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                             Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010
                             Tahun Pelajaran 2004/2005

                    BAHASA INGGRIS (C2)


                         MATA PELAJARAN

Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 7 Juni 2005
Jam           : 08.00 – 10.00

                         PETUNJUK UMUM

1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK) yang
   tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B, sesuai petunjuk di Lembar
   Jawaban Komputer (LJK).
2. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 60 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat)
   pilihan jawaban.
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
5. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang
   jelas, rusak, atau tidak lengkap.
6. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan.
7. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat
   bantu hitung lainnya.
8. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
9. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret, difotokopi, atau digandakan.

Read the following text and answer questions 1 to 4.

                                   Animal Experimentation

       Animals are widely used in laboratories. Mice, rabbits, dogs and monkeys are a few
 examples of animals used by researchers and scientists for scientific and medical purposes.
 Scientists use the animals to investigate biological processes in humans and animals; to study
 the causes of diseases; to test drugs, vaccines, and surgical techniques; and to evaluate the
 safety of chemicals used in pesticides, cosmetics, and other products.
       Many animals function like humans so that they can be good models to understand the
 human body. Some animals suffer from the same diseases as humans do. Animals also carry a
 number of genes that are identical to human genes. With those similarities, scientists are able
 to learn much about the human body by studying the animals.

1.   What do researchers and scientists do in laboratories?
         a.    Make drugs.
         b.    Do experiment.
         c.    Take care of animals.
         d.    Give medical treatment.

2.   Scientists learn about the human body by studying ....
          a.     certain animals
          b.     human body itself
          c.     all kinds of animals
          d.     all living things

3.   Based on the text, why do the scientists use animals for their experiments?
          a.    Animals are the most suitable objects.
          b.    Scientists don’t want to use humans.
          c.    It’s easier to use animals than humans.
          d.    Animals have similarities to humans.

4.   “They are used for scientific and medical purposes.” (Paragraph 1)
     “They” in the sentence refers to ....
         a.     researchers
         b. laboratories
         c.     animals
         d.     scientists

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5.   Gio : Are you Alief?
     Alief : Yes, I am. And you?
     Gio : ....
     Alief : Oh. How do you do?
     Gio : How do you do?
           a.    You are Gio
           b.    I am Gio
           c.    Are you Gio?
           d.    Your new friend is Gio.

6.   Andra : Are you going to take a bath?
     Indri : Yes. Is there a clean towel in the bathroom?
     Andra : No, there isn’t. Wait a minute I’ll give you one.
     Indri : Thank you.
     The antonym of the word underlined is ....
          a.   clear
          b.   dirty
          c.   neat
          d.   dusty

7.   Fedi : Look! I think the man in brown over there is dumb.
     Nanda : Why do you say so?
     Fedi : He always uses gestures when he speaks with his friend.
     Nanda : Let’s try to speak with him.
     Fedi : Sorry, ....
         a.    I can’t understand gestures
         b.    I can understand him
         c.    He understands my gestures
         d.    I can communicate with him

8.   Ermi    : Have you received a letter from Yuli?
     Marni   : Yes. I received it yesterday.
     Ermi    : What did she say?
     Marni   : She ... that she was busy.
               She didn’t have much time to write.
          a.     said
          b.     say
          c.     says
          d.     will say

9.    Gita       : You have passed the SMP final examination, haven’t you?
      Dissa      : Yes, I have.
      Gita       : ... Senior High School will you choose to continue your studies?
      Dissa      : I’ll choose the favourite “SMU” near my house.
              a.       What
              b.       Where
              c.       Whose
              d.       Which

10. The − man − is − hungry − three − noodles − of − bowls − ordering
    1       2    3      4       5        6      7     8          9
    The best arrangement of the words to be a good sentence is ....
         a.    1–2–3–4–9–5–8–7–6
         b.    1–4–2–3–9–5–6–7–8
         c.    1–4–2–3–9–5–7–8–6
         d.    1–4–2–3–9–5–8–7–6

Read the following passage and answer questions 11 to 14.

