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IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 1
IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag
Ohio Dominican University
By: Gina Harmon & Sirena Frost
IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 2
I. Executive Summary:
The Scrubba wash bag is a pocket-sized device for washing clothes anytime, anywhere.
Our product is a representation of people who lead an active, always on-the-go lifestyle and our
integrated marketing communications plan is a reflection of the Scrubba wash bag user. This
report is a summary of the objectives we are striving to accomplish through our integrated
marketing communications plan.
Our first objective is to develop brand awareness mainly through the use of various social
media platforms. In conjunction with social media, we will also build brand awareness by
organizing promotional events at large college campuses as well as the top five most traveled to
cities in the world. These events will not only generate talk about our product, but will also
connect us with our target audience.
Our second objective is to communicate the need for our product to the target audience.
By utilizing a strong social media presence, we can instantly share reviews and videos of real
consumer using the Scrubba wash bag. Connecting Scrubba wash bag users with prospective
buyers will prove that our product can replace the average clothes washing appliances.
Our third objective is to connect with our consumer by being active in the community
primarily through our Buy a Scrubba, Give a Scrubba promotion. In the future, we would like to
support our consumer community by giving away college scholarships to loyal student customers
Our future plans involve expanding our product line to include laundry detergent, fabric
softener and scent boosters that are environmentally friendly and can easily be taken anywhere.
We also plan to create a sweepstakes program that rewards our loyal customers.
IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 3
II. Promotions Opportunity Analysis:
a. Communications Analysis
i. Competitive Analysis: Our current competitors are Kenmore and General Electric. These
two companies are not only the leading producers of traditional wash machines, but they also
have a line of portable wash machines as well. Although our product differs from Kenmore
and General Electric, we still view these two companies as a threat because they are well
known and are regarded as a reliable source. General Electric has a strong presence on
multiple social media platforms, which include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest,
Tumblr, Instagram and Google +. Kenmore has a less dominate presence on social media,
however, they frequently post fresh content to their company blog, The Kenmore
ii. Opportunity Analysis: The Scrubba wash bag’s greatest advantage is that it there is no
other product like it available on the market. Our product is the only portable clothes-
washing device that is environmentally friendly and timely. These features meet the needs of
recurrent travelers and people with limited time and/or resources.
iii. Target Market Analysis: Viable consumers for the Scrubba wash bag are frequent
travelers, backpackers and college students. These consumers have limited time to waste on
doing laundry and cannot easily access typical washing devices.
iv. Customer Analysis: Our customer is a working class individual, who is single and does
not produce enough dirty laundry to do a full load during the week. They support eco-
friendly concepts and they are cost conscious. They are between 18 to 30 years old and have
IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 4
the young innovative mentality. Although we mainly target city dwellers, you can find our
customers anywhere because of what our brand stands for.
III. Brand Development:
Product: Scrubba wash bag; colors include blue and green.
The Scrubba wash bag provides the convenience of doing your laundry anytime,
anywhere. The Scrubba wash bag is a one of a kind washing bag that competes with washing
machines, only our bag can fold up to fit in your pocket and travel anywhere with you. We pride
ourselves on the fact that our product works as well as traditional washing machines in less than
half the time. That is why the inside of the bag is equipped with scrubbing fibers to ensure your
clothes come out clean in approximately three minutes, making it over 20 minutes quicker than a
traditional washing machine. We want are product to contribute to a healthier cleaner you. We
personally stand behind our product and offer 100 percent money back guarantee.
Another way we plan to develop our brand is by giving a free Scrubba wash bag to a
homeless shelter every time one is purchased in our stores. By having a Buy One, Give One
promotion, we hope our brand will become widely known in a quick time period.
Our target audience is college students, hikers, and travelers. These are the people who
are too busy or do not have easy access to traditional washing machines and need a product that
will provide them with clean clothes in a timely manner.
When the consumer comes across the Scrubba wash bag, they will know that they are not
only helping the community, but also the environment, they will think of the great value our
product offers and they will feel adventurous because of our lightweight, travel-inspired design.
