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                                                                            at the heart

                                                                            of the debate
                                                                            The increasing importance
                                                                            of digital technology
                                                                            in everyday life, whether
                                                                            in a visible and tangible
Digital technology                                                          or invisible and intangible
at the heart                                                                manner, raises many
of our lives

As the printing press,
the telephone and railways                                                  P. 58 We are all
did in the past, digital                                                    stakeholders
technology is massively                                                     in regulation
changing our homes, our                                                     Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin,
businesses, our industries            2011,                                 President of the French
and our schools by                    at the heart                          National Committee for
broadening the options                of Inria                              Data Protection (CNIL).
for communication,                    The research landscape is
                                                                            P. 61 Fertile disorder
by automating certain                 constantly evolving. The
                                                                            Daniel Kaplan, CEO of the
tasks in order to increase            institute’s management
                                                                            Next Generation Internet
productivity and by                   and researchers talk about
                                                                            Foundation (FING).
inventing new ways of                 the past year.
exchanging information.                                                     P. 64 Let researchers
                                      P.18 Key figures
                                      P.19 Strategy                         Henri Verdier, President
                                      From the point of view                of the Cap Digital
                                      of Michel Cosnard,                    competitiveness cluster.
                                      Claude Kirchner and
                                      Hervé Mathieu.
                                      P.23 Assignments
                                      Research, partnerships,
                                      technology transfer
                                      and the spread of digital
                                      P.49 Coordination
                                      The challenges of
                                      modernisation, the eight
                                      research centres.

          • Pages bearing the mark opposite are interactive! Photograph the image using the Pixee
          application to access the content on line. Pixee is a free application, which is available on iPhone,
          Android and BlackBerry. • How does it work? Mobile phones are equipped with a built-in camera
          for taking photos... but not just photos. Mathematical formulae developed recently within Inria
allow mobile phones to decipher the content of images like the human brain does. Thus, the phone
compares the image captured with several thousand images to identify the closest one and to provide us
with the information.
                … Now and
                                                  in the future

              Digital technology now forms a central part of our
      everyday lives. It can be found in the majority of objects and
                services that we use every day, including the Internet,
         computers, mobile phones, cameras, portable music players,
           televisions, game consoles and GPS receivers, but it is also
         hidden away, sometimes in a less visible manner, in vehicles,
     industrial tools, medical devices, decision support systems, etc.
      In the space of barely a few years, all these technologies have
      already profoundly changed our lives, to the point of becoming
     indispensable. They will continue to do so in the future, thanks
        to applications that are currently being developed. This is the
            route taken by researchers at Inria, a public research body,
                     which is inventing the digital world of the future.


                      How should we
                      handle this
                      It is well known that too much
                      information can be as useful as
                      no information at all. The fact
                      that we have access to knowledge
                      does not necessarily mean we are
                      fully benefiting from it. With the
                      development of digital technologies
                      and the democratisation of
                      communication tools, we are now
                      swamped with information of
                      all kinds, which is becoming
                      increasingly difficult to analyse,
                      rank and store. Huge numbers of
                      e-mails, tweets and other messages
        Information   circulate everyday on networks and
                      even the most minor request via
                      a search engine returns dozens of
                      web pages, all of which represent
                      sources of information that need to
                      be patiently explored. What are we
                      supposed to do, given that our brains
                      cannot absorb everything?
                         Numerous Inria teams are carrying
                      out research aiming to organise and
                      clarify this ever-increasing mass of
                      data, in order to make it usable and
                      understandable for everyone.This is
                      precisely the case of the Orpailleur
                      project-team, which is developing
                      smart tools for managing and
                      extracting knowledge from databases,
                      or of Aviz , which is working on new
                      ways of visualising and summarising
                      information while browsing through
                      large masses of data, by focussing
                      on contextualising it.

Digital technology
    at the heart of our lives


                   The target is zero
                   On 4th June 1996, Ariane 5 exploded
                   in mid-air during its inaugural flight.
                   The cause was a simple bug in one
                   of the pieces of software managing
        Software   the rocket’s autopilot. In fact, in
                   computer sciences, the smallest
                   design error can have disastrous
                   human or economic consequences,
                   above all when this involves a critical
                   embedded program, like those
                   within control aerospace, nuclear,
                   medical or automotive systems.
                       To prevent this kind of accident
                   occurring, several Inria teams,
                   specialising in algorithms and
                   programming, have devoted
                   themselves to the issue of software
                   reliability by developing tools
                   designed to track down faults in
                   programs, from the design phase
                   onwards.Thus, Abstraction has
                   developed Astrée , a code analyser
                   that is able to detect errors by
                   performing automatic calculations.
                   Gallium is seeking to improve
                   the reliability of software thanks
                   to Objective Caml , a high-level
                   programming language, which
                   is more reliable and expressive,
                   and CompCert , a compiler that
                   faithfully translates source code,
                   without introducing any errors.
                   Numerous ongoing projects, making
                   use of powerful computing and
                   mathematical concepts, have
                   the same goal: to make software
                   perfectly reliable, whether it is used
                   for navigation, control, automation
                   or communication. For the sake
                   of all our safety!

Digital technology
    at the heart of our lives


                                            The Magrit team

                   Virtual technology
                   for surgeons
                   Preparing for an operation using
                   a computer simulation, or even
                   performing an operation by
                   superimposing additional information
                   within the surgeon’s field of vision;
                   these practices, which appear to come
                   straight from a science fiction novel,
                   could actually become commonplace
                   in the near future.This is due in
        Medicine   particular to augmented reality,
                   a technique that allows the surgical
                   field to be enhanced by adding
                   information such as 3D models of
                   organs or vessels, therefore enabling
                   specialists to see beyond what is
                   actually visible, in order to better
                   guide their actions.
                       The Shacra team is working
                   on this topic within MIX-Surg, one
                   of three university hospital institutes
                   (IHU) with which Inria has formed a
                   partnership, of the six selected as part
                   of the Future Investments programme
                   launched in 2010. As for the Magrit
                   project-team, it is working on faithful
                   digital representations of the
                   vascular network and on simulations
                   of organs. By combining imaging,
                   simulation, modelling and even robotics
                   (automating and improving the
                   reliability of certain technical
                   operations), these approaches should
                   significantly improve minimally
                   invasive surgery and help to advance
                   medicine and patient comfort.

Digital technology
    at the heart of our lives


                                                 The Wam team

                       smart cities
                       More than half the world’s population
                       now lives in an urban environment,
                       and this trend is set to intensify over
                       the course of this century. In order
                       to adapt to this profound change
                       and its social and environmental
                       effects, cities need to revise their
                       infrastructures and services by taking
                       maximum advantage of the
                       opportunities offered by digital
                       systems and new technologies.
                       Numerous smartphone applications
                       are already showing the way by
                       using Internet connections, for
                       example, to allow you to find out,
                       in real time, the location and arrival
                       time of the bus you are waiting for,
        Urban          or the address of a restaurant in
        planning       an area you are unfamiliar with.
                       Nevertheless, there is still a great
                       deal to do to really make cities smart,
                       in particular by providing residents
                       with the means to sustain contextual
                       information networks, which are
                       of use to everyone.
                           Inria is devising and preparing for
                       this change.The Wam project-team
                       has developed an augmented reality
                       application allowing users to visit
                       Grenoble with the benefit of additional
                       visual and audio information on
                       a smartphone. By using web
                       geolocation data and wireless
                       communication technologies,
                       including wi-fi, 3G telephony and
                       RFID tags on devices, a multitude
                       of interactive services designed
                       to assist disabled people, guide
                       motorists and provide users with
                       information, will soon be available
                       in digital cities.

Digital technology
    at the heart of our lives


Digital technology
                                                      at the heart of our lives

                                    The Coprin team

          Digital home help
          By 2020, Europe will be home to
          almost 84 million people above the
          age of 75. With steadily increasing
          life expectancy and eroding family
          and social ties, increasing numbers
          of elderly people are finding
          themselves completely isolated,
          and not everyone is able to make use
Support   of home help services to assist them
          with their day-to-day activities.
          This is a problem also encountered
          by disabled people, who are forced
          to perform all kinds of “tricks” in
          order to carry out everyday tasks.
          What if solutions could be provided
          by digital technology and robotics?
              As part of the large-scale PAL
          initiative (Personally Assisted Living) ,
          Inria has devoted nine teams, spread
          across its research centres, to
          developing solutions to improve the
          lives of dependent people.The Coprin
          project-team has therefore developed
          Marionet-Assist, an automated
          system allowing people with reduced
          mobility to get out of a chair or to get
          up after a fall (the most common
          accident). E-motion is exploring
          artificial systems with sufficiently
          advanced perception, decision-
          making and action capabilities to
          interact with humans, and Maia is
          working on stand-alone machines
          with artificial intelligence, allowing
          us to imagine, one day, genuine
          domestic robots that are able
          to help us in our daily lives.


            The art of sharing
            Everyone is now aware that energy
            is precious and that managing it is a
            major challenge for the 21st century,
            in both economic and ecological
            terms. Faced with the intrinsic limits
            of fossil resources, there is a need
            for new production and consumption
            patterns, favouring and exploiting
            renewable energies, including solar,
            hydraulic and wind power. Nowadays,
            private individuals and companies are
   Energy   able to produce electricity and use it
            for their own needs or sell it on to
            a national operator, in order for it
            to be shared. However, in order for the
            system to work and develop, powerful
            digital tools are needed to manage
            this real-time distribution via smart
            grid type networks.
                Inria is working towards this goal
            by means of the Metis I-Lab , a joint
            structure bringing together the
            company Artelys and the Tao
            and Maxplus project-teams.Within
            this joint laboratory, researchers and
            industrial operators are pooling their
            resources and expertise to create a
            smart grid-based energy management
            system. Specialising in optimisation,
            statistics and decision support
            systems, Artelys uses the teams’
            research into algorithms and
            modelling, in order to speed up
            the development of operational
            solutions to be offered to clients
            in France and around the world.

Digital technology
     at the heart of our lives

           on the Internet
           On the net, everyone believes
           they are safely hidden behind
           a pseudonym. However, a study
           by the MIT (Massachusetts Institute
           of Technology), involving Inria
           researchers, reveals that the majority
           of Internet users have the same user
           names on the various web sites that
           they visit. With the development
           of social networks and e-commerce,
           it is relatively easy to connect these
           virtual identities in order to target,
           track and even identify users for
Communi-   commercial, political or criminal
cation     purposes. At a time when the Internet
           and digital communication are at
           the heart of society, the question
           of the security and confidentiality
           of personal data is crucial, in terms
           of both privacy and sound
           functioning of the economy.
               Around fifty Inria teams are
           currently working on this topic,
           which is a major challenge in this era
           of communication. Some of them,
           including Secsi and Caramel ,
           are concentrating on protocols
           and encryption keys allowing
           the confidentiality of information
           exchanges to be guaranteed.
           Others, such as Planete , are
           examining security gaps in popular
           communication software and the
           anonymity of user names.The Secret
           project-team has been involved
           in the development of Shabal ,
           an algorithm allowing the encryption
           standards for confidential data to be
           tested. These are so many avenues
           to explore, methods to invent and
           tools to be developed in order to
           make use of digital technology
           in a completely safe environment.

Digital technology
     at the heart of our lives

Digital technology, an engine of growth
Digital technology lies at the heart         A study by Coe-Rexecode, published
of our society, in our homes, of course,     in May 2011, estimates that the digital
but also in our schools, companies           economy was on average responsible
and industries. As the printing press,       (directly and indirectly) for 26% of
the telephone and railways did in the        growth in France between 1980 and
past, digital technology is massively        2008, 32% in Germany and Japan and
changing our economy by broadening           37% in the United States. This proves
the options for communication,               its importance and shows the potential
by automating certain tasks in order         for growth that is yet to be exploited
to increase productivity and by inventing    in France.
new ways of exchanging information.
Although digital technology still relies     Inria is playing an active part in this
on physical devices (processors,             change with its research and technology
computers, servers, networks, etc.),         transfer projects, in particular by means
it also gives a proper value to intangible   of I-Labs, joint structures combining
aspects, whether these are cultural          teams of researchers and SMEs-SMIs
assets (music, cinema, etc.), services       within joint laboratories to work
or intellectual creation. The same           on industrial projects.
applies to software tools. What’s more,
digital technology is changing the
economic landscape by significantly
reducing the cost of innovation, as
illustrated by the story of e-commerce
platforms and social networks.

       of Inria
Inria — Annual Report 2011

Key figures

                                                                       • 83 %

start-up created.
                                  project-teams (on 1st January
                                  2012), 83% of which are
                                  joint teams with universities
                                  and other research institutions.

reference publications.

                                  people who have contributed
                                  to Inria’s assignments, of which

                                  68% are scientific personnel.

                                                                     • 68 %
software applications submitted

to the APP (France’s software
protection agency).

                                  PhD students within research

initial patents filed.

                                  teams linked to foreign
                                  universities and laboratories.

                                  theses produced.

