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Instalar JDK
Si debemos desinstalar una versión anterior de JDK comando para desinstalar java Yum remove
java-1.8.0-openjdk- o eliminar la carpeta de instalación directamente
Descargamos el archivo de JDK correspondiente de la página de Oracle en este caso jdk-8u65-linux-
x64.tar.gz y lo copiamos en el directorio /usr/java
Descomprimimos el archivo tar.gz con el comando tar zxvf jdk-8u65-linux-x64.tar.gz
Ejecutamos el comando java – version para verificar que el JDK quedó instalado.
Configurar variable JAVA_HOME que apunte a la carpeta de instalación del JDK
Configurar la variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/bsmucmdb/Software/Asset/AssetManager/x64
en el bash_profile para que Asset Manager encuentre las librerías .so
Igualmente configuramos la variable ORACLE_HOME para que apunte a la carpeta de instalación
del cliente Oracle y la añadimos al PATH y al LD_LIBRARY_PATH
En la ruta /etc/ con usuario root creamos el archivo AssetManager-x86_64.conf lo
editamos colocando la misma ruta que en la variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH y ejecutamos el comando
ldconfig --verbose para actualizar la caché.
Configuración de JVM para Tomcat
Tenemos dos instalaciones de tomcat 1 para el Asset Manager y otra para el Asset Manager Web
Buscamos el archivo para editar los parámetros en este caso la ruta es /opt/tomcat-
Con comando vi editamos los parámetros de JVM Para Asset Manager Web así:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms2048M -Xmx2048M -XX:+UseTLAB -
XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:NewSize=256M -
XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -server"
Copiar el archivo del servidor de la base de datos tnsnames.ora a la carpeta
1. Copiamos instaladores a una carpeta dentro del sistema linux
2. Descomprimimos el archivo .zip
3. Buscamos el archivo am-linux_UNICODE_9.60.13086_es.tgz lo dejamos fuera de la carpeta
Unix, en la carpeta de instalación.
4. Descomprimimos el archivo am-linux_UNICODE_9.60.13086_es.tgz
Vemos que el usuario con el que estamos renga los permisos para descomprimir, si no los tiene le
damos el comando: chmod 777 am-linux_UNICODE_9.60.13086_es.tgz y creamos un directorio con:
mkdir Asset.
A continuación pasamos el archivo am-linux_UNICODE_9.60.13086_es.tgz al directorio creado y le
damos el comando para descomprimir: tar xzvf am-linux_UNICODE_9.60.13086_es.tgz
5. Editamos el archivo package.propierties que en esta instalación se encuentra en la ruta
Las propiedades que se encuentran en el archivo son las que vienen para una instalación
por defecto de Asset manager en Windows, para este caso cambiamos las propiedades
teniendo en cuenta que se está realizando una instalación en Linux Red Hat de 64 bits y
nos conectaremos a una base de datos Oracle 12C.
Con el comando Cat vemos las propiedades actuales del archivo así: cat
Con el comando: nano editamos las propiedades del archivo. Con las siguientes
cambios en package.Properties
DB.Engine= Oracle
Y queda:
# Possible values and their translations for the path to the dll/so library
# the extension of the library files - "dll" for Windows, "so" for *nix
# this is set by the deploy shell script and included here only for reference purposes
# the prefix prepended to the library name (empty for windows, lib for *nix).
# this is set by the deploy shell script and included here only for reference purposes
# property names that should not be reported as not being changed if they are not present in this file
# the properties would normally be properties that configure a certain version of Asset Manager for
# proper functioning rather than customer preferences. Property names must be surrounded by
colons (:)
# location of the ant task jars needed for the deployment script. Only relevant in the
# primary properties file. If you specify this setting on the command line you must prefix the
# property name with "PRI." due to ant task library loading constraints.
# For example: -DPRI.ant.tasks.dir=lib
# The name of the first file which stores the first part of PBKDF2 password. Make sure this file is
# Example: c:secret-sharesecret1.txt, or c:/secret-share/secret1.txt.
# The name of the second file which stores the second part of PBKDF2 password. Make sure this file
is secure.
# Example: c:secret-sharesecret2.txt, or c:/secret-share/secret2.txt.
# Configurations for push adapter monitor
# Whether the monitor push adapter monitor is enabled
# The UCMDB Server Host name
# The UCMDB Server Port
# The UCMDB Server log in User
# The UCMDB Server log in password
# The promptForPwd and encrypt parameters apply to this property,
# so this value may be overridden by a value input at deploy time and/or encrypted.
6. Editamos los parámetros del archivo package.Properties de Asset Manager Web Tier que
está en la ruta:
Archivo que por
defecto viene con los siguientes valores:
