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 After a brief chat with The Beatles, X asked
  John, Paul, Ringo, George, and Brian Epstein if they
  wanted to smoke a joint. Epstein looked apprehensive
  and said that the band hadn‟t tried marijuana for years. X
  was immediately surprised because he had been under
  the impression that they smoked weed because of the
  song I Want to Hold Your Hand. He mistook the lyrics “I
  can‟t hide” with “I get high.” The Beatles were never one
  to back down from a new experience and agreed. Lennon
  took the joint and passed it to Ringo whom he called his
  “royal taster.” Ringo smoked the entire thing, not
  knowing the tradition of sharing the joint between people.
  In response, X rolled a joint for each of The Beatles and
  they smoked.
Bob Dylan
 In 2220 A.D. mankind has conquered the solar system and is
  reaching out into space. Earth is ruled by a World
  Government, with headquarters in Delhi. Space stations have been
  established on many planets of the Solar System. One of these
  stations is a high security prison on Io, a moon of Jupiter. Here, the
  twelve most dangerous criminals are held up in suspended
  animation. Each one of them is an expert in their field. When a
  meteorite strike hits the base, destroying its security system, these
  criminals break free and escape. The Earth Government assigns its
  top law enforcer, X, the mission to arrest these fugitives. X is the
  son of one of the Earth's top scientists and the grandson of the ruler
  of the Parajeevs from the thirteenth dimension, a race of beings ten
  million years ahead of us in civilization. He was brought up in a
  monastery in Ladakh, and he has yogic powers of concentration.
  Apart from Y, who portrayed X in the series, Rahul Bose, Parizad
  Zorabian and Tom Alter and Z portrayed other significant
Captain Vyom
     X is Captain Vyom
     Y is Milind Soman
     Z is Madhu Sapre
 X drew inspiration from Chinese communist propaganda art
  that they saw in art galleries on Melrose Avenue, and recruited
  artist Chris Bilheimer, to create the cover. The band aimed for
  the cover to be "at once uniform and powerful". After listening
  to the new music on his computer, Bilheimer took note of the
  lyric "And she's holding on my heart like a ____ _______“ and
  somehow replicated it on the cover. Influenced by artist Saul
  Bass's poster for the 1955 drama film The Man with the Golden
  Arm, Bilheimer created it. Although he felt that red is the "most
  overused color in graphic design", he felt that the "immediate"
  qualities of the color deemed it appropriate for use on the
  cover, explaining: "I'm sure there's psychological theories of it
  being the same color of blood and therefore has the powers of
  life and death...And as a designer I always feel it's kind of a
  cop-out, so I never used it before. But there was no way you
  couldn't use it on this cover."
 Apparently, X had a bad reputation for showing up
  at Florentine ruler, Lorenzo de Medici's house every
  time the doors opened and eating until they kicked
  him out. Lorenzo wrote a witty rhyme punning on
  his pet artist's name, concluding "He arrives a little
  bottle and leaves a bottle full."
Sandro Botticelli
       with a few more)
   'The party„
   'The intern„
   'The mystery of Two„
   'The Birthday Bash„
   'The interview„
   'Double Trouble„
   'Business AND pleasure„
   'Double Trouble 2„
   'Doctor Doctor„
   'The Uncle's Visit„
   'Cricket„
Savita Bhabhi
 The X, also known as Two Sons, Lost Son and The Running
  Father is one of the parables of Jesus. It appears in only one of
  the Canonical gospels of the New Testament. According to the
  Gospel of Luke (Luke 15:11-32), a father, in response to his
  demands, gives the younger of his two sons his inheritance
  before he dies. The younger son, after wasting his fortune (the
  word 'Z' means 'wastefully extravagant'), goes hungry during a
  famine. He then repents and returns home, where the father
  holds a feast to celebrate his return. The older son refuses to
  participate, stating that in all the time the son has worked for
  the father, he did not even give him a goat to celebrate with his
  friends. His father reminds the older son that everything the
  father has is the older son's, but that they should still celebrate
  the return of the younger son as he has come back to them.
  Dutch artist Rembrandt has also depicted this in one of his
  noted paintings, The Return of the X.