Our main pitfalls of the product are people thinking there is no point to the product. Most
colleges now provide washers and dryers in student dorm buildings at no extra cost. However,
IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 5
from personal experience, the washers and dryers break down a lot and you are always fighting
to find more than an hour out of your day to watch your clothes. Travelers might think there is no
point to our product because they can just pack a clean pair of clothes. An extra set of clothes
weighs approximately a pound, while the Scrubba wash bag only weighs six ounces. This could
make a substantial difference if one is hiking for an extended period of time. We want our
consumers to recognize their need for our product because washing machines cannot offer them
a timely clean anywhere they desire.
Since this is a new product on the market, developing brand awareness is our most
important objective. We want consumers to not only know what are product is, but how it works.
By developing tutorial videos the consumer can use the product efficiently. Using images of our
target market happily using the product is another way to build up our brand. We think YouTube
videos would be a great way to develop brand awareness because they are within our budget. By
having green and blue colors in our logo, it not only makes it easy to recognize, but it will allow
consumers to relate our logo with our product. Catchy slogans and taglines could also help us
create awareness. Our goal is to have our logo and slogans widely known to help build sales.
Along with developing brand awareness, we want to build customer traffic. Customer
traffic will be built mostly from word of mouth marketing. Consumers will purchase our product
and realize how easy and convenient it is to use and they will tell their friends and family. With
brand awareness being our most important objective, we hope it will lead to customer traffic.
Our product is more of a one-time purchase, but like traditional washing machines, the wash bag
will not last forever. We hope that the consumer is so happy with their Scrubba wash bag that
IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 6
when it comes time to buy a new one, they purchase from us, which brings us to our next
objective -- changing customers’ beliefs or attitudes.
Our idea of changing customers’ beliefs and attitudes centers around the fact that the
general population owns a traditional wash machine, the Scrubba wash bag is a handy
alternative. We need to change their attitudes about those washing machines. They need to
recognize that our wash bag will satisfy their needs when they are away from home. We are not
trying to replace washing machines, we are just trying to make traditional washing easier,
especially when people do not have time to do laundry, but need the dirty shirt to be clean for the
following morning.
Since we are a new brand, our budget is very limited. Because of this, building brand
awareness will be very hard. We have to rely heavily on alternative marketing, which means we
need to make sure our customers have positive feelings about our brand and product. Also, we
will set up a YouTube account with a tutorial on how the wash bag works and to show people
happily using our product.
Our Buy a Scrubba, Give a Scrubba promotion will help us build consumer traffic, as
well as offering a money back guarantee. By giving back to the community and fully supporting
our own product, we will hopefully increase sales.
We have a variety of different ways we plan to advertise, market, and promote our product that
are outlined below. We abstained from using the personal selling method because we have such a
narrow target audience and our product does not have brand development yet, which makes us
feel like consumers would not respond well to it.
IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 7
VI. Advertising:
Since we are a new product on the market, we do not really have the money to advertise right
now. We would start out with a website for the product and have a strong social media presence,
but for a while we will have to rely heavily on alternative marketing. Once we raise enough
money for traditional media, we would take out ads in hiking, camping, and traveling magazines.
Because of our target market is college students and travelers, newspapers or radio ads would not
be appropriate places to advertise. Eventually, we could run television ads on MTV or the
Discovery channel to try to reach a broader range of people to purchase the Scrubba wash bag.
VII. Consumer/Sales Promotions – coupons, premiums, contests and
sweepstakes, refunds and rebates, sampling, bonus-packs:
We hope by having the buy one give one program that we make a big impact on the world as
well as having our brand being nationally recognized. With our consumer sales and
promotions we want to reach out to not only are target market, but everyone who is
unsatisfied with the way they do laundry.
 Buy a Scrubba, Give a Scrubba: Anyone who wants to make a difference in the world
would be likely to buy the Scrubba wash bag because every less fortunate person
would be able to get a free bag. Our focus for this would be mainly in the United
States. The economic conditions over the last couple years have left many people and
families homeless. By giving them a free wash bag, we want to bring some light into
their life, by knowing they have people supporting them and helping them get back
on their feet.
IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 8
 First Time Purchasers: With each new wash bag purchases, the consumer will receive
a free sample bottle of our laundry detergent. By doing this, we hope customers
would be more inclined to buy the bag and start buying our detergent.