# The html string to display for counts that are not known (not yet counted and greater than the
# list paging size. Use {0} to place the paging size. The defaults display nothing.
# examples: "> {0}" results in "> 20", "{0}+" results in "20+", "??" results in "??"
# Open a new tab window for detail is editing status for linkedit, sublist, one2manylinkedit
# Display a button that applies a filter without losing current selections in the list
# Default value of user preference for the maximum number of documents to show per page in a list
# The user can change this value themselves in the User Preferences screen, but this is the default.
# List toolbar is to be displayed at the top or bottom. Recognized values are "both", "header" and
# "footer".
# Default value of user preference to display the statistics combo box in lists.
# The user can change this value themselves in the User Preferences screen, but this is the default.
# Maximum number of documents to show child nodes in a tree list
# Remove the link name of remote field in list header
# Note: customized field label which end with brackets will be trimmed if this option is set to true,
# example: field label Asset(Computer) will be trimmed to Asset if this option is set to true.
# Comma-separated list of module to deactivate.
# example : Cable,HelpDesk,SAM
#==================================================================== ======
# This section defines the type of deployment and password handling
# These properties are read from the primary properties file only, the one specified on the
# command line. Properties from other sections are combined with the properties from the secondary
# properties file (specified by properties.file2) to create a combination ear if
# combination.ear=true in the primary properties file.
# path to the webtier war that is to be directly modified for a war deployment and/or
# copied and modified for use in an ear deployment
# the type of deployment(s) to perform. War deployments alter the war specified above. Ear
# deployments create a copy of the above war for modification and inclusion in the ear specified
# below
# This section defines the deployment information needed for creating the ears
# for weblogic and websphere deployments
# the ear that is to be created during an ear deployment
# whether the created ear is to contain both the webtier and webservice (true) or not (false)
# path to the webtier transformation properties file, used when combination.ear=true
# the context root to specify in the application.xml of the ear
# the application display name to specify in the application.xml of the ear
# the classpath to set in the manifest of the ear
# additional files to place in the ear, separated by spaces
# a space-delimited list of files to remove from the war that is placed within the ear - typically
# used for deployment on WebSphere 7
# This section contains Asset Manager settings that are less frequently modified
# Whether or not to show a confirmation screen before launching a script action
# Whether to show budget alert messages. For CCS only.
# Maximum number of items to display on a Business Home Page
# Maximum number of statistical breakdowns to display on a Business Home Page
# Currencies refresh interval in seconds (21600 seconds = 6 hours)
# DbTables refresh interval in seconds (86400 seconds = 24 hours)
# Opened ItemizedList values refresh interval in seconds (1200 seconds = 20 minutes)
# The idle time of cache of opened ItemizedList values (unit:seconds)
# The live time of cache of opened ItemizedList values (unit:seconds)
# Workflow refresh interval in seconds (86400 seconds = 24 hours)
# Max number of categories (e.g. bars) to display on a chart
# Colors to be used in bars or pie segments when generating charts
# General statistics chart height (pixels)
# General statistics chart width (pixels)
# Statistics chart height in Dashboards (pixels)
# Statistics chart width in Dashboards (pixels)
# Statistics chart height in Statistics screens (pixels)
# Statistics chart width in Statistics screens (pixels)
# Statistics chart height in Wizards (pixels)
# Statistics chart width in Wizards (pixels)
# Max number of items per dashboard
# Whether or not to globally permit documents to be opened within the browser window
# Which file types to allow being opened within the browser window. This value is only used
# if Documents.OpenInBrowser.AllowAll=false
# Whether extjs charts will be enabled
# For color choosers, the color value is displayed in white for darker colors.
# This parameter determines the minimum darkness (0-1) at which the color value
# is displayed in white rather than black (0 is darkest, 1 is lightest).
# Enable or disable full text search
# Full text search server url
# Show dashboard as welcome page
#For canvas caption font
# Web service used for authentication
# Dashboard service provider - Uses the amDashboardItem screen in the amDashboardItem table
# Functional Domain Homepage object - Uses the amDashboardItem screen in the
amDashboardItem table
# DateAlarm service provider - Uses the amDateAlarm screen in the amDateAlarm table
# File upload/download service provider - Uses the amDocBlob screen in the amDocBlob table
# Functional domain service provider - Uses the FuncDomainHomePage screen in the
amFuncDomain table
# Functional Domain Homepage object - Uses the FuncDomainHomePage screen in the
amFuncDomain table
# Functional domain service provider - Uses the amFuncDomain screen in the amFuncDomain table
# Mail service provider - Uses the amMail screen in the amMail table
# Profile service provider - Uses the amMasterProfile screen in the amMasterProfile table
# Read mail wizard service provider - Uses the sysCoreReadMsg wizard
# Reports service provider - Uses the amReports screen in the amReports table
# Workflow schema service provider
# Location of Global HTML Help index page
# An alternate or custom theme. The standard theme is "am"
# The layout type to list-detail(Horizontal or Vertical), The default value is Horizontal
# This section defines debugging values that should only be modified at the request of technical
# support personnel. Changing these values could have severe impact on performance!
# Whether additional debugging info should be displayed on all pages
# Whether the javascript source files should be the developer versions, where available
# Whether the constructed JSPs should be written to disk for debug purposes
# Path to which to write debugging JSPs, if enabled with Debug.JSP.WriteToDisk
# This section defines miscellaneous values that are needed for the deployment process and will
# likely never need to be edited.
# Note that passwords are not currently used by the webclient itself.
# message to display at the end of a war deployment
war.message=CAUTION: the parameters just set in the web.xml may be overridden in then
AssetManager.xml (or corresponding file) if you aren using tomcat as an application server!
# message to display at the end of a ear deployment
# property names that should not be reported as not being changed if they are not present in this file
# the properties would normally be properties that configure a certain version of Asset Manager for
# proper functioning rather than customer preferences. Property names must be surrounded by
colons (:)
# location of the ant task jars needed for the deployment script. Only relevant in the
# primary properties file. If you specify this setting on the command line you must prefix the
# property name with "PRI." For example: -DPRI.ant.tasks.dir=lib
# Shortcuts to New button
# Shortcuts to Delete button
# Shortcuts to Cancel button
# Shortcuts to Modify button
# Shortcuts to Duplicate button
# Shortcuts to Save button
# Shortcuts to Yes button
# If csrfguard filter is enabled. Enable it for security, disable it for performance.
# The name of the first file which stores the first part of PBKDF2 password. Make sure this file is
# Example: c:secret-sharesecret1.txt, or c:/secret-share/secret1.txt.
# The name of the second file which stores the second part of PBKDF2 password. Make sure this file
is secure.
# Example: c:secret-sharesecret2.txt, or c:/secret-share/secret2.txt.
# Delay mask display, default value is set to 3 seconds
# set the session timeout (in minutes)
# set the maximum file size when uploading (k/m/g)
# eg: 1m/1g/100k
Editamos los valores que haya que editar:
WebService.Version=Asset Manager 9.60
7. Editamos los valores del que se encuentra en la carpeta de de
instalación / websvc y que por defecto trae los siguientes valores:
[bsmucmdb@VPLX36BTA websvc]$ cat
# File for setting the <env-entry> values found in the webservice's web.xml
# NOTE: Whitespace is not trimmed from the values specified here. Do not add whitespace after
# equals sign (=) or at the end of the line if you do not intend the whitespace to be part of
# the value!
# Values not specified in this file or on the command line are not changed in the web.xml.
# Values specified in this file that have no value (eg. Name=) delete the env-entry-value of
# the corresponding env-entry in the web.xml
# This section contains settings normally or frequently modified for a particular installation.
# Less frequently modified settings can be found further down in this file.
# Asset Manager user login to be used by the WebService
# Asset Manager user password to be used by the WebService
# The database engine that is used by this installation of Asset Manager. Can be one of Generic,
# MSSQL, Oracle or DB/2. If Generic is specified, the connection string used is that specified by
# the datasource (DB.datasource)
# The name of the database (e.g. or AMDemo96en)
# The database engine login id
# The password corresponding to this login. The promptForPwd and encrypt parameters apply
to this
# property, so this value may be overridden by a value input at deploy time and/or encrypted.
# Whether the DB cache is enabled
# The cache directory
# The cache size in KB (1048576 = 1GB)
# The owner of the DB
# The path to the aamapiXX library. The variable @{Library.Architecture.Path}@ can be used
and will be
# automatically replaced by either "bin" or "x64" depending on which version of deployment is
# specified (32 bit or 64 bit). The AssetManager.InstallPath and Library.Extension parameters
# are passed in from the deployment script if they can be determined. If the path to the library
# is different from that found in the installation directory this setting MUST be modified (though
# if desired the @{Library.Architecture.Path}@ variable can still be used in the value.
# e.g. DB.library.path=/opt/lib/ or DB.library.path=D:/libs/aamapiXX.dll
# The following two options are newly added and the useage should be documented
# Set the fetching size for each query result
# Comma-separated list of Web Services to load on startup
# example : Head/Administration, Head/* , R50/*
# Full text record search dll path
# Full text record search index directory
# Asset Manager service tag name for full text search
# Comma-separated list of modules to deactivate, example : Cable,HelpDesk,SAM
# Full text indexing scheduler configuration
AssetManager.CronConfig=0 0 1 * * ?
# Max number of sections displayed in a single search result page
# Max number of records under a single section
# Max number of indexed results
# Lightweight SSO
# This section defines the type of deployment and password handling
# These properties are read from the primary properties file only, the one specified on the
# command line. Properties from other sections are combined with the properties from the
# properties file (specified by properties.file2) to create a combination ear if
# combination.ear=true in the primary properties file.
# path to the webservice war that is to be directly modified for a war deployment and/or
# copied and modified for use in an ear deployment
# the type of deployment(s) to perform. War deployments alter the war specified above. Ear
# deployments create a copy of the above war for modification and inclusion in the ear specified
# below
# whether to ask for passwords during the deployment process.
# setting to true will cause any value provided for a password field in this file or on the command
# line to be ignored, and you will be prompted to provide the value.
# This section defines the deployment information needed for creating the ears
# for weblogic and websphere deployments
# the ear that is to be created during an ear deployment
# whether the created ear is to contain both the webtier and webservice (true) or not (false)
# path to the webtier transformation properties file, used when combination.ear=true
# the context root to specify in the application.xml of the ear
# the application display name to specify in the application.xml of the ear
# the classpath to set in the manifest of the ear
manifest.classpath=/am-jni-${AssetManager.Version.Short}.jar /am-constants-
# additional files to place in the ear, separated by spaces
Extension} websvc/lib/am-constants-${AssetManager.Version.Short}.jar websvc/lib/am-jni-
# This section contains Asset Manager settings that are less frequently modified
# Asset Manager Jaas configuration file
# This section defines miscellaneous values that are needed for the deployment process and will
# likely never need to be edited.
# message to display at the end of a war deployment
war.message=CAUTION: the parameters just set in the web.xml may be overridden in then
AssetManagerWebService.xml (or corresponding file) if you aren using tomcat as an
application server!
# message to display at the end of a ear deployment
# property names that specify passwords.
# these properties will be dealt with according to the other values in this section and if
# the promptForPwd property is set to true, a prompt for input of all of these fields will be
# generated. Property names must be surrounded by colons (:)
# DB name connection property to set, constructed from the other properties given above
# the connection string pattern for all but the Generic db engine
# possible components are listed in the first section of this file:
# @DB.cache.enabled@
# @DB.cache.dir@
# @DB.cache.size@
# @DB.datasource@
# @DB.engine@
# @DB.library.path@
# @DB.login@
# @DB.owner@
# @DB.password@
# @DB.auth.type@
# @DB.passphrase@
# names of tokens in the connection pattern that are optional and must not be included if a value
# is not provided. Token names must be surrounded by colons (:)
# string(s) to place before and/or after an optional parameter that is included in the connection
# The short version number used in various files and settings
# The architecture of the deployment targetted. Valid value are:
# 32 or x86 for 32bit architecture, and
# 64 or x64 for 64bit architecture
# Possible values and their translations for the path to the dll/so library
# the extension of the library files - "dll" for Windows, "so" for Linux/Unix
# this is set by the deploy shell script and included here only for reference purposes
# the prefix prepended to the library name (empty for windows, "lib" for Linux/Unix).
# this is set by the deploy shell script and included here only for reference purposes
# property names that should not be reported as not being changed if they are not present in this
# the properties would normally be properties that configure a certain version of Asset Manager
# proper functioning rather than customer preferences. Property names must be surrounded by
colons (:)
# location of the ant task jars needed for the deployment script. Only relevant in the
# primary properties file. If you specify this setting on the command line you must prefix the
# property name with "PRI." due to ant task library loading constraints.
# For example: -DPRI.ant.tasks.dir=lib
# The name of the first file which stores the first part of PBKDF2 password. Make sure this file is
# Example: c:secret-sharesecret1.txt, or c:/secret-share/secret1.txt.
# The name of the second file which stores the second part of PBKDF2 password. Make sure
this file is secure.
# Example: c:secret-sharesecret2.txt, or c:/secret-share/secret2.txt.
[bsmucmdb@VPLX36BTA websvc]$ nano
GNU nano 2.3.1 File:
# File for setting the <env-entry> values found in the webservice's web.xml
# NOTE: Whitespace is not trimmed from the values specified here. Do not add whitespace after
# equals sign (=) or at the end of the line if you do not intend the whitespace to be part of
# the value!
# Values not specified in this file or on the command line are not changed in the web.xml.
# Values specified in this file that have no value (eg. Name=) delete the env-entry-value of
# the corresponding env-entry in the web.xml
# This section contains settings normally or frequently modified for a particular installation.
# Less frequently modified settings can be found further down in this file.
# Asset Manager user login to be used by the WebService
# Asset Manager user password to be used by the WebService
# The database engine that is used by this installation of Asset Manager. Can be one of Generic,
# MSSQL, Oracle or DB/2. If Generic is specified, the connection string used is that specified by
# the datasource (DB.datasource)
# The name of the database (e.g. or AMDemo96en)
# The database engine login id
# The password corresponding to this login. The promptForPwd and encrypt parameters apply
to this
# property, so this value may be overridden by a value input at deploy time and/or encrypted.
# Whether the DB cache is enabled
# The cache directory
# The cache size in KB (1048576 = 1GB)
# The owner of the DB
En este caso editamos algunos valores así:
DB.Engine= Oracle
# The UCMDB Server Host name
# The UCMDB Server Port
# The UCMDB Server log in User
# The UCMDB Server log in password
# The promptForPwd and encrypt parameters apply to this property,
# so this value may be overridden by a value input at deploy time and/or encrypted.
8. Generamos los archivos de claves ejecutando el archivo que se
encuentran en la ruta /AssetManager/deploy
Con comando sh ejecutamos el
Archivo tools.jar
Find type f –name tools.jar
Averiguamos cuál es la ruta de instalación de JDK con el comando: sudo update-alternatives --config
java y para saber la versión de java instalada usamos el comando: java –version
9. Editamos la variable bash de JAVA_HOME poniendo la ruta de instalación de JDK
Comando para editar la variable de entorno Bash: vi ~/.bash_profile
Editamos dando i
Salimos guardando cambios con :x
Aplicamos los cambios realizados con el comando source ~/.bash_profile
Vemos como quedó la variable de entorno con el comando echo $JAVA_HOME
Ahora añadimos la variable JAVA_HOME a las variables de entorno con el comando sudo vi
Y ejecutamos ./ para lanzar el programa
10. Hacemos el despliegue
sh -ws8
11. Borrar archivo Catalina de tomcat: rm -rf Catalina
Y borrar los logs de tomcat en la ruta opt/tomcat/logs y ejecutamos rm -rf *
12. Copiar archivos.war al webapps del tomcat con el comando: cp <archive.war>
Y verificamos así:
13. Subimos servicios del tomcat ejecutando los archivos de cada una de las dos
instancias instaladas una para Asset Manager Web Tier y otra para Asset Manager web
Archivo amdb.ono

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  • 1. PREREQUISITOS INSTALACIÓN DEL CLIENTE ASSET MANAGER WEB EN LINUX Instalar JDK Si debemos desinstalar una versión anterior de JDK comando para desinstalar java Yum remove java-1.8.0-openjdk- o eliminar la carpeta de instalación directamente Descargamos el archivo de JDK correspondiente de la página de Oracle en este caso jdk-8u65-linux- x64.tar.gz y lo copiamos en el directorio /usr/java Descomprimimos el archivo tar.gz con el comando tar zxvf jdk-8u65-linux-x64.tar.gz Ejecutamos el comando java – version para verificar que el JDK quedó instalado. Configurar variable JAVA_HOME que apunte a la carpeta de instalación del JDK Configurar la variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/bsmucmdb/Software/Asset/AssetManager/x64 en el bash_profile para que Asset Manager encuentre las librerías .so Igualmente configuramos la variable ORACLE_HOME para que apunte a la carpeta de instalación del cliente Oracle y la añadimos al PATH y al LD_LIBRARY_PATH En la ruta /etc/ con usuario root creamos el archivo AssetManager-x86_64.conf lo editamos colocando la misma ruta que en la variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH y ejecutamos el comando ldconfig --verbose para actualizar la caché.
  • 2. Configuración de JVM para Tomcat Tenemos dos instalaciones de tomcat 1 para el Asset Manager y otra para el Asset Manager Web Service. Buscamos el archivo para editar los parámetros en este caso la ruta es /opt/tomcat- Amwebservice/bin
  • 3. Con comando vi editamos los parámetros de JVM Para Asset Manager Web así: JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms2048M -Xmx2048M -XX:+UseTLAB - XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:NewSize=256M - XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -server" Copiar el archivo del servidor de la base de datos tnsnames.ora a la carpeta $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin INSTALACIÓN DEL CLIENTE ASSET MANAGER WEB EN LINUX 1. Copiamos instaladores a una carpeta dentro del sistema linux
  • 4. 2. Descomprimimos el archivo .zip 3. Buscamos el archivo am-linux_UNICODE_9.60.13086_es.tgz lo dejamos fuera de la carpeta Unix, en la carpeta de instalación. 4. Descomprimimos el archivo am-linux_UNICODE_9.60.13086_es.tgz Vemos que el usuario con el que estamos renga los permisos para descomprimir, si no los tiene le damos el comando: chmod 777 am-linux_UNICODE_9.60.13086_es.tgz y creamos un directorio con: mkdir Asset. A continuación pasamos el archivo am-linux_UNICODE_9.60.13086_es.tgz al directorio creado y le damos el comando para descomprimir: tar xzvf am-linux_UNICODE_9.60.13086_es.tgz
  • 5. 5. Editamos el archivo package.propierties que en esta instalación se encuentra en la ruta /home/bsmucmdb/Software/Asset/AssetManager/websvc Las propiedades que se encuentran en el archivo son las que vienen para una instalación por defecto de Asset manager en Windows, para este caso cambiamos las propiedades teniendo en cuenta que se está realizando una instalación en Linux Red Hat de 64 bits y nos conectaremos a una base de datos Oracle 12C. Con el comando Cat vemos las propiedades actuales del archivo así: cat Con el comando: nano editamos las propiedades del archivo. Con las siguientes propiedades:
  • 6. cambios en package.Properties AssetManager.UserLogin=Admin AssetManager.UserPwd= DB.Engine= Oracle DB.library.path=/home/bsmucmdb/Software/Asset/AssetManager/x64/ arch=64 #Library.Extension=so #Library.Prefix=lib DB.datasource=ASSET DB.login=Admin DB.password=c:/temp/secret1.txt DB.owner=Admin Y queda: # Possible values and their translations for the path to the dll/so library Library.Architecture.Path=${arch}=32:bin,${arch}=x86:bin,${arch}=x64:x64,${arch}=64:x64 # the extension of the library files - "dll" for Windows, "so" for *nix # this is set by the deploy shell script and included here only for reference purposes #Library.Extension=so # the prefix prepended to the library name (empty for windows, lib for *nix). # this is set by the deploy shell script and included here only for reference purposes #Library.Prefix=lib # property names that should not be reported as not being changed if they are not present in this file # the properties would normally be properties that configure a certain version of Asset Manager for # proper functioning rather than customer preferences. Property names must be surrounded by colons (:) internalProperties= # location of the ant task jars needed for the deployment script. Only relevant in the # primary properties file. If you specify this setting on the command line you must prefix the
  • 7. # property name with "PRI." due to ant task library loading constraints. # For example: -DPRI.ant.tasks.dir=lib ant.tasks.dir=lib # The name of the first file which stores the first part of PBKDF2 password. Make sure this file is secure. # Example: c:secret-sharesecret1.txt, or c:/secret-share/secret1.txt. PBKDF2.Password.First.File=/home/bsmucmdb/Software/Asset/AssetManager/deploy/secret- share/secret1.txt # The name of the second file which stores the second part of PBKDF2 password. Make sure this file is secure. # Example: c:secret-sharesecret2.txt, or c:/secret-share/secret2.txt. PBKDF2.Password.Second.File=/home/bsmucmdb/Software/Asset/AssetManager/deploy/secret- share/secret2.txt # Configurations for push adapter monitor # Whether the monitor push adapter monitor is enabled PushAdapter.Monitor.Enabled=false # The UCMDB Server Host name # The UCMDB Server Port UCMDB.Server.Port=8443 # The UCMDB Server log in User UCMDB.Server.User=admin # The UCMDB Server log in password # The promptForPwd and encrypt parameters apply to this property, # so this value may be overridden by a value input at deploy time and/or encrypted. UCMDB.Server.Password=
