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INF220 Grading Rubric
Assignment: Identifying Opportunities
Select a company described in the Wall Street Journal, Fortune,
Forbes, or another reputable business application. Visit
the company’s Web site to find additional information about
that company and see how the firm is using the Web. On the
basis of this information, briefly identify important business
processes and the firm’s business strategy. Suggest
information systems that might give that particular business a
competitive advantage, including those based on Internet
technology. Your paper should be two double-spaced pages in
length (excluding title page) and in APA format. Be sure to
integrate vocabulary from the text to demonstrate your
understanding of concepts.
Grading Criteria
Identifying Opportunities
8 percent
Content Criteria Weight
The paper:
• identifies a company described in the Wall Street Journal,
Fortune, Forbes, or another
reputable business application.
The paper:
• briefly identifies important business processes and the firm’s
business strategy.
The paper:
• suggests information systems that might give that particular
business a competitive
advantage, including those based on Internet technology.
Writing Skills
Sentences are complete, clear and concise .5
Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical and
maintain the flow throughout the paper. .5
Research Criteria
The paper includes a minimum of one to two sources including
the textbook. .5
Style Criteria
Must be 2 pages double spaced in length and formatted
according to APA style as outlined in the
approved style guide.
The Concept of Government
The Concept of Government
Max Weber had a different view of government. In his
classification, he wrote that government is all about authority.
He therefore, distinguishes authority in three different aspects,
each of which is directly related to a particular brand of
governance that is operative in a certain contemporary society.
He however, notes that in order to achieve a particular form of
governance in any democracy, there must be some prevailing
conditions that must be favored by that particular society.
Firstly, Max Weber discussed the charismatic governance or
authority. In this type of governance, there is a person who
possesses particular traits that make them extraordinary
(Beetham, 2013). Charismatic governance entails leaders who
are not only capable but also possess the superior charismatic
power to rally different people who are prone to conflicts
behind their governance. The power that charismatic people
derive comes from the massive trust as well as the unbreakable
faith that people put in them. This kind of leadership is
problematic since it is sometimes based on some promises that
the charismatic individual will overhaul a system that is unjust.
It is however almost impossible to find such leaders as history
suggests. Good examples of charismatic leaders are Mahatma
Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King Jr (Beetham,
2013). All these leaders have a common mission to unite their
people amid different differences and adversity.
In addition, Weber (2015) explains Max Weber’s talks of
traditional authority, which normally indicates the presence of a
dominant personality. Such traditional leaders depend on
established traditions or order. Despite the fact that these
leaders are dominant personalities in their societies, they have
prevailing orders in those societies that give them the mandate
to rule or govern. This traditional authority governance
however, reflects daily conduct and routine. Traditional
authority has some level of difficulty that it poses, to the
relation that it is based on some particular dominant power
(Beetham, 2013). According to Weber, all this authority
exhibits some form of a dominant power. Weber explains that
this authority exhibits domination in terms of a leader
exploiting the prevailing circumstances in their society
(Swedberg & Agevall, 2016). In this regard, the traditional
authority suffers from a lack of regularity morally in the
process of creating legal standards.
In addition, Max Weber writes about the third type of
governance, which is legal-rational governance or authority.
Swedberg & Agevall (2016) explains that this kind of
governance is normally stipulated in clearly defined laws. How
people obey these laws is not based on the capacity of leaders
but on the competence and legitimacy of procedures and laws.
The contemporary society is normally dependent on this type of
rationalization, as the problem complexities require a
bureaucratic emergence that embodies systemization and order.
Legal authority helps in the manifestation of power of the
bureaucracy over individuals (Beetham, 2013). In exercising
authority, power administration, laws, and rules that include
protocols and institutional duties have control over individuals.
Despite that order and systemization are desirable; bureaucracy
may not be in a position to fully address the problems as well as
concerns of every person.
As discussed, Max Weber has three variations of how he
perceived governance. The first concept is charismatic
governance, in which charismatic leaders possess influential
charismatic powers over their followers. Secondly, there is
traditional authority that bears a leader with dominant
traditional personality. Lastly, there is the concept of legal-
rational governance, which operates under clearly stipulated
procedures and laws.
Beetham, D. (2013). Max Weber and the theory of modern
Swedberg, R., & Agevall, O. (2016). The Max Weber
dictionary: key words and central concepts. Stanford University
Weber, M. (2015). On the methodology of the social sciences.
Lulu Press, Inc.
Classics Theorists Notes
Classics Discussion
When talking the role of manager we are talking about Taylor,
Faole and Gulick.
· Wilsons Dichotomy (1887)
· Politics and Administration are SEPERATE
· Politics
· Purpose: Create Policy
· Involved: elected officials responsible for the creation of
· Laws
· Ordinances
· Policy
· Administration (The Machine)
· Purpose: To implement policy
· Involved: Everyone who is employed by the government
agency including…
· Military
· First responders
· Social services
· Parks and rec, ect
· Even if we (administrators) do not agree with the law, we still
have to enforce it
Fredrick Taylor (talks about role of the manager)
-If nothing else, he was about EFFICIENCY
-All about standardizing the methods of business
-Management is the expert of the process
-The beginning of the white-collar workforce
-Created a science behind industrial work or any type of work
-Concerned more with the efficiency than care and respect
-Wanted to (and did) create replaceable labor
-Wanted to create an industrial utopia (great in theory, nearly
impossible in practice)
-His incentive was not to cut the piece rate for his workers but
to pay them more for their improved efficiency.
