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Sleep Informative Essay
Informative Essay: Sleep You start school every day at eight o'clock in the morning. This requires
students to wake up early enough to complete their morning routine, which most likely includes
showering, brushing your teeth, eating breakfast, getting dressed, etc. Some of these tasks may be
time consuming and challenging to accomplish in the morning. Maybe you spent the night before
at your job, where you are working hard, making and saving money before going home to start on
some hours worth of homework. But, you know you have to get up and complete your tasks. As
difficult as it is, you drag yourself out of bed to complete your routine and hurry to school. Scientists
say that teens typically require around eight to ten hours of more content...
The internet and smartphones are the most common distractions. Fifty percent of teenagers (ages
twelve through eighteen) feel addicted to their smartphones (, which may result as a
problem. Students that do their homework tend to distract themselves by checking their
smartphones for notifications on social media platforms which becomes a daily routine. The
more distractions on your smartphone, the more hours it takes to complete your school work
which could reduce your hours in sleep duration. It is all connected. The way we live our lives
greatly impacts the way we sleep. The way we sleep greatly impacts the way we live our lives.
Basically, it is a never ending cycle (until we die, of course.) Sure, while the early bird gets the
worm, the early bird must also be the one who goes to sleep at a decent time. They must also be
the ones who manage their time well, keep on track, and stay focused in order to reach our full
potential. With enough sleep, we can make this possible by overcoming the
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Essay on Lifelong Learning
Lifelong learning
Lifelong learning is the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the life of an
individual. The first characteristic of lifelong learning is that it encompasses both formal and
non–formal/informal types of education and training. Formal learning includes the hierarchically
structured school system that runs from primary school through the university and organized
school–like programs created in business for technical and professional training. Whereas informal
learning describes a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and
knowledge from daily experience and the educational influences and resources in his or her
environment, from family and neighbors, from work and play, more content...
The computer industry is a growing field that will never stay the same as it was when it started.
We will always need additional learning to be able to keep our jobs or move up on the corporate
ladder. We can learn about these changes by going back to school, going to workshops, or on the
job training if it is available. These opportunities are tools that will help you learn more about your
job. The skills that you learn at one job will help you advance in that position or get you another
position with that company or another company. For example,
If you we are tired of being at that same died end job make that change and go back to school to get
that additional education to pursue your dream that you have. Working a job and having a career
are two different things. After spend some years in the work force I decided to further my
education. I wanted a career that I can advance in and learn more.
The process of designing a lifelong learning plan begins with putting it in writing. This plan,
sometimes called a learning contract, must be a dynamic process intended to provide structure in an
unstructured environment – known as everyday life.
Lifelong learning exists within this world, allowing learners the freedom to enroll in formal
continuing education programs or self–directed learning such as learning how to garden or play an
instrument, as examples. A personal learning plan or learning contract should focus on the following
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Thesis Statement For Informative Essay
Informative essay thesis statement:
Nowadays, biofuels have become essential for future economic development and environmental
protection. Primarily, their environment–friendliness and low carbon emissions are emphasized as
the main advantages. However, in reality, few investigations were made to find out the
disadvantages of such renewable alternative, and it may bring much more negative impacts than its
Claim of definition: Biofuels are energy sources made from living things, or the waste that living
things produce and can be produced from a wide variety of sources such as sugars, starches, oil, and
animal fats.
Claim of cause and effect: Producing and using palm oil based biofuel significantly result in global
warming, deforestation,
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The Informative Essay: The Sport Of Lacrosse
Lacrosse is a team sport played with a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball. Players use the head of the
lacrosse stick to carry, pass, catch, and shoot the ball into the goal. The sport is governed by the
Federation of International Lacrosse; the most prominent international competition is the World
Lacrosse Championship, which has been dominated by the United States. The sport has four versions
that have different sticks, fields, rules and equipment: field lacrosse, women's lacrosse, box
lacrosse and intercrosse. The men's games, field lacrosse (outdoor) and box lacrosse (indoor), are
contact sports and all players wear protective gear: helmet, gloves, shoulder pads, and elbow pads.
The women's game does not allow body contact but does allow stick to stick contact. The only
protective gear required for women players is eyegear, while goalies wear helmets and protective
pads. Intercrosse is a mixed–gender non–contact sport that uses an all–plastic stick and a softer ball.
Field lacrosse is the men's outdoor version of the sport. There are ten players on each team: three
attackmen, three midfielders, three defensemen, and one goalie. Each player carries a lacrosse stick.
A short stick measures between 40 and 42 inches (about 1 meter) long and is used by attackmen and
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Informative Essay: Is College Necessary?
"Education is critical, college is not." (Live Careers) As straightforward as it is, college isn't for
everyone. There are a plethora of reasons for not going to college, but it feels like a norm in
current time. When you graduate high school, you are normally 17 or almost 18 which means that
you are capable of your life after you're handed the high school diploma. If a student doesn't see
college in their future, or it isn't their dream, then they shouldn't feel required to attend. An
alternative could possibly be to get an entry level job, military, or volunteering. The point here is,
college after high school isn't necessary. While college provides tons of information and knowledge
and could expand the range of hardworking jobs for an individual, itВґs very expensive and proven
to put students in massive debt. Some college graduates are employed in jobs that do not require
college degrees, and after college they may have the degrees and knowledge, but they will have to
pay of the debt before they are able to invest in anything as an adult. An astonishing option is
enlisting in the military. "When it comes to job security, promotional opportunities, and even
education, the military is second to none. The military is definitely a career choice that you can be
proud of – there's no greater cause than serving your country." (forbes) more content...
An entry level job is a basic first job that a young adult takes upon to have training or degree
program. Entry level in this sense refers to the entry point into a specific chosen profession. If you
want to work but you're not interested in the military, considering an entry level job at a large
company or corporation is smart. Companies usually hire graduates into basic positions. Looking
for jobs in retail or the service industry for the most opportunities is also a great option. Even
though this might not be the best in pay, if you work hard enough you could get a bigger position
with higher
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Informative Speech About Love
Some people walk into your life and change everything about what happens next. When they come
all you can do is surrender. Everything about them defeats you. The person you thought you were
vanishes and finally for the first time you have it. That thing that moves everything else that thing
that most people search eternity for can't find.
