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Executive Vs Bureaucracy
Different from most modern bureaucrats, these political appointees and their subordinates acquire their positions through elections or answer directly
to elected officials. In the view of the public, they are responsible for the operations of the bureaucracies that make up their respective branches. They
are expected to set general policy and directions and provide leadership in order to manage government agencies and programs. In order to achieve
these expectations they need some degree of influence, if not control, over bureaucratic agencies that may not be the main concern in the political
success of failure of the executive. Deliberate strategies and influence is necessary in dealing with administrative agencies, if they want to succeed in
leading administrative behavior toward satisfaction of their policy objectives. They are also dependent on bureaucracy for policy development due to
the diversity of information sources within the executive staffs, and those used outside the more content...
Even executive with a widespread formal and political power must still depend on professionals in the bureaucracy for program advice, elevation, and
offering program
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Evaluating Bureaucratic Performance
In evaluating bureaucratic performance, efficiency seems like the best or only criterion to use. After all, it makes sense to relate their performances
to how well the agencies are doing their jobs or how much public good they are providing for the citizens. However, in my opinion, there is a more
important standard on how we should evaluate their performance, and that is by how democracy is affected. In a country like the United States, where
we are very passionate about freedom and democracy, we should be wary whether the actions of the federal bureaucracy is promoting or hampering our
democracy. The federal bureaucracy is more democratic by how President nominates political appointees and how Congress either support or deny their
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Bureaucratic Rationalization
A bureaucracy is a big organization which is made by the decisions of many people and the organization is run by many departments. It is a system of
administration which has a clear order of authority, staffed by full–time, salaried official and all the rules are written. While rationalization means the
justification of something in which organizing something into a logical system. Many organization is often rationalized to make the organization as
helpful as possible. This paper will discuss Weber's conception of bureaucracy andrationalization. Utilizing this concept, it will explain Ritzer's concept
of McDonaldization and how it reflects the structure of organizations and the work assigned individuals in organizations. more content...
Weber also considered about how bureaucracy can take the freedom of workers life because they have to follow all the rules the way bureaucratic
officials made. He also recognized that bureaucratic jobs are dull and boring and have less creativity. Even tough he considers some negative sides of a
bureaucratic system, but he concludes that bureaucratic authority is the best way to cope with the administrative requirement in a large–scale social
system. On the basis of Weber's bureaucracy process, this paper will continue to discuss the term of Ritzer's concept of McDonaldization in society.
George Ritzer is an American sociologist who invented the term "McDonaldization" which is following the process of rationalization. He divided the
term "McDonaldization" into four dimensions and they are efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control. The first one is efficiency means thrust
upon people. The second one is calculability refers something is good even tough it has less quality. The third one is predictability in which everything
goes with the routine and system. The last one is control which means maintain a better control of the employees. McDonald is the fast–food restaurant
which follows these rules just like Weber's theories of bureaucracy and Ritzer's
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Bureaucracy And Bureaucracies
1)Bureaucracy exists to organize states and keep them working as efficiently as possible. Max Weber claims that bureaucracies are the most efficient
form of organization due to control, hierarchy, and predictability. Bureaucracies are created to give authority and power over others, specialize in
certain tasks, and restrict individuals through regulations and laws. However, as Kettl makes it clear that this organization is not easy to maintain.
According to Kettl, it is important to for citizens and the government to have a relationship with each other (2017, 3). In bureaucracies, there is not
much room for a healthy relationship between citizens and the government because the two can be constantly in disagreement about issues – there may more content...
Regulations are a grant of power and set of directions that enforce compliance for the goals of a bureaucracy. Bureaucracies are expected to take
responsibility for their actions. Legislators will oversee public administrators to make sure that everything is done correctly and to avoid any issues
(Kettl, 2017, 395). When issues do arise, it is important for bureaucracies to take accountability for what happened and try to pose a solution. Two
federal agencies that exist that should be consistent, accountable, and have a hierarchy of authority are the Department of Justice and the Department
of Defense. Both of these agencies are highly important bureaucracies that protect and govern citizens. The Department of Justice's function is protect
the people from harm and enforce laws that prevent individuals from causing issues or harm to others. The Department of Defense's function is to
protect the United States as whole from foreign invaders, attacks, and such. Both of these agencies are tasked with protecting the people and both need
to have a hierarchy of authority, consistency, and accountability.
In addition to better organization, Mary Parker Follet claims that administrations should reason with their employees because psychology studies show
that employees work better in environments that are the most satisfactory and relaxing. Follett explains that by creating a good environment,
supporting that environment, and analyzing the
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Representative Bureaucracy Essay
Implications and Discussion. Although research has shown the importance of having a representative bureaucracy, the perceptions and attitudes of
employees and managers alike are interesting to consider. Soni (2000) sought to better understand workplace diversity and workplace diversity
initiatives in place by surveying the employees and managers at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The survey asked questions pertaining to
the impact of perceptions held by employees and managers in the workplace. She found that while employees and managers viewed diversity as a
salient issue in the workplace, the perception surrounding it varied by race and gender groupings. In addition, the difference in perceptions is in the
perception of more content...
The impact of increasingly salient topics such as race and gender are important for the future of public administration. Considering the soon to come
changes in the ethnic make–up of the United States, the future of bureaucracies is heavily reliant on the successful adoption of representative
bureaucracies. These bureaucracies must attempt to represent the population both passively and actively. Once passively represented, the research
presented suggests that the active representation will soon follow. By adopting this well researched focus, I would argue that there would be an
increase in responsiveness and a possible re–implementation of the New Public Service administrative model. Passive and active representation would
essentially provide the platform for bureaucracies to serve the population rather than steer the population. Furthermore, there would be an increased
awareness on the role of administrators and bureaucracies to advocate for democratic citizenship, community and civil society, and organizational
humanism (Denhardt and Denhardt ,
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The Positive Aspects Of Bureaucracy
1.One of the positive aspects of bureaucracy that covers so many scenarios is it fosters impartiality. The structure in bureaucracy commands
responsibility by all and that structure also provides security in many situations for those within the bureaucratic system as well as those impacted
by that system. 2.A crisis situation I'm familiar with is one that has occurred at a local middle school and a leader has immerged within a group of
students. That person doesn't even realize she is considered the leader but many of the true leaders realize it and are attempting to use her leadership
to help solve the crisis. The crisis began on the second week of school when a number of teachers were displaced from their assignment at this
particular school. This displacement caused a lot of emotional pushback by other teachers, parents and most definitely students. One particular student
moved quickly in an attempt to rally the students to support the displaced teachers. Though she was only able to get two other students to participate
with her and speak that night at the school board meeting, their bravery stood out to members of the school board as well as administration within the
school. The video of their moving speeches has been shared over and over on social media. The situation did contribute to the emergence of the leader
as she was directly impacted by the displacement of teachers though it did not necessarily demand it. When she attended
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Relevance of Bureaucracy in an Organization
Managing Indigenous Knowledge And Traditional Cultural Expressions: Is Technology The Solution?
