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Executive Briefing

        Breakaway Growth & Innovation

                           Doug Berger
                     Managing Partner, INNOVATE
Chapters in the BreakAway Story

                                        Think of your company as the central character of the
                                        Breakaway story. The central theme is achieving growth
                                        above and beyond the trend line … in which you identify
1. What is Breakaway Growth             and exploit new areas of growth and new dimensions of
                                        business innovation … leading to you as more formidable
2. Why innovation often disappoints     competitor.

3. Playing a new game for new growth    The journey begins with a deep understanding of where
                                        the rules, plays, skills and experience delivering core
4. The 5 Workstreams                    business success are hindrances to new growth. Then
                                        playing a new game alongside the old game leading to
5. An illustrative timeline             future revenue that isn’t an extension of today’s trends.

6. INNOVATE’s creds                     The journey has the quality of an adventure in which you
                                        encounter setbacks, overcome obstacles, find delightful
                                        surprises including surprising yourself.

                                        Our role, the folks at INNOVATE, is to be your trusted
                                        advisors and catalysts helping you chart new paths that
                                        become well-traveled avenues of your future mainstream.

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“ Breakaway Growth is putting your business on a new
                           growth trajectory … growth above the trend line ”

  Core Business
     Growth                        Breakaway Growth                       Inorganic Growth

   Market growth                      Horizon 1 … 2 - 5 years                  Acquisitions
  Geo Expansion
                                                                          Corporate Venture
                                New Customer       Emerging trends
   Market Share                                                                Capital
    Acquisition                                   Disrupt Established
                                Non-traditional        Markets
                                 Customers                                     Outside Scope
     Extensions                                   Problems that New
                                New Business
    Technology                                    Technologies Solve      Horizon 3 … +10 years
    Advantage                                      Cross-business
                               Redefining your                                 Basic Research
                               market position
Most organic growth
  is RENEWAL…                       Horizon 2 … 5 – 10 years
 surfing the trend

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Possible:           Growth and Innovation Objectives
                      Starting with Success-defined Outcomes in mind
    1.     A robust set of 5 - 10 breakaway growth concepts … establishing a presence in high potential domains

              (1) Domains and growth concepts are grounded in trends and industry forces
              (2) Includes new business models.
              (3) Presented as a compelling business story … easy to grasp in 60 seconds

    2.     A portfolio of 2-4 growth ventures with seed funding
              (1) Representing a balanced portfolio in multiple time horizons, size and risk profile
              (2) Playing a new game for the bigness of the opportunity yet establishing market-based proof points

    3.     Execute individual growth projects as entrepreneurial ventures
              (1) Managed as agile start-ups with governance similar to venture capital
              (2) Milestone funding vs. annual budgets
              (3) Early, market-based signals of success

    4.     Build your internal capabilities for ‘Big I’ innovation
              (1) Developing provocative and disruptive insights to stimulate ideation
              (2) Discovering big trends that don’t come with labels on them
              (3) Probing interviewing and ideation techniques
              (4) Elaborating and pitching business concepts as a start-up

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Disruptive Insight … Why most innovation disappoints !

          “If we continue to play the Old Game, all we will get is
          competitive trend growth.

          Breakaway Growth, well above historic trend lines, requires
          playing a New Game.

          You can’t effectively play a New Game until you deeply
          understand how the Old Game is embedded throughout”

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Old Game – New Game Methodology

      The Game for Core Business                       The Game for Breakaway Growth
  Replace and renew in competitive domains          Tap into and execute on future business domains

    Stable, predictable market dynamics             Customer and competitor uncertainty; disruptive trends
    Many, incremental bets … Few kills              Portfolio of move-the-dial investments … Disciplined kills
    Stage-gate process oriented around product      Entrepreneurial oriented around customer development
                                                    and business creation
    Late stage customer feedback                    Early & frequent customer iteration

    Internal environment for CONTROL … Avoid risk   Internal environment for BIGness … Take and mitigate risks

    Launch at scale                                 Agile launch … multi-generational scaling

  Playing the New Game involves learning to shift … mindset, processes and practices.
               It might best be viewed as a journey, an adventure or a creative process.

