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              Learning Objectives

• Understand What is industrial (or Business to
  Business) Marketing?
• Know What are the differences in the characteristics of
  industrial and consumer marketing?
• Find out Why the demand for industrial goods and
  services are called “Derived demand” ?

      By Prof. Havaldar
(A)     What is Industrial (Business) marketing?
   It is marketing of products / Services to 
    business firms.
   In contrast consumer marketing is 
    marketing products / services to individuals 
    & households.

(B)     What is the difference between industrial 
    marketing, B2B marketing, Business 
    marketing & Organizational Marketing?
      No Difference!
(C)    What are the differences between 
    Industrial                  & Consumer 
   By Prof. Havaldar
Market                         GEO Concentrated         GEO Disbursed
                               Few Buyers               Large no. Of Buyers
Products                       Technically Complex      Non – Technical
                               Customized               Standardized
Service                        Very Important           Somewhat important
Buyer Behavior                 Various Functional       Family members involved
                               specialists involved     Physiological /
                               Mainly Rational buying   Psychological Social need
                               decisions.               based buying decisions
                               Interpersonal            Non – Personal
                               relationship between     Relationship.
                               buyers and sellers.
Channel                        More direct              Indirect
                               Multi Channel            Few Channels with many
Promotional                    Importance to personal   Importance to Advertising.
Pricing                        Competitive bidding /    MRP
                               Negotiated prices

        By Prof. Havaldar
(D) Why Industrial Demand is called 
  “Derived Demand” ?

   Because Industrial demand is derived from (or 
    depends on) demand for consumer goods / 

   E.G. Steel is demanded for production of 
    consumer durable products like Cars & 
    Refrigerators, which are demanded by 
    household consumers. Hence, Demand for 
    Steel is derived from forecast of consumer 
      By Prof. Havaldar
SUMMARY OF CHAPTER-1                           IM/1-5/5

   Industrial / Business Marketing is 
    marketing of products / services to 
    business firms.

   Differences between Industrial & 
    Consumer marketing are seen in areas / 
    Characteristics like Market, Product, 
    Buyer Behavior, Channel, Promotion & 

   Industrial Demand is derived from 
   By Prof. Havaldar
CHAPTER 2            IM/2-1/10
 Understand the types of industrial customers 

  as well as industrial goods and services.
 Know the marketing implications for different 

  types of customers and products.
 Understand the purchasing orientations and 

  practices of industrial customers.  
 Know types of environment and strategies to 

  manage external environment.
   By Prof. Havaldar
    (A)  What are the types/classifications of 
      Industrial/Business customers?EDRL M M DE INA R( DI EI SST /R I B U T O R S )
                                     IN T
                                     M ID E

                                       C O M M E R C IA L
                                       E N T E R P R IS E S                       OEM S


                                                                                   P U B L IC S E C T O R
                                                                                   U N IT S (B H E L )
                                       GO VER NM ENT
                                       CUSTOM ER S
                                                                                   G O V T . U N D E R T A K IN G S
                                                                                   ( R A IL W A Y S , D E F E N C E U N IT S )
CUSTOM ER S                                                                        P U B L IC IN S T IT U T IO N S
                                                                                   (G O V T . H O S P IT A L S )
                                       IN S T IT U T IO N A L
                                       CUSTOM ER S
                                                                                   P R IV A T E IN S T IT U T IO N S
                                                                                   (S C H O O L S , C O L L E G E S )

                                                                                  M A N U F A C T U R IN G
                                                                                  U N IT S ( S U G A R , M IL K )
                                       C O -O P E R A T IV E
                                       S O C IE T IE S
                                                                                  N O N -M A N U F A C T U R IN G
                                                                                  U N IT S ( B A N K S , H O U S IN G )

                      F IG . T Y P E S O F IN D U S T R IA L / B U S IN E S S C U S T O M E R S
                    By Prof. Havaldar
      (B)  How are Industrial Products / Services 
      Classification into 3 Groups shown below.  U D E
                                R A W M A T E R IA L S (IR O N O R E , C R                                                   O IL )
                                    M A T E R IA L S                  M A N U F A C T U R E D M A T E R IA L S
                                    & PARTS                           ( S T E E L , F U E L O IL )
                                    (E N T E R P R O D U C T
                                                                      C O M P O N E N T P A R T S (B E A R IN G S , T Y R E S )
                                    D IR E C T L Y )
                                                                      S U B A S S E M B L IE S ( E X H A U S T P IP E IN M .C .)

IN D U S T R IA L                   C A P IT A L IT E M S             L IG H T E Q P T (C O M P U T E R S , H A N D T O O L S )
PRODUCTS /                          (U S E D IN
                                                                      H E A V Y E Q P T (M A C H IN E S , T U R B IN E S )
S E R V IC E S                      P R O D U C T IO N /
                                    O P E R A T IO N S )               P L A N T /B U IL D IN G (F A C T O R IE S , O F F IC E S )

                                    S U P P L IE S /                  S U P P L IE S (L U B R IC A N T S , E L E C T R IC A L IT E M S )
                                    S E R V IC E S
                                    (T O S U P P O R T
                                    O P E R A T IO N S )              S E R V IC E S (L E G A L , C O U R IE R )

                    F IG . C L A S S IF IC A T IO N / T Y P E S O F IN D U S T R IA L P R O D U C T S / S E R V IC E S

                             By Prof. Havaldar

(C) Marketing Implications for different types of products & customers?

     i.     For Materials & Parts, Direct selling is 
            done to large OEMs (Original Equipment 
            Manufacturers) and users, but indirect 
            selling through industrial distributors / 
            dealers becomes cost effective for smaller 
            volume OEMs and users. 
     ii.    For Capital items, Direct selling through 
            company sales force is common, with 
            extensive interactions on technical & 
            commercial factors.
     iii.   For Supplies Industrial distributors / 
            dealers are mostly used but for marketing 
            of services, word-of-mouth plays an 
           By Prof. Havaldar
(D)  Purchasing Orientations of Business Buyers
       Business buyers/ Industrial customers follow one 
        of the three purchasing orientations:
        (i)  Buying,   (ii) Procurement, or   (iii) Supply chain 
        (i) Buying Orientation : The firm with buying 
        orientation follows the practice of  (a) selecting 
        lowest price supplier, (b) gaining power over 
        suppliers and (c) avoiding risk of buying from new 
        suppliers. It has a Short-term focus.
        (ii) Procurement Orientation : The purchasing 
        firm with procurement orientation has a long-term 
        focus. It achieves the objectives of quality 
        improvement and cost reductions by following the 
        practices of (a) collaborative relationship with 
        major suppliers and (b) working closely with other 
        functional areas in the company.
         By Prof. Havaldar
(E)  Purchasing Practices of Different Types of Industrial /
Business Customers
   (i) Purchasing in commercial enterprises
    Involve Technical & Commercial depts.

    Major Tasks / Procedure: identifying, negotiating, 

       selecting suppliers, building relationship.
    Purchasing to improve operational efficiency & 

       contribute to firm’s competitive advantage. 
   (ii) Purchasing in Govt. units
    DGS&D agency finalizes rate contracts for standard 

       products for Govt. units.
    Main Tasks / Procedure : Registration of the firm & 

       its Products, Tender Advertisements, no negotiation 
       in “ Open” tenders, negotiations done in closed / 
       limited tenders. By Prof. Havaldar

(iii) Purchasing in Institutions
 If the Institute is a Govt. Hospital Purchasing 

   practices of Govt. units Followed 
 Similarly a private School / College follows 

   practices of commercial enterprises
 However, better to study each major 


(iv) Purchasing in cooperative societies 
 Similar to Institutional purchase.

 By Prof. Havaldar
  (E) Types & Analysis of Environment              A IR & W A T E R P O L L U T IO N

                       E C O L O G IC A L          S O L ID W A S T E D IS P O S A L

                                                   C O N S E R V IN G N A T U R A L R E S O U R C E S

                                                   W A T E R , P O W E R , T R A N S P O R T A T IO N
                       P H Y S IC A L
                                                   L O W -C O S T , S K IL L E D M A N P O W E R

                                                   C O M P A N Y L O C A T IO N , IM A G E / R E P U T A T IO N
E N V IR O N M E N T   IN T E R N A L              R & D & P R O D U C T IO N F A C IL IT IE S
                       (S & W A N A L Y S IS )     H R & F IN A N C IA L R E S O U R C E S
                                                   M A R K E T IN G E F F E C T IV E N E S S

                                                    M IC R O                           C U S T O M E R S & C O M P E T IT O R S
                                                    (A F F E C T S A
                                                    P A R T IC U L A R
                                                    F IR M )                           S U P P L IE R S
                       ( O & T A N A L Y S IS )                                        E C O N O M IC

                                                    M ACRO                             T E C H N O L O G IC A L
                                                    (A F F E C T S
                                                                                       G O V T ., P O L IT IC A L , L E G A L
                                                    A L L F IR M S )
                                                                                       C U L T U R A L & S O C IA L
                                                                                       P U B L IC - P R E S S , S H A R E
                                                                                       H O L D E R S , IN V E S T O R S &
                                                                                       P U B L IC IN T E R E S T G R O U P S
               By Prof. Havaldar
(F)  Strategies for Managing Changing External

       (i)   Independent Strategies.
       (ii)   Cooperative Strategies.
       (iii)  Strategic Planning. It Aims at keeping 
           the firm
               consistently successful in changing 
           marketing       environment by market 
           oriented strategic  management.

            By Prof. Havaldar
Types /Classifications of Industrial/ Business
  Customers are
  (i)  Commercial Enterprises,  (ii) Government
  (iii) Institutional,  (iv) Cooperative societies.

Industrial Products/Services are classified into
   (i) Materials & Parts, (ii) Capital Items, (iii) Suppliers & 
   Marketing strategies differ for different product &  
    Customer types.
   Industrial / business Buyers follow one of the three 
    purchasing orientations : buying, procurement, or 
    supply chain management.
        By Prof. Havaldar
CHAPTER – 3                               IM/3-1/16


Learning Objectives
   Understand Organizational buying objectives.
   Gain knowledge of buying activities, including 
    different phases in buying decision process, 
    types of buying situations; buygrid framework 
    & its analysis.
   Identify members of buying centers.
   Understand organizational buying behavior.
    By Prof. Havaldar


     Reliability in delivery.
     Consistent product Quality.
     Lowest price (If delivery & Quality objectives 
      are met)
     Excellent pre & post – sales services.
     Long – Term collaborative relationship.
      Industrial buyers try to achieve organizational 
      purchasing objectives & personal objectives 
      like higher status, job security, salary 
      By Prof. Havaldar

Industrial Buying Decision Process
     Marketers must study this for developing 
      effective marketing strategy.
     In Consumer Marketing, Household / 
      Individual consumer / Buyer makes buying 
      decisions based on certain mental stages like 
      (i) Problem (Need) Recognition, 
      (ii) Information Search       (iii) Evaluation 
      (iv) Purchase decision        (v) Post Purchase 
     In Industrial Marketing, Buying Decision 
       By Prof. Havaldar

     PHASE –1  :- Recognising A problem / need.
     PHASE – 2 :- Determining Characteristics & 
                               Quantity of needed product / 
     PHASE – 3 :- Developing specifications of the 
     PHASE – 4 :- Searching & Qualifying 
     PHASE – 5 :- Obtaining & Analyzing 
      suppliers’ offers*
     PHASE – 6 :- Evaluating & Selecting 
      Suppliers. By Prof. Havaldar

ATTRIBUTE/   WEIGHT/                           SUPPLIER’S   SUPPLIER’S
FACTOR       IMPORTANCE                      PERFORMANCE      RATING
PRICE                  15                         0.5           07.5

QUALITY                30                         0.7          21.0

DELIVERY               25                         0.6          15.0

SERVICE                20                         0.7          14.0

FLEXIBILIY             10                         0.4          04.0

TOTAL                 100                                      61.5

     By Prof. Havaldar
(B) Buying Situations / Buyclasses
    3 Common types of purchases / buying situations
    i. New Task / New Purchase : 
        Here, buyers have limited knowledge and 
        experience of the new product/service.  Hence, 
        more information is obtained, more people are 
        involved, risks are more, and decisions take 
        longer time.
    ii. Modified Rebuy / Change in supplier :
        This situation occurs when the firm is not 
        satisfied with the performance of existing 
        suppliers, or there is a change in product specs. 
         Hence, the need for searching alternate 
    iii. Straight Rebuy / Repeat purchase :
        Here, the buying firm places repeat orders on 
         By Prof. Havaldar

(C) Buygrid Framework
        BUYPHASES                                    BUYCLASSES
                                         New Task      Modified     Straight
                                                        Rebuy       Rebuy
1. Problem Recognition                       Yes       May Be         No
2. Characteristics of Product                Yes       May Be         No
3. Product Specification                     Yes       May Be         No
4. Supplier Search                           Yes         Yes          No
5. Analyzing Supplier Offers                 Yes         Yes        May Be
6. Supplier Selection                        Yes         Yes          No
7. Order – Routine Selection                 Yes         Yes        May Be
8. Post Purchase Review                      Yes         Yes          Yes
         By Prof. Havaldar

     All Phases are Applicable for a New Task.
     Some Phases are Applicable for modified /  
      Straight Rebury.
     New task situation is most difficult since 
      buyers have less knowledge, no experience & 
      more people involved.
     Modified Rebury is not difficult situation since 
      it has few activities.
     Straight rebury situation is handled routinely, 
       By Prof. Havaldar
(D) Buying Center roles & key members.

  Roles of Buying center members are
   Initiators. First recognize problem / need. Any 
    individual in buying firm – often, users.
   Buyers. Carry out purchase activities. They are 
    purchase officers / executives.
   User. Any person who uses the product / service.

