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The Annual Inter-college Freshers’ Quiz
★ Reviewers (aka Guinea Pigs): Saswata Acharya & Balagopal S.
★ Sr. Director of Youth Welfare: Dr. Bappa Mullick.
★ Office of the Director of Youth Welfare - Pralay Banerjee and
everyone else.
★ Write your names, institution, and at least one contact number. Blank
entries will be discarded.
★ Teams of 3 or fewer. Teams with more than 3 members will be
★ All members of a team MUST be from the same institution.
Cross-college teams are not allowed.
★ Keep your phones on silent mode throughout the prelims.
★ No talking to or peeping into your neighbour’s answer sheets.
★ Top 8 teams qualify to the finals tomorrow.
★ 26 questions worth 32 points.
★ Text in red are clues. They will guide you towards the answer.
★ Fill in the answers in the given boxes.
★ Each box in your answer sheet is alloted 1 point.
★ There are 6 questions (3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23) worth 2 points - so they
have two boxes.
★ Starred questions (multiples of 4) are marked on your answer sheet.
They will be used to break ties.
★ No negative marking. Feel free to guess.
Identify the context.
Recently in the news.
Much spoken about.
Few key-words will do.
The question number
will help.
Bigger picture on the
next slide.
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
• One Nation, One
• Common Language
• Hindi Imposition
Any coherent sentence that
mentions these will suffice.
Identify the brand.
The consistent saddle shape (pictured) is
mathematically known as a hyperbolic paraboloid.
Their designers reportedly used supercomputers
to ensure that product's aerodynamics would
keep them in place during packaging and allow
them to be stacked in sturdy tubular containers.
The strength of the shape helps prevent them
from breaking while stacked.
Identify the brand of this edible (which is
synonymous with the product).
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Identify the 2 TV shows.
This is a poster of show X in the art style of
show Y. Both shows deal with unusual
(perhaps even supernatural) occurrences set
in fictional towns.
For 2 points, identify both the shows.
Bigger image on the next slide.
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
03 2 pointer
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
03 2 pointer
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Stranger Things
Gravity Falls
2 pointer
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Give me the name of the club.
Founded in 1993 after the
amalgamation of Rovaniemen Reipas
and Rovaniemen Lappi, FC _____
_____ Arctic Circle is a football club
from Rovaniemi, Finland, playing in
the second division of the Finnish
League. Despite falling just short of
achieving promotion to the primary
league in 2010 and stagnating ever
since then, this team has an almost
global support base, albeit mostly as
a joke due to its name. A picture of the home jersey of the club
from the 15/16 season.
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Identify X.
The 1889 Paris Expo saw the Eiffel Tower being constructed as its
primary attraction. In order to one-up their French counterparts, the
organisers of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair hired George Washington
Gale ______ (6) Jr. to create the first X.
“[...] continues to keep itself erect [...] it has no visible means of support
— none that appear adequate. The spokes look like cobwebs; they are
after the fashion of those on the newest make of bicycles”, observed
Julian Hawthorne, one of the first witnesses of this then engineering
marvel, which are however much more commonplace nowadays.
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Ferris Wheel
Who is/are X?
According to the Wisdom series (2006), Marvel
Comics, in 1963, four Skrull agents were sent to
Earth, ordered to disguise themselves as X and
facilitate a Skrull invasion of Earth.
The four “Skrull X” decided that they would rather
remain on Earth, where there was “money and
power”, rather than help the Skrulls conquer it. John,
notably, fell into a relationship with a Kree, Captain
Boko of the Kree Liberation Army.
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
The Beatles
X was the primary antagonist of JM Barrie’s titular play. X’s name was a
play on a ‘physical’ feature of his. Barrie states in the novel that “X was
not his true name. To reveal who he really was would even at this date
set the country in a blaze.” One of X’s main fears is a particular animal,
and Barrie openly acknowledged that X and his obsession with said
animal was inspired by that of another literary character Y, from a
legendary 1851 novel.
Give me X, as well as Y, from whom X was inspired.
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
07 2 pointer
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
X → Captain Hook
Y → Captain Ahab
07 2 pointer
Put Funda/Who is this myth about?
In Greek, the word pithos was actually a large jar used for storing wine, oil, grain
or ritually, as a container for the human body from which it was believed souls
escaped and returned.
The popular version of this myth has come down to us through a mistranslation
attributed to Erasmus from the 16th century. As a result, few of the major details
contradicted the original story which was about blessings, rather than evils and
chronicled Epimetheus rather than his wife.
This myth has translated to other cultures and religions most popularly as Eve
eating the apple – both a victim of their curiosity.
Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims]INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Pandora’s Box
What was Marston’s creation?
William Moulton Marston, most famous for the inventor of an early prototype of the
polygraph test, is known to have incorporated his theme of diametrics (composed of
opposing extremes) into this character. She bore both archetypes of masculine and
feminine physical features.
Marton’s character epitomised is an early example of bondage themes that were entering
popular culture (as is suggestive of her costume and accessories) in the 1930s but wanted
to graft her image into someone who conquers by love, not violence. Like Marston, she has
indomitable mental powers which she can channel into physical abilities.
In all likeliness, she was meant to be a swinger just like her creator although publisher Max
Gaines was wary of depicting her as such. Since 2016, however, she has been declared as
canonically Bisexual.
Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Wonder Woman
What behavioural disorder is this?
Colette Dowling popularized the term in 1981 with her book of the same name
but already used by Agatha Christie in Hickory Dickory Dock.
It described a uniquely feminine condition in which women subconsciously fear
independence. leading to inappropriate or ineffectual behaviour on the job to
anxiety about success to the fear that independence will lead to loss of
She based it on the idea of femininity portrayed in a story where a woman is
hardworking and kind but is marginalised by the females of her own society.
She is not capable of changing her situations with her own actions and therefore
must rely on an outside force.
Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
The Cinderella Complex
What did Tchaikovsky donate?
Where was it used?
When André Tchaikovsky died of cancer in 1982, he donated something
to the Royal Shakespeare Company, which was only finally used in 2008.
The delay was caused by directors, for years, being indecisive about
whether to be morbid enough to use it, or not to be.
What did he donate and where was it used?
Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
11 2 pointer
Tchaikovsky donated his
It was used by RSC’s
production of Hamlet in
Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
11 2 pointer
Fill in the blank.
____ is a mysterious apeman similar to Bigfoot, which is said to inhabit the
forests alongside the Mississippi River as it passes through Missouri. ____ is
described as 7 to 8 feet tall with a broad pumpkin-shaped head, and is
supposedly covered head to foot in thick dark fur.
Closer home, ____ is also the name of an “internet sensation”, of sorts.
Usually shown as simply a terrifying face, with pale skin, bulging eyes, and a
sinister smile, tracking this down has been a challenge for most authorities.
First encountered in August, 2018, panic about this soon spread worldwide,
even giving rise to several video games where player has to do various tasks
and the goal is usually to survive before getting rescued.
Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Momo is the name
of a local legend,
similar to the
Bigfoot, which is
reported to live in
The "Momo Challenge" was a hoax and an
Internet urban legend about a nonexistent
social media challenge that was spread on
Whatsapp, Facebook and other media outlets.
Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
The picture is of one Marcy Borders, 28, after an incident
took place. Describing her ordeal, she said," I took chase
from dust and smoke that was following me. Once it caught
me it threw me on my hands and knees. Everytime I inhaled
my mouth filled up with it, I was choking. I was saying to
myself out loud, I don't want to die, I don't want to die."
Years later, she adds, "“There was a giant roar, like a train,
and between the buildings I could see huge clouds of
smoke and dust billowing out".
What is the incident that she was a survivor of?
Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
What is the incident?
Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
The incident is 9/11.
She is more popularly
known as “The Dusty
Curb Your Enthusiasm is an American comedy TV series about Larry
David (playing himself) just really going through life that anybody else
would live. A lot of the comedy in the show comes from the awkward
situations he finds himself in, usually due to him messing up.
The show usually ends with everything he did in the episode leading up
to his downfall, which is always cued by a certain something.
Though we might not be aware of the TV show, all of us have certainly
seen the certain something.
Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
What am I talking about? /
Identify the reference.
Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
“Directed By Robert B. Weide” credits meme.
Identify the structure. Name XY.
New Yorkers have been finding more and more ways to protest _____, from
stripping his name off buildings he once built to holding demonstrations outside
his Midtown Manhattan home/office. Most recently, more than 200,000 thousand
people have signed a petition to rename this street in New York, in which a
structure with an extremely recognisable name is situated, after XY.
This particular petition, which started off as a joke, has gained a lot of attention,
both positive and negative. On one hand it has been called SJW propaganda, but
on the other hand, it is thought of as disrespectful to XY, by the so called SJWs
Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
15 2 pointer
Trump Towers
XY - Barack
Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
15 2 pointer
Fill in the blanks.
The barber pole’s colors are a legacy of a long-gone
era when people went to barbers not just for a haircut
or shave but also for ____________. The physicians of
that period considered ____________ too menial to do
themselves. Monks used to do this before Pope
Alexander III in 1163 prohibited clergymen from
carrying out the procedure. The colours in the pole
(red, blue, and white) each represent something. This
activity was largely let go of in the 19th century.
Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
The colours of the barber pole are linked to
bloodletting, with red representing blood,
white representing the bandages used to stem
the bleeding, and blue to represent the veins.
Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Fill in the blank.
In literary criticism, an _____ plot is "a plot which is kept in motion solely
by virtue of the fact that everybody involved is an _____, and where the
story would otherwise be over if this were not the case. It is a narrative
where its conflict comes from characters not recognizing, or not being
told, key information that would resolve the conflict, often because of plot
contrivance. The only thing that prevents the conflict's resolution is the
character's constant avoidance or obliviousness of it throughout the plot,
even if it was already obvious to the viewer, so the characters are all
"_____" in that they are too obtuse to simply resolve the conflict
Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Idiot Plot
Give me X.
