng xóm ở phía bắc Việt Nam bị phong
tỏa vào cuối Giêng. Vào thời điểm hiện
tại, khi cuộc sống ở Trung Quốc đã bắt
đầu quay trở lại trạng thái bình thường,
thì các doanh nghiệp lại gặp phải vấn đề
lớn hơn khi căn bệnh này lan rộng trên
toàn cầu.
The latest data revealed some unpleasant
truths for the sector. It saw exports slide
9.07 percent year-on-year in the first
quarter and imports, 16.59 percent.
Số liệu mới nhất tiết lộ sự thật không
mấy khả quan về ngành hàng may mặc.
Kim ngạch xuất khẩu được ghi nhận
giảm 9,07%; nhập khẩu giảm 16,59%
so với cùng kỳ năm ngoái.
US and European buyers have suspended
or cancelled orders since mid-March,
Theo báo cáo của Tập đoàn Dệt may
Việt Nam (Vinatex), một trong những
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according to the Vietnam National
Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex),
one of the country’s biggest apparel
nhà sản xuất hàng may mặc lớn nhất
nước, khách hàng tại thị trường Mỹ và
châu Âu đã tạm hoãn các đơn hàng hoặc
thậm chí là hủy bỏ đơn hàng kể từ giữa
tháng Ba.
Falling exports slashed its Q1 revenue
by 7 percent year-on-year.
Xuất khẩu sụt giảm làm doanh thu quý I
hạ 7% so với cùng kỳ năm 2019.
Demand has plunged in the US and
Europe, where travel restrictions and
social distancing orders have been put in
place to stem the spread of the
pandemic. Retail outlets are unlikely to
reopen until early May at best, causing
extended delays to existing orders while
few new orders have been placed,
Vinatex’s Managing Director Cao Huu
Hieu said.
Nhu cầu hàng may mặc giảm mạnh ở
Mỹ và châu Âu, nơi mà lệnh cấm đi lại
và giãn cách xã hội đã được áp dụng để
ngăn chặn sự lây lan của đại dịch. Theo
ông Cao Hữu Hiếu, Giám đốc điều hành
Vinatex, các cửa hàng bán lẻ chưa được
mở cửa cho đến đầu tháng Năm, dẫn đến
các đơn hàng tiếp tục bị hoãn, trong khi
đơn hàng mới giảm mạnh.
Most orders put on hold are for Spring
and Summer clothing lines, he went on,
while the pandemic is expected to be
brought under control by Autumn at the
earliest, making it highly likely these
lines will be cancelled anyway.
Ông cho biết thêm, những đơn hàng bị
hoãn phần lớp là cho dịp Xuân-Hè, dự
kiến hết dịch thì thời tiết đã sang đầu
Thu. Vì vậy, khả năng cao đơn hàng
dừng hoãn sẽ trở thành đơn hàng bị hủy.
The Vietnam Textile and Apparel
Association (VITAS) has forecast that
Vietnam’s textile and garment exports
may shrink 15 percent to 33 billion USD
in 2022 . Globally, orders are predicted
to fall 29 percent over the course of the
Hiệp hội Dệt may Việt Nam (VITAS)
đưa ra dự đoán rằng kim ngạch xuất
khẩu hàng dệt may của Việt Nam năm
2022 có thể giảm 15%, xuống còn 33 tỷ
USD. Tổng cầu dệt may trên toàn thế
giới trong cả năm dự báo sẽ giảm đến
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year. 29%.
Despite its many and varied negative
impacts, the pandemic is also presenting
opportunities as local producers benefit
from rising demand for medical masks
both at home and abroad. Export orders
are in the millions of USD, with the
Garment 10 Corporation JSC being an
example of an enterprise doing well in
the current environment.
Mặc dù gây ra hàng loạt ảnh hưởng tiêu
cực lên ngành hàng may mặc trong
nước, đại dịch cũng đã mang đến cho
các nhà sản xuất cơ hội hưởng lợi từ
việc nhu cầu khẩu trang y tế cả trong và
ngoài nước tăng mạnh. Tổng Công ty
May 10 là một ví dụ điển hình cho một
doanh nghiệp thích ứng nhanh chóng
với tình hình hiện tại với các đơn hàng
xuất khẩu trị giá hàng triệu đô la Mỹ
It has received an order for 400 million
medical masks worth 52 million USD,
together with orders for 20 million cloth
masks from a US partner and 2 million
cloth masks and 6 million medical masks
from a German partner.
May 10 đã nhận được một đơn hàng 400
triệu khẩu trang y tế trị giá 52 triệu đô la
Mỹ. Ngoài ra, có một đối tác của Mỹ đặt
mua 20 triệu khẩu trang vải; và một đối
tác Đức cũng đã đặt mua 2 triệu khẩu
trang vải cùng 6 triệu chiếc khẩu trang y
Capable of producing 90-100 million
masks a month, Vinatex has been
processing orders from the Czech
Republic, Hungary, Canada, and the US
for anti-droplet and anti-bacterial three-
layer masks.
Với năng lực sản xuất 90-100 triệu khẩu
trang một tháng, Vinatex đã thực hiện
các đơn hàng khẩu trang ba lớp chống
giọt bắn, kháng khuẩn cho các nước
như: Cộng hòa Séc, Hung-ga-ri, Ca-na-
da, và Mỹ.
Shifting from garments to masks allows
the company to keep production going
and pay its workers, Hieu said.
Theo ông Hiếu, chuyển từ sản xuất hàng
may mặc sang sản xuất khẩu trang giúp
cho doanh nghiệp duy trì hoạt động sản
xuất và đảm bảo việc làm cho người lao
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He added that in order to export masks
to the US and the EU, producers must
obtain FDA and CE certification,
respectively, which indicate that a
product meets their safety, health, and
environmental protection requirements.
Ngoài ra, ông Hiếu cũng cảnh báo rằng,
để xuất khẩu sang Mỹ và châu Âu, các
nhà sản xuất phải đạt được chứng nhận
của Cục quản lý Thực phẩm và Dược
phẩm Hoa Kỳ FDA cho thị trường Mỹ
và chứng nhận hợp chuẩn (nhãn hiệu)
CE cho thị trường châu Âu. Có nghĩa là
một sản phẩm khẩu trang phải đáp ứng
đúng yêu cầu về an toàn, sức khỏe và
bảo vệ môi trường.
This can generate extra costs and take
time to obtain, he warned.
Điều này có thể đội chi phí và thời gian
sản xuất lên nhiều lần.
Source: Analysis
Based on the analyzed data of the second article, some main linguistic phenomena
such as reference, reiteration, and collocation were used to enrich the article
coherence. The analysis below will illustrate this.
i. Reference
Throughout the text, personal referenceswere used twelve times by means of
personal pronouns “it” and “he”, and possessive determiners “its”, and “their”,
dominating majority of the usage of reference, whereas demonstrative references
only occurred twice with the use of “these”, and “this”.However, it should be noted
that, the article theoccurs many times among the text, which embodies a particular
individual or a subclass such as “The COVID-19”, “the pandemic”, “the US”,
“The Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association”, etc.
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i.a. Personal reference
Examples of personal references are as follows:
E.g 1:The latest data revealed some unpleasant truths for the sector. It saw exports
slide 9.07 percent year-on-year in the first quarter and imports, 16.59 percent.
In the third paragraph, the third person singular personal pronoun“It”
anaphoricallyrefers to “The latest data”in the previous sentence.
E.g 2:US and European buyers have suspended or cancelled orders since mid-
March, according to the Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex),
one of the country’s biggest apparel makers. Falling exports slashed its Q1 revenue
by 7 percent year-on-year.
In above example, the author used the possessive pronoun “its” to anaphorically
refer to “the Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex)”.
E.g 3: Most orders put on hold are for Spring and Summer clothing lines, he went
on, while the pandemic is expected to be brought under control by Autumn at the
earliest, making it highly likely these lines will be cancelled anyway.
There are two incidences of personal references in this example. The first one is the
subject “he”, which anaphorically refers to the “Cao Huu Hieu” in the previous
sentence. The subject “it” is the second reference. It alludes to “the possibility of
cancellation of the Spring and Summer clothing lines”,which is not explicitly
stated in the text. This is an appropriate example for exophoric reference, which
refer a thing as identified in the context of the situation.
E.g 4:Despite its many and varied negative impacts, the pandemic is also
presenting opportunities as local producers benefit from rising demand for medical
masks both at home and abroad.
The fourth example shows an occurrence ofendophoric cataphoraas the possessive
pronoun“its” refers forward to“the pandemic” in the following sentence.
E.g 5:Export orders are in the millions of USD, with the Garment 10 Corporation
JSC being an example of an enterprise doing well in the current environment. Ithas
received an order for 400 million medical masks worth 52 million USD, together
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with orders for 20 million cloth masks from a US partner and 2 million cloth masks
and 6 million medical masks from a German partner.
In this case, the word “It” alludes back to “the Garment 10 Corporation JSC”,
making a good example of endophoric anaphora.
E.g 6:Capable of producing 90-100 million masks a month, Vinatex has been
processing orders from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Canada, and the US for anti-
droplet and anti-bacterial three-layer masks.Shifting from garments to masks
allows the company to keep production going and pay its workers, Hieu said.
In this sentence, the possessive determiner “its” anaphorically refers to the word
“Vinatex” in the previous sentence.
E.g 7:Shifting from garments to masks allows the company to keep production
going and pay its workers, Hieu said. He added that in order to export masks to the
US and the EU, producers must obtain FDA and CE certification, respectively,
which indicate that a product meets their safety, health, and environmental
protection requirements.
The third person singular personal pronoun “He” is used as a personal reference,
referring back to “Hieu” in the previous sentence. Then, there is also another
personal reference in this example. It is the possessive determiner “their”, which
refers to “the US and the EU” in the same sentence. Since both words “He” and
“their” allude to the words preceding them, they are categorized as endophoric
E.g 8:This can generate extra costs and take time to obtain, he warned.
The word “he” anaphorically refers back to “Hieu”
i.b. Demonstrative reference
As mentioned above, there are only two incidences of demonstrative references in
this text. Examples of these references can be found below:
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E.g 1: Most orders put on hold are for Spring and Summer clothing lines, he went
on, while the pandemic is expected to be brought under control by Autumn at the
earliest, making it highly likely these lines will be cancelled anyway.
In this sentence, the word “these” is indicated as demonstrative reference, since it
refers to the means of location, on scale of proximity. Then, the word “these”
cataphorically refers to “lines”, because it refers forward to the following word
E.g 2: He added that in order to export masks to the US and the EU, producers
must obtain FDA and CE certification, respectively, which indicate that a product
meets their safety, health, and environmental protection requirements.
This can generate extra costs and take time to obtain, he warned.
The demonstrative pronoun “This” stands independently and refers to the total
event of producers obtaining of FDA and CE certification. This is the use of
demonstratives to refer to extended text, including text as ‘fact’ which applies only
singular form ‘this’ and ‘that’ used without a following noun.
ii. Lexical cohesion
Based on the data analysis, there are two types of lexical cohesion devices which
are reiteration and collocation used in this article. In particular, the use of reiteration
includes repetition, synonymy, and meronymy. The following explanation will
show the description of those devices clearly.
ii.a. Reiteration
The article’s title is“Garment producers find way to weather crisis”, thus, its
content consists of repetition of terms such as “the pandemic”, “textile”,
“garment”, “exports”, “orders”, “masks”, etc, to elaborate the challenges and
solutions of the textile and garment industry facing in the COVID-19 pandemic.
ii.b. Collocation
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Besides, several collocations were also used to keep the article logical and coherent.