Return of The Prodigal Son -
 X was born on 7 October 1968, in
  Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. At birth, his left eye
  was fixed shut; the doctors determined that the eye was
  paralyzed and that the condition was permanent. X's
  parents took him to an eye specialist, who suggested a
  muscle graft. X underwent five eye operations before he
  was six years old. X‟s father, a chemical equipment
  salesman, was hired by a firm in Scotland shortly after his
  son's birth and the family lived there until X was seven.
  During this time X had to wear a patch over his eye. He
  has stated that the last surgery was "botched", giving him
  a drooping eyelid. Who?
Thom Yorke
 For the first eight seasons almost every episode title
  begins with the word "My". Notable exceptions are
  the episodes entitled "His Story", "His Story II", "Her
  Story", "Her Story II", "His Story III" and ''His Story
  IV'„. These episodes each contained internal
  narration from a character other than the lead
  character. There is also "Their Story" in which we
  hear the thoughts of three major characters. In "Their
  Story II" the thoughts of 3 interns are followed.
  Starting with season nine every episode title starts
  with "Our“. Which Series?
 The original cover art angered some Hindus, who felt the
  artwork (taken from Hindu imagery and altered by
  giving the dancing figure a cat's head) was offensive. The
  image depicts Lord Krishna (with a cat's head) dancing
  on the head of the snake demon, Kāliyā, a popular
  episode from Stefan Sagmeister's (designer of the cover)
  childhood. The band had been unaware of the source of
  the artwork, and the record company apologized, and
  changed the artwork to a revised version. One of the
  album's singles, won a Grammy for Best Rock
  Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal in 1999.
Aersosmith – Nine Lives
 X, has a surprising predisposition to scientific theory and
  discovery. His inventions gone awry help develop the
  plots of many episodes. He is close friends with three
  animals; a pig named Pig, a goat named Goat, and a
  porcupine named Spiney who are capable of speech and
  well learned in philosophy. Together, they form the
  Philosophical Society, discussing such "great thinkers"
  as Nietzsche, matters of existentialism, and the
  relevance of time. X enjoys experiencing new things. To
  name a few adventures, X made a video game for himself
  in one episode and performed nude in a fashion show in
  another (possibly an homage to "The Emperor's New
 Unfortunately for our vivid imaginations, no one
  actually lived in the house – it was just a project
  carried out by National Geographic. But for the first
  time ever, National Geographic proved that the
  world really can be as awesome as a cartoon, if you
  throw enough money at it.
 The sword in P's hand carries an abbreviated
  inscription H-AS OS; this has been interpreted as an
  abbreviation of the Latin phrase Humilitas occidit
  superbiam. In the painting, P is perturbed, "his
  expression mingling sadness and compassion." The
  decision to depict him as pensive rather than jubilant
  creates an unusual psychological bond between him
  and Q. The artist completes this bond by depicting
  himself as Q.
David with Goliath‟s head : Carvaggio

 A blues song of anonymous authorship, “X” is a tale
  of sin, sexual ruin and a tortured soul. The song has
  been recorded by various artists including Bob Dylan
  and Dolly Parton. Many debate the true meaning of
  the title, arguing that it could be a euphemism for a
  whorehouse, a jail, a slave plantation or a specific
  establishment in the French Quarter. The most
  famous version of the song was by the British-
  Invasion-era band Y, who maintained it was an old
  English folk song emigrants brought to America
  (originally it was a Soho brothel instead of a New
  Orleans one).
House of the rising sun.
 X began as a small series of comics drawn by Kris Wilson
  at the age of sixteen. Wilson was at home with strep
  throat and had doodled some stick figure comics. On his
  deviantART profile page, he notes that he "created X in
  2004 because I can't help but draw stupid looking
  characters to spew out my stupid ideas." One of the
  earliest X comics, #15, was posted by Wilson on on January 26, 2005.
 A variant of the comic's title is first mentioned in #121, in
  which one character sells cotton candy, and explains that
  it is made of "X", after which the other character replies:
  “_________!? Hot damn! I'll take 4“.
 X has recently come home from Y and is now almost back
  to perfect health since the disaster, only she cannot get that
  wonderful place out of her head. She frequently talks
  about it and cannot get any sleep at night. Her aunt worries
  about her health/well-being. Thinking that she is suffering
  delusional depression and acute insomnia, she decides to
  take her to see a special doctor in another town. While he
  tries to treat her with electro-shock treatment and take
  those nasty dreams away from her head, she is rescued by
  a mysterious girl who leads her back to Y again.