  • 8. 6. Editamos los parámetros del archivo package.Properties de Asset Manager Web Tier que está en la ruta: Archivo que por defecto viene con los siguientes valores: # The html string to display for counts that are not known (not yet counted and greater than the # list paging size. Use {0} to place the paging size. The defaults display nothing. # examples: "&gt; {0}" results in "> 20", "{0}+" results in "20+", "??" results in "??" Lists.Count.Unknown.Label= # Open a new tab window for detail is editing status for linkedit, sublist, one2manylinkedit Lists.DetailEditable.OpenNewTab=false # Display a button that applies a filter without losing current selections in the list Lists.Filter.Selections.Maintainable=false # Default value of user preference for the maximum number of documents to show per page in a list # The user can change this value themselves in the User Preferences screen, but this is the default. Lists.Paging.Count.Maximum.Default=20 # List toolbar is to be displayed at the top or bottom. Recognized values are "both", "header" and # "footer". Lists.Toolbars.Display=both # Default value of user preference to display the statistics combo box in lists. # The user can change this value themselves in the User Preferences screen, but this is the default. Lists.StatisticComboBox.Displayed=true # Maximum number of documents to show child nodes in a tree list Lists.Tree.ChildNode.Count.Maximum=200 # Remove the link name of remote field in list header # Note: customized field label which end with brackets will be trimmed if this option is set to true, # example: field label Asset(Computer) will be trimmed to Asset if this option is set to true. Lists.RemoveLinkNameInHeader=false # Comma-separated list of module to deactivate.
  • 9. # example : Cable,HelpDesk,SAM Navigation.DisabledModules=Cable #==================================================================== ====== ========================= # This section defines the type of deployment and password handling # # These properties are read from the primary properties file only, the one specified on the # command line. Properties from other sections are combined with the properties from the secondary # properties file (specified by properties.file2) to create a combination ear if # combination.ear=true in the primary properties file. #========================================================================== ========================= # path to the webtier war that is to be directly modified for a war deployment and/or # copied and modified for use in an ear deployment war=../webtier/AssetManager.war # the type of deployment(s) to perform. War deployments alter the war specified above. Ear # deployments create a copy of the above war for modification and inclusion in the ear specified # below war.deployment=true ear.deployment=false #========================================================================== ========================= # This section defines the deployment information needed for creating the ears # for weblogic and websphere deployments #========================================================================== ========================= # the ear that is to be created during an ear deployment ear=../weblogic/AssetManager.ear # whether the created ear is to contain both the webtier and webservice (true) or not (false) combination.ear=true
  • 10. # path to the webtier transformation properties file, used when combination.ear=true properties.file2=../websvc/ # the context root to specify in the application.xml of the ear context.root=AssetManager # the application display name to specify in the application.xml of the ear # the classpath to set in the manifest of the ear manifest.classpath= # additional files to place in the ear, separated by spaces addl.files.root=.. addl.files= # a space-delimited list of files to remove from the war that is placed within the ear - typically # used for deployment on WebSphere 7 remove.war.files= #========================================================================== ========================= # This section contains Asset Manager settings that are less frequently modified #========================================================================== ========================= # Whether or not to show a confirmation screen before launching a script action Actions.Scripts.Launch.Confirmation=false # Whether to show budget alert messages. For CCS only. BudgetAlert.Show=false # Maximum number of items to display on a Business Home Page BusinessHomePages.Items.Count.Maximum=6 # Maximum number of statistical breakdowns to display on a Business Home Page BusinessHomePages.Statistics.Count.Maximum=10 # Currencies refresh interval in seconds (21600 seconds = 6 hours) Cache.Currencies.Refresh.Interval=21600 # DbTables refresh interval in seconds (86400 seconds = 24 hours) Cache.DbTables.Refresh.Interval=86400
  • 11. # Opened ItemizedList values refresh interval in seconds (1200 seconds = 20 minutes) Cache.OpenedItemizedLists.Refresh.Interval=1200 # The idle time of cache of opened ItemizedList values (unit:seconds) Cache.OpenedItemizedLists.timeToIdleSeconds=1200 # The live time of cache of opened ItemizedList values (unit:seconds) Cache.OpenedItemizedLists.timeToLiveSeconds=1200 # Workflow refresh interval in seconds (86400 seconds = 24 hours) Cache.Workflows.Refresh.Interval=86400 # Max number of categories (e.g. bars) to display on a chart Charts.Categories.Count.Maximum=20 # Colors to be used in bars or pie segments when generating charts Charts.General.Colors=#4FC1E9;#AC92EC;#A0D468;#5D9CEC;#FC6E51;#FFCE54;#EC87C 0;#CCD1D9;#ED5565;#48CFAD;#F5F7FA;#656D78 # General statistics chart height (pixels) Charts.General.Height=500 # General statistics chart width (pixels) Charts.General.Width=625 # Statistics chart height in Dashboards (pixels) Charts.Dashboards.Height=500 # Statistics chart width in Dashboards (pixels) Charts.Dashboards.Width=625 # Statistics chart height in Statistics screens (pixels) Charts.StatisticsScreens.Height=600 # Statistics chart width in Statistics screens (pixels) Charts.StatisticsScreens.Width=750 # Statistics chart height in Wizards (pixels) Charts.Wizards.Height=600 # Statistics chart width in Wizards (pixels) Charts.Wizards.Width=750 # Max number of items per dashboard Dashboards.Items.Count.Maximum=6 # Whether or not to globally permit documents to be opened within the browser window
