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Internship final report
@Treasure Data Inc. (2016 8/1-9/30)
ITO Ryuichi
• Who am I?
• What I did?
• About Hivemall
• Benchmark
• Add several new features
Who am I?
Who am I?
• ITO Ryuichi(@amaya382)
• Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,
Osaka University(’16-)
• Accelerating graph processing engine:

concurrency control, hardware-aware optimization
• (a little) Natural language processing:

conversation system with context consistency
❤ Scala, C#
What I did?
What I did?
• About Hivemall
• Benchmark
• Add several new features
About Hivemall
• A scalable machine learning library running on Apache Hive(+Spark, Pig)
• Developed by @myui and others as an OSS
• Joined Apache Incubator 🎉
• Can use many features via HQL(Hive Query Language, like SQL)
• Classification
• Perceptron, AdaGradRDA, Soft Confidence Weighted, etc.
• Recommendation
• Matrix Factorisation, Factorisation Machine, etc.
• Utilities
• Feature engineering, Additional array operations, etc.
• etc.
About Hivemall
• A scalable machine learning library running on Apache Hive(+Spark, Pig)
• Developed by @myui and others as an OSS
• Joined Apache Incubator 🎉
• Can use many features via HQL(Hive Query Language, like SQL)
• Classification
• Perceptron, AdaGradRDA, Soft Confidence Weighted, etc.
• Recommendation
• Matrix Factorisation, Factorisation Machine, etc.
• Utilities
• Feature engineering, Additional array operations, etc.
• etc.
Cute Logo!
About Hivemall
• A scalable machine learning library running on Apache Hive(+Spark, Pig)
• Developed by @myui and others as an OSS
• Joined Apache Incubator 🎉
• Can use many features via HQL(Hive Query Language, like SQL)
• Classification
• Perceptron, AdaGradRDA, Soft Confidence Weighted, etc.
• Recommendation
• Matrix Factorisation, Factorisation Machine, etc.
• Utilities
• Feature engineering, Additional array operations, etc.
• etc.
Cute Logo!
About Hivemall
• A scalable machine learning library running on Apache Hive(+Spark, Pig)
• Developed by @myui and others as an OSS
• Joined Apache Incubator 🎉
• Can use many features via HQL(Hive Query Language, like SQL)
• Classification
• Perceptron, AdaGradRDA, Soft Confidence Weighted, etc.
• Recommendation
• Matrix Factorisation, Factorisation Machine, etc.
• Utilities
• Feature engineering, Additional array operations, etc.
• etc.
Cute Logo!
About Hivemall(cont.)
• How does Hivemall work on Hive?
• Hivemall is a set of UDFs(User-Defined Functions)
• UDF: projection, one entry -> one entry
• UDTF(Table-generating): some entries -> some entries
• UDAF(Aggregate): all entries -> one entry
• Define features as UDFs following interfaces in Java
prepared by Hive
• And by loading Hivemall jar file, enable to use extra
functions in HQL
About Hivemall(cont.)
• Example: Training by logistic regression
• Only HQL, no need to be familiar with
programming. (Already, HQL(Hive) is close to data!)
feature, AVG(weight) AS weight
SELECT logress(features, label, ...)
AS (feature, weight)
FROM train_data) t
GROUP BY feature
What I did?
• About Hivemall
• Benchmark
• Add several new features
• Based on bench-ml (
• Several pre-defined test cases w/ prepared data set
1. Logistic Regression
2. Random Forest
• Several hyper parameters
3. Boosting
4. Deep Learning
• Already tested by several tools(e.g. R, Python-sklearn,
Spark, etc.)
NOTE: basically, using common environment, but some cases use different environments
For more details, see bench-ml project
• Based on bench-ml (
• Several pre-defined test cases w/ prepared data set
1. Logistic Regression
2. Random Forest
• Several hyper parameters
3. Boosting
4. Deep Learning
• Already tested by several tools(e.g. R, Python-sklearn,
Spark, etc.)
NOTE: basically, using common environment, but some cases use different environments
For more details, see bench-ml project
• Environment
• Amazon Web Service
• EMR(Elastic MapReduce)
• m3.xlarge*3 + c3.xlarge*3
• Hadoop: Amazon 2.7.2
• Tez: 0.8.4
• Hive: 2.1.0
• Hivemall: 0.4.2-RC2
• Misc.
• Basically, using six parallel processing, fitting to #instances
Benchmark - Logistic Regression
• Using logress() on Hivemall
• Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD)
• But can be sure its scalability
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
Benchmark - Logistic Regression
• Using logress() on Hivemall
• Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD)
• But can be sure its scalability
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
Benchmark - Logistic Regression
• Using logress() on Hivemall
• Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD)
• But can be sure its scalability
10x10x 12.5x12.5x
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
Benchmark - Logistic Regression
• Using logress() on Hivemall
• Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD)
• But can be sure its scalability
✖✖10x10x 12.5x12.5x
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
Benchmark - Logistic Regression
• Using logress() on Hivemall
• Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD)
• But can be sure its scalability
10x10x 12.5x12.5x
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
Benchmark - Logistic Regression
• Using logress() on Hivemall
• Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD)
• But can be sure its scalability
10x10x 12.5x12.5x
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
Benchmark - Logistic Regression
• Using logress() on Hivemall
• Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD)
• But can be sure its scalability
10x10x 12.5x12.5x
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
Benchmark - Logistic Regression
• Using logress() on Hivemall
• Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD)
• But can be sure its scalability
10x10x 12.5x12.5x
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
High initial overhead
caused by Hive
Benchmark - Logistic Regression
• Using logress() on Hivemall
• Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD)
• But can be sure its scalability
10x10x 12.5x12.5x
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
High initial overhead
caused by Hive
Benchmark - Logistic Regression
• Using logress() on Hivemall
• Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD)
• But can be sure its scalability
10x10x 12.5x12.5x
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
High initial overhead
caused by Hive
Benchmark - Random Forest(1)
• Using train_randomforest_classifier() on Hivemall
• (1)Regulation: 500 trees, three variables
• Hivemall is almost good until 0.1M, but cannot process 1M
• Need to tune environment and parameters
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
Benchmark - Random Forest(1)
• Using train_randomforest_classifier() on Hivemall
• (1)Regulation: 500 trees, three variables
• Hivemall is almost good until 0.1M, but cannot process 1M
• Need to tune environment and parameters
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
Benchmark - Random Forest(1)
• Using train_randomforest_classifier() on Hivemall
• (1)Regulation: 500 trees, three variables
• Hivemall is almost good until 0.1M, but cannot process 1M
• Need to tune environment and parameters
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
Benchmark - Random Forest(2)
• Using train_randomforest_classifier() on Hivemall
• (2)Regulation: 100 trees, max depth 20
• Hivemall is good until 1M, but cannot process 10M
• Need to tune environment and parameters
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
Benchmark - Random Forest(2)
• Using train_randomforest_classifier() on Hivemall
• (2)Regulation: 100 trees, max depth 20
• Hivemall is good until 1M, but cannot process 10M
• Need to tune environment and parameters
(Time[sec] / AUC[%])
What I did?
• About Hivemall
• Benchmark
• Add several new features
What I did?
• About Hivemall
• Benchmark
• Add several new features
Main topic!
Add several new features
• systemtest module
• Feature binning
• Feature selection
• Some spark integrations
Add new features - systemtest
• What’s systemtest?
• Testing framework for UDFs
• Also can apply other applications based on UDFs
• Already tests exist, not? Why need?
• Yes, but the existing is...
• Cannot run on Hive actually, only run as Java programs
• Difficult to write coverall tests
• e.g. in UDAF, several work flows depending on a
kind of function, data set and environment
• Difficult to use existing resources
• Low extendability, etc.
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: a part of an existing test
final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF snr = new SignalNoiseRatioUDAF();

final ObjectInspector[] OIs = new ObjectInspector[] {


final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator evaluator =
(SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator) snr.getEvaluator(
new SimpleGenericUDAFParameterInfo(OIs, false, false));

evaluator.init(GenericUDAFEvaluator.Mode.PARTIAL1, OIs);

final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer agg =



for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {

final List<IntWritable> labelList = new ArrayList<IntWritable>();

for (int label : labels[i]) {

labelList.add(new IntWritable(label));


evaluator.iterate(agg, new Object[] {WritableUtils.toWritableList(features[i]),



final List<DoubleWritable> resultObj = (List<DoubleWritable>) evaluator.terminate(agg);