-This was not the norm of business operation
-Taylors Scientific Management method made up for the lack of
human efficiency
-He found a way to improve what was thought to be
-Only worthy managers should be managers (Managers are not
to be lazy, or entitled, or dominant of thought over their
-The idea was that this scientific management could be applied
to all forms of life (school, government work, lifestyle, ect.)
Max Weber 1922 (Father of Bureaucracy) talks about:
organizational structure
-Six characteristics of Bureaucracy (more about how we manage
not how we govern)
1. Well defined formal hierarchy of command
2. Management by rules and regulations
3. Division of labor and work specialization
4. Managers should maintain an impersonal relationship with
their employees
5. Competence and not personality should be basis for job
6. Formal rules, regulation, procedures, decisions, and actions
by the organization and its members should be recorded in order
to preserve consistency and accountability.
Marry Parker Follett 1926 (Talks about leadership and
management style)
-Recognized the holistic nature of community and advanced the
idea of reciprocal relationships in understanding the dynamic
aspects of the individual in the relationship to others
-Advocated the principle of what she termed integration or
noncoercieve power.
-A forward thinker in conflict resolution
· There is a person involved in getting more work done with an
· Working with a person gets more production out of a person
working with vs. working over them
· “Power with” rather than “power over”
There are some industries where Taylor works for that
All of these theories are how managers should or could manage
their employees and work with them
Elton Mayo
· Hawthorne Effect
· A type of reactivity in which individuals modify or improve an
aspect of their behavior in response to their awareness of being
· The novelty of increased attention could lead to temporary
increases in workers’ productivity
· Managers who understand informal ties among workers can
make decisions for management’s benefit
· People’s work performance is dependent on both social
relationships and job content
· The lighting with workers in a factory higher will higher
productivity and lower the lighting and higher productivity
therefore he drew off of Follet and find that there was
something else affecting their work
· Also found (researchers) people produce better if they think
somebody cares
· 1) the presence of the researcher can change behavior 2)
(pulling off of Follet) if we as managers pay attention and make
the employees feel like their views are important someone cares
then that increases productivity
We are just trying to figure out public admin in 1912
Then with Weber it more about what do we do with management
and how we implement management
Luther Gulick (1937)
· POSDCoRB (Talks about the role of managers)
· Planning
· Working out in broad outline
· Example “we are going into a digital social media method”
· What are we going to do in the future
· Organizing
· Establishing the formal factor
· Weber thinking “how we are going to do this” steps to get
· Staffing
· Follett or Taylor
· How do we decide to put which staff where
· Training falls under this
· Directing
· Then telling them what to do
· Coordinating
· Example reporters coordinate with photographers
· Reporting
· The manager going to their bosses after getting from their
subordinates what they’ve done and making sure that they are
dong their jobs
· Focus on the manager reporting up
· Budgeting
· Division/Coordination of work
· Workers should only have one boss
· Gulick focuses in at this point—management is management
not about the worker
· Takes a look on the role of the manager—focus on the
· Back then there were workers and managers (white collar
workers and blue collar worker) you do what you do
Chester Barnard (1938)
· Functions of the Executive
· Stressed “soft” factors such as “communication” and “informal
processes” in organizations
· Weber views communication through the hierarchy
· There is something more different types of organizations and
communication formal and informal
· Seven Essential Rules (1-4)
· Channels of communication should be definite
· Everyone should know the channels of communication
· Everyone should have access to the formal channels of
· Lines of communication should be as short and direct as
· There is someone sometimes in an informal sense that exists
as for example a person you go to when you want to get
something done—the informal channel of organization if you
want something done so you may go through both ways
· Example show M.A.S.H. where the clerk was always the
person to go if you want something done
· You see this form around the “water cooler” and you find out
who the person you go to if you want something done because
of those casual informal organization
· If the workers don’t feel like the higher ups will have their
backs they will break apart the formal organization—the bond
with the informal organization can come up and overcome the
formal organization by bonding together with the informal and
· Example “Ferguson Effect” and proactive police work is ideal
but the ferguson effect is that police officers don’t care about
doing that anymore being the nosy person and getting an idea of
the neighborhood so you will figure out when something is
off—but you don’t get paid or anything for doing that extra
· How much extra effort will put into a job if they feel like
management won’t have their back
· That informal communication and understanding
Abraham Maslow (1943)
· He wasn’t a business person or a public administration person,
he was a psychologist so he takes it from a very psychological
· Page 118 in the classics book
· Levels of motivation
· Levels of need pyramid:
· Level 5 Self-actualization—after you have reached esteem
then and only then can move up to self-actualization
· Are you doing what you were meant to do?
· You may realize after going through everything else that you
may need to be doing something else on this earth—a
metaphysical sense, example mid-life crisis,
· Level 4 Esteem—after you have the love and belonging you
may go for the award or the medal or whatever
· Level 3 Love/Belonging—example if you have an employee
that you make feel loved and belonged to an organization
· Level 2 Safety—for example if your people are living in an
environment that is safe, living situations, a house that is safe,
an environment that is safe
· Maybe you can extrapolate that questions if your job is even
· You will not be motivated by anything else if you don’t’ feel
· Job security, physical safety, if you feel safe within the job,
working conditions, interpersonal relationships
· Level 1 Physiological—the base need that you cannot move up
the motivational ladder if first and foremost your physiological
needs are met—you need this done or else nothing else will be
· For example the first responders in new york—there is a place
for maslow and others where maslow doesn’t apply well in that
· Maslow says that once you overcome a level it cannot
motivate you anymore—the next level up can only motivate
Douglas McGregor (1957)
These theories were written for the managers. Do you as a
manger fall into theory X or theory Y?
