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Welcome to Part Two of
Imprismed, where our
theme is that of color
and the movement from
darkness to full light.

In addition to the
familiar Legacy
Challenge rules, herein
referred to as guidelines,
there are an additional
five rules, mostly
pertaining to color and
its use in the story, that
have been set up. They
are outlined in Part One
if you are interested in
reviewing them.
Generation Two is the
black generation and
they have recently
arrived at University.

Obsidian Geebiv, our
heir, and his
unauthorized twin,
Ebony, were both
dropped off by their
father Roy.

According to Rule #5,
Ebony should not be
played, but I wanted her
scholarship money to
build a Greek House so
she has a short reprieve.
Their transition outfits
were less than stellar.
Ebony’s might have been
able to hold its own with
the amount of black it
has, but Obsidian
needed a definite
Much better. Much,
much better. The black
just…I don’t know…slims
his lips?
Ebony kept a little of the
blue in her skirt, but she
also fared better.
The kids got settled into
their dorm rooms, which
were not changed at all
since they are only going
to be in the dorm as
Freshman and their
money will be better
used elsewhere.
They discussed getting
out and meeting new

This seems as good a time as
any to review stats.

2/9/2//6/7 Libra
Family / Popularity
LTW: Education Minister
OTH: Arts & Crafts
T-O/O: Jewelry-

2/8/2/6/7 Libra
Popularity / Knowledge
LTW: Rock God
OTH: Arts & Crafts
T-O/O: Glasses-
Mechanical/Red Hair
Obsidian wasn’t too
keen on the idea. His
teen girlfriend, Demi
Howe, had also enrolled
at Sim State and was in
the dorm down the road.

She had arrived along
with their friends Jack
Wolesko and Meredith
They also took some
time to show off their
dance skills. Of which
they have none.
To be fair, they grew up
without a stereo at
home, so the dorm really
was their first
opportunity to rock out.
It wasn’t long before
Obsidian invited Demi
over so they could get
It didn’t take much for
the hearts to fly again.
Though there were
others in the dorm who
found Obsidian
attractive, including
Melissa Jayapalan here,
and Jordan Cormier
here, who both have two
bolts with him, just like

I would love it if he fell
for Jordan because she
has a different face
template and green eyes,
but I’m not so fond of
the black hair so early in
the family line, so we’ll
stay hands off and see
who he chooses.
Ebony had also found
someone. She decided
to give Audrey Shibata a
makeover in the hopes
of increasing their one
bolt of attraction.
While the addition of
glasses made both of
them happy, it didn’t do
Jack Diddley for their
boltage. But, Ebony
hasn’t shown interest in
anyone else, female or
male, so again, with a
hands off policy we’ll
leave her to decide what
to do about it.
With that, the end of
first semester rolled
around. Both twins
finished with an A+ and
$1200 to add to their
Greek House funds.
Obsidian started the
new semester with a visit
to Demi, where they
couldn’t leave each other
alone. *eyeroll*
Eventually, surfing the
web got boring for Demi
and she tried to get
Obsidians attention.
Turns out his blog and
chat session were more
interesting at the
moment and she was
dutifully ignored as he
tapped away at the keys.
Not unlike my husband
and son feel on a regular
basis, I’m sure.
Taking matters into her
own hands, she started
to chat up one of her
dorm mates, which
Obsidian finally took
notice of and did not

I’m not sure if Demi ever
thanked the poor schlep
for being relationship
restoration fodder. She
accomplished her
mission though.
Still suffering from one
bolt attraction, Ebony
cornered Audrey and
put the moves on her.

Notice how sharp and
clear and red the swirly
hearts are? The sharp,
clear, red ones indicate…
…REJECTION! In which
case they turn purple
and bruised looking.

Even the video game was
all ONTD! that Ebony
was shot down.