Assert.assertArrayEquals(answer, result, 1e-5);
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: a part of an existing test
final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF snr = new SignalNoiseRatioUDAF();

final ObjectInspector[] OIs = new ObjectInspector[] {


final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator evaluator =
(SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator) snr.getEvaluator(
new SimpleGenericUDAFParameterInfo(OIs, false, false));

evaluator.init(GenericUDAFEvaluator.Mode.PARTIAL1, OIs);

final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer agg =



for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {

final List<IntWritable> labelList = new ArrayList<IntWritable>();

for (int label : labels[i]) {

labelList.add(new IntWritable(label));


evaluator.iterate(agg, new Object[] {WritableUtils.toWritableList(features[i]),



final List<DoubleWritable> resultObj = (List<DoubleWritable>) evaluator.terminate(agg);


Assert.assertArrayEquals(answer, result, 1e-5);
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: a part of an existing test
final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF snr = new SignalNoiseRatioUDAF();

final ObjectInspector[] OIs = new ObjectInspector[] {


final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator evaluator =
(SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator) snr.getEvaluator(
new SimpleGenericUDAFParameterInfo(OIs, false, false));

evaluator.init(GenericUDAFEvaluator.Mode.PARTIAL1, OIs);

final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer agg =



for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {

final List<IntWritable> labelList = new ArrayList<IntWritable>();

for (int label : labels[i]) {

labelList.add(new IntWritable(label));


evaluator.iterate(agg, new Object[] {WritableUtils.toWritableList(features[i]),



final List<DoubleWritable> resultObj = (List<DoubleWritable>) evaluator.terminate(agg);


Assert.assertArrayEquals(answer, result, 1e-5);
Useless and long initializationUseless and long initialization
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: a part of an existing test
final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF snr = new SignalNoiseRatioUDAF();

final ObjectInspector[] OIs = new ObjectInspector[] {


final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator evaluator =
(SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator) snr.getEvaluator(
new SimpleGenericUDAFParameterInfo(OIs, false, false));

evaluator.init(GenericUDAFEvaluator.Mode.PARTIAL1, OIs);

final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer agg =



for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {

final List<IntWritable> labelList = new ArrayList<IntWritable>();

for (int label : labels[i]) {

labelList.add(new IntWritable(label));


evaluator.iterate(agg, new Object[] {WritableUtils.toWritableList(features[i]),



final List<DoubleWritable> resultObj = (List<DoubleWritable>) evaluator.terminate(agg);


Assert.assertArrayEquals(answer, result, 1e-5);
Useless and long initializationUseless and long initialization
Useless many conversionsUseless many conversions
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: a part of an existing test
final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF snr = new SignalNoiseRatioUDAF();

final ObjectInspector[] OIs = new ObjectInspector[] {


final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator evaluator =
(SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator) snr.getEvaluator(
new SimpleGenericUDAFParameterInfo(OIs, false, false));

evaluator.init(GenericUDAFEvaluator.Mode.PARTIAL1, OIs);

final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer agg =



for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {

final List<IntWritable> labelList = new ArrayList<IntWritable>();

for (int label : labels[i]) {

labelList.add(new IntWritable(label));


evaluator.iterate(agg, new Object[] {WritableUtils.toWritableList(features[i]),



final List<DoubleWritable> resultObj = (List<DoubleWritable>) evaluator.terminate(agg);


Assert.assertArrayEquals(answer, result, 1e-5);
Useless and long initializationUseless and long initialization
Useless many conversionsUseless many conversions
Add new features - systemtest
• Solution
• New module based on JUnit, HiveRunner and td-client-java
• What it can do?
• Short and unified initialization
• Write and combine HQL
• Run local Hive and also remote Treasure Data with the
same code
• Testbed is prepared and cleaned up automatically
• Easy to use external resources, e.g. TSV file
• Literal definition(HQL), but test with debugger
• Useful DSL
Add new features - systemtest(1)
• How does it work?
Treasure Data HiveRunner
Test code
1.Write tests based on
SystemTestRunner interface
Add new features - systemtest(2)
• How does it work?
Treasure Data HiveRunner
Test code
2. Read initialization and execute
via impls of SystemTestRunner
It works based on JUnit @ClassRule
Prepare database
specialized for
each test class
Use external resources depending on needs
Add new features - systemtest(3)
• How does it work?
Treasure Data HiveRunner
Test code
3. Execute first test
It works based on JUnit @Rule
Run as HQL,
and check return values
Rewrite DSL & HQL for each env
Add new features - systemtest(4)
• How does it work?
Treasure Data HiveRunner
Test code
4. Reset testbeds
It works based on JUnit @Rule
Drop temporary tables
Add new features - systemtest(5,6…)
• How does it work?
Treasure Data HiveRunner
Test code
5. Execute second test
6. Reset testbeds
…repeat all tests
It works based on JUnit @Rule
Add new features - systemtest(7)
• How does it work?
Treasure Data HiveRunner
Test code
7. Finalize test
Drop temporary database
and disconnect
It works based on JUnit @ClassRule
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: initialization
private static SystemTestCommonInfo ci = new SystemTestCommonInfo(HogeTest.class);

private static HQBase createIrisTable = HQ.uploadByResourcePathAsNewTable(
"iris0", ci.initDir + "iris0.csv",

new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{

put("a", "double");

put("b", "double");

put("c", "double");

put("d", "double");

put("c0", "int");

put("c1", "int");

put("c2", “int");}});


public static HiveSystemTestRunner hRunner = new HiveSystemTestRunner(ci) {{


initBy(HQ.fromStatements("" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION transpose_and_dot as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_sum as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_avg as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION chi2 as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.ChiSquareUDF';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION snr as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.SignalNoiseRatioUDAF';"));}};


public static TDSystemTestRunner tRunner = new TDSystemTestRunner(ci) {{



public SystemTestTeam team = new SystemTestTeam(hRunner);
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: initialization
private static SystemTestCommonInfo ci = new SystemTestCommonInfo(HogeTest.class);

private static HQBase createIrisTable = HQ.uploadByResourcePathAsNewTable(
"iris0", ci.initDir + "iris0.csv",

new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{

put("a", "double");

put("b", "double");

put("c", "double");

put("d", "double");

put("c0", "int");

put("c1", "int");

put("c2", “int");}});


public static HiveSystemTestRunner hRunner = new HiveSystemTestRunner(ci) {{


initBy(HQ.fromStatements("" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION transpose_and_dot as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_sum as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_avg as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION chi2 as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.ChiSquareUDF';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION snr as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.SignalNoiseRatioUDAF';"));}};


public static TDSystemTestRunner tRunner = new TDSystemTestRunner(ci) {{



public SystemTestTeam team = new SystemTestTeam(hRunner);
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: initialization
private static SystemTestCommonInfo ci = new SystemTestCommonInfo(HogeTest.class);

private static HQBase createIrisTable = HQ.uploadByResourcePathAsNewTable(
"iris0", ci.initDir + "iris0.csv",

new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{

put("a", "double");

put("b", "double");

put("c", "double");

put("d", "double");

put("c0", "int");

put("c1", "int");

put("c2", “int");}});


public static HiveSystemTestRunner hRunner = new HiveSystemTestRunner(ci) {{


initBy(HQ.fromStatements("" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION transpose_and_dot as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_sum as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_avg as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION chi2 as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.ChiSquareUDF';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION snr as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.SignalNoiseRatioUDAF';"));}};


public static TDSystemTestRunner tRunner = new TDSystemTestRunner(ci) {{



public SystemTestTeam team = new SystemTestTeam(hRunner);
Common initialization
with external data
Common initialization
with external data
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: initialization
private static SystemTestCommonInfo ci = new SystemTestCommonInfo(HogeTest.class);

private static HQBase createIrisTable = HQ.uploadByResourcePathAsNewTable(
"iris0", ci.initDir + "iris0.csv",

new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{

put("a", "double");

put("b", "double");

put("c", "double");

put("d", "double");

put("c0", "int");

put("c1", "int");

put("c2", “int");}});


public static HiveSystemTestRunner hRunner = new HiveSystemTestRunner(ci) {{


initBy(HQ.fromStatements("" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION transpose_and_dot as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_sum as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_avg as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION chi2 as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.ChiSquareUDF';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION snr as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.SignalNoiseRatioUDAF';"));}};


public static TDSystemTestRunner tRunner = new TDSystemTestRunner(ci) {{



public SystemTestTeam team = new SystemTestTeam(hRunner);
Common initialization
with external data
Common initialization
with external data
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: initialization
private static SystemTestCommonInfo ci = new SystemTestCommonInfo(HogeTest.class);

private static HQBase createIrisTable = HQ.uploadByResourcePathAsNewTable(
"iris0", ci.initDir + "iris0.csv",

new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{

put("a", "double");

put("b", "double");

put("c", "double");

put("d", "double");

put("c0", "int");

put("c1", "int");

put("c2", “int");}});


public static HiveSystemTestRunner hRunner = new HiveSystemTestRunner(ci) {{


initBy(HQ.fromStatements("" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION transpose_and_dot as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_sum as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_avg as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION chi2 as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.ChiSquareUDF';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION snr as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.SignalNoiseRatioUDAF';"));}};


public static TDSystemTestRunner tRunner = new TDSystemTestRunner(ci) {{



public SystemTestTeam team = new SystemTestTeam(hRunner);
Common initialization
with external data
Common initialization
with external data
Testbed-specific initializationTestbed-specific initialization
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: initialization
private static SystemTestCommonInfo ci = new SystemTestCommonInfo(HogeTest.class);

private static HQBase createIrisTable = HQ.uploadByResourcePathAsNewTable(
"iris0", ci.initDir + "iris0.csv",

new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{

put("a", "double");

put("b", "double");

put("c", "double");

put("d", "double");

put("c0", "int");

put("c1", "int");

put("c2", “int");}});


public static HiveSystemTestRunner hRunner = new HiveSystemTestRunner(ci) {{


initBy(HQ.fromStatements("" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION transpose_and_dot as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_sum as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_avg as '';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION chi2 as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.ChiSquareUDF';" +

"CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION snr as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.SignalNoiseRatioUDAF';"));}};


public static TDSystemTestRunner tRunner = new TDSystemTestRunner(ci) {{



public SystemTestTeam team = new SystemTestTeam(hRunner);
Common initialization
with external data
Common initialization
with external data
Testbed-specific initializationTestbed-specific initialization
Set common runnerSet common runner
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: test cases(1)

public void snr() throws Exception {

team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"WITH iris AS (" +

" SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)" +

"SELECT snr(X, Y)" +

"FROM iris"), "$ANSWER");;



public void chi2() throws Exception {


team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"WITH iris AS (" +

" SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)," +

"stats AS (" +


" transpose_and_dot(Y, X) AS observed," +

" array_sum(X) AS feature_count," +

" array_avg(Y) AS class_prob" +

" FROM" +

" iris)," +

"test AS (" +


" transpose_and_dot(class_prob, feature_count) AS expected" +

" FROM" +

" stats)" +


" chi2(observed, expected) AS x " +

"FROM" +

" test JOIN stats"), "$ANSWER");;

Add new features - systemtest
• Example: test cases(1)

public void snr() throws Exception {

team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"WITH iris AS (" +

" SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)" +

"SELECT snr(X, Y)" +

"FROM iris"), "$ANSWER");;



public void chi2() throws Exception {


team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"WITH iris AS (" +

" SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)," +

"stats AS (" +


" transpose_and_dot(Y, X) AS observed," +

" array_sum(X) AS feature_count," +

" array_avg(Y) AS class_prob" +

" FROM" +

" iris)," +

"test AS (" +


" transpose_and_dot(class_prob, feature_count) AS expected" +

" FROM" +

" stats)" +


" chi2(observed, expected) AS x " +

"FROM" +

" test JOIN stats"), "$ANSWER");;

Add new features - systemtest
• Example: test cases(1)

public void snr() throws Exception {

team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"WITH iris AS (" +

" SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)" +

"SELECT snr(X, Y)" +

"FROM iris"), "$ANSWER");;



public void chi2() throws Exception {


team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"WITH iris AS (" +

" SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)," +

"stats AS (" +


" transpose_and_dot(Y, X) AS observed," +

" array_sum(X) AS feature_count," +

" array_avg(Y) AS class_prob" +

" FROM" +

" iris)," +

"test AS (" +


" transpose_and_dot(class_prob, feature_count) AS expected" +

" FROM" +

" stats)" +


" chi2(observed, expected) AS x " +

"FROM" +

" test JOIN stats"), "$ANSWER");;

Execute tests on clean testbeds
using database created by init
Execute tests on clean testbeds
using database created by init
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: test cases(1)

public void snr() throws Exception {

team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"WITH iris AS (" +

" SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)" +

"SELECT snr(X, Y)" +

"FROM iris"), "$ANSWER");;



public void chi2() throws Exception {


team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"WITH iris AS (" +

" SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)," +

"stats AS (" +


" transpose_and_dot(Y, X) AS observed," +

" array_sum(X) AS feature_count," +

" array_avg(Y) AS class_prob" +

" FROM" +

" iris)," +

"test AS (" +


" transpose_and_dot(class_prob, feature_count) AS expected" +

" FROM" +

" stats)" +


" chi2(observed, expected) AS x " +

"FROM" +

" test JOIN stats"), "$ANSWER");;

Execute tests on clean testbeds
using database created by init
Execute tests on clean testbeds
using database created by init
Run on HiveRunnerRun on HiveRunner
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: test cases(1)

public void snr() throws Exception {

team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"WITH iris AS (" +

" SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)" +

"SELECT snr(X, Y)" +

"FROM iris"), "$ANSWER");;



public void chi2() throws Exception {


team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"WITH iris AS (" +

" SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)," +

"stats AS (" +


" transpose_and_dot(Y, X) AS observed," +

" array_sum(X) AS feature_count," +

" array_avg(Y) AS class_prob" +

" FROM" +

" iris)," +

"test AS (" +


" transpose_and_dot(class_prob, feature_count) AS expected" +

" FROM" +

" stats)" +


" chi2(observed, expected) AS x " +

"FROM" +

" test JOIN stats"), "$ANSWER");;

Execute tests on clean testbeds
using database created by init
Execute tests on clean testbeds
using database created by init
Run on HiveRunnerRun on HiveRunner
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: test cases(1)

public void snr() throws Exception {

team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"WITH iris AS (" +

" SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)" +

"SELECT snr(X, Y)" +

"FROM iris"), "$ANSWER");;



public void chi2() throws Exception {


team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"WITH iris AS (" +

" SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)," +

"stats AS (" +


" transpose_and_dot(Y, X) AS observed," +

" array_sum(X) AS feature_count," +

" array_avg(Y) AS class_prob" +

" FROM" +

" iris)," +

"test AS (" +


" transpose_and_dot(class_prob, feature_count) AS expected" +

" FROM" +

" stats)" +


" chi2(observed, expected) AS x " +

"FROM" +

" test JOIN stats"), "$ANSWER");;

Execute tests on clean testbeds
using database created by init
Execute tests on clean testbeds
using database created by init
Run on HiveRunnerRun on HiveRunner
Run on HiveRunner and TreasureDataRun on HiveRunner and TreasureData
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: test cases(2)

public void someTest0() throws Exception {

final String tableName = "color";


tableName, ci.initDir + "color.tsv",

new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{

put("name", "string");

put("red", "int");

put("green", "int");

put("blue", "int");}}));

team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"SELECT CONCAT('rgb(', red, ',', green, ',', blue, ')') FROM " +

tableName +

" u LEFT JOIN color c on u.favorite_color ="),




public void someTest1() throws Exception {

team.set(HQ.autoMatchingByFileName("hoge"), ci);;

Add new features - systemtest
• Example: test cases(2)

public void someTest0() throws Exception {

final String tableName = "color";


tableName, ci.initDir + "color.tsv",

new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{

put("name", "string");

put("red", "int");

put("green", "int");

put("blue", "int");}}));

team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"SELECT CONCAT('rgb(', red, ',', green, ',', blue, ')') FROM " +

tableName +

" u LEFT JOIN color c on u.favorite_color ="),




public void someTest1() throws Exception {

team.set(HQ.autoMatchingByFileName("hoge"), ci);;

Add new features - systemtest
• Example: test cases(2)

public void someTest0() throws Exception {

final String tableName = "color";


tableName, ci.initDir + "color.tsv",

new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{

put("name", "string");

put("red", "int");

put("green", "int");

put("blue", "int");}}));

team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"SELECT CONCAT('rgb(', red, ',', green, ',', blue, ')') FROM " +

tableName +

" u LEFT JOIN color c on u.favorite_color ="),




public void someTest1() throws Exception {

team.set(HQ.autoMatchingByFileName("hoge"), ci);;

Test-specific initialization
It also can chain
Test-specific initialization
It also can chain
Add new features - systemtest
• Example: test cases(2)

public void someTest0() throws Exception {

final String tableName = "color";


tableName, ci.initDir + "color.tsv",

new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{

put("name", "string");

put("red", "int");

put("green", "int");

put("blue", "int");}}));

team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +

"SELECT CONCAT('rgb(', red, ',', green, ',', blue, ')') FROM " +

tableName +

" u LEFT JOIN color c on u.favorite_color ="),




public void someTest1() throws Exception {

team.set(HQ.autoMatchingByFileName("hoge"), ci);;