   Influencers. Influence buying decision. Technical 
    people are often key influencers.
   Deciders. Make buying decisions. Senior 
    executives are deciders for high value & complex 
    products. For straight rebuy / routine purchase, 
    junior purchase officer can decide.
   Gatekeepers. They control / filter information & 
       By Prof. Havaldar

(E) Identifying key members of buying centre
   Sales / Marketing persons must identify 
    important members of buying centre.
   Buying centre consists of individuals and groups 
    who take part in buying decision making process, 
    have common objectives & share common risks. 
    It is also called purchase committee, buying 
    committee or decision making unit.
   Members of buying centre are
    (i)  Technical persons. Represent 
           maintenance, Q.C.,  Industrial Engg. Depts.
    (ii)  Purchasers / Buyers. Purchase / Materials 
    dept. persons.
        By Prof. Havaldar
(F)  Organizational buying behavior
   Industrial / business buyers are influenced by 
    many factors. Two most important factors are 
    (i) Organizational factors / task – oriented
    objectives, like best product quality, lowest 
    price, dependable delivery.
    (i) Personal factors / Non-task oriented  
    objectives, such as good increments, 
    promotion, Job security, personal favors. 
   When suppliers’ offers are similar, buyers can 
    satisfy organizational objectives from any 
    supplier. Hence, personal factors become
   However, when suppliers’ offers differ 
      By Prof. Havaldar
   Many models have been developed to explain 
    organizational buying behavior. One of the 
    comprehensive models is the Sheth model, 
    described below.
   The Sheth model of industrial buyer
    behavior, shown below , focuses on (i) 
    Psychological aspects of individual buyers 
    (Component 1), (ii) Conditions causing joint 
    decision making (Component 2), (iii) Conflict 
    among those involved in decision process & 
    resolution of conflict 
     By Prof. Havaldar
 C o m p o n e n t (1 )                       C o m p o n e n t (2 )                   C o m p o n e n t (3 )           S it u a t io n a l F a c t o r s

D iffe r e n c e s  a m o n g                V a r ia b le s  th a t D e te r m in e   M e th o d s  u s e d  fo r
in d iv id u a l b u y e r s                 if b u y in g  d e c is io n  is          c o n flic t  r e s o lu tio n
c a u s e d  b y  fa c to r s  :             a u to n o m o u s   o r  jo in t :       in  jo in t- d e c is io n
 B a c k g r o u n d  o f                   A )  P r o d u c t  S p e c ific          m a k in g  p r o c e s s  :
    in d iv id u a ls  ( E d u c a tio n ,   F a c to r s  :
    r o le  &  life  s ty le ) .              T im e  P r e s s u r e                    P r o b le m  S o lv in g
 T h e ir  in fo r m a tio n                 P e r c e iv e d  R is k                   P e r s u a s io n           S u p p lie r  o r
    s o u rc e s .                            T y p e  o f P u r c h a s e               B a r g a in in g            B r a n d  C h o ic e
 A c tiv e  S e a r c h                     B )  C o m p a n y  S p e c ific             P o litic k in g
 P e r c e p tu a l D is to r tio n             F a c to r s  :
 S a tis fa c tio n  w it h                  C o m p a n y  S iz e
    p a s t p u r c h a s e s                 C o m p a n y  O r ie n ta tio n  
                                              D e g r e e  o f 
                                                 C e n tr a lis a tio n

                             F ig . : T H E S H E T H M O D E L O F IN D U S T R IA L B U Y E R B E H A V IO U R
                                     By Prof. Havaldar
W E B S T E R A N D                            W IN D         M O D E L
         E n v ir o n m e n ta l V a r ia b le s
        P    h y s ic a l,  T e c h n o lo g ic a l
        E    c o n o m ic , C u ltu r a l
        P    o lit ic a l  a n d   L e g a l
        L    a b o u r  u n io n s
        C     u s to m e r d e m a n d s
        C     o m p e t it iv e   p r a c tic e s
        S    u p p lie r   in f o r m a t io n

         O r g a n is a tio n V a r ia b le s
        O     b je c t iv e s   a n d  g o a ls
        O     r g a n is a tio n  S tr u c tu r e
        P    u r c h a s in g  P o lic ie s   /  P r o c e d u r e s
        E    v a lu a tio n  &  r e w a r d  s y s te m s
        D    e g r e e   o f  d e c e n t r a lis a t io n

         B u y in g C e n tr e V a r ia b le s                                    O r g a n is a tio n B u y in g D e c is io n s
         A u th o r ity ,   S iz e                                              C   h   o ic e   o f  S u p p lie r s
         K e y   in f lu e n c e r s                                            D   e   la y   d e c is io n   &   g e t   m o r e   in f o r m a t io n
         I n t e r p e r s o n a l  r e la t io n s h ip                        M   a   k e , L e a s e  o r b u y
         C o m m u n ic a tio n                                                 D   o    n o t b u y

         In d iv id u a l V a r ia b le s
         P    e r s o n a l G o a ls , V a lu e s
         E    d u c a t io n ,   E x p e r ie n c e
         E    x p e r tis e , J o b  P o s itio n
         L   ife s ty le , In c o m e

                                              By Prof. Havaldar
   Important Customer Service Elements. Carry 
    out market survey to understand which of the 
    following elements of customer service are 
    important to customers, what service levels are 
    expected by customers, the service levels 
    offered by the firm and its competitors.
      (i) Pre – Sales Service : Advising, 
    Informing,                     Problem solving
         (ii) During – Sales Service : Product 
                on–time delivery, order cycle time, and 
     By Prof. Havaldar
   Industrial  marketers should understand that 
    business buyers try to achieve both 
    organizational & personal objectives.
   Industrial buying decision process consists of 
    eight steps / stages (buyphases) & three types of 
    buying situations (buyclasses).
   Buygrid model combines buyphases & 
   Marketers must understand roles & key members 
    of buying centre, including key buying 
   Many factors influence organizational buying 
    behavior, but major factors are organizational ( or 
       By Prof. Havaldar

   Understand buyer sales rep. interactions.
   Types/range of relationships between 
    buyer & seller firms.
   Customer relationship management 
    (CRM) / relationship marketing.
   Methods used to influence industrial 
     By Prof. Havaldar

   Depend on their perceptions, behavior & 
   Buyers have two major perceptions of sales 
    (i)  Stereotype – talkative, manipulative, 
    (ii) Reputation of sales rep’s company.
   Buyer Behavior towards sales rep depends on 
    organizational needs / objectives, buying 
    centre interactions and personal needs.
     By Prof. Havaldar


 A Conceptual Framework by Dr. Sheth 
                               C o m p a t ib le S ty le     In c o m p a t ib le S ty le

     C o m p a tib le         Id e a l/S u c c e s s f u l          In e ffic ie n t
     C o n te n t                 T r a n s a c tio n             T r a n s a c t io n

     In c o m p a tib le            In e ffic ie n t                      No
     C o n te n t                 T r a n s a c tio n             T r a n s a c t io n

 •   A buyer and a seller interaction is called “Dyadic” – two persons’
     interactions’, with above types of transactions.
 •   Content includes organizational and personal needs of a buyer and
     a seller.
 •   Style includes manner and format of communication – task
     oriented, self oriented, or social / personal oriented.
               By Prof. Havaldar

     When buyer (or customer) and seller (or 
      supplier) firms do business, they have the 
      following types and range of business / 
      working relationships / exchanges.  r i n g /
                                      P a rtn e
        T r a n s a c tio n a l   V a lu e -A d d e d   C o lla b o r a tiv e
        R e la tio n s h ip       R e la tio n s h ip   R e la tio n s h ip

     Each business relationship is an exchange 
      process of obtaining a desired product / 
      service by offering something of value is 
       By Prof. Havaldar
    typically one time exchange of a product / 
    service, with lowest price / economy and 
    necessity as main factors. Some customers 
    prefer it when many suppliers are available in 
    a stable market. They switch purchases from 
    one supplier to another. Marketers also 
    choose least profitable customers for 
    transactional relationships. 


    Here the focus is to understand customer 
     By Prof. Havaldar

    The focus is to build strong social, economic, 
     service and technical ties between customer 
     and supplier firms in order to achieve mutual 
    The criteria used for selecting business 
     customers for partnering relationships are 
     technological contributions, mutual 
     dependence, “supply chain management” 
     orientations, and high sales & profit 
      By Prof. Havaldar

  Conceptually  same,  methods  /  techniques  to 

    achieve objectives are different.
   Both  CRM  &  RM  aim  at  partnering  / 
    collaborative  long-term  relationships  for 
    mutual benefits of both parties.
   CRM’S  objectives  are  to  improve  customer 
    loyalty  and  there  by,  company’s  profitability. 
    For this, marketing strategy is first developed, 
    then  investment  is  made  in  software  system 
    to  gather  data  /  information  on  each  valued 
    customer, and the same is made available to 
    all  employees  to  give  superior  customer 
     By Prof. Havaldar


   Major methods :  Sales presentation and 
   Sales Presentations: For effective sales 
    presentation, a sales person should follow some 
    guidelines : 
    i.  Plan and collect information before sales 
    ii. Identify customer needs and satisfy them 
    better than  competitors.
    iii.Use “AIDAS” theory or any other theory of 
    selling (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, 
         By Prof. Havaldar
   NEGOTIATION :  For negotiation with 
    customers use
    “I win, you win” or “win win” style, with 
    following guidelines :
    a. Build an environment of trust & 
    b. Identify the problem areas.
    c. Both sides work together, pooling ideas, 
        and resources.
    d. Regular frequency of concessions are 
    important and not          
        the size of concessions.
         By Prof. Havaldar
SPECIAL DEALINGS BETWEEN                     IM/4-10/11

    RECIPROCITY. It means buying a product / 
     service from a customer and selling a  
     product / service to a supplier. It occurs when 
     products are similar and price competition is 
     less. Generally, both purchase managers and 
     sales managers dislike. In  practice, the 
     procedure becomes complex. It  should be 
     kept at minimum level.
  With coordination and planning, a business 
   marketer can promote its products to 
   customers’ customer, if a need arises.
   By Prof. Havaldar

   Industrial buyer and sales rep.’s interactions 
    depend on their perceptions, behavior, & roles.
   Interaction between two persons (buyer  & seller) is 
    called Dyadic, with various types of transactions, as 
    per Dr. Sheth’s framework.
   Buyer and seller firms have various types and 
    range of relationships: transactional, value added 
    and partnering / collaborative.
   Customer relationship management (CRM) and 
    relationship management (RM) are conceptually 
    same. Both aim at collaborative / partnering long – 
    term relationship for mutual benefits of both parties.
   Sales promotion and negotiation are the major 
    methods used to influence industrial buyers.
       By Prof. Havaldar
CHAPTER 5                                      IM/5-1/6

1.   Know Nature and Scope of
     Industrial Marketing research.
2.   Examine the Marketing Research
3.   Understand Industrial Marketing
     Intelligence System.
   By Prof. Havaldar


Scope is vast. Some of the areas
   are :
i. Market share analysis .
ii. National and Geographical area-
     market potential.
iii. Competitors’ analysis.
  By Prof. Havaldar

 1. Identify the problem / opportunity and
    state research objectives .
 2. Develop research design /
 3. Collect data / information.

 4. Process and analyze the data.
 5. Prepare research report.

    There is no major difference in the
  By Prof. Havaldar
INDUSTRIAL MARKEING INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM                                                                                                             IM/5-5/6

                                M a r k e t in g
                                 R esea rch
                                  s t u d ie s

                                  I n d u s t r ia l
                 S econ d ary                          D e c is io n
                                 M a r k e t in g                                                                                       M ark et
                      D a ta                            Support
                                I n t e llig e n c e                                                                                   R esp on ce
                    S ou rce                            S y ste m
                                                                                     MarketRs ingch
                                                                                            studie s
                                                                                                 Industr ial
                                                              SecoD atndry MarketInlig ingce DecisonSuprt             MarkRespo etnc
                                                                  So urce System                             System

                                     S y ste m

Industrial marketing intelligence system is developed to meet the
needs of industrial marketers for timely and continuous information
for effective decision making .
         By Prof. Havaldar

   Industrial marketing research rely more
    on exploratory and descriptive (i.e.
    survey) methods .
   The scope of industrial / business
    marketing research is vast .
   There is no major difference in the
    process or steps involved in marketing
    research for consumer and industrial
   Industrial marketing intelligence system is
    By Prof. Havaldar
1. Business Marketers rely more on
  Secondary data,        and exploratory
  research (Through expert opinion).
2. Descriptive (or Survey) method is used
  more often         than experimental and
  Observation methods, for collecting
  primary data.
3. Sample size is small due to small
4. Difficult to define sampling unit (or
  respondents), since buying decisions
 By Prof. Havaldar


 1. Know the Procedure followed for
    segmenting industrial markets.
 2. Identify the Variables (bases) used for
    segmenting business markets.
 3. Evaluate and select the target market
    segments and strategies.
 4. Develop effective positioning
     By Prof. Havaldar


The procedure has 3 steps .
1. Conduct marketing research to
   collect data / information on existing
   and potential buyers, and competitors.
2. Carry out data analysis by using
   statistical techniques of factor and
   cluster analysis in order to identify
   different segments.
3. Profile each segment by its
 By Prof. Havaldar
   Industrial market segmentation is done first
    based on “Macro Variables” , and then
    subdivided into “Micro Variables”, if necessary.

   Macro Variables. These segmentation
    variables are identified based on
    industry/organizational characteristics like.
     (i) Type of industry / Type of customer.
     (ii) Company size / Usage rate.
     (iii) Customer location / Geographical area.
     (iv) End-use / Application / Benefits of a
       By Prof. Havaldar
   Micro Variables. Macro segments are
    further subdivided into micro –
    segments’, if needed. Micro Variables
    are based on purchasing decisions like
       (a) Customer interaction needs,
       (b) Organizational capabilities,
       (c) Purchasing policies,
       (d) Purchasing criteria,
       (e) Personal characteristics.

      Sequential Segmentation Process.
    Often, business marketers use more
   By Prof. Havaldar
Criteria / factors used for evaluating each market
  segment are :
 (i) Size and Growth .
 (ii) Profitability Analysis .
 (iii) Competitive Analysis .
 (iv) Company Objectives and Resources

Based on above criteria, business marketer selects
 one or more market segments as target
 segments. Next , the marketers should decide
 which of the following broad target market
 strategies the company should adopt
   By Prof. Havaldar
Following steps are involved :
(i)     Identify which attributes / benefits target
      customers consider important while buying a
      product / service. This information is obtained
      through a market research study . The
      variables considered for differentiating a
      company’s product from competing products
       (a) Product variables,
      (b) Service variables,
       (c) Personal variables,
       (d) Image variables,
       By Prof. Havaldar

(iii)   Use Perceptual Mapping Technique.
        To decide on positioning strategy, this
        technique is used, after getting
        customers’ perceptions through
        marketing research.

(iv) Communicate Positioning
    Strategy. The firm should decide and
    communicate its positioning strategy to
    target customers, through sales force,
    advertising in journals, internet, and
      By Prof. Havaldar
                                   Product Quality

                       .A1                      0.8


                                  .C            0.4

 Strong       1.0     0.8   0.6   0.4   0.2
                                                 - 0.2 - 0.4 - 0.6 - 0.8 - 1.0
 Customer                                                                        Customer
 Service                                                                         Service
                                                - 0.2
                                                - 0.4

                                                - 0.6

                      .                         - 0.8
                                                - 1.0

Perceptual Mapping                     Low
Technique                          Product Quality
           By Prof. Havaldar

1.   Procedure used in market segmentation includes
     (i) Marketing research, (ii) Data analysis (iii)
     Profiling each segment.
2.   Variables used for segmenting industrial markets
     include macro variables and if needed, micro
     variables. Sequential segmentation process is
     often used.
3.   Criteria used for evaluating market segments are
     (i) size and growth , (ii) Profitability (iii)
     Competitive analysis
     (iv) Company Objectives and Resources.
4.   Target market strategies are (a) Concentrated or
     Niche marketing, (b) Differentiated marketing, (c)
     Undifferentiated marketing strategy
     By Prof. Havaldar

 Learning Objectives
 1. Define an Industrial Product.

 2. Understand Changes in the product strategy.

 3. Know Product Life cycle (PLC) Theory and its
 4. Develop Product strategies for existing
 5. Understand new product development.

 6. Know impact of technology and high-tech By Prof. Havaldar


    Definition : Its is a physical thing as well as a
     Complex set of economic, technical, legal and
     personal relationship between a buyer and a
    Meaning of a Total Product Package : It
     includes basic properties (with fundamental
     benefits), enhanced properties (with
     tangible benefits), and augmented
     properties (with intangible benefits).
    In a competitive market, business
      By Prof. Havaldar


   Business marketers must understand
  that a product strategy is dynamic and
   It changes due to changes in
       (i) Customer needs.
       (ii) Technology.
       (iii) Government Policies / Laws.
       (iv) Product Life – Cycle.

   By Prof. Havaldar
A General Model of Product Life – Cycle (PLC)                              IM/7-4/20

                                                         In d u s tr y
                                                         S a le s

R upees

                                         In d u s tr y
                                         P r o fits

                                                   M a tu r ity          D e c lin e
       By Prof. Havaldar

   Introduction Stage : Marketing Strategy
  should focus on market development for
  slowly accepted products. For rapidly
  accepted products, a competitive strategy
  (Competitive pricing or Superior quality
  product ) should be evolved.

