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1 Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Jan-Mar 2018
India is a country of 1.3 billion population out of which 23.6% or about 276
million people live below $1.25 per day. It is a country still with bullock
cart economy and is also in space and nuclear power. It is a dichotomy that
we are still struggling in having an Open Defecation Free (ODF) country even
after 70 years of independence, yet country is rated high in the international
arena. Are we - as citizens and country - doing enough to pay attention to
basic issues? We keep blaming government but do forget our role in nation
building. The issue of ODF is related to health of the community and so is
the Environment and Yoga.
Through the current issue of this magazine, we intend to highlight two
important activities in June - India hosting World Environment Day on
5th June 2018 and celebrating International Day of Yoga on 21st June
2018. Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Minister for Environment said, “India is excited to
host the World Environment Day this year on 5th June. Indian philosophy
and lifestyle has long been rooted in the concept of co-existence with nature.
We are committed to making Planet Earth a cleaner and greener place”. The
theme for World Environment 2018 is “Beat Plastic Pollution”, we need to
explore sustainable alternatives and urgently reduce the production and
excessive use of single-use plastic polluting our oceans, damaging marine
life and threatening human health. Every year, the world uses 500 billion
plastic bags and atleast 8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the oceans,
equivalent of garbage truck every minute. We buy 1 million plastic bottles
every minute. Plastic makes up 10% of all the waste we generate.
While hosting the World Environment Day, we should rather be the role
model for the rest of the world, but we are also in rhetoric to celebrate,
give lectures and felicitate but do nothing on the ground. There is a need
of strong time bound action and political will, we may have to take a few
hard decisions for the sake of the health of the community. India is credited
under the leadership of present Prime Minister Mr. Modi to get recognition
of International Day of Yoga on 21st June which happens to be longest day
in Northern hemisphere. Yoga to be adopted as way of life to prevent and
treat many lifestyle diseases, research has proved reversal of heart blocks
by yoga, meditation and diet. In fact, Yoga is accepted all over the world by
recognising its benefit by adoption.
Let us join hands to adopt environment and yoga days in true spirit to
keep ourselves healthy by making these as part of our daily routine. To
strengthen public health, let us concentrate on small issues like ODF and
theme behind movies “Toilet ek Prem Katha” and “Padman” which are not
issues of developed nations. We are a country of two sides of the same coin -
one side is hovering in the space and arena of nuclear power while the other
one struggling with issues like Open Defecation Free country and Padman,
not having enough nutrition and healthcare. We need to take care of this
segment - innovate and show results on the ground - not simply rhetoric.
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 3
Dr VK Singh
Editor-in-Chief & MD,
or ages, we are taught to practice yoga and meditation in India and people do that at many places
and in many forms but three years ago at India’s initiative, the United Nations recognised its
significance and declared 21st June every year as the International Yoga Day.
In the first edition itself, the IYD had a roaring success worldwide and India created two world
records. Since then, there is no going back in terms of celebrating the day with traditional gusto and
ever vaulting spirits. Both President and Prime Minister led the nation on the day’s observation.
To recap the event’s increasing foot prints, we decided to dedicate the current issue to IYD and run
a fleeting flash back of memories to revive afresh what happened in the previous three editions
In same spirit, we are running a few items dedicated to imperiled environment as this year India hosts
the International Environment Day with the theme to combat ever plaguing menace of plastic that had
adversely impacted human lives and virtually choked water ways in variant degrees at many places.
India’s Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan, in an exclusive interview
to InnoHEALTH Magazine, appealed to the people to give up single use of plastic and expressed
confidence that a perceptible and measurable difference in the country will be brought about on
plastic pollution and other environmental issues on the occasion of the World Environment Day 2018.
He is also the Science and Technology Minister. In March this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi
called for a "Fit India" movement, focusing on the benefits of yoga, in ‘Mann Ki Baat’. Mr. Rajyavardhan
Rathore, the newly appointed Minister for Information and Broadcasting, seems to have taken a cue
from the PM to take the initiative forward. He recently tweeted a video of himself doing push-ups
with the hashtag #HumFitTohIndiaFit. Since then, the fitness campaign zoomed into a debate and
many people accepted the challenge and started posting their videos.
International award winner filmmaker Janet Tobia who has won laurels for her documentary “Unseen
Enemy” flags major concerns over lurking threats on environment. She was interviewed by our
magazine to highlight her views on the Environment Day. The Emmy award winner said that her
movie Unseen Enemy examines why in the 21st century we are experiencing a rash of diseases that
were once only outbreaks but have now become full-blown epidemics. She is precisely right on her
perceptions and fresh outbreak of Ebola in Congo vindicates her concerns.
Amid growing number of violent incidents against young children, we interacted with UNICEF’s India
In-charge. Fresh from her experience in managing emergency situations, Dr. Yasmin Ali Haque handles
tsunami of problems during her current assignment. She has disclosed that the Indian government in
collaboration with UNICEF is developing a comprehensive plan on digital safety for children. Digital
literacy is key to ensuring that all boys and girls stay informed, engaged and safe online. There is a
need to galvanize ‘zero tolerance’ towards violence against children.
In the current issue, we are also carrying a number of other articles like forthcoming plans to jail
monkeys spa in Japan; how to breathe; IC meeting highlighting the era of disruptions; latest trends
in healthcare and many more interesting stories of the health sector.
Neeraj Bajpai
Dear Reader
4 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
Global Editorial Board
Dr. Shailja Dixit, Chief Medical Officer, Scientific
Fellow of Health Innovation & Technology Lab, USA
Ronald James Heslegrave, Chief of Research,
William Osler Health System, Canada
Dr. Ogan Gurel, Chief Innovation Officer,
Campus D, South Korea
Dr. Chandy Abraham, CEO and Head of Medical
Services, the Health City, Cayman Islands
Dr. Sharon Vasuthevan, Group Nursing & Quality
Executive at Life Healthcare Group, South Africa
Dr. Kate Lazarenko, Founder and Director,
Health Industry Matters Pte. Ltd, Australia
Major General (Retd) A K Singh, Advisor,
Telemedicine and Health Informatics, India
Dr. Sarita Jaiswal, Ex-Research Officer at University
of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
(currently in India)
Printed and Published by Sachin Gaur on behalf of
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Editor: Sachin Gaur
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Dr. V K Singh
Executive Editor:
Sachin Gaur
Alok Chaudhary
Dr. Avantika Batish
Nimisha Singh Verma
Aarti Khanna
Consulting Editor
Neeraj Bajpai
Sr. Designer
Suraj Sharma, Ritu Versha
Konda Vishweshwar Reddy,
Member of Parliament, India
Amir Dan Rubin, Executive Vice
President, United Health Group, USA
Thumbay Moideen, Founder
President, THUMBAY Group, UAE
Prof. Prabhat Ranjan, Executive
Director, Technology Information
Forecasting and Assessment
Council, India
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 5
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 7
Digital safety plan for children
being leveraged  10
Discourage Single use plastic and
instead use jute/cloth carry bags, insists
Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan  14
Regular Meditation Sessions 18
Déjà vu – YOGA DAY		 20
How to Breathe? 24
Yoga and Chanting of Prayers  26
Environment is in Peril;
Unknown Enemy on Prowl  27
Latest Innovations  32
Foreign tourists rallying
for healthcare  38
Contracting lifestyle
diseases in adulthood  40
When travelling on public
transport, you may want to
cover your ears  42
Vision on Blindness cure needs
aggressive approach 44
Alarming! 26.7 crore
tobacco users in India  46
Cyber-Biosecurity: Are we ready?  48
Monkeys go for Spa therapy
to fight weather stress 54
How portions of brain that
temper aggression get
veiled with alcohol  55
Socioeconomic inequalities in
children’s weight reversed  56
LaQshya Programme for
pregnant women  new born  60
National Medical Commission
(NMC) Bill faces rough weather  61
Screws on Health Sector Data
Poachers being tightened  63
One Government Medical
College in each State of India  67
I read the magazine InnoHEALTH
and found very interesting articles
which had scientific explanations.
An article on medal winners and
their last-minute thought process to
annex titles was wonderful and gave
an insight of chemistry in chambers
of brain during moments of climax.
I appreciate the manner in which
plight of animals was highlighted
and innovative practices adopted by
vets. Personally, we feel it should be
monthly if not fortnightly and the
language a bit toned for the common
Dr. Meena Dhami
New Delhi, India
Readers Feedback
A Brief Review on InnoHEALTH
I recently went through InnoHEALTH,
vol 3, issue 2. I never expected such
nice content in a health magazine.
Really, it's a very good idea to bring
innovations from lab to masses
through print media. Appreciative of
the idea which in itself is an innovative
one. I went through the content very
carefully and enjoyed reading articles
on wildlife specially the ones on
Kanpur zoo and cloned monkeys.
Request you to keep including such
innovative ideas specially on wildlife.
I was also intrigued by the article
on software as a medical device.
The magazine deserves to be an
international magazine on the basis
of its contents, printing quality and
editorials. Would like to encourage
use of symbol of Indian Rupees on the
cover page.
Dr. RK Singh
Kanpur, India
I went through the latest edition
of your InnoHEALTH magazine
and found that many articles
were very interesting especially
the one highlighting that people
feel more depressed during tooth
ache, head ache and ear pain.
I would encourage the team to
keep highlighting significance of
our medicinal plant values so that
people take advantage of such
resources available in India in
abundance. I recall a time tested
saying a tall tree of neem is like a
tall Hakim standing before you.
Krishna Gopal
Uttar Pradesh, India
8 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
Most liked article of the last Issue....
he says UNICEF is working closely with the
government in developing a comprehensive plan
on digital safety for children. Digital literacy is
key to ensuring that all boys and all girls stay
informed, engaged and safe online. There is a need to
galvanize the ‘zero tolerance’ towards violence against
children. In a detailed interview to InnoHEALTH
magazine, she answered a wide range of questions
and elaborated at length, UNICEF’s programmes in
India where safety of children is emerging as a major
Q. UNICEF is guided by the Convention on the
Rights of the Child (CRC) and strives to establish
children’s rights as enduring ethical principles
and international standards of behaviour towards
children. UNICEF responds in emergencies to
protect the rights of children. What in your views
are the steps that can be taken to protect children
from violence and to ensure their safety?
One important facet of the rights of CRC is to ensure
that children grow in a protective and safe environment,
free of any kind of violence and abuse. Preventing
and responding to sexual violence requires strong
collaboration among stakeholders from diverse walks
of life. UNICEF is committed to working with the
government, civil society organisations, corporates,
media and all the other stakeholders to support society
and families to ensure that children are safe and free from
abuse and exploitation. Guided by the CRC, it is imperative
to act now to break the cycle of violence against children
and protect survivors of violence. In recent years, India
has made significant progress in addressing sexual abuse
against children by having enacted legislations and acted
on a large number of cases. The public has also become
increasingly aware of sexual abuse cases that may have
gone unnoticed years ago due to an increase in reporting
on the issue. Digital media and immediate reporting have
also contributed to this awareness. Still a lot more needs
to be done. Building on these positive developments,
UNICEF collaborateswithpartnerstoenhanceawareness
of children and parents by focussing on the following
•	 Teachers and school authorities: Sexual violence in
schools is a major area of concern. Schools should
provide information on safety to children and online
safety guidelines can be included in the curriculum.
Schools also need to ensure that teachers are aware
of the provisions of the Protection of Children from
Sexual Offences Act.
•	 Children: Child-led initiatives empower children to
become advocates of change, voice their demands and
is also key as they can become vital stakeholders in
their own safety. Decisionmakers, including parents
and teachers, should listen to children so that their
views can be incorporated into policies.
•	 Civil society organisations, including faith-based
and community-based organisations, can engage
consistently with the communities and share with
them important information around the need to
protect children from any kind of violence and
abuse and co-create local solutions.
Digital safety plan for children being
leveraged; zero tolerance towards
situations, Dr. Yasmin Ali Haque smilingly handles
tsunami of problems as UNICEF’s Representative
in India, lying next to her home Bangladesh.
10 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
By Dr. VK Singh  Neeraj Bajpai
•	 Media, both traditional and digital, plays a vital role
in disseminating information, mobilising public
opinion and building a discourse around the issue
of child safety. Effective use of digital technology for
creating further awareness on child safety is another
platform that is being leveraged. We need to ensure
that all children, every girl and boy, no matter where
they live or what their background is, benefit from
the learning opportunities and connectivity that the
digital world can provide. However, along with the
benefits that digital technology provides, it has also
put young people at risk of harm online, including
abuse, exploitation, trafficking and cyber bullying.
Q. UNICEF has recently launched a report called
‘Every Child ALIVE’ focusing on the number of new-
born deaths in the country. Has India made any
progress in curbing the under-five mortality?
India has shown 66% reduction in the under-five
mortality rate between 1990 and 2015, nearly meeting
its Millennium Development Goal 4 target. This is
much higher than the global decline of 55% during
the same period. This progress has been due to a
holistic approach to health programming for children.
However, the progress has been slower for new-borns
and has also been inequitable between boys and girls,
with the under-five mortality rate for girls currently
being 11% higher, at 41 per 1000 as against 37 per
1000 for boys.
Q. Why are more girls dying in India than boys?
Girls have the advantage of being biologically stronger,
yet sadly they are extremely vulnerable socially. The
discrimination begins even before they are born.
Though the gender gap has started shrinking due to
the fast decline of mortality for girls as compared to
boys in the recent years, the gap still remains high in
many states. The neglect of the girl child is a much
broader issue and needs interventions beyond health
to address the social norms and cultural practices
that act as barriers in bridging the gender gap. It will
require working at both the policy level for creating an
enabling environment, and at the community level, to
build awareness and bring emphasis on the value of
the girl child. It will also need increased investments in
the availability of gender disaggregated data for more
informed planning.
Q. Please share with us some details about the
immunisation campaign in India.
Immunisation is one of the most cost effective public
health interventions that currently averts an estimated
2 to 3 million child deaths globally every year. India has
one of the largest immunisation programmes in the
world, in terms of number of beneficiaries, geographical
coverage, and quantities of vaccines used, with nearly
26 million new-borns targeted for immunisation
annually. However, despite this effort, only 65% of
the children in India receive full immunisation during
the first year of their life. This translates to 9 million
children not fully protected against preventable
diseases such as Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus,
Measles and Preventable pneumonia. To address
this issue, Government of India, with the support
of UNICEF, WHO and other partners, has launched
Mission Indradhanush to achieve 90% immunisation
coverage by the end of 2018. UNICEF is also supporting
the government for the strategic communication
activities on immunisation, in order to create further
awareness on the need for complete immunisation as
well as create a discourse on the value of vaccines.
Q. What is the Measles-Rubella Vaccine Campaign
and why do we need it?
The Measles-Rubella (MR) vaccine has been introduced
as part of the Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP)
in India to protect children from two diseases, Measles
and Rubella, which have high mortality and morbidity
respectively. Measles is one of the leading causes of
death among young children. It is a highly contagious
disease caused by a virus and spreads by coughing and
sneezing. It reduces the immunity of the child, making
a child vulnerable to life threatening complications
such as pneumonia, diarrhoea and infection in the
brain. Hence, the burden of diarrhoea and pneumonia
can also be indirectly reduced by eliminating Measles.
Rubella, although a mild viral illness, can lead to serious
consequences if pregnant women are infected during
early pregnancy. It can result in miscarriages, still-
births and a set of congenital anomalies in the foetus
and new-borns known as Congenital Rubella Syndrome
(CRS), which is a cause of public health concern. CRS
is characterized by multiple defects, particularly
affecting the eyes (glaucoma, cataract), ears (hearing
loss), brain (microcephaly, mental retardation) and
heart defects - many of which are lifelong disabilities,
requiring treatment, surgeries and other expensive
care throughout life. Hence, it is important to eliminate
these diseases. The MR vaccine is provided free of cost
under the campaign.
Q. What is the burden of Measles-Rubella in India
and globally?
According to WHO estimates, an estimated 1.34 lakh
deaths were caused globally by Measles in 2015.
Measles and related complications killed an estimated
49,200 children in 2015 in India, contributing nearly
36% to the global figures. An estimated 84% of global
decline in Measles deaths from 2000 to 2016 was due
to Measles vaccination. In 2010, an estimated 1.03 lakh
children were born with Congenital Rubella Syndrome
(CRS) globally, of which an estimated 40,000 children
were born with CRS in India.
The Government of India has resolved to eliminate
Measles and control Rubella. The Measles-Rubella
(MR) vaccination campaign is an important step in that
direction. Measles immunisation directly contributes to
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 11
the reduction of under-five child mortality.
UNICEF is a key partner in the Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare’s rollout of the ongoing Measles-Rubella
Vaccination Campaign, which is now in its third phase
and has vaccinated 7.7 crore children in 16 states till date
(3 April 2018). The MR Campaign targets around 41 crore
children, making it one of the largest ever immunisation
campaign of its kind. It aims to eliminate Measles and
control Rubella by 2020. The vaccine has already been
rolled out in several states and will soon be launched in
Assam, Haryana and Punjab.
Q. How safe is the Measles-Rubella vaccine?
The Measles-Rubella (MR) vaccine is a safe and cost-
effective vaccine that has been available for the past 40
years. The presently used vaccine is a WHO-prequalified
vaccine and is licensed by the Central Drugs Standard
Control Organization of India. As many as 165 WHO
member countries provide Measles second dose in their
national immunisation programme. The Rubella vaccine
has been introduced in 159 countries. India, along with
10 other member countries of South East Asia region
of WHO, has resolved to eliminate Measles and control
Rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) by 2020.
The surveillance of Adverse Events Following
Immunisation (AEFI) is an integral part of MR
vaccination campaign. AEFI management kit is provided
at all vaccination session sites including schools so that
immediate response can be initiated following an AEFI.
The Government of India has recently amended AEFI
management protocol. Now Adrenalin injection is part of
each AEFI kit, which is life-saving in case of anaphylaxis.
Both public and private sector medical practitioners
and health workers are trained prior to MR campaign to
handle such adverse events.
12 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
Dr. Yasmin had joined as the UNICEF
to that, she was Deputy Director of UNICEF’s
Office of Emergency Operations where she
played a leading role in the programming and
policies for an effective UNICEF response for
children in humanitarian crisis. She started
her career in UNICEF in 1996 and held many
appointments in challenging situations.
14 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
n a windy summer
morning, a muster of
peacocks, displaying
colorful plumage like
a flickering train, flip-flop atop
huge green trees and scream at
short intervals amid unfazed
flocks of twittering birds at
India’s Environment, Science and
Technology Minister Dr. Harsh
Vardhan’s residence in the heart of
the national capital.
Filing past the absorbing spectacle,
a motely crowd of visitors, many of
them holding handwritten petitions
or bouquets gently enter a make
shift hall to meet the lawmaker who
is a Member of Parliament from
the moon light crossing-Chandni
Chowk-constituency in old Delhi.
Much before, the agile Minister,
in tearing hurry to pack up his
day long tight schedule, makes an
appearance and occupies a central
chair to lend an ear to visitors –
including some burqa clad women
from his constituency, his staff
ensures trays of piping hot tea
cups and coffee mugs are served
regularly. The staff introduces itself
to the audience and lay out drill
for whistle stop meetings with ear
nose and throat–ENT specialist
turned politician.
The moment, the medium height
suave Minister enters the hall,
commotion ensues but things
settle down fast as professional
photographers stand in attendance
and race of selfie with Minister
ends. He listens and assures for
quick redressal of genuine and fair
petitions.Thisisafrequent morning
scene at his residence, may it be a
sizzling summer or frigid winter.
