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in search of
positive planning
David Adams and Alister Scott look beyond current political
and economic aspirations for growth in the search for ways to
re-enliven planning as a force for good
Is planning on the wane? At present, much of the        segregation of different ethnic and income groups,
planning profession’s energy is being devoted to its    and poor and/or harmful urban (and rural/rural-
survival and to reactionary responses to central        fringe) landscapes have become hallmark features
government attacks on its efficacy and professional     of the unintentional consequences of capitalist-led
delivery.1 Given the market-orientated stance of the    land development.5
current UK Government, and the trend towards the           For Devine et al.,6 an insidious culture of
deregulation of land development evident in             materialism has, to some degree, also removed the
proposed legislation such as the Growth and             capacity for concerted collective action. However,
Infrastructure Bill and policy guidance such as the      as Castells7 notes, there is strong evidence of
National Planning Policy Framework – all set against    thriving collectivised networks, often drawing on a
a backdrop of austerity – it could be argued that the   sense of outrage over the perceived failure of
planning profession is not in a particularly strong     government and financial institutions, which have
place to be making demands for a more socially and      done much to create new spaces of democracy and
environmentally just, egalitarian ethic. Yet it is      offer potential ways forward for political economy
precisely these circumstance that make the              debates.
articulation of such thinking necessary, providing a       As Holling et al.8 point out, we all have to live in
challenge to the prevailing orthodoxy of the            an environment that is shaped and constantly
overriding pursuit of economic growth.                  reconfigured by the workings of government and its
   Drawing inspiration from Professor Dennison’s        associated institutions in response to key drivers of
1942 Minority Report from the Committee on Land         change (such as economic growth, climate change,
Utilisation in Rural Areas (the Scott Committee)2 and   community cohesion, energy and infrastructure).
Peter Ambrose’s reflections on possible ways            Thus it is important for planning education to
forward for UK planning,3 this article argues that      prioritise a critical understanding of the functioning
constructive proposals can be made both for             and dependencies of the environment within a
planning education and for the wider strategies that    systems perspective, and it is here that an
might be employed by a future government so as to       ecosystem approach can help to signpost a way
reconnect planning and environment as a positive        forward.9 This could be positioned appropriately
and political agent of social, economic and             alongside the development of more visionary and
environmental change.                                   spatial plans that embed a long-term approach to
                                                        planning and generate a new, more humane and
Joining up planning and the environment                 environmentally sustainable economy (for example
   There is a need for further and higher education     the Foresight Land Use Futures project).10 Ideas of
to encourage students of planning to critically         ‘prosperity without growth’11 or a ‘Green New
consider the political economy of the built and         Deal’12 provide precious insights into the sort of
natural environment, aligning urban and rural           new political economy that might be desired and/or
matters as part of a connected and interdependent       realised.
system.4 This should be rooted in the perspective          It is likely that achieving these ambitions would
that the environment (in the widest sense) is the       also require much stronger intervention in the
direct outcome of the (often unequal) power             economy through incentives and regulation,
relations in the society that produced it.              alongside an overall behaviour change in our
   Commerce-dominated city centres, car-dominated       policy- and decision-making processes. Such a
movement, undesirable market-determined                 shift, according to Massey,13 is necessary to re-

88   Town & Country Planning February 2013
invigorate society’s collective capacity to ask how        with this information, and with important new
the economy can be re-organised to improve                 skills in place-making and community participation,
wellbeing and help to create more sustainable              public sector planners can make a considered
places.                                                    assessment of the commercial viability of a
                                                           development consent, and can enter into a realistic
Planning as an agent of change                             debate over the long-term distribution of benefits
   It is salutary to remember that planning is an          and profits.
agent of social change, and an effective mechanism           Planners also need to move away from their risk-
for the redistribution of wealth. Some of the recent       averse nature and favour more experimental types
selective dismantling of planning’s machinery has          of project though the imaginative use of Section106
been in the interests of powerful and (let us not          agreements.16 In a sense their fix on order and
forget) minority groups. It is therefore worth             zoning needs to be relaxed in favour of uses which
reminding ourselves of Ambrose’s idea that public          generate societal benefits.