 Sweepstakes: Eventually, we hope to have two different sweepstakes, one for college
students and one for travelers. The prize will be a weekend get-a-way to the resort of
their choice. We think this will draw a lot of attention because not many sweepstakes
let the winners pick their prize. By having a sweepstakes, it gives us a chance to get
our customers information to be able to send them Snapchats or texts about the
products we offer or when we are having a sales promotion.
IX. Public relations, publicity and sponsorship programs:
 Buy a Scrubba, Give a Scrubba: By giving away a free wash bag to a person in need, we
would not only be helping out those people, but also building up our relationship with the
public. This will get people talking about our company and hopefully bring us more
customers who want to purchase our product because we are helping the community
 Backpacking Field Trip: We would have our whole company go on a hiking/camping
trip. This would show our consumers that we use and support our own product. It will be
an opportunity for us to create content for our social media sites and really interact with
current and future consumers.
 College Scholarship: Eventually, we hope to start up our own college scholarship
program. This is a great way to connect with a target consumer while giving back to the
community. The scholarship would only be available to three students each year. In order
to apply, the student would need to have previously purchased a Scrubba wash bag. We
IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 9
hope that by offering a yearly scholarship to select college students, we gain more
support from families across the nation as well as making our brand more widely known.
X. E- Marketing:
In addition to a traditional website, Scrubba wash bag will use a variety of social media
platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Pinterest and Flickr. These sites
will allow the company to build brand awareness and reach a wide range of consumers. The use
of social media platforms also increases link ability, which in return helps our company climb up
the search engine ladder. Our company is young and we do not have a large budget for
advertising, so utilizing free social media platforms is ideal.
 Facebook: Facebook has surpassed 1.23 billion active users and each registered user has
an average of 130 friends. With the growing number of people on Facebook, our
company will be able to reach an expansive variety of consumers. Our Facebook page
will display photos, videos, promotions and updates about the product. Furthermore, our
page will inform customers about where they can buy their very own Scrubba wash bag.
 Twitter: Twitter has 232 million monthly active users. The large community of Twitter
users will contribute to reaching a broad range of consumers. Through our account, we
will communicate with the consumer and receive feedback about the product. Twitter
allows us to tweet about new deals, coupon codes, promotions and upcoming events.
Twitter also gives us the ability to retweet our followers. This is a great way to share and
promote customers’ positive experiences.
 Instagram: Seventy percent of Instagram users say they regularly search for brand content
on the site. Using this social media platform will increase brand loyalty. We will use our
Instagram account to host giveaway contests and give special discounts to our followers.
IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 10
 Snapchat: Through Snapchat, we have the ability to relate the stories behind our product
directly to the consumer. Snapchat allows us to inform the consumer about promotions
and upcoming events.
 YouTube: Posting videos on our YouTube account will help display the personality of
our company. Video simultaneously appeals to sight and hearing. Therefore, video has
greater impact on the consumer.
 Pinterest: Pinterest converts more browsers into buyers. With Pinterest, the path to
purchase is direct and we can link right to selling the product. Pinterest pins increase
inbound links. Every pin will include a link back to the source of our product.
 Flickr: Flickr will allow us to easily share photos on our Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
Flickr can display geo tagged photos on a world map. This feature is consistent with
keeping up with our traveling customers.
XI. Alternative Marketing:
Guerilla Marketing:
 Since our company is fairly new, we do not have a large advertising budget. However, we
would still like to see instant, effective results by using limited resources. We plan to
organize a promotional events in London, Bangkok, Paris, Singapore and Dubai. These
are the top five most traveled to cities in the world. This event entails that we set up a
Scrubba wash bag booth in the most densely populated areas of each city. Then, we will
pull consumers right off the street to have a clothes washing competition using the
Scrubba wash bag. Those who are the fastest at using the product will win one free
Scrubba wash bag. This allows the consumer to try out our product and give us instant
IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 11
feedback on their experience.
 As well as setting up a Scrubba wash bag booth in these top five cities, we would also
like to endorse our product at college campuses that have a large student body and a
study abroad program. This event will take place on move-in day and will target not only
college students, but their parents as well.
XII. Database and Direct Response Marketing:
 Email List: Upon purchasing the Scrubba wash bag, we will request the buyers email
address. Benefits of joining the mailing list include receiving details on new sales and
promotions and learning about our upcoming promotional events.
