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Push PPC Audit.
WelcomeYour presentation will begin shortly
Our Agenda
▪ Landing Page Review
▪ Our Strategy Development Process
▪ Our Prices & Packages
▪ Quick Overview of Push
▪ Your PPC Audit
▪ New Opportunities
Pure Focus On
Digital Advertising Since 2007
50+ specialists in London, Manchester, Bucharest, Athens and Copenhagen
Our Values
35,000Google Agency Partners
1,000Premier Partners
10Contracted UK Channel Partners
So what?
Access to beta
tests before
your competition
So what?We run seminars every month at Google’s Head Offices
So what?Support to help customers expand internationally.
Global expansion
Lots of our customers operate globally and have expanded into new territories working with us.
Customer Areas we run campaigns in
Mountain Store
Hair Transplant Clinic
Golf Holiday Company
Diabetes Management
Best Customer Satisfaction
Award - Google Premier
Partner EMEA Awards
Mobile Innovation Award -
Google Premier Partner
EMEA Awards 2017
No Agency In Europe Has Won More
Google Awards Than Push
Mobile Innovation Award -
Google Premier Partner
Global Awards 2017
Growing Business Online
Award - Google Premier
Partner EMEA Awards
Also the first agency to win a Google award 3 years in a row!
Over 300 customers
In multiple industries
See what our clients have to say
Push Analyser
The push analyser puts together reports that would take us 3-4 hours to put together manually. It
saves time analysing and leaves us with more time to actually do work on your account.
We’re a
process driven
PPC agency
How we’re always ahead
How we keep you ahead
We Can Help Your Business Grow
Through Multiple Channels
Our Agenda
▪ Landing Page Review
▪ Our Strategy Development Process
▪ Our Prices & Packages
▪ Quick Overview of Push
▪ Your PPC Audit
▪ New Opportunities
■ Structure
■ Budget, Bids and Impression Share
■ Keywords and Matching (including Negatives)
■ Ad Copy
■ Ad Extensions
■ Mobile & Tablet Performance
■ Quality Score
■ Conversions
■ Remarketing
■ Video
■ Other Opportunities
■ Summary
PPC Audit
▪ We have analysed your account from 1 June 2018 to 31 Oct 2018
▪ The budget spent was : £ 14,653.80
Strategy & Structure
▪ Campaigns are separated by different brands which has job listings for different sectors.
▪ You are targeting different employment segments with different websites through search and display campaigns.
Strategy & Structure
▪ Account overview - With rise in spend your conversions have increased and CPA has reduced significantly over
Strategy & Structure
▪ Keywords have been separated into different campaigns and ad groups.
Strategy & Structure
▪ Some of your campaign is using the display select setting.
▪ The intentions of visitors from search and display are very different so they should be kept seperate
Strategy & Structure
We separate
Out the keyword variations into
campaigns and ad groups
▪ Within ad groups the spend is being dominated by broad keywords that are not necessarily your best
Strategy & Structure
▪ Also within ad groups a few keywords are converting at high CPA which should be monitored.
▪ Within different ad groups good conversions can be seen at a lower CPA.
Strategy & Structure
▪ Your branding campaigns are running on Target CPA strategy, this limits the effectiveness of your
Strategy & Structure
▪ Various campaigns are limited by budget, this means they might not be getting the best exposure
during the day.
Strategy & Structure
▪ Various Keywords are limited by bids so don’t get enough opportunity to compete.
Strategy & Structure
▪ Language settings are on English on all campaigns but should be on all languages
Strategy & Structure
Account would perform better with a national / regional structure
Strategy & Structure
We structure our accounts to ensure each area has its own set of campaigns, ad groups and dedicated adverts.
Strategy & Structure
This allows us to control the budgets, the bids and messaging to create a strong user journey.
Strategy & Structure
From keyword to ad to the landing page we want to see locality reflected.
Strategy & Structure
We can create dynamic landing pages which reflect the area visitors are from.
Strategy & Structure
We have lists of every location in the country to help implement campaigns like this.
Strategy & Structure
Budgets & Bids
▪ We are able to see search trends for keywords in any country at any time and can use this to help you plan
your budget and spend for the year.