Amber Burtis
This paper discusses current issues surrounding the management of indigenous knowledge (IK) and traditional cultural expressions (TCEs) in libraries,
archives and other cultural institutions. It addresses the need for: (1) ethical policies for the management of these knowledge systems, (2) critical
approaches to the dominant library paradigm of information management, (3) recent efforts by the World Intellectual Property Organization and the
American Library Association to craft policy on this topic, and (4) the need for and examples of collaboration with indigenous communities.
Implications for social change with more content...
IK and TCEs are represented in library and archival collections, but often LIS professionals make no attempt to put them into a cultural context. In
support of intellectual freedom, we skillfully catalog, digitize and display information so that the public can access it. A noble goal, but as Wendland
(2008) notes: "...indigenous claims for greater protection of indigenous knowledge systems and cultural materials lie, albeit perhaps only superficially,
at right–angles to some of the core objectives of libraries and other information services, such as: freedom of speech, intellectual freedom, diffusion of
knowledge, research and learning, access to information, and preservation of cultural heritage" (p. 2). For indigenous communities, IK and TCEs are
not "things" that exist separately from their culture. The discord with LIS systems lies in the orientation of the field toward a scientific logic of
'information retrieval' and 'information access.' In this discourse, knowledge becomes information, divorced from the context in which it was created
(Pyati, 2006). This process allows indigenous cultural capital to be commodified in the name of intellectual freedom.
THE RESPONSE TO IK AND TCEs MANAGEMENT CONCERNS The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is one of the leading
authorities on IK and TCEs. The organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations and acts as forum for policy debate regarding
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Bureaucracy And Its Effect On Society
Bureaucracy belongs to an important part in administrative science. Because this concept is a universal concept. Bureaucracy impacts on our society.
Though it has a positive impact now–a–days it becomes more worsened in our country. It has become more red–tape in our country. Moreover it has
many negative externalities such as rigidity, over formality, corruption and so on.
Firstly we have to know whatisthe meaning of Bureaucracy.
Bureau = office and cracy = practical usage
That means "try to control everything by office".
Bureaucracy is such a form of social organization which is maintained by strict rules and regulations and which has the goal of achieving technical
superiority over any other social organization.
Paul. H. Appleby, "Bureaucracy is inseparable from the phenomenon of systematic interaction of many person's associate in common and complex
Prof. Finer; "This civil service is a body of officials permanent, paid and skilled".
In a modern country the role of bureaucracy cannot be described in words. To make any country's policy formulation implementation of legislation and
important policy making, bureaucracy is a must. Without bureaucracy governmental workings is hard. So in the modern world it is a must.
Here the importance of bureaucracy is mentioned
1.Pioneer of social change: In a developing country, bureaucracy plays an important role in the social, political, economic even
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Bureaucracy
MEANING OF BUREAUCRACY The term Bureaucracy comes from the French word bureau which means office or desk and it combines this word
with the Greek word kratos which means rule or political power. Although there were many who gave various definitions of bureaucracy but it was
Max Webber a German sociologist who conducted a formal study on bureaucracy and his work led to the popularization of this term. The definition of
bureaucracy given by Max Webber was "Bureaucracy is an organisational structure that is characterised by many rules, standardised processes,
procedures and requirements, number of desks, meticulous division of labour and responsibility, clear hierarchies and professional, almost impersonal
interactions between employees".
Max more content...
Some of the dysfunctions of bureaucracy are as follows–
1)There is no emphasis on creating additional competencies–Within the hierarchal structures of a bureaucratic system, workers gets promoted
continually until they obtain a position where they're initially incompetent. This is the position where promotion stops for people until they decide to
retire because there is no stress on creating new or additional competencies within the bureaucratic system. This means a bureaucratic system continues
to function only because there are able employees trying to get positions with more power.
2)It fosters a structure that doesn't create true productivity– A bureaucracy creates various rules and laws that should be followed to the benefit of all.
The problem with this is that more rules and laws should be added at virtually any time, which complicates the workloads that people must endure. This
may grasp additional forms to fill out, new regulations for filling, or new evaluations that should be conducted. It is a process that ensures safe
productivity, but limits the true productive ability of individuals and
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The Importance Of Bureaucracy
Holzer and Schwester (2016) defines bureaucracy as the structure within which virtually all government organizations operate (29). The purpose of the
bureau is to ensure that goods and services can be produced or provided in the most efficient manner possible. Bureaucrats are responsible for
implement policies established by congressional acts or presidential decisions (American Politics Today). Bureau engages in a variety of activities
which ranges from regulating individual and corporations to buying everything the government needs (American Politics Today).
Responsiveness can be defined as the quality of reacting quickly and positively. Bureaucracy responsiveness can be defined as how quickly and
effectively can the bureau reacts/responds to events that is occurring within the public sector. Bureaucracy responsiveness is extremely important
now because the bureaucratic organizations and senior civil servants more than ever are directly exposed to public pressures in the form of media
coverage, public protests etc. (Barkat & Gilad 2015). It is essential for the bureau to be attentive to public pressures due to the high levels of political
control to preempt intervention by politicians who are reliant on public support (Barkat & Gilad 2015). Good listening and deductive reasoning are
extremely important. Responsiveness ranges from the ability to accurate comprehend the events taking place. It also includes the ability to analyze and
differentiate the important issues from
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Bureaucracy is all about the rules and regulations to manage a particular activity in the organization. This paper is about how bureaucracy used in old
organizations and how it affected the processes of new organizations. It explains how bureaucracy is not applicable in today's business environment
because of many facts. As years went through there was a drastic change in the operations of the organisation. The concern moved from organization to
customer service, so the bureaucratic organizations changed their strategy from bureaucracy to customer service, this include government organizations
also. Different authors thought about issue the issue different and this is explained in a very lucid language in this more content...