                                          Going to a movie

          Josse and Robby decided to go to a film theatre to relax. They were very tired after
 finishing the exams. They chose to see an adventure film. They didn’t want to see a drama,
 thriller, or horror film. They wanted to forget studying for one night and fantasize a little.
          So they bought two tickets for a movie called Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the
 Ring. They got in the theatre just on time before the movie started.
          Inside the theatre, a tall man sat on a seat in front of them. He put on a tall hat. Josse
 and Robby could not see the screen. Josse tapped the man on the shoulder and asked him to
 remove his hat. When the man turned around to say sorry, they recognized him. He was
 Mr. Samuel, Josse’s Father.
11.   Josse and Robby went to a theatre and saw a/an ... film.
            a.   adventure
            b.   drama
            c.   horror
            d.   thriller

12.   What is the most important idea of the first paragraph?
          a.     Josse purposely met his father in the theatre.
          b.     Josse and Robby were late to get in the movie.
          c.     They bought two tickets for the movie.
          d.     Josse and Robby went to the theatre for relaxing.

13.   Why couldn’t Josse and Robby see the screen?
          a.   A tall man sat in front of them.
          b.   The man sitting in front of them wore a tall hat.
          c.   They sat on seats at the back row.
          d.   They were too short to see the screen clearly.

14.   “They didn’t want to see a drama, a thriller or a ...” (Paragraph 1)
      The word underlined means a film that tells a strory about … events.
           a.   amused
           b.   excellent
           c.   romantic
           d.   scary

15.   Study the picture and choose the correct word based on it to complete the dialogue.
      Mother : Where are the children?
      Aninda : They are playing ... in the yard.
           a.    hopscotch
           b.    tug-war
           c.    hide and seek
           d.    blindman’s bluff

16.   Zarra        : My brother will take part in the badminton competition next week.
      Raisa        : Good! Do you think he will be a winner?
      Zarra        : I hope so. He has been training ... since last month.
      Raisa        : I’m glad to hear that.
              a.   regularly
              b.   softly
              c.   hardly
              d.   unseriously

17.   Fauzan       : My family and I will go to Bali next holiday.
      Donna        : Oh, it’s nice. How will you go there?
      Fauzan       : I’m not sure, whether to go by plane or by train.
      Donna        : You’d better go by plane. It’s ....
           a.      comfortable
           b.      more comfortable
           c.      less comfortable
           d.      most comfortable

18.   Rafli        : What are you going to do this afternoon, Medina?
      Medina       : I … to the dressmaker. Can you take me there?
      Rafli        : Of course, I can. I’d be delighted.
      Medina       : Thanks a lot.
            a.     have gone
            b.     am going
            c.     went
            d.     go

19.   Mother     : Don’t forget to give the cloth to the dressmaker, Fira.
      Fira       : But I … it to her.
      Mother     : Have you? When did you give it?
      Fira       : I gave it this morning.
           a.    give
           b.    will give
      C c.       have given
           d.    gave

Read the following text and answer questions 20 to 23.

                             ELEPHANT SAFARI PARK, TARO

20.   What is the text about?
          a.     How to look after elephants.
          b.     Groups of elephants.
          c.     The Elephant Safari Park in Taro.
          d.     Facilities for the elephants.

21.   How much is the entrance fee for a child?
          a.  US$ 2.50
          b. US$ 5.75
          c.  US$ 9.50
          d. US$29.00

22.   The Elephant Safari Park was officially opened in ... .
           a.   1997
           b.   2000
           c.   2002
           d.   2003

23.   “Displays of elephant intelligence and their capabilities …” (Paragraph 4)
      “Their” in the sentence refers to ....
           a.     visitors
           b.     trainers
           c.     elephants
           d.     children

24.   Ina         :    A friend of mine from Padang has been staying at Melati Hotel for five days.
      Delia :          I am verry sorry. I have many things to do now.
      Ina     :        What about tonight?
      Delia :          Okay, I will.
           a.          Will she accompany you to go there?
           b.          Could you accompany me to meet her?
           c.          Can I go there to meet her?
           d.          Would you like me to accompany you to meet?