According to folklorists, all myths, fairy tales, and nursery rhymes that are about
some dude named X are talking about the same guy. What this means is that
every single one of the following:
● X Be Nimble (who jumped over burning candles for fun)
● Stingy X (who tricked the devil so many times that he was banned from both
the afterlives)
● X o' Lantern (the headless horseman spirit of the Halloween)
● X Frost (the spirit who heralds the end of autumn and the start of winter)
are literally the same guy who made so many bad life choices he ended up an
immortal ice dullahan with a pumpkin serving as both his head and flashlight.
Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Give me X and Y.
London Boy, part of Lover - the seventh studio album by Taylor Swift
starts off with some British dude saying, “We can go driving in, on my
scooter / Uh, you know, just riding in London.”
You might think the voice is of Joe Alwyn because he's the literal London
Boy that she's dating. But it is actually X and was taken from a March
2017 interview he did with Y while talking about date ideas. Before you
spiral into conspiracy theories, keep in mind that Taylor is starring in Cats
with both X and Y, so this actually makes sense.
[Play audio clip]
Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
2 pointer
Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
X: Idris Elba
Y: James Corden
19 2 pointer
What am I talking about?
X is a popular song written by Pat
Ballard which was published in 1954
and first recorded in May of that year by
Vaughn Monroe & His Orchestra and
later that same year by The Chordettes
and The Four Aces. The song's lyrics
convey a request to "X" to "bring me a
dream" – the traditional association with
the folkloric figure, the ___.
It was a 17-year-old Jade Taylor-Ryan,
who was the first one to try out this
Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Here are the lyrics -
"X, bring me a dream (bung, bung, bung,
Make him the cutest that I've ever seen (bung,
bung, bung, bung)
Give him two lips like roses and clover (bung,
bung, bung, bung)
Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over
X, I'm so alone (bung, bung, bung, bung)
Don't have nobody to call my own (bung, bung,
bung, bung)
Please turn on your magic beam
X, bring me a dream"
Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Mr. Sandman Challenge
Give me the hashtag.
If you've been noticing popular influencers with their faces covered with
shaving cream on the internet, it's part of a quirky campaign by Gillette
SkinGuard called #________, which shows men with a fear of shaving and
how they finally overcome it with joy and fun lyrical that gets stuck in
your head.
Then comes the hashtag - _______, a very clever take on Foam, X, and
the Fear of Shaving.
Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Viewers of Netflix comedy-drama series Orange is the New Black, were first introduced to
Judy King played by Blair Brown on season three, when the inmates who spent many of
their TV hours watching the celebrity chef's cooking shows were anticipating her arrival.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, actress Blair Brown said, "When I heard that
Judy was a cooking show celebrity and she was going to prison for some financial mischief,
you think of X right away."
THR also noted that in Piper Kerman's book that the series is based on, readers learned
that X was almost sent to the prison facility where Kerman was held for felony charges of
conspiracy, obstruction of an agency proceeding, and making false statements to federal
investigators in 2004.
Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Give me X.
Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Martha Stewart
Image A (next slide) is a page from Razmnama, the Persian translation
of an epic, which shows the scene of a battlefield. The killing of the
elephant, named X, would eventually lead the to the murder of the
army commander of one of the warring group.
Image B (next slide) is a still from the play Drawing The Line, where
Tom Beard (the actor in the middle) plays a British lawyer and a Law
X and Y are the first and the last of a list of 16 entries.
23 Give me either X or Y.
What is this list all about?
2 pointer
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
23 Image A
Image B
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
2 pointer
Which game is this?
The name of this game is also used as a metaphor for describing any
activity where items or people are repeatedly and usually pointlessly
shuffled among various locations or positions. It may also refer to
political situations where one leader replaces another, only to be
rapidly replaced due to the instability of the governing system.
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Musical Chairs
Who is author of the book?
The Hindi version of a textbook of a subject taught in schools and
colleges is called Bhoutiki Ki Samajh.
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
H. C. Verma
Which fruit?
This citrus fruit was brought from Eastern Africa, mainly from a certain
Southeast African country.
However, the local name given to the fruit in India, was a corruption of
the name of the African country of origin.
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
The Annual Inter-college Freshers’ Quiz
Round 1: Written (6 questions)
Round 2: Infinite Bounce & Pounce - I (17 questions)
Round 3: Themed Connect (6 questions)
Round 4: Infinite Bounce & Pounce - II (17 questions)
Annewsa Ghosh
The following six questions are all about song names based on geographical
Answers to Questions 1, 3, and 5 ask only for the song name.
Answers to Questions 2, 4, and 6 ask for both song name and band name,
and carries part points on each.
The song names will only be the location. E.g. Alabama and not Sweet Home
+5 for each answer. +10 for a full house. Total 40 points on offer.
Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
What song/ place?
The folk song’s existence on record, began with Alan Lomax in 1933.
Although roots of the song date far back to 16th century England where
taverns often sported this name.
The song was named after a local establishment that was suggestively a
prostitution establishment or a gambling den operated by a woman named
Marianne LeSoliel (literally meaning _________ in French) Levant in this city
between 1808-22, when it burnt down.
How we know of it presently has to do with Vance Randolph’s theory referring
to the decorative use of the sunburst insignia on public establishments dating
to the time of Louis XIV (also known as the Sun King), which was brought to
North America by French immigrants in the 18th
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
House of the
Rising Sun
Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Name the band and the song (FITB).
The original title of the song was 'Honey Pie', and was heavily inspired by UK glam rock
of the time, particularly Wizzard's 'See My Baby Jive'.
Originally recorded in Swedish that won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974, this song
chronicles a woman fighting a losing battle and eventually surrenders and falls in love
with her man. Essentially, he's her own personal ___________.
One could say, the band’s skilful usage of this now two century old event made for a
brilliant pop cultural reference. Surprisingly, France had rejected Belgium’s proposal to
commemorate the event in an €2 coin but had gladly embraced this song.
In fact it was so popular in France that the band recorded a French version which was
adapted by Claude-Michel Schönberg, who would later go on to co-write Les
Misérables. (Hugo based the story in the same year after the event in question)
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Fill in the blank.
The _____________ was an annual popular gathering and commercial trade
expo in Medieval England in Yorkshire. It originated from a royal charter
granted by King Henry III of England on 22 January 1253.
One could suitably find the four key herbs as the song asks for if they ever
visited _____________. (based on who you ask, some say these ingredients
were a cure for the plague)
Much to the chagrin of the listener, they have a lengthier instruction to follow
on the way – one that includes ferrying a message to a woman about
completing a series of impossible tasks, a theme borrowed from the story of
the Elfin Knight. If successfully completed, the Knight would take her as his
true love.
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Scarborough Fair
Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Name the band and the song.
Originally the song had been inspired in the autumn of 1973 after an
exhausting drive in the Sahara Desert. The lyrics were therefore
diametrically opposite – to the cool serene valleys and “songs in
tongues of lilting grace.”
Notwithstanding the band’s obsession with JRR Tolkien, this song
was quite literally about a Misty Mountain Hop.
In an interview a band member gave to William S. Burroughs in 1975,
he mentioned that at the time the song was composed, none of the
band members had ever physically visited the place Amir Khusro
spoke so highly of.
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Kashmir by Led
Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
What song/place?
Originally released in 2018, the track blew up as a result of memes TikTok, where users
have uploaded clips using snippets of the song, for a certain “yee-haw challenge.”
Song writer added that he later changed the song's meaning "from a runaway type of
story to _________ being a symbol for a path of success, where one is packed up and
ready to hit the road and then you're just staying on it.”
As he came out as gay not long after, fans theorised that ___________ was written as a
story about coming out of the closet. In response, the artists tweeted, “____________ is
literally about horses.”
To flex on Billboard’s Country music chart, the artist collaborated with a notable country
musician, who himself had previously traversed the lines into the hip-hop world when he
released a rap remix of "Achy Breaky Heart," in 2014, working with rapper Buck 22.
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Old Town Road
Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Identify the band and the song.
The song appears to be a somewhat fantastical biography of Rudolf Hess, Hitler's
Deputy Führer, who defected to the allied side and was arrested and detained at
this place. Alluded in the song is his POW number 31G-350125, that the band
shouts at the beginning of the song.
The band took the title inspiration after a David Bowie song at the time of Bowie's
visit to the place in 1973. Bowie’s song itself was based upon a recording of a
Polish folk choir Śląsk.
This place seems to bear a special significance to this band since this was their
original name. To avoid confusion with the London punk band of somewhat the
same name, they renamed themselves as X in early 1978 – a literal English
translation of the prostitution wing of a Nazi concentration camp
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
No screaming during pounce. Raise your hand and write down the
+10/-05 for correct/incorrect pounce.
+10/0 for correct/incorrect bounce.
+10 on the direct.
We start with team 1.
Ishan, Arnab, Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
The emblem of ___________ depicts a three-flamed lamp encircled by
lotus petals. The lamp represents knowledge. The three flames
represent intellectual training, cultivation of emotions and imagination,
and spiritual development. The petals of the lotus on the periphery
represent fine arts and culture.
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Fill in the blank.
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Jadavpur University
“X” located near the historic town Santillana del Mar in Cantabria,
Spain, is renowned for its numerous parietal cave paintings featuring
charcoal drawings and polychrome paintings of contemporary local
fauna and human hands, created during the Upper Paleolithic. The
earliest paintings in the cave were executed around 15,500 years ago.
“X” was referenced in a famous movie monologue, closer home.
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
ID X and the movie.
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
X - Altamira
Movie - Agantuk
In a 2009 interview, The Plain Dealer music critic John Soeder asked ____
_______ if he regretted writing the lines ________________ because wines are
fermented while spirits are distilled.
To which ____ _______ responded by saying: “Thanks for the tutorial and, no,
you're not the first to bring this to my attention — and you're not the first to
completely misinterpret the lyric and miss the metaphor. Believe me, I've
consumed enough alcoholic beverages in my time to know how they are made
and what the proper nomenclature is.”
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
03 FITB and give me the lines
being referred to.
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
"So I called up the captain /
'Please bring me my wine' /
He said, 'We haven't had that
spirit here since 1969'"
Don Henley the Eagle’s
"She's about fifteen years old I should think, not more, but she stands
there with bangles all the way up her arm and nothing else on. A girl
perfectly, for the moment, perfectly confident of herself and the world.