-Theory X
-Workers dislike working
-Avoid responsibility and need to be directed
-Have to be controlled, forced, and threatened to deliver what’s
-Need to be supervised as every step, with controls put in place
-Need to be enticed to produce results otherwise there is no
ambition or incentive
-Theory Y
-Workers take responsibility and are motivated to fulfill the
goals they are given
-Seek and accept responsibility and do not need much direction
-Consider work as a natural part of life and solve work
problems imaginatively.
Herbert Simon (1946)
-Bounded Rationality
-Only going to look at a few options and chose what you like
the best. Not the same as rational choice where one looks at all
options and chooses the best for them.
-Satisficing (satisfied and sufficient)
-In order to talk about organizations, we need to talk about
Charles E. Lindblom (1959)
-The science of muddling through
-Trial and error (does this work? No but how about this?)
-Policy revolution is evolutionary, not revolutionary
Graham Allison (1979)
-Public and private leadership: They are fundamentally alike in
all unimportant respects
-Other than that we are different
-Public sector does what no one else wants to
-Public sector handles the wicked problems
Public Admin Theory
By: Savannah Spicer and Greg Amantia
Spoils and Merit System
President Andrew Jackson
Supporter of spoils system
Promoting and hiring of government employees (friends,etc)
based on political affiliation.
Pendleton Act
Became law in 1883
Merit System
Wilson’s Dichotomy
Purpose: Create Policy
Players: Elected Officials
Responsible for…
Purpose: Implement Policy
Players: All employed by a government agency
Administrator's duty to enforce policy regardless of their
personal feelings.
Scientific Management (Frederick Taylor)
Standardized Industry
One best way
Created science behind management
Efficiency and Consistency
Can be applied to all sectors
Ex. Starbucks and McDonalds
Max Weber
Similar to Taylor → standardized procedures
Organizational Structure: bureaucracy
formal/rigid > loyalty to bosses
Six Characteristics of Bureaucracy
Clearly defined job roles (hierarchy of command)
Management based on rules and regulation
Division of labor and work specialization
Managers maintaining an impersonal relationship with
Competence > personality, as a basis for job appointment
Rules, Regulations, procedures, decisions and actions of
organization/its members , should be recorded to preserve
accountability and consistency
Mary Parker Follet
Workers are human beings, not expendable tools
“Power With” not “Power Over”
Individuals will work their best when they feel ownership
Leadership and the work environment
Abraham Maslow
Psychological Approach: Motivational Theory
Model of human needs are arranged in a hierarchy
Theory X
Workers dislike working
Avoid responsibility
Lacks independence
Need to be supervised constantly
No ambition
Workers are motivated
Seek and accept responsibility
Problem solvers
See work as natural part of life
Theory Y
What are your thoughts?
Do you believe people are born X or Y?
New Public Management
1980’s - Present Day
A series of reforms to improve:
Efficiency and Performance
For: Western governments and/or public sector organizations
Placed the focus on citizens
Recipients of the services
Customers of the public sector
New Public Management
Points to the inadequacies and failures of public sector
performance over time
Locates the problem in the nature and processes of the public
activity and public administration
Reshape the interactions between the public and government
Customer oriented public service
Uses ideas from the private sector to improve the interactions
between citizens and public administrators.
New Public Management
8 Aspects to NPM
Strengthening steering functions
Devolving authority, providing flexibility
Ensuring performance, control and accountability
Improving the management of human resources
Optimizing information technology
Improving the quality of regulation
Providing responsive service
Developing competition and choice
The Hawthorne Effect
(Elton Mayo)
Individuals modify or improve behavior when being observed.
Idea that increased attention could lead to temporary increase in
Understood the work performance is dependent on both social
relationships and work environment.
Wicked Problems
Rittel & Webber
These are problems that have no easy solution
s are not right or wrong, good or bad
Sometimes, a symptom of another problem
Has many explanations
Theories and History
Dr. Linda-Marie Sundstrom
Name / Where do you work
How far along are you in the MPPA Program
Other classes you’re taking this term
Have you ever lived or traveled outside the United States
What do you hope to get out of this class
Articles of Confederation (1777)
Constitution (1787)
Constitution was signed in 1787, but ratified by New Hampshire
(9 of the 13 states) in 1788
The term in the video “republican” refers to a representative
republic form of government (elected representatives
representing the people) ruled by the constitution (as opposed to
a democracy), not the political party
Articles of the Constitution include
Article I – Legislative Branch
Article II – Executive Branch
Article III – Judicial Branch
Article IV – States Rights
Article V – Amendment Process
Article VI – Constitution is the Law of the Land
Article VII – Ratification
Articles I, II, and III
Hamilton, Madison, Jay
(Start video at 2:20 mark)
Federalist Papers (1787-1788)
First 10 Amendments to the Constitution
(3 minutes)
Bill of Rights
2/3 of both houses
3/4 of all states
Constitutional Amendments
President Andrew Jackson – Spoils System
President Garfield shot by supporter
Pendleton Act
Signed by President Chester A. Arthur
Spoils System/Merit System
Wilson’s Dichotomy (1887)
Politics/Administration Dichotomy
Purpose: To create policy
Involved: Elected Officials responsible for the creation of
Purpose: To implement policy
Involved: Everyone who is employed by a government agency
First responders
Social services
Parks and rec, etc.