  • 12. Documents.Downloads.OpenInBrowser.AllowAll=false # Which file types to allow being opened within the browser window. This value is only used # if Documents.OpenInBrowser.AllowAll=false Documents.Downloads.OpenInBrowser.AllowedFileTypes=txt|pdf|png|gif|jpg|jpeg # Whether extjs charts will be enabled Extjs.Charts.Enabled=true # For color choosers, the color value is displayed in white for darker colors. # This parameter determines the minimum darkness (0-1) at which the color value # is displayed in white rather than black (0 is darkest, 1 is lightest). Fields.ColorChooser.Font.White.ColorDarknessLevel=0.7 # Enable or disable full text search FullTextSearch.Enabled=false # Full text search server url FullTextSearch.Server.URL= # Show dashboard as welcome page Welcome.ShowDashboard=false #For canvas caption font Workflows.Diagrams.Captions.Font=Arial # Web service used for authentication WebService.Service.Authentication=Core # Dashboard service provider - Uses the amDashboardItem screen in the amDashboardItem table WebService.Service.Dashboard=Administration # Functional Domain Homepage object - Uses the amDashboardItem screen in the amDashboardItem table WebService.Object.Dashboard=Action # DateAlarm service provider - Uses the amDateAlarm screen in the amDateAlarm table WebService.Service.DateAlarm=Administration # File upload/download service provider - Uses the amDocBlob screen in the amDocBlob table WebService.Service.DocBlob=Administration # Functional domain service provider - Uses the FuncDomainHomePage screen in the amFuncDomain table WebService.Service.FunctionalDomainHomePage=Core
  • 13. # Functional Domain Homepage object - Uses the FuncDomainHomePage screen in the amFuncDomain table WebService.Object.FunctionalDomainHomePage=FuncDomDisplay # Functional domain service provider - Uses the amFuncDomain screen in the amFuncDomain table WebService.Service.FunctionalDomain=Administration # Mail service provider - Uses the amMail screen in the amMail table WebService.Service.Mail=Administration # Profile service provider - Uses the amMasterProfile screen in the amMasterProfile table WebService.Service.Profile=Administration # Read mail wizard service provider - Uses the sysCoreReadMsg wizard WebService.Service.ReadMailWizard=Core # Reports service provider - Uses the amReports screen in the amReports table WebService.Service.Reports=Administration # Workflow schema service provider WebService.Service.WorkflowSchema=Administration # Location of Global HTML Help index page globalHelpUrl= # An alternate or custom theme. The standard theme is "am" alternateTheme=am-default # The layout type to list-detail(Horizontal or Vertical), The default value is Horizontal ListDetail.layout=Horizontal #========================================================================== ========================= # This section defines debugging values that should only be modified at the request of technical # support personnel. Changing these values could have severe impact on performance! #========================================================================== ========================= # Whether additional debugging info should be displayed on all pages Debug.Display.State=false
  • 14. # Whether the javascript source files should be the developer versions, where available Debug.Javascript.Source=false # Whether the constructed JSPs should be written to disk for debug purposes Debug.JSP.WriteToDisk=false # Path to which to write debugging JSPs, if enabled with Debug.JSP.WriteToDisk Debug.JSP.Path=c:/jsp_out #========================================================================== ========================= # This section defines miscellaneous values that are needed for the deployment process and will # likely never need to be edited. # Note that passwords are not currently used by the webclient itself. #========================================================================== ========================= # message to display at the end of a war deployment war.message=CAUTION: the parameters just set in the web.xml may be overridden in then AssetManager.xml (or corresponding file) if you aren using tomcat as an application server! # message to display at the end of a ear deployment #ear.message= # property names that should not be reported as not being changed if they are not present in this file # the properties would normally be properties that configure a certain version of Asset Manager for # proper functioning rather than customer preferences. Property names must be surrounded by colons (:) internalProperties=:PowerButtons.Unsupported:Wizards.CommandButtons.Disabled:Fields.All.Refr eshOnChange: # location of the ant task jars needed for the deployment script. Only relevant in the # primary properties file. If you specify this setting on the command line you must prefix the # property name with "PRI." For example: -DPRI.ant.tasks.dir=lib ant.tasks.dir=lib helpUrl=/AssetManagerDoc/index.htm
  • 15. tenantUrl=/Administration/sysMTChangePrimaryTenant/wizard.jsf # Shortcuts to New button # Shortcuts to Delete button Accesskey.button.delete=e # Shortcuts to Cancel button Accesskey.button.cancel=c # Shortcuts to Modify button Accesskey.button.modify=m # Shortcuts to Duplicate button Accesskey.button.duplicate=u # Shortcuts to Save button # Shortcuts to Yes button Accesskey.button.yes=y # If csrfguard filter is enabled. Enable it for security, disable it for performance. org.owasp.csrfguard.Enabled=true # The name of the first file which stores the first part of PBKDF2 password. Make sure this file is secure. # Example: c:secret-sharesecret1.txt, or c:/secret-share/secret1.txt. PBKDF2.Password.First.File= # The name of the second file which stores the second part of PBKDF2 password. Make sure this file is secure. # Example: c:secret-sharesecret2.txt, or c:/secret-share/secret2.txt. PBKDF2.Password.Second.File= # Delay mask display, default value is set to 3 seconds maskMessageDelay=3
  • 16. # set the session timeout (in minutes) sessionTimeout=30 # set the maximum file size when uploading (k/m/g) # eg: 1m/1g/100k uploadMaxFileSize=1m Editamos los valores que haya que editar: WebService.EndPoint.RS=http://localhost:8080/AssetManagerWebService/rs WebService.Version=Asset Manager 9.60 FullTextSearch.Enabled=true FullTextSearch.Server.URL=http://<hostname>.<domain>:<AssetManagerWebServicePort>/quicks earch/search PBKDF2.Password.First.File=c:/temp/secret1.txt Documents.Downloads.OpenInBrowser.AllowedFileTypes=txt|pdf|png|gif|jpg|jpeg|xls|xlsx uploadMaxFileSize=20m 7. Editamos los valores del que se encuentra en la carpeta de de instalación / websvc y que por defecto trae los siguientes valores: [bsmucmdb@VPLX36BTA websvc]$ cat # File for setting the <env-entry> values found in the webservice's web.xml # # NOTE: Whitespace is not trimmed from the values specified here. Do not add whitespace after the # equals sign (=) or at the end of the line if you do not intend the whitespace to be part of # the value! # # Values not specified in this file or on the command line are not changed in the web.xml. # Values specified in this file that have no value (eg. Name=) delete the env-entry-value of # the corresponding env-entry in the web.xml