Retreating people stare at a hanging
poster which reads –‘Democracy is
not the governance by the majority,
neither it’s of governance of the
minority, but it is the governance of
the common inspiration of general
public’. The frame with party’s
ideologue and leader Dr. Deen
Dayal Upadhyay picture hangs
innocuously from a bright green
bamboo stick partition.
Despite shoe string budget of time,
the Minister spoke to InnoHEALTH
Magazine and said India’s resolve
to protect environment and ensure
growth is non-negotiable and gave
detailed answers to many queries
Q. It is not possible to do away
with plastic altogether. How
does the govt propose to reduce/
recycle plastic?
With the growing population
of the world and the lifestyle
adopted, the amount of garbage
production; including plastic
waste, is also increasing. However,
the accumulation of these products
is leading to increased amount of
plastic pollution around the country
and the world. The Government of
India has notified the Plastic Waste
Management Rules, 2016, which,
inter-alia, regulate manufacture,
sale, distribution and use plastic
carry bags including carry bags of
compostable plastic, and plastic
sheets for packaging or wrapping
commodities. The use of carry bags
made from conventional plastic and
less than 50 micron in thickness
is prohibited. The use of plastic
for packaging gutkha, tobacco and
pan masala is prohibited. Based
on the requirement and necessity,
individual state can take decision
on banning of the plastic bags.
Therefore, use of carry bags made
of plastic is banned by seventeen
States and three Union Territories.
Through the Plastic Waste
Management Rules, 2016, the
generators of waste have been
mandated to take steps to minimize
generation of plastic waste, not
to litter the plastic waste, ensure
segregated storage of waste at
source and handovers segregated
waste to local body or agencies
authorised by the local bodies.
The rules have mandated the
responsibilities of local bodies,
gram panchayat, waste generators,
retailers and street vendors to
manage the plastic waste.The rules
mandated the producers, importers
and brand owners to work out
modalities for waste collection
system based on Extended
Producer Responsibility.
Q. How 2017 was different in
terms of air pollution in Delhi
Due to extensive efforts by all
stakeholders, there has been an
improvement in overall air quality
in 2017. As per AQI data, the
number of good, satisfactory and
moderate days in 2017 were 151
as compared to 109 in 2016. The
number of poor, very poor and
severe days was down to 180 in
2017 as compared to 214 in 2016.
Q. What is your message for this
World Environment Day to the
global citizen?
As you are aware the theme of
World Environment Day is “Plastic
Pollution”, I would like to urge
all people to adopt sustainable
lifestyle. India has a long history
use jute/cloth carry bags, insists Minister
Dr. Harsh Vardhan
By Neeraj Bajpai
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 15
and tradition of harmonious
co-existence between man and
nature. In addition, people should
adopt these practices in their day-
to-day life. Let’s discourage single
use plastic and instead we may use
jute/cloth carry bags:
•	 Use of biodegradable and other
types of compostable utensils in
place of plastic, and bring a fork,
knife and spoon from home.
•	Use of durable, foldable 
inexpensive reusable bag that
can be carried around in car/
•	 Discourage plastic bottles. Have
glass, steel or clay bottles in of-
•	 Encourage employees to refuse,
reduce and reuse plastic prod-
ucts in their daily use. Pledge for
plastic free environment in the
I would request all my fellow
citizens to follow atleast one Green
Good Deed on daily basis and there
will be several hundred million
Green Good Deeds performed daily
to protect environment, it’s not
only our moral responsibility for
our next generation to give them
pristine earth to live in but also our
green social responsibility.
Q. You have been talking of building
a movement for Green Good
Deeds. How can this movement
help in reducing plastic pollution
- the theme of this year’s World
Environment Day?
Green Good Deeds is a people-
oriented campaign to raise
awareness about environmental
concerns in a simplified way.
Everyone is looking up to India with
expectations because they think
that Indians have the DNA to protect
the environment. Our ancestors had
made protection of environment
an integral part of their lifestyle.
The campaign aims to broaden its
base with involvement of teachers,
students and other voluntary
organisations. There are more than
500 green good deeds listed in the
app (Dr. Harsh Vardhan Mobile
App). The app includes – planting
trees, saving energy, conserving
water, use of public transport and
promoting carpool, discourage
plastic bottles, have glass, steel or
clay bottles in offices, etc., many of
them are concerned with the use of
environment friendly consumables
which means for sure discouraging
use of plastics and such materials,
if we encourage few of green good
deeds it automatically means
enhancing use of environmental
friendly products and services in
our lifestyle and plastic is so deep
rooted especially in urban India
that if we discourage it and adopt
some relevant green deeds it will
certainly reduce adverse impact on
Also, we understand that the
objective of transforming
Green Good Deeds into a
peoples’ movement can be best
achieved by repeatedly bringing
multidimensional initiatives and
campaigns that can reach out to
youth and children and World
Environment Day celebrations
2018 could be a great platform
which will definitely discourage
the use and beat plastic pollution –
which is the theme this year.
World Environment Day has
always been a day of special
importance to India. The day has
16 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
been celebrated as rededication
of national efforts for sustainable
development and mainstreaming
environmental concerns in the
national developmental agenda.
Plastic as it is may not be a problem,
but littering and unsafe disposal
of single-use plastic products,
plastic bottles, food containers
and packaging materials is causing
concern to the environment. In
the age of advanced technology,
we cannot live plastic free but we
can manage our plastic
waste disposal into circular
economy and adapting good
deeds and the time has come
that we must realize the
concern and make collective
efforts to reduce our plastic
footprint by way of adapting
green good deeds and 4 R
principle (refuse, reduce,
reuse and recycle).
In India, not less than
25,490 tonnes of plastic is
generated every day with
mind boggling 40% of plastic
waste uncollected. He hopes
there will be perceptible to
and measurable difference
in the country brought
about the plastic pollution
and other environmental
issues. According to him,
about 60 million tonnes of solid
waste is generated in one year and
‘’Plastic bottle takes between 450-
1000 years to decompose”.
This year, India hosts the World
Environment Day for the second
time. MoEFCC is hosting
the World Environment Day
2018, in collaboration with UN
Environment. India hosted the
event in the year 2011, with
the theme: ‘Forests: Nature at
your Service’. Informatively,
5th June was designated as the
World Environment Day by
the UN General Assembly to
commemorate the opening of the
Stockholm Conference on Human
Development. Annual celebrations
of World Environment Day began
in 1974. 5th June provides an
occasion for responsible conduct
by individuals, enterprises and
communities in preserving and
enhancing the environment. Every
action counts, and when multiplied
by people across the world, its
impact becomes exponential. Over
150 countries are celebrating World
Environment Day, particularly
for promoting the environmental
dimensions of the Sustainable
Development Goals.
During the last three years, the
themes of World Environment
Day celebrations included: “Seven
billion dreams, one planet, consume
with care” in 2015 in Rome, Italy,
“Zero tolerance for the illegal
wildlife trade” in Luanda, Angola,
in 2016 and “Connecting people to
nature – in the city and on the land,
from the poles to the equator” in
Ottawa, Canada, in 2017.
He also mentioned writing to
Environment Ministers of more
than 150 countries to celebrate the
day globally and take pledge to cut
the use of single-use plastics. More
than 10,000 missed calls have been
titled #BeatPlasticPollution. A
pledge to beat plastic pollution can
be taken by placing a missed call on
The objectives behind the campaigns
for environment are to enhance the
global visibility of India as a leader
in sustainability actions, support the
Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary in
October 2019, expand/consolidate
public engagement on India’s
environmental agenda, inculcate
private sector leadership to address
plastic pollution and urge citizens to
take a pledge to change their behavior
around waste management and
highlight India’s leadership
in the cause of marine litter
and beach cleaning.
Q. ISFR 2017 reported an
almost 1% increase in
forest cover. At the same
time trees are being cut
indiscriminately. Are
there any plans to stop
the felling of trees?
As per the latest “India
State of Forest Report
2017” published by Forest
Survey of India, total
forest and tree cover of
the country is 8,02,088
square kilometers which
is 24.39% of the total
geographical area of the
country. As per ISFR
2017, some States/UTs
have shown gain in forest
cover while some have shown loss.
Overall, there is an increase of 8021
square kilometers in forest and tree
cover of the country over that of the
India State of Forest Report 2015
(updated) which is about 1% of the
forest and tree cover of the country.
During the diversion of forest land
for non-forestry purposes under
the FC Act, felling of trees are
carried out as required under the
concerned project. However, care
is taken to ensure that minimum
trees are felled. As per the norms,
compensatory afforestation is
taken up against the diverted forest
areas. Illicit felling also takes place
sometimes in different parts of
the country. These are dealt under
Indian Forest Act and various
State specific Acts and rules made
egular and intensive
meditation sessions over
the course of a lifetime
could help a person remain
attentive and focused well into old
age, the study has found.
longitudinal study to date examining
a group of meditation practitioners.
Published in Springer’s Journal of
Cognitive Enhancement, the research
evaluates the benefits that people
gained after three months of full-time
meditation training and whether
these benefits are maintained seven
years later.
Lead author Anthony Zanesco,
now at the University of Miami in
US, however, cautions that further
research is needed before meditation
can be advocated as a sure-fire
method for countering the effects of
aging on the brain.
This study follows up on previous
at the University of California, Davis
in 2011, which assessed the cognitive
abilities of 30 people who regularly
meditated before and after they went
on a three-month long retreat at the
Shambhala Mountain Center in US.
At the center, they meditated daily
using techniques designed to foster
calm sustained attention on a chosen
object and to generate aspirations
such as compassion, loving-kindness,
emphatic joy and equanimity
among participants, for others and
During this time, another group of
30 people who regularly meditated
were also monitored. Other than
traveling to the meditation center for
a week-long assessment period, they
carried on with their lives as normal.
After the first group’s initial retreat
was over, the second group received
similar intensive training at the
Shambhala Mountain Center.
As part of this study, follow-up
assessments were conducted six
months, eighteen months and
Regular Meditation Sessions
18 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
By InnoHEALTH Editorial Team
Regular meditation sessions can have a long-lasting effect on a person’s attention
span and other cognitive abilities, says an extensive study.
seven years after completion of the
retreats. During the last appraisal,
participants were asked to estimate
how much time over the course
of seven years they had spent
meditating outside of formal retreat
settings, such as through daily or
non-intensive practice. The forty
participants who had remained in
the study all reported some form of
continued meditation practice: 85%
attended atleast one meditation
retreat, and they practiced amounts
on average that were comparable to
an hour a day for seven years.
The participants again completed
assessments designed to measure
their reaction time and ability to
pay attention to a task. Although
these did not improve, the cognitive
gains accrued after the 2011
training and assessment were
partially maintained many years
later. This was especially true for
older participants who practiced
a lot of meditation over the seven
years. Compared to those who
practiced less, they maintained
cognitive gains and did not show
typical patterns of age-related
decline in sustained attention.
“This study is the first to offer
evidence that intensive and continued
meditation practice is associated with
enduring improvements in sustained
attention and response inhibition,
with the potential to alter longitudinal
trajectories of cognitive change across
a person’s life,” says Zanesco.
He is aware that participants’ lifestyle
to the observations. Zanesco
therefore calls for further research
into meditation as an intervention
to improve brain functioning among
older people.
He says the current findings also
provide a sobering appraisal of
whether short-term or non-intensive
to improve sustained attention
in a lasting manner. Participants
practiced far more meditation than
is feasible for shorter-term programs
that might aim to help with cognitive
aging, and despite practicing that
much meditation, participants did
not generally improve over years;
these benefits instead plateaued.
Zanesco believes this has broad
implications for meditation and
mindfulness-based approaches
to cognitive training and raises
important questions regarding
how much meditation can, in fact,
influence human cognition and the
workings of the brain.
This was especially true for older participants
who practiced a lot of meditation over the
seven years. Compared to those who practiced
less, they maintained cognitive gains and did
not show typical patterns of age-related
decline in sustained attention.
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 19
t was only three years ago when
India carved out a niche in annals
of history on 21st June 2015 by
holding the biggest ever open-air
yoga camp with maximum number of
international community members
on the sprawling lawns of Rajpath
on the first International Yoga Day
(IYD), proclaimed on its initiative.
Now, taking lead from India following
its expertise in the centuries old
science, many nations mark the
day with gusto, and many of them
have imbibed the art in daily chorus
amid anxiety ridden lives in the
competitive world.
Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi
says it should be matter of pride for
UN the idea of the International Yoga
Day and it was approved.
On the first event itself, the country
had been awarded with two Guinness
World Records in two different
categories. Category 1 was for the
largest number of participants in a
Yoga Lesson at a single venue. The
earlier record was of 29,973. To beat
that record a target of 30,000 was
required. Yogis broke that record as
35,985 participants performed Yoga
at Rajpath that morning.
Category 2 was most number of
nationalists in a Yoga Lesson. To
achieve that, at least participants
from 50 countries were required to
perform. But that day participants
from 84 countries performed Yoga
at Rajpath. Mr. Shripad Yesso Naik,
then MoS. Ministry of AYUSH and
Secretary AYUSH received the
awards which were presented by the
representatives of Guinness World
Records Ms. Victoria from UK and
Mr. Marco Frigatti from Italy. Also
present on the occasion were Yog
Gurus, Mr. Guru Malladi, coordinator
of EY Company. The India’s proposal
for the IYD was supported by as many
as 177 countries for the first time in
the history of UNO (United Nations
Organisation) and the resolution was
passed within 100 days.
Mr. Modi, in his first year in office,
addressed the 69th session of UNGA
on 27th September 2014 and had
urged the international community
to celebrate Yoga day.
On 11th December, the 193-member
UNGA had approved the proposal by
consensus with record 177 countries,
including 47 Muslim nation co-
sponsors, clearing a resolution to
establish June 21 as 'International
Yoga Day’.
Now, more than 250 cities across six
continents in the world performed
Yoga to mark the first International
Yoga Day, with Mr. Modi leading the
nation, along with 35,000 yogis at
Rajpath and External Affairs Minister
Ms. Sushma Swaraj had represented
India at the UN in New York. On the
first IYD, Ms. Swaraj says Indians
across 650 districts and 192 out
of 193 countries of the globe took
part in Yoga events being planned to
celebrate the Day, with Yemen being
the only exception because of war
situation. “Our embassy has been
shifted to Djibouti from Yemen and
this is the reason that we have left out
Déjà vu – YOGA DAY
20 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
By Neeraj Bajpai
only one country, Ms. Swaraj said.
PM had led the nation in the
celebrations during the function at
Rajpath, where the entire stretch
from Vijay Chowk to India Gate had
turned into a Yoga mat. More than
7,000 copies of coffee table books
and 19,000 reference books on Yoga
had been sent to Indian Missions
Tightest ever security paraphernalia
was mounted with air cover by
the Indian Air Force to thwart any
disruptive design. Security was
on lines of the Republic Day and
Independence Day celebrations.
Tight vigil was being mounted
at airports, railway stations, bus
stations and other crowded areas.
Teaming multitude of people had
done a 35-minute session of 15
Asanas at the Rajpath.
The record book officials closely
monitored developments as the
event eclipsed previous records
participation in such event and
biggest assembly in a single
yoga class. The record was held
by Kanyakumari-based NGO,
the Vivekanand Kendra at Jiwaji
University, Gwalior, on 19th
November 2005. There were
29,973 participants. Guinness Book
of records has set a benchmark
of 50 nation’s participation for
another record.
There is no looking back since that
day, say officials of the Ministry
of Ayurveda, Yoga  Naturopathy,
Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
(AYUSH). The biggest challenge
was to ensure the turnout much
before 0600 hrs. Guinness book of
records panelists had insisted that
every entry should be bar coded and
decoded. The event took off at 6:45
am for 35 minutes with crisp 15
popular asans. A large LED screen
was put in place to highlight motions
of various exercises which include
Muktasana, Makarasana, Kapalbhati,
Pranayam, and meditation. The
programme had started with
Rigveda invocation.
Now events are being organised in
various cities in different countries
including Beijing, Berlin, Bogota,
Budapest, Dublin, Ho Chi Minh,
Hong Kong, Jakarta, Paris, Port Louis
and Tallinn.
The International Yoga Day is
spreading across the country and at
most of the places, preparations get
underway months before the day.
Even in mofussil places, message is
loud and clear to observe the day.
Now, it is observed with festive
fervor and gaiety with no political
strings attached.
Many are of the firm opinion that
the government must ensure
that no coercive tactics are
used for participation in Yoga
programme. They linked it with
religious sentiments, but people in
general have rubbished grotesque
“Yoga is an invaluable gift of ancient
Indian tradition. It embodies unity of
mind and body: thought and action;
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 21
restraint and fulfilment; harmony
between man and nature and a
holistic approach to health and well-
being,” Mr. Modi had told UNGA,
setting the tone for the international
yoga day proposal.
On the first edition, Mr. Modi, had
announced the arrival of a new
yoga era, with the first International
Day of Yoga being observed across
the world. Leading a mass yoga
demonstration at Rajpath in New
Delhi, the Prime Minister had
declared that “today”, as this day
was being observed in various
parts of the world, the sun would
not set on the community of Yoga
He said that “today” is not just the
first-ever International Yoga Day,
but the beginning of a new era
that would inspire humanity in its
quest for peace and harmony. The
Prime Minister had recalled the
contribution of ancient sages, yoga
gurus, and practitioners across
the world through the ages, for
making Yoga what it is, “today”. He
said that as mankind advances in
various spheres of development
and technology, individual human
beings must progress too, and Yoga
offered an avenue for this. Yoga is
not merely an exercise but offered an
opportunity for balancing the mind
and body and could help harness an
individual's inner strength.
Yoga is widely considered as an
“immortal cultural outcome” of the
Indus Sarasvati Valley civilization
dating back to 2700 BC – and has
proven itself to cater to both material
and spiritual uplift of humanity.
A number of seals and fossil remains
of Indus Sarasvati Valley civilization
with yogic motifs and figures
performing yoga sadhana suggest
the presence of yoga in ancient India.
In 2016, the Prime Minister
celebrated the second International
Day of Yoga at Chandigarh, where
he joined approximately 30,000
participants in a mass Yoga
demonstration. Addressing the
gathering at the iconic Capitol
Complex there, he said the people
in all parts of the country have
connected with Yoga.
“The Yoga Day is a day linked to good
health, and it has become a mass
movement. Yoga is not about what
one will get, but it is about what one
can give up. That with zero budget,
Yoga provides health assurance, and
does not discriminate between rich
and poor.” PM said and stressed the
need for focus, on how to mitigate
diabetes through Yoga. He walked
amidst people, joined and mingled
with the participants of the mass Yoga
demonstration. The event was marked
than it was on the first year.
The third International Day of Yoga in
2017, too, was celebrated with great
enthusiasm across the country with
mass yoga demonstrations taking
22 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
place in various locations. The Prime
Minister had participated in the mass
Yoga event in Lucknow where he was
joined by a huge number of people.
Addressing the gathering at the
iconic Ramabai Ambedkar Maidan
in Lucknow, he reached out to
people and said, Yoga is a practise
that binds humanity together and is
helping countries across the world
to be connected with India. Yoga is
a medium to achieve wellness and
it has the power to provide health
assurance at zero cost, he said.
The event at Lucknow was attended
by Former Union Minister of State
(Independent Charge) Ministry of
AYUSH Mr. Shripad Yesso Naik; Chief
Minister of Uttar Pradesh Mr. Yogi
Adityanath; Deputy Chief Minister
of Uttar Pradesh Mr. Keshav Prasad
Maurya; Deputy Chief Minister of UP
Dr. Dinesh Sharma; State Minister
(Independent Charge) Ministry of
AYUSH, Dr. Dharam Singh Saini.
