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Induction Ceremony Script Essay
Kitty Hawk Air Society Induction Ceremony Script
Neessen and pledges form up out of sight
Emcee: Welcome to the Air Force Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps Kitty Hawk Air Society Induction Ceremony. I am Cadet (Rank and full
name said) and I will be your emcee for this evening. As a courtesy for our inductees and guests we ask you to please silence your phones at this time.
Emcee: Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand, place your right hand over your heart, and join (Cadet Name) in reciting our Pledge of Allegiance.
Everyone recites pledge
Emcee: Thank you, you may be seated
Neessen marches in with saber/rifle at right shoulder arms... Halts and faces crowd.
Neessen: Kitty Hawk Pledges, ... Show more content on ...
Equivalent to The National Honor Society, Kitty Hawk Members are held to a higher standard of excellence, both professional and academic. These
pledges are without a doubt up to this rigorous challenge.
Neessen moves to the center of the formation, faces the pledges, salutes with the saber/riffle and says
Neessen: It is better to deserve honors and not receive them, than to have honors and not deserve them.
Neessen joins Webb off to the side.
Emcee: Will Major Richards please come forward
Emcee: Cadet (first cadet), front and center.
"Help" hands Major the certificate and badge. Cadet _____ steps forward and is presented the KHAS certificate and badge by Major.
Emcee: Will Name of big brother/sister please come forward and assist putting cadet _______ cord and badge on his/her uniform.
Major gives the cord and badge to the guest and the guest puts them on the uniform.
Emcee: Thank you
Emcee leads applause
Emcee: Cadet __________, please return to the formation
The process continues until each cadet has received their badge and cord.
Emcee: Thank you Major Richards
If we have a guest, the emcee will announce that they have a few closing remarks. Ex. "LtCol Williams will now make some closing remarks" Then
the Emcee will thank the guest and allow them to be seated.
Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the newest members of the West High School AFJROTC Lieutenant John C. Gresham Kitty Hawk Air
Emcee leads
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Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Essay
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
The most important title a student at my age can have is cadet. One of my favorite classes to take in high school was Junior Reserve Officer Training
Corps or (JROTC). In this class I have learned more things than I have in any other class and learned many things that a lot of other students have not. I
am more than thankful to have belonged to such a great organization that teaches us so many important things that many others believe aren't
important. The three main things that made it my favorite class are: the leadership skills, the opportunity to learn how to safely handle rifles, and the
different mental and physical skills that were developed throughout my two years in that program. As a freshman I didn't know many things about the
variety of choices of classes to take in high school. There was a class that was entitled "Leadership" so, I signed up. After I went to a few classes, I
did not feel as if the class would help me grow at all, but I was wrong. The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program has taught me more than
just leadership. It taught me to respect authority figures, help build character, and memorize facts that could help me later in life. Being in the ... Show
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It has always been something that I was good at. I have always struggled with having a positive attitude and overcoming my fears. I always let my
fears get in the way of the things that I wanted, even when everyone else believed in me my biggest challenge was my mental thoughts. Junior
Reserve Officer Training Corps drove home the point that being mentally strong is just as important, if not more important than being all muscle and
no brains. Being apart of this program has been one of the best journeys I have had throughout my life so far and I will forever be grateful for taking
my mother's advice in signing up for that leadership
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Rivercrest Jrotc Program Analysis
Rivercrest High School has a great Jrotc program. Rivercrest Jrotc program has been running for 24 years. Jrotc is all about service to others. It's
all about helping people and the community out. Service to others could be replying to a service learning project or community service. Service to
others could be as simple as picking up a piece of trash in your neighbor's yard. The best quote I ever heard about service to others is by Mahatma
Gandhi. "The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others." Do you think service to others is important? Last year I gave my
service to others two times. I participated in a community service project, and a service learning project. First I did the community service project. ...
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The mission of Jrotc is to motivate young people to become better citizens. The Jrotc lessons that helped me prepare for service to others are leadership,
citizenship, organization, and last but not least, teamwork. Leadership has to have a great leader who knows how to lead, and listen. A leader has
to be able to want to help others, and plan when to do a project to help others. To become a better citizen, you have to have great citizenship. Being a
citizen is all about helping and giving service to others. Everyone needs help once in awhile. If you are giving service to others, you have to be
organized. Organization is knowing when you are going to help, who is going to help, and why you are going to help. You have to be organized,
in order to help others. Organization is the key to success in giving service to others. Last, but not least teamwork is important. Teamwork is all
about getting a group of people and cooperating together. It would be more effective if a team helped give service to others, other than just one
person. There is no I in team. In order to have great teamwork, and really give service to others, everyone has to have a role or play a part. If
everyone works together, teamwork will never fail. These are the lessons that makes service to others so important. In participating in service to
others, I learned that service to others is very important. Always work hard, and do your best while helping others. Hard work pays off, for an
example, when we helped with the homecoming game, the 1970 class of Rivercrest paid for us to eat at Mi pueblo. Always give your service to others
whenever you have the chance
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Army Rotc Is The Reserve Officer Training Core For The...
As you sit in the elevator hearing your fellow classmates complain about how tired they are after their 8 A.M.'s you sit there and think, "I've
already been up for 3 hours and done a full workout" (CDT Jones). You have chosen the lifestyle of the uncommon man. You get up every morning
at 0500 to get yourself ready for the day ahead of you. That means you are up and ready for your morning PT (Physical Training) before anyone else on
your campus is awake. The path you choose is one of success and one that will have a great impact on your life. You are a cadet in the best military in
the world. You are in Army ROTC. Army ROTC is the Reserve Officer Training Core for theUnited States Army. The focus of Army ROTC is to
teach and instill the Army Values on the Officers of tomorrow while providing them with an education that will benefit them through their entire life.
I have conducted an interview of three cadets of the University of Dayton's Army ROTC program to try and better explain what Army ROTC is.
They all elected to keep their anonymity so for the purposes of this profile I will give these cadets the names "CDT Smith" "CDT Doe" and "CDT
The only way to accurately profile the United States Army ROTC program, is to give details and history on the ROTC program and the United States
Army as well. In the United States Armed Forces, there are 5 main branches. These branches are the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force, and Marines.
In the Army, it is again broken down
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Recruitment of Child Soldiers Essay
"Children belong on playgrounds, not battlegrounds. The use of child soldiers is one of the most egregious human right violations of our times"
affirms Rep. Jeff Fortenberry after witnessing a human tragedy, of children who were forced into military service. Today, an estimated 300,000
children under the age 18 are participating in armed conflicts worldwide. Approximately 20 countries, including The United States of America
actively recruits children under age 18. Most children soldiers range in age from 15 to 17 years old, but others as young as 7 years of age have been
stationed. Because formal age documentation does not exist in many areas, children are frequently passed off as being older... Show more content on ...
Douglas Smith, a spokesperson for the Army Reserve Command, confirms ?This provision is simply a matter of convenience, it saves the recruiters
a lot of research time figuring out how to get in contact with the students.? Military recruiters have been caught telling high school students lies such
as: ?The war in Iraq is over. We?re no longer sending people to Iraq . We are currently bringing the troops in Iraq back home. Once you enlist into
military, if you don?t like it, you can simply quit under the ?Failure to Adapt? discharge and it won?t affect anything on your record.? Along with lying
to accomplish the goal of increasing enlistments, recruiters have resorted to fabricating backgrounds and forging physical reports to ensure that the
teenager qualifies for enlistment. Some recruiters have stooped so low by providing ?kidney cleaners? to help the teenagers pass urine screening for
drug usage. All of these practices are inexcusable, even more alarming is the fact that high school teens are allowing themselves to be victimized by
military recruiters. Military recruiters like any commissioned salesman are out to produce quotas which directly attributes to their income, the best
interest of a high school teenager is never considered. Teachers, parents and students have complained of recruiting tactics, harassment and
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Statement Of Purpose: Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
Life is about change and change is what makes you stronger, the experience that prepared me the most for this position is when I began my high
school JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) career. Over the summer I had moved from Virginia to Boston and because of the different
requirements in each state, I had taken classes earlier at my old school. My new school did not have a band class so instead, I decided to join JROTC
as I was unable to do at my old school. When I began the class, I saw that it was a leadership course and the more dedicated students went after school
to learn drill and ceremony. These more dedicated students were the ones that had the opportunity to earn higher ranks. As a person, I was always shy
so going into
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Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
Audrey Collins
December 16, 2015
Alpha Company
100 Years of JROTC
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) First came to exist in 1916 as part of the National Defense act. The Mission of JROTC is to
motivate young people to become better citizens and I know ever since I started JROTC that 's just what I have done.
Over the years JROTC has changed and evolved a lot over the years and i am proud to say that i can be part of an organization like JROTC.
Before 1967 the amount of JROTC programs was limited to 1,200. The amount was increased to 1,600 programs and in 1967 again it was increased
to 3,500 units in the year 1992 the limitation on the number of programs was removed from the law in 2001. The amount of Cadets that are required at
minimum are three hundred in a Battalion.
Women have served theUnited States Army since 1775. They nursed the sick and wounded, cleaned and fixed torn clothing, and cooked for the troops
on military bases.Campaign services did not exist in the Army until the 20th century. Women were an invaluable but an essential part of the Army
.Women continue to have a play an important role in ongoing operations and with the selfless sacrifices they make for their country, we continue to
break through gender barriers.
In 2013 the Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta signed a document that lifted the National Defense Department 's ban on women to take part in direct
ground combat roles. This decision overturned 1994's
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Why Mentoring Matters So Much Essay
Introduction "Iron Sharpens Iron": Why Mentoring Matters So Much The Closing Bell Speaker Series "Iron Sharpens Iron": Why Mentoring
Matters So Much was presented by Forest Harper. Forest Harper is the current Chief Executive Officer and President of INROADS Inc. Harper
grew up in a poor neighborhood in Fort Pierce, Florida. In high school, Harper was a star athlete in his high school's Army ROTC program. He
attended Morgan State University on a football scholarship. His plan was to become a professional football player. He suffered two knee injuries
that ended his football career. He graduated from Morgan State University with a Bachelors of Arts in Social Work. After graduation, he joined the
Army and served as a Lieutenant. He spent six years in the Army and rose up to the position of Captain. After the Army, Harper participated in the
Executive Leadership Training program at Harvard University. Before becoming the president of INROADS, Harper worked at Pfizer for twenty–eight
years. He started as a pharmaceutical sales representative and later became the Vice President of Capability Development in Worldwide Public Affairs
and Policy. He was the only African American in his division. This fact inspired him to join INROADS and become a mentor to minority college
student. His goal is to help get as many minority college students into the industry they choose. Harper's own mentor is his uncle Walter Crenshaw, the
oldest documented Tuskegee Airman. In "Iron Sharpens Iron":
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Analysis Of My Father's Life By Raymond Carver
Amy Poehler once wrote, "Sometimes painful things can teach us lessons that we didn't think we needed to know." In other words perspective is key.
We do not like have to adore the painful things in life, but we should respect them for shaping us into the people we are and will be. It's important to
learn to look on the bright side of things.
So often parents tell their children, teenagers in particular, that not being willing to listen to them could lead to dire consequences. Most teens believe
that parents are all talk and the consequences never really come, or least they are not that dire. Not true in Belen, New Mexico. A 16 year old boy
kept stealing from his parents. They tried punishing him through various means, but to no avail. He just kept on stealing. In an article written by
Lindsey Bever for the Washington Post Newspaper on yesterday, the parents decided to banish the teenager to the backyard in a tent for... Show more
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This story describes the life of the author's father. Although, it is odd he never mentions any personal memories of his bond with his father. While the
author was growing up it seems as though his father was too concerned with his struggles of life and never built a bond with his son. In today's
society economic, social, and other desires hinder parents and children from having effective and valuable relationships. His father was occupied
trying to locate a stable job for his family. His father's drinking problem and adulterous ways of living joined with constantly moving made it difficult
to have a steady relationship with his son. I spotted that the author did not mention about his wife and son and their relationship much. Therefore it is
likely that he would suffer from the same incapability to form a bond with his son, just like his father was unable to do with him. The relationship
between father and son is a unique
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Forrest Hall Building For University Essay
I agree with the students who want to change the name of the Forrest Hall Building on MTSU campus, because I think our students have the
responsibility as those with the power to change this name since we don't want to our state university to represent something hateful. When MTSU
built its ROTC building in 1954, President Smith named it Forrest Hall in honor of Nathan Bedford Forrest's reputation as an "interpid confederate
cavalry leader who won fame with his brilliant raids. Maybe that was Forrest's reputation in 1954, but in 2015 Forrest's reputation becomes one of
hate, racism, and violence. We do not want or need that at MTSU. A quick background on Nathan Bedford Forrest, was a lieutenant general in the CSA
Army and he was a ... Show more content on ...