 Apart from being a low-life, X was supposed to be
  sexually frustrated as well because he could never
  have sex with a women without killing her (a scene
  involving X's explosive orgasm was actually cleared
  by the MPAA, but removed from the final cut
  because a test audience didn't find it funny). The
  tone of the movie was made considerably lighter for
  a summer release tailored for a wider audience, but
  the MPAA still gave the film an R rating the first two
  times they classified it, before edits involving
  language and violence allowed it to receive a PG-13.
 +12 if only one team gets it
 +10 if 2 teams
 +8 if 3 teams
 +6 if 4 teams
 +4 if 5 teams
 +2 if all get it
 Bonus +10 if the team gets all slides
Exchange Sheets
 San Giorgio Maggiore al Crepuscolo is an
  Impressionist painting by Claude Monet. Painted in
  1908, the piece gives an original view of San Giorgio
  Maggiore. Focusing on the cathedral and bell tower
  located on the coast of the island, the beauty of the
  island at sunset is portrayed. However this painting
  has been immortalized in pop culture by X in
  1999, when it was “stolen” from the Metropolitan
  Museum of Art.
Why is this episode famous?

 First of all, last episode.
 Tom and Jerry Commit Suicide.
 X, world-weary, looks at the bust of blind, humble Y, on which
  he rests one of his hands. This has variously been interpreted as
  the man of sound, methodical science deferring to Art, or as the
  wealthy and famous philosopher, wearing the jeweled belt
  given to him by Alexander the Great, envying the life of the
  poor blind bard.
 The interpretation of methodical science deferring to art is that
  X's right hand, in which he held notes in, traditionally the
  favored hand, is on the bust of Y, is higher, and painted lighter
  than the left hand on the gold chain given to him by Alexander.
 The painting forms the central theme of Joseph Heller's 1988
  novel “Picture This”.
X: Aristotle; Y: Homer
Aristotle contemplating a
Bust of Homer - Rembrandt
 The modern usage of the phrase refers to a Christian tradition
  regarding Saint Peter. According to the apocryphal Acts of
  Peter (Vercelli Acts XXXV), Peter is fleeing from likely
  crucifixion in Rome at the hands of the government, and along
  the road outside the city he meets a risen Jesus. Peter asks Jesus
  “___ _____?", to which He replies, "Romam vado iterum
  crucifigi." ("I am going to Rome to be crucified again"). Peter
  thereby gains the courage to continue his ministry and returns
  to the city, to eventually be martyred by being crucified upside-
 The Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz authored the well-known
  novel ___ _____: A Narrative of the Time of Nero in 1895, which
  in turn has been made into motion pictures several times.
 Although popular myth suggests that X padded his
  cheeks with cotton wool to play Y, he did so only for
  the audition. Before the actual filming began, he had
  a mouthpiece specially created by a dentist. Only
  once the special mouthpiece was made, did X start
 As critics have established, the term ‘X' referred to
  dark-skinned people in general, used
  interchangeably with similarly ambiguous terms as
  'African', "Ethiopian', 'Negro', and even 'Indian' to
  designate a figure from Africa (or beyond). X has
  often been used for a literary character Y (as “The
  X”) in Z‟s play of the same name. Y‟s origin is traced
  to the tale "Un Capitano Moro" in Gli
  Hecatommithi by Giovanni Battista Giraldi Cinthio.
 After X‟s father died, his uncle raised him. His uncle was
  in charge of 400 men in the king‟s cavalry and received
  10,000 rupees a year. After his uncle‟s death, the British
  took away the lands he owned and reduced the pension
  to 3,000 rupees a year out of which X‟s share was 60
  rupees. Being a member of declining Mughal nobility and
  old landed aristocracy, he never worked for a
  livelihood, lived on either royal patronage of Mughal
  Emperors, credit or the generosity of his friends. His fame
  came to him posthumously. He had himself remarked
  during his lifetime that he would be recognized by later
  generations. After the decline of the Mughal Empire and
  the rise of the British Raj, despite his many attempts, X
  could never get the full pension restored.