  Growth Stage :To take advantage of high
  growth of sales and profits, the marketing
  strategy should concentrate on (i) Improving
  product design or Prof. Havaldar product features (ii)

   Maturity Stage As competition
    increases and profits decline, marketing
    strategy should concentrate on (i) cutting
    costs, (ii) keeping existing customers
    satisfied (iii) entering new markets.

   Decline Stage Since both sales and
    profits decline, marketing strategy
    should focus on (i) substantial
    reduction in costs, (ii) develop a
    substitute product, (iii) withdraw the
   By Prof. Havaldar

Business marketers should take the
   following steps :
1. Evaluate the performance of existing
   products by using “product evaluation
2. Examine the relative strengths and
   weaknesses of the company’s products
   by using “ perceptual mapping”
 By Prof. Havaldar
Example : A material handling Co.
 (i) Product = P (Pallet Truck)
Last 3 year’s average performance figures are
 Industry sales growth = 25%, Company sales
  growth = 30%
 Market Share = 30% (Dominant) , Profitability
  = As per Target.

(ii) Product = S (Stackers)
 Industry Sales growth = 16% (Stable) ;
    Company Sales Growth = 15% (Stakers)
  By Prof. Havaldar
Product Evaluation Matrix                                                                                                                    IM/7-9/20

                C o m p a n y S a le s                            D e c lin e                           S ta b le                            G ro w th
                                P r o f ita b ility   B e lo w                              B e lo w                             B e lo w
In d u s tr y      M a rk e t                                     Ta rg e t     Above                    Ta rg e t   Above                   Ta rg e t   Above
S a le s                                              Ta rg e t                 Ta rg e t   Ta rg e t                Ta rg e t   Ta rg e t               Ta rg e t
                   S h a re

                    D o m in a n t                                                                                                               P

G ro w th           A v era g e

                    M a rg in a l

                    D o m in a n t

S ta b le           A v era g e

                    M a rg in a l                                                            S

                    D o m in a n t

D e c lin e         A v era g e

                    M a rg in a l

                                       By Prof. Havaldar

                                          H ig h P r ic e


H ig h                                                         Low
Q u a lity                                                     Q u a lity
                 1                                 *A

                                          L o w P r ic e

            By Prof. Havaldar
 Firm A’s product quality is perceived to be
“average” by customers, compared to its
competitors B & C. Firm A should try to move
to a new position of superior quality at a
reasonable (average) price to improve its


(i) Maintain / Continue the product and its
marketing             strategy.
(ii) Modify the product & change marketing
 By Prof. Havaldar

(i)   Products that are new to the world & innovative.
(ii)  Products that are new to the company, but not new to the world.
(iii) Improvements / Revision to the existing products.
(iv) Addition to the existing products.
(v)  Repositioning existing products to new market segments
(vi) Products with substantial cost reductions without reduction in
It consists of 7 Stages :
(i) Idea generation, (ii) Idea Screening, (iii) Concept development and testing,
(iv) Business analysis, (v) Product development,
(vi) Market testing, & (vii) Commercialization.

           By Prof. Havaldar
IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY                              IM/7-13/20

Technological innovations create new products /
  services that
  are new to the world. Examples of these
  innovations, called break through technology
  are :
  (i) Technological inventions of 1940s of
  vacuum tube and amplifier circuit created
  new products / services like radio, wireless
  telegraphy, and telephone service.
  (ii) Technological inventions of 1950s &
  70s of transistor, integrated circuit (IC),
  microprocessors                   have applications in new
  products like TV sets, movie
   By Prof. Havaldar

                                              B e tte r                    H ig h - t e c h
                              H ig h          M o u s e tra p              M a r k e tin g
 T e c h n o lo g ic a l                      M a r k e tin g
 U n c e r ta in t y
                                              L o w -te c h                H ig h - f a s h io n
                              Low             M a r k e tin g              M a r k e tin g

                                                    Low                           H ig h
                                                         M a r k e t U n c e r ta in t y

                  By Prof. Havaldar

        This is suited to high–tech marketing

                                   D eep G ap

In n o v a to rs            13½ %

                   E a r ly                                                         16%
     2½ %          A d o p te rs                                                    L a g g a rd s

                            T im e o f A d o p t i o n o f I n n o v a t i o n s
                   By Prof. Havaldar


 1.   Target a niche market.
 2.   Plan whole product properties.
 3.   Develop partnerships.
 4.   Unique positioning strategy.
 5.   Effective Communication Strategy
 6.   Multi – Channel distribution strategy.
 7.   Skimming pricing strategy.

    By Prof. Havaldar

   Marketing of Industrial Services
   Classifications of Industrial Services

                  M a t e r ia l s               P e rso n al           H o t e ls
              C o m p o n e n ts                                          fo r                   G ood
                                                C o m p u te rs                          T r a n s p o r ta t i o n
      ( S t e e l, B a ll B e a r in g s )                         C o n fe re n c e s

   P u re                                                                                                                        P u re
T a n g ib le                                                                                                              i n t a n g ib l e
P ro d u c t                                                                                                                  s e r v ic e
                                                    M a jo r            Equal                    M a jo r
                                                  P ro d u c t,       P ro d u ct              S e r v ic e ,
                                                    M in o r               &                     M in o r
                                                   S e r v ic e       S e r v ic e             P ro d u ct

                                    By Prof. Havaldar
 Unique Characteristics of services and
 marketing Implications.
      C h a r a c te r is tic s                             M a r k e t in g Im p lic a tio n s                                E x a m p le s

1 . In ta n g ib ility                      B u y e r s s e e e v id e n c e o f s e r v ic e q u a lity                 M an age m en t
    (c a n n o t b e s e e n /
     f e lt , b e f o r e b u y in g )      S e lle r s t a n g ib ilis e t h e in ta n g ib le                           C o n s u lta n c y & E D P s .

2 . In s e p a r a b ility                  E    f fe c t iv e in t e r a c t io n d e p e n d o n s e r v ic e          R e p a ir s to m a c h in e s
    ( P r o d u c t io n &
    c o n s u m p tio n a t th e             p   r o v id e r s .                                                          & C o u r ie r s e r v ic e .
    s a m e t im e )                        R    e q u ir e s e ff e c t iv e r e c r u it in g a n d t r a in in g
                                             o   f s e r v ic e p r o v id e r s .

3 . V a r ia b ility                        U n if o r m q u a lity is d iff ic u lt                                   M an age m en t
    ( S e r v ic e q u a lit y              F o c u s o n q u a lit y & a u t o m a t io n                            e d u c a t io n & m a r k e tin g
    v a r ie s )
                                                                                                                       re s e a rc h .

4 . P e r is h a b ilit y                   D e m a n d flu c tu a te s .                                             A ir lin e s s e a ts &
    (C a n n o t b e s to re d )
                                            U s e m e th o d s to m a tc h d e m a n d &                              W a re h o u s e s p a c e .
                                             c a p a c ity .

5 . N o n -o w n e r s h ip                 A d v a n ta g e s o f n o n - o w n e r s h ip :                            H o te l a n d c a r r e n ta l
    (B u y e r u s e s a
     s e r v ic e , b u t c a n n o t        r e d u c t io n in c o s ts & f le x ib ilit y                               s e r v ic e s .
     o w n it )

                                By Prof. Havaldar

   Industrial Product is a physical thing and also
    a complex set of economic, technical, legal
    and personal relationship between a buyer
    and a Seller.
   Product Strategies are changed due to
    changes in customers needs, technology,
    government policies or laws, and product life
    – cycle
   Product life cycle (PLC) concept is used to
    develop marketing strategies at different
    stages of PLC.
   Product strategies Prof. Havaldar
                                 for existing products are
  It means, deciding if a product should be
  continued, modified, dropped, or replaced.
• New products are classified into six groups and
  consist of seven stages of development
  process :- idea generation, idea screening,
  concept development & testing, business
  analysis, product development, market testing,
  and commercialization.
• In High –tech marketing situation, technology
  application and market needs are difficult to
  predict . The “technology adoption life cycle” is
  modified to suit high-tech marketing.
• Unique high – tech marketing strategies include
  targeting a niche market, planning whole product,
  developing partnership, unique positioning,
  effective communication , multi – channel
    By Prof. Havaldar


Learning objectives
1.   Understand alternative channel structures.
2.   Know types of industrial intermediaries.
3.   Understand steps involved in designing a
4.   Learn how to manage channel members.
5.   Understand concepts of supply chain
     management, Logistics, and business
     logistics By Prof. Havaldar
Alternative Channel Structures
   Industrial channel structures include both direct and
    indirect channels.
      Direct Channels.
   Examples are direct selling through company sales
    force and direct marketing through on-line marketing,
    telemarketing and direct mail.
      Direct channels are used typically when (i)
    Transaction value is large, (ii) Technical &
    commercial negotiations are held at various levels
    (iii) Buying process takes a long time (iv) Buyers want
    to buy directly from manufacturers.

     Indirect Channels.
   Consists of intermediaries like distributors / dealers,
    manufacturer’s reps / agents, value-added resellers
    (VARs), brokers andBy Prof. Havaldar
                               commission merchants.
Types of Intermediaries

1.   Industrial Distributors / Dealers.
    They perform many functions like buying, storing,
     promoting, financing, selling, transporting and
     servicing certain geographic market, & are given

    Major categories are (i) General – line distributors,
     (ii) Specialized distributors, and (iii) Combination

2.   Manufactures’ Representatives / Agents.
    They perform functions like promoting
     manufacturers’ products / services, getting orders,
     and colleting market information. They are
     independent business Havaldar representing various
      By Prof.
3.    Value-added Resellers (VARs)
      They are new type of intermediaries from
     computer industry. They deal with computer
     hardware and software companies, customize the
     same to solve specific problems of buying firms.
     They are paid discounts.

4.    Brokers
       They bring together buyers and sellers, when
     information is not available completely. They
     represent either a buyer or a seller, and their
     relationship is short term. They do not buy products
     & services and are paid on commission basis.

5.   Commission Merchants.
     By Prof. Havaldar

   It includes developing new channels and modifying the
    existing channels.

   The procedure / steps are as follows;
     (i) Developing channel objectives;
     (ii) Analyzing channel constraints;
    (iii) Analyzing channel tasks;
     (iv) Identifying channel alternatives. These include the
    following issues :
             (a) Types of intermediaries.
             (b) Number of intermediaries.
             (c) Number of channels.

    (v) Evaluating the channel alternatives. The criteria used are:
          (a) Economic factor
          (b) Control factor
        By Prof. Havaldar
          (c) Adaptive factor
It includes :
1.   Selecting Intermediaries.
2.   Motivating Intermediaries.
     (a) Partnering relationships.
     (b) Reasonable discounts and commission.
     (c) Distributor councils.
     (d) Other motivational tools.

3.   Controlling Channel Conflicts
     (a) Sources of channel conflicts.
     (b) Controlling conflicts by
        (i) Effective communication network;
        (ii) Joint goal – setting;
        (iii) Diplomacy; Mediation; Arbitration.
        (iv) Vertical marketing system (VMS).
        By Prof. Havaldar
Concept of Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  SCM includes activities of moving goods from raw
  material through operations to final consumers, as
  shown in “SCM Framework” below.

      By Prof. Havaldar
   Main aims of SCM are (i) Reduce cost per
    unit, (ii) Reduce waste & duplication, (iii)
    Minimize order to delivery cycle, and (iv)
    Ensure superior delivery service. Firms
    adopting SCM gain competitive advantage.
   The aims are achieved by a network of
    interdependent firms working together with
    partnering relationships to manage and
    control various activities, in order to improve
    flow of materials and information from
    suppliers to end users.
   Firms involved in SCM are suppliers of raw
     By Prof. Havaldar

Logistics Management (LM)
 LM plans and coordinates activities to
 achieve superior customer service
 levels at lowest costs. LM optimizes
 material flow within the firm, but SCM
 extends integration of material flow to
 suppliers’ suppliers and customers’
 customers. For better understanding,
 see figure on “ business logistics
 system”, which has two product By Prof. Havaldar
Business Logistics System
P h y s ic a l S u p p ly   In d u s tr ia l M a n u fa c tu e r     P h y s ic a l D is tr ib u tio n
                                                                   (o r M a r k e tin g L o g is tic s )

         Marketing Logistics (or Physical
        distribution) consists of delivering finished
        products to intermediaries and customers.
          By Prof. Havaldar
 PD tasks are :
  (i) Transportation, (ii) Warehousing, (iii)
  Inventory Control, (iv) Customer Service, (v)
  Packaging, (vi) Material Handling, (vii) Order
  Processing, (viii) Communication, (ix) Locations
  of factory & Warehouses.

   Total Distribution cost and customer service are
    balanced by
     (i) Minimizing total distribution cost, or (ii) Total
    systems approach through maximizing profits.

   Total Distribution Cost = Transportation cost
       By Prof. Havaldar
   A firm must minimize “total distribution cost”,
    instead of minimizing individual cost
    elements, to balance customer service and
    total distribution cost.

   Another approach, called “total systems
    approach or channel integration” focuses on
    “return on investment” (ROI). Here, a firm’s
    channel members work together to improve
    “customer service”, in order to get higher
    sales l revenueu. e - T o t a l P h y s i c a l D i s t r i b u t o r C o s t
        Sa es R even
                               C a p ita l In v e s tm e n t

            By Prof. Havaldar



1.   Industrial channel structures include direct
     and indirect channels.
2.   Types of industrial intermediaries are:
     industrial distributors / dealers,
     manufacturers’ representatives (or agents),
     value – added resellers (VARs), brokers,
     and commission merchants.
3.   Procedure of channel design includes:
     developing channel objectives, analyzing
     By Prof. Havaldar
   Service Quality Gap : Gap between
    perceived service and expected service.
    A firm may have a strategy of giving
    superior quality service than
    competitors and exceeding customer’s
   Factors that determine service
    quality by customers are :
    (i) Reliability
    (ii) Responsiveness
    (iii) Assurance
   By Prof. Havaldar
   Strategies followed by successful
    customer service firms
    (a) Top management commitment.
    (b) Setting high-standards of service
    (c) Monitoring system.
    (d) Systematic approach to resolving
    customer complaints.
    (e) Satisfy both employees and
    customers .