 Trawling: We would use the trawling procedure to locate specific individuals who travel,
backpack, attend college or are a part of a study abroad program.
 We would like to set up promotional booths at large festivals and concerts such as
Bonnaroo, Coachella and Summerfest. These events attract thousands of people every
year and last for days. People who attend these events usually camp out on concert
grounds. We can sell Scrubba wash bags at the booth to concertgoers who are looking for
a quick and easy way to wash their laundry without the hassle of leaving the concert area.
By having these promotional events, we will attract media coverage which will
encourage word of mouth marketing.
IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 12
Traditional Media:
 Medium Sized Website- $12,000
Consumer/Sales Promotion:
 Buy a Scrubba, Give a Scrubba- $10 per Scrubba wash bag
 Free sample detergent- $1 per purchase
 Sweepstakes (Future)- $1,200 per year
Public Relations, Publicity and Sponsorships:
 Backpacking Fieldtrip- $200 per employee
 College Scholarship (Future)- $1,000 x 3
 Initial Labor- $8.10 per hour x 3 hours per social media platform
Alternative Marketing:
 Travel Expenses: $2,000 per trip
 Booth Setup: $1,000 initial fee
 Brochure: $1,000 per year
Database and Direct Response Marketing:
IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 13
 Trawling: $8.10 per hour x person
 Email: $8.10 per hour x person
Evaluation Measures:
The main objectives of our Integrated Marketing Campaign are to build brand awareness
and communicate the need for our product to the target audience. In order to determine the
success of our IMC, we plan to establish multiple methodologies. Through our social media
platforms, we will be able to keep track of the number of people who like or follow our pages.
This will allow us to estimate how many people our product advertisements are reaching.
Through our email account, we will be able to compile a large contact list and monitor how
many customers remain interested in our product. We will also utilize Google’s feature that
keeps track of how many people view our pages. We can compare the number of people who
view our pages to the actual number of people who like or follow our pages. If the numbers
greatly differ, then we can conclude what changes need to be made. To determine the
effectiveness of our college and concert promotional events we can subtract the number of
people who stopped at our booth from the total attendance. We will have people fill out a small
questionnaire when they stop by our booth so we can measure the number of people reached and
receive feedback on our product.

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Integrated Marketing Campaign

  • 1. IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 1 Running head: IMC PLAN FOR SCRUBBA WASH BAG IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag Ohio Dominican University By: Gina Harmon & Sirena Frost
  • 2. IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 2 I. Executive Summary: The Scrubba wash bag is a pocket-sized device for washing clothes anytime, anywhere. Our product is a representation of people who lead an active, always on-the-go lifestyle and our integrated marketing communications plan is a reflection of the Scrubba wash bag user. This report is a summary of the objectives we are striving to accomplish through our integrated marketing communications plan. Our first objective is to develop brand awareness mainly through the use of various social media platforms. In conjunction with social media, we will also build brand awareness by organizing promotional events at large college campuses as well as the top five most traveled to cities in the world. These events will not only generate talk about our product, but will also connect us with our target audience. Our second objective is to communicate the need for our product to the target audience. By utilizing a strong social media presence, we can instantly share reviews and videos of real consumer using the Scrubba wash bag. Connecting Scrubba wash bag users with prospective buyers will prove that our product can replace the average clothes washing appliances. Our third objective is to connect with our consumer by being active in the community primarily through our Buy a Scrubba, Give a Scrubba promotion. In the future, we would like to support our consumer community by giving away college scholarships to loyal student customers Our future plans involve expanding our product line to include laundry detergent, fabric softener and scent boosters that are environmentally friendly and can easily be taken anywhere. We also plan to create a sweepstakes program that rewards our loyal customers.
