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Nome: _______________________________________________________ nº __________
Professor(a): ______________________________ Série: 1ª Turma: __________
Data: _____/_____/2014 Desconto Ortográfico: _________
1. Leia o texto e complete com a forma correta do verbo no Presente Simples:
Billy always _____ (listen) to his mother. He always ____ (do) what she ____ (say). If his mother says, "Brush
your teeth," Billy ____ (brush) his teeth. If his mother says, "Go to bed," Billy ____ (go) to bed. Billy is a very
good boy. A good boy listens to his mother. His mother ____ ____ (neg + have) to ask him again. She asks him to
do something one time, and she ____ ____ (neg + ask) again. Billy ____ (be) a good boy. He does what his
mother asks the first time. She doesn't have to ask again. She ____ (tell) Billy, "You ____ (be) my best child." Of
course Billy is her best child. Billy is her only child.
2. Complete com a forma correta do verbo TO BE:
a) My name ___ James.
b) Mary ___ the secretary.
c) John and Lucy ___ at school.
d) I ___ a student.
e) The boys ___ in the garden.
f) He ___ a lawyer.
g) Susie ___ a housewife.
h) She ___ a student.
i) They ___ my friends.
j) You ___ a student.
3. Faça as interrogativas das frases do Exercício 2:
4. Agora, faça as negativas:
5. Complete corretamente com o verbo TO BE e depois escreve as formas contraídas.
Forma completa Forma contraída
___ am
He ___
___ is
It ___
We ___
You ___
___ are
1º Trimestre
“Sem limite para crescer”
6. Complete a tabela com o pronome correspondente:
I My
It Its
7. Leia o texto e responda em Portugês:
This is Juan Uribe. He’s from Madrid in Spain but he lives in Argentina. He is an actor. Mr Uribe is 23 years old.
He works for TV ARGENTINA. He also studies; he studies Journalism at the Federal University of Argentina.
Mr Uribe can not sing or dance but he can play the violin very well. He loves classical music and he listens to it
every day from 5:10 am to 8:45am every morning. After this he has fruit juice for breakfast and goes to
university. Mr Uribe is a very good student. He speaks Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Mr Uribe lives in a flat.
His flat number is 133, on the 1st floor. Mr Uribe loves Spanish food but he doesn’t like Argentine food. He loves
milk caramels but he doesn’t like chocolate. He doesn’t smoke.
Also – também
Can – Poder, saber fazer
Breakfast – café da manhã
a) Onde Juan vive atualmente?
b) Qual a profissão dele?
c) O que ele sabe e o que ele não sabe fazer?
d) O que ele toma no café da manhã?
e) Quantos idiomas Juan fala?
8. Agora, volte no texto e encontre 3 frases no presente simples:
9. Complete com o pronome correto:
Every Saturday Daniel and ___ family go to the beach. ___ live far from the beach, but once a week the family
gets into the car and ___ father drives for hours until ___ arrive.
___ parents love the beach. Daniel and his sister and brother love the beach. The family's dog loves the beach
very much.
But it is a problem to go to the beach every week. Daniel's father gets tired from driving so many hours. The rest
of the family gets tired from sitting in the car for so many hours. Daniel's mother says: "It's fun in the beach, but it
takes too much time to get there and back!"
Daniel and ___ brothers are very sad. ___ want to go to the beach, but it is a problem. They try to go the
swimming pool, but ___ is not the same thing.
One day Daniel's parents come to talk with the kids. They say: "___ have a problem to go to the beach every
week, but we love the beach, and ___ love the beach, and the dog loves the beach. So we have a solution. We
need to live near the beach!"
Daniel and his sister and brother are very happy! Now they live near the beach. They go to the beach every day!
10. De acordo com o texto, responda as seguintes questões:
a) Quantas pessoas têm na família? ______________________________________
b) Eles têm animal de estimação? _______________________________________
c) Qual foi o problema deles? __________________________________________
d) Qual a solução encontrada? __________________________________________
11. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase “_________ they __________ ecology?”
a) Does – study.
b) Do – study.
c) Do – studies.
d) Does – studies.
12. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase “Peter ____________ many books”.
a) have.
b) haves.
c) has.
d) Hases
13. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase “John and Mary __________ in the lake”.
a) don’t swim.
b) doesn’t swim.
c) don’t swims.
d) doesn’t swims
14. Qual é a forma negativa da frase “John cries all night.”?
a) John doesn’t cries all night.
b) John not cry all night.
c) John don’t cries all night.
d) John doesn’t cry all night
15. Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “They eat vegetables every day”?
a) Does they eat vegetables every day?
b) Do they eat vegetables every day?
c) Does they eats vegetables every day?
d) Do they eats vegetables every day?
16. Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja correta em relação ao estudo do Simple Present.
a) I washes the dishes.
b) They corrects the composition.
c) You need money.
d) She live in New York.