Budgets & Bids
▪ Campaigns are limited by budget and bids.
▪ Average positions need to be between 1-3 and are currently 1.8
▪ Bidding is automated in most of the campaigns and some campaigns are running on Target CPA.
Save More Than Just Time
Benefits Other Than Time
■ Minimise human errors
■ Analyse more data
■ Deliver better results
■ Create competitive advantage
■ Time to focus on strategy
We Use Building Scripts
Build Millions of Combinations
Minimise Problem
■ Millions of people searching in millions of
■ Input keyword themes and Script builds every
possible combination.
We Also Use Bidding Scripts
Bid Dynamically in Auctions
Minimise Problem
■ Millions of auctions in a very dynamic game.
■ Scripts are monitor market bids and optimise.
Our Quality Assurance Scripts...
… Ensure Things Run Smoothly
Minimise Problem
■ Too many things can go wrong on your website or your adwords account.
■ Scripts scan the account flagging abnormalities.
Optimisation Scripts
Adding/Excluding Keywords
Minimise Problem
■ Wider audiences and keywords
means discovering opportunities but
also accepting wastage.
■ Scripts include keywords generating
value - excluding keywords creating
Optimisation Scripts
Optimise Bids per hour per day
Geographical Targeting
▪ We can also bid separately for cities and locations where you convert better and even create separate campaigns
for them.
We can bid more aggressively
towards age & gender
In-market audiences for
▪ In-market audiences are now available for search. They identify lists of people based on their behaviour.
Detailed Demographics
audiences for search
Sizes of our accounts
▪ When managing large accounts with lots of products you need the right tools and software as it’s difficult to
manage these things manually.
Impression Share
▪ We would always aim to have a percentage of 80% or above.
▪ Your impression share was 39.80%
Keyword Match Type No. Of Keywords
Old Style Broad Match 70
Modified Broad Match 58
Phrase Match 59
Exact Match 29
Total 216
▪ The Push analyser allows us to look at the match type performance and make decisions based on the
conversion data.
▪ The old style broad keywords are being used which create a great deal of wastage.
▪ An even mix of keywords should be employed with all match types added.
Duplicate Keywords
▪ Duplicate keywords compete with each other and either increase costs or restrict exposure.
Competitor Data
Competitor Data
Competitor Data
Competitor Data
Competitor Data
Competitor Data
Competitor Data
Competitor Data
Competitor Data
Our scripts identify keywords
not in your account
We use a variety of reports
to reduce wastage
The Push Analyser can show us all searches that have not led to a conversion in the last 30 days.
Non converting
high cost keywords
▪ It’s crucial to continually add negatives to your campaign otherwise your budget will be spent on irrelevant keywords.
▪ There are 939 negatives in place.
Ad Copy
▪ Ads are being split test but not across all campaigns and rotation settings are not set to rotate ads evenly.
▪ To improve optimisation, the lesser performing ads should be paused and a newer ad created based on the best
performing ad
Ad Copy
▪ Your ads can be made larger as Google have introduced an extra headline and description line to their ads.
Ad copy analysis simplified
with Push analyser
▪ The push analyser can be used to show us when there is a difference between the click through rates of ads.
Excessive ad groups
Ad extensions
. ▪ Promotion extension are not in place.
Ad extensions
Mobile & Tablet
▪ Mobile & Tablet bid adjustments have not been implemented very effectively, and needs to be monitored to
improve the performance of the account.
Mobile Speed
Mobile Speed
Mobile Speed
Mobile Speed
Mobile Speed
Mobile Speed
Quality Scores
▪ The quality score measures, how well visitors search terms match up to your adverts and onto your contents
▪ Good quality scores can be rewarded with cheaper costs per click.
▪ The Push analyser tool can be used to show keywords with quality scores below 5. The account quality score
averages at 7.56
▪ The most important measure for any campaign is looking at the number of leads/sales coming through and at
what cost.
▪ Conversion tracking is set up and is recording new sign up registrations, job application for different websites.