At President Smith's behest, MTSU's publicity officers incorporated Forrest into their materials at leat as early as 1954. By the mid 1950s, Forrest's
image dominated campus life, on decals, bookstore supplies, and campus newspaper Sidelines, not to mention the new ROTC building named Forrest
Hall ( also chosen by President Smith ). Students formed a Nathan Bedford Forrest Club, and others sold "rebel falgs to boost the school's southern
From 1945 to 1967, "That blue Devil" rode along the sidelines of MTSU football games at Horace James Field while "Dixie" played in the stands.
In 1962, MTSU classrooms finally integrated with athletic integration coming three years later when the first African American athlete debuted on the
track and field team. In 1967, MTSU built a new student center, and on the outside of that building was placed a large seal of the uiniversity's official
mascot Nathan Bedford Forrest on horseback. In 1968, Sylvester Brooks Write a sideline " I think a lot of the stuff its's history, I mean these things are
factual, but they belong in a history book, and they belong in museum, they don't belong in places like that and put them in places where they ought to
be at". On the night of 11 Dec.1970 and during this mascot transition, white MTSU students burned a cross on campus. About sixty black students
immediately marched to president
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Military Self Assessment
The military has shaped me in countless ways, and while everyone is born with predisposed personality traits, many other characteristics are honed
through experiences and environmental factors. As a leader, it becomes important to understand and assess how life experiences and the environment
affect organizational behavior, personal interactions, and individual behavior. One element of self–assessment involves understanding individual
strengths and weaknesses through introspection; the Army requires its leaders to continually assess their strengths and weakness. My three greatest
strengths, emotional intelligence, ability to think critically, and work ethic, are a mix of natural ability and learned behavior from my upbringing in
rural Alabama. ... Show more content on ...
Early in my Army career, I noticed the most universal trait that always seemed separate an individual's performance was hard work working, and
those people that cared about their contribution to the team. To this day, those valuable lessons from childhood my childhood on the farm make my
professional endeavors easier to achieve. Generally, hard work indicates a caring for something greater, and this translates into a dependability and
flexibility that grew from my strong work ethic. As a senior in my university's Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program, I was nominated to
hold a senior leadership position, and I received the nomination because of my compassion, work ethic, dependability, and flexibility. My work ethic
is the most important strength I possess, and it has served me well in my personal and professional life. I have succeeded in the Army in part due to
three of my strengths: emotional intelligence, critical thinking and hard work. The lessons I learned in early childhood and my predispositions
fostered a capacity to engage, analyze, and follow through with tasks, and while no one gets to where they are by themselves, my three greatest
strengths have separated me from my peers. Furthermore, I am confident these skills will enable me to stand out as a student at the graduate level once
I am granted admission into The
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Reflection Paper
"Because transition is a process by which people unplug into a new world, we can say that transition starts with an ending and finishes with a
beginning." In many ways the previous quote relations to my transition of transferring from Saint Peter's University to UNC Charlotte. I had to
"unplug" from many things in both my academic and personal life, as a result of, transferring to another school.
For me "unplugging" means leaving or disconnecting to what you are used to. Something I had to unplug from was living in New Jersey and being
in the Saint Peter's University environment. I lived in New Jersey for much of my childhood before I lived in Maryland, so when I decided to go to
college in New Jersey it was like I was returning home. Going to Saint Peter's University was great, but being there made me unplug from something
very important to me; my family. My family moved to North Carolina right before I started college. They were in North Carolina and I was in New
Jersey, which meant we were ten hours away from each other. For a whole year, I didn't really see my family much. I only saw them on longer
school breaks and eventually, that started to play a negative toll on me emotionally. Before things got really bad I took initiative and started applying
for schools in North Carolina. When I got accepted into UNC Charlotte I was happy because I could be closer to my family, but I knew that I was going
to have to unplug once again.
Now I am unplugging again but this time from
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JROTC: A Career As A Cadet Officer
In JROTC there are many topics to learn as a cadet. A cadet must memorize the cadet creed and be dedicated to the program. As a cadet I learned a
lot of topics in JROTC during my freshman year. In the JROTC I learned the basic rules on how to be a good cadet and the Cadet Staff's
Responsibilities. During freshman year in JROTC we learned a lot about leadership and how it will affect us in the future. Leadership was a big
topic that we learned during ROTC, the 11 principles of leadership was also an important topic we covered, it thought us how to become leaders. In
the future everything I learned in JROTC will make me more independent, reliable, and a helpful person. JROTC taught me how to become more
independent and how to lead others,... Show more content on ...
When we go to future parades I want to learn new chants to represent our school. In JROTC I want to learn what you need in your resume when
applying for a university and what will look good on it, so I can get a higher chance to get into that university. I would like to know what you need
to do in JROTC to get a better chance at a college and for how long you have to do something in ROTC. I would like to try to do team building
exercises so students in are class get to know each other better and communicate well, so when we get older it would be easy for us to do simple
tasks. I think our class should communicate more so we can build strong friendships and accomplish a task together in class. I learned a lot in
JROTC it changed me a lot; my personality changed and I became a better leader and I build better friendship and my leadership skills improved a
lot. I want to learn what other things JROTC haves to offer that isn't related to drill, rifle, etc. I want to know what soldiers have to go through when
they are sent to war and how they adapt to their surroundings when they go to war. I want to learn about what the president thinks about the wars and
how many soldiers they send to defend this country. I'm curious on the chain of command people have to follow to contact the
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College Reflection
There are many discourse communities that we participate in life, one of the mine was J.R.O.T.C or Junior reserve officer training corps. The point
of the program was to promote young people to be better citizens. I felt I exemplified these point as I participated in teams, was a leader in the
classroom and a staff member in the program. I Throughout the program, cadets were encouraged to join the after school activities known as teams,
which consisted of Drill, Rifle, Colorguard, and, P.T ( Physical Training). I joined my freshman year and I was active in the unarmed/armed drill and
P.T team throughout all of my years ofhigh school. Drill consisted of memorizing sequences with and without rifles to perfection and adding in
showmanship for flare, as with P.T, it mostly consisted of strenuous exercise to get myself to peak physical condition. I went to many events
because of these teams, we participated in drill meets where battalions of JROTC competed against each other for the top spot at each event. As I
was in the drill meets, I experienced the thrill of showcase our many hours of practice that went into our routine or the races and other physical
competitions I competed in. In drill, I was very helpful to my cadets on my team. At my second drill meet I helped my fellow teammate practice by
giving her constructive criticism and showed her examples of how to do the drill correctly. As a P.T team member, I would shout my encouragement to
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The Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC)
The Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) was founded by the National Defense Act of 1916. Since its inception, JROTC has been
constantly evolving and continues to evolve. The multitude of differences can become evident through the examination of the program following its
inception, its current condition and what JROTC is likely to become in the future. JROTC came to be under the National Defense Act of 1916. Under
the provisions of the Act, many high schools were authorized to be loaned military equipment and hire active–duty personnel as instructors. The
Vitalization Act allowed JROTC to be conducted by other services than the army. This Act also replaced many of the active
–duty instructors with
veterans. Title 10 of the... Show more content on ...
As can be seen with the introduction of the new Cyber Patriot team, JROTC is evolving alongside the world which encompasses it. JROTC will,
probably, offer even a greater abundance of opportunities and experiences to its cadets. These opportunities will vary greatly from what is offered
now. These opportunities, however, will without fail, instill the values upon which JROTC was founded and cater to the diverse interests of the
individual cadet. As the Torch of Knowledge burns brightly upon the uniform of each and every cadet, so will the difference that each and every cadet
makes in
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The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC)
Today I would like to talk about JROTC and how it has come about in these many years it has been around and what it is meant to do for the youth
of America. The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) is a Federal program sponsored by the United States Armed Forces in high
schools and also in some middle schools across the United States and United States military bases across the world. The program was originally
created as part of the National Defense Act of 1916. The National Defense Act of 1916 enacted June 3, 1916, was a federal law that updated the Militia
Act of 1903, which related to the organization of the military, particularly the National Guard. The 1916 act included an expansion of the Army and the
National Guard, the creation
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Abstract. This Paper Will Explore The Roles And Motivational
This paper will explore the roles and motivational factors of Commissioned Officers in the United States military. The professional leader lives and
embodies the values of the organizational culture that is the military. The military is constructed upon a hierarchal organization structure composed of
individuals with the yearning to lead others to the standards set in place by military ethos. The role of a commissioned officer is to embody these values
in and out of uniform while also leading and mentoring those around him to result in a successful work environment. This paper will illustrate how the
military maintains the high standard of a successful organization with the guidance of its commissioned officers.
Keywords: ... Show more content on ...
Non–commissioned officers work in a middle management role and delegate to lower ranking soldiers. Leadership styles and the motivators used by
commissioned officers influences their ability to establish a cohesive work environment.
Officers are assumed to be natural born leaders and the initial enhancement of these skills are to take place during the length of their four–year degree
with the guidance of The Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC). ROTC broadly introduces students to different leadership styles and how to apply
them to scenarios that may arise throughout the duration of their career. The instructors in an ROTC program are composed of non–commissioned
officers who are enlisted soldiers that rise through the ranks and become the direct supervisors of lower enlisted soldiers. Non–commission officers can
guide with the experience they possess and commissioned officers lack. Officers commission into the military with the intent to maintain a
supervisorial position throughout their whole career but in various positions and ranks. In a study conducted about military leadership, Utecht and
Heier(1976) refered to leadership competence as the deciding factor that moves officers among various levels in the military. Officers are expected to
be multifaceted and easily adapt to the conditions and requirements of any given position.
Utecht and Heier's study intended to test Fielder's contingency theory in predicting military leaders were only successful because
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Characteristics Of A Discourse Community
At the beginning of this semester I decided to join Montana State University's Army ROTC program with no prior knowledge of the program
other than it will pay for my tuition. When the school year started I realized very quickly that this was a very strict and structured community. We
are required to be at school at 0600 four days a week, attend mandatory weekend trainings, and volunteer in the community. Thankfully when
something is done consecutively it just becomes habit. This research is derived from my personal drive to figure out if the Army ROTC is an
accurate depiction of a discourse community. In an excerpt from Writing about Writing, John Swales does a profound job in describing six unique
characteristics of a discourse community; however, I believe that the two fundamental characteristics that define the Army ROTC as a discourse
community are "a broadly agreed set of common public goals" (Swales 220), and "a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant
content and discoursal expertise" (Swales 222). These two characteristics not only depict a discourse community but also describe a department that
effectively develops young men and women to their full potential as leaders. The current generation of young students, friends, workers, and leaders
are chained down by the reoccurring problem of "the easy way out". Searching the internet for material that past generations worked hard for,
researched books, and took notes on is offensive in my point of
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Essay on Introduction Speech Outline
Kenneth Boozer Introduction Speech OutlineIntroduction Speech Outline Katelyn Broekema CRN: 22208012 I.Introduction A.Attention Getter:
Salutations class, my name is Kenneth Boozer and I am very happy to be participating in COM 101 with you all! Let me get to know all of you by
first introducing myself! B.Reason to Listen: We all have things that mean a lot to us, things that we hold dear to us, and I would like to show you
things that mean a lot to me. C.Thesis Statement: Today I plan to describe how even the most simplest things, like these dog tags, mean so much.
D.Preview of Main Points: 1.First, I will tell you why and where I earned these 2 dog tags. 2.Second,... Show more content on ...
This is important to me because I had to wait for months to get it because I was too lazy to go and get it from the studio, so they send them to the
school and I got it from the yearbook coordinator. 2. This dog tag is important to me because it is one of the several things that I have received
showing that I am an alumni from my high school. 3. This dog tag shows that I went to and participated in the 7th brigade drill competition. This
dog tag is important to me because I had some great fun while I was down there and it was a good experience. Transition: Now the importance of
these dog tags. C.Now to you all, these might just be pieces of metal. But these are way more than that to me and I am glad to have these in my
possession. 1. These dog tags symbolize several important moments in my life that I have went through some stuff to finish, but I am glad that I was
given the opportunity to do these events. III.Conclusion A.Review of main points: 1. First, I discussed the first two dog tags from summer camp.