    By Prof. Havaldar
   Developing customer service levels/
    Neither all customers nor all products need
    the same level of service. Steps involved :
    (i) Conduct marketing research study to find
    which      elements of customer service are
    important to customers.
    (ii) Find needs / expectations of customers
    in quantitative standards for the service
    (iii) Get information on actual performance of
    the        company and it’s competitors from
    (iv) Analyse variance of actual performance
    By Prof. Havaldar
4. Managing channel members consist of
   selecting and motivating intermediaries,
   controlling channel conflicts, and evaluating
   channel members.
5. Supply chain management (SCM) includes
   activities of moving goods from raw material
   through operations to final consumers.
   Logistics management optimizes material
   flow within the firm, but SCM extends
   integration of material flow to suppliers’
   suppliers and customers’ customers.
6. Business logistics system includes physical
   supply and physical distribution (or
   marketing logistics).
   By Prof. Havaldar
                   CHAPTER 9
Learning Objectives :
1. Understand the role of personal selling in
   business marketing.
2. Know the business selling process.
3. Know characteristics of B2B selling , Team
   selling approach, solution-oriented effort,
   Entrepreneurial Philosophy.
4. Understand management of major and national
  By Prof. Havaldar
Role of Personal Selling in Business
• Personal selling or direct selling through
  company sales force plays greater role in business
  marketing than consumer marketing
• Major roles of personal selling
  (i) A part of problems – solving capabilities of the
  (ii) A part of the company’s communication or
       promotion mix .
  (iii) Gives an effective customer service .
    By Prof. Havaldar
Business Selling Process
• No magic formula for making a sale. But chances of
   making a sale improves, if the following “sales
   process” is followed.
• The major steps in selling process are :
   (i) Prospecting. It is searching or identifying
   prospective or likely customers from various sources.
   (ii) Qualifying . Prospective customers are screened
   by qualifying criteria like expected volume, location
   & financial strength.
  (iii) Preparation / Pre-approach. Sales person should
   prepare plan before making sales presentation by
   obtaining all relevant information about the customer
   and competitors through personal visits and websites.
     By Prof. Havaldar
(iv) Sales Presentation / Approach . Different methods
are used like “(AIDAS Approach – Attention, Interest,
Desire, Action, Satisfaction), or “need –satisfaction
(v) Overcoming Objections . Often prospects raise
objections, which are real or practical and
psychological or hidden. These should be answered
satisfactorily by the sales person.
(vi) Closing. Asking for an order or closing the sale is
important. Sales person can use some of the closing
(vi) Post - Sales service and Follow-up This includes
delivery, installation, training, payment collection,
warranty service, and rejections /returns.
   By Prof. Havaldar
Characteristics of B2B Selling
1. Promotional strategy focuses more on “ personal
   selling’’ through company’s sales force. Hence,
   salespersons are active in getting orders.
2. Adverting is used as a support to personal selling.
3. The sales person sells technical and non-technical
   products, and uses “problem solving’’ approach
4. Typically, it takes a long time to know outcome of
   sales efforts.
5. “System selling” approach is used by some business
   marketers, as it is preferred in some large industrial
   projects or contracts.
6. “Team selling” approach is used for major customers
   and large value orders.
     By Prof. Havaldar

Team Selling Approach
• More companies are using team selling approach
  for selling to major and national accounts
  (customers) and technically complex products and
• Sales team consists of sales representative,
  technical support person, inside sales person, and
  a senior sales/marketing manager.
• Coordination is done by a sales rep, for a major
  customer and a national accounts manager for a
  national customer.
    By Prof. Havaldar
Solution – Oriented Effort
• Two major roles of personal selling :
    (1) A part of problem-solving capabilities,
    (2) A part of communication ( or promotional)
• A sales person is a part of selling firm’s problem-
  solving abilities. He should identify and analyse
  the buying firm’s problem. He should then show
  how his company’s products and services can
  solve the buyer’s problems, better than
  competitors. This is called solution-oriented effort
  or approach.

    By Prof. Havaldar
Intrapreneurial Philosophy
• Intrapreneurship means entrepreneur within
  a company.
• When sales and marketing persons, who are
  employees, behave and act like owners of
  the company, they have adopted
  entrepreneurial philosophy. Such persons
  take initiative, are proactive and creative,
  and give superior value to customers.
• Firms that follow Intrapreneurial
  philosophy show consistently good
  By Prof. Havaldar
 • Both major and National accounts (or
   customers) have large (sales and profit
   potentials). But there is a difference.

S a le s               L a rg e                M a jo r       N a tio n a l
P o t e n t ia l                             A ccount         A ccount
of                                           D y a d ic         M in o r
C u s to m e r         S m a ll
                                          In te r a c tio n   A ccount

                                              S im p le       C o m p le x

                   Complexity of customer
           By Prof. Havaldar

• A major account has a large sales (and profit)
  potential and is simple to serve or manage, as the
  customer has only one unit .
• A national account has also a large sales (and
  profit Potential), and is complex or difficult to
  serve, because operating units re geographically
  dispersed. In addition, for small value items
  operating units are autonomous, but for large
  value items, buying is centralized.

    By Prof. Havaldar
How to Manager Major & National Accounts
  Objective. To become the preferred or sole supplier with
  adequate profits.
  Strategy / plan.
• Team selling. For a major customer, the team should
  include branch / regional managers, sales representative
  and technical support person.
  For a national account, the team consists of a national
  accounts manager, branch sales representatives, logistics
  executive, and technical person.
• Relationship marketing. The teams build long-term
  collaborative or partnering relationships by using
  approaches like financial and social benefits, and structural
• Support from top management and functional executives
  should be assured.
      By Prof. Havaldar
• Personal selling has a greater role in business marketing
  than consumer marketing.
• Business selling process consists of prospecting,
  qualifying, preparation (or pre-approach), sales
  presentation (or approach), overcoming objections,
  closing, post-sales service and follow-up.
• B 2 B selling characteristics include problem solving,
  systems selling and team selling approaches.
• Intrepreneurial philosophy results in consistently good
• Management of major and national accounts is done by
  team selling, relationship marketing and support from
  top management and functional managers.
     By Prof. Havaldar
            CHAPTER –10
Learning Objectives :
1. Develop an effective communication
   (or promotional) program.
2. Understand the role of advertising
3. Understand the importance of sales
   promotion, publicity, public relation
   (PR), and direct marketing.
 By Prof. Havaldar
              The steps involved are :
 (i) Decide communication objectives.
 (ii) Identify the target audience.
 (iii) Decide the promotional budget.
 (iv) Develop the message strategy.
 (v) Select the media.
 (vi) Evaluate the promotion’s results.
 (vii) Integrate the promotion’s programme.
  By Prof. Havaldar
           Promotional Tools and Media in Business Markets
P r o m o tio n a l A d v e r tis in g                S a le s                P. R . and          D ir e c t             P erso n a l
      T o o ls                                   P r o m o tio n              P u b lic ity     M a r k e tin g           S e llin g

 P r o m o tio n a l    P r i n t M e d ia    T rad e sh ow s             C h a r ita b le    D ir e c t m a il    S a le s c a lls
      M e d ia          B u s in e s s        E x h ib itio n s          d o n a tio n s       T e le m a r -       S a le s
          &            P u b lic a tio n s     C a ta lo g u e s           A d o p tin g      k e tin g             p r e s e n ta tio n s
    S u p p o r ts      Trade                 S a le s C o n s e n t s   v illa g e s          O n - l in e         T e a m s e l li n g
                       J o u r n a ls          P r o m o tio n a l         C o m m u n ity    m a r k e tin g        R e la t io n s h ip
                        In d u s tr ia ls    n o v e ltie s ( g ifts )    r e la t i o n s                           m a r k e tin g
                       d ir e c t o r ie s     S e m in a r s              N e w s ite m in
                                               D e m o n s tr a tio n     p ress
                                               P r o m o tio n a l         T e c h n ic a l
                                              le tte r s                   a r tic le s in
                                               E n te r ta in m e n t     j o u r n a ls

                            By Prof. Havaldar

 While advertising is relatively less important than
 personal selling in business marketing, it is used
 as support to personal selling. The functions
 performed by advertising are

 (i)     Creating awareness.
 (ii)    Reaching members of buying center.
 (iii)   Increasing sales efficiency and effectiveness.
 (iv)    Efficient reminder media.
 (v)     Sales – lead generation.
 (vi)    Support channel members.
     By Prof. Havaldar
• The media generally used for industrial advertising are:
  (i) Business Publications.
  (ii) Trade journals/ publications – Horizontal and Vertical
  (iii) Industrial directories – published by government and private
  publishers (e.g. Tata Yellow pages).

• Criteria used for selection of advertising media are:
  (a) Target audience and their media habits.
  (b) Promotional objectives and goals.
  (c) Expenditure budget, by using the following formula:
                                                     C ost per page
                                           C ir c u la t io n in t h o u s a n d
         By Prof. Havaldar

• Sales promotion consists of short-term incentive
  tools to stimulate greater or faster purchase of a
  product / service by business customers.

• Some of the business promotion tools are :
  Trade shows (or exhibitions), sales contests,
  promotional novelties (or specialty
   advertising, or gifts), seminars, catalogues,
  promotional letters, demonstration, and
  entertainment. Some of the frequently used tools
  are trade shows, sales contests, catalogues,
  demonstrations, and promotional novelties (gifts).
    By Prof. Havaldar
• Definition Direct marketing is an interactive marketing system that
  seeks a measurable response and /or transaction. Direct marketing is
  also referred to as direct response marketing.
• Benefits For business marketers, benefits of DM are many : Can
  personalise / customise communication messages, builds a continues
  relationship with each customer, can measure responses from
  alternative media, and direct relationship marketing company strategy
  less visible to competitors.
• Main Channels or tools of DM. Direct mail, telemarketing and on-
  line marketing. In addition, kiosk marketing and catalog marketing are
  also DM channels, but are less popular in India.
• Direct mail is not only paper based postal service or courier service,
  but can be fax mail, e-mail, or voice mail. Direct marketers send not
  only letters, but also audio and videotapes, CDs, and diskettes.
  Response rate is about 2%.

         By Prof. Havaldar
• Telemarketing uses telephone to contact existing
  customers, to attract new customers, or to take orders.
  Telemarketing gives immediate feedback, identifies and
  qualifies prospects, and reduces sales force travel costs.
  Both inbound (incoming calls from prospects / customers)
  and outbound (out going calls) are important. Practice,
  training, pleasant voices and right timing (late morning to
  afternoon) are needed for effective telemarketing.

• On-Line Marketing can be done by establishing an
  electronic presence (by opening own website or buying
  space on a commercial on-line service), placing ads on-
  line, and using e-mail. A web site should be attractive on
  first view and interesting enough to encourage repeat
  visits. Marketers use on-line marketing to find, reach,
  communicate and sell to business customers.
      By Prof. Havaldar
• Major Benefits to marketers are: Lower costs,
  relationship building and quick adjustments to changing
  market conditions. Major Benefits for buyers are:
  convenience, information availability, and less hassle.
  Although small & medium size marketers can reach
  global markets at affordable costs, there is chaos and
  clutter as the internet offers millions of web sites, and
  also as concerns on security and privacy

     By Prof. Havaldar
 Public Relations (PR) performs certain tasks to promote or
 protect a company’s image or its products. The tasks / functions
 performed by PR are: press relations, corporate communication,
 lobbying, and counseling. PR department deals with various
 categories of people like press, legislators, Govt. officials,
 public, employees, suppliers, customers, and hence it tends to
 neglect marketing objectives.

 Publicity or Marketing Public Relations (MPR) has more
 credibility and lower cost compared to advertising, MPR
 includes placing technical articles from the company’s technical
 persons in trade journals, business magazines, and / or news
 papers. MPR should be planned with advertising and should be
 given larger budget allocation
     By Prof. Havaldar
 Summary of Chapter – 10
• Steps involved in developing an effective communication programme for
  business markets are (i) decide communication objectives, (ii) identify the
  target audience, (iii) decide the promotional budget, (iv) develop the
  message strategy, (v) select the media, (vi)evaluate the promotions
  results, (vii) integrate the promotional Programme.

• Advertising is used in business marketing mainly as a support to personal
• Media used for industrial advertising are: business publications, trade
  journals / Publications, and industrial directories.
• Sales promotion consists of short – term incentive tools to stimulate
  greater or faster purchase of a product / service by business customers.
• Direct marketing and publicity ( also called as marketing public relations
  – MPR) have important roles. However, public relations (PR) tends to
  neglect marketing objectives, since it has to deal with several category of

           By Prof. Havaldar


Learning Objectives
1. Understand the special meaning of
2. Know the factors that influence pricing
   decisions, i.e. price determinants.
3. Understand pricing strategies for
   different product/market situations.
4. Examine the pricing policies for
   various types of customers.
    By Prof. Havaldar
IM/11-2/ 29

  Some business customers       follow “Value-
    based pricing” by evaluating, suppliers’
    offerings based on the concept of the
    suppliers offering equal to the difference
    between the perception of value (or
    benefits) and the cost to the buying firm.
    These are “value buyers”, and marketers
    should attempt to have value added
    relationship, if suppliers have “purchasing
   Perception of value in value-based
    pricing is made up of several elements like
    customers perceptions of product quality /
    By Prof. Havaldar
IM/11-3/ 29

   Cost to the buying firm includes basic
    Price, freight, transit insurance,
    installation, risks of product failure,
    delayed delivery, etc,
   Some customers are “price buyers”.
    Marketers, should follow transactional
    relationships & offer “basic properties”.
   Some other buyers are “loyal buyers”,
    for whom marketers should follow
    “relationship marketing” with
    partnering / collaborative approach and
   By Prof. Havaldar
IM/11-4/ 29

           F R A M E W O R K O F P R IC IN G D E C IS IO N S
        B e fo re ta k in g p ric in g                       (i) P ric in g o b je c tiv e s
d e c is io n s , a b u y in g firm m u s t                  ( ii) C u s to m e r a n a ly s is
   fin d " p ric e d e te rm in a n ts " .                   (iii) C o s t a n a ly s is
    ( i.e . f a c to r s th a t in f lu e n c e              (iv ) C o m p e tito rs ' a n a ly s is
           p ric in g d e c is io n s )                      ( v ) G o v t. r e g u la tio n / p o lic ie s

                 By Prof. Havaldar
T w o ty p e s o f p ric in g d e c is io n s .                   IM/11-5/ 29

P ric in g s tra te g ie s                   P ric in g p o lic ie s
                                                                  D is c o u n ts
                                                                  G e o g ra p h ic a l
                                                                  p ric in g
            S e ttin g a p ric e
            (p ro d u c t / m a rk e t
            s itu a tio n s )

            In itia tin g a
            p ric e c h a n g e

            R e s p o n d i n g t o a c o m p e t i t o r 's
            p ric e c h a n g e

            L e a s in g
         By Prof. Havaldar
IM/11-6/ 29

    (i) Pricing objectives, (ii) customer
    analysis, (iii) cost analysis, (iv)
    competitive analysis, (v) Govt. policies.

    1. Pricing Objectives
   Are derived from corporate and
    marketing objectives.
   Some of the pricing objectives are
    survival, maximum short – term profits,
    maximum short – term sales, maximum
    By Prof. Havaldar
IM/11-7/ 29
 2. Customer (Demand) analysis
 It includes demand analysis & cost - Benefit
 (i) Demand analysis. Using experimental
 research, it measures relationship between
 price and demand (or sales volume). It sums
 up how sensitive customersg are qto nthe dpriced e d
                       % c h a n e in u a tity e m a n
 changes. The formula is: % C h a n g e i n p r i c e

If PED is > 1, demand is elastic, & customers are price
If PED is < 1, demand is inelastic, customers are less
sensitive to prices.
     By Prof. Havaldar
IM/11-8/ 29
    (ii) Cost – Benefit Analysis
   Necessary to know target customers’ perceptions
    of benefits (or value) and costs.
   Benefits are categorized into hard (or tangible)
    benefits like quality, production rate,
    performance, etc. and soft (or intangible)
    benefits like customer service, company
    reputation, warranty period, etc.
   Cost includes price, duties and taxes, freight,
    installation, maintenance.

    3. Cost Analysis.
   A firm’s total cost of a product is the lowest point
    on the price range. Hence, for pricing decisions,
    the marketer must know the various types of
    costs like fixed, variable, total, direct, etc. for a
       By Prof. Havaldar
IM/11-9/ 29
C o st                     E c o n o m ie s o f S c a le
 p er
U n it

         Q u a n tity P r o d u c e d p e r y e a r

C o st                                                       E x p e r ie n c e /
 p er                                                          L e a r n in g
U n it
                                                                 C u rv e.
                                                       A v . C o s t R e d u c tio n
                                                               = 1 0 -3 0 %

          A c c u m u la te d P r o d u c tio n
           By Prof. Havaldar
IM/11-10/ 29
           B r e a k - E v e n A n a ly s is is u s e fu l to c o n s id e r d iffe r e n t
           p ric e s (P 1 , P 2 , P 3 ), a n d its e ffe c t o n s a le s re v e n u e a n d p ro fits .