Scientific Management
One Best Way
Frederick Winslow Taylor (1912)
Henri Fayol (1916)
14 Principles of Management
Division of Labor
Unity of Command
Unity of Direction
Scalar Chain
Stability of Tenure of Personnel
Esprit de Corps
He did not like the fact that employees were more loyal to their
bosses then to their organizations which therefore created a
family-like structure.
He instead believed in a more formal and rigid structure of
organization known as bureaucracy.
Bureaucracy is a non-personal view of organizations
Formal structure that has rules, and formal legitimate authority
It has characteristics of appropriate management practices.
Max Weber (1922)
Six Characteristics of Bureaucracy
Well defined formal hierarchy of command
Management by rules and regulation
Division of labor and work specialization
Managers should maintain an impersonal relationship with their
Competence and not personality should be basis for job
Formal rules, regulations, procedures, decisions and actions by
the organizations and its members should be recorded in order
to preserve consistency and accountability
Max Weber (cont’d)
She recognized the holistic nature of community and advanced
the idea of "reciprocal relationships" in understanding the
dynamic aspects of the individual in relationship to others.
Advocated the principle of what she termed "integration," or
noncoercive power-sharing based on the use of her concept of
"power with" rather than "power over.“
(4:39 History)
Mary Parker Follett (1926)
Hawthorne Effect
A type of reactivity in which individuals modify or improve an
aspect of their behavior in response to their awareness of being
The novelty of increased attention could lead to temporary
increases in workers' productivity.
Managers who understand informal ties among workers can
make decisions for management's benefit
People's work performance is dependent on both social
relationships and job content.
Elton Mayo (1920s)
Brownlow, Merriam, & Gulick recommended changes to the
Executive Office of the President including:
Creating aides to the President in order to deal with the
administrative tasks assigned to the President.
The President should have direct control over the administrative
The managerial agencies - The Civil Service Administration, the
Bureau of the Budget, and the National Resources Board -
should be part of the Executive Office.
The Reorganization Act of 1939 incorporated only two of the
The most important results of the actions taken by Roosevelt
were the creation of the Executive Office of the President and
the creation of a group of six executive level assistants.
Brownlow Commission 1937
Division/Coordination of work
Workers should only have one boss
Gulick (1937)
Functions of the Executive
Stressed "soft" factors such as "communication" and "informal
processes“ in organizations
Seven Essential Rules (1-4)
Channels of communication should be definite
Everyone should know the channels of communication
Everyone should have access to the formal channels of
Lines of communication should be as short and direct as
Chester Barnard (1938)
Competence of persons serving as communication centers
should be adequate
The line of communication should not be interrupted when
organization is functioning
Every communication should be authenticated
Organizations endure, however, in proportion to the breadth of
the morality by which they are governed
The endurance of an organization depends upon the quality of
leadership, and that quality derives from the breadth of the
morality upon which it rests
Chester Barnard (7 Rules cont’d)
Abraham Maslow (1943)
Bounded Rationality
In order to talk about organizations, we need to talk about
decision making (Simon)
Herbert Simon (1946)
Waldo challenged mainstream scholars' view of public
administration as a value-free, non-partisan social science that
promised to make government more efficient and effective.
Dwight Waldo (1948)
Theory X
Workers dislike working.
Avoid responsibility and need to be directed.
Have to be controlled, forced, and threatened to deliver what's
Need to be supervised at every step, with controls put in place.
Need to be enticed to produce results; otherwise they have no
ambition or incentive to work.
Douglas McGregor (1957)
Theory Y
Workers take responsibility and are motivated to fulfill the
goals they are given
Seek and accept responsibility and do not need much direction
Consider work as a natural part of life and solve work problems
McGregor (Cont’d)
The science of muddling through
Policy change is evolutionary, not revolutionary
Charles E. Lindblom (1959)
New Public Management (NPM) is the label given to a series of
reforms from the 1980s onwards, to improve the efficiency and
performance of western governments and/or public sector
New Public Management (1980s)
Strengthening steering functions
Devolving authority, providing flexibility
Ensuring performance, control and accountability
Improving the management of human resources
Optimizing information technology
Improving the quality of regulation
Providing responsive service
Developing competition and choice
EU Based
R. Swanson - Start at 1 minute mark (1:15)
NPM - 8 Aspects to NPM
Public and private leadership: Are they fundamentally alike in
all unimportant respects
Graham Allison (1979)
The New Public Service
Serving, Not Steering
A new model of governance that stresses the need to engage
citizens in governance of their communities
Denhardt & Denhardt (2007)
In order to talk about organizations, we need to talk about
decision making (Barnard, Simon)
Rational Choice
Bounded Rationality
Herbert Simon
Garbage Can Theory
Cohen March and Olsen, 1972
Charles Lindblom
The Science of Muddling Through
Decision Making Theories
Elite Theory
Group Theory
Rational Choice Theory
Institutional Theory
Political Systems Theory
Agenda Setting
John Kingdon’s Three Streams (1984)
Problem Identification
More of a crisis, more likely it will get on the agenda
Policy Alternative Development
Swings of national mood to face the problem
Three streams work largely independent of each other
When these three streams converge, the more likely it will get