They demand the better quality of product and long term services. The growth of successful companies depends on their long term business planning.
The process is to identify and pursue core technologies and competencies to increase the growth of organization. (Gerald B Dyer, 1994)
вќ– To provide superior customer service:
In the survey of some companies, it was found that the utility and telephone companies were focusing on the customers who are the maximum part of
businesses. The firms that provide better services, it is very difficult to offer loyalties towards increasing the productivity. For example, Sears
Automotive Division implemented the commission based structure which requires its mechanical engineers to meet some specific quotas. In contrast
with this, Sears are blamed for charging more to the customers with the unnecessary repairs of the automobiles by the Department of Customer Affairs,
California. (Jane Applegate, 1992)
вќ– Providing unique services:
This includes implementing best customer care programs. In this regard, the departmental stores provide lunch and snacks to their customers who
shops. Some employers help the out station customers with the schedules of their travel and accommodation.
вќ– Implementation of Improvement & Benchmarking
To improve the business processes, the complaints of the customers & reasons for the return of products should be tracked. This ensures that the
desired improvements are
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Bureaucracy : Bureaucracy And Bureaucracy Essay
Bureaucracy role in everyday business
People working together in compatible ways by defining everyone's roles within a hierarchy organizations is a definition of bureaucracy. In
examination of bureaucracy the author will find the definition, the advantages and disadvantages and will use the Police Departments in America as an
example of bureaucracy and will display its characteristics of bureaucracy. It can be argued that there's more disadvantages then advantage to using
bureaucracy. Research indicates that bureaucracy can lead to powerless, unsatisfied and unhappy employees. Research indicated that bureaucracy is a
way of directorially establishing big numbers of people who need to work together. Organizations in the public and private sector, including universities
and governments, rely on bureaucracies to function. The term bureaucracy literally means "rule by desks or offices," a definition that highlights the
often–impersonal character of bureaucracies. Even though bureaucracies sometimes seem inefficient or uneconomical, setting up a bureaucracy helps
ensure that thousands of people work together in likeminded ways by defining everyone's roles within a hierarchy. Government bureaucrats perform a
large variety of tasks. We often think of bureaucrats as paper–pushing desk clerks, but bureaucrats teach, and monitor how federal candidates raise
money, among other activities. The job of abureaucrat is to apply government policy, to take the laws and decisions
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Essay On Bureaucracy
The bureaucratic practices at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan based on Legal–rational authority According to Weber descriptions for three type of authority, it is
arguable that BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Jamsostek) is more influenced by legal–rational authority. The legal–authority which is in form of bureaucracy. In
Indonesia, bureaucracy has been attached to a negative stigma. It is because the bureaucracy in indonesia's state enterprise and Organizational body
are considered complex. The concepts of bureaucracy are applied in almost every act in these state's company or organizational committee which also
goes at BPJS ketenagakerjaan. Legal – rational domination basically stressing on efficiency to carry out a policy or program with least cost (Heper & more content...
For instance, the recruitment for the new employees are based on technical qualification. Then the employees are paid according their job
qualifications, responsibilities and educational background. Thus, every person in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has specific job and responsibilities
according their job description. This is regulated at the company regulation. Also for the assessment of the staff, if staff wants a promotion, they need
to be assessed by their superior. For instance, the staff should report their work to their superior and vice versa, the superior need to revise their
subordinates, give recommendation and lastly decides whether the staff could get the promotion or not. The CEO and directors are also need to report
his or her jobs performance to the president. However, this bureaucracy is tried to suppress. The management develops a new system called human
capital infrastructure system (HCIS) to tackle this issues, where in this system the staff could arrange their own career planning. The assessment is
changed to be more objective, it based on their factual merit not because likeness. This system accommodate the staff to express their capability like
individual development
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Essay on Bureaucracy
The word "bureaucracy" has a negative connotation to many people. The fact is that our current system of government would not be able to survive
without bureaucracies. The bureaucracy has become the "fourth branch" of the government, it has quasi–legislative and judicial powers and in it's own
field its authority is rarely challenged. The presence of these large, inefficient structures is necessary if the American people want to continue receiving
the benefits that they expect.
Bureaucracies are technically encompassed under the executive branch of government. The executive branch, however, does not have control over a lot
of the things that the agencies do. Congress tries to control agencies by influencing more content...
The president appoints people to head agencies; these people are loyal and have the same ideology as the president. The president can also issue
executive orders or simply his word is enough to put an agency into action. The OMB is also under the president so he too can control the amount of
money that agencies receive. The president can also reorganize an agency if he chooses. This spread of power is the same way that the founders
intended, with the system of checks and balances. The bureaucracy is not under direct control of any branch and it has regulatory and judicial powers
that are quasi or semi, these things combined make it safe to assume that the federal bureaucracy is indeed a "fourth branch."
The American people have come to expect that the government should take care of them. They expect the government to provide social security,
regulation of food and medicines, protect consumers, and a whole bunch of other concerns and interests. The government can not provide these things
without bureaucracies. People tend to consider bureaucracies as huge overgrown parts of the government, but this is rarely the case with most
bureaucracies short on necessary training, funding, supplies and equipment – to carry out the huge task of serving the American people. The
government is providing the most it can for Americans with the least amount of spending. The people govern in a democratic government, and if the
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Max Weber Bureaucracy Essay
1. Introduction
A bureaucracy is a large organization that is designed to achieve a common goal through a hierarchical organization. The classic perspective on
bureaucracy was proposed by German sociologist, Max Weber at the beginning of 20th century. Weber developed a theory of authority structures and
described organizational activity based on authority relations. He described an ideal type of organization that he called a "bureaucracy".
The characteristics of Weber's bureaucracy
* Division of labor – Each person's job is broken down into simple, routine and well defined tasks.
* Well–defined authority hierarchy – A multilevel formal structure, with a hierarchy of positions or offices, ensures that each lower office is under the more content...
3.3 Employee alienation
Members perceive the impersonality of the organization as creating distance between them and their work. It is frequently difficult to feel committed to
the organization. High specialization further reinforces one's feeling of being irrelevant – routine activities can be easily learned by others, making
employees feel interchangeable and powerless.