25.   Budi    :       Why was Shifa absent yesterday?
      Dina    :       Her father passed away.
      Budi    :       .... Why didn’t you tell me before?
      Dina    :       I have just heard it.
             a.          It’s terrific
             b.          That’s a good news
             c.          I’m glad to hear that
             d.          I’m very sorry to hear that

26. Filza     :       What about your throat now?
    Ari       :       I still feel a serious pain, but my mother will take me to the doctor.
    Filza     :       Well, ... .
    Ari       :       Thank you.
             a.         you’ll be strong
             b.         I hope you will be okay
             c.         how happy you are
             d.         that’s a bad news

27.   Riyan :   What time will you leave for Semarang?
      Rizki :   At seven o’clock.
      Riyan :   Do you want me to phone a taxi?
      Rizki :   .... My friend will pick me up.
           a.    No, thank you
           b.    Yes, please
           c.    You’re right
           d.    That’s a good idea

28.   Shilni : I hear that Nadia is living in Lampung.
      Rahmat : You are right.
      Shilni : ... does she stay with?
      Rahmat : With her grandmother.
           a.   How
           b. Who
           c.   Whom
           d.   Where

29.   Study the following table to answer question no.29

                                        Anton’s activities
       Activities                          Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri                   Sat    Sun
       - Swimming                                                                        √
       - Playing basketball                                        √                     √
       - Going to the movie with a friend    √
       - Taking an English course                          √                √
      According to the above table, Anton goes to the movie with a friend ... a week.
            a.    once
            b.    twice
            c.    three times
            d.    four times

Read the following letter and answer questions 30 to 32.
                                                                     20th April 2005

         Dear Ghea,
         My brother and I are in Bukittinggi now. We arrived here on Sunday morning at five.
 It was already busy, probably because of the holidays. We went directly to the remains of “De
 Kock Fortress’ and found a lot of people jogging along this area. We took a rest here, sitting
 under the tree and enjoyed at the fresh air.
         It was almost 6.30. We went to a famous “warung”, called “Pical si Kai”. Here we had
 coffee, “pical”, “ketupat gulai”, etc. Because all hotels had been full, we rented a room in a
 house nearby. The room was quite nice. The bathroom was clean enough and the rent was not
 too expensive.
         At about eight we went to “Sianok” valley. It is such a very beautiful valley. On the
 bank of the valley there is a long cave, called “Japanese cave”. It is very long. It goes deeply
 into the ground with an entrance at one end, and an exit at the other end. The people here said
 that a long time ago the cave was used by the Japanese army to protect themselves from the
 Dutch attack. At that time it seemed that there was nothing in the ground. Both the entrance
 and the exit were covered by plants.
         Well that’s all about our first day in Bukittinggi. We are going to visit “Lake
 Maninjau”, “Lembah Anai Falls”, etc. the next day. Hope to be here someday with you.
 Please, reply soon.

                                                                        Bye for now


30.   Indri mostly talks about ... in the letter.
            a.   Ghea’s journey to Bukittinggi
            b.   Indri and Ghea are in Bukittinggi
            c.   some places of interest in Bukittinggi
            d.   “Sianok”, the very beautiful valley

31.   Where did Indri go first?
          a.    To a famous “warung.”
          b.    To Sianok valley
          c.    To the Japanese Cave
          d.    To the “De Kock Fortress”

32.   Why did Indri stay in a house nearby?
          a.    The rent of the house was not expensive.
          b.    The bathroom there was clean enough.
          c.    They didn’t have enough money to stay in a hotel.
          d.    They couldn’t find any vacant rooms in the hotels.

For questions 33 to 35, choose the suitable word to complete the paragraph.

       It was a public holiday. We did not have anything to do, so Father suggested ...(33) us to
 Safari Park in Cisarua. All of us got very ...(34). Mother quickly prepared some drinks and
 snacks for the trip. My brothers and I ...(35) got dressed and brought a camera. Within one
 hour, we were all ready and settled ourselves in the car.

33.        a.    bringing
           b.    getting
           c.    telling
           d.    keeping

34.        a.    excited
           b.    annoyed
           c.    dissapointed
           d.    upset

35.        a.    lazily
           b.    hurriedly
           c.    slowly
           d.    diligently

36.   Rearrange the sentences below to make a coherent paragraph.
      1. He lives in a small town and knows every family on his route.
      2. Neil Moore has been a postman for 20 years.
      3. At Christmas many families give him presents.
      4. They appreciate his dedication and good service.
      5. He has carried mail in heat and in cold, in rain and in snow.
      6. He has delivered thousands of letters to homes on his mail route.
            a.    1-2-3-4-5-6
            b. 6-1-3-5-2-4
            c.    2-5-6-1-3-4
            d. 4-5-6-3-2-1

       Read the following text and answer questions 37 to 40.