2.Second, I talked about the next two dog tags: the one from my yearbook and the one where I participated in the regional drill competition. 3.Finally,
I elaborated on how they are more than just pieces of metal to me. B.Restate Thesis: These four dog tags mean so much to me. C.Closure: "When you
have spent an important part of your
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The Discourse Community : The Concept Of Discourse Community
To me a discourse community is a close–knit group that shares the same interests and use writing as a main concept for communication. writing as a
main concept for communication. Swales, linguist and author of "The Concept of Discourse Community", further explained discourse by attributing
specific characteristics to them. For the purposes of this essay, these are the relevant descriptions. "A discourse community has a broadly agreed
upon set of goals" (Swales, 471), "A discourse community has acquired a specific lexis" (473), and "a discourse community has a threshold level of
members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise" (473). The discourse communityI have chosen to discuss in this essay is
the Army ROTC at University of Memphis..
The Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) was born when President Woodrow Wilson signed the National Defense Act of 1916. Since its
inception, Army ROTC has provided leadership and military training at schools and universities across the country and has commissioned more than a
half million Officers. It is the largest commissioning source in the American military. Army ROTC is a diverse group of men and women with more
than 20,000 Cadets currently enrolled. Army ROTC has a total of 273 host programs with more than 1,100 partnership and affiliate schools across the
country. It produces approximately 60 percent of the Second Lieutenants who join the active Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard. More than
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Marine Application Research Paper
(1)Student Background Life is made up of challenges and obstacles that people must overcome to full fill their dreams. For me one goal I had in
life was to serve in the United States Navy as a Submarine Officer. This dream would not come easy to accomplish since I come from a family
with 6 siblings all around the same ages and all going to college. But I would not let that stop me I did my research and found the school that was
perfect for me. It was the University of Oklahoma for they offered both the major I wanted to pursue, Aerospace Engineering, and gave me the
opportunity to reach my goal as being an officer in the United States Navy. Even though I came to Oklahoma with no scholarship or no real way to
afford Oklahoma tuition for out ... Show more content on ...
Well with challenges come obstacles, for me it was finding a college that had a NROTC unit and an Aerospace Engineering program. Oklahoma
instantly stuck out to me, so I took the challenge of getting accepted. Once that happened then next obstacle and challenge developed. How was I
going to pay for college? Coming in as a college programmer and an out of state student I knew that this wasn't not going to be a cheap challenge,
but worth it if I was given the opportunity to full fill my goal of serving in the Navy. So, I took on a student loan to allow me to begin my
education at Oklahoma in their engineering program and to pursue a Naval ROTC scholarship that would pay the three remaining years of college.
It ended up paying off in the end as after a year of college I would pick up a Naval ROTC scholarship, the only thing is they Navy would not go back to
pay off my initial years of college putting me in debt. But that is why I like challenging myself once your finish one challenge a new challenge presents
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Why I Want To America Essay
As a child coming from the foster care system and being adopted a short while after I personally say that I owe a huge responsibility to America.
America the place so many dream of being at, the place of opportunity and well–being. The place where it has so much to offer and so many
possibilities that people can use, to better their lives.Government interaction in our country is a huge priority in America the government provides all
kinds of ways to help those in need or those in need of support during crisis. I could prove this because have observed and have been involved with
what the government can do to help those who seem at loss of opportunities. They just need to look and they can find them.
The reason why I said I owe a huge responsibility ... Show more content on ...
From the first moment that I met them I felt that I wanted to be part of what they have done for us. I want to be part of that aura they gave off when
students,cadets,or civilians first meet or see them. I want to one day be looked at the same way I looked at those veterans, with
admiration,gratitude,and a sense of pride knowing they are one of the many reasons why America is great. All this, all the little details that
America has to offer every citizen in our country brings to me the responsibility of owning America and returning what it has done for me. If it
means joining military or having a career it does not matter the purse sense of knowing that I am successful in the future can be said that my
responsibility to America has been given and will keep giving throughout my life. My responsibility to America is proving that I will be successful in
my life that I will take all those opportunities that have been offered and or given to me, use them and return it by putting it into use to gear America
to new doors, new possibilities, and make stronger the idea of why people say I want to go to the land of opportunity... America that is my
responsibility to our
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Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps
The United States Army Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps came into the world along with the national defense act of 1916. With this act, high
schools were allowed to use military equipment and also have military personnel as instructors. Title 10 of the U.S Codes declares that "the purpose of
Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps is to install in students in United States secondary educational institutions the value of citizenship, service to
the United States, personal responsibility and sense of accomplishment." JROTC Program has changed greatly over the years. The only purpose that
was once looked up was the study of ethics, citizenship, communications, and life skills and last but not least leadership. From just having 6 units in
1916 to now having over 1645 units in schools today and having more than 281,000 cadets. The Cadet Command is comprised of eight brigades,
each brigade is responsible for a geographical and/or functional area. 1st Brigade, headquartered at Fort Knox, Kentucky, is responsible for Army
ROTC battalions at military colleges. The brigade is also responsible for planning and carrying out the Leader's Training Course and Leader
Development and Assessment Course. 2nd Brigade, headquartered at Fort ... Show more content on ...
The purpose of JROTC is to motivate young people to become better citizens anyway. Teens in their future like now will be able to build their
confidence and leadership skills. Teens will have the ability to come together like a one big happy family because they already have one thing in
common which is JROTC. JROTC and its retired instructors have been and will always be a helper, a motivator and will always have its leadership,
training, citizenship skills to motivate cadets to do and become anything that they want to do or
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Statement Of Purpose: The United States Army Junior...
Through my 3 years of high school, I have become devote to becoming an educated young man for the betterment of society. I have been able to do
this as result of the United States Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, JROTC, program in my school where young people are pushed to
their physical, mental and social limit by being given leadership positions and opportunities they wouldn't have had otherwise. For one, the JROTC
program has made me a more devote citizen as well as given me the courage to lead by example. Most especially, the Drill Team has given me purpose
after school for 2–3 hours each day to be trained and eventually train others. The team taught me the importance of attention to detail in every endeavor.
I have since applied
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Military Leadership Development During The Military
Military Leadership Development
The military has many various levels of leadership. There is a ranking system in the military is used to universally show the level in which an
individual possesses in the military. Level Education can also play a role in leadership in the military. While enlisted ranks do not require a college
education, that is the backbone of the leadership in the military. When you first join the military, your rank will vary between pay grades of E–1 to
E–4. These are the introduction ranks of the military. Each branch has their own title for each rank, for example, an E–1 in the army would be referred
to as a Private(PV1) while that same pay grade is referred to as Airman (Airman basic) in the air force. The Ranks E–5 ... Show more content on ...
However, what you can expect are long hours of classes and physical labor. These schools are made to break down thesoldier and build them up so
when the soldier is placed in his next duty station he is ready to begin to take more initiative and earn the respect of his/her subordinates. Once those
schools are completed the soldiers will begin the careers as NCOs' but would not be the end of the learning. To move up in the ranks even further, the
soldier must continue to demonstrate great leadership and selflessness. There will be more school needed to be able to move up which will further
their education in leadership.
The diverse types of NCO ranks have different responsibilities. A squad leader or sometimes referred to section leader is normally running by E–5/E–6
ranks. As stated in the 'These NCOs live and work with their soldiers every day and are responsible for their health, welfare and
safety. These squads, section and team leaders ensure that their soldiers meet standards in personal appearance and teach them to maintain and account
for their individual and unit equipment and property. The NCO enforces standards and develops and trains soldiers daily in MOS skills and unit
missions.' (FM 7–22.7, 2015). The next level is the Platoon Sergeant. This individual is responsible for the care and training of all his soldiers under
him. This position is more of an administrative position because they are responsible for
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Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Analysis
In high school everyone expects you to find out who you want to be before you graduate, some of us do and some of us do not. Teachers,
counselors, administrators, your own family will tell you that what you do with your four years of high school will define you who you are and who
you will become in the future. I may not know who I might become but I have spent the past three and half years doing something I am passionate
about. Being a part of the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps has transformed my way of life. It has given me a part of my identity I never knew I
had. Being able to have the confidence, leadership, and the ability to communicate with others gave me a sense of purpose.
In JROTC I have been involved in as being the Varsity... Show more content on ...
When my parents divorced, I stepped up and I took care of my siblings when my mother could not. In doing so, all the challenges I faced from then
on, I faced them all alone. Therefore, my mother would not have to worry about me and focus on herself and my sisters. Living in a house of four my
not seem so difficult but when you are the glue that holds the family together, there is no room for error. When my oldest sister dropped out ofhigh
school, all the pressure went on me to do better in school, graduate, and go to college. Teachers, security guards, my parents told me I have–to graduate
and go to college to get a better life than them. It was like a record stuck on repeat, everywhere I go I was faced with the same lecture. With being told
what to do and how to live my life I fell into depression the first semester of my senior year. This was one of my biggest challenges I had to face, I was
left alone to figure out a puzzle with missing pieces. Listening to everyone tell me I have–to this and that with my life makes me sick to my stomach.
What if I am not interested in going to college? What if I just drop everything and leave? What if can define today from tomorrow. Slowly realizing
that only I can pick myself up and carry myself to where I want to be in life, helped me realize I can work to the best of my ability and set goals for
myself. one of my goals is to go to Loyola University and to Major in Forensic
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Reflection Paper On Jrotc
JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps) has made many important changes to my life. I have learned a lot in my LET 1 year and besides
that, I was able to try out new things I never would've. This program does indeed allow young people to become citizens and I am very satisfied
with the person I am today. I've learned so much about leadership and everything you must have in order to pertain it. In addition, I've also made
many new friends and this is one of the very few classes that I would talk about outside of school because I am very proud of being a cadet to such
an amazing battalion. JROTC allowed me to go through so much and without it, I wouldn't have been able to open myself up and realize what my
dreams are and how to pursue them. JROTC has given me a more meaningful life since I was able to find out what my goals are, what my strengths
and weakness are, as well as the kind of person that I should and want to be.
When I first joined this program, I was ready to drop out because I don't see myself wearing the uniform, and in fact, I was worried about what others
would think of me in the uniform. I didn't like the fact that I can't have my hair down, have long nails, or the fact that I have to wear such a serious
uniform. However, after realizing what a great opportunity being in JROTC was, I took pride in my uniform. I was expected to make sacrifices and
changes, but those were the small things doesn't even matter to me now. It'not how pretty I should look
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Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
Many people ask what is the point of Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps., and what does it teach you? Here is some food for thought
AFJROTC stands for Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. AFJROTC is a military regulated high school program, that teaches high school
students leadership skills and traits and the benefits of being a citizen. It is to motivate students to be better American Citizens.
The Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) program was founded in 1911 in Cheyenne Wyoming. It was founded by Army
Lieutenant(Lt.) Edgar R. Steevers, Lt Steevers was assigned as an inspector/instructor of the organized military of Wyoming. During his assignment he
imagined an alternative cadet corps ... Show more content on ...
В· The National Defense Act of 1916 authorized a junior course for non–college military schools, high schools and non–preparatory schools. The Army
implemented JROTC in 1916. Public Law 88–647, commonly known as the ROTC Vitalization Act of 1964, directed the Secretaries of each military
service to establish and maintain JROTC units for their respective services. AFJROTC provides leadership training and aerospace science studies for
high school students. Secondary schools are offered a wide variety of curricular and extra–curricular activities. This program teaches in detail the
scientific and historic aspects of aerospace technology and also teaches self– reliance and other characteristics found in good leaders, after all we are
the leaders of the future. AFJROTC is open to 9th– 12th graders who are citizens of the United States. It is not recruitment for the Air Force and the
students that participate does not have to go to the Air Force nor', has any obligation to the Air Force. The objectives of AFJROTC is to train and
educate high school cadets in life skills and citizenship, instill a sense of responsibility, promote community service, to develop self discipline and
character through education and instruction in air and space fundamentals and the Air Force's core values of "integrity first, service before self, and
excellence in all we
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AMT: Influencing Future Leaders
Most people enjoyed living in Colorado and the opportunity to take care of their cadets and influence them to become better leaders. One AMT
expressed that his AOC treated him like a secretary and as a result of the poor relationship with his AOC he was on medicaiton. "I enjoy living in
Colorado and seeing the cadets succeed and grow, (10x)" "I enjoy the location," "Not having to deploying because in my previous AFSC I was
constantly leaving my family," "Influencing future leaders (3)," "Working with cadets," "Interacting with cadets (10x)," "Everyday is not the
same old story," "Teaching cadets to appreciate NCOs," "NCLS programs are fantastic," "Not being micromanaged and AOCs are treated like CCs
to make decisions," "Shaping cadets into better leaders," "Interaction with cadets and seeing them develop leadership skills," "Watching cadets
grow from freshman to the time they graduate," "Interaction with 4 degrees specifically because they are more open to feedback," "The people and
working with my boss and the bosses boss," "I like the job because it is different," "I like taking care of my enlisted and FGOs," "Taking care of my...