                                                                         S a le s R e v e n u e a t P 3
S a le s
C o s ts                                                                S a le s R e v e n u e a t P 2

                                                                        S a le s R e v e n u e a t P 1
                                                                        T o ta l C o s t
                                                                        F ix e d C o s t

                                 S a le s V o lu m e
                    By Prof. Havaldar
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Industrial marketing

  • 1. IM/1-1/5 THE NATURE OF INDUSTRIAL MARKETING Learning Objectives • Understand What is industrial (or Business to Business) Marketing? • Know What are the differences in the characteristics of industrial and consumer marketing? • Find out Why the demand for industrial goods and services are called “Derived demand” ? By Prof. Havaldar
  • 2. IM/1-2/5 (A)     What is Industrial (Business) marketing?  It is marketing of products / Services to  business firms.  In contrast consumer marketing is  marketing products / services to individuals  & households. (B)     What is the difference between industrial  marketing, B2B marketing, Business  marketing & Organizational Marketing? No Difference! (C)    What are the differences between       Industrial                  & Consumer  Marketing? By Prof. Havaldar
  • 3. IM/1-3/5 AREAS / CHARCTERISTICS IND MARKETS CONSUMER MATKETS Market GEO Concentrated GEO Disbursed Few Buyers Large no. Of Buyers (Mass Markets Products Technically Complex Non – Technical Customized Standardized Service Very Important Somewhat important Buyer Behavior Various Functional Family members involved specialists involved Physiological / Mainly Rational buying Psychological Social need decisions. based buying decisions Interpersonal Non – Personal relationship between Relationship. buyers and sellers. Channel More direct Indirect Multi Channel Few Channels with many layers Promotional Importance to personal Importance to Advertising. selling Pricing Competitive bidding / MRP Negotiated prices By Prof. Havaldar
  • 4. IM/1-4/5 (D) Why Industrial Demand is called  “Derived Demand” ?  Because Industrial demand is derived from (or  depends on) demand for consumer goods /  services.  E.G. Steel is demanded for production of  consumer durable products like Cars &  Refrigerators, which are demanded by  household consumers. Hence, Demand for  Steel is derived from forecast of consumer By Prof. Havaldar
  • 5. SUMMARY OF CHAPTER-1 IM/1-5/5  Industrial / Business Marketing is  marketing of products / services to  business firms.  Differences between Industrial &  Consumer marketing are seen in areas /  Characteristics like Market, Product,  Buyer Behavior, Channel, Promotion &  Price.  Industrial Demand is derived from By Prof. Havaldar
  • 6. CHAPTER 2 IM/2-1/10 UNDERSTANDING INDUSTRIAL MARKETS AND ENVIRONMENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES  Understand the types of industrial customers  as well as industrial goods and services.  Know the marketing implications for different  types of customers and products.  Understand the purchasing orientations and  practices of industrial customers.    Know types of environment and strategies to  manage external environment. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 7. IM/2-2/10 (A)  What are the types/classifications of  Industrial/Business customers?EDRL M M DE INA R( DI EI SST /R I B U T O R S ) IN T M ID E E C O M M E R C IA L E N T E R P R IS E S OEM S USERS P U B L IC S E C T O R U N IT S (B H E L ) GO VER NM ENT CUSTOM ER S G O V T . U N D E R T A K IN G S ( R A IL W A Y S , D E F E N C E U N IT S ) IN D U S T R IA L / B U S IN E S S CUSTOM ER S P U B L IC IN S T IT U T IO N S (G O V T . H O S P IT A L S ) IN S T IT U T IO N A L CUSTOM ER S P R IV A T E IN S T IT U T IO N S (S C H O O L S , C O L L E G E S ) M A N U F A C T U R IN G U N IT S ( S U G A R , M IL K ) C O -O P E R A T IV E S O C IE T IE S N O N -M A N U F A C T U R IN G U N IT S ( B A N K S , H O U S IN G ) F IG . T Y P E S O F IN D U S T R IA L / B U S IN E S S C U S T O M E R S By Prof. Havaldar
  • 8. IM/2-3/10 (B)  How are Industrial Products / Services  Classified? Classification into 3 Groups shown below.  U D E R A W M A T E R IA L S (IR O N O R E , C R O IL ) M A T E R IA L S M A N U F A C T U R E D M A T E R IA L S & PARTS ( S T E E L , F U E L O IL ) (E N T E R P R O D U C T C O M P O N E N T P A R T S (B E A R IN G S , T Y R E S ) D IR E C T L Y ) S U B A S S E M B L IE S ( E X H A U S T P IP E IN M .C .) IN D U S T R IA L C A P IT A L IT E M S L IG H T E Q P T (C O M P U T E R S , H A N D T O O L S ) PRODUCTS / (U S E D IN H E A V Y E Q P T (M A C H IN E S , T U R B IN E S ) S E R V IC E S P R O D U C T IO N / O P E R A T IO N S ) P L A N T /B U IL D IN G (F A C T O R IE S , O F F IC E S ) S U P P L IE S / S U P P L IE S (L U B R IC A N T S , E L E C T R IC A L IT E M S ) S E R V IC E S (T O S U P P O R T O P E R A T IO N S ) S E R V IC E S (L E G A L , C O U R IE R ) F IG . C L A S S IF IC A T IO N / T Y P E S O F IN D U S T R IA L P R O D U C T S / S E R V IC E S By Prof. Havaldar
  • 9. IM/2-4/10 (C) Marketing Implications for different types of products & customers? i. For Materials & Parts, Direct selling is  done to large OEMs (Original Equipment  Manufacturers) and users, but indirect  selling through industrial distributors /  dealers becomes cost effective for smaller  volume OEMs and users.  ii. For Capital items, Direct selling through  company sales force is common, with  extensive interactions on technical &  commercial factors. iii. For Supplies Industrial distributors /  dealers are mostly used but for marketing  of services, word-of-mouth plays an By Prof. Havaldar
  • 10. IM/2-5/10 (D)  Purchasing Orientations of Business Buyers  Business buyers/ Industrial customers follow one  of the three purchasing orientations: (i)  Buying,   (ii) Procurement, or   (iii) Supply chain  Management. (i) Buying Orientation : The firm with buying  orientation follows the practice of  (a) selecting  lowest price supplier, (b) gaining power over  suppliers and (c) avoiding risk of buying from new  suppliers. It has a Short-term focus. (ii) Procurement Orientation : The purchasing  firm with procurement orientation has a long-term  focus. It achieves the objectives of quality  improvement and cost reductions by following the  practices of (a) collaborative relationship with  major suppliers and (b) working closely with other  functional areas in the company. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 11. IM/2-6/10 (E)  Purchasing Practices of Different Types of Industrial / Business Customers (i) Purchasing in commercial enterprises  Involve Technical & Commercial depts.  Major Tasks / Procedure: identifying, negotiating,  selecting suppliers, building relationship.  Purchasing to improve operational efficiency &  contribute to firm’s competitive advantage.  (ii) Purchasing in Govt. units  DGS&D agency finalizes rate contracts for standard  products for Govt. units.  Main Tasks / Procedure : Registration of the firm &  its Products, Tender Advertisements, no negotiation  in “ Open” tenders, negotiations done in closed /  limited tenders. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 12. IM/2-7/10 (iii) Purchasing in Institutions  If the Institute is a Govt. Hospital Purchasing  practices of Govt. units Followed   Similarly a private School / College follows  practices of commercial enterprises  However, better to study each major  institution. (iv) Purchasing in cooperative societies   Similar to Institutional purchase. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 13. IM/2-8/10 (E) Types & Analysis of Environment A IR & W A T E R P O L L U T IO N E C O L O G IC A L S O L ID W A S T E D IS P O S A L C O N S E R V IN G N A T U R A L R E S O U R C E S W A T E R , P O W E R , T R A N S P O R T A T IO N P H Y S IC A L L O W -C O S T , S K IL L E D M A N P O W E R C O M P A N Y L O C A T IO N , IM A G E / R E P U T A T IO N E N V IR O N M E N T IN T E R N A L R & D & P R O D U C T IO N F A C IL IT IE S (S & W A N A L Y S IS ) H R & F IN A N C IA L R E S O U R C E S M A R K E T IN G E F F E C T IV E N E S S M IC R O C U S T O M E R S & C O M P E T IT O R S (A F F E C T S A P A R T IC U L A R F IR M ) S U P P L IE R S EXTERNAL ( O & T A N A L Y S IS ) E C O N O M IC M ACRO T E C H N O L O G IC A L (A F F E C T S G O V T ., P O L IT IC A L , L E G A L A L L F IR M S ) C U L T U R A L & S O C IA L P U B L IC - P R E S S , S H A R E H O L D E R S , IN V E S T O R S & P U B L IC IN T E R E S T G R O U P S By Prof. Havaldar
  • 14. IM/2-9/10 (F)  Strategies for Managing Changing External Environment. (i)   Independent Strategies. (ii)   Cooperative Strategies. (iii)  Strategic Planning. It Aims at keeping  the firm consistently successful in changing  marketing  environment by market  oriented strategic  management. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 15. IM/2-10/10 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER - 2 Types /Classifications of Industrial/ Business Customers are (i)  Commercial Enterprises,  (ii) Government (iii) Institutional,  (iv) Cooperative societies. Industrial Products/Services are classified into  (i) Materials & Parts, (ii) Capital Items, (iii) Suppliers &  Services.  Marketing strategies differ for different product &   Customer types.  Industrial / business Buyers follow one of the three  purchasing orientations : buying, procurement, or  supply chain management. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 16. CHAPTER – 3 IM/3-1/16 THE NATURE OF INDUSTRIAL BUYING AND BUYING BEHAVIOUR Learning Objectives  Understand Organizational buying objectives.  Gain knowledge of buying activities, including  different phases in buying decision process,  types of buying situations; buygrid framework  & its analysis.  Identify members of buying centers.  Understand organizational buying behavior. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 17. IM/3-2/16 PURCHASING OBJECTIVES OF FIRMS  Reliability in delivery.  Consistent product Quality.  Lowest price (If delivery & Quality objectives  are met)  Excellent pre & post – sales services.  Long – Term collaborative relationship. Industrial buyers try to achieve organizational  purchasing objectives & personal objectives  like higher status, job security, salary By Prof. Havaldar
  • 18. IM/3-3/16 Industrial Buying Decision Process  Marketers must study this for developing  effective marketing strategy.  In Consumer Marketing, Household /  Individual consumer / Buyer makes buying  decisions based on certain mental stages like  (i) Problem (Need) Recognition,  (ii) Information Search       (iii) Evaluation  (iv) Purchase decision        (v) Post Purchase  Behavior  In Industrial Marketing, Buying Decision By Prof. Havaldar
  • 19. IM/3-4/16 (A) PHASES IN INDUSTRIAL BUYING DECISION MAKING PROCESS / BUYPHASES  PHASE –1  :- Recognising A problem / need.  PHASE – 2 :- Determining Characteristics &                           Quantity of needed product /  Service*.  PHASE – 3 :- Developing specifications of the  product*.  PHASE – 4 :- Searching & Qualifying  Suppliers.  PHASE – 5 :- Obtaining & Analyzing  suppliers’ offers*  PHASE – 6 :- Evaluating & Selecting  Suppliers. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 21. IM/3-6/16 (B) Buying Situations / Buyclasses 3 Common types of purchases / buying situations i. New Task / New Purchase :  Here, buyers have limited knowledge and  experience of the new product/service.  Hence,  more information is obtained, more people are  involved, risks are more, and decisions take  longer time. ii. Modified Rebuy / Change in supplier : This situation occurs when the firm is not  satisfied with the performance of existing  suppliers, or there is a change in product specs.   Hence, the need for searching alternate  suppliers. iii. Straight Rebuy / Repeat purchase : Here, the buying firm places repeat orders on By Prof. Havaldar
  • 22. IM/3-7/16 (C) Buygrid Framework BUYPHASES BUYCLASSES New Task Modified Straight Rebuy Rebuy 1. Problem Recognition Yes May Be No 2. Characteristics of Product Yes May Be No 3. Product Specification Yes May Be No 4. Supplier Search Yes Yes No 5. Analyzing Supplier Offers Yes Yes May Be 6. Supplier Selection Yes Yes No 7. Order – Routine Selection Yes Yes May Be 8. Post Purchase Review Yes Yes Yes By Prof. Havaldar
  • 23. IM/3-8/16 BUYGRID FRAMEWORK ANALYSIS  All Phases are Applicable for a New Task.  Some Phases are Applicable for modified /   Straight Rebury.  New task situation is most difficult since  buyers have less knowledge, no experience &  more people involved.  Modified Rebury is not difficult situation since  it has few activities.  Straight rebury situation is handled routinely, By Prof. Havaldar
  • 24. IM/3-9/16 (D) Buying Center roles & key members. Roles of Buying center members are  Initiators. First recognize problem / need. Any  individual in buying firm – often, users.  Buyers. Carry out purchase activities. They are  purchase officers / executives.  User. Any person who uses the product / service.  Influencers. Influence buying decision. Technical  people are often key influencers.  Deciders. Make buying decisions. Senior  executives are deciders for high value & complex  products. For straight rebuy / routine purchase,  junior purchase officer can decide.  Gatekeepers. They control / filter information & By Prof. Havaldar
  • 25. IM/3-10/16 (E) Identifying key members of buying centre  Sales / Marketing persons must identify  important members of buying centre.  Buying centre consists of individuals and groups  who take part in buying decision making process,  have common objectives & share common risks.  It is also called purchase committee, buying  committee or decision making unit.  Members of buying centre are (i)  Technical persons. Represent  design,production/operations,          maintenance, Q.C.,  Industrial Engg. Depts. (ii)  Purchasers / Buyers. Purchase / Materials  dept. persons. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 26. IM/3-11/16 (F)  Organizational buying behavior  Industrial / business buyers are influenced by  many factors. Two most important factors are  (i) Organizational factors / task – oriented objectives, like best product quality, lowest  price, dependable delivery. (i) Personal factors / Non-task oriented   objectives, such as good increments,  promotion, Job security, personal favors.   When suppliers’ offers are similar, buyers can  satisfy organizational objectives from any  supplier. Hence, personal factors become important.  However, when suppliers’ offers differ By Prof. Havaldar
  • 27. IM/3-12/16  Many models have been developed to explain  organizational buying behavior. One of the  comprehensive models is the Sheth model,  described below.  The Sheth model of industrial buyer behavior, shown below , focuses on (i)  Psychological aspects of individual buyers  (Component 1), (ii) Conditions causing joint  decision making (Component 2), (iii) Conflict  among those involved in decision process &  resolution of conflict By Prof. Havaldar
  • 28. IM/3-13/16 C o m p o n e n t (1 ) C o m p o n e n t (2 ) C o m p o n e n t (3 ) S it u a t io n a l F a c t o r s D iffe r e n c e s  a m o n g V a r ia b le s  th a t D e te r m in e M e th o d s  u s e d  fo r in d iv id u a l b u y e r s if b u y in g  d e c is io n  is c o n flic t  r e s o lu tio n c a u s e d  b y  fa c to r s  : a u to n o m o u s   o r  jo in t : in  jo in t- d e c is io n  B a c k g r o u n d  o f A )  P r o d u c t  S p e c ific m a k in g  p r o c e s s  : in d iv id u a ls  ( E d u c a tio n , F a c to r s  : r o le  &  life  s ty le ) .  T im e  P r e s s u r e  P r o b le m  S o lv in g  T h e ir  in fo r m a tio n  P e r c e iv e d  R is k  P e r s u a s io n S u p p lie r  o r s o u rc e s .  T y p e  o f P u r c h a s e  B a r g a in in g B r a n d  C h o ic e  A c tiv e  S e a r c h B )  C o m p a n y  S p e c ific  P o litic k in g  P e r c e p tu a l D is to r tio n F a c to r s  :  S a tis fa c tio n  w it h  C o m p a n y  S iz e p a s t p u r c h a s e s  C o m p a n y  O r ie n ta tio n    D e g r e e  o f  C e n tr a lis a tio n F ig . : T H E S H E T H M O D E L O F IN D U S T R IA L B U Y E R B E H A V IO U R By Prof. Havaldar