On the occasion of International
Day of Yoga, the Ministry of AYUSH
organised mass yoga programmes in
Delhi in association with NDMC, DDA
and eminent Yoga organisations.
In Connaught Place, New Delhi,
NDMC used drone cameras for aerial
photography and videography of the
Yoga demonstrations.
Many partnership organisations like,
Art of Living, Patanjali Yoga Samiti,
Vivekanand Yogashram Hospital,
Brhamkumari, Isha Foundation and
GayatriParivar participated in the
Yoga day celebrations in various
places in Delhi. Former Union
Minister for Urban Development,
Housing  Urban Poverty Alleviation
and Information  Broadcasting, Mr.
M. Venkaiah Naidu also participated.
Other Union Ministers participated
in mass Yoga events in various
states. The Ministry of Home Affairs
celebrates the International Day of
Yoga across the country including
yoga celebrations by BSF, CRPF, CAPF,
units of ITBP to mark the occasion.
Last year, ITBP personnel performed
yoga at 19000 feet in Ladhak and at
11600 feet at the Bank of Indus River
in Ladhak.
The Ministry of Human Resource
Development announced the
winners of the ‘Yoga Olympiad’ held
in Delhi from 18th - 20th June 2017
to promote the awareness of yoga
and to build up a network of schools,
teachers and yoga practitioners
at the national level. The awards
were given in four categories which
included one award each for Upper
Primary - Girls and Boys; Secondary
- Girls and Boys.
Last year, the Ministry of Defence
organised Yoga sessions across the
country with troops of the Indian
Army, Indian Air Force and Indian
Navy, conducted at Pahalgam,
Srinagar, Kargil. Ahmednagar, Bidar,
Bengaluru, Chennai, Dehradun,
Dibrugarh, Kolkata, Leh, Mangalore,
Nagpur and Sriganganagar, to name
of few. The Indian Navy did Yoga
sessions on board INS Vikramaditya,
Shivalik, Kamorta, Jyoti, INS Jalashwa
 INS Kirch in the Indian Ocean  the
Bay of Bengal and the Coast Guard
on board ICGS Sarathi, ICGS Samrat.
Cadets of National Cadet Corps (NCC)
participated in Yoga Day function at
DG NCC Camp, Delhi Cantt.
The Ministry of External Affairs,
through its Indian embassies
abroad, celebrated the Yoga Day at
iconic locations like, at the Abraham
Lincoln Monument, Sylvan Theater
in Washington DC, La Villette
in Paris, and at the backdrop of
Sheikh Zahid Mosque in Abu Dhabi.
Yoga gurus conducted seminars
and discussions on Yoga in many
countries across the world.
Massive arrangements have been
made to mark the day this year as
by next year, the country would
have witnessed general elections.
Polls in the world’s most populous
democracy always holds mystery in
womb about next ruling dispensation
at the center. But as it is the
international day, come what may
world will continue to mark the day
with more zest in tensions ridden
global scenario. Moreover, Yoga is
emerging as public movement bereft
of politics.
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 23
agree everybody knows
how to breathe, even a new-
born child. Still, these days
most of us need a breathing
program that can help us in
dealing with our day-to-day desk
work, driving, tension, anxiety and
even depression. It is well known
that deep breathing exercises can
help overcome these stresses in
life, so it is necessary for all of
us to understand the science of
breathing i.e. Pranayama.
“When the breath wanders,
the mind is unsteady,
But when the breath is still,
so is the mind still.”
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Pranayama is a part of yoga
system that teaches us the art of
extending and controlling our
breath in many ways. It teaches
us to change the depth, rate and
pattern of breathing.
of breath. The term is derived
from Sanskrit, Prana means breath,
respiration, vitality or energy. Ayama
means expansion or stretching. Thus,
Pranayama connotes extension and
control of breath. Proper rhythmic,
slow and deep breathing, strengthens
the respiratory system, soothes
the nervous system and increases
concentration. According to Yoga, the
breath connects the Body, Mind and
The rate of breathing changes
with circumstances such as it
increases due to emotional or
physical disturbances whereas, it
automatically slows down when
one is calm and peaceful. Like, when
we get tired while climbing stairs,
we get breathless. Try the following
to regulate your breathing and
feel less exhausted. Climb keeping
shoulders straight and take a deep
breath in for two stairs (inhale), and
exhale for two steps, with a rhythm
of two in and two out. Like this, we
expel more carbondioxide and take
in great supply of oxygen, thus we
How to Breathe?
By Neerja Singh
24 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
feel less fatigue. Mostly we use only
a fraction of our lung capacity as
we do shallow breathing. We barely
expand the ribcage, shoulders are
often hunched and have painful
tension in the upper part of back and
neck due to which we suffer lack of
oxygen which makes us breathless
and tired. So, keep both shoulder
blades as close as possible without
strain and exhale gently and fully,
pause, then inhale with a deep, slow,
gentle breath until the lungs are
comfortably filled. Then breath out
slowly through the nose, without
changing the position of shoulder
blades. Repeat this cycle many
times. By doing this, the brain gets
stimulated and ease nerve tension
by providing fuller supply of oxygen.
Clavicular Breathing (Sectional
Breathing): It is shallow breathing
in which the abdomen is completely
controlled, and breathing is
performed by forcing the air into
the upper most region of the lungs.
The shoulders and collar bones are
raised while abdomen is contracted
during inhalation.
Thoracic (Chest Breathing):
Breathing takes place by expanding
and contracting the chest only,
while abdomen is kept under
control. The middle lobes of the
lungs are fully activated through
this breathing.
Abdominal Breathing: Deep
abdominal breathing brings air to
the lowest and largest part of lungs.
Breathing is slow and deep such
that diaphragm is used properly.
A full yogic breath combines all
three, beginning with abdomen
and continuing the inhalation
through thoracic and clavicular
area. The abdomen should expand
outward on inhalation and contract
on exhalation. To get the feeling
of this motion, while sitting in
any meditative posture preferably
Vajrasana, place the hands on the
abdomen close to each other. Exhale
slowly inhale through the nostrils
taking the hands away from each
other so that the abdomen bulges.
Hold the breath for a second.
Then slowly exhale so that the
abdomen retracts bringing the
hands closer. Hold the breath for a
second. Repeat the breathing cycle
five times, preferably in the ratio
4:2:8:2. Breathing should be deep,
slow and rhythmic.
The air flow into the lower sections
of the lungs is increased. Rhythmic
movement of the diaphragm
massages the abdomen gently and
enables the organs to function
Pranayama is practiced in a specific
posture, especially sitting in
Padmasana or Ardhpadmasana and
should be performed early morning
on empty stomach at a well
ventilated quite place. Breathing
should be slow and rhythmic,
eyes should be closed to control
the mind and body. It has three
aspects (1) Poorka (Inhalation) (2)
Kumbhaka (Retention) (3) Rechaka
• 	 Ujjayi Pranayama (victorious
•	 Anulom Vilom (alternate
• 	 Brahamari Pranayama
(humming bee breath)
• 	 Bhastrika Pranayama (air is
forcibly drawn in and out)
• 	 Shitali Pranayama (cooling
• 	 Bahya Pranayama (forcibly
breath in, breath out and then
hold the breath)
• 	 Kapalabhati Pranayama
(air from lungs is forcibly
exhaled but inhalation is made
Pranayama purifies the psychic
channels (nadis) and enables
physical and mental stability.
Pranayama is known to purify about
72,000 nadis or channels in the
body. It helps purify the blood and
respiratory system. Deep breathing
enriches the blood with oxygen.
Large amounts of oxygen reaches the
brain, lungs, heart and capillaries.
Pranayama techniques are
beneficial in treating a range of
stress related disorders:
•	Improves the autonomic
•	 Helps relieve the symptoms of
•	 Aids in reducing unnecessary
thoughts which helps in calming
down the overactive mind thus
reduces anxiety and depression.
•	 Causes change in the cardio
respiratory system and helps in
lowering the blood pressure.
•	 Improves physical fitness by
practicing certain asans of yoga,
it is excellent for weight loss also.
•	Deep breathing i.e. bringing
focus on breath can be extremely
relaxing and rejuvenating.
Regular practice improves
concentration, memory and
overall state of mind.
Pranayama should be practiced
with care and it is better to do
under the guidance of trained yoga
teacher, as certain Pranayama is
not advisable to be performed by
people having certain ailments.
Ms. Neerja Singh is a retired
scientist with Council of
Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR). Her interests
include phytochemistry and
non-conventional therapies
benefiting the patients. She has
practiced many such therapies
like yoga, dance etc.
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 25
ealth psychologists have
encompassed a very wide
domain in modern life.
The rapid development of
science and technology, on health
issues has been one of the most
visible of current trends in social and
behaviouralscience.Modernlife isfull
of stress and strain. To be free from
stress is to be dead. How to cope up
with these unprecedented changes?
An answer which is echoed in the
heart of human beings are ‘Yoga’ and
‘Chanting of Prayers’.
According to Miovic Michael (2008),
models of psychotherapy, integrated
with yoga principles are as follows:
Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic
approaches focus on how important
emotional attachments and
relationships from childhood are
internalized. Meditation during these
periods have an impact on future
relationship through emotional
catharses and motor development.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
examines how behaviour and
emotion could be conditioned.
Behavioural modification techniques
and relaxation training are equally
effective. Socratic analysis of
automatic patterns of thinking could
be included as an interpersonal
Suggestive or Hypnotic approaches
suggest the desired behavioural
outcome and emotional reactions
through the technique of guided
imagery and thought.
Body oriented approaches use various
posture and breath work.
Creative expressive approaches use the
creative arts – music, poetry, painting
and thought – as creative expressions
and socially acceptable channels.
Subtle energetic approaches use
pranic energy as a form of touch
therapy including acupuncture, reiki
and so on.
Deep breathing counting (1-20) could
be done thrice a day. It would reveal
consciousness as illumination of light
in spiritual experiences. Proper deep
breathing enables the human beings
as all-pervading reality.
Chanting of psychological prayers from
Gita and Upanishad are necessary to
attain the level of mastery in what you
are doing – focused, concentrated. ‘A
sense of ecstasy is noticed of being
outside everyday reality’. Greater inner
clarity in all our day-to-day activities.
‘A sense of serenity – no worries about
one self and a feeling of growing
beyond the boundaries of ego‘ (quoted
from Sanyal, N, 2013).
Thus, yoga and chanting of
prayers provides serenity, intrinsic
motivation, and a feeling of eternity
beyond the boundaries of the ego.
the boundaries of the ego?The answer isYES.
By Dr. Tinni Dutta
26 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
Dr. Tinni Dutta at Ashutosh
college, Kolkata, is an
eminent Psychologist and
a famous educationist. Her
research work has been
greatly appreciated in India
and abroad. She has visited
France, Germany, Indonesia,
Singapore, Switzerland,
Thailand, UK and USA. She is
recipient of many awards and
n the 21st century, we are
all connected. Population
growth, mass urbanization,
deforestation, climate
change and increased travel have
dramatically increased the risk
that familiar diseases will spread
and mutate, and new ones will
emerge. As people enter new
spheres of biodiversity, they come
in closer contact with other species,
increasing the risk of viruses
jumping from animals to humans,
and then spreading more widely.
It all sounds scaring, but it is a
stark reality given facts on the
ground which are almost ready for
such a grim situation if corrective
measures are not effected in time.
She is not a wizard in crystal
grazing to forecast future events,
but certainly, she is a visionary,
and envisions that the specter of
diseases will loom over the planet
earth in future. She is no one else
but Janet Tobia who has won laurels
for her documentary ”Unseen
The Emmy award winning film-
Magazine that her movie Unseen
Enemy examines why in the 21st
century we are experiencing a rash
of diseases that were once only
outbreaks but have now become
full-blown epidemics.
This year, the world recalls
nightmarish memories of 1918
pandemic of influenza and screen
through popular movie “Unknown
Enemy” on its first anniversary.
“I had a little bird, its name was
Enza, I opened the window, and
in–flu-enza, was popular rhyme of
children while skipping ropes in
those outrageous days.
(January 1918 – December 1920)
was an unusually deadly influenza
pandemic. Researchers say it
infected 500 million people around
the world, including people on
remote Pacific islands and in the
Arctic, and resulted in the death
of 50 to 100 million (three to five
percent of the world's population).
Disease had greatly limited life
expectancy in the early 20th
century, most influenza outbreaks
disproportionately kill juvenile,
elderly, or already weakened
patients; in contrast, the 1918
pandemic predominantly killed
Environment is in Peril;
Unknown Enemy on Prowl
By Neeraj Bajpai
100 Years on Unknown Enemy stares surreptitiously; Janet Tobia flags issue afresh
to stave off flu specter looming large on globe.
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 27
28 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
previously healthy young adults.
There are several possible
explanations for the high mortality
rate of the 1918 influenza
pandemic. Some research suggests
that the specific variant of the
virus had an unusually aggressive
nature. One group of researchers
recovered the virus from the bodies
of frozen victims and found that the
transinfection in animals caused
a rapid progressive respiratory
failure and death through a cytokine
storm (over reaction of body's
immune system).
More recent investigations, mainly
based on original medical reports
from the period of the pandemic,
found that the viral infection
itself was not more aggressive
than any previous influenza, but
that the special circumstances
(malnourishment, overcrowded
medical camps and hospitals, poor
hygiene, etc.) promoted bacterial
superinfection that killed most
of the victims typically after a
somewhat prolonged death bed.
To maintain morale, war time
censors minimized early reports
of illness and mortality in France,
Germany, United Kingdom and
United States. Examining the recent
epidemics of Ebola, Influenza and
Zika; unseen enemy makes it clear
that epidemics bring out the best
and worst of human behavior, and
that their effect goes far beyond the
terrible tolls of sickness and death.
‘‘We are all connected to any person,
animal, and insect that may have
an infectious disease incubating in
them. And that connection is either
incredibly dangerous or a powerful
force for good. It is our choice which
of those becomes true.’’
She says political leaders all over the
world should address the problem
and play key role in combating
pandemics threats. There must be
early detection and warning systems
in place to detect outbreaks faster
and countries must work in close
rapport both in field of vaccines and
drugs distribution, availability of
diagnostic tools and research work
in the discipline. Leaders will have
to chip in together - make strong
health architecture at global level -
as threat is looming on everyone.
We also need to use new mobile
technology to reach out to affected
and vulnerable populations,
mobilize healthcare and make
long-term investments in scientific
Finally, it is critical to invest in
flu research both to improve the
effectiveness of the current vaccine
and, more importantly, to develop
a universal flu vaccine - one that
would work against all types of
flu, including potentially a new
pandemic strain.
Ms. Janet says moving across the globe,
her team met the film’s characters:
doctors, disease detectives, everyday
men and women. Every one of them had
stepped into the horror of an epidemic
and emerged deeply changed.
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 29
She recalls that the 1918 influenza
pandemic killed more than 50
million people around the world,
in India alone, 17 million lost their
lives and so her movie cameras
rivet around a potential global
scenario. Emerging epidemics have
a propensity to burst anywhere and
anytime because of fast changing
global environment.
She visualizes a scenario where
India can play a major role because
of its expertise in carrying out past
massive healthcare programmes.
Small pox eradication and polio
vaccination programme vindicates
the fact about country’s efficacy
to turn tables. It is the need of the
hour that such an expertise was
implemented for elimination of
infectious diseases to stave off
threat of outbreak of pandemics in
the global village.
In addition to urbanization and
living in a highly connected world,
deforestation is leading to closer
contact with animals, which may
infect us with deadly viruses.
With climate change, vectors like
mosquitoes are moving up north
into newer regions. Suppose, anti-
microbial resistance is added to
this mix, and then there will be new
virus and drug resistant infections
if we don’t have antibiotics that
work, then you would be infected
and untreatable.
The Director of the film minces no
words to articulate her views on the
unseen enemy. Ebola, for example,
may have emerged in West Africa,
a new part of Africa, because of
deforestation there. AIDS moved
out of the forests of Africa to spread
around the world and today there
are over 20 million people living
with HIV-AIDS. In addition to new
virus, we now also have new drug
resistant strains of once badly
feared tuberculosis and malaria
She says reports are in circulation
that new strains of influenza are
infecting birds in China, but the day
might not be far away when these
microbes may learn clandestine art
of migrating from birds to human
In populous countries, people live in
dense pockets in the overburdened
urban swathes. Not only that they
travel in crowded public transports
and if an infected, suffering from
a contagious infection, sneezes
or coughs, there is an instant
spreading of the infection. Virus,
the unseen enemy, infects people
who are generally oblivious of the
lurking threat.
During outbreak of such epidemics,
people are advised to be cautious
to mount their own defense to
protect themselves. In India, a sea
of humanity moves every day from
one place to another and in case of
outbreak of such diseases, travelling
of infection can be very fast.
According to her, in case of India,
there is a heavy burden of non-
communicable diseases, like
diabetes, heart diseases and
other chronic diseases that often
compromise immunity. Deaths from
flu are higher in diabetics than the
general population.
The seasonal flu shot is the best
tool. There is some evidence to
show that taking the flu shot two
years in a row gives you more
protection than if you skipped a
year. There is also some evidence
on how people receiving a flu shot
for the first time have the strongest
immune protection reaction, while
other studies say this isn’t true.
India’s small pox eradication
campaign is the most successful
healthcare drive in history. During
the time more than 100,000 health
workers visited over 100 million
households to eradicate small pox.
So, India has a blueprint to deal
with a future pandemic.
30 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
Film makers had looked at previous
epidemics and infections. AIDS was
lurking in their minds, but sudden
spurt of Ebola and Zika virus’
cases turned the film into a real
time saga, and both AIDS and SARS
slipped into background.
In the global village narrative,
every citizen is open to risk factors
in case of pandemics. The diseases
assail everything whatever comes
into their way - may it be health or
wealth. When a pandemic happens,
people don’t work, economies
collapse, and even social fabric
is dismembered. People attempt
to avoid their own infected close
relatives and friends out of fear
that they will be the next seizure if
precautions were not clamped.
She mentions that in case of
pandemics, whatever happens on
the front line in Liberia affects
people in Europe and North
America. In the free world, we all
share knowledge platforms, travel
frequently and export and import
cheaper goods so microbes also
travel freely. For her, Ebola is the
test case. According to the Director,
Ebola was not handled swiftly at the
stage of outbreak otherwise it could
have been bridled at that stage
rather it turned into epidemic.
She recalls that Zika virus too had
sprung a surprise. It was never
visualized. No one thought that a
virus first identified in the 1940s
in Uganda would travel halfway
across the world - first to the South
Pacific and then to South America,
and now to North America. And no
one knew, and we are still trying
to understand, why this virus
that hadn’t been thought of as
particularly dangerous would in
Brazil produce such terrible birth
Zika is essentially a pandemic
as it affects so many countries
and continents. And with global
warming it could affect even more
because the mosquitoes will be
able to move further north as the
globe warms up.
Her realization that in the midst of
the fast globalization, people across
continents have become more vulnerable
to epidemics and pandemics turned into
a film idea that caught people’s attention.
PowerDot works via a mobile app that uses
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) to
activate your muscle fibres, get your body’s
lymphatic system flowing and increase the
blood flow to targeted areas. Basically, it gets
you moving. The result is the creation of a
perfect environment for the body to recover
faster, feel better and over all well-being. It
also allows you to control your workout.
An impulse is sent to the pods based on the
muscle group you select to target which
causes the muscles to activate. The feeling
that it creates can be intense and bizarre
at first, but you will get used to it in a few
uses. It is also compact enough to carry on a
holiday or trip and is available from £275 at
Needle-Free Diabetes Care is
a path-breaking technology
currently under development.