There's nothing like her, I think, in the world."
Mortimer Wheeler describing something in 1973.
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
The dancing girl of Mohenjo Daro/
Bronze Dancing Girl
Launched in India by Balsara Hygiene in 1987. The brand was
positioned as an economic toothpaste with the tagline "________
________ paisa vasool”. _______ was relaunched with the tagline
"Begin a great day, the ________ way" in 2002, when ________ was
Balsara's biggest brand.
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
05 FITB with a brand currently
in the news.
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
(Mums the word XD)
A cinema across the street from the band's rehearsal room was
showing the 1963 horror film “X” starring Boris Karloff and directed by
Mario Bava. While watching people line up to see the film, one of the
members noted that it was "strange that people spend so much
money to see scary movies". Following that,two of the members
wrote the lyrics for a song called "X", which was inspired by the work
of horror and adventure-story writer Dennis Wheatley, along with a
vision that one of the band members had of a black silhouetted figure
standing at the foot of his bed.
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
06 ID X.
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
X - Black Sabbath
X is a coupé utility vehicle that was produced by Chevrolet between
1959–60 and 1964–1987. Unlike a pickup truck, the X was adapted
from a two-door station wagon platform that integrated the cab and
cargo bed into the body.
X loosely translated to The Royal Road.
Picture on the next slide.
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
07 ID X.
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Chevrolet El Camino
“Although hearty, chankonabe is actually quite healthy. It’s not your
triple Whopper or deep-fried pizza. The stew is full of fresh veggies,
tofu, fish and either pork, chicken or beef.
In case they aren’t full after the goodies are eaten and there’s just soup
left, the ______ often dump a pile of noodles into the bowl.”
FITB with the community of people who eat Chankonabe.
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Sumo Wrestlers
“The golden temple of Amritsar comes back to me like a dream. Many a
morning have I accompanied my father to this Gurudarbar of the Sikhs
in the middle of the lake. There the sacred chanting resounds
continually. My father, seated amidst the throng of worshippers, would
sometimes add his voice to the hymn of praise, and finding a stranger
joining in their devotions they would wax enthusiastically cordial, and
we would return loaded with the sanctified offerings of sugar crystals
and other sweets.”
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
ID the speaker from this
statement made in 1919.
Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Rabindranath Tagore - post the
Jallianwallah Bagh Massacre
If the 1917 Code of Canon Law, which states that any newly
discovered territory would be placed under the jurisdiction of the
Diocese from which the expedition that discovered that territory
originated were to be followed, the Bishop of Orlando would have the
largest Catholic Diocese, measuring in at approximately 36 million, a fact that Bishop Borders, the then Bishop of Orlando had
indeed jokingly pointed out to Pope Blessed Paul VI.
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
What am I talking about?
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Since the first ‘expedition’ to the moon was launched from
the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, which falls under the
Diocese of Orlando, the Bishop of Orlando is also
technically the Bishop of the Moon.
In August 2012, a contest was
sponsored by Papa John’s and
Chegg that would send Taylor Swift
to perform for the school that
received the most votes on
Facebook. Users of the infamous site
4chan, in a cruel prank, decided to
hijack this vote, as they voted in
thousands in favour of a certain
Horace Mann School. In the end, the
contest was cancelled, as Swift, as
well as the sponsors, decided to
donate money to the school instead.
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
11 Just give me what the
prank was about.
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
In November 1983, X’s company made a surprising announcement at Comdex,
the industry's premier trade show, introducing a new, mouse-based system
graphical user interface environment called _______ (7). When Y found out
about this, he went ballistic, insisting that X give a proper explanation for this.
The subsequent conversation between them is said to have been gone like this:
Y : “You're ripping us off! I trusted you, and now you're stealing from us!”
X : “Well, Y, I think there's more than one way of looking at it. I think it's more
like we both had this rich neighbour named Z and I broke into his house to steal
the TV set and found out that you had already stolen it.”
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
12 For the first part, ID both X and Y, two absolute
legends in the tech world. For the second part, give a
proper explanation for this attempt at copying an idea
or the neighbour Z.
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
X → Bill Gates
Y → Steve Jobs
Z → Xerox
Xerox Parc created the Xerox Star, one of the first
rudimentary GUIs, from which Apple’s Macintosh interface
was ‘inspired.’
Identify both the term/work (X)
and the author (Y).
The term X was coined by Y for his 1516 book of the same name,
describing a fictional island society in the South Atlantic Ocean off the
coast of South America. X comes from two Greek root words, meaning
‘no’ and ‘place’ respectively. In his original work, Y carefully pointed out
the similarity of X to its homonym Z, which is also derived from two
Greek root words, meaning ‘good’ and ‘place’ respectively.
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
X → Utopia
Y → Sir Thomas More
Utopia comes from Greek: οὐ (not) and τόπος (place).
Eutopia, its homonym, is derived from εὖ (good or well) and
τόπος (place).
FITB and give me X.
(If you get one, you should get the other)
The _________ (9) Flame of Peace has been
burning continuously since it was lit on August 1st,
1964. The pedestal expresses the shape of two
hands pressed together at the wrist and bent back
so that the palms open up toward the sky, a design
which is to console the souls of victims who craved
water. The flame is also used as a symbol of peace
to light other flames in various events. In 1994, for
instance, the flame was used to light the sacred fire
of the Asian Games held in _________. It will keep
burning till a time when all X-s have disappeared
from the Earth.
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
X → Nuclear weapons
The Hiroshima Flame of Peace will keep burning until all
nuclear weapons have disappeared from Earth.
In Captain Marvel (which is set in 1995), Carol Danvers crashes into a
Blockbuster store when she lands on earth. Disoriented and rattled,
she sees a cardboard cutout of Arnold Schwarzenegger from True Lies
and shoots a photon blast at it.
However, it was originally supposed to be a another character from a
1994 movie whom Carol would mistake for a green-skinned Skrull.
Unfortunately, Marvel could not secure the rights to use him.
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Which character?
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
The Mask
In Buffalo, New York, on July 17, 1902, in response to an air quality
problem experienced at the Sackett-Wilhelms Lithographing & Publishing
Company of Brooklyn, X submitted drawings for what became recognized
as the world's first modern ___ ____________ system.
After several more years of refinement and field testing, on January 2,
1906, X was granted U.S. Patent 808,897 for an Apparatus for Treating
Air, the world's first spray-type ___ ____________ equipment.
Fill in the blanks and give me X (surname will do). X has a HVAC
corporation named after him.
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Which invention? Name X.
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Air Conditioning Willis Carrier
X, a word rhyming with jogging, is a combination of jogging with
picking up litter which started as an organised activity in Sweden
around 2016 and spread to other countries in 2018, following
increased concern about plastic pollution.
The Y challenge is an online challenge that encourages users to pick a
place filled with litter, clean it up, and post before and after pictures.
What is the challenge called, a portmanteau of the bags used to
dispose of litter and the word “hashtag”?
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
X and Y?
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
X: Plogging Y: TrashTag
Md Aqib Khan & Tuba Waqar
The following six questions are have an underlying connect.
Points for the connect is given on each slide. You can attempt the connect twice.
Each question has a +10/-5 for its answer, same as rounds 2 and 4. Only pounce
here, no bounce.
The part that goes into the connect is highlighted.
Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
While X and his notorious triplet nephews are pretty well known, the
fate of their mother, X's twin sister (who has been known as Thelma,
Della, or Dumbella in various incarnations) has always been a little
A Dutch cartoon purports to have an answer: she became an
Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019
Identify X.
Donald Duck
Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019
01 +30/-25
________ breaks away from the traditional way of representing X. He does not
present us with the winner, the giant's head at his feet and the powerful sword
in his hand, but portrays the youth in the phase immediately preceding the
The artist places him in the most perfect "contraposto", as in the most beautiful
Greek representations of heroes. The right-hand side is smooth and composed
while the left-side, from the outstretched foot all the way up to the disheveled
hair is openly active and dynamic. The muscles and the tendons are developed
only to the point where they can still be interpreted as the perfect instrument
for a strong will, and not to the point of becoming individual self-governing
Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019
Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019
02 +25/-20
Hello Londoners,
I hear everyone's darling X is back in town. Everyone could probably learn a thing or two
from her. That red hair with that complexion? Yas kween!
But careful, boys, I hear she isn't very fond of you all.
But everything isn't all roses in X land.
Her mother isn't even a real royal? I mean a proper one What a poser.
Her dad is quite the womanizer, I hear.
Anyway, X is about to face some new challenges, from her darling old cuz from the land
of Scots who isn't so merry after all.
Can't wait to see who gets out of this little skirmish in one piece
Until next time,
Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019
03 +20/-15
Queen Elizabeth I
Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019
03 +20/-15
Throughout his life, X developed an extensive personal collection of
stones, minerals, and materials with interesting light-scattering
properties, which he obtained from his world travels and as gifts. He
often carried a small, handheld spectroscope to study specimens.
These are on display at the X Research Institute, where he worked and
"Nehru was fascinated seeing my collection of diamonds, stones and
minerals and the gorgeous spectacle that unfolded before him when I
played my ultraviolet lamp on them in the dark room," X said.
Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019
Identify X.
CV Raman
Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019
04 +15/-10
"________ ante portas" is a famous Latin phrase which is used when a
client arrives through the door, or when one is faced with calamity.
Count Alfred von Schlieffen developed his eponymously titled
"Schlieffen Plan", with a particularly heavy emphasis on the
envelopment technique which ________ employed to surround and
destroy a certain army in the Battle of Cannae.
________ is also the hero of a teenage Freud.
Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019
Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019
05 +10/-05
In the given picture, an actress is portraying 12 different characters,
each representing a type of something.
What something?
(Picture on the next slide)
Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019
What am I talking about?
Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019
06 +05/00
Long Connect
Serial Killers
Donald Henry Gaskins
David Berkowitz
Elizabeth Báthory
Raman Raghav
Hannibal Lecter
Zodiac Killer
Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019
No screaming during pounce. Raise your hand and write down the
+10/-05 for correct/incorrect pounce.