on the agenda (a policy window is open for a very short time)
Policy Entrepreneurs need to seize the opportunity because the
window will close quickly
Agenda Setting
Problems with no easy solution (e.g., poverty)
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  • 1. INF220 Grading Rubric Assignment: Identifying Opportunities Instructions Select a company described in the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Forbes, or another reputable business application. Visit the company’s Web site to find additional information about that company and see how the firm is using the Web. On the basis of this information, briefly identify important business processes and the firm’s business strategy. Suggest information systems that might give that particular business a competitive advantage, including those based on Internet technology. Your paper should be two double-spaced pages in length (excluding title page) and in APA format. Be sure to integrate vocabulary from the text to demonstrate your understanding of concepts. Grading Criteria Identifying Opportunities 8 percent Content Criteria Weight The paper: • identifies a company described in the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Forbes, or another reputable business application. 2 The paper:
  • 2. • briefly identifies important business processes and the firm’s business strategy. 2 The paper: • suggests information systems that might give that particular business a competitive advantage, including those based on Internet technology. 2 Writing Skills Sentences are complete, clear and concise .5 Paragraph and sentence transitions are present, logical and maintain the flow throughout the paper. .5 Research Criteria The paper includes a minimum of one to two sources including the textbook. .5 Style Criteria Must be 2 pages double spaced in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved style guide. .5 Running head: THE CONCEPT OF GOVERNMENT1
  • 3. THE CONCEPT OF GOVERNMENT5 The Concept of Government Name Institution The Concept of Government Max Weber had a different view of government. In his classification, he wrote that government is all about authority. He therefore, distinguishes authority in three different aspects, each of which is directly related to a particular brand of governance that is operative in a certain contemporary society. He however, notes that in order to achieve a particular form of governance in any democracy, there must be some prevailing conditions that must be favored by that particular society. Firstly, Max Weber discussed the charismatic governance or authority. In this type of governance, there is a person who possesses particular traits that make them extraordinary (Beetham, 2013). Charismatic governance entails leaders who are not only capable but also possess the superior charismatic power to rally different people who are prone to conflicts behind their governance. The power that charismatic people derive comes from the massive trust as well as the unbreakable
  • 4. faith that people put in them. This kind of leadership is problematic since it is sometimes based on some promises that the charismatic individual will overhaul a system that is unjust. It is however almost impossible to find such leaders as history suggests. Good examples of charismatic leaders are Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King Jr (Beetham, 2013). All these leaders have a common mission to unite their people amid different differences and adversity. In addition, Weber (2015) explains Max Weber’s talks of traditional authority, which normally indicates the presence of a dominant personality. Such traditional leaders depend on established traditions or order. Despite the fact that these leaders are dominant personalities in their societies, they have prevailing orders in those societies that give them the mandate to rule or govern. This traditional authority governance however, reflects daily conduct and routine. Traditional authority has some level of difficulty that it poses, to the relation that it is based on some particular dominant power (Beetham, 2013). According to Weber, all this authority exhibits some form of a dominant power. Weber explains that this authority exhibits domination in terms of a leader exploiting the prevailing circumstances in their society (Swedberg & Agevall, 2016). In this regard, the traditional authority suffers from a lack of regularity morally in the process of creating legal standards. In addition, Max Weber writes about the third type of governance, which is legal-rational governance or authority. Swedberg & Agevall (2016) explains that this kind of governance is normally stipulated in clearly defined laws. How people obey these laws is not based on the capacity of leaders but on the competence and legitimacy of procedures and laws. The contemporary society is normally dependent on this type of rationalization, as the problem complexities require a bureaucratic emergence that embodies systemization and order. Legal authority helps in the manifestation of power of the bureaucracy over individuals (Beetham, 2013). In exercising
  • 5. authority, power administration, laws, and rules that include protocols and institutional duties have control over individuals. Despite that order and systemization are desirable; bureaucracy may not be in a position to fully address the problems as well as concerns of every person. As discussed, Max Weber has three variations of how he perceived governance. The first concept is charismatic governance, in which charismatic leaders possess influential charismatic powers over their followers. Secondly, there is traditional authority that bears a leader with dominant traditional personality. Lastly, there is the concept of legal- rational governance, which operates under clearly stipulated procedures and laws. References Beetham, D. (2013). Max Weber and the theory of modern politics. Swedberg, R., & Agevall, O. (2016). The Max Weber dictionary: key words and central concepts. Stanford University Press. Weber, M. (2015). On the methodology of the social sciences. Lulu Press, Inc.