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He held grudges, he was fake and blasphemed everyone and told us we are wrong. And he never took into consideration the full story. Group One does
not win awards," "Building communication with kids and see them go off to do great
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Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Report
The Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) was created with the passing of the National Defense Act of 1916. Since then, more than 1,700
units have been created in the Army branch alone. I will be focusing on Blackman High School's JROTC which was founded in 2000.
Group Dynamics
The JROTC program at Blackman High School consists of students from freshmen to seniors as well as two adult instructors. The two instructors
consist of a retired officer known as the Senior Army Instructor (SAI) and a retired enlisted known as the Army Instructor (AI). There is no application
process as students simply sign up for the class during registration.
The program is organized like the United States Army, with squads, platoons, and companies... Show more content on ...
Through these conversations, cadets are likely to use JROTC jargon and terms that are unique to the program. From acronyms such as LET (Leadership
Education Training) to phrases such as "double time" (to run instead of walk), JROTC's own literacy is vital to effectively communicate in a brief
amount of time.
I investigated how cadets' communication evolved while they were in JROTC and how they used word of mouth to achieve the program's goals.
Colonel Spry mentions that cadets' discussions when they first start out in the program are not very serious in nature, but as they grow and move up in
the program they begin to mature and have thoughtful discussions on how to solve a problem and what kind of plan it would take to resolve it.
Lacuniak states that one of the ways cadets learn leadership is by knowing how to effectively communicate through a chain of command and how to
talk to superiors. She also says that cadets learn communication and critical thinking skills from lessons taught by the instructors. These are the ways
that cadets achieve one of the program's goals by enhancing leadership, communication, and critical thinking skills as well as contribute to the overall
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Although I grew up in a military family, I never saw...
Although I grew up in a military family, I never saw myself going into a military career. Up until I was about fourteen years old, I planned on
being a marine biologist in Hawaii. Sounds nice, right? Well, at the end of my eighth grade year I decided that I might as well join NJROTC,
because all of my friends were doing it and it seemed okay. I have to say, looking back, I was quite naive. Joining NJROTC was the smartest and most
valuable decision I have made to this day. As a freshman, I was timid and had little to noconfidence. When I went to my first drill practice, I felt like I
was in my element. Everyone there wanted to be there, they all joined NJROTC because they wanted to. After attending many drill practices, and
NJROTC ... Show more content on ...
Being a platoon commander, I had to make eighteen individuals have the mindset of a team, in order to prepare them for Annual Military Inspection.
This worked to the utmost degree, because we passed our Annual Military Inspection and were recognized as an distinguished unit with academic
honors, and we were the Area Four Most Outstanding Unit. Knowing that I was apart of achieving this honor is the most overwhelming feeling of
accomplishment. This showed me that I was growing into someone who could change a group of individuals into a team, and that was something I
could have never imagined before NJROTC. This skill would be put to it's ultimate test the coming summer, when I was chosen to go back to Area
Four Leadership Academy/Sail Training as a platoon aide for Gold Platoon. At the end of those two weeks, I turned 38 cadets into one team, and that
team was the overall Honor Platoon, and won five out of the seven competitive events at LA/ST.
Now, as a senior, I had to face a more difficult choice, college. I applied for both the AROTC and NROTC scholarships, with hopes that I would
receive at least one. About a week before Thanksgiving, I received an email from the US Army Cadet Command, stating "Congratulations, you have
been awarded and AROTC Scholarship". Immediately, I started shaking and tears began to fill me eyes. This was the sign that all of my hard work
and growth had paid off. For three years I had
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Why Am I Here
Why are You Here?" I have fallen short in many ways towards the goals that I have made in my life.
No matter how high the standard is set, and whether failure awaits me, perseverance and my faith will carry me on. Some would label me as a
dreamer. Someone could say I have reality to face, but without dreams we have no hope, and without hope we have nothing inside of us to fuel our
deep passion to succeed and win the race that we have been running. Everyone has his own opinion about college and how important it is, but only a
few will take the initiative to follow through and back what they stand for. Though a college degree in engineering seems unreachable, I will strive to
make this the first foundational block for my future ... Show more content on ...
Through four and a half months of training in technical school, they were able to mold me into what they expect in the ordinance branch. So far,
this has been an amazing experience, and I am proud of being a small part of the big picture. With that said, I am here for one reason and one
reason only. I no longer have my parents ' direction, or have someone showing me what is right, and I would be wrong in making my time here
meaningless. Many of my peers would say this is one big party and that they are here for the girls and the cheap beer, but if I wanted to party, I
wouldn 't have chosen to pay so much for one. I think it would be ridiculous of me to waste a perfectly good opportunity to become the man that I
was made to be. My past was unbalanced and reckless, and it would be easy for me to fall back into my old ways, so it would be wise of me to stay
focused while I am here. My life was very structured and it drove me to want something different, but when I had to face my consequences, I soon
came to want exactly what I was running from. Ironically enough, I am beginning to see what they were trying to do as parents. It would be nice
to finally make them proud to be an influence in my life, and I will do my best to make that happen. Perception is a lot, and reputation is more, so I
plan to do my best to represent the uniform I wear everywhere I go. When I finally accomplish these goals, maybe I will be ready for the next
mission, but for now it is
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The Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps: Present...
Over the course of 100 years JROTC has been around. The main purpose of JROTC is to make better citizens. The Army Junior Reserve Officer
Training Corps (JROTC) is a program offered to high schools that teaches students character education, student achievement, wellness, leadership, and
diversity. It has effort between the Army and the high schools to produce successful students and citizens, JROTC makes for a more disciplined
learning environment. The past of JROTC helps to build the present and future. JROTC was originally started by the national defense act in 1916. It all
started for multiple reasons. All of which are implanted to this day. Captain Alan Partridge founded the American Literary, Scientific, and Military
Academy in Norwich,
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Persuasive Speech
"Do not change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you." Every single day of my life I have lived by this
quote and have felt the effects of it but it was not until two years ago that I understood it. "MARGARET ANNE BECKETT get your butt out of
bed!" my mom screamed from outside my door. I trudged out of bed in desperate need of caffeine. I have never been fond of the morning but this
morning I was desperately hoping would just disappear. You know that day that you wish would just fall into the background and would never
happen again. My first day of JROTC was just that. I despised the Army program with all my heart. Why did I have to do this stupid program it was
full of people I didn't know who would think I was the strangest person that they ever met. Taking the shortest shower known to humanity I threw on a
hoodie I had permanently borrowed from one of my sibling and a pair of yoga pants. The smell of eggs wafted down the hallway and I knew in my
heart that they were for me. I slowly trudged into the kitchen dreading the moment those yellow runny things slid on my plate. "Mom don't we have
something else to eat for breakfast we have already had them 4 times this week and it is only Wednesday." If there is a look that could make a grown
man shut up and start crying that look my mom gave me was exactly that. I forced the rubber like food down my throat and jumped into the car. What
have I gotten myself into? The only reason I had
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Nick Geeve Research Paper
Jefferson City, Tenn.– At 5:45 a.m. Nick Guerra is doing what he loves most, running. Whether it is Carson–Newman Cross Country training or a
physical fitness test for Army ROTC. Nick Guerra is generally done with his three–hour long workouts before most people have even rolled out of bed
in the morning. "We have PT five times a week. I generally get up around 5 AM, we start PT around 5:45 AM and that goes until 7 AM, with various
exercises mixed in between," Guerra said, "Then depending on the day I have a little bit of a break before I go to Cross Country practice at around
7:30 AM." Professor of Military Science and head of ROTC at Carson–Newman, Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Howe recounts the first time he saw
Guerra run the two–miles... Show more content on ...
Guerra is taking a full 16–hour course load this semester, to help keep him on track to graduate in May. Brewer was very positive when it came to
Guerra's work ethic, "It says a lot about him being able to manage school, ROTC and cross country. Whatever he decides to do after college I think
he's going to be really successful. It shows what life is really going to be about, being able to balance family, friends, hobbies, and his job." Guerra
has become a leader both on and off the cross country course, LTC Howe talked fondly about Guerra's change in demeanor from his junior to senior
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JROTC (The United States Army) Junior Reserve Officers...
The JROTC is a place where men and women of high ethics and values are forged with care and sturdiness; it is a second home for many. The
JROTC, short for (The United States Army) Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps, has been living in our school system for 100 years and has
created various great citizens of our country since. The program has its roots in the National Defense Act of 1916 and its purpose has varied in the
past 100 years from one thing to the other, yet the strive to make the best out of every single cadet has been engraved into the program and the people
in it since day one.
The JROTC has changed tremendously since its inception a hundred years back. The program commenced as a primary source of enlisted recruits and
officer ... Show more content on ...
However, more recently, an improved student centered curriculum focusing on character building and civic responsibility is being presented in every
JROTC classroom.
The JROTC has been built to last, starting with barely 6 units, it has expanded to 1645 schools, every state in the nation, and even American schools
overseas. Cadet enrollment has also grown exponentially with 314,000 cadets guided by 4,000 professionals all around the United States, and more to
It is safe to say that the JROTC will continue creating bright and disciplined citizens as it has been doing for the past century; citizens who will
uphold the Constitution and protect the American way of life, true patriots who live for their country and fellow countrymen, men and women with
whom they share the fabulous American dream with, men and women who will be seen as the epitome of American society and always stand proud
for our country. Sentiments of brotherhood, selfless service, leadership, duty, valor, ardent love for what they are and what they have done, and
more; all of these make up the remarkable and unique experience that is the JROTC, the citizens of tomorrow. As long as the JROTC persists, the
existence of at least one model citizen; a leader, is assured to linger on our precious red, white, and blue soil. The JROTC is not only a home for
many, but for
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Family Dynamics Of Military Brats
The Family Dynamics of a Military Brat
Many are accustomed the term Military Brat as a derogatory label towards a child of an active or retired military service member. As Military
Brats they understand that there is no time to forge bonds with people. Brats are forced to combine a lifetime of memories into just a few years,
before they pack up everything to be transported to a different state or to a different country. Fully expected to learn a new language if needed,
adjust to a culture faster than most would want; all of which at an unrealistic speed in the eyes of the regular world. Most attending 5 or more
schools in less than 12 years, constantly the new kid in class. Forced time and time again to start over, all the while never once complaining; as it was
a way of life for them. The constant reminder to join the Armed Forces, with no time to make friends, they only had acquaintances with no time to form
worthwhile bonds. But truthfully, the bonds formed by military brats alike, are unstoppable. In the short time that they had together, they were forged
from blood, sweat, and tears, and built to withstand the passages of time. The family dynamics that military brats are accustomed to are for more
different than so called normal families, what families go through cannot be comprehended by the outside world.
Depending on which branch the child's parent is in, their experience with how the child would interact with there parent/parents. Even though most
military parents
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The Goals of Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps
Popular Value? There are a number of eminent boons associated with the Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC), a program which is
offered as an elective at public high schools across the nation. However, many of these positives do not directly correlate to academic achievement.
An explanation of this fact partially stems from the very nature of the program as an elective, it is limited in the amount of educational value it can
impart to students, which is certainly lesser than that of the value afforded students via daily coursework offered in standard classes. Importantly, the
public funds of the JROTC make it a viable option for students in light of regulations regarding federal and state regulations limitations mandated by
1995's Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (Dilger and Bess, 2008, p. 1). Yet a thorough analysis of this program, which includes the Navy JROTC as
well as that relating to the Army, Air Force and Marines, indicates that the positives associated with this program include both tangible and intangible
aspects, which rewards America's high school students both during and after their postsecondary careers. In order to determine the degree of efficacy
the JROTC produces within the lives of its students, it is first necessary to elucidate the history of this program, which was implemented on a
nationwide level in 1916 yet had individual components as far back as the latter portion of the 19the century (Pema and Mehay, 2009, p. 533). The
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Case Study: The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps I chose the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) as my Discourse Community
Ethnography, so I could study my actions and experiences as I grow through the program, as well as uncover the difference between ROTC graduates
and non–ROTC graduates of major United States (US) universities. When relating the AFROTC to John Swales' six characteristics, I was able to
uncover a considerable amount of information that intrigued my interests, along with my interviews of several cadets and the commanding officer of Air
Force Detachment 450, Lt. Cornel David L. Wiede. First, I chose several different subjects to observe, beginning with the complexity of the ROTC
program and their rules. Next, I looked ... Show more content on ...