You finally found it and it consumes you. Nothing compares to it. Every tear you ever cried, every
disappointment that ever came was worth it, if this is where it led you. It was worth it. You found it.
That thing that stirs the soul you found love. What is it to be in love?
What is it to love another person so deeply that they become your religion? Their touch your
redemption, their kiss your salvation. What is that like? Isn't love suicide? You go into it, but you
never come out someone else does. I'm talking about the sort of love that blurs boundaries.
You can't remember where you end and they begin. This kind of love transforms you, It expands
you without description, words become useless. What you think she feels, what you feel he
dreams. For even your dreams become sacred places the same way the places you make love, taste,
and enter each other become alters to a union words can barely describe. I'm talking about the kind
of love where souls whisper and make promises to one another.
That only the heart can remember. Have you ever been in love? Have you ever been so deeply
connected to and defined by another human being? If you
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Informative Speech On Immigration
Title of Presentation: Immigration is More Complex than it Seems.
Specific Purpose: To inform about immigration in the United States.
Thesis Statement: Today I will be informing you about immigration in the United States.
I.According to, accessed October 16, 2017, "In 2015 (alone), 1.38 million
foreign–born individuals moved to the United States, a 2 percent increase from 1.36 million in 2014."
II.Immigration has been a topic of great discussion and controversy even before this year's election.
In recent years, illegal immigration has been the focus of these discussions, but other forms of
immigration exist. Immigrants also immigrate through legal processes.
III.Today I will be informing you about immigration in the United States.
IV.I will start my presentation with a depiction of what legal and illegal immigration encompass.
After, I will talk about the impacts of immigration on America. I will finalize my presentation with
the current government actions that are changing the immigration system.
Transition: Now let's analyze the different immigration path ways that are available.
I.The process of immigrating to the U.S. involves more than one pathway and extensive
A.When an immigrant utilizes a legal process to get in the country, the process can take a lot of time
and money., accessed October 16, 2017, claims that Immigrants can apply
for visas or U.S. residencies
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Informative Speech Essay
What if a speaker had an important topic that they needed to get across to their audience? How
would the speaker go about it and what type of speech would the speaker choose. Well chapter 13
contents the creative process for informative speaking. What informative speaking is how to choose
a focused informative topic, how to conduct a research and informative outline? The chapter also
contains how to organize the body, introduction, and conclusion of the informativespeech. Lastly
chapter 13 contents explain how to prepare to present the speech and evaluate and informative
speech. In order to make a well informative speech the speaker needs to be logical and purposeful.
There are five steps to achieve a well–spoken speech. The first more content...
Finally choose the specific purpose and central idea. These two help the speaker stay on topic while
giving the audience the objective for the speech. Now that the speaker has figured out what type of
speech they want to present they can create a working outline. The outline should take a few minutes
to construct. This will guide the speaker research. Now the working outline is only a rough outline.
In this outline the speaker might use question for the main points and later use sentences for the
preparation outline. After the working outline is complete the speaker is ready to conduct research.
When researching the speaker wants to find material the will make the audience want to listen and
learn. The speaker should select material that have a language level appropriate, something that will
interest the audience, and if the topic is complex make sure to find multiple perspectives and means
because everyone learns differently. The speaker should use the internet, library, newspapers,
magazines, and personal knowledge in order to create their speech. Now that the speaker knows the
topic it is time for them to construct the informative outline. This outline is structured and includes
complete sentences and will typically end with a source page. When making the outline a speaker
needs to know how to organize the body of an informative speech. first the speaker needs to
understand that an informative speech utilize chronological, topical, spatial, comparative,
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Informative Speech On Beauty
Informative Speech Outline Attention–Getter: Mirror Mirror on the wall, tell me who is the most
beautiful of them all?
Thesis Statement: Beauty is defined in many different ways around the world. Examples of this
include body scars, paleness, and full figures. (Example)
What's in it for the audience: According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, beauty is defined as
qualities in a person that give pleasure to the senses or exalts the mind or spirit. (Merriam Webster
Dictionary) It is important to know not only how beauty is defined in American society, but also in
other cultures.
Credibility: For the past several weeks, I have done intensive research on beauty in three different
cultures including Ethiopia, China, and Mauritania. Along with this, I have interviewed Dr. Sanz, an
anthropologist here at the university.
Preview: Scars, skin color, and body weight all make up who we are, although different cultures view
these characteristics very differently.
Transition: While Americans are concerned with erasing scars, Ethiopian tribes are creating them.
Scarification is a method Ethiopian tribes use to represent themselves and show beauty within their
culture. (Fact) (Style) According to Ruth Style, a Daily Mail journalist, Ethiopian tribes, such as the
Surma use razor blades and thorns to create scars during a special ceremony. (Example) During the
voluntary ceremony, one must not show pain because pain brings disgrace to the family name.
(Example) (Style)
After the initial cut, scars have organic sap and ash rubbed onto them in order to make them heal as
raised bumps. (Example) (Style)
Scarification is an increasingly risky business, but plays huge role in Ethiopian tribal life. (Fact)
(Style) B. These decorated scars are more than a sign of old injury. Scars represent culture,
adulthood, and belonging. Most of all, the scars on these bodies represent beauty. (Fact) (Style)
Men and women have these scar patterns on their shoulders, chest, face, and entire body. Different
tribes focus on different areas of the body. For example, the Dassanech from Oma River Valley
focuses on shoulder scars. (Example) (Style)
Scars are a sign of beauty within tribes. Scars on women, in particular, are seen
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Informative Essay On Social Media
Social Media has changed the way we look at the world now–a–days. People have become obsessed
with post or looking others post on Social media. Ever since the smartphone has been released,
new social media apps have become more relevant and very popular. Teens and young adults are
the reason why social media is very popular because now people can communicate with families
from different countries or talk and make new friends through social media. There are three types of
Social Medias that affected communication. The first social media app that I will be talking about,
that has effected people lives and the way people communicate now–a–days, is Snapchat. Snapchat
is an app that allows people to communicate with others through pictures and videos. Snapchat has
become a very popular app that has changed the way teens and adults communicate with others.