17. Marque a alternativa que empregou corretamente o verbo auxiliar to do
(do / does) no Simple Present.
a) Does my friends play basketball every day?
b) You doesn’t have a good English dictionary.
c) She don’t work here.
d) Do those children study English?
18. Relacione as colunas e depois marque a alternativa que contenha a seqüência correta.
(1) Do you drink milk?
(2) Do they take the subway?
(3) Do we like to play football?
(4) Does she speak French?
( ) No, we don’t.
( ) Yes, I do.
( ) No, she doesn’t.
( ) No, they don’t.
a) 3 – 1 – 4 – 2
b) 1 – 3 – 2 – 4
c) 4 – 2 – 3 – 1
d) 3 – 1 – 2 – 4
19. A conjugação correta dos verbos abaixo na 3ª pessoa do singular é:
to fly – to stay – to Kiss – to drink
a) flies – staies – kiss – drinkies.
b) flys – stays – kisses – drinkes.
c) flys – staies – kissies – drinks.
d) flies – stays – kisses – drinks.
20. Marque a alternativa que tenha a frase “We cry when we are sad” transformada na a 3ª pessoa do
a) I cry when I am sad.
b) They cry when they are sad.
c) She cries when she is sad.
d) You cries when you is sad.
Leia o diálogo abaixo e responda as questões de 21 a 30:
MARK: Hello! Can I ask you some questions for
a interview?
Yes, I can answer some questions.
MARK: Thank you for taking the time. Now first
question: What do you do?
JENNIFER: I work in a library. I am librarian.
MARK: Are you married?
JENNIFER: Yes, I am.
MARK: What does your husband do?
JENNIFER: He works as a policeman.
MARK: Do you usually have dinner together?
JENNIFER: Yes, We do.
MARK: How often does your husband exercise?
JENNIFER: He sometimes exercises four times a
week. But he usually exercises only twice a
MARK: Where do you like going on holiday?
JENNIFER: We rarely go on holiday. However,
we like going to the mountains if we can.
MARK: What type of books do you read?
JENNIFER: I often read horror stories.
MARK:Thank you very much for answering my
JENNIFER:You’re welcome!
21. De acordo com o texto Jennifer é uma:
a) professora
b) artista plástica
c) bibliotecária
d) secretária.
22. Todos têm um estado civil, indique a alternativa que corresponde ao estado civil dela:
a) casada
b) divorciada
c) solteira
d) viúva
23. O marido de Jennifer também trabalha, a profissão dele é:
a) policial
b) dentista
c) engenheiro
d) advogado
24. Além da profissão, ele pratica exercícios de quanto em quanto tempo?
a) duas vezes por semana.
b) três vezes por dia.
c) uma vez ao mês.
d) quatro vezes por semana.
25. Todos nós gostamos de lazer aos feriados. Nos feriados eles costumam ir:
a) à praia.
b) a museus.
c) às montanhas.
d) ao teatro.
26. Como Jennifer trabalha em uma livraria, ela adora ler livros. Marque a alternativa que corresponde a
preferência de livros de Jennifer:
a) aventura
b) romances
c) ficção científica
d) terror
27. Marque a alternativa que corresponde a forma negativa “I read horror stories”. Na forma negativa ficará:
a) I read not horror stories.
b) I not read horror stories.
c) I don’t read horror stories.
d) n.d.a
28. Na frase: “He works as a policeman”, se passarmos a frase destacada para a 2ª pessoa do plural e para a
forma interrogativa, teremos:
a) Does he works as a policeman?
b) Works he as a policeman:
c) Do you work as a policeman?
d) Does you work as a policeman?
29. No simple present os verbos “DO” “GO” e “READ”, nas terceiras pessoas do singular, obterão a
seguinte forma:
d) n.d.a
30. “I work in a library”, na 3ª pessoa do singular, a frase obterá a seguinte forma:
a) I works in a library.
b) I don’t work in a library.
c) She work in a library.
d) She works in a library.
31. Escreva frases positivas e negativas usando o verbo TO BE:
a) (It / hot day) ______________________________________________________
b) (It / windy today) __________________________________________________
c) (my hands / cold) __________________________________________________
d) (Brazil / a very big country) _________________________________________
e) (Diamonds / cheap) ________________________________________________
f) (Toronto / in the US) _______________________________________________
32. Complete as frases. Use as palavras abaixo:
Boil – Close – Cost – Cost – Like – Like – Meet – Open – Speak – Teach – Wash
a) Maria _____ four languages.
b) The shops in the city centre usually _____ at 9 o’clock in the morning.
c) The City Museum _____ at 5 o’clock in the evening.
d) Tina is a teacher. She _____ mathematics to Young children.
e) My job is very interesting. I _____ a lot of people.
f) Peter’s car is always dirty. He never _____ it.
g) Food is expensive. It _____ a lot of money.
h) Shoes are expensive. They _____ a lot of money.
i) Water _____ at 100 degrees Celsius.
j) Julia and I are good friends. I _____ her and she _____ me.