Test-specific initialization
It also can chain
Test-specific initialization
It also can chain
Use HQL and answers
written in external files
Use HQL and answers
written in external files
Add new features - systemtest
• More details?
• And systemtest/
Add new features - feature binning
• What’s feature binning?
• A method to divide quantitative variables
into meaningful categorical variables
Add new features - feature binning
• How does it work?
• [UDAF] build_bins(weight, num_of_bins[, auto_shrink])
• [UDF] feature_binning(features, quantiles_map)

/(weight, quantiles)
build_bins feature_binning
Add new features - feature binning
• [UDAF] build_bins(weight, num_of_bins[,
• Use percentile internally, make all areas
Add new features - feature binning
• [UDAF] build_bins(weight, num_of_bins[,
• What’s auto_shrink?
Add new features - feature binning
• [UDAF] build_bins(weight, num_of_bins[,
• What’s auto_shrink?
Sometimes made void bins
by small or skewed data set
!?!? ->
Add new features - feature binning
• [UDAF] build_bins(weight, num_of_bins[,
• What’s auto_shrink?
Sometimes made void bins
by small or skewed data set
!?!? ->
Add new features - feature binning
• [UDAF] build_bins(weight, num_of_bins[,
• What’s auto_shrink?
Exception!Sometimes made void bins
by small or skewed data set
!?!? ->
Add new features - feature binning
• [UDF] feature_binning(features, quantiles_map)

/(weight, quantiles)
• Distribute variables into bins by its value
Add new features - feature binning
• [UDF] feature_binning(features, quantiles_map)

/(weight, quantiles)
• Distribute variables into bins by its value
bin 0 ->
bin 1 ->
bin 2 ->
Add new features - feature binning
• [UDF] feature_binning(features, quantiles_map)

/(weight, quantiles)
• Distribute variables into bins by its value
17 is between
-Infinity and 18.0 …
bin 0 ->
bin 1 ->
bin 2 ->
Add new features - feature binning
• [UDF] feature_binning(features, quantiles_map)

/(weight, quantiles)
• Distribute variables into bins by its value
17 is between
-Infinity and 18.0 …
<here!bin 0 ->
bin 1 ->
bin 2 ->
Add new features - feature binning
• [UDF] feature_binning(features, quantiles_map)

/(weight, quantiles)
• Distribute variables into bins by its value
17 is between
-Infinity and 18.0 …
<here!bin 0 ->
bin 1 ->
bin 2 ->
Add new features - feature binning
• More details?
Add new features - feature selection
• What’s feature selection?
• A generic term of methods to select meaningful
• Used to preprocessing of machine learning
• Why used?
• Enhance results
• Shorten learning time
• Make a set of features human-understandable
Add new features - feature selection
• A kind of feature selection
• Use variance
• Use Chi-square value
• Use SNR(Signal Noise Ratio)
• mRMR(minimumRedundancy MaximumRelevance)
• etc.
Add new features - feature selection
• A kind of feature selection
• Use variance
• Use Chi-square value
• Use SNR(Signal Noise Ratio)
• mRMR(minimumRedundancy MaximumRelevance)
• etc.
Add new features - feature selection
• Feature selection using Chi-square value
• To calc Chi-square value, need both observed
values and expected values(=hypothesis)
• Observed: aggregated features of each class
• Expected: assuming each features and each
classes are independent, calc expected values
• Calc Chi-square value
• Select top-k features
Add new features - feature selection
• How does it work on Hivemall?
• [UDAF] transpose_and_dot(X::array<number>,
• [UDF] chi2(observed::array<array<number>>,
<double>, array<double>>
• [UDF] select_k_best(X::array<number>,
Add new features - feature selection
• [UDAF] transpose_and_dot(X::array<number>,
• Utility for matrix calculation, generic UDF
Add new features - feature selection
• [UDAF] transpose_and_dot(X::array<number>,
• Utility for matrix calculation, generic UDF
Add new features - feature selection
• [UDAF] transpose_and_dot(X::array<number>,
• Utility for matrix calculation, generic UDF
Add new features - feature selection
• [UDAF] transpose_and_dot(X::array<number>,
• Utility for matrix calculation, generic UDF
Maybe you think
matrix multiplication requires repetition…
Add new features - feature selection
• [UDAF] transpose_and_dot(X::array<number>,
• Utility for matrix calculation, generic UDF
Calculate incrementally!
Maybe you think
matrix multiplication requires repetition…
Add new features - feature selection
• [UDF] chi2(observed::array<array<number>>,
y<double>, array<double>>
• Calculate Chi-square value and p-value
• Calculate p-value by above and Chi-square
Add new features - feature selection
• [UDF] select_k_best(X::array<number>,
• Select top-k elements from X by importance_list
• Generic UDF
NOTE: Current implementation expects all each importance_list and k are equal
k = 2
Add new features - feature selection
• [UDF] select_k_best(X::array<number>,
• Select top-k elements from X by importance_list
• Generic UDF
NOTE: Current implementation expects all each importance_list and k are equal
k = 2
Add new features - feature selection
• Feature selection using SNR
• Aggregate mean and variance of each feature
and each class
• When termination, calc Signal Noise Ratio
between all combination of classes, of each
• Sum up Signal Noise Ratio each feature
Signal Noise Ratio
Add new features - feature selection
• How does it work on Hivemall?
• [UDAF] snr(X::array<number>,
Signal Noise Ratio
Add new features - feature selection
• [UDAF] snr(X::array<number>,
• Aggregate variance by Chan’s method
• Calc Signal Noise Ratio and sum them up each features
Signal Noise Ratio
Add new features - feature selection
• More details?
Add new features - spark integration
• Integrated feature selection into spark module
• Improved build flow for resolving binary
incompatibility between spark-1.6 and
Thank you for listening!
Thank you for listening!
Any questions?

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Internship final report@Treasure Data Inc.