  • 29. W E B S T E R A N D W IN D M O D E L IM/3-14/16 E n v ir o n m e n ta l V a r ia b le s  P h y s ic a l,  T e c h n o lo g ic a l  E c o n o m ic , C u ltu r a l  P o lit ic a l  a n d   L e g a l  L a b o u r  u n io n s  C u s to m e r d e m a n d s  C o m p e t it iv e   p r a c tic e s  S u p p lie r   in f o r m a t io n O r g a n is a tio n V a r ia b le s  O b je c t iv e s   a n d  g o a ls  O r g a n is a tio n  S tr u c tu r e  P u r c h a s in g  P o lic ie s   /  P r o c e d u r e s  E v a lu a tio n  &  r e w a r d  s y s te m s  D e g r e e   o f  d e c e n t r a lis a t io n B u y in g C e n tr e V a r ia b le s O r g a n is a tio n B u y in g D e c is io n s  A u th o r ity ,   S iz e  C h o ic e   o f  S u p p lie r s  K e y   in f lu e n c e r s  D e la y   d e c is io n   &   g e t   m o r e   in f o r m a t io n  I n t e r p e r s o n a l  r e la t io n s h ip  M a k e , L e a s e  o r b u y  C o m m u n ic a tio n  D o  n o t b u y In d iv id u a l V a r ia b le s  P e r s o n a l G o a ls , V a lu e s  E d u c a t io n ,   E x p e r ie n c e  E x p e r tis e , J o b  P o s itio n  L ife s ty le , In c o m e By Prof. Havaldar
  • 30. IM/3-15/16 CUSTOMER SERVICE  Important Customer Service Elements. Carry  out market survey to understand which of the  following elements of customer service are  important to customers, what service levels are  expected by customers, the service levels  offered by the firm and its competitors.   (i) Pre – Sales Service : Advising,  Informing,        Problem solving (ii) During – Sales Service : Product  availability,         on–time delivery, order cycle time, and  information. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 31. IM/3-16/16 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER - 3  Industrial  marketers should understand that  business buyers try to achieve both  organizational & personal objectives.  Industrial buying decision process consists of  eight steps / stages (buyphases) & three types of  buying situations (buyclasses).  Buygrid model combines buyphases &  buyclasses.  Marketers must understand roles & key members  of buying centre, including key buying  influencers.  Many factors influence organizational buying  behavior, but major factors are organizational ( or By Prof. Havaldar
  • 32. IM/4-01/11 CHAPTER - 4   BUYER SELLER RELATIONSHIP LEARNING OBJECTIVES :  Understand buyer sales rep. interactions.  Types/range of relationships between  buyer & seller firms.  Customer relationship management  (CRM) / relationship marketing.  Methods used to influence industrial  customers. By Prof. Havaldar 
  • 33. IM/4-02/11 INDUSTRIAL BUYER-SALES REP. INTERACTIONS  Depend on their perceptions, behavior &  roles.  Buyers have two major perceptions of sales  reps. (i)  Stereotype – talkative, manipulative,  excitable (ii) Reputation of sales rep’s company.  Buyer Behavior towards sales rep depends on  organizational needs / objectives, buying  centre interactions and personal needs. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 34. IM/4-03/11 BUYER-SELLER DYADIC INTERACTION FRAMEWORK A Conceptual Framework by Dr. Sheth  C o m p a t ib le S ty le In c o m p a t ib le S ty le C o m p a tib le Id e a l/S u c c e s s f u l In e ffic ie n t C o n te n t T r a n s a c tio n T r a n s a c t io n In c o m p a tib le In e ffic ie n t No C o n te n t T r a n s a c tio n T r a n s a c t io n • A buyer and a seller interaction is called “Dyadic” – two persons’ interactions’, with above types of transactions. • Content includes organizational and personal needs of a buyer and a seller. • Style includes manner and format of communication – task oriented, self oriented, or social / personal oriented. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 35. IM/4-04/11 TYPES / RANGE OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BUYER & SELLER FIRMS  When buyer (or customer) and seller (or  supplier) firms do business, they have the  following types and range of business /  working relationships / exchanges.  r i n g / P a rtn e T r a n s a c tio n a l V a lu e -A d d e d C o lla b o r a tiv e R e la tio n s h ip R e la tio n s h ip R e la tio n s h ip  Each business relationship is an exchange  process of obtaining a desired product /  service by offering something of value is By Prof. Havaldar
  • 36. IM/4-05/11  TRANSACTIONAL RELATIONSHIP  is  typically one time exchange of a product /  service, with lowest price / economy and  necessity as main factors. Some customers  prefer it when many suppliers are available in  a stable market. They switch purchases from  one supplier to another. Marketers also  choose least profitable customers for  transactional relationships.  VALUE – ADDED RELATIONSHIPS / EXCHANGES.   Here the focus is to understand customer By Prof. Havaldar
  • 37. IM/4-06/11 COLLABORATIVE/ PARTNERING RELATIONSHIPS.  The focus is to build strong social, economic,  service and technical ties between customer  and supplier firms in order to achieve mutual  benefits.  The criteria used for selecting business  customers for partnering relationships are  technological contributions, mutual  dependence, “supply chain management”  orientations, and high sales & profit By Prof. Havaldar
  • 38. IM/4-07/11 CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) / RELATIONSHIP  Conceptually  same,  methods  /  techniques  to  MARKETING (RM) achieve objectives are different.  Both  CRM  &  RM  aim  at  partnering  /  collaborative  long-term  relationships  for  mutual benefits of both parties.  CRM’S  objectives  are  to  improve  customer  loyalty  and  there  by,  company’s  profitability.  For this, marketing strategy is first developed,  then  investment  is  made  in  software  system  to  gather  data  /  information  on  each  valued  customer, and the same is made available to  all  employees  to  give  superior  customer  service. By Prof. Havaldar 
  • 39. IM/4-08/11 METHODS USED TO INFLUENCE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS  Major methods :  Sales presentation and  Negotiation  Sales Presentations: For effective sales  presentation, a sales person should follow some  guidelines :  i.  Plan and collect information before sales  presentation. ii. Identify customer needs and satisfy them  better than  competitors. iii.Use “AIDAS” theory or any other theory of  selling (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, By Prof. Havaldar
  • 40. IM/4-9/11  NEGOTIATION :  For negotiation with  customers use “I win, you win” or “win win” style, with  following guidelines : a. Build an environment of trust &  understanding.   b. Identify the problem areas. c. Both sides work together, pooling ideas,  information,                                                       and resources. d. Regular frequency of concessions are  important and not               the size of concessions. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 41. SPECIAL DEALINGS BETWEEN IM/4-10/11 BUYER & SELLER  RECIPROCITY. It means buying a product /  service from a customer and selling a   product / service to a supplier. It occurs when  products are similar and price competition is  less. Generally, both purchase managers and  sales managers dislike. In  practice, the  procedure becomes complex. It  should be  kept at minimum level.   DEALING WITH CUSTOMERS’ CUSTOMERS  With coordination and planning, a business  marketer can promote its products to  customers’ customer, if a need arises. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 42. IM/4-11/11 SUMMARY OF SELLER- RELATIONSHIP BUYER – CHAPTER 4  Industrial buyer and sales rep.’s interactions  depend on their perceptions, behavior, & roles.  Interaction between two persons (buyer  & seller) is  called Dyadic, with various types of transactions, as  per Dr. Sheth’s framework.  Buyer and seller firms have various types and  range of relationships: transactional, value added  and partnering / collaborative.  Customer relationship management (CRM) and  relationship management (RM) are conceptually  same. Both aim at collaborative / partnering long –  term relationship for mutual benefits of both parties.  Sales promotion and negotiation are the major  methods used to influence industrial buyers. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 43. CHAPTER 5 IM/5-1/6 INDUSTRIAL MARKETING INTELLIGENCE AND MARKETING RESEARCH LEARNING OBJECTIVES : 1. Know Nature and Scope of Industrial Marketing research. 2. Examine the Marketing Research Process. 3. Understand Industrial Marketing Intelligence System. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 44. IM/5-3/6 SCOPE OF INDUSTRIAL MARKETING RESEARCH Scope is vast. Some of the areas are : i. Market share analysis . ii. National and Geographical area- wise market potential. iii. Competitors’ analysis. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 45. IM/5-4/6 MARKETING RESEARCH PROCESS STEPS INVOLVED ARE : 1. Identify the problem / opportunity and state research objectives . 2. Develop research design / methodology. 3. Collect data / information. 4. Process and analyze the data. 5. Prepare research report. There is no major difference in the By Prof. Havaldar
  • 46. INDUSTRIAL MARKEING INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM IM/5-5/6 M a r k e t in g R esea rch s t u d ie s I n d u s t r ia l S econ d ary D e c is io n M a r k e t in g M ark et D a ta Support I n t e llig e n c e R esp on ce S ou rce S y ste m MarketRs ingch studie s Industr ial SecoD atndry MarketInlig ingce DecisonSuprt MarkRespo etnc So urce System System S y ste m Industrial marketing intelligence system is developed to meet the needs of industrial marketers for timely and continuous information for effective decision making . By Prof. Havaldar
  • 47. SUMMARY OF CHAPTER-5 IM/5-6/6  Industrial marketing research rely more on exploratory and descriptive (i.e. survey) methods .  The scope of industrial / business marketing research is vast .  There is no major difference in the process or steps involved in marketing research for consumer and industrial marketing.  Industrial marketing intelligence system is By Prof. Havaldar
  • 48. IM/5-2/6 NATURE OF INDUSTRIAL MARKETING RESEARCH 1. Business Marketers rely more on Secondary data, and exploratory research (Through expert opinion). 2. Descriptive (or Survey) method is used more often than experimental and Observation methods, for collecting primary data. 3. Sample size is small due to small population. 4. Difficult to define sampling unit (or respondents), since buying decisions By Prof. Havaldar
  • 49. IM/6-1/9 CHAPTER – 6 INDUSTRIAL MARKET SEGMENTATION, TARGET MARKETING AND POSITIONING LEARNING OBJECTIVES : 1. Know the Procedure followed for segmenting industrial markets. 2. Identify the Variables (bases) used for segmenting business markets. 3. Evaluate and select the target market segments and strategies. 4. Develop effective positioning By Prof. Havaldar
  • 50. IM/6-2/9 PROCEDURE USED IN MARKET SEGMENTATION The procedure has 3 steps . 1. Conduct marketing research to collect data / information on existing and potential buyers, and competitors. 2. Carry out data analysis by using statistical techniques of factor and cluster analysis in order to identify different segments. 3. Profile each segment by its By Prof. Havaldar
  • 51. IM/6-3/9 VARIABLES (BASES) USED IN SEGMENTING INDUSTRIAL (BUSINESS) MARKETS  Industrial market segmentation is done first based on “Macro Variables” , and then subdivided into “Micro Variables”, if necessary.  Macro Variables. These segmentation variables are identified based on industry/organizational characteristics like. (i) Type of industry / Type of customer. (ii) Company size / Usage rate. (iii) Customer location / Geographical area. (iv) End-use / Application / Benefits of a By Prof. Havaldar
  • 52. IM/6-4/9  Micro Variables. Macro segments are further subdivided into micro – segments’, if needed. Micro Variables are based on purchasing decisions like (a) Customer interaction needs, (b) Organizational capabilities, (c) Purchasing policies, (d) Purchasing criteria, (e) Personal characteristics. Sequential Segmentation Process. Often, business marketers use more By Prof. Havaldar
  • 53. IM/6-5/9 EVALUATING MARKET SEGMENTS Criteria / factors used for evaluating each market segment are : (i) Size and Growth . (ii) Profitability Analysis . (iii) Competitive Analysis . (iv) Company Objectives and Resources TARGET – MARKET STRATEGIES Based on above criteria, business marketer selects one or more market segments as target segments. Next , the marketers should decide which of the following broad target market strategies the company should adopt By Prof. Havaldar
  • 54. IM/6-6/9 PROCEDURE FOR DEVELOPING A POSITIONING STRATEGY Following steps are involved : (i) Identify which attributes / benefits target customers consider important while buying a product / service. This information is obtained through a market research study . The variables considered for differentiating a company’s product from competing products are. (a) Product variables, (b) Service variables, (c) Personal variables, (d) Image variables, By Prof. Havaldar
  • 55. IM/6-7/9 (iii) Use Perceptual Mapping Technique. To decide on positioning strategy, this technique is used, after getting customers’ perceptions through marketing research. (iv) Communicate Positioning Strategy. The firm should decide and communicate its positioning strategy to target customers, through sales force, advertising in journals, internet, and By Prof. Havaldar
  • 56. Excellent Product Quality IM/6-8/9 1.0 .A1 0.8 0.6 .D .C 0.4 Strong 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 - 0.2 - 0.4 - 0.6 - 0.8 - 1.0 Weak Customer Customer Service Service - 0.2 .B - 0.4 - 0.6 . - 0.8 A - 1.0 Perceptual Mapping Low Technique Product Quality By Prof. Havaldar
  • 57. SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 6 IM/6-9/9 1. Procedure used in market segmentation includes (i) Marketing research, (ii) Data analysis (iii) Profiling each segment. 2. Variables used for segmenting industrial markets include macro variables and if needed, micro variables. Sequential segmentation process is often used. 3. Criteria used for evaluating market segments are (i) size and growth , (ii) Profitability (iii) Competitive analysis (iv) Company Objectives and Resources. 4. Target market strategies are (a) Concentrated or Niche marketing, (b) Differentiated marketing, (c) Undifferentiated marketing strategy By Prof. Havaldar
  • 58. IM/7-1/20 CHAPTER – 7 PRODUCT STRATEGY & NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Learning Objectives 1. Define an Industrial Product. 2. Understand Changes in the product strategy. 3. Know Product Life cycle (PLC) Theory and its application. 4. Develop Product strategies for existing products. 5. Understand new product development. 6. Know impact of technology and high-tech By Prof. Havaldar
  • 59. IM/7-2/20 DEFINITION AND MEANING OF AN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT  Definition : Its is a physical thing as well as a Complex set of economic, technical, legal and personal relationship between a buyer and a seller.  Meaning of a Total Product Package : It includes basic properties (with fundamental benefits), enhanced properties (with tangible benefits), and augmented properties (with intangible benefits).  In a competitive market, business By Prof. Havaldar
  • 60. IM/7-3/20 CHANGES IN PRODUCT STRATEGY Business marketers must understand that a product strategy is dynamic and flexible. It changes due to changes in (i) Customer needs. (ii) Technology. (iii) Government Policies / Laws. (iv) Product Life – Cycle. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 61. A General Model of Product Life – Cycle (PLC) IM/7-4/20 In d u s tr y S a le s R upees In d u s tr y P r o fits M a tu r ity D e c lin e By Prof. Havaldar
  • 62. IM/7-5/20 APPLICATION OF PRODUCT LIFE – CYCLE THEORY TO MARKETING STRATEGY Introduction Stage : Marketing Strategy should focus on market development for slowly accepted products. For rapidly accepted products, a competitive strategy (Competitive pricing or Superior quality product ) should be evolved. Growth Stage :To take advantage of high growth of sales and profits, the marketing strategy should concentrate on (i) Improving product design or Prof. Havaldar product features (ii) By adding
  • 63. IM/7-6/20  Maturity Stage As competition increases and profits decline, marketing strategy should concentrate on (i) cutting costs, (ii) keeping existing customers satisfied (iii) entering new markets.  Decline Stage Since both sales and profits decline, marketing strategy should focus on (i) substantial reduction in costs, (ii) develop a substitute product, (iii) withdraw the By Prof. Havaldar
  • 64. IM/7-7/20 PRODUCT STRATEGIES FOR EXISTING PRODUCTS Business marketers should take the following steps : 1. Evaluate the performance of existing products by using “product evaluation matrix”. 2. Examine the relative strengths and weaknesses of the company’s products by using “ perceptual mapping” technique. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 65. IM/7-8/20 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF EXISTING PRODUCTS Example : A material handling Co. (i) Product = P (Pallet Truck) Last 3 year’s average performance figures are  Industry sales growth = 25%, Company sales growth = 30%  Market Share = 30% (Dominant) , Profitability = As per Target. (ii) Product = S (Stackers)  Industry Sales growth = 16% (Stable) ; Company Sales Growth = 15% (Stakers) By Prof. Havaldar 