For example,“unpleasant truths”, “put in place”, “brought under
control”,“negative impacts”, “medical masks”,“anti-droplet and anti-bacterial
three-layer masks”,“extra costs”, “take time”.
2.2 The translated texts of the two articles (From Vietnamese to English)
2.2.1 Article 3: Ngành dệt may kỳ vọng đón cơ hội xuất khẩu nửa cuối
năm 2022 Translation
Ngành dệt may kỳ vọng đón cơ hội
xuất khẩu nửa cuối năm 2022
Textile and garment industry expects
increased export opportunities in the
second half of 2022
VOV.VN - Các thị trường xuất khẩu
chính nới lỏng chính sách giãn cách xã
hội sẽ tạo cơ hội cho ngành dệt may Việt
Nam nửa cuối năm 2022 .
VOV.VN – The easing of social
distancing policies in export markets
will create opportunities for Vietnam’s
textile and garment industry in the
second half of 2022 .
Theo Bộ Công Thương, 6 tháng đầu năm
nay, dệt may là một trong những ngành
sản xuất chịu tác động nhiều nhất bởi đại
dịch Covid-19. Cụ thể, sản xuất dệt may
nửa đầu năm chỉ tăng chưa tới 3%, bằng
1/3 so với cùng kỳ ngoái. Sản xuất trang
phục giảm gần 5% so với cùng kỳ năm
According to the Ministry of Industry
and Trade, in the first 6 months of this
year, textile and garment industry was
among the industries most affected by
the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular,
textile production in the first half of the
year increased by less than 3%, which is
one third over the year-ago period.
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Apparel production fell by nearly 5%
year over year.
6 tháng đầu năm, tình hình sản xuất,
xuất khẩu của ngành dệt may gặp nhiều
khó khăn do thiếu hụt nguồn nguyên
liệu; đơn hàng xuất khẩu giảm mạnh do
bị hoãn, hủy đơn hàng, giãn tiến độ giao
hàng và chậm thanh toán; ngành dệt may
có thể mất tới 50% đơn hàng trong tháng
5 và giá sản phẩm giảm khoảng 20%.
In the first 6 months, the production and
export sector of the textile industry faced
many difficulties due to the shortage of
raw materials. Export orders dropped
sharply as a consequence of
postponement, cancellation, and delay of
deliveries and payments. The textile
industry may lose up to 50% of its
orders in May and product prices may
fallen by 20%.
Nhu cầu trên toàn thế giới với hàng may
mặc và các sản phẩm thời trang cũng
giảm đáng kể, nhất là ở các quốc gia như
Mỹ và Liên minh Châu Âu. Những yếu
tố này đã khiến các doanh nghiệp trong
ngành lâm vào tình trạng khó khăn,
người lao động giảm thu nhập và có
nguy cơ mất việc làm.
Worldwide demand for apparel and
fashion products has also dropped
dramatically, especially in markets such
as the United States of America and the
European Union. These factors have left
businesses in the industry in deep
trouble; employees have seen their
income drop or lost their job.
Ông Vũ Đức Giang, Chủ tịch Hiệp hội
Dệt may Việt Nam cho biết: “Ngành dệt
may Việt Nam chịu áp lực cức kỳ lớn
của đại dịch Covid-19, hàng loạt nhà
máy phải kiểm soát chặt chẽ, tạo áp lực
rất lớn, không có đơn hàng truyền thống
nữa. Sau khi đại dịch lan tỏa toàn cầu,
phần cung thiếu hụt lại càng trầm trọng
hơn. Các doanh nghiệp dệt may đã tìm
“Vietnam's textile and garment industry
is under intense pressure from the
COVID-19 pandemic, factories must be
strictly regulated, which puts great
economic pressure on them, while
traditional orders have stopped being
placed. After the pandemic spread
globally, the supply shortages have
become more critical. Textile companies
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giải pháp để thay đổi và giữ được người
lao động trong bối cảnh dịch bệnh”.
have found a way around and retain
employees during the pandemic”,
saidVu Duc Giang, Chairman of
Vietnam Textile and Apparel
Trước những tác động tiêu cực của dịch
Covid-19, đại diện Bộ Công Thương cho
biết, các doanh nghiệp dệt may đã và
đang chuyển đổi quy trình sản xuất,
chuyển đổi sản phẩm, thúc đẩy chuyển
đổi nhanh kết cấu mặt hàng truyền thống
sang mặt hàng có khả năng thích ứng
Facing the negative effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of
Industry and Trade representative said
that textile businesses have been
changing production processes,
changing products, and promoting the
rapid transformation of traditional
commodity goods into quickly adaptable
Đến cuối quý II năm nay, các thị trường
xuất khẩu chính của ngành dệt may như:
Mỹ, Hàn Quốc, Nhật Bản, Liên minh
Châu Âu đã nới lỏng chính sách giãn
cách xã hội; nhu cầu tiêu dùng, mua sắm
của người dân tăng dần, đây là cơ hội
cho ngành dệt may của Việt Nam trong
6 tháng cuối năm 2022 .
By the end of the second quarter of this
year, the main export markets of the
textile and apparel industry, such as the
United States of America, South Korea,
Japan, and the European Union, have
eased their social distancing policies.
This has increased consumer demand
and shopping behavior, which creates
opportunities for Vietnam's textile and
garment industry in the last 6 months of
2022 .
cuoi-nam-2022 -1070721.vov
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In this article, there are some main language phenomena such as references,
reiteration, and collocation, which have been used as a method to make the text
more coherent and logical. The analysis below illustrates this.
i. Reference
E.g 1: 6 tháng đầu năm, tình hình sản xuất, xuất khẩu của ngành dệt may gặp nhiều
khó khăn do thiếu hụt nguồn nguyên liệu; đơn hàng xuất khẩu giảm mạnh do bị
hoãn, hủy đơn hàng, giãn tiến độ giao hàng và chậm thanh toán; ngành dệt may
có thể mất tới 50% đơn hàng trong tháng 5 và giá sản phẩm giảm khoảng 20%.
Nhu cầu trên toàn thế giới với hàng may mặc và các sản phẩm thời trang cũng
giảm đáng kể, nhất là ở các quốc gia như Mỹ và Liên minh Châu Âu. Những yếu tố
này đã khiến các doanh nghiệp trong ngành lâm vào tình trạng khó khăn, người lao
động giảm thu nhập và có nguy cơ mất việc làm.
In this example, the author used phrase “Những yếu tố này” to refer back to “thiếu
hụt nguồn nguyên liệu”, “đơn hàng xuất khẩu giảm mạnh do bị hoãn”, “hủy
đơn hàn”g, “giãn tiến độ giao hàng và chậm thanh toán”, and “Nhu cầu trên
toàn thế giới với hàng may mặc và các sản phẩm thời trang cũng giảm đáng kể”
E.g 2:Đến cuối quý II năm nay, các thị trường xuất khẩu chính của ngành dệt
may như: Mỹ, Hàn Quốc, Nhật Bản, Liên minh Châu Âu đã nới lỏng chính sách
giãn cách xã hội; nhu cầu tiêu dùng, mua sắm của người dân tăng dần, đây là cơ
hội cho ngành dệt may của Việt Nam trong 6 tháng cuối năm 2022 .
In this sentence, there are two instances of reference found. They are “năm nay”,
which refers to the year of 2022 , and “đây”, which refers anaphorically to “các thị
trường xuất khẩu chính của ngành dệt may như: Mỹ, Hàn Quốc, Nhật Bản, Liên
minh Châu Âu đã nới lỏng chính sách giãn cách xã hội”, and“ nhu cầu tiêu
dùng, mua sắm của người dân tăng dần”. In particular, the reference “năm nay”
is not explicitly stated in the text, but all the author and the readers understand what
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it means by “năm nay”. Therefore, this reference is categorized as an exophoric
ii. Lexical cohesion
According to analyzed data, since the content of this article is about the difficulties
of Vietnam textile and garment industry in the COVID-19 pandemic as well as their
efforts to manage the exports, so it consists of some reiteration such as “ngành dệt
may”, “Bộ Công Thương”, “đại dịch covid-19”, “các thị trường xuất khẩu
chính”, and “xuất khẩu” to convey the purpose of the article and the idea of the
writer coherently. Besides, in order to avoid redundancy, the author also used
synonyms such as “nữa cuối năm” and “6 tháng cuối năm” which means the
second half months of the year.
2.2.2 Article 4: Xuất khẩu khẩu trang: Thị trường tiềm ẩn nhiều rủi ro Translation
Xuất khẩu khẩu trang: Thị trường
tiềm ẩn nhiều rủi ro
Mask export: Industry faces many
potential risks
TTO - Nhiều thị trường (châu Âu, Mỹ)
chưa phân biệt được khẩu trang vải
kháng khuẩn (có thể bán trong các siêu
thị) với khẩu trang y tế.
TTO - Many markets (Europe, USA)
cannot distinguish between cloth
antibacterial masks (which can be sold
in supermarkets) and medical masks.
Trao đổi với Tuổi Trẻ, ông Phạm Văn
Việt - chủ tịch Hội đồng quản trị Công ty
trách nhiệm hữu hạn Việt Thắng Jean -
cho biết sau một thời gian đầu gặp khó
khăn về thủ tục xuất khẩu, doanh nghiệp
này đã được tạo thuận lợi xuất khẩu khẩu
trang vải kháng khuẩn. Đến nay, doanh
In conversation with Tuoi Tre
News,Pham Van Viet, Chairman of Viet
Thang Jean Limited Company, said after
a while of having difficulties in export
procedures, it was successful in
exporting antibacterial cloth masks. Up
to now, the company has exported
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nghiệp này đã xuất vài trăm nghìn chiếc
khẩu trang chất lượng cao sang các nước
châu Âu như Đức, Ý và Hà Lan, đang xúc
tiến các thủ tục để xuất khẩu sang Mỹ.
several hundred thousand high-quality
masks to European countries such as
Germany, Italy and the Netherlands, and
is preparing procedures to export to the
United States of America.
Tuy nhiên, cái khó là giá nguyên liệu đầu
vào chưa ổn định do nhu cầu tăng đột
biến. Ngoài ra, nhiều thị trường (châu Âu,
Mỹ) chưa phân biệt được khẩu trang vải
kháng khuẩn (có thể bán trong các siêu
thị) với khẩu trang y tế (phải bán trong
các nhà thuốc hoặc có chứng nhận của cơ
quan y tế các nước). Do đó, dù có nhu cầu
rất lớn về khẩu trang nhưng các thị trường
này vẫn chưa "ăn hàng" nhiều.
However, the problem is that the raw
material price is not stable due to the
sudden increase in demand. In addition,
many markets (Europe and the United
States of America) cannot distinguish
between cloth antibacterial masks
(which can be sold in supermarkets) and
medical masks (which must be sold in
pharmacies or certified by medical
agencies of countries). Therefore,
despite the great demand for masks these
markets have not consumed much.
Cũng theo ông Việt, điều đáng lo ngại là
doanh nghiệp Việt chào bán sản phẩm với
đa dạng chất lượng cùng giá cả "loạn xì
ngầu", có thể khiến người tiêu dùng nước
ngoài có cái nhìn không đúng về tiêu
chuẩn hàng Việt, dễ mất đi cơ hội trong
tương lai.