  • 1. Internship final report @Treasure Data Inc. (2016 8/1-9/30) ITO Ryuichi
  • 2. Outline • Who am I? • What I did? • About Hivemall • Benchmark • Add several new features
  • 4. Who am I? • ITO Ryuichi(@amaya382) • Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University(’16-) • Accelerating graph processing engine:
 concurrency control, hardware-aware optimization • (a little) Natural language processing:
 conversation system with context consistency ❤ Scala, C#
  • 6. What I did? • About Hivemall • Benchmark • Add several new features
  • 7. About Hivemall • A scalable machine learning library running on Apache Hive(+Spark, Pig) • Developed by @myui and others as an OSS • Joined Apache Incubator 🎉 • Can use many features via HQL(Hive Query Language, like SQL) • Classification • Perceptron, AdaGradRDA, Soft Confidence Weighted, etc. • Recommendation • Matrix Factorisation, Factorisation Machine, etc. • Utilities • Feature engineering, Additional array operations, etc. • etc.
  • 8. About Hivemall • A scalable machine learning library running on Apache Hive(+Spark, Pig) • Developed by @myui and others as an OSS • Joined Apache Incubator 🎉 • Can use many features via HQL(Hive Query Language, like SQL) • Classification • Perceptron, AdaGradRDA, Soft Confidence Weighted, etc. • Recommendation • Matrix Factorisation, Factorisation Machine, etc. • Utilities • Feature engineering, Additional array operations, etc. • etc. Cute Logo!
  • 9. About Hivemall • A scalable machine learning library running on Apache Hive(+Spark, Pig) • Developed by @myui and others as an OSS • Joined Apache Incubator 🎉 • Can use many features via HQL(Hive Query Language, like SQL) • Classification • Perceptron, AdaGradRDA, Soft Confidence Weighted, etc. • Recommendation • Matrix Factorisation, Factorisation Machine, etc. • Utilities • Feature engineering, Additional array operations, etc. • etc. Cute Logo!
  • 10. About Hivemall • A scalable machine learning library running on Apache Hive(+Spark, Pig) • Developed by @myui and others as an OSS • Joined Apache Incubator 🎉 • Can use many features via HQL(Hive Query Language, like SQL) • Classification • Perceptron, AdaGradRDA, Soft Confidence Weighted, etc. • Recommendation • Matrix Factorisation, Factorisation Machine, etc. • Utilities • Feature engineering, Additional array operations, etc. • etc. Cute Logo!
  • 11. About Hivemall(cont.) • How does Hivemall work on Hive? • Hivemall is a set of UDFs(User-Defined Functions) • UDF: projection, one entry -> one entry • UDTF(Table-generating): some entries -> some entries • UDAF(Aggregate): all entries -> one entry • Define features as UDFs following interfaces in Java prepared by Hive • And by loading Hivemall jar file, enable to use extra functions in HQL
  • 12. About Hivemall(cont.) • Example: Training by logistic regression • Only HQL, no need to be familiar with programming. (Already, HQL(Hive) is close to data!) CREATE TABLE model AS SELECT feature, AVG(weight) AS weight FROM ( SELECT logress(features, label, ...) AS (feature, weight) FROM train_data) t GROUP BY feature
  • 13. What I did? • About Hivemall • Benchmark • Add several new features
  • 14. Benchmark • Based on bench-ml ( • Several pre-defined test cases w/ prepared data set 1. Logistic Regression 2. Random Forest • Several hyper parameters 3. Boosting 4. Deep Learning • Already tested by several tools(e.g. R, Python-sklearn, Spark, etc.) NOTE: basically, using common environment, but some cases use different environments For more details, see bench-ml project
  • 15. Benchmark • Based on bench-ml ( • Several pre-defined test cases w/ prepared data set 1. Logistic Regression 2. Random Forest • Several hyper parameters 3. Boosting 4. Deep Learning • Already tested by several tools(e.g. R, Python-sklearn, Spark, etc.) NOTE: basically, using common environment, but some cases use different environments For more details, see bench-ml project Tried Tried
  • 16. Benchmark(cont.) • Environment • Amazon Web Service • EMR(Elastic MapReduce) • m3.xlarge*3 + c3.xlarge*3 • Hadoop: Amazon 2.7.2 • Tez: 0.8.4 • Hive: 2.1.0 • Hivemall: 0.4.2-RC2 • Misc. • Basically, using six parallel processing, fitting to #instances
  • 17. Benchmark - Logistic Regression • Using logress() on Hivemall • Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD) • But can be sure its scalability Overall: (Time[sec] / AUC[%])
  • 18. Benchmark - Logistic Regression • Using logress() on Hivemall • Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD) • But can be sure its scalability Overall: 10x10x (Time[sec] / AUC[%])
  • 19. Benchmark - Logistic Regression • Using logress() on Hivemall • Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD) • But can be sure its scalability Overall: 10x10x 12.5x12.5x (Time[sec] / AUC[%])
  • 20. Benchmark - Logistic Regression • Using logress() on Hivemall • Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD) • But can be sure its scalability Overall: ✖✖10x10x 12.5x12.5x (Time[sec] / AUC[%])
  • 21. Benchmark - Logistic Regression • Using logress() on Hivemall • Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD) • But can be sure its scalability Overall: ✖✖ 1.3x1.3x 10x10x 12.5x12.5x (Time[sec] / AUC[%])
  • 22. Benchmark - Logistic Regression • Using logress() on Hivemall • Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD) • But can be sure its scalability Overall: ✖✖ 4.9x4.9x1.3x1.3x 10x10x 12.5x12.5x (Time[sec] / AUC[%])
  • 23. Benchmark - Logistic Regression • Using logress() on Hivemall • Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD) • But can be sure its scalability Overall: ✖✖ 4.9x4.9x1.3x1.3x 10x10x 12.5x12.5x 3.9x3.9x (Time[sec] / AUC[%])
  • 24. Benchmark - Logistic Regression • Using logress() on Hivemall • Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD) • But can be sure its scalability Overall: ✖✖ 4.9x4.9x1.3x1.3x 10x10x 12.5x12.5x 3.9x3.9x (Time[sec] / AUC[%]) High initial overhead caused by Hive
  • 25. Benchmark - Logistic Regression • Using logress() on Hivemall • Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD) • But can be sure its scalability Overall: ✖✖ 4.9x4.9x1.3x1.3x 10x10x 12.5x12.5x 3.9x3.9x ±0±0 (Time[sec] / AUC[%]) High initial overhead caused by Hive
  • 26. Benchmark - Logistic Regression • Using logress() on Hivemall • Hivemall is relatively slow and low AUC(NOTE: Hivemall’s logress uses SGD) • But can be sure its scalability Overall: ✖✖ 4.9x4.9x1.3x1.3x 10x10x 12.5x12.5x 3.9x3.9x ±0±0 +0.4+0.4 (Time[sec] / AUC[%]) High initial overhead caused by Hive
  • 27. Benchmark - Random Forest(1) • Using train_randomforest_classifier() on Hivemall • (1)Regulation: 500 trees, three variables • Hivemall is almost good until 0.1M, but cannot process 1M • Need to tune environment and parameters Overall: (Time[sec] / AUC[%])
  • 28. Benchmark - Random Forest(1) • Using train_randomforest_classifier() on Hivemall • (1)Regulation: 500 trees, three variables • Hivemall is almost good until 0.1M, but cannot process 1M • Need to tune environment and parameters Overall: (Time[sec] / AUC[%])
  • 29. Benchmark - Random Forest(1) • Using train_randomforest_classifier() on Hivemall • (1)Regulation: 500 trees, three variables • Hivemall is almost good until 0.1M, but cannot process 1M • Need to tune environment and parameters Overall: (Time[sec] / AUC[%]) Amazing…
  • 30. Benchmark - Random Forest(2) • Using train_randomforest_classifier() on Hivemall • (2)Regulation: 100 trees, max depth 20 • Hivemall is good until 1M, but cannot process 10M • Need to tune environment and parameters Overall: (Time[sec] / AUC[%])
  • 31. Benchmark - Random Forest(2) • Using train_randomforest_classifier() on Hivemall • (2)Regulation: 100 trees, max depth 20 • Hivemall is good until 1M, but cannot process 10M • Need to tune environment and parameters Overall: (Time[sec] / AUC[%])
  • 32. What I did? • About Hivemall • Benchmark • Add several new features
  • 33. What I did? • About Hivemall • Benchmark • Add several new features Main topic!
  • 34. Add several new features • systemtest module • Feature binning • Feature selection • Some spark integrations
  • 35. Add new features - systemtest • What’s systemtest? • Testing framework for UDFs • Also can apply other applications based on UDFs • Already tests exist, not? Why need? • Yes, but the existing is... • Cannot run on Hive actually, only run as Java programs • Difficult to write coverall tests • e.g. in UDAF, several work flows depending on a kind of function, data set and environment • Difficult to use existing resources • Low extendability, etc.
  • 36. Add new features - systemtest • Example: a part of an existing test final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF snr = new SignalNoiseRatioUDAF();
 final ObjectInspector[] OIs = new ObjectInspector[] {
 ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardListObjectInspector( PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.writableDoubleObjectInspector), ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardListObjectInspector( PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.writableIntObjectInspector)};
 final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator evaluator = (SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator) snr.getEvaluator( new SimpleGenericUDAFParameterInfo(OIs, false, false));
 evaluator.init(GenericUDAFEvaluator.Mode.PARTIAL1, OIs);
 final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer agg = (SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer) evaluator.getNewAggregationBuffer();
 for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
 final List<IntWritable> labelList = new ArrayList<IntWritable>();
 for (int label : labels[i]) {
 labelList.add(new IntWritable(label));
 evaluator.iterate(agg, new Object[] {WritableUtils.toWritableList(features[i]),
 final List<DoubleWritable> resultObj = (List<DoubleWritable>) evaluator.terminate(agg);
 Assert.assertArrayEquals(answer, result, 1e-5);
  • 37. Add new features - systemtest • Example: a part of an existing test final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF snr = new SignalNoiseRatioUDAF();
 final ObjectInspector[] OIs = new ObjectInspector[] {
 ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardListObjectInspector( PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.writableDoubleObjectInspector), ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardListObjectInspector( PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.writableIntObjectInspector)};
 final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator evaluator = (SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator) snr.getEvaluator( new SimpleGenericUDAFParameterInfo(OIs, false, false));
 evaluator.init(GenericUDAFEvaluator.Mode.PARTIAL1, OIs);
 final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer agg = (SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer) evaluator.getNewAggregationBuffer();
 for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
 final List<IntWritable> labelList = new ArrayList<IntWritable>();
 for (int label : labels[i]) {
 labelList.add(new IntWritable(label));
 evaluator.iterate(agg, new Object[] {WritableUtils.toWritableList(features[i]),
 final List<DoubleWritable> resultObj = (List<DoubleWritable>) evaluator.terminate(agg);
 Assert.assertArrayEquals(answer, result, 1e-5); omittedalot → →
  • 38. Add new features - systemtest • Example: a part of an existing test final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF snr = new SignalNoiseRatioUDAF();
 final ObjectInspector[] OIs = new ObjectInspector[] {
 ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardListObjectInspector( PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.writableDoubleObjectInspector), ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardListObjectInspector( PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.writableIntObjectInspector)};
 final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator evaluator = (SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator) snr.getEvaluator( new SimpleGenericUDAFParameterInfo(OIs, false, false));
 evaluator.init(GenericUDAFEvaluator.Mode.PARTIAL1, OIs);
 final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer agg = (SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer) evaluator.getNewAggregationBuffer();
 for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
 final List<IntWritable> labelList = new ArrayList<IntWritable>();
 for (int label : labels[i]) {
 labelList.add(new IntWritable(label));
 evaluator.iterate(agg, new Object[] {WritableUtils.toWritableList(features[i]),
 final List<DoubleWritable> resultObj = (List<DoubleWritable>) evaluator.terminate(agg);
 Assert.assertArrayEquals(answer, result, 1e-5); omittedalot Useless and long initializationUseless and long initialization → →
  • 39. Add new features - systemtest • Example: a part of an existing test final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF snr = new SignalNoiseRatioUDAF();
 final ObjectInspector[] OIs = new ObjectInspector[] {
 ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardListObjectInspector( PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.writableDoubleObjectInspector), ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardListObjectInspector( PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.writableIntObjectInspector)};
 final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator evaluator = (SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator) snr.getEvaluator( new SimpleGenericUDAFParameterInfo(OIs, false, false));
 evaluator.init(GenericUDAFEvaluator.Mode.PARTIAL1, OIs);
 final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer agg = (SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer) evaluator.getNewAggregationBuffer();
 for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
 final List<IntWritable> labelList = new ArrayList<IntWritable>();
 for (int label : labels[i]) {
 labelList.add(new IntWritable(label));
 evaluator.iterate(agg, new Object[] {WritableUtils.toWritableList(features[i]),
 final List<DoubleWritable> resultObj = (List<DoubleWritable>) evaluator.terminate(agg);
 Assert.assertArrayEquals(answer, result, 1e-5); omittedalot Useless and long initializationUseless and long initialization → → Useless many conversionsUseless many conversions
  • 40. Add new features - systemtest • Example: a part of an existing test final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF snr = new SignalNoiseRatioUDAF();
 final ObjectInspector[] OIs = new ObjectInspector[] {
 ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardListObjectInspector( PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.writableDoubleObjectInspector), ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardListObjectInspector( PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.writableIntObjectInspector)};
 final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator evaluator = (SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator) snr.getEvaluator( new SimpleGenericUDAFParameterInfo(OIs, false, false));
 evaluator.init(GenericUDAFEvaluator.Mode.PARTIAL1, OIs);
 final SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer agg = (SignalNoiseRatioUDAF.SignalNoiseRatioUDAFEvaluator.SignalNoiseRatioAggregationBuffer) evaluator.getNewAggregationBuffer();
 for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
 final List<IntWritable> labelList = new ArrayList<IntWritable>();
 for (int label : labels[i]) {
 labelList.add(new IntWritable(label));
 evaluator.iterate(agg, new Object[] {WritableUtils.toWritableList(features[i]),
 final List<DoubleWritable> resultObj = (List<DoubleWritable>) evaluator.terminate(agg);
 Assert.assertArrayEquals(answer, result, 1e-5); omittedalot Useless and long initializationUseless and long initialization → → Useless many conversionsUseless many conversions AndnotrunonHive,onlylogicaltest!! AndnotrunonHive,onlylogicaltest!!
  • 41. Add new features - systemtest • Solution • New module based on JUnit, HiveRunner and td-client-java • What it can do? • Short and unified initialization • Write and combine HQL • Run local Hive and also remote Treasure Data with the same code • Testbed is prepared and cleaned up automatically • Easy to use external resources, e.g. TSV file • Literal definition(HQL), but test with debugger • Useful DSL
  • 42. Add new features - systemtest(1) • How does it work? SystemTestRunner TDSystemTestRunner Treasure Data HiveRunner Test code User 1.Write tests based on SystemTestRunner interface ImplementationInterface SystemTestTeam HiveSystemTestRunner
  • 43. Add new features - systemtest(2) • How does it work? SystemTestRunner TDSystemTestRunner Treasure Data HiveRunner Test code User ImplementationInterface SystemTestTeam HiveSystemTestRunner 2. Read initialization and execute via impls of SystemTestRunner It works based on JUnit @ClassRule Prepare database specialized for each test class Use external resources depending on needs
  • 44. Add new features - systemtest(3) • How does it work? SystemTestRunner TDSystemTestRunner Treasure Data HiveRunner Test code User ImplementationInterface SystemTestTeam HiveSystemTestRunner 3. Execute first test It works based on JUnit @Rule Run as HQL, and check return values Rewrite DSL & HQL for each env
  • 45. Add new features - systemtest(4) • How does it work? SystemTestRunner TDSystemTestRunner Treasure Data HiveRunner Test code User ImplementationInterface SystemTestTeam HiveSystemTestRunner 4. Reset testbeds It works based on JUnit @Rule Drop temporary tables
  • 46. Add new features - systemtest(5,6…) • How does it work? SystemTestRunner TDSystemTestRunner Treasure Data HiveRunner Test code User ImplementationInterface SystemTestTeam HiveSystemTestRunner 5. Execute second test 6. Reset testbeds …repeat all tests It works based on JUnit @Rule
  • 47. Add new features - systemtest(7) • How does it work? SystemTestRunner TDSystemTestRunner Treasure Data HiveRunner Test code User ImplementationInterface SystemTestTeam HiveSystemTestRunner 7. Finalize test Drop temporary database and disconnect It works based on JUnit @ClassRule
  • 48. Add new features - systemtest • Example: initialization private static SystemTestCommonInfo ci = new SystemTestCommonInfo(HogeTest.class);
 private static HQBase createIrisTable = HQ.uploadByResourcePathAsNewTable( "iris0", ci.initDir + "iris0.csv",
 new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
 put("a", "double");
 put("b", "double");
 put("c", "double");
 put("d", "double");
 put("c0", "int");
 put("c1", "int");
 put("c2", “int");}}); 
 public static HiveSystemTestRunner hRunner = new HiveSystemTestRunner(ci) {{
 initBy(HQ.fromStatements("" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION transpose_and_dot as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_sum as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_avg as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION chi2 as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.ChiSquareUDF';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION snr as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.SignalNoiseRatioUDAF';"));}};
 public static TDSystemTestRunner tRunner = new TDSystemTestRunner(ci) {{
 public SystemTestTeam team = new SystemTestTeam(hRunner);
  • 49. Add new features - systemtest • Example: initialization private static SystemTestCommonInfo ci = new SystemTestCommonInfo(HogeTest.class);
 private static HQBase createIrisTable = HQ.uploadByResourcePathAsNewTable( "iris0", ci.initDir + "iris0.csv",
 new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
 put("a", "double");
 put("b", "double");
 put("c", "double");
 put("d", "double");
 put("c0", "int");
 put("c1", "int");
 put("c2", “int");}}); 
 public static HiveSystemTestRunner hRunner = new HiveSystemTestRunner(ci) {{
 initBy(HQ.fromStatements("" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION transpose_and_dot as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_sum as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_avg as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION chi2 as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.ChiSquareUDF';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION snr as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.SignalNoiseRatioUDAF';"));}};
