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VOL 11 I ISSUE 12 I 2023
Exploring the Fundamentals
of Transforma ons in the
Middle East
Saga of Advancements
Integra ng Leadership
Aspects with the
Technological Innova ons
is not about
It is about making
The Attributes of
Continual Advancements
he business world is constantly changing;
Tbusiness leaders are adapting to new challenges
and opportunities. They are flexible and open to
new ideas and are willing to pivot their strategy when
necessary. In the dynamic business arena, an inspiring
leader is true to themselves and their values. They are
honest and transparent with their team and are able to
build trust through their authenticity. A leader who is
empathetic and understands the needs of their team
can create a positive and supportive work environment.
A successful business leader is often the driving force
behind a company's growth and success. A leader
possesses various traits that create a difference from
the rest and can motivate and inspire their team to
reach new heights. An inspiring leader has a clear and
compelling vision for their company's future. They are
able to articulate this vision in a way that motivates
their team and creates a sense of purpose.
A leader who is passionate about their work can inspire
others to share that passion. They are enthusiastic
about their company's mission and are willing to go
above and beyond to achieve their goals. An excellent
leader is able to make tough decisions quickly and
confidently. They weigh the pros and cons of each
option and make a choice based on what is best for the
They listen to their employees and are able to address
their concerns in a thoughtful and compassionate way.
Building a successful company is not without its
challenges, and an inspiring leader is able to bounce
back from setbacks and keep moving forward. They are
tenacious and persistent in the face of adversity. A
leader possesses a combination of vision, passion,
decisiveness, adaptability, authenticity, empathy, and
resilience. These traits enable them to lead their team
to success and create a positive impact on the world.
Spotlighting these charismas and their odyssey of
excellence, the latest edition of CIOLook, “The 10 Most
Inspiring Leaders in Middle East to Follow, 2023,”
features the leaders who are making a positive
difference in their respective industries in 2023.
These leaders are not only successful in their
businesses but also lead with purpose and have a
significant impact on their communities and the world.
Flip through the pages and indulge in this saga of
Have a delightful read!
Inclusive Leadership
Fostering Diversity and Belonging in
the Workplace
Leading Across Borders
Cultural Intelligence in Global Leadership
Ophira Melamed
The Catalyst Behind the Zero Co2 Emission
Revolution in Agricultural Chemicals
Ayesha Mubarak Ali
Building a Better Future with AR
and AI
Shumon A Zaman
Thriving with Astounding Traits and Values
Dr Rami Ayoob
A Visionary Tech Disruptor Leading
Startups to Success
Deputy Editor Anish Miller
Managing Editor Katherine Debora
Visualizer Dave Bates
Art & Design Director Davis Martin
Associate Designer Jameson Carl
Senior Sales Manager Wilson T., Hunter D.
Customer Success Manager Collins J.
Sales Executives Tim, Smith
Technical Head Peter Hayden
Technical Consultant Victor Collins
November, 2023
Copyright © 2023 CIOLOOK, All
rights reserved. The content
and images used in this
magazine should not be
reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without prior
permission from CIOLOOK.
Reprint rights remain solely
For Subscription
Pooja M Bansal
Research Analyst Eric Smith
SEO Executive Alen Spencer
Company Name
Dileep Balakrishnan
Founder & CEO
Dileep is more than just a CEO; he’s a pioneering leader with a
passion for technology and a commitment to excellence. With
a career spanning decades, he has honed his expertise by
associating with some of the top IT companies
Behzad Zamanian
Chief Information Officer
Behzad utilizes and develops effective and innovative
technology solutions to help Washoe County and surrounding
regions in providing and sustaining a safe, secure and healthy
Washoe County
Anvin Infosystems
Ayesha is a renowned Fusion-Tech Artist, Creative Director,
and international Speaker who specializes in using frontier
technologies such as AI/ML to challenge the traditional ideas
of reality and human identity.
Metaverse Fashion Council
Dr. Rami is a visionary leader with a passion for technology
and a proven track record of success.
Spark Tech Hub
Hadyah Mohammed Fathalla is a strategy and security
specialist with 20 years of experience in a range of fields
including: national and global security, policymaking,
entrepreneurship, innovation and digital transformation.
Hatter Consultants
Featured Person
Ayesha Mubarak Ali
Dr. Rami Ayoob
Hadyah Fathalla
Founder and
Principal Consultant
Muna Al Hashemi
Muna Al Hashemi is leading the development and execution of
the Company’s long-term strategy with a view to creating
shareholder value.
Moshe David
Moshe is a visionary leader that builds high performance
companies, agile teams and a true partner to his customers.
Raft Technologies
The BENEFIT Company
Keren is an advocate of individual and collective
transformational change from our highest future possibilities.
Ophira Melamed, is a visionary leader who has dedicated her
career to creating a better future for the planet.
Shumon has worked with several companies and fantastic
people that shaped his career. He masters the ability to develop
powerful teams.
Ali & Sons Holding LLC
Keren Shavit
Co-founder & COO
Ophira Melamed
CEO & Co-founder
Shumon A Zaman
We assess each customer's
unique internal processes,
resources and readiness to
adapt to change.
Dileep Balakrishnan
Founder & CEO
Anvin Infosystems WLL
n the realm of cutting-edge technology and IT
Isolutions, there’s a driving force making waves in
the industry. The dynamic landscape of IT
incorporates innovation and adaptability paramount,
Anvin Infosystems WLL stands as a company that has
not only weathered the tides but has thrived and grown
exponentially over the years.
Anvin Infosystems WLL is a name synonymous with
excellence in ERP, CRM, application development, and
more. With a strong foundation built over the years,
Anvin has evolved, constantly upgrading its technology
and services to meet the ever-changing needs of its
Now, here’s the protagonist of this narrative: Dileep
Balakrishnan, the Founder & CEO of Anvin Infosystems
WLL. Under his leadership, Anvin has not just survived
but thrived, with a growing clientele of over 500
businesses in the Middle East and expansion plans that
extend beyond borders. In a world where IT giants reign
supreme, Anvin is holding its ground, competing with
tier-one products in the market.
Dileep is more than just a CEO; he’s a pioneering leader
with a passion for technology and a commitment to
excellence. With a career spanning decades, he has
honed his expertise by associating with some of the top
IT companies in India. This rich experience has
equipped him with a profound understanding of the IT
landscape and the strategic insight required to navigate
it successfully.
Under Dileep’s leadership, Anvin has not only
weathered the challenges of the ever-evolving IT
industry but has also emerged as a formidable player.
His futuristic approach has led the company to expand
its footprint from its base in Qatar to other countries.
As the world of IT continues to evolve, Anvin remains a
beacon of innovation and excellence. In this niche,
Anvin is not just surviving—it’s thriving, setting new
standards for what a technology company can achieve.
Let’s delve into a journey where Anvin continues to thrive
and innovate under Dileep’s leadership as a driving force
behind the company’s success!
Navigating the Digital Highway
“ ,” says Dileep, one of
It has been a long journey with Anvin
the key founders. Anvin started as a web technology
solution provider and has since evolved into a
comprehensive provider of ERP, CRM and digital
transformation solutions. This transformation wasn’t
without its challenges, but it’s what made Anvin
From serving large public sector undertakings to small
private businesses, every project has been a learning
opportunity. “Understanding our customers’ real
challenges were crucial,” Dileep emphasizes. This
understanding led Anvin to refine its strategies and
Today, Anvin boasts a satisfied customer base of over
500, primarily relying on AdlER, their flagship ERP
solution. “ ,” Dileep smiles, “
Our journey continues and
we’re committed to helping businesses thrive in the digital
age.” Anvin’s evolution mirrors the ever-changing
landscape of technology, adapting to meet the needs of
its diverse clientele.
From Geek to Guru
In the fiercely competitive world of ERP solutions,
standing out is no small feat. Dileep is a driving force
behind their journey, and he reflects, “More than a
decade ago, we recognized the need for a user-friendly,
affordable, yet feature-rich ERP product.” And thus began
Anvin’s remarkable journey.
Developing an ERP product to rival industry leaders is
no walk in the park. Dileep continues, “The ERP business
segment demands a deep partnership with customers for a
successful rollout.” Anvin’s technical and functional
expertise played a pivotal role in this success.
Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, Anvin stresses
on adaptability. Dileep explains, “We assess each
customer’s unique internal processes, resources and
readiness to adapt to change.” This tailored strategy
forms the cornerstone of their success story.
Above all, Anvin’s commitment to customer satisfaction
and retention has been their guiding principle. As they
continue to evolve, Dileep reminds us, “Our journey is
driven by a passion for meeting the evolving needs of our
customers in the ever-changing ERP landscape.” Anvin’s
enduring legacy is a testament to their dedication.
Inspiring Leaders in Middle East To Follow, 2023
We’ve set clear goals and
key performance indicators
(KPIs) for both our
organiza on and team
members to measure
customer sa sfac on.
Innovate to Elevate
In the world of business, partnerships are one of the
factors behind business success, as Dileep aptly puts it,
“Partnership is key for today’s business success, integrated
into our Go-To-Market strategies.” Anvin understands this
well and has forged strategic alliances with various
technical and business organizations, creating a win-
win situation.
Microsoft, a prominent technology partner, has been by
Anvin’s side throughout their journey. Dileep notes,
“Most of our solutions are developed with Microsoft
technologies.” Anvin’s prowess extends to cloud
platforms like Azure, Google and AWS.
Their collaboration with HSBC on integrating a
treasury API with their AdlER ERP platform is
groundbreaking, as Dileep highlights, “This is the first
such integration in the MENA region.” It empowers
customers to handle banking transactions seamlessly
within AdlER.
In Qatar, Anvin has joined forces with Qatar
Development Bank (QDB) to drive digital
transformation for micro, medium and enterprise
customers. Dileep emphasizes, “Our partnership with
QDB enables ERP & CRM solutions tailored to the unique
needs of their customers.”
Every partnership Anvin enters into is guided by a
singular focus on customer benefits. These alliances
strengthen their commitment to providing value and
innovation in the ever-evolving panorama of business
Wired for Quality
“The ERP is a critical tool for managing operations,” states
Dileep with unwavering conviction. Anvin understands
the vital role it plays in delivering top-notch products
and services to its customers.
Quality is paramount and he affirms, “Quality systems
and processes within the organization are mandatory.”
Anvin stands certified with ISO 9001 for quality
processes and ISO 27001 for data security, adhering
rigorously to these standards.
But they don’t rest on their laurels. Anvin is committed
to continuous improvement. Dileep explains, “We’re on
the path to achieving compliances with other global quality
Anvin priori zes opportuni es
for knowledge acquisi on,
exposure to emerging
technologies and encourages
members to assume leadership
roles and embrace challenges.
standards and certifications. This proactive stance
reflects their dedication to staying ahead in the ever-
evolving landscape of technology and ensuring their
customers receive the highest standards of quality and
data security.
Adapting in the Binary Era
“The transformation from a solution company to a product
and solution company has been tough but exciting,” says
Dileep, reflecting on Anvin’s remarkable journey. From
the outset, their strategy included releasing a minimum
of three new products each year, resulting in ownership
of over 25 intellectual properties today, with five more
expected by year-end.
Anvin’s reach extends across GCC countries and the
African market, an example of their dedication Anvin
reached another milestone by associating with MBK
Holding, guided by the visionary HE Sheikh Mansoor
Bin Khaleefa Al Thani, who is a visionary, innovation &
technology expert and a member of Qatar ruling family.
Dileep notes, “With all such restructuring, we’re poised to
make significant strides in the IT business.”
Anvin’s transformation underscores their commitment
to innovation and advanced technologies. Combined
with the strength gained through new associations the
future holds exciting possibilities for Anvin and their
continued growth.
Bridging Bytes and Business
“When planning a business solution,” emphasizes Dileep,
“Understanding the customer’s needs and ensuring clarity is
paramount.” This, he notes, is the bedrock of customer
At Anvin, before embarking on any ERP
implementation, meticulous scoping is conducted
following a proven implementation methodology. He
adds, “We’ve set clear goals and key performance indicators
(KPIs) for both our organization and team members to
measure customer satisfaction.”
This customer-centric approach ensures that Anvin’s
solutions align precisely with their clients’ expectations,
fostering trust and delivering value.
The Digital Dream Team
Dileep recognizes the vital role played by talented
professionals, stating, “Talented, efficient and committed
professionals are the backbone of any Technology
Company.” Anvin places a premium on nurturing such
teams, which has proven immensely successful.