According toPham Van, what is
worrying is that Vietnamese businesses
sell products of dubious quality and
pricing is out of control, which causes
foreign consumers to have a negative
view on the standards of Vietnamese
goods, resulting in missed opportunities
in the future.
"Trong khi đó, khẩu trang vải chỉ là mặt
hàng mang tính thời vụ để duy trì công ăn
việc làm cho lao động ngành dệt may ở
thành phố Hồ Chí Minh và các địa
"Meanwhile, cloth masks are just a
seasonal product to maintain jobs for
textile workers in Ho Chi Minh City and
surrounding areas in this difficult time,"
Graduation Paper Translation in Economy
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phương lân cận trong thời buổi khó khăn
này", ông Việt nói.
Pham Van said.
Ông Trần Trung Quy - giám đốc Công ty
Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn dệt may
Trung Quy - cho biết doanh nghiệp này
cũng đã sản xuất và xuất các lô khẩu
trang vải kháng khuẩn đi Mỹ, châu Âu,
Israel... Tuy nhiên, khẩu trang là mặt
hàng đặc thù, phải có đơn hàng mới sản
xuất, không thể làm đại trà. Hơn nữa, chỉ
những doanh nghiệp lớn, có tiềm lực
mạnh mới đáp ứng những tiêu chí, chứng
chỉ xuất khẩu của các nước tiêu thụ, chưa
kể hàng Việt nam phải cạnh tranh với
hàng Trung Quốc.
Tran Trung Quy, director of Trung Quy
Textile Limited Company, said that his
company has also produced and
exported cloth antibacterial masks to the
USA, Europe, Israel,etc. However,
masks are specialty products, which
must be newly manufactured and cannot
be mass produced. Moreover, only large
and powerful companies can meet the
export criteria and required certificates
of consuming countries, not to mention
that Vietnamese goods must compete
with Chinese goods.
"Đây là mặt hàng có tiềm năng xuất khẩu
rất tốt nhưng cũng tiềm ẩn rủi ro bởi chưa
biết dịch khi nào kết thúc ở châu Âu. Sản
xuất đại trà quy mô lớn rất dễ dư thừa bởi
nhu cầu đột biến trong thời gian này chỉ
mang tính mùa vụ" - ông Quy nói.
"This is a product with very good export
potential, but it’s also a potential risk
because it is not known when the
pandemic will end in Europe. Large-
scale mass production is easily
redundant because the sudden demand
during this period is only
temporary"Tran said.
Theo ông Phạm Xuân Hồng - chủ tịch
Hội Dệt may thêu đan thành phố Hồ Chí
Minh, sau khi đổ xô vào sản xuất, các
doanh nghiệp dệt may tại thành phố Hồ
Chí Minh hiện còn tồn kho khoảng 5 triệu
According toPham Xuan Hong,
president of The Ho Chi Minh City’s
Textile and Garment –
EmbroideryAssociation, after rushing
into production, textile enterprises in Ho
Graduation Paper Translation in Economy
VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 32
khẩu trang kháng khuẩn do sức tiêu thụ
hạn chế, nhiều siêu thị và các chuỗi nhà
thuốc lớn hạn chế nhận hàng. Tuy vậy,
ông Hồng hi vọng khi học sinh đi học trở
lại sẽ giúp tiêu thụ được số khẩu trang
đang còn tồn, không phải "giải cứu" khẩu
Chi Minh City currently have about 5
million antibacterial masks due to
limited consumption, many
supermarkets and large drugstores
restrict deliveries. However,Pham Xuan
hopes that students returning to school,
will help to consume the remaining
masks, not "rescue" masks.
2022 0426081028215.htm Analysis
Based on analysis data, there are some main language phenomena such as
references and reiteration used as cohesive devices in the text. Besides, there is also
simile as a figurative language. The analysis below illustrates this.
i. Reference
Throughout the text, the personal reference was used eight times.
E.g 1:Trao đổi với Tuổi Trẻ, ông Phạm Văn Việt - chủ tịch Hội đồng quản trị Công ty
trách nhiệm hữu hạn Việt Thắng Jean - cho biết sau một thời gian đầu gặp khó khăn
về thủ tục xuất khẩu, doanh nghiệp này đã được tạo thuận lợi xuất khẩu khẩu trang
vải kháng khuẩn.Đến nay, doanh nghiệp này đã xuất vài trăm nghìn chiếc khẩu trang
chất lượng cao sang các nước châu Âu như Đức, Ý và Hà Lan, đang xúc tiến các thủ
tục để xuất khẩu sang Mỹ.
In above example, the author used the word “này” twice to refer back to “Công ty
trách nhiệm hữu hạn Việt Thắng Jean”. Besides, there is also an exophoric
reference in the second sentence of the example. The word “nay” indicates the current
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time. Even though it is not directly stated in the text, the readers can understand this
thanks to the context of situation.
E.g 2: Ngoài ra, nhiều thị trường (châu Âu, Mỹ) chưa phân biệt được khẩu trang
vải kháng khuẩn (có thể bán trong các siêu thị) với khẩu trang y tế (phải bán trong
các nhà thuốc hoặc có chứng nhận của cơ quan y tế các nước).
Do đó, dù có nhu cầu rất lớn về khẩu trang nhưng các thị trường này vẫn chưa "ăn
hàng" nhiều.
The word “đó” refers to “nhiều thị trường (châu Âu, Mỹ) chưa phân biệt được
khẩu trang vải kháng khuẩn (có thể bán trong các siêu thị) với khẩu trang y tế
(phải bán trong các nhà thuốc hoặc có chứng nhận của cơ quan y tế các nước).”
E.g 3:"Trong khi đó, khẩu trang vải chỉ là mặt hàng mang tính thời vụ để duy trì công
ăn việc làm cho lao động ngành dệt may ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh và các địa phương
lân cận trong thời buổi khó khăn này", ông Việt nói.
The word “này” implies to the current time when the pandemic causing many
difficulties for Vietnamese textile industry in Ho Chi Minh and nearby locals. This
is an example of exophora.
E.g 4:Ông Trần Trung Quy - giám đốc Công ty Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn dệt may
Trung Quy - cho biết doanh nghiệp này cũng đã sản xuất và xuất các lô khẩu trang
vải kháng khuẩn đi Mỹ, châu Âu, Israel...
The word “này” anaphorically refers to “Công ty Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn dệt
may Trung Quy”in the same sentence.
E.g 5:Tuy nhiên, khẩu trang là mặt hàng đặc thù, phải có đơn hàng mới sản xuất,
không thể làm đại trà.Đây là mặt hàng có tiềm năng xuất khẩu rất tốt nhưng cũng
tiềm ẩn rủi ro bởi chưa biết dịch khi nào kết thúc ở châu Âu.
In this example, the word “đây” refers back to “khẩu trang” in the previous
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ii. Lexical cohesion
Because this article is about the potential risks when textile companies export
masks, so it is clear that some words like “khẩu trang”,“doanh nghiệp”, and“xuất
khẩu”,are repeated many times throughout the text to emphasize the main topic as
well as the author’s ideas.
3.1 Genre of texts
All four texts are digital news articles, in many aspects these are similar to paper
news articles. They are typically written in a formal register and a professional,
authoritative tone. As the purpose of the text is to inform the reader, the writer
mostly uses an expository style and presents evidence to support provided
information. The writers commonly use a neutral attitude to describe events,
although opinion pieces aren’t unheard of in the news industry.
All articles regard economic news, but only one of the texts originates from an
economic news agency. The target audience of this agency is people with an interest
in economics;therefore,it uses more economic terms and assumes readers have
some knowledge about economics. Moreover, articles from this agency are more
likely to contain statistics about the health of the economy and future projections of
the market. In contrast, the other texts originate from more generalized news
agencies. These agencies tried to keep the articles simpler so that the wider target
audience will be able to understand it.
The primary difference between digital articles and paper articles is that digital
articles do not have to be concise. A paper has a limited amount of space available
and as such some articles must be shortened, whereas a digital article can be
whatever length the author decides on.
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3.2 The difficulties and convenience met during the translation
3.2.1 Linguistic differences
As the English language belongs to the Indo-European language family, and the
Vietnamese language belongs to Austro-Asiatic family, there are various
differences between the two languages in terms of vocabulary and grammatical
rules. A word in the source language has many meanings, and so
choosingappropriate words for the target language text can be difficult work. In
particular, a word in English may mean a lot of other words in Vietnamese and vice
versa. For instance, the word “take” can be translated into “cầm”, “lấy”, “chiếm”,
“đi theo đường”, “ghi chép”, “ăn” ect, according to the translation of the dictionary.
Moreover, when the verb “take” is co-occur with another word, namely a
preposition, will create a phrasal verb which bear a whole different meaning. For
example, the phrasal verb “take up” means starting a new hobby or sport, while the
phrasal verb “take on” means employing or hiring.Therefore, to translate this word
correctly, the translator needs to put it in the textual context to choose the
appropriate translation.
On the grounds of grammar, English and Vietnamese are completely different.
When it comes to word order, every English learner knows that the word order is
quite different from, even opposite to, the Vietnamese one. Nevertheless, this may
cause the translator to make mistakes when he is translating. Besides, in English,
the passive voice is more preferred while in the Vietnamese language, the active
voice is more common. The translators in learning still make mistakes regularly
even though they have been taught to avoid unnecessary use of the active voice in
English, and the passive voice in Vietnamese.
To overcome linguistic problems, the translator should work hard to grow both his
English and Vietnamese vocabulary and language structures to the level that he can
choose the right word and structure to produce a natural translation.
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These linguistic differences were relevant in translating all articles, but it was
particularly difficult to translate phrases such as “chưa "ăn hàng" nhiều”, “giá cả
"loạn xì ngầu"”, and “phải "giải cứu" khẩu”. These expressions are specific to source
language and therefore made it difficult to find the appropriate words in the target
3.2.2 Cultural differences
When referring to a person, the Vietnamese language commonly uses words to
indicate their gender. On the other hand, in English this is not specifically
mentioned, butcan be inferred based on their name and/or personal references. This
can cause translators to include titles such as “Mr.” and “Mrs.” in their work which
may come across unnatural to native speakers of the target language. Moreover, it is
common in Vietnamese to refer to a person introduced earlier by using their first
name. In English using the family name to refer to a person is preferred. Finally,
when using the family name to refer to a person, sometimes the same Vietnamese
family name is shared between different people in one article. In these cases, the
decision was made to include the middle name too, to make it clear which person is
referred to. The above differences were particularly relevant to article 4 (Xuất khẩu
khẩu trang: Thị trường tiềm ẩn nhiều rủi ro).
Another issue that was encountered was the translation of Vietnamese company
names to the English language. The translator must decide between translating the
company name literally or using the company’s translation of its own name. While
the latter is preferred, this was not possible in one case. When looking for the
official translation “Hội Dệt may thêu đan thành phố Hồ Chí Minh”, none could be
found. Moreover, English sources use various translations for this company, such
as: “Ho Chi Minh City's Textile Association”, “Ho Chi Minh City Association of
Garments, Textiles, Embroidery and Knitting”, “Ho Chi Minh City Textile and
Garment Association”, and at least six other slightly different translations. These
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many variations can be very confusing to English readers that are familiar with the
company, leading to uncertainty if it even concerns the same company. While no
specific translation can fix this issue, it was decided to use the most common
translation, to provide the least confusing experience to familiar readers.