 public static TDSystemTestRunner tRunner = new TDSystemTestRunner(ci) {{
 public SystemTestTeam team = new SystemTestTeam(hRunner); noomission!
  • 50. Add new features - systemtest • Example: initialization private static SystemTestCommonInfo ci = new SystemTestCommonInfo(HogeTest.class);
 private static HQBase createIrisTable = HQ.uploadByResourcePathAsNewTable( "iris0", ci.initDir + "iris0.csv",
 new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
 put("a", "double");
 put("b", "double");
 put("c", "double");
 put("d", "double");
 put("c0", "int");
 put("c1", "int");
 put("c2", “int");}}); 
 public static HiveSystemTestRunner hRunner = new HiveSystemTestRunner(ci) {{
 initBy(HQ.fromStatements("" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION transpose_and_dot as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_sum as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_avg as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION chi2 as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.ChiSquareUDF';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION snr as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.SignalNoiseRatioUDAF';"));}};
 public static TDSystemTestRunner tRunner = new TDSystemTestRunner(ci) {{
 public SystemTestTeam team = new SystemTestTeam(hRunner); noomission! Common initialization with external data Common initialization with external data
  • 51. Add new features - systemtest • Example: initialization private static SystemTestCommonInfo ci = new SystemTestCommonInfo(HogeTest.class);
 private static HQBase createIrisTable = HQ.uploadByResourcePathAsNewTable( "iris0", ci.initDir + "iris0.csv",
 new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
 put("a", "double");
 put("b", "double");
 put("c", "double");
 put("d", "double");
 put("c0", "int");
 put("c1", "int");
 put("c2", “int");}}); 
 public static HiveSystemTestRunner hRunner = new HiveSystemTestRunner(ci) {{
 initBy(HQ.fromStatements("" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION transpose_and_dot as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_sum as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_avg as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION chi2 as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.ChiSquareUDF';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION snr as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.SignalNoiseRatioUDAF';"));}};
 public static TDSystemTestRunner tRunner = new TDSystemTestRunner(ci) {{
 public SystemTestTeam team = new SystemTestTeam(hRunner); noomission! Common initialization with external data Common initialization with external data
  • 52. Add new features - systemtest • Example: initialization private static SystemTestCommonInfo ci = new SystemTestCommonInfo(HogeTest.class);
 private static HQBase createIrisTable = HQ.uploadByResourcePathAsNewTable( "iris0", ci.initDir + "iris0.csv",
 new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
 put("a", "double");
 put("b", "double");
 put("c", "double");
 put("d", "double");
 put("c0", "int");
 put("c1", "int");
 put("c2", “int");}}); 
 public static HiveSystemTestRunner hRunner = new HiveSystemTestRunner(ci) {{
 initBy(HQ.fromStatements("" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION transpose_and_dot as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_sum as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_avg as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION chi2 as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.ChiSquareUDF';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION snr as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.SignalNoiseRatioUDAF';"));}};
 public static TDSystemTestRunner tRunner = new TDSystemTestRunner(ci) {{
 public SystemTestTeam team = new SystemTestTeam(hRunner); noomission! Common initialization with external data Common initialization with external data Testbed-specific initializationTestbed-specific initialization
  • 53. Add new features - systemtest • Example: initialization private static SystemTestCommonInfo ci = new SystemTestCommonInfo(HogeTest.class);
 private static HQBase createIrisTable = HQ.uploadByResourcePathAsNewTable( "iris0", ci.initDir + "iris0.csv",
 new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
 put("a", "double");
 put("b", "double");
 put("c", "double");
 put("d", "double");
 put("c0", "int");
 put("c1", "int");
 put("c2", “int");}}); 
 public static HiveSystemTestRunner hRunner = new HiveSystemTestRunner(ci) {{
 initBy(HQ.fromStatements("" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION transpose_and_dot as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_sum as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION array_avg as '';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION chi2 as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.ChiSquareUDF';" +
 "CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION snr as 'hivemall.ftvec.selection.SignalNoiseRatioUDAF';"));}};
 public static TDSystemTestRunner tRunner = new TDSystemTestRunner(ci) {{
 public SystemTestTeam team = new SystemTestTeam(hRunner); noomission! Common initialization with external data Common initialization with external data Testbed-specific initializationTestbed-specific initialization Set common runnerSet common runner
  • 54. Add new features - systemtest • Example: test cases(1) @Test
 public void snr() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "WITH iris AS (" +
 " SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)" +
 "SELECT snr(X, Y)" +
 "FROM iris"), "$ANSWER");;
 public void chi2() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "WITH iris AS (" +
 " SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)," +
 "stats AS (" +
 " SELECT" +
 " transpose_and_dot(Y, X) AS observed," +
 " array_sum(X) AS feature_count," +
 " array_avg(Y) AS class_prob" +
 " FROM" +
 " iris)," +
 "test AS (" +
 " SELECT" +
 " transpose_and_dot(class_prob, feature_count) AS expected" +
 " FROM" +
 " stats)" +
 " chi2(observed, expected) AS x " +
 "FROM" +
 " test JOIN stats"), "$ANSWER");;
  • 55. Add new features - systemtest • Example: test cases(1) @Test
 public void snr() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "WITH iris AS (" +
 " SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)" +
 "SELECT snr(X, Y)" +
 "FROM iris"), "$ANSWER");;
 public void chi2() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "WITH iris AS (" +
 " SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)," +
 "stats AS (" +
 " SELECT" +
 " transpose_and_dot(Y, X) AS observed," +
 " array_sum(X) AS feature_count," +
 " array_avg(Y) AS class_prob" +
 " FROM" +
 " iris)," +
 "test AS (" +
 " SELECT" +
 " transpose_and_dot(class_prob, feature_count) AS expected" +
 " FROM" +
 " stats)" +
 " chi2(observed, expected) AS x " +
 "FROM" +
 " test JOIN stats"), "$ANSWER");;
 } noomission!
  • 56. Add new features - systemtest • Example: test cases(1) @Test
 public void snr() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "WITH iris AS (" +
 " SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)" +
 "SELECT snr(X, Y)" +
 "FROM iris"), "$ANSWER");;
 public void chi2() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "WITH iris AS (" +
 " SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)," +
 "stats AS (" +
 " SELECT" +
 " transpose_and_dot(Y, X) AS observed," +
 " array_sum(X) AS feature_count," +
 " array_avg(Y) AS class_prob" +
 " FROM" +
 " iris)," +
 "test AS (" +
 " SELECT" +
 " transpose_and_dot(class_prob, feature_count) AS expected" +
 " FROM" +
 " stats)" +
 " chi2(observed, expected) AS x " +
 "FROM" +
 " test JOIN stats"), "$ANSWER");;
 } noomission! Execute tests on clean testbeds using database created by init Execute tests on clean testbeds using database created by init
  • 57. Add new features - systemtest • Example: test cases(1) @Test
 public void snr() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "WITH iris AS (" +
 " SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)" +
 "SELECT snr(X, Y)" +
 "FROM iris"), "$ANSWER");;
 public void chi2() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "WITH iris AS (" +
 " SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)," +
 "stats AS (" +
 " SELECT" +
 " transpose_and_dot(Y, X) AS observed," +
 " array_sum(X) AS feature_count," +
 " array_avg(Y) AS class_prob" +
 " FROM" +
 " iris)," +
 "test AS (" +
 " SELECT" +
 " transpose_and_dot(class_prob, feature_count) AS expected" +
 " FROM" +
 " stats)" +
 " chi2(observed, expected) AS x " +
 "FROM" +
 " test JOIN stats"), "$ANSWER");;
 } noomission! Execute tests on clean testbeds using database created by init Execute tests on clean testbeds using database created by init Run on HiveRunnerRun on HiveRunner
  • 58. Add new features - systemtest • Example: test cases(1) @Test
 public void snr() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "WITH iris AS (" +
 " SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)" +
 "SELECT snr(X, Y)" +
 "FROM iris"), "$ANSWER");;
 public void chi2() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "WITH iris AS (" +
 " SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)," +
 "stats AS (" +
 " SELECT" +
 " transpose_and_dot(Y, X) AS observed," +
 " array_sum(X) AS feature_count," +
 " array_avg(Y) AS class_prob" +
 " FROM" +
 " iris)," +
 "test AS (" +
 " SELECT" +
 " transpose_and_dot(class_prob, feature_count) AS expected" +
 " FROM" +
 " stats)" +
 " chi2(observed, expected) AS x " +
 "FROM" +
 " test JOIN stats"), "$ANSWER");;
 } noomission! Execute tests on clean testbeds using database created by init Execute tests on clean testbeds using database created by init Run on HiveRunnerRun on HiveRunner
  • 59. Add new features - systemtest • Example: test cases(1) @Test
 public void snr() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "WITH iris AS (" +
 " SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)" +
 "SELECT snr(X, Y)" +
 "FROM iris"), "$ANSWER");;
 public void chi2() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "WITH iris AS (" +
 " SELECT array(a, b, c, d) AS X, array(c0, c1, c2) AS Y FROM iris0)," +
 "stats AS (" +
 " SELECT" +