sector planners could be more proactive when
entering into negotiations over private sector             Planning in austerity
investment.14 One practical way forward here would            In 1942 the Scott Committee on Land Utilisation
be for all public planners to develop a more               in Rural Areas deliberated within an imperative to
informed understanding of how private sector               support agriculture and forestry on the one hand
developers begin to identify and assess an                 and restrict the growth of towns and cities on the
                                                           other. This was entirely logical given that the
                                                           Second World War had emphasised the UK’s
                                                           vulnerability in ‘food security’, and that unchecked
                                                           suburban expansion into vast tracts of countryside
                                                           had created a significant backlash among the
                                                           landed elite. Hence incentives for farming and
                                                           forestry were established, with restrictions placed
                                                           on urban development, resulting in a ‘no growth’
                                                           ethic enshrined in the subsequent 1947 Town and
                                                           Country Planning Act and the 1947 Agriculture Act.
                                                              Professor Dennison’s 1942 Minority Report from
                                                           the Scott Committee17 also provides a significant
                                                           lesson in long-term planning, looking as it did
                                                           outside the immediate political and economic
                                                           imperative to consider key drivers of change.
                                                           Dennison was critical of the lack of economic
                                                           analysis and justification in the Majority Report and
                                                              ‘I can conceive of no more proper way to use
                                                              rural land in the national interest than it should be
Above                                                         used for the development necessary to provide
                                                              better living conditions for the people and their
An ecosystems approach, together with more visionary          children after them, now living in our congested
spatial plans, could underpin a re-organised economy and      towns.’ 2
more sustainable places

                                                              Dennison was able to build a set of rural policy
opportunity for investment development, which              imperatives for 1942 that largely reflect rural policy
financial interests might be involved in assisting         today. He challenged the unequivocal support given
with land assembly, how development schemes are            to agriculture and the limiting of rural development
promoted, and approximately what rate of profit            and highlighted the distributional effects of policy on
might be accrued from a potential scheme.                  different groups, enshrining in his approach
   As Scott et al.15 acknowledge, there are                principles of equity, diversification and need-based
weaknesses in many public sector planners’                 development. While criticised by some for holding
expertise in development and property economics,           views that seemingly ran counter to the prevailing
leaving them in a disadvantageous position when            economic and political ideology of the time,17
entering into negotiation with speculative property        Dennison, in effect, had the foresight to envision
developers, consultants, and (sometimes) their             the long-term needs of the countryside, and
powerful financial backers. Echoing Ambrose’s              questioned the development of policy that was
earlier suggestions regarding the skills and               rooted in securing economic growth based on
knowledge of public sector planners, when armed            protecting agriculture and forestry alone.

                                                                       Town & Country Planning February 2013    89
Supplying land for development                              planning and infrastructure investment to support
  It is useful to remind ourselves of the idea              business interests, these acquiring agencies would
developed by some of the notable ‘political                 need to operate at a scale larger than existing
economy’ theorists of the 1970s, such as Castells,          district, unitary or county boundaries and would be
Lefebvre, Massey and others, that any future                responsible for the flow of land to meet rationally
government of the centre or left, even if seeking to        assessed future demand for the area (i.e. re-
re-enliven planning as a force for good, could not          invigorating the strategic co-ordination of
realistically implement policies that were seen to be       infrastructure that has been dismantled by the
threatening to rates of capital accumulation.18             current UK Government).
  Simplifying in the extreme, in this area the state           However, under this scenario planners would
has, effectively, two options. First, it could intervene    wield more control over the evolution of
to expropriate the whole construction development           development, and, as a consequence, the land
sector. While this may perhaps be seen as a                 market could be regulated because a self-financing
justifiable aim for a centre-left administration, it is a   public authority would effectively control both the
completely unrealistic prospect. On the other hand,         price at which land is acquired and the price at
the state could seek to create the conditions in            which it is then released for construction.