  • 6. Classics Theorists Notes Classics Discussion When talking the role of manager we are talking about Taylor, Faole and Gulick. · Wilsons Dichotomy (1887) (NEED TO KNOW) · Politics and Administration are SEPERATE · Politics · Purpose: Create Policy · Involved: elected officials responsible for the creation of policy · Laws · Ordinances · Policy · Administration (The Machine) · Purpose: To implement policy · Involved: Everyone who is employed by the government agency including… · Military · First responders · Social services · Parks and rec, ect · Even if we (administrators) do not agree with the law, we still have to enforce it Fredrick Taylor (talks about role of the manager) -If nothing else, he was about EFFICIENCY -All about standardizing the methods of business -Consistency -Management is the expert of the process -The beginning of the white-collar workforce
  • 7. -Created a science behind industrial work or any type of work realistically -Concerned more with the efficiency than care and respect -Wanted to (and did) create replaceable labor -Wanted to create an industrial utopia (great in theory, nearly impossible in practice) -His incentive was not to cut the piece rate for his workers but to pay them more for their improved efficiency. -This was not the norm of business operation -Taylors Scientific Management method made up for the lack of human efficiency -He found a way to improve what was thought to be nonimprovable -Only worthy managers should be managers (Managers are not to be lazy, or entitled, or dominant of thought over their workers) -The idea was that this scientific management could be applied to all forms of life (school, government work, lifestyle, ect.) Max Weber 1922 (Father of Bureaucracy) talks about: organizational structure -Six characteristics of Bureaucracy (more about how we manage not how we govern) 1. Well defined formal hierarchy of command 2. Management by rules and regulations 3. Division of labor and work specialization 4. Managers should maintain an impersonal relationship with their employees 5. Competence and not personality should be basis for job appointment 6. Formal rules, regulation, procedures, decisions, and actions by the organization and its members should be recorded in order to preserve consistency and accountability. Marry Parker Follett 1926 (Talks about leadership and management style)
  • 8. -Recognized the holistic nature of community and advanced the idea of reciprocal relationships in understanding the dynamic aspects of the individual in the relationship to others -Advocated the principle of what she termed integration or noncoercieve power. -A forward thinker in conflict resolution · There is a person involved in getting more work done with an administration · Working with a person gets more production out of a person working with vs. working over them · “Power with” rather than “power over” There are some industries where Taylor works for that environment All of these theories are how managers should or could manage their employees and work with them Elton Mayo · Hawthorne Effect · A type of reactivity in which individuals modify or improve an aspect of their behavior in response to their awareness of being observed · The novelty of increased attention could lead to temporary increases in workers’ productivity · Managers who understand informal ties among workers can make decisions for management’s benefit · People’s work performance is dependent on both social relationships and job content · The lighting with workers in a factory higher will higher productivity and lower the lighting and higher productivity therefore he drew off of Follet and find that there was something else affecting their work · Also found (researchers) people produce better if they think somebody cares · 1) the presence of the researcher can change behavior 2) (pulling off of Follet) if we as managers pay attention and make the employees feel like their views are important someone cares
  • 9. then that increases productivity We are just trying to figure out public admin in 1912 management Then with Weber it more about what do we do with management and how we implement management Luther Gulick (1937) · POSDCoRB (Talks about the role of managers) · Planning · Working out in broad outline · Example “we are going into a digital social media method” · What are we going to do in the future · Organizing · Establishing the formal factor · Weber thinking “how we are going to do this” steps to get there · Staffing · Follett or Taylor · How do we decide to put which staff where · Training falls under this · Directing · Then telling them what to do · Coordinating · Example reporters coordinate with photographers · Reporting · The manager going to their bosses after getting from their subordinates what they’ve done and making sure that they are dong their jobs · Focus on the manager reporting up · Budgeting · Division/Coordination of work · Workers should only have one boss · Gulick focuses in at this point—management is management not about the worker · Takes a look on the role of the manager—focus on the
  • 10. manager · Back then there were workers and managers (white collar workers and blue collar worker) you do what you do Chester Barnard (1938) · Functions of the Executive · Stressed “soft” factors such as “communication” and “informal processes” in organizations · Weber views communication through the hierarchy · There is something more different types of organizations and communication formal and informal · Seven Essential Rules (1-4) · Channels of communication should be definite · Everyone should know the channels of communication · Everyone should have access to the formal channels of communic1ation · Lines of communication should be as short and direct as possible · There is someone sometimes in an informal sense that exists as for example a person you go to when you want to get something done—the informal channel of organization if you want something done so you may go through both ways · Example show M.A.S.H. where the clerk was always the person to go if you want something done · You see this form around the “water cooler” and you find out who the person you go to if you want something done because of those casual informal organization · If the workers don’t feel like the higher ups will have their backs they will break apart the formal organization—the bond with the informal organization can come up and overcome the formal organization by bonding together with the informal and overthrowing · Example “Ferguson Effect” and proactive police work is ideal but the ferguson effect is that police officers don’t care about doing that anymore being the nosy person and getting an idea of the neighborhood so you will figure out when something is