We use a variety of intelligent
conversion reports
▪ The push analyser show us the exact phrases that lead to the conversions and we can add them as keywords to
the relevant campaigns.
What is your target
cost per acquisition
Benchmark CPA’s
Category Clicks Impressions CTR Avg. CPC Conversions Cost / conv. Conv. rate Cost
Jobs > Job Listings > Education Jobs 3282 137754 2.38% 1.96 234 27.45 7.13% 6424.45
Jobs > Job Listings 4556 197594 2.31% 2.25 264 38.76 5.79% 10232.99
Jobs 5541 257609 2.15% 2.45 306 44.39 5.52% 13583.79
Education > Training & Certification 89641 3311799 2.71% 0.78 3100 22.57 3.46% 69971.18
Education 89641 3311799 2.71% 0.78 3100 22.57 3.46% 69971.18
Jobs > Resumes & Portfolios 985 60015 1.64% 3.4 42 79.78 4.26% 3350.8
We use Google alerts to keep
up to date with industry news
Keeping you ahead with
Google Betas
Smart display
▪ Smart display is a fully automated display campaign which uses Google’s artificial intelligence to control
bids, targeting and ad testing.
▪ Google internally report 20% increases in conversions with the same CPA and we have seen it halve the
CPA for some of our customers.
Responsive ads
▪ Responsive search ads are very powerful as they tailor the ad copy based on the profile of each user.
Enhanced CPC for
Conversion Value
■ Now Google have introduced enhanced CPC for conversion values on the beta program.
■ The objective is to give you more value for the same ROAS. A lot of businesses however have no value
attributed to their conversions.
Native Advertising
▪ Native advertising is currently a beta on Google. The ad format is the same as other providers but the targeting options
are the same as the Google Display Network campaigns.
▪ Native adverts lift purchase intent by 18% compared with Display ads.
▪ Consumers look at these adverts 25% more than display banners.
Native Advertising
▪ We place the article on our own website for authenticity.
Native Advertising
▪ The often unbranded adverts on the right hand side lead people to the website
Native Advertising
▪ We already have a list of websites we know work well for native adverts across any industry.
Article Ideas
▪ Articles on critically acclaimed/niche films “Our favourite movies from this years Sundance Film Festival”.
▪ Articles highlighting the platform itself “Critics are going crazy for the selection of films on new streaming platform”.
▪ Articles around hidden gems “The best movies you’ve never heard of”.
▪ Articles around seasonal events “The perfect scary movies for a Halloween night in”.
Build relationships with your
audience via Remarketing
▪ Not all the relevant campaign exclusions are in place. These stop your ads appearing on irrelevant sites.
▪ You have not implemented different audience lists. You should be adjusting your bids according to the
engagement of each list.
Video Remarketing
Video Remarketing
Google AdWords industry benchmarks
Average conversion rates
The average conversion rate in AdWords across all industries is 2.70% on the search network and 0.89% on the display network
Bing offers lower CPC’s
Budget recommendations
Search: We recommend a budget of £2000 per location:
Display: We recommend a budget of £1000 per location
Remarketing: We recommend a budget of £500 per location
Section Score
Structure 5
Budget & Bid Prices 4
Impression Share 3
Keywords and Matching 6
Negatives 6
Ad Copy 5
Sitelinks & Extensions 6
Mobile 3
Quality Score 7
Conversions 6
Remarketing 3
Overall Account Score
Summary – What’s next
▪ Your account needs to be monitored in such a way that your performing keywords are given more opportunities to
spend the budget and wastage can be controlled.
▪ Budget and bids should be optimised so that you do not miss on potential opportunities.
▪ More negatives need to be added to your to prevent wastage.
▪ There are lots more intelligent bidding solutions that can be implemented such as adding in market audiences and
bidding by demographic.
▪ Ads need to be updated on search.
▪ Promotion extensions can be added to search campaigns.
▪ The mobile and tablet bid adjustments should be reviewed.
▪ Remarketing needs to be set up with the correct settings and dynamic remarketing should be introduced.
Our strategy development team will
arrange an initial call to discuss the
next steps and ensure they fully
understand your business objectives.
happens next
What happens next
An account plan is created and approved before we built or optimise the account.