Elyse Betters explains that "Snapchat is a fun messaging app. You can capture a photo or brief
video with it, then add a caption or doodle or filter/lens over top, and send the finished creation
(called a snap) to a friend." (Pocket–Lint). People can communicate with anyone around the world
through pictures and videos. The way Snapchat has effected people in a good way is that you can
stay connected with the world. Snapchat provided its users with news, gossip, and entertainment
through the main page of Snapchat. Snapchat has different types of stories that businesses or news
networks post on snapchat so that the users are
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Writing An Informative Essay
The definition essay is the most basic form of an informative essay. Its goal is to simply provide an
explanation. Informative essays that define provide their explanation using one of three methods:
They can use synonyms to explain what the new term is similar to, categories to help the reader see
where the term fits in compared to others, or negation to allow the reader to understand the term by
seeing what it isn't. In addition to the three methods, there are several ways you can organize an
informative essay that provides a definition. The most important thing is to present them in a logical
order that makes sense, and there's not one method that's best in every case. Some organization
schemes you might consider include presenting examples
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Anxiety And Informative Essay
If someone asked the question, "have you ever experienced anxiety", most will say yes, because
occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. Some people feel anxious when a situation transpires at
their workplace, if they are about to take a test, or making important decisions that occurs in
everyday life. But if you suffer with anxiety disorders, it involves more than just a brief moment of
worry or fear. The anxiety disorder that people suffer with does not just secede in due time; it gets
worse over time and sometimes last years. These emotions can interfere with daily activities such as
job performance, school work, and relationships. There are several different types of anxiety
disorders. Examples include generalized anxiety disorder, post–traumatic more content...
PTSD is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event – either experiencing it or
witnessing it. If you or someone you know has PTSD, there symptoms might include flashbacks,
nightmares and severe anxiety, and consequently, uncontrollable thoughts about the event. It now
includes four primary major symptom clusters which are re–experiencing, arousal, avoidance, and
persistent negative alterations in cognitions and mood. Most of the time when you hear about
PTSD, it is concerning the military, war, and soldiers. Some Veterans develop severe anxiety after a
trauma or a life–threatening experience such as, the veterans of the Vietnam war. These vets
experience stressful life events everyday like the transition from military to civilian life or difficult
work situations. These situations can cause them to have anxiety disorders. There have been
numerous studies of post–traumatic stress disorder in trauma victims, war veterans, and residents of
communities exposed to disaster. Epidemiologic studies of this syndrome in the general population
are rare, but add an important perspective to our understanding of
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Informative Speech On Fake News
Topic: Fake News General Purpose: Is to Inform Specific Purpose: The goal of the speech is to
give students a basic overview and understanding of media literacy including how to recognize
fake news stories. Thesis: The approach I am going to take is to present students the basics of
media literacy, tips to identify credible news sources, and why so much on the internet is fake.
Attention Getter: Have you ever came across a news article that read more like fiction then fact, a
headline that caused you to question why you hadn't heard about it before an article that had the
power to change your previous beliefs? If you have chances are you were probably reading fake
news! Fake news has reached a new pinnacle in its pervasiveness and more content...
Third: Have you ever heard of the news site or organization reporting the story? Transition: Fake
news has always been around, although since the dawn of the internet age it is rapidly expanding
its scope and influence. C.Fake news has always been around. 1.History is full of examples where
sensational stories have been mistaken for valid news stories. 2.With the introduction of the digital
age and media advancements it has become easier to monetize the distribution of fake news.
II.Conclusion A.By taking the time to research the news articles we are reading we can avoid
contributing to the spreading of fake news. B.1.It is important to understand and have the
confidence to challenge the veracity of questionable content. 2.It is important to examine and fact
check to identify the difference between credible vs. non credible news stories. 3.Fake news is
shaping our public opinion on political, social and world views. C.Think back to the question I
asked at the beginning about the unbelievable news article that caught your attention at the
beginning of this speech how many of you passed the story along, clicked share, tweeted about it?
In the current digital age, we must work to educate ourselves on the dangers of fake news and
passing it
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Informative Speech On Anxiety
Anxiety is one of the most common illnesses in America. Your palms can get sweaty, you get
nervous and your blood pressure can increase. Some students can go through anxiety every day just
by having to go to school or present in class like I am now. I am presenting a speech in front of a
decent size class some of who I am familiar with and some of you who I barely know so that can be
a bit scary and nerve racking.
I will discuss what Anxiety is, how to diagnose it, and also how to treat it. It is very common and
I'm pretty sure most of you know basically what it is. But just in case I will go over the main
important things to know about Anxiety. According to the National Institute of Mental Health,
anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear. For a person with an anxiety disorder,
the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. The feelings can interfere with daily
activities such as job performance, school work, and relationships. There are several different types
of anxiety disorders. Examples include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social
anxiety disorder. According to the American psychological association, Anxiety is an emotion
characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and invisible changes like increased blood
pressure. You can have OCD, phobias, panic attacks, and PTSD. OCD is basically anxiety that takes
the form of obsessions and compulsions. I know many of you guys are scared of spiders or bees and
that is
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Informative Speech On Racism
Racism is like an epidemic in that it is spread by communities and affects thousands of lives every
day. It is shown through speech and actions from the age range of children to elders. When in
effect, racism can become violent and flip lives upside down. Fast forward past all the civil rights
movements and efforts to halt racism, and today's society still has an abundance of racism.
Eradicating racism all together has been the goal since the beginning of time, but I believe to make
people aware of actual damage it causes is the best way to advocate how wrong this discrimination
is. One of the most impactful program I have seen to spread awareness of racism is the television hit
series titled "Switched at Birth". During the specific episode, a select group of white students placed
cotton balls throughout the lawn of the Black Student Union. Since these said students were white
and rich, they got away with it. This lack of punishment from authority for such a horrendous act
created an uprising within the Union. Not only did they peacefully protest, but one member went on
a hunger strike to gain attention. The school refused to partake in the expulsion of the students and
requests of equality from the union, so the one member continued her hunger strike. Soon after this
refusal of acknowledgment, the said member was sent to the hospital as she had passed out and
almost lost her life. Even after this event, the school wanted to ignore her actions and keep the
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Informative Essay About Bullying
Bullying is a type of behavior that hurts, humiliates or harms another person physically or
emotionally. For instance, Take Josh. He was a 7th grade student in a small town where his dad
lives still to this day he was a boy with short golden hair. In his first year of middle school, kids
taunted him and spit on him in the hallways. It didn't occur to him to tell his parents or teachers.