It was heart breaking for
her, and she cried later,
but I didn’t bother with
pictures, because , well,
Rule #5 and all.
In the meantime,
Obsidian was exploring
other options for
relationships. Not that
it was encouraged, but it
wasn’t discouraged
either. After all, he’s
only a Freshman. He
needs to be sure of what
he wants.
Things are not looking
too good for total
dedication to Demi at
this point. The only
thing she has in her
favor though is that his
explorations seem to be
held in secret at the back
side of the dorm.
Before we knew it, the
semester was over again.
Freshman year finished,
it was time to look for a
good plot for the Greek
He and Ebony packed up
the few items they had
accumulated, said their
goodbyes and moved on.
To an empty plot near
the park and down the
street from the other
Fraternities and

Ebony seems to think it’s
a good thing Obsidian
has so many friends so
their Greek House will
be “teh awesome!”
And as she finished her
Kaleidoscope House was
built. Well, what they
could afford was built
anyway. It will
eventually have windows
but they have to finish
the semester and get
their grants first.
The biggest, most
important addition to
the Greek House were
two double beds.

Demented purple hearts
were flying everywhere.
I was a little pleased to
see that despite
Obsidian’s minor
dalliances, he chose
Demi to christen his
The next order of
business was a toga
party, where no one
showed up in a toga,
under aged friends were
invited, and Obsidian
decided to forgo the
lines to the bathroom
and take a sponge bath
at the open floor plan
kitchen sink.

It was a good party
By the end of the
semester they were able
to afford wall coverings.

As you can see, dancing
skills improved.

But the real reason for
this shot is to show you
some of the simple
layout of the house.

Obsidian is dancing in
the great room, basically
in the kitchen. The
doors lead to bedrooms.
Obsidian’s is closest to
the kitchen.
Ebony’s is toward the
front of the house.
The other side of the
room leads to

Next semester grant, one
will hold toilets and the
other showers. Right
now there’s only one of
each in one of the
rooms. We’re hoping to
prevent bathroom
mothing during toga

All the interior doors are
glass because they were
the cheapest black ones
in my catalogue.
Pretend they are not see
through like the good
sims do.
We’ve also added a letter
to our Greek House
representing the charter.
Actually, Ebony went out
an got it somewhere. I
don’t ask, she doesn’t
Demi has remained
Obsidian’s one even
though he has flirted
with a few others and
kissed a few more. I
think they’ll last, so next
time they roll
engagement wants, I’ll
likely fulfill them.
They’re both Juniors
already, so it’s time.
Oh crap! They’re
Juniors. Better get those
portraits painted for the
house. Also need to
check our pledges and
see who we can move in
Senior year.
With eight creativity
points, it wasn’t long
before both portraits
were completed and
University isn’t my
favorite EP and I dislike
playing it. It’s too long.
In fact, I use the College
Adjuster to speed it up a

One of the things that
really drives me crazy is
the “Visit Campus”
action . It’s nice that
they can get food for
themselves, but it
usually ends up with
uneaten pizza
everywhere. Then it
turns green.
The second thing that
drives me crazy are the
cows. Luckily, there is a
hack for that and I use it
The semesters
progressed. Obsidian
and Ebony studied,
invited people to pledge,
held parties, influenced
pledges to clean up and
write their term papers,
and kept their fun and
social levels in check
with a game of red

I should explain my
speed method. Students
have to gain any skill
points needed, attend
class once, and write
their term paper, then I
set hours to final exam
to 2.
Final decisions on the
placeholder were
narrowed down to Julie
Carr, the cheerleader,
and Melissa Jayapalan,
Obsidian’s College-Ho-

He has two bolts with
both of them and is also
at crush status with
both. Moving one in
will be a last minute
thing out of necessity.
Some final studying
took place, and a last
term paper was written.
A cow was convinced to
leave the premises and
forever stay away.
A final toga party was
held where no one came
in togas again and
Obsidian and his love,
Demi escaped outdoors
for some one on one
They’re so cute together,
and I find it quite
appropriate that both of
them have an outfit in
their inventory
representative of the
coming generation. It
must be fate.
When fate calls, I try to
answer, so Obsidian
dropped on his knee and
popped the age old
Demi said yes, of course.

They are so freakin’ cute
The next day, Obsidian
finished his final final
That night Demi did the
Ebony had graduated
too, but…Rule #5.