+10/0 for correct/incorrect bounce.
+10 on the direct.
We start with team 8.
Arunava, Ananyo, Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Name the poem.
Martin Rowson is a comics artist famous for his adaptations of famous literary texts into
comic books and political cartooning. To this effect he has written and drawn Sterne’s
Tristram Shandy, Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels and even Marx’s Communist Manifesto.
However, one of his most notorious and popular works is an adaptation of an long
modernist poem that he recasts as Raymond Chandler-esque hard-boiled noir detective
The book is controversial because after publishing the first edition with ample quotations
from the original poem in 1990, Rowson was forced to revise and rewrite his book after
the poet’s estate refused to let him use lines from the original for the U.K printing. He had
to rely his wit and ingenuity to convey the poem’s themes, tones, movements, and
cultural environment by finding verbal substitutions.
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
The Waste Land
T.S. Eliot
These are two popular
series of illustrated / comic
book style introductory
volumes that have become
very popular nowadays.
Name the 1970s small
press sensation by Mexican
cartoonist Rius that
kickstarted this entire
phenomenon with its
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Rius’ use of cartoons and
handwritten text made his book
stand out from most other books
on the subject in the 1970s (and
arguably, even now.)
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Marx for Beginners
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Name the movie.
This is a 1979 erotic historical drama that is infamous for being disavowed by almost
everyone who was involved in making it.
The writer Gore Vidal did it because of all the changes director Tinto Brass introduced to
the script to make it a “political satire”. The director did the same when the producer
introduced unsimulated sex scenes into the film that Brass has refused to film.
It thus became a hardcore pornographic film, starred in by the likes of Helen Mirren and
Peter O’Toole, that is also ironically enough the only feature film produced by the men's
magazine Penthouse.
The legacy of this film has also obscured a 1944 play by Albert Camus about the
eponymous Roman emperor famed for his cruelty that is said to complete his "Cycle of
the Absurd", with the novel The Stranger (1942) and the essay The Myth of Sisyphus
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Who is X? Name Y.
In the summer of 1684, the astronomer Edmond Halley visited X in order to find out
whether he could solve a problem that had baffled the likes of Christopher Wren, Robert
Hooke, and himself: to find the planetary orbit that would be produced by an
inverse-square central force. X knew the answer to be an ellipse from some earlier work
of his.
When Halley heard X’s reply, he urged him to write up his results. X produced a short
track, entitled De Motu (On Motion). Once started, X could not restrain the creative force
of his genius, and the end product was Y.
Also known as De Motu Corporum (On the Motion of Bodies) while it was being written,
Y would change what it empirically based mathematical science meant and could be
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Isaac Newton
The Principia
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Identify the book from the page.
Fearscape is a limited fantasy comic book series by writer Ryan O'Sullivan and artist
Andrea Mutti that was published by Vault Comics in 2018-2019.
The main story may be outlined as follows: “Once per generation, The Muse travels to
Earth, discovers our greatest Storyteller, and takes them with her to the Fearscape to
battles these fear-creatures on our behalf. All has been well for eons, until The Muse
encounters Henry Henry, a plagiarist with delusions of literary grandeur. Mistaking him
for our greatest Storyteller, she ushers him into the Fearscape. Doom follows.”
So it is very much a book about literature, reading, writing, and how we relate to to all of
this. One of the books that Fearscape is thus obviously obsessed with is shown in the
next page.
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Fill in the blank.
Historian Robert N Proctor book The Nazi War on ______ begins by
describing what Hitler discussed with Goebbels the night before the
historic morning of June 22, 1941 (when German armed forces invaded
the Soviet Union along a two-thousand-mile front, beginning the
largest and deadliest military campaign in history). One passage from it
runs like this:
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Fill in the blank.
“But Hitler and Goebbels discussed other things that night. They discussed the
importance of English pacifism for the Nazi cause, and the political situation in Italy.
And shortly before they separated-only an hour before the invasion-they discussed
recent advances in ______ research, including the work of a certain Hans Auler, professor
of medicine in Berlin and one of several up-and-coming stars of German ______ research.
We don't know exactly what was said [...], but the fact that _____ was even broached
seems puzzling. How did Germany's political leaders find the time-hours before a major
invasion-to discuss ______ and ______ research? Was this idle chit-chat, designed to
ease the tension, or was there something more at stake? What was ______ in the
Thousand Year Reich that set it apart from other health obsessions of the hour?”
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Name the film studio.
The name of this famous studio was originally inspired by the love that
the founder had for aeroplanes and their history. This name thus
originated from an Italian WWII-era scouting aircraft called the Ca. 309
It doesn’t end there: they also paid tribute to the designer of this plane,
Giovanni Battista Caproni, by featuring him in their 2013 animated film
The Wind Rises.
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
07 Hint
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Studio Ghibli
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
How do we know this term?
In October 2018, the Enrichment Commission of the French language
finally decided, after many months of deliberation, to translate an
English term/phrase that has become very popular in global media,
public and political discourse since 2016 into French with a neologism,
‘infox’, which is apparently forged from the words “information” and
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
What was done to these people?
Zaira Cattaneo at the University of Milan Bicocca and her team took 12 people
and asked them their opinion of a series of paintings.
The twist was that they asked these people before and after they either
subjected them to a certain experiment or merely pretended to do so.
The result was that people who were subjected to this action rated paintings
that contained regular everyday moments more highly than others. It was
understood that the part of the brain known as the DLPFC or the left
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was involved in this reaction. This part of the
brain processes emotions.
Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Their brains
were zapped
The picture is the photo of a
certain Francois Bertillon, son
of Alphonse Bertillon, a French
police officer. The date is 17th
October, 1893.
What did Alphonse Bertillon
start, something that is still in
wide use today?
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
What did he start?
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Bertillon was also a biometrics researcher who was responsible for
standardizing the mugshot.
X wrote in his diary: “I was walking along the road with two friends –
the sun was setting – suddenly the sky turned blood red – I paused,
feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence – there was blood and
tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city – my friends
walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety – and I sensed an
infinite ______ passing through nature.”
The agonised face of the strange, sexless creature in the painting has
become one of the most iconic images of art, seen as symbolising the
anxiety of modern man.
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
11 Identify X and the work
in question (fill in the blank).
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
X: (The) Scream
Edvard Munch
On Tuesday, X, a regional party, claimed that it has become the first
ever political party to have an official account on the short lip-sync
video sharing social media app Y.
"Since the platform gives a user an opportunity to express and share a
message in a concise manner and make it funny at the same time, X
plans to put forward its agenda to young India”. X added. One of the
clips shows the party president and Hyderabad MP appealing to his
constituents to come to Darussalam, Telangana (the party
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Identify X or its leader and Y (app).
Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
X: All India
Muslimeen (AIMIM)
or Asaduddin Owaisi
Y: TikTok
Which involuntary action involving a reflex arc is a contraction
(myoclonic jerk) of the diaphragm that may repeat several times per
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Which country is this?
The image alongside is of the coat of arms of X.
The red lion is a symbol of Great Britain and
alludes to X’s relationship with GB. The wrecked
ship is the Sea Venture, the flagship of the
Virginia Company. The ship was deliberately
driven on to the reefs of X in 1609, to prevent it
from foundering in a storm. All aboard survived,
resulting in the settlement in X. The Latin motto
under the coat of arms, Quo Fata Ferunt, means
“Whither the Fates Carry [Us]”.
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Which brand is this?
This is the explanation behind the logo of a brand:
First, the boldness of the letters evokes a sense of threat, while the
italicization of the word represents speed – two stereotypes that
arguably customers who want to take on the “manly” character aspire
to embody. More deeply embedded in this logo is a hidden
representation of their well-known product, shown through the
diagonal cut in the first two letters.
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
The Central Stadium of
Yekaterinburg was one of
the venues the FIFA 2018
World Cup in Russia. It is
located on the Iset River
east of the Ural Mountains.
How is the stadium
geographically different
from the other 2018 World
Cup stadiums?
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
Glenn Seaborg's group had difficulty chemically separating the two
new elements from the rare-earth elements, Americium and Curium.
One of the members of the group, Tom Morgan, dubbed the two
elements ___________ and ________ . Morgan's nicknames encompass
the frustration of the group during their attempts to demonstrate the
chemical proof of the elements' existence, which might have resulted in
noisy disorder or confusion and uproar, followed by madness and
restlessness among the group members.
Identify the two names, both rhymes with Americium and Curium
and other elements with similar naming.
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019

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INQUIZITION 2019: Jadavpur University Freshers' Quiz

  • 1. INQUIZITION 2019 The Annual Inter-college Freshers’ Quiz PRELIMS
  • 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ★ Reviewers (aka Guinea Pigs): Saswata Acharya & Balagopal S. Menon ★ Sr. Director of Youth Welfare: Dr. Bappa Mullick. ★ Office of the Director of Youth Welfare - Pralay Banerjee and everyone else.
  • 3. RULES ★ Write your names, institution, and at least one contact number. Blank entries will be discarded. ★ Teams of 3 or fewer. Teams with more than 3 members will be disqualified. ★ All members of a team MUST be from the same institution. Cross-college teams are not allowed. ★ Keep your phones on silent mode throughout the prelims. ★ No talking to or peeping into your neighbour’s answer sheets. ★ Top 8 teams qualify to the finals tomorrow.
  • 4. FORMAT ★ 26 questions worth 32 points. ★ Text in red are clues. They will guide you towards the answer. ★ Fill in the answers in the given boxes. ★ Each box in your answer sheet is alloted 1 point. ★ There are 6 questions (3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23) worth 2 points - so they have two boxes. ★ Starred questions (multiples of 4) are marked on your answer sheet. They will be used to break ties. ★ No negative marking. Feel free to guess.