                          at the heart of Inria

      IS VITAL”


PRÊT ÀCosnard,
       Chairman and CEO

             Michel Cosnard,
             Président-Directeur général

Inria — Annual Report 2011


                                                                 On a European level,
                                                                 our global approach
                                                                 encompasses education,
                                                                 research, innovation
                                                                 and uses.

                            In 2011, the institute established   Engineering Schools (CDEFI) and our
                  new sites in Bordeaux, Lille and Saclay, as    institute – and the year in which numer-
                  well as opening the PCRI in Saclay. How are    ous future investments were initiated.
                  you managing to go ahead with these            The creation of Allistene provides proof
                  developments against the background of a       that digital sciences are a priority for our
                  freeze on state funding?                       country, in the same way as health, en-
                                Michel Cosnard     •  On the     ergy, the environment and human and
                                one hand, by means of an         social sciences.This alliance has allowed
                                increase in our own re-          us to strengthen our partnerships and
                                sources, largely associated      to define the national priorities for dig-
                                with the success of our          ital science and technology in a con-
                                teams in terms of calls for      certed manner.The Future Investments
                                projects, and on the other       programme has also provided the op-
                  hand, by means of improved efficiency in        portunity to launch new partnership
                  terms of their use, with the aim of achiev-    activities, in particular in the fields of
                  ing excellence in the field of management.      health, the environment and human and
                  Our first edition of the Inria awards also      social sciences. Many of our research
                  perfectly reflects these two aspects.           teams are involved in laboratories of
                                                                 excellence (Labex) and excellence-in
                          The French research landscape has      equipment (Équipex) projects with local
                  changed a great deal. How have these           academic partners. As a national insti-
                  changes affected the institute?                tute, Inria has partnerships with three
                  M. C. In 2011 we saw the first full year        university hospital institutes (Paris,
                  of Allistene – a dedicated consultation        Strasbourg and Bordeaux), and, as part
                  structure for digital science and technol-     of the digital economy programme and
                  ogy, which brings together the French          even technology research institutes
                  Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), the            (IRT), our partners are industrial opera-
                  French National Centre for Scientific          tors, major groups and SMEs.
                  Research (CNRS), the Institut Mines-
                  Télécom, the French Conference of          European research has also been
                  University Chancellors (CPU), the booming since the creation, in 2010, of EIT
                  Conference of the Heads of French ICT Labs, for which Inria coordinates the
                                                                 research arm. Where do we stand now?
 Our aim is to achieve                                                •
                                                                 M. C. EIT ICT Labs, one of the European
 excellence in the field                                          Institute of Innovation andTechnology’s
 of management.                                                  (EIT) three knowledge and innovation
                                                                 communities devoted to digital sci-
                                                                 ences, is taking shape and looks very
                                                                 promising. It should allow a bridge to
                                                                 be built between research and industry
                                                                 by funding innovation, as far as actual

                                                                                  at the heart of Inria

technological development – including
patent applications, software, start-up
                                                   Claude Kirchner,
companies and other technology trans-              Executive Officer for Research and
fer methods. Its two strengths are: joint          Technology Transfer for Innovation
programming (the 23 partners propose
research topics and fund them with Eu-         2011 Inria Awards
ropean support) and a new global ap-
proach incorporating education,
                                               “The first emblematic
research, innovation and uses, one of the      embodiment
variants of which could, for example, be
training for new student profiles, both
                                               of our approach”
scientists and entrepreneurs.
                                                   “The purpose of the Inria    Stéphane Donikian, the
         Do these developments influence            Awards is to recognise       creator of the spin-off
                                                   and reward scientists who    Golaem and its digital
your research subjects?                            have made an outstanding     human behaviour
M. C. Our research retains a certain con-          contribution in the field     simulators in 3D
tinuity and is in keeping with the burgeon-        of computer sciences and     environments.The Award
ing development of digital technologies.           mathematics, or who have     for Research and
In this “world under construction”we are
                                    ,              made major contributions     Innovation Support was
particularly attentive to increasing the           to technology transfer or    won by Julien Wintz,
                                                   innovation in these fields.   a young engineer who
impact of our research. We are increas-            They also recognise          has established and leads
ingly interested in uses, an approach that         engineers or technicians     a scientific computing
encompasses studying social networks,              who have made a notable      platform allowing
– whether this is for privacy protection or        contribution in terms of     researchers to test their
the right to oblivion – the Internet of ob-        support or backing for       software in their fields
                                                   research. In 2011, the       of application. Finally,
jects, human-machine interaction and                                            the Research Support
                                                   Grand Prize was awarded
home help, as well as issues relating to           to Gérard Huet, a pioneer    Department Award
sustainable development.                           from the French school of    recognised the
This is why we are in close contact with           computer science, whose      outstanding teamwork
major economic and social players in               work has been crucial in     that contributed to
the digital world. We have also asked              terms of guaranteeing the    certification of the
                                                   quality of software.The      institute’s accounts,
three of them to contribute on the fol-            Young Researcher Award       the first stage in the
lowing pages.                                      highlighted the talent of    process of simplifying
                                                   Bruno Lévy, a geometry       and harmonising
                                                   enthusiast who is            practices within Inria.”
                                                   radically changing 3D
                                                   representation for both
                                                   computer game graphics
                                                   and computer simulation
                                                   images.The Inria-Dassault
                                                   Systèmes Award for
                                                   Innovation recognised

Inria — Annual Report 2011


“Permanence in terms
of strategy and renewed
“Initial observation: the          of research teams. All these
appropriateness of the             aspects are summed up
fundamental principles,            perfectly by the motto for
around which the institute         the institute’s first strategic
was built, as set down by          plan, in 1994: scientific
the first chairman of Inria,        excellence and technology
Jacques-Louis Lions, in            transfer.
1979. More than forty years
later, they are still relevant,    Second observation: the
whether this lies in the           ambitious plan to double
combination of computer            Inria’s activities and resources
science and mathematics,           (staff and budgets) in ten
the importance of                  years, driven by Bernard
technology transfer to             Larrouturou (Chairman from
industry, the structure            1996 to 2003), with the aim
of research in small and           of taking the institute to
                                   the highest global level,
                                                                            Hervé Mathieu,
responsive project-teams,                                                   Executive Officer for Resources
education/training by              formalised by the agreement
welcoming PhD students             concluded with the                       and Service Administration
and young engineers or             government in 2000, has                  until March 2012
international openness.            been an undeniable success.
Over the course of the years       Proof of this is provided by
and successive chairmen,           the international Visiting
this has been demonstrated         Committee, which, having           with universities, schools
by the creation of start-up,       evaluated the institute at         and businesses. Yet, there
involvement in various             the end of 2008, rated it as       is still a great deal to be
European programmes and            the European leader and            done for computer science
the establishment of lasting       one of the world’s best            to be recognised not only
partnerships, such as the          research organisations in          as a tool but also as
Ercim organisation,                its field. Another telling          a science in its own right. ”
involvement in W3C since           indicator is the large number
the inception of the web,          of grants that our researchers
numerous subcontracting            obtain from the European
activities, strong international   Research Council (ERC).
relationships and even             While maintaining this
the stringent assessment           strategy, our aim is to further
                                   open up our research to
                                   industry and society, on the
                                   one hand, by incorporating
                                   social and environmental
                                   issues into our research,
                                   as we have done in the past
                                   for telecoms and life sciences,
                                   and on the other hand, by
                                   playing the role of a catalyst
                                   for research and a facilitator
                                   of projects, in order to
                                   support strong partnerships

2011, at the heart of Inria


Inria — Annual Report 2011

… from the point
of view of
our researchers
                                                                         have already been
                                                                         envisaged, in particular
                                                                         in the environmental field:
                                                                         for example, detecting forest
                                      On completion of her engineering   fires using temperature
                                      studies at the Insa in Lyon,       sensors, monitoring air
                                      where she specialised in           or water pollution and even
                                      networks and telecommunications,   studying the behaviour of
                                      Nathalie Mitton joined             groups of animals by fitting
                                      the Pops project-team.             them with sensors. What
                                      As an Inria Research Scientist,    I like about Inria is its
                                      she now leads the brand new        openness: dialogue with
                                      Fun team, which is examining       other regional research
                                      heterogeneous networks of          centres, relationships with
                                      communicating objects.             numerous researchers
                                                                         around the world and close
                                      “Having been attracted to          contacts with industry. We
                                      science since my childhood,        have concluded an external
                                      I studied as an engineer           research agreement (CRE)
                                      at the Insa in Lyon.               with FranceTélécom, and
                                      As I had chosen to                 created the EtiPops I-Lab
                                      specialise in networks             with the local SME Etineo.
                                      and telecommunications,            This joint structure, within
                                      I continued with a thesis          which we are working on
                                      on wireless networks within        geolocation, has a number
                                      the framework of CITI, an          of advantages: it allows us
                                      Insa laboratory which was          to pool our resources, define
                                      working in partnership with        our research with a 3-year
                                      Inria.This research really         road map and set ourselves
                                      fascinated me and I wanted         industrial goals, with the
                                      to continue within Inria.          creation of products, which
                                      In 2006, I joined the Pops         is a way of giving our
                                      project-team, where                research a highly visible
                                      I gradually took on                form.  ”
                                      responsibilities, before
Nathalie Mitton,                      setting up the Fun team,
                                      which will extend its work
Fun Team Leader,                      on future ubiquitous
Lille – Nord Europe Research Centre   networks from 2012
                                      onwards. We are actually
                                      aiming to develop and
“Working with                         unify networks of RFID tags,
                                      sensors and robotic
companies on                          actuators, which are
                                      battery-operated and
industrial projects”                  communicate wirelessly
                                      using radio waves.
                                      Numerous applications

                                                                                              at the heart of Inria

Rémi Gribonval,                                        François-Xavier Le Dimet,
Inria Senior Research Scientist,                       Professor Emeritus at Joseph-Fourier University,
Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique Research Centre           Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes Research Centre

“My research combines                                      “Inria has trusted me
my two favourite                                           to continue my research”
subjects: music
and mathematics”
“It was my love of mathematics that drew me
to ENS, and my love of music that led me to choose
a master’s degree combining the two. I continued
in the same vein by writing a thesis on sound
processing with the IRCAM and the École
Polytechnique. I subsequently left to take up
a post-doctoral position at the University of South
Carolina in the United States, where I studied the
theoretical aspects of the algorithms I was using
in greater depth. Since I was invited to join the
Metiss team in 2001, I have been exploring the
notion of parsimony, which specifically allows audio
signals to be represented and processed with very          François-Xavier Le Dimet is conducting
few parameters.The resulting techniques allow              his research within the Moise project-team,
audio data to be compressed, voices to be isolated         which has taken over the Idopt project,
and instruments to be separated within a recording,        for which he was responsible. He also teaches
for instance. However, my research goes far beyond         at Florida State University and has just been
just sound, with applications for medical imaging,         appointed a fellow of the American
biology, astronomy and, even more broadly,                 Meteorological Society.
machine learning. Some of these have already
been examined within the framework of Small            “The life of a researcher              majority of weather centres
and Échange, two projects that I coordinated, one      is made up of encounters.              around the world, thereby
a European project and the other for the ANR           I owe a great deal to                  helping to improve their
(the French National Research Agency).These are        Jacques-Louis Lions, the               forecasts. At present, I am
just some of the many avenues to be explored           Chairman of Inria at the               continuing to develop it
with the team, which I will soon be leading. ”         beginning of the 1980s.                within the Moise team,
                                                       I attended his classes for             by specifically attempting
                                                       my post-graduate diploma               to make use of the dynamic
A graduate of the École normale supérieure,            in numerical analysis and              information provided by
Rémi Gribonval is currently working on the concept     he has always actively and             satellite images. However,
of parsimony in signal processing within the           wholeheartedly supported               the question of a link between
Metiss project-team. In 2011, he was awarded the
                                                       me in my research.This                 data gathered by observation
Blaise Pascal prize by the Académie des Sciences
(French Academy of Sciences) for his work.
                                                       human dimension has been               and mathematical models
He received an ERC (European Research Council)         vitally important, as have             representing complex
grant for his Please project.                          the discussions I have had             phenomena clearly has
                                                       with other scientists on my            implications for areas other
                                                       travels to the United States,          than climate, such as
                                                       Russia, China, etc. Jacques-           oceanography, hydrology,
                                                       Louis Lions’ optimal control           biology and even petroleum
                                                       theory also formed the basis           research.  ”
                                                       for my concept of a data
                                                       assimilation method,
                                                       which was of interest
                                                       to meteorologists. Initially,
                                                       this approach was faced with
                                                       the limited computational
                                                       capacities of computers
                                                       at the time, but it has since
                                                       been adopted by the

Inria — Annual Report 2011

… from the point of view
of our researchers

Michel Banâtre,
Inria Senior Research Scientist,
Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique Research Centre