We assess each customer’s
unique internal processes,
resources and readiness to
adapt to change.
“Our team,” as Dileep asserts, “is Our strength.” “Every
team member is invaluable,” he emphasizes. Anvin
prioritizes opportunities for knowledge acquisition,
exposure to emerging technologies and encourages
members to assume leadership roles and embrace
Empowering team members by granting ownership of
their work and projects is a core principle. Dileep adds,
“We support them in taking calculated risks and learning
from failures.” Anvin’s belief is that every individual
should grow alongside the company.
IT Excellence in the Arabian Sands
“Anvin Infosystems proudly calls Doha, Qatar, home,”
affirms Dileep. Being based in a country committed to
advancing through technology is a source of pride.
Dileep notes, “Qatar’s deliberate initiatives embrace
advanced and smart technology, propelling development
and progress.”
Anvin’s reach extends beyond Qatar into other GCC
countries through strategic channel partners.
“Our model ensures efficient sales and support for GCC
customers through our trusted partners,” Dileep explains.
Anvin places great emphasis on enhancing partner
capabilities systematically.
In this landscape, Anvin thrives on the strong
foundation provided by Qatar and its expanding
presence in the GCC. Their commitment to delivering
technology solutions aligns seamlessly with the region’s
push towards innovation and growth.
Tuned to Perfection
Anvin’s customer-centric philosophy has been
unwavering since day one, as Dileep affirms, “We’ve
always prioritized open and frequent communication with
our clients.” Their approach includes regular meetings,
support visits, calls, and emails, all with a keen focus on
active listening.
Account managers are assigned to each client, playing a
pivotal role as Dileep notes, “They serve as a point of
contact, fostering strong relationships.” Anvin understands
that satisfied customers become invaluable advocates.
Dileep emphasizes, “We’re all about building trust-based,
long-term relationships, not just short-term transactions.”
Their seasoned team has a knack for comprehending
clients’ business goals and aligning services with their
long-term objectives.
With these principles at heart, Anvin excels in nurturing
robust client relationships while staying agile in
adapting to the evolving business landscape. It’s a
formula that’s proven to stand the test of time
Middle East’s IT Renaissance
Dileep highlights Qatar’s forward-thinking stance,
“Qatar’s clear vision on Technology & Innovation is evident.
The government prioritizes digital transformation for Qatar
National Vision 2030.” Anvin, rooted in Qatar, shares
this commitment to support the country in this journey.
Dileep explains, “As we venture into the global market
with our ERP products, we’ll play a significant role as a
software exporter from Qatar.” Anvin’s journey aligns
seamlessly with Qatar’s tech-driven aspirations,
contributing to the country’s growth and innovation.
Innovate, Inspire, Ignite
“Our vision is crystal clear—to be the No.1 ERP solution
provider globally,” declares Dileep. This compelling
vision serves as a powerful source of inspiration and
motivation for their team, propelling them towards
He proudly notes, “We’re competing head-to-head with
established global ERP products and we’ve secured
numerous wins over them.” These victories serve as a
symbol to their capabilities and boost their confidence.
Furthermore, he highlights, “AdlER has often been
compared to the world’s leading products and this
recognition is a tremendous encouragement for our team.”
Coding a Brighter Future
Dileep refers the Government of Qatar’s endeavours to
build a vibrant ICT sector that will spur the
development of an advanced knowledge economy and a
prosperous, sustainable future for its people. Dileep
underscores, “This highlights the pivotal role of IT
professionals in driving economic development amid
technological advancements.”
While startups with innovative ideas are on the rise,
Dileep reflects on success factors. He advises, “Apart
from talent, commitment, perseverance, and focus are
essential qualities for entrepreneurs.” Dileep’s
entrepreneurial wisdom emphasizes unwavering
dedication to objectives and pursuing them with
In this continually advancing landscape, Dileep’s words
remind everyone that success is not just about ideas
but also about the determination and passion that drive
those ideas to fruition. It’s a message of inspiration for
all aspiring entrepreneurs.
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Ayesha Mubarak Ali
Ayesha Mubarak Ali | November 2023 |
Inspiring Leaders in Middle East To Follow, 2023
ith her unwavering passion for innovation,
Ayesha Mubarak Ali has been at the
forefront of developing revolutionary
technologies reshaping how we interact with the
Ayesha and her team are pushing the boundaries
of what's possible, creating immersive experiences
that blur the lines between the physical and digital
realms. As the co-founder of Metavisionaires, she
has shifted the tides in the industry and painted it
in her colors.
We caught up with Ayesha and discussed her vision
regarding the cutting-edge field of augmented reality
and artificial intelligence.
Below are the highlights of the interview:
Can you tell our audience about your earliest
memories of creating art and how you discovered your
My earliest memory involves collecting cartoon
stickers, copying and enlarging the drawings, and
coloring them all day. This passion grew when I got
admitted to the Indus Valley School of Arts and
Architecture, where I pursued a Fine Arts degree
with a New Media Arts major. After that, I became
unstoppable, experimenting with technologies and
creating various ML forms, emotion mapping, and
creative direction projects requiring a cross-
disciplinary approach. I started working with 3D
printing, metaverse, frontier tech, and space art
themes to explore human identity and our collective
Who or what inspires your artwork, and how would
you describe your art style?
I am inspired by emerging technologies and trends and
how they shift our innate understanding of customs,
traditions, and cultures. My work explores how we
redefine identities through collaboration with machines
and reimagine our future with the overwhelming
abundance of information and knowledge at our
disposal. My art style investigates various new frontiers
where the fusion of art and science can create
knowledge and further information, allowing for a
better understanding of human identity, ideas of
visibility, and ideas of shared culture in space.
How has your artistic style evolved, and what
influences have shaped your work?
My art has evolved as an extension of my experiences,
taking references from multiple sources like sciences,
biology, space sciences, space suits, internet filters,
costume designing, and custom data fusion of AI/ML or
generative content. My work seeks to create an impact,
provide a purpose, and provoke thought by responding
to complex information through fusion languages and
new visual vocabulary.
Can you tell us about a particularly challenging project
you worked on and how you overcame any obstacles?
I worked on a metaverse project with Metavisionaries,
aiming to create an interdisciplinary space for the
fusion of art, science, and technology. Another
challenging project was Sentients of Lights with Cosmic
Tribe, where I utilized 3D printing to produce large
wearable art pieces with sensor and light integrations.
Overcoming these challenges required persistence,
collaboration, and creative problem-solving.
Ayesha Mubarak Ali
Building a Be er Future with AR and AI | November 2023 |
My earliest memory involves
collec ng cartoon s ckers, copying
and enlarging the drawings, and
coloring them all day.
Have you ever faced challenges or obstacles as a
female artist in a male-dominated industry? If so, how
have you navigated those situations?
As a female tech artist, I often collaborate with male
partners, artists, and engineers, as technology is less
popular among female artists.
I had to strive for basic credit in my creative direction
projects. Today, I am leading international projects in
creative direction and art initiatives. However, it is not
easy to establish oneself as a female artist in the art and
technology industry just because this field isn't popular
with women.
What role do you think art plays in today's society?
Art holds the same intrinsic purpose as it always has: to
inspire, educate, motivate, and create magic. However,
today's abundance of tools and resources has reshaped
our understanding of producing and consuming art.
Artists have taken on more of a curator role, pushing
the limits of art and embracing new possibilities.
How do you balance your work as an artist with your
responsibilities as a co-founder of an EdTech
Balancing my work as an artist with my responsibilities
as a co-founder requires discipline and planning. By
sacrificing sleep and rest hours, I can maintain my
passion for projects and art initiatives while managing
team members and company tasks. I consistently keep
both sides of my life progressing and ensure neither is
Please share some advice for aspiring artists
struggling to find their voice or break into the
Don't worry about creating something perfect or
seeking an ideal work environment. Artists should be
decision-makers, so either seize an opportunity and
make the most of it or create your own opportunity by
becoming an entrepreneur and working on your
projects. Today, reaching out to anyone on the planet is
easier than ever, and this can be a powerful tool if used
effectively. Your voice has more potential than you
realize. | November 2023 |
What are your plans for your art
I am currently working on various
projects related to 3D fashion,
phygital designing, and space suit
design. I am also developing a new
series of artworks and a new media
film inspired by frontier
technologies and space.
Additionally, I am excited about my
upcoming book, which will provide
insights into the fusion of art,
science, technology, and space,
inspiring readers to create their
next projects. The importance of 3D
printing and fusion art lies in their
ability to push boundaries, explore
new frontiers, and promote
interdisciplinary collaboration,
enhancing our understanding of the
world and our place in it. | November 2023 |
Dr Rami Ayoob
A Visionary Tech Disruptor Leading
Startups to Success
Dr Rami Ayoob
n today's fast-paced technological world, companies
Iare constantly seeking ways to stay ahead of the
curve. The key to success lies in having a talented
and innovative team to drive growth and development.
That's where Spark Tech Hub exceeds the usual
As a leading company in the tech industry, Spark Tech
Hub is always on the lookout for the best and brightest
minds to join its team. The company is committed to
fostering a culture of innovation, creativity, and
Taking the lead of Spark Tech Hub is its Chief
Information Officer (CIO), Dr Rami Ayoob, a visionary
leader with a passion for technology and a proven track
record of success. With years of experience in the tech
industry, the CIO brings a wealth of knowledge and
expertise to the company. Dr Rami is a strategic thinker
with a deep understanding of the industry and is always
looking for ways to drive growth and create value for
the company's stakeholders.
We at CIOLook interviewed Dr Rami on his approach to
guiding Spark Tech Hub and thriving in today's digital
Let's delve into the intercepts of the interview!
What inspired you to pursue a career in the
technology industry, and how did you get started in
your current role as a CIO?
Many people who pursue a career in the technology
industry are inspired by the potential for innovation
and the ability to solve complex problems. Technology
is constantly evolving and there is always something
new to learn and discover. Some may have a natural
aptitude for mathematics or science, which can be
useful in technology-related fields.
To become a CIO, one typically needs a combination of
education, experience and leadership skills. This may
involve pursuing a degree in computer science or a
related field, gaining experience in various technology
roles, and developing strong communication and
strategic thinking skills. CIOs may also need to stay up
to date with the latest technological trends and
developments and be able to effectively manage teams
and resources to achieve organizational goals.
Ethics and integrity are
crucial in the security
and infrastructure
software industry.
Always prioritize doing
what's right and
protecting data privacy
and security.
“ | November 2023 |
Inspiring Leaders in Middle East To Follow, 2023
Dr Rami Ayoob,
Chief Information Officer
Spark Tech Hub
What are some of the biggest challenges
facing the security and infrastructure
software industry today, and how is your
company addressing these challenges?
Cybersecurity threats, such as hacking,
malware, and phishing attacks, are becoming
increasingly sophisticated and frequent.
Developing the technology to detect and
prevent these threats. This includes
advanced threat intelligence software,
endpoint protection systems and network
security solutions.
As more companies move their data and
applications to the cloud, there is a growing
need for cloud security solutions. We need to
secure cloud environments, including cloud
access security brokers, cloud security
posture management tools and cloud
workload protection platforms.
As IT infrastructure becomes more complex,
with hybrid environments, distributed
networks and multiple endpoints, it becomes
increasingly difficult to manage and secure.
That required innovation by creating the
tools to simplify infrastructure management
and improve security including network
automation tools, software-defined
networking and zero-trust security solutions.
How do you stay up-to-date with the latest
trends and developments in the technology
industry, and what resources do you rely on
for information and insights?
I stay up-to-date by subscribing to industry
publications and newsletters, attending conferences
and events, following thought leaders and experts on
social media and being active in online communities and
Additionally, many companies in the technology
industry have their own blogs and publications which
can provide valuable insights and updates on their
latest projects and innovations.
What are some of the key initiatives or projects that
your company is currently working on, and how do
these align with the overall business strategy?
We have various initiatives and projects that we are
working on to achieve our business goals. Some of
these initiatives may include expanding into new
markets, developing new products or services,
improving customer experience and increasing | November 2023 |
operational efficiency. We are developing partnerships
with local businesses or hiring staff with experience in
those markets.
How does your company prioritize IT investments, and
what criteria do you use to determine which
technologies to adopt and which to avoid?
We should consider the potential return on investment
of our IT investments by evaluating the expected
benefits of each investment, such as increased
efficiency, productivity, revenue, or customer
satisfaction, and compare them with the costs of
implementation, maintenance and support.