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A Focus on the Critical Enablers
    1. Finding new hunting grounds you can leverage into move-the-dial revenue …
                       Aligning executive aspirations for the growth businesses of the future
                       Guiding your enterprise to uncover insights that aren’t in plain sight.
                       Then using those insights as a springboard for ideas.
                       Future domains offering big growth don’t often come with labels and flashing lights.

    2. Creating a backlog of robust business concepts ….
                       Transforming ideas into investible business concepts is as much art as process.
                       Hands-on advice to your innovation team as they draft, iterate and strategically pivot.
                       Promising concepts waiting in the wings to replace early kills.

    3. Venture-style execution …
                       New growth initiatives have more in common with start-ups than product development. Ventures
                        form hypotheses … then prototype, experiment and iterate with lead customers.
                       The ‘Innovator’ is central. The team is as important as the concept.

    4. Breakaway growth governance and enabling infrastructure …
                       Uncover & break the hidden cycle that forces new areas of growth back into the Old Game.
                       A plan to move key stakeholders to where you need to be
                       Governance is chartered to remove bottlenecks from conventional processes and mindsets.
                       Workshops, coaching and transformational experiences to develop an entrepreneurial mindset,
                        disruptive thinking and ideation, business concept elaboration and storytelling.

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Our Approach – The 5 Workstreams

                       DISRUPTIVE FORESIGHT / INSIGHT
The world through disruptive lenses … insights not in plain sight … spot ways to capture differentiated
                                       and sustainable value                                              New Twists

                          BUSINESS CONCEPT IDEATION
   Catalyze ideas from diverse sources … internal, industry thought-leaders, senior executives from
                                        outside your industry
                                 PORTFOLIO BUILDING                                                          ideas
• Screen ideas and develop a select portfolio of options that fit with your business requirements
• Transform ideas into compelling business concepts
• Pitching the concepts to investors                                                                      Venture Portfolio
                                                                                                          … Seed Funding
                          ENTREPRENEURIAL VENTURES
• Manage as start-ups with a governance similar to venture capital
• Stay agile and scale only after proof in the marketplace
                                                                                                          Agile Execution
• Establish governance similar to venture capital.
• Build a risk-managed portfolio.
• Insure that enterprise is playing a New Game in areas of breakaway growth.

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Market Foresight / Insight Workstream

                           Entrepreneurial Mindset
                      Step into the mindset of entrepreneurs in
                       start-ups and Venture Capitalists
                      Train the core team in principles of
                       disruptive thinking.
                      Provide stimulating examples of game-
                       changing insights from outside industries

                                                          Internal Discovery
                                                    Review recent research
                                                    Build idea base with lead employees
                                                     from within the company

Uncovering New Business                                                   3
                                                                              Interviews with Externals
       Territories                                                        Trends from outside the industry that
                                                                           could enter the industry
   • Big trends not in plain sight                                        Highest caliber experts (e.g. VCs,
   • Insights into customer patterns                                       researchers, starts-ups)

   • Innovations from outside                                             Sourced through broad network

   • Strategic implications

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Internal Insights into Bottlenecks in your Growth Flow

            Bottleneck: not enough move-the-dial
            business concepts matching executive
                                       Not Enough: portfolio discipline of proof
                                       points, investment scaling, exits and kills
                                                                               Not Enough: savvy, entrepreneurial
                                                                               management of each venture

                                                         Portfolio of
                                                       Breakaway              Entrepreneurial
                                                                             and disciplined
                                                                              and disciplined
                                 Business                Growth                  Entrepreneurial
                                                                               and disciplined
                                                        Ventures                  and disciplined
                                 Concepts                                        Execution
                                                          (funded)                 Execution

                                      Governance and Enabling Infrastructure

                      Not Enough: enabling governance and internal business innovation infrastructure

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Modes of Ideation … Choosing what’s right for your organization

             Ideation Sessions
 Catalyzed by Foresight / Insight process             Innovation Challenges
 A structured process way beyond                  Crowdsourcing ideas
  brainstorming … training in disruptive
                                                   Cloud-enabled Idea Management
                                                   Put a Business Domain up for ideation to
 Mix of internal and external participants
                                                    a set of internal employees or open to
 Participants guided in challenging                public
  assumptions and finding new opportunities.
 Preliminary filtering and elaborating of most
  promising ideas.