“Carrying out original
research in direct
contact with the world
of business“
Michel Banâtre has conducted       a real environment, or even,
numerous projects with             where possible and relevant,
the LSP , Solidor and Aces         for industrial use. Obviously,
teams, focussing his research      we shouldn’t hesitate
on distributed systems, fault      to immerse ourselves in our
tolerant architectures and         chosen areas of application
ambient computing. Guided by
                                   and not ignore issues
the constant goal of technology
transfer, he is behind the filing
                                   surrounding industrial
of twenty or so patents, the       protection rights, including
establishment of numerous          patents and prototyping.
large-scale collaborations with    This is what has guided my
industrial partners and the        entire career as a researcher,
creation of two start-up.          and what still drives me. My
                                   first experience in this area     logistics, with all its
“I took my first steps in           dates back to 1979-1985,         potential applications in
research as an engineer at         with the Enchère system,         sectors as varied as luxury
the University of Rennes 1,        a perfect example of my          goods and medical items.
where I studied for my             approach. My aim was             My approach is not opposed
entire degree in the field          to apply the principle of        to more academic research.
of computer science, which         distributed systems, which       In my opinion, it should go
had just been born, at the         I had been studying as part      without saying when the
beginning of the 1970s,            of my doctoral thesis, to        concepts or tools proposed
before becoming a senior           auctions held by fruit and       by researchers could form
research scientist for Inria,      vegetable producers in my        part of industrial solutions,
in 1986. I like research that      native Brittany. Undertaken      or even be the products
is off the beaten track,           in close cooperation with        of the future.”
research that allows the           local cooperatives, this
systems and services               project formed the subject
of the future to be shaped.        of a technology transfer
However, I am still convinced      with an SME based in
of the need for technology         Rennes, but did not result
transfer as a means to             in it being marketed. This
validate the results of            was where I really began
research. For many                 to understand the difficulty
researchers, the promotion         of turning a great idea into
of a scientific idea often          a commercial solution, but
ends with a list of the            I persevered with Bull, Texas
publications it may have           Instruments and Alcatel-
generated. For my part,            Lucent in the field of
I want to see it tested in         architectures and systems.
                                   Similarly, my research on
                                   ambient computing has
                                   formed the subject of a
                                   technology transfer to the
                                   JCDecaux Group. More
                                   recently, my work on paired
                                   physical objects has allowed
                                   me to tackle the issue of
                                   reliable traceability within

                                                                                                     at the heart of Inria

Catherine Bonnet,                                                      Martin Hachet,
Disco Team Leader,                                                     Potioc Team Leader,
Saclay – île-de-France Research Centre                                 Bordeaux – Sud-Ouest Research Centre

“Exchanging ideas with                                                 “Making interactive 3D
others opens our minds“                                                technologies accessible
As an Inria researcher and
leader of the Disco team, which
                                  in complex environments,             to everyone“
                                  we are working on acute
comprises around fifteen           myeloid leukaemia, a
members, Catherine Bonnet         specific form of this cancer.
is working on the analysis        We are working in
and control of interconnected
                                  partnership with a doctor
systems in complex
environments. Being extremely
                                  from the Saint-Antoine
committed to scientific            hospital and his team of
mediation, she is also a member   biologists, who are helping
of the board of the ’Femmes et    us to test and refine the
mathématiques’ association.       models we are developing.
                                  Within the institute, I also
“After completing my              like being in close contact
secondary education,              with all kinds of scientists,
I studied mathematics,            on trips, at conferences or
because I liked it, without       on the premises of Supélec,
any idea of where it would        where we are based, as we
take me. I continued with a       know that exchanging ideas
thesis on the modelling of        opens our minds and
helicopter rotor blades for       sustains us. I also take part
Aérospatiale. When I arrived      in outreach activities for
at Inria in 1994, I worked on     mathematics and research,            From the University of Bordeaux,
an engine control issue for       by explaining to young girls         Martin Hachet joined the institute to take
Renault. This experience          that these fields are not             part in the Iparla project. As an Inria
helped me to understand           incompatible with life as            research scientist, he is currently
the challenges of theoretical     a woman, and that they               leading the brand new Potioc team,
research and exact                are not forced to cut                which is developing interactive 3D
methods, which allow              themselves off from the              technologies for use by the general public.
generic models and tools          outside world, as is still
for resolving specific             too often the perception.  ”         “Initially attracted to the audiovisual sector,
problems to be developed.                                              I began studying computer science rather by
Since then, I always think of                                          chance. I rapidly recognised the creative potential
potential applications even                                            of this science: you start from scratch and shape
when my research appears                                               everything! During the course of my thesis
very abstract. Therefore, as                                           on virtual reality, I produced a device allowing
part of Disco , which relates                                          manual actions to be performed using 3D objects
to the analysis and control                                            displayed on a large screen. However, the
of interconnected systems                                              solutions available at that time, mainly developed
                                                                       for the automotive and aeronautical industries,
                                                                       required complex and expensive devices. What is
                                                                       driving my current research is precisely the desire
                                                                       to make these tools accessible to as many people
                                                                       as possible, in order for everyone to be able to use
                                                                       them intuitively. I have been working along these
                                                                       lines within the Iparla project, where we have
                                                                       made use of the touch-screen interfaces of tablets
                                                                       and smartphones to redefine human-computer
                                                                       relations within mobility situations. I am hoping
                                                                       to go further with Potioc , by exploring new ways
                                                                       of manipulating 3D images while placing greater
                                                                       emphasis on the pleasure of use, in particular
                                                                       in the fields of art, culture, education and even
                                                                       personal assistance.   ”

Inria — Annual Report 2011


                                  New scientific
                                  and social challenges

CONTRIBUTORS                      The institute has identified and is responding
Pascal Guitton,
Senior Research Scientist         to new scientific and social challenges. Furthering
Stéphane Ubeda,
                                  knowledge and developing technological expertise
Director of Technological         and its effects is crucial for the research community
                                  and industrial operators.
Jean Roman,
Deputy Scientific Director
with responsibility for Applied   Digital systems, which have permeated all aspects of our pro-
Mathematics, Computing            fessional and private lives, are at the heart of our modern
and Simulation                    society. “We are working on numerous aspects associated
Roberto Di Cosmo,
                                  with this revolution, which is frequently only perceived by
Director of Irill                 users, recalls Pascal Guitton, “but our role is also to produce
                                  breakthrough research, which tackles new challenges that are
Jean-Pierre Banâtre,              often hard to identify on the face of it.  We specifically exam-
Director of European
                                  ine these new subjects with Heads of Science and Deputy
                                  Scientific Directors, by setting up meetings between research-
                                  ers on shared topics, for example.

                                      Generating new research topics
                                  “In 2011, we organised three national seminars on cross-
                                  disciplinary topics, he adds. Researchers swap ideas and work
                                  together for several days. New connections and even, occa-
                                  sionally, new multidisciplinary projects emerge.  Thus, fifteen
                                  or so people met to discuss their work on brain-computer
                                  interfaces; devices that allow computers or machines to be
                                  controlled on the basis of measurements of the brain’s electri-
                                  cal activity. Although it is still at the early exploratory stage,
                                  this research will, one day, allow severely disabled people to
                                  access part of the digital world (games, virtual museums, etc.).
                                  In addition, Inria has independently organised days designed
                                  to present the results of various joint scientific actions.These
                                  talks have generally only been attended by a small number
                                  of researchers.To increase their visibility, scientific workshops
                                  covering all incentive actions were organised for the first time

                                                                                  at the heart of Inria

Algorithmic geometry:
quadrics intersection,
Vegas team.

Christine Guillemot,
Inria Senior Research Scientist, Rennes –
Bretagne Atlantique Research Centre

“Standardising is a way
of promoting our experience“

For the majority of audiovisual           alongside them. This is extremely
and multimedia applications,              time-consuming, but, nevertheless,
as for telecommunications,                strategic.This ensures direct contact
standardisation is essential to           with the technological challenges
guarantee interoperability between        of the moment and, in the event of
equipment developed by industrial         a successful outcome, it guarantees
operators. As soon as a new               that our results have a marked
technology emerges, like 3D               impact within applications. The
television did recently, a group          standardisation process generally
of industrial operators takes the         lasts a number of years, during

initiative (in this case MPEG,            which the algorithm is improved.
Motion Picture Experts Group)             This entails comprehensive testing.
to develop standards. “As part            “For these aspects of software
of our research into compression          development, we benefit from
and image transmission                    three years funding for an engineer     standardisation
algorithms, standardisation               via a technology development            assignments were
is a natural and important step           action. This allows us to finalise       undertaken in 2011,
in promoting our results,                 our algorithms and to improve           in particular with bodies
even though publication                   our chances, even though success        including the IET F, ISO,
remains an essential means                may not always be forthcoming.    ”     W3C, ETSI and OGF.
of making our work and progress
known to the scientific
community. Nevertheless,
given what is at stake economically,
it is mainly industrial operators
who submit solutions to
standardisation bodies such
as the ISO. Researchers generally
work upstream, transferring
their technology to an industrial
operator who files patents
and protects the solution. “We
occasionally need to contribute

Christine Guillemot is leader of the Temics project-team, which has
become Sirocco . With four researchers, two engineers and 11 PhD students
and post-doctoral researchers, she is working on 2D and 3D image
and video sequence processing including, specifically, on aspects relating
to the compression and communication of content.

Inria — Annual Report 2011


On the left: Social robotics,
                                in November 2011. “These joint research presentations, which
prototype robots in the form    are often packed with information, have therefore been ben-
of lamps designed to interact   eficial to around a hundred researchers from all the research
with humans in their daily      centres, explains Pascal Guitton. “Forty or so subjects,
environment, Flowers team.
                                grouped into seven topics, have been discussed. These meet-
On the right: An immersive      ings will continue in 2012.
and interactive video wall
(CadWall) from Inria Sophia        Supporting large-scale projects
Antipolis – Méditerranée.
                                To encourage synergy between teams and promote multi-
                                disciplinary research, the institute is supporting large-scale
                                initiatives; these are four-year projects, which bring together
                                several project-teams that complement each other to tackle a
                                complex challenge.The aim is for this research to have a sig-
                                nificant impact – including outside Inria – whether the result
                                is finalised software, a tried and tested approach or a major

                                theoretical breakthrough. In this way, the large-scale PAL
                                (Personally Assisted Living) initiative is enabling nine project-
                                teams (Grenoble, Sophia Antipolis, Nancy and Rennes) to
                                jointly design and test personal home assistance technologies
active large-scale
initiatives in 2011.            (for elderly, disabled or injured individuals).
                                “What makes the system original is the ability to combine the
                                acquisition of data, indicating a fall, for example, with a re-
                                sponse by autonomous robotic systems, explains Stéphane
                                Ubeda, “all at an affordable cost. We have fitted two apartments

                                (in Nancy and Grenoble) with non-intrusive sensors and con-
                                ducted initial automated experiments, as well as protocols,
                                with around thirty patients. Academics and industrial opera-
active collaborative            tors have also been able to share these experiences.To increase
research actions (ARC)          the impact of this research, the institute has decided to broad-
in 2011.                        ly strengthen its support for large-scale initiatives in 2012.

                                   Promoting technological development
                                Software development forms part of the daily lives of every
                                Inria team, within the framework of European or French
                                National Research Agency (ANR) projects or, quite simply,

                                                                             at the heart of Inria

                                                                 Anne Canteaut,
                                                                 Inria Senior Research Scientist,
                                                                 Paris – Rocquencourt Research Centre

                                                                 “We are evaluating
                                                                 the security
                                                                 of cryptographic

                                                                 It’s a strange game that
                                                                 cryptography researchers play:
                                                                 on the one hand, they invent
                                                                 algorithms for authenticating
                                                                 confidential files, and on the other,
                                                                 they launch attacks on competing
                                                                 algorithms to expose their flaws.
                                                                 This is precisely how, in 2004,
                                                                 the dozen “hash” standards – key
                                                                 functions that create a sort of file
                                                                 fingerprint – were found to have
when illustrating or explaining a research task. Inria has       flaws. The American NIST (National
created a dedicated organisation to ensure that all the teams    Institute of Standards andTechnology)
are able to develop high quality code or put hardware            launched a competition to define
                                                                 a new and more robust standard
platforms in place (such as the wheelchairs or hinged arms       by the end of 2012. “Having reached
developed within PAL).                                           the semi-finals with our algorithm
Engineers from the Experimentation and Development               known as Shabal, we have been
Departments (SED) within each Inria research centre – all        evaluating the security of the five
scientists and the majority of them with a PhD – and the fifty    finalists that are still in the running,
or so young contracted engineers who assist them every           since 2009. Seeking and examining
                                                                 new attacks also gives us new ideas
year provide the researchers with support.                       for functions. For example, knowing
Within the framework of technology development actions           that the high level of polynomials
(ADT), the engineers join research teams for at least two        for hashing is one of the relevant
years. These ADTs, launched via internal calls for projects,     security criteria, we developed
are expanding with between 30 and 50 new ones every year.        a brand new mathematical tool
                                                                 for evaluating it correctly. This
                                                                 resulted in the Japanese Luffa
   Increasing fruitful collaborations                            algorithm being eliminated from
The Mobsim ADT, for example, is bringing together three          the finalists. It has become the
engineers as part of the development of the NS3 radio net-       basis for more general theoretical
work simulator which, promoted by Inria, is in the process       work. “In order to successfully
of becoming the worldwide standard.                              quantify the security of hashing
                                                                 functions, we have developed
Within the framework of the excellence-in-equipment (Équipex)    new techniques, which precisely
FIT (Future Internet ofThings) project, which was launched in    evaluate the quality of the algorithm’s
2011, web-based communication by networks of several hun-        construction and the impact
dred physical measurement sensors installed on five sites         of imperfections.  ”
(Grenoble, Lyon, Rennes, Lille and Paris) is tested, thanks to
technologies developed by around a dozen engineers. This
equipment is made available to all French researchers.           Anne Canteaut has been the Secret
Finally, as part of the Sofa research platform, which brought    project- team leader since 2008.
                                                                 Within her team, with three permanent
together five project-teams to work on a realistic simulation     researchers and around ten PhD students
of organs, in 2011, four engineers completed the development     and post-doctoral researchers, she takes
of a real-time medical simulation software suite (Mix-Surg),     an interest in the protection of information,
which will be used in the future university hospital institute   in particular in the security of cryptographic
                                                                 algorithms. In 2012, she will chair the
(IHU) in Strasbourg.                                             programme committee for the domain’s
This therefore means that development is able to break           international conference: Fast Software
through barriers: “Engineers from Inria and the Fraunhofer       Encryption (FSE) in Washington.