Julie was invited to move
in and accepted quite
readily. I think she and
her two bolts had high
hopes of some friends
with benefits action.
College complete,
placeholder holding,
Obsidian moved back to
the family homestead.
In an ugly outfit with
absolutely no black.
Wardrobe malfunctions
fixed, we took a great
risk and had Obsidian
repair the family
computer. He had the
most mechanical points
and it was a pretty safe
bet that if Roy or Uma
tried they would have
Crisis averted, the
computer was up and
ready for his first job

He wants to become
Minister of Education
but it wasn’t listed.
His next task was to
invite Demi over, who
showed up in her
transition towel. O.o
Obsidian didn’t seem to
Uma was still too upset
over the burglar to
notice when she was

Shortly thereafter,
Obsidian invited her to
move in and wedding
plans were made for the
next day. We don’t waste
time here in Spectrum.

Demi’s stats:
5/5/3/8/4 Taurus
Fortune / (not chosen)
LTW: City Planner
OTH: Games
TO/O: Black hair – Hard
Worker / Grey hair
The guests were invited.
You’ll notice both Julie
and Melissa are there.

Recipe for disaster #3:

1.   Set ACR to spouse
     only and assume all
     will be well.

2.   Invite former College
     Ho’s to wedding
     hoping to wreck
     crushes with them.

(recipe to be

On to the wedding.
Obsidian and Demi
made their way to the
arch and prepared to
exchange their vows.
And nobody paid
Though Julie did find
time to clap for the
happy couple, while
Melissa chatted up the
father of the groom.

Notice she is wearing
black. This should have
been sufficient warning
that all would not be
well in the future.
These guys are still
freakin’ adorable
though, especially if you
ignore the glitchy arm
trying to remove
Obsidian’s liver.
The wedding party was a
great success, as you can
see here after the
wedded woohoo bliss.

Did Bon Voyage take
away the limo
honeymoon? The limo
never came for them
even though it was a roof
Melissa was not pleased.
She came back to kick
over the trash can.
Luckily, Roy was still
awake, cleaning up from
the wedding and roaches
were avoided.
Julie was not pleased
either. I guess clapping
for the happy couple was
just an act on her part.
She came by the next
morning and stole the
Between the two of
them, it got bad enough
that I moved the trash
can behind a locked gate
so the family would stop
getting roaches.

Roy and Uma approved.
Speaking of Roy and
Uma, they’re still
awesome. They’re all
autonomous with each
other and it’s so cute.

I played with the
lighting in the garden
while they were out
there dancing and really
love how this picture
came out.
Wedded woohoo paid
off and Generation
Three let it be known
that it was on the way.

Demi looks surprised
that she is pregnant, but
I think she’s more
surprised that it
happened so quickly
because she was hoping
for some quick job
promotions first.
Fortune sim.
Obsidian took it all in
stride and showed his
messy side by lipping it
from the milk carton
even though he has eight
cooking points and
could make himself
whatever he wanted to

Of course, he didn’t
know the Recipe for
Disaster #3…
3.   Happily monitor
     other members of
     the household and
     fail to notice College
     Ho let her self in.

4.   Hear the evil “fall
     out of love” BOING!
     and quickly pause
     game to find out
     what the heck just

5.   Notice heir being
     yelled at by spouse
     while College Ho
     turns back on entire
6.   Check College Ho
     and notice her
     expression says, “if I
     can’t have him, NO
     ONE WILL!”

7.   Observe helplessly
     as spouse slaps heir
     silly and relationship
     scores tank. Yes,
     there are flames of
     hatred in Demi’s
     panel for both
     Obsidian and
8.   Sit back in stunned
     amazement as
     beloved heir
     apologizes to College
     Ho with his big
     gaping maw smiling.
9.   Continue speechless
     amazement as he
     leaps into her arms
     for comfort.

10. Gigglesnort as it
     looks like he nearly
     knocks her over in
     his exuberance.
11.   Gigglesnort some
      more as College Ho
      refuses a higher level
      flirt from stupid,
      misguided heir.
Uma was so distracted
by what was occurring
inside the house that she
didn’t even show us the
doo hickey when she
topped her career.