  • 17. #======================================================================= ============================ # This section contains settings normally or frequently modified for a particular installation. # Less frequently modified settings can be found further down in this file. #======================================================================= ============================ # Asset Manager user login to be used by the WebService AssetManager.UserLogin=Admin # Asset Manager user password to be used by the WebService AssetManager.UserPwd= # The database engine that is used by this installation of Asset Manager. Can be one of Generic, # MSSQL, Oracle or DB/2. If Generic is specified, the connection string used is that specified by # the datasource (DB.datasource) DB.engine=MSSQL # The name of the database (e.g. or AMDemo96en) DB.datasource=AMDemo96en # The database engine login id DB.login=itam # The password corresponding to this login. The promptForPwd and encrypt parameters apply to this # property, so this value may be overridden by a value input at deploy time and/or encrypted. DB.password=password # Whether the DB cache is enabled DB.cache.enabled=true # The cache directory DB.cache.dir=/tmp # The cache size in KB (1048576 = 1GB) DB.cache.size=1048576 # The owner of the DB DB.owner= # The path to the aamapiXX library. The variable @{Library.Architecture.Path}@ can be used and will be
  • 18. # automatically replaced by either "bin" or "x64" depending on which version of deployment is # specified (32 bit or 64 bit). The AssetManager.InstallPath and Library.Extension parameters # are passed in from the deployment script if they can be determined. If the path to the library # is different from that found in the installation directory this setting MUST be modified (though # if desired the @{Library.Architecture.Path}@ variable can still be used in the value. # e.g. DB.library.path=/opt/lib/ or DB.library.path=D:/libs/aamapiXX.dll DB.library.path=${AssetManager.InstallPath}/@{Library.Architecture.Path}@/${Library.Prefix}aa mapi${AssetManager.Version.Short}.${Library.Extension} DB.expand.typedlinks=|amDocument|amWfWorkItem|amHistory|amReconcProposal # The following two options are newly added and the useage should be documented DB.auth.type= DB.passphrase= # Set the fetching size for each query result DB.FetchingArraySize=101 # Comma-separated list of Web Services to load on startup # example : Head/Administration, Head/* , R50/* WebService.LoadOnStartup=Head/* # Full text record search dll path AssetManager.ApiPath=${AssetManager.InstallPath}/@{Library.Architecture.Path}@/${Library. Prefix}aamapi${AssetManager.Version.Short}.${Library.Extension} # Full text record search index directory AssetManager.RecordSearchIndexDir=c:/index # Asset Manager service tag name for full text search AssetManager.ServiceTag=Head # Comma-separated list of modules to deactivate, example : Cable,HelpDesk,SAM AssetManager.DisabledModules=Cable # Full text indexing scheduler configuration AssetManager.CronConfig=0 0 1 * * ?
  • 19. # Max number of sections displayed in a single search result page AssetManager.TopTreeNumber=10 # Max number of records under a single section AssetManager.TreeRecordsNumber=100 # Max number of indexed results AssetManager.IndexRsNumber=5000 # Lightweight SSO LWSSO.userNameHeaderName=SM_USER LWSSO.initString=lwsso-shared-encryption-key #======================================================================= ============================ # This section defines the type of deployment and password handling # # These properties are read from the primary properties file only, the one specified on the # command line. Properties from other sections are combined with the properties from the secondary # properties file (specified by properties.file2) to create a combination ear if # combination.ear=true in the primary properties file. #======================================================================= ============================ # path to the webservice war that is to be directly modified for a war deployment and/or # copied and modified for use in an ear deployment war=../websvc/quicksearch.war # the type of deployment(s) to perform. War deployments alter the war specified above. Ear # deployments create a copy of the above war for modification and inclusion in the ear specified # below war.deployment=true ear.deployment=false # whether to ask for passwords during the deployment process.
  • 20. # setting to true will cause any value provided for a password field in this file or on the command # line to be ignored, and you will be prompted to provide the value. promptForPwd=true #======================================================================= ============================ # This section defines the deployment information needed for creating the ears # for weblogic and websphere deployments #======================================================================= ============================ # the ear that is to be created during an ear deployment ear=../weblogic/quicksearch.ear # whether the created ear is to contain both the webtier and webservice (true) or not (false) combination.ear=false # path to the webtier transformation properties file, used when combination.ear=true properties.file2=../webtier/ # the context root to specify in the application.xml of the ear context.root=quicksearch # the application display name to specify in the application.xml of the ear # the classpath to set in the manifest of the ear manifest.classpath=/am-jni-${AssetManager.Version.Short}.jar /am-constants- ${AssetManager.Version.Short}.jar # additional files to place in the ear, separated by spaces addl.files.root=.. addl.files=@{Library.Architecture.Path}@/${Library.Prefix}aamapi${AssetManager.Version.Shor t}.${Library.Extension} @{Library.Architecture.Path}@/${Library.Prefix}amjni${AssetManager.Version.Short}.${Library. Extension} websvc/lib/am-constants-${AssetManager.Version.Short}.jar websvc/lib/am-jni- ${AssetManager.Version.Short}.jar
  • 21. #======================================================================= ============================ # This section contains Asset Manager settings that are less frequently modified #======================================================================= ============================ # Asset Manager Jaas configuration file acws.jaas.config.location= #======================================================================= ============================ # This section defines miscellaneous values that are needed for the deployment process and will # likely never need to be edited. #======================================================================= ============================ # message to display at the end of a war deployment war.message=CAUTION: the parameters just set in the web.xml may be overridden in then AssetManagerWebService.xml (or corresponding file) if you aren using tomcat as an application server! # message to display at the end of a ear deployment #ear.message= # property names that specify passwords. # these properties will be dealt with according to the other values in this section and if # the promptForPwd property is set to true, a prompt for input of all of these fields will be # generated. Property names must be surrounded by colons (:) pwdEntries=:AssetManager.UserPwd:DB.password: # DB name connection property to set, constructed from the other properties given above dbNameProperty=AssetManager.DB.Name # the connection string pattern for all but the Generic db engine # possible components are listed in the first section of this file: # @DB.cache.enabled@ # @DB.cache.dir@ # @DB.cache.size@ # @DB.datasource@