Inria — Annual Report 2011


On the left: ANG,
                                   Institute in Darmstadt (Germany) will take three to four years
an experimental smart              to create a fully interoperable generic environment for
walking frame, Coprin team.        controlling virtual or augmented reality systems, which are
                                   applicable to all domains, with the focus on remote learning
On the right: wifibot all-terrain
guided robots, Pops team.
                                   for surgical operations and remote industrial maintenance,   ”
                                   explains Stéphane Ubeda.

                                      Creating experimental platforms
                                   Dedicated to scientific experimentation for the evaluation of
                                   algorithms, for example, experimental platforms, generally
                                   developed with territorial partners, are managed by research-
                                   ers and, mainly, by development engineers. They are open
                                   to scientists and companies in a wide variety of research and

                                   application fields.
                                   “Num3sis in Sophia Antipolis is a modular architecture
                                   devoted to scientific computation and digital simulation“     ,
                                   explains Jean Roman. “It allows software to be rapidly inte-
development engineers.
                                   grated, complex simulations to be run and results to be
                                   viewed. Thanks to the work undertaken by the SED, it can
                                   potentially be adapted for all applications, including medical
                                   imaging and fluid dynamics.    ”
                                   Jean Roman also refers to the PlaFRIM (Bordeaux), a fed-
                                   erative high-performance computing platform for research
                                   in computer science and mathematics. Operational since
                                   May 2010, it allows algorithms and scientific computation
                                   codes to be tested before being deployed by large national
                                   computing centres.

                                                                                             at the heart of Inria



                                                                                     On the left: Data visualisation
                                                                                     using Graphdice software,
                                                                                     Aviz team.

                                                                                        On the right: Automatic
                                                                                        satellite image classification
                                                                                        (©GeoEye and ASI),
                                                                                        Ayin/Ariana team.

The European Research Council
recognises the visionary aspect of Inria

For the fourth year in succession,     new call for projects. “Seven
this European funding programme        researchers from our teams won
(the European Research Council,        ERC awards in 2011: Xavier Rival,
more widely known by its English       Rémi Gribonval, Erwan Faou and
acronym the ERC) is rewarding          Andreas Enge in the young                             Inria’s workforce has
researchers with particularly          researchers’ category, and                            doubled in ten years.
ambitious and visionary ideas. The     Marie-Paule Cani (INP Grenoble),
first ever prize winners from 2007  ,   Nicholas Ayache and Dale Miller
will submit their final results in      in the experienced researchers
2012. “Inria has had winners every     category. What is needed for

time, which is rare, both for young    this funding is to be individual.
researchers (for which funding can     Selection takes account of the
be up to 1.5 million euros) and for    candidate’s potential and the
experienced researchers (up to         excellence of his/her career as well
2.5 million euros). The 23 winners     as the quality of his/her project,                    to 15 Inria candidates
within Inria project-teams – 18 for    the originality of his/her approach                   apply for each ERC awards
computer science research and          and the anticipated impact. The                       programme.
5 for applied mathematics – benefit     ERC has already awarded more
from exceptional conditions, says
                              ”        than 2,200 grants across all
Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Director of       disciplines. In the field of computer
European Partnerships. In concrete     science, Inria is the European
terms, thanks to these unusual         establishment which is home to
financial resources, they create or     the largest number of winners.
strengthen their team and devote       The ERC’s ambitious and globally
75 to 80 % of their time to their      unique funding programme
project, with a great deal of          (7 billion euro over five years) will
freedom. This is every researcher’s    be repeated and even expanded
dream, which is why there is an        for the period between 2013 and
increasing interest in the ERC,        2020. This funding has now
even though the selection process      become coveted and candidates
is rigorous (the success rate is       from all around the world apply
10 to 15 %). There are now between     to conduct research in Europe.
10 and 15 Inria candidates for each

Inria — Annual Report 2011


                                                                      On the left: Scan of white
                                                                      human brain matter
                                                                      (coronal image),
                                                                      Asclepios team.

                                                                      On the right: Molecular
                                                                      manipulation via a multi-
                                                                      touch screen, Mint team.

                             Irill or free software
                             as a research topic

market share for free
software and related
                             The Initiative for Research and Innovation in Free
                             Software (Irill) was launched in October 2010 by Inria,
                             Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University and Paris-Diderot
                             University. The research centre welcomes researchers
services in France
(2.5 billion euros on a      who are interested in new problems posed by the
national market for
software and services
                             development of free software, who are prepared to
worth 40 billion euro).      create tools to resolve them and to promote them
                             with developers. This is a particularly innovative
                             scheme in terms of both shape and substance.

The quantity of free
software has almost
                             “Nowadays, almost all software users make use of free soft-
                             ware, claims Roberto Di Cosmo, Director of Irill. This means
                             that this movement, which began in the 1980s, has expanded.
                             “We cannot support the idea that all software should be free,
                             but this will become the rule for technical reasons: there needs
doubled every two years
within Debian distribution
                             to be access to all the source code in order to create and de-
(used by Ubuntu).            velop increasingly complex computer systems, which are
                             subject to increasingly stringent quality requirements.   ”
                             Therefore, the monitoring, management and communication
                             tools used by developers of free software need to evolve: the
                             size of these “technical objects” is growing as the amount of
                             software rises and the communities developing them expand.
                             Irill’s primary mission is to become a globally unique centre
                             of expertise, attracting researchers who are able to identify
                             the issues of these growing code bases and to finalise solu-
                             tions and tools permitting this collaborative development.
                             “These kinds of candidates are still fairly rare. In the world of
                             computer science, researchers who publish articles and source
                             code developers rarely speak to each other. Our aim is to con-
                             nect these communities with each other and with industrial
                             operators, in particular the SMEs who use free software.    ”

                                                                                at the heart of Inria

                                                                    Julia Lawall,
                                                                    Inria Senior Research Scientist, Paris –
                                                                    Rocquencourt Research Centre

                                                                    “It provides
                                                                    the opportunity to
                                                                    interact closely with
                                                                    this community“

                                                                    Julia Lawall is a quiet campaigner
                                                                    for free software. Nevertheless,
                                                                    her research has already helped
                                                                    radically change practices within
                                                                    the Linux community, with its
    Free software disrupts the lines… of code                       free operating system developed
The efforts of Irill, which is home to around twenty people,        in 1991 now being one of the most
are starting to bear fruit. Fifteen or so meetings were organised   reliable and widely used. She
in 2011 to bring dozens of developers from different commu-         became interested in free software
nities together (GNU, Debian, LibreOffice suite) for several         somewhat by chance, in 2005,
days and to foster contacts.                                        when studying the problems of
                                                                    switching from one version of Linux
“We don’t offer any permanent posts, but welcome research-          to another, with Gilles Muller, at
ers working for our partners. Our goal is to support projects       the time at the École des Mines
that bring together researchers who share our view, to make         in Nantes (now at the Inria Paris –
them more visible and allow them to benefit from our dy-             Rocquencourt Research Centre).
namic approach for a few years.They will subsequently make          They identified a key issue for
                                                                    which they developed a language
room for other researchers and projects and remain in contact,      that was able to identify
building a large community. At present, Irill is hosting three
                                 ”                                  conversions from millions of lines
flagship research projects, all designed to improve the qual-        of Linux code, to specify them and
ity of code, programmed in OCaml language developed by              even to search for errors, a unique
Inria: the Coccinelle project, involving the development of         generic tool. This was a fantastic gift
Linux kernel code, headed by Julia Lawall, the Mancoosi             for Linux, incorporated into the
                                                                    kernel of the system in 2010
project examining the quality of free software distribution,        and now used by the majority
with, specifically, Stefano Zacchiroli, the leader of the Debian     of developers. “Working in the field
project and the Ocsigen project, investigating a new way of         of free software, which is outstanding
programming rich web applications.                                  in terms of quality and functions,
Irill’s second mission is to help modernise education in order      provides a fantastic opportunity to
to prepare computer science students for these new forms of         interact directly with the developers
                                                                    and to discover new issues for
collaborative working, from both a technical and human point        research. It also guarantees that
of view.The working environment can actually be confusing,          our work will have a direct impact. ”
with discussions between contributors occasionally being            Although Julia Lawall is a special
animated. “We began by getting computer science research-           case within the Linux community,
lecturers together to swap experiences and best practice.           having joined Irill in order to
                                                                    continue with her project, she is
Ultimately, this could give rise to a shared model for courses,     now surrounded by scientists
or even masters degrees specialising in free software.     ”        engaged in similar research.
Its third mission is technology transfer and development.
“This is what will take the longest, acknowledges Roberto Di
Cosmo. For forty years, the software business has been based        Following a degree in mathematics and
on the sale of licences, a model that is now reaching its limits,   computer sciences in Ohio (United States),
including for music and video.There is now a need to promote        a PhD thesis at the University of Indiana
                                                                    on programming languages, followed by
the adaptation of software, its qualification and certification,      post-doctoral research into the optimisation
training and other related services – all emerging fields that       of programs at Inria’s Rennes – Bretagne
require new skills.                                                 Atlantique Research Centre, Julia Lawall has
                                                                    been a lecturer at the University of Copenhagen
                                                                    (Denmark) for eleven years working on the
                                                                    robustness of operating systems. She is now
                                                                    head of the Coccinelle project at Irill.

Inria — Annual Report 2011


                             Increasingly structured

CONTRIBUTORS                 Research structuring plans within computational
Antoine Petit,
Deputy Managing Director     sciences are continuing to bear fruit. At the same time,
Hélène Kirchner,
                             the numerous calls for proposals for the Future
Director of International    Investments Programme, which punctuated the year
                             2011, have allowed for the consolidation of
Olivier Festor,
Senior Research Scientist
                             partnership and technology transfer policies, which
at EIT ICT Labs              are a priority for the institute.
Thierry Priol,
former Senior Research
                             “Partnerships, whether in France or around the world, are es-
Scientist at EIT ICT Labs    sential if we are to be at the forefront in our fields of research and
                             known and recognised on the international stage, says Antoine
                             Petit, Deputy Managing Director of Inria.This view guides the
                             institute’s partnership policy on all levels.That is why, this year,
                             Inria signed a framework cooperation agreement with the French
                             National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). “This agreement
                             underlines the complementarity of our actions and our desire to
                             work together” explains Antoine Petit. “It also documents our
                             joint contribution to the establishment of site policies in the field
                             of digital sciences, in close cooperation with universities and
                             schools. Thus, holding an annual site committee meeting will
                             allow the two organisations, universities and schools to discuss
                             their priorities and establish a genuine coordinated policy.

                                 Investments that consolidate Inria’s policy
                             Within the framework of calls for proposals for the Future
                             Investments Programme (PIA), Inria has supported universities
                             and schools by becoming involved in 17 selected laboratories of
                             excellence (Labex) and three excellence initiatives (Idex). “This
                             programme has also provided the opportunity for the institute
                             to assert its presence within life and environmental sciences,      ”
                             explains Antoine Petit. For example, the institute is involved in
                             three of the six selected university hospital institutes, in a number
                             of bioinformatics projects and two institute of excellence projects

                                                                                          at the heart of Inria

Optimisation of semantic web
data storage, Leo team.