3.4 Concentration of power
The concentration of power is a fact that bureaucracy generates an enormous degree of power in the hands of a very few. If you perceive this an
undesirable or counter to the values of a democratic society, as some do, you will find this attribute a negative consequence of the bureaucratic form.
3.5 Non–member frustration
Another negative consequence relates to those outside the organization who must deal with the bureaucracy. Members are remunerated for their work
in bureaucracies.
4 Five basic elements of an organization
According to Henry Mintzberg, an organization's structure is largely determined by the variety one finds in its environment. For Mintzberg,
environmental variety is determined by both environmental complexity and the pace of change. Mintzberg defines five basic organizational subunits.
source: Henry Mintzberg, Structure in Five :Designing Effective Organization, 1983,p.262. Reprinted by permission of Prentice–Hall, Englewood
Subunit Example positions from a manufacturing firm.
Strategic Apex Board of
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Bureaucracy and Bureaucrats Essay
Bureaucracy and Bureaucrats
Americans depend on government bureaucracies to accomplish most of what we expect from government, and we are oftentimes critical of a
bureaucracy's handling of its responsibilities. Bureaucracy is essential for carrying out the tasks of government. As government bureaucracies grew in
the twentieth century, new management techniques sought to promote greater efficiency. The reorganization of the government to create the
Department of Homeland Security and the Bush administration's simultaneous push to contract out jobs to private employers raises the question as to
whether the government or the private sector can best manage our national security. Ironically, the criticism of thebureaucracy may be a
more content...
Congress has delegated a significant amount of authority to the federal bureaucracy by granting the agencies the power to draft federal regulations (rule
making) and to adjudicate conflicts over these regulations.
Presidents use the rule–making power of bureaucracies to shape policy.
Before 1883, bureaucrats were political appointees–the product of the spoils system.
The Civil Service Act of 1883 created the merit system by requiring that appointees to public office be qualified for the job, thereby ending the spoils
The Organization of the Executive Branch
I. What are the agencies that make up the Executive Branch?
The federal bureaucracy consists of the Cabinet departments, independent agencies, government corporations, and independent regulatory commissions.
The Cabinet departments are usually headed by a secretary (the Department of Justice is headed by the Attorney General), but it is the bureau level that
has the responsibility for interacting with the public.
Independent agencies exist outside the structure of the Cabinet departments and carry out functions that are too costly for the private sector such as
Government corporations (the U.S. Postal Service and Amtrak) are designed to run like a business and, we hope, generate a profit.
Independent regulatory commissions regulate some aspect
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Role Of Bureaucracy In Public Administration
The progress of bureaucracy was carefully observed through the evolutions of the premises described in the Schools of Thought. As a result, I think
public administration is the direct development and execution of policies that prepares bureaucrats in the management of public officers, and makes
public workers to apply these rules directly to the members of society. During the creation of policies public administrators and politicians must be able
to consider the public interest and the effects of the new policy with accountability. The management of public officers it's the primary role ofpublic
administration because it should be able to adapt to the constant changed of globalization, social issues and the environment to better satisfy the needs
and service to the public. Public offices should conduct its operations with responsibility and accountability during the provision of services. The
management of public administration should be considered according to the current necessities of its people and be able to change it operations,
strategies and functions to achieve a high level of stability. Public administration should be able to adapt and implement strategies and elements of
for–profit businesses to make a positive impact on the management, services and cost–savings of programs. By working as a "business–like"
management, public administrators should be able to determine which operations should be modified to achieve a high level of efficiency and
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Bureaucracy Summary
Caleb Roberts
September 5, 2017
Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies do and why they do it by James Q. Wilson In his book, Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies do and
why they do it, James Q. Wilson's main objective is to better define the behavior of governmental bureaucracy, believing traditional organizational and
economic theory does not adequately explain their actions. Wilson believes that government agencies are doomed to be perceived as inefficient entities
by the public. He gives examples of commonly held perceptions of bureaucracies and reveals how these are mostly misconceptions. He points to the
environment of bureaucracy, where rules and procedures, dictate goals, along with context, constraints, values, and norms. Wilson uses a unique
approach of breaking down bureaucracy into six parts: Organization, Operations, Managers, Executives, Context, and Change.
The organization is basically what it states, an organization is important for an agency, and it matters.
Operations look at behavior, for example, street–level bureaucrats, and how their culture is determined by the situations they encounter daily.
Managers of public agencies have complex issues to deal with, that is made more challenging due to a variety of constraints.
Executives of government agencies are in competition with other departments, and use specific strategies in the process of competing, for "turf".
The context of public agencies business includes presidents, courts, and congress.
Change is needed, and Wilson summarizes the problems of government agencies and offers alternative market solutions and propositions. Wilson does
an excellent job to dispel the public's perception of bureaucracy as a largely impersonal, poorly managed entity that employs unqualified staff who are
buried in red tape. He explains, that to better understand why bureaucracies do what they do, you must recognize that public government agencies do
not have the same goals as private independent businesses. The two operate with different sets of rules, goals, incentives, and constraints. In short,
private companies are goal oriented, where bureaucracies are driven by constraints. Wilson demonstrates this by using Government
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Max Weber 's Theory Of Bureaucracy Essay
The word bureaucracy derived from "bureau" and "cracy". The word "bureau" means office or desk and "cracy"means power or rule. Thus bureaucracy
means desk government.
Bureaucracy is ahierarchical organization which follows strict rules and regulations in achieving desired goals and which has tendency to gain
supremacy over other organizations. Famous German sociologist theorized ideal– type of bureaucracy. Max Weber thought bureaucracy is the highest
efficient organization which falls under legal rational authority. Soon after the theory came out, like other theory, ideal–type bureaucracy theory
encountered severe criticisms.Alvin Gouldner, Robert Merton, Phillip Selznick, Peter Blau are some of them who criticized the ideal–type of
bureaucracy. With the creation of new states and the intervention ofgovernment in everyday life of citizens necessitated the need for ideal–type of
bureaucracy. Everywhere whether in developed or developing nations, bureaucratic structure is a common phenomenon.
The environment and the state of affairs in which Max Weber developed the theory of bureaucracy were different from the present welfare states.
Modern states are complex and difficult to maintain thus the validity of bureaucracy is questioned in the face of these challenges.