I uncovered the difference between ROTC graduates and non–ROTC graduates of major United States (US) universities, and feel that ROTC is truly
beneficial for young adults looking to compete in tomorrows workforce. The constant challenge has provoked me to leave my comfort zone and
explore my potential endeavors on a road of perpetual success. I truly believe that through my personal experiences in college, ROTC cadets will
leave college better prepared to face the challenges of the world. While at the same time ROTC cadets will be able to outperform other university
students because we have been trained in an environment of constant completion, where success is not achieved by the completion of the job but
deserved by the ability to do the job better than everyone else. With that being said, ROTC cadets are also held to a higher level of respect and
honor. Customs and Courtesies are expected, and codes of conduct must be followed. This higher level of respect is taught through the different
genres and Lexis, and while this may sound very harsh and obsessive, I have come to enjoy the organization of the Air Force, and the respect of the
various people that I work with on a daily basis.
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Induction Ceremony Script Essay

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  • 2. Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the newest members of the West High School AFJROTC Lieutenant John C. Gresham Kitty Hawk Air Society. Emcee leads ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Essay Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps The most important title a student at my age can have is cadet. One of my favorite classes to take in high school was Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps or (JROTC). In this class I have learned more things than I have in any other class and learned many things that a lot of other students have not. I am more than thankful to have belonged to such a great organization that teaches us so many important things that many others believe aren't important. The three main things that made it my favorite class are: the leadership skills, the opportunity to learn how to safely handle rifles, and the different mental and physical skills that were developed throughout my two years in that program. As a freshman I didn't know many things about the variety of choices of classes to take in high school. There was a class that was entitled "Leadership" so, I signed up. After I went to a few classes, I did not feel as if the class would help me grow at all, but I was wrong. The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program has taught me more than just leadership. It taught me to respect authority figures, help build character, and memorize facts that could help me later in life. Being in the ... Show more content on ... It has always been something that I was good at. I have always struggled with having a positive attitude and overcoming my fears. I always let my fears get in the way of the things that I wanted, even when everyone else believed in me my biggest challenge was my mental thoughts. Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps drove home the point that being mentally strong is just as important, if not more important than being all muscle and no brains. Being apart of this program has been one of the best journeys I have had throughout my life so far and I will forever be grateful for taking my mother's advice in signing up for that leadership ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Rivercrest Jrotc Program Analysis Rivercrest High School has a great Jrotc program. Rivercrest Jrotc program has been running for 24 years. Jrotc is all about service to others. It's all about helping people and the community out. Service to others could be replying to a service learning project or community service. Service to others could be as simple as picking up a piece of trash in your neighbor's yard. The best quote I ever heard about service to others is by Mahatma Gandhi. "The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others." Do you think service to others is important? Last year I gave my service to others two times. I participated in a community service project, and a service learning project. First I did the community service project. ... Show more content on ... The mission of Jrotc is to motivate young people to become better citizens. The Jrotc lessons that helped me prepare for service to others are leadership, citizenship, organization, and last but not least, teamwork. Leadership has to have a great leader who knows how to lead, and listen. A leader has to be able to want to help others, and plan when to do a project to help others. To become a better citizen, you have to have great citizenship. Being a citizen is all about helping and giving service to others. Everyone needs help once in awhile. If you are giving service to others, you have to be organized. Organization is knowing when you are going to help, who is going to help, and why you are going to help. You have to be organized, in order to help others. Organization is the key to success in giving service to others. Last, but not least teamwork is important. Teamwork is all about getting a group of people and cooperating together. It would be more effective if a team helped give service to others, other than just one person. There is no I in team. In order to have great teamwork, and really give service to others, everyone has to have a role or play a part. If everyone works together, teamwork will never fail. These are the lessons that makes service to others so important. In participating in service to others, I learned that service to others is very important. Always work hard, and do your best while helping others. Hard work pays off, for an example, when we helped with the homecoming game, the 1970 class of Rivercrest paid for us to eat at Mi pueblo. Always give your service to others whenever you have the chance ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Army Rotc Is The Reserve Officer Training Core For The... As you sit in the elevator hearing your fellow classmates complain about how tired they are after their 8 A.M.'s you sit there and think, "I've already been up for 3 hours and done a full workout" (CDT Jones). You have chosen the lifestyle of the uncommon man. You get up every morning at 0500 to get yourself ready for the day ahead of you. That means you are up and ready for your morning PT (Physical Training) before anyone else on your campus is awake. The path you choose is one of success and one that will have a great impact on your life. You are a cadet in the best military in the world. You are in Army ROTC. Army ROTC is the Reserve Officer Training Core for theUnited States Army. The focus of Army ROTC is to teach and instill the Army Values on the Officers of tomorrow while providing them with an education that will benefit them through their entire life. I have conducted an interview of three cadets of the University of Dayton's Army ROTC program to try and better explain what Army ROTC is. They all elected to keep their anonymity so for the purposes of this profile I will give these cadets the names "CDT Smith" "CDT Doe" and "CDT Jones". The only way to accurately profile the United States Army ROTC program, is to give details and history on the ROTC program and the United States Army as well. In the United States Armed Forces, there are 5 main branches. These branches are the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force, and Marines. In the Army, it is again broken down ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Recruitment of Child Soldiers Essay "Children belong on playgrounds, not battlegrounds. The use of child soldiers is one of the most egregious human right violations of our times" affirms Rep. Jeff Fortenberry after witnessing a human tragedy, of children who were forced into military service. Today, an estimated 300,000 children under the age 18 are participating in armed conflicts worldwide. Approximately 20 countries, including The United States of America actively recruits children under age 18. Most children soldiers range in age from 15 to 17 years old, but others as young as 7 years of age have been stationed. Because formal age documentation does not exist in many areas, children are frequently passed off as being older... Show more content on ... Douglas Smith, a spokesperson for the Army Reserve Command, confirms ?This provision is simply a matter of convenience, it saves the recruiters a lot of research time figuring out how to get in contact with the students.? Military recruiters have been caught telling high school students lies such as: ?The war in Iraq is over. We?re no longer sending people to Iraq . We are currently bringing the troops in Iraq back home. Once you enlist into military, if you don?t like it, you can simply quit under the ?Failure to Adapt? discharge and it won?t affect anything on your record.? Along with lying to accomplish the goal of increasing enlistments, recruiters have resorted to fabricating backgrounds and forging physical reports to ensure that the teenager qualifies for enlistment. Some recruiters have stooped so low by providing ?kidney cleaners? to help the teenagers pass urine screening for drug usage. All of these practices are inexcusable, even more alarming is the fact that high school teens are allowing themselves to be victimized by military recruiters. Military recruiters like any commissioned salesman are out to produce quotas which directly attributes to their income, the best interest of a high school teenager is never considered. Teachers, parents and students have complained of recruiting tactics, harassment and ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Statement Of Purpose: Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Life is about change and change is what makes you stronger, the experience that prepared me the most for this position is when I began my high school JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) career. Over the summer I had moved from Virginia to Boston and because of the different requirements in each state, I had taken classes earlier at my old school. My new school did not have a band class so instead, I decided to join JROTC as I was unable to do at my old school. When I began the class, I saw that it was a leadership course and the more dedicated students went after school to learn drill and ceremony. These more dedicated students were the ones that had the opportunity to earn higher ranks. As a person, I was always shy so going into ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Audrey Collins December 16, 2015 Alpha Company PVT/2 100 Years of JROTC Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) First came to exist in 1916 as part of the National Defense act. The Mission of JROTC is to motivate young people to become better citizens and I know ever since I started JROTC that 's just what I have done. Over the years JROTC has changed and evolved a lot over the years and i am proud to say that i can be part of an organization like JROTC. Before 1967 the amount of JROTC programs was limited to 1,200. The amount was increased to 1,600 programs and in 1967 again it was increased to 3,500 units in the year 1992 the limitation on the number of programs was removed from the law in 2001. The amount of Cadets that are required at minimum are three hundred in a Battalion. Women have served theUnited States Army since 1775. They nursed the sick and wounded, cleaned and fixed torn clothing, and cooked for the troops on military bases.Campaign services did not exist in the Army until the 20th century. Women were an invaluable but an essential part of the Army .Women continue to have a play an important role in ongoing operations and with the selfless sacrifices they make for their country, we continue to break through gender barriers. In 2013 the Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta signed a document that lifted the National Defense Department 's ban on women to take part in direct ground combat roles. This decision overturned 1994's
  • 9. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Why Mentoring Matters So Much Essay Introduction "Iron Sharpens Iron": Why Mentoring Matters So Much The Closing Bell Speaker Series "Iron Sharpens Iron": Why Mentoring Matters So Much was presented by Forest Harper. Forest Harper is the current Chief Executive Officer and President of INROADS Inc. Harper grew up in a poor neighborhood in Fort Pierce, Florida. In high school, Harper was a star athlete in his high school's Army ROTC program. He attended Morgan State University on a football scholarship. His plan was to become a professional football player. He suffered two knee injuries that ended his football career. He graduated from Morgan State University with a Bachelors of Arts in Social Work. After graduation, he joined the Army and served as a Lieutenant. He spent six years in the Army and rose up to the position of Captain. After the Army, Harper participated in the Executive Leadership Training program at Harvard University. Before becoming the president of INROADS, Harper worked at Pfizer for twenty–eight years. He started as a pharmaceutical sales representative and later became the Vice President of Capability Development in Worldwide Public Affairs and Policy. He was the only African American in his division. This fact inspired him to join INROADS and become a mentor to minority college student. His goal is to help get as many minority college students into the industry they choose. Harper's own mentor is his uncle Walter Crenshaw, the oldest documented Tuskegee Airman. In "Iron Sharpens Iron": ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Analysis Of My Father's Life By Raymond Carver Amy Poehler once wrote, "Sometimes painful things can teach us lessons that we didn't think we needed to know." In other words perspective is key. We do not like have to adore the painful things in life, but we should respect them for shaping us into the people we are and will be. It's important to learn to look on the bright side of things. So often parents tell their children, teenagers in particular, that not being willing to listen to them could lead to dire consequences. Most teens believe that parents are all talk and the consequences never really come, or least they are not that dire. Not true in Belen, New Mexico. A 16 year old boy kept stealing from his parents. They tried punishing him through various means, but to no avail. He just kept on stealing. In an article written by Lindsey Bever for the Washington Post Newspaper on yesterday, the parents decided to banish the teenager to the backyard in a tent for... Show more content on ... This story describes the life of the author's father. Although, it is odd he never mentions any personal memories of his bond with his father. While the author was growing up it seems as though his father was too concerned with his struggles of life and never built a bond with his son. In today's society economic, social, and other desires hinder parents and children from having effective and valuable relationships. His father was occupied trying to locate a stable job for his family. His father's drinking problem and adulterous ways of living joined with constantly moving made it difficult to have a steady relationship with his son. I spotted that the author did not mention about his wife and son and their relationship much. Therefore it is likely that he would suffer from the same incapability to form a bond with his son, just like his father was unable to do with him. The relationship between father and son is a unique ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Forrest Hall Building For University Essay I agree with the students who want to change the name of the Forrest Hall Building on MTSU campus, because I think our students have the responsibility as those with the power to change this name since we don't want to our state university to represent something hateful. When MTSU built its ROTC building in 1954, President Smith named it Forrest Hall in honor of Nathan Bedford Forrest's reputation as an "interpid confederate cavalry leader who won fame with his brilliant raids. Maybe that was Forrest's reputation in 1954, but in 2015 Forrest's reputation becomes one of hate, racism, and violence. We do not want or need that at MTSU. A quick background on Nathan Bedford Forrest, was a lieutenant general in the CSA Army and he was a ... Show more content on ... At President Smith's behest, MTSU's publicity officers incorporated Forrest into their materials at leat as early as 1954. By the mid 1950s, Forrest's image dominated campus life, on decals, bookstore supplies, and campus newspaper Sidelines, not to mention the new ROTC building named Forrest Hall ( also chosen by President Smith ). Students formed a Nathan Bedford Forrest Club, and others sold "rebel falgs to boost the school's southern spirit". From 1945 to 1967, "That blue Devil" rode along the sidelines of MTSU football games at Horace James Field while "Dixie" played in the stands. In 1962, MTSU classrooms finally integrated with athletic integration coming three years later when the first African American athlete debuted on the track and field team. In 1967, MTSU built a new student center, and on the outside of that building was placed a large seal of the uiniversity's official mascot Nathan Bedford Forrest on horseback. In 1968, Sylvester Brooks Write a sideline " I think a lot of the stuff its's history, I mean these things are factual, but they belong in a history book, and they belong in museum, they don't belong in places like that and put them in places where they ought to be at". On the night of 11 Dec.1970 and during this mascot transition, white MTSU students burned a cross on campus. About sixty black students immediately marched to president ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Military Self Assessment The military has shaped me in countless ways, and while everyone is born with predisposed personality traits, many other characteristics are honed through experiences and environmental factors. As a leader, it becomes important to understand and assess how life experiences and the environment affect organizational behavior, personal interactions, and individual behavior. One element of self–assessment involves understanding individual strengths and weaknesses through introspection; the Army requires its leaders to continually assess their strengths and weakness. My three greatest strengths, emotional intelligence, ability to think critically, and work ethic, are a mix of natural ability and learned behavior from my upbringing in rural Alabama. ... Show more content on ... Early in my Army career, I noticed the most universal trait that always seemed separate an individual's performance was hard work working, and those people that cared about their contribution to the team. To this day, those valuable lessons from childhood my childhood on the farm make my professional endeavors easier to achieve. Generally, hard work indicates a caring for something greater, and this translates into a dependability and flexibility that grew from my strong work ethic. As a senior in my university's Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program, I was nominated to hold a senior leadership position, and I received the nomination because of my compassion, work ethic, dependability, and flexibility. My work ethic is the most important strength I possess, and it has served me well in my personal and professional life. I have succeeded in the Army in part due to three of my strengths: emotional intelligence, critical thinking and hard work. The lessons I learned in early childhood and my predispositions fostered a capacity to engage, analyze, and follow through with tasks, and while no one gets to where they are by themselves, my three greatest strengths have separated me from my peers. Furthermore, I am confident these skills will enable me to stand out as a student at the graduate level once I am granted admission into The ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Reflection Paper "Because transition is a process by which people unplug into a new world, we can say that transition starts with an ending and finishes with a beginning." In many ways the previous quote relations to my transition of transferring from Saint Peter's University to UNC Charlotte. I had to "unplug" from many things in both my academic and personal life, as a result of, transferring to another school. For me "unplugging" means leaving or disconnecting to what you are used to. Something I had to unplug from was living in New Jersey and being in the Saint Peter's University environment. I lived in New Jersey for much of my childhood before I lived in Maryland, so when I decided to go to college in New Jersey it was like I was returning home. Going to Saint Peter's University was great, but being there made me unplug from something very important to me; my family. My family moved to North Carolina right before I started college. They were in North Carolina and I was in New Jersey, which meant we were ten hours away from each other. For a whole year, I didn't really see my family much. I only saw them on longer school breaks and eventually, that started to play a negative toll on me emotionally. Before things got really bad I took initiative and started applying for schools in North Carolina. When I got accepted into UNC Charlotte I was happy because I could be closer to my family, but I knew that I was going to have to unplug once again. Now I am unplugging again but this time from ... Get more on ...