Marc Thiriet,
French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
researcher, Paris – Rocquencourt Research Centre
“Our action has two aspects:
research and dissemination“

“Tony Wen-Hann Sheu, from                     earned us a Franco-Taiwanese
National Taiwan University, spent             award, each receiving 19,000
nine months at the Jacques-Louis-             euros. This money allowed me to
Lions laboratory in Paris in 2001.            fund the summer school (Cermacs)
We had a mutual interest in the               at Luminy, and Tony Wen-Hann
biomechanics of respiratory and               Sheu organised a similar seminar
circulatory systems and began                 the following year in Taiwan. We
a collaboration, which has since              are currently looking to establish
extended to the Taida Institute               a twinning programme between
for Mathematical Sciences and                 our two laboratories in order,
the Taiwanese high-performance                in particular, to explore acupuncture

computing centre. We also devoted             remedies. We will be submitting
a great deal of energy to the                 an application as part of the
dissemination of knowledge,                   cooperation agreement concluded
by establishing student exchanges             between the National Science
for summer schools and by                     Council of Taiwan (NSC) and Inria,        of project-teams are joint
regularly holding conferences.                which will enable associate teams         teams with universities,
Our activities were supported both            to be formed between the two              grandes écoles and other
by France (Inria and Égide, the               countries. ”                              research organisations.
French Institute in Taiwan) and
Taiwan (the National Science
Council and representatives
in France). For 2007-2008, we
specifically benefited from a
“Hubert-Curien partnership” (PHC)
for the development of scientific
exchanges, funded by the French
Ministry of Foreign and European
Affairs with the support of the
French Ministry of Higher Education
and Research. This dual aspect
of research and dissemination

MarcThiriet is a member of the Reo project-team. In 2011, together with his colleague
TonyWen-Hann Sheu, from the University of Taipei, he received the Franco-
Taiwanese Scientific Foundation Award, created by the National Science Council of
Taiwan (NSC) and the French Academy of Sciences.This prize was awarded for their
work on physiological fluids, which they began together around ten years previously.

Inria — Annual Report 2011


o                        o      o                      o                  o                   o

Multi-resolution study
of tropical instability
waves in the Pacific Ocean,
collaboration between
the French National Centre
for Scientific Research (LPO),       relating to carbon-free energies (IEED). “The PIA has also allowed
Inria (Moise team) and              us to reinforce our role as a national player in the field of technol-
the IRD (Legos, Locean).
                                    ogy transfer and innovation. Inria is therefore an active member
                                    of two of the eight projects approved by the technology research
                                    institute (IRT) and a partner in two other projects. ”

                                        The first fruits of the major European alliance
                                    Created at the end of 2009, the European Knowledge and

                                    Innovation Community EIT ICT Labs (French involvement in
                                    which is coordinated by Inria) has witnessed research projects
                                    actually being established this year. “Inria is the 3rd largest con-
million euros of funding            tributor, participating in 47 activities, in terms of research, technol-
provided for ten years              ogy transfer and training, and the 2nd largest contributor in terms
by the Chilean government,          of budget, receiving 1.9 million euro in 2011, underlines Olivier
for the Ciric research and
innovation centre project.
                                    Festor, who succeeded Thierry Priol as the Senior Research
                                    Scientist for EIT ICT Labs in November. Inria teams are involved
                                    in two research action lines relating to the architecture of the
                                    Internet and cloud computing.
                                    They are also very much involved in ICT Labs thematic actions

                                    as well as in its technology transfer activities. “The action lines
                                    assemble interested partners around a given topic in order to
                                    identify avenues for research, prototyping or technology trans-
Inria teams involved in             fer, which are implemented under the aegis of activities, ex-      ”
associate teams with Chile.         plains Thierry Priol.These tools specifically allow shortcomings
                                    between research and technology transfer to be remedied by
                                    providing the means to progress further in terms of developing
                                    a technology. Consequently, for example, the Myriads project-
                                    team has been able to evaluate prototypes produced by the

people attended
the first Inria@Silicon
                                    European XtreemOS and Contrail projects on cloud infrastruc-
                                    ture software in order to facilitate technology transfers.

                                        Increasing involvement in South America…
                                    International news has heavily featured two major projects.The
Valley workshop.
                                    Ciric project (Communication and Information Research and
                                    Innovation Center) was selected at the end of 2011, in response to a

Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
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Inria - 2011 annual report
Inria - 2011 annual report
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Inria - 2019 activity report
Inria - Rapport d'activités 2019
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Inria - Rapport d'activités 2019
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Inria - 2011 annual report