What happens next
Intelligent scripts are set up to improve account management efficiency (there are over 50)
What happens next
We work with you to get tracking, reporting and the Push analyser set up
happens next
Based on your plan we build new
AdWords campaigns and/or optimise
your existing campaigns.
What happens next
New accounts need lots of love and our teams work together
to ensure we find the winning formula to grow your business.
Your account manager, salesperson and strategy
development manager will meet monthly for the first three
months to review your account together and update you on
happens next
Our commitment
Your commitment
■ Unique Push PPC strategy overseen by a team with over
20 years PPC experience (worth £750)
■ Account build/ optimisation by Google Certified Professional with
up to 50 steps completed
■ Check/ Implement conversion tracking including call tracking (worth £100+)
■ Boost conversions with our exit overlay (worth £291)
■ Free Google Ads voucher for new accounts (worth £75+)
Reduce your cost per acquisition
through our Push analyser
Conversion Booster
Wastage Reduction
Ad Performance Testing
New Keyword Discovery
Quality Score Optimsation
PPC Set Up
Push PPC set up includes
Push Push Analyser
Includes set up on
One off cost
+ Vat
■ Google Ads campaign management including all features and Betas
■ Facebook campaign management
■ Bing campaign management
■ Content marketing
■ Digital PR
■ Email automation sequences
■ Monthly face to face meetings
All Push customers have access
to our unique technology (worth
Push analyser
Call Tracking
Push Scripts
Exit overlays
Monster Forms
PPC Premier Gold
Push PPC Premier Gold offers:
Push Push Technology
Ad spends up to £100,000
+ Vat
■ Google Ads campaign management including all features and Betas
■ Facebook campaign management
■ Bing campaign management
■ Monthly face to face meetings
All Push customers have access
to our unique technology (worth
Push analyser
Call Tracking
Push Scripts
Exit overlays
Monster Forms
PPC Premier +
Push PPC Premier + offers:
Push Push Technology
Ad spends up to £50,000
+ Vat
■ Google Ads campaign management
■ Display network targeting
■ Native advertising
■ Video advertising
■ Bing campaign management
■ Remarketing, search remarketing, video remarketing, dynamic remarketing
■ Face to Face quarterly business reviews
■ Bespoke Report Dashboards
■ Bespoke Script Dashboards
All Push customers have access
to our unique technology (worth
Push analyser
Call Tracking
Push Scripts
Exit overlays
Monster Forms
PPC Premier
Push PPC Premier offers all Google Ads
features including:
Push Push Technology
Ad spends up to £25,000
+ Vat
■ Google Ads campaign management
■ Display network targeting
■ Native advertising
■ Remarketing
■ Search Remarketing
■ Video Remarketing
■ Dynamic Remarketing
■ Segmented customer audience list creation
All Push customers have access
to our unique technology (worth
Push analyser
Call Tracking
Push Scripts
Exit overlays
Monster Forms
PPC Plus
Push PPC Plus offers all Google Ads
features including:
Push Push Technology
Ad spends up to £15,000
+ Vat
■ Google Ads campaign management (includes Google Shopping)
■ Remarketing (with Google Banner Advertisements
■ Performance reviewed and improved on a daily basis
■ Dedicated certified PPC account manager
■ Comprehensive reports written in a style that suits you
All Push customers have access
to our unique technology (worth
Push analyser
Call Tracking
Push Scripts
Exit overlays
Monster Forms
Push PPC offers all Google Ads features
Push Push Technology
Ad spends up to £10,000
+ Vat

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Inside Careers Audit

  • 3. Our Agenda ▪ Landing Page Review ▪ Our Strategy Development Process ▪ Our Prices & Packages ▪ Quick Overview of Push ▪ Your PPC Audit ▪ New Opportunities
  • 4. Pure Focus On Digital Advertising Since 2007 50+ specialists in London, Manchester, Bucharest, Athens and Copenhagen
  • 9. So what? Access to beta tests before your competition
  • 10. So what?We run seminars every month at Google’s Head Offices
  • 11. So what?Support to help customers expand internationally.