Finally, when a group of 20 kids threatened to beat him up at the carwash the next day, he finally
told his older brother, who in turn informed his parents. His dad looked up his main tormentor's
phone number in the phone book and told her dad to make his daughter stop or he'd contact the
police. It worked. Josh's story is a story to tell others and studies show that each year kids just like
Josh are victims of bullying. Over 3.2 million school aged students are bullied each year according to–facts–about–bullying resulting in about 160,000 staying
home from school because of it. 17% of American students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a
month or more within a school semester. Josh was bullied so badly in the worst ways and he
decided to tell and it changed his life, you can make the decision to tell yourself or let others, but
don't just sit there and let the bullies be mean, if josh wouldn't have told his brother then josh
would have had bruises all over his face after school. If you see someone getting bullied i suggest
you tell someone it will change someone's life.
There are several types of bullying. One form of bullying is verbal. People can be verbally bullied
by name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks.
Another type of bullying is cyber bullying. People are cyber–bullied by being harassed online,
cyberstalking, outing, and catfished. The terms outing and Catfishing are not well–known but they
are truly terrible. Outing is the public display or forwarding of personal communications such as
text messages, emails or instant messaging. If you don't know what Catfishing is, it is a person who
fakes there age on an online account and tries luring out young people, and many teens. There has
been some others who have started talking sexualy
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Informative Essay On Social Media
People begin to connect more and more every day with the power of social media. Whether
someone is thousands of miles away or a few blocks from your house there is the possibility of
finding them on social media. The question is, with all the connecting possible through social
media does it make us more distant to one another? With today's youth, social media begins to
take over one's life and become their main source of interacting. Social media is possibly one of
the best and worst creations in the modern world but the cons definitely triumph over the pros.
Social media can be too informative at times. Suppose you were looking for a job and applied but
the chances of ever being hired were ruined because of what you post online. The fact that one
can be chosen to be looked up and be reviewed on based on their beliefs. For example "someone
applying to become the new head of a science department. The applicant had attended conferences
on creationism and posted notes online. Someone from the steering committee saw them and
voiced concerns and the applicant was turned down" (Fox 7). It creates a mindset of having to
second guess what you post due to the possibility of it affecting you in the future. Even if you do
get hired getting passed the screening there is still the employer's awareness to posts that you may
have to take into consideration. There is a chance of being terminated if you were to post something
the employee may deem notable to consider letting you go. However
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I am writing an informative essay for my English 111 course. My medium for this project will be
a formal academic manuscript. I will be writing to Professor Helfrich and my classmates. I will be
writing this argument essay to an audience of people who support and want to solve the issue to
stop mistreating animals that are consumed. Also, this essay could benefit people who are not
aware of this issue or have an opposing view. Throughout this essay I will be making my audience
aware of why industrial production of food is being done in an unethical manner and the the health
problems and risks that are arising. There are many reasons that this argument is a concern. These
reasons include overlooked production practices, high and fast more content...
They are as easy as enforcing better laws and regulations. "Livestock production relies heavily on
antimicrobials, hormones, and a variety of other pharmaceuticals. A number of concerns have
been raised about these developments, including the presence of drug residues in meat and the
impact of these production techniques on animal welfare" (Schneider). Today many people are
confused as to why there are not a lot stricter and enforced rules being taken into play when it
comes to our health and the environment. Even though there are many rules and regulation put
into place by the FDA it is a possibility that there are so many underlying rules and regulations put
into place and it is hard for these companies to keep up with them. There needs to be a strict and a
laid out set of rules that are easy to follow and that are not being changed and modified daily.
These laws and regulations are more likely to be changed if more attention was brought to this
issue. Attention could be brought to the public by more media such as social media, television,
newspapers, etc. By bringing attention to this matter people will want to become more educated
about the topic and what they can do to help prevent this type of behavior. "Each year an estimated
5,000 Americans die and another 77 million get sick from disease producing agents in the food they
eat" (Sifry). These numbers show how undereducated people are about the risks buying
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Informative Essay On Social Anxiety
Feeling anxious before giving a speech or presenting a project is normal, but when that anxiety
carries over into being nervous before going to a casual party or meeting up with friends, that is
when it might be more than just nerves. Social anxiety is one of the most common forms of anxiety.
About fifteen million adults in America suffer from social anxiety, with the typical onset age being
thirteen (Social Anxiety Disorder). Overcoming social anxiety takes tremendous efforts and can take
many years. There are many different methods people have tried using to overcome their fears. Two
common ones people use are learning to control their breath and cognitive–behavioral therapy. With
persistence and determination, people can learn to deal with their social anxiety the healthy way, or
better yet, overcome it completely. To start, breathing is a more content...
Cognitive–behavioral therapy is a technique in which the individual with social anxiety changes their
beliefs that influence their perception of their environment. People with social anxiety typically have
more negative thoughts that don't align with reality. They might think about something simple and
then over think it and make it a much bigger deal in their head. The goal of cognitive–behavioral
therapy is to replace those over dramatic thoughts with more realistic ones (Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy). The behavioral part of cognitive–behavioral therapy is exposure training. Many people
with social anxiety have probably been told to just go out and face their fears, but this will not
work. The exposure training has to be very gradual and is a step–by–step process. The process is
very slow, and if it moves to fast it will backfire (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). Once those two
steps, cognitive and behavioral, have been taken and are headed towards improvement, one will be
well on their way to overcoming their social
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The Titanic Informative Essay
Currently it's 2018, 106 years since the disaster in 1912. A little while ago, we finished the unit on
the Titanic and most of my questions were answered. Like exactly how many people were able to
survive the tragedy or why did only a few lifeboats go back to find survivors? "706 survivors" and
"the people onboard didn't want to die" were the responses I got.