 " transpose_and_dot(Y, X) AS observed," +
 " array_sum(X) AS feature_count," +
 " array_avg(Y) AS class_prob" +
 " FROM" +
 " iris)," +
 "test AS (" +
 " SELECT" +
 " transpose_and_dot(class_prob, feature_count) AS expected" +
 " FROM" +
 " stats)" +
 " chi2(observed, expected) AS x " +
 "FROM" +
 " test JOIN stats"), "$ANSWER");;
 } noomission! Execute tests on clean testbeds using database created by init Execute tests on clean testbeds using database created by init Run on HiveRunnerRun on HiveRunner Run on HiveRunner and TreasureDataRun on HiveRunner and TreasureData
  • 60. Add new features - systemtest • Example: test cases(2) @Test
 public void someTest0() throws Exception {
 final String tableName = "color";
 tableName, ci.initDir + "color.tsv",
 new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
 put("name", "string");
 put("red", "int");
 put("green", "int");
 put("blue", "int");}}));
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "SELECT CONCAT('rgb(', red, ',', green, ',', blue, ')') FROM " +
 tableName +
 " u LEFT JOIN color c on u.favorite_color ="),
 public void someTest1() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.autoMatchingByFileName("hoge"), ci);;
  • 61. Add new features - systemtest • Example: test cases(2) @Test
 public void someTest0() throws Exception {
 final String tableName = "color";
 tableName, ci.initDir + "color.tsv",
 new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
 put("name", "string");
 put("red", "int");
 put("green", "int");
 put("blue", "int");}}));
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "SELECT CONCAT('rgb(', red, ',', green, ',', blue, ')') FROM " +
 tableName +
 " u LEFT JOIN color c on u.favorite_color ="),
 public void someTest1() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.autoMatchingByFileName("hoge"), ci);;
 } noomission!
  • 62. Add new features - systemtest • Example: test cases(2) @Test
 public void someTest0() throws Exception {
 final String tableName = "color";
 tableName, ci.initDir + "color.tsv",
 new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
 put("name", "string");
 put("red", "int");
 put("green", "int");
 put("blue", "int");}}));
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "SELECT CONCAT('rgb(', red, ',', green, ',', blue, ')') FROM " +
 tableName +
 " u LEFT JOIN color c on u.favorite_color ="),
 public void someTest1() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.autoMatchingByFileName("hoge"), ci);;
 } noomission! Test-specific initialization It also can chain Test-specific initialization It also can chain
  • 63. Add new features - systemtest • Example: test cases(2) @Test
 public void someTest0() throws Exception {
 final String tableName = "color";
 tableName, ci.initDir + "color.tsv",
 new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
 put("name", "string");
 put("red", "int");
 put("green", "int");
 put("blue", "int");}}));
 team.set(HQ.fromStatement("" +
 "SELECT CONCAT('rgb(', red, ',', green, ',', blue, ')') FROM " +
 tableName +
 " u LEFT JOIN color c on u.favorite_color ="),
 public void someTest1() throws Exception {
 team.set(HQ.autoMatchingByFileName("hoge"), ci);;
 } noomission! Test-specific initialization It also can chain Test-specific initialization It also can chain Use HQL and answers written in external files Use HQL and answers written in external files
  • 64. Add new features - systemtest • More details? • • • And systemtest/
  • 65. Add new features - feature binning • What’s feature binning? • A method to divide quantitative variables into meaningful categorical variables
  • 66. Add new features - feature binning • How does it work? • [UDAF] build_bins(weight, num_of_bins[, auto_shrink]) • [UDF] feature_binning(features, quantiles_map)
 /(weight, quantiles) build_bins feature_binning
  • 67. Add new features - feature binning • [UDAF] build_bins(weight, num_of_bins[, auto_shrink]) • Use percentile internally, make all areas uniform
  • 68. Add new features - feature binning • [UDAF] build_bins(weight, num_of_bins[, auto_shrink]) • What’s auto_shrink?
  • 69. Add new features - feature binning • [UDAF] build_bins(weight, num_of_bins[, auto_shrink]) • What’s auto_shrink? Sometimes made void bins by small or skewed data set !?!? ->
  • 70. Add new features - feature binning • [UDAF] build_bins(weight, num_of_bins[, auto_shrink]) • What’s auto_shrink? Sometimes made void bins by small or skewed data set !?!? ->
  • 71. Add new features - feature binning • [UDAF] build_bins(weight, num_of_bins[, auto_shrink]) • What’s auto_shrink? Exception!Sometimes made void bins by small or skewed data set !?!? ->
  • 72. Add new features - feature binning • [UDF] feature_binning(features, quantiles_map)
 /(weight, quantiles) • Distribute variables into bins by its value feature_binning Age:17
  • 73. Add new features - feature binning • [UDF] feature_binning(features, quantiles_map)
 /(weight, quantiles) • Distribute variables into bins by its value feature_binning bin 0 -> bin 1 -> bin 2 -> Age:17
  • 74. Add new features - feature binning • [UDF] feature_binning(features, quantiles_map)
 /(weight, quantiles) • Distribute variables into bins by its value feature_binning 17 is between -Infinity and 18.0 … bin 0 -> bin 1 -> bin 2 -> Age:17
  • 75. Add new features - feature binning • [UDF] feature_binning(features, quantiles_map)
 /(weight, quantiles) • Distribute variables into bins by its value feature_binning 17 is between -Infinity and 18.0 … <here!bin 0 -> bin 1 -> bin 2 -> Age:17
  • 76. Add new features - feature binning • [UDF] feature_binning(features, quantiles_map)
 /(weight, quantiles) • Distribute variables into bins by its value feature_binning 17 is between -Infinity and 18.0 … <here!bin 0 -> bin 1 -> bin 2 -> Age:17
  • 77. Add new features - feature binning • More details? • •
  • 78. Add new features - feature selection • What’s feature selection? • A generic term of methods to select meaningful features • Used to preprocessing of machine learning • Why used? • Enhance results • Shorten learning time • Make a set of features human-understandable
  • 79. Add new features - feature selection • A kind of feature selection • Use variance • Use Chi-square value • Use SNR(Signal Noise Ratio) • mRMR(minimumRedundancy MaximumRelevance) • etc.
  • 80. Add new features - feature selection • A kind of feature selection • Use variance • Use Chi-square value • Use SNR(Signal Noise Ratio) • mRMR(minimumRedundancy MaximumRelevance) • etc. Implemented Implemented
  • 81. Add new features - feature selection • Feature selection using Chi-square value • To calc Chi-square value, need both observed values and expected values(=hypothesis) • Observed: aggregated features of each class • Expected: assuming each features and each classes are independent, calc expected values • Calc Chi-square value • Select top-k features Chi-square
  • 82. Add new features - feature selection • How does it work on Hivemall? • [UDAF] transpose_and_dot(X::array<number>, Y::array<number>)::array<array<double>> • [UDF] chi2(observed::array<array<number>>, expected::array<array<number>>)::struct<array <double>, array<double>> • [UDF] select_k_best(X::array<number>, importance_list::array<int> k::int)::array<double> Chi-square
  • 83. Add new features - feature selection • [UDAF] transpose_and_dot(X::array<number>, Y::array<number>)::array<array<double>> • Utility for matrix calculation, generic UDF YX T Chi-square
  • 84. Add new features - feature selection • [UDAF] transpose_and_dot(X::array<number>, Y::array<number>)::array<array<double>> • Utility for matrix calculation, generic UDF YX T Chi-square
  • 85. Add new features - feature selection • [UDAF] transpose_and_dot(X::array<number>, Y::array<number>)::array<array<double>> • Utility for matrix calculation, generic UDF YX T Chi-square
  • 86. Add new features - feature selection • [UDAF] transpose_and_dot(X::array<number>, Y::array<number>)::array<array<double>> • Utility for matrix calculation, generic UDF YX T Maybe you think matrix multiplication requires repetition… Chi-square
  • 87. Add new features - feature selection • [UDAF] transpose_and_dot(X::array<number>, Y::array<number>)::array<array<double>> • Utility for matrix calculation, generic UDF YX T Calculate incrementally! Maybe you think matrix multiplication requires repetition… Chi-square
  • 88. Add new features - feature selection • [UDF] chi2(observed::array<array<number>>, expected::array<array<number>>)::struct<arra y<double>, array<double>> • Calculate Chi-square value and p-value • • Calculate p-value by above and Chi-square distribution Chi-square
  • 89. Add new features - feature selection • [UDF] select_k_best(X::array<number>, importance_list::array<int>, k::int)::array<double> • Select top-k elements from X by importance_list • Generic UDF NOTE: Current implementation expects all each importance_list and k are equal k = 2 Chi-square
  • 90. Add new features - feature selection • [UDF] select_k_best(X::array<number>, importance_list::array<int>, k::int)::array<double> • Select top-k elements from X by importance_list • Generic UDF NOTE: Current implementation expects all each importance_list and k are equal k = 2 Chi-square
  • 91. Add new features - feature selection • Feature selection using SNR • Aggregate mean and variance of each feature and each class • When termination, calc Signal Noise Ratio between all combination of classes, of each feature • Sum up Signal Noise Ratio each feature Signal Noise Ratio
  • 92. Add new features - feature selection • How does it work on Hivemall? • [UDAF] snr(X::array<number>, label::array<int>)::array<double> Signal Noise Ratio
  • 93. Add new features - feature selection • [UDAF] snr(X::array<number>, label::array<int>)::array<double> • Aggregate variance by Chan’s method • Calc Signal Noise Ratio and sum them up each features Signal Noise Ratio
  • 94. Add new features - feature selection • More details? • •
  • 95. Add new features - spark integration • Integrated feature selection into spark module • Improved build flow for resolving binary incompatibility between spark-1.6 and spark-2.0
  • 96. Thank you for listening!
  • 97. Thank you for listening! Any questions?