Not really, I was so
stunned that I missed
capturing it.
Eventually, Obsidian
realized the
ramifications of what he
had done. The family
left him alone to
contemplate. Also,
Demi wouldn’t allow
him in their bed and
since she was pregnant
and had done nothing
wrong, she got

I still have no idea what
actually started the
whole episode. I assume
it was some kind of ACR
flirt, perhaps a kiss.
Memory panels showed
me nothing more than
“cheated on Demi with
In the midst of the
awkward silences that
permeated the house
when everyone was
together, Ebony stopped
by. She spent a lot of
time involved in the
programs on television,
all the while with a
somewhat sad look in
her eye.
With generation three on the way, due to be born
that night, it was time for some remodeling. Per
Rule #2 a room had to be added in their color. I
added an entire floor. There is a new nursery in
the upper left corner, a great room currently
holding exercise equipment and career rewards,
and Obsidian and Demi’s master bedroom with
en suite bath. There’s also a double staircase
leading to the ground floor.

                       The downstairs also
                       needed a bit of
                       rearranging. Obsidian
                       and Demi’s old room
                       became the music room
                       and the living room was
                       moved around to
                       accommodate the stairs.
I also changed the outside of the house
because red brick is much nicer than
black siding.

                The back has a small
                porch as well where the
                chess table was moved.
                The small garden is in
                the back corner of the
Roy really enjoyed the
jukebox as he got his
smustle on.
Not for long though,
because Demi started
hollering with the pains
of childbirth. Everyone
came running.
The men were there first
and in true fashion were
of no help whatsoever.
Demi twirled on her
own and all was right in
their world.
Everyone was ecstatic
about the newest Geebiv,
regardless of the recent
problems that plagued
her parents.
Meet Scarlett Geebiv,
Generation Three heir.
Her color is red, so her
red hair is fitting. I’m
still confused about the
eyes. Her mother’s are
light blue and her
fathers are either the
same or gray. They’re
too close for me to call.
Because I fail. I’m pretty
sure that Scarlett has her
grandfather’s gray eyes
This picture is here
purely to show that the
Geebivs are keeping up
appearances for the
outside world. That
loving family portrait
with Demi, Obsidian
and Scarlett? It’s a lie.
But, life goes on.

Obsidian is a good
father, autonomously
interacting with Scarlett
and taking pretty good
care of her.

Scarlett sends him
telepathic messages and
lets him know that he
better make things all
right by the time she
grows up and is even
more aware of what is
going on between her
Meanwhile, the two
Ho/Troublemakers keep
letting themselves in.
Things have calmed
down a bit and there
hasn’t been anymore
slapping drama.
Though Melissa was
ballsy enough to use the
bathroom attached to
Demi and Obsidian’s
bedroom rather than
one of the two that are
downstairs and more
easily accessible.
She’s also wormed her
way deeper into the
household by staking a
place on Roy’s friends
list. Poor man, he
doesn’t realize what she’s
done to his son and
daughter-in-law. He’s
still looking for 20
Uma loves Demi though.
They’re great friends.

She even goes so far to
congratulate Demi on
marrying her son.
Demi informs her of
what a jerk her son has
been recently.

Uma is shocked.
Shocked, I say!
Demi further explains
that they are no longer
best friends.
And it’s all because of
that College Ho, Melissa,
who she’s been aware of
since college.
While Uma is further
shocked, Demi hopes
that it all won’t end in
Obsidian is making
attempts to repair the
relationship, but Demi is
not quite ready to go
there just yet.
Obsidian is worried. He
should have thought
about his FAMILY
before, then he wouldn’t
be in this predicament.
He likes to sing the blues
when it gets to be too

Roy accompanies him
when he’s able to.
He takes any
opportunities he can to
talk about the rough
road they’re on and is
slowly making progress.
He even rolled the want
to study couples
counseling, thinking it
would help them out.
It raised their scores
high enough to answer
their ACR timers when
they went off.

Obsidian fell back in
love. Demi still needs
time. There are no more
flames, but her scores
with him are only
slightly above zero.
Relationship on the
mend, it was time for
Scarlett to transition to a
toddler. A small party
was held, with Julie and
Melissa notably absent.
And the cake glitched
when Obsidian decided
he just had to have a
All was well though with
the quick purchase of
another cake and a twirl
and sparkle in the air.
Scarlett is a Libra, like
her Daddy and Auntie
with a 2/9/2/10/9 point

With that, I believe we’ll
leave the Geebiv’s alone
for a bit. We’ll be back
with Part 2.2 in a bit
where Scarlett will get
her makeover and we’ll
find out if Obsidian and
Demi have been able to
reconcile their marriage.