which a socially-just output is privately produced, in      Significant moves towards this ambition have
a way that offers an attractive return on funds             already been (partially) realised in the Community
invested. This would involve a rather more radical          Right to Buy scheme in Scotland (which has been
departure from the well-intentioned (if, according to       in place for nearly ten years), where a significant
some commentators, potentially socially-flawed19)           lesson is that the scope of community rights should
ideas surrounding the use of Tax Increment                  encompass all land sales, whether public or private
Financing (TIF) initiatives as a means of funding the       (instead of pursuing the ‘land of community value’
public sector investment required to spur future            concept in the Localism Act, where land eligible for
                                                            Community Right to Buy is determined by local
‘The state is ideally situated                                 As Falk explains,22 there are also notable
 to intervene to set out                                    exemplars elsewhere in North West Europe. In
                                                            Helsinki, for example, 85% of the land is owned by
 parameters and guide good                                  the city or other public bodies, and this has enabled
 planning across the country                                the city to develop, creating high-quality housing,
                                                            maintaining socially-mixed neighbourhoods and
 based on social and                                        extending sustainable transport routes (tram, cycle
 environmental justice. This                                and ski) through the administrative area while
 needs a move away from the                                 generating euro 200 million a year in surplus for the
                                                            municipal budget.
 current direction of travel of                                In the UK context, the Green Party’s Land Value
 planning, to stand up against                              Tax Bill23 has set out a comprehensive yet perhaps
                                                            more immediate reform, and proposes a move
 those who seek to undermine                                towards land and property value taxation which
 it and shout clearly and with                              will provide an incentive against speculative holding
                                                            of empty flats and assist with the funding of
 confidence that there is a                                 important infrastructure.
 way that we can make this
 journey together’                                          Ways forward?
                                                               Although in some regards highly aspirational (and
                                                            potentially contentious), the broad thrust of policy
regeneration, towards an extension of powers for            direction considered here would be to achieve a
the state to acquire all land for development               more progressive and integrative approach to
through the vehicle of democratically-elected public        planning. Such an approach would be underpinned
agencies.                                                   by a belief in democratic decision-making and would
  This would, of course, also require central               be designed to offset land speculation, reduce the
government to embrace (and draw upon) what                  discriminatory tensions that exist between local and
Castells7 calls the creative capacity that is fostered      national governance structures, ensure a flow of
among people engaging in a multiplicity of social           business to an under-pressure construction sector,
networks. From a perhaps radical organisational             and provide regulation on the prices that govern (or
perspective, and broadly similar to the way in which        delay) new development.
the Local Enterprise Partnerships20 have been                  Ultimately, this article argues that the state is
established to ensure that there is the necessary           ideally situated to intervene to set out parameters

90   Town & Country Planning February 2013
and guide good planning across the country based                15 ‘Disintegrated development at the rural urban fringe:
on social and environmental justice. This needs a                  re-connecting spatial planning theory and practice’ (see
move away from the current direction of travel of                  note 9)
planning, to stand up against those who seek to                 16 D. Adams, M. Hardman and A.J. Scott: ‘Guerrilla
                                                                   warfare in the planning system: revolutionary progress
undermine it and shout clearly and with confidence                 towards sustainability?’. Geografiska Annaler: Series B,
that there is a way that we can make this journey                  Human Geography (forthcoming)
together. One way forward would be a good spatial               17 See the House of Lords debate on post-war planning
plan.                                                              reconstruction between Earl de la Warr and Lord
                                                                   Balfour: Hansard, HL Deb. 19 Nov. 1942, Vol. 125.
q David Adams is a Lecturer in Planning and Alister Scott is
Professor of Environmental and Spatial Planning at the School
of the Built Environment, Birmingham City University.
David Adams can be contacted at          18 For a summary, see N. Taylor: Urban Planning Theory
The authors would like to thank Professor Peter Larkham for        since 1945. SAGE, 1998
his insightful comments. The views expressed are personal.      19 K. Larkin and Z. Wilcox: What Would Maggie Do? Why
                                                                   the Government’s Policy on Enterprise Zones Needs to
Notes                                                              be Radically Different to the Failed Policy of the 1980s.