  • 5. Identify the context. Recently in the news. Much spoken about. Few key-words will do. The question number will help. Bigger picture on the next slide. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 01
  • 6. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 01
  • 7. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER • One Nation, One Language • Common Language • Hindi Imposition Any coherent sentence that mentions these will suffice. 01
  • 8. Identify the brand. The consistent saddle shape (pictured) is mathematically known as a hyperbolic paraboloid. Their designers reportedly used supercomputers to ensure that product's aerodynamics would keep them in place during packaging and allow them to be stacked in sturdy tubular containers. The strength of the shape helps prevent them from breaking while stacked. Identify the brand of this edible (which is synonymous with the product). Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 02
  • 9. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER PRINGLES 02
  • 10. Identify the 2 TV shows. This is a poster of show X in the art style of show Y. Both shows deal with unusual (perhaps even supernatural) occurrences set in fictional towns. For 2 points, identify both the shows. Bigger image on the next slide. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 03 2 pointer
  • 11. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 03 2 pointer
  • 12. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER 03 Stranger Things Gravity Falls 2 pointer
  • 13. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 04 Give me the name of the club. Founded in 1993 after the amalgamation of Rovaniemen Reipas and Rovaniemen Lappi, FC _____ _____ Arctic Circle is a football club from Rovaniemi, Finland, playing in the second division of the Finnish League. Despite falling just short of achieving promotion to the primary league in 2010 and stagnating ever since then, this team has an almost global support base, albeit mostly as a joke due to its name. A picture of the home jersey of the club from the 15/16 season.
  • 14. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER 04
  • 15. Identify X. The 1889 Paris Expo saw the Eiffel Tower being constructed as its primary attraction. In order to one-up their French counterparts, the organisers of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair hired George Washington Gale ______ (6) Jr. to create the first X. “[...] continues to keep itself erect [...] it has no visible means of support — none that appear adequate. The spokes look like cobwebs; they are after the fashion of those on the newest make of bicycles”, observed Julian Hawthorne, one of the first witnesses of this then engineering marvel, which are however much more commonplace nowadays. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 05
  • 16. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER Ferris Wheel 05
  • 17. Who is/are X? According to the Wisdom series (2006), Marvel Comics, in 1963, four Skrull agents were sent to Earth, ordered to disguise themselves as X and facilitate a Skrull invasion of Earth. The four “Skrull X” decided that they would rather remain on Earth, where there was “money and power”, rather than help the Skrulls conquer it. John, notably, fell into a relationship with a Kree, Captain Boko of the Kree Liberation Army. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 06
  • 18. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER The Beatles 06
  • 19. X was the primary antagonist of JM Barrie’s titular play. X’s name was a play on a ‘physical’ feature of his. Barrie states in the novel that “X was not his true name. To reveal who he really was would even at this date set the country in a blaze.” One of X’s main fears is a particular animal, and Barrie openly acknowledged that X and his obsession with said animal was inspired by that of another literary character Y, from a legendary 1851 novel. Give me X, as well as Y, from whom X was inspired. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 07 2 pointer
  • 20. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER X → Captain Hook Y → Captain Ahab 07 2 pointer
  • 21. Put Funda/Who is this myth about? In Greek, the word pithos was actually a large jar used for storing wine, oil, grain or ritually, as a container for the human body from which it was believed souls escaped and returned. The popular version of this myth has come down to us through a mistranslation attributed to Erasmus from the 16th century. As a result, few of the major details contradicted the original story which was about blessings, rather than evils and chronicled Epimetheus rather than his wife. This myth has translated to other cultures and religions most popularly as Eve eating the apple – both a victim of their curiosity. 08 Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims]INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
  • 22. Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER Pandora’s Box 08
  • 23. What was Marston’s creation? William Moulton Marston, most famous for the inventor of an early prototype of the polygraph test, is known to have incorporated his theme of diametrics (composed of opposing extremes) into this character. She bore both archetypes of masculine and feminine physical features. Marton’s character epitomised is an early example of bondage themes that were entering popular culture (as is suggestive of her costume and accessories) in the 1930s but wanted to graft her image into someone who conquers by love, not violence. Like Marston, she has indomitable mental powers which she can channel into physical abilities. In all likeliness, she was meant to be a swinger just like her creator although publisher Max Gaines was wary of depicting her as such. Since 2016, however, she has been declared as canonically Bisexual. 09 Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
  • 24. Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER Wonder Woman 09
  • 25. What behavioural disorder is this? Colette Dowling popularized the term in 1981 with her book of the same name but already used by Agatha Christie in Hickory Dickory Dock. It described a uniquely feminine condition in which women subconsciously fear independence. leading to inappropriate or ineffectual behaviour on the job to anxiety about success to the fear that independence will lead to loss of femininity. She based it on the idea of femininity portrayed in a story where a woman is hardworking and kind but is marginalised by the females of her own society. She is not capable of changing her situations with her own actions and therefore must rely on an outside force. 10 Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
  • 26. Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER The Cinderella Complex 10
  • 27. What did Tchaikovsky donate? Where was it used? When André Tchaikovsky died of cancer in 1982, he donated something to the Royal Shakespeare Company, which was only finally used in 2008. The delay was caused by directors, for years, being indecisive about whether to be morbid enough to use it, or not to be. What did he donate and where was it used? Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 11 2 pointer
  • 28. ANSWER Tchaikovsky donated his skull. It was used by RSC’s production of Hamlet in 2008. Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 11 2 pointer
  • 29. Fill in the blank. ____ is a mysterious apeman similar to Bigfoot, which is said to inhabit the forests alongside the Mississippi River as it passes through Missouri. ____ is described as 7 to 8 feet tall with a broad pumpkin-shaped head, and is supposedly covered head to foot in thick dark fur. Closer home, ____ is also the name of an “internet sensation”, of sorts. Usually shown as simply a terrifying face, with pale skin, bulging eyes, and a sinister smile, tracking this down has been a challenge for most authorities. First encountered in August, 2018, panic about this soon spread worldwide, even giving rise to several video games where player has to do various tasks and the goal is usually to survive before getting rescued. 12 Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
  • 30. ANSWER MOMO Momo is the name of a local legend, similar to the Bigfoot, which is reported to live in Missouri. The "Momo Challenge" was a hoax and an Internet urban legend about a nonexistent social media challenge that was spread on Whatsapp, Facebook and other media outlets. 12 Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
  • 31. The picture is of one Marcy Borders, 28, after an incident took place. Describing her ordeal, she said," I took chase from dust and smoke that was following me. Once it caught me it threw me on my hands and knees. Everytime I inhaled my mouth filled up with it, I was choking. I was saying to myself out loud, I don't want to die, I don't want to die." Years later, she adds, "“There was a giant roar, like a train, and between the buildings I could see huge clouds of smoke and dust billowing out". What is the incident that she was a survivor of? 13 Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 What is the incident?
  • 32. Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER The incident is 9/11. She is more popularly known as “The Dusty Lady.” 13
  • 33. Curb Your Enthusiasm is an American comedy TV series about Larry David (playing himself) just really going through life that anybody else would live. A lot of the comedy in the show comes from the awkward situations he finds himself in, usually due to him messing up. The show usually ends with everything he did in the episode leading up to his downfall, which is always cued by a certain something. Though we might not be aware of the TV show, all of us have certainly seen the certain something. 14 Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 What am I talking about? / Identify the reference.
  • 34. Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER “Directed By Robert B. Weide” credits meme. 14
  • 35. Identify the structure. Name XY. New Yorkers have been finding more and more ways to protest _____, from stripping his name off buildings he once built to holding demonstrations outside his Midtown Manhattan home/office. Most recently, more than 200,000 thousand people have signed a petition to rename this street in New York, in which a structure with an extremely recognisable name is situated, after XY. This particular petition, which started off as a joke, has gained a lot of attention, both positive and negative. On one hand it has been called SJW propaganda, but on the other hand, it is thought of as disrespectful to XY, by the so called SJWs themselves. Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 15 2 pointer
  • 36. ANSWER Trump Towers XY - Barack Obama Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 15 2 pointer
  • 37. Fill in the blanks. The barber pole’s colors are a legacy of a long-gone era when people went to barbers not just for a haircut or shave but also for ____________. The physicians of that period considered ____________ too menial to do themselves. Monks used to do this before Pope Alexander III in 1163 prohibited clergymen from carrying out the procedure. The colours in the pole (red, blue, and white) each represent something. This activity was largely let go of in the 19th century. Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 16
  • 38. ANSWER BLOODLETTING. The colours of the barber pole are linked to bloodletting, with red representing blood, white representing the bandages used to stem the bleeding, and blue to represent the veins. Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 16
  • 39. Fill in the blank. In literary criticism, an _____ plot is "a plot which is kept in motion solely by virtue of the fact that everybody involved is an _____, and where the story would otherwise be over if this were not the case. It is a narrative where its conflict comes from characters not recognizing, or not being told, key information that would resolve the conflict, often because of plot contrivance. The only thing that prevents the conflict's resolution is the character's constant avoidance or obliviousness of it throughout the plot, even if it was already obvious to the viewer, so the characters are all "_____" in that they are too obtuse to simply resolve the conflict immediately. 17 Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
  • 40. Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER Idiot Plot 17
  • 41. Give me X. According to folklorists, all myths, fairy tales, and nursery rhymes that are about some dude named X are talking about the same guy. What this means is that every single one of the following: ● X Be Nimble (who jumped over burning candles for fun) ● Stingy X (who tricked the devil so many times that he was banned from both the afterlives) ● X o' Lantern (the headless horseman spirit of the Halloween) ● X Frost (the spirit who heralds the end of autumn and the start of winter) are literally the same guy who made so many bad life choices he ended up an immortal ice dullahan with a pumpkin serving as both his head and flashlight. 18 Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
  • 42. Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER Jack 18
  • 43. Give me X and Y. London Boy, part of Lover - the seventh studio album by Taylor Swift starts off with some British dude saying, “We can go driving in, on my scooter / Uh, you know, just riding in London.” You might think the voice is of Joe Alwyn because he's the literal London Boy that she's dating. But it is actually X and was taken from a March 2017 interview he did with Y while talking about date ideas. Before you spiral into conspiracy theories, keep in mind that Taylor is starring in Cats with both X and Y, so this actually makes sense. [Play audio clip] 19 Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 2 pointer
  • 44. Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER X: Idris Elba Y: James Corden 19 2 pointer
  • 45. What am I talking about? X is a popular song written by Pat Ballard which was published in 1954 and first recorded in May of that year by Vaughn Monroe & His Orchestra and later that same year by The Chordettes and The Four Aces. The song's lyrics convey a request to "X" to "bring me a dream" – the traditional association with the folkloric figure, the ___. It was a 17-year-old Jade Taylor-Ryan, who was the first one to try out this challenge. 20 Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 Here are the lyrics - "X, bring me a dream (bung, bung, bung, bung) Make him the cutest that I've ever seen (bung, bung, bung, bung) Give him two lips like roses and clover (bung, bung, bung, bung) Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over X, I'm so alone (bung, bung, bung, bung) Don't have nobody to call my own (bung, bung, bung, bung) Please turn on your magic beam X, bring me a dream"
  • 46. Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER Mr. Sandman Challenge 20
  • 47. Give me the hashtag. If you've been noticing popular influencers with their faces covered with shaving cream on the internet, it's part of a quirky campaign by Gillette SkinGuard called #________, which shows men with a fear of shaving and how they finally overcome it with joy and fun lyrical that gets stuck in your head. Then comes the hashtag - _______, a very clever take on Foam, X, and the Fear of Shaving. 21 Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
  • 48. 21 Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
  • 49. Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER #NoMoreFoamo 21
  • 50. Viewers of Netflix comedy-drama series Orange is the New Black, were first introduced to Judy King played by Blair Brown on season three, when the inmates who spent many of their TV hours watching the celebrity chef's cooking shows were anticipating her arrival. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, actress Blair Brown said, "When I heard that Judy was a cooking show celebrity and she was going to prison for some financial mischief, you think of X right away." THR also noted that in Piper Kerman's book that the series is based on, readers learned that X was almost sent to the prison facility where Kerman was held for felony charges of conspiracy, obstruction of an agency proceeding, and making false statements to federal investigators in 2004. 22 Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 Give me X.