                Idea Geniuses                                          Immersion
  People with a track record of intuiting                       Ethnographic deep dives
   big opportunities.
                                                                 Living with customers

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Business Concept Workstream

              BOLD IDEAS                         Ways we create move-the-dial ideas
    Mine ideas from internal and external sources
    Guide the core team to design and facilitate structured ideation with externals, internal thought leaders and
     key operating managers
    Ideation makes use of techniques from Disruptive Thinking and Ideation skills-building workshop
    Concludes with Idea Mapping to organize and screen potential ideas for “The Pitch” workstream

            Discovery                                    Ideation                                  Idea Mapping

• Review recent research relative to    A structured process that goes way beyond          Establish screening criteria
  domain                                 brainstorming
                                                                                            Preliminary elaboration of ideas
• Build idea base from internal         Catalyzed by disruptive insights and discovery
  organizations (e.g. call centers,                                                         Select top 10 - 15 ideas
  sales, R&D)                           Participants are externals, internal thought
• Mine ideas from outliers within        leaders, key operating managers                    Use portfolio tools to organize ideas
  the organization                                                                           into several portfolio views
                                        Participants challenge assumptions and find new
• Interviews with external providers     opportunities                                      Input into Venture Concept

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    Illustrative Template: One Page Business Concept

                      < Insert idea title>
    Big Idea

    Description         < 2-3 sentence description of big idea>

                                   < Insert information about target customers / consumers. For which specific customer segment
    Target Market(s)               would this be an exciting, compelling offering? >
Annual Total Market Size in                     BETWEEN                                   BETWEEN                             GREATER
terms of Revenue in 2015                        $50M-$200M                                $200M-$500M                         THAN $500M
 1                                                                      2
                Customer Problem, Unmet Needs, Insights                                                                 Energy for Idea
    < What is pain point for the customer? >                                < Why it is a big play and why it excites us? >
    < What is the core customer/consumer insight(s)                         < Why we should do it? >
    underpinning this idea?>
                                                                            < What new capabilities or follow-on opportunities might it
    <Please indicate any market evidence, key trends or factors             bring if we do this right? >
    that validate.>

    3                                                                   4
                                                          Why Us?                                                             Value for Us

        <What do we bring to this idea? >                                   < How we will make money and/or broadly gain value (e.g.–
                                                                            revenues, brand building, brand stretch, competitive
    < What gives us a competitive edge? >                                   positioning, hedge >
    < What makes it sustainable? >
    < IP to accelerate this happening >

5                                                                       6
          External     < Enabling technologies, potential partners to                          < Assumptions, Risks, Uncertainties >
         Enablers      accelerate and de-risk >

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‘The Pitch’

           ‘THE PITCH’                   Gaining Commitment & Seed Funding

      Elaborate screened ideas into total business concepts worthy of investment
      Deliver an investment story that is exciting and persuasive
      Mentorship by an executive on Venture Governance
      At the end of the Pitch workstream, approved concepts go into the Breakaway Growth Portfolio

          Business Concept
             Elaboration                        The Art of Storytelling

 Customized Business Concept Template     Storytelling is a teachable art … core
                                            principles underlying the great business
 The Big Idea
 Customer/Problem/Solution                                                            “Start-up Story”
                                           Multimedia learning experiences
 Execution enablers                                                                     Showcase
                                           Video recordings of ‘practice pitches’
 Economics
                                           Coaching
 Key hypotheses to test

                                     Extensive Coaching

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Entrepreneurial Ventures Workstream

      Entrepreneurial                          Agile Execution:
        Ventures                               Validate, Pivot, Operate, Scale
    Ventures have more in common with start-ups that with product development
    The composition of the team is as important as the business concept
    The critical uncertainty is consumer / customer development