                                                                    AIR PARADISE INTERNATIONAL
                                                      SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY FARES
                                                      Denpasar - Perth return                                           US$ 235*
                                                      Denpasar - Melbourne return                                       US$ 385*
                                                      * Ticket valid for 1 (one) year. Ticket must be issued before March 2003


    P K                     US$ 295
                                    TO   PERTH
                                           4 HARE
                                                                                 AIR          PARADIE

                  O RNE
              MELBM UUS$ 460               4D/3NARE
                                                                                BALI IS OUR HOME
     TO                                  TWINS                          
                                                                 Flight           Days of                                                                         Kuta megah Block I - I
                                          From        To                                               Departure        Arrival A/C      Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai-Tuban, Denpasar 80361
                                                                Number            Service                                                      Phone: 0361.75 66 66 Fax: 0361.76 61 00
Prices above do not include taxes        Denpasar  Melbourne AD 062 Mon, Fri                               23.50        08.20+1 A310-300
Special conditions apply                                                                                                                 JAKARTA
                                                   Perth     AD 066 Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun                     10.00        13.30
Seats are limited                                                                                                                        Sahid Jaya Hotel. Shopping Arcade S 29
For further information, please          Melbourne Denpasar AD 063 Tue, Sat                                10.00        14.00 A310-300 Jl. Jendral Sudirman 86, Jakarta Pusat
contact our reservation offices
or your preferred travel agents          Perth               AD 067 Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun                     14.30        18.00            Phone: 021.570 23 34 Fax: 021. 570 23 01

       37.       What is the text about?
                     a.     A flight schedule of Air Paradise International.
                     b.     Special routes of Air Paradise International.
                     c.     Special domestic introductory fares.
                     d.     Special overseas introductory fares.

       38.       Your flight number will be ... if you fly from Denpasar to Perth on Wednesday.
                      a.    AD 062
                      b. AD 063
                      c.    AD 066
                      d. AD 067

       39.       How much is the air fare if you travel with your husband and your 19 years old son from
                 Denpasar to Perth?
                     a.    US$ 620
                     b. US$ 705
                     c.    US$ 1.155
                     d.    US$ 1.192,50

40. “Ticket valid 1 (one) year”.
    The underlined word means being ....
         a.    expired
         b.    cancelled
         c.    postponed
         d.    effective

41.   Dea          :       What place are we going to visit ?
      Arini        :       We will visit Tawang Mangu waterfall.
      Dea          :       So, we have to bring some snacks, ...?
      Arini        :       Sure. And also our lunch.
              a.            don’t we
              b.            do we
              c.            haven’t we
              d.            have we

42.   Mother           :   Don’t buy that plant, Susan.
      Susan            :   Why? Is it expensive?
      Mother           :   No. ... it can grow well in our garden.
      Susan            :   Okay, Mom.
           a.              I am sure
           b.              I am certain
           c.              I doubt that
           d.              I’m quite sure

43.   Erlin : Have you ever heard about the eruption of mount Krakatau?
      Reni : Yes. But there were not many people who died.
      Erlin : You’re wrong. Many people living in the coastal area died.

      The underlined utterance expresses ....
           a.    uncertainty
           b.    certainty
           c.    disagreement
           d.    agreement

44    Read this short paragraph.
             It can fly. But it is not a bird. It likes fruit. It flies at night. It never stands on a branch
      of a tree. It hangs.
      Which of the four pictures below does the paragraph tell about?

45.   Look at the picture below!

      Printer B is ... of all.
            a.    the oldest
            b.    the newest
            c.    the cheapest
            d.    the longest

46.   Johan : Have you heard about the robbery at ACI bank?
      Umar : No. Were there any victims?
      Johan : No. They only took all the money. But they would shoot ... who cried.
           a. no one
           b. someone
           c. none
           d. everyone

47.   Azka        :   Have you entered this building before?
      Dila        :   Yes, I have. Its dome is very big and covered with beautiful pictures.
      Azka        :   Let’s go inside.
      Dila        :   Wow. ...
             a.        What is a magnificent building?
             b.        What a magnificent building is it!
             c.        What a magnificent building it is!
             d.        What is the magnificent building?

48.   Sofyan : I got five for English.
      Herman : Oh really? What’s the matter with you? You are usually good at English, aren’t
      Sofyan : Yes, but I had a serious headache last night, ... I couldn’t study well.
           a. but
           b. and
           c. or
           d. so

Read the following graph and answer questions 49 to 50.