  • 12. Global expansion Lots of our customers operate globally and have expanded into new territories working with us. Customer Areas we run campaigns in Mountain Store Hair Transplant Clinic Golf Holiday Company Diabetes Management company UK, SPAIN, FRANCE, GERMANY, USA, SWEDEN, AUSTRIA, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, SWITZERLAND, DENMARK, NORWAY, FINLAND, JAPAN BRAZIL, MIAMI, SCOTLAND, SYDNEY, GERMANY, AMSTERDAM, PERTH, ITALY, SAN DIEGO, LEBANON, SAUDI ARABIA, DENMARK, UK, NIGERIA SWEDEN, DENMARK, UK, USA UK, DENMARK, POLAND, CZECH REPUBLIC, FINLAND, NORWAY, GERMANY, HOLLAND, AUSTRIA, SPAIN, GREECE, ITALY, SWITZERLAND, FRANCE
  • 13. Winner Best Customer Satisfaction Award - Google Premier Partner EMEA Awards 2016 Winner Mobile Innovation Award - Google Premier Partner EMEA Awards 2017 No Agency In Europe Has Won More Google Awards Than Push Winner Mobile Innovation Award - Google Premier Partner Global Awards 2017 Winner Growing Business Online Award - Google Premier Partner EMEA Awards 2018 Also the first agency to win a Google award 3 years in a row!
  • 16.
  • 17. See what our clients have to say
  • 18. Push Analyser The push analyser puts together reports that would take us 3-4 hours to put together manually. It saves time analysing and leaves us with more time to actually do work on your account.
  • 21. How we keep you ahead
  • 22. We Can Help Your Business Grow Through Multiple Channels
  • 23. Our Agenda ▪ Landing Page Review ▪ Our Strategy Development Process ▪ Our Prices & Packages ▪ Quick Overview of Push ▪ Your PPC Audit ▪ New Opportunities
  • 24. ■ Structure ■ Budget, Bids and Impression Share ■ Keywords and Matching (including Negatives) ■ Ad Copy ■ Ad Extensions ■ Mobile & Tablet Performance ■ Quality Score ■ Conversions ■ Remarketing ■ Video ■ Other Opportunities ■ Summary PPC Audit
  • 25. ▪ We have analysed your account from 1 June 2018 to 31 Oct 2018 ▪ The budget spent was : £ 14,653.80 Strategy & Structure
  • 26. ▪ Campaigns are separated by different brands which has job listings for different sectors. ▪ You are targeting different employment segments with different websites through search and display campaigns. Strategy & Structure
  • 27. ▪ Account overview - With rise in spend your conversions have increased and CPA has reduced significantly over time. Strategy & Structure
  • 28. ▪ Keywords have been separated into different campaigns and ad groups. Strategy & Structure
  • 29. ▪ Some of your campaign is using the display select setting. ▪ The intentions of visitors from search and display are very different so they should be kept seperate Strategy & Structure
  • 30. We separate Out the keyword variations into campaigns and ad groups
  • 31. ▪ Within ad groups the spend is being dominated by broad keywords that are not necessarily your best converting. Strategy & Structure
  • 32. ▪ Also within ad groups a few keywords are converting at high CPA which should be monitored. ▪ Within different ad groups good conversions can be seen at a lower CPA. Strategy & Structure
  • 33. ▪ Your branding campaigns are running on Target CPA strategy, this limits the effectiveness of your targeting. Strategy & Structure
  • 34. ▪ Various campaigns are limited by budget, this means they might not be getting the best exposure during the day. Strategy & Structure
  • 35. ▪ Various Keywords are limited by bids so don’t get enough opportunity to compete. Strategy & Structure
  • 36. ▪ Language settings are on English on all campaigns but should be on all languages Strategy & Structure
  • 37. Account would perform better with a national / regional structure Strategy & Structure
  • 38. We structure our accounts to ensure each area has its own set of campaigns, ad groups and dedicated adverts. Strategy & Structure
  • 39. This allows us to control the budgets, the bids and messaging to create a strong user journey. Strategy & Structure
  • 40. From keyword to ad to the landing page we want to see locality reflected. Strategy & Structure
  • 41. We can create dynamic landing pages which reflect the area visitors are from. Strategy & Structure
  • 42. We have lists of every location in the country to help implement campaigns like this. Strategy & Structure
  • 43. Budgets & Bids ▪ We are able to see search trends for keywords in any country at any time and can use this to help you plan your budget and spend for the year.