   Validate / Strategic Pivots                            Operate … then Scale

 Identify and test key hypothesis                   Move from a business in beta-test to an
-    - Customer acquisition                           operating enterprise
-    - Business model                                Early signals of commercial success
 Make strategic pivots based upon validated         Operate for sustainable cash flow
  learnings from real-world                          Multi-generational business building
 Build strategic relationships                      Put systems in place to scale to next level


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Governance and Infrastructure Workstream

      Governance &
                                                 Playing the New Game for Breakaway Growth

    Communicate a strategic context to the enterprise for Breakaway Growth
    Manage an end-to-end Growth Creation Flow
    Instill a new organization mindset
    Gain new perspectives …. learn and implement new processes and skills

                 Governance                                Enabling Infrastructure

 Bring to life the spirit of Breakaway Growth         Developing and deploying talent
 Catalyze action - organization learnings             Financial management recognizing
                                                        fundamental market uncertainty
 Rapidly remove bottlenecks in real-time.
                                                       Career safety net
 Manage the cost of failure not the rate of
  failure                                              Linking among various growth ventures and
                                                        with core businesses
 Provide protection from legacy interest
  groups … co-existence with core businesses           Releasing working capital based upon go-
                                                        no- go milestones. Kill projects early.
 Mentoring
                                                       Refreshing portfolio

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Illustrative:      High-Level Timeline

                                                    Month   Month   Month   Month   Month      Month   Month   Month
Workstream Element                           Plan
                                                      1       2       3       4       5          6       7       8

1. Joint Project Planning

2.. Internal Discovery Audit

   Our Promise: Within 45 days, you will be able to make very informed decisions about
   what changes you will need to effectively play the New Game.

3. Insight Interviews

4. Ideation Sessions

5. Concept Screening and Portfolio Mapping

6. Concept Elaboration

7. Venture selection and seed funding

8. Entrepreneurial execution


                                                                                    Key Event / Milestone
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INNOVATE … Our Value Differentiators

                                    BOLD IDEAS …                                       … PRACTICAL EXECUTION
                      Spot promising hunting grounds           ‘New Game’              Venture-style growth projects
                           Creative go-to-market models         Execution              Managed-risk portfolios
                                   Break with traditions                               Action Roadmaps

                                                                                                            Impact the challenges of
Access to our vast network of                                                                                 NEWness head-on
 thought leaders, world class                                                          Catalysts             Old Game – New Game
      experts, premiere
        practitioners                      Network                                    for Action
                                                                                                                 Disruptive Thinking
                                                                                                                 Real-time coaching


                                                    Stretch your competencies and abilities
                                            End-to-end solutions –and/or- Plug-and-play modules

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INNOVATE … Our creds

                       Articles and interviews on cutting-edge growth
                                     and innovation topics


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INNOVATE … Our clients say:

      The Walt Disney Company - China
                  “You helped me to clarify the unique business potential and challenges of the
                  PRC and convey that to senior Disney people who are not personally familiar
                  with our environment. We have begun to shift from a mindset of competitive
                  growth to one of seizing the possibilities in an entrepreneurial way.”
                                  Stanley Cheung, Sr. VP – China

      Johnson & Johnson
                  “I have personally found you to be a valuable advisor. You are able to quickly
                  grasp both the big picture of a business situation and its subtle nuances. You
                  caused me to think differently about issues I was facing that helped focus
                                  Neal Matheson, CTO

                  “This was a unique situation for Weyerhaeuser in that it was the first venture
                  outside of existing product lines to be pursued in many years. I’ve appreciated
                  your candor, sincerity and commitment to assist the team and myself in any way
                  that you could.”
                                  Grady Mulbery, Business Manager

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Founder and Managing Partner, Doug Berger