  • 1. ANNUAL REPORT 2011 Education Medicine Information Transport Software Support Environment
  • 2. PAGE 57Research PAGE at the heart 1 of the debate The increasing importance of digital technology in everyday life, whether in a visible and tangible Digital technology or invisible and intangible at the heart manner, raises many PAGE of our lives 17 questions. As the printing press, the telephone and railways P. 58 We are all did in the past, digital stakeholders technology is massively in regulation changing our homes, our Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, businesses, our industries 2011, President of the French and our schools by at the heart National Committee for broadening the options of Inria Data Protection (CNIL). for communication, The research landscape is P. 61 Fertile disorder by automating certain constantly evolving. The Daniel Kaplan, CEO of the tasks in order to increase institute’s management Next Generation Internet productivity and by and researchers talk about Foundation (FING). inventing new ways of the past year. exchanging information. P. 64 Let researchers P.18 Key figures research! P.19 Strategy Henri Verdier, President From the point of view of the Cap Digital of Michel Cosnard, competitiveness cluster. Claude Kirchner and Hervé Mathieu. P.23 Assignments Research, partnerships, technology transfer and the spread of digital sciences. P.49 Coordination The challenges of modernisation, the eight research centres. • Pages bearing the mark opposite are interactive! Photograph the image using the Pixee application to access the content on line. Pixee is a free application, which is available on iPhone, Android and BlackBerry. • How does it work? Mobile phones are equipped with a built-in camera for taking photos... but not just photos. Mathematical formulae developed recently within Inria allow mobile phones to decipher the content of images like the human brain does. Thus, the phone compares the image captured with several thousand images to identify the closest one and to provide us with the information.
  • 3. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY AT THE HEART OF OUR LIVES… … Now and in the future Digital technology now forms a central part of our everyday lives. It can be found in the majority of objects and services that we use every day, including the Internet, computers, mobile phones, cameras, portable music players, televisions, game consoles and GPS receivers, but it is also hidden away, sometimes in a less visible manner, in vehicles, industrial tools, medical devices, decision support systems, etc. In the space of barely a few years, all these technologies have already profoundly changed our lives, to the point of becoming indispensable. They will continue to do so in the future, thanks to applications that are currently being developed. This is the route taken by researchers at Inria, a public research body, which is inventing the digital world of the future. 1
  • 4. Inria How should we handle this overdose? It is well known that too much information can be as useful as no information at all. The fact that we have access to knowledge does not necessarily mean we are fully benefiting from it. With the development of digital technologies and the democratisation of communication tools, we are now swamped with information of all kinds, which is becoming increasingly difficult to analyse, rank and store. Huge numbers of e-mails, tweets and other messages Information circulate everyday on networks and even the most minor request via a search engine returns dozens of web pages, all of which represent sources of information that need to be patiently explored. What are we supposed to do, given that our brains cannot absorb everything? Numerous Inria teams are carrying out research aiming to organise and clarify this ever-increasing mass of data, in order to make it usable and understandable for everyone.This is precisely the case of the Orpailleur project-team, which is developing smart tools for managing and extracting knowledge from databases, or of Aviz , which is working on new ways of visualising and summarising information while browsing through large masses of data, by focussing on contextualising it. 2
  • 5. Digital technology at the heart of our lives 3
  • 6. Inria The target is zero defects On 4th June 1996, Ariane 5 exploded in mid-air during its inaugural flight. The cause was a simple bug in one of the pieces of software managing Software the rocket’s autopilot. In fact, in computer sciences, the smallest design error can have disastrous human or economic consequences, above all when this involves a critical embedded program, like those within control aerospace, nuclear, medical or automotive systems. To prevent this kind of accident occurring, several Inria teams, specialising in algorithms and programming, have devoted themselves to the issue of software reliability by developing tools designed to track down faults in programs, from the design phase onwards.Thus, Abstraction has developed Astrée , a code analyser that is able to detect errors by performing automatic calculations. Gallium is seeking to improve the reliability of software thanks to Objective Caml , a high-level programming language, which is more reliable and expressive, and CompCert , a compiler that faithfully translates source code, without introducing any errors. Numerous ongoing projects, making use of powerful computing and mathematical concepts, have the same goal: to make software perfectly reliable, whether it is used for navigation, control, automation or communication. For the sake of all our safety! 4
  • 7. Digital technology at the heart of our lives 5
  • 8. Inria The Magrit team Virtual technology for surgeons Preparing for an operation using a computer simulation, or even performing an operation by superimposing additional information within the surgeon’s field of vision; these practices, which appear to come straight from a science fiction novel, could actually become commonplace in the near future.This is due in Medicine particular to augmented reality, a technique that allows the surgical field to be enhanced by adding information such as 3D models of organs or vessels, therefore enabling specialists to see beyond what is actually visible, in order to better guide their actions. The Shacra team is working on this topic within MIX-Surg, one of three university hospital institutes (IHU) with which Inria has formed a partnership, of the six selected as part of the Future Investments programme launched in 2010. As for the Magrit project-team, it is working on faithful digital representations of the vascular network and on simulations of organs. By combining imaging, simulation, modelling and even robotics (automating and improving the reliability of certain technical operations), these approaches should significantly improve minimally invasive surgery and help to advance medicine and patient comfort. 6
  • 9. Digital technology at the heart of our lives 7
  • 10. Inria The Wam team Progression towards smart cities More than half the world’s population now lives in an urban environment, and this trend is set to intensify over the course of this century. In order to adapt to this profound change and its social and environmental effects, cities need to revise their infrastructures and services by taking maximum advantage of the opportunities offered by digital systems and new technologies. Numerous smartphone applications are already showing the way by using Internet connections, for example, to allow you to find out, in real time, the location and arrival time of the bus you are waiting for, Urban or the address of a restaurant in planning an area you are unfamiliar with. Nevertheless, there is still a great deal to do to really make cities smart, in particular by providing residents with the means to sustain contextual information networks, which are of use to everyone. Inria is devising and preparing for this change.The Wam project-team has developed an augmented reality application allowing users to visit Grenoble with the benefit of additional visual and audio information on a smartphone. By using web geolocation data and wireless communication technologies, including wi-fi, 3G telephony and RFID tags on devices, a multitude of interactive services designed to assist disabled people, guide motorists and provide users with information, will soon be available in digital cities. 8
  • 11. Digital technology at the heart of our lives 9
  • 12. Inria 10
  • 13. Digital technology at the heart of our lives The Coprin team Digital home help By 2020, Europe will be home to almost 84 million people above the age of 75. With steadily increasing life expectancy and eroding family and social ties, increasing numbers of elderly people are finding themselves completely isolated, and not everyone is able to make use Support of home help services to assist them with their day-to-day activities. This is a problem also encountered by disabled people, who are forced to perform all kinds of “tricks” in order to carry out everyday tasks. What if solutions could be provided by digital technology and robotics? As part of the large-scale PAL initiative (Personally Assisted Living) , Inria has devoted nine teams, spread across its research centres, to developing solutions to improve the lives of dependent people.The Coprin project-team has therefore developed Marionet-Assist, an automated system allowing people with reduced mobility to get out of a chair or to get up after a fall (the most common accident). E-motion is exploring artificial systems with sufficiently advanced perception, decision- making and action capabilities to interact with humans, and Maia is working on stand-alone machines with artificial intelligence, allowing us to imagine, one day, genuine domestic robots that are able to help us in our daily lives. 11
  • 14. Inria The art of sharing electricity Everyone is now aware that energy is precious and that managing it is a major challenge for the 21st century, in both economic and ecological terms. Faced with the intrinsic limits of fossil resources, there is a need for new production and consumption patterns, favouring and exploiting renewable energies, including solar, hydraulic and wind power. Nowadays, private individuals and companies are Energy able to produce electricity and use it for their own needs or sell it on to a national operator, in order for it to be shared. However, in order for the system to work and develop, powerful digital tools are needed to manage this real-time distribution via smart grid type networks. Inria is working towards this goal by means of the Metis I-Lab , a joint structure bringing together the company Artelys and the Tao and Maxplus project-teams.Within this joint laboratory, researchers and industrial operators are pooling their resources and expertise to create a smart grid-based energy management system. Specialising in optimisation, statistics and decision support systems, Artelys uses the teams’ research into algorithms and modelling, in order to speed up the development of operational solutions to be offered to clients in France and around the world. 12
  • 15. Digital technology at the heart of our lives 13
  • 16. Indiscretions on the Internet On the net, everyone believes they are safely hidden behind a pseudonym. However, a study by the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), involving Inria researchers, reveals that the majority of Internet users have the same user names on the various web sites that they visit. With the development of social networks and e-commerce, it is relatively easy to connect these virtual identities in order to target, track and even identify users for Communi- commercial, political or criminal cation purposes. At a time when the Internet and digital communication are at the heart of society, the question of the security and confidentiality of personal data is crucial, in terms of both privacy and sound functioning of the economy. Around fifty Inria teams are currently working on this topic, which is a major challenge in this era of communication. Some of them, including Secsi and Caramel , are concentrating on protocols and encryption keys allowing the confidentiality of information exchanges to be guaranteed. Others, such as Planete , are examining security gaps in popular communication software and the anonymity of user names.The Secret project-team has been involved in the development of Shabal , an algorithm allowing the encryption standards for confidential data to be tested. These are so many avenues to explore, methods to invent and tools to be developed in order to make use of digital technology in a completely safe environment. 14
  • 17. Digital technology at the heart of our lives 15
  • 18. Digital technology, an engine of growth Digital technology lies at the heart A study by Coe-Rexecode, published of our society, in our homes, of course, in May 2011, estimates that the digital but also in our schools, companies economy was on average responsible and industries. As the printing press, (directly and indirectly) for 26% of the telephone and railways did in the growth in France between 1980 and past, digital technology is massively 2008, 32% in Germany and Japan and changing our economy by broadening 37% in the United States. This proves the options for communication, its importance and shows the potential by automating certain tasks in order for growth that is yet to be exploited to increase productivity and by inventing in France. new ways of exchanging information. Although digital technology still relies Inria is playing an active part in this on physical devices (processors, change with its research and technology computers, servers, networks, etc.), transfer projects, in particular by means it also gives a proper value to intangible of I-Labs, joint structures combining aspects, whether these are cultural teams of researchers and SMEs-SMIs assets (music, cinema, etc.), services within joint laboratories to work or intellectual creation. The same on industrial projects. applies to software tools. What’s more, digital technology is changing the economic landscape by significantly reducing the cost of innovation, as illustrated by the story of e-commerce platforms and social networks. 16
  • 19. 2011, AT THE HEART of Inria 17
  • 20. Inria — Annual Report 2011 STRATEGY Key figures • 83 % 7 start-up created. 179 project-teams (on 1st January 2012), 83% of which are joint teams with universities and other research institutions. 4,432 reference publications. 4,351 people who have contributed to Inria’s assignments, of which 106 68% are scientific personnel. • 68 % software applications submitted , 1282 to the APP (France’s software protection agency). PhD students within research teams. 23 66 initial patents filed. teams linked to foreign universities and laboratories. 304 theses produced. 18
  • 21. 2011, at the heart of Inria Interview “INCREASING THE IMPACT OF OUR RESEARCH IS VITAL” Interview “INRIA EST PRÊT ÀCosnard, Michel ABORDER LA DÉCENNIE Chairman and CEO QUI S’OUVRE” Michel Cosnard, Président-Directeur général 19
  • 22. Inria — Annual Report 2011 STRATEGY Interview On a European level, our global approach encompasses education, research, innovation and uses. In 2011, the institute established Engineering Schools (CDEFI) and our new sites in Bordeaux, Lille and Saclay, as institute – and the year in which numer- well as opening the PCRI in Saclay. How are ous future investments were initiated. you managing to go ahead with these The creation of Allistene provides proof developments against the background of a that digital sciences are a priority for our freeze on state funding? country, in the same way as health, en- Michel Cosnard • On the ergy, the environment and human and one hand, by means of an social sciences.This alliance has allowed increase in our own re- us to strengthen our partnerships and sources, largely associated to define the national priorities for dig- with the success of our ital science and technology in a con- teams in terms of calls for certed manner.The Future Investments projects, and on the other programme has also provided the op- hand, by means of improved efficiency in portunity to launch new partnership terms of their use, with the aim of achiev- activities, in particular in the fields of ing excellence in the field of management. health, the environment and human and Our first edition of the Inria awards also social sciences. Many of our research perfectly reflects these two aspects. teams are involved in laboratories of excellence (Labex) and excellence-in The French research landscape has equipment (Équipex) projects with local changed a great deal. How have these academic partners. As a national insti- changes affected the institute? tute, Inria has partnerships with three • M. C. In 2011 we saw the first full year university hospital institutes (Paris, of Allistene – a dedicated consultation Strasbourg and Bordeaux), and, as part structure for digital science and technol- of the digital economy programme and ogy, which brings together the French even technology research institutes Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), the (IRT), our partners are industrial opera- French National Centre for Scientific tors, major groups and SMEs. Research (CNRS), the Institut Mines- Télécom, the French Conference of European research has also been University Chancellors (CPU), the booming since the creation, in 2010, of EIT Conference of the Heads of French ICT Labs, for which Inria coordinates the research arm. Where do we stand now? Our aim is to achieve • M. C. EIT ICT Labs, one of the European excellence in the field Institute of Innovation andTechnology’s of management. (EIT) three knowledge and innovation communities devoted to digital sci- ences, is taking shape and looks very promising. It should allow a bridge to be built between research and industry by funding innovation, as far as actual 20
  • 23. 2011, at the heart of Inria technological development – including patent applications, software, start-up Claude Kirchner, companies and other technology trans- Executive Officer for Research and fer methods. Its two strengths are: joint Technology Transfer for Innovation programming (the 23 partners propose research topics and fund them with Eu- 2011 Inria Awards ropean support) and a new global ap- proach incorporating education, “The first emblematic research, innovation and uses, one of the embodiment variants of which could, for example, be training for new student profiles, both of our approach” scientists and entrepreneurs. “The purpose of the Inria Stéphane Donikian, the Do these developments influence Awards is to recognise creator of the spin-off and reward scientists who Golaem and its digital your research subjects? have made an outstanding human behaviour • M. C. Our research retains a certain con- contribution in the field simulators in 3D tinuity and is in keeping with the burgeon- of computer sciences and environments.The Award ing development of digital technologies. mathematics, or who have for Research and In this “world under construction”we are , made major contributions Innovation Support was particularly attentive to increasing the to technology transfer or won by Julien Wintz, innovation in these fields. a young engineer who impact of our research. We are increas- They also recognise has established and leads ingly interested in uses, an approach that engineers or technicians a scientific computing encompasses studying social networks, who have made a notable platform allowing – whether this is for privacy protection or contribution in terms of researchers to test their the right to oblivion – the Internet of ob- support or backing for software in their fields research. In 2011, the of application. Finally, jects, human-machine interaction and the Research Support Grand Prize was awarded home help, as well as issues relating to to Gérard Huet, a pioneer Department Award sustainable development. from the French school of recognised the This is why we are in close contact with computer science, whose outstanding teamwork major economic and social players in work has been crucial in that contributed to the digital world. We have also asked terms of guaranteeing the certification of the quality of software.The institute’s accounts, three of them to contribute on the fol- Young Researcher Award the first stage in the lowing pages. highlighted the talent of process of simplifying Bruno Lévy, a geometry and harmonising enthusiast who is practices within Inria.” radically changing 3D representation for both computer game graphics and computer simulation images.The Inria-Dassault Systèmes Award for Innovation recognised 21