 “X" uses a sample of Brazilian jazz guitarist Luiz Bonfá's 1967
  instrumental song "Seville", with additional instrumentations of beats
  and a xylophone. It was written by Y himself, while in his parents'
  barn. Y commented that he wrote the song "in quite a linear
  way", explaining that "I wrote the first verse, the second verse and I'd
  got to the end of the first chorus and for the first time ever I
  thought, 'There's no interesting way to add to this guy's story'. It felt

 Y stated that the song was "definitely drawn from various experiences
  I've had in relationships breaking up, and in the parts of the more
  reflective parts of the song, in the aftermath and the memory of those
  different relationships and what they were and how they broke up and
  what's going on in everyone's minds. Yeah, so it's an amalgam of
  different feelings but not completely made up as such".
Gotye‟s :
 All the books of this series are written
  by ghost writers, as per customary to
  Stratemayer Syndicate, the book
  packaging firm to launch this series.
  The Syndicate's process for creating
  the books consisted of creating a
  detailed outline, with all elements of
  plot; drafting a manuscript; and
  editing the manuscript.
 The series has been been parodied in
  the animated series South Park in an
  episode titled "The Mystery of the
  Urinal Deuce", in which the lead
  characters from the book investigate
  a 9/11 conspiracy theory.
Hardy Boys
 This slang term originated in about 1970. Although a
  street term, it is virtually synonymous with the earlier
  Latin phrase, „Mea Culpa'. The phrase came into
  widespread popular use in the mid to late-1990s in the
  USA via the 1995 movie “Clueless” starring Alicia
 Wielgus and A. Wolff's, 'Back-in-your-face Guide to Pick-
  up Basketball', 1986: "______, an expression of contrition
  uttered after making a bad pass or missing an opponent."

 Which phrase ?
My Bad
 The crazy thing about X's death is that he predicted it. As
  he was born in 1835, the year of the final 19th century
  apparition of Halley's Comet, he felt such a kinship with
  the celestial body that he wanted his death to coincide
  with it as well. He said,
 "I came in with Halley's Comet in 1835. It is coming again
  next year, and I expect to go out with it. It will be the
  greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with
  Halley's Comet. The Almighty has said, no doubt: 'Now
  here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in
  together, they must go out together.“
 X died of a heart attack on April 21st, 1910, a day after the
  comet's closest proximity to Earth.
Mark Twain
 Tame by modern standards (though lyrically delicious), this is one
  of the letters that was used to prosecute X on charges of obscenity.
   "My Own Boy,
   Your sonnet is quite lovely, and it is a marvel that those red-
   roseleaf lips of yours should be made no less for the madness of
   music and song than for the madness of kissing. Your slim gilt soul
   walks between passion and poetry. I know Hyacinthus, whom
   Apollo loved so madly, was you in Greek days. Why are you alone in
   London, and when do you go to Salisbury? Do go there to cool your
   hands in the grey twilight of Gothic things, and come here
   whenever you like. It is a lovely place and lacks only you; but go to
   Salisbury first.
   Always, with undying love,
   Yours, X"
Oscar Wilde
 The X gun was designed only for the film version.
  When used on someone, it will cause them to see
  things as the person firing it does (the Y says that it
  "conveniently, does precisely as its name suggests").
  According to the Y, it was commissioned by the
  Intergalactic Consortium of Angry Housewives, who
  were tired of ending every argument with their
  husbands with the phrase: "You just don't get it, do
 X was born into a middle-class home in Bombay. She
  first gained fame when a set of her pictures casually
  taken by a well-known Bombay photographer were
  used for a successful campaign for a popular soap
  brand and eventually to X's becoming a model. She
  entered and won the Miss India contest at 17. In 1997
  she wrote and published a coffee table book, Pride of
  India, which featured several former Miss Indias.
  The book was dedicated to Mother Teresa, and part
  of the royalties went to the Missionaries of Charity.
Persis Khambatta
 “No More Games. No More Bombs. No More
 Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67.
 That is 17 years past 50. 17 More than I needed or
 wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun – for
 anybody. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age.
 Relax – This won‟t hurt.”
Hunter S. Thompson
 X is a 1979 Italian–American
  biographical film directed by Tinto
  Brass, with additional scenes
  filmed by Giancarlo Lui and
  Penthouse founder Bob Guccione.
  X is considered the most expensive
  adult film of all time. It starred
  actors, Malcolm McDowell, Teresa
  Ann Savoy, Y, Peter O'Toole and
  John Gielgud. It was the first major
  motion picture to feature both
  eminent film actors and
  pornographic scenes. It remains
  one of the most infamous cult films
  ever made and remains banned in
  several countries to this day.
X: Caligula, Y: Helen
Films in which the screenplay
 has been adapted by authors of
 their respective novels.