                          Doug Berger is an expert in breakaway growth, disruptive thinking and corporate
                          entrepreneurship. He has more than 25 years of experience advising executives
                          and their global organizations. He has expertise in a broad range of industry
                          sectors including consumer packaged goods, technology, health care, chemicals,
                          entertainment and natural resources.
                          Doug conducts research on leading innovation practices and publishes The
                          Innovators ezine. He authored The One Hour Breakthrough: Translating
                          Aspirations into Action based upon his experience of training and coaching
                          thousands of people in the art and discipline of breakthrough accomplishment
                          and disruptive thinking.
                          Doug held leadership positions in the computer industry in IT, large account sales
                          and advanced product marketing. He founded Innovate LLC. in 2003. He has an
                          MBA from Carnegie-Mellon and a BS in Physics, University of Rochester.

Thank you for this opportunity to introduce ourselves. We look forward to beginning a collaboration.

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Innovate Executive Briefing

  • 1. Executive Briefing Breakaway Growth & Innovation Doug Berger Managing Partner, INNOVATE +1.732.564.0945
  • 2. Chapters in the BreakAway Story Think of your company as the central character of the Breakaway story. The central theme is achieving growth above and beyond the trend line … in which you identify 1. What is Breakaway Growth and exploit new areas of growth and new dimensions of business innovation … leading to you as more formidable 2. Why innovation often disappoints competitor. 3. Playing a new game for new growth The journey begins with a deep understanding of where the rules, plays, skills and experience delivering core 4. The 5 Workstreams business success are hindrances to new growth. Then playing a new game alongside the old game leading to 5. An illustrative timeline future revenue that isn’t an extension of today’s trends. 6. INNOVATE’s creds The journey has the quality of an adventure in which you encounter setbacks, overcome obstacles, find delightful surprises including surprising yourself. Our role, the folks at INNOVATE, is to be your trusted advisors and catalysts helping you chart new paths that become well-traveled avenues of your future mainstream. All Rights Reserved 2
  • 3. “ Breakaway Growth is putting your business on a new growth trajectory … growth above the trend line ” Core Business Growth Breakaway Growth Inorganic Growth Market growth Horizon 1 … 2 - 5 years Acquisitions Geo Expansion Corporate Venture New Customer Emerging trends Market Share Capital Needs Acquisition Disrupt Established Non-traditional Markets Product Customers Outside Scope Extensions Problems that New New Business Technology Technologies Solve Horizon 3 … +10 years Models Advantage Cross-business Redefining your Basic Research Ventures market position Most organic growth is RENEWAL… Horizon 2 … 5 – 10 years surfing the trend line All Rights Reserved 3
  • 4. Possible: Growth and Innovation Objectives Starting with Success-defined Outcomes in mind 1. A robust set of 5 - 10 breakaway growth concepts … establishing a presence in high potential domains (1) Domains and growth concepts are grounded in trends and industry forces (2) Includes new business models. (3) Presented as a compelling business story … easy to grasp in 60 seconds 2. A portfolio of 2-4 growth ventures with seed funding (1) Representing a balanced portfolio in multiple time horizons, size and risk profile (2) Playing a new game for the bigness of the opportunity yet establishing market-based proof points 3. Execute individual growth projects as entrepreneurial ventures (1) Managed as agile start-ups with governance similar to venture capital (2) Milestone funding vs. annual budgets (3) Early, market-based signals of success 4. Build your internal capabilities for ‘Big I’ innovation (1) Developing provocative and disruptive insights to stimulate ideation (2) Discovering big trends that don’t come with labels on them (3) Probing interviewing and ideation techniques (4) Elaborating and pitching business concepts as a start-up All Rights Reserved 4
  • 5. Disruptive Insight … Why most innovation disappoints ! “If we continue to play the Old Game, all we will get is competitive trend growth. Breakaway Growth, well above historic trend lines, requires playing a New Game. You can’t effectively play a New Game until you deeply understand how the Old Game is embedded throughout” All Rights Reserved 5