  • 15. JROTC: A Career As A Cadet Officer In JROTC there are many topics to learn as a cadet. A cadet must memorize the cadet creed and be dedicated to the program. As a cadet I learned a lot of topics in JROTC during my freshman year. In the JROTC I learned the basic rules on how to be a good cadet and the Cadet Staff's Responsibilities. During freshman year in JROTC we learned a lot about leadership and how it will affect us in the future. Leadership was a big topic that we learned during ROTC, the 11 principles of leadership was also an important topic we covered, it thought us how to become leaders. In the future everything I learned in JROTC will make me more independent, reliable, and a helpful person. JROTC taught me how to become more independent and how to lead others,... Show more content on ... When we go to future parades I want to learn new chants to represent our school. In JROTC I want to learn what you need in your resume when applying for a university and what will look good on it, so I can get a higher chance to get into that university. I would like to know what you need to do in JROTC to get a better chance at a college and for how long you have to do something in ROTC. I would like to try to do team building exercises so students in are class get to know each other better and communicate well, so when we get older it would be easy for us to do simple tasks. I think our class should communicate more so we can build strong friendships and accomplish a task together in class. I learned a lot in JROTC it changed me a lot; my personality changed and I became a better leader and I build better friendship and my leadership skills improved a lot. I want to learn what other things JROTC haves to offer that isn't related to drill, rifle, etc. I want to know what soldiers have to go through when they are sent to war and how they adapt to their surroundings when they go to war. I want to learn about what the president thinks about the wars and how many soldiers they send to defend this country. I'm curious on the chain of command people have to follow to contact the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. College Reflection There are many discourse communities that we participate in life, one of the mine was J.R.O.T.C or Junior reserve officer training corps. The point of the program was to promote young people to be better citizens. I felt I exemplified these point as I participated in teams, was a leader in the classroom and a staff member in the program. I Throughout the program, cadets were encouraged to join the after school activities known as teams, which consisted of Drill, Rifle, Colorguard, and, P.T ( Physical Training). I joined my freshman year and I was active in the unarmed/armed drill and P.T team throughout all of my years ofhigh school. Drill consisted of memorizing sequences with and without rifles to perfection and adding in showmanship for flare, as with P.T, it mostly consisted of strenuous exercise to get myself to peak physical condition. I went to many events because of these teams, we participated in drill meets where battalions of JROTC competed against each other for the top spot at each event. As I was in the drill meets, I experienced the thrill of showcase our many hours of practice that went into our routine or the races and other physical competitions I competed in. In drill, I was very helpful to my cadets on my team. At my second drill meet I helped my fellow teammate practice by giving her constructive criticism and showed her examples of how to do the drill correctly. As a P.T team member, I would shout my encouragement to my ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) The Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) was founded by the National Defense Act of 1916. Since its inception, JROTC has been constantly evolving and continues to evolve. The multitude of differences can become evident through the examination of the program following its inception, its current condition and what JROTC is likely to become in the future. JROTC came to be under the National Defense Act of 1916. Under the provisions of the Act, many high schools were authorized to be loaned military equipment and hire active–duty personnel as instructors. The Vitalization Act allowed JROTC to be conducted by other services than the army. This Act also replaced many of the active –duty instructors with veterans. Title 10 of the... Show more content on ... As can be seen with the introduction of the new Cyber Patriot team, JROTC is evolving alongside the world which encompasses it. JROTC will, probably, offer even a greater abundance of opportunities and experiences to its cadets. These opportunities will vary greatly from what is offered now. These opportunities, however, will without fail, instill the values upon which JROTC was founded and cater to the diverse interests of the individual cadet. As the Torch of Knowledge burns brightly upon the uniform of each and every cadet, so will the difference that each and every cadet makes in ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Today I would like to talk about JROTC and how it has come about in these many years it has been around and what it is meant to do for the youth of America. The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) is a Federal program sponsored by the United States Armed Forces in high schools and also in some middle schools across the United States and United States military bases across the world. The program was originally created as part of the National Defense Act of 1916. The National Defense Act of 1916 enacted June 3, 1916, was a federal law that updated the Militia Act of 1903, which related to the organization of the military, particularly the National Guard. The 1916 act included an expansion of the Army and the National Guard, the creation ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Abstract. This Paper Will Explore The Roles And Motivational Abstract This paper will explore the roles and motivational factors of Commissioned Officers in the United States military. The professional leader lives and embodies the values of the organizational culture that is the military. The military is constructed upon a hierarchal organization structure composed of individuals with the yearning to lead others to the standards set in place by military ethos. The role of a commissioned officer is to embody these values in and out of uniform while also leading and mentoring those around him to result in a successful work environment. This paper will illustrate how the military maintains the high standard of a successful organization with the guidance of its commissioned officers. Keywords: ... Show more content on ... Non–commissioned officers work in a middle management role and delegate to lower ranking soldiers. Leadership styles and the motivators used by commissioned officers influences their ability to establish a cohesive work environment. Officers are assumed to be natural born leaders and the initial enhancement of these skills are to take place during the length of their four–year degree with the guidance of The Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC). ROTC broadly introduces students to different leadership styles and how to apply them to scenarios that may arise throughout the duration of their career. The instructors in an ROTC program are composed of non–commissioned officers who are enlisted soldiers that rise through the ranks and become the direct supervisors of lower enlisted soldiers. Non–commission officers can guide with the experience they possess and commissioned officers lack. Officers commission into the military with the intent to maintain a supervisorial position throughout their whole career but in various positions and ranks. In a study conducted about military leadership, Utecht and Heier(1976) refered to leadership competence as the deciding factor that moves officers among various levels in the military. Officers are expected to be multifaceted and easily adapt to the conditions and requirements of any given position. Utecht and Heier's study intended to test Fielder's contingency theory in predicting military leaders were only successful because ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Characteristics Of A Discourse Community At the beginning of this semester I decided to join Montana State University's Army ROTC program with no prior knowledge of the program other than it will pay for my tuition. When the school year started I realized very quickly that this was a very strict and structured community. We are required to be at school at 0600 four days a week, attend mandatory weekend trainings, and volunteer in the community. Thankfully when something is done consecutively it just becomes habit. This research is derived from my personal drive to figure out if the Army ROTC is an accurate depiction of a discourse community. In an excerpt from Writing about Writing, John Swales does a profound job in describing six unique characteristics of a discourse community; however, I believe that the two fundamental characteristics that define the Army ROTC as a discourse community are "a broadly agreed set of common public goals" (Swales 220), and "a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise" (Swales 222). These two characteristics not only depict a discourse community but also describe a department that effectively develops young men and women to their full potential as leaders. The current generation of young students, friends, workers, and leaders are chained down by the reoccurring problem of "the easy way out". Searching the internet for material that past generations worked hard for, researched books, and took notes on is offensive in my point of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Essay on Introduction Speech Outline Kenneth Boozer Introduction Speech OutlineIntroduction Speech Outline Katelyn Broekema CRN: 22208012 I.Introduction A.Attention Getter: Salutations class, my name is Kenneth Boozer and I am very happy to be participating in COM 101 with you all! Let me get to know all of you by first introducing myself! B.Reason to Listen: We all have things that mean a lot to us, things that we hold dear to us, and I would like to show you things that mean a lot to me. C.Thesis Statement: Today I plan to describe how even the most simplest things, like these dog tags, mean so much. D.Preview of Main Points: 1.First, I will tell you why and where I earned these 2 dog tags. 2.Second,... Show more content on ... This is important to me because I had to wait for months to get it because I was too lazy to go and get it from the studio, so they send them to the school and I got it from the yearbook coordinator. 2. This dog tag is important to me because it is one of the several things that I have received showing that I am an alumni from my high school. 3. This dog tag shows that I went to and participated in the 7th brigade drill competition. This dog tag is important to me because I had some great fun while I was down there and it was a good experience. Transition: Now the importance of these dog tags. C.Now to you all, these might just be pieces of metal. But these are way more than that to me and I am glad to have these in my possession. 1. These dog tags symbolize several important moments in my life that I have went through some stuff to finish, but I am glad that I was given the opportunity to do these events. III.Conclusion A.Review of main points: 1. First, I discussed the first two dog tags from summer camp. 2.Second, I talked about the next two dog tags: the one from my yearbook and the one where I participated in the regional drill competition. 3.Finally, I elaborated on how they are more than just pieces of metal to me. B.Restate Thesis: These four dog tags mean so much to me. C.Closure: "When you have spent an important part of your ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Discourse Community : The Concept Of Discourse Community To me a discourse community is a close–knit group that shares the same interests and use writing as a main concept for communication. writing as a main concept for communication. Swales, linguist and author of "The Concept of Discourse Community", further explained discourse by attributing specific characteristics to them. For the purposes of this essay, these are the relevant descriptions. "A discourse community has a broadly agreed upon set of goals" (Swales, 471), "A discourse community has acquired a specific lexis" (473), and "a discourse community has a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise" (473). The discourse communityI have chosen to discuss in this essay is the Army ROTC at University of Memphis.. The Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) was born when President Woodrow Wilson signed the National Defense Act of 1916. Since its inception, Army ROTC has provided leadership and military training at schools and universities across the country and has commissioned more than a half million Officers. It is the largest commissioning source in the American military. Army ROTC is a diverse group of men and women with more than 20,000 Cadets currently enrolled. Army ROTC has a total of 273 host programs with more than 1,100 partnership and affiliate schools across the country. It produces approximately 60 percent of the Second Lieutenants who join the active Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard. More than ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Marine Application Research Paper (1)Student Background Life is made up of challenges and obstacles that people must overcome to full fill their dreams. For me one goal I had in life was to serve in the United States Navy as a Submarine Officer. This dream would not come easy to accomplish since I come from a family with 6 siblings all around the same ages and all going to college. But I would not let that stop me I did my research and found the school that was perfect for me. It was the University of Oklahoma for they offered both the major I wanted to pursue, Aerospace Engineering, and gave me the opportunity to reach my goal as being an officer in the United States Navy. Even though I came to Oklahoma with