  • 3. IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 3 II. Promotions Opportunity Analysis: a. Communications Analysis i. Competitive Analysis: Our current competitors are Kenmore and General Electric. These two companies are not only the leading producers of traditional wash machines, but they also have a line of portable wash machines as well. Although our product differs from Kenmore and General Electric, we still view these two companies as a threat because they are well known and are regarded as a reliable source. General Electric has a strong presence on multiple social media platforms, which include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram and Google +. Kenmore has a less dominate presence on social media, however, they frequently post fresh content to their company blog, The Kenmore Community. ii. Opportunity Analysis: The Scrubba wash bag’s greatest advantage is that it there is no other product like it available on the market. Our product is the only portable clothes- washing device that is environmentally friendly and timely. These features meet the needs of recurrent travelers and people with limited time and/or resources. iii. Target Market Analysis: Viable consumers for the Scrubba wash bag are frequent travelers, backpackers and college students. These consumers have limited time to waste on doing laundry and cannot easily access typical washing devices. iv. Customer Analysis: Our customer is a working class individual, who is single and does not produce enough dirty laundry to do a full load during the week. They support eco- friendly concepts and they are cost conscious. They are between 18 to 30 years old and have
  • 4. IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 4 the young innovative mentality. Although we mainly target city dwellers, you can find our customers anywhere because of what our brand stands for. III. Brand Development: Product: Scrubba wash bag; colors include blue and green. The Scrubba wash bag provides the convenience of doing your laundry anytime, anywhere. The Scrubba wash bag is a one of a kind washing bag that competes with washing machines, only our bag can fold up to fit in your pocket and travel anywhere with you. We pride ourselves on the fact that our product works as well as traditional washing machines in less than half the time. That is why the inside of the bag is equipped with scrubbing fibers to ensure your clothes come out clean in approximately three minutes, making it over 20 minutes quicker than a traditional washing machine. We want are product to contribute to a healthier cleaner you. We personally stand behind our product and offer 100 percent money back guarantee. Another way we plan to develop our brand is by giving a free Scrubba wash bag to a homeless shelter every time one is purchased in our stores. By having a Buy One, Give One promotion, we hope our brand will become widely known in a quick time period. Our target audience is college students, hikers, and travelers. These are the people who are too busy or do not have easy access to traditional washing machines and need a product that will provide them with clean clothes in a timely manner. When the consumer comes across the Scrubba wash bag, they will know that they are not only helping the community, but also the environment, they will think of the great value our product offers and they will feel adventurous because of our lightweight, travel-inspired design. Our main pitfalls of the product are people thinking there is no point to the product. Most colleges now provide washers and dryers in student dorm buildings at no extra cost. However,
  • 5. IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 5 from personal experience, the washers and dryers break down a lot and you are always fighting to find more than an hour out of your day to watch your clothes. Travelers might think there is no point to our product because they can just pack a clean pair of clothes. An extra set of clothes weighs approximately a pound, while the Scrubba wash bag only weighs six ounces. This could make a substantial difference if one is hiking for an extended period of time. We want our consumers to recognize their need for our product because washing machines cannot offer them a timely clean anywhere they desire. IV. IMC OBJECTIVES & BUDGET: Since this is a new product on the market, developing brand awareness is our most important objective. We want consumers to not only know what are product is, but how it works. By developing tutorial videos the consumer can use the product efficiently. Using images of our target market happily using the product is another way to build up our brand. We think YouTube videos would be a great way to develop brand awareness because they are within our budget. By having green and blue colors in our logo, it not only makes it easy to recognize, but it will allow consumers to relate our logo with our product. Catchy slogans and taglines could also help us create awareness. Our goal is to have our logo and slogans widely known to help build sales. Along with developing brand awareness, we want to build customer traffic. Customer traffic will be built mostly from word of mouth marketing. Consumers will purchase our product and realize how easy and convenient it is to use and they will tell their friends and family. With brand awareness being our most important objective, we hope it will lead to customer traffic. Our product is more of a one-time purchase, but like traditional washing machines, the wash bag will not last forever. We hope that the consumer is so happy with their Scrubba wash bag that
  • 6. IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 6 when it comes time to buy a new one, they purchase from us, which brings us to our next objective -- changing customers’ beliefs or attitudes. Our idea of changing customers’ beliefs and attitudes centers around the fact that the general population owns a traditional wash machine, the Scrubba wash bag is a handy alternative. We need to change their attitudes about those washing machines. They need to recognize that our wash bag will satisfy their needs when they are away from home. We are not trying to replace washing machines, we are just trying to make traditional washing easier, especially when people do not have time to do laundry, but need the dirty shirt to be clean for the following morning. Since we are a new brand, our budget is very limited. Because of this, building brand awareness will be very hard. We have to rely heavily on alternative marketing, which means we need to make sure our customers have positive feelings about our brand and product. Also, we will set up a YouTube account with a tutorial on how the wash bag works and to show people happily using our product. Our Buy a Scrubba, Give a Scrubba promotion will help us build consumer traffic, as well as offering a money back guarantee. By giving back to the community and fully supporting our own product, we will hopefully increase sales. V. IMC METHODOLOGIES: We have a variety of different ways we plan to advertise, market, and promote our product that are outlined below. We abstained from using the personal selling method because we have such a narrow target audience and our product does not have brand development yet, which makes us feel like consumers would not respond well to it.