 This graph shows students’ games medals which are obtained after six days of full


            0   China South   Russia France Britain Ukraine Japan   USA   Italy Germany

49.   What can you conclude about the medals that every country gets from the graph?
          a.    There are three countries which get the same number of medals.
          b.    None of the countries gets the same numbers of medals.
          c.    The most medals were obtained by Russia.
          d.    The least medals were obtained by Italy.

50.   The total medals obtain by all the countries competitors are ....
           a.    less than 200
           b. more than 200
           c.    two hundreds
           d.    200 at most

51.   1. In 1890 Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a Frenchman, decided to try to start the Olympic
         Games again.
      2. The event lasted for more than 1,000 years but then died out after Greece became part
         of The Roman Empire.
      3. He succeeded, and the first Modern Olympic Games began in Athens, Greece, in 1896.
      4. He wanted to promote how to strengthen the mind and spirit shown in the Classic Greek
         Olympic Games.
      5. The Olympic Games were first held in ancient Greece approximately in the year 776
      The correct arrangement to make a good paragraph is ....
           a.    5–1–2–3–4
           b.    5–1–2–4–3
           c.    5–2–1–3–4
           d.    5–1–2–3–4

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  • 1. UJIAN NASIONAL SMP/MTs Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010 Tahun Pelajaran 2004/2005 2009/2010 BAHASA INGGRIS (C2) (UTAMA) P1 DOWNLOAD SOAL GRATIS LAINNYA DI HTTP://NARUTO-R.BLOGSPOT.COM
  • 2. 2 MATA PELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS PELAKSANAAN Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 7 Juni 2005 Jam : 08.00 – 10.00 PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK) yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B, sesuai petunjuk di Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK). 2. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut. 3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 60 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban. 4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya. 5. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak lengkap. 6. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan. 7. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya. 8. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian. 9. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret, difotokopi, atau digandakan.
  • 3. 3 Read the following text and answer questions 1 to 4. Animal Experimentation Animals are widely used in laboratories. Mice, rabbits, dogs and monkeys are a few examples of animals used by researchers and scientists for scientific and medical purposes. Scientists use the animals to investigate biological processes in humans and animals; to study the causes of diseases; to test drugs, vaccines, and surgical techniques; and to evaluate the safety of chemicals used in pesticides, cosmetics, and other products. Many animals function like humans so that they can be good models to understand the human body. Some animals suffer from the same diseases as humans do. Animals also carry a number of genes that are identical to human genes. With those similarities, scientists are able to learn much about the human body by studying the animals. 1. What do researchers and scientists do in laboratories? a. Make drugs. b. Do experiment. c. Take care of animals. d. Give medical treatment. 2. Scientists learn about the human body by studying .... a. certain animals b. human body itself c. all kinds of animals d. all living things 3. Based on the text, why do the scientists use animals for their experiments? a. Animals are the most suitable objects. b. Scientists don’t want to use humans. c. It’s easier to use animals than humans. d. Animals have similarities to humans. 4. “They are used for scientific and medical purposes.” (Paragraph 1) “They” in the sentence refers to .... a. researchers b. laboratories c. animals d. scientists Download soal bocoran UN 2010 DI: HTTP://NARUTO-R.BLOGSPOT.COM