  • 66. Product Evaluation Matrix IM/7-9/20 C o m p a n y S a le s D e c lin e S ta b le G ro w th P r o f ita b ility B e lo w B e lo w B e lo w In d u s tr y M a rk e t Ta rg e t Above Ta rg e t Above Ta rg e t Above S a le s Ta rg e t Ta rg e t Ta rg e t Ta rg e t Ta rg e t Ta rg e t S h a re D o m in a n t P G ro w th A v era g e M a rg in a l D o m in a n t S ta b le A v era g e M a rg in a l S D o m in a n t D e c lin e A v era g e M a rg in a l By Prof. Havaldar
  • 67. IM/7-10/20 PERCEPTUAL MAPPING TECHNIQUE H ig h P r ic e B H ig h Low Q u a lity Q u a lity * A 1 *A C L o w P r ic e By Prof. Havaldar
  • 68. IM/7-11/20 Firm A’s product quality is perceived to be “average” by customers, compared to its competitors B & C. Firm A should try to move to a new position of superior quality at a reasonable (average) price to improve its profitability. DECIDE PRODUCT STRATEGIES (i) Maintain / Continue the product and its marketing strategy. (ii) Modify the product & change marketing By Prof. Havaldar
  • 69. IM/7-12/20 CLASSIFICATION OF NEW PRODUCTS (i)   Products that are new to the world & innovative. (ii)  Products that are new to the company, but not new to the world. (iii) Improvements / Revision to the existing products. (iv) Addition to the existing products. (v)  Repositioning existing products to new market segments (vi) Products with substantial cost reductions without reduction in performance.   NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS It consists of 7 Stages : (i) Idea generation, (ii) Idea Screening, (iii) Concept development and testing, (iv) Business analysis, (v) Product development, (vi) Market testing, & (vii) Commercialization. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 70. IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY IM/7-13/20 Technological innovations create new products / services that are new to the world. Examples of these innovations, called break through technology are : (i) Technological inventions of 1940s of vacuum tube and amplifier circuit created new products / services like radio, wireless telegraphy, and telephone service. (ii) Technological inventions of 1950s & 70s of transistor, integrated circuit (IC), microprocessors have applications in new products like TV sets, movie By Prof. Havaldar Cameras,
  • 71. IM/7-14/20 TYPES OF MARKETING SITUATIONS. B e tte r H ig h - t e c h H ig h M o u s e tra p M a r k e tin g T e c h n o lo g ic a l M a r k e tin g U n c e r ta in t y L o w -te c h H ig h - f a s h io n Low M a r k e tin g M a r k e tin g Low H ig h M a r k e t U n c e r ta in t y By Prof. Havaldar
  • 72. IM/7-15/20 MODIFIED TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION LIFE CYCLE This is suited to high–tech marketing D eep G ap 34% In n o v a to rs 13½ % 34% E a r ly 16% 2½ % A d o p te rs L a g g a rd s T im e o f A d o p t i o n o f I n n o v a t i o n s By Prof. Havaldar
  • 73. IM/7-16/20 HIGH – TECH MARKETING STRATEGY 1. Target a niche market. 2. Plan whole product properties. 3. Develop partnerships. 4. Unique positioning strategy. 5. Effective Communication Strategy 6. Multi – Channel distribution strategy. 7. Skimming pricing strategy. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 74. IM/7-17/20 Marketing of Industrial Services Classifications of Industrial Services M a t e r ia l s P e rso n al H o t e ls C o m p o n e n ts fo r G ood C o m p u te rs T r a n s p o r ta t i o n ( S t e e l, B a ll B e a r in g s ) C o n fe re n c e s P u re P u re T a n g ib le i n t a n g ib l e P ro d u c t s e r v ic e M a jo r Equal M a jo r P ro d u c t, P ro d u ct S e r v ic e , M in o r & M in o r S e r v ic e S e r v ic e P ro d u ct By Prof. Havaldar
  • 75. IM/7-18/20 Unique Characteristics of services and marketing Implications.   C h a r a c te r is tic s M a r k e t in g Im p lic a tio n s E x a m p le s 1 . In ta n g ib ility  B u y e r s s e e e v id e n c e o f s e r v ic e q u a lity  M an age m en t (c a n n o t b e s e e n / f e lt , b e f o r e b u y in g )  S e lle r s t a n g ib ilis e t h e in ta n g ib le C o n s u lta n c y & E D P s . 2 . In s e p a r a b ility  E f fe c t iv e in t e r a c t io n d e p e n d o n s e r v ic e  R e p a ir s to m a c h in e s ( P r o d u c t io n & c o n s u m p tio n a t th e p r o v id e r s . & C o u r ie r s e r v ic e . s a m e t im e )  R e q u ir e s e ff e c t iv e r e c r u it in g a n d t r a in in g o f s e r v ic e p r o v id e r s . 3 . V a r ia b ility  U n if o r m q u a lity is d iff ic u lt  M an age m en t ( S e r v ic e q u a lit y  F o c u s o n q u a lit y & a u t o m a t io n e d u c a t io n & m a r k e tin g v a r ie s ) re s e a rc h . 4 . P e r is h a b ilit y  D e m a n d flu c tu a te s . A ir lin e s s e a ts & (C a n n o t b e s to re d )  U s e m e th o d s to m a tc h d e m a n d & W a re h o u s e s p a c e . c a p a c ity . 5 . N o n -o w n e r s h ip  A d v a n ta g e s o f n o n - o w n e r s h ip :  H o te l a n d c a r r e n ta l (B u y e r u s e s a s e r v ic e , b u t c a n n o t r e d u c t io n in c o s ts & f le x ib ilit y s e r v ic e s . o w n it ) By Prof. Havaldar
  • 76. SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 7 IM/7-19/20   PRODUCT STRATEGYS & NEW PRODUCTS DEVELOPMENT.  Industrial Product is a physical thing and also a complex set of economic, technical, legal and personal relationship between a buyer and a Seller.  Product Strategies are changed due to changes in customers needs, technology, government policies or laws, and product life – cycle  Product life cycle (PLC) concept is used to develop marketing strategies at different stages of PLC.  Product strategies Prof. Havaldar By for existing products are
  • 77. IM/7-20/20 It means, deciding if a product should be continued, modified, dropped, or replaced. • New products are classified into six groups and consist of seven stages of development process :- idea generation, idea screening, concept development & testing, business analysis, product development, market testing, and commercialization. • In High –tech marketing situation, technology application and market needs are difficult to predict . The “technology adoption life cycle” is modified to suit high-tech marketing. • Unique high – tech marketing strategies include targeting a niche market, planning whole product, developing partnership, unique positioning, effective communication , multi – channel By Prof. Havaldar
  • 78. IM/8-1/14 CHAPTER – 8 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS & MARKETING LOGISTICS Learning objectives 1. Understand alternative channel structures. 2. Know types of industrial intermediaries. 3. Understand steps involved in designing a channel. 4. Learn how to manage channel members. 5. Understand concepts of supply chain management, Logistics, and business logistics By Prof. Havaldar system.
  • 79. Alternative Channel Structures IM/8-2/14  Industrial channel structures include both direct and indirect channels. Direct Channels.  Examples are direct selling through company sales force and direct marketing through on-line marketing, telemarketing and direct mail. Direct channels are used typically when (i) Transaction value is large, (ii) Technical & commercial negotiations are held at various levels (iii) Buying process takes a long time (iv) Buyers want to buy directly from manufacturers. Indirect Channels.  Consists of intermediaries like distributors / dealers, manufacturer’s reps / agents, value-added resellers (VARs), brokers andBy Prof. Havaldar commission merchants.
  • 80. Types of Intermediaries IM/8-3/14 1. Industrial Distributors / Dealers.  They perform many functions like buying, storing, promoting, financing, selling, transporting and servicing certain geographic market, & are given discounts.  Major categories are (i) General – line distributors, (ii) Specialized distributors, and (iii) Combination house. 2. Manufactures’ Representatives / Agents.  They perform functions like promoting manufacturers’ products / services, getting orders, and colleting market information. They are independent business Havaldar representing various By Prof. firms,
  • 81. IM/8-4/14 3. Value-added Resellers (VARs) They are new type of intermediaries from computer industry. They deal with computer hardware and software companies, customize the same to solve specific problems of buying firms. They are paid discounts. 4. Brokers They bring together buyers and sellers, when information is not available completely. They represent either a buyer or a seller, and their relationship is short term. They do not buy products & services and are paid on commission basis. 5. Commission Merchants. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 82. CHANNEL DESIGN IM/8-5/14  It includes developing new channels and modifying the existing channels.  The procedure / steps are as follows; (i) Developing channel objectives; (ii) Analyzing channel constraints; (iii) Analyzing channel tasks; (iv) Identifying channel alternatives. These include the following issues : (a) Types of intermediaries. (b) Number of intermediaries. (c) Number of channels. (v) Evaluating the channel alternatives. The criteria used are: (a) Economic factor (b) Control factor By Prof. Havaldar (c) Adaptive factor
  • 83. IM/8-6/14 MANAGING CHANNEL MEMBERS It includes : 1. Selecting Intermediaries. 2. Motivating Intermediaries. (a) Partnering relationships. (b) Reasonable discounts and commission. (c) Distributor councils. (d) Other motivational tools. 3. Controlling Channel Conflicts (a) Sources of channel conflicts. (b) Controlling conflicts by (i) Effective communication network; (ii) Joint goal – setting; (iii) Diplomacy; Mediation; Arbitration. (iv) Vertical marketing system (VMS). By Prof. Havaldar
  • 84. IM/8-7/14 Concept of Supply Chain Management (SCM) SCM includes activities of moving goods from raw material through operations to final consumers, as shown in “SCM Framework” below. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 85. IM/8-8/14  Main aims of SCM are (i) Reduce cost per unit, (ii) Reduce waste & duplication, (iii) Minimize order to delivery cycle, and (iv) Ensure superior delivery service. Firms adopting SCM gain competitive advantage.  The aims are achieved by a network of interdependent firms working together with partnering relationships to manage and control various activities, in order to improve flow of materials and information from suppliers to end users.  Firms involved in SCM are suppliers of raw By Prof. Havaldar
  • 86. IM/8-9/14 Logistics Management (LM) LM plans and coordinates activities to achieve superior customer service levels at lowest costs. LM optimizes material flow within the firm, but SCM extends integration of material flow to suppliers’ suppliers and customers’ customers. For better understanding, see figure on “ business logistics system”, which has two product By Prof. Havaldar
  • 87. IM/8-10/14 Business Logistics System P h y s ic a l S u p p ly In d u s tr ia l M a n u fa c tu e r P h y s ic a l D is tr ib u tio n (o r M a r k e tin g L o g is tic s ) Marketing Logistics (or Physical distribution) consists of delivering finished products to intermediaries and customers. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 88. IM/8-11/14 TASKS OF PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION (PD) PD tasks are : (i) Transportation, (ii) Warehousing, (iii) Inventory Control, (iv) Customer Service, (v) Packaging, (vi) Material Handling, (vii) Order Processing, (viii) Communication, (ix) Locations of factory & Warehouses.  Total Distribution cost and customer service are balanced by (i) Minimizing total distribution cost, or (ii) Total systems approach through maximizing profits.  Total Distribution Cost = Transportation cost By Prof. Havaldar
  • 89. IM/8-12/14  A firm must minimize “total distribution cost”, instead of minimizing individual cost elements, to balance customer service and total distribution cost.  Another approach, called “total systems approach or channel integration” focuses on “return on investment” (ROI). Here, a firm’s channel members work together to improve “customer service”, in order to get higher sales l revenueu. e - T o t a l P h y s i c a l D i s t r i b u t o r C o s t Sa es R even = C a p ita l In v e s tm e n t By Prof. Havaldar
  • 90. IM/8-13/14 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER – 8 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS & MARKETING LOGISTICS. 1. Industrial channel structures include direct and indirect channels. 2. Types of industrial intermediaries are: industrial distributors / dealers, manufacturers’ representatives (or agents), value – added resellers (VARs), brokers, and commission merchants. 3. Procedure of channel design includes: developing channel objectives, analyzing By Prof. Havaldar
  • 91. IM/8-13A/ CUSTOMER SERVICE  Service Quality Gap : Gap between perceived service and expected service. A firm may have a strategy of giving superior quality service than competitors and exceeding customer’s expectations.  Factors that determine service quality by customers are : (i) Reliability (ii) Responsiveness (iii) Assurance By Prof. Havaldar
  • 92. IM/8-13B/  Strategies followed by successful customer service firms (a) Top management commitment. (b) Setting high-standards of service quality. (c) Monitoring system. (d) Systematic approach to resolving customer complaints. (e) Satisfy both employees and customers . By Prof. Havaldar
  • 93. IM/8-13C/  Developing customer service levels/ standards Neither all customers nor all products need the same level of service. Steps involved : (i) Conduct marketing research study to find which elements of customer service are important to customers. (ii) Find needs / expectations of customers in quantitative standards for the service elements. (iii) Get information on actual performance of the company and it’s competitors from customers. (iv) Analyse variance of actual performance By Prof. Havaldar
  • 94. IM/8-14/14 4. Managing channel members consist of selecting and motivating intermediaries, controlling channel conflicts, and evaluating channel members. 5. Supply chain management (SCM) includes activities of moving goods from raw material through operations to final consumers. Logistics management optimizes material flow within the firm, but SCM extends integration of material flow to suppliers’ suppliers and customers’ customers. 6. Business logistics system includes physical supply and physical distribution (or marketing logistics). By Prof. Havaldar
  • 95. IM/9-1/12 CHAPTER 9 MANAGING THE PERSONAL SELLING FUNCTION Learning Objectives : 1. Understand the role of personal selling in business marketing. 2. Know the business selling process. 3. Know characteristics of B2B selling , Team selling approach, solution-oriented effort, Entrepreneurial Philosophy. 4. Understand management of major and national accounts. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 96. IM/9-2/12 Role of Personal Selling in Business Marketing • Personal selling or direct selling through company sales force plays greater role in business marketing than consumer marketing • Major roles of personal selling (i) A part of problems – solving capabilities of the company. (ii) A part of the company’s communication or promotion mix . (iii) Gives an effective customer service . By Prof. Havaldar