  • 6. Old Game – New Game Methodology The Game for Core Business The Game for Breakaway Growth Replace and renew in competitive domains Tap into and execute on future business domains Stable, predictable market dynamics Customer and competitor uncertainty; disruptive trends Many, incremental bets … Few kills Portfolio of move-the-dial investments … Disciplined kills Stage-gate process oriented around product Entrepreneurial oriented around customer development and business creation Late stage customer feedback Early & frequent customer iteration Internal environment for CONTROL … Avoid risk Internal environment for BIGness … Take and mitigate risks Launch at scale Agile launch … multi-generational scaling Playing the New Game involves learning to shift … mindset, processes and practices. It might best be viewed as a journey, an adventure or a creative process. All Rights Reserved 6
  • 7. A Focus on the Critical Enablers 1. Finding new hunting grounds you can leverage into move-the-dial revenue …  Aligning executive aspirations for the growth businesses of the future  Guiding your enterprise to uncover insights that aren’t in plain sight.  Then using those insights as a springboard for ideas.  Future domains offering big growth don’t often come with labels and flashing lights. 2. Creating a backlog of robust business concepts ….  Transforming ideas into investible business concepts is as much art as process.  Hands-on advice to your innovation team as they draft, iterate and strategically pivot.  Promising concepts waiting in the wings to replace early kills. 3. Venture-style execution …  New growth initiatives have more in common with start-ups than product development. Ventures form hypotheses … then prototype, experiment and iterate with lead customers.  The ‘Innovator’ is central. The team is as important as the concept. 4. Breakaway growth governance and enabling infrastructure …  Uncover & break the hidden cycle that forces new areas of growth back into the Old Game.  A plan to move key stakeholders to where you need to be  Governance is chartered to remove bottlenecks from conventional processes and mindsets.  Workshops, coaching and transformational experiences to develop an entrepreneurial mindset, disruptive thinking and ideation, business concept elaboration and storytelling. All Rights Reserved 7
  • 8. Our Approach – The 5 Workstreams DISRUPTIVE FORESIGHT / INSIGHT The world through disruptive lenses … insights not in plain sight … spot ways to capture differentiated and sustainable value New Twists BUSINESS CONCEPT IDEATION Catalyze ideas from diverse sources … internal, industry thought-leaders, senior executives from outside your industry Move-the-dial PORTFOLIO BUILDING ideas • Screen ideas and develop a select portfolio of options that fit with your business requirements • Transform ideas into compelling business concepts • Pitching the concepts to investors Venture Portfolio … Seed Funding ENTREPRENEURIAL VENTURES • Manage as start-ups with a governance similar to venture capital • Stay agile and scale only after proof in the marketplace Agile Execution GOVERNANCE AND ENABLING INFRASTRUCTURE • Establish governance similar to venture capital. • Build a risk-managed portfolio. • Insure that enterprise is playing a New Game in areas of breakaway growth. All Rights Reserved 8
  • 9. Market Foresight / Insight Workstream 1 Entrepreneurial Mindset  Step into the mindset of entrepreneurs in start-ups and Venture Capitalists  Train the core team in principles of disruptive thinking.  Provide stimulating examples of game- changing insights from outside industries 2 Internal Discovery  Review recent research  Build idea base with lead employees from within the company Uncovering New Business 3 Interviews with Externals Territories  Trends from outside the industry that could enter the industry • Big trends not in plain sight  Highest caliber experts (e.g. VCs, • Insights into customer patterns researchers, starts-ups) • Innovations from outside  Sourced through broad network • Strategic implications All Rights Reserved 9
  • 10. Internal Insights into Bottlenecks in your Growth Flow Bottleneck: not enough move-the-dial business concepts matching executive aspirations Not Enough: portfolio discipline of proof points, investment scaling, exits and kills Not Enough: savvy, entrepreneurial management of each venture Portfolio of Entrepreneurial Move-the-dial Breakaway Entrepreneurial and disciplined Entrepreneurial and disciplined Business Growth Entrepreneurial Venture and disciplined Venture Ventures and disciplined Execution Venture Concepts Execution Venture Execution (funded) Execution Governance and Enabling Infrastructure Not Enough: enabling governance and internal business innovation infrastructure All Rights Reserved 10