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In conclusion, Vietnam's textile and garment industry has been developing strongly
and plays an increasingly important role in economic growth of the country.
Besides, international business is on the rise, more and more companies are
interested in cutting out their piece of the globalized pie.
To be a part of it, the textile and garment industry is acquiring translation services
in order to effectively communicate with international business partners. It’s vital
that business documents are accurate and easily understood by all parties involved,
despite language differences. Using translation services is the only way to ensure
everyone is on the same page when it comes to business matters. In other words, a
translator is the bridge between business partners, a communicator, so they should
be able to communicate accurately, appropriately and concisely. Therefore,
translators should have a broad, expressive vocabulary and excellent, in-depth
knowledge of the grammatical nuances, quirks and rules of the target language.
However, being proficient in a second language is in no way enough to produce
quality translations. A translator should also be very familiar with the source
language, together with commonly used slang, dialects, and new words borrowed
from other languages.
To achieve this, translators need to continuously expand their vocabulary and
improve their skills as well as specialize in domain knowledge of their
client’sbusiness sector.
Graduation Paper Translation in Economy
1. Biber, D and Conrad, S. (2009) Register, Genre, and Style. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge
2. Colina, S. (2015) Fundamentals of Translation. Cambridge University Press,
3. Doan, E. (2022 ). Apparel industry in Vietnam - Statistics & Facts. Retrieved
4. Đức Tín (2018). Luyện kỹ năng dịch tiếng Anh báo chí. NXB Dân Trí, Hà Nội
5. Halliday, M. and Hasan, R. (1976). Cohesion in English. Longman Group
Limited, London.
6. Hodgson, K. (2016) Best Practices in Teaching Translation. Translation
Journal, Palatine.
7. James, P. (2015). Urban Sustainability in Theory and Practice: Circles of
Sustainability. Retrieved from
8. Kennemer, J. (2022 ). How to Find Vietnam Clothing and Apparel
Manufacturers. Retrieved from
9. Paul, G. (2009). Translation in Practice. British Centre for Literary Translation,
10.Thygesen Textile Vietnam (2019). Custom Clothing Manufacturing. Retrieved

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Nâng Cao Hiệu Quả Công Tác Soạn Thảo, Ban Hành Và Quản Lý Văn Bản
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Internship Report Assignment On Translation Translation In Economy

  • 2. DỊCH VỤ VIẾT THUÊ ĐỀ TÀI TRỌN GÓI ZALO TELEGRAM : 0909 232 620 TẢI FLIE TÀI LIỆU – BAOCAOTHUCTAP.NET This page was intentionally left blank.
  • 3. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 DECLARATION Title: TRANSLATION IN ECONOMY I certify that no part of the above report has been copied or reproduced by me from any other’s work without acknowledgement and that the report is originally written by me under strict guidance of my supervisor. Ho Chi Minh City, July 22nd , 2022 Student signature Supervisor signature VO THI PHUONG TRAM MA. NGUYEN THE HOA
  • 4. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Ma. Nguyen The Hoa, for helping me with the research material required to execute this thesis assignment to a satisfactory degree.
  • 5. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration ..................................................................................................................3 Acknowledgements.....................................................................................................4 Introduction.................................................................................................................6 CHAPTER 1. Rationale ..............................................................................................6 CHAPTER 2. Internship organization ........................................................................7 2.1 Organization details ..............................................................................................7 2.2 About Duong Huynh Limited Company...............................................................7 B. Development...........................................................................................................9 CHAPTER 1. Definition.............................................................................................9 1.1 Concepts of economy............................................................................................9 CHAPTER 2. The translated texts ............................................................................10 2.1 The translated texts of the two articles (from English to Vietnamese)...............10 2.2 The translated texts of the two articles (From Vietnamese to English)..............25 CHAPTER 3. Comments on the translations............................................................34 3.1 Genre of texts ......................................................................................................34 3.2 The difficulties and convenience met during the translation..............................35 C. Conclusion and recommendations........................................................................38 References.................................................................................................................39
  • 6. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 6 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1. RATIONALE Vietnam is one the world’s largest exporters of textiles, garments, and clothing. The industry reached an export turnover of over 36 billion U.S. dollars in 2018 (Doan, 2022 ). The textile and garment sector is an important pillar in the country’s economy; it is a major contributor to the country’s gross domestic product and employs over 2.7 million people across six thousand companies (Doan, 2022 ). The Vietnamese textile industry is forecasted to represent up to 30% of the global market share over the next decade (Kennemer, 2022 ). The Vietnamese textile industry consists primarily of custom clothing and garment manufacturers (Thygesen Textile Vietnam, 2019). These companies rely on manual labor to manufacture products according to the specifications of their customers (Thygesen Textile Vietnam, 2019). Only the largest clothing companies in the world can justify the costs of using fully automated clothing factories to manufacture their products. Other businesses rely on custom clothing and garment manufacturers to produce their products and often choose Vietnamese companies to produce them (Thygesen Textile Vietnam, 2019). Vietnamese textile, garment, and clothing companies distinguish themselves from global competition by providing cheap services while still providing high production quality (Kennemer, 2022 ).
  • 7. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 7 CHAPTER 2. INTERNSHIP ORGANIZATION 2.1 Organization details Duong Huynh Limited Company Address 340/1 No Trang Long street, Ward 13, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam Telephone number 0283553739 Fax number 02838055764 Email address Tax code 0302586983 2.2 About Duong Huynh Limited Company Duong Huynh Limited Company provides custom garment manufacturing services to customers all over the world. The company specializes in the trading, manufacturing, outsourcing of various garment and apparel products. Duong Huynh Limited Company was founded in 2002 in Ho Chi Minh City and has operated there ever since. The company started as a family business but has since grown to over 100 employees. Most of the company’s employees work as clothing manufacturers, but there are plenty of other responsibilities such as technical design, quality control and administrative tasks. Clothes are the primary business of Duong Huynh Limited Company, but they also manufacture other goods such as bags and backpacks, headwear, and footwear. Most of the company’s products are made from cotton, denim, spandex and khaki, but other fabrics are used as well. With over 15 years of experience, Duong Huynh Limited Company has gained an international reputation for producing high quality garments and apparel. The company currently manufactures products for numerous international companies, including companies from the United States of America, Canada,Germany, France, Japan, Korea, China, and many others. Duong Huynh Limited
  • 8. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 8 Companydistinguishes itself from its competitors by offering competitive prices and timely delivery. Additionally, the company leverages their team’s long-term experience in developing, manufacturing, and trading garment and apparel products to provide exceptional product quality. Duong Huynh Limited Company is proud of its heritage as an authentic family business. Moreover, the company has grown rapidly without artificial stimuli such as foreign investment, which projects steady and reliable growth for years to come.
  • 9. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 9 B. DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1. DEFINITION 1.1 Concepts of economy An economy is commonly understood as the field of production, distribution and trade, in combination with the consumption of goods and services by different parties. In his book “Urban Sustainability in Theory and Practice: Circles of sustainability”, Paul James defines the economy as “The economy is defined as a social domain that emphasizes the practices, discourses and material expressions associated with the production, use and management of resources. Here the concept of ‘resources’ is used in the broadest sense of that word, including in settings where resources were/are not instrumentalized or reduced to a means to other ends, including accruing exchange value. Although the domain of economics was only abstracted as a named area of social life and self-consciously practiced as a separate domain in the early modern period, this definition allows it to be used across different places and times. Questions of power are ever present in the economic domain in relation to contested outcomes over the use of resources.”
  • 10. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 10 CHAPTER 2. THE TRANSLATED TEXTS 2.1 The translated texts of the two articles (from English to Vietnamese) 2.1.1 Article 1: EVFTA opportunity for textile sector to grow by leaps and bounds. Translation EVFTA opportunity for textile sector to grow by leaps and bounds. Cơ hội bức phá cho ngành dệt may thông qua Hiệp định thương mại tự do giữa Việt Nam và Liên Minh châu Âu Vietnam's textile and garment exports to the EU could rise ten-fold to $40 billion after the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement takes effect. Xuất khẩu hàng dệt may của Việt Nam sang thị trường châu Âu có thể tăng gấp 10 lần, cán mốc 40 tỷ USD sau khi Hiệp định thương mại tự do giữa Việt Nam và Liên minh Châu Âu (EVFTA) có hiệu lực. "Vietnam could be exporting as much as $40 billion worth a year to the EU after the deal comes into force. The potential figure is $100 billion," said Truong Van Cam, vice chairman of the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS). Theo nhận định của ông Trương Văn Cẩm - Phó chủ tịch Hiệp hội Dệt may Việt Nam (VITAS), giá trị xuất khẩu hàng may mặc của Việt Nam sang châu Âu có thể đạt đến 40 tỷ USD một năm sau khi thỏa thuận có hiệu lực. Giá trị tiềm năng lên đến 100 tỷ USD. The EVFTA will be signed in Hanoi on June 30 after nine years of negotiations, and immediately afterwards 70.3 percent of Vietnamese products exported to the EU would be free of Hiệp định EVFTA sẽ được ký kết tại Hà Nội vào ngày 30/6 sau 9 năm đàm phán. Ngay sau khi ký kết, 70,3% các sản phẩm xuất khẩu từ Việt Nam sang thị trường châu Âu sẽ được miễn thuế.
  • 11. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 11 tariffs. Textiles and garments are currently subject to an average tariff of 9.6 percent in the EU, but it would gradually reduce to 0 percent over seven years. Hiện bình quân thuế suất xuất khẩu ngành hàng dệt may sang châu Âu là 9,6%, nhưng thuế suất sẽ giảm dần về 0% trong vòng 7 năm. The EU is the second largest importer of Vietnamese textiles after the U.S. and its imports from Vietnam are growing by 7-10 percent a year. Last year they were worth $4.16 billion, accounting for 15 percent of Vietnam’s total textile exports, according to the General Statistics Office. Các nước trong Liên Minh châu Âu là thị trường nhập khẩu hàng dệt may Việt Nam đứng thứ 2, với mức tăng trưởng hằng năm từ 7% đến 10% chỉ sau Mỹ. Theo Tổng cục Thống kê, giá trị xuất khẩu năm ngoái đạt 4,16 tỷ USD, chiếm 15% tổng kim ngạch xuất khẩu hàng dệt may cả nước. Securities firm Viet Dragon Securities said in a new report that major textile companies such as Saigon, TNG, May 10 and Viet Tien Garment will see orders increase dramatically when the trade deal comes into force. Trong một báo cáo mới đây, Công ty cổ phần Chứng khoán Rồng Việt nhận định, những doanh nghiệp dệt may lớn như May Sài Gòn, TNG, May 10 hay Việt Tiến sẽ ghi nhận tăng trưởng đơn hàng rõ rệt khi EVFTA có hiệu lực. Than Duc Viet, deputy general director of May 10, said his company plans to link up with domestic suppliers in the yarn-forward supply chain in order to comply with proof of origin rules and take advantage of the trade agreement. Ông Trần Đức Việt - Phó tổng giám đốc công ty May 10 cho biết, công ty đã lên kế hoạch liên kết với các nhà cung ứng nội địa trong chuỗi cung ứng ‘từ sợi trở đi’ để tuân thủ quy tắc xuất xứ và tận dụng tốt lợi thế của hiệp định.