  • 24. Inria — Annual Report 2011 STRATEGY Retrospective “Permanence in terms of strategy and renewed ambitions” “Initial observation: the of research teams. All these appropriateness of the aspects are summed up fundamental principles, perfectly by the motto for around which the institute the institute’s first strategic was built, as set down by plan, in 1994: scientific the first chairman of Inria, excellence and technology Jacques-Louis Lions, in transfer. 1979. More than forty years later, they are still relevant, Second observation: the whether this lies in the ambitious plan to double combination of computer Inria’s activities and resources science and mathematics, (staff and budgets) in ten the importance of years, driven by Bernard technology transfer to Larrouturou (Chairman from industry, the structure 1996 to 2003), with the aim of research in small and of taking the institute to the highest global level, Hervé Mathieu, responsive project-teams, Executive Officer for Resources education/training by formalised by the agreement welcoming PhD students concluded with the and Service Administration and young engineers or government in 2000, has until March 2012 international openness. been an undeniable success. Over the course of the years Proof of this is provided by and successive chairmen, the international Visiting this has been demonstrated Committee, which, having with universities, schools by the creation of start-up, evaluated the institute at and businesses. Yet, there involvement in various the end of 2008, rated it as is still a great deal to be European programmes and the European leader and done for computer science the establishment of lasting one of the world’s best to be recognised not only partnerships, such as the research organisations in as a tool but also as Ercim organisation, its field. Another telling a science in its own right. ” involvement in W3C since indicator is the large number the inception of the web, of grants that our researchers numerous subcontracting obtain from the European activities, strong international Research Council (ERC). relationships and even While maintaining this the stringent assessment strategy, our aim is to further open up our research to industry and society, on the one hand, by incorporating social and environmental issues into our research, as we have done in the past for telecoms and life sciences, and on the other hand, by playing the role of a catalyst for research and a facilitator of projects, in order to support strong partnerships 22
  • 26. Inria — Annual Report 2011 ASSIGNMENTS … from the point of view of our researchers have already been envisaged, in particular in the environmental field: for example, detecting forest On completion of her engineering fires using temperature studies at the Insa in Lyon, sensors, monitoring air where she specialised in or water pollution and even networks and telecommunications, studying the behaviour of Nathalie Mitton joined groups of animals by fitting the Pops project-team. them with sensors. What As an Inria Research Scientist, I like about Inria is its she now leads the brand new openness: dialogue with Fun team, which is examining other regional research heterogeneous networks of centres, relationships with communicating objects. numerous researchers around the world and close “Having been attracted to contacts with industry. We science since my childhood, have concluded an external I studied as an engineer research agreement (CRE) at the Insa in Lyon. with FranceTélécom, and As I had chosen to created the EtiPops I-Lab specialise in networks with the local SME Etineo. and telecommunications, This joint structure, within I continued with a thesis which we are working on on wireless networks within geolocation, has a number the framework of CITI, an of advantages: it allows us Insa laboratory which was to pool our resources, define working in partnership with our research with a 3-year Inria.This research really road map and set ourselves fascinated me and I wanted industrial goals, with the to continue within Inria. creation of products, which In 2006, I joined the Pops is a way of giving our project-team, where research a highly visible I gradually took on form. ” responsibilities, before Nathalie Mitton, setting up the Fun team, which will extend its work Fun Team Leader, on future ubiquitous Lille – Nord Europe Research Centre networks from 2012 onwards. We are actually aiming to develop and “Working with unify networks of RFID tags, sensors and robotic companies on actuators, which are battery-operated and industrial projects” communicate wirelessly using radio waves. Numerous applications 24
  • 27. 2011, at the heart of Inria Rémi Gribonval, François-Xavier Le Dimet, Inria Senior Research Scientist, Professor Emeritus at Joseph-Fourier University, Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique Research Centre Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes Research Centre “My research combines “Inria has trusted me my two favourite to continue my research” subjects: music and mathematics” “It was my love of mathematics that drew me to ENS, and my love of music that led me to choose a master’s degree combining the two. I continued in the same vein by writing a thesis on sound processing with the IRCAM and the École Polytechnique. I subsequently left to take up a post-doctoral position at the University of South Carolina in the United States, where I studied the theoretical aspects of the algorithms I was using in greater depth. Since I was invited to join the Metiss team in 2001, I have been exploring the notion of parsimony, which specifically allows audio signals to be represented and processed with very François-Xavier Le Dimet is conducting few parameters.The resulting techniques allow his research within the Moise project-team, audio data to be compressed, voices to be isolated which has taken over the Idopt project, and instruments to be separated within a recording, for which he was responsible. He also teaches for instance. However, my research goes far beyond at Florida State University and has just been just sound, with applications for medical imaging, appointed a fellow of the American biology, astronomy and, even more broadly, Meteorological Society. machine learning. Some of these have already been examined within the framework of Small “The life of a researcher majority of weather centres and Échange, two projects that I coordinated, one is made up of encounters. around the world, thereby a European project and the other for the ANR I owe a great deal to helping to improve their (the French National Research Agency).These are Jacques-Louis Lions, the forecasts. At present, I am just some of the many avenues to be explored Chairman of Inria at the continuing to develop it with the team, which I will soon be leading. ” beginning of the 1980s. within the Moise team, I attended his classes for by specifically attempting my post-graduate diploma to make use of the dynamic A graduate of the École normale supérieure, in numerical analysis and information provided by Rémi Gribonval is currently working on the concept he has always actively and satellite images. However, of parsimony in signal processing within the wholeheartedly supported the question of a link between Metiss project-team. In 2011, he was awarded the me in my research.This data gathered by observation Blaise Pascal prize by the Académie des Sciences (French Academy of Sciences) for his work. human dimension has been and mathematical models He received an ERC (European Research Council) vitally important, as have representing complex grant for his Please project. the discussions I have had phenomena clearly has with other scientists on my implications for areas other travels to the United States, than climate, such as Russia, China, etc. Jacques- oceanography, hydrology, Louis Lions’ optimal control biology and even petroleum theory also formed the basis research. ” for my concept of a data assimilation method, which was of interest to meteorologists. Initially, this approach was faced with the limited computational capacities of computers at the time, but it has since been adopted by the 25
  • 28. Inria — Annual Report 2011 ASSIGNMENTS … from the point of view of our researchers Michel Banâtre, Inria Senior Research Scientist, Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique Research Centre “Carrying out original research in direct contact with the world of business“ Michel Banâtre has conducted a real environment, or even, numerous projects with where possible and relevant, the LSP , Solidor and Aces for industrial use. Obviously, teams, focussing his research we shouldn’t hesitate on distributed systems, fault to immerse ourselves in our tolerant architectures and chosen areas of application ambient computing. Guided by and not ignore issues the constant goal of technology transfer, he is behind the filing surrounding industrial of twenty or so patents, the protection rights, including establishment of numerous patents and prototyping. large-scale collaborations with This is what has guided my industrial partners and the entire career as a researcher, creation of two start-up. and what still drives me. My first experience in this area logistics, with all its “I took my first steps in dates back to 1979-1985, potential applications in research as an engineer at with the Enchère system, sectors as varied as luxury the University of Rennes 1, a perfect example of my goods and medical items. where I studied for my approach. My aim was My approach is not opposed entire degree in the field to apply the principle of to more academic research. of computer science, which distributed systems, which In my opinion, it should go had just been born, at the I had been studying as part without saying when the beginning of the 1970s, of my doctoral thesis, to concepts or tools proposed before becoming a senior auctions held by fruit and by researchers could form research scientist for Inria, vegetable producers in my part of industrial solutions, in 1986. I like research that native Brittany. Undertaken or even be the products is off the beaten track, in close cooperation with of the future.” research that allows the local cooperatives, this systems and services project formed the subject of the future to be shaped. of a technology transfer However, I am still convinced with an SME based in of the need for technology Rennes, but did not result transfer as a means to in it being marketed. This validate the results of was where I really began research. For many to understand the difficulty researchers, the promotion of turning a great idea into of a scientific idea often a commercial solution, but ends with a list of the I persevered with Bull, Texas publications it may have Instruments and Alcatel- generated. For my part, Lucent in the field of I want to see it tested in architectures and systems. Similarly, my research on ambient computing has formed the subject of a technology transfer to the JCDecaux Group. More recently, my work on paired physical objects has allowed me to tackle the issue of reliable traceability within 26
  • 29. 2011, at the heart of Inria Catherine Bonnet, Martin Hachet, Disco Team Leader, Potioc Team Leader, Saclay – île-de-France Research Centre Bordeaux – Sud-Ouest Research Centre “Exchanging ideas with “Making interactive 3D others opens our minds“ technologies accessible As an Inria researcher and leader of the Disco team, which in complex environments, to everyone“ we are working on acute comprises around fifteen myeloid leukaemia, a members, Catherine Bonnet specific form of this cancer. is working on the analysis We are working in and control of interconnected partnership with a doctor systems in complex environments. Being extremely from the Saint-Antoine committed to scientific hospital and his team of mediation, she is also a member biologists, who are helping of the board of the ’Femmes et us to test and refine the mathématiques’ association. models we are developing. Within the institute, I also “After completing my like being in close contact secondary education, with all kinds of scientists, I studied mathematics, on trips, at conferences or because I liked it, without on the premises of Supélec, any idea of where it would where we are based, as we take me. I continued with a know that exchanging ideas thesis on the modelling of opens our minds and helicopter rotor blades for sustains us. I also take part Aérospatiale. When I arrived in outreach activities for at Inria in 1994, I worked on mathematics and research, From the University of Bordeaux, an engine control issue for by explaining to young girls Martin Hachet joined the institute to take Renault. This experience that these fields are not part in the Iparla project. As an Inria helped me to understand incompatible with life as research scientist, he is currently the challenges of theoretical a woman, and that they leading the brand new Potioc team, research and exact are not forced to cut which is developing interactive 3D methods, which allow themselves off from the technologies for use by the general public. generic models and tools outside world, as is still for resolving specific too often the perception. ” “Initially attracted to the audiovisual sector, problems to be developed. I began studying computer science rather by Since then, I always think of chance. I rapidly recognised the creative potential potential applications even of this science: you start from scratch and shape when my research appears everything! During the course of my thesis very abstract. Therefore, as on virtual reality, I produced a device allowing part of Disco , which relates manual actions to be performed using 3D objects to the analysis and control displayed on a large screen. However, the of interconnected systems solutions available at that time, mainly developed for the automotive and aeronautical industries, required complex and expensive devices. What is driving my current research is precisely the desire to make these tools accessible to as many people as possible, in order for everyone to be able to use them intuitively. I have been working along these lines within the Iparla project, where we have made use of the touch-screen interfaces of tablets and smartphones to redefine human-computer relations within mobility situations. I am hoping to go further with Potioc , by exploring new ways of manipulating 3D images while placing greater emphasis on the pleasure of use, in particular in the fields of art, culture, education and even personal assistance. ” 27
  • 30. Inria — Annual Report 2011 ASSIGNMENTS Research New scientific and social challenges CONTRIBUTORS The institute has identified and is responding Pascal Guitton, Senior Research Scientist to new scientific and social challenges. Furthering Stéphane Ubeda, knowledge and developing technological expertise Director of Technological and its effects is crucial for the research community Development and industrial operators. Jean Roman, Deputy Scientific Director with responsibility for Applied Digital systems, which have permeated all aspects of our pro- Mathematics, Computing fessional and private lives, are at the heart of our modern and Simulation society. “We are working on numerous aspects associated Roberto Di Cosmo, with this revolution, which is frequently only perceived by Director of Irill users, recalls Pascal Guitton, “but our role is also to produce ” breakthrough research, which tackles new challenges that are Jean-Pierre Banâtre, often hard to identify on the face of it.  We specifically exam- ” Director of European Partnerships ine these new subjects with Heads of Science and Deputy Scientific Directors, by setting up meetings between research- ers on shared topics, for example. Generating new research topics “In 2011, we organised three national seminars on cross- disciplinary topics, he adds. Researchers swap ideas and work together for several days. New connections and even, occa- sionally, new multidisciplinary projects emerge.  Thus, fifteen ” or so people met to discuss their work on brain-computer interfaces; devices that allow computers or machines to be controlled on the basis of measurements of the brain’s electri- cal activity. Although it is still at the early exploratory stage, this research will, one day, allow severely disabled people to access part of the digital world (games, virtual museums, etc.). In addition, Inria has independently organised days designed to present the results of various joint scientific actions.These talks have generally only been attended by a small number of researchers.To increase their visibility, scientific workshops covering all incentive actions were organised for the first time 28
  • 31. 2011, at the heart of Inria Algorithmic geometry: quadrics intersection, Vegas team. Christine Guillemot, Inria Senior Research Scientist, Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique Research Centre “Standardising is a way of promoting our experience“ For the majority of audiovisual alongside them. This is extremely and multimedia applications, time-consuming, but, nevertheless, as for telecommunications, strategic.This ensures direct contact standardisation is essential to with the technological challenges guarantee interoperability between of the moment and, in the event of equipment developed by industrial a successful outcome, it guarantees operators. As soon as a new that our results have a marked technology emerges, like 3D impact within applications. The ” television did recently, a group standardisation process generally of industrial operators takes the lasts a number of years, during 42 initiative (in this case MPEG, which the algorithm is improved. Motion Picture Experts Group) This entails comprehensive testing. to develop standards. “As part “For these aspects of software of our research into compression development, we benefit from and image transmission three years funding for an engineer standardisation algorithms, standardisation via a technology development assignments were is a natural and important step action. This allows us to finalise undertaken in 2011, in promoting our results, our algorithms and to improve in particular with bodies even though publication our chances, even though success including the IET F, ISO, remains an essential means may not always be forthcoming. ” W3C, ETSI and OGF. of making our work and progress known to the scientific community. Nevertheless, ” given what is at stake economically, it is mainly industrial operators who submit solutions to standardisation bodies such as the ISO. Researchers generally work upstream, transferring their technology to an industrial operator who files patents and protects the solution. “We occasionally need to contribute Christine Guillemot is leader of the Temics project-team, which has become Sirocco . With four researchers, two engineers and 11 PhD students and post-doctoral researchers, she is working on 2D and 3D image and video sequence processing including, specifically, on aspects relating to the compression and communication of content. 29
  • 32. Inria — Annual Report 2011 ASSIGNMENTS Research On the left: Social robotics, in November 2011. “These joint research presentations, which prototype robots in the form are often packed with information, have therefore been ben- of lamps designed to interact eficial to around a hundred researchers from all the research with humans in their daily centres, explains Pascal Guitton. “Forty or so subjects, ” environment, Flowers team. grouped into seven topics, have been discussed. These meet- ” On the right: An immersive ings will continue in 2012. and interactive video wall (CadWall) from Inria Sophia Supporting large-scale projects Antipolis – Méditerranée. To encourage synergy between teams and promote multi- disciplinary research, the institute is supporting large-scale initiatives; these are four-year projects, which bring together several project-teams that complement each other to tackle a complex challenge.The aim is for this research to have a sig- nificant impact – including outside Inria – whether the result is finalised software, a tried and tested approach or a major 7 theoretical breakthrough. In this way, the large-scale PAL (Personally Assisted Living) initiative is enabling nine project- teams (Grenoble, Sophia Antipolis, Nancy and Rennes) to jointly design and test personal home assistance technologies active large-scale initiatives in 2011. (for elderly, disabled or injured individuals). “What makes the system original is the ability to combine the acquisition of data, indicating a fall, for example, with a re- sponse by autonomous robotic systems, explains Stéphane ” Ubeda, “all at an affordable cost. We have fitted two apartments 19 (in Nancy and Grenoble) with non-intrusive sensors and con- ducted initial automated experiments, as well as protocols, with around thirty patients. Academics and industrial opera- ” active collaborative tors have also been able to share these experiences.To increase research actions (ARC) the impact of this research, the institute has decided to broad- in 2011. ly strengthen its support for large-scale initiatives in 2012. Promoting technological development Software development forms part of the daily lives of every Inria team, within the framework of European or French National Research Agency (ANR) projects or, quite simply, 30