  • 51. 22 Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
  • 52. Aqib INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER Martha Stewart 22
  • 53. Image A (next slide) is a page from Razmnama, the Persian translation of an epic, which shows the scene of a battlefield. The killing of the elephant, named X, would eventually lead the to the murder of the army commander of one of the warring group. Image B (next slide) is a still from the play Drawing The Line, where Tom Beard (the actor in the middle) plays a British lawyer and a Law Lord. X and Y are the first and the last of a list of 16 entries. 23 Give me either X or Y. What is this list all about? 2 pointer Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
  • 54. 23 Image A Image B Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019
  • 55. ANSWER 23 X - ASHWATTHAMA or Y -CYRIL RADCLIFFE SACRED GAMES EPISODES Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 2 pointer
  • 56. Which game is this? The name of this game is also used as a metaphor for describing any activity where items or people are repeatedly and usually pointlessly shuffled among various locations or positions. It may also refer to political situations where one leader replaces another, only to be rapidly replaced due to the instability of the governing system. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 24
  • 57. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER Musical Chairs 24
  • 58. Who is author of the book? The Hindi version of a textbook of a subject taught in schools and colleges is called Bhoutiki Ki Samajh. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 25
  • 59. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER H. C. Verma 25
  • 60. Which fruit? This citrus fruit was brought from Eastern Africa, mainly from a certain Southeast African country. However, the local name given to the fruit in India, was a corruption of the name of the African country of origin. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 26
  • 61. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER Mosambi 26
  • 62. INQUIZITION 2019 The Annual Inter-college Freshers’ Quiz FINALS
  • 63. FORMAT Round 1: Written (6 questions) Round 2: Infinite Bounce & Pounce - I (17 questions) Round 3: Themed Connect (6 questions) Round 4: Infinite Bounce & Pounce - II (17 questions)
  • 65. FORMAT & RULES The following six questions are all about song names based on geographical locations. Answers to Questions 1, 3, and 5 ask only for the song name. Answers to Questions 2, 4, and 6 ask for both song name and band name, and carries part points on each. The song names will only be the location. E.g. Alabama and not Sweet Home Alabama. +5 for each answer. +10 for a full house. Total 40 points on offer. Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
  • 66. Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 01 What song/ place? The folk song’s existence on record, began with Alan Lomax in 1933. Although roots of the song date far back to 16th century England where taverns often sported this name. The song was named after a local establishment that was suggestively a prostitution establishment or a gambling den operated by a woman named Marianne LeSoliel (literally meaning _________ in French) Levant in this city between 1808-22, when it burnt down. How we know of it presently has to do with Vance Randolph’s theory referring to the decorative use of the sunburst insignia on public establishments dating to the time of Louis XIV (also known as the Sun King), which was brought to North America by French immigrants in the 18th century.
  • 67. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 01 House of the Rising Sun
  • 68. Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 02 Name the band and the song (FITB). The original title of the song was 'Honey Pie', and was heavily inspired by UK glam rock of the time, particularly Wizzard's 'See My Baby Jive'. Originally recorded in Swedish that won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974, this song chronicles a woman fighting a losing battle and eventually surrenders and falls in love with her man. Essentially, he's her own personal ___________. One could say, the band’s skilful usage of this now two century old event made for a brilliant pop cultural reference. Surprisingly, France had rejected Belgium’s proposal to commemorate the event in an €2 coin but had gladly embraced this song. In fact it was so popular in France that the band recorded a French version which was adapted by Claude-Michel Schönberg, who would later go on to co-write Les Misérables. (Hugo based the story in the same year after the event in question)
  • 69. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 02 Waterloo by Abba
  • 70. Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 03 Fill in the blank. The _____________ was an annual popular gathering and commercial trade expo in Medieval England in Yorkshire. It originated from a royal charter granted by King Henry III of England on 22 January 1253. One could suitably find the four key herbs as the song asks for if they ever visited _____________. (based on who you ask, some say these ingredients were a cure for the plague) Much to the chagrin of the listener, they have a lengthier instruction to follow on the way – one that includes ferrying a message to a woman about completing a series of impossible tasks, a theme borrowed from the story of the Elfin Knight. If successfully completed, the Knight would take her as his true love.
  • 71. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 03 Scarborough Fair
  • 72. Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 04 Name the band and the song. Originally the song had been inspired in the autumn of 1973 after an exhausting drive in the Sahara Desert. The lyrics were therefore diametrically opposite – to the cool serene valleys and “songs in tongues of lilting grace.” Notwithstanding the band’s obsession with JRR Tolkien, this song was quite literally about a Misty Mountain Hop. In an interview a band member gave to William S. Burroughs in 1975, he mentioned that at the time the song was composed, none of the band members had ever physically visited the place Amir Khusro spoke so highly of.
  • 73. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 04 Kashmir by Led Zepplin
  • 74. Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 05 What song/place? Originally released in 2018, the track blew up as a result of memes TikTok, where users have uploaded clips using snippets of the song, for a certain “yee-haw challenge.” Song writer added that he later changed the song's meaning "from a runaway type of story to _________ being a symbol for a path of success, where one is packed up and ready to hit the road and then you're just staying on it.” As he came out as gay not long after, fans theorised that ___________ was written as a story about coming out of the closet. In response, the artists tweeted, “____________ is literally about horses.” To flex on Billboard’s Country music chart, the artist collaborated with a notable country musician, who himself had previously traversed the lines into the hip-hop world when he released a rap remix of "Achy Breaky Heart," in 2014, working with rapper Buck 22.
  • 75. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 05 Old Town Road
  • 76. Annewsa INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 06 Identify the band and the song. The song appears to be a somewhat fantastical biography of Rudolf Hess, Hitler's Deputy Führer, who defected to the allied side and was arrested and detained at this place. Alluded in the song is his POW number 31G-350125, that the band shouts at the beginning of the song. The band took the title inspiration after a David Bowie song at the time of Bowie's visit to the place in 1973. Bowie’s song itself was based upon a recording of a Polish folk choir Śląsk. This place seems to bear a special significance to this band since this was their original name. To avoid confusion with the London punk band of somewhat the same name, they renamed themselves as X in early 1978 – a literal English translation of the prostitution wing of a Nazi concentration camp Freudenabteilung.
  • 77. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 06
  • 78. INFINITE BOUNCE & POUNCE - I 17questions Clockwise
  • 79. FORMAT & RULES No screaming during pounce. Raise your hand and write down the answer. +10/-05 for correct/incorrect pounce. +10/0 for correct/incorrect bounce. +10 on the direct. We start with team 1. Ishan, Arnab, Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
  • 80. The emblem of ___________ depicts a three-flamed lamp encircled by lotus petals. The lamp represents knowledge. The three flames represent intellectual training, cultivation of emotions and imagination, and spiritual development. The petals of the lotus on the periphery represent fine arts and culture. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 01 Fill in the blank.
  • 81. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 01 Jadavpur University
  • 82. “X” located near the historic town Santillana del Mar in Cantabria, Spain, is renowned for its numerous parietal cave paintings featuring charcoal drawings and polychrome paintings of contemporary local fauna and human hands, created during the Upper Paleolithic. The earliest paintings in the cave were executed around 15,500 years ago. “X” was referenced in a famous movie monologue, closer home. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 02 ID X and the movie.
  • 83. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 02 X - Altamira Movie - Agantuk
  • 84. In a 2009 interview, The Plain Dealer music critic John Soeder asked ____ _______ if he regretted writing the lines ________________ because wines are fermented while spirits are distilled. To which ____ _______ responded by saying: “Thanks for the tutorial and, no, you're not the first to bring this to my attention — and you're not the first to completely misinterpret the lyric and miss the metaphor. Believe me, I've consumed enough alcoholic beverages in my time to know how they are made and what the proper nomenclature is.” Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 03 FITB and give me the lines being referred to.
  • 85. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 03 "So I called up the captain / 'Please bring me my wine' / He said, 'We haven't had that spirit here since 1969'" Don Henley the Eagle’s frontman.