The best options available today
for automating most of the
complicated daily process of blood
sugar management are continuous
glucose monitors and insulin pumps
however they don’t completely
remove the need for skin pricks and
shots. The new skin in the game is a
technology being developed by Echo
Therapeutics (Philadelphia, USA)
that would replace the poke with
a patch. A transdermal biosensor
that reads blood analytes through
the skin without drawing blood is
what the company is aiming for. The
technology puts the patient’s blood
chemistry within signal range of a
patch-borne biosensor with the help
of a handheld electric-toothbrush
like device that removes just enough
top-layer skin cells. The sensor
collects one reading per minute
and sends the data wirelessly to
a remote monitor. When levels go
out of the patient’s optimal range,
this triggers audible alarms thus
tracking glucose levels over time.
There are other start-ups working in
out of the University of Leeds funded
by NetScientific is developing a
non-invasive device based on
photonics technology. Another
Dutch start-up called NovioSenseis
working on an implantable glucose
sensor that uses tear fluid to
measure glucose levels.
32 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
Recently Nokia unveiled their first
standalone sleep tracking device
which is a “Sleep Sensing  Home
Automation Pad” named ‘Nokia Sleep’.
This pad is placed underneath your
mattress and features advanced sleep
tracking as well as integrated home
automation features. The Nokia Sleep
sensor is designed for people who want
to learn how to sleep better, but don’t
want to be bothered with strapping on
a wearable like a Fitbit to their wrist.
The sensor slips underneath your
mattress and using a technique known
as ballistocardiography, monitors your
breathing, movement and heart-rate,
and translates this into your data about
your sleep. The sensor is wifi-enabled
which connects directly to the Nokia
Health Mate App. The product can
also detect snoring. The Nokia Sleep
pad is designed to give a frictionless
sleep-tracking experience. Once you’ve
placed the sensor under your mattress
and connected it to the mains and your
wifi, it’s a case of ‘set and forget’. Sleep
tracking is automatically detected
when you get in and out of bed because
it syncs with the Health Mate cloud
platform and it doesn’t have to rely on
you fiddling with your phone before
bedtime. The sensor is also very user-
friendly and is covered in a metal grey
terminates in a USB plug that is used to
power the device 24/7. The sensor also
claims to be able to break down your
sleep data into light sleep, deep sleep
and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.
The device also records your heart-rate
while you are in bed. In the morning
Health Mate syncs all your night’s data,
giving you a sleep score measured out
of 100. The Health Mate software also
features the Sleep Smarter program
which is an 8-week coaching program
which takes your long-term sleep data
and provides feedback as to how to
improve your sleep quality over this
period. Thus, Nokia Sleep is a sleep
monitor under the mattress. However,
it can turn off the lights and lower the
temperature in the room for you to fall
asleep easier apart from performing all
sleep patterns, sleep duration or the
quality of your bedtime.
India is experiencing a decline in
fertility due to many reasons like
adverse lifestyle habits, pollution,
delayed conception and so on.
There is a growing awareness that
men’s reproductive health issues
also contribute to infertility. Also,
the doctors here believe that there
is a profound need for a device
like YO in India which can be made
available to as many couples as
possible to make their journey to
parenthood a reality. So, to address
the problem of male testing and
to eliminate the stressful public
nature of male sperm analysis,
Medical Electronic Systems (MES),
a Los Angeles based technology
company developed the YO Home
Sperm Test Kit and recently
launched it in India which is first
of its kind video-based smartphone
platform that is FDA approved. The
device is used to determine motile
sperm concentration (the number
of moving sperm) which is a critical
factor in determining male fertility.
The device has 97% accuracy and
provides consumers the ability to
both view and measure the number
of motile sperm in their sample on
their phone and from the comfort of
their home. The cause of infertility
is equally shared by men and
women. Approximately 40% of the
problem is a female factor and 40%
a male factor with the remaining
20% unexplained or a combined
problem between the man and the
woman. Yet, many times, the initial
focus of a fertility assessment is on
the woman and the man may not
be tested until a full female work-
up and treatment is unsuccessful,
which could take a year or more.
This delay in testing the male side
of an infertile couple, plus the
fact that couples are postponing
having children until their 30’s
places the couple at greater risk of
being childless and substantially
increases their anxiety about
conceiving. YO test is both an
accurate and private home test that
provides a precise assessment of
moving sperm concentration (MSC).
Testing moving sperm is critical in
a home test because, with a clear
video to back it up, the results allow
the man to approach the doctor
with clear evidence of a problem.
The simple, step-by-step app can
be downloaded free of charge
from Google Play or the App Store.
The YO Clip (a mini-microscope)
is supplied in the kit with all the
supplies required to run two tests
on your Smartphone. The app is
easy to follow and takes the user
through step-by-step interactive
screens and instructional
animations to insure a smooth, easy-
to-understand and secure testing
experience with accurate results.
There is also humor built into the
Sperm Trivia Challenge, which is
designed to interact with the user
during the sample preparation wait
time. The Test results are reported
within minutes along with a video
of the sperm. This provides both
instant test results requiring no
interpretation and a “wow” factor
when the tester sees his sperm
in action. YO test is critical for
indicating male fertility potential
and with the results already in
hand, any male can walk into a
Doctor’s clinic with reduced stress
of facing additional testing and can
sign up for further treatment. The
Test kit is sold online through the
YO website
or through Amazon for about INR
1990. Itisdeliveredinaplainboxfor
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 33
Artificial intelligence is the
future and it aims at making
human life easier. With this view,
a Delhi-based start-up VISIT was
launched in 2016 which is an on-
demand healthcare service online
platform that provides its users
a pool of medical specialists and
general physicians to choose from,
for consultation. The facility has an
artificial intelligence based ‘chatbot’
that acts as a digital assistant to
provide ‘smart help’ to patients in
getting consultation from doctors.
The chatbot comes with a USP that
when a patient accesses it for help,
it learns using the information
given by the patient and uses the
information to reinforce its decision
network. The chatbot tracks user’s
activity, sleep, calories and fitness
data to help them reach their goals
with continuous reminders, insights
and motivation. The VISIT offers
paid online consultation, through
video and voice channels and seven
days of free follow-up check-up over
text chat. The service also maintains
a pool of MBBS doctors who through
its ‘Q’ service offer free health advice
by text. The pool of 2200 doctors
includes: psychologists, dieticians,
dermatologists, sexologists, gynae-
cologists, preventive cardiology
and paediatricians besides general
AChina–based firm VVFLY
Electronics has developed
a smart anti-snoring eye mask
called Snore Circle priced at nearly
INR 9700. Snore Circle is a smart
wearable sleeping mask that comes
with a little module that uses sound
detection and bone conduction
to identify when one is snoring.
Once that is done, it sends out little
vibrations to trick one’s brain into
tightening one’s throat muscles.
Once the throat muscles are
tightened, snoring should subside.
The vibrations on the Snore Circle
adjust to your snoring level and
are tuned well enough so that they
don't get so strong that people just
end up waking up instead they are
just enough to alter your throat
muscles. The mask has an 80 mAh
battery and can detect snoring by
giving out vibrations at 36 levels.
It allows the users to monitor and
analyse their snoring, its intensity
and decibel level along with
sleeping data through its Snore
Circle App.
US-based start-up Zipline has
developed a drone that can
deliver urgent medicines, blood
and vaccines mid-flight. Hospitals
can text orders to Zipline for the
at its centres and then launched
aboard the drone that races along
at over 100kmph. The autonomous
drone then drops the package via
parachute at the designated area.
Zipline improves access to these
supplies by flying over impassable
mountains and washed-out roads,
delivering directly to remote clinics.
The supplies are centralised and
provide on-demand deliveries,
completely reducing waste and
stock-outs. Zipline provides a
seamless delivery system at an
affordable price, obsessing over
every detail, so that healthcare
providers can solely focus on
patient health. Zipline created
national drone delivery system to
ship blood and drugs to remote
medical centres in Rwanda. Now
the company has developed world’s
swiftest commercial delivery drone,
with a top speed of 128kmph (a hair
shy of 80mph) with its extended
services in Tanzania.
34 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
This is an endeavour to make
medical reports smarter. This
works as a management information
system for healthcare providers
by using Artificial Intelligence to
process a huge data of medical
records and ERP transactions. The
system collects samples, manages
patient records, diagnoses them,
generates reports and aids in billing
and inventory, making the process
smarter and more efficient. In
nutshell, it’s an effort that digitises
diagnostic lab workflows through
its SaaS platform and makes them
available on the cloud to patients and
doctors. Doctors and consultants
get access to their patient records
using a mobile app and the patients
can use the app to understand their
reports, analyse their past health
data and monitor their health using
trackers. Recently the company
has raised US$1.1 mil from Nexus
Venture Partners which it intends
to use to expand its platform across
India, explore international markets
and to strengthen the product and
technology. LiveHealth's platform
has digitised more than 72 million
records, so far, and is delivering over
50,000 digital medical records to
doctors and patients every day. The
start-up works with more than 650
diagnostic centres across India and
Africa to automate their operations
i.e. to manage patients, financial
transactions etc.
This Bangalore-based start-up,
intelligence for a pain-free breast
cancer screening. Recently, it
had successfully raised money to
scale up its efforts.The screening
method can detect tumours five
times smaller than what clinical
examination can detect. It is a
safe, non-touch, radiation-free,
and low-cost method. Since
its cost-effective and does not
require heavy equipment this
solution seems to be ideal for
smaller towns where affordable
healthcare is the need of the hour.
Mammography works only for
women over 40 and increasingly
there has been a prevalence
of breast cancer among young
women, which makes a solution
like this a welcome one. NIRAMAI
uses a high-resolution thermal
sensing device that scans the
chest area like a camera. It then
uses cloud-hosted analytics
solution for analysing the
thermal images. Its SaaS solution
uses big data analytics, artificial
intelligence and machine
learning for reliable, early and
accurate breast cancer screening.
The innovative methods used
in the solution have led to
multiple US patents, and their
novel algorithms have also been
peer-reviewed in international
scientific conferences. The start-
up has already started two clinical
trials with established hospitals.
Denmark-based company
Oticon, a giant hearing
solution manufacturer has
launched the world’s first
hearing fitness tracking
technology that helps track
hearing aid use and provides
insights you can use to optimise
your health. The app is based on
big data analytics that combine
lifestyle and healthcare data
with local sound environment
analysis and is designed to
measure the impact of one’s
hearing on their health. This
app was declared the winner of
the 2018 CES Innovation Award
in the software and mobile apps
category. Health Fitness gives
advice and encouragement to
help users hear better and stay
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 35
Karma Healthcare, a
Rajasthan-based start-up in
the technology-led healthcare
space has recently raised INR 3
crores from different investors.
The start-up aims to provide high
quality, affordable, equitable
and reliable healthcare to India’s
underserved population via a
differentiated business model.
The company has combined the
human touch of a nurse with
the scalability of shared doctor
services via real-time online
video consultations. It delivers
healthcare to consumers via
e-Doctor clinics. The effort is
to have e-clinics Pan-India. The
company thus seeks to make
definitive large-scale impact
and in-turn take significant
steps towards ‘healthcare
for all’. So far, the company has
given over 50,000 consultations
and currently has 10 e-Doctor
clinics in the states of Haryana
and Rajasthan. There is a
comprehensive ecosystem
of clinical treatment, quality
medicines and diagnostics
at competitive prices. The
company has developed an in-
house technology suite that
helps it deliver standardised
care including a bespoke Clinical
Decision Support System and
is extending its capabilities to
deep learning driven diagnosis,
treatment and monitoring. The
company has backing from Tata
Trusts, UBS Optimus Foundation
and WISH Foundation.
As per data from the National Vector
Borne Disease Control Programme
there has been a 5.5-fold increase
in dengue cases from 2010-2017.
Deaths due to dengue infection have
also more than doubled over the same
period. Infact there were 28000 more
cases in India in 2017 as compared
to 2016 making this a huge public
concern. Dengue is a mosquito-borne
illness that can cause severe flu-like
symptoms with possible complications
like haemorrhage and shock. Dengue
infection may progress to dengue
haemorrhagic fever resulting in severe
abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea,
convulsions, bruising, and uncontrolled
bleeding. The most severe form of the
illness that is dengue haemorrhagic
shock may lead to plasma leaking, fluid
accumulation, respiratory distress,
severe bleeding, and multiorgan failure.
With such complications, fatality is
significant. So, missed or even delayed
diagnosis is very dangerous. Two-
thirds of dengue deaths happen due to
missed diagnosis making it imperative
to have a quick, reliable method for
early detection. Taking a step in this
direction with its innovative molecular
assays, iGenetic Diagnostics, a Mumbai-
based facility has come out with a lab
test that can detect dengue virus within
24 hours at a very early stage of the
infection whereas the existing labs take
3-4 days. iGenetic has also developed
a rapid molecular diagnostic test that
can identify the serotype of the virus.
It is important here because dengue
has been infected with one serotype,
they have lifelong immunity from that
serotype. But if a person gets infected
again with a different serotype the
disease progression is fastened and
more severe, thereby proving deadly.
So, another advantage is that the test
enables detection of dengue from
day 1. Thus, the molecular diagnostic
approaches to accurately and rapidly
diagnose viral infections have been
rightfully employed by iGenetic.
Dry eyes affect millions of adults
and its risk increases with
advancing age. Keeping this acute eye
problem in mind, Lumenis worked
in this direction. Lumenis, world’s
largest energy-based medical device
company for surgical, ophthalmology
and aesthetic applications is
renowned for its technological break-
a long list of industry gold standards.
Lumenis’ latest M22 optimal pulse
of eye inflammation treatments
with optimal pulse technology
(OPT). Mumbai’s renowned super
specialty eye care Ojas Eye Hospital
has brought in India Lumenis M22
Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT) for
treatment of dry eyes. The latest eye
care technology is seen as a great
revolutionary value addition to the
ophthalmic applications especially
for the treatment of dry eyes. The
M22 services will be available at two
branches of Ojas Eye Hospital, one at
Bandra and the other at Kandivali.
Recent studies have showcased
Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is one of
the leading causes of dry eye disease
(DED), affecting millions of people
worldwide. Optimal pulse technology
from Lumenis has emerged as the
most effective alternative for patients,
leading to significant improvement
in ocular surface quality, gland
function and dry eye symptoms. The
Lumenis M22 OPT is an excellent
technology for treating eyelid
inflammation. OPT is selectively
absorbed in the haemoglobin of
abnormal blood vessels and destroys
them by thrombolysis thereby
treating the root cause of the problem
leading to immediate relief, a safe
and comfortable, fast ‘lunch time
treatment’ and improves the skin
appearance too.
36 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
MediaTek Inc. recently unveiled
MediaTek Sensio, a powerful
advanced health monitoring solution
which makes it easy to track heart-
rate information, peripheral oxygen
levels, blood pressure trends and
more. It is industry’s first 6-in-1
biosensor that turns smartphones
into your personal health companion.
Sensio delivers six key health data
points such as heart-rate, heart-rate
variability, blood pressure trends,
peripheral oxygen saturation, ECG and
photoplethysmography. The product is
available as an embedded module in
smartphones which makes it possible
for consumers to quickly check
and monitor their physical fitness.
The MediaTek Sensio MT6381 is a
comprehensive software and module
solution designed specifically to
deliver valuable health data, consisting
of optical, electrical and processing
components. The customizable,
compact solution means device
manufacturers have the flexibility to
embed the MediaTek Sensio module
directly into all types of smartphones,
versus using multiple sensors. The
module uses light emitting diodes
(LEDs) in conjunction with a light
sensitive sensor to measure the
absorption of red and infrared light
by the user’s fingertips. By touching
a device’s sensors and electrodes
with your fingertips, MediaTek Sensio
creates a closed loop between your
heart and the biosensor to measure
ECG and PPG waveforms. The product
is the first 6-in-1 total hardware and
software solution, consisting of optical,
electrical and processing components
which delivers a package of smart
health solutions that will help its users
levels. MediaTek Sensio entered the
market in the beginning of 2018.
Haemophilia is a genetic
due to decreased levels or a
complete lack of clotting factors
that results in profuse bleeding
into joints, muscles or internal
organs either spontaneously
or as a result of accidental or
surgical trauma. Globally, India
is among the top ten countries of
people living with Haemophilia
A1 with about 18000 cases.
Studies have revealed that
by the age of 25 years, 79%
of people with Haemophilia
are likely to become severely
disabled if proper treatment is
not provided. Efforts are being
made to tackle this situation,
so in April this year, Lok Nayak
Hospital jointly conducted a one-
day patient awareness program
“Haem Utsav”, e-learning to
empower Haemophilia care
in India supported by Novo
Nordisk, India. An updated
Haemophilia India website
has been launched for e-learning.
Delhi Government has won a
global award for introducing
yoga sutra in Haemophilia,
taken up advocacy and capacity
building programs, launched
skill-based training programs
and a self-infusion program
and created self-help groups for
Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 37
Compiled by:
Dr. Avantika Batish is working
as the Director Strategy and
Healthcare at International
Health Emergency Learning
and Preparedness. Also, she is a
guest faculty for MBA (HR) and
MBA Healthcare Management
at various B-Schoolsand is a
soft skills trainer.
ccording to Union
Minister of State
(Independent Charge) for
Tourism Mr. K. J. Alphons,
the Union Ministry offers financial
support as Marketing Development
Assistance for Publicity and for
organizing Wellness and Medical
Tourism Promotion shows as well
as workshops/events/seminars to
accredited Medical and Wellness
Tourism Service Providers and
Chambers of Commerce, etc. A
film on Medical Tourism has been
produced in association with BBC
and is used at various fora for
promotional purposes; Medical
and Medical attendant visa have
been introduced to streamline and
ease the travel process of Medical
The e-tourist visa regime has also
been expanded to include medical
visits. Steps are afoot to set up
facilitation counters at the major
airports of Bengaluru, Chennai,
Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and
Foreign tourists
rallying for healthcare
The Board works as an umbrella
organization to promote this segment
of tourism in an organized manner. The
Board has formed Sub-Committees on
visa issues, accreditation, standards,
marketing and promotion. The
Ministry of Tourism collates data
regarding the arrivals on Medical and
Medical Attendant visas provided
by the Ministry of Home Affairs. In
2014, Foreign Tourists Arrivals (FTAs)
recorded were: 1,84,298 (2014);
2,33,918 (2015); 4,27,014 (2016).
Mumbai and for tourists arriving on
Medical Visas.
Apart from the above, the Department
of Commerce and Services Export
Promotion Council (SEPC) has
launched a Healthcare Portal in
Arabic, English, French, Russian and
other languages as a single source
platform providing comprehensive
information to medical travelers on
the top healthcare institutions in the
A National Medical and Wellness
Tourism Board has also been
constituted under the Chairmanship
a dedicated institutional framework
to take forward the cause of
promotion of Medical and Wellness
Tourism including Ayurveda and
any other format of Indian system of
medicine covered by Ayurveda, Yoga,
Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
The Board has members from the
Ministries of Health, Commerce,
External Affairs, AYUSH, Home
Affairs, the National Accreditation
Board for Hospitals and Healthcare
Providers (NABH) as well as
representatives from the major
chambers of commerce, hospitals
and independent experts in the field
of Medicine and Wellness.
38 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
recent study has found
that about 10% of school
children in Bengaluru
are obese, while 13.8%
children are at risk of contracting
lifestyle diseases in adulthood with
waistlines which are more than half
their height.