33. Marque a resposta correta:
1) Tom ___________________ in politics.
a) Isn’t intereted
b) Not interested
c) Doesn’t interested
d) Doesn’t interest
2) ‘___________________?’ No, she’s out.
a) Is at home your mother
b) Does your mother at home
c) Is your mother at home
d) Are your mother ate home
3) These postcards are Nice. ____________________.
a) How much are they?
b) How many are they?
c) How much they are?
d) How much is they?
4) The earth ________________ round the Sun.
a) Going
b) Go
c) Goes
d) Does go
e) Is go
5) We _________________ away at weekends.
a) Often go
b) Goes often
c) Often going
d) Are often go
6) We _________________ television very often.
a) Not watch
b) Doesn’t watch
c) Don’t watch
d) Don’t watching
e) Watch not
7) ‘____________________on Sunday?’ No, not usually.
a) Do you work
b) Are you work
c) Does you work
d) Do you working
e) Work you
8) I don’t understand this sentence. What _______________________?
a) Mean this word
b) Means this word
c) Does mean this word
d) Does this word mean
e) This word means
9) Tom _____________________ shower every morning.
a) Has
b) Having
c) Is having
d) Have
10)What ___________________ at the weekends?
a) Do you usually
b) Are you usually doing
c) Are you usually do
d) Do you usually do
Leia o trecho da canção Viva La Vida do Coldplay e responda a questão 34.
Viva la Vida
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning and I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy’s eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
“Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!”
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
34. Letras de músicas abordam temas que, de certa forma, podem ser reforçados pela repetição de trechos
ou palavras. O fragmento da canção Viva la vida, por exemplo, permite conhecer o relato de alguém
a) costumava ter o mundo aos seus pés e, de repente, se viu sem nada.
b) almeja o título de rei e, por ele, tem enfrentado inúmeros inimigos.
c) causa pouco temor a seus inimigos, embora tenha muito poder.
d) limpava as ruas e, com seu esforço, tornou-se rei de seu povo.
e) tinha a chave para todos os castelos nos quais desejava morar.
Leia o texto e responda a questão 34.
They say that the British love talking about the weather. For other nationalities this can be a banal and boring
subject of conversation, something that people talk about when they have nothing else to say to each other. And
yet the weather is a very important part of our lives. That at least is the opinion of Barry Gromett, press officer
for The Met Office. This is located in Exeter, a pretty cathedral city in the southwest of England. Here
employees – and computers – supply weather forecasts for much of the world.
Speak Up. Ano XXIII, nº 275.
35. Ao conversar sobre a previsão do tempo, o texto mostra
a) o aborrecimento do cidadão britânico ao falar sobre banalidades.
b) a falta de ter o que falar em situações de avaliação de línguas.
c) a importância de se entender sobre meteorologia para falar inglês.
d) as diferenças e as particularidades culturais no uso de uma língua.
e) o confliito entre diferentes ideias e opiniões ao se comunicar em inglês.
Leia o texto e responda as questões de 36.
To live the longest and healthiest life possible, get smarter. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
data show that past a certain threshold, health and wealth are just weakly correlated. However, overall health is
closely tied to how many years people spend in school. Mexico, for instance, has a fifth the per capita gross
domestic product (GDP) of the United States, but, for women, more than 50 percent of the latter’s schooling.
In line with the trend, Mexico’s female adult mortality rate is only narrowly higher. Vietnam and Yemen have
roughly equivalent per capita GDP. Yet Vietnamese women average 6.3 more years in school and are half as
likely to die between the ages of 15 and 60. “Economic growth is also significantly associated with child
mortality reductions, but the magnitude of the association is much smaller than that of increased education,”
comments Emmanuela Gakidou, IHME’s director of education and training. “One year of schooling gives you
about 10 percent lower mortality rates, whereas with a 10 percent increase in GDP, your mortality rate would
go down only by 1 to 2 percent.”
Discover, May 31, 2013. Adaptado.
36. De acordo como texto, “about 10 percent lower mortality rates” é resultado de
a) “10 percent increase in GDP”.
b) “child mortality reductions”.
c) “equivalent per capita GDP”.
d) “economic growth”.
e) “one year of schooling”.
37. No texto, ao se comparar o México aos Estados Unidos, afirma-se que, no México,
a) o produto interno bruto é equivalente a 50% do produto interno bruto dos Estados Unidos.
b) os índices de mortalidade adulta vêm crescendo, nos últimos anos.
c) as mulheres representam 50% da população escolarizada.
d) as políticas educacionais são suficientes e estão defasadas.
e) as taxas de mortalidade feminina adulta são pouco superiores às norte-americanas.