There were many other interesting facts about the Titanic, and I'm going to try to include them all in
this writing.
First things first, the Titanic was said to be "The Ship of Wonders"; and if you were onboard, you
would've thought that it truly was. Almost everything onboard was extraordinary. From the
bedrooms to the restaurants, everything looked amazing. However, that was if you
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Informative Essays

  • 1. Sleep Informative Essay Informative Essay: Sleep You start school every day at eight o'clock in the morning. This requires students to wake up early enough to complete their morning routine, which most likely includes showering, brushing your teeth, eating breakfast, getting dressed, etc. Some of these tasks may be time consuming and challenging to accomplish in the morning. Maybe you spent the night before at your job, where you are working hard, making and saving money before going home to start on some hours worth of homework. But, you know you have to get up and complete your tasks. As difficult as it is, you drag yourself out of bed to complete your routine and hurry to school. Scientists say that teens typically require around eight to ten hours of more content... The internet and smartphones are the most common distractions. Fifty percent of teenagers (ages twelve through eighteen) feel addicted to their smartphones (, which may result as a problem. Students that do their homework tend to distract themselves by checking their smartphones for notifications on social media platforms which becomes a daily routine. The more distractions on your smartphone, the more hours it takes to complete your school work which could reduce your hours in sleep duration. It is all connected. The way we live our lives greatly impacts the way we sleep. The way we sleep greatly impacts the way we live our lives. Basically, it is a never ending cycle (until we die, of course.) Sure, while the early bird gets the worm, the early bird must also be the one who goes to sleep at a decent time. They must also be the ones who manage their time well, keep on track, and stay focused in order to reach our full potential. With enough sleep, we can make this possible by overcoming the Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Lifelong Learning Lifelong learning Lifelong learning is the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the life of an individual. The first characteristic of lifelong learning is that it encompasses both formal and non–formal/informal types of education and training. Formal learning includes the hierarchically structured school system that runs from primary school through the university and organized school–like programs created in business for technical and professional training. Whereas informal learning describes a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educational influences and resources in his or her environment, from family and neighbors, from work and play, more content... The computer industry is a growing field that will never stay the same as it was when it started. We will always need additional learning to be able to keep our jobs or move up on the corporate ladder. We can learn about these changes by going back to school, going to workshops, or on the job training if it is available. These opportunities are tools that will help you learn more about your job. The skills that you learn at one job will help you advance in that position or get you another position with that company or another company. For example, If you we are tired of being at that same died end job make that change and go back to school to get that additional education to pursue your dream that you have. Working a job and having a career are two different things. After spend some years in the work force I decided to further my education. I wanted a career that I can advance in and learn more. The process of designing a lifelong learning plan begins with putting it in writing. This plan, sometimes called a learning contract, must be a dynamic process intended to provide structure in an unstructured environment – known as everyday life. Lifelong learning exists within this world, allowing learners the freedom to enroll in formal continuing education programs or self–directed learning such as learning how to garden or play an instrument, as examples. A personal learning plan or learning contract should focus on the following four Get more content on
  • 3. Thesis Statement For Informative Essay Informative essay thesis statement: Nowadays, biofuels have become essential for future economic development and environmental protection. Primarily, their environment–friendliness and low carbon emissions are emphasized as the main advantages. However, in reality, few investigations were made to find out the disadvantages of such renewable alternative, and it may bring much more negative impacts than its advantages. Claim of definition: Biofuels are energy sources made from living things, or the waste that living things produce and can be produced from a wide variety of sources such as sugars, starches, oil, and animal fats. Claim of cause and effect: Producing and using palm oil based biofuel significantly result in global warming, deforestation, Get more content on
  • 4. The Informative Essay: The Sport Of Lacrosse Lacrosse is a team sport played with a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball. Players use the head of the lacrosse stick to carry, pass, catch, and shoot the ball into the goal. The sport is governed by the Federation of International Lacrosse; the most prominent international competition is the World Lacrosse Championship, which has been dominated by the United States. The sport has four versions that have different sticks, fields, rules and equipment: field lacrosse, women's lacrosse, box lacrosse and intercrosse. The men's games, field lacrosse (outdoor) and box lacrosse (indoor), are contact sports and all players wear protective gear: helmet, gloves, shoulder pads, and elbow pads. The women's game does not allow body contact but does allow stick to stick contact. The only protective gear required for women players is eyegear, while goalies wear helmets and protective pads. Intercrosse is a mixed–gender non–contact sport that uses an all–plastic stick and a softer ball. Field lacrosse is the men's outdoor version of the sport. There are ten players on each team: three attackmen, three midfielders, three defensemen, and one goalie. Each player carries a lacrosse stick. A short stick measures between 40 and 42 inches (about 1 meter) long and is used by attackmen and midfielders. Get more content on
  • 5. Informative Essay: Is College Necessary? "Education is critical, college is not." (Live Careers) As straightforward as it is, college isn't for everyone. There are a plethora of reasons for not going to college, but it feels like a norm in current time. When you graduate high school, you are normally 17 or almost 18 which means that you are capable of your life after you're handed the high school diploma. If a student doesn't see college in their future, or it isn't their dream, then they shouldn't feel required to attend. An alternative could possibly be to get an entry level job, military, or volunteering. The point here is, college after high school isn't necessary. While college provides tons of information and knowledge and could expand the range of hardworking jobs for an individual, itВґs very expensive and proven to put students in massive debt. Some college graduates are employed in jobs that do not require college degrees, and after college they may have the degrees and knowledge, but they will have to pay of the debt before they are able to invest in anything as an adult. An astonishing option is enlisting in the military. "When it comes to job security, promotional opportunities, and even education, the military is second to none. The military is definitely a career choice that you can be proud of – there's no greater cause than serving your country." (forbes) more content... An entry level job is a basic first job that a young adult takes upon to have training or degree program. Entry level in this sense refers to the entry point into a specific chosen profession. If you want to work but you're not interested in the military, considering an entry level job at a large company or corporation is smart. Companies usually hire graduates into basic positions. Looking for jobs in retail or the service industry for the most opportunities is also a great option. Even though this might not be the best in pay, if you work hard enough you could get a bigger position with higher Get more content on