  • 44. Budgets & Bids ▪ Campaigns are limited by budget and bids. ▪ Average positions need to be between 1-3 and are currently 1.8 ▪ Bidding is automated in most of the campaigns and some campaigns are running on Target CPA.
  • 45. Scripts Save More Than Just Time Benefits Other Than Time ■ Minimise human errors ■ Analyse more data ■ Deliver better results ■ Create competitive advantage ■ Time to focus on strategy
  • 46. We Use Building Scripts Build Millions of Combinations Minimise Problem ■ Millions of people searching in millions of ways. Solution ■ Input keyword themes and Script builds every possible combination.
  • 47. We Also Use Bidding Scripts Bid Dynamically in Auctions Minimise Problem ■ Millions of auctions in a very dynamic game. Solution ■ Scripts are monitor market bids and optimise.
  • 48. Our Quality Assurance Scripts... … Ensure Things Run Smoothly Minimise Problem ■ Too many things can go wrong on your website or your adwords account. Solution ■ Scripts scan the account flagging abnormalities.
  • 49. Optimisation Scripts Adding/Excluding Keywords Minimise Problem ■ Wider audiences and keywords means discovering opportunities but also accepting wastage. Solution ■ Scripts include keywords generating value - excluding keywords creating wastage.
  • 51. Geographical Targeting ▪ We can also bid separately for cities and locations where you convert better and even create separate campaigns for them.
  • 52. We can bid more aggressively towards age & gender
  • 53. In-market audiences for search ▪ In-market audiences are now available for search. They identify lists of people based on their behaviour.
  • 55. Sizes of our accounts ▪ When managing large accounts with lots of products you need the right tools and software as it’s difficult to manage these things manually.
  • 56. Impression Share ▪ We would always aim to have a percentage of 80% or above. ▪ Your impression share was 39.80%
  • 57. Keywords Keyword Match Type No. Of Keywords Old Style Broad Match 70 Modified Broad Match 58 Phrase Match 59 Exact Match 29 Total 216
  • 58. Keywords ▪ The Push analyser allows us to look at the match type performance and make decisions based on the conversion data. ▪ The old style broad keywords are being used which create a great deal of wastage. ▪ An even mix of keywords should be employed with all match types added.
  • 59. Duplicate Keywords ▪ Duplicate keywords compete with each other and either increase costs or restrict exposure.
  • 69. Our scripts identify keywords not in your account
  • 71. We use a variety of reports to reduce wastage The Push Analyser can show us all searches that have not led to a conversion in the last 30 days.
  • 73. ▪ It’s crucial to continually add negatives to your campaign otherwise your budget will be spent on irrelevant keywords. ▪ There are 939 negatives in place.
  • 74. Ad Copy ▪ Ads are being split test but not across all campaigns and rotation settings are not set to rotate ads evenly. ▪ To improve optimisation, the lesser performing ads should be paused and a newer ad created based on the best performing ad
  • 75. Ad Copy ▪ Your ads can be made larger as Google have introduced an extra headline and description line to their ads.
  • 76. Ad copy analysis simplified with Push analyser ▪ The push analyser can be used to show us when there is a difference between the click through rates of ads.
  • 78. .
  • 79. Ad extensions . ▪ Promotion extension are not in place.
  • 81. .
  • 82. Mobile & Tablet ▪ Mobile & Tablet bid adjustments have not been implemented very effectively, and needs to be monitored to improve the performance of the account.
  • 83.
  • 90. Quality Scores ▪ The quality score measures, how well visitors search terms match up to your adverts and onto your contents website. ▪ Good quality scores can be rewarded with cheaper costs per click. ▪ The Push analyser tool can be used to show keywords with quality scores below 5. The account quality score averages at 7.56
  • 91. Conversion ▪ The most important measure for any campaign is looking at the number of leads/sales coming through and at what cost. ▪ Conversion tracking is set up and is recording new sign up registrations, job application for different websites.