Or, The Author who wrote the
 novel also wrote the screenplay
 for the film.

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Finals, The Decades Quiz, MCKQC
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Aneek Ghosh

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Finals, The Decades Quiz, MCKQC
Finals, The Decades Quiz, MCKQCFinals, The Decades Quiz, MCKQC
Finals, The Decades Quiz, MCKQC


  • 1. MELA Quiz
  • 2. Clockwise
  • 3.   After a brief chat with The Beatles, X asked John, Paul, Ringo, George, and Brian Epstein if they wanted to smoke a joint. Epstein looked apprehensive and said that the band hadn‟t tried marijuana for years. X was immediately surprised because he had been under the impression that they smoked weed because of the song I Want to Hold Your Hand. He mistook the lyrics “I can‟t hide” with “I get high.” The Beatles were never one to back down from a new experience and agreed. Lennon took the joint and passed it to Ringo whom he called his “royal taster.” Ringo smoked the entire thing, not knowing the tradition of sharing the joint between people. In response, X rolled a joint for each of The Beatles and they smoked.
  • 4.
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  • 6. Bob Dylan
  • 7.   In 2220 A.D. mankind has conquered the solar system and is reaching out into space. Earth is ruled by a World Government, with headquarters in Delhi. Space stations have been established on many planets of the Solar System. One of these stations is a high security prison on Io, a moon of Jupiter. Here, the twelve most dangerous criminals are held up in suspended animation. Each one of them is an expert in their field. When a meteorite strike hits the base, destroying its security system, these criminals break free and escape. The Earth Government assigns its top law enforcer, X, the mission to arrest these fugitives. X is the son of one of the Earth's top scientists and the grandson of the ruler of the Parajeevs from the thirteenth dimension, a race of beings ten million years ahead of us in civilization. He was brought up in a monastery in Ladakh, and he has yogic powers of concentration. Apart from Y, who portrayed X in the series, Rahul Bose, Parizad Zorabian and Tom Alter and Z portrayed other significant characters.
  • 8.
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  • 10. Captain Vyom  X is Captain Vyom Y is Milind Soman Z is Madhu Sapre
  • 11.   X drew inspiration from Chinese communist propaganda art that they saw in art galleries on Melrose Avenue, and recruited artist Chris Bilheimer, to create the cover. The band aimed for the cover to be "at once uniform and powerful". After listening to the new music on his computer, Bilheimer took note of the lyric "And she's holding on my heart like a ____ _______“ and somehow replicated it on the cover. Influenced by artist Saul Bass's poster for the 1955 drama film The Man with the Golden Arm, Bilheimer created it. Although he felt that red is the "most overused color in graphic design", he felt that the "immediate" qualities of the color deemed it appropriate for use on the cover, explaining: "I'm sure there's psychological theories of it being the same color of blood and therefore has the powers of life and death...And as a designer I always feel it's kind of a cop-out, so I never used it before. But there was no way you couldn't use it on this cover."
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  • 15.   Apparently, X had a bad reputation for showing up at Florentine ruler, Lorenzo de Medici's house every time the doors opened and eating until they kicked him out. Lorenzo wrote a witty rhyme punning on his pet artist's name, concluding "He arrives a little bottle and leaves a bottle full."
  • 16.
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  • 19. CONNECT(Exhaustive with a few more)   'The party„  'The intern„  'The mystery of Two„  'The Birthday Bash„  'The interview„  'Double Trouble„  'Business AND pleasure„  'Double Trouble 2„  'Doctor Doctor„  'The Uncle's Visit„  'Cricket„
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  • 23.   The X, also known as Two Sons, Lost Son and The Running Father is one of the parables of Jesus. It appears in only one of the Canonical gospels of the New Testament. According to the Gospel of Luke (Luke 15:11-32), a father, in response to his demands, gives the younger of his two sons his inheritance before he dies. The younger son, after wasting his fortune (the word 'Z' means 'wastefully extravagant'), goes hungry during a famine. He then repents and returns home, where the father holds a feast to celebrate his return. The older son refuses to participate, stating that in all the time the son has worked for the father, he did not even give him a goat to celebrate with his friends. His father reminds the older son that everything the father has is the older son's, but that they should still celebrate the return of the younger son as he has come back to them. Dutch artist Rembrandt has also depicted this in one of his noted paintings, The Return of the X.