  • 86. "She's about fifteen years old I should think, not more, but she stands there with bangles all the way up her arm and nothing else on. A girl perfectly, for the moment, perfectly confident of herself and the world. There's nothing like her, I think, in the world." Mortimer Wheeler describing something in 1973. Identify. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 04
  • 87. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 04 The dancing girl of Mohenjo Daro/ Bronze Dancing Girl
  • 88. Launched in India by Balsara Hygiene in 1987. The brand was positioned as an economic toothpaste with the tagline "________ ________ paisa vasool”. _______ was relaunched with the tagline "Begin a great day, the ________ way" in 2002, when ________ was Balsara's biggest brand. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 05 FITB with a brand currently in the news.
  • 89. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 05 Babool (Mums the word XD)
  • 90. A cinema across the street from the band's rehearsal room was showing the 1963 horror film “X” starring Boris Karloff and directed by Mario Bava. While watching people line up to see the film, one of the members noted that it was "strange that people spend so much money to see scary movies". Following that,two of the members wrote the lyrics for a song called "X", which was inspired by the work of horror and adventure-story writer Dennis Wheatley, along with a vision that one of the band members had of a black silhouetted figure standing at the foot of his bed. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 06 ID X.
  • 91. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 06 X - Black Sabbath
  • 92. X is a coupé utility vehicle that was produced by Chevrolet between 1959–60 and 1964–1987. Unlike a pickup truck, the X was adapted from a two-door station wagon platform that integrated the cab and cargo bed into the body. X loosely translated to The Royal Road. Picture on the next slide. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 07 ID X.
  • 93. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 07
  • 94. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 07 Chevrolet El Camino
  • 95. “Although hearty, chankonabe is actually quite healthy. It’s not your triple Whopper or deep-fried pizza. The stew is full of fresh veggies, tofu, fish and either pork, chicken or beef. In case they aren’t full after the goodies are eaten and there’s just soup left, the ______ often dump a pile of noodles into the bowl.” FITB with the community of people who eat Chankonabe. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 08
  • 96. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 08 Sumo Wrestlers
  • 97. “The golden temple of Amritsar comes back to me like a dream. Many a morning have I accompanied my father to this Gurudarbar of the Sikhs in the middle of the lake. There the sacred chanting resounds continually. My father, seated amidst the throng of worshippers, would sometimes add his voice to the hymn of praise, and finding a stranger joining in their devotions they would wax enthusiastically cordial, and we would return loaded with the sanctified offerings of sugar crystals and other sweets.” Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 09 ID the speaker from this statement made in 1919.
  • 98. Ishan INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 09 Rabindranath Tagore - post the Jallianwallah Bagh Massacre
  • 99. If the 1917 Code of Canon Law, which states that any newly discovered territory would be placed under the jurisdiction of the Diocese from which the expedition that discovered that territory originated were to be followed, the Bishop of Orlando would have the largest Catholic Diocese, measuring in at approximately 36 million, a fact that Bishop Borders, the then Bishop of Orlando had indeed jokingly pointed out to Pope Blessed Paul VI. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 10 What am I talking about?
  • 100. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 10 Since the first ‘expedition’ to the moon was launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, which falls under the Diocese of Orlando, the Bishop of Orlando is also technically the Bishop of the Moon.
  • 101. In August 2012, a contest was sponsored by Papa John’s and Chegg that would send Taylor Swift to perform for the school that received the most votes on Facebook. Users of the infamous site 4chan, in a cruel prank, decided to hijack this vote, as they voted in thousands in favour of a certain Horace Mann School. In the end, the contest was cancelled, as Swift, as well as the sponsors, decided to donate money to the school instead. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 11 Just give me what the prank was about.
  • 102. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 11
  • 103. In November 1983, X’s company made a surprising announcement at Comdex, the industry's premier trade show, introducing a new, mouse-based system graphical user interface environment called _______ (7). When Y found out about this, he went ballistic, insisting that X give a proper explanation for this. The subsequent conversation between them is said to have been gone like this: Y : “You're ripping us off! I trusted you, and now you're stealing from us!” X : “Well, Y, I think there's more than one way of looking at it. I think it's more like we both had this rich neighbour named Z and I broke into his house to steal the TV set and found out that you had already stolen it.” Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 12 For the first part, ID both X and Y, two absolute legends in the tech world. For the second part, give a proper explanation for this attempt at copying an idea or the neighbour Z.
  • 104. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 12 X → Bill Gates Y → Steve Jobs Z → Xerox Xerox Parc created the Xerox Star, one of the first rudimentary GUIs, from which Apple’s Macintosh interface was ‘inspired.’
  • 105. Identify both the term/work (X) and the author (Y). The term X was coined by Y for his 1516 book of the same name, describing a fictional island society in the South Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South America. X comes from two Greek root words, meaning ‘no’ and ‘place’ respectively. In his original work, Y carefully pointed out the similarity of X to its homonym Z, which is also derived from two Greek root words, meaning ‘good’ and ‘place’ respectively. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 13
  • 106. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 13 X → Utopia Y → Sir Thomas More Utopia comes from Greek: οὐ (not) and τόπος (place). Eutopia, its homonym, is derived from εὖ (good or well) and τόπος (place).
  • 107. FITB and give me X. (If you get one, you should get the other) The _________ (9) Flame of Peace has been burning continuously since it was lit on August 1st, 1964. The pedestal expresses the shape of two hands pressed together at the wrist and bent back so that the palms open up toward the sky, a design which is to console the souls of victims who craved water. The flame is also used as a symbol of peace to light other flames in various events. In 1994, for instance, the flame was used to light the sacred fire of the Asian Games held in _________. It will keep burning till a time when all X-s have disappeared from the Earth. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 14
  • 108. Arnab INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 14 X → Nuclear weapons The Hiroshima Flame of Peace will keep burning until all nuclear weapons have disappeared from Earth.
  • 109. In Captain Marvel (which is set in 1995), Carol Danvers crashes into a Blockbuster store when she lands on earth. Disoriented and rattled, she sees a cardboard cutout of Arnold Schwarzenegger from True Lies and shoots a photon blast at it. However, it was originally supposed to be a another character from a 1994 movie whom Carol would mistake for a green-skinned Skrull. Unfortunately, Marvel could not secure the rights to use him. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 15 Which character?
  • 110. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 15 The Mask
  • 111. In Buffalo, New York, on July 17, 1902, in response to an air quality problem experienced at the Sackett-Wilhelms Lithographing & Publishing Company of Brooklyn, X submitted drawings for what became recognized as the world's first modern ___ ____________ system. After several more years of refinement and field testing, on January 2, 1906, X was granted U.S. Patent 808,897 for an Apparatus for Treating Air, the world's first spray-type ___ ____________ equipment. Fill in the blanks and give me X (surname will do). X has a HVAC corporation named after him. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 16 Which invention? Name X.
  • 112. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 16 Air Conditioning Willis Carrier
  • 113. X, a word rhyming with jogging, is a combination of jogging with picking up litter which started as an organised activity in Sweden around 2016 and spread to other countries in 2018, following increased concern about plastic pollution. The Y challenge is an online challenge that encourages users to pick a place filled with litter, clean it up, and post before and after pictures. What is the challenge called, a portmanteau of the bags used to dispose of litter and the word “hashtag”? Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 17 X and Y?
  • 114. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 17 X: Plogging Y: TrashTag
  • 116. CONNECT ROUND 6questions Md Aqib Khan & Tuba Waqar
  • 117. FORMAT & RULES The following six questions are have an underlying connect. Points for the connect is given on each slide. You can attempt the connect twice. Each question has a +10/-5 for its answer, same as rounds 2 and 4. Only pounce here, no bounce. The part that goes into the connect is highlighted. Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
  • 118. While X and his notorious triplet nephews are pretty well known, the fate of their mother, X's twin sister (who has been known as Thelma, Della, or Dumbella in various incarnations) has always been a little unclear. A Dutch cartoon purports to have an answer: she became an astronaut. Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019 01 Identify X. +30/-25
  • 119. ANSWER Donald Duck Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019 01 +30/-25
  • 120. ________ breaks away from the traditional way of representing X. He does not present us with the winner, the giant's head at his feet and the powerful sword in his hand, but portrays the youth in the phase immediately preceding the battle. The artist places him in the most perfect "contraposto", as in the most beautiful Greek representations of heroes. The right-hand side is smooth and composed while the left-side, from the outstretched foot all the way up to the disheveled hair is openly active and dynamic. The muscles and the tendons are developed only to the point where they can still be interpreted as the perfect instrument for a strong will, and not to the point of becoming individual self-governing forms. Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019 02 FITB. +25/-20
  • 121. ANSWER David Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019 02 +25/-20
  • 122. Hello Londoners, I hear everyone's darling X is back in town. Everyone could probably learn a thing or two from her. That red hair with that complexion? Yas kween! But careful, boys, I hear she isn't very fond of you all. But everything isn't all roses in X land. Her mother isn't even a real royal? I mean a proper one What a poser. Her dad is quite the womanizer, I hear. Anyway, X is about to face some new challenges, from her darling old cuz from the land of Scots who isn't so merry after all. Can't wait to see who gets out of this little skirmish in one piece Until next time, XOXO Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019 03 +20/-15
  • 123. ANSWER Queen Elizabeth I Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019 03 +20/-15
  • 124. Throughout his life, X developed an extensive personal collection of stones, minerals, and materials with interesting light-scattering properties, which he obtained from his world travels and as gifts. He often carried a small, handheld spectroscope to study specimens. These are on display at the X Research Institute, where he worked and taught "Nehru was fascinated seeing my collection of diamonds, stones and minerals and the gorgeous spectacle that unfolded before him when I played my ultraviolet lamp on them in the dark room," X said. Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019 04 Identify X. +15/-10
  • 125. ANSWER CV Raman Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019 04 +15/-10
  • 126. "________ ante portas" is a famous Latin phrase which is used when a client arrives through the door, or when one is faced with calamity. Count Alfred von Schlieffen developed his eponymously titled "Schlieffen Plan", with a particularly heavy emphasis on the envelopment technique which ________ employed to surround and destroy a certain army in the Battle of Cannae. ________ is also the hero of a teenage Freud. Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019 05 FITB. +10/-05
  • 127. ANSWER Hannibal Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019 05 +10/-05
  • 128. In the given picture, an actress is portraying 12 different characters, each representing a type of something. What something? (Picture on the next slide) Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019 06 What am I talking about? +05/00
  • 130. ANSWER Zodiac Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019 06 +05/00
  • 131. Long Connect Serial Killers Donald Henry Gaskins David Berkowitz Elizabeth Báthory Raman Raghav Hannibal Lecter Zodiac Killer Aqib & Tuba INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 26th September, 2019
  • 132.