  • 7. IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 7 VI. Advertising: Since we are a new product on the market, we do not really have the money to advertise right now. We would start out with a website for the product and have a strong social media presence, but for a while we will have to rely heavily on alternative marketing. Once we raise enough money for traditional media, we would take out ads in hiking, camping, and traveling magazines. Because of our target market is college students and travelers, newspapers or radio ads would not be appropriate places to advertise. Eventually, we could run television ads on MTV or the Discovery channel to try to reach a broader range of people to purchase the Scrubba wash bag. VII. Consumer/Sales Promotions – coupons, premiums, contests and sweepstakes, refunds and rebates, sampling, bonus-packs: We hope by having the buy one give one program that we make a big impact on the world as well as having our brand being nationally recognized. With our consumer sales and promotions we want to reach out to not only are target market, but everyone who is unsatisfied with the way they do laundry.  Buy a Scrubba, Give a Scrubba: Anyone who wants to make a difference in the world would be likely to buy the Scrubba wash bag because every less fortunate person would be able to get a free bag. Our focus for this would be mainly in the United States. The economic conditions over the last couple years have left many people and families homeless. By giving them a free wash bag, we want to bring some light into their life, by knowing they have people supporting them and helping them get back on their feet.
  • 8. IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 8  First Time Purchasers: With each new wash bag purchases, the consumer will receive a free sample bottle of our laundry detergent. By doing this, we hope customers would be more inclined to buy the bag and start buying our detergent.  Sweepstakes: Eventually, we hope to have two different sweepstakes, one for college students and one for travelers. The prize will be a weekend get-a-way to the resort of their choice. We think this will draw a lot of attention because not many sweepstakes let the winners pick their prize. By having a sweepstakes, it gives us a chance to get our customers information to be able to send them Snapchats or texts about the products we offer or when we are having a sales promotion. IX. Public relations, publicity and sponsorship programs:  Buy a Scrubba, Give a Scrubba: By giving away a free wash bag to a person in need, we would not only be helping out those people, but also building up our relationship with the public. This will get people talking about our company and hopefully bring us more customers who want to purchase our product because we are helping the community members.  Backpacking Field Trip: We would have our whole company go on a hiking/camping trip. This would show our consumers that we use and support our own product. It will be an opportunity for us to create content for our social media sites and really interact with current and future consumers.  College Scholarship: Eventually, we hope to start up our own college scholarship program. This is a great way to connect with a target consumer while giving back to the community. The scholarship would only be available to three students each year. In order to apply, the student would need to have previously purchased a Scrubba wash bag. We
  • 9. IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 9 hope that by offering a yearly scholarship to select college students, we gain more support from families across the nation as well as making our brand more widely known. X. E- Marketing: In addition to a traditional website, Scrubba wash bag will use a variety of social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Pinterest and Flickr. These sites will allow the company to build brand awareness and reach a wide range of consumers. The use of social media platforms also increases link ability, which in return helps our company climb up the search engine ladder. Our company is young and we do not have a large budget for advertising, so utilizing free social media platforms is ideal.  Facebook: Facebook has surpassed 1.23 billion active users and each registered user has an average of 130 friends. With the growing number of people on Facebook, our company will be able to reach an expansive variety of consumers. Our Facebook page will display photos, videos, promotions and updates about the product. Furthermore, our page will inform customers about where they can buy their very own Scrubba wash bag.  Twitter: Twitter has 232 million monthly active users. The large community of Twitter users will contribute to reaching a broad range of consumers. Through our account, we will communicate with the consumer and receive feedback about the product. Twitter allows us to tweet about new deals, coupon codes, promotions and upcoming events. Twitter also gives us the ability to retweet our followers. This is a great way to share and promote customers’ positive experiences.  Instagram: Seventy percent of Instagram users say they regularly search for brand content on the site. Using this social media platform will increase brand loyalty. We will use our Instagram account to host giveaway contests and give special discounts to our followers.