  • 11. Modes of Ideation … Choosing what’s right for your organization Ideation Sessions  Catalyzed by Foresight / Insight process Innovation Challenges  A structured process way beyond  Crowdsourcing ideas brainstorming … training in disruptive  Cloud-enabled Idea Management thinking  Put a Business Domain up for ideation to  Mix of internal and external participants a set of internal employees or open to  Participants guided in challenging public assumptions and finding new opportunities.  Preliminary filtering and elaborating of most promising ideas. Idea Geniuses Immersion  People with a track record of intuiting  Ethnographic deep dives big opportunities.  Living with customers All Rights Reserved 11
  • 12. Business Concept Workstream IDEAS BOLD IDEAS Ways we create move-the-dial ideas  Mine ideas from internal and external sources  Guide the core team to design and facilitate structured ideation with externals, internal thought leaders and key operating managers  Ideation makes use of techniques from Disruptive Thinking and Ideation skills-building workshop  Concludes with Idea Mapping to organize and screen potential ideas for “The Pitch” workstream Discovery Ideation Idea Mapping • Review recent research relative to  A structured process that goes way beyond  Establish screening criteria domain brainstorming  Preliminary elaboration of ideas • Build idea base from internal  Catalyzed by disruptive insights and discovery organizations (e.g. call centers,  Select top 10 - 15 ideas sales, R&D)  Participants are externals, internal thought • Mine ideas from outliers within leaders, key operating managers  Use portfolio tools to organize ideas the organization into several portfolio views  Participants challenge assumptions and find new • Interviews with external providers opportunities  Input into Venture Concept development All Rights Reserved 12
  • 13. THE PITCH Illustrative Template: One Page Business Concept < Insert idea title> Big Idea Description < 2-3 sentence description of big idea> < Insert information about target customers / consumers. For which specific customer segment Target Market(s) would this be an exciting, compelling offering? > Annual Total Market Size in BETWEEN BETWEEN GREATER terms of Revenue in 2015 $50M-$200M $200M-$500M THAN $500M 1 2 Customer Problem, Unmet Needs, Insights Energy for Idea < What is pain point for the customer? > < Why it is a big play and why it excites us? > < What is the core customer/consumer insight(s) < Why we should do it? > underpinning this idea?> < What new capabilities or follow-on opportunities might it <Please indicate any market evidence, key trends or factors bring if we do this right? > that validate.> 3 4 Why Us? Value for Us <What do we bring to this idea? > < How we will make money and/or broadly gain value (e.g.– revenues, brand building, brand stretch, competitive < What gives us a competitive edge? > positioning, hedge > < What makes it sustainable? > < IP to accelerate this happening > 5 6 External < Enabling technologies, potential partners to < Assumptions, Risks, Uncertainties > Hypotheses Enablers accelerate and de-risk > All Rights Reserved 13
  • 14. ‘The Pitch’ ‘THE PITCH’ Gaining Commitment & Seed Funding  Elaborate screened ideas into total business concepts worthy of investment  Deliver an investment story that is exciting and persuasive  Mentorship by an executive on Venture Governance  At the end of the Pitch workstream, approved concepts go into the Breakaway Growth Portfolio Business Concept Elaboration The Art of Storytelling  Customized Business Concept Template  Storytelling is a teachable art … core principles underlying the great business  The Big Idea stories  Customer/Problem/Solution “Start-up Story”  Multimedia learning experiences  Execution enablers Showcase  Video recordings of ‘practice pitches’  Economics  Coaching  Key hypotheses to test Extensive Coaching All Rights Reserved 14
  • 15. Entrepreneurial Ventures Workstream Entrepreneurial Agile Execution: Ventures Validate, Pivot, Operate, Scale  Ventures have more in common with start-ups that with product development  The composition of the team is as important as the business concept  The critical uncertainty is consumer / customer development Validate / Strategic Pivots Operate … then Scale  Identify and test key hypothesis  Move from a business in beta-test to an - - Customer acquisition operating enterprise - - Business model  Early signals of commercial success  Make strategic pivots based upon validated  Operate for sustainable cash flow learnings from real-world  Multi-generational business building  Build strategic relationships  Put systems in place to scale to next level Coaching All Rights Reserved 15