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Andr Dtu 260805Andr Dtu 260805
Andr Dtu 260805

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Imprismed - Gen 2: Black - Part 1

  • 1.
  • 2. Welcome to Part Two of Imprismed, where our theme is that of color and the movement from darkness to full light. In addition to the familiar Legacy Challenge rules, herein referred to as guidelines, there are an additional five rules, mostly pertaining to color and its use in the story, that have been set up. They are outlined in Part One if you are interested in reviewing them.
  • 3. Generation Two is the black generation and they have recently arrived at University. Obsidian Geebiv, our heir, and his unauthorized twin, Ebony, were both dropped off by their father Roy. According to Rule #5, Ebony should not be played, but I wanted her scholarship money to build a Greek House so she has a short reprieve.
  • 4. Their transition outfits were less than stellar. Ebony’s might have been able to hold its own with the amount of black it has, but Obsidian needed a definite change.
  • 5. Much better. Much, much better. The black just…I don’t know…slims his lips?
  • 6. Ebony kept a little of the blue in her skirt, but she also fared better.
  • 7. The kids got settled into their dorm rooms, which were not changed at all since they are only going to be in the dorm as Freshman and their money will be better used elsewhere.
  • 8. They discussed getting out and meeting new people. This seems as good a time as any to review stats. Obsidian: 2/9/2//6/7 Libra Family / Popularity LTW: Education Minister OTH: Arts & Crafts T-O/O: Jewelry- Creativity/Strength Ebony: 2/8/2/6/7 Libra Popularity / Knowledge LTW: Rock God OTH: Arts & Crafts T-O/O: Glasses- Mechanical/Red Hair
  • 9. Obsidian wasn’t too keen on the idea. His teen girlfriend, Demi Howe, had also enrolled at Sim State and was in the dorm down the road. She had arrived along with their friends Jack Wolesko and Meredith Chan.
  • 10. They also took some time to show off their dance skills. Of which they have none.
  • 11. To be fair, they grew up without a stereo at home, so the dorm really was their first opportunity to rock out.
  • 12. It wasn’t long before Obsidian invited Demi over so they could get reacquainted.
  • 13. It didn’t take much for the hearts to fly again.
  • 14. Though there were others in the dorm who found Obsidian attractive, including Melissa Jayapalan here,
  • 15. and Jordan Cormier here, who both have two bolts with him, just like Demi. I would love it if he fell for Jordan because she has a different face template and green eyes, but I’m not so fond of the black hair so early in the family line, so we’ll stay hands off and see who he chooses.
  • 16. Ebony had also found someone. She decided to give Audrey Shibata a makeover in the hopes of increasing their one bolt of attraction.
  • 17. While the addition of glasses made both of them happy, it didn’t do Jack Diddley for their boltage. But, Ebony hasn’t shown interest in anyone else, female or male, so again, with a hands off policy we’ll leave her to decide what to do about it.
  • 18. With that, the end of first semester rolled around. Both twins finished with an A+ and $1200 to add to their Greek House funds.
  • 19. Obsidian started the new semester with a visit to Demi, where they couldn’t leave each other alone. *eyeroll*
  • 20. Eventually, surfing the web got boring for Demi and she tried to get Obsidians attention.
  • 21. Turns out his blog and chat session were more interesting at the moment and she was dutifully ignored as he tapped away at the keys. Not unlike my husband and son feel on a regular basis, I’m sure.
  • 22. Taking matters into her own hands, she started to chat up one of her dorm mates, which Obsidian finally took notice of and did not appreciate. I’m not sure if Demi ever thanked the poor schlep for being relationship restoration fodder. She accomplished her mission though.
  • 23. Still suffering from one bolt attraction, Ebony cornered Audrey and put the moves on her. Notice how sharp and clear and red the swirly hearts are? The sharp, clear, red ones indicate…
  • 24. …REJECTION! In which case they turn purple and bruised looking. Even the video game was all ONTD! that Ebony was shot down. It was heart breaking for her, and she cried later, but I didn’t bother with pictures, because , well, Rule #5 and all.
  • 25. In the meantime, Obsidian was exploring other options for relationships. Not that it was encouraged, but it wasn’t discouraged either. After all, he’s only a Freshman. He needs to be sure of what he wants.