  • 10. IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 10  Snapchat: Through Snapchat, we have the ability to relate the stories behind our product directly to the consumer. Snapchat allows us to inform the consumer about promotions and upcoming events.  YouTube: Posting videos on our YouTube account will help display the personality of our company. Video simultaneously appeals to sight and hearing. Therefore, video has greater impact on the consumer.  Pinterest: Pinterest converts more browsers into buyers. With Pinterest, the path to purchase is direct and we can link right to selling the product. Pinterest pins increase inbound links. Every pin will include a link back to the source of our product.  Flickr: Flickr will allow us to easily share photos on our Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Flickr can display geo tagged photos on a world map. This feature is consistent with keeping up with our traveling customers. XI. Alternative Marketing: Guerilla Marketing:  Since our company is fairly new, we do not have a large advertising budget. However, we would still like to see instant, effective results by using limited resources. We plan to organize a promotional events in London, Bangkok, Paris, Singapore and Dubai. These are the top five most traveled to cities in the world. This event entails that we set up a Scrubba wash bag booth in the most densely populated areas of each city. Then, we will pull consumers right off the street to have a clothes washing competition using the Scrubba wash bag. Those who are the fastest at using the product will win one free Scrubba wash bag. This allows the consumer to try out our product and give us instant
  • 11. IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 11 feedback on their experience.  As well as setting up a Scrubba wash bag booth in these top five cities, we would also like to endorse our product at college campuses that have a large student body and a study abroad program. This event will take place on move-in day and will target not only college students, but their parents as well. XII. Database and Direct Response Marketing:  Email List: Upon purchasing the Scrubba wash bag, we will request the buyers email address. Benefits of joining the mailing list include receiving details on new sales and promotions and learning about our upcoming promotional events.  Trawling: We would use the trawling procedure to locate specific individuals who travel, backpack, attend college or are a part of a study abroad program. Events:  We would like to set up promotional booths at large festivals and concerts such as Bonnaroo, Coachella and Summerfest. These events attract thousands of people every year and last for days. People who attend these events usually camp out on concert grounds. We can sell Scrubba wash bags at the booth to concertgoers who are looking for a quick and easy way to wash their laundry without the hassle of leaving the concert area. By having these promotional events, we will attract media coverage which will encourage word of mouth marketing.
  • 12. IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 12 Budget: Traditional Media:  Medium Sized Website- $12,000 Consumer/Sales Promotion:  Buy a Scrubba, Give a Scrubba- $10 per Scrubba wash bag  Free sample detergent- $1 per purchase  Sweepstakes (Future)- $1,200 per year Public Relations, Publicity and Sponsorships:  Backpacking Fieldtrip- $200 per employee  College Scholarship (Future)- $1,000 x 3 E-Marketing:  Initial Labor- $8.10 per hour x 3 hours per social media platform Alternative Marketing:  Travel Expenses: $2,000 per trip  Booth Setup: $1,000 initial fee  Brochure: $1,000 per year Database and Direct Response Marketing:
  • 13. IMC Plan for Scrubba Wash Bag 13  Trawling: $8.10 per hour x person  Email: $8.10 per hour x person Evaluation Measures: The main objectives of our Integrated Marketing Campaign are to build brand awareness and communicate the need for our product to the target audience. In order to determine the success of our IMC, we plan to establish multiple methodologies. Through our social media platforms, we will be able to keep track of the number of people who like or follow our pages. This will allow us to estimate how many people our product advertisements are reaching. Through our email account, we will be able to compile a large contact list and monitor how many customers remain interested in our product. We will also utilize Google’s feature that keeps track of how many people view our pages. We can compare the number of people who view our pages to the actual number of people who like or follow our pages. If the numbers greatly differ, then we can conclude what changes need to be made. To determine the effectiveness of our college and concert promotional events we can subtract the number of people who stopped at our booth from the total attendance. We will have people fill out a small questionnaire when they stop by our booth so we can measure the number of people reached and receive feedback on our product.