  • 92.
  • 93. We use a variety of intelligent conversion reports ▪ The push analyser show us the exact phrases that lead to the conversions and we can add them as keywords to the relevant campaigns.
  • 94. What is your target cost per acquisition
  • 95.
  • 96. Benchmark CPA’s Category Clicks Impressions CTR Avg. CPC Conversions Cost / conv. Conv. rate Cost Jobs > Job Listings > Education Jobs 3282 137754 2.38% 1.96 234 27.45 7.13% 6424.45 Jobs > Job Listings 4556 197594 2.31% 2.25 264 38.76 5.79% 10232.99 Jobs 5541 257609 2.15% 2.45 306 44.39 5.52% 13583.79 Education > Training & Certification 89641 3311799 2.71% 0.78 3100 22.57 3.46% 69971.18 Education 89641 3311799 2.71% 0.78 3100 22.57 3.46% 69971.18 Jobs > Resumes & Portfolios 985 60015 1.64% 3.4 42 79.78 4.26% 3350.8
  • 97. We use Google alerts to keep up to date with industry news
  • 98. Keeping you ahead with Google Betas
  • 99. Smart display ▪ Smart display is a fully automated display campaign which uses Google’s artificial intelligence to control bids, targeting and ad testing. ▪ Google internally report 20% increases in conversions with the same CPA and we have seen it halve the CPA for some of our customers.
  • 100. Responsive ads ▪ Responsive search ads are very powerful as they tailor the ad copy based on the profile of each user.
  • 101. Enhanced CPC for Conversion Value ■ Now Google have introduced enhanced CPC for conversion values on the beta program. ■ The objective is to give you more value for the same ROAS. A lot of businesses however have no value attributed to their conversions.
  • 102. Native Advertising ▪ Native advertising is currently a beta on Google. The ad format is the same as other providers but the targeting options are the same as the Google Display Network campaigns. ▪ Native adverts lift purchase intent by 18% compared with Display ads. ▪ Consumers look at these adverts 25% more than display banners.
  • 103. Native Advertising ▪ We place the article on our own website for authenticity.
  • 104. Native Advertising ▪ The often unbranded adverts on the right hand side lead people to the website
  • 105. Native Advertising ▪ We already have a list of websites we know work well for native adverts across any industry.
  • 106. Article Ideas ▪ Articles on critically acclaimed/niche films “Our favourite movies from this years Sundance Film Festival”. ▪ Articles highlighting the platform itself “Critics are going crazy for the selection of films on new streaming platform”. ▪ Articles around hidden gems “The best movies you’ve never heard of”. ▪ Articles around seasonal events “The perfect scary movies for a Halloween night in”.
  • 107. Build relationships with your audience via Remarketing
  • 108.
  • 109. Remarketing ▪ Not all the relevant campaign exclusions are in place. These stop your ads appearing on irrelevant sites. ▪ You have not implemented different audience lists. You should be adjusting your bids according to the engagement of each list.
  • 114. Google AdWords industry benchmarks Average conversion rates The average conversion rate in AdWords across all industries is 2.70% on the search network and 0.89% on the display network
  • 115.
  • 116.
  • 117. Bing offers lower CPC’s
  • 118. Budget recommendations Search: We recommend a budget of £2000 per location: Display: We recommend a budget of £1000 per location Remarketing: We recommend a budget of £500 per location
  • 119. Summary Section Score Structure 5 Budget & Bid Prices 4 Impression Share 3 Keywords and Matching 6 Negatives 6 Ad Copy 5 Sitelinks & Extensions 6 Mobile 3 Quality Score 7 Conversions 6 Remarketing 3
  • 121. Summary – What’s next ▪ Your account needs to be monitored in such a way that your performing keywords are given more opportunities to spend the budget and wastage can be controlled. ▪ Budget and bids should be optimised so that you do not miss on potential opportunities. ▪ More negatives need to be added to your to prevent wastage. ▪ There are lots more intelligent bidding solutions that can be implemented such as adding in market audiences and bidding by demographic. ▪ Ads need to be updated on search. ▪ Promotion extensions can be added to search campaigns. ▪ The mobile and tablet bid adjustments should be reviewed. ▪ Remarketing needs to be set up with the correct settings and dynamic remarketing should be introduced.