Evaluating the feasibility and compatibility of each IT
investment with the existing IT infrastructure,
applications and data. Considering the technical
requirements, dependencies and constraints of each
investment and ensure that we can integrate it
smoothly and securely with the current systems.
Overall, we should adopt a strategic and holistic
approach to IT investments and technology adoption,
balancing short-term and long-term goals, risks and
benefits, and aligning the IT investments with the
business strategy and culture.
How do you measure the success of your IT initiatives
and ensure that they are delivering value to the
By calculating the ROI, I can determine whether an
initiative is generating a positive return and delivering
value to the business, one of the key indicators of
success for IT initiatives is user adoption. If users are
not engaging with the technology or solution, then it is
unlikely to be delivering value to the business. Tracking
user adoption rates can help you identify areas that
require improvement and refine your approach.
Customer satisfaction is a key metric for any business,
and it is particularly relevant for IT initiatives that
impact the customer experience. Measuring customer
satisfaction can help us understand whether the IT
initiatives are meeting customer needs and delivering
value to the business.
What advice would you give to aspiring technology
professionals who are interested in pursuing a career
in the security and infrastructure software industry?
Constantly learn and keep up with industry changes,
the technology industry is constantly evolving, and it's
crucial to stay updated with the latest trends,
techniques and technologies.
Networking and building relationships with
professionals in the industry can open doors to
opportunities and help you stay informed about the
latest developments in the industry.
Identifying individuals who have succeeded in the same
field can provide invaluable guidance, advice and
inspiration to help you achieve your goals.
Ethics and integrity are crucial in the security and
infrastructure software industry. Always prioritize
doing what's right and protecting data privacy and
How do you see the security and infrastructure
software industry evolving in the next 5-10 years, and
what would you suggest to new and upcoming
entrepreneurs in the tech industry?
One trend that is likely to continue is the shift toward
cloud-based solutions. More and more businesses are
moving their operations to the cloud, and this creates a
greater demand for security and infrastructure
software that can protect these cloud-based systems.
Another trend is the increasing use of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to identify
and prevent potential security breaches. AI and ML
technologies can analyze vast amounts of data and
identify patterns that humans may miss.
For new and upcoming entrepreneurs in the tech
industry, it's essential to focus on innovation and stay
ahead of the curve when it comes to new technologies
and trends. Developing products that can address the
unique challenges will be crucial to success.
Additionally, entrepreneurs should prioritize building
strong relationships with customers and partners to
develop trust and loyalty in their products and brand.
Finally, as security concerns become more complex,
new startups should consider partnering with
established players in the industry to leverage their
knowledge and resources. | November 2023 |
Exploring the
Fundamentals of
Middle Ea
in the
he Middle East, a region known for its rich
history, diverse cultures, and geopolitical
significance, is currently undergoing a series of
transformations that are shaping its future. These
changes are multifaceted, ranging from economic
reforms and social shifts to political realignments. In
this article, we will delve into the fundamental aspects
of these transformations, providing insights into the
driving forces behind the evolving landscape of the
Middle East.
Economic Reforms:
One of the key drivers of change in the Middle East is
the ongoing economic transformation. Traditionally
reliant on oil exports, many countries in the region are
now diversifying their economies to reduce
dependence on fossil fuels. Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030,
for instance, aims to create a more sustainable and
diversified economy by investing in sectors such as
tourism, technology, and renewable energy. This shift
reflects a broader trend of economic modernization
and a move towards knowledge-based economies. | November 2023 |
Indu ry-Insights | November 2023 |
Social and Cultural Shifts:
The Middle East is experiencing
significant social and cultural
transformations, particularly among
the younger generation. With
increased access to education and
exposure to global influences, young
people are challenging traditional
norms and advocating for social
change. Women's empowerment, in
particular, has gained momentum,
with several countries introducing
reforms to enhance gender equality
and women's participation in various
sectors. These societal shifts are
redefining the region's identity and
contributing to a more dynamic and
inclusive Middle East.
Political Realignments:
The geopolitical landscape of the
Middle East has witnessed notable
shifts in recent years. The Abraham
Accords, a series of normalization
agreements between Israel and
several Arab states, represents a
significant departure from historical
tensions. This diplomatic realignment
reflects a shared concern over
regional stability and a desire to
collaborate on economic and security
matters. Additionally, changes in
leadership, such as the transition of
power in countries like Qatar and
Kuwait, have the potential to reshape
regional dynamics.
implementing significant education reforms. These
reforms aim to align educational systems with the
needs of the job market, emphasizing science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
fields. The goal is to equip the youth with the skills
required for the evolving economic landscape.
Cultural Diplomacy:
Countries in the Middle East are increasingly leveraging
cultural diplomacy to enhance their global influence.
Through investments in cultural institutions,
international events, and initiatives promoting art and
literature, these nations are projecting soft power on
the world stage. This cultural outreach fosters a better
understanding of the region and its people.
Migration and Diaspora:
The Middle East is witnessing shifts in population
dynamics due to migration patterns. While conflicts
have displaced many, economic opportunities have
attracted a significant expatriate workforce. The
diaspora from the Middle East plays a crucial role in
both contributing to the economies of their host
countries and maintaining ties with their home nations,
creating a complex web of cultural exchange and
economic interdependence.
In conclusion, the Middle East is in the midst of
transformative changes that encompass economic,
social, political, and environmental dimensions. The
shift towards economic diversification, social
empowerment, diplomatic realignments, and
environmental sustainability reflects a commitment to
building a more resilient and forward-looking Middle
East. While challenges persist, the region's willingness
to embrace change and adapt to evolving global
dynamics offers hope for a future characterized by
stability, prosperity, and inclusivity.
Security Challenges:
While transformations are underway, the Middle East
continues to grapple with security challenges. Ongoing
conflicts in Syria, Yemen, and Libya, coupled with the
threat of terrorism, pose significant obstacles to the
region's stability. Addressing these issues requires not
only regional cooperation but also international
engagement. Efforts to find diplomatic solutions and
promote dialogue are crucial for fostering lasting peace
and ensuring a secure future for the Middle East.
Environmental Sustainability:
As the global community faces the impacts of climate
change, the Middle East is increasingly recognizing the
importance of environmental sustainability. Countries
in the region are investing in renewable energy
projects, water conservation, and other measures to
mitigate the environmental impact of rapid
development. Balancing economic growth with
environmental concerns is a critical aspect of the
region's ongoing transformation.
Technological Advancements:
The Middle East is experiencing a digital revolution,
with countries investing heavily in technology and
innovation. Smart cities, artificial intelligence, and
advancements in information technology are becoming
integral parts of the region's development. Initiatives
like Dubai's Smart City project and the establishment of
tech hubs in countries like the United Arab Emirates
(UAE) are driving the Middle East towards becoming a
technology hub.
Youth Entrepreneurship:
The younger generation in the Middle East is
increasingly engaging in entrepreneurship and
innovation. Governments across the region are
fostering a culture of entrepreneurship by providing
support for startups, offering funding opportunities,
and creating conducive regulatory environments. This
trend is not only diversifying the economy but also
fostering creativity and innovation.
Education Reforms:
Recognizing the importance of a skilled workforce in
the modern era, many Middle Eastern countries are | November 2023 |
Remember that it's
a long and
challenging path
with many ups and
downs, but with
the right team and
support, and
passion, you can
overcome any
obstacle and
achieve your goals.
Ophira Melamed
CEO & Co-founder
NitroFix | November 2023 |
Inspiring Leaders in Middle East To Follow, 2023
The Catalyst Behind the Zero
Co2 Emission Revolution in Agricultural
n today's world, sustainable and eco-friendly
Imanufacturing practices are becoming increasingly
crucial. In this regard, there is one agricultural
chemical manufacturing company that stands out from
the rest. NitroFix has not only prioritized sustainability
in its manufacturing processes but has also developed
an innovative production method that emits zero Co2.
As a result of this revolutionary approach, NitroFix has
become a leader in the field of sustainable agricultural
chemical production.
The CEO and Co-founder of NitroFix, Ophira
Melamed, is a visionary leader who has dedicated her
career to creating a better future for the planet. With
her expertise in the field of chemistry and passion for
sustainable manufacturing practices, she plays a key
role in the development of this groundbreaking
technology. Ophira's commitment to sustainability and
drive towards creating a better world has been
instrumental in the company's success.
We at CIOLook interviewed Ophira on her approach to
developing the elements within the industry with
Let's dive into the intercepts of the interview!
Brief our audience about your journey as a business
leader until your current position at Nitrofix. What
has been your most significant achievement since you
ventured into the niche?
After completing a Ph.D. thesis, I began my journey as a
business leader 20 years ago. I started my career at
Kodak, where I learned how to build development
programs, establish processes and create effective
teams. After five years, I joined the startup world,
where I learned to be agile and adaptable while working
in a constantly evolving environment. During my time in
the startup world, I worked on groundbreaking projects
in 3D printing, including printing rubber, ceramics, and
Throughout my career, I gained valuable experience
managing R&D teams before transitioning to marketing
and business roles; I focused on customer interaction
and sales strategies. However, my passion for making a
significant contribution to the world in terms of
sustainability and addressing climate change issues led
me to Weizmann Institute; I established NitroFix
alongside Professor Ronny Neumann, Meital Alon and
Yehuda Borenstein.
As the CEO of NitroFix, I led the company to develop a
revolutionary technology that converts air and water to
ammonia without carbon emissions, which has been my
most significant achievement to date.
Enlighten us on how you have been impacting the
industry through your expertise in developing
sustainable energy solutions.
NitroFix is dedicated to creating positive change for the
environment and addressing climate change by
developing sustainable energy solutions. Our
innovative electrochemical process is transforming the
ammonia production industry by generating emission-
free ammonia at a low cost. The traditional Haber-
Bosch process is unsustainable due to the significant
amount of carbon dioxide it emits. In contrast,
NitroFix's technology produces ammonia from water
and air without carbon emissions.
Our aim is to reduce the environmental impact of
ammonia production and meet the increasing demand
for this essential compound. We believe our technology
can revolutionize the ammonia industry, paving the way
for a more sustainable future. NitroFix is proud to be
leading the way in sustainable energy solutions and | November 2023 |
treat them with the utmost respect and appreciation,
recognizing their importance to our success. I also
possess excellent communication skills, enabling me to
effectively communicate with both customers and R&D
I understand our client's needs and expectations and
can relay this information to our teams while
communicating technical information to clients.
Furthermore, I inspire and motivate our teams,
encouraging them to use their unique talents and
abilities. In a supportive work environment where
employees feel valued and appreciated, I believe we can
increase productivity, creativity and innovation.
Tell us about your contribution to scaling the growth
of Nitrofix and what strategies you implemented to
enhance its services and operations.
My contribution to the company's growth has been
implementing effective strategies that streamline our
operations while ensuring lean and efficient processes.
Drawing from my experience in big corporations and
startups, I have adopted the right processes to ensure
that all steps are in place.
One key strategy is involving the operation team in
R&D development at an early stage to save time and
money and reduce the need for reengineering.
Additionally, building a strong team culture that
emphasizes collaboration and open communication has
helped us to attract and retain top talent, which is
critical for our growth and success.
making a positive impact on the industry and the world.
Describe in detail the values and the work culture that
drives your organization.
NitroFix has a work culture that prioritizes values such
as excellence and collaboration. We strive to create a
diverse and inclusive environment that values every
individual's unique perspective, background and
Open communication, trust and transparency are
fundamental to our company's ethos, and we maintain a
high level of integrity in all our dealings. We also
recognize that our employees' well-being is vital to our
success and we encourage a healthy work-life balance.
As the CEO, I prioritize my passion for cycling, which
helps me maintain a healthy lifestyle and approach
work with renewed energy.
At NitroFix, our values and work culture prioritize
diversity, trust, transparency, collaboration, and
employee well-being. We believe that these values
create a positive and productive work environment
that drives us toward achieving our mission of
developing sustainable energy solutions and making a
positive impact on the industry and the world.
What are the traits that you think your employees and
clients admire in you the most?
As a CEO, I believe that my employees and clients
admire me for several traits. I prioritize people and
What, according to you, could be the next significant
change in your sector? How is your company
preparing to be a part of that change?
The next significant change in the energy sector is the
transition towards a zero-carbon economy, in line with
the Paris Agreement. This requires a shift towards
renewable energy sources, and NitroFix is contributing
to this change by developing technology that uses air
and water to produce green ammonia. This aligns with
government decisions to reduce carbon emissions and
build a more sustainable future.
Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run
and what are your future goals for your company?
As for the future goals of NitroFix, we aim to become a
leading player in the green ammonia market, providing
sustainable solutions for the energy and agriculture
sectors worldwide. Our goal is to expand our
technology and operations globally, establish strategic
partnerships with key industry players and increase our
production capacity to meet the growing demand for
green ammonia. Ultimately, we strive to make a
significant impact on reducing carbon emissions and
promoting a sustainable future.
What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs
who aspire to venture into the dynamic and ever-
evolving business arena?
If you're an aspiring entrepreneur, I advise you to have
a deep passion for what you want to achieve. Surround
yourself with the best people who can help you on your
journey. Continuously learn and adapt to changes.
Remember that it's a long and challenging path with
many ups and downs, but with the right team and
support and unwavering passion, you can overcome any
obstacle and achieve your goals.
In your opinion, what are the fundamentals that set
Nitrofix apart as an innovative company in the niche?
NitroFix stands out as an innovative company in the
industry due to its cutting-edge technology and
commitment to sustainability. Our electrochemical
process for producing ammonia is both emission-free
and cost-effective, utilizing only water and air as
reagents. This eliminates the need for fossil fuels and
reduces the carbon footprint of ammonia production
significantly. Additionally, our technology enables
decentralized production of ammonia, allowing remote
areas to produce their own ammonia without relying on
traditional supply chains. This innovative approach sets
us apart from other companies in the industry and
positions us as a leader in sustainable ammonia
How is Nitrofix redefining the facets of energy
production under your staunch leadership?
Under my leadership, NitroFix is redefining the facets
of energy production by introducing an innovative and
sustainable and energy-efficient approach to green
ammonia production. That opens new green energy
markets. For example, ammonia can be used as a
hydrogen carrier and as a maritime fuel. NitroFix's
green ammonia can play a critical role in these
applications, especially as the demand for green fuels
continues to rise. According to the IRENA report the
ammonia demand for the energy market is estimated at
350 MT by 2050. By producing green ammonia,
NitroFix is not only contributing to a more sustainable
future but also providing economic opportunities in the
emerging green energy sector.
Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in
almost every sector. How are you advancing towards
technological innovations to make your solutions
Our solution is based on technology developed by Prof.
Ronny Neumann from the Weizmann Institute. Prof.
Ronny Neumann serves as scientific advisor for
NitroFix. He continues to explore this field and stays at
the forefront of technological advancements in the field
of green chemistry, climate change, carbon emissions
reduction and sustainable energy. | November 2023 |
Shumon A Zaman
Thriving with Astounding Traits and Values
ommencing his journey in London, UK, Shumon
CA Zaman, Chief Information and Digital Officer
of Ali & Sons Holding LLC worked with several
companies and fantastic people that shaped his career.
He moved to the UAE after completing several global
technology transformation projects and
entrepreneurial ventures in the US and Europe.
From humble beginnings, he quickly adapted to change
by navigating through a competitive market, efficiently
managing his teams, and people, making tough
decisions, and adjusting to varying business
environments, experiences that helped him reach the
In an interview with CIOLook, Shumon shares his
professional experience in the industry and highlights
his significant achievements as well as the challenges
encountered on the business scene.Below are the
excerpts from the interview:
Would you give our audience a view about your
journey as a business leader and your current position
at Ali & Sons. What challenges did you have to
overcome to reach where you are today?
Today, everything around us is rapidly changing;
digitalization is shaping new industries and removing
barriers to competition. Every single industry is being
disrupted in some manner – no one is immune to this.
The challenge that business leaders are facing now is
how to continually adapt and survive in this
competitive environment.
To overcome these challenges, I had to learn, adapt, and
have the courage to make bold decisions with ‘a can-do’
attitude, never giving up. However, the one most single
ingredient to success for me personally is developing a
‘ninja’ team that is ready, willing, and able to overcome
any challenge no matter how big or small in order to
reach their goal.
I think the ability to develop powerful teams is what has
led me to reach my current position and the success
that has created is what has brought me to Ali & Sons.
Tell us something more about your company and its
mission and vision.
Ÿ Ali & Sons Holding (ASH) is a Forbes-listed top family
conglomerate in the UAE with major interests in
Automotive, Oil & Gas, Construction, Real Estate,
Retail, and Investments. We are home to some of the
world’s best known car brands such as Porsche, Audi,
VW, Skoda and MG and work with industry leaders
such as ADNOC in the Oil & Gas sector.
Ÿ From humble beginnings the group has been a pillar
of success over four decades helping the UAE
economy to grow.
Ÿ Our mission is to keep supporting the growth of the
UAE by enhancing the lives and experiences of our
stakeholders by solving their problems through
economical and innovative solutions.
Ÿ Our overall vision is to be a sustainable group
recognized for leveraging its capabilities in the UAEs
continuous development.
Enlighten us on how you have impacted the venture
capital niche through your expertise in the market.
Prior to joining ASH – I setup start-ups working with
Silicon Valley partners that have been developed into
niche sectors aiming to become unicorns. From a young
age, I have developed startups in a range of sectors that
have required VC or Angel investors. | November 2023 |
Inspiring Leaders in Middle East To Follow, 2023
Shumon A Zaman
Chief Informa on and
Digital Officer
Ali & Sons Holding LLC | November 2023 |
VC is not for everyone and has high risks but equally
high rewards assuming you can identify startups that
have the potential to grow and scale.
Describe in detail the values and the work culture that
drives your organization.
ASH is a family conglomerate where everyone is
treated as part of the family. We work hard together;
we learn every day on how to improve and make better
and wiser decisions that help us to succeed and grow
our group.
Respect, trust, honesty, and integrity are what drives
our people and creates a winning culture. Our passion
for what we do is also another key differentiator. We
have great people working at ASH combined with new
talent coming through our Emiratisation program called
Al Massar and this is what is providing our business
with a greater competitive advantage. We believe
people is what creates competitive advantage!
Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in
almost every sector. How are you leveraging
technological advancements to make your solutions
Our Board under the guidance of our Chairman and
Founder, have a great track record of investing in
industries and advanced technologies ahead of our
competition. Bold decision-making and investments in
the right industries and technologies have helped our
organization to develop a sustainable positive, growth
We are making significant investments into technology
and digitalization to firstly disrupt the status quo and to
also arm ourselves to withstand and even take
advantage of the disruption that is now the norm in
many industries.
Investing in things like new digital start-ups, providing
seed capital and also changing business models in
existing businesses is what will power our sustainability
and future growth.
What, according to you, could be the next significant
change in your sector? How is your company
preparing to be a part of that change?
One area that perhaps everyone can relate to is the
electrification of cars. We see this sector going through
rapid change and disruption. Many of our top brands
are now focusing more on electric vehicles (EVs). This
will have a significant impact on the Automotive sector
in the region.
We are working with our global partners in helping
them to deliver even better products and services to
our current and future customers, who are more
focused on sustainability, sharing and helping the
Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run,
and what are your future goals for Ali & Sons?
At ASH, we expect to keep growing our business and
perhaps invest more in sustainability and
environmentally friendly sectors. We view
environmental challenges as a shared responsibility,
and we are determined to make a positive contribution
to this area in every facet of our business.
We are working with our global
partners in helping them to deliver
even better products and services
to our future generation Z
customers, who are more focused
on sustainability, sharing and
helping the environment.
“ | November 2023 |
What would be your advice to the budding
entrepreneurs who aspire to become venture
I think investing in early startups has many risks but
equally rewards. The potential to pick the right
investment is obviously the key. From my own
experience having developed startups with Silicon
Valley partners. It’s important to understand the
problem a business is trying to fix and ensure you
understand how big and pressing that problem is.
Understanding that can then unlock how you fix that
problem and the business model you would use to
monetize the solution. VC is not for the faint-hearted,
the risks are stacked up against the early startups.
Here are some key things to consider when considering
the VC route:
Ÿ Expertise and experience: Successful venture
capitalists often have a background in
entrepreneurship, finance, or technology. Having
experience in these areas can help you identify
promising startups and provide value to portfolio
Ÿ Network: Building a strong network of
entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts is
crucial for finding investment opportunities and
sourcing deals.
Ÿ Investment strategy: Developing a clear investment
strategy that aligns with your goals and risk tolerance
is essential for making sound investment decisions.
Ÿ Due diligence: Conducting thorough due diligence on
potential investments is critical to mitigating risk and
making informed investment decisions.
Ÿ Portfolio management: Once you've made
investments, managing your portfolio of companies is
important for maximizing returns and mitigating risk.
Ÿ Regulatory and legal considerations: Venture capital
is a highly regulated industry, so understanding the
legal and regulatory requirements for investing and
fundraising is important for operating within the law
and avoiding compliance issues. | November 2023 |
Integrating Leadership
Aspects with the
Saga of Advancements
n the fast-paced and dynamic landscape of the 21st century, organizations are
Iconstantly challenged to adapt to technological innovations. The integration of
leadership aspects with these technological advancements has become
imperative for sustained success and growth. In this article, we will explore the
symbiotic relationship between leadership and technology, emphasizing the
essential role leaders play in navigating their organizations through the complexities
of the digital era.
Embracing Change:
Technological innovations bring about rapid changes in the business environment.
Leaders must cultivate a culture of adaptability and resilience within their teams.
This requires a proactive approach to change management, where leaders not only
acknowledge the inevitability of technological disruptions but also actively seek
opportunities for innovation. By fostering a mindset that embraces change, leaders
create a foundation for their teams to thrive in an ever-evolving technological
Visionary Leadership:
Successful integration of technology requires visionary leadership. Leaders must
possess a clear vision of how technology aligns with the overall strategic goals of the
organization. This vision serves as a roadmap, guiding the implementation of
technological solutions that enhance efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. A
visionary leader communicates this vision effectively, inspiring confidence and
commitment from the team, fostering a shared sense of purpose.
Building a Tech-Savvy Team:
Leadership in the age of technological innovation involves building and nurturing a
tech-savvy workforce. Leaders should encourage continuous learning and upskilling
to keep pace with evolving technologies. By investing in employee development
programs and creating an environment that values technological proficiency, leaders
empower their teams to harness the full potential of emerging technologies. | November 2023 |
40 | November 2023 |
Fostering Collaboration:
Effective integration of technology often requires
cross-functional collaboration. Leaders must break
down silos within organizations, promoting
collaboration between departments to ensure seamless
adoption of technological solutions. By fostering an
environment where diverse perspectives converge,
leaders harness the collective intelligence of their
teams, driving innovation and maximizing the impact of
technological advancements.
Ethical Leadership in the Digital Age:
As organizations increasingly rely on data-driven
decision-making processes, leaders must prioritize
ethical considerations. Ethical leadership involves
setting a precedent for responsible use of technology,
safeguarding privacy, and ensuring fair and unbiased
practices. Leaders who prioritize ethical considerations
in the adoption and implementation of technology not
only build trust with stakeholders but also mitigate
potential risks associated with misuse of data.
Agile Leadership:
The pace of technological change demands a shift
towards agile leadership. Leaders must be agile in their
decision-making processes, responsive to market
dynamics, and open to feedback. Agile leadership
empowers organizations to adapt quickly to emerging
technologies, seize opportunities, and navigate
challenges with resilience. By fostering a culture of
agility, leaders create a competitive advantage in the
rapidly evolving digital landscape.
Data-Driven Decision Making:
Leadership in the digital age requires a shift towards
data-driven decision-making. Leaders should
encourage the use of data analytics and insights to
inform strategic choices. By leveraging technology to
gather and analyze data, leaders gain a deeper
understanding of market trends, customer behaviour,
and internal operations, enabling informed and
strategic decision-making.
Investing in Emerging Technologies:
Innovation is often synonymous with the adoption of
emerging technologies. Leaders need to stay informed
about the latest technological trends and be willing to
invest strategically in innovations that align with their
organizational goals. Whether it's artificial intelligence,
blockchain, or the Internet of Things, leaders must
assess the potential impact of these technologies on
their industry and position their organizations
User-Centric Technological Integration:
Leadership should prioritize user experience when
implementing new technologies. Whether it's internal
tools for employees or customer-facing applications, a
user-centric approach ensures that the technology
adds value and is embraced by its intended users.
Leaders should seek feedback from end-users,
fostering a culture of continuous improvement in the
design and functionality of technological solutions.