The Development of a country to a large extent depends on how the bureaucracy of that country functions. As bureaucracy gives input in policy making,
implements those and evaluate outcome of an implemented policy,
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Executive Vs Bureaucracy

  • 1. Executive Vs Bureaucracy Different from most modern bureaucrats, these political appointees and their subordinates acquire their positions through elections or answer directly to elected officials. In the view of the public, they are responsible for the operations of the bureaucracies that make up their respective branches. They are expected to set general policy and directions and provide leadership in order to manage government agencies and programs. In order to achieve these expectations they need some degree of influence, if not control, over bureaucratic agencies that may not be the main concern in the political success of failure of the executive. Deliberate strategies and influence is necessary in dealing with administrative agencies, if they want to succeed in leading administrative behavior toward satisfaction of their policy objectives. They are also dependent on bureaucracy for policy development due to the diversity of information sources within the executive staffs, and those used outside the more content... Even executive with a widespread formal and political power must still depend on professionals in the bureaucracy for program advice, elevation, and offering program Get more content on
  • 2. Evaluating Bureaucratic Performance In evaluating bureaucratic performance, efficiency seems like the best or only criterion to use. After all, it makes sense to relate their performances to how well the agencies are doing their jobs or how much public good they are providing for the citizens. However, in my opinion, there is a more important standard on how we should evaluate their performance, and that is by how democracy is affected. In a country like the United States, where we are very passionate about freedom and democracy, we should be wary whether the actions of the federal bureaucracy is promoting or hampering our democracy. The federal bureaucracy is more democratic by how President nominates political appointees and how Congress either support or deny their nomination. Get more content on
  • 3. Bureaucratic Rationalization A bureaucracy is a big organization which is made by the decisions of many people and the organization is run by many departments. It is a system of administration which has a clear order of authority, staffed by full–time, salaried official and all the rules are written. While rationalization means the justification of something in which organizing something into a logical system. Many organization is often rationalized to make the organization as helpful as possible. This paper will discuss Weber's conception of bureaucracy andrationalization. Utilizing this concept, it will explain Ritzer's concept of McDonaldization and how it reflects the structure of organizations and the work assigned individuals in organizations. more content... Weber also considered about how bureaucracy can take the freedom of workers life because they have to follow all the rules the way bureaucratic officials made. He also recognized that bureaucratic jobs are dull and boring and have less creativity. Even tough he considers some negative sides of a bureaucratic system, but he concludes that bureaucratic authority is the best way to cope with the administrative requirement in a large–scale social system. On the basis of Weber's bureaucracy process, this paper will continue to discuss the term of Ritzer's concept of McDonaldization in society. George Ritzer is an American sociologist who invented the term "McDonaldization" which is following the process of rationalization. He divided the term "McDonaldization" into four dimensions and they are efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control. The first one is efficiency means thrust upon people. The second one is calculability refers something is good even tough it has less quality. The third one is predictability in which everything goes with the routine and system. The last one is control which means maintain a better control of the employees. McDonald is the fast–food restaurant which follows these rules just like Weber's theories of bureaucracy and Ritzer's Get more content on
  • 4. Bureaucracy And Bureaucracies 1)Bureaucracy exists to organize states and keep them working as efficiently as possible. Max Weber claims that bureaucracies are the most efficient form of organization due to control, hierarchy, and predictability. Bureaucracies are created to give authority and power over others, specialize in certain tasks, and restrict individuals through regulations and laws. However, as Kettl makes it clear that this organization is not easy to maintain. According to Kettl, it is important to for citizens and the government to have a relationship with each other (2017, 3). In bureaucracies, there is not much room for a healthy relationship between citizens and the government because the two can be constantly in disagreement about issues – there may more content... Regulations are a grant of power and set of directions that enforce compliance for the goals of a bureaucracy. Bureaucracies are expected to take responsibility for their actions. Legislators will oversee public administrators to make sure that everything is done correctly and to avoid any issues (Kettl, 2017, 395). When issues do arise, it is important for bureaucracies to take accountability for what happened and try to pose a solution. Two federal agencies that exist that should be consistent, accountable, and have a hierarchy of authority are the Department of Justice and the Department of Defense. Both of these agencies are highly important bureaucracies that protect and govern citizens. The Department of Justice's function is protect the people from harm and enforce laws that prevent individuals from causing issues or harm to others. The Department of Defense's function is to protect the United States as whole from foreign invaders, attacks, and such. Both of these agencies are tasked with protecting the people and both need to have a hierarchy of authority, consistency, and accountability. In addition to better organization, Mary Parker Follet claims that administrations should reason with their employees because psychology studies show that employees work better in environments that are the most satisfactory and relaxing. Follett explains that by creating a good environment, supporting that environment, and analyzing the Get more content on
  • 5. Representative Bureaucracy Essay Implications and Discussion. Although research has shown the importance of having a representative bureaucracy, the perceptions and attitudes of employees and managers alike are interesting to consider. Soni (2000) sought to better understand workplace diversity and workplace diversity initiatives in place by surveying the employees and managers at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The survey asked questions pertaining to the impact of perceptions held by employees and managers in the workplace. She found that while employees and managers viewed diversity as a salient issue in the workplace, the perception surrounding it varied by race and gender groupings. In addition, the difference in perceptions is in the perception of more content... The impact of increasingly salient topics such as race and gender are important for the future of public administration. Considering the soon to come changes in the ethnic make–up of the United States, the future of bureaucracies is heavily reliant on the successful adoption of representative bureaucracies. These bureaucracies must attempt to represent the population both passively and actively. Once passively represented, the research presented suggests that the active representation will soon follow. By adopting this well researched focus, I would argue that there would be an increase in responsiveness and a possible re–implementation of the New Public Service administrative model. Passive and active representation would essentially provide the platform for bureaucracies to serve the population rather than steer the population. Furthermore, there would be an increased awareness on the role of administrators and bureaucracies to advocate for democratic citizenship, community and civil society, and organizational humanism (Denhardt and Denhardt , Get more content on