  • 22. # @DB.engine@ # @DB.library.path@ # @DB.login@ # @DB.owner@ # @DB.password@ # # @DB.auth.type@ # @DB.passphrase@ dbConnectionPattern=[@DB.engine@;@DB.datasource@;@DB.auth.type@; @;@DB.passphrase@;@DB.login@;@DB.password@;@DB.cache.enabled@;@DB.cache.dir @;@DB.cache.size@;@DB.owner@AmApiDll='@DB.library.path@';ExpandTypedLinks='@DB. expand.typedlinks@';FetchingArraySize=@DB.FetchingArraySize@] # names of tokens in the connection pattern that are optional and must not be included if a value # is not provided. Token names must be surrounded by colons (:) dbConnectionPattern.optional.token=DB.owner # string(s) to place before and/or after an optional parameter that is included in the connection string dbConnectionPattern.optional.token.prefix=Owner= dbConnectionPattern.optional.token.suffix=; # The short version number used in various files and settings AssetManager.Version.Short=96 # The architecture of the deployment targetted. Valid value are: # 32 or x86 for 32bit architecture, and # 64 or x64 for 64bit architecture arch=32 # Possible values and their translations for the path to the dll/so library Library.Architecture.Path=${arch}=32:bin,${arch}=x86:bin,${arch}=x64:x64,${arch}=64:x64 # the extension of the library files - "dll" for Windows, "so" for Linux/Unix # this is set by the deploy shell script and included here only for reference purposes
  • 23. #Library.Extension=dll # the prefix prepended to the library name (empty for windows, "lib" for Linux/Unix). # this is set by the deploy shell script and included here only for reference purposes Library.Prefix= # property names that should not be reported as not being changed if they are not present in this file # the properties would normally be properties that configure a certain version of Asset Manager for # proper functioning rather than customer preferences. Property names must be surrounded by colons (:) internalProperties= # location of the ant task jars needed for the deployment script. Only relevant in the # primary properties file. If you specify this setting on the command line you must prefix the # property name with "PRI." due to ant task library loading constraints. # For example: -DPRI.ant.tasks.dir=lib ant.tasks.dir=lib # The name of the first file which stores the first part of PBKDF2 password. Make sure this file is secure. # Example: c:secret-sharesecret1.txt, or c:/secret-share/secret1.txt. PBKDF2.Password.First.File= # The name of the second file which stores the second part of PBKDF2 password. Make sure this file is secure. # Example: c:secret-sharesecret2.txt, or c:/secret-share/secret2.txt. PBKDF2.Password.Second.File= [bsmucmdb@VPLX36BTA websvc]$ nano GNU nano 2.3.1 File: Modified # File for setting the <env-entry> values found in the webservice's web.xml # # NOTE: Whitespace is not trimmed from the values specified here. Do not add whitespace after the
  • 24. # equals sign (=) or at the end of the line if you do not intend the whitespace to be part of # the value! # # Values not specified in this file or on the command line are not changed in the web.xml. # Values specified in this file that have no value (eg. Name=) delete the env-entry-value of # the corresponding env-entry in the web.xml #======================================================================= ============================ # This section contains settings normally or frequently modified for a particular installation. # Less frequently modified settings can be found further down in this file. #======================================================================= ============================ # Asset Manager user login to be used by the WebService AssetManager.UserLogin=Admin # Asset Manager user password to be used by the WebService AssetManager.UserPwd= # The database engine that is used by this installation of Asset Manager. Can be one of Generic, # MSSQL, Oracle or DB/2. If Generic is specified, the connection string used is that specified by # the datasource (DB.datasource) DB.engine=Oracle # The name of the database (e.g. or AMDemo96en) DB.datasource=AMDemo96en # The database engine login id DB.login=itam # The password corresponding to this login. The promptForPwd and encrypt parameters apply to this # property, so this value may be overridden by a value input at deploy time and/or encrypted. DB.password=password # Whether the DB cache is enabled DB.cache.enabled=true
  • 25. # The cache directory DB.cache.dir=/tmp # The cache size in KB (1048576 = 1GB) DB.cache.size=1048576 # The owner of the DB DB.owner= En este caso editamos algunos valores así: LWSSO.domain=http://localhost:8080/AssetManagerWebService PBKDF2.Password.Second.File=/home/bsmucmdb/Software/Asset/secret1.txt PBKDF2.Password.First.File=/home/bsmucmdb/Software/Asset/secret1.txt AssetManager.UserLogin=Admin AssetManager.UserPwd= DB.Engine= Oracle DB.library.path=/home/bsmucmdb/Software/Asset/AssetManager/x64/ arch=64 Library.Extension=so Library.Prefix=lib DB.datasource=ASSET DB.login=Admin DB.password= DB.owner=Admin # The UCMDB Server Host name # The UCMDB Server Port UCMDB.Server.Port=8443 # The UCMDB Server log in User UCMDB.Server.User=admin # The UCMDB Server log in password # The promptForPwd and encrypt parameters apply to this property, # so this value may be overridden by a value input at deploy time and/or encrypted.
  • 26. UCMDB.Server.Password= 8. Generamos los archivos de claves ejecutando el archivo que se encuentran en la ruta /AssetManager/deploy Con comando sh ejecutamos el Archivo tools.jar /home/bsmucmdb/Software/jdk1.8.0_121/lib Find type f –name tools.jar Averiguamos cuál es la ruta de instalación de JDK con el comando: sudo update-alternatives --config java y para saber la versión de java instalada usamos el comando: java –version JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_65 9. Editamos la variable bash de JAVA_HOME poniendo la ruta de instalación de JDK Comando para editar la variable de entorno Bash: vi ~/.bash_profile
  • 27. Editamos dando i Salimos guardando cambios con :x Aplicamos los cambios realizados con el comando source ~/.bash_profile Vemos como quedó la variable de entorno con el comando echo $JAVA_HOME Ahora añadimos la variable JAVA_HOME a las variables de entorno con el comando sudo vi etc/environment Y ejecutamos ./ para lanzar el programa 10. Hacemos el despliegue sh -ws8 /home/bsmucmdb/Software/Asset/AssetManager/websvc/ 11. Borrar archivo Catalina de tomcat: rm -rf Catalina Y borrar los logs de tomcat en la ruta opt/tomcat/logs y ejecutamos rm -rf * 12. Copiar archivos.war al webapps del tomcat con el comando: cp <archive.war> /opt/tomcat/webapps
  • 28. Y verificamos así: 13. Subimos servicios del tomcat ejecutando los archivos de cada una de las dos instancias instaladas una para Asset Manager Web Tier y otra para Asset Manager web Service