Reskilling and Upskilling Initiatives:
As technology evolves, leaders must address the skills
gap within their organizations. Implementing reskilling
and upskilling initiatives is crucial to ensure that
employees possess the necessary competencies to
work with new technologies. By investing in training
programs, leaders not only enhance the capabilities of
their workforce but also demonstrate a commitment to
employee development, fostering a positive and
forward-thinking organizational culture.
The integration of leadership aspects with
technological innovations is not a choice but a necessity
for organizations aspiring to thrive in the digital era.
Visionary leaders who embrace change, build tech-
savvy teams, foster collaboration, prioritize ethical
considerations, and exhibit agility are better positioned
to navigate the complexities of the technological
landscape. As organizations continue to evolve, the role
of leadership in shaping the relationship between
people and technology will be pivotal in determining
success and sustainability. By proactively addressing
the intersection of leadership and technology,
organizations can pave the way for a future where
innovation and adaptability are at the core of their
strategic endeavours. | November 2023 |
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Inspiring Leaders In Middle East To Follow, 2023.pdf

  • 1. VOL 11 I ISSUE 12 I 2023 Industry-Insights Exploring the Fundamentals of Transforma ons in the Middle East Saga of Advancements Integra ng Leadership Aspects with the Technological Innova ons
  • 2. Leadership is not about being It is about making everyone else better. thebest.
  • 3.
  • 5. The Attributes of Continual Advancements he business world is constantly changing; Tbusiness leaders are adapting to new challenges and opportunities. They are flexible and open to new ideas and are willing to pivot their strategy when necessary. In the dynamic business arena, an inspiring leader is true to themselves and their values. They are honest and transparent with their team and are able to build trust through their authenticity. A leader who is empathetic and understands the needs of their team can create a positive and supportive work environment. A successful business leader is often the driving force behind a company's growth and success. A leader possesses various traits that create a difference from the rest and can motivate and inspire their team to reach new heights. An inspiring leader has a clear and compelling vision for their company's future. They are able to articulate this vision in a way that motivates their team and creates a sense of purpose. A leader who is passionate about their work can inspire others to share that passion. They are enthusiastic about their company's mission and are willing to go above and beyond to achieve their goals. An excellent leader is able to make tough decisions quickly and confidently. They weigh the pros and cons of each option and make a choice based on what is best for the company. They listen to their employees and are able to address their concerns in a thoughtful and compassionate way. Building a successful company is not without its challenges, and an inspiring leader is able to bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward. They are tenacious and persistent in the face of adversity. A leader possesses a combination of vision, passion, decisiveness, adaptability, authenticity, empathy, and resilience. These traits enable them to lead their team to success and create a positive impact on the world. Spotlighting these charismas and their odyssey of excellence, the latest edition of CIOLook, “The 10 Most Inspiring Leaders in Middle East to Follow, 2023,” features the leaders who are making a positive difference in their respective industries in 2023. These leaders are not only successful in their businesses but also lead with purpose and have a significant impact on their communities and the world. Flip through the pages and indulge in this saga of brilliance. Have a delightful read! AnishMiller
  • 6. C o n t e n t s Articles Profiles Inclusive Leadership Fostering Diversity and Belonging in the Workplace 40 Leading Across Borders Cultural Intelligence in Global Leadership 28 Ophira Melamed The Catalyst Behind the Zero Co2 Emission Revolution in Agricultural Chemicals Ayesha Mubarak Ali Building a Better Future with AR and AI Shumon A Zaman Thriving with Astounding Traits and Values Dr Rami Ayoob A Visionary Tech Disruptor Leading Startups to Success 24 20 32 36
  • 8. CONTENT Deputy Editor Anish Miller Managing Editor Katherine Debora DESIGN Visualizer Dave Bates Art & Design Director Davis Martin Associate Designer Jameson Carl SALES Senior Sales Manager Wilson T., Hunter D. Customer Success Manager Collins J. Sales Executives Tim, Smith TECHNICAL Technical Head Peter Hayden Technical Consultant Victor Collins November, 2023 Copyright © 2023 CIOLOOK, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from CIOLOOK. Reprint rights remain solely with CIOLOOK. FOLLOW US ON WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON Email For Subscription CONTACT US ON Pooja M Bansal Editor-in-Chief SME-SMO Research Analyst Eric Smith SEO Executive Alen Spencer
  • 9. Brief Company Name Dileep Balakrishnan Founder & CEO Dileep is more than just a CEO; he’s a pioneering leader with a passion for technology and a commitment to excellence. With a career spanning decades, he has honed his expertise by associating with some of the top IT companies Behzad Zamanian Chief Information Officer Behzad utilizes and develops effective and innovative technology solutions to help Washoe County and surrounding regions in providing and sustaining a safe, secure and healthy community. Washoe County Anvin Infosystems Ayesha is a renowned Fusion-Tech Artist, Creative Director, and international Speaker who specializes in using frontier technologies such as AI/ML to challenge the traditional ideas of reality and human identity. Metaverse Fashion Council Dr. Rami is a visionary leader with a passion for technology and a proven track record of success. Spark Tech Hub Hadyah Mohammed Fathalla is a strategy and security specialist with 20 years of experience in a range of fields including: national and global security, policymaking, entrepreneurship, innovation and digital transformation. Hatter Consultants Featured Person Ayesha Mubarak Ali Co-founder Dr. Rami Ayoob CEO Hadyah Fathalla Founder and Principal Consultant Muna Al Hashemi CEO Muna Al Hashemi is leading the development and execution of the Company’s long-term strategy with a view to creating shareholder value. Moshe David CEO Moshe is a visionary leader that builds high performance companies, agile teams and a true partner to his customers. Raft Technologies The BENEFIT Company Keren is an advocate of individual and collective transformational change from our highest future possibilities. Sweetch Ophira Melamed, is a visionary leader who has dedicated her career to creating a better future for the planet. NitroFix Shumon has worked with several companies and fantastic people that shaped his career. He masters the ability to develop powerful teams. Ali & Sons Holding LLC Keren Shavit Co-founder & COO Ophira Melamed CEO & Co-founder Shumon A Zaman CEO
  • 10. We assess each customer's unique internal processes, resources and readiness to adapt to change.
  • 11. Dileep Balakrishnan Founder & CEO Anvin Infosystems WLL
  • 12. n the realm of cutting-edge technology and IT Isolutions, there’s a driving force making waves in the industry. The dynamic landscape of IT incorporates innovation and adaptability paramount, Anvin Infosystems WLL stands as a company that has not only weathered the tides but has thrived and grown exponentially over the years. Anvin Infosystems WLL is a name synonymous with excellence in ERP, CRM, application development, and more. With a strong foundation built over the years, Anvin has evolved, constantly upgrading its technology and services to meet the ever-changing needs of its clients. Now, here’s the protagonist of this narrative: Dileep Balakrishnan, the Founder & CEO of Anvin Infosystems WLL. Under his leadership, Anvin has not just survived but thrived, with a growing clientele of over 500 businesses in the Middle East and expansion plans that extend beyond borders. In a world where IT giants reign supreme, Anvin is holding its ground, competing with tier-one products in the market. Dileep is more than just a CEO; he’s a pioneering leader with a passion for technology and a commitment to excellence. With a career spanning decades, he has honed his expertise by associating with some of the top IT companies in India. This rich experience has equipped him with a profound understanding of the IT landscape and the strategic insight required to navigate it successfully. Under Dileep’s leadership, Anvin has not only weathered the challenges of the ever-evolving IT industry but has also emerged as a formidable player. His futuristic approach has led the company to expand its footprint from its base in Qatar to other countries. As the world of IT continues to evolve, Anvin remains a beacon of innovation and excellence. In this niche, Anvin is not just surviving—it’s thriving, setting new standards for what a technology company can achieve. Let’s delve into a journey where Anvin continues to thrive and innovate under Dileep’s leadership as a driving force behind the company’s success! Navigating the Digital Highway “ ,” says Dileep, one of It has been a long journey with Anvin the key founders. Anvin started as a web technology solution provider and has since evolved into a comprehensive provider of ERP, CRM and digital transformation solutions. This transformation wasn’t without its challenges, but it’s what made Anvin succeed. From serving large public sector undertakings to small private businesses, every project has been a learning opportunity. “Understanding our customers’ real challenges were crucial,” Dileep emphasizes. This understanding led Anvin to refine its strategies and approach. Today, Anvin boasts a satisfied customer base of over 500, primarily relying on AdlER, their flagship ERP solution. “ ,” Dileep smiles, “ Our journey continues and we’re committed to helping businesses thrive in the digital age.” Anvin’s evolution mirrors the ever-changing landscape of technology, adapting to meet the needs of its diverse clientele. From Geek to Guru In the fiercely competitive world of ERP solutions, standing out is no small feat. Dileep is a driving force behind their journey, and he reflects, “More than a decade ago, we recognized the need for a user-friendly, affordable, yet feature-rich ERP product.” And thus began Anvin’s remarkable journey. Developing an ERP product to rival industry leaders is no walk in the park. Dileep continues, “The ERP business segment demands a deep partnership with customers for a successful rollout.” Anvin’s technical and functional expertise played a pivotal role in this success. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, Anvin stresses on adaptability. Dileep explains, “We assess each customer’s unique internal processes, resources and readiness to adapt to change.” This tailored strategy forms the cornerstone of their success story. Above all, Anvin’s commitment to customer satisfaction and retention has been their guiding principle. As they continue to evolve, Dileep reminds us, “Our journey is driven by a passion for meeting the evolving needs of our customers in the ever-changing ERP landscape.” Anvin’s enduring legacy is a testament to their dedication. Inspiring Leaders in Middle East To Follow, 2023
  • 13. We’ve set clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) for both our organiza on and team members to measure customer sa sfac on.
  • 14.
  • 15. Innovate to Elevate In the world of business, partnerships are one of the factors behind business success, as Dileep aptly puts it, “Partnership is key for today’s business success, integrated into our Go-To-Market strategies.” Anvin understands this well and has forged strategic alliances with various technical and business organizations, creating a win- win situation. Microsoft, a prominent technology partner, has been by Anvin’s side throughout their journey. Dileep notes, “Most of our solutions are developed with Microsoft technologies.” Anvin’s prowess extends to cloud platforms like Azure, Google and AWS. Their collaboration with HSBC on integrating a treasury API with their AdlER ERP platform is groundbreaking, as Dileep highlights, “This is the first such integration in the MENA region.” It empowers customers to handle banking transactions seamlessly within AdlER. In Qatar, Anvin has joined forces with Qatar Development Bank (QDB) to drive digital transformation for micro, medium and enterprise customers. Dileep emphasizes, “Our partnership with QDB enables ERP & CRM solutions tailored to the unique needs of their customers.” Every partnership Anvin enters into is guided by a singular focus on customer benefits. These alliances strengthen their commitment to providing value and innovation in the ever-evolving panorama of business solutions. Wired for Quality “The ERP is a critical tool for managing operations,” states Dileep with unwavering conviction. Anvin understands the vital role it plays in delivering top-notch products and services to its customers. Quality is paramount and he affirms, “Quality systems and processes within the organization are mandatory.” Anvin stands certified with ISO 9001 for quality processes and ISO 27001 for data security, adhering rigorously to these standards. But they don’t rest on their laurels. Anvin is committed to continuous improvement. Dileep explains, “We’re on the path to achieving compliances with other global quality Anvin priori zes opportuni es for knowledge acquisi on, exposure to emerging technologies and encourages members to assume leadership roles and embrace challenges.
  • 16. standards and certifications. This proactive stance reflects their dedication to staying ahead in the ever- evolving landscape of technology and ensuring their customers receive the highest standards of quality and data security. Adapting in the Binary Era “The transformation from a solution company to a product and solution company has been tough but exciting,” says Dileep, reflecting on Anvin’s remarkable journey. From the outset, their strategy included releasing a minimum of three new products each year, resulting in ownership of over 25 intellectual properties today, with five more expected by year-end. Anvin’s reach extends across GCC countries and the African market, an example of their dedication Anvin reached another milestone by associating with MBK Holding, guided by the visionary HE Sheikh Mansoor Bin Khaleefa Al Thani, who is a visionary, innovation & technology expert and a member of Qatar ruling family. Dileep notes, “With all such restructuring, we’re poised to make significant strides in the IT business.” Anvin’s transformation underscores their commitment to innovation and advanced technologies. Combined with the strength gained through new associations the future holds exciting possibilities for Anvin and their continued growth. Bridging Bytes and Business “When planning a business solution,” emphasizes Dileep, “Understanding the customer’s needs and ensuring clarity is paramount.” This, he notes, is the bedrock of customer satisfaction. At Anvin, before embarking on any ERP implementation, meticulous scoping is conducted following a proven implementation methodology. He adds, “We’ve set clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) for both our organization and team members to measure customer satisfaction.” This customer-centric approach ensures that Anvin’s solutions align precisely with their clients’ expectations, fostering trust and delivering value. The Digital Dream Team Dileep recognizes the vital role played by talented professionals, stating, “Talented, efficient and committed professionals are the backbone of any Technology Company.” Anvin places a premium on nurturing such teams, which has proven immensely successful.