1 A Manifesto for Planning and Land Reform. Draft                  Centre for Cities, 2011.
   manifesto. Planners Network UK (PNUK), Nov. 2012.               assets/files/2011%20Research/11-02-                           25%20Enterprise%20Zones.pdf
   20121027pnukmanifesto.pdf                                    20 ‘Local Enterprise Partnerships’. Letter to local authority
2 S.R. Dennison: Committee on Land Utilisation in Rural            leaders and business leaders from the Business,
   Areas – Minority Report. HMSO, 1942                             Innovation and Skills and Communities and Local
3 Peter Ambrose, who died in August 2012, was the                  Government Secretaries. Department for Business,
   author of several important planning texts, including,          Innovation and Skills/Department for Communities and
   perhaps most notably, Whatever Happened to                      Local Government, Jun. 2010.
   Planning? (Routledge, 1986)                           
4 See P Allmendinger and G. Haughton: ‘Post-political
         .                                                         attachment_data/file/5649/1626854.pdf
   spatial planning in England: a crisis of consensus?’.        21 See, for example, A.F Mackenzie: ‘A working land:
   Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,           crofting communities, place and the politics of the
   2012, Vol. 37, 89-103                                           possible in post-Land Reform Scotland’. Transactions of
5 See, for example, P Hall: ‘Geographers and the urban
                        .                                          the Institute of British Geographers, 2006, Vol. 31 (3),
   century’. In R. Johnston and M. Williams (Eds): A               383-98
   Century of British Geography. Oxford University Press,       22 Growth Cities: Local Investment for National Prosperity.
   2003                                                            URBED, for Regional Cities East, 2010.
6 P Devine, A. Pearmain and D. Purdy (Eds): Feelbad
   Britain. Lawrence & Wishart, 2009                               files/Growth%20Cities.pdf
7 M. Castells: Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social             23 Land Value Tax Bill. House of Commons. TSO,
   Movements in the Age of the Internet. Polity Press, 2012        Nov. 2012.
8 C.S. Holling, L.H. Gunderson and D. Ludwig: ‘In quest
   of a theory of adaptive change’. In L.H. Gunderson and
   C.S. Holling (Eds): Panarchy: Understanding
   Transformations in Human and Natural Systems.
   Washington DC, Island Press, Washington, DC, USA,
9 The ecosystem approach is defined by the UN
   Convention on Biological Diversity as ‘a strategy for the
   integrated management of land, water and living
   resources that promotes conservation and sustainable
   use in an equitable way’. See also A.J. Scott et al.:
   ‘Disintegrated development at the rural urban fringe:
   re-connecting spatial planning theory and practice’.
   Progress in Planning, 2013 (forthcoming)
10 Land Use Futures: Making the Most of Land in the 21st
   Century. Foresight Land Use Futures Project.
   Government Office for Science, 2010.
11 T. Jackson: Prosperity without Growth. Routledge, 2011
12 The Green New Deal Group website is at
13 D. Massey: ‘Economics and ideology in the present
   moment’. Soundings, 2011, No. 48, Summer.
14 P Ambrose: Whatever Happened to Planning?
   Routledge, 1986

                                                                             Town & Country Planning February 2013        91

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In Search of Positive Planning

  • 1. in search of positive planning David Adams and Alister Scott look beyond current political and economic aspirations for growth in the search for ways to re-enliven planning as a force for good Is planning on the wane? At present, much of the segregation of different ethnic and income groups, planning profession’s energy is being devoted to its and poor and/or harmful urban (and rural/rural- survival and to reactionary responses to central fringe) landscapes have become hallmark features government attacks on its efficacy and professional of the unintentional consequences of capitalist-led delivery.1 Given the market-orientated stance of the land development.5 current UK Government, and the trend towards the For Devine et al.,6 an insidious culture of deregulation of land development evident in materialism has, to some degree, also removed the proposed legislation such as the Growth and capacity for concerted collective action. However, Infrastructure Bill and policy guidance such as the as Castells7 notes, there is strong evidence of National Planning Policy Framework – all set against thriving collectivised networks, often drawing on a a backdrop of austerity – it could be argued that the sense of outrage over the perceived failure of planning profession is not in a particularly strong government and financial institutions, which have place to be making demands for a more socially and done much to create new spaces of democracy and environmentally just, egalitarian ethic. Yet it is offer potential ways forward for political economy precisely these circumstance that make the debates. articulation of such thinking