  • 24.
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  • 26. Return of The Prodigal Son - Rembrandt 
  • 27.   X was born on 7 October 1968, in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. At birth, his left eye was fixed shut; the doctors determined that the eye was paralyzed and that the condition was permanent. X's parents took him to an eye specialist, who suggested a muscle graft. X underwent five eye operations before he was six years old. X‟s father, a chemical equipment salesman, was hired by a firm in Scotland shortly after his son's birth and the family lived there until X was seven. During this time X had to wear a patch over his eye. He has stated that the last surgery was "botched", giving him a drooping eyelid. Who?
  • 28.
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  • 30. Thom Yorke
  • 31.   For the first eight seasons almost every episode title begins with the word "My". Notable exceptions are the episodes entitled "His Story", "His Story II", "Her Story", "Her Story II", "His Story III" and ''His Story IV'„. These episodes each contained internal narration from a character other than the lead character. There is also "Their Story" in which we hear the thoughts of three major characters. In "Their Story II" the thoughts of 3 interns are followed. Starting with season nine every episode title starts with "Our“. Which Series?
  • 32.
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  • 35.   The original cover art angered some Hindus, who felt the artwork (taken from Hindu imagery and altered by giving the dancing figure a cat's head) was offensive. The image depicts Lord Krishna (with a cat's head) dancing on the head of the snake demon, Kāliyā, a popular episode from Stefan Sagmeister's (designer of the cover) childhood. The band had been unaware of the source of the artwork, and the record company apologized, and changed the artwork to a revised version. One of the album's singles, won a Grammy for Best Rock Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal in 1999.
  • 36.
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  • 38. Aersosmith – Nine Lives 
  • 39.   X, has a surprising predisposition to scientific theory and discovery. His inventions gone awry help develop the plots of many episodes. He is close friends with three animals; a pig named Pig, a goat named Goat, and a porcupine named Spiney who are capable of speech and well learned in philosophy. Together, they form the Philosophical Society, discussing such "great thinkers" as Nietzsche, matters of existentialism, and the relevance of time. X enjoys experiencing new things. To name a few adventures, X made a video game for himself in one episode and performed nude in a fashion show in another (possibly an homage to "The Emperor's New Clothes).
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  • 43.   Unfortunately for our vivid imaginations, no one actually lived in the house – it was just a project carried out by National Geographic. But for the first time ever, National Geographic proved that the world really can be as awesome as a cartoon, if you throw enough money at it.
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  • 47.   The sword in P's hand carries an abbreviated inscription H-AS OS; this has been interpreted as an abbreviation of the Latin phrase Humilitas occidit superbiam. In the painting, P is perturbed, "his expression mingling sadness and compassion." The decision to depict him as pensive rather than jubilant creates an unusual psychological bond between him and Q. The artist completes this bond by depicting himself as Q.
  • 48.
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  • 50. David with Goliath‟s head : Carvaggio 
  • 51.   A blues song of anonymous authorship, “X” is a tale of sin, sexual ruin and a tortured soul. The song has been recorded by various artists including Bob Dylan and Dolly Parton. Many debate the true meaning of the title, arguing that it could be a euphemism for a whorehouse, a jail, a slave plantation or a specific establishment in the French Quarter. The most famous version of the song was by the British- Invasion-era band Y, who maintained it was an old English folk song emigrants brought to America (originally it was a Soho brothel instead of a New Orleans one).
  • 52.
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  • 54. House of the rising sun. 
  • 55.   X began as a small series of comics drawn by Kris Wilson at the age of sixteen. Wilson was at home with strep throat and had doodled some stick figure comics. On his deviantART profile page, he notes that he "created X in 2004 because I can't help but draw stupid looking characters to spew out my stupid ideas." One of the earliest X comics, #15, was posted by Wilson on on January 26, 2005.  A variant of the comic's title is first mentioned in #121, in which one character sells cotton candy, and explains that it is made of "X", after which the other character replies: “_________!? Hot damn! I'll take 4“.
  • 56.
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  • 59.   X has recently come home from Y and is now almost back to perfect health since the disaster, only she cannot get that wonderful place out of her head. She frequently talks about it and cannot get any sleep at night. Her aunt worries about her health/well-being. Thinking that she is suffering delusional depression and acute insomnia, she decides to take her to see a special doctor in another town. While he tries to treat her with electro-shock treatment and take those nasty dreams away from her head, she is rescued by a mysterious girl who leads her back to Y again.
