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Importance Of The 19th Amendment
First The amendment that I chose was the 19th amendment.This amendment was necessary becuase it gave a chance to people who wanted to give
their opinion.This law gave them the chance to do what they wanted not what other people wanted.This gave them a chance to vote for whoever they
wanted.Also people wanted the right but this amendment changed all that.It let the people have the right that they rightfully deserved.The amendment
was the the medal that they have one.This amendment was this is the beginning of giving the people what they want. Secondly This amendment
affected the people who didnt have the money or right to vote.Also the women were greatful so they didnt have to protest anymore.For the people that
didnt money had a relief becuase
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Persuasive Essay On The 19th Amendment
The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. Back in the 1800's, men were the only ones eligible to vote. Not only were they the only ones,
but they also didn't see it as unfair that women were not able to vote. Women were also not allowed to own property, or legally claim money they
earned. They were suppose to do the household duties, and take care of the children. Since the 19th amendment was ratified, women have been able
to voice their opinions, stand up for what they believe in, and feel empowered. In 1866 The Statue of Liberty was gifted from France, as a peace
offering. This statue not only symbolized peace between the U.S and France, but it also symbolized freedom. During the unveiling of it, women were
not allowed to be there. With the statue being a woman, people would think that females had just as much of a right to see it as men. This was just
another example of the unfair treatment women received. In 1848 Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton held the first women's suffrage
convention. It took place at Seneca Falls, New York, where hundreds of women and some men participated in the movement. These two ladies, met at
the 1840 World Anti–Slavery Convention in London. ( They worked with Mary Ann McClintock, Martha Wright, and Jane Hunt, to hold
this convention. It was said that the first day was meant for women only, and the second day anyone could attend. The women read pieces from the
Declaration of Independence, specifically paying close
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19th Amendment Thesis
Despite the fact that all races were permitted to vote, women did not completely have that benefit until the nineteenth amendment was set up in 1920.
The current development for women to vote traces back to the start of the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, when supporters of a Constitutional
Amendment, wanted to permit women to vote, gathered. While their development was moderated amid the Civil War years, the two noteworthy
suffragist associations united after the war and pushed forward with the development that was completed, after numerous troublesome years in the
nineteenth amendment. The nineteenth amendment expresses that the privileges of citizens of the United States should not be denied or compressed
to vote due to gender differences.
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19th Amendment Adopted Bibliography
n.d. "19th Amendment Adopted." Accessed July 14, 2015.
Bland, Scott. 2010. "19th Amendment: How far have women in politics come since 1920? ." Aug 18. Accessed Jul 14, 2015.
2014. "The Power of the 19th Amendment, Then and Now." Huffingtonpost. Aug. 26. Accessed July 14, 2015.
n.d. "Women in WW1." Accessed July 14, 2015.
Cassidy Pons
Mr. Hansen
American Civilization
The 19th Amendment and the impact it had on women
Prior to August 18th, 1920 for nearly 70 years the rights of women were dismissed in favor to the rights of men. Woman could not own property, have a
say in earned income or have the right to vote. The momentous adoption of the 19th amendment initially gave more content...
The members of the National Woman's Party decided that the movements were going at too slow of a pace, and decided a more progressive approach
by making public protests, picketing in front of the White house, and marching, rather than holding conventions. (19th Amendment Adopted n.d.)
Women in the workplace excessively increased in 1917 during World War I nearly 700,000 women took up ranks in the industrial factories, these
women build ships, and munitions. Women, prior to the war were barred from working in these types of jobs, It was a misogynistic world, however
their aid and efforts during the war helped destroy this misogynistic view. By 1918 women had acquired equal suffrage liberties in nearly one–third of
the states, and received the support of both the Democratic and Republican parties. (Women in WW1 n.d.)
June 4th 1919 the Woman's Suffrage Amendment was accepted by the senate and was sent to the state governments for approval. Tennessee became the
deciding factor by becoming the 36th state to approve the Amendment. Because of this there was a two–thirds majority which made the Woman's
Suffrage Amendment the new law of the land commonly known as the 19th Amendment. (19th Amendment Adopted
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The Pros And Cons Of The Nineteenth Amendment
Not everyone in the United States agreed with the Nineteenth Amendment being passed. Two months after the Federal Government declared that the
Amendment had been incorporated to the Constitution in August of 1920, Oscar Lesser "sued to stop two women [Cecilia Street Waters and Mary D.
Randolph] to vote in Baltimore, Maryland. Lesser "believed the Maryland Constitution limited the suffrage to men". He said that Maryland had refused
to vote regarding the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, and should not be subject to its application.. In 1922, Leser v. Garnett, was argued
before the United States Supreme Court. The plaintiffs of the case argued that the Nineteenth Amendment was not passed constitutionally. They
claimed there were "three principal grounds" to their argument, which were: that the power to amend the Constitution did not cover this amendment
"because of its character"; that several states that had ratified the amendment despite the fact that their state constitutions prohibited women from
voting; and that, in particular, the ratifications of the states of Tennessee and West Virginia were were invalid because they were adopted without
following the rules of legislative procedure in place in those states". In a unanimous decision, the court ruled that the amendment was passed
constitutionally. In their decision, the court responded to each of the three arguments. Lesser's first argument claimed that if Amendment's are added
without the State's consent, it
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Why Is The 19th Amendment Important
The 19th Amendment; From the Seneca Falls Convention to Its Ratification Equal rights have long been sought out by the people of America and they
continue to be chased after today. Several of our freedoms were originally seen by the Constitutional to be inalienable, so ingrained in what the
founding fathers saw as American values that the Bill of Rights has set them in stone. Unfortunately for some, universal suffrage was not one of those
rights. While voting was largely limited at the founding of America, citizens, namely white males, slowly gained the right to vote without
discrimination towards age or social status. However, women remained barred from the ballot, regardless of race. Though the suffrage movement
started as a woman's social movement, it evolved into a driving force that would hold the power to put in place a nineteenth constitutional amendment.