  • 133. INFINITE BOUNCE & POUNCE - II 17questions Anticlockwise
  • 134. FORMAT & RULES No screaming during pounce. Raise your hand and write down the answer. +10/-05 for correct/incorrect pounce. +10/0 for correct/incorrect bounce. +10 on the direct. We start with team 8. Arunava, Ananyo, Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019
  • 135. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 01 Name the poem. Martin Rowson is a comics artist famous for his adaptations of famous literary texts into comic books and political cartooning. To this effect he has written and drawn Sterne’s Tristram Shandy, Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels and even Marx’s Communist Manifesto. However, one of his most notorious and popular works is an adaptation of an long modernist poem that he recasts as Raymond Chandler-esque hard-boiled noir detective mystery. The book is controversial because after publishing the first edition with ample quotations from the original poem in 1990, Rowson was forced to revise and rewrite his book after the poet’s estate refused to let him use lines from the original for the U.K printing. He had to rely his wit and ingenuity to convey the poem’s themes, tones, movements, and cultural environment by finding verbal substitutions.
  • 136.
  • 137. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 01 The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot
  • 138. These are two popular series of illustrated / comic book style introductory volumes that have become very popular nowadays. Name the 1970s small press sensation by Mexican cartoonist Rius that kickstarted this entire phenomenon with its popularity. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 02
  • 139. Rius’ use of cartoons and handwritten text made his book stand out from most other books on the subject in the 1970s (and arguably, even now.) Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 02 Hint
  • 140. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 02 Marx for Beginners
  • 141. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 03 Name the movie. This is a 1979 erotic historical drama that is infamous for being disavowed by almost everyone who was involved in making it. The writer Gore Vidal did it because of all the changes director Tinto Brass introduced to the script to make it a “political satire”. The director did the same when the producer introduced unsimulated sex scenes into the film that Brass has refused to film. It thus became a hardcore pornographic film, starred in by the likes of Helen Mirren and Peter O’Toole, that is also ironically enough the only feature film produced by the men's magazine Penthouse. The legacy of this film has also obscured a 1944 play by Albert Camus about the eponymous Roman emperor famed for his cruelty that is said to complete his "Cycle of the Absurd", with the novel The Stranger (1942) and the essay The Myth of Sisyphus (1942).
  • 142. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 03 Caligula
  • 143. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 04 Who is X? Name Y. In the summer of 1684, the astronomer Edmond Halley visited X in order to find out whether he could solve a problem that had baffled the likes of Christopher Wren, Robert Hooke, and himself: to find the planetary orbit that would be produced by an inverse-square central force. X knew the answer to be an ellipse from some earlier work of his. When Halley heard X’s reply, he urged him to write up his results. X produced a short track, entitled De Motu (On Motion). Once started, X could not restrain the creative force of his genius, and the end product was Y. Also known as De Motu Corporum (On the Motion of Bodies) while it was being written, Y would change what it empirically based mathematical science meant and could be
  • 144. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 04 Isaac Newton Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica Or The Principia
  • 145. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 05 Identify the book from the page. Fearscape is a limited fantasy comic book series by writer Ryan O'Sullivan and artist Andrea Mutti that was published by Vault Comics in 2018-2019. The main story may be outlined as follows: “Once per generation, The Muse travels to Earth, discovers our greatest Storyteller, and takes them with her to the Fearscape to battles these fear-creatures on our behalf. All has been well for eons, until The Muse encounters Henry Henry, a plagiarist with delusions of literary grandeur. Mistaking him for our greatest Storyteller, she ushers him into the Fearscape. Doom follows.” So it is very much a book about literature, reading, writing, and how we relate to to all of this. One of the books that Fearscape is thus obviously obsessed with is shown in the next page.
  • 146. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 05
  • 147. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 05 Ulysses
  • 148. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 06 Fill in the blank. Historian Robert N Proctor book The Nazi War on ______ begins by describing what Hitler discussed with Goebbels the night before the historic morning of June 22, 1941 (when German armed forces invaded the Soviet Union along a two-thousand-mile front, beginning the largest and deadliest military campaign in history). One passage from it runs like this:
  • 149. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 06 Fill in the blank. “But Hitler and Goebbels discussed other things that night. They discussed the importance of English pacifism for the Nazi cause, and the political situation in Italy. And shortly before they separated-only an hour before the invasion-they discussed recent advances in ______ research, including the work of a certain Hans Auler, professor of medicine in Berlin and one of several up-and-coming stars of German ______ research. We don't know exactly what was said [...], but the fact that _____ was even broached seems puzzling. How did Germany's political leaders find the time-hours before a major invasion-to discuss ______ and ______ research? Was this idle chit-chat, designed to ease the tension, or was there something more at stake? What was ______ in the Thousand Year Reich that set it apart from other health obsessions of the hour?”
  • 150. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 06 Cancer
  • 151. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 07 Name the film studio. The name of this famous studio was originally inspired by the love that the founder had for aeroplanes and their history. This name thus originated from an Italian WWII-era scouting aircraft called the Ca. 309 ______. It doesn’t end there: they also paid tribute to the designer of this plane, Giovanni Battista Caproni, by featuring him in their 2013 animated film The Wind Rises.
  • 152. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 07 Hint
  • 153. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 07 Studio Ghibli
  • 154. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 08 How do we know this term? In October 2018, the Enrichment Commission of the French language finally decided, after many months of deliberation, to translate an English term/phrase that has become very popular in global media, public and political discourse since 2016 into French with a neologism, ‘infox’, which is apparently forged from the words “information” and “intoxication”.
  • 155. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 09 Fake news
  • 156. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 09 What was done to these people? Zaira Cattaneo at the University of Milan Bicocca and her team took 12 people and asked them their opinion of a series of paintings. The twist was that they asked these people before and after they either subjected them to a certain experiment or merely pretended to do so. The result was that people who were subjected to this action rated paintings that contained regular everyday moments more highly than others. It was understood that the part of the brain known as the DLPFC or the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was involved in this reaction. This part of the brain processes emotions.
  • 157. Arunava INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 09 Their brains were zapped with electricity.
  • 158. The picture is the photo of a certain Francois Bertillon, son of Alphonse Bertillon, a French police officer. The date is 17th October, 1893. What did Alphonse Bertillon start, something that is still in wide use today? Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 10 What did he start?
  • 159. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 10 Bertillon was also a biometrics researcher who was responsible for standardizing the mugshot.
  • 160. X wrote in his diary: “I was walking along the road with two friends – the sun was setting – suddenly the sky turned blood red – I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence – there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city – my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety – and I sensed an infinite ______ passing through nature.” The agonised face of the strange, sexless creature in the painting has become one of the most iconic images of art, seen as symbolising the anxiety of modern man. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 11 Identify X and the work in question (fill in the blank).
  • 161. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 11 X: (The) Scream By Edvard Munch
  • 162. On Tuesday, X, a regional party, claimed that it has become the first ever political party to have an official account on the short lip-sync video sharing social media app Y. "Since the platform gives a user an opportunity to express and share a message in a concise manner and make it funny at the same time, X plans to put forward its agenda to young India”. X added. One of the clips shows the party president and Hyderabad MP appealing to his constituents to come to Darussalam, Telangana (the party headquarters). Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 12 Identify X or its leader and Y (app).
  • 163. Ananyo INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 12 X: All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) or Asaduddin Owaisi Y: TikTok
  • 164. Which involuntary action involving a reflex arc is a contraction (myoclonic jerk) of the diaphragm that may repeat several times per minute? Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 13
  • 165. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 13 Hiccups
  • 166. Which country is this? The image alongside is of the coat of arms of X. The red lion is a symbol of Great Britain and alludes to X’s relationship with GB. The wrecked ship is the Sea Venture, the flagship of the Virginia Company. The ship was deliberately driven on to the reefs of X in 1609, to prevent it from foundering in a storm. All aboard survived, resulting in the settlement in X. The Latin motto under the coat of arms, Quo Fata Ferunt, means “Whither the Fates Carry [Us]”. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 14
  • 167. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 14 Bermuda
  • 168. Which brand is this? This is the explanation behind the logo of a brand: First, the boldness of the letters evokes a sense of threat, while the italicization of the word represents speed – two stereotypes that arguably customers who want to take on the “manly” character aspire to embody. More deeply embedded in this logo is a hidden representation of their well-known product, shown through the diagonal cut in the first two letters. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 15
  • 169. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 15
  • 170. The Central Stadium of Yekaterinburg was one of the venues the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. It is located on the Iset River east of the Ural Mountains. How is the stadium geographically different from the other 2018 World Cup stadiums? Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 16
  • 171. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Finals] 26th September, 2019 ANSWER 16 ONLY WC VENUE IN ASIAN RUSSIA
  • 172. Glenn Seaborg's group had difficulty chemically separating the two new elements from the rare-earth elements, Americium and Curium. One of the members of the group, Tom Morgan, dubbed the two elements ___________ and ________ . Morgan's nicknames encompass the frustration of the group during their attempts to demonstrate the chemical proof of the elements' existence, which might have resulted in noisy disorder or confusion and uproar, followed by madness and restlessness among the group members. Identify the two names, both rhymes with Americium and Curium and other elements with similar naming. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 17
  • 173. Baneswar INQUIZITION 2019 [Prelims] 25th September, 2019 ANSWER PANDEMONIUM, DELIRIUM 17