  • 11. off—but you don’t get paid or anything for doing that extra work · How much extra effort will put into a job if they feel like management won’t have their back · That informal communication and understanding Abraham Maslow (1943) · He wasn’t a business person or a public administration person, he was a psychologist so he takes it from a very psychological approach · Page 118 in the classics book · Levels of motivation · Levels of need pyramid: · Level 5 Self-actualization—after you have reached esteem then and only then can move up to self-actualization · Are you doing what you were meant to do? · You may realize after going through everything else that you may need to be doing something else on this earth—a metaphysical sense, example mid-life crisis, · Level 4 Esteem—after you have the love and belonging you may go for the award or the medal or whatever · Level 3 Love/Belonging—example if you have an employee that you make feel loved and belonged to an organization · Level 2 Safety—for example if your people are living in an environment that is safe, living situations, a house that is safe, an environment that is safe · Maybe you can extrapolate that questions if your job is even safe · You will not be motivated by anything else if you don’t’ feel safe · Job security, physical safety, if you feel safe within the job, working conditions, interpersonal relationships · Level 1 Physiological—the base need that you cannot move up the motivational ladder if first and foremost your physiological needs are met—you need this done or else nothing else will be done
  • 12. · For example the first responders in new york—there is a place for maslow and others where maslow doesn’t apply well in that area · Maslow says that once you overcome a level it cannot motivate you anymore—the next level up can only motivate you. Douglas McGregor (1957) These theories were written for the managers. Do you as a manger fall into theory X or theory Y? -Theory X -Workers dislike working -Avoid responsibility and need to be directed -Have to be controlled, forced, and threatened to deliver what’s needed -Need to be supervised as every step, with controls put in place -Need to be enticed to produce results otherwise there is no ambition or incentive -Theory Y -Workers take responsibility and are motivated to fulfill the goals they are given -Seek and accept responsibility and do not need much direction -Consider work as a natural part of life and solve work problems imaginatively. Herbert Simon (1946) -Bounded Rationality -Only going to look at a few options and chose what you like the best. Not the same as rational choice where one looks at all options and chooses the best for them. -Satisficing (satisfied and sufficient) -In order to talk about organizations, we need to talk about decision-making. Charles E. Lindblom (1959) -The science of muddling through
  • 13. -Incrementalism -Trial and error (does this work? No but how about this?) -Policy revolution is evolutionary, not revolutionary Graham Allison (1979) -Public and private leadership: They are fundamentally alike in all unimportant respects -Other than that we are different -Public sector does what no one else wants to -Public sector handles the wicked problems Public Admin Theory By: Savannah Spicer and Greg Amantia Spoils and Merit System President Andrew Jackson Supporter of spoils system Promoting and hiring of government employees (friends,etc) based on political affiliation. Pendleton Act Became law in 1883 Merit System
  • 14. Wilson’s Dichotomy Politics Purpose: Create Policy Players: Elected Officials Responsible for… Policies Laws Ordinances Administration Purpose: Implement Policy Players: All employed by a government agency Administrator's duty to enforce policy regardless of their personal feelings. Scientific Management (Frederick Taylor) Standardized Industry One best way Created science behind management Efficiency and Consistency Can be applied to all sectors Ex. Starbucks and McDonalds
  • 15. Max Weber Similar to Taylor → standardized procedures Organizational Structure: bureaucracy formal/rigid > loyalty to bosses Six Characteristics of Bureaucracy Clearly defined job roles (hierarchy of command) Management based on rules and regulation Division of labor and work specialization Managers maintaining an impersonal relationship with employees Competence > personality, as a basis for job appointment Rules, Regulations, procedures, decisions and actions of organization/its members , should be recorded to preserve accountability and consistency Mary Parker Follet
  • 16. Workers are human beings, not expendable tools “Power With” not “Power Over” Individuals will work their best when they feel ownership Leadership and the work environment Abraham Maslow Psychological Approach: Motivational Theory Model of human needs are arranged in a hierarchy Theory X Workers dislike working
  • 17. Avoid responsibility Lacks independence Need to be supervised constantly No ambition Workers are motivated Seek and accept responsibility Problem solvers See work as natural part of life Theory Y What are your thoughts? Do you believe people are born X or Y? New Public Management 1980’s - Present Day A series of reforms to improve: Efficiency and Performance
  • 18. For: Western governments and/or public sector organizations Placed the focus on citizens Recipients of the services Customers of the public sector New Public Management Points to the inadequacies and failures of public sector performance over time Locates the problem in the nature and processes of the public activity and public administration Reshape the interactions between the public and government Customer oriented public service Uses ideas from the private sector to improve the interactions between citizens and public administrators. New Public Management 8 Aspects to NPM
  • 19. Strengthening steering functions Devolving authority, providing flexibility Ensuring performance, control and accountability Improving the management of human resources Optimizing information technology Improving the quality of regulation Providing responsive service Developing competition and choice The Hawthorne Effect (Elton Mayo) Individuals modify or improve behavior when being observed. Idea that increased attention could lead to temporary increase in productivity. Understood the work performance is dependent on both social relationships and work environment.
  • 20. Wicked Problems Rittel & Webber These are problems that have no easy solution Solution s are not right or wrong, good or bad Sometimes, a symptom of another problem Has many explanations Theories and History Dr. Linda-Marie Sundstrom
  • 21. Name / Where do you work How far along are you in the MPPA Program Other classes you’re taking this term Have you ever lived or traveled outside the United States What do you hope to get out of this class Introductions Articles of Confederation (1777) Constitution (1787) Constitution was signed in 1787, but ratified by New Hampshire (9 of the 13 states) in 1788 The term in the video “republican” refers to a representative
  • 22. republic form of government (elected representatives representing the people) ruled by the constitution (as opposed to a democracy), not the political party Federalism 13:03 Overview Articles of the Constitution include Article I – Legislative Branch Article II – Executive Branch Article III – Judicial Branch Article IV – States Rights Article V – Amendment Process Article VI – Constitution is the Law of the Land Article VII – Ratification (1:28) Articles I, II, and III
  • 23. Hamilton, Madison, Jay nPPrbS5d-juhFwo3hTBso0gq2sUZ&index=45 (Start video at 2:20 mark) Federalist Papers (1787-1788) First 10 Amendments to the Constitution (3 minutes) Bill of Rights 2/3 of both houses 3/4 of all states