  • 17. We assess each customer’s unique internal processes, resources and readiness to adapt to change. “Our team,” as Dileep asserts, “is Our strength.” “Every team member is invaluable,” he emphasizes. Anvin prioritizes opportunities for knowledge acquisition, exposure to emerging technologies and encourages members to assume leadership roles and embrace challenges. Empowering team members by granting ownership of their work and projects is a core principle. Dileep adds, “We support them in taking calculated risks and learning from failures.” Anvin’s belief is that every individual should grow alongside the company. IT Excellence in the Arabian Sands “Anvin Infosystems proudly calls Doha, Qatar, home,” affirms Dileep. Being based in a country committed to advancing through technology is a source of pride. Dileep notes, “Qatar’s deliberate initiatives embrace advanced and smart technology, propelling development and progress.”
  • 18. Anvin’s reach extends beyond Qatar into other GCC countries through strategic channel partners. “Our model ensures efficient sales and support for GCC customers through our trusted partners,” Dileep explains. Anvin places great emphasis on enhancing partner capabilities systematically. In this landscape, Anvin thrives on the strong foundation provided by Qatar and its expanding presence in the GCC. Their commitment to delivering technology solutions aligns seamlessly with the region’s push towards innovation and growth. Tuned to Perfection Anvin’s customer-centric philosophy has been unwavering since day one, as Dileep affirms, “We’ve always prioritized open and frequent communication with our clients.” Their approach includes regular meetings, support visits, calls, and emails, all with a keen focus on active listening. Account managers are assigned to each client, playing a pivotal role as Dileep notes, “They serve as a point of contact, fostering strong relationships.” Anvin understands that satisfied customers become invaluable advocates. Dileep emphasizes, “We’re all about building trust-based, long-term relationships, not just short-term transactions.” Their seasoned team has a knack for comprehending clients’ business goals and aligning services with their long-term objectives. With these principles at heart, Anvin excels in nurturing robust client relationships while staying agile in adapting to the evolving business landscape. It’s a formula that’s proven to stand the test of time Middle East’s IT Renaissance Dileep highlights Qatar’s forward-thinking stance, “Qatar’s clear vision on Technology & Innovation is evident. The government prioritizes digital transformation for Qatar National Vision 2030.” Anvin, rooted in Qatar, shares this commitment to support the country in this journey. Dileep explains, “As we venture into the global market with our ERP products, we’ll play a significant role as a software exporter from Qatar.” Anvin’s journey aligns seamlessly with Qatar’s tech-driven aspirations, contributing to the country’s growth and innovation. Innovate, Inspire, Ignite “Our vision is crystal clear—to be the No.1 ERP solution provider globally,” declares Dileep. This compelling vision serves as a powerful source of inspiration and motivation for their team, propelling them towards greatness. He proudly notes, “We’re competing head-to-head with established global ERP products and we’ve secured numerous wins over them.” These victories serve as a symbol to their capabilities and boost their confidence. Furthermore, he highlights, “AdlER has often been compared to the world’s leading products and this recognition is a tremendous encouragement for our team.” Coding a Brighter Future Dileep refers the Government of Qatar’s endeavours to build a vibrant ICT sector that will spur the development of an advanced knowledge economy and a prosperous, sustainable future for its people. Dileep underscores, “This highlights the pivotal role of IT professionals in driving economic development amid technological advancements.” While startups with innovative ideas are on the rise, Dileep reflects on success factors. He advises, “Apart from talent, commitment, perseverance, and focus are essential qualities for entrepreneurs.” Dileep’s entrepreneurial wisdom emphasizes unwavering dedication to objectives and pursuing them with passion. In this continually advancing landscape, Dileep’s words remind everyone that success is not just about ideas but also about the determination and passion that drive those ideas to fruition. It’s a message of inspiration for all aspiring entrepreneurs.
  • 19. Apart from talent, commitment, perseverance, and focus are essen al quali es for entrepreneurs.
  • 20.
  • 21. 1 Year 12 Issues $250 6 Months 6 Issues $130 3 Months 3 Issues $70 1 Month 1 Issue $25 CHOOSE OUR SUBSCRIPTION Stay in the known. Subscribe to CIOLOOK Get CIOLOOK Magazine in print, and digital on Subscribe Subscribe Today Today
  • 22. Co-founder Metavisionaires Ayesha Mubarak Ali Ayesha Mubarak Ali | November 2023 | 20 Inspiring Leaders in Middle East To Follow, 2023
  • 23. W ith her unwavering passion for innovation, Ayesha Mubarak Ali has been at the forefront of developing revolutionary technologies reshaping how we interact with the world. Ayesha and her team are pushing the boundaries of what's possible, creating immersive experiences that blur the lines between the physical and digital realms. As the co-founder of Metavisionaires, she has shifted the tides in the industry and painted it in her colors. We caught up with Ayesha and discussed her vision regarding the cutting-edge field of augmented reality and artificial intelligence. Below are the highlights of the interview: Can you tell our audience about your earliest memories of creating art and how you discovered your passion? My earliest memory involves collecting cartoon stickers, copying and enlarging the drawings, and coloring them all day. This passion grew when I got admitted to the Indus Valley School of Arts and Architecture, where I pursued a Fine Arts degree with a New Media Arts major. After that, I became unstoppable, experimenting with technologies and creating various ML forms, emotion mapping, and creative direction projects requiring a cross- disciplinary approach. I started working with 3D printing, metaverse, frontier tech, and space art themes to explore human identity and our collective future. Who or what inspires your artwork, and how would you describe your art style? I am inspired by emerging technologies and trends and how they shift our innate understanding of customs, traditions, and cultures. My work explores how we redefine identities through collaboration with machines and reimagine our future with the overwhelming abundance of information and knowledge at our disposal. My art style investigates various new frontiers where the fusion of art and science can create knowledge and further information, allowing for a better understanding of human identity, ideas of visibility, and ideas of shared culture in space. How has your artistic style evolved, and what influences have shaped your work? My art has evolved as an extension of my experiences, taking references from multiple sources like sciences, biology, space sciences, space suits, internet filters, costume designing, and custom data fusion of AI/ML or generative content. My work seeks to create an impact, provide a purpose, and provoke thought by responding to complex information through fusion languages and new visual vocabulary. Can you tell us about a particularly challenging project you worked on and how you overcame any obstacles? I worked on a metaverse project with Metavisionaries, aiming to create an interdisciplinary space for the fusion of art, science, and technology. Another challenging project was Sentients of Lights with Cosmic Tribe, where I utilized 3D printing to produce large wearable art pieces with sensor and light integrations. Overcoming these challenges required persistence, collaboration, and creative problem-solving. Ayesha Mubarak Ali Building a Be er Future with AR and AI | November 2023 | 21
  • 24. My earliest memory involves collec ng cartoon s ckers, copying and enlarging the drawings, and coloring them all day. Have you ever faced challenges or obstacles as a female artist in a male-dominated industry? If so, how have you navigated those situations? As a female tech artist, I often collaborate with male partners, artists, and engineers, as technology is less popular among female artists. I had to strive for basic credit in my creative direction projects. Today, I am leading international projects in creative direction and art initiatives. However, it is not easy to establish oneself as a female artist in the art and technology industry just because this field isn't popular with women. What role do you think art plays in today's society? Art holds the same intrinsic purpose as it always has: to inspire, educate, motivate, and create magic. However, today's abundance of tools and resources has reshaped our understanding of producing and consuming art. Artists have taken on more of a curator role, pushing the limits of art and embracing new possibilities. How do you balance your work as an artist with your responsibilities as a co-founder of an EdTech company? Balancing my work as an artist with my responsibilities as a co-founder requires discipline and planning. By sacrificing sleep and rest hours, I can maintain my passion for projects and art initiatives while managing team members and company tasks. I consistently keep both sides of my life progressing and ensure neither is affected. Please share some advice for aspiring artists struggling to find their voice or break into the industry. Don't worry about creating something perfect or seeking an ideal work environment. Artists should be decision-makers, so either seize an opportunity and make the most of it or create your own opportunity by becoming an entrepreneur and working on your projects. Today, reaching out to anyone on the planet is easier than ever, and this can be a powerful tool if used effectively. Your voice has more potential than you realize. | November 2023 | 22
  • 25. What are your plans for your art career? I am currently working on various projects related to 3D fashion, phygital designing, and space suit design. I am also developing a new series of artworks and a new media film inspired by frontier technologies and space. Additionally, I am excited about my upcoming book, which will provide insights into the fusion of art, science, technology, and space, inspiring readers to create their next projects. The importance of 3D printing and fusion art lies in their ability to push boundaries, explore new frontiers, and promote interdisciplinary collaboration, enhancing our understanding of the world and our place in it. | November 2023 | 23
  • 26. Dr Rami Ayoob A Visionary Tech Disruptor Leading Startups to Success Dr Rami Ayoob n today's fast-paced technological world, companies Iare constantly seeking ways to stay ahead of the curve. The key to success lies in having a talented and innovative team to drive growth and development. That's where Spark Tech Hub exceeds the usual expectations. As a leading company in the tech industry, Spark Tech Hub is always on the lookout for the best and brightest minds to join its team. The company is committed to fostering a culture of innovation, creativity, and excellence. Taking the lead of Spark Tech Hub is its Chief Information Officer (CIO), Dr Rami Ayoob, a visionary leader with a passion for technology and a proven track record of success. With years of experience in the tech industry, the CIO brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the company. Dr Rami is a strategic thinker with a deep understanding of the industry and is always looking for ways to drive growth and create value for the company's stakeholders. We at CIOLook interviewed Dr Rami on his approach to guiding Spark Tech Hub and thriving in today's digital landscape. Let's delve into the intercepts of the interview! What inspired you to pursue a career in the technology industry, and how did you get started in your current role as a CIO? Many people who pursue a career in the technology industry are inspired by the potential for innovation and the ability to solve complex problems. Technology is constantly evolving and there is always something new to learn and discover. Some may have a natural aptitude for mathematics or science, which can be useful in technology-related fields. To become a CIO, one typically needs a combination of education, experience and leadership skills. This may involve pursuing a degree in computer science or a related field, gaining experience in various technology roles, and developing strong communication and strategic thinking skills. CIOs may also need to stay up to date with the latest technological trends and developments and be able to effectively manage teams and resources to achieve organizational goals. Ethics and integrity are crucial in the security and infrastructure software industry. Always prioritize doing what's right and protecting data privacy and security. “ “ | November 2023 | 24 Inspiring Leaders in Middle East To Follow, 2023
  • 27. Dr Rami Ayoob, Chief Information Officer Spark Tech Hub What are some of the biggest challenges facing the security and infrastructure software industry today, and how is your company addressing these challenges? Cybersecurity threats, such as hacking, malware, and phishing attacks, are becoming increasingly sophisticated and frequent. Developing the technology to detect and prevent these threats. This includes advanced threat intelligence software, endpoint protection systems and network security solutions. As more companies move their data and applications to the cloud, there is a growing need for cloud security solutions. We need to secure cloud environments, including cloud access security brokers, cloud security posture management tools and cloud workload protection platforms. As IT infrastructure becomes more complex, with hybrid environments, distributed networks and multiple endpoints, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage and secure. That required innovation by creating the tools to simplify infrastructure management and improve security including network automation tools, software-defined networking and zero-trust security solutions. How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the technology industry, and what resources do you rely on for information and insights? I stay up-to-date by subscribing to industry publications and newsletters, attending conferences and events, following thought leaders and experts on social media and being active in online communities and forums. Additionally, many companies in the technology industry have their own blogs and publications which can provide valuable insights and updates on their latest projects and innovations. What are some of the key initiatives or projects that your company is currently working on, and how do these align with the overall business strategy? We have various initiatives and projects that we are working on to achieve our business goals. Some of these initiatives may include expanding into new markets, developing new products or services, improving customer experience and increasing | November 2023 | 25
  • 28. operational efficiency. We are developing partnerships with local businesses or hiring staff with experience in those markets. How does your company prioritize IT investments, and what criteria do you use to determine which technologies to adopt and which to avoid? We should consider the potential return on investment of our IT investments by evaluating the expected benefits of each investment, such as increased efficiency, productivity, revenue, or customer satisfaction, and compare them with the costs of implementation, maintenance and support. Evaluating the feasibility and compatibility of each IT investment with the existing IT infrastructure, applications and data. Considering the technical requirements, dependencies and constraints of each investment and ensure that we can integrate it smoothly and securely with the current systems. Overall, we should adopt a strategic and holistic approach to IT investments and technology adoption, balancing short-term and long-term goals, risks and benefits, and aligning the IT investments with the business strategy and culture. How do you measure the success of your IT initiatives and ensure that they are delivering value to the business? By calculating the ROI, I can determine whether an initiative is generating a positive return and delivering value to the business, one of the key indicators of success for IT initiatives is user adoption. If users are not engaging with the technology or solution, then it is unlikely to be delivering value to the business. Tracking user adoption rates can help you identify areas that require improvement and refine your approach. Customer satisfaction is a key metric for any business, and it is particularly relevant for IT initiatives that impact the customer experience. Measuring customer satisfaction can help us understand whether the IT initiatives are meeting customer needs and delivering value to the business. What advice would you give to aspiring technology professionals who are interested in pursuing a career in the security and infrastructure software industry? Constantly learn and keep up with industry changes, the technology industry is constantly evolving, and it's crucial to stay updated with the latest trends, techniques and technologies. Networking and building relationships with professionals in the industry can open doors to opportunities and help you stay informed about the latest developments in the industry. Identifying individuals who have succeeded in the same field can provide invaluable guidance, advice and inspiration to help you achieve your goals. Ethics and integrity are crucial in the security and infrastructure software industry. Always prioritize doing what's right and protecting data privacy and security. How do you see the security and infrastructure software industry evolving in the next 5-10 years, and what would you suggest to new and upcoming entrepreneurs in the tech industry? One trend that is likely to continue is the shift toward cloud-based solutions. More and more businesses are moving their operations to the cloud, and this creates a greater demand for security and infrastructure software that can protect these cloud-based systems. Another trend is the increasing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to identify and prevent potential security breaches. AI and ML technologies can analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns that humans may miss. For new and upcoming entrepreneurs in the tech industry, it's essential to focus on innovation and stay ahead of the curve when it comes to new technologies and trends. Developing products that can address the unique challenges will be crucial to success. Additionally, entrepreneurs should prioritize building strong relationships with customers and partners to develop trust and loyalty in their products and brand. Finally, as security concerns become more complex, new startups should consider partnering with established players in the industry to leverage their knowledge and resources. | November 2023 | 26
  • 29.