38. O argumento central do texto é o de que níveis mais altos de escolaridade estão diretamente
relacionados a
a) índices mais baixos de mortalidade.
b) crescimento econômico acentuado.
c) mais empregos para as mulheres.
d) menores taxas de natalidade.
e) melhorias nos serviços de saúde.
Leia o texto
We live in a complex world of abstract entities and obscure developments where we often forget that our reality
is made of individuals and their relations to one another and the world. The forward-looking thinker Theodore
Zeldin observes this deficit in present-day human co-existence as follows: “We know a lot about the material
world but we don’t really know who inhabits this planet. That to me is the big agenda of the 21st century.” This
observation suggests that we ought to find ways to make empathy and understanding tangible, inspiring and
exciting on a person-to-person level. In his view, truly relevant and responsible service means facing the urgent
issues of our times by working from within the fabric of life. As such, Zeldin stresses that this is the only way
to ensure sustainable living conditions in centuries to come.
Service is as old as human kind. In its original sense to be in service is an ethical obligation for every
sustainable life. When you help, you see life as weak; when you fix, you see life as broken; yet, when you
serve, you see life as a whole. Thus, when I serve I am not in a position of strength because we serve with the
whole of ourselves. Being in service means that we employ all our experiences and creativity. This wholeness
in us serve the wholeness in others.
To encourage civility and civic responsibility, individuals need to get involved in taking action that makes a
difference to others. This way, humans are a part of the solution rather than passive observers. This kind of
engagement promotes one’s sense of self, refines the sensibility for connectedness to others, and generates one
of the most rewarding feelings that results from contributing to something larger than oneself. Empathy and
service are the bridges to community, which add depth and meaning to our life, stretching into a civility that
enriches us all.
The understanding of being in service deals directly with life realities and is not just contemplating from an
exiled and self-indulged position. In most of the so-called developed world, service has been only adopted in
the realm of work in order to substantiate and replace means of production that optimize profit (wealth) or gain
(power). However, service goes beyond that. It should be present in all walks of life as a transforming,
supposedly mutually beneficial process. In order to meet the ever-growing and unprecedented challenges of our
times, we need to unleash the full potential of all individual human creativity by profoundly reorganizing our
relations to life and the world.
39. Responda:
a) Quais os Personal pronouns encontrados no texto?
b) Quais os Adjective pronouns encontrados no texto?
c) Quais os verbos no Presente Simples?
40. Escreva em, NO MÁXIMO, 5 linhas qual a ideia principal do texto
41. Complete as lacunas com a forma correta dos verbos.
a) Andrew ____ in Sao Paulo, Brazil. ( to live )
b) Jennifer and I ____ up early on Saturdays. ( to get )
c) We____ in good luck and bad luck. ( to believe )
d) I ____ a blue dress every Sunday. ( to wear )
e) He ____ soccer every Saturday with friends. ( to play )
f) Julio ____ his father at work. ( to help )
g) Sarah ____ the dish after work. ( to wash )
h) Lisa ____ English at School ( to study )
i) She always ____ downtown with her friends. ( to go )
42. Escreva as formas negativas das frases acima
a) ________________________________________________________________
b) ________________________________________________________________
c) ________________________________________________________________
d) ________________________________________________________________
e) ________________________________________________________________
f) ________________________________________________________________
g) ________________________________________________________________
h) ________________________________________________________________
i) ________________________________________________________________
43. Agora, escreva as interrogativas dessas frases
a) ________________________________________________________________
b) ________________________________________________________________
c) ________________________________________________________________
d) ________________________________________________________________
e) ________________________________________________________________
f) ________________________________________________________________
g) ________________________________________________________________
h) ________________________________________________________________
i) ________________________________________________________________
44. Use o pronome correto
a) I have a bike. It's ____ bike.
b) Mum and I have a boat. It's ____ boat.
c) The horse has an apple. It's ____ apple.
d) John and Max have a skateboard. It's ____ skateboard.
e) You have a dog. It's ____ dog.
f) Max and you have a dad. It's ____ dad
g) I have a dog. That dog is ____!
h) She has a cat. That cat is ____!
i) We have a car. That car is ____!
j) They have a bike. That bike is ____!
k) He has a key. That key is ____!
l) You have a hat. That hat is ____!
45. Relacione as colunas
46. Crie frases utilizando os pronomes indicados.
a) (I / them / mine) __________________________________________________
b) (you / her / his) ___________________________________________________
c) (it / his / his) _____________________________________________________
d) (she / her / hers) __________________________________________________
47. Escolha a melhor opção.
a) It’s their/theirs problem, not our/ours
b) This is a nice camera. Is it your/yours?
c) That’s not my/mine umbrella. My/Mine is Black
d) Whose books are these? Your/Yours or my/mine?
e) Catherine is going out with her/hers friends this evening.
f) My/Mine room is bigger than her/hers.
g) They have two children, but I don’t know their/theirs names.