  • 6. The Positive Aspects Of Bureaucracy 1.One of the positive aspects of bureaucracy that covers so many scenarios is it fosters impartiality. The structure in bureaucracy commands responsibility by all and that structure also provides security in many situations for those within the bureaucratic system as well as those impacted by that system. 2.A crisis situation I'm familiar with is one that has occurred at a local middle school and a leader has immerged within a group of students. That person doesn't even realize she is considered the leader but many of the true leaders realize it and are attempting to use her leadership to help solve the crisis. The crisis began on the second week of school when a number of teachers were displaced from their assignment at this particular school. This displacement caused a lot of emotional pushback by other teachers, parents and most definitely students. One particular student moved quickly in an attempt to rally the students to support the displaced teachers. Though she was only able to get two other students to participate with her and speak that night at the school board meeting, their bravery stood out to members of the school board as well as administration within the school. The video of their moving speeches has been shared over and over on social media. The situation did contribute to the emergence of the leader as she was directly impacted by the displacement of teachers though it did not necessarily demand it. When she attended Get more content on
  • 7. Relevance of Bureaucracy in an Organization Managing Indigenous Knowledge And Traditional Cultural Expressions: Is Technology The Solution? Amber Burtis ABSTRACT This paper discusses current issues surrounding the management of indigenous knowledge (IK) and traditional cultural expressions (TCEs) in libraries, archives and other cultural institutions. It addresses the need for: (1) ethical policies for the management of these knowledge systems, (2) critical approaches to the dominant library paradigm of information management, (3) recent efforts by the World Intellectual Property Organization and the American Library Association to craft policy on this topic, and (4) the need for and examples of collaboration with indigenous communities. Implications for social change with more content... IK and TCEs are represented in library and archival collections, but often LIS professionals make no attempt to put them into a cultural context. In support of intellectual freedom, we skillfully catalog, digitize and display information so that the public can access it. A noble goal, but as Wendland (2008) notes: "...indigenous claims for greater protection of indigenous knowledge systems and cultural materials lie, albeit perhaps only superficially, at right–angles to some of the core objectives of libraries and other information services, such as: freedom of speech, intellectual freedom, diffusion of knowledge, research and learning, access to information, and preservation of cultural heritage" (p. 2). For indigenous communities, IK and TCEs are not "things" that exist separately from their culture. The discord with LIS systems lies in the orientation of the field toward a scientific logic of 'information retrieval' and 'information access.' In this discourse, knowledge becomes information, divorced from the context in which it was created (Pyati, 2006). This process allows indigenous cultural capital to be commodified in the name of intellectual freedom. THE RESPONSE TO IK AND TCEs MANAGEMENT CONCERNS The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is one of the leading authorities on IK and TCEs. The organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations and acts as forum for policy debate regarding Get more content on
  • 8. Bureaucracy And Its Effect On Society Bureaucracy belongs to an important part in administrative science. Because this concept is a universal concept. Bureaucracy impacts on our society. Though it has a positive impact now–a–days it becomes more worsened in our country. It has become more red–tape in our country. Moreover it has many negative externalities such as rigidity, over formality, corruption and so on. WHAT ISBUREAUCRACY? Firstly we have to know whatisthe meaning of Bureaucracy. Bureau = office and cracy = practical usage That means "try to control everything by office". Bureaucracy is such a form of social organization which is maintained by strict rules and regulations and which has the goal of achieving technical superiority over any other social organization. Paul. H. Appleby, "Bureaucracy is inseparable from the phenomenon of systematic interaction of many person's associate in common and complex terms". Prof. Finer; "This civil service is a body of officials permanent, paid and skilled". ROLE OF BURAEUCRACY IN STATE AND SOCIETY In a modern country the role of bureaucracy cannot be described in words. To make any country's policy formulation implementation of legislation and important policy making, bureaucracy is a must. Without bureaucracy governmental workings is hard. So in the modern world it is a must. Here the importance of bureaucracy is mentioned 1.Pioneer of social change: In a developing country, bureaucracy plays an important role in the social, political, economic even Get more content on
  • 9. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Bureaucracy MEANING OF BUREAUCRACY The term Bureaucracy comes from the French word bureau which means office or desk and it combines this word with the Greek word kratos which means rule or political power. Although there were many who gave various definitions of bureaucracy but it was Max Webber a German sociologist who conducted a formal study on bureaucracy and his work led to the popularization of this term. The definition of bureaucracy given by Max Webber was "Bureaucracy is an organisational structure that is characterised by many rules, standardised processes, procedures and requirements, number of desks, meticulous division of labour and responsibility, clear hierarchies and professional, almost impersonal interactions between employees". Max more content... Some of the dysfunctions of bureaucracy are as follows– 1)There is no emphasis on creating additional competencies–Within the hierarchal structures of a bureaucratic system, workers gets promoted continually until they obtain a position where they're initially incompetent. This is the position where promotion stops for people until they decide to retire because there is no stress on creating new or additional competencies within the bureaucratic system. This means a bureaucratic system continues to function only because there are able employees trying to get positions with more power. 2)It fosters a structure that doesn't create true productivity– A bureaucracy creates various rules and laws that should be followed to the benefit of all. The problem with this is that more rules and laws should be added at virtually any time, which complicates the workloads that people must endure. This may grasp additional forms to fill out, new regulations for filling, or new evaluations that should be conducted. It is a process that ensures safe productivity, but limits the true productive ability of individuals and Get more content on
  • 10. The Importance Of Bureaucracy Holzer and Schwester (2016) defines bureaucracy as the structure within which virtually all government organizations operate (29). The purpose of the bureau is to ensure that goods and services can be produced or provided in the most efficient manner possible. Bureaucrats are responsible for implement policies established by congressional acts or presidential decisions (American Politics Today). Bureau engages in a variety of activities which ranges from regulating individual and corporations to buying everything the government needs (American Politics Today). Responsiveness can be defined as the quality of reacting quickly and positively. Bureaucracy responsiveness can be defined as how quickly and effectively can the bureau reacts/responds to events that is occurring within the public sector. Bureaucracy responsiveness is extremely important now because the bureaucratic organizations and senior civil servants more than ever are directly exposed to public pressures in the form of media coverage, public protests etc. (Barkat & Gilad 2015). It is essential for the bureau to be attentive to public pressures due to the high levels of political control to preempt intervention by politicians who are reliant on public support (Barkat & Gilad 2015). Good listening and deductive reasoning are extremely important. Responsiveness ranges from the ability to accurate comprehend the events taking place. It also includes the ability to analyze and differentiate the important issues from Get more content on