  • 30. Exploring the Fundamentals of Transformations Middle Ea in the T he Middle East, a region known for its rich history, diverse cultures, and geopolitical significance, is currently undergoing a series of transformations that are shaping its future. These changes are multifaceted, ranging from economic reforms and social shifts to political realignments. In this article, we will delve into the fundamental aspects of these transformations, providing insights into the driving forces behind the evolving landscape of the Middle East. Economic Reforms: One of the key drivers of change in the Middle East is the ongoing economic transformation. Traditionally reliant on oil exports, many countries in the region are now diversifying their economies to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, for instance, aims to create a more sustainable and diversified economy by investing in sectors such as tourism, technology, and renewable energy. This shift reflects a broader trend of economic modernization and a move towards knowledge-based economies. | November 2023 | 28
  • 31. Indu ry-Insights | November 2023 | 29 Social and Cultural Shifts: The Middle East is experiencing significant social and cultural transformations, particularly among the younger generation. With increased access to education and exposure to global influences, young people are challenging traditional norms and advocating for social change. Women's empowerment, in particular, has gained momentum, with several countries introducing reforms to enhance gender equality and women's participation in various sectors. These societal shifts are redefining the region's identity and contributing to a more dynamic and inclusive Middle East. Political Realignments: The geopolitical landscape of the Middle East has witnessed notable shifts in recent years. The Abraham Accords, a series of normalization agreements between Israel and several Arab states, represents a significant departure from historical tensions. This diplomatic realignment reflects a shared concern over regional stability and a desire to collaborate on economic and security matters. Additionally, changes in leadership, such as the transition of power in countries like Qatar and Kuwait, have the potential to reshape regional dynamics.
  • 32. implementing significant education reforms. These reforms aim to align educational systems with the needs of the job market, emphasizing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. The goal is to equip the youth with the skills required for the evolving economic landscape. Cultural Diplomacy: Countries in the Middle East are increasingly leveraging cultural diplomacy to enhance their global influence. Through investments in cultural institutions, international events, and initiatives promoting art and literature, these nations are projecting soft power on the world stage. This cultural outreach fosters a better understanding of the region and its people. Migration and Diaspora: The Middle East is witnessing shifts in population dynamics due to migration patterns. While conflicts have displaced many, economic opportunities have attracted a significant expatriate workforce. The diaspora from the Middle East plays a crucial role in both contributing to the economies of their host countries and maintaining ties with their home nations, creating a complex web of cultural exchange and economic interdependence. In conclusion, the Middle East is in the midst of transformative changes that encompass economic, social, political, and environmental dimensions. The shift towards economic diversification, social empowerment, diplomatic realignments, and environmental sustainability reflects a commitment to building a more resilient and forward-looking Middle East. While challenges persist, the region's willingness to embrace change and adapt to evolving global dynamics offers hope for a future characterized by stability, prosperity, and inclusivity. Security Challenges: While transformations are underway, the Middle East continues to grapple with security challenges. Ongoing conflicts in Syria, Yemen, and Libya, coupled with the threat of terrorism, pose significant obstacles to the region's stability. Addressing these issues requires not only regional cooperation but also international engagement. Efforts to find diplomatic solutions and promote dialogue are crucial for fostering lasting peace and ensuring a secure future for the Middle East. Environmental Sustainability: As the global community faces the impacts of climate change, the Middle East is increasingly recognizing the importance of environmental sustainability. Countries in the region are investing in renewable energy projects, water conservation, and other measures to mitigate the environmental impact of rapid development. Balancing economic growth with environmental concerns is a critical aspect of the region's ongoing transformation. Technological Advancements: The Middle East is experiencing a digital revolution, with countries investing heavily in technology and innovation. Smart cities, artificial intelligence, and advancements in information technology are becoming integral parts of the region's development. Initiatives like Dubai's Smart City project and the establishment of tech hubs in countries like the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are driving the Middle East towards becoming a technology hub. Youth Entrepreneurship: The younger generation in the Middle East is increasingly engaging in entrepreneurship and innovation. Governments across the region are fostering a culture of entrepreneurship by providing support for startups, offering funding opportunities, and creating conducive regulatory environments. This trend is not only diversifying the economy but also fostering creativity and innovation. Education Reforms: Recognizing the importance of a skilled workforce in the modern era, many Middle Eastern countries are | November 2023 | 30
  • 33.
  • 34. Remember that it's a long and challenging path with many ups and downs, but with the right team and support, and unwavering passion, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals. “ “ Ophira Melamed CEO & Co-founder NitroFix | November 2023 | 32 Inspiring Leaders in Middle East To Follow, 2023
  • 35. Melamed The Catalyst Behind the Zero Co2 Emission Revolution in Agricultural Chemicals n today's world, sustainable and eco-friendly Imanufacturing practices are becoming increasingly crucial. In this regard, there is one agricultural chemical manufacturing company that stands out from the rest. NitroFix has not only prioritized sustainability in its manufacturing processes but has also developed an innovative production method that emits zero Co2. As a result of this revolutionary approach, NitroFix has become a leader in the field of sustainable agricultural chemical production. The CEO and Co-founder of NitroFix, Ophira Melamed, is a visionary leader who has dedicated her career to creating a better future for the planet. With her expertise in the field of chemistry and passion for sustainable manufacturing practices, she plays a key role in the development of this groundbreaking technology. Ophira's commitment to sustainability and drive towards creating a better world has been instrumental in the company's success. We at CIOLook interviewed Ophira on her approach to developing the elements within the industry with sustainability. Let's dive into the intercepts of the interview! Brief our audience about your journey as a business leader until your current position at Nitrofix. What has been your most significant achievement since you ventured into the niche? After completing a Ph.D. thesis, I began my journey as a business leader 20 years ago. I started my career at Kodak, where I learned how to build development programs, establish processes and create effective teams. After five years, I joined the startup world, where I learned to be agile and adaptable while working in a constantly evolving environment. During my time in the startup world, I worked on groundbreaking projects in 3D printing, including printing rubber, ceramics, and metals. Throughout my career, I gained valuable experience managing R&D teams before transitioning to marketing and business roles; I focused on customer interaction and sales strategies. However, my passion for making a significant contribution to the world in terms of sustainability and addressing climate change issues led me to Weizmann Institute; I established NitroFix alongside Professor Ronny Neumann, Meital Alon and Yehuda Borenstein. As the CEO of NitroFix, I led the company to develop a revolutionary technology that converts air and water to ammonia without carbon emissions, which has been my most significant achievement to date. Enlighten us on how you have been impacting the industry through your expertise in developing sustainable energy solutions. NitroFix is dedicated to creating positive change for the environment and addressing climate change by developing sustainable energy solutions. Our innovative electrochemical process is transforming the ammonia production industry by generating emission- free ammonia at a low cost. The traditional Haber- Bosch process is unsustainable due to the significant amount of carbon dioxide it emits. In contrast, NitroFix's technology produces ammonia from water and air without carbon emissions. Our aim is to reduce the environmental impact of ammonia production and meet the increasing demand for this essential compound. We believe our technology can revolutionize the ammonia industry, paving the way for a more sustainable future. NitroFix is proud to be leading the way in sustainable energy solutions and | November 2023 | 33
  • 36. treat them with the utmost respect and appreciation, recognizing their importance to our success. I also possess excellent communication skills, enabling me to effectively communicate with both customers and R&D teams. I understand our client's needs and expectations and can relay this information to our teams while communicating technical information to clients. Furthermore, I inspire and motivate our teams, encouraging them to use their unique talents and abilities. In a supportive work environment where employees feel valued and appreciated, I believe we can increase productivity, creativity and innovation. Tell us about your contribution to scaling the growth of Nitrofix and what strategies you implemented to enhance its services and operations. My contribution to the company's growth has been implementing effective strategies that streamline our operations while ensuring lean and efficient processes. Drawing from my experience in big corporations and startups, I have adopted the right processes to ensure that all steps are in place. One key strategy is involving the operation team in R&D development at an early stage to save time and money and reduce the need for reengineering. Additionally, building a strong team culture that emphasizes collaboration and open communication has helped us to attract and retain top talent, which is critical for our growth and success. making a positive impact on the industry and the world. Describe in detail the values and the work culture that drives your organization. NitroFix has a work culture that prioritizes values such as excellence and collaboration. We strive to create a diverse and inclusive environment that values every individual's unique perspective, background and expertise. Open communication, trust and transparency are fundamental to our company's ethos, and we maintain a high level of integrity in all our dealings. We also recognize that our employees' well-being is vital to our success and we encourage a healthy work-life balance. As the CEO, I prioritize my passion for cycling, which helps me maintain a healthy lifestyle and approach work with renewed energy. At NitroFix, our values and work culture prioritize diversity, trust, transparency, collaboration, and employee well-being. We believe that these values create a positive and productive work environment that drives us toward achieving our mission of developing sustainable energy solutions and making a positive impact on the industry and the world. What are the traits that you think your employees and clients admire in you the most? As a CEO, I believe that my employees and clients admire me for several traits. I prioritize people and
  • 37. What, according to you, could be the next significant change in your sector? How is your company preparing to be a part of that change? The next significant change in the energy sector is the transition towards a zero-carbon economy, in line with the Paris Agreement. This requires a shift towards renewable energy sources, and NitroFix is contributing to this change by developing technology that uses air and water to produce green ammonia. This aligns with government decisions to reduce carbon emissions and build a more sustainable future. Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run and what are your future goals for your company? As for the future goals of NitroFix, we aim to become a leading player in the green ammonia market, providing sustainable solutions for the energy and agriculture sectors worldwide. Our goal is to expand our technology and operations globally, establish strategic partnerships with key industry players and increase our production capacity to meet the growing demand for green ammonia. Ultimately, we strive to make a significant impact on reducing carbon emissions and promoting a sustainable future. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the dynamic and ever- evolving business arena? If you're an aspiring entrepreneur, I advise you to have a deep passion for what you want to achieve. Surround yourself with the best people who can help you on your journey. Continuously learn and adapt to changes. Remember that it's a long and challenging path with many ups and downs, but with the right team and support and unwavering passion, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals. In your opinion, what are the fundamentals that set Nitrofix apart as an innovative company in the niche? NitroFix stands out as an innovative company in the industry due to its cutting-edge technology and commitment to sustainability. Our electrochemical process for producing ammonia is both emission-free and cost-effective, utilizing only water and air as reagents. This eliminates the need for fossil fuels and reduces the carbon footprint of ammonia production significantly. Additionally, our technology enables decentralized production of ammonia, allowing remote areas to produce their own ammonia without relying on traditional supply chains. This innovative approach sets us apart from other companies in the industry and positions us as a leader in sustainable ammonia production. How is Nitrofix redefining the facets of energy production under your staunch leadership? Under my leadership, NitroFix is redefining the facets of energy production by introducing an innovative and sustainable and energy-efficient approach to green ammonia production. That opens new green energy markets. For example, ammonia can be used as a hydrogen carrier and as a maritime fuel. NitroFix's green ammonia can play a critical role in these applications, especially as the demand for green fuels continues to rise. According to the IRENA report the ammonia demand for the energy market is estimated at 350 MT by 2050. By producing green ammonia, NitroFix is not only contributing to a more sustainable future but also providing economic opportunities in the emerging green energy sector. Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in almost every sector. How are you advancing towards technological innovations to make your solutions resourceful? Our solution is based on technology developed by Prof. Ronny Neumann from the Weizmann Institute. Prof. Ronny Neumann serves as scientific advisor for NitroFix. He continues to explore this field and stays at the forefront of technological advancements in the field of green chemistry, climate change, carbon emissions reduction and sustainable energy. | November 2023 | 35