48. Use o pronome adequado para completar os quadrinhos:
49. Dê o significado das palavras
50. Crie frases usando cada uma das palavras acima.

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  • 1. Nome: _______________________________________________________ nº __________ Professor(a): ______________________________ Série: 1ª Turma: __________ Data: _____/_____/2014 Desconto Ortográfico: _________ EXERCÍCIOS DE INGLÊS 1. Leia o texto e complete com a forma correta do verbo no Presente Simples: Billy always _____ (listen) to his mother. He always ____ (do) what she ____ (say). If his mother says, "Brush your teeth," Billy ____ (brush) his teeth. If his mother says, "Go to bed," Billy ____ (go) to bed. Billy is a very good boy. A good boy listens to his mother. His mother ____ ____ (neg + have) to ask him again. She asks him to do something one time, and she ____ ____ (neg + ask) again. Billy ____ (be) a good boy. He does what his mother asks the first time. She doesn't have to ask again. She ____ (tell) Billy, "You ____ (be) my best child." Of course Billy is her best child. Billy is her only child. 2. Complete com a forma correta do verbo TO BE: a) My name ___ James. b) Mary ___ the secretary. c) John and Lucy ___ at school. d) I ___ a student. e) The boys ___ in the garden. f) He ___ a lawyer. g) Susie ___ a housewife. h) She ___ a student. i) They ___ my friends. j) You ___ a student. 3. Faça as interrogativas das frases do Exercício 2: 4. Agora, faça as negativas: 5. Complete corretamente com o verbo TO BE e depois escreve as formas contraídas. Forma completa Forma contraída ___ am He ___ ___ is It ___ We ___ You ___ ___ are 1º Trimestre “Sem limite para crescer”
  • 2. 6. Complete a tabela com o pronome correspondente: I My his Her It Its your We their 7. Leia o texto e responda em Portugês: This is Juan Uribe. He’s from Madrid in Spain but he lives in Argentina. He is an actor. Mr Uribe is 23 years old. He works for TV ARGENTINA. He also studies; he studies Journalism at the Federal University of Argentina. Mr Uribe can not sing or dance but he can play the violin very well. He loves classical music and he listens to it every day from 5:10 am to 8:45am every morning. After this he has fruit juice for breakfast and goes to university. Mr Uribe is a very good student. He speaks Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Mr Uribe lives in a flat. His flat number is 133, on the 1st floor. Mr Uribe loves Spanish food but he doesn’t like Argentine food. He loves milk caramels but he doesn’t like chocolate. He doesn’t smoke. Glossário: Also – também Can – Poder, saber fazer Breakfast – café da manhã a) Onde Juan vive atualmente? ________________________________________________________________ b) Qual a profissão dele? ________________________________________________________________ c) O que ele sabe e o que ele não sabe fazer? ________________________________________________________________ d) O que ele toma no café da manhã? ________________________________________________________________ e) Quantos idiomas Juan fala? ________________________________________________________________ 8. Agora, volte no texto e encontre 3 frases no presente simples: ________________________________________________________________
  • 3. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 9. Complete com o pronome correto: Every Saturday Daniel and ___ family go to the beach. ___ live far from the beach, but once a week the family gets into the car and ___ father drives for hours until ___ arrive. ___ parents love the beach. Daniel and his sister and brother love the beach. The family's dog loves the beach very much. But it is a problem to go to the beach every week. Daniel's father gets tired from driving so many hours. The rest of the family gets tired from sitting in the car for so many hours. Daniel's mother says: "It's fun in the beach, but it takes too much time to get there and back!" Daniel and ___ brothers are very sad. ___ want to go to the beach, but it is a problem. They try to go the swimming pool, but ___ is not the same thing. One day Daniel's parents come to talk with the kids. They say: "___ have a problem to go to the beach every week, but we love the beach, and ___ love the beach, and the dog loves the beach. So we have a solution. We need to live near the beach!" Daniel and his sister and brother are very happy! Now they live near the beach. They go to the beach every day! 10. De acordo com o texto, responda as seguintes questões: a) Quantas pessoas têm na família? ______________________________________ b) Eles têm animal de estimação? _______________________________________ c) Qual foi o problema deles? __________________________________________ d) Qual a solução encontrada? __________________________________________ 11. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase “_________ they __________ ecology?” a) Does – study. b) Do – study. c) Do – studies. d) Does – studies. 12. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase “Peter ____________ many books”. a) have. b) haves. c) has.
  • 4. d) Hases 13. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase “John and Mary __________ in the lake”. a) don’t swim. b) doesn’t swim. c) don’t swims. d) doesn’t swims 14. Qual é a forma negativa da frase “John cries all night.”? a) John doesn’t cries all night. b) John not cry all night. c) John don’t cries all night. d) John doesn’t cry all night 15. Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “They eat vegetables every day”? a) Does they eat vegetables every day? b) Do they eat vegetables every day? c) Does they eats vegetables every day? d) Do they eats vegetables every day? 16. Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja correta em relação ao estudo do Simple Present. a) I washes the dishes. b) They corrects the composition. c) You need money. d) She live in New York. 17. Marque a alternativa que empregou corretamente o verbo auxiliar to do (do / does) no Simple Present. a) Does my friends play basketball every day? b) You doesn’t have a good English dictionary. c) She don’t work here.