  • 6. Informative Speech About Love Some people walk into your life and change everything about what happens next. When they come all you can do is surrender. Everything about them defeats you. The person you thought you were vanishes and finally for the first time you have it. That thing that moves everything else that thing that most people search eternity for can't find. You finally found it and it consumes you. Nothing compares to it. Every tear you ever cried, every disappointment that ever came was worth it, if this is where it led you. It was worth it. You found it. That thing that stirs the soul you found love. What is it to be in love? What is it to love another person so deeply that they become your religion? Their touch your redemption, their kiss your salvation. What is that like? Isn't love suicide? You go into it, but you never come out someone else does. I'm talking about the sort of love that blurs boundaries. You can't remember where you end and they begin. This kind of love transforms you, It expands you without description, words become useless. What you think she feels, what you feel he dreams. For even your dreams become sacred places the same way the places you make love, taste, and enter each other become alters to a union words can barely describe. I'm talking about the kind of love where souls whisper and make promises to one another. That only the heart can remember. Have you ever been in love? Have you ever been so deeply connected to and defined by another human being? If you Get more content on
  • 7. Informative Speech On Immigration Title of Presentation: Immigration is More Complex than it Seems. Specific Purpose: To inform about immigration in the United States. Thesis Statement: Today I will be informing you about immigration in the United States. Introduction I.According to, accessed October 16, 2017, "In 2015 (alone), 1.38 million foreign–born individuals moved to the United States, a 2 percent increase from 1.36 million in 2014." II.Immigration has been a topic of great discussion and controversy even before this year's election. In recent years, illegal immigration has been the focus of these discussions, but other forms of immigration exist. Immigrants also immigrate through legal processes. III.Today I will be informing you about immigration in the United States. IV.I will start my presentation with a depiction of what legal and illegal immigration encompass. After, I will talk about the impacts of immigration on America. I will finalize my presentation with the current government actions that are changing the immigration system. Body Transition: Now let's analyze the different immigration path ways that are available. I.The process of immigrating to the U.S. involves more than one pathway and extensive requirements. A.When an immigrant utilizes a legal process to get in the country, the process can take a lot of time and money., accessed October 16, 2017, claims that Immigrants can apply for visas or U.S. residencies Get more content on
  • 8. Informative Speech Essay What if a speaker had an important topic that they needed to get across to their audience? How would the speaker go about it and what type of speech would the speaker choose. Well chapter 13 contents the creative process for informative speaking. What informative speaking is how to choose a focused informative topic, how to conduct a research and informative outline? The chapter also contains how to organize the body, introduction, and conclusion of the informativespeech. Lastly chapter 13 contents explain how to prepare to present the speech and evaluate and informative speech. In order to make a well informative speech the speaker needs to be logical and purposeful. There are five steps to achieve a well–spoken speech. The first more content... Finally choose the specific purpose and central idea. These two help the speaker stay on topic while giving the audience the objective for the speech. Now that the speaker has figured out what type of speech they want to present they can create a working outline. The outline should take a few minutes to construct. This will guide the speaker research. Now the working outline is only a rough outline. In this outline the speaker might use question for the main points and later use sentences for the preparation outline. After the working outline is complete the speaker is ready to conduct research. When researching the speaker wants to find material the will make the audience want to listen and learn. The speaker should select material that have a language level appropriate, something that will interest the audience, and if the topic is complex make sure to find multiple perspectives and means because everyone learns differently. The speaker should use the internet, library, newspapers, magazines, and personal knowledge in order to create their speech. Now that the speaker knows the topic it is time for them to construct the informative outline. This outline is structured and includes complete sentences and will typically end with a source page. When making the outline a speaker needs to know how to organize the body of an informative speech. first the speaker needs to understand that an informative speech utilize chronological, topical, spatial, comparative, Get more content on
  • 9. Informative Speech On Beauty Informative Speech Outline Attention–Getter: Mirror Mirror on the wall, tell me who is the most beautiful of them all? Thesis Statement: Beauty is defined in many different ways around the world. Examples of this include body scars, paleness, and full figures. (Example) What's in it for the audience: According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, beauty is defined as qualities in a person that give pleasure to the senses or exalts the mind or spirit. (Merriam Webster Dictionary) It is important to know not only how beauty is defined in American society, but also in other cultures. Credibility: For the past several weeks, I have done intensive research on beauty in three different cultures including Ethiopia, China, and Mauritania. Along with this, I have interviewed Dr. Sanz, an anthropologist here at the university. Preview: Scars, skin color, and body weight all make up who we are, although different cultures view these characteristics very differently. Transition: While Americans are concerned with erasing scars, Ethiopian tribes are creating them. (Smith) Scarification is a method Ethiopian tribes use to represent themselves and show beauty within their culture. (Fact) (Style) According to Ruth Style, a Daily Mail journalist, Ethiopian tribes, such as the Surma use razor blades and thorns to create scars during a special ceremony. (Example) During the voluntary ceremony, one must not show pain because pain brings disgrace to the family name. (Example) (Style) After the initial cut, scars have organic sap and ash rubbed onto them in order to make them heal as raised bumps. (Example) (Style) Scarification is an increasingly risky business, but plays huge role in Ethiopian tribal life. (Fact) (Style) B. These decorated scars are more than a sign of old injury. Scars represent culture, adulthood, and belonging. Most of all, the scars on these bodies represent beauty. (Fact) (Style) Men and women have these scar patterns on their shoulders, chest, face, and entire body. Different tribes focus on different areas of the body. For example, the Dassanech from Oma River Valley focuses on shoulder scars. (Example) (Style) Scars are a sign of beauty within tribes. Scars on women, in particular, are seen Get more content on
  • 10. Informative Essay On Social Media Social Media has changed the way we look at the world now–a–days. People have become obsessed with post or looking others post on Social media. Ever since the smartphone has been released, new social media apps have become more relevant and very popular. Teens and young adults are the reason why social media is very popular because now people can communicate with families from different countries or talk and make new friends through social media. There are three types of Social Medias that affected communication. The first social media app that I will be talking about, that has effected people lives and the way people communicate now–a–days, is Snapchat. Snapchat is an app that allows people to communicate with others through pictures and videos. Snapchat has become a very popular app that has changed the way teens and adults communicate with others. Elyse Betters explains that "Snapchat is a fun messaging app. You can capture a photo or brief video with it, then add a caption or doodle or filter/lens over top, and send the finished creation (called a snap) to a friend." (Pocket–Lint). People can communicate with anyone around the world through pictures and videos. The way Snapchat has effected people in a good way is that you can stay connected with the world. Snapchat provided its users with news, gossip, and entertainment through the main page of Snapchat. Snapchat has different types of stories that businesses or news networks post on snapchat so that the users are Get more content on