necessary, providing a As Holling et al.8 point out, we all have to live in challenge to the prevailing orthodoxy of the an environment that is shaped and constantly overriding pursuit of economic growth. reconfigured by the workings of government and its Drawing inspiration from Professor Dennison’s associated institutions in response to key drivers of 1942 Minority Report from the Committee on Land change (such as economic growth, climate change, Utilisation in Rural Areas (the Scott Committee)2 and community cohesion, energy and infrastructure). Peter Ambrose’s reflections on possible ways Thus it is important for planning education to forward for UK planning,3 this article argues that prioritise a critical understanding of the functioning constructive proposals can be made both for and dependencies of the environment within a planning education and for the wider strategies that systems perspective, and it is here that an might be employed by a future government so as to ecosystem approach can help to signpost a way reconnect planning and environment as a positive forward.9 This could be positioned appropriately and political agent of social, economic and alongside the development of more visionary and environmental change. spatial plans that embed a long-term approach to planning and generate a new, more humane and Joining up planning and the environment environmentally sustainable economy (for example There is a need for further and higher education the Foresight Land Use Futures project).10 Ideas of to encourage students of planning to critically ‘prosperity without growth’11 or a ‘Green New consider the political economy of the built and Deal’12 provide precious insights into the sort of natural environment, aligning urban and rural new political economy that might be desired and/or matters as part of a connected and interdependent realised. system.4 This should be rooted in the perspective It is likely that achieving these ambitions would that the environment (in the widest sense) is the also require much stronger intervention in the direct outcome of the (often unequal) power economy through incentives and regulation, relations in the society that produced it. alongside an overall behaviour change in our Commerce-dominated city centres, car-dominated policy- and decision-making processes. Such a movement, undesirable market-determined shift, according to Massey,13 is necessary to re- 88 Town & Country Planning February 2013
  • 2. invigorate society’s collective capacity to ask how with this information, and with important new the economy can be re-organised to improve skills in place-making and community participation, wellbeing and help to create more sustainable public sector planners can make a considered places. assessment of the commercial viability of a development consent, and can enter into a realistic Planning as an agent of change debate over the long-term distribution of benefits It is salutary to remember that planning is an and profits. agent of social change, and an effective mechanism Planners also need to move away from their risk- for the redistribution of wealth. Some of the recent averse nature and favour more experimental types selective dismantling of planning’s machinery has of project though the imaginative use of Section106 been in the interests of powerful and (let us not agreements.16 In a sense their fix on order and forget) minority groups. It is therefore worth zoning needs to be relaxed in favour of uses which reminding ourselves of Ambrose’s idea that public generate societal benefits. sector planners could be more proactive when entering into negotiations over private sector Planning in austerity investment.14 One practical way forward here would In 1942 the Scott Committee on Land Utilisation be for all public planners to develop a more in Rural Areas deliberated within an imperative to informed understanding of how private sector support agriculture and forestry on the one hand developers begin to identify and assess an and restrict the growth of towns and cities on the other. This was entirely logical given that the Second World War had emphasised the UK’s vulnerability in ‘food security’, and that unchecked suburban expansion into vast tracts of countryside had created a significant backlash among the landed elite. Hence incentives for farming and forestry were established, with restrictions placed on urban development, resulting in a ‘no growth’ ethic enshrined in the subsequent 1947 Town and Country Planning Act and the 1947 Agriculture Act. Professor Dennison’s 1942 Minority Report from the Scott Committee17 also provides a significant lesson in long-term planning, looking as it did outside the immediate political and economic imperative to consider key drivers of change. Dennison was critical of the lack of economic analysis and justification in the Majority Report and argued: ‘I can conceive of no more proper way to use rural land in the national interest than it should be Above used for the development necessary to provide better living conditions for the people and their An ecosystems approach, together with more visionary children after them, now living in our congested spatial plans, could underpin a re-organised economy and towns.’ 