  • 123. Our strategy development team will arrange an initial call to discuss the next steps and ensure they fully understand your business objectives. What happens next
  • 124. What happens next An account plan is created and approved before we built or optimise the account.
  • 125. What happens next Intelligent scripts are set up to improve account management efficiency (there are over 50)
  • 126. What happens next We work with you to get tracking, reporting and the Push analyser set up
  • 127. What happens next Based on your plan we build new AdWords campaigns and/or optimise your existing campaigns.
  • 129. New accounts need lots of love and our teams work together to ensure we find the winning formula to grow your business. Your account manager, salesperson and strategy development manager will meet monthly for the first three months to review your account together and update you on progress. What happens next
  • 132. Prices
  • 133. £997 ■ Unique Push PPC strategy overseen by a team with over 20 years PPC experience (worth £750) ■ Account build/ optimisation by Google Certified Professional with up to 50 steps completed ■ Check/ Implement conversion tracking including call tracking (worth £100+) ■ Boost conversions with our exit overlay (worth £291) ■ Free Google Ads voucher for new accounts (worth £75+) Reduce your cost per acquisition through our Push analyser software Conversion Booster Wastage Reduction Ad Performance Testing New Keyword Discovery Quality Score Optimsation PPC Set Up Push PPC set up includes Push Push Analyser Includes set up on One off cost + Vat
  • 134. £9997 ■ Google Ads campaign management including all features and Betas ■ Facebook campaign management ■ Bing campaign management ■ SEO ■ Content marketing ■ Digital PR ■ Email automation sequences ■ Monthly face to face meetings All Push customers have access to our unique technology (worth £297) Push analyser Call Tracking Push Scripts Exit overlays Monster Forms PPC Premier Gold Push PPC Premier Gold offers: Push Push Technology Ad spends up to £100,000 + Vat
  • 135. £4997 ■ Google Ads campaign management including all features and Betas ■ Facebook campaign management ■ Bing campaign management ■ SEO ■ Monthly face to face meetings All Push customers have access to our unique technology (worth £297) Push analyser Call Tracking Push Scripts Exit overlays Monster Forms PPC Premier + Push PPC Premier + offers: Push Push Technology Ad spends up to £50,000 + Vat
  • 136. £2497 ■ Google Ads campaign management ■ Display network targeting ■ Native advertising ■ Video advertising ■ Bing campaign management ■ Remarketing, search remarketing, video remarketing, dynamic remarketing ■ Face to Face quarterly business reviews ■ Bespoke Report Dashboards ■ Bespoke Script Dashboards All Push customers have access to our unique technology (worth £297) Push analyser Call Tracking Push Scripts Exit overlays Monster Forms PPC Premier Push PPC Premier offers all Google Ads features including: Push Push Technology Ad spends up to £25,000 + Vat
  • 137. £1497 ■ Google Ads campaign management ■ Display network targeting ■ Native advertising ■ Remarketing ■ Search Remarketing ■ Video Remarketing ■ Dynamic Remarketing ■ Segmented customer audience list creation All Push customers have access to our unique technology (worth £297) Push analyser Call Tracking Push Scripts Exit overlays Monster Forms PPC Plus Push PPC Plus offers all Google Ads features including: Push Push Technology Ad spends up to £15,000 + Vat
  • 138. £997 ■ Google Ads campaign management (includes Google Shopping) ■ Remarketing (with Google Banner Advertisements ■ Performance reviewed and improved on a daily basis ■ Dedicated certified PPC account manager ■ Comprehensive reports written in a style that suits you All Push customers have access to our unique technology (worth £297) Push analyser Call Tracking Push Scripts Exit overlays Monster Forms PPC Push PPC offers all Google Ads features including: Push Push Technology Ad spends up to £10,000 + Vat