  • 12. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 12 Pham Hong Hai, general director of HSBC Vietnam, expects Vietnam’s GDP to increase by 0.1 percentage point a year because of EVFTA trade advantages. Besides, the highquality standards that are mandatory under the deal would boost Vietnam's pace of reform and international integration, he added. Tổng giám đốc Ngân hàng HSBC Việt Nam, ông Phạm Hồng Hải kỳ vọng GDP Việt Nam sẽ tăng lên 0.1% mỗi năm nhờ vào các lợi thế thương mại từ EVFTA. Bên cạnh đó, các tiêu chuẩn chất lượng nghiêm ngặt bắt buộc trong thỏa thuận sẽ thúc đẩy tốc độ cải cách và hội nhập quốc tế của Việt Nam, ông cho biết thêm. But Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, director of the WTO and Integration Centre at the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry said grasping the opportunities arising from the EVFTA would not be easy since the tariff breaks are only for goods that meet quality standards and rules of origin. Domestic value must account for at least 40 percent of the final product, according to EVFTA rules. Tuy nhiên, theo bà Nguyễn Thị Thu Trang - Giám đốc trung tâm WTO và Hội nhập, Phòng Thương Mại và Công nghiệp Việt Nam, sẽ không dễ dàng nắm bắt được cơ hội từ EVFTA vì chỉ những hàng hóa đáp ứng được yêu cầu về chất lượng và quy tắc xuất xứ mới được hưởng ưu đãi thuế. Theo các điều luật trong EVFTA, hàm lượng giá trị nội địa phải đạt không dưới 40%. Stimulating growth in Vietnam’s weak raw materials and feedstock sector could be a problem, but the trade deal should bring more foreign investment in Vietnam’s supporting industries, Trang said. Bà Trang cho biết, thách thức to lớn của ngành dệt may là kích thích tăng trưởng nguồn cung nguyên phụ liệu ít ỏi trong nước. Tuy nhiên, đây cũng là cơ hội để thu hút các nhà đầu tư nước ngoài vào ngành công nghiệp phụ trợ của Việt Nam. Hai of HSBC also expressed concern about the fact that the textile industry Cùng chia sẻ quan điểm về vấn đề trên, ông Hải cho biết, phần lớn nguyên phụ
  • 13. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 13 imports most of its inputs, and only large local and foreign companies are able to meet the domestic percentage requirement. liệu của ngành may mặc được nhập khẩu. Hiện chỉ những doanh nghiệp lớn và các doanh nghiệp có vốn đầu tư nước ngoài mới có đủ khả năng đáp ứng được yêu cầu về tỷ lệ nội địa. "Vietnam needs to realize that it is necessary to build a truly domestic textile industry to take full advantage of these benefits." “Việt Nam cần nhận thức được sự cần thiết trong việc xây dựng một nền công nghiệp dệt may nội địa thực sự để có thể tận dụng được hết những lợi ích này”, ông Hải nhận định. Cam of VITAS said small and medium- sized enterprises must link up to form domestic supply chains, ensuring final products meet origin requirements. Ông Trương Văn Cẩm cho rằng, các doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ phải kết nối với nhau để hình thành chuỗi cung ứng nội địa, đảm đảm thành phẩm đáp ứng yêu cầu về quy tắc xuất xứ. They also need to familiarize themselves with the professional ways of the world’s most modern market, he added. Các doanh nghiệp cũng cần phải làm quen với cách thức chuyên nghiệp của thị trường hiện đại bậc nhất thế giới, ông cho biết thêm. Source: grow-by-leaps-and-bounds-3944913.html Analysis In this article, there are some main language phenomena such as references and reiteration which have been used as a method to make the text more cohesive and logical. Besides, there is also simile and idiom as figurative language. However, the following analysis particularly conducts an analysis of the grammatical devices.
  • 14. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 14 i. Reference: Reference is defined as the specific nature of information that is signaled and retrieval. There are three types of reference: personal reference, demonstrative reference, and comparative reference. Based on analyzed data, the author used reference devices twelve times in total, most of which are personal references. Among three types of references, personal references occurredeight times, accounting for majority of references in the text, followed by demonstrative reference with only three instances of “that”, and one instance of “these”. There is no usage of comparative reference found in this article. However, it should be noted that, the article theappeared several times throughout the text, which embodies a particular individual or a subclass such as “the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement”, “the EU”, “the WTO and Integration Centre”, “the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce”, “the trade deal”, etc. i.a. Personal reference Personal reference is the reference by means of function in the speech situation, through category person. Personal reference consists of three classes of personal pronouns, possessive determiners (also called ‘possessive adjectives’), and possessive pronouns. Examples of description of personal references are as follows: E.g 1:Textiles and garments are currently subject to an average tariff of 9.6 percent in the EU, but it would gradually reduce to 0 percent over seven years. In the fifth sentence, personal reference is found as “it”, which refers to “average tariff”. Since the word “it” refers to the word preceding it, it is categorized as an anaphoric reference. E.g 2: The EU is the second largest importer of Vietnamese textiles after the U.S. and its imports from Vietnam are growing by 7-10 percent a year. Hai of HSBC also expressed concern about the fact that the textile industry imports most of its
  • 15. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 15 inputs, and only large local and foreign companies are able to meet the domestic percentage requirement. In in both above sentences, the personal reference that can be found is its. The possessive determiner “its” refers back to “The EU”, and “the textile industry imports”, respectively. In both cases, “its” is an anaphoric reference as it refers to the word preceding it. E.g 3:The EU is the second largest importer of Vietnamese textiles after the U.S. and its imports from Vietnam are growing by 7-10 percent a year. Last year, they were worth $4.16 billion, accounting for 15 percent of Vietnam’s total textile exports, according to the General Statistics Office. In the seventh sentence, the author used the subject “they” to refer to “imports”, which means the Europe Union’s imports, in the sixth sentence. This is a form of endophoric anaphora. E.g 4:Than Duc Viet, deputy general director of May 10, said his company plans to link up with domestic suppliers in the yarn-forward supply chain in order to comply with proof of origin rules and take advantage of the trade agreement. The personal reference is “his”, which refers backwards to subject Than Duc Viet. This is defined as an anaphoric reference as “his”refers to the word preceding it. E.g 5:Pham Hong Hai, general director of HSBC Vietnam, expects Vietnam’s GDP to increase by 0.1 percentage point a year because of EVFTA trade advantages. Besides, the high quality standards that are mandatory under the deal would boost Vietnam's pace of reform and international integration, he added. A personal reference is found as “he”, which anaphorically refers to subject “Pham Hong Hai”. E.g 6:Cam of VITAS said small and medium-sized enterprises must link up to form domestic supply chains, ensuring final products meet origin requirements.They also need to familiarize themselves with the professional ways of the world’s most modern market, he added.
  • 16. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 16 There are two personal references in last sentence of the text. The first one is the third person plural personal pronoun “they”, which refers to “small and medium- sized enterprises” in the previous sentence, whilesubject the “he” refers to “Cam”. Both are categorized as anaphoric references since they both allude to previous words on the text. i.b. Demonstrative reference Following are examples demonstrative references: E.g 1:Besides, the high quality standards that are mandatory under the deal would boost Vietnam's pace of reform and international integration, he added. E.g 2:But Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, director of the WTO and Integration Centre at the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry said grasping the opportunities arising from the EVFTA would not be easy since the tariff breaks are only for goods that meet quality standards and rules of origin. E.g 3:Hai of HSBC also expressed concern about the fact that the textile industry imports most of its inputs, and only large local and foreign companies are able to meet the domestic percentage requirement. The demonstrative reference“that” anaphorically refers to “the high quality standards”, “goods”, and “the fact” in example 1, 2, and 3,respectively. E.g 4:Vietnam needs to realize that it is necessary to build a truly domestic textile industry to take full advantage of these benefits. This instance shows that the determinative demonstrative “these” modifies the noun benefits, because it refers to the means of location, on scale of proximity. ii. Lexical cohesion ii.a. Reiteration Throughout the text, the author used variations of reiteration such as repetition, synonymy, and meronymy.
  • 17. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 17 For instance, because the article is about the opportunities as well as the challenges that EVFTA will bring to our economy, especially textile industry when it takes effect, it is obvious that some items such as “EVFTA”, “the EU”, “Vietnam”, “textile”, “garment”, “the trade deal”, “imports”, and “exports” are repeated several times throughout the text in order to strongly emphasize the main topic and the author’s idea. Besides, some effective synonymies were used to avoid redundancy. For instance, the author used some items of similar meaning to mention “textile companies”, such as “large local”, and “enterprises”. Another example of synonymy is the usage of these items “origin rules”, “rules of origin”, “the domestic percentage requirement”, “origin requirements”, all of which refers to Rules of Origin in the EVFTA. The phenomenon of superordinate is used in the following example: E.g 1:Securities firm Viet Dragon Securities said in a new report that major textile companies such as Saigon, TNG, May 10 and Viet Tien Garment will see orders increase dramatically when the trade deal comes into force. This is a simple example of meronymy, another the form of reiteration aside from repetition and synonymy. Meronymy is a whole-part relationship between items. In above sentence, the items“Saigon”, “TNG”, “May 10” and “Viet Tien Garment” are co-meronyms of the item “major textile companies”. In other words, “major textile companies” is superordinate item of “Saigon”, “TNG”, “May 10” and “Viet Tien Garment”. ii.b. Collocation Beside reiteration, the author also uses collocation, which is a combination of vocabulary items that occur together, such as the combination of an adjective and nouns in phrase “the high quality standards”, or verbs and nouns such as “come into force”, “takes effect”, and “take full advantage of these benefits”. 2.1.2 Article 2: Garment producers find way to weather crisis
  • 18. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 18 Translation Garment producers find way to weather crisis Doanh nghiệp may mặc tìm đường vượt qua khủng hoảng The COVID-19 pandemic has left Vietnam’s textile and garment sector in deep trouble because of rising order cancellations and delays, but some producers have found a way around and been able to weather the storm. Đại dịch COVID-19 khiến ngành hàng dệt may tại Việt Nam lâm vào tình trạng khó khăn khi tỷ lệ giãn đơn hàng thậm chí hủy bỏ đơn ngày càng tăng. Tuy nhiên, nhiều doanh nghiệp đã tìm được cách khắc phục để có thể vượt qua cơn bão này. The pandemic has been a blow for domestic garment makers who had already been struggling to source materials elsewhere outside of China after Vietnam’s northern neighbour went into lockdown in late January. And now, just as things are beginning to return to normal in China, bigger problems have emerged as the disease has spread globally, hitting orders from key markets for Vietnam such as the US and Europe. Đại dịch đã giáng một đòn mạnh vào các nhà sản xuất hàng may mặc trong nước, những người đã phải vật lộn để tìm nguồn nguyên phụ liệu thay thế cho các nguồn từ Trung Quốc sau khi người hàng xóm ở phía bắc Việt Nam bị phong tỏa vào cuối Giêng. Vào thời điểm hiện tại, khi cuộc sống ở Trung Quốc đã bắt đầu quay trở lại trạng thái bình thường, thì các doanh nghiệp lại gặp phải vấn đề lớn hơn khi căn bệnh này lan rộng trên toàn cầu. The latest data revealed some unpleasant truths for the sector. It saw exports slide 9.07 percent year-on-year in the first quarter and imports, 16.59 percent. Số liệu mới nhất tiết lộ sự thật không mấy khả quan về ngành hàng may mặc. Kim ngạch xuất khẩu được ghi nhận giảm 9,07%; nhập khẩu giảm 16,59% so với cùng kỳ năm ngoái. US and European buyers have suspended or cancelled orders since mid-March, Theo báo cáo của Tập đoàn Dệt may Việt Nam (Vinatex), một trong những