  • 38. Shumon A Zaman Thriving with Astounding Traits and Values ommencing his journey in London, UK, Shumon CA Zaman, Chief Information and Digital Officer of Ali & Sons Holding LLC worked with several companies and fantastic people that shaped his career. He moved to the UAE after completing several global technology transformation projects and entrepreneurial ventures in the US and Europe. From humble beginnings, he quickly adapted to change by navigating through a competitive market, efficiently managing his teams, and people, making tough decisions, and adjusting to varying business environments, experiences that helped him reach the top. In an interview with CIOLook, Shumon shares his professional experience in the industry and highlights his significant achievements as well as the challenges encountered on the business scene.Below are the excerpts from the interview: Would you give our audience a view about your journey as a business leader and your current position at Ali & Sons. What challenges did you have to overcome to reach where you are today? Today, everything around us is rapidly changing; digitalization is shaping new industries and removing barriers to competition. Every single industry is being disrupted in some manner – no one is immune to this. The challenge that business leaders are facing now is how to continually adapt and survive in this competitive environment. To overcome these challenges, I had to learn, adapt, and have the courage to make bold decisions with ‘a can-do’ attitude, never giving up. However, the one most single ingredient to success for me personally is developing a ‘ninja’ team that is ready, willing, and able to overcome any challenge no matter how big or small in order to reach their goal. I think the ability to develop powerful teams is what has led me to reach my current position and the success that has created is what has brought me to Ali & Sons. Tell us something more about your company and its mission and vision. Ÿ Ali & Sons Holding (ASH) is a Forbes-listed top family conglomerate in the UAE with major interests in Automotive, Oil & Gas, Construction, Real Estate, Retail, and Investments. We are home to some of the world’s best known car brands such as Porsche, Audi, VW, Skoda and MG and work with industry leaders such as ADNOC in the Oil & Gas sector. Ÿ From humble beginnings the group has been a pillar of success over four decades helping the UAE economy to grow. Ÿ Our mission is to keep supporting the growth of the UAE by enhancing the lives and experiences of our stakeholders by solving their problems through economical and innovative solutions. Ÿ Our overall vision is to be a sustainable group recognized for leveraging its capabilities in the UAEs continuous development. Enlighten us on how you have impacted the venture capital niche through your expertise in the market. Prior to joining ASH – I setup start-ups working with Silicon Valley partners that have been developed into niche sectors aiming to become unicorns. From a young age, I have developed startups in a range of sectors that have required VC or Angel investors. | November 2023 | 36 Inspiring Leaders in Middle East To Follow, 2023
  • 39. Shumon A Zaman Chief Informa on and Digital Officer Ali & Sons Holding LLC | November 2023 | 37
  • 40. VC is not for everyone and has high risks but equally high rewards assuming you can identify startups that have the potential to grow and scale. Describe in detail the values and the work culture that drives your organization. ASH is a family conglomerate where everyone is treated as part of the family. We work hard together; we learn every day on how to improve and make better and wiser decisions that help us to succeed and grow our group. Respect, trust, honesty, and integrity are what drives our people and creates a winning culture. Our passion for what we do is also another key differentiator. We have great people working at ASH combined with new talent coming through our Emiratisation program called Al Massar and this is what is providing our business with a greater competitive advantage. We believe people is what creates competitive advantage! Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in almost every sector. How are you leveraging technological advancements to make your solutions resourceful? Our Board under the guidance of our Chairman and Founder, have a great track record of investing in industries and advanced technologies ahead of our competition. Bold decision-making and investments in the right industries and technologies have helped our organization to develop a sustainable positive, growth trajectory. We are making significant investments into technology and digitalization to firstly disrupt the status quo and to also arm ourselves to withstand and even take advantage of the disruption that is now the norm in many industries. Investing in things like new digital start-ups, providing seed capital and also changing business models in existing businesses is what will power our sustainability and future growth. What, according to you, could be the next significant change in your sector? How is your company preparing to be a part of that change? One area that perhaps everyone can relate to is the electrification of cars. We see this sector going through rapid change and disruption. Many of our top brands are now focusing more on electric vehicles (EVs). This will have a significant impact on the Automotive sector in the region. We are working with our global partners in helping them to deliver even better products and services to our current and future customers, who are more focused on sustainability, sharing and helping the environment. Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run, and what are your future goals for Ali & Sons? At ASH, we expect to keep growing our business and perhaps invest more in sustainability and environmentally friendly sectors. We view environmental challenges as a shared responsibility, and we are determined to make a positive contribution to this area in every facet of our business. We are working with our global partners in helping them to deliver even better products and services to our future generation Z customers, who are more focused on sustainability, sharing and helping the environment. “ “ | November 2023 | 38
  • 41. What would be your advice to the budding entrepreneurs who aspire to become venture capitalists? I think investing in early startups has many risks but equally rewards. The potential to pick the right investment is obviously the key. From my own experience having developed startups with Silicon Valley partners. It’s important to understand the problem a business is trying to fix and ensure you understand how big and pressing that problem is. Understanding that can then unlock how you fix that problem and the business model you would use to monetize the solution. VC is not for the faint-hearted, the risks are stacked up against the early startups. Here are some key things to consider when considering the VC route: Ÿ Expertise and experience: Successful venture capitalists often have a background in entrepreneurship, finance, or technology. Having experience in these areas can help you identify promising startups and provide value to portfolio companies. Ÿ Network: Building a strong network of entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts is crucial for finding investment opportunities and sourcing deals. Ÿ Investment strategy: Developing a clear investment strategy that aligns with your goals and risk tolerance is essential for making sound investment decisions. Ÿ Due diligence: Conducting thorough due diligence on potential investments is critical to mitigating risk and making informed investment decisions. Ÿ Portfolio management: Once you've made investments, managing your portfolio of companies is important for maximizing returns and mitigating risk. Ÿ Regulatory and legal considerations: Venture capital is a highly regulated industry, so understanding the legal and regulatory requirements for investing and fundraising is important for operating within the law and avoiding compliance issues. | November 2023 | 39
  • 42. Integrating Leadership Aspects with the Technological Innovations Saga of Advancements n the fast-paced and dynamic landscape of the 21st century, organizations are Iconstantly challenged to adapt to technological innovations. The integration of leadership aspects with these technological advancements has become imperative for sustained success and growth. In this article, we will explore the symbiotic relationship between leadership and technology, emphasizing the essential role leaders play in navigating their organizations through the complexities of the digital era. Embracing Change: Technological innovations bring about rapid changes in the business environment. Leaders must cultivate a culture of adaptability and resilience within their teams. This requires a proactive approach to change management, where leaders not only acknowledge the inevitability of technological disruptions but also actively seek opportunities for innovation. By fostering a mindset that embraces change, leaders create a foundation for their teams to thrive in an ever-evolving technological landscape. Visionary Leadership: Successful integration of technology requires visionary leadership. Leaders must possess a clear vision of how technology aligns with the overall strategic goals of the organization. This vision serves as a roadmap, guiding the implementation of technological solutions that enhance efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. A visionary leader communicates this vision effectively, inspiring confidence and commitment from the team, fostering a shared sense of purpose. Building a Tech-Savvy Team: Leadership in the age of technological innovation involves building and nurturing a tech-savvy workforce. Leaders should encourage continuous learning and upskilling to keep pace with evolving technologies. By investing in employee development programs and creating an environment that values technological proficiency, leaders empower their teams to harness the full potential of emerging technologies. | November 2023 | 40
  • 44. Fostering Collaboration: Effective integration of technology often requires cross-functional collaboration. Leaders must break down silos within organizations, promoting collaboration between departments to ensure seamless adoption of technological solutions. By fostering an environment where diverse perspectives converge, leaders harness the collective intelligence of their teams, driving innovation and maximizing the impact of technological advancements. Ethical Leadership in the Digital Age: As organizations increasingly rely on data-driven decision-making processes, leaders must prioritize ethical considerations. Ethical leadership involves setting a precedent for responsible use of technology, safeguarding privacy, and ensuring fair and unbiased practices. Leaders who prioritize ethical considerations in the adoption and implementation of technology not only build trust with stakeholders but also mitigate potential risks associated with misuse of data. Agile Leadership: The pace of technological change demands a shift towards agile leadership. Leaders must be agile in their decision-making processes, responsive to market dynamics, and open to feedback. Agile leadership empowers organizations to adapt quickly to emerging technologies, seize opportunities, and navigate challenges with resilience. By fostering a culture of agility, leaders create a competitive advantage in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. Data-Driven Decision Making: Leadership in the digital age requires a shift towards data-driven decision-making. Leaders should encourage the use of data analytics and insights to inform strategic choices. By leveraging technology to gather and analyze data, leaders gain a deeper understanding of market trends, customer behaviour, and internal operations, enabling informed and strategic decision-making. Investing in Emerging Technologies: Innovation is often synonymous with the adoption of emerging technologies. Leaders need to stay informed about the latest technological trends and be willing to invest strategically in innovations that align with their organizational goals. Whether it's artificial intelligence, blockchain, or the Internet of Things, leaders must assess the potential impact of these technologies on their industry and position their organizations accordingly. User-Centric Technological Integration: Leadership should prioritize user experience when implementing new technologies. Whether it's internal tools for employees or customer-facing applications, a user-centric approach ensures that the technology adds value and is embraced by its intended users. Leaders should seek feedback from end-users, fostering a culture of continuous improvement in the design and functionality of technological solutions. Reskilling and Upskilling Initiatives: As technology evolves, leaders must address the skills gap within their organizations. Implementing reskilling and upskilling initiatives is crucial to ensure that employees possess the necessary competencies to work with new technologies. By investing in training programs, leaders not only enhance the capabilities of their workforce but also demonstrate a commitment to employee development, fostering a positive and forward-thinking organizational culture. The integration of leadership aspects with technological innovations is not a choice but a necessity for organizations aspiring to thrive in the digital era. Visionary leaders who embrace change, build tech- savvy teams, foster collaboration, prioritize ethical considerations, and exhibit agility are better positioned to navigate the complexities of the technological landscape. As organizations continue to evolve, the role of leadership in shaping the relationship between people and technology will be pivotal in determining success and sustainability. By proactively addressing the intersection of leadership and technology, organizations can pave the way for a future where innovation and adaptability are at the core of their strategic endeavours. | November 2023 | 42