  • 33. 2011, at the heart of Inria Anne Canteaut, Inria Senior Research Scientist, Paris – Rocquencourt Research Centre “We are evaluating the security of cryptographic algorithms“ It’s a strange game that cryptography researchers play: on the one hand, they invent algorithms for authenticating confidential files, and on the other, they launch attacks on competing algorithms to expose their flaws. This is precisely how, in 2004, the dozen “hash” standards – key functions that create a sort of file fingerprint – were found to have when illustrating or explaining a research task. Inria has flaws. The American NIST (National created a dedicated organisation to ensure that all the teams Institute of Standards andTechnology) are able to develop high quality code or put hardware launched a competition to define a new and more robust standard platforms in place (such as the wheelchairs or hinged arms by the end of 2012. “Having reached developed within PAL). the semi-finals with our algorithm Engineers from the Experimentation and Development known as Shabal, we have been Departments (SED) within each Inria research centre – all evaluating the security of the five scientists and the majority of them with a PhD – and the fifty finalists that are still in the running, or so young contracted engineers who assist them every since 2009. Seeking and examining new attacks also gives us new ideas year provide the researchers with support. for functions. For example, knowing Within the framework of technology development actions that the high level of polynomials (ADT), the engineers join research teams for at least two for hashing is one of the relevant years. These ADTs, launched via internal calls for projects, security criteria, we developed are expanding with between 30 and 50 new ones every year. a brand new mathematical tool for evaluating it correctly. This resulted in the Japanese Luffa Increasing fruitful collaborations algorithm being eliminated from The Mobsim ADT, for example, is bringing together three the finalists. It has become the ” engineers as part of the development of the NS3 radio net- basis for more general theoretical work simulator which, promoted by Inria, is in the process work. “In order to successfully of becoming the worldwide standard. quantify the security of hashing functions, we have developed Within the framework of the excellence-in-equipment (Équipex) new techniques, which precisely FIT (Future Internet ofThings) project, which was launched in evaluate the quality of the algorithm’s 2011, web-based communication by networks of several hun- construction and the impact dred physical measurement sensors installed on five sites of imperfections. ” (Grenoble, Lyon, Rennes, Lille and Paris) is tested, thanks to technologies developed by around a dozen engineers. This equipment is made available to all French researchers. Anne Canteaut has been the Secret Finally, as part of the Sofa research platform, which brought project- team leader since 2008. Within her team, with three permanent together five project-teams to work on a realistic simulation researchers and around ten PhD students of organs, in 2011, four engineers completed the development and post-doctoral researchers, she takes of a real-time medical simulation software suite (Mix-Surg), an interest in the protection of information, which will be used in the future university hospital institute in particular in the security of cryptographic algorithms. In 2012, she will chair the (IHU) in Strasbourg. programme committee for the domain’s This therefore means that development is able to break international conference: Fast Software through barriers: “Engineers from Inria and the Fraunhofer Encryption (FSE) in Washington. 31
  • 34. Inria — Annual Report 2011 ASSIGNMENTS Research On the left: ANG, Institute in Darmstadt (Germany) will take three to four years an experimental smart to create a fully interoperable generic environment for walking frame, Coprin team. controlling virtual or augmented reality systems, which are applicable to all domains, with the focus on remote learning On the right: wifibot all-terrain guided robots, Pops team. for surgical operations and remote industrial maintenance, ” explains Stéphane Ubeda. Creating experimental platforms Dedicated to scientific experimentation for the evaluation of algorithms, for example, experimental platforms, generally developed with territorial partners, are managed by research- ers and, mainly, by development engineers. They are open to scientists and companies in a wide variety of research and 400 application fields. “Num3sis in Sophia Antipolis is a modular architecture devoted to scientific computation and digital simulation“ , explains Jean Roman. “It allows software to be rapidly inte- development engineers. grated, complex simulations to be run and results to be viewed. Thanks to the work undertaken by the SED, it can potentially be adapted for all applications, including medical imaging and fluid dynamics. ” Jean Roman also refers to the PlaFRIM (Bordeaux), a fed- erative high-performance computing platform for research in computer science and mathematics. Operational since May 2010, it allows algorithms and scientific computation codes to be tested before being deployed by large national computing centres. 32
  • 35. 2011, at the heart of Inria ©GeoEye ©ASI On the left: Data visualisation using Graphdice software, Aviz team. On the right: Automatic satellite image classification (©GeoEye and ASI), Ayin/Ariana team. The European Research Council recognises the visionary aspect of Inria x2 For the fourth year in succession, new call for projects. “Seven this European funding programme researchers from our teams won (the European Research Council, ERC awards in 2011: Xavier Rival, more widely known by its English Rémi Gribonval, Erwan Faou and acronym the ERC) is rewarding Andreas Enge in the young Inria’s workforce has researchers with particularly researchers’ category, and doubled in ten years. ambitious and visionary ideas. The Marie-Paule Cani (INP Grenoble), first ever prize winners from 2007 , Nicholas Ayache and Dale Miller will submit their final results in in the experienced researchers 2012. “Inria has had winners every category. What is needed for ” 10 time, which is rare, both for young this funding is to be individual. researchers (for which funding can Selection takes account of the be up to 1.5 million euros) and for candidate’s potential and the experienced researchers (up to excellence of his/her career as well 2.5 million euros). The 23 winners as the quality of his/her project, to 15 Inria candidates within Inria project-teams – 18 for the originality of his/her approach apply for each ERC awards computer science research and and the anticipated impact. The programme. 5 for applied mathematics – benefit ERC has already awarded more from exceptional conditions, says ” than 2,200 grants across all Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Director of disciplines. In the field of computer European Partnerships. In concrete science, Inria is the European terms, thanks to these unusual establishment which is home to financial resources, they create or the largest number of winners. strengthen their team and devote The ERC’s ambitious and globally 75 to 80 % of their time to their unique funding programme project, with a great deal of (7 billion euro over five years) will freedom. This is every researcher’s be repeated and even expanded dream, which is why there is an for the period between 2013 and increasing interest in the ERC, 2020. This funding has now even though the selection process become coveted and candidates is rigorous (the success rate is from all around the world apply 10 to 15 %). There are now between to conduct research in Europe. 10 and 15 Inria candidates for each 33
  • 36. Inria — Annual Report 2011 ASSIGNMENTS Research On the left: Scan of white human brain matter (coronal image), Asclepios team. On the right: Molecular manipulation via a multi- touch screen, Mint team. Irill or free software as a research topic 6% market share for free software and related The Initiative for Research and Innovation in Free Software (Irill) was launched in October 2010 by Inria, Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University and Paris-Diderot University. The research centre welcomes researchers services in France (2.5 billion euros on a who are interested in new problems posed by the national market for software and services development of free software, who are prepared to worth 40 billion euro). create tools to resolve them and to promote them with developers. This is a particularly innovative scheme in terms of both shape and substance. x2 The quantity of free software has almost “Nowadays, almost all software users make use of free soft- ware, claims Roberto Di Cosmo, Director of Irill. This means ” that this movement, which began in the 1980s, has expanded. “We cannot support the idea that all software should be free, but this will become the rule for technical reasons: there needs doubled every two years within Debian distribution to be access to all the source code in order to create and de- (used by Ubuntu). velop increasingly complex computer systems, which are subject to increasingly stringent quality requirements. ” Therefore, the monitoring, management and communication tools used by developers of free software need to evolve: the size of these “technical objects” is growing as the amount of software rises and the communities developing them expand. Irill’s primary mission is to become a globally unique centre of expertise, attracting researchers who are able to identify the issues of these growing code bases and to finalise solu- tions and tools permitting this collaborative development. “These kinds of candidates are still fairly rare. In the world of computer science, researchers who publish articles and source code developers rarely speak to each other. Our aim is to con- nect these communities with each other and with industrial operators, in particular the SMEs who use free software. ” 34
  • 37. 2011, at the heart of Inria Julia Lawall, Inria Senior Research Scientist, Paris – Rocquencourt Research Centre “It provides the opportunity to interact closely with this community“ Julia Lawall is a quiet campaigner for free software. Nevertheless, her research has already helped radically change practices within the Linux community, with its Free software disrupts the lines… of code free operating system developed The efforts of Irill, which is home to around twenty people, in 1991 now being one of the most are starting to bear fruit. Fifteen or so meetings were organised reliable and widely used. She in 2011 to bring dozens of developers from different commu- became interested in free software nities together (GNU, Debian, LibreOffice suite) for several somewhat by chance, in 2005, days and to foster contacts. when studying the problems of switching from one version of Linux “We don’t offer any permanent posts, but welcome research- to another, with Gilles Muller, at ers working for our partners. Our goal is to support projects the time at the École des Mines that bring together researchers who share our view, to make in Nantes (now at the Inria Paris – them more visible and allow them to benefit from our dy- Rocquencourt Research Centre). namic approach for a few years.They will subsequently make They identified a key issue for which they developed a language room for other researchers and projects and remain in contact, that was able to identify building a large community. At present, Irill is hosting three ” conversions from millions of lines flagship research projects, all designed to improve the qual- of Linux code, to specify them and ity of code, programmed in OCaml language developed by even to search for errors, a unique Inria: the Coccinelle project, involving the development of generic tool. This was a fantastic gift Linux kernel code, headed by Julia Lawall, the Mancoosi for Linux, incorporated into the kernel of the system in 2010 project examining the quality of free software distribution, and now used by the majority with, specifically, Stefano Zacchiroli, the leader of the Debian of developers. “Working in the field project and the Ocsigen project, investigating a new way of of free software, which is outstanding programming rich web applications. in terms of quality and functions, Irill’s second mission is to help modernise education in order provides a fantastic opportunity to to prepare computer science students for these new forms of interact directly with the developers and to discover new issues for collaborative working, from both a technical and human point research. It also guarantees that of view.The working environment can actually be confusing, our work will have a direct impact. ” with discussions between contributors occasionally being Although Julia Lawall is a special animated. “We began by getting computer science research- case within the Linux community, lecturers together to swap experiences and best practice. having joined Irill in order to continue with her project, she is Ultimately, this could give rise to a shared model for courses, now surrounded by scientists or even masters degrees specialising in free software. ” engaged in similar research. Its third mission is technology transfer and development. “This is what will take the longest, acknowledges Roberto Di ” Cosmo. For forty years, the software business has been based Following a degree in mathematics and on the sale of licences, a model that is now reaching its limits, computer sciences in Ohio (United States), including for music and video.There is now a need to promote a PhD thesis at the University of Indiana on programming languages, followed by the adaptation of software, its qualification and certification, post-doctoral research into the optimisation training and other related services – all emerging fields that of programs at Inria’s Rennes – Bretagne require new skills. Atlantique Research Centre, Julia Lawall has been a lecturer at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) for eleven years working on the robustness of operating systems. She is now head of the Coccinelle project at Irill. 35
  • 38. Inria — Annual Report 2011 ASSIGNMENTS Partnerships Increasingly structured partnerships CONTRIBUTORS Research structuring plans within computational Antoine Petit, Deputy Managing Director sciences are continuing to bear fruit. At the same time, Hélène Kirchner, the numerous calls for proposals for the Future Director of International Investments Programme, which punctuated the year Relations 2011, have allowed for the consolidation of Olivier Festor, Senior Research Scientist partnership and technology transfer policies, which at EIT ICT Labs are a priority for the institute. Thierry Priol, former Senior Research “Partnerships, whether in France or around the world, are es- Scientist at EIT ICT Labs sential if we are to be at the forefront in our fields of research and known and recognised on the international stage, says Antoine ” Petit, Deputy Managing Director of Inria.This view guides the institute’s partnership policy on all levels.That is why, this year, Inria signed a framework cooperation agreement with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). “This agreement underlines the complementarity of our actions and our desire to work together” explains Antoine Petit. “It also documents our joint contribution to the establishment of site policies in the field of digital sciences, in close cooperation with universities and schools. Thus, holding an annual site committee meeting will ” allow the two organisations, universities and schools to discuss their priorities and establish a genuine coordinated policy. Investments that consolidate Inria’s policy Within the framework of calls for proposals for the Future Investments Programme (PIA), Inria has supported universities and schools by becoming involved in 17 selected laboratories of excellence (Labex) and three excellence initiatives (Idex). “This programme has also provided the opportunity for the institute to assert its presence within life and environmental sciences, ” explains Antoine Petit. For example, the institute is involved in three of the six selected university hospital institutes, in a number of bioinformatics projects and two institute of excellence projects 36
  • 39. 2011, at the heart of Inria Optimisation of semantic web data storage, Leo team. Marc Thiriet, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) researcher, Paris – Rocquencourt Research Centre “Our action has two aspects: research and dissemination“ “Tony Wen-Hann Sheu, from earned us a Franco-Taiwanese National Taiwan University, spent award, each receiving 19,000 nine months at the Jacques-Louis- euros. This money allowed me to Lions laboratory in Paris in 2001. fund the summer school (Cermacs) We had a mutual interest in the at Luminy, and Tony Wen-Hann biomechanics of respiratory and Sheu organised a similar seminar circulatory systems and began the following year in Taiwan. We a collaboration, which has since are currently looking to establish extended to the Taida Institute a twinning programme between for Mathematical Sciences and our two laboratories in order, the Taiwanese high-performance in particular, to explore acupuncture 83% computing centre. We also devoted remedies. We will be submitting a great deal of energy to the an application as part of the dissemination of knowledge, cooperation agreement concluded by establishing student exchanges between the National Science for summer schools and by Council of Taiwan (NSC) and Inria, of project-teams are joint regularly holding conferences. which will enable associate teams teams with universities, Our activities were supported both to be formed between the two grandes écoles and other by France (Inria and Égide, the countries. ” research organisations. French Institute in Taiwan) and Taiwan (the National Science Council and representatives in France). For 2007-2008, we specifically benefited from a “Hubert-Curien partnership” (PHC) for the development of scientific exchanges, funded by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs with the support of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. This dual aspect of research and dissemination MarcThiriet is a member of the Reo project-team. In 2011, together with his colleague TonyWen-Hann Sheu, from the University of Taipei, he received the Franco- Taiwanese Scientific Foundation Award, created by the National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC) and the French Academy of Sciences.This prize was awarded for their work on physiological fluids, which they began together around ten years previously. 37
  • 40. Inria — Annual Report 2011 ASSIGNMENTS Partnerships o o o o o o Multi-resolution study of tropical instability waves in the Pacific Ocean, collaboration between the French National Centre for Scientific Research (LPO), relating to carbon-free energies (IEED). “The PIA has also allowed Inria (Moise team) and us to reinforce our role as a national player in the field of technol- the IRD (Legos, Locean). ogy transfer and innovation. Inria is therefore an active member of two of the eight projects approved by the technology research institute (IRT) and a partner in two other projects. ” The first fruits of the major European alliance Created at the end of 2009, the European Knowledge and 11 Innovation Community EIT ICT Labs (French involvement in which is coordinated by Inria) has witnessed research projects actually being established this year. “Inria is the 3rd largest con- million euros of funding tributor, participating in 47 activities, in terms of research, technol- provided for ten years ogy transfer and training, and the 2nd largest contributor in terms by the Chilean government, of budget, receiving 1.9 million euro in 2011, underlines Olivier ” for the Ciric research and innovation centre project. Festor, who succeeded Thierry Priol as the Senior Research Scientist for EIT ICT Labs in November. Inria teams are involved in two research action lines relating to the architecture of the Internet and cloud computing. They are also very much involved in ICT Labs thematic actions 11 as well as in its technology transfer activities. “The action lines assemble interested partners around a given topic in order to identify avenues for research, prototyping or technology trans- Inria teams involved in fer, which are implemented under the aegis of activities, ex- ” associate teams with Chile. plains Thierry Priol.These tools specifically allow shortcomings between research and technology transfer to be remedied by providing the means to progress further in terms of developing a technology. Consequently, for example, the Myriads project- team has been able to evaluate prototypes produced by the 100 people attended the first Inria@Silicon European XtreemOS and Contrail projects on cloud infrastruc- ture software in order to facilitate technology transfers. Increasing involvement in South America… International news has heavily featured two major projects.The Valley workshop. Ciric project (Communication and Information Research and Innovation Center) was selected at the end of 2011, in response to a 38