  • 97. IM/9-3/12 Business Selling Process • No magic formula for making a sale. But chances of making a sale improves, if the following “sales process” is followed. • The major steps in selling process are : (i) Prospecting. It is searching or identifying prospective or likely customers from various sources. (ii) Qualifying . Prospective customers are screened by qualifying criteria like expected volume, location & financial strength. (iii) Preparation / Pre-approach. Sales person should prepare plan before making sales presentation by obtaining all relevant information about the customer and competitors through personal visits and websites. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 98. IM/9-4/12 (iv) Sales Presentation / Approach . Different methods are used like “(AIDAS Approach – Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, Satisfaction), or “need –satisfaction method’’. (v) Overcoming Objections . Often prospects raise objections, which are real or practical and psychological or hidden. These should be answered satisfactorily by the sales person. (vi) Closing. Asking for an order or closing the sale is important. Sales person can use some of the closing techniques. (vi) Post - Sales service and Follow-up This includes delivery, installation, training, payment collection, warranty service, and rejections /returns. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 99. IM/9-5/12 Characteristics of B2B Selling 1. Promotional strategy focuses more on “ personal selling’’ through company’s sales force. Hence, salespersons are active in getting orders. 2. Adverting is used as a support to personal selling. 3. The sales person sells technical and non-technical products, and uses “problem solving’’ approach 4. Typically, it takes a long time to know outcome of sales efforts. 5. “System selling” approach is used by some business marketers, as it is preferred in some large industrial projects or contracts. 6. “Team selling” approach is used for major customers and large value orders. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 100. IM/9-6/12 Team Selling Approach • More companies are using team selling approach for selling to major and national accounts (customers) and technically complex products and services. • Sales team consists of sales representative, technical support person, inside sales person, and a senior sales/marketing manager. • Coordination is done by a sales rep, for a major customer and a national accounts manager for a national customer. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 101. IM/9-7/12 Solution – Oriented Effort • Two major roles of personal selling : (1) A part of problem-solving capabilities, (2) A part of communication ( or promotional) mix. • A sales person is a part of selling firm’s problem- solving abilities. He should identify and analyse the buying firm’s problem. He should then show how his company’s products and services can solve the buyer’s problems, better than competitors. This is called solution-oriented effort or approach. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 102. IM/9-8/12 Intrapreneurial Philosophy • Intrapreneurship means entrepreneur within a company. • When sales and marketing persons, who are employees, behave and act like owners of the company, they have adopted entrepreneurial philosophy. Such persons take initiative, are proactive and creative, and give superior value to customers. • Firms that follow Intrapreneurial philosophy show consistently good performance. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 103. IM/9-9/12 MANAGEMENT OF MAJOR AND NATIONAL ACCOUNTS • Both major and National accounts (or customers) have large (sales and profit potentials). But there is a difference. S a le s L a rg e M a jo r N a tio n a l P o t e n t ia l A ccount A ccount of D y a d ic M in o r C u s to m e r S m a ll In te r a c tio n A ccount S im p le C o m p le x Complexity of customer By Prof. Havaldar
  • 104. IM/9-10/12 • A major account has a large sales (and profit) potential and is simple to serve or manage, as the customer has only one unit . • A national account has also a large sales (and profit Potential), and is complex or difficult to serve, because operating units re geographically dispersed. In addition, for small value items operating units are autonomous, but for large value items, buying is centralized. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 105. IM/9-11/12 How to Manager Major & National Accounts Objective. To become the preferred or sole supplier with adequate profits. Strategy / plan. • Team selling. For a major customer, the team should include branch / regional managers, sales representative and technical support person. For a national account, the team consists of a national accounts manager, branch sales representatives, logistics executive, and technical person. • Relationship marketing. The teams build long-term collaborative or partnering relationships by using approaches like financial and social benefits, and structural ties. • Support from top management and functional executives should be assured. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 106. IM/9-12/12 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER-9 • Personal selling has a greater role in business marketing than consumer marketing. • Business selling process consists of prospecting, qualifying, preparation (or pre-approach), sales presentation (or approach), overcoming objections, closing, post-sales service and follow-up. • B 2 B selling characteristics include problem solving, systems selling and team selling approaches. • Intrepreneurial philosophy results in consistently good performance. • Management of major and national accounts is done by team selling, relationship marketing and support from top management and functional managers. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 107. IM/10-1/10 CHAPTER –10 BUSINESS (INDUSTRIAL) COMMUNICATION Learning Objectives : 1. Develop an effective communication (or promotional) program. 2. Understand the role of advertising 3. Understand the importance of sales promotion, publicity, public relation (PR), and direct marketing. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 108. IM/10-2/10 DEVELOPING AN EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION / PROMOTIOAL PROGRAMME FOR BUSINESS MARKETS The steps involved are : (i) Decide communication objectives. (ii) Identify the target audience. (iii) Decide the promotional budget. (iv) Develop the message strategy. (v) Select the media. (vi) Evaluate the promotion’s results. (vii) Integrate the promotion’s programme. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 109. IM/10-3/10 Promotional Tools and Media in Business Markets P r o m o tio n a l A d v e r tis in g S a le s P. R . and D ir e c t P erso n a l T o o ls P r o m o tio n P u b lic ity M a r k e tin g S e llin g P r o m o tio n a l  P r i n t M e d ia  T rad e sh ow s  C h a r ita b le  D ir e c t m a il  S a le s c a lls M e d ia  B u s in e s s  E x h ib itio n s d o n a tio n s  T e le m a r -  S a le s & P u b lic a tio n s  C a ta lo g u e s  A d o p tin g k e tin g p r e s e n ta tio n s S u p p o r ts  Trade  S a le s C o n s e n t s v illa g e s  O n - l in e  T e a m s e l li n g J o u r n a ls  P r o m o tio n a l  C o m m u n ity m a r k e tin g  R e la t io n s h ip  In d u s tr ia ls n o v e ltie s ( g ifts ) r e la t i o n s m a r k e tin g d ir e c t o r ie s  S e m in a r s  N e w s ite m in  D e m o n s tr a tio n p ress  P r o m o tio n a l  T e c h n ic a l le tte r s a r tic le s in  E n te r ta in m e n t j o u r n a ls By Prof. Havaldar
  • 110. IM/10-4/10 ROLE OF ADVERTISING IN BUSINESS MARKETING While advertising is relatively less important than personal selling in business marketing, it is used as support to personal selling. The functions performed by advertising are (i) Creating awareness. (ii) Reaching members of buying center. (iii) Increasing sales efficiency and effectiveness. (iv) Efficient reminder media. (v) Sales – lead generation. (vi) Support channel members. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 111. IM/10-5/10 ADVERTIING MEDIA USED AND SELECTION CRITERIA • The media generally used for industrial advertising are: (i) Business Publications. (ii) Trade journals/ publications – Horizontal and Vertical publications. (iii) Industrial directories – published by government and private publishers (e.g. Tata Yellow pages). • Criteria used for selection of advertising media are: (a) Target audience and their media habits. (b) Promotional objectives and goals. (c) Expenditure budget, by using the following formula: C ost per page = C ir c u la t io n in t h o u s a n d By Prof. Havaldar
  • 112. IM/10-6/10 IMPORTANCE OF SALES PROMOTION • Sales promotion consists of short-term incentive tools to stimulate greater or faster purchase of a product / service by business customers. • Some of the business promotion tools are : Trade shows (or exhibitions), sales contests, promotional novelties (or specialty advertising, or gifts), seminars, catalogues, promotional letters, demonstration, and entertainment. Some of the frequently used tools are trade shows, sales contests, catalogues, demonstrations, and promotional novelties (gifts). By Prof. Havaldar
  • 113. IM/10-7/10 IMPORTANCE / ROLE OF DIRECT MARKETING (DM) • Definition Direct marketing is an interactive marketing system that seeks a measurable response and /or transaction. Direct marketing is also referred to as direct response marketing. • Benefits For business marketers, benefits of DM are many : Can personalise / customise communication messages, builds a continues relationship with each customer, can measure responses from alternative media, and direct relationship marketing company strategy less visible to competitors. • Main Channels or tools of DM. Direct mail, telemarketing and on- line marketing. In addition, kiosk marketing and catalog marketing are also DM channels, but are less popular in India. • Direct mail is not only paper based postal service or courier service, but can be fax mail, e-mail, or voice mail. Direct marketers send not only letters, but also audio and videotapes, CDs, and diskettes. Response rate is about 2%. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 114. IM/10-8/11 • Telemarketing uses telephone to contact existing customers, to attract new customers, or to take orders. Telemarketing gives immediate feedback, identifies and qualifies prospects, and reduces sales force travel costs. Both inbound (incoming calls from prospects / customers) and outbound (out going calls) are important. Practice, training, pleasant voices and right timing (late morning to afternoon) are needed for effective telemarketing. • On-Line Marketing can be done by establishing an electronic presence (by opening own website or buying space on a commercial on-line service), placing ads on- line, and using e-mail. A web site should be attractive on first view and interesting enough to encourage repeat visits. Marketers use on-line marketing to find, reach, communicate and sell to business customers. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 115. IM/10-9/11 • Major Benefits to marketers are: Lower costs, relationship building and quick adjustments to changing market conditions. Major Benefits for buyers are: convenience, information availability, and less hassle. Although small & medium size marketers can reach global markets at affordable costs, there is chaos and clutter as the internet offers millions of web sites, and also as concerns on security and privacy By Prof. Havaldar
  • 116. IM/10-10/11 ROLE OF PUBLICITY & PUBLIC RELATIONS (PR) Public Relations (PR) performs certain tasks to promote or protect a company’s image or its products. The tasks / functions performed by PR are: press relations, corporate communication, lobbying, and counseling. PR department deals with various categories of people like press, legislators, Govt. officials, public, employees, suppliers, customers, and hence it tends to neglect marketing objectives. Publicity or Marketing Public Relations (MPR) has more credibility and lower cost compared to advertising, MPR includes placing technical articles from the company’s technical persons in trade journals, business magazines, and / or news papers. MPR should be planned with advertising and should be given larger budget allocation By Prof. Havaldar
  • 117. IM/10-11/11 Summary of Chapter – 10 • Steps involved in developing an effective communication programme for business markets are (i) decide communication objectives, (ii) identify the target audience, (iii) decide the promotional budget, (iv) develop the message strategy, (v) select the media, (vi)evaluate the promotions results, (vii) integrate the promotional Programme. • Advertising is used in business marketing mainly as a support to personal selling. • Media used for industrial advertising are: business publications, trade journals / Publications, and industrial directories. • Sales promotion consists of short – term incentive tools to stimulate greater or faster purchase of a product / service by business customers. • Direct marketing and publicity ( also called as marketing public relations – MPR) have important roles. However, public relations (PR) tends to neglect marketing objectives, since it has to deal with several category of people. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 118. IM/11-1/29 CHAPTER 11 INDUSTRIAL (BUSINESS) PRICING STRATEGIES & POLICIES Learning Objectives 1. Understand the special meaning of price. 2. Know the factors that influence pricing decisions, i.e. price determinants. 3. Understand pricing strategies for different product/market situations. 4. Examine the pricing policies for various types of customers. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 119. IM/11-2/ 29 SPECIAL MEANING OF PRICE  Some business customers follow “Value- based pricing” by evaluating, suppliers’ offerings based on the concept of the suppliers offering equal to the difference between the perception of value (or benefits) and the cost to the buying firm. These are “value buyers”, and marketers should attempt to have value added relationship, if suppliers have “purchasing orientations”.  Perception of value in value-based pricing is made up of several elements like customers perceptions of product quality / By Prof. Havaldar
  • 120. IM/11-3/ 29  Cost to the buying firm includes basic Price, freight, transit insurance, installation, risks of product failure, delayed delivery, etc,  Some customers are “price buyers”. Marketers, should follow transactional relationships & offer “basic properties”.  Some other buyers are “loyal buyers”, for whom marketers should follow “relationship marketing” with partnering / collaborative approach and By Prof. Havaldar
  • 121. IM/11-4/ 29 F R A M E W O R K O F P R IC IN G D E C IS IO N S B e fo re ta k in g p ric in g (i) P ric in g o b je c tiv e s d e c is io n s , a b u y in g firm m u s t ( ii) C u s to m e r a n a ly s is fin d " p ric e d e te rm in a n ts " . (iii) C o s t a n a ly s is ( i.e . f a c to r s th a t in f lu e n c e (iv ) C o m p e tito rs ' a n a ly s is p ric in g d e c is io n s ) ( v ) G o v t. r e g u la tio n / p o lic ie s By Prof. Havaldar
  • 122. T w o ty p e s o f p ric in g d e c is io n s . IM/11-5/ 29 P ric in g s tra te g ie s P ric in g p o lic ie s D is c o u n ts G e o g ra p h ic a l p ric in g S e ttin g a p ric e (p ro d u c t / m a rk e t s itu a tio n s ) In itia tin g a p ric e c h a n g e R e s p o n d i n g t o a c o m p e t i t o r 's p ric e c h a n g e L e a s in g By Prof. Havaldar
  • 123. IM/11-6/ 29 PRICE DETERMINANTS OR FACTORS INFLUENCING PRICING DECISIONS (i) Pricing objectives, (ii) customer analysis, (iii) cost analysis, (iv) competitive analysis, (v) Govt. policies. 1. Pricing Objectives  Are derived from corporate and marketing objectives.  Some of the pricing objectives are survival, maximum short – term profits, maximum short – term sales, maximum By Prof. Havaldar
  • 124. IM/11-7/ 29 2. Customer (Demand) analysis It includes demand analysis & cost - Benefit analysis (i) Demand analysis. Using experimental research, it measures relationship between price and demand (or sales volume). It sums up how sensitive customersg are qto nthe dpriced e d % c h a n e in u a tity e m a n = changes. The formula is: % C h a n g e i n p r i c e If PED is > 1, demand is elastic, & customers are price sensitive If PED is < 1, demand is inelastic, customers are less sensitive to prices. By Prof. Havaldar
  • 125. IM/11-8/ 29 (ii) Cost – Benefit Analysis  Necessary to know target customers’ perceptions of benefits (or value) and costs.  Benefits are categorized into hard (or tangible) benefits like quality, production rate, performance, etc. and soft (or intangible) benefits like customer service, company reputation, warranty period, etc.  Cost includes price, duties and taxes, freight, installation, maintenance. 3. Cost Analysis.  A firm’s total cost of a product is the lowest point on the price range. Hence, for pricing decisions, the marketer must know the various types of costs like fixed, variable, total, direct, etc. for a By Prof. Havaldar
  • 126. IM/11-9/ 29 C o st E c o n o m ie s o f S c a le p er U n it Q u a n tity P r o d u c e d p e r y e a r C o st E x p e r ie n c e / p er L e a r n in g U n it C u rv e. A v . C o s t R e d u c tio n = 1 0 -3 0 % A c c u m u la te d P r o d u c tio n By Prof. Havaldar
  • 127. IM/11-10/ 29 B r e a k - E v e n A n a ly s is is u s e fu l to c o n s id e r d iffe r e n t p ric e s (P 1 , P 2 , P 3 ), a n d its e ffe c t o n s a le s re v e n u e a n d p ro fits . S a le s R e v e n u e a t P 3 S a le s & C o s ts S a le s R e v e n u e a t P 2 S a le s R e v e n u e a t P 1 T o ta l C o s t F ix e d C o s t S a le s V o lu m e By Prof. Havaldar