  • 5. d) Do those children study English? 18. Relacione as colunas e depois marque a alternativa que contenha a seqüência correta. (1) Do you drink milk? (2) Do they take the subway? (3) Do we like to play football? (4) Does she speak French? ( ) No, we don’t. ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, she doesn’t. ( ) No, they don’t. a) 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 b) 1 – 3 – 2 – 4 c) 4 – 2 – 3 – 1 d) 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 19. A conjugação correta dos verbos abaixo na 3ª pessoa do singular é: to fly – to stay – to Kiss – to drink a) flies – staies – kiss – drinkies. b) flys – stays – kisses – drinkes. c) flys – staies – kissies – drinks. d) flies – stays – kisses – drinks. 20. Marque a alternativa que tenha a frase “We cry when we are sad” transformada na a 3ª pessoa do singular. a) I cry when I am sad. b) They cry when they are sad. c) She cries when she is sad. d) You cries when you is sad. Leia o diálogo abaixo e responda as questões de 21 a 30: Interview MARK: Hello! Can I ask you some questions for a interview? JENNIFER: Yes, I can answer some questions. MARK: Thank you for taking the time. Now first question: What do you do? JENNIFER: I work in a library. I am librarian. MARK: Are you married? JENNIFER: Yes, I am. MARK: What does your husband do?
  • 6. JENNIFER: He works as a policeman. MARK: Do you usually have dinner together? JENNIFER: Yes, We do. MARK: How often does your husband exercise? JENNIFER: He sometimes exercises four times a week. But he usually exercises only twice a week. MARK: Where do you like going on holiday? JENNIFER: We rarely go on holiday. However, we like going to the mountains if we can. MARK: What type of books do you read? JENNIFER: I often read horror stories. MARK:Thank you very much for answering my questions. JENNIFER:You’re welcome! 21. De acordo com o texto Jennifer é uma: a) professora b) artista plástica c) bibliotecária d) secretária. 22. Todos têm um estado civil, indique a alternativa que corresponde ao estado civil dela: a) casada b) divorciada c) solteira d) viúva 23. O marido de Jennifer também trabalha, a profissão dele é: a) policial b) dentista c) engenheiro d) advogado 24. Além da profissão, ele pratica exercícios de quanto em quanto tempo? a) duas vezes por semana. b) três vezes por dia. c) uma vez ao mês. d) quatro vezes por semana. 25. Todos nós gostamos de lazer aos feriados. Nos feriados eles costumam ir: a) à praia.
  • 7. b) a museus. c) às montanhas. d) ao teatro. 26. Como Jennifer trabalha em uma livraria, ela adora ler livros. Marque a alternativa que corresponde a preferência de livros de Jennifer: a) aventura b) romances c) ficção científica d) terror 27. Marque a alternativa que corresponde a forma negativa “I read horror stories”. Na forma negativa ficará: a) I read not horror stories. b) I not read horror stories. c) I don’t read horror stories. d) n.d.a 28. Na frase: “He works as a policeman”, se passarmos a frase destacada para a 2ª pessoa do plural e para a forma interrogativa, teremos: a) Does he works as a policeman? b) Works he as a policeman: c) Do you work as a policeman? d) Does you work as a policeman? 29. No simple present os verbos “DO” “GO” e “READ”, nas terceiras pessoas do singular, obterão a seguinte forma: a) DOES, GOES e READS b) DOS, GOS, READES c) DOIS, GOIS, READIS d) n.d.a 30. “I work in a library”, na 3ª pessoa do singular, a frase obterá a seguinte forma: a) I works in a library. b) I don’t work in a library. c) She work in a library. d) She works in a library. 31. Escreva frases positivas e negativas usando o verbo TO BE:
  • 8. a) (It / hot day) ______________________________________________________ b) (It / windy today) __________________________________________________ c) (my hands / cold) __________________________________________________ d) (Brazil / a very big country) _________________________________________ e) (Diamonds / cheap) ________________________________________________ f) (Toronto / in the US) _______________________________________________ 32. Complete as frases. Use as palavras abaixo: Boil – Close – Cost – Cost – Like – Like – Meet – Open – Speak – Teach – Wash a) Maria _____ four languages. b) The shops in the city centre usually _____ at 9 o’clock in the morning. c) The City Museum _____ at 5 o’clock in the evening. d) Tina is a teacher. She _____ mathematics to Young children. e) My job is very interesting. I _____ a lot of people. f) Peter’s car is always dirty. He never _____ it. g) Food is expensive. It _____ a lot of money. h) Shoes are expensive. They _____ a lot of money. i) Water _____ at 100 degrees Celsius. j) Julia and I are good friends. I _____ her and she _____ me. 33. Marque a resposta correta: 1) Tom ___________________ in politics. a) Isn’t intereted b) Not interested c) Doesn’t interested d) Doesn’t interest 2) ‘___________________?’ No, she’s out. a) Is at home your mother b) Does your mother at home c) Is your mother at home d) Are your mother ate home 3) These postcards are Nice. ____________________. a) How much are they? b) How many are they?