  • 4. 4 5. Gio : Are you Alief? Alief : Yes, I am. And you? Gio : .... Alief : Oh. How do you do? Gio : How do you do? a. You are Gio b. I am Gio c. Are you Gio? d. Your new friend is Gio. 6. Andra : Are you going to take a bath? Indri : Yes. Is there a clean towel in the bathroom? Andra : No, there isn’t. Wait a minute I’ll give you one. Indri : Thank you. The antonym of the word underlined is .... a. clear b. dirty c. neat d. dusty 7. Fedi : Look! I think the man in brown over there is dumb. Nanda : Why do you say so? Fedi : He always uses gestures when he speaks with his friend. Nanda : Let’s try to speak with him. Fedi : Sorry, .... a. I can’t understand gestures b. I can understand him c. He understands my gestures d. I can communicate with him 8. Ermi : Have you received a letter from Yuli? Marni : Yes. I received it yesterday. Ermi : What did she say? Marni : She ... that she was busy. She didn’t have much time to write. a. said b. say c. says d. will say
  • 5. 5 9. Gita : You have passed the SMP final examination, haven’t you? Dissa : Yes, I have. Gita : ... Senior High School will you choose to continue your studies? Dissa : I’ll choose the favourite “SMU” near my house. a. What b. Where c. Whose d. Which 10. The − man − is − hungry − three − noodles − of − bowls − ordering 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The best arrangement of the words to be a good sentence is .... a. 1–2–3–4–9–5–8–7–6 b. 1–4–2–3–9–5–6–7–8 c. 1–4–2–3–9–5–7–8–6 d. 1–4–2–3–9–5–8–7–6 Read the following passage and answer questions 11 to 14. Going to a movie Josse and Robby decided to go to a film theatre to relax. They were very tired after finishing the exams. They chose to see an adventure film. They didn’t want to see a drama, thriller, or horror film. They wanted to forget studying for one night and fantasize a little. So they bought two tickets for a movie called Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring. They got in the theatre just on time before the movie started. Inside the theatre, a tall man sat on a seat in front of them. He put on a tall hat. Josse and Robby could not see the screen. Josse tapped the man on the shoulder and asked him to remove his hat. When the man turned around to say sorry, they recognized him. He was Mr. Samuel, Josse’s Father. 11. Josse and Robby went to a theatre and saw a/an ... film. a. adventure b. drama c. horror d. thriller 12. What is the most important idea of the first paragraph? a. Josse purposely met his father in the theatre. b. Josse and Robby were late to get in the movie. c. They bought two tickets for the movie. d. Josse and Robby went to the theatre for relaxing.
  • 6. 6 13. Why couldn’t Josse and Robby see the screen? a. A tall man sat in front of them. b. The man sitting in front of them wore a tall hat. c. They sat on seats at the back row. d. They were too short to see the screen clearly. 14. “They didn’t want to see a drama, a thriller or a ...” (Paragraph 1) The word underlined means a film that tells a strory about … events. a. amused b. excellent c. romantic d. scary 15. Study the picture and choose the correct word based on it to complete the dialogue. Mother : Where are the children? Aninda : They are playing ... in the yard. a. hopscotch b. tug-war c. hide and seek d. blindman’s bluff 16. Zarra : My brother will take part in the badminton competition next week. Raisa : Good! Do you think he will be a winner? Zarra : I hope so. He has been training ... since last month. Raisa : I’m glad to hear that. a. regularly b. softly c. hardly d. unseriously 17. Fauzan : My family and I will go to Bali next holiday. Donna : Oh, it’s nice. How will you go there? Fauzan : I’m not sure, whether to go by plane or by train. Donna : You’d better go by plane. It’s .... a. comfortable b. more comfortable c. less comfortable d. most comfortable 18. Rafli : What are you going to do this afternoon, Medina? Medina : I … to the dressmaker. Can you take me there? Rafli : Of course, I can. I’d be delighted. Medina : Thanks a lot. a. have gone b. am going c. went d. go
  • 7. 7 19. Mother : Don’t forget to give the cloth to the dressmaker, Fira. Fira : But I … it to her. Mother : Have you? When did you give it? Fira : I gave it this morning. a. give b. will give C c. have given d. gave Read the following text and answer questions 20 to 23. ELEPHANT SAFARI PARK, TARO 20. What is the text about? a. How to look after elephants. b. Groups of elephants. c. The Elephant Safari Park in Taro. d. Facilities for the elephants. 21. How much is the entrance fee for a child? a. US$ 2.50 b. US$ 5.75 c. US$ 9.50 d. US$29.00