no scholarship or no real way to afford Oklahoma tuition for out ... Show more content on ... Well with challenges come obstacles, for me it was finding a college that had a NROTC unit and an Aerospace Engineering program. Oklahoma instantly stuck out to me, so I took the challenge of getting accepted. Once that happened then next obstacle and challenge developed. How was I going to pay for college? Coming in as a college programmer and an out of state student I knew that this wasn't not going to be a cheap challenge, but worth it if I was given the opportunity to full fill my goal of serving in the Navy. So, I took on a student loan to allow me to begin my education at Oklahoma in their engineering program and to pursue a Naval ROTC scholarship that would pay the three remaining years of college. It ended up paying off in the end as after a year of college I would pick up a Naval ROTC scholarship, the only thing is they Navy would not go back to pay off my initial years of college putting me in debt. But that is why I like challenging myself once your finish one challenge a new challenge presents ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Why I Want To America Essay As a child coming from the foster care system and being adopted a short while after I personally say that I owe a huge responsibility to America. America the place so many dream of being at, the place of opportunity and well–being. The place where it has so much to offer and so many possibilities that people can use, to better their lives.Government interaction in our country is a huge priority in America the government provides all kinds of ways to help those in need or those in need of support during crisis. I could prove this because have observed and have been involved with what the government can do to help those who seem at loss of opportunities. They just need to look and they can find them. The reason why I said I owe a huge responsibility ... Show more content on ... From the first moment that I met them I felt that I wanted to be part of what they have done for us. I want to be part of that aura they gave off when students,cadets,or civilians first meet or see them. I want to one day be looked at the same way I looked at those veterans, with admiration,gratitude,and a sense of pride knowing they are one of the many reasons why America is great. All this, all the little details that America has to offer every citizen in our country brings to me the responsibility of owning America and returning what it has done for me. If it means joining military or having a career it does not matter the purse sense of knowing that I am successful in the future can be said that my responsibility to America has been given and will keep giving throughout my life. My responsibility to America is proving that I will be successful in my life that I will take all those opportunities that have been offered and or given to me, use them and return it by putting it into use to gear America to new doors, new possibilities, and make stronger the idea of why people say I want to go to the land of opportunity... America that is my responsibility to our ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps The United States Army Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps came into the world along with the national defense act of 1916. With this act, high schools were allowed to use military equipment and also have military personnel as instructors. Title 10 of the U.S Codes declares that "the purpose of Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps is to install in students in United States secondary educational institutions the value of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility and sense of accomplishment." JROTC Program has changed greatly over the years. The only purpose that was once looked up was the study of ethics, citizenship, communications, and life skills and last but not least leadership. From just having 6 units in 1916 to now having over 1645 units in schools today and having more than 281,000 cadets. The Cadet Command is comprised of eight brigades, each brigade is responsible for a geographical and/or functional area. 1st Brigade, headquartered at Fort Knox, Kentucky, is responsible for Army ROTC battalions at military colleges. The brigade is also responsible for planning and carrying out the Leader's Training Course and Leader Development and Assessment Course. 2nd Brigade, headquartered at Fort ... Show more content on ... The purpose of JROTC is to motivate young people to become better citizens anyway. Teens in their future like now will be able to build their confidence and leadership skills. Teens will have the ability to come together like a one big happy family because they already have one thing in common which is JROTC. JROTC and its retired instructors have been and will always be a helper, a motivator and will always have its leadership, training, citizenship skills to motivate cadets to do and become anything that they want to do or ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Statement Of Purpose: The United States Army Junior... Through my 3 years of high school, I have become devote to becoming an educated young man for the betterment of society. I have been able to do this as result of the United States Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, JROTC, program in my school where young people are pushed to their physical, mental and social limit by being given leadership positions and opportunities they wouldn't have had otherwise. For one, the JROTC program has made me a more devote citizen as well as given me the courage to lead by example. Most especially, the Drill Team has given me purpose after school for 2–3 hours each day to be trained and eventually train others. The team taught me the importance of attention to detail in every endeavor. I have since applied ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Military Leadership Development During The Military Military Leadership Development The military has many various levels of leadership. There is a ranking system in the military is used to universally show the level in which an individual possesses in the military. Level Education can also play a role in leadership in the military. While enlisted ranks do not require a college education, that is the backbone of the leadership in the military. When you first join the military, your rank will vary between pay grades of E–1 to E–4. These are the introduction ranks of the military. Each branch has their own title for each rank, for example, an E–1 in the army would be referred to as a Private(PV1) while that same pay grade is referred to as Airman (Airman basic) in the air force. The Ranks E–5 ... Show more content on ... However, what you can expect are long hours of classes and physical labor. These schools are made to break down thesoldier and build them up so when the soldier is placed in his next duty station he is ready to begin to take more initiative and earn the respect of his/her subordinates. Once those schools are completed the soldiers will begin the careers as NCOs' but would not be the end of the learning. To move up in the ranks even further, the soldier must continue to demonstrate great leadership and selflessness. There will be more school needed to be able to move up which will further their education in leadership. The diverse types of NCO ranks have different responsibilities. A squad leader or sometimes referred to section leader is normally running by E–5/E–6 ranks. As stated in the 'These NCOs live and work with their soldiers every day and are responsible for their health, welfare and safety. These squads, section and team leaders ensure that their soldiers meet standards in personal appearance and teach them to maintain and account for their individual and unit equipment and property. The NCO enforces standards and develops and trains soldiers daily in MOS skills and unit missions.' (FM 7–22.7, 2015). The next level is the Platoon Sergeant. This individual is responsible for the care and training of all his soldiers under him. This position is more of an administrative position because they are responsible for ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Analysis In high school everyone expects you to find out who you want to be before you graduate, some of us do and some of us do not. Teachers, counselors, administrators, your own family will tell you that what you do with your four years of high school will define you who you are and who you will become in the future. I may not know who I might become but I have spent the past three and half years doing something I am passionate about. Being a part of the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps has transformed my way of life. It has given me a part of my identity I never knew I had. Being able to have the confidence, leadership, and the ability to communicate with others gave me a sense of purpose. In JROTC I have been involved in as being the Varsity... Show more content on ... When my parents divorced, I stepped up and I took care of my siblings when my mother could not. In doing so, all the challenges I faced from then on, I faced them all alone. Therefore, my mother would not have to worry about me and focus on herself and my sisters. Living in a house of four my not seem so difficult but when you are the glue that holds the family together, there is no room for error. When my oldest sister dropped out ofhigh school, all the pressure went on me to do better in school, graduate, and go to college. Teachers, security guards, my parents told me I have–to graduate and go to college to get a better life than them. It was like a record stuck on repeat, everywhere I go I was faced with the same lecture. With being told what to do and how to live my life I fell into depression the first semester of my senior year. This was one of my biggest challenges I had to face, I was left alone to figure out a puzzle with missing pieces. Listening to everyone tell me I have–to this and that with my life makes me sick to my stomach. What if I am not interested in going to college? What if I just drop everything and leave? What if can define today from tomorrow. Slowly realizing that only I can pick myself up and carry myself to where I want to be in life, helped me realize I can work to the best of my ability and set goals for myself. one of my goals is to go to Loyola University and to Major in Forensic ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Reflection Paper On Jrotc JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps) has made many important changes to my life. I have learned a lot in my LET 1 year and besides that, I was able to try out new things I never would've. This program does indeed allow young people to become citizens and I am very satisfied with the person I am today. I've learned so much about leadership and everything you must have in order to pertain it. In addition, I've also made many new friends and this is one of the very few classes that I would talk about outside of school because I am very proud of being a cadet to such an amazing battalion. JROTC allowed me to go through so much and without it, I wouldn't have been able to open myself up and realize what my dreams are and how to pursue them. JROTC has given me a more meaningful life since I was able to find out what my goals are, what my strengths and weakness are, as well as the kind of person that I should and want to be. When I first joined this program, I was ready to drop out because I don't see myself wearing the uniform, and in fact, I was worried about what others would think of me in the uniform. I didn't like the fact that I can't have my hair down, have long nails, or the fact that I have to wear such a serious uniform. However, after realizing what a great opportunity being in JROTC was, I took pride in my uniform. I was expected to make sacrifices and changes, but those were the small things doesn't even matter to me now. It'not how pretty I should look ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Many people ask what is the point of Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps., and what does it teach you? Here is some food for thought AFJROTC stands for Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. AFJROTC is a military regulated high school program, that teaches high school students leadership skills and traits and the benefits of being a citizen. It is to motivate students to be better American Citizens. The Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) program was founded in 1911 in Cheyenne Wyoming. It was founded by Army Lieutenant(Lt.) Edgar R. Steevers, Lt Steevers was assigned as an inspector/instructor of the organized military of Wyoming. During his assignment he imagined an alternative cadet corps ... Show more content on ... В· The National Defense Act of 1916 authorized a junior course for non–college military schools, high schools and non–preparatory schools. The Army implemented JROTC in 1916. Public Law 88–647, commonly known as the ROTC Vitalization Act of 1964, directed the Secretaries of each military service to establish and maintain JROTC units for their respective services. AFJROTC provides leadership training and aerospace science studies for high school students. Secondary schools are offered a wide variety of curricular and extra–curricular activities. This program teaches in detail the scientific and historic aspects of aerospace technology and also teaches self– reliance and other characteristics found in good leaders, after all we are the leaders of the future. AFJROTC is open to 9th– 12th graders who are citizens of the United States. It is not recruitment for the Air Force and the students that participate does not have to go to the Air Force nor', has any obligation to the Air Force. The objectives of AFJROTC is to train and educate high school cadets in life skills and citizenship, instill a sense of responsibility, promote community service, to develop self discipline and character through education and instruction in air and space fundamentals and the Air Force's core values of "integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we ... Get more on ...