  • 9. c) How much they are? d) How much is they? 4) The earth ________________ round the Sun. a) Going b) Go c) Goes d) Does go e) Is go 5) We _________________ away at weekends. a) Often go b) Goes often c) Often going d) Are often go 6) We _________________ television very often. a) Not watch b) Doesn’t watch c) Don’t watch d) Don’t watching e) Watch not 7) ‘____________________on Sunday?’ No, not usually. a) Do you work b) Are you work c) Does you work d) Do you working e) Work you 8) I don’t understand this sentence. What _______________________? a) Mean this word b) Means this word c) Does mean this word d) Does this word mean e) This word means 9) Tom _____________________ shower every morning.
  • 10. a) Has b) Having c) Is having d) Have 10)What ___________________ at the weekends? a) Do you usually b) Are you usually doing c) Are you usually do d) Do you usually do Leia o trecho da canção Viva La Vida do Coldplay e responda a questão 34. Viva la Vida I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning and I sleep alone Sweep the streets I used to own I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemy’s eyes Listen as the crowd would sing “Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!” One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand […] 34. Letras de músicas abordam temas que, de certa forma, podem ser reforçados pela repetição de trechos ou palavras. O fragmento da canção Viva la vida, por exemplo, permite conhecer o relato de alguém que... a) costumava ter o mundo aos seus pés e, de repente, se viu sem nada. b) almeja o título de rei e, por ele, tem enfrentado inúmeros inimigos. c) causa pouco temor a seus inimigos, embora tenha muito poder. d) limpava as ruas e, com seu esforço, tornou-se rei de seu povo. e) tinha a chave para todos os castelos nos quais desejava morar. Leia o texto e responda a questão 34. THE WEATHER MAN
  • 11. They say that the British love talking about the weather. For other nationalities this can be a banal and boring subject of conversation, something that people talk about when they have nothing else to say to each other. And yet the weather is a very important part of our lives. That at least is the opinion of Barry Gromett, press officer for The Met Office. This is located in Exeter, a pretty cathedral city in the southwest of England. Here employees – and computers – supply weather forecasts for much of the world. Speak Up. Ano XXIII, nº 275. 35. Ao conversar sobre a previsão do tempo, o texto mostra a) o aborrecimento do cidadão britânico ao falar sobre banalidades. b) a falta de ter o que falar em situações de avaliação de línguas. c) a importância de se entender sobre meteorologia para falar inglês. d) as diferenças e as particularidades culturais no uso de uma língua. e) o confliito entre diferentes ideias e opiniões ao se comunicar em inglês. Leia o texto e responda as questões de 36. To live the longest and healthiest life possible, get smarter. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) data show that past a certain threshold, health and wealth are just weakly correlated. However, overall health is closely tied to how many years people spend in school. Mexico, for instance, has a fifth the per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of the United States, but, for women, more than 50 percent of the latter’s schooling. In line with the trend, Mexico’s female adult mortality rate is only narrowly higher. Vietnam and Yemen have roughly equivalent per capita GDP. Yet Vietnamese women average 6.3 more years in school and are half as likely to die between the ages of 15 and 60. “Economic growth is also significantly associated with child mortality reductions, but the magnitude of the association is much smaller than that of increased education,” comments Emmanuela Gakidou, IHME’s director of education and training. “One year of schooling gives you about 10 percent lower mortality rates, whereas with a 10 percent increase in GDP, your mortality rate would go down only by 1 to 2 percent.” Discover, May 31, 2013. Adaptado. 36. De acordo como texto, “about 10 percent lower mortality rates” é resultado de a) “10 percent increase in GDP”. b) “child mortality reductions”. c) “equivalent per capita GDP”. d) “economic growth”. e) “one year of schooling”. 37. No texto, ao se comparar o México aos Estados Unidos, afirma-se que, no México, a) o produto interno bruto é equivalente a 50% do produto interno bruto dos Estados Unidos. b) os índices de mortalidade adulta vêm crescendo, nos últimos anos.