  • 8. 8 22. The Elephant Safari Park was officially opened in ... . a. 1997 b. 2000 c. 2002 d. 2003 23. “Displays of elephant intelligence and their capabilities …” (Paragraph 4) “Their” in the sentence refers to .... a. visitors b. trainers c. elephants d. children 24. Ina : A friend of mine from Padang has been staying at Melati Hotel for five days. ... Delia : I am verry sorry. I have many things to do now. Ina : What about tonight? Delia : Okay, I will. a. Will she accompany you to go there? b. Could you accompany me to meet her? c. Can I go there to meet her? d. Would you like me to accompany you to meet? 25. Budi : Why was Shifa absent yesterday? Dina : Her father passed away. Budi : .... Why didn’t you tell me before? Dina : I have just heard it. a. It’s terrific b. That’s a good news c. I’m glad to hear that d. I’m very sorry to hear that 26. Filza : What about your throat now? Ari : I still feel a serious pain, but my mother will take me to the doctor. Filza : Well, ... . Ari : Thank you. a. you’ll be strong b. I hope you will be okay c. how happy you are d. that’s a bad news
  • 9. 9 27. Riyan : What time will you leave for Semarang? Rizki : At seven o’clock. Riyan : Do you want me to phone a taxi? Rizki : .... My friend will pick me up. a. No, thank you b. Yes, please c. You’re right d. That’s a good idea 28. Shilni : I hear that Nadia is living in Lampung. Rahmat : You are right. Shilni : ... does she stay with? Rahmat : With her grandmother. a. How b. Who c. Whom d. Where 29. Study the following table to answer question no.29 Anton’s activities Activities Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun - Swimming √ - Playing basketball √ √ - Going to the movie with a friend √ - Taking an English course √ √ According to the above table, Anton goes to the movie with a friend ... a week. a. once b. twice c. three times d. four times
  • 10. 10 Read the following letter and answer questions 30 to 32. Bukittinggi 20th April 2005 Dear Ghea, My brother and I are in Bukittinggi now. We arrived here on Sunday morning at five. It was already busy, probably because of the holidays. We went directly to the remains of “De Kock Fortress’ and found a lot of people jogging along this area. We took a rest here, sitting under the tree and enjoyed at the fresh air. It was almost 6.30. We went to a famous “warung”, called “Pical si Kai”. Here we had coffee, “pical”, “ketupat gulai”, etc. Because all hotels had been full, we rented a room in a house nearby. The room was quite nice. The bathroom was clean enough and the rent was not too expensive. At about eight we went to “Sianok” valley. It is such a very beautiful valley. On the bank of the valley there is a long cave, called “Japanese cave”. It is very long. It goes deeply into the ground with an entrance at one end, and an exit at the other end. The people here said that a long time ago the cave was used by the Japanese army to protect themselves from the Dutch attack. At that time it seemed that there was nothing in the ground. Both the entrance and the exit were covered by plants. Well that’s all about our first day in Bukittinggi. We are going to visit “Lake Maninjau”, “Lembah Anai Falls”, etc. the next day. Hope to be here someday with you. Please, reply soon. Bye for now Indri 30. Indri mostly talks about ... in the letter. a. Ghea’s journey to Bukittinggi b. Indri and Ghea are in Bukittinggi c. some places of interest in Bukittinggi d. “Sianok”, the very beautiful valley 31. Where did Indri go first? a. To a famous “warung.” b. To Sianok valley c. To the Japanese Cave d. To the “De Kock Fortress” 32. Why did Indri stay in a house nearby? a. The rent of the house was not expensive. b. The bathroom there was clean enough. c. They didn’t have enough money to stay in a hotel. d. They couldn’t find any vacant rooms in the hotels.
  • 11. 11 For questions 33 to 35, choose the suitable word to complete the paragraph. It was a public holiday. We did not have anything to do, so Father suggested ...(33) us to Safari Park in Cisarua. All of us got very ...(34). Mother quickly prepared some drinks and snacks for the trip. My brothers and I ...(35) got dressed and brought a camera. Within one hour, we were all ready and settled ourselves in the car. 33. a. bringing b. getting c. telling d. keeping 34. a. excited b. annoyed c. dissapointed d. upset 35. a. lazily b. hurriedly c. slowly d. diligently 36. Rearrange the sentences below to make a coherent paragraph. 1. He lives in a small town and knows every family on his route. 2. Neil Moore has been a postman for 20 years. 3. At Christmas many families give him presents. 4. They appreciate his dedication and good service. 5. He has carried mail in heat and in cold, in rain and in snow. 6. He has delivered thousands of letters to homes on his mail route. a. 1-2-3-4-5-6 b. 6-1-3-5-2-4 c. 2-5-6-1-3-4 d. 4-5-6-3-2-1