2 more sustainable places Dennison was able to build a set of rural policy opportunity for investment development, which imperatives for 1942 that largely reflect rural policy financial interests might be involved in assisting today. He challenged the unequivocal support given with land assembly, how development schemes are to agriculture and the limiting of rural development promoted, and approximately what rate of profit and highlighted the distributional effects of policy on might be accrued from a potential scheme. different groups, enshrining in his approach As Scott et al.15 acknowledge, there are principles of equity, diversification and need-based weaknesses in many public sector planners’ development. While criticised by some for holding expertise in development and property economics, views that seemingly ran counter to the prevailing leaving them in a disadvantageous position when economic and political ideology of the time,17 entering into negotiation with speculative property Dennison, in effect, had the foresight to envision developers, consultants, and (sometimes) their the long-term needs of the countryside, and powerful financial backers. Echoing Ambrose’s questioned the development of policy that was earlier suggestions regarding the skills and rooted in securing economic growth based on knowledge of public sector planners, when armed protecting agriculture and forestry alone. Town & Country Planning February 2013 89
  • 3. Supplying land for development planning and infrastructure investment to support It is useful to remind ourselves of the idea business interests, these acquiring agencies would developed by some of the notable ‘political need to operate at a scale larger than existing economy’ theorists of the 1970s, such as Castells, district, unitary or county boundaries and would be Lefebvre, Massey and others, that any future responsible for the flow of land to meet rationally government of the centre or left, even if seeking to assessed future demand for the area (i.e. re- re-enliven planning as a force for good, could not invigorating the strategic co-ordination of realistically implement policies that were seen to be infrastructure that has been dismantled by the threatening to rates of capital accumulation.18 current UK Government). Simplifying in the extreme, in this area the state However, under this scenario planners would has, effectively, two options. First, it could intervene wield more control over the evolution of to expropriate the whole construction development development, and, as a consequence, the land sector. While this may perhaps be seen as a market could be regulated because a self-financing justifiable aim for a centre-left administration, it is a public authority would effectively control both the completely unrealistic prospect. On the other hand, price at which land is acquired and the price at the state could seek to create the conditions in which it is then released for construction. which a socially-just output is privately produced, in Significant moves towards this ambition have a way that offers an attractive return on funds already been (partially) realised in the Community invested. This would involve a rather more radical Right to Buy scheme in Scotland (which has been departure from the well-intentioned (if, according to in place for nearly ten years), where a significant some commentators, potentially socially-flawed19) lesson is that the scope of community rights should ideas surrounding the use of Tax Increment encompass all land sales, whether public or private Financing (TIF) initiatives as a means of funding the (instead of pursuing the ‘land of community value’ public sector investment required to spur future concept in the Localism Act, where land eligible for Community Right to Buy is determined by local authorities).21 ‘The state is ideally situated As Falk explains,22 there are also notable to intervene to set out exemplars elsewhere in North West Europe. In Helsinki, for example, 85% of the land is owned by parameters and guide good the city or other public bodies, and this has enabled planning across the country the city to develop, creating high-quality housing, maintaining socially-mixed neighbourhoods and based on social and extending sustainable transport routes (tram, cycle environmental justice. This and ski) through the administrative area while needs a move away from the generating euro 200 million a year in surplus for the municipal budget. current direction of travel of In the UK context, the Green Party’s Land Value planning, to stand up against Tax Bill23 has set out a comprehensive yet perhaps more immediate reform, and proposes a move those who seek to undermine towards land and property value taxation which it and shout clearly and with will provide an incentive against speculative holding of empty flats and assist with the funding of confidence that there is a important infrastructure. way that we can make this journey together’ Ways forward? Although in some regards highly aspirational (and potentially contentious), the broad thrust of policy regeneration, towards an extension of powers for direction considered here would be to achieve a the state to acquire all land for development more progressive and integrative approach to through the vehicle