  • 60.
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  • 63.   Apart from being a low-life, X was supposed to be sexually frustrated as well because he could never have sex with a women without killing her (a scene involving X's explosive orgasm was actually cleared by the MPAA, but removed from the final cut because a test audience didn't find it funny). The tone of the movie was made considerably lighter for a summer release tailored for a wider audience, but the MPAA still gave the film an R rating the first two times they classified it, before edits involving language and violence allowed it to receive a PG-13.
  • 64.
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  • 68. DIFFERENTIAL   +12 if only one team gets it  +10 if 2 teams  +8 if 3 teams  +6 if 4 teams  +4 if 5 teams  +2 if all get it  Bonus +10 if the team gets all slides
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  • 89.   San Giorgio Maggiore al Crepuscolo is an Impressionist painting by Claude Monet. Painted in 1908, the piece gives an original view of San Giorgio Maggiore. Focusing on the cathedral and bell tower located on the coast of the island, the beauty of the island at sunset is portrayed. However this painting has been immortalized in pop culture by X in 1999, when it was “stolen” from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  • 90.
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  • 93. Why is this episode famous? 
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  • 95.
  • 96.   First of all, last episode.  Tom and Jerry Commit Suicide.
  • 97.   X, world-weary, looks at the bust of blind, humble Y, on which he rests one of his hands. This has variously been interpreted as the man of sound, methodical science deferring to Art, or as the wealthy and famous philosopher, wearing the jeweled belt given to him by Alexander the Great, envying the life of the poor blind bard.  The interpretation of methodical science deferring to art is that X's right hand, in which he held notes in, traditionally the favored hand, is on the bust of Y, is higher, and painted lighter than the left hand on the gold chain given to him by Alexander.  The painting forms the central theme of Joseph Heller's 1988 novel “Picture This”.
  • 98.
  • 99.
  • 100. X: Aristotle; Y: Homer  Aristotle contemplating a Bust of Homer - Rembrandt
  • 101.   The modern usage of the phrase refers to a Christian tradition regarding Saint Peter. According to the apocryphal Acts of Peter (Vercelli Acts XXXV), Peter is fleeing from likely crucifixion in Rome at the hands of the government, and along the road outside the city he meets a risen Jesus. Peter asks Jesus “___ _____?", to which He replies, "Romam vado iterum crucifigi." ("I am going to Rome to be crucified again"). Peter thereby gains the courage to continue his ministry and returns to the city, to eventually be martyred by being crucified upside- down.  The Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz authored the well-known novel ___ _____: A Narrative of the Time of Nero in 1895, which in turn has been made into motion pictures several times.
  • 102.
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  • 105.   Although popular myth suggests that X padded his cheeks with cotton wool to play Y, he did so only for the audition. Before the actual filming began, he had a mouthpiece specially created by a dentist. Only once the special mouthpiece was made, did X start filming.
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  • 109.   As critics have established, the term ‘X' referred to dark-skinned people in general, used interchangeably with similarly ambiguous terms as 'African', "Ethiopian', 'Negro', and even 'Indian' to designate a figure from Africa (or beyond). X has often been used for a literary character Y (as “The X”) in Z‟s play of the same name. Y‟s origin is traced to the tale "Un Capitano Moro" in Gli Hecatommithi by Giovanni Battista Giraldi Cinthio.
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  • 113.   After X‟s father died, his uncle raised him. His uncle was in charge of 400 men in the king‟s cavalry and received 10,000 rupees a year. After his uncle‟s death, the British took away the lands he owned and reduced the pension to 3,000 rupees a year out of which X‟s share was 60 rupees. Being a member of declining Mughal nobility and old landed aristocracy, he never worked for a livelihood, lived on either royal patronage of Mughal Emperors, credit or the generosity of his friends. His fame came to him posthumously. He had himself remarked during his lifetime that he would be recognized by later generations. After the decline of the Mughal Empire and the rise of the British Raj, despite his many attempts, X could never get the full pension restored.
  • 114.