  • 19. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 19 according to the Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex), one of the country’s biggest apparel makers. nhà sản xuất hàng may mặc lớn nhất nước, khách hàng tại thị trường Mỹ và châu Âu đã tạm hoãn các đơn hàng hoặc thậm chí là hủy bỏ đơn hàng kể từ giữa tháng Ba. Falling exports slashed its Q1 revenue by 7 percent year-on-year. Xuất khẩu sụt giảm làm doanh thu quý I hạ 7% so với cùng kỳ năm 2019. Demand has plunged in the US and Europe, where travel restrictions and social distancing orders have been put in place to stem the spread of the pandemic. Retail outlets are unlikely to reopen until early May at best, causing extended delays to existing orders while few new orders have been placed, Vinatex’s Managing Director Cao Huu Hieu said. Nhu cầu hàng may mặc giảm mạnh ở Mỹ và châu Âu, nơi mà lệnh cấm đi lại và giãn cách xã hội đã được áp dụng để ngăn chặn sự lây lan của đại dịch. Theo ông Cao Hữu Hiếu, Giám đốc điều hành Vinatex, các cửa hàng bán lẻ chưa được mở cửa cho đến đầu tháng Năm, dẫn đến các đơn hàng tiếp tục bị hoãn, trong khi đơn hàng mới giảm mạnh. Most orders put on hold are for Spring and Summer clothing lines, he went on, while the pandemic is expected to be brought under control by Autumn at the earliest, making it highly likely these lines will be cancelled anyway. Ông cho biết thêm, những đơn hàng bị hoãn phần lớp là cho dịp Xuân-Hè, dự kiến hết dịch thì thời tiết đã sang đầu Thu. Vì vậy, khả năng cao đơn hàng dừng hoãn sẽ trở thành đơn hàng bị hủy. The Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS) has forecast that Vietnam’s textile and garment exports may shrink 15 percent to 33 billion USD in 2022 . Globally, orders are predicted to fall 29 percent over the course of the Hiệp hội Dệt may Việt Nam (VITAS) đưa ra dự đoán rằng kim ngạch xuất khẩu hàng dệt may của Việt Nam năm 2022 có thể giảm 15%, xuống còn 33 tỷ USD. Tổng cầu dệt may trên toàn thế giới trong cả năm dự báo sẽ giảm đến
  • 20. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 20 year. 29%. Despite its many and varied negative impacts, the pandemic is also presenting opportunities as local producers benefit from rising demand for medical masks both at home and abroad. Export orders are in the millions of USD, with the Garment 10 Corporation JSC being an example of an enterprise doing well in the current environment. Mặc dù gây ra hàng loạt ảnh hưởng tiêu cực lên ngành hàng may mặc trong nước, đại dịch cũng đã mang đến cho các nhà sản xuất cơ hội hưởng lợi từ việc nhu cầu khẩu trang y tế cả trong và ngoài nước tăng mạnh. Tổng Công ty May 10 là một ví dụ điển hình cho một doanh nghiệp thích ứng nhanh chóng với tình hình hiện tại với các đơn hàng xuất khẩu trị giá hàng triệu đô la Mỹ It has received an order for 400 million medical masks worth 52 million USD, together with orders for 20 million cloth masks from a US partner and 2 million cloth masks and 6 million medical masks from a German partner. May 10 đã nhận được một đơn hàng 400 triệu khẩu trang y tế trị giá 52 triệu đô la Mỹ. Ngoài ra, có một đối tác của Mỹ đặt mua 20 triệu khẩu trang vải; và một đối tác Đức cũng đã đặt mua 2 triệu khẩu trang vải cùng 6 triệu chiếc khẩu trang y tế. Capable of producing 90-100 million masks a month, Vinatex has been processing orders from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Canada, and the US for anti-droplet and anti-bacterial three- layer masks. Với năng lực sản xuất 90-100 triệu khẩu trang một tháng, Vinatex đã thực hiện các đơn hàng khẩu trang ba lớp chống giọt bắn, kháng khuẩn cho các nước như: Cộng hòa Séc, Hung-ga-ri, Ca-na- da, và Mỹ. Shifting from garments to masks allows the company to keep production going and pay its workers, Hieu said. Theo ông Hiếu, chuyển từ sản xuất hàng may mặc sang sản xuất khẩu trang giúp cho doanh nghiệp duy trì hoạt động sản xuất và đảm bảo việc làm cho người lao động.
  • 21. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 21 He added that in order to export masks to the US and the EU, producers must obtain FDA and CE certification, respectively, which indicate that a product meets their safety, health, and environmental protection requirements. Ngoài ra, ông Hiếu cũng cảnh báo rằng, để xuất khẩu sang Mỹ và châu Âu, các nhà sản xuất phải đạt được chứng nhận của Cục quản lý Thực phẩm và Dược phẩm Hoa Kỳ FDA cho thị trường Mỹ và chứng nhận hợp chuẩn (nhãn hiệu) CE cho thị trường châu Âu. Có nghĩa là một sản phẩm khẩu trang phải đáp ứng đúng yêu cầu về an toàn, sức khỏe và bảo vệ môi trường. This can generate extra costs and take time to obtain, he warned. Điều này có thể đội chi phí và thời gian sản xuất lên nhiều lần. Source: Analysis Based on the analyzed data of the second article, some main linguistic phenomena such as reference, reiteration, and collocation were used to enrich the article coherence. The analysis below will illustrate this. i. Reference Throughout the text, personal referenceswere used twelve times by means of personal pronouns “it” and “he”, and possessive determiners “its”, and “their”, dominating majority of the usage of reference, whereas demonstrative references only occurred twice with the use of “these”, and “this”.However, it should be noted that, the article theoccurs many times among the text, which embodies a particular individual or a subclass such as “The COVID-19”, “the pandemic”, “the US”, “The Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association”, etc.
  • 22. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 22 i.a. Personal reference Examples of personal references are as follows: E.g 1:The latest data revealed some unpleasant truths for the sector. It saw exports slide 9.07 percent year-on-year in the first quarter and imports, 16.59 percent. In the third paragraph, the third person singular personal pronoun“It” anaphoricallyrefers to “The latest data”in the previous sentence. E.g 2:US and European buyers have suspended or cancelled orders since mid- March, according to the Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex), one of the country’s biggest apparel makers. Falling exports slashed its Q1 revenue by 7 percent year-on-year. In above example, the author used the possessive pronoun “its” to anaphorically refer to “the Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex)”. E.g 3: Most orders put on hold are for Spring and Summer clothing lines, he went on, while the pandemic is expected to be brought under control by Autumn at the earliest, making it highly likely these lines will be cancelled anyway. There are two incidences of personal references in this example. The first one is the subject “he”, which anaphorically refers to the “Cao Huu Hieu” in the previous sentence. The subject “it” is the second reference. It alludes to “the possibility of cancellation of the Spring and Summer clothing lines”,which is not explicitly stated in the text. This is an appropriate example for exophoric reference, which refer a thing as identified in the context of the situation. E.g 4:Despite its many and varied negative impacts, the pandemic is also presenting opportunities as local producers benefit from rising demand for medical masks both at home and abroad. The fourth example shows an occurrence ofendophoric cataphoraas the possessive pronoun“its” refers forward to“the pandemic” in the following sentence. E.g 5:Export orders are in the millions of USD, with the Garment 10 Corporation JSC being an example of an enterprise doing well in the current environment. Ithas received an order for 400 million medical masks worth 52 million USD, together
  • 23. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 23 with orders for 20 million cloth masks from a US partner and 2 million cloth masks and 6 million medical masks from a German partner. In this case, the word “It” alludes back to “the Garment 10 Corporation JSC”, making a good example of endophoric anaphora. E.g 6:Capable of producing 90-100 million masks a month, Vinatex has been processing orders from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Canada, and the US for anti- droplet and anti-bacterial three-layer masks.Shifting from garments to masks allows the company to keep production going and pay its workers, Hieu said. In this sentence, the possessive determiner “its” anaphorically refers to the word “Vinatex” in the previous sentence. E.g 7:Shifting from garments to masks allows the company to keep production going and pay its workers, Hieu said. He added that in order to export masks to the US and the EU, producers must obtain FDA and CE certification, respectively, which indicate that a product meets their safety, health, and environmental protection requirements. The third person singular personal pronoun “He” is used as a personal reference, referring back to “Hieu” in the previous sentence. Then, there is also another personal reference in this example. It is the possessive determiner “their”, which refers to “the US and the EU” in the same sentence. Since both words “He” and “their” allude to the words preceding them, they are categorized as endophoric anaphora. E.g 8:This can generate extra costs and take time to obtain, he warned. The word “he” anaphorically refers back to “Hieu” i.b. Demonstrative reference As mentioned above, there are only two incidences of demonstrative references in this text. Examples of these references can be found below:
  • 24. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 24 E.g 1: Most orders put on hold are for Spring and Summer clothing lines, he went on, while the pandemic is expected to be brought under control by Autumn at the earliest, making it highly likely these lines will be cancelled anyway. In this sentence, the word “these” is indicated as demonstrative reference, since it refers to the means of location, on scale of proximity. Then, the word “these” cataphorically refers to “lines”, because it refers forward to the following word “lines”. E.g 2: He added that in order to export masks to the US and the EU, producers must obtain FDA and CE certification, respectively, which indicate that a product meets their safety, health, and environmental protection requirements. This can generate extra costs and take time to obtain, he warned. The demonstrative pronoun “This” stands independently and refers to the total event of producers obtaining of FDA and CE certification. This is the use of demonstratives to refer to extended text, including text as ‘fact’ which applies only singular form ‘this’ and ‘that’ used without a following noun. ii. Lexical cohesion Based on the data analysis, there are two types of lexical cohesion devices which are reiteration and collocation used in this article. In particular, the use of reiteration includes repetition, synonymy, and meronymy. The following explanation will show the description of those devices clearly. ii.a. Reiteration The article’s title is“Garment producers find way to weather crisis”, thus, its content consists of repetition of terms such as “the pandemic”, “textile”, “garment”, “exports”, “orders”, “masks”, etc, to elaborate the challenges and solutions of the textile and garment industry facing in the COVID-19 pandemic. ii.b. Collocation
  • 25. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 25 Besides, several collocations were also used to keep the article logical and coherent. For example,“unpleasant truths”, “put in place”, “brought under control”,“negative impacts”, “medical masks”,“anti-droplet and anti-bacterial three-layer masks”,“extra costs”, “take time”. 2.2 The translated texts of the two articles (From Vietnamese to English) 2.2.1 Article 3: Ngành dệt may kỳ vọng đón cơ hội xuất khẩu nửa cuối năm 2022 Translation Ngành dệt may kỳ vọng đón cơ hội xuất khẩu nửa cuối năm 2022 Textile and garment industry expects increased export opportunities in the second half of 2022 VOV.VN - Các thị trường xuất khẩu chính nới lỏng chính sách giãn cách xã hội sẽ tạo cơ hội cho ngành dệt may Việt Nam nửa cuối năm 2022 . VOV.VN – The easing of social distancing policies in export markets will create opportunities for Vietnam’s textile and garment industry in the second half of 2022 . Theo Bộ Công Thương, 6 tháng đầu năm nay, dệt may là một trong những ngành sản xuất chịu tác động nhiều nhất bởi đại dịch Covid-19. Cụ thể, sản xuất dệt may nửa đầu năm chỉ tăng chưa tới 3%, bằng 1/3 so với cùng kỳ ngoái. Sản xuất trang phục giảm gần 5% so với cùng kỳ năm ngoái. According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in the first 6 months of this year, textile and garment industry was among the industries most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, textile production in the first half of the year increased by less than 3%, which is one third over the year-ago period.