  • 12. c) as mulheres representam 50% da população escolarizada. d) as políticas educacionais são suficientes e estão defasadas. e) as taxas de mortalidade feminina adulta são pouco superiores às norte-americanas. 38. O argumento central do texto é o de que níveis mais altos de escolaridade estão diretamente relacionados a a) índices mais baixos de mortalidade. b) crescimento econômico acentuado. c) mais empregos para as mulheres. d) menores taxas de natalidade. e) melhorias nos serviços de saúde. Leia o texto We live in a complex world of abstract entities and obscure developments where we often forget that our reality is made of individuals and their relations to one another and the world. The forward-looking thinker Theodore Zeldin observes this deficit in present-day human co-existence as follows: “We know a lot about the material world but we don’t really know who inhabits this planet. That to me is the big agenda of the 21st century.” This observation suggests that we ought to find ways to make empathy and understanding tangible, inspiring and exciting on a person-to-person level. In his view, truly relevant and responsible service means facing the urgent issues of our times by working from within the fabric of life. As such, Zeldin stresses that this is the only way to ensure sustainable living conditions in centuries to come. Service is as old as human kind. In its original sense to be in service is an ethical obligation for every sustainable life. When you help, you see life as weak; when you fix, you see life as broken; yet, when you serve, you see life as a whole. Thus, when I serve I am not in a position of strength because we serve with the whole of ourselves. Being in service means that we employ all our experiences and creativity. This wholeness in us serve the wholeness in others. To encourage civility and civic responsibility, individuals need to get involved in taking action that makes a difference to others. This way, humans are a part of the solution rather than passive observers. This kind of engagement promotes one’s sense of self, refines the sensibility for connectedness to others, and generates one of the most rewarding feelings that results from contributing to something larger than oneself. Empathy and service are the bridges to community, which add depth and meaning to our life, stretching into a civility that enriches us all. The understanding of being in service deals directly with life realities and is not just contemplating from an exiled and self-indulged position. In most of the so-called developed world, service has been only adopted in the realm of work in order to substantiate and replace means of production that optimize profit (wealth) or gain (power). However, service goes beyond that. It should be present in all walks of life as a transforming, supposedly mutually beneficial process. In order to meet the ever-growing and unprecedented challenges of our times, we need to unleash the full potential of all individual human creativity by profoundly reorganizing our relations to life and the world.
  • 13. 39. Responda: a) Quais os Personal pronouns encontrados no texto? ______________________________________________________________________ b) Quais os Adjective pronouns encontrados no texto? ______________________________________________________________________ c) Quais os verbos no Presente Simples? 40. Escreva em, NO MÁXIMO, 5 linhas qual a ideia principal do texto _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 41. Complete as lacunas com a forma correta dos verbos. a) Andrew ____ in Sao Paulo, Brazil. ( to live ) b) Jennifer and I ____ up early on Saturdays. ( to get ) c) We____ in good luck and bad luck. ( to believe ) d) I ____ a blue dress every Sunday. ( to wear ) e) He ____ soccer every Saturday with friends. ( to play ) f) Julio ____ his father at work. ( to help ) g) Sarah ____ the dish after work. ( to wash ) h) Lisa ____ English at School ( to study ) i) She always ____ downtown with her friends. ( to go ) 42. Escreva as formas negativas das frases acima a) ________________________________________________________________ b) ________________________________________________________________ c) ________________________________________________________________ d) ________________________________________________________________ e) ________________________________________________________________ f) ________________________________________________________________ g) ________________________________________________________________ h) ________________________________________________________________ i) ________________________________________________________________ 43. Agora, escreva as interrogativas dessas frases
  • 14. a) ________________________________________________________________ b) ________________________________________________________________ c) ________________________________________________________________ d) ________________________________________________________________ e) ________________________________________________________________ f) ________________________________________________________________ g) ________________________________________________________________ h) ________________________________________________________________ i) ________________________________________________________________ 44. Use o pronome correto a) I have a bike. It's ____ bike. b) Mum and I have a boat. It's ____ boat. c) The horse has an apple. It's ____ apple. d) John and Max have a skateboard. It's ____ skateboard. e) You have a dog. It's ____ dog. f) Max and you have a dad. It's ____ dad g) I have a dog. That dog is ____! h) She has a cat. That cat is ____! i) We have a car. That car is ____! j) They have a bike. That bike is ____! k) He has a key. That key is ____! l) You have a hat. That hat is ____! 45. Relacione as colunas I She He They We You It His Our My Her Your Their Its Its Mine His Yours Theris Ours Hers 46. Crie frases utilizando os pronomes indicados. a) (I / them / mine) __________________________________________________ b) (you / her / his) ___________________________________________________
  • 15. c) (it / his / his) _____________________________________________________ d) (she / her / hers) __________________________________________________ 47. Escolha a melhor opção. a) It’s their/theirs problem, not our/ours b) This is a nice camera. Is it your/yours? c) That’s not my/mine umbrella. My/Mine is Black d) Whose books are these? Your/Yours or my/mine? e) Catherine is going out with her/hers friends this evening. f) My/Mine room is bigger than her/hers. g) They have two children, but I don’t know their/theirs names. 48. Use o pronome adequado para completar os quadrinhos: 49. Dê o significado das palavras Afraid Angry Bored Confused