of democratically-elected public planning. Such an approach would be underpinned agencies. by a belief in democratic decision-making and would This would, of course, also require central be designed to offset land speculation, reduce the government to embrace (and draw upon) what discriminatory tensions that exist between local and Castells7 calls the creative capacity that is fostered national governance structures, ensure a flow of among people engaging in a multiplicity of social business to an under-pressure construction sector, networks. From a perhaps radical organisational and provide regulation on the prices that govern (or perspective, and broadly similar to the way in which delay) new development. the Local Enterprise Partnerships20 have been Ultimately, this article argues that the state is established to ensure that there is the necessary ideally situated to intervene to set out parameters 90 Town & Country Planning February 2013
  • 4. and guide good planning across the country based 15 ‘Disintegrated development at the rural urban fringe: on social and environmental justice. This needs a re-connecting spatial planning theory and practice’ (see move away from the current direction of travel of note 9) planning, to stand up against those who seek to 16 D. Adams, M. Hardman and A.J. Scott: ‘Guerrilla warfare in the planning system: revolutionary progress undermine it and shout clearly and with confidence towards sustainability?’. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, that there is a way that we can make this journey Human Geography (forthcoming) together. One way forward would be a good spatial 17 See the House of Lords debate on post-war planning plan. reconstruction between Earl de la Warr and Lord Balfour: Hansard, HL Deb. 19 Nov. 1942, Vol. 125. q David Adams is a Lecturer in Planning and Alister Scott is Professor of Environmental and Spatial Planning at the School planning-and-reconstruction of the Built Environment, Birmingham City University. David Adams can be contacted at 18 For a summary, see N. Taylor: Urban Planning Theory The authors would like to thank Professor Peter Larkham for since 1945. SAGE, 1998 his insightful comments. The views expressed are personal. 19 K. Larkin and Z. Wilcox: What Would Maggie Do? Why the Government’s Policy on Enterprise Zones Needs to Notes be Radically Different to the Failed Policy of the 1980s. 1 A Manifesto for Planning and Land Reform. Draft Centre for Cities, 2011. manifesto. Planners Network UK (PNUK), Nov. 2012. assets/files/2011%20Research/11-02- 25%20Enterprise%20Zones.pdf 20121027pnukmanifesto.pdf 20 ‘Local Enterprise Partnerships’. Letter to local authority 2 S.R. Dennison: Committee on Land Utilisation in Rural leaders and business leaders from the Business, Areas – Minority Report. HMSO, 1942 Innovation and Skills and Communities and Local 3 Peter Ambrose, who died in August 2012, was the Government Secretaries. Department for Business, author of several important planning texts, including, Innovation and Skills/Department for Communities and perhaps most notably, Whatever Happened to Local Government, Jun. 2010. Planning? (Routledge, 1986) 4 See P Allmendinger and G. Haughton: ‘Post-political . attachment_data/file/5649/1626854.pdf spatial planning in England: a crisis of consensus?’. 21 See, for example, A.F Mackenzie: ‘A working land: .D. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, crofting communities, place and the politics of the 2012, Vol. 37, 89-103 possible in post-Land Reform Scotland’. Transactions of 5 See, for example, P Hall: ‘Geographers and the urban . the Institute of British Geographers, 2006, Vol. 31 (3), century’. In R. Johnston and M. Williams (Eds): A 383-98 Century of British Geography. Oxford University Press, 22 Growth Cities: Local Investment for National Prosperity. 2003 URBED, for Regional Cities East, 2010. 6 P Devine, A. Pearmain and D. Purdy (Eds): Feelbad . Britain. Lawrence & Wishart, 2009 files/Growth%20Cities.pdf 7 M. Castells: Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social 23 Land Value Tax Bill. House of Commons. TSO, Movements in the Age of the Internet. Polity Press, 2012 Nov. 2012. cbill/2012-2013/0045/20130045.pdf 8 C.S. Holling, L.H. Gunderson and D. Ludwig: ‘In quest of a theory of adaptive change’. In L.H. Gunderson and C.S. Holling (Eds): Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems. Washington DC, Island Press, Washington, DC, USA, 2002 9 The ecosystem approach is defined by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity as ‘a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way’. See also A.J. Scott et al.: ‘Disintegrated development at the rural urban fringe: re-connecting spatial planning theory and practice’. Progress in Planning, 2013 (forthcoming) 10 Land Use Futures: Making the Most of Land in the 21st Century. Foresight Land Use Futures Project. Government Office for Science, 2010. projects/land-use-futures/reports-and-publications 11 T. Jackson: Prosperity without Growth. Routledge, 2011 12 The Green New Deal Group website is at 13 D. Massey: ‘Economics and ideology in the present moment’. Soundings, 2011, No. 48, Summer. 14 P Ambrose: Whatever Happened to Planning? . Routledge, 1986 Town & Country Planning February 2013 91