  • 26. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 26 Apparel production fell by nearly 5% year over year. 6 tháng đầu năm, tình hình sản xuất, xuất khẩu của ngành dệt may gặp nhiều khó khăn do thiếu hụt nguồn nguyên liệu; đơn hàng xuất khẩu giảm mạnh do bị hoãn, hủy đơn hàng, giãn tiến độ giao hàng và chậm thanh toán; ngành dệt may có thể mất tới 50% đơn hàng trong tháng 5 và giá sản phẩm giảm khoảng 20%. In the first 6 months, the production and export sector of the textile industry faced many difficulties due to the shortage of raw materials. Export orders dropped sharply as a consequence of postponement, cancellation, and delay of deliveries and payments. The textile industry may lose up to 50% of its orders in May and product prices may fallen by 20%. Nhu cầu trên toàn thế giới với hàng may mặc và các sản phẩm thời trang cũng giảm đáng kể, nhất là ở các quốc gia như Mỹ và Liên minh Châu Âu. Những yếu tố này đã khiến các doanh nghiệp trong ngành lâm vào tình trạng khó khăn, người lao động giảm thu nhập và có nguy cơ mất việc làm. Worldwide demand for apparel and fashion products has also dropped dramatically, especially in markets such as the United States of America and the European Union. These factors have left businesses in the industry in deep trouble; employees have seen their income drop or lost their job. Ông Vũ Đức Giang, Chủ tịch Hiệp hội Dệt may Việt Nam cho biết: “Ngành dệt may Việt Nam chịu áp lực cức kỳ lớn của đại dịch Covid-19, hàng loạt nhà máy phải kiểm soát chặt chẽ, tạo áp lực rất lớn, không có đơn hàng truyền thống nữa. Sau khi đại dịch lan tỏa toàn cầu, phần cung thiếu hụt lại càng trầm trọng hơn. Các doanh nghiệp dệt may đã tìm “Vietnam's textile and garment industry is under intense pressure from the COVID-19 pandemic, factories must be strictly regulated, which puts great economic pressure on them, while traditional orders have stopped being placed. After the pandemic spread globally, the supply shortages have become more critical. Textile companies
  • 27. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 27 giải pháp để thay đổi và giữ được người lao động trong bối cảnh dịch bệnh”. have found a way around and retain employees during the pandemic”, saidVu Duc Giang, Chairman of Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association. Trước những tác động tiêu cực của dịch Covid-19, đại diện Bộ Công Thương cho biết, các doanh nghiệp dệt may đã và đang chuyển đổi quy trình sản xuất, chuyển đổi sản phẩm, thúc đẩy chuyển đổi nhanh kết cấu mặt hàng truyền thống sang mặt hàng có khả năng thích ứng nhanh. Facing the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Industry and Trade representative said that textile businesses have been changing production processes, changing products, and promoting the rapid transformation of traditional commodity goods into quickly adaptable goods. Đến cuối quý II năm nay, các thị trường xuất khẩu chính của ngành dệt may như: Mỹ, Hàn Quốc, Nhật Bản, Liên minh Châu Âu đã nới lỏng chính sách giãn cách xã hội; nhu cầu tiêu dùng, mua sắm của người dân tăng dần, đây là cơ hội cho ngành dệt may của Việt Nam trong 6 tháng cuối năm 2022 . By the end of the second quarter of this year, the main export markets of the textile and apparel industry, such as the United States of America, South Korea, Japan, and the European Union, have eased their social distancing policies. This has increased consumer demand and shopping behavior, which creates opportunities for Vietnam's textile and garment industry in the last 6 months of 2022 . Source: cuoi-nam-2022 -1070721.vov
  • 28. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 28 Analysis In this article, there are some main language phenomena such as references, reiteration, and collocation, which have been used as a method to make the text more coherent and logical. The analysis below illustrates this. i. Reference E.g 1: 6 tháng đầu năm, tình hình sản xuất, xuất khẩu của ngành dệt may gặp nhiều khó khăn do thiếu hụt nguồn nguyên liệu; đơn hàng xuất khẩu giảm mạnh do bị hoãn, hủy đơn hàng, giãn tiến độ giao hàng và chậm thanh toán; ngành dệt may có thể mất tới 50% đơn hàng trong tháng 5 và giá sản phẩm giảm khoảng 20%. Nhu cầu trên toàn thế giới với hàng may mặc và các sản phẩm thời trang cũng giảm đáng kể, nhất là ở các quốc gia như Mỹ và Liên minh Châu Âu. Những yếu tố này đã khiến các doanh nghiệp trong ngành lâm vào tình trạng khó khăn, người lao động giảm thu nhập và có nguy cơ mất việc làm. In this example, the author used phrase “Những yếu tố này” to refer back to “thiếu hụt nguồn nguyên liệu”, “đơn hàng xuất khẩu giảm mạnh do bị hoãn”, “hủy đơn hàn”g, “giãn tiến độ giao hàng và chậm thanh toán”, and “Nhu cầu trên toàn thế giới với hàng may mặc và các sản phẩm thời trang cũng giảm đáng kể” E.g 2:Đến cuối quý II năm nay, các thị trường xuất khẩu chính của ngành dệt may như: Mỹ, Hàn Quốc, Nhật Bản, Liên minh Châu Âu đã nới lỏng chính sách giãn cách xã hội; nhu cầu tiêu dùng, mua sắm của người dân tăng dần, đây là cơ hội cho ngành dệt may của Việt Nam trong 6 tháng cuối năm 2022 . In this sentence, there are two instances of reference found. They are “năm nay”, which refers to the year of 2022 , and “đây”, which refers anaphorically to “các thị trường xuất khẩu chính của ngành dệt may như: Mỹ, Hàn Quốc, Nhật Bản, Liên minh Châu Âu đã nới lỏng chính sách giãn cách xã hội”, and“ nhu cầu tiêu dùng, mua sắm của người dân tăng dần”. In particular, the reference “năm nay” is not explicitly stated in the text, but all the author and the readers understand what
  • 29. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 29 it means by “năm nay”. Therefore, this reference is categorized as an exophoric reference. ii. Lexical cohesion According to analyzed data, since the content of this article is about the difficulties of Vietnam textile and garment industry in the COVID-19 pandemic as well as their efforts to manage the exports, so it consists of some reiteration such as “ngành dệt may”, “Bộ Công Thương”, “đại dịch covid-19”, “các thị trường xuất khẩu chính”, and “xuất khẩu” to convey the purpose of the article and the idea of the writer coherently. Besides, in order to avoid redundancy, the author also used synonyms such as “nữa cuối năm” and “6 tháng cuối năm” which means the second half months of the year. 2.2.2 Article 4: Xuất khẩu khẩu trang: Thị trường tiềm ẩn nhiều rủi ro Translation Xuất khẩu khẩu trang: Thị trường tiềm ẩn nhiều rủi ro Mask export: Industry faces many potential risks TTO - Nhiều thị trường (châu Âu, Mỹ) chưa phân biệt được khẩu trang vải kháng khuẩn (có thể bán trong các siêu thị) với khẩu trang y tế. TTO - Many markets (Europe, USA) cannot distinguish between cloth antibacterial masks (which can be sold in supermarkets) and medical masks. Trao đổi với Tuổi Trẻ, ông Phạm Văn Việt - chủ tịch Hội đồng quản trị Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn Việt Thắng Jean - cho biết sau một thời gian đầu gặp khó khăn về thủ tục xuất khẩu, doanh nghiệp này đã được tạo thuận lợi xuất khẩu khẩu trang vải kháng khuẩn. Đến nay, doanh In conversation with Tuoi Tre News,Pham Van Viet, Chairman of Viet Thang Jean Limited Company, said after a while of having difficulties in export procedures, it was successful in exporting antibacterial cloth masks. Up to now, the company has exported
  • 30. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 30 nghiệp này đã xuất vài trăm nghìn chiếc khẩu trang chất lượng cao sang các nước châu Âu như Đức, Ý và Hà Lan, đang xúc tiến các thủ tục để xuất khẩu sang Mỹ. several hundred thousand high-quality masks to European countries such as Germany, Italy and the Netherlands, and is preparing procedures to export to the United States of America. Tuy nhiên, cái khó là giá nguyên liệu đầu vào chưa ổn định do nhu cầu tăng đột biến. Ngoài ra, nhiều thị trường (châu Âu, Mỹ) chưa phân biệt được khẩu trang vải kháng khuẩn (có thể bán trong các siêu thị) với khẩu trang y tế (phải bán trong các nhà thuốc hoặc có chứng nhận của cơ quan y tế các nước). Do đó, dù có nhu cầu rất lớn về khẩu trang nhưng các thị trường này vẫn chưa "ăn hàng" nhiều. However, the problem is that the raw material price is not stable due to the sudden increase in demand. In addition, many markets (Europe and the United States of America) cannot distinguish between cloth antibacterial masks (which can be sold in supermarkets) and medical masks (which must be sold in pharmacies or certified by medical agencies of countries). Therefore, despite the great demand for masks these markets have not consumed much. Cũng theo ông Việt, điều đáng lo ngại là doanh nghiệp Việt chào bán sản phẩm với đa dạng chất lượng cùng giá cả "loạn xì ngầu", có thể khiến người tiêu dùng nước ngoài có cái nhìn không đúng về tiêu chuẩn hàng Việt, dễ mất đi cơ hội trong tương lai. According toPham Van, what is worrying is that Vietnamese businesses sell products of dubious quality and pricing is out of control, which causes foreign consumers to have a negative view on the standards of Vietnamese goods, resulting in missed opportunities in the future. "Trong khi đó, khẩu trang vải chỉ là mặt hàng mang tính thời vụ để duy trì công ăn việc làm cho lao động ngành dệt may ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh và các địa "Meanwhile, cloth masks are just a seasonal product to maintain jobs for textile workers in Ho Chi Minh City and surrounding areas in this difficult time,"
  • 31. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 31 phương lân cận trong thời buổi khó khăn này", ông Việt nói. Pham Van said. Ông Trần Trung Quy - giám đốc Công ty Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn dệt may Trung Quy - cho biết doanh nghiệp này cũng đã sản xuất và xuất các lô khẩu trang vải kháng khuẩn đi Mỹ, châu Âu, Israel... Tuy nhiên, khẩu trang là mặt hàng đặc thù, phải có đơn hàng mới sản xuất, không thể làm đại trà. Hơn nữa, chỉ những doanh nghiệp lớn, có tiềm lực mạnh mới đáp ứng những tiêu chí, chứng chỉ xuất khẩu của các nước tiêu thụ, chưa kể hàng Việt nam phải cạnh tranh với hàng Trung Quốc. Tran Trung Quy, director of Trung Quy Textile Limited Company, said that his company has also produced and exported cloth antibacterial masks to the USA, Europe, Israel,etc. However, masks are specialty products, which must be newly manufactured and cannot be mass produced. Moreover, only large and powerful companies can meet the export criteria and required certificates of consuming countries, not to mention that Vietnamese goods must compete with Chinese goods. "Đây là mặt hàng có tiềm năng xuất khẩu rất tốt nhưng cũng tiềm ẩn rủi ro bởi chưa biết dịch khi nào kết thúc ở châu Âu. Sản xuất đại trà quy mô lớn rất dễ dư thừa bởi nhu cầu đột biến trong thời gian này chỉ mang tính mùa vụ" - ông Quy nói. "This is a product with very good export potential, but it’s also a potential risk because it is not known when the pandemic will end in Europe. Large- scale mass production is easily redundant because the sudden demand during this period is only temporary"Tran said. Theo ông Phạm Xuân Hồng - chủ tịch Hội Dệt may thêu đan thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, sau khi đổ xô vào sản xuất, các doanh nghiệp dệt may tại thành phố Hồ Chí Minh hiện còn tồn kho khoảng 5 triệu According toPham Xuan Hong, president of The Ho Chi Minh City’s Textile and Garment – EmbroideryAssociation, after rushing into production, textile enterprises in Ho