School-based screening of 104,105
children studying in 138 private
schools has revealed some alarming
trends on school students in
Bengaluru. The study was conducted
by AddressHealth, provider of health
services in schools for children in
India. The survey data was compiled
over the current academic year and
revealed a significant degree of
malnutrition (both over and under
nutrition) among children - with
9.2% of children being obese and
another 13.7% children falling
in the overweight category (over
nutrition) while about 8.5% of
them are too thin for their age
Apart from this, 28.6% school
children have dental caries (cavities)
while 15.1% have newly detected/
worsening vision problems. In
addition, more than 200 children
had previously undetected cardiac
murmurs, and 70 children had
previously undetected hearing
defects. Commenting on the survey
results Dr. Anand Lakshman,
Founder and CEO, AddressHealth,
said, “Children are increasingly
vulnerable due to a variety of
lifestyle and environmental factors
such as proliferation of fast food
options, lack of physical activity, too
much screen time etc. We believe
Contracting lifestyle diseases
in adulthood, reveals a
recent study
By InnoHEALTH Editorial Team
40 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018
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InnoHEALTH magazine - Volume 3 issue 3 - July to September 2018

  • 1. 1 Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Jan-Mar 2018
  • 2.
  • 3. India is a country of 1.3 billion population out of which 23.6% or about 276 million people live below $1.25 per day. It is a country still with bullock cart economy and is also in space and nuclear power. It is a dichotomy that we are still struggling in having an Open Defecation Free (ODF) country even after 70 years of independence, yet country is rated high in the international arena. Are we - as citizens and country - doing enough to pay attention to basic issues? We keep blaming government but do forget our role in nation building. The issue of ODF is related to health of the community and so is the Environment and Yoga. Through the current issue of this magazine, we intend to highlight two important activities in June - India hosting World Environment Day on 5th June 2018 and celebrating International Day of Yoga on 21st June 2018. Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Minister for Environment said, “India is excited to host the World Environment Day this year on 5th June. Indian philosophy and lifestyle has long been rooted in the concept of co-existence with nature. We are committed to making Planet Earth a cleaner and greener place”. The theme for World Environment 2018 is “Beat Plastic Pollution”, we need to explore sustainable alternatives and urgently reduce the production and excessive use of single-use plastic polluting our oceans, damaging marine life and threatening human health. Every year, the world uses 500 billion plastic bags and atleast 8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the oceans, equivalent of garbage truck every minute. We buy 1 million plastic bottles every minute. Plastic makes up 10% of all the waste we generate. While hosting the World Environment Day, we should rather be the role model for the rest of the world, but we are also in rhetoric to celebrate, give lectures and felicitate but do nothing on the ground. There is a need of strong time bound action and political will, we may have to take a few hard decisions for the sake of the health of the community. India is credited under the leadership of present Prime Minister Mr. Modi to get recognition of International Day of Yoga on 21st June which happens to be longest day in Northern hemisphere. Yoga to be adopted as way of life to prevent and treat many lifestyle diseases, research has proved reversal of heart blocks by yoga, meditation and diet. In fact, Yoga is accepted all over the world by recognising its benefit by adoption. Let us join hands to adopt environment and yoga days in true spirit to keep ourselves healthy by making these as part of our daily routine. To strengthen public health, let us concentrate on small issues like ODF and theme behind movies “Toilet ek Prem Katha” and “Padman” which are not issues of developed nations. We are a country of two sides of the same coin - one side is hovering in the space and arena of nuclear power while the other one struggling with issues like Open Defecation Free country and Padman, not having enough nutrition and healthcare. We need to take care of this segment - innovate and show results on the ground - not simply rhetoric. Environmentand YogaforPublicHealth orsimpleRhetoric Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 3 Dr VK Singh Editor-in-Chief & MD, InnovatioCuris
  • 4. F or ages, we are taught to practice yoga and meditation in India and people do that at many places and in many forms but three years ago at India’s initiative, the United Nations recognised its significance and declared 21st June every year as the International Yoga Day. In the first edition itself, the IYD had a roaring success worldwide and India created two world records. Since then, there is no going back in terms of celebrating the day with traditional gusto and ever vaulting spirits. Both President and Prime Minister led the nation on the day’s observation. To recap the event’s increasing foot prints, we decided to dedicate the current issue to IYD and run a fleeting flash back of memories to revive afresh what happened in the previous three editions worldwide. In same spirit, we are running a few items dedicated to imperiled environment as this year India hosts the International Environment Day with the theme to combat ever plaguing menace of plastic that had adversely impacted human lives and virtually choked water ways in variant degrees at many places. India’s Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan, in an exclusive interview to InnoHEALTH Magazine, appealed to the people to give up single use of plastic and expressed confidence that a perceptible and measurable difference in the country will be brought about on plastic pollution and other environmental issues on the occasion of the World Environment Day 2018. He is also the Science and Technology Minister. In March this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for a "Fit India" movement, focusing on the benefits of yoga, in ‘Mann Ki Baat’. Mr. Rajyavardhan Rathore, the newly appointed Minister for Information and Broadcasting, seems to have taken a cue from the PM to take the initiative forward. He recently tweeted a video of himself doing push-ups with the hashtag #HumFitTohIndiaFit. Since then, the fitness campaign zoomed into a debate and many people accepted the challenge and started posting their videos. International award winner filmmaker Janet Tobia who has won laurels for her documentary “Unseen Enemy” flags major concerns over lurking threats on environment. She was interviewed by our magazine to highlight her views on the Environment Day. The Emmy award winner said that her movie Unseen Enemy examines why in the 21st century we are experiencing a rash of diseases that were once only outbreaks but have now become full-blown epidemics. She is precisely right on her perceptions and fresh outbreak of Ebola in Congo vindicates her concerns. Amid growing number of violent incidents against young children, we interacted with UNICEF’s India In-charge. Fresh from her experience in managing emergency situations, Dr. Yasmin Ali Haque handles tsunami of problems during her current assignment. She has disclosed that the Indian government in collaboration with UNICEF is developing a comprehensive plan on digital safety for children. Digital literacy is key to ensuring that all boys and girls stay informed, engaged and safe online. There is a need to galvanize ‘zero tolerance’ towards violence against children. In the current issue, we are also carrying a number of other articles like forthcoming plans to jail thosefoundguiltyofpoachingmedicaldataofpatients;medicalcommissionbillfacingroughweather; monkeys spa in Japan; how to breathe; IC meeting highlighting the era of disruptions; latest trends in healthcare and many more interesting stories of the health sector. Thanks, Neeraj Bajpai Dear Reader YOGA MOJO GOING VIRAL! 4 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018
  • 5. Global Editorial Board Dr. Shailja Dixit, Chief Medical Officer, Scientific Commercialization, Fellow of Health Innovation & Technology Lab, USA Ronald James Heslegrave, Chief of Research, William Osler Health System, Canada Dr. Ogan Gurel, Chief Innovation Officer, Campus D, South Korea Dr. Chandy Abraham, CEO and Head of Medical Services, the Health City, Cayman Islands Dr. Sharon Vasuthevan, Group Nursing & Quality Executive at Life Healthcare Group, South Africa Dr. Kate Lazarenko, Founder and Director, Health Industry Matters Pte. Ltd, Australia Major General (Retd) A K Singh, Advisor, Telemedicine and Health Informatics, India Dr. Sarita Jaiswal, Ex-Research Officer at University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada (currently in India) Printed and Published by Sachin Gaur on behalf of InnovatioCuris Private Limited Printed at Lippe Scan Private Limited 89, DSIDC, Phase-1, Okhla Industrial Area, Delhi 110020 Editor: Sachin Gaur DCP Licensing number: F.2.(I-10) Press/2016 RNI: DELENG/2016/69964 © InnovatioCuris Private Limited All rights reserved. Neither this publication nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission from InnovatioCuris Private Limited Disclaimer: Readers are requested to verify and make appropriate enquires to satisfy themselves about the veracity of the advertise- ments before responding to any published in this magazine. Sachin Gaur, the Publisher, Printer and Editor of this maga- zine, does not vouch for the authenticity of any advertisement or advertiser or for any the advertiser’s products and/or services. In no event can the Publisher, Printer and Editor of this magazine/ company be held responsible/liable in any manner whatsoever for any claims and / or damage for advertisements in this magazine. Authors will be solely respon- sible for any issues arising due to copyright infringements and authenticity of the facts and figures mentioned in their articles. InnoHEALTH magazine is not liable for any damages/copyright infringements. Editor-in-Chief: Dr. V K Singh Executive Editor: Sachin Gaur Editors: Alok Chaudhary Dr. Avantika Batish Nimisha Singh Verma Aarti Khanna Consulting Editor Neeraj Bajpai Sr. Designer Suraj Sharma, Ritu Versha Advisors Konda Vishweshwar Reddy, Member of Parliament, India Amir Dan Rubin, Executive Vice President, United Health Group, USA Thumbay Moideen, Founder President, THUMBAY Group, UAE Prof. Prabhat Ranjan, Executive Director, Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council, India Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 5
  • 6.
  • 7. Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 7 PERSONA Digital safety plan for children being leveraged 10 Discourage Single use plastic and instead use jute/cloth carry bags, insists Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan 14 THEME Regular Meditation Sessions 18 Déjà vu – YOGA DAY 20 How to Breathe? 24 Yoga and Chanting of Prayers 26 Environment is in Peril; Unknown Enemy on Prowl 27 TRENDS Latest Innovations 32 Foreign tourists rallying for healthcare 38 WELL-BEING Contracting lifestyle diseases in adulthood 40 When travelling on public transport, you may want to cover your ears 42 ISSUES Vision on Blindness cure needs aggressive approach 44 Alarming! 26.7 crore tobacco users in India 46 RESEARCH Cyber-Biosecurity: Are we ready? 48 Monkeys go for Spa therapy to fight weather stress 54 How portions of brain that temper aggression get veiled with alcohol 55 Socioeconomic inequalities in children’s weight reversed 56 NEWSCOPE LaQshya Programme for pregnant women new born 60 National Medical Commission (NMC) Bill faces rough weather 61 Screws on Health Sector Data Poachers being tightened 63 One Government Medical College in each State of India 67
  • 8. I read the magazine InnoHEALTH and found very interesting articles which had scientific explanations. An article on medal winners and their last-minute thought process to annex titles was wonderful and gave an insight of chemistry in chambers of brain during moments of climax. I appreciate the manner in which plight of animals was highlighted and innovative practices adopted by vets. Personally, we feel it should be monthly if not fortnightly and the language a bit toned for the common man. Dr. Meena Dhami New Delhi, India Readers Feedback A Brief Review on InnoHEALTH I recently went through InnoHEALTH, vol 3, issue 2. I never expected such nice content in a health magazine. Really, it's a very good idea to bring innovations from lab to masses through print media. Appreciative of the idea which in itself is an innovative one. I went through the content very carefully and enjoyed reading articles on wildlife specially the ones on Kanpur zoo and cloned monkeys. Request you to keep including such innovative ideas specially on wildlife. I was also intrigued by the article on software as a medical device. The magazine deserves to be an international magazine on the basis of its contents, printing quality and editorials. Would like to encourage use of symbol of Indian Rupees on the cover page. Dr. RK Singh Kanpur, India I went through the latest edition of your InnoHEALTH magazine and found that many articles were very interesting especially the one highlighting that people feel more depressed during tooth ache, head ache and ear pain. I would encourage the team to keep highlighting significance of our medicinal plant values so that people take advantage of such resources available in India in abundance. I recall a time tested saying a tall tree of neem is like a tall Hakim standing before you. Krishna Gopal Uttar Pradesh, India 8 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 Most liked article of the last Issue....
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  • 10. S he says UNICEF is working closely with the government in developing a comprehensive plan on digital safety for children. Digital literacy is key to ensuring that all boys and all girls stay informed, engaged and safe online. There is a need to galvanize the ‘zero tolerance’ towards violence against children. In a detailed interview to InnoHEALTH magazine, she answered a wide range of questions and elaborated at length, UNICEF’s programmes in India where safety of children is emerging as a major concern. Q. UNICEF is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and strives to establish children’s rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards of behaviour towards children. UNICEF responds in emergencies to protect the rights of children. What in your views are the steps that can be taken to protect children from violence and to ensure their safety? One important facet of the rights of CRC is to ensure that children grow in a protective and safe environment, free of any kind of violence and abuse. Preventing and responding to sexual violence requires strong collaboration among stakeholders from diverse walks of life. UNICEF is committed to working with the government, civil society organisations, corporates, media and all the other stakeholders to support society and families to ensure that children are safe and free from abuse and exploitation. Guided by the CRC, it is imperative to act now to break the cycle of violence against children and protect survivors of violence. In recent years, India has made significant progress in addressing sexual abuse against children by having enacted legislations and acted on a large number of cases. The public has also become increasingly aware of sexual abuse cases that may have gone unnoticed years ago due to an increase in reporting on the issue. Digital media and immediate reporting have also contributed to this awareness. Still a lot more needs to be done. Building on these positive developments, UNICEF collaborateswithpartnerstoenhanceawareness of children and parents by focussing on the following stakeholders: • Teachers and school authorities: Sexual violence in schools is a major area of concern. Schools should provide information on safety to children and online safety guidelines can be included in the curriculum. Schools also need to ensure that teachers are aware of the provisions of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act. • Children: Child-led initiatives empower children to become advocates of change, voice their demands and takeleadershipinthechangeitself.Listeningtochildren is also key as they can become vital stakeholders in their own safety. Decisionmakers, including parents and teachers, should listen to children so that their views can be incorporated into policies. • Civil society organisations, including faith-based and community-based organisations, can engage consistently with the communities and share with them important information around the need to protect children from any kind of violence and abuse and co-create local solutions. Digital safety plan for children being leveraged; zero tolerance towards violenceagainstchildrenneedofthehour Freshfromherexperienceinmanagingemergency situations, Dr. Yasmin Ali Haque smilingly handles tsunami of problems as UNICEF’s Representative in India, lying next to her home Bangladesh. PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE 10 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 By Dr. VK Singh Neeraj Bajpai
  • 11. • Media, both traditional and digital, plays a vital role in disseminating information, mobilising public opinion and building a discourse around the issue of child safety. Effective use of digital technology for creating further awareness on child safety is another platform that is being leveraged. We need to ensure that all children, every girl and boy, no matter where they live or what their background is, benefit from the learning opportunities and connectivity that the digital world can provide. However, along with the benefits that digital technology provides, it has also put young people at risk of harm online, including abuse, exploitation, trafficking and cyber bullying. Q. UNICEF has recently launched a report called ‘Every Child ALIVE’ focusing on the number of new- born deaths in the country. Has India made any progress in curbing the under-five mortality? India has shown 66% reduction in the under-five mortality rate between 1990 and 2015, nearly meeting its Millennium Development Goal 4 target. This is much higher than the global decline of 55% during the same period. This progress has been due to a holistic approach to health programming for children. However, the progress has been slower for new-borns and has also been inequitable between boys and girls, with the under-five mortality rate for girls currently being 11% higher, at 41 per 1000 as against 37 per 1000 for boys. Q. Why are more girls dying in India than boys? Girls have the advantage of being biologically stronger, yet sadly they are extremely vulnerable socially. The discrimination begins even before they are born. Though the gender gap has started shrinking due to the fast decline of mortality for girls as compared to boys in the recent years, the gap still remains high in many states. The neglect of the girl child is a much broader issue and needs interventions beyond health to address the social norms and cultural practices that act as barriers in bridging the gender gap. It will require working at both the policy level for creating an enabling environment, and at the community level, to build awareness and bring emphasis on the value of the girl child. It will also need increased investments in the availability of gender disaggregated data for more informed planning. Q. Please share with us some details about the immunisation campaign in India. Immunisation is one of the most cost effective public health interventions that currently averts an estimated 2 to 3 million child deaths globally every year. India has one of the largest immunisation programmes in the world, in terms of number of beneficiaries, geographical coverage, and quantities of vaccines used, with nearly 26 million new-borns targeted for immunisation annually. However, despite this effort, only 65% of the children in India receive full immunisation during the first year of their life. This translates to 9 million children not fully protected against preventable diseases such as Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Measles and Preventable pneumonia. To address this issue, Government of India, with the support of UNICEF, WHO and other partners, has launched Mission Indradhanush to achieve 90% immunisation coverage by the end of 2018. UNICEF is also supporting the government for the strategic communication activities on immunisation, in order to create further awareness on the need for complete immunisation as well as create a discourse on the value of vaccines. Q. What is the Measles-Rubella Vaccine Campaign and why do we need it? The Measles-Rubella (MR) vaccine has been introduced as part of the Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP) in India to protect children from two diseases, Measles and Rubella, which have high mortality and morbidity respectively. Measles is one of the leading causes of death among young children. It is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus and spreads by coughing and sneezing. It reduces the immunity of the child, making a child vulnerable to life threatening complications such as pneumonia, diarrhoea and infection in the brain. Hence, the burden of diarrhoea and pneumonia can also be indirectly reduced by eliminating Measles. Rubella, although a mild viral illness, can lead to serious consequences if pregnant women are infected during early pregnancy. It can result in miscarriages, still- births and a set of congenital anomalies in the foetus and new-borns known as Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS), which is a cause of public health concern. CRS is characterized by multiple defects, particularly affecting the eyes (glaucoma, cataract), ears (hearing loss), brain (microcephaly, mental retardation) and heart defects - many of which are lifelong disabilities, requiring treatment, surgeries and other expensive care throughout life. Hence, it is important to eliminate these diseases. The MR vaccine is provided free of cost under the campaign. Q. What is the burden of Measles-Rubella in India and globally? According to WHO estimates, an estimated 1.34 lakh deaths were caused globally by Measles in 2015. Measles and related complications killed an estimated 49,200 children in 2015 in India, contributing nearly 36% to the global figures. An estimated 84% of global decline in Measles deaths from 2000 to 2016 was due to Measles vaccination. In 2010, an estimated 1.03 lakh children were born with Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) globally, of which an estimated 40,000 children were born with CRS in India. The Government of India has resolved to eliminate Measles and control Rubella. The Measles-Rubella (MR) vaccination campaign is an important step in that direction. Measles immunisation directly contributes to PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESNEWSCOPERESEARCH Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 11
  • 12. the reduction of under-five child mortality. UNICEF is a key partner in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s rollout of the ongoing Measles-Rubella Vaccination Campaign, which is now in its third phase and has vaccinated 7.7 crore children in 16 states till date (3 April 2018). The MR Campaign targets around 41 crore children, making it one of the largest ever immunisation campaign of its kind. It aims to eliminate Measles and control Rubella by 2020. The vaccine has already been rolled out in several states and will soon be launched in Assam, Haryana and Punjab. Q. How safe is the Measles-Rubella vaccine? The Measles-Rubella (MR) vaccine is a safe and cost- effective vaccine that has been available for the past 40 years. The presently used vaccine is a WHO-prequalified vaccine and is licensed by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization of India. As many as 165 WHO member countries provide Measles second dose in their national immunisation programme. The Rubella vaccine has been introduced in 159 countries. India, along with 10 other member countries of South East Asia region of WHO, has resolved to eliminate Measles and control Rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) by 2020. The surveillance of Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI) is an integral part of MR vaccination campaign. AEFI management kit is provided at all vaccination session sites including schools so that immediate response can be initiated following an AEFI. The Government of India has recently amended AEFI management protocol. Now Adrenalin injection is part of each AEFI kit, which is life-saving in case of anaphylaxis. Both public and private sector medical practitioners and health workers are trained prior to MR campaign to handle such adverse events. 12 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 Dr. Yasmin had joined as the UNICEF RepresentativeinIndiainJulylastyearandprior to that, she was Deputy Director of UNICEF’s Office of Emergency Operations where she played a leading role in the programming and policies for an effective UNICEF response for children in humanitarian crisis. She started her career in UNICEF in 1996 and held many appointments in challenging situations. PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE
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  • 14. 14 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 O n a windy summer morning, a muster of peacocks, displaying colorful plumage like a flickering train, flip-flop atop huge green trees and scream at short intervals amid unfazed flocks of twittering birds at India’s Environment, Science and Technology Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan’s residence in the heart of the national capital. Filing past the absorbing spectacle, a motely crowd of visitors, many of them holding handwritten petitions or bouquets gently enter a make shift hall to meet the lawmaker who is a Member of Parliament from the moon light crossing-Chandni Chowk-constituency in old Delhi. Much before, the agile Minister, in tearing hurry to pack up his day long tight schedule, makes an appearance and occupies a central chair to lend an ear to visitors – including some burqa clad women from his constituency, his staff ensures trays of piping hot tea cups and coffee mugs are served regularly. The staff introduces itself to the audience and lay out drill for whistle stop meetings with ear nose and throat–ENT specialist turned politician. The moment, the medium height suave Minister enters the hall, commotion ensues but things settle down fast as professional photographers stand in attendance and race of selfie with Minister ends. He listens and assures for quick redressal of genuine and fair petitions.Thisisafrequent morning scene at his residence, may it be a sizzling summer or frigid winter. Retreating people stare at a hanging poster which reads –‘Democracy is not the governance by the majority, neither it’s of governance of the minority, but it is the governance of the common inspiration of general public’. The frame with party’s ideologue and leader Dr. Deen Dayal Upadhyay picture hangs innocuously from a bright green bamboo stick partition. Despite shoe string budget of time, the Minister spoke to InnoHEALTH Magazine and said India’s resolve to protect environment and ensure growth is non-negotiable and gave detailed answers to many queries including: Q. It is not possible to do away with plastic altogether. How does the govt propose to reduce/ recycle plastic? With the growing population of the world and the lifestyle adopted, the amount of garbage production; including plastic waste, is also increasing. However, the accumulation of these products is leading to increased amount of plastic pollution around the country and the world. The Government of India has notified the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, which, inter-alia, regulate manufacture, sale, distribution and use plastic carry bags including carry bags of compostable plastic, and plastic sheets for packaging or wrapping commodities. The use of carry bags made from conventional plastic and less than 50 micron in thickness is prohibited. The use of plastic for packaging gutkha, tobacco and pan masala is prohibited. Based on the requirement and necessity, individual state can take decision on banning of the plastic bags. Therefore, use of carry bags made of plastic is banned by seventeen States and three Union Territories. Through the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, the generators of waste have been mandated to take steps to minimize generation of plastic waste, not to litter the plastic waste, ensure segregated storage of waste at source and handovers segregated waste to local body or agencies authorised by the local bodies. The rules have mandated the responsibilities of local bodies, gram panchayat, waste generators, retailers and street vendors to manage the plastic waste.The rules mandated the producers, importers and brand owners to work out modalities for waste collection system based on Extended Producer Responsibility. Q. How 2017 was different in terms of air pollution in Delhi NCR? Due to extensive efforts by all stakeholders, there has been an improvement in overall air quality in 2017. As per AQI data, the number of good, satisfactory and moderate days in 2017 were 151 as compared to 109 in 2016. The number of poor, very poor and severe days was down to 180 in 2017 as compared to 214 in 2016. Q. What is your message for this World Environment Day to the global citizen? As you are aware the theme of World Environment Day is “Plastic Pollution”, I would like to urge all people to adopt sustainable lifestyle. India has a long history DiscourageSingleuseplasticandinstead use jute/cloth carry bags, insists Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan By Neeraj Bajpai PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE
  • 15. Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 15 and tradition of harmonious co-existence between man and nature. In addition, people should adopt these practices in their day- to-day life. Let’s discourage single use plastic and instead we may use jute/cloth carry bags: • Use of biodegradable and other types of compostable utensils in place of plastic, and bring a fork, knife and spoon from home. • Use of durable, foldable inexpensive reusable bag that can be carried around in car/ pocket/purse. • Discourage plastic bottles. Have glass, steel or clay bottles in of- fices. • Encourage employees to refuse, reduce and reuse plastic prod- ucts in their daily use. Pledge for plastic free environment in the Organization. I would request all my fellow citizens to follow atleast one Green Good Deed on daily basis and there will be several hundred million Green Good Deeds performed daily to protect environment, it’s not only our moral responsibility for our next generation to give them pristine earth to live in but also our green social responsibility. Q. You have been talking of building a movement for Green Good Deeds. How can this movement help in reducing plastic pollution - the theme of this year’s World Environment Day? Green Good Deeds is a people- oriented campaign to raise awareness about environmental concerns in a simplified way. Everyone is looking up to India with expectations because they think that Indians have the DNA to protect the environment. Our ancestors had made protection of environment an integral part of their lifestyle. The campaign aims to broaden its base with involvement of teachers, students and other voluntary organisations. There are more than 500 green good deeds listed in the app (Dr. Harsh Vardhan Mobile App). The app includes – planting trees, saving energy, conserving water, use of public transport and promoting carpool, discourage plastic bottles, have glass, steel or clay bottles in offices, etc., many of them are concerned with the use of environment friendly consumables which means for sure discouraging use of plastics and such materials, if we encourage few of green good deeds it automatically means enhancing use of environmental friendly products and services in our lifestyle and plastic is so deep rooted especially in urban India that if we discourage it and adopt some relevant green deeds it will certainly reduce adverse impact on environment. Also, we understand that the objective of transforming Green Good Deeds into a peoples’ movement can be best achieved by repeatedly bringing multidimensional initiatives and campaigns that can reach out to youth and children and World Environment Day celebrations 2018 could be a great platform which will definitely discourage the use and beat plastic pollution – which is the theme this year. World Environment Day has always been a day of special importance to India. The day has PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESNEWSCOPERESEARCH
  • 16. 16 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 been celebrated as rededication of national efforts for sustainable development and mainstreaming environmental concerns in the national developmental agenda. Plastic as it is may not be a problem, but littering and unsafe disposal of single-use plastic products, plastic bottles, food containers and packaging materials is causing concern to the environment. In the age of advanced technology, we cannot live plastic free but we can manage our plastic waste disposal into circular economy and adapting good deeds and the time has come that we must realize the concern and make collective efforts to reduce our plastic footprint by way of adapting green good deeds and 4 R principle (refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle). In India, not less than 25,490 tonnes of plastic is generated every day with mind boggling 40% of plastic waste uncollected. He hopes there will be perceptible to and measurable difference in the country brought about the plastic pollution and other environmental issues. According to him, about 60 million tonnes of solid waste is generated in one year and ‘’Plastic bottle takes between 450- 1000 years to decompose”. This year, India hosts the World Environment Day for the second time. MoEFCC is hosting the World Environment Day 2018, in collaboration with UN Environment. India hosted the event in the year 2011, with the theme: ‘Forests: Nature at your Service’. Informatively, 5th June was designated as the World Environment Day by the UN General Assembly to commemorate the opening of the Stockholm Conference on Human Development. Annual celebrations of World Environment Day began in 1974. 5th June provides an occasion for responsible conduct by individuals, enterprises and communities in preserving and enhancing the environment. Every action counts, and when multiplied by people across the world, its impact becomes exponential. Over 150 countries are celebrating World Environment Day, particularly for promoting the environmental dimensions of the Sustainable Development Goals. During the last three years, the themes of World Environment Day celebrations included: “Seven billion dreams, one planet, consume with care” in 2015 in Rome, Italy, “Zero tolerance for the illegal wildlife trade” in Luanda, Angola, in 2016 and “Connecting people to nature – in the city and on the land, from the poles to the equator” in Ottawa, Canada, in 2017. He also mentioned writing to Environment Ministers of more than 150 countries to celebrate the day globally and take pledge to cut the use of single-use plastics. More than 10,000 missed calls have been receivedinthe“MissedCallCampaign” titled #BeatPlasticPollution. A pledge to beat plastic pollution can be taken by placing a missed call on 18001371999. The objectives behind the campaigns for environment are to enhance the global visibility of India as a leader in sustainability actions, support the effortstoCleanIndiaaheadofMahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary in October 2019, expand/consolidate public engagement on India’s environmental agenda, inculcate private sector leadership to address plastic pollution and urge citizens to take a pledge to change their behavior around waste management and highlight India’s leadership in the cause of marine litter and beach cleaning. Q. ISFR 2017 reported an almost 1% increase in forest cover. At the same time trees are being cut indiscriminately. Are there any plans to stop the felling of trees? As per the latest “India State of Forest Report 2017” published by Forest Survey of India, total forest and tree cover of the country is 8,02,088 square kilometers which is 24.39% of the total geographical area of the country. As per ISFR 2017, some States/UTs have shown gain in forest cover while some have shown loss. Overall, there is an increase of 8021 square kilometers in forest and tree cover of the country over that of the India State of Forest Report 2015 (updated) which is about 1% of the forest and tree cover of the country. During the diversion of forest land for non-forestry purposes under the FC Act, felling of trees are carried out as required under the concerned project. However, care is taken to ensure that minimum trees are felled. As per the norms, compensatory afforestation is taken up against the diverted forest areas. Illicit felling also takes place sometimes in different parts of the country. These are dealt under Indian Forest Act and various State specific Acts and rules made thereunder. PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE
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  • 18. R egular and intensive meditation sessions over the course of a lifetime could help a person remain attentive and focused well into old age, the study has found. Thisisaccordingtothemostextensive longitudinal study to date examining a group of meditation practitioners. Published in Springer’s Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, the research evaluates the benefits that people gained after three months of full-time meditation training and whether these benefits are maintained seven years later. Lead author Anthony Zanesco, now at the University of Miami in US, however, cautions that further research is needed before meditation can be advocated as a sure-fire method for countering the effects of aging on the brain. This study follows up on previous workbythesamegroupofresearchers at the University of California, Davis in 2011, which assessed the cognitive abilities of 30 people who regularly meditated before and after they went on a three-month long retreat at the Shambhala Mountain Center in US. At the center, they meditated daily using techniques designed to foster calm sustained attention on a chosen object and to generate aspirations such as compassion, loving-kindness, emphatic joy and equanimity among participants, for others and themselves. During this time, another group of 30 people who regularly meditated were also monitored. Other than traveling to the meditation center for a week-long assessment period, they carried on with their lives as normal. After the first group’s initial retreat was over, the second group received similar intensive training at the Shambhala Mountain Center. As part of this study, follow-up assessments were conducted six months, eighteen months and Regular Meditation Sessions 18 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 By InnoHEALTH Editorial Team PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE Regular meditation sessions can have a long-lasting effect on a person’s attention span and other cognitive abilities, says an extensive study.
  • 19. seven years after completion of the retreats. During the last appraisal, participants were asked to estimate how much time over the course of seven years they had spent meditating outside of formal retreat settings, such as through daily or non-intensive practice. The forty participants who had remained in the study all reported some form of continued meditation practice: 85% attended atleast one meditation retreat, and they practiced amounts on average that were comparable to an hour a day for seven years. The participants again completed assessments designed to measure their reaction time and ability to pay attention to a task. Although these did not improve, the cognitive gains accrued after the 2011 training and assessment were partially maintained many years later. This was especially true for older participants who practiced a lot of meditation over the seven years. Compared to those who practiced less, they maintained cognitive gains and did not show typical patterns of age-related decline in sustained attention. “This study is the first to offer evidence that intensive and continued meditation practice is associated with enduring improvements in sustained attention and response inhibition, with the potential to alter longitudinal trajectories of cognitive change across a person’s life,” says Zanesco. He is aware that participants’ lifestyle orpersonalitymighthavecontributed to the observations. Zanesco therefore calls for further research into meditation as an intervention to improve brain functioning among older people. He says the current findings also provide a sobering appraisal of whether short-term or non-intensive mindfulnessinterventionsarehelpful to improve sustained attention in a lasting manner. Participants practiced far more meditation than is feasible for shorter-term programs that might aim to help with cognitive aging, and despite practicing that much meditation, participants did not generally improve over years; these benefits instead plateaued. Zanesco believes this has broad implications for meditation and mindfulness-based approaches to cognitive training and raises important questions regarding how much meditation can, in fact, influence human cognition and the workings of the brain. This was especially true for older participants who practiced a lot of meditation over the seven years. Compared to those who practiced less, they maintained cognitive gains and did not show typical patterns of age-related decline in sustained attention. Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 19 PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESNEWSCOPERESEARCH
  • 20. I t was only three years ago when India carved out a niche in annals of history on 21st June 2015 by holding the biggest ever open-air yoga camp with maximum number of international community members on the sprawling lawns of Rajpath on the first International Yoga Day (IYD), proclaimed on its initiative. Now, taking lead from India following its expertise in the centuries old science, many nations mark the day with gusto, and many of them have imbibed the art in daily chorus amid anxiety ridden lives in the competitive world. Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi says it should be matter of pride for anyIndianthatIndiaproposedbefore UN the idea of the International Yoga Day and it was approved. On the first event itself, the country had been awarded with two Guinness World Records in two different categories. Category 1 was for the largest number of participants in a Yoga Lesson at a single venue. The earlier record was of 29,973. To beat that record a target of 30,000 was required. Yogis broke that record as 35,985 participants performed Yoga at Rajpath that morning. Category 2 was most number of nationalists in a Yoga Lesson. To achieve that, at least participants from 50 countries were required to perform. But that day participants from 84 countries performed Yoga at Rajpath. Mr. Shripad Yesso Naik, then MoS. Ministry of AYUSH and Secretary AYUSH received the awards which were presented by the representatives of Guinness World Records Ms. Victoria from UK and Mr. Marco Frigatti from Italy. Also present on the occasion were Yog Gurus, Mr. Guru Malladi, coordinator of EY Company. The India’s proposal for the IYD was supported by as many as 177 countries for the first time in the history of UNO (United Nations Organisation) and the resolution was passed within 100 days. Mr. Modi, in his first year in office, addressed the 69th session of UNGA on 27th September 2014 and had urged the international community to celebrate Yoga day. On 11th December, the 193-member UNGA had approved the proposal by consensus with record 177 countries, including 47 Muslim nation co- sponsors, clearing a resolution to establish June 21 as 'International Yoga Day’. Now, more than 250 cities across six continents in the world performed Yoga to mark the first International Yoga Day, with Mr. Modi leading the nation, along with 35,000 yogis at Rajpath and External Affairs Minister Ms. Sushma Swaraj had represented India at the UN in New York. On the first IYD, Ms. Swaraj says Indians across 650 districts and 192 out of 193 countries of the globe took part in Yoga events being planned to celebrate the Day, with Yemen being the only exception because of war situation. “Our embassy has been shifted to Djibouti from Yemen and this is the reason that we have left out Déjà vu – YOGA DAY 20 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 By Neeraj Bajpai PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE
  • 21. only one country, Ms. Swaraj said. PM had led the nation in the celebrations during the function at Rajpath, where the entire stretch from Vijay Chowk to India Gate had turned into a Yoga mat. More than 7,000 copies of coffee table books and 19,000 reference books on Yoga had been sent to Indian Missions abroad. Tightest ever security paraphernalia was mounted with air cover by the Indian Air Force to thwart any disruptive design. Security was on lines of the Republic Day and Independence Day celebrations. Tight vigil was being mounted at airports, railway stations, bus stations and other crowded areas. Teaming multitude of people had done a 35-minute session of 15 Asanas at the Rajpath. The record book officials closely monitored developments as the event eclipsed previous records participation in such event and biggest assembly in a single yoga class. The record was held by Kanyakumari-based NGO, the Vivekanand Kendra at Jiwaji University, Gwalior, on 19th November 2005. There were 29,973 participants. Guinness Book of records has set a benchmark of 50 nation’s participation for another record. There is no looking back since that day, say officials of the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH). The biggest challenge was to ensure the turnout much before 0600 hrs. Guinness book of records panelists had insisted that every entry should be bar coded and decoded. The event took off at 6:45 am for 35 minutes with crisp 15 popular asans. A large LED screen was put in place to highlight motions of various exercises which include Muktasana, Makarasana, Kapalbhati, Pranayam, and meditation. The programme had started with Rigveda invocation. Now events are being organised in various cities in different countries including Beijing, Berlin, Bogota, Budapest, Dublin, Ho Chi Minh, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Paris, Port Louis and Tallinn. The International Yoga Day is spreading across the country and at most of the places, preparations get underway months before the day. Even in mofussil places, message is loud and clear to observe the day. Now, it is observed with festive fervor and gaiety with no political strings attached. Many are of the firm opinion that the government must ensure that no coercive tactics are used for participation in Yoga programme. They linked it with religious sentiments, but people in general have rubbished grotesque comments. “Yoga is an invaluable gift of ancient Indian tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body: thought and action; Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 21 PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESNEWSCOPERESEARCH
  • 22. restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature and a holistic approach to health and well- being,” Mr. Modi had told UNGA, setting the tone for the international yoga day proposal. On the first edition, Mr. Modi, had announced the arrival of a new yoga era, with the first International Day of Yoga being observed across the world. Leading a mass yoga demonstration at Rajpath in New Delhi, the Prime Minister had declared that “today”, as this day was being observed in various parts of the world, the sun would not set on the community of Yoga practitioners. He said that “today” is not just the first-ever International Yoga Day, but the beginning of a new era that would inspire humanity in its quest for peace and harmony. The Prime Minister had recalled the contribution of ancient sages, yoga gurus, and practitioners across the world through the ages, for making Yoga what it is, “today”. He said that as mankind advances in various spheres of development and technology, individual human beings must progress too, and Yoga offered an avenue for this. Yoga is not merely an exercise but offered an opportunity for balancing the mind and body and could help harness an individual's inner strength. Yoga is widely considered as an “immortal cultural outcome” of the Indus Sarasvati Valley civilization dating back to 2700 BC – and has proven itself to cater to both material and spiritual uplift of humanity. A number of seals and fossil remains of Indus Sarasvati Valley civilization with yogic motifs and figures performing yoga sadhana suggest the presence of yoga in ancient India. In 2016, the Prime Minister celebrated the second International Day of Yoga at Chandigarh, where he joined approximately 30,000 participants in a mass Yoga demonstration. Addressing the gathering at the iconic Capitol Complex there, he said the people in all parts of the country have connected with Yoga. “The Yoga Day is a day linked to good health, and it has become a mass movement. Yoga is not about what one will get, but it is about what one can give up. That with zero budget, Yoga provides health assurance, and does not discriminate between rich and poor.” PM said and stressed the need for focus, on how to mitigate diabetes through Yoga. He walked amidst people, joined and mingled with the participants of the mass Yoga demonstration. The event was marked acrosstheworldwithmoreenthusiasm than it was on the first year. The third International Day of Yoga in 2017, too, was celebrated with great enthusiasm across the country with mass yoga demonstrations taking 22 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE
  • 23. place in various locations. The Prime Minister had participated in the mass Yoga event in Lucknow where he was joined by a huge number of people. Addressing the gathering at the iconic Ramabai Ambedkar Maidan in Lucknow, he reached out to people and said, Yoga is a practise that binds humanity together and is helping countries across the world to be connected with India. Yoga is a medium to achieve wellness and it has the power to provide health assurance at zero cost, he said. The event at Lucknow was attended by Former Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Ministry of AYUSH Mr. Shripad Yesso Naik; Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Mr. Yogi Adityanath; Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Mr. Keshav Prasad Maurya; Deputy Chief Minister of UP Dr. Dinesh Sharma; State Minister (Independent Charge) Ministry of AYUSH, Dr. Dharam Singh Saini. On the occasion of International Day of Yoga, the Ministry of AYUSH organised mass yoga programmes in Delhi in association with NDMC, DDA and eminent Yoga organisations. In Connaught Place, New Delhi, NDMC used drone cameras for aerial photography and videography of the Yoga demonstrations. Many partnership organisations like, Art of Living, Patanjali Yoga Samiti, Vivekanand Yogashram Hospital, Brhamkumari, Isha Foundation and GayatriParivar participated in the Yoga day celebrations in various places in Delhi. Former Union Minister for Urban Development, Housing Urban Poverty Alleviation and Information Broadcasting, Mr. M. Venkaiah Naidu also participated. Other Union Ministers participated in mass Yoga events in various states. The Ministry of Home Affairs celebrates the International Day of Yoga across the country including yoga celebrations by BSF, CRPF, CAPF, units of ITBP to mark the occasion. Last year, ITBP personnel performed yoga at 19000 feet in Ladhak and at 11600 feet at the Bank of Indus River in Ladhak. The Ministry of Human Resource Development announced the winners of the ‘Yoga Olympiad’ held in Delhi from 18th - 20th June 2017 to promote the awareness of yoga and to build up a network of schools, teachers and yoga practitioners at the national level. The awards were given in four categories which included one award each for Upper Primary - Girls and Boys; Secondary - Girls and Boys. Last year, the Ministry of Defence organised Yoga sessions across the country with troops of the Indian Army, Indian Air Force and Indian Navy, conducted at Pahalgam, Srinagar, Kargil. Ahmednagar, Bidar, Bengaluru, Chennai, Dehradun, Dibrugarh, Kolkata, Leh, Mangalore, Nagpur and Sriganganagar, to name of few. The Indian Navy did Yoga sessions on board INS Vikramaditya, Shivalik, Kamorta, Jyoti, INS Jalashwa INS Kirch in the Indian Ocean the Bay of Bengal and the Coast Guard on board ICGS Sarathi, ICGS Samrat. Cadets of National Cadet Corps (NCC) participated in Yoga Day function at DG NCC Camp, Delhi Cantt. The Ministry of External Affairs, through its Indian embassies abroad, celebrated the Yoga Day at iconic locations like, at the Abraham Lincoln Monument, Sylvan Theater in Washington DC, La Villette in Paris, and at the backdrop of Sheikh Zahid Mosque in Abu Dhabi. Yoga gurus conducted seminars and discussions on Yoga in many countries across the world. Massive arrangements have been made to mark the day this year as by next year, the country would have witnessed general elections. Polls in the world’s most populous democracy always holds mystery in womb about next ruling dispensation at the center. But as it is the international day, come what may world will continue to mark the day with more zest in tensions ridden global scenario. Moreover, Yoga is emerging as public movement bereft of politics. Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 23 PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESNEWSCOPERESEARCH
  • 24. I agree everybody knows how to breathe, even a new- born child. Still, these days most of us need a breathing program that can help us in dealing with our day-to-day desk work, driving, tension, anxiety and even depression. It is well known that deep breathing exercises can help overcome these stresses in life, so it is necessary for all of us to understand the science of breathing i.e. Pranayama. “When the breath wanders, the mind is unsteady, But when the breath is still, so is the mind still.” Hatha Yoga Pradipika Pranayama is a part of yoga system that teaches us the art of extending and controlling our breath in many ways. It teaches us to change the depth, rate and pattern of breathing. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PRANAYAMA AND BREATHING Pranayamaistheconsciousawareness of breath. The term is derived from Sanskrit, Prana means breath, respiration, vitality or energy. Ayama means expansion or stretching. Thus, Pranayama connotes extension and control of breath. Proper rhythmic, slow and deep breathing, strengthens the respiratory system, soothes the nervous system and increases concentration. According to Yoga, the breath connects the Body, Mind and Spirit. The rate of breathing changes with circumstances such as it increases due to emotional or physical disturbances whereas, it automatically slows down when one is calm and peaceful. Like, when we get tired while climbing stairs, we get breathless. Try the following to regulate your breathing and feel less exhausted. Climb keeping shoulders straight and take a deep breath in for two stairs (inhale), and exhale for two steps, with a rhythm of two in and two out. Like this, we expel more carbondioxide and take in great supply of oxygen, thus we How to Breathe? By Neerja Singh 24 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE
  • 25. feel less fatigue. Mostly we use only a fraction of our lung capacity as we do shallow breathing. We barely expand the ribcage, shoulders are often hunched and have painful tension in the upper part of back and neck due to which we suffer lack of oxygen which makes us breathless and tired. So, keep both shoulder blades as close as possible without strain and exhale gently and fully, pause, then inhale with a deep, slow, gentle breath until the lungs are comfortably filled. Then breath out slowly through the nose, without changing the position of shoulder blades. Repeat this cycle many times. By doing this, the brain gets stimulated and ease nerve tension by providing fuller supply of oxygen. TYPES OF BREATHING Clavicular Breathing (Sectional Breathing): It is shallow breathing in which the abdomen is completely controlled, and breathing is performed by forcing the air into the upper most region of the lungs. The shoulders and collar bones are raised while abdomen is contracted during inhalation. Thoracic (Chest Breathing): Breathing takes place by expanding and contracting the chest only, while abdomen is kept under control. The middle lobes of the lungs are fully activated through this breathing. Abdominal Breathing: Deep abdominal breathing brings air to the lowest and largest part of lungs. Breathing is slow and deep such that diaphragm is used properly. A full yogic breath combines all three, beginning with abdomen and continuing the inhalation through thoracic and clavicular area. The abdomen should expand outward on inhalation and contract on exhalation. To get the feeling of this motion, while sitting in any meditative posture preferably Vajrasana, place the hands on the abdomen close to each other. Exhale slowly inhale through the nostrils taking the hands away from each other so that the abdomen bulges. Hold the breath for a second. Then slowly exhale so that the abdomen retracts bringing the hands closer. Hold the breath for a second. Repeat the breathing cycle five times, preferably in the ratio 4:2:8:2. Breathing should be deep, slow and rhythmic. The air flow into the lower sections of the lungs is increased. Rhythmic movement of the diaphragm massages the abdomen gently and enables the organs to function effectively. TYPES AND BENEFITS OF PRANAYAMA Pranayama is practiced in a specific posture, especially sitting in Padmasana or Ardhpadmasana and should be performed early morning on empty stomach at a well ventilated quite place. Breathing should be slow and rhythmic, eyes should be closed to control the mind and body. It has three aspects (1) Poorka (Inhalation) (2) Kumbhaka (Retention) (3) Rechaka (Exhalation). TYPES OF PRANAYAMA: • Ujjayi Pranayama (victorious breath) • Anulom Vilom (alternate breathing) • Brahamari Pranayama (humming bee breath) • Bhastrika Pranayama (air is forcibly drawn in and out) • Shitali Pranayama (cooling breath) • Bahya Pranayama (forcibly breath in, breath out and then hold the breath) • Kapalabhati Pranayama (air from lungs is forcibly exhaled but inhalation is made involuntary) BENEFITS OF PRANAYAMA Pranayama purifies the psychic channels (nadis) and enables physical and mental stability. Pranayama is known to purify about 72,000 nadis or channels in the body. It helps purify the blood and respiratory system. Deep breathing enriches the blood with oxygen. Large amounts of oxygen reaches the brain, lungs, heart and capillaries. Pranayama techniques are beneficial in treating a range of stress related disorders: • Improves the autonomic functions. • Helps relieve the symptoms of asthma. • Aids in reducing unnecessary thoughts which helps in calming down the overactive mind thus reduces anxiety and depression. • Causes change in the cardio respiratory system and helps in lowering the blood pressure. • Improves physical fitness by practicing certain asans of yoga, it is excellent for weight loss also. • Deep breathing i.e. bringing focus on breath can be extremely relaxing and rejuvenating. Regular practice improves concentration, memory and overall state of mind. PRECAUTIONS Pranayama should be practiced with care and it is better to do under the guidance of trained yoga teacher, as certain Pranayama is not advisable to be performed by people having certain ailments. Ms. Neerja Singh is a retired scientist with Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Her interests include phytochemistry and non-conventional therapies benefiting the patients. She has practiced many such therapies like yoga, dance etc. Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 25 PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESNEWSCOPERESEARCH
  • 26. H ealth psychologists have encompassed a very wide domain in modern life. The rapid development of science and technology, on health issues has been one of the most visible of current trends in social and behaviouralscience.Modernlife isfull of stress and strain. To be free from stress is to be dead. How to cope up with these unprecedented changes? An answer which is echoed in the heart of human beings are ‘Yoga’ and ‘Chanting of Prayers’. According to Miovic Michael (2008), models of psychotherapy, integrated with yoga principles are as follows: Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic approaches focus on how important emotional attachments and relationships from childhood are internalized. Meditation during these periods have an impact on future relationship through emotional catharses and motor development. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy examines how behaviour and emotion could be conditioned. Behavioural modification techniques and relaxation training are equally effective. Socratic analysis of automatic patterns of thinking could be included as an interpersonal element. Suggestive or Hypnotic approaches suggest the desired behavioural outcome and emotional reactions through the technique of guided imagery and thought. Body oriented approaches use various typesoftouch,massage,psychological posture and breath work. Creative expressive approaches use the creative arts – music, poetry, painting and thought – as creative expressions and socially acceptable channels. Subtle energetic approaches use pranic energy as a form of touch therapy including acupuncture, reiki and so on. Deep breathing counting (1-20) could be done thrice a day. It would reveal consciousness as illumination of light in spiritual experiences. Proper deep breathing enables the human beings as all-pervading reality. Chanting of psychological prayers from Gita and Upanishad are necessary to attain the level of mastery in what you are doing – focused, concentrated. ‘A sense of ecstasy is noticed of being outside everyday reality’. Greater inner clarity in all our day-to-day activities. ‘A sense of serenity – no worries about one self and a feeling of growing beyond the boundaries of ego‘ (quoted from Sanyal, N, 2013). Thus, yoga and chanting of prayers provides serenity, intrinsic motivation, and a feeling of eternity beyond the boundaries of the ego. DoesYogaandChantingofPrayersprovideserenity, intrinsicmotivation,andafeelingofeternitybeyond the boundaries of the ego?The answer isYES. By Dr. Tinni Dutta 26 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 Dr. Tinni Dutta at Ashutosh college, Kolkata, is an eminent Psychologist and a famous educationist. Her research work has been greatly appreciated in India and abroad. She has visited France, Germany, Indonesia, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, UK and USA. She is recipient of many awards and fellowships. PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE
  • 27. I n the 21st century, we are all connected. Population growth, mass urbanization, deforestation, climate change and increased travel have dramatically increased the risk that familiar diseases will spread and mutate, and new ones will emerge. As people enter new spheres of biodiversity, they come in closer contact with other species, increasing the risk of viruses jumping from animals to humans, and then spreading more widely. It all sounds scaring, but it is a stark reality given facts on the ground which are almost ready for such a grim situation if corrective measures are not effected in time. She is not a wizard in crystal grazing to forecast future events, but certainly, she is a visionary, and envisions that the specter of diseases will loom over the planet earth in future. She is no one else but Janet Tobia who has won laurels for her documentary ”Unseen Enemy”. The Emmy award winning film- makerJanetTobiatoldInnoHEALTH Magazine that her movie Unseen Enemy examines why in the 21st century we are experiencing a rash of diseases that were once only outbreaks but have now become full-blown epidemics. This year, the world recalls nightmarish memories of 1918 pandemic of influenza and screen through popular movie “Unknown Enemy” on its first anniversary. “I had a little bird, its name was Enza, I opened the window, and in–flu-enza, was popular rhyme of children while skipping ropes in those outrageous days. Informatively,the1918flupandemic (January 1918 – December 1920) was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic. Researchers say it infected 500 million people around the world, including people on remote Pacific islands and in the Arctic, and resulted in the death of 50 to 100 million (three to five percent of the world's population). Disease had greatly limited life expectancy in the early 20th century, most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill juvenile, elderly, or already weakened patients; in contrast, the 1918 pandemic predominantly killed Environment is in Peril; Unknown Enemy on Prowl By Neeraj Bajpai 100 Years on Unknown Enemy stares surreptitiously; Janet Tobia flags issue afresh to stave off flu specter looming large on globe. Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 27 PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESNEWSCOPERESEARCH
  • 28. 28 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 previously healthy young adults. There are several possible explanations for the high mortality rate of the 1918 influenza pandemic. Some research suggests that the specific variant of the virus had an unusually aggressive nature. One group of researchers recovered the virus from the bodies of frozen victims and found that the transinfection in animals caused a rapid progressive respiratory failure and death through a cytokine storm (over reaction of body's immune system). More recent investigations, mainly based on original medical reports from the period of the pandemic, found that the viral infection itself was not more aggressive than any previous influenza, but that the special circumstances (malnourishment, overcrowded medical camps and hospitals, poor hygiene, etc.) promoted bacterial superinfection that killed most of the victims typically after a somewhat prolonged death bed. To maintain morale, war time censors minimized early reports of illness and mortality in France, Germany, United Kingdom and United States. Examining the recent epidemics of Ebola, Influenza and Zika; unseen enemy makes it clear that epidemics bring out the best and worst of human behavior, and that their effect goes far beyond the terrible tolls of sickness and death. ‘‘We are all connected to any person, animal, and insect that may have an infectious disease incubating in them. And that connection is either incredibly dangerous or a powerful force for good. It is our choice which of those becomes true.’’ She says political leaders all over the world should address the problem and play key role in combating pandemics threats. There must be early detection and warning systems in place to detect outbreaks faster and countries must work in close rapport both in field of vaccines and drugs distribution, availability of diagnostic tools and research work in the discipline. Leaders will have to chip in together - make strong health architecture at global level - as threat is looming on everyone. We also need to use new mobile technology to reach out to affected and vulnerable populations, mobilize healthcare and make long-term investments in scientific research. Finally, it is critical to invest in flu research both to improve the effectiveness of the current vaccine and, more importantly, to develop a universal flu vaccine - one that would work against all types of flu, including potentially a new pandemic strain. Ms. Janet says moving across the globe, her team met the film’s characters: doctors, disease detectives, everyday men and women. Every one of them had stepped into the horror of an epidemic and emerged deeply changed. PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE
  • 29. Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 29 She recalls that the 1918 influenza pandemic killed more than 50 million people around the world, in India alone, 17 million lost their lives and so her movie cameras rivet around a potential global scenario. Emerging epidemics have a propensity to burst anywhere and anytime because of fast changing global environment. She visualizes a scenario where India can play a major role because of its expertise in carrying out past massive healthcare programmes. Small pox eradication and polio vaccination programme vindicates the fact about country’s efficacy to turn tables. It is the need of the hour that such an expertise was implemented for elimination of infectious diseases to stave off threat of outbreak of pandemics in the global village. In addition to urbanization and living in a highly connected world, deforestation is leading to closer contact with animals, which may infect us with deadly viruses. With climate change, vectors like mosquitoes are moving up north into newer regions. Suppose, anti- microbial resistance is added to this mix, and then there will be new virus and drug resistant infections if we don’t have antibiotics that work, then you would be infected and untreatable. The Director of the film minces no words to articulate her views on the unseen enemy. Ebola, for example, may have emerged in West Africa, a new part of Africa, because of deforestation there. AIDS moved out of the forests of Africa to spread around the world and today there are over 20 million people living with HIV-AIDS. In addition to new virus, we now also have new drug resistant strains of once badly feared tuberculosis and malaria developing. She says reports are in circulation that new strains of influenza are infecting birds in China, but the day might not be far away when these microbes may learn clandestine art of migrating from birds to human beings. In populous countries, people live in dense pockets in the overburdened urban swathes. Not only that they travel in crowded public transports and if an infected, suffering from a contagious infection, sneezes or coughs, there is an instant spreading of the infection. Virus, the unseen enemy, infects people who are generally oblivious of the lurking threat. During outbreak of such epidemics, people are advised to be cautious to mount their own defense to protect themselves. In India, a sea of humanity moves every day from one place to another and in case of outbreak of such diseases, travelling of infection can be very fast. According to her, in case of India, there is a heavy burden of non- communicable diseases, like diabetes, heart diseases and other chronic diseases that often compromise immunity. Deaths from flu are higher in diabetics than the general population. The seasonal flu shot is the best tool. There is some evidence to show that taking the flu shot two years in a row gives you more protection than if you skipped a year. There is also some evidence on how people receiving a flu shot for the first time have the strongest immune protection reaction, while other studies say this isn’t true. India’s small pox eradication campaign is the most successful healthcare drive in history. During the time more than 100,000 health workers visited over 100 million households to eradicate small pox. So, India has a blueprint to deal with a future pandemic. PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESNEWSCOPERESEARCH
  • 30. 30 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 Film makers had looked at previous epidemics and infections. AIDS was lurking in their minds, but sudden spurt of Ebola and Zika virus’ cases turned the film into a real time saga, and both AIDS and SARS slipped into background. In the global village narrative, every citizen is open to risk factors in case of pandemics. The diseases assail everything whatever comes into their way - may it be health or wealth. When a pandemic happens, people don’t work, economies collapse, and even social fabric is dismembered. People attempt to avoid their own infected close relatives and friends out of fear that they will be the next seizure if precautions were not clamped. She mentions that in case of pandemics, whatever happens on the front line in Liberia affects people in Europe and North America. In the free world, we all share knowledge platforms, travel frequently and export and import cheaper goods so microbes also travel freely. For her, Ebola is the test case. According to the Director, Ebola was not handled swiftly at the stage of outbreak otherwise it could have been bridled at that stage rather it turned into epidemic. She recalls that Zika virus too had sprung a surprise. It was never visualized. No one thought that a virus first identified in the 1940s in Uganda would travel halfway across the world - first to the South Pacific and then to South America, and now to North America. And no one knew, and we are still trying to understand, why this virus that hadn’t been thought of as particularly dangerous would in Brazil produce such terrible birth defects. Zika is essentially a pandemic as it affects so many countries and continents. And with global warming it could affect even more because the mosquitoes will be able to move further north as the globe warms up. Her realization that in the midst of the fast globalization, people across continents have become more vulnerable to epidemics and pandemics turned into a film idea that caught people’s attention. PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE
  • 32. PowerDot works via a mobile app that uses Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) to activate your muscle fibres, get your body’s lymphatic system flowing and increase the blood flow to targeted areas. Basically, it gets you moving. The result is the creation of a perfect environment for the body to recover faster, feel better and over all well-being. It also allows you to control your workout. An impulse is sent to the pods based on the muscle group you select to target which causes the muscles to activate. The feeling that it creates can be intense and bizarre at first, but you will get used to it in a few uses. It is also compact enough to carry on a holiday or trip and is available from £275 at PowerDot. POWERDOT Needle-Free Diabetes Care is a path-breaking technology currently under development. The best options available today for automating most of the complicated daily process of blood sugar management are continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps however they don’t completely remove the need for skin pricks and shots. The new skin in the game is a technology being developed by Echo Therapeutics (Philadelphia, USA) that would replace the poke with a patch. A transdermal biosensor that reads blood analytes through the skin without drawing blood is what the company is aiming for. The technology puts the patient’s blood chemistry within signal range of a patch-borne biosensor with the help of a handheld electric-toothbrush like device that removes just enough top-layer skin cells. The sensor collects one reading per minute and sends the data wirelessly to a remote monitor. When levels go out of the patient’s optimal range, this triggers audible alarms thus tracking glucose levels over time. There are other start-ups working in thesamespaceasGlucoSense,aspin- out of the University of Leeds funded by NetScientific is developing a non-invasive device based on photonics technology. Another Dutch start-up called NovioSenseis working on an implantable glucose sensor that uses tear fluid to measure glucose levels. NEEDLE-FREE DIABETES CARE: THE FUTURE OF DIABETES SELF-CARE LATEST INNOVATIONS! 32 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE
  • 33. Recently Nokia unveiled their first standalone sleep tracking device which is a “Sleep Sensing Home Automation Pad” named ‘Nokia Sleep’. This pad is placed underneath your mattress and features advanced sleep tracking as well as integrated home automation features. The Nokia Sleep sensor is designed for people who want to learn how to sleep better, but don’t want to be bothered with strapping on a wearable like a Fitbit to their wrist. The sensor slips underneath your mattress and using a technique known as ballistocardiography, monitors your breathing, movement and heart-rate, and translates this into your data about your sleep. The sensor is wifi-enabled which connects directly to the Nokia Health Mate App. The product can also detect snoring. The Nokia Sleep pad is designed to give a frictionless sleep-tracking experience. Once you’ve placed the sensor under your mattress and connected it to the mains and your wifi, it’s a case of ‘set and forget’. Sleep tracking is automatically detected when you get in and out of bed because it syncs with the Health Mate cloud platform and it doesn’t have to rely on you fiddling with your phone before bedtime. The sensor is also very user- friendly and is covered in a metal grey fabricwithasinglecableattachedwhich terminates in a USB plug that is used to power the device 24/7. The sensor also claims to be able to break down your sleep data into light sleep, deep sleep and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. The device also records your heart-rate while you are in bed. In the morning Health Mate syncs all your night’s data, giving you a sleep score measured out of 100. The Health Mate software also features the Sleep Smarter program which is an 8-week coaching program which takes your long-term sleep data and provides feedback as to how to improve your sleep quality over this period. Thus, Nokia Sleep is a sleep monitor under the mattress. However, it can turn off the lights and lower the temperature in the room for you to fall asleep easier apart from performing all thetasksofagoodsleepmonitor:tracks sleep patterns, sleep duration or the quality of your bedtime. NOKIA SLEEP India is experiencing a decline in fertility due to many reasons like adverse lifestyle habits, pollution, delayed conception and so on. There is a growing awareness that men’s reproductive health issues also contribute to infertility. Also, the doctors here believe that there is a profound need for a device like YO in India which can be made available to as many couples as possible to make their journey to parenthood a reality. So, to address the problem of male testing and to eliminate the stressful public nature of male sperm analysis, Medical Electronic Systems (MES), a Los Angeles based technology company developed the YO Home Sperm Test Kit and recently launched it in India which is first of its kind video-based smartphone platform that is FDA approved. The device is used to determine motile sperm concentration (the number of moving sperm) which is a critical factor in determining male fertility. The device has 97% accuracy and provides consumers the ability to both view and measure the number of motile sperm in their sample on their phone and from the comfort of their home. The cause of infertility is equally shared by men and women. Approximately 40% of the problem is a female factor and 40% a male factor with the remaining 20% unexplained or a combined problem between the man and the woman. Yet, many times, the initial focus of a fertility assessment is on the woman and the man may not be tested until a full female work- up and treatment is unsuccessful, which could take a year or more. This delay in testing the male side of an infertile couple, plus the fact that couples are postponing having children until their 30’s places the couple at greater risk of being childless and substantially increases their anxiety about conceiving. YO test is both an accurate and private home test that provides a precise assessment of moving sperm concentration (MSC). Testing moving sperm is critical in a home test because, with a clear video to back it up, the results allow the man to approach the doctor with clear evidence of a problem. The simple, step-by-step app can be downloaded free of charge from Google Play or the App Store. The YO Clip (a mini-microscope) is supplied in the kit with all the supplies required to run two tests on your Smartphone. The app is easy to follow and takes the user through step-by-step interactive screens and instructional animations to insure a smooth, easy- to-understand and secure testing experience with accurate results. There is also humor built into the Sperm Trivia Challenge, which is designed to interact with the user during the sample preparation wait time. The Test results are reported within minutes along with a video of the sperm. This provides both instant test results requiring no interpretation and a “wow” factor when the tester sees his sperm in action. YO test is critical for indicating male fertility potential and with the results already in hand, any male can walk into a Doctor’s clinic with reduced stress of facing additional testing and can sign up for further treatment. The Test kit is sold online through the YO website or through Amazon for about INR 1990. Itisdeliveredinaplainboxfor confidentiality. YO HOME SPERMTEST – NOW IN INDIA Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 33 PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESNEWSCOPERESEARCH
  • 34. Artificial intelligence is the future and it aims at making human life easier. With this view, a Delhi-based start-up VISIT was launched in 2016 which is an on- demand healthcare service online platform that provides its users a pool of medical specialists and general physicians to choose from, for consultation. The facility has an artificial intelligence based ‘chatbot’ that acts as a digital assistant to provide ‘smart help’ to patients in getting consultation from doctors. The chatbot comes with a USP that when a patient accesses it for help, it learns using the information given by the patient and uses the information to reinforce its decision network. The chatbot tracks user’s activity, sleep, calories and fitness data to help them reach their goals with continuous reminders, insights and motivation. The VISIT offers paid online consultation, through video and voice channels and seven days of free follow-up check-up over text chat. The service also maintains a pool of MBBS doctors who through its ‘Q’ service offer free health advice by text. The pool of 2200 doctors includes: psychologists, dieticians, dermatologists, sexologists, gynae- cologists, preventive cardiology and paediatricians besides general physicians. VISIT: AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE START-UP SNORE CIRCLE AChina–based firm VVFLY Electronics has developed a smart anti-snoring eye mask called Snore Circle priced at nearly INR 9700. Snore Circle is a smart wearable sleeping mask that comes with a little module that uses sound detection and bone conduction to identify when one is snoring. Once that is done, it sends out little vibrations to trick one’s brain into tightening one’s throat muscles. Once the throat muscles are tightened, snoring should subside. The vibrations on the Snore Circle adjust to your snoring level and are tuned well enough so that they don't get so strong that people just end up waking up instead they are just enough to alter your throat muscles. The mask has an 80 mAh battery and can detect snoring by giving out vibrations at 36 levels. It allows the users to monitor and analyse their snoring, its intensity and decibel level along with sleeping data through its Snore Circle App. US-based start-up Zipline has developed a drone that can deliver urgent medicines, blood and vaccines mid-flight. Hospitals can text orders to Zipline for the requiredproducts,whicharepacked at its centres and then launched aboard the drone that races along at over 100kmph. The autonomous drone then drops the package via parachute at the designated area. Zipline improves access to these supplies by flying over impassable mountains and washed-out roads, delivering directly to remote clinics. The supplies are centralised and provide on-demand deliveries, completely reducing waste and stock-outs. Zipline provides a seamless delivery system at an affordable price, obsessing over every detail, so that healthcare providers can solely focus on patient health. Zipline created national drone delivery system to ship blood and drugs to remote medical centres in Rwanda. Now the company has developed world’s swiftest commercial delivery drone, with a top speed of 128kmph (a hair shy of 80mph) with its extended services in Tanzania. WORLD’S FASTEST COMMERCIAL DELIVERY DRONE BY ZIPLINE 34 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE
  • 35. This is an endeavour to make medical reports smarter. This Pune-basedstart-up,foundedin2013, works as a management information system for healthcare providers by using Artificial Intelligence to process a huge data of medical records and ERP transactions. The system collects samples, manages patient records, diagnoses them, generates reports and aids in billing and inventory, making the process smarter and more efficient. In nutshell, it’s an effort that digitises diagnostic lab workflows through its SaaS platform and makes them available on the cloud to patients and doctors. Doctors and consultants get access to their patient records using a mobile app and the patients can use the app to understand their reports, analyse their past health data and monitor their health using trackers. Recently the company has raised US$1.1 mil from Nexus Venture Partners which it intends to use to expand its platform across India, explore international markets and to strengthen the product and technology. LiveHealth's platform has digitised more than 72 million records, so far, and is delivering over 50,000 digital medical records to doctors and patients every day. The start-up works with more than 650 diagnostic centres across India and Africa to automate their operations i.e. to manage patients, financial transactions etc. NIRAMAI: A NOVEL BREAST CANCER SCREENING SOLUTION This Bangalore-based start-up, foundedin2016,usesartificial intelligence for a pain-free breast cancer screening. Recently, it had successfully raised money to scale up its efforts.The screening method can detect tumours five times smaller than what clinical examination can detect. It is a safe, non-touch, radiation-free, and low-cost method. Since its cost-effective and does not require heavy equipment this solution seems to be ideal for smaller towns where affordable healthcare is the need of the hour. Mammography works only for women over 40 and increasingly there has been a prevalence of breast cancer among young women, which makes a solution like this a welcome one. NIRAMAI uses a high-resolution thermal sensing device that scans the chest area like a camera. It then uses cloud-hosted analytics solution for analysing the thermal images. Its SaaS solution uses big data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning for reliable, early and accurate breast cancer screening. The innovative methods used in the solution have led to multiple US patents, and their novel algorithms have also been peer-reviewed in international scientific conferences. The start- up has already started two clinical trials with established hospitals. LIVEHEALTH HEARING FITNESS APP Denmark-based company Oticon, a giant hearing solution manufacturer has launched the world’s first hearing fitness tracking technology that helps track hearing aid use and provides insights you can use to optimise your health. The app is based on big data analytics that combine lifestyle and healthcare data with local sound environment analysis and is designed to measure the impact of one’s hearing on their health. This app was declared the winner of the 2018 CES Innovation Award in the software and mobile apps category. Health Fitness gives advice and encouragement to help users hear better and stay healthy. Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 35 PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESNEWSCOPERESEARCH
  • 36. Karma Healthcare, a Rajasthan-based start-up in the technology-led healthcare space has recently raised INR 3 crores from different investors. The start-up aims to provide high quality, affordable, equitable and reliable healthcare to India’s underserved population via a differentiated business model. The company has combined the human touch of a nurse with the scalability of shared doctor services via real-time online video consultations. It delivers healthcare to consumers via e-Doctor clinics. The effort is to have e-clinics Pan-India. The company thus seeks to make definitive large-scale impact and in-turn take significant steps towards ‘healthcare for all’. So far, the company has given over 50,000 consultations and currently has 10 e-Doctor clinics in the states of Haryana and Rajasthan. There is a comprehensive ecosystem of clinical treatment, quality medicines and diagnostics at competitive prices. The company has developed an in- house technology suite that helps it deliver standardised care including a bespoke Clinical Decision Support System and is extending its capabilities to deep learning driven diagnosis, treatment and monitoring. The company has backing from Tata Trusts, UBS Optimus Foundation and WISH Foundation. KARMA HEALTHCARE EARLY DETECTION OF DENGUE As per data from the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme there has been a 5.5-fold increase in dengue cases from 2010-2017. Deaths due to dengue infection have also more than doubled over the same period. Infact there were 28000 more cases in India in 2017 as compared to 2016 making this a huge public concern. Dengue is a mosquito-borne illness that can cause severe flu-like symptoms with possible complications like haemorrhage and shock. Dengue infection may progress to dengue haemorrhagic fever resulting in severe abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, convulsions, bruising, and uncontrolled bleeding. The most severe form of the illness that is dengue haemorrhagic shock may lead to plasma leaking, fluid accumulation, respiratory distress, severe bleeding, and multiorgan failure. With such complications, fatality is significant. So, missed or even delayed diagnosis is very dangerous. Two- thirds of dengue deaths happen due to missed diagnosis making it imperative to have a quick, reliable method for early detection. Taking a step in this direction with its innovative molecular assays, iGenetic Diagnostics, a Mumbai- based facility has come out with a lab test that can detect dengue virus within 24 hours at a very early stage of the infection whereas the existing labs take 3-4 days. iGenetic has also developed a rapid molecular diagnostic test that can identify the serotype of the virus. It is important here because dengue virushas4serotypesandonceaperson has been infected with one serotype, they have lifelong immunity from that serotype. But if a person gets infected again with a different serotype the disease progression is fastened and more severe, thereby proving deadly. So, another advantage is that the test enables detection of dengue from day 1. Thus, the molecular diagnostic approaches to accurately and rapidly diagnose viral infections have been rightfully employed by iGenetic. Dry eyes affect millions of adults and its risk increases with advancing age. Keeping this acute eye problem in mind, Lumenis worked in this direction. Lumenis, world’s largest energy-based medical device company for surgical, ophthalmology and aesthetic applications is renowned for its technological break- throughsinophthalmiclasersandhas a long list of industry gold standards. Lumenis’ latest M22 optimal pulse technologyistheanswertoamajority of eye inflammation treatments with optimal pulse technology (OPT). Mumbai’s renowned super specialty eye care Ojas Eye Hospital has brought in India Lumenis M22 Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT) for treatment of dry eyes. The latest eye care technology is seen as a great revolutionary value addition to the ophthalmic applications especially for the treatment of dry eyes. The M22 services will be available at two branches of Ojas Eye Hospital, one at Bandra and the other at Kandivali. Recent studies have showcased prevalenceofdryeyesamongpatients rangingacrossagegroups.Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is one of the leading causes of dry eye disease (DED), affecting millions of people worldwide. Optimal pulse technology from Lumenis has emerged as the most effective alternative for patients, leading to significant improvement in ocular surface quality, gland function and dry eye symptoms. The Lumenis M22 OPT is an excellent technology for treating eyelid inflammation. OPT is selectively absorbed in the haemoglobin of abnormal blood vessels and destroys them by thrombolysis thereby treating the root cause of the problem leading to immediate relief, a safe and comfortable, fast ‘lunch time treatment’ and improves the skin appearance too. LUMENIS M22 OPTIMAL PULSE TECHNOLOGY – AN EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONTOTREAT DRY EYES 36 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE
  • 37. MediaTek Inc. recently unveiled MediaTek Sensio, a powerful advanced health monitoring solution which makes it easy to track heart- rate information, peripheral oxygen levels, blood pressure trends and more. It is industry’s first 6-in-1 biosensor that turns smartphones into your personal health companion. Sensio delivers six key health data points such as heart-rate, heart-rate variability, blood pressure trends, peripheral oxygen saturation, ECG and photoplethysmography. The product is available as an embedded module in smartphones which makes it possible for consumers to quickly check and monitor their physical fitness. The MediaTek Sensio MT6381 is a comprehensive software and module solution designed specifically to deliver valuable health data, consisting of optical, electrical and processing components. The customizable, compact solution means device manufacturers have the flexibility to embed the MediaTek Sensio module directly into all types of smartphones, versus using multiple sensors. The module uses light emitting diodes (LEDs) in conjunction with a light sensitive sensor to measure the absorption of red and infrared light by the user’s fingertips. By touching a device’s sensors and electrodes with your fingertips, MediaTek Sensio creates a closed loop between your heart and the biosensor to measure ECG and PPG waveforms. The product is the first 6-in-1 total hardware and software solution, consisting of optical, electrical and processing components which delivers a package of smart health solutions that will help its users tobemoreinformedabouttheirfitness levels. MediaTek Sensio entered the market in the beginning of 2018. MEDIATEKSENSIO-ABIOSENSORSOLUTIONTO BRINGHEALTH MONITORINGTOSMARTPHONES Haemophilia is a genetic disorderofbloodcoagulation due to decreased levels or a complete lack of clotting factors that results in profuse bleeding into joints, muscles or internal organs either spontaneously or as a result of accidental or surgical trauma. Globally, India is among the top ten countries of people living with Haemophilia A1 with about 18000 cases. Studies have revealed that by the age of 25 years, 79% of people with Haemophilia are likely to become severely disabled if proper treatment is not provided. Efforts are being made to tackle this situation, so in April this year, Lok Nayak Hospital jointly conducted a one- day patient awareness program “Haem Utsav”, e-learning to empower Haemophilia care in India supported by Novo Nordisk, India. An updated Haemophilia India website ( has been launched for e-learning. Delhi Government has won a global award for introducing yoga sutra in Haemophilia, taken up advocacy and capacity building programs, launched skill-based training programs and a self-infusion program and created self-help groups for Haemophilia. HAEMOPHILIA CARE IN INDIA Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 37 Compiled by: Dr. Avantika Batish is working as the Director Strategy and Healthcare at International Health Emergency Learning and Preparedness. Also, she is a guest faculty for MBA (HR) and MBA Healthcare Management at various B-Schoolsand is a soft skills trainer. PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESNEWSCOPERESEARCH
  • 38. A ccording to Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Tourism Mr. K. J. Alphons, the Union Ministry offers financial support as Marketing Development Assistance for Publicity and for organizing Wellness and Medical Tourism Promotion shows as well as workshops/events/seminars to accredited Medical and Wellness Tourism Service Providers and Chambers of Commerce, etc. A film on Medical Tourism has been produced in association with BBC and is used at various fora for promotional purposes; Medical and Medical attendant visa have been introduced to streamline and ease the travel process of Medical Tourists. The e-tourist visa regime has also been expanded to include medical visits. Steps are afoot to set up facilitation counters at the major airports of Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Foreign tourists rallying for healthcare The Board works as an umbrella organization to promote this segment of tourism in an organized manner. The Board has formed Sub-Committees on visa issues, accreditation, standards, marketing and promotion. The Ministry of Tourism collates data regarding the arrivals on Medical and Medical Attendant visas provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs. In 2014, Foreign Tourists Arrivals (FTAs) recorded were: 1,84,298 (2014); 2,33,918 (2015); 4,27,014 (2016). Mumbai and for tourists arriving on Medical Visas. Apart from the above, the Department of Commerce and Services Export Promotion Council (SEPC) has launched a Healthcare Portal in Arabic, English, French, Russian and other languages as a single source platform providing comprehensive information to medical travelers on the top healthcare institutions in the country. A National Medical and Wellness Tourism Board has also been constituted under the Chairmanship oftheMinisterforTourismtoprovide a dedicated institutional framework to take forward the cause of promotion of Medical and Wellness Tourism including Ayurveda and any other format of Indian system of medicine covered by Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH). The Board has members from the Ministries of Health, Commerce, External Affairs, AYUSH, Home Affairs, the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) as well as representatives from the major chambers of commerce, hospitals and independent experts in the field of Medicine and Wellness. 38 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE
  • 40. A recent study has found that about 10% of school children in Bengaluru are obese, while 13.8% children are at risk of contracting lifestyle diseases in adulthood with waistlines which are more than half their height. School-based screening of 104,105 children studying in 138 private schools has revealed some alarming trends on school students in Bengaluru. The study was conducted by AddressHealth, provider of health services in schools for children in India. The survey data was compiled over the current academic year and revealed a significant degree of malnutrition (both over and under nutrition) among children - with 9.2% of children being obese and another 13.7% children falling in the overweight category (over nutrition) while about 8.5% of them are too thin for their age (undernutrition). Apart from this, 28.6% school children have dental caries (cavities) while 15.1% have newly detected/ worsening vision problems. In addition, more than 200 children had previously undetected cardiac murmurs, and 70 children had previously undetected hearing defects. Commenting on the survey results Dr. Anand Lakshman, Founder and CEO, AddressHealth, said, “Children are increasingly vulnerable due to a variety of lifestyle and environmental factors such as proliferation of fast food options, lack of physical activity, too much screen time etc. We believe Contracting lifestyle diseases in adulthood, reveals a recent study By InnoHEALTH Editorial Team 40 Volume 3 | Issue 3 | July-September 2018 PERSONATHEMETRENDSWELL-BEINGISSUESRESEARCHNEWSCOPE