  • 26. Things are not looking too good for total dedication to Demi at this point. The only thing she has in her favor though is that his explorations seem to be held in secret at the back side of the dorm.
  • 27. Before we knew it, the semester was over again. Freshman year finished, it was time to look for a good plot for the Greek House.
  • 28. He and Ebony packed up the few items they had accumulated, said their goodbyes and moved on.
  • 29. To an empty plot near the park and down the street from the other Fraternities and Sororities. Ebony seems to think it’s a good thing Obsidian has so many friends so their Greek House will be “teh awesome!”
  • 30. And as she finished her congratulations, Kaleidoscope House was built. Well, what they could afford was built anyway. It will eventually have windows but they have to finish the semester and get their grants first.
  • 31. The biggest, most important addition to the Greek House were two double beds. Demented purple hearts were flying everywhere.
  • 32. I was a little pleased to see that despite Obsidian’s minor dalliances, he chose Demi to christen his bed.
  • 33. The next order of business was a toga party, where no one showed up in a toga, under aged friends were invited, and Obsidian decided to forgo the lines to the bathroom and take a sponge bath at the open floor plan kitchen sink. It was a good party anyway.
  • 34. By the end of the semester they were able to afford wall coverings. As you can see, dancing skills improved. But the real reason for this shot is to show you some of the simple layout of the house. Obsidian is dancing in the great room, basically in the kitchen. The doors lead to bedrooms.
  • 35. Obsidian’s is closest to the kitchen.
  • 36. Ebony’s is toward the front of the house.
  • 37. The other side of the room leads to bathrooms. Next semester grant, one will hold toilets and the other showers. Right now there’s only one of each in one of the rooms. We’re hoping to prevent bathroom mothing during toga parties. All the interior doors are glass because they were the cheapest black ones in my catalogue. Pretend they are not see through like the good sims do.
  • 38. We’ve also added a letter to our Greek House representing the charter. Actually, Ebony went out an got it somewhere. I don’t ask, she doesn’t tell.
  • 39. Demi has remained Obsidian’s one even though he has flirted with a few others and kissed a few more. I think they’ll last, so next time they roll engagement wants, I’ll likely fulfill them. They’re both Juniors already, so it’s time.
  • 40. Oh crap! They’re Juniors. Better get those portraits painted for the house. Also need to check our pledges and see who we can move in Senior year.
  • 41. With eight creativity points, it wasn’t long before both portraits were completed and hung.
  • 42. University isn’t my favorite EP and I dislike playing it. It’s too long. In fact, I use the College Adjuster to speed it up a bit. One of the things that really drives me crazy is the “Visit Campus” action . It’s nice that they can get food for themselves, but it usually ends up with uneaten pizza everywhere. Then it turns green.
  • 43. The second thing that drives me crazy are the cows. Luckily, there is a hack for that and I use it liberally.
  • 44. The semesters progressed. Obsidian and Ebony studied, invited people to pledge, held parties, influenced pledges to clean up and write their term papers, and kept their fun and social levels in check with a game of red hands. I should explain my speed method. Students have to gain any skill points needed, attend class once, and write their term paper, then I set hours to final exam to 2.
  • 45. Final decisions on the placeholder were narrowed down to Julie Carr, the cheerleader, and Melissa Jayapalan, Obsidian’s College-Ho- on-the-side. He has two bolts with both of them and is also at crush status with both. Moving one in will be a last minute thing out of necessity.
  • 46. Some final studying took place, and a last term paper was written.
  • 47. A cow was convinced to leave the premises and forever stay away.
  • 48. A final toga party was held where no one came in togas again and Obsidian and his love, Demi escaped outdoors for some one on one time.
  • 49. They’re so cute together, and I find it quite appropriate that both of them have an outfit in their inventory representative of the coming generation. It must be fate.
  • 50. When fate calls, I try to answer, so Obsidian dropped on his knee and popped the age old question.
  • 51. Demi said yes, of course. They are so freakin’ cute together!
  • 52. The next day, Obsidian finished his final final exam.
  • 53. That night Demi did the same.
  • 54. Ebony had graduated too, but…Rule #5. Julie was invited to move in and accepted quite readily. I think she and her two bolts had high hopes of some friends with benefits action.