  • 11. Writing An Informative Essay The definition essay is the most basic form of an informative essay. Its goal is to simply provide an explanation. Informative essays that define provide their explanation using one of three methods: They can use synonyms to explain what the new term is similar to, categories to help the reader see where the term fits in compared to others, or negation to allow the reader to understand the term by seeing what it isn't. In addition to the three methods, there are several ways you can organize an informative essay that provides a definition. The most important thing is to present them in a logical order that makes sense, and there's not one method that's best in every case. Some organization schemes you might consider include presenting examples Get more content on
  • 12. Anxiety And Informative Essay If someone asked the question, "have you ever experienced anxiety", most will say yes, because occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. Some people feel anxious when a situation transpires at their workplace, if they are about to take a test, or making important decisions that occurs in everyday life. But if you suffer with anxiety disorders, it involves more than just a brief moment of worry or fear. The anxiety disorder that people suffer with does not just secede in due time; it gets worse over time and sometimes last years. These emotions can interfere with daily activities such as job performance, school work, and relationships. There are several different types of anxiety disorders. Examples include generalized anxiety disorder, post–traumatic more content... PTSD is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event – either experiencing it or witnessing it. If you or someone you know has PTSD, there symptoms might include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, and consequently, uncontrollable thoughts about the event. It now includes four primary major symptom clusters which are re–experiencing, arousal, avoidance, and persistent negative alterations in cognitions and mood. Most of the time when you hear about PTSD, it is concerning the military, war, and soldiers. Some Veterans develop severe anxiety after a trauma or a life–threatening experience such as, the veterans of the Vietnam war. These vets experience stressful life events everyday like the transition from military to civilian life or difficult work situations. These situations can cause them to have anxiety disorders. There have been numerous studies of post–traumatic stress disorder in trauma victims, war veterans, and residents of communities exposed to disaster. Epidemiologic studies of this syndrome in the general population are rare, but add an important perspective to our understanding of Get more content on
  • 13. Informative Speech On Fake News Topic: Fake News General Purpose: Is to Inform Specific Purpose: The goal of the speech is to give students a basic overview and understanding of media literacy including how to recognize fake news stories. Thesis: The approach I am going to take is to present students the basics of media literacy, tips to identify credible news sources, and why so much on the internet is fake. Attention Getter: Have you ever came across a news article that read more like fiction then fact, a headline that caused you to question why you hadn't heard about it before an article that had the power to change your previous beliefs? If you have chances are you were probably reading fake news! Fake news has reached a new pinnacle in its pervasiveness and more content... Third: Have you ever heard of the news site or organization reporting the story? Transition: Fake news has always been around, although since the dawn of the internet age it is rapidly expanding its scope and influence. C.Fake news has always been around. 1.History is full of examples where sensational stories have been mistaken for valid news stories. 2.With the introduction of the digital age and media advancements it has become easier to monetize the distribution of fake news. II.Conclusion A.By taking the time to research the news articles we are reading we can avoid contributing to the spreading of fake news. B.1.It is important to understand and have the confidence to challenge the veracity of questionable content. 2.It is important to examine and fact check to identify the difference between credible vs. non credible news stories. 3.Fake news is shaping our public opinion on political, social and world views. C.Think back to the question I asked at the beginning about the unbelievable news article that caught your attention at the beginning of this speech how many of you passed the story along, clicked share, tweeted about it? In the current digital age, we must work to educate ourselves on the dangers of fake news and passing it Get more content on
  • 14. Informative Speech On Anxiety Anxiety is one of the most common illnesses in America. Your palms can get sweaty, you get nervous and your blood pressure can increase. Some students can go through anxiety every day just by having to go to school or present in class like I am now. I am presenting a speech in front of a decent size class some of who I am familiar with and some of you who I barely know so that can be a bit scary and nerve racking. I will discuss what Anxiety is, how to diagnose it, and also how to treat it. It is very common and I'm pretty sure most of you know basically what it is. But just in case I will go over the main important things to know about Anxiety. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear. For a person with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. The feelings can interfere with daily activities such as job performance, school work, and relationships. There are several different types of anxiety disorders. Examples include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. According to the American psychological association, Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and invisible changes like increased blood pressure. You can have OCD, phobias, panic attacks, and PTSD. OCD is basically anxiety that takes the form of obsessions and compulsions. I know many of you guys are scared of spiders or bees and that is Get more content on
  • 15. Informative Speech On Racism Racism is like an epidemic in that it is spread by communities and affects thousands of lives every day. It is shown through speech and actions from the age range of children to elders. When in effect, racism can become violent and flip lives upside down. Fast forward past all the civil rights movements and efforts to halt racism, and today's society still has an abundance of racism. Eradicating racism all together has been the goal since the beginning of time, but I believe to make people aware of actual damage it causes is the best way to advocate how wrong this discrimination is. One of the most impactful program I have seen to spread awareness of racism is the television hit series titled "Switched at Birth". During the specific episode, a select group of white students placed cotton balls throughout the lawn of the Black Student Union. Since these said students were white and rich, they got away with it. This lack of punishment from authority for such a horrendous act created an uprising within the Union. Not only did they peacefully protest, but one member went on a hunger strike to gain attention. The school refused to partake in the expulsion of the students and requests of equality from the union, so the one member continued her hunger strike. Soon after this refusal of acknowledgment, the said member was sent to the hospital as she had passed out and almost lost her life. Even after this event, the school wanted to ignore her actions and keep the students. Get more content on