  • 16. Governance and Infrastructure Workstream Governance & Playing the New Game for Breakaway Growth Infrastructure  Communicate a strategic context to the enterprise for Breakaway Growth  Manage an end-to-end Growth Creation Flow  Instill a new organization mindset  Gain new perspectives …. learn and implement new processes and skills Governance Enabling Infrastructure  Bring to life the spirit of Breakaway Growth  Developing and deploying talent  Catalyze action - organization learnings  Financial management recognizing fundamental market uncertainty  Rapidly remove bottlenecks in real-time.  Career safety net  Manage the cost of failure not the rate of failure  Linking among various growth ventures and with core businesses  Provide protection from legacy interest groups … co-existence with core businesses  Releasing working capital based upon go- no- go milestones. Kill projects early.  Mentoring  Refreshing portfolio All Rights Reserved 16
  • 17. Illustrative: High-Level Timeline 2012 Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Workstream Element Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Joint Project Planning 2.. Internal Discovery Audit Our Promise: Within 45 days, you will be able to make very informed decisions about what changes you will need to effectively play the New Game. 3. Insight Interviews 4. Ideation Sessions 5. Concept Screening and Portfolio Mapping 6. Concept Elaboration 7. Venture selection and seed funding 8. Entrepreneurial execution Activity Key Event / Milestone All Rights Reserved 17
  • 18. INNOVATE … Our Value Differentiators BOLD IDEAS … … PRACTICAL EXECUTION Spot promising hunting grounds ‘New Game’ Venture-style growth projects Creative go-to-market models Execution Managed-risk portfolios Break with traditions Action Roadmaps Impact the challenges of Access to our vast network of NEWness head-on thought leaders, world class Catalysts Old Game – New Game experts, premiere Global Methodology practitioners Network for Action Disruptive Thinking Real-time coaching Scalable Solutions Multi-generational Stretch your competencies and abilities End-to-end solutions –and/or- Plug-and-play modules All Rights Reserved 18
  • 19. INNOVATE … Our creds Publications Articles and interviews on cutting-edge growth and innovation topics Clients All Rights Reserved 19
  • 20. INNOVATE … Our clients say: The Walt Disney Company - China “You helped me to clarify the unique business potential and challenges of the PRC and convey that to senior Disney people who are not personally familiar with our environment. We have begun to shift from a mindset of competitive growth to one of seizing the possibilities in an entrepreneurial way.” Stanley Cheung, Sr. VP – China Johnson & Johnson “I have personally found you to be a valuable advisor. You are able to quickly grasp both the big picture of a business situation and its subtle nuances. You caused me to think differently about issues I was facing that helped focus actions.” Neal Matheson, CTO Weyerhaeuser “This was a unique situation for Weyerhaeuser in that it was the first venture outside of existing product lines to be pursued in many years. I’ve appreciated your candor, sincerity and commitment to assist the team and myself in any way that you could.” Grady Mulbery, Business Manager All Rights Reserved 20
  • 21. Founder and Managing Partner, Doug Berger Doug Berger is an expert in breakaway growth, disruptive thinking and corporate entrepreneurship. He has more than 25 years of experience advising executives and their global organizations. He has expertise in a broad range of industry sectors including consumer packaged goods, technology, health care, chemicals, entertainment and natural resources. Doug conducts research on leading innovation practices and publishes The Innovators ezine. He authored The One Hour Breakthrough: Translating Aspirations into Action based upon his experience of training and coaching thousands of people in the art and discipline of breakthrough accomplishment and disruptive thinking. Doug held leadership positions in the computer industry in IT, large account sales and advanced product marketing. He founded Innovate LLC. in 2003. He has an MBA from Carnegie-Mellon and a BS in Physics, University of Rochester. Thank you for this opportunity to introduce ourselves. We look forward to beginning a collaboration. All Rights Reserved 21