  • 12. 12 Read the following text and answer questions 37 to 40. AIR PARADISE INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY FARES Denpasar - Perth return US$ 235* Denpasar - Melbourne return US$ 385* * Ticket valid for 1 (one) year. Ticket must be issued before March 2003 SPECIAL NYACPIAGE E P K US$ 295 TO PERTH D/3N 4 HARE TWINS AIR PARADIE INTERNATIONAL FROM START O RNE MELBM UUS$ 460 4D/3NARE H BALI IS OUR HOME TO TWINS FRO START BALI Flight Days of Kuta megah Block I - I From To Departure Arrival A/C Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai-Tuban, Denpasar 80361 Number Service Phone: 0361.75 66 66 Fax: 0361.76 61 00 E-mail: Prices above do not include taxes Denpasar Melbourne AD 062 Mon, Fri 23.50 08.20+1 A310-300 Special conditions apply JAKARTA Perth AD 066 Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun 10.00 13.30 Seats are limited Sahid Jaya Hotel. Shopping Arcade S 29 For further information, please Melbourne Denpasar AD 063 Tue, Sat 10.00 14.00 A310-300 Jl. Jendral Sudirman 86, Jakarta Pusat contact our reservation offices or your preferred travel agents Perth AD 067 Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun 14.30 18.00 Phone: 021.570 23 34 Fax: 021. 570 23 01 37. What is the text about? a. A flight schedule of Air Paradise International. b. Special routes of Air Paradise International. c. Special domestic introductory fares. d. Special overseas introductory fares. 38. Your flight number will be ... if you fly from Denpasar to Perth on Wednesday. a. AD 062 b. AD 063 c. AD 066 d. AD 067 39. How much is the air fare if you travel with your husband and your 19 years old son from Denpasar to Perth? a. US$ 620 b. US$ 705 c. US$ 1.155 d. US$ 1.192,50
  • 13. 13 40. “Ticket valid 1 (one) year”. The underlined word means being .... a. expired b. cancelled c. postponed d. effective 41. Dea : What place are we going to visit ? Arini : We will visit Tawang Mangu waterfall. Dea : So, we have to bring some snacks, ...? Arini : Sure. And also our lunch. a. don’t we b. do we c. haven’t we d. have we 42. Mother : Don’t buy that plant, Susan. Susan : Why? Is it expensive? Mother : No. ... it can grow well in our garden. Susan : Okay, Mom. a. I am sure b. I am certain c. I doubt that d. I’m quite sure 43. Erlin : Have you ever heard about the eruption of mount Krakatau? Reni : Yes. But there were not many people who died. Erlin : You’re wrong. Many people living in the coastal area died. The underlined utterance expresses .... a. uncertainty b. certainty c. disagreement d. agreement 44 Read this short paragraph. It can fly. But it is not a bird. It likes fruit. It flies at night. It never stands on a branch of a tree. It hangs. Which of the four pictures below does the paragraph tell about?
  • 14. 14 45. Look at the picture below! Printer B is ... of all. a. the oldest b. the newest c. the cheapest d. the longest 46. Johan : Have you heard about the robbery at ACI bank? Umar : No. Were there any victims? Johan : No. They only took all the money. But they would shoot ... who cried. a. no one b. someone c. none d. everyone 47. Azka : Have you entered this building before? Dila : Yes, I have. Its dome is very big and covered with beautiful pictures. Azka : Let’s go inside. Dila : Wow. ... a. What is a magnificent building? b. What a magnificent building is it! c. What a magnificent building it is! d. What is the magnificent building? 48. Sofyan : I got five for English. Herman : Oh really? What’s the matter with you? You are usually good at English, aren’t you? Sofyan : Yes, but I had a serious headache last night, ... I couldn’t study well. a. but b. and c. or d. so
  • 15. 15 Read the following graph and answer questions 49 to 50. This graph shows students’ games medals which are obtained after six days of full competition 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 China South Russia France Britain Ukraine Japan USA Italy Germany Korea 49. What can you conclude about the medals that every country gets from the graph? a. There are three countries which get the same number of medals. b. None of the countries gets the same numbers of medals. c. The most medals were obtained by Russia. d. The least medals were obtained by Italy. 50. The total medals obtain by all the countries competitors are .... a. less than 200 b. more than 200 c. two hundreds d. 200 at most 51. 1. In 1890 Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a Frenchman, decided to try to start the Olympic Games again. 2. The event lasted for more than 1,000 years but then died out after Greece became part of The Roman Empire. 3. He succeeded, and the first Modern Olympic Games began in Athens, Greece, in 1896. 4. He wanted to promote how to strengthen the mind and spirit shown in the Classic Greek Olympic Games. 5. The Olympic Games were first held in ancient Greece approximately in the year 776 B.C. The correct arrangement to make a good paragraph is .... a. 5–1–2–3–4 b. 5–1–2–4–3 c. 5–2–1–3–4 d. 5–1–2–3–4