  • 55. College complete, placeholder holding, Obsidian moved back to the family homestead. In an ugly outfit with absolutely no black.
  • 56. Wardrobe malfunctions fixed, we took a great risk and had Obsidian repair the family computer. He had the most mechanical points and it was a pretty safe bet that if Roy or Uma tried they would have fried.
  • 57. Crisis averted, the computer was up and ready for his first job search. He wants to become Minister of Education but it wasn’t listed.
  • 58. His next task was to invite Demi over, who showed up in her transition towel. O.o
  • 60. Uma was still too upset over the burglar to notice when she was introduced. Shortly thereafter, Obsidian invited her to move in and wedding plans were made for the next day. We don’t waste time here in Spectrum. Demi’s stats: 5/5/3/8/4 Taurus Fortune / (not chosen) LTW: City Planner OTH: Games TO/O: Black hair – Hard Worker / Grey hair
  • 61. The guests were invited. You’ll notice both Julie and Melissa are there. Recipe for disaster #3: 1. Set ACR to spouse only and assume all will be well. 2. Invite former College Ho’s to wedding hoping to wreck crushes with them. (recipe to be continued…) On to the wedding.
  • 62. Obsidian and Demi made their way to the arch and prepared to exchange their vows.
  • 64. Though Julie did find time to clap for the happy couple, while Melissa chatted up the father of the groom. Notice she is wearing black. This should have been sufficient warning that all would not be well in the future.
  • 65. These guys are still freakin’ adorable though, especially if you ignore the glitchy arm trying to remove Obsidian’s liver.
  • 66. The wedding party was a great success, as you can see here after the wedded woohoo bliss. Did Bon Voyage take away the limo honeymoon? The limo never came for them even though it was a roof raiser.
  • 67. Melissa was not pleased.
  • 68. She came back to kick over the trash can. Luckily, Roy was still awake, cleaning up from the wedding and roaches were avoided.
  • 69. Julie was not pleased either. I guess clapping for the happy couple was just an act on her part.
  • 70. She came by the next morning and stole the paper.
  • 71. Between the two of them, it got bad enough that I moved the trash can behind a locked gate so the family would stop getting roaches. Roy and Uma approved.
  • 72. Speaking of Roy and Uma, they’re still awesome. They’re all autonomous with each other and it’s so cute. I played with the lighting in the garden while they were out there dancing and really love how this picture came out.
  • 73. Wedded woohoo paid off and Generation Three let it be known that it was on the way. Demi looks surprised that she is pregnant, but I think she’s more surprised that it happened so quickly because she was hoping for some quick job promotions first. Fortune sim.
  • 74. Obsidian took it all in stride and showed his messy side by lipping it from the milk carton even though he has eight cooking points and could make himself whatever he wanted to eat. Of course, he didn’t know the Recipe for Disaster #3…
  • 75. 3. Happily monitor other members of the household and fail to notice College Ho let her self in. 4. Hear the evil “fall out of love” BOING! and quickly pause game to find out what the heck just happened. 5. Notice heir being yelled at by spouse while College Ho turns back on entire situation.
  • 76. 6. Check College Ho and notice her expression says, “if I can’t have him, NO ONE WILL!” 7. Observe helplessly as spouse slaps heir silly and relationship scores tank. Yes, there are flames of hatred in Demi’s panel for both Obsidian and Melissa.
  • 77. 8. Sit back in stunned amazement as beloved heir autonomously apologizes to College Ho with his big gaping maw smiling.
  • 78. 9. Continue speechless amazement as he leaps into her arms for comfort. 10. Gigglesnort as it looks like he nearly knocks her over in his exuberance.
  • 79. 11. Gigglesnort some more as College Ho refuses a higher level flirt from stupid, misguided heir.
  • 80. Uma was so distracted by what was occurring inside the house that she didn’t even show us the doo hickey when she topped her career. Not really, I was so stunned that I missed capturing it.
  • 81. Eventually, Obsidian realized the ramifications of what he had done. The family left him alone to contemplate. Also, Demi wouldn’t allow him in their bed and since she was pregnant and had done nothing wrong, she got preference. I still have no idea what actually started the whole episode. I assume it was some kind of ACR flirt, perhaps a kiss. Memory panels showed me nothing more than “cheated on Demi with Melissa”.