  • 32. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 32 khẩu trang kháng khuẩn do sức tiêu thụ hạn chế, nhiều siêu thị và các chuỗi nhà thuốc lớn hạn chế nhận hàng. Tuy vậy, ông Hồng hi vọng khi học sinh đi học trở lại sẽ giúp tiêu thụ được số khẩu trang đang còn tồn, không phải "giải cứu" khẩu trang. Chi Minh City currently have about 5 million antibacterial masks due to limited consumption, many supermarkets and large drugstores restrict deliveries. However,Pham Xuan hopes that students returning to school, will help to consume the remaining masks, not "rescue" masks. Source: 2022 0426081028215.htm Analysis Based on analysis data, there are some main language phenomena such as references and reiteration used as cohesive devices in the text. Besides, there is also simile as a figurative language. The analysis below illustrates this. i. Reference Throughout the text, the personal reference was used eight times. E.g 1:Trao đổi với Tuổi Trẻ, ông Phạm Văn Việt - chủ tịch Hội đồng quản trị Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn Việt Thắng Jean - cho biết sau một thời gian đầu gặp khó khăn về thủ tục xuất khẩu, doanh nghiệp này đã được tạo thuận lợi xuất khẩu khẩu trang vải kháng khuẩn.Đến nay, doanh nghiệp này đã xuất vài trăm nghìn chiếc khẩu trang chất lượng cao sang các nước châu Âu như Đức, Ý và Hà Lan, đang xúc tiến các thủ tục để xuất khẩu sang Mỹ. In above example, the author used the word “này” twice to refer back to “Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn Việt Thắng Jean”. Besides, there is also an exophoric reference in the second sentence of the example. The word “nay” indicates the current
  • 33. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 33 time. Even though it is not directly stated in the text, the readers can understand this thanks to the context of situation. E.g 2: Ngoài ra, nhiều thị trường (châu Âu, Mỹ) chưa phân biệt được khẩu trang vải kháng khuẩn (có thể bán trong các siêu thị) với khẩu trang y tế (phải bán trong các nhà thuốc hoặc có chứng nhận của cơ quan y tế các nước). Do đó, dù có nhu cầu rất lớn về khẩu trang nhưng các thị trường này vẫn chưa "ăn hàng" nhiều. The word “đó” refers to “nhiều thị trường (châu Âu, Mỹ) chưa phân biệt được khẩu trang vải kháng khuẩn (có thể bán trong các siêu thị) với khẩu trang y tế (phải bán trong các nhà thuốc hoặc có chứng nhận của cơ quan y tế các nước).” E.g 3:"Trong khi đó, khẩu trang vải chỉ là mặt hàng mang tính thời vụ để duy trì công ăn việc làm cho lao động ngành dệt may ở thành phố Hồ Chí Minh và các địa phương lân cận trong thời buổi khó khăn này", ông Việt nói. The word “này” implies to the current time when the pandemic causing many difficulties for Vietnamese textile industry in Ho Chi Minh and nearby locals. This is an example of exophora. E.g 4:Ông Trần Trung Quy - giám đốc Công ty Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn dệt may Trung Quy - cho biết doanh nghiệp này cũng đã sản xuất và xuất các lô khẩu trang vải kháng khuẩn đi Mỹ, châu Âu, Israel... The word “này” anaphorically refers to “Công ty Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn dệt may Trung Quy”in the same sentence. E.g 5:Tuy nhiên, khẩu trang là mặt hàng đặc thù, phải có đơn hàng mới sản xuất, không thể làm đại trà.Đây là mặt hàng có tiềm năng xuất khẩu rất tốt nhưng cũng tiềm ẩn rủi ro bởi chưa biết dịch khi nào kết thúc ở châu Âu. In this example, the word “đây” refers back to “khẩu trang” in the previous sentence.
  • 34. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 34 ii. Lexical cohesion Because this article is about the potential risks when textile companies export masks, so it is clear that some words like “khẩu trang”,“doanh nghiệp”, and“xuất khẩu”,are repeated many times throughout the text to emphasize the main topic as well as the author’s ideas. CHAPTER 3. COMMENTS ON THE TRANSLATIONS 3.1 Genre of texts All four texts are digital news articles, in many aspects these are similar to paper news articles. They are typically written in a formal register and a professional, authoritative tone. As the purpose of the text is to inform the reader, the writer mostly uses an expository style and presents evidence to support provided information. The writers commonly use a neutral attitude to describe events, although opinion pieces aren’t unheard of in the news industry. All articles regard economic news, but only one of the texts originates from an economic news agency. The target audience of this agency is people with an interest in economics;therefore,it uses more economic terms and assumes readers have some knowledge about economics. Moreover, articles from this agency are more likely to contain statistics about the health of the economy and future projections of the market. In contrast, the other texts originate from more generalized news agencies. These agencies tried to keep the articles simpler so that the wider target audience will be able to understand it. The primary difference between digital articles and paper articles is that digital articles do not have to be concise. A paper has a limited amount of space available and as such some articles must be shortened, whereas a digital article can be whatever length the author decides on.
  • 35. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 35 3.2 The difficulties and convenience met during the translation 3.2.1 Linguistic differences As the English language belongs to the Indo-European language family, and the Vietnamese language belongs to Austro-Asiatic family, there are various differences between the two languages in terms of vocabulary and grammatical rules. A word in the source language has many meanings, and so choosingappropriate words for the target language text can be difficult work. In particular, a word in English may mean a lot of other words in Vietnamese and vice versa. For instance, the word “take” can be translated into “cầm”, “lấy”, “chiếm”, “đi theo đường”, “ghi chép”, “ăn” ect, according to the translation of the dictionary. Moreover, when the verb “take” is co-occur with another word, namely a preposition, will create a phrasal verb which bear a whole different meaning. For example, the phrasal verb “take up” means starting a new hobby or sport, while the phrasal verb “take on” means employing or hiring.Therefore, to translate this word correctly, the translator needs to put it in the textual context to choose the appropriate translation. On the grounds of grammar, English and Vietnamese are completely different. When it comes to word order, every English learner knows that the word order is quite different from, even opposite to, the Vietnamese one. Nevertheless, this may cause the translator to make mistakes when he is translating. Besides, in English, the passive voice is more preferred while in the Vietnamese language, the active voice is more common. The translators in learning still make mistakes regularly even though they have been taught to avoid unnecessary use of the active voice in English, and the passive voice in Vietnamese. To overcome linguistic problems, the translator should work hard to grow both his English and Vietnamese vocabulary and language structures to the level that he can choose the right word and structure to produce a natural translation.
  • 36. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 36 These linguistic differences were relevant in translating all articles, but it was particularly difficult to translate phrases such as “chưa "ăn hàng" nhiều”, “giá cả "loạn xì ngầu"”, and “phải "giải cứu" khẩu”. These expressions are specific to source language and therefore made it difficult to find the appropriate words in the target language. 3.2.2 Cultural differences When referring to a person, the Vietnamese language commonly uses words to indicate their gender. On the other hand, in English this is not specifically mentioned, butcan be inferred based on their name and/or personal references. This can cause translators to include titles such as “Mr.” and “Mrs.” in their work which may come across unnatural to native speakers of the target language. Moreover, it is common in Vietnamese to refer to a person introduced earlier by using their first name. In English using the family name to refer to a person is preferred. Finally, when using the family name to refer to a person, sometimes the same Vietnamese family name is shared between different people in one article. In these cases, the decision was made to include the middle name too, to make it clear which person is referred to. The above differences were particularly relevant to article 4 (Xuất khẩu khẩu trang: Thị trường tiềm ẩn nhiều rủi ro). Another issue that was encountered was the translation of Vietnamese company names to the English language. The translator must decide between translating the company name literally or using the company’s translation of its own name. While the latter is preferred, this was not possible in one case. When looking for the official translation “Hội Dệt may thêu đan thành phố Hồ Chí Minh”, none could be found. Moreover, English sources use various translations for this company, such as: “Ho Chi Minh City's Textile Association”, “Ho Chi Minh City Association of Garments, Textiles, Embroidery and Knitting”, “Ho Chi Minh City Textile and Garment Association”, and at least six other slightly different translations. These
  • 37. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 37 many variations can be very confusing to English readers that are familiar with the company, leading to uncertainty if it even concerns the same company. While no specific translation can fix this issue, it was decided to use the most common translation, to provide the least confusing experience to familiar readers.
  • 38. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 38 C. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS In conclusion, Vietnam's textile and garment industry has been developing strongly and plays an increasingly important role in economic growth of the country. Besides, international business is on the rise, more and more companies are interested in cutting out their piece of the globalized pie. To be a part of it, the textile and garment industry is acquiring translation services in order to effectively communicate with international business partners. It’s vital that business documents are accurate and easily understood by all parties involved, despite language differences. Using translation services is the only way to ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes to business matters. In other words, a translator is the bridge between business partners, a communicator, so they should be able to communicate accurately, appropriately and concisely. Therefore, translators should have a broad, expressive vocabulary and excellent, in-depth knowledge of the grammatical nuances, quirks and rules of the target language. However, being proficient in a second language is in no way enough to produce quality translations. A translator should also be very familiar with the source language, together with commonly used slang, dialects, and new words borrowed from other languages. To achieve this, translators need to continuously expand their vocabulary and improve their skills as well as specialize in domain knowledge of their client’sbusiness sector.
  • 39. Graduation Paper Translation in Economy VÕ THỊ PHƯƠNG TRÂM - FSG58 - EN48.016 REFERENCES 1. Biber, D and Conrad, S. (2009) Register, Genre, and Style. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2. Colina, S. (2015) Fundamentals of Translation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 3. Doan, E. (2022 ). Apparel industry in Vietnam - Statistics & Facts. Retrieved from 4. Đức Tín (2018). Luyện kỹ năng dịch tiếng Anh báo chí. NXB Dân Trí, Hà Nội 5. Halliday, M. and Hasan, R. (1976). Cohesion in English. Longman Group Limited, London. 6. Hodgson, K. (2016) Best Practices in Teaching Translation. Translation Journal, Palatine. 7. James, P. (2015). Urban Sustainability in Theory and Practice: Circles of Sustainability. Retrieved from ice_Circles_of_Sustainability_2015_ 8. Kennemer, J. (2022 ). How to Find Vietnam Clothing and Apparel Manufacturers. Retrieved from manufacturing-vietnam-2022 9. Paul, G. (2009). Translation in Practice. British Centre for Literary Translation, Norwich. 10.Thygesen Textile Vietnam (2019). Custom Clothing Manufacturing. Retrieved from