  • 11. Bureaucracy ABSTRACT Bureaucracy is all about the rules and regulations to manage a particular activity in the organization. This paper is about how bureaucracy used in old organizations and how it affected the processes of new organizations. It explains how bureaucracy is not applicable in today's business environment because of many facts. As years went through there was a drastic change in the operations of the organisation. The concern moved from organization to customer service, so the bureaucratic organizations changed their strategy from bureaucracy to customer service, this include government organizations also. Different authors thought about issue the issue different and this is explained in a very lucid language in this more content... They demand the better quality of product and long term services. The growth of successful companies depends on their long term business planning. The process is to identify and pursue core technologies and competencies to increase the growth of organization. (Gerald B Dyer, 1994) вќ– To provide superior customer service: In the survey of some companies, it was found that the utility and telephone companies were focusing on the customers who are the maximum part of businesses. The firms that provide better services, it is very difficult to offer loyalties towards increasing the productivity. For example, Sears Automotive Division implemented the commission based structure which requires its mechanical engineers to meet some specific quotas. In contrast with this, Sears are blamed for charging more to the customers with the unnecessary repairs of the automobiles by the Department of Customer Affairs, California. (Jane Applegate, 1992) вќ– Providing unique services: This includes implementing best customer care programs. In this regard, the departmental stores provide lunch and snacks to their customers who shops. Some employers help the out station customers with the schedules of their travel and accommodation. вќ– Implementation of Improvement & Benchmarking To improve the business processes, the complaints of the customers & reasons for the return of products should be tracked. This ensures that the
  • 12. desired improvements are Get more content on
  • 13. Bureaucracy : Bureaucracy And Bureaucracy Essay Bureaucracy role in everyday business People working together in compatible ways by defining everyone's roles within a hierarchy organizations is a definition of bureaucracy. In examination of bureaucracy the author will find the definition, the advantages and disadvantages and will use the Police Departments in America as an example of bureaucracy and will display its characteristics of bureaucracy. It can be argued that there's more disadvantages then advantage to using bureaucracy. Research indicates that bureaucracy can lead to powerless, unsatisfied and unhappy employees. Research indicated that bureaucracy is a way of directorially establishing big numbers of people who need to work together. Organizations in the public and private sector, including universities and governments, rely on bureaucracies to function. The term bureaucracy literally means "rule by desks or offices," a definition that highlights the often–impersonal character of bureaucracies. Even though bureaucracies sometimes seem inefficient or uneconomical, setting up a bureaucracy helps ensure that thousands of people work together in likeminded ways by defining everyone's roles within a hierarchy. Government bureaucrats perform a large variety of tasks. We often think of bureaucrats as paper–pushing desk clerks, but bureaucrats teach, and monitor how federal candidates raise money, among other activities. The job of abureaucrat is to apply government policy, to take the laws and decisions Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On Bureaucracy The bureaucratic practices at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan based on Legal–rational authority According to Weber descriptions for three type of authority, it is arguable that BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Jamsostek) is more influenced by legal–rational authority. The legal–authority which is in form of bureaucracy. In Indonesia, bureaucracy has been attached to a negative stigma. It is because the bureaucracy in indonesia's state enterprise and Organizational body are considered complex. The concepts of bureaucracy are applied in almost every act in these state's company or organizational committee which also goes at BPJS ketenagakerjaan. Legal – rational domination basically stressing on efficiency to carry out a policy or program with least cost (Heper & more content... For instance, the recruitment for the new employees are based on technical qualification. Then the employees are paid according their job qualifications, responsibilities and educational background. Thus, every person in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has specific job and responsibilities according their job description. This is regulated at the company regulation. Also for the assessment of the staff, if staff wants a promotion, they need to be assessed by their superior. For instance, the staff should report their work to their superior and vice versa, the superior need to revise their subordinates, give recommendation and lastly decides whether the staff could get the promotion or not. The CEO and directors are also need to report his or her jobs performance to the president. However, this bureaucracy is tried to suppress. The management develops a new system called human capital infrastructure system (HCIS) to tackle this issues, where in this system the staff could arrange their own career planning. The assessment is changed to be more objective, it based on their factual merit not because likeness. This system accommodate the staff to express their capability like individual development Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Bureaucracy Bureaucracy The word "bureaucracy" has a negative connotation to many people. The fact is that our current system of government would not be able to survive without bureaucracies. The bureaucracy has become the "fourth branch" of the government, it has quasi–legislative and judicial powers and in it's own field its authority is rarely challenged. The presence of these large, inefficient structures is necessary if the American people want to continue receiving the benefits that they expect. Bureaucracies are technically encompassed under the executive branch of government. The executive branch, however, does not have control over a lot of the things that the agencies do. Congress tries to control agencies by influencing more content... The president appoints people to head agencies; these people are loyal and have the same ideology as the president. The president can also issue executive orders or simply his word is enough to put an agency into action. The OMB is also under the president so he too can control the amount of money that agencies receive. The president can also reorganize an agency if he chooses. This spread of power is the same way that the founders intended, with the system of checks and balances. The bureaucracy is not under direct control of any branch and it has regulatory and judicial powers that are quasi or semi, these things combined make it safe to assume that the federal bureaucracy is indeed a "fourth branch." The American people have come to expect that the government should take care of them. They expect the government to provide social security, regulation of food and medicines, protect consumers, and a whole bunch of other concerns and interests. The government can not provide these things without bureaucracies. People tend to consider bureaucracies as huge overgrown parts of the government, but this is rarely the case with most bureaucracies short on necessary training, funding, supplies and equipment – to carry out the huge task of serving the American people. The government is providing the most it can for Americans with the least amount of spending. The people govern in a democratic government, and if the Get more content on
  • 16. Max Weber Bureaucracy Essay 1. Introduction A bureaucracy is a large organization that is designed to achieve a common goal through a hierarchical organization. The classic perspective on bureaucracy was proposed by German sociologist, Max Weber at the beginning of 20th century. Weber developed a theory of authority structures and described organizational activity based on authority relations. He described an ideal type of organization that he called a "bureaucracy". The characteristics of Weber's bureaucracy * Division of labor – Each person's job is broken down into simple, routine and well defined tasks. * Well–defined authority hierarchy – A multilevel formal structure, with a hierarchy of positions or offices, ensures that each lower office is under the more content... 3.3 Employee alienation Members perceive the impersonality of the organization as creating distance between them and their work. It is frequently difficult to feel committed to the organization. High specialization further reinforces one's feeling of being irrelevant – routine activities can be easily learned by others, making employees feel interchangeable and powerless. 3.4 Concentration of power The concentration of power is a fact that bureaucracy generates an enormous degree of power in the hands of a very few. If you perceive this an undesirable or counter to the values of a democratic society, as some do, you will find this attribute a negative consequence of the bureaucratic form. 3.5 Non–member frustration Another negative consequence relates to those outside the organization who must deal with the bureaucracy. Members are remunerated for their work