  • 82. In the midst of the awkward silences that permeated the house when everyone was together, Ebony stopped by. She spent a lot of time involved in the programs on television, all the while with a somewhat sad look in her eye.
  • 83. With generation three on the way, due to be born that night, it was time for some remodeling. Per Rule #2 a room had to be added in their color. I added an entire floor. There is a new nursery in the upper left corner, a great room currently holding exercise equipment and career rewards, and Obsidian and Demi’s master bedroom with en suite bath. There’s also a double staircase leading to the ground floor. The downstairs also needed a bit of rearranging. Obsidian and Demi’s old room became the music room and the living room was moved around to accommodate the stairs.
  • 84. I also changed the outside of the house because red brick is much nicer than black siding. The back has a small porch as well where the chess table was moved. The small garden is in the back corner of the yard.
  • 85. Roy really enjoyed the jukebox as he got his smustle on.
  • 86. Not for long though, because Demi started hollering with the pains of childbirth. Everyone came running.
  • 87. The men were there first and in true fashion were of no help whatsoever.
  • 88. Demi twirled on her own and all was right in their world.
  • 89. Everyone was ecstatic about the newest Geebiv, regardless of the recent problems that plagued her parents.
  • 90. Meet Scarlett Geebiv, Generation Three heir. Her color is red, so her red hair is fitting. I’m still confused about the eyes. Her mother’s are light blue and her fathers are either the same or gray. They’re too close for me to call. Because I fail. I’m pretty sure that Scarlett has her grandfather’s gray eyes though.
  • 91. This picture is here purely to show that the Geebivs are keeping up appearances for the outside world. That loving family portrait with Demi, Obsidian and Scarlett? It’s a lie.
  • 92. But, life goes on. Obsidian is a good father, autonomously interacting with Scarlett and taking pretty good care of her. Scarlett sends him telepathic messages and lets him know that he better make things all right by the time she grows up and is even more aware of what is going on between her parents.
  • 93. Meanwhile, the two College Ho/Troublemakers keep letting themselves in. Things have calmed down a bit and there hasn’t been anymore slapping drama.
  • 94. Though Melissa was ballsy enough to use the bathroom attached to Demi and Obsidian’s bedroom rather than one of the two that are downstairs and more easily accessible.
  • 95. She’s also wormed her way deeper into the household by staking a place on Roy’s friends list. Poor man, he doesn’t realize what she’s done to his son and daughter-in-law. He’s still looking for 20 besties.
  • 96. Uma loves Demi though. They’re great friends. She even goes so far to congratulate Demi on marrying her son.
  • 97. Demi informs her of what a jerk her son has been recently. Uma is shocked. Shocked, I say!
  • 98. Demi further explains that they are no longer best friends.
  • 99. And it’s all because of that College Ho, Melissa, who she’s been aware of since college.
  • 100. While Uma is further shocked, Demi hopes that it all won’t end in divorce.
  • 101. Obsidian is making attempts to repair the relationship, but Demi is not quite ready to go there just yet.
  • 102. Obsidian is worried. He should have thought about his FAMILY before, then he wouldn’t be in this predicament.
  • 103. He likes to sing the blues when it gets to be too much. Roy accompanies him when he’s able to.
  • 104. He takes any opportunities he can to talk about the rough road they’re on and is slowly making progress.
  • 105. He even rolled the want to study couples counseling, thinking it would help them out.
  • 106. It raised their scores high enough to answer their ACR timers when they went off. Obsidian fell back in love. Demi still needs time. There are no more flames, but her scores with him are only slightly above zero.
  • 107. Relationship on the mend, it was time for Scarlett to transition to a toddler. A small party was held, with Julie and Melissa notably absent.
  • 108. And the cake glitched when Obsidian decided he just had to have a piece.
  • 109. All was well though with the quick purchase of another cake and a twirl and sparkle in the air. Scarlett is a Libra, like her Daddy and Auntie with a 2/9/2/10/9 point spread. With that, I believe we’ll leave the Geebiv’s alone for a bit. We’ll be back with Part 2.2 in a bit where Scarlett will get her makeover and we’ll find out if Obsidian and Demi have been able to reconcile their marriage.