  • 31. AMT: Influencing Future Leaders Most people enjoyed living in Colorado and the opportunity to take care of their cadets and influence them to become better leaders. One AMT expressed that his AOC treated him like a secretary and as a result of the poor relationship with his AOC he was on medicaiton. "I enjoy living in Colorado and seeing the cadets succeed and grow, (10x)" "I enjoy the location," "Not having to deploying because in my previous AFSC I was constantly leaving my family," "Influencing future leaders (3)," "Working with cadets," "Interacting with cadets (10x)," "Everyday is not the same old story," "Teaching cadets to appreciate NCOs," "NCLS programs are fantastic," "Not being micromanaged and AOCs are treated like CCs to make decisions," "Shaping cadets into better leaders," "Interaction with cadets and seeing them develop leadership skills," "Watching cadets grow from freshman to the time they graduate," "Interaction with 4 degrees specifically because they are more open to feedback," "The people and working with my boss and the bosses boss," "I like the job because it is different," "I like taking care of my enlisted and FGOs," "Taking care of my... Show more content on ... He held grudges, he was fake and blasphemed everyone and told us we are wrong. And he never took into consideration the full story. Group One does not win awards," "Building communication with kids and see them go off to do great ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Report Introduction The Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) was created with the passing of the National Defense Act of 1916. Since then, more than 1,700 units have been created in the Army branch alone. I will be focusing on Blackman High School's JROTC which was founded in 2000. Group Dynamics The JROTC program at Blackman High School consists of students from freshmen to seniors as well as two adult instructors. The two instructors consist of a retired officer known as the Senior Army Instructor (SAI) and a retired enlisted known as the Army Instructor (AI). There is no application process as students simply sign up for the class during registration. The program is organized like the United States Army, with squads, platoons, and companies... Show more content on ... Through these conversations, cadets are likely to use JROTC jargon and terms that are unique to the program. From acronyms such as LET (Leadership Education Training) to phrases such as "double time" (to run instead of walk), JROTC's own literacy is vital to effectively communicate in a brief amount of time. I investigated how cadets' communication evolved while they were in JROTC and how they used word of mouth to achieve the program's goals. Colonel Spry mentions that cadets' discussions when they first start out in the program are not very serious in nature, but as they grow and move up in the program they begin to mature and have thoughtful discussions on how to solve a problem and what kind of plan it would take to resolve it. Lacuniak states that one of the ways cadets learn leadership is by knowing how to effectively communicate through a chain of command and how to talk to superiors. She also says that cadets learn communication and critical thinking skills from lessons taught by the instructors. These are the ways that cadets achieve one of the program's goals by enhancing leadership, communication, and critical thinking skills as well as contribute to the overall ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Although I grew up in a military family, I never saw... Although I grew up in a military family, I never saw myself going into a military career. Up until I was about fourteen years old, I planned on being a marine biologist in Hawaii. Sounds nice, right? Well, at the end of my eighth grade year I decided that I might as well join NJROTC, because all of my friends were doing it and it seemed okay. I have to say, looking back, I was quite naive. Joining NJROTC was the smartest and most valuable decision I have made to this day. As a freshman, I was timid and had little to noconfidence. When I went to my first drill practice, I felt like I was in my element. Everyone there wanted to be there, they all joined NJROTC because they wanted to. After attending many drill practices, and NJROTC ... Show more content on ... Being a platoon commander, I had to make eighteen individuals have the mindset of a team, in order to prepare them for Annual Military Inspection. This worked to the utmost degree, because we passed our Annual Military Inspection and were recognized as an distinguished unit with academic honors, and we were the Area Four Most Outstanding Unit. Knowing that I was apart of achieving this honor is the most overwhelming feeling of accomplishment. This showed me that I was growing into someone who could change a group of individuals into a team, and that was something I could have never imagined before NJROTC. This skill would be put to it's ultimate test the coming summer, when I was chosen to go back to Area Four Leadership Academy/Sail Training as a platoon aide for Gold Platoon. At the end of those two weeks, I turned 38 cadets into one team, and that team was the overall Honor Platoon, and won five out of the seven competitive events at LA/ST. Now, as a senior, I had to face a more difficult choice, college. I applied for both the AROTC and NROTC scholarships, with hopes that I would receive at least one. About a week before Thanksgiving, I received an email from the US Army Cadet Command, stating "Congratulations, you have been awarded and AROTC Scholarship". Immediately, I started shaking and tears began to fill me eyes. This was the sign that all of my hard work and growth had paid off. For three years I had ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Why Am I Here Why are You Here?" I have fallen short in many ways towards the goals that I have made in my life. No matter how high the standard is set, and whether failure awaits me, perseverance and my faith will carry me on. Some would label me as a dreamer. Someone could say I have reality to face, but without dreams we have no hope, and without hope we have nothing inside of us to fuel our deep passion to succeed and win the race that we have been running. Everyone has his own opinion about college and how important it is, but only a few will take the initiative to follow through and back what they stand for. Though a college degree in engineering seems unreachable, I will strive to make this the first foundational block for my future ... Show more content on ... Through four and a half months of training in technical school, they were able to mold me into what they expect in the ordinance branch. So far, this has been an amazing experience, and I am proud of being a small part of the big picture. With that said, I am here for one reason and one reason only. I no longer have my parents ' direction, or have someone showing me what is right, and I would be wrong in making my time here meaningless. Many of my peers would say this is one big party and that they are here for the girls and the cheap beer, but if I wanted to party, I wouldn 't have chosen to pay so much for one. I think it would be ridiculous of me to waste a perfectly good opportunity to become the man that I was made to be. My past was unbalanced and reckless, and it would be easy for me to fall back into my old ways, so it would be wise of me to stay focused while I am here. My life was very structured and it drove me to want something different, but when I had to face my consequences, I soon came to want exactly what I was running from. Ironically enough, I am beginning to see what they were trying to do as parents. It would be nice to finally make them proud to be an influence in my life, and I will do my best to make that happen. Perception is a lot, and reputation is more, so I plan to do my best to represent the uniform I wear everywhere I go. When I finally accomplish these goals, maybe I will be ready for the next mission, but for now it is ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps: Present... Over the course of 100 years JROTC has been around. The main purpose of JROTC is to make better citizens. The Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) is a program offered to high schools that teaches students character education, student achievement, wellness, leadership, and diversity. It has effort between the Army and the high schools to produce successful students and citizens, JROTC makes for a more disciplined learning environment. The past of JROTC helps to build the present and future. JROTC was originally started by the national defense act in 1916. It all started for multiple reasons. All of which are implanted to this day. Captain Alan Partridge founded the American Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy in Norwich, ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Persuasive Speech "Do not change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you." Every single day of my life I have lived by this quote and have felt the effects of it but it was not until two years ago that I understood it. "MARGARET ANNE BECKETT get your butt out of bed!" my mom screamed from outside my door. I trudged out of bed in desperate need of caffeine. I have never been fond of the morning but this morning I was desperately hoping would just disappear. You know that day that you wish would just fall into the background and would never happen again. My first day of JROTC was just that. I despised the Army program with all my heart. Why did I have to do this stupid program it was full of people I didn't know who would think I was the strangest person that they ever met. Taking the shortest shower known to humanity I threw on a hoodie I had permanently borrowed from one of my sibling and a pair of yoga pants. The smell of eggs wafted down the hallway and I knew in my heart that they were for me. I slowly trudged into the kitchen dreading the moment those yellow runny things slid on my plate. "Mom don't we have something else to eat for breakfast we have already had them 4 times this week and it is only Wednesday." If there is a look that could make a grown man shut up and start crying that look my mom gave me was exactly that. I forced the rubber like food down my throat and jumped into the car. What have I gotten myself into? The only reason I had ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Nick Geeve Research Paper Jefferson City, Tenn.– At 5:45 a.m. Nick Guerra is doing what he loves most, running. Whether it is Carson–Newman Cross Country training or a physical fitness test for Army ROTC. Nick Guerra is generally done with his three–hour long workouts before most people have even rolled out of bed in the morning. "We have PT five times a week. I generally get up around 5 AM, we start PT around 5:45 AM and that goes until 7 AM, with various exercises mixed in between," Guerra said, "Then depending on the day I have a little bit of a break before I go to Cross Country practice at around 7:30 AM." Professor of Military Science and head of ROTC at Carson–Newman, Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Howe recounts the first time he saw Guerra run the two–miles... Show more content on ... Guerra is taking a full 16–hour course load this semester, to help keep him on track to graduate in May. Brewer was very positive when it came to Guerra's work ethic, "It says a lot about him being able to manage school, ROTC and cross country. Whatever he decides to do after college I think he's going to be really successful. It shows what life is really going to be about, being able to balance family, friends, hobbies, and his job." Guerra has become a leader both on and off the cross country course, LTC Howe talked fondly about Guerra's change in demeanor from his junior to senior ... Get more on ...
  • 38. JROTC (The United States Army) Junior Reserve Officers... The JROTC is a place where men and women of high ethics and values are forged with care and sturdiness; it is a second home for many. The JROTC, short for (The United States Army) Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps, has been living in our school system for 100 years and has created various great citizens of our country since. The program has its roots in the National Defense Act of 1916 and its purpose has varied in the past 100 years from one thing to the other, yet the strive to make the best out of every single cadet has been engraved into the program and the people in it since day one. The JROTC has changed tremendously since its inception a hundred years back. The program commenced as a primary source of enlisted recruits and officer ... Show more content on ... However, more recently, an improved student centered curriculum focusing on character building and civic responsibility is being presented in every JROTC classroom. The JROTC has been built to last, starting with barely 6 units, it has expanded to 1645 schools, every state in the nation, and even American schools overseas. Cadet enrollment has also grown exponentially with 314,000 cadets guided by 4,000 professionals all around the United States, and more to come. It is safe to say that the JROTC will continue creating bright and disciplined citizens as it has been doing for the past century; citizens who will uphold the Constitution and protect the American way of life, true patriots who live for their country and fellow countrymen, men and women with whom they share the fabulous American dream with, men and women who will be seen as the epitome of American society and always stand proud for our country. Sentiments of brotherhood, selfless service, leadership, duty, valor, ardent love for what they are and what they have done, and more; all of these make up the remarkable and unique experience that is the JROTC, the citizens of tomorrow. As long as the JROTC persists, the existence of at least one model citizen; a leader, is assured to linger on our precious red, white, and blue soil. The JROTC is not only a home for many, but for ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Family Dynamics Of Military Brats The Family Dynamics of a Military Brat Many are accustomed the term Military Brat as a derogatory label towards a child of an active or retired military service member. As Military Brats they understand that there is no time to forge bonds with people. Brats are forced to combine a lifetime of memories into just a few years, before they pack up everything to be transported to a different state or to a different country. Fully expected to learn a new language if needed, adjust to a culture faster than most would want; all of which at an unrealistic speed in the eyes of the regular world. Most attending 5 or more schools in less than 12 years, constantly the new kid in class. Forced time and time again to start over, all the while never once complaining; as it was a way of life for them. The constant reminder to join the Armed Forces, with no time to make friends, they only had acquaintances with no time to form worthwhile bonds. But truthfully, the bonds formed by military brats alike, are unstoppable. In the short time that they had together, they were forged from blood, sweat, and tears, and built to withstand the passages of time. The family dynamics that military brats are accustomed to are for more different than so called normal families, what families go through cannot be comprehended by the outside world. Depending on which branch the child's parent is in, their experience with how the child would interact with there parent/parents. Even though most military parents ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Goals of Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps Popular Value? There are a number of eminent boons associated with the Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC), a program which is offered as an elective at public high schools across the nation. However, many of these positives do not directly correlate to academic achievement. An explanation of this fact partially stems from the very nature of the program as an elective, it is limited in the amount of educational value it can impart to students, which is certainly lesser than that of the value afforded students via daily coursework offered in standard classes. Importantly, the public funds of the JROTC make it a viable option for students in light of regulations regarding federal and state regulations limitations mandated by 1995's Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (Dilger and Bess, 2008, p. 1). Yet a thorough analysis of this program, which includes the Navy JROTC as well as that relating to the Army, Air Force and Marines, indicates that the positives associated with this program include both tangible and intangible aspects, which rewards America's high school students both during and after their postsecondary careers. In order to determine the degree of efficacy the JROTC produces within the lives of its students, it is first necessary to elucidate the history of this program, which was implemented on a nationwide level in 1916 yet had individual components as far back as the latter portion of the 19the century (Pema and Mehay, 2009, p. 533). The program ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Case Study: The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps I chose the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) as my Discourse Community Ethnography, so I could study my actions and experiences as I grow through the program, as well as uncover the difference between ROTC graduates and non–ROTC graduates of major United States (US) universities. When relating the AFROTC to John Swales' six characteristics, I was able to uncover a considerable amount of information that intrigued my interests, along with my interviews of several cadets and the commanding officer of Air Force Detachment 450, Lt. Cornel David L. Wiede. First, I chose several different subjects to observe, beginning with the complexity of the ROTC program and their rules. Next, I looked ... Show more content on ... I uncovered the difference between ROTC graduates and non–ROTC graduates of major United States (US) universities, and feel that ROTC is truly beneficial for young adults looking to compete in tomorrows workforce. The constant challenge has provoked me to leave my comfort zone and explore my potential endeavors on a road of perpetual success. I truly believe that through my personal experiences in college, ROTC cadets will leave college better prepared to face the challenges of the world. While at the same time ROTC cadets will be able to outperform other university students because we have been trained in an environment of constant completion, where success is not achieved by the completion of the job but deserved by the ability to do the job better than everyone else. With that being said, ROTC cadets are also held to a higher level of respect and honor. Customs and Courtesies are expected, and codes of conduct must be followed. This higher level of respect is taught through the different genres and Lexis, and while this may sound very harsh and obsessive, I have come to enjoy the organization of the Air Force, and the respect of the various people that I work with on a daily basis. ... Get more on ...