  • 17. in bureaucracies. 4 Five basic elements of an organization According to Henry Mintzberg, an organization's structure is largely determined by the variety one finds in its environment. For Mintzberg, environmental variety is determined by both environmental complexity and the pace of change. Mintzberg defines five basic organizational subunits. source: Henry Mintzberg, Structure in Five :Designing Effective Organization, 1983,p.262. Reprinted by permission of Prentice–Hall, Englewood Cliffs,NJ. Subunit Example positions from a manufacturing firm. Strategic Apex Board of Get more content on
  • 18. Bureaucracy and Bureaucrats Essay Bureaucracy and Bureaucrats Americans depend on government bureaucracies to accomplish most of what we expect from government, and we are oftentimes critical of a bureaucracy's handling of its responsibilities. Bureaucracy is essential for carrying out the tasks of government. As government bureaucracies grew in the twentieth century, new management techniques sought to promote greater efficiency. The reorganization of the government to create the Department of Homeland Security and the Bush administration's simultaneous push to contract out jobs to private employers raises the question as to whether the government or the private sector can best manage our national security. Ironically, the criticism of thebureaucracy may be a more content... Congress has delegated a significant amount of authority to the federal bureaucracy by granting the agencies the power to draft federal regulations (rule making) and to adjudicate conflicts over these regulations. Presidents use the rule–making power of bureaucracies to shape policy. Before 1883, bureaucrats were political appointees–the product of the spoils system. The Civil Service Act of 1883 created the merit system by requiring that appointees to public office be qualified for the job, thereby ending the spoils system. The Organization of the Executive Branch I. What are the agencies that make up the Executive Branch? The federal bureaucracy consists of the Cabinet departments, independent agencies, government corporations, and independent regulatory commissions. The Cabinet departments are usually headed by a secretary (the Department of Justice is headed by the Attorney General), but it is the bureau level that has the responsibility for interacting with the public. Independent agencies exist outside the structure of the Cabinet departments and carry out functions that are too costly for the private sector such as NASA. Government corporations (the U.S. Postal Service and Amtrak) are designed to run like a business and, we hope, generate a profit. Independent regulatory commissions regulate some aspect
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  • 20. Role Of Bureaucracy In Public Administration The progress of bureaucracy was carefully observed through the evolutions of the premises described in the Schools of Thought. As a result, I think public administration is the direct development and execution of policies that prepares bureaucrats in the management of public officers, and makes public workers to apply these rules directly to the members of society. During the creation of policies public administrators and politicians must be able to consider the public interest and the effects of the new policy with accountability. The management of public officers it's the primary role ofpublic administration because it should be able to adapt to the constant changed of globalization, social issues and the environment to better satisfy the needs and service to the public. Public offices should conduct its operations with responsibility and accountability during the provision of services. The management of public administration should be considered according to the current necessities of its people and be able to change it operations, strategies and functions to achieve a high level of stability. Public administration should be able to adapt and implement strategies and elements of for–profit businesses to make a positive impact on the management, services and cost–savings of programs. By working as a "business–like" management, public administrators should be able to determine which operations should be modified to achieve a high level of efficiency and effectiveness Get more content on
  • 21. Bureaucracy Summary Caleb Roberts POLS 660A September 5, 2017 Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies do and why they do it by James Q. Wilson In his book, Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies do and why they do it, James Q. Wilson's main objective is to better define the behavior of governmental bureaucracy, believing traditional organizational and economic theory does not adequately explain their actions. Wilson believes that government agencies are doomed to be perceived as inefficient entities by the public. He gives examples of commonly held perceptions of bureaucracies and reveals how these are mostly misconceptions. He points to the environment of bureaucracy, where rules and procedures, dictate goals, along with context, constraints, values, and norms. Wilson uses a unique approach of breaking down bureaucracy into six parts: Organization, Operations, Managers, Executives, Context, and Change. The organization is basically what it states, an organization is important for an agency, and it matters. Operations look at behavior, for example, street–level bureaucrats, and how their culture is determined by the situations they encounter daily. Managers of public agencies have complex issues to deal with, that is made more challenging due to a variety of constraints. Executives of government agencies are in competition with other departments, and use specific strategies in the process of competing, for "turf". The context of public agencies business includes presidents, courts, and congress. Change is needed, and Wilson summarizes the problems of government agencies and offers alternative market solutions and propositions. Wilson does an excellent job to dispel the public's perception of bureaucracy as a largely impersonal, poorly managed entity that employs unqualified staff who are buried in red tape. He explains, that to better understand why bureaucracies do what they do, you must recognize that public government agencies do not have the same goals as private independent businesses. The two operate with different sets of rules, goals, incentives, and constraints. In short, private companies are goal oriented, where bureaucracies are driven by constraints. Wilson demonstrates this by using Government Get more content on
  • 22. Max Weber 's Theory Of Bureaucracy Essay The word bureaucracy derived from "bureau" and "cracy". The word "bureau" means office or desk and "cracy"means power or rule. Thus bureaucracy means desk government. Bureaucracy is ahierarchical organization which follows strict rules and regulations in achieving desired goals and which has tendency to gain supremacy over other organizations. Famous German sociologist theorized ideal– type of bureaucracy. Max Weber thought bureaucracy is the highest efficient organization which falls under legal rational authority. Soon after the theory came out, like other theory, ideal–type bureaucracy theory encountered severe criticisms.Alvin Gouldner, Robert Merton, Phillip Selznick, Peter Blau are some of them who criticized the ideal–type of bureaucracy. With the creation of new states and the intervention ofgovernment in everyday life of citizens necessitated the need for ideal–type of bureaucracy. Everywhere whether in developed or developing nations, bureaucratic structure is a common phenomenon. The environment and the state of affairs in which Max Weber developed the theory of bureaucracy were different from the present welfare states. Modern states are complex and difficult to maintain thus the validity of bureaucracy is questioned in the face of these challenges. The Development of a country to a large extent depends on how the bureaucracy of that country functions. As bureaucracy gives input in policy making, implements those and evaluate outcome of an implemented policy, Get more content on