  • 24. nPPrbS5d-juhFwo3hTBso0gq2sUZ&index=41 (4:55) Constitutional Amendments Federalism President Andrew Jackson – Spoils System President Garfield shot by supporter Pendleton Act Signed by President Chester A. Arthur Spoils System/Merit System
  • 25. Wilson’s Dichotomy (1887) Politics/Administration Dichotomy Politics Purpose: To create policy Involved: Elected Officials responsible for the creation of policy Laws Ordinances Policy Administration Purpose: To implement policy Involved: Everyone who is employed by a government agency including Military First responders Social services Parks and rec, etc. Scientific Management One Best Way
  • 26. Frederick Winslow Taylor (1912) Henri Fayol (1916) 14 Principles of Management Division of Labor Authority Discipline Unity of Command Unity of Direction Subordination Remuneration Centralization Scalar Chain Order Equity Stability of Tenure of Personnel Initiative Esprit de Corps
  • 27. He did not like the fact that employees were more loyal to their bosses then to their organizations which therefore created a family-like structure. He instead believed in a more formal and rigid structure of organization known as bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is a non-personal view of organizations Formal structure that has rules, and formal legitimate authority It has characteristics of appropriate management practices. Max Weber (1922) Six Characteristics of Bureaucracy Well defined formal hierarchy of command Management by rules and regulation Division of labor and work specialization Managers should maintain an impersonal relationship with their employees Competence and not personality should be basis for job
  • 28. appointment Formal rules, regulations, procedures, decisions and actions by the organizations and its members should be recorded in order to preserve consistency and accountability Max Weber (cont’d) She recognized the holistic nature of community and advanced the idea of "reciprocal relationships" in understanding the dynamic aspects of the individual in relationship to others. Advocated the principle of what she termed "integration," or noncoercive power-sharing based on the use of her concept of "power with" rather than "power over.“ (4:39 History) Mary Parker Follett (1926) Hawthorne Effect
  • 29. A type of reactivity in which individuals modify or improve an aspect of their behavior in response to their awareness of being observed The novelty of increased attention could lead to temporary increases in workers' productivity. Managers who understand informal ties among workers can make decisions for management's benefit People's work performance is dependent on both social relationships and job content. Elton Mayo (1920s) Brownlow, Merriam, & Gulick recommended changes to the Executive Office of the President including: Creating aides to the President in order to deal with the administrative tasks assigned to the President. The President should have direct control over the administrative departments. The managerial agencies - The Civil Service Administration, the Bureau of the Budget, and the National Resources Board - should be part of the Executive Office. The Reorganization Act of 1939 incorporated only two of the
  • 30. recommendations. The most important results of the actions taken by Roosevelt were the creation of the Executive Office of the President and the creation of a group of six executive level assistants. Brownlow Commission 1937 POSDCoRB Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Coordinating Reporting Budgeting Division/Coordination of work Workers should only have one boss Gulick (1937)
  • 31. Functions of the Executive Stressed "soft" factors such as "communication" and "informal processes“ in organizations Seven Essential Rules (1-4) Channels of communication should be definite Everyone should know the channels of communication Everyone should have access to the formal channels of communication Lines of communication should be as short and direct as possible Chester Barnard (1938) Competence of persons serving as communication centers should be adequate The line of communication should not be interrupted when organization is functioning Every communication should be authenticated Organizations endure, however, in proportion to the breadth of
  • 32. the morality by which they are governed The endurance of an organization depends upon the quality of leadership, and that quality derives from the breadth of the morality upon which it rests Chester Barnard (7 Rules cont’d) Abraham Maslow (1943) Bounded Rationality Satisficing In order to talk about organizations, we need to talk about decision making (Simon) Herbert Simon (1946)
  • 33. Waldo challenged mainstream scholars' view of public administration as a value-free, non-partisan social science that promised to make government more efficient and effective. Dwight Waldo (1948) Theory X Workers dislike working. Avoid responsibility and need to be directed. Have to be controlled, forced, and threatened to deliver what's needed. Need to be supervised at every step, with controls put in place. Need to be enticed to produce results; otherwise they have no ambition or incentive to work. Douglas McGregor (1957)
  • 34. Theory Y Workers take responsibility and are motivated to fulfill the goals they are given Seek and accept responsibility and do not need much direction Consider work as a natural part of life and solve work problems imaginatively McGregor (Cont’d) The science of muddling through Incrementalism Policy change is evolutionary, not revolutionary Charles E. Lindblom (1959)
  • 35. New Public Management (NPM) is the label given to a series of reforms from the 1980s onwards, to improve the efficiency and performance of western governments and/or public sector organizations. New Public Management (1980s) Strengthening steering functions Devolving authority, providing flexibility Ensuring performance, control and accountability Improving the management of human resources Optimizing information technology Improving the quality of regulation Providing responsive service Developing competition and choice EU Based R. Swanson - Start at 1 minute mark (1:15)
  • 36. NPM - 8 Aspects to NPM Public and private leadership: Are they fundamentally alike in all unimportant respects Graham Allison (1979) The New Public Service Serving, Not Steering A new model of governance that stresses the need to engage citizens in governance of their communities Denhardt & Denhardt (2007) In order to talk about organizations, we need to talk about
  • 37. decision making (Barnard, Simon) Rational Choice Bounded Rationality Satisficing Herbert Simon Garbage Can Theory Cohen March and Olsen, 1972 Charles Lindblom The Science of Muddling Through Incrementalism Decision Making Theories Elite Theory Group Theory Rational Choice Theory Institutional Theory Political Systems Theory Agenda Setting
  • 38. John Kingdon’s Three Streams (1984) Problem Identification More of a crisis, more likely it will get on the agenda Policy Alternative Development Politics Swings of national mood to face the problem Three streams work largely independent of each other When these three streams converge, the more likely it will get on the agenda (a policy window is open for a very short time) Policy Entrepreneurs need to seize the opportunity because the window will close quickly Agenda Setting Problems with no easy solution (e.g., poverty)