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  • 117.   “X" uses a sample of Brazilian jazz guitarist Luiz Bonfá's 1967 instrumental song "Seville", with additional instrumentations of beats and a xylophone. It was written by Y himself, while in his parents' barn. Y commented that he wrote the song "in quite a linear way", explaining that "I wrote the first verse, the second verse and I'd got to the end of the first chorus and for the first time ever I thought, 'There's no interesting way to add to this guy's story'. It felt weak".  Y stated that the song was "definitely drawn from various experiences I've had in relationships breaking up, and in the parts of the more reflective parts of the song, in the aftermath and the memory of those different relationships and what they were and how they broke up and what's going on in everyone's minds. Yeah, so it's an amalgam of different feelings but not completely made up as such".
  • 118.
  • 119.
  • 120. Gotye‟s :
  • 121.   All the books of this series are written by ghost writers, as per customary to Stratemayer Syndicate, the book packaging firm to launch this series. The Syndicate's process for creating the books consisted of creating a detailed outline, with all elements of plot; drafting a manuscript; and editing the manuscript.  The series has been been parodied in the animated series South Park in an episode titled "The Mystery of the Urinal Deuce", in which the lead characters from the book investigate a 9/11 conspiracy theory.
  • 122.
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  • 124. Hardy Boys
  • 125.   This slang term originated in about 1970. Although a street term, it is virtually synonymous with the earlier Latin phrase, „Mea Culpa'. The phrase came into widespread popular use in the mid to late-1990s in the USA via the 1995 movie “Clueless” starring Alicia Silverstone.  Wielgus and A. Wolff's, 'Back-in-your-face Guide to Pick- up Basketball', 1986: "______, an expression of contrition uttered after making a bad pass or missing an opponent."  Which phrase ?
  • 126.
  • 127.
  • 128. My Bad
  • 129.   The crazy thing about X's death is that he predicted it. As he was born in 1835, the year of the final 19th century apparition of Halley's Comet, he felt such a kinship with the celestial body that he wanted his death to coincide with it as well. He said,  "I came in with Halley's Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it. It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with Halley's Comet. The Almighty has said, no doubt: 'Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together.“  X died of a heart attack on April 21st, 1910, a day after the comet's closest proximity to Earth.
  • 130.
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  • 132. Mark Twain
  • 133.   Tame by modern standards (though lyrically delicious), this is one of the letters that was used to prosecute X on charges of obscenity. "My Own Boy, Your sonnet is quite lovely, and it is a marvel that those red- roseleaf lips of yours should be made no less for the madness of music and song than for the madness of kissing. Your slim gilt soul walks between passion and poetry. I know Hyacinthus, whom Apollo loved so madly, was you in Greek days. Why are you alone in London, and when do you go to Salisbury? Do go there to cool your hands in the grey twilight of Gothic things, and come here whenever you like. It is a lovely place and lacks only you; but go to Salisbury first. Always, with undying love, Yours, X"
  • 134.
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  • 136. Oscar Wilde
  • 137.   The X gun was designed only for the film version. When used on someone, it will cause them to see things as the person firing it does (the Y says that it "conveniently, does precisely as its name suggests"). According to the Y, it was commissioned by the Intergalactic Consortium of Angry Housewives, who were tired of ending every argument with their husbands with the phrase: "You just don't get it, do you?"
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  • 141.   X was born into a middle-class home in Bombay. She first gained fame when a set of her pictures casually taken by a well-known Bombay photographer were used for a successful campaign for a popular soap brand and eventually to X's becoming a model. She entered and won the Miss India contest at 17. In 1997 she wrote and published a coffee table book, Pride of India, which featured several former Miss Indias. The book was dedicated to Mother Teresa, and part of the royalties went to the Missionaries of Charity.
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  • 145.   “No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 More than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun – for anybody. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax – This won‟t hurt.”
  • 146.
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  • 149.   X is a 1979 Italian–American biographical film directed by Tinto Brass, with additional scenes filmed by Giancarlo Lui and Penthouse founder Bob Guccione. X is considered the most expensive adult film of all time. It starred actors, Malcolm McDowell, Teresa Ann Savoy, Y, Peter O'Toole and John Gielgud. It was the first major motion picture to feature both eminent film actors and pornographic scenes. It remains one of the most infamous cult films ever made and remains banned in several countries to this day.
  • 150.
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  • 152. X: Caligula, Y: Helen Mirren 
  • 153.
  • 156. +45/-22.5
  • 158. 35/-17.5
  • 160. 25/-12.5
  • 165.  Films in which the screenplay has been adapted by authors of their respective novels. Or, The Author who wrote the novel also wrote the screenplay for the film.