  • 16. Informative Essay About Bullying Bullying is a type of behavior that hurts, humiliates or harms another person physically or emotionally. For instance, Take Josh. He was a 7th grade student in a small town where his dad lives still to this day he was a boy with short golden hair. In his first year of middle school, kids taunted him and spit on him in the hallways. It didn't occur to him to tell his parents or teachers. Finally, when a group of 20 kids threatened to beat him up at the carwash the next day, he finally told his older brother, who in turn informed his parents. His dad looked up his main tormentor's phone number in the phone book and told her dad to make his daughter stop or he'd contact the police. It worked. Josh's story is a story to tell others and studies show that each year kids just like Josh are victims of bullying. Over 3.2 million school aged students are bullied each year according to–facts–about–bullying resulting in about 160,000 staying home from school because of it. 17% of American students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more within a school semester. Josh was bullied so badly in the worst ways and he decided to tell and it changed his life, you can make the decision to tell yourself or let others, but don't just sit there and let the bullies be mean, if josh wouldn't have told his brother then josh would have had bruises all over his face after school. If you see someone getting bullied i suggest you tell someone it will change someone's life. There are several types of bullying. One form of bullying is verbal. People can be verbally bullied by name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks. Another type of bullying is cyber bullying. People are cyber–bullied by being harassed online, cyberstalking, outing, and catfished. The terms outing and Catfishing are not well–known but they are truly terrible. Outing is the public display or forwarding of personal communications such as text messages, emails or instant messaging. If you don't know what Catfishing is, it is a person who fakes there age on an online account and tries luring out young people, and many teens. There has been some others who have started talking sexualy Get more content on
  • 17. Informative Essay On Social Media People begin to connect more and more every day with the power of social media. Whether someone is thousands of miles away or a few blocks from your house there is the possibility of finding them on social media. The question is, with all the connecting possible through social media does it make us more distant to one another? With today's youth, social media begins to take over one's life and become their main source of interacting. Social media is possibly one of the best and worst creations in the modern world but the cons definitely triumph over the pros. Social media can be too informative at times. Suppose you were looking for a job and applied but the chances of ever being hired were ruined because of what you post online. The fact that one can be chosen to be looked up and be reviewed on based on their beliefs. For example "someone applying to become the new head of a science department. The applicant had attended conferences on creationism and posted notes online. Someone from the steering committee saw them and voiced concerns and the applicant was turned down" (Fox 7). It creates a mindset of having to second guess what you post due to the possibility of it affecting you in the future. Even if you do get hired getting passed the screening there is still the employer's awareness to posts that you may have to take into consideration. There is a chance of being terminated if you were to post something the employee may deem notable to consider letting you go. However Get more content on
  • 18. I am writing an informative essay for my English 111 course. My medium for this project will be a formal academic manuscript. I will be writing to Professor Helfrich and my classmates. I will be writing this argument essay to an audience of people who support and want to solve the issue to stop mistreating animals that are consumed. Also, this essay could benefit people who are not aware of this issue or have an opposing view. Throughout this essay I will be making my audience aware of why industrial production of food is being done in an unethical manner and the the health problems and risks that are arising. There are many reasons that this argument is a concern. These reasons include overlooked production practices, high and fast more content... They are as easy as enforcing better laws and regulations. "Livestock production relies heavily on antimicrobials, hormones, and a variety of other pharmaceuticals. A number of concerns have been raised about these developments, including the presence of drug residues in meat and the impact of these production techniques on animal welfare" (Schneider). Today many people are confused as to why there are not a lot stricter and enforced rules being taken into play when it comes to our health and the environment. Even though there are many rules and regulation put into place by the FDA it is a possibility that there are so many underlying rules and regulations put into place and it is hard for these companies to keep up with them. There needs to be a strict and a laid out set of rules that are easy to follow and that are not being changed and modified daily. These laws and regulations are more likely to be changed if more attention was brought to this issue. Attention could be brought to the public by more media such as social media, television, newspapers, etc. By bringing attention to this matter people will want to become more educated about the topic and what they can do to help prevent this type of behavior. "Each year an estimated 5,000 Americans die and another 77 million get sick from disease producing agents in the food they eat" (Sifry). These numbers show how undereducated people are about the risks buying Get more content on
  • 19. Informative Essay On Social Anxiety Feeling anxious before giving a speech or presenting a project is normal, but when that anxiety carries over into being nervous before going to a casual party or meeting up with friends, that is when it might be more than just nerves. Social anxiety is one of the most common forms of anxiety. About fifteen million adults in America suffer from social anxiety, with the typical onset age being thirteen (Social Anxiety Disorder). Overcoming social anxiety takes tremendous efforts and can take many years. There are many different methods people have tried using to overcome their fears. Two common ones people use are learning to control their breath and cognitive–behavioral therapy. With persistence and determination, people can learn to deal with their social anxiety the healthy way, or better yet, overcome it completely. To start, breathing is a more content... Cognitive–behavioral therapy is a technique in which the individual with social anxiety changes their beliefs that influence their perception of their environment. People with social anxiety typically have more negative thoughts that don't align with reality. They might think about something simple and then over think it and make it a much bigger deal in their head. The goal of cognitive–behavioral therapy is to replace those over dramatic thoughts with more realistic ones (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). The behavioral part of cognitive–behavioral therapy is exposure training. Many people with social anxiety have probably been told to just go out and face their fears, but this will not work. The exposure training has to be very gradual and is a step–by–step process. The process is very slow, and if it moves to fast it will backfire (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). Once those two steps, cognitive and behavioral, have been taken and are headed towards improvement, one will be well on their way to overcoming their social Get more content on
  • 20. The Titanic Informative Essay Currently it's 2018, 106 years since the disaster in 1912. A little while ago, we finished the unit on the Titanic and most of my questions were answered. Like exactly how many people were able to survive the tragedy or why did only a few lifeboats go back to find survivors? "706 survivors" and "the people onboard didn't want to die" were the responses I got. There were many other interesting facts about the Titanic, and I'm going to try to include them all in this writing. First things first, the Titanic was said to be "The Ship of Wonders"; and if you were onboard, you would've thought that it truly was. Almost everything onboard was extraordinary. From the bedrooms to the restaurants, everything looked amazing. However, that was if you Get more content on