Before the suffrage movement could gain prominence, the women's rights movement had to formulate the idea that they should be able to vote. In 1848 more content...
(2) In 1917 Wilson began supporting the Suffrage Movement, and the process for the bill to become a ratified amendment was set in motion. (2) In
order to be ratified, an amendment has to go through one of two processes in the legislature. The amendment can be voted in either by a two–thirds
majority vote in the House of Representatives and the Senate or via a constitutional convention, which first must be called upon by the Senate
legislatures in a two–thirds vote as well. (1) However, none of the present 27 amendments have been ratified via a constitutional convention. (1) Once
the amendment has been proposed by congress it is sent to the states to be ratified in a three–fourths vote, or 38 out of 50, and then it can officially
become part of the constitution.
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Woodrow Wilson 19th Amendment
"The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it"(Woodrow Wilson). With this in mind Woodrow Wilson ordered the U.S. to
join WW1. He created the 19th amendment, took responsible risks to end WW1 and illuminated the world by creating the League of Nations.
Woodrow Wilson created many things. He created the 19th amendment which allows women to vote(Woodrow Wilson biography, 2015). The 19th
amendment was a huge change and ended up being a great one. Also, after World War 1 created a peace treaty. The treaty includes aLeague of Nations
which the U.S, eventually did not join. The peace treaty was definitely the greatest document written by him. Wilson created many things that helped
America become what it is today. In
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The 19th Amendment: The Women's Suffrage Movement
Taking over a decade to pass, the 19th Amendment is one that starts the movement towards equal rights between men and women. Ratified on August
1920, the 19th amendment guaranteed voting rights to all American women, thus ending the suffrage movement.
Between the time of 1890 and 1920, the Women's Era was booming. More states started to have greater economic and political opportunities,gained
more educational opportunities, and had the right to own property, control wages, make contracts, and wills. Women in America were always vital
contributors in the economy as producers and consumers and always worked whether in a factory or in the home as a mother. One of the greatest
contributions came through with their membership and leadership in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, founded in 1874, with over 150,000
making it the largest female organization in the United States. They soon embraced a broad reform agenda by pushing for the right of Women's vote in
their more content...
Once the idea of Women's voting rights were produced, two ladies (Susie B. Anthony and and Elizabeth Cady Stanton) wrote the 19th amendment, but
it took 41 years for it to pass fully through congress and get accepted into the Constitution. In fact, it took so long that neither of them got to actually
see the amendment pass. It was passed in congress in June of 1919 and ratified August of 1920. Men were the main cause as to why this amendment
didn't pass through right away, they felt it wasn't a woman's "job" to uphold "their" country. However, women did not back down, they rallied and
formed alliances until finally it was passed and ratified. With this strong devodance to their American rights, they captured the ideal image of the
Woman's Suffrage Era, showing the amount of strength and persuasion it took to get their equal
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The 19th Amendment
The 19th amendment was the true beginning of the women's fight for their rights, because the right to vote provides a powerful voice. In the twenties,
women were discriminated – sadly, they still are – so society didn't let them vote. However, women didn't accept it, and they began to fight for their
right to vote. Senator Aaron A. Sargent introduced the Nineteenth Amendment to the Congress, which prohibited denying the right of vote to U.S.
citizens based on their sex. In 1919, the Congress passed the amendment, and in 1920 it was ratified. Today, women not only can vote, but they also
have participation on the government, for example Madeleine Albright. She was the first woman that became the Secretary of States on the United
States. Even
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19th Amendment Research Paper
1.05 PSA
This is Erika Mandile and I am here to break down the two amendments that are key to Success in Citizen Rights!
Slide two: 19th Amendment: Voting for all! A big question that may be left unanswered to some, is whether or not this amendment protects citizens'
rights. YES. This amendment gives equal right to any citizen of any gender to have the right to vote.
Though this equality was determined in the 14th amendment, many states still restricted women's suffrage.
Now let's see... Who supported it?
Of course, women were the main supporters of the 19th amendment! This is because women wanted equality because they were citizens just like any
other male who was eligible more content...
It states that "The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for president or vice president, for electors for
President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative of Congress shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of
failure to pay poll tax or other tax"
This means... NO MORE POLL TAXES!
Slide six: 24th Amendment: No Poll Tax!
Now that we know more about this amendment, let's begin to break it down. Let's see who supported it!
African Americans specifically supported this amendment because even though they were freed, most southern states kept poll tax to prevent them
from voting.
The House passed the amendment with a vote of 295 to 86
Was there anyone against the 24th Amendment?
Five southern states, including Virginia, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama and Texas still maintained Poll taxes that affected African Americans at the
time when the Amendment was passed by the House.
Slide seven: 24th Amendment: No Poll tax!
Now that we've broken down the 24th Amendment, lets look at the dates. Lets start from the beginning; When was it first
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Essay On The 19th Amendment
The nineteenth amendment to the United States Constitution states, "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged
by the United States or by any State on account of sex." This amendment was ratified on August eighteenth of 1920 by the Secretary of State,
Bainbridge Colby. The amendment did not get ratified till 1920, but the fight for women's suffrage started long before, in the mid nineteenth century
(General Records of the United States Government, 2002). Today many women assume that their right to vote as if it has always; however, this luxury
has not long existed. The amendment is not even a hundred year old yet. The nineteenth amendment has great history behind it, strong women who led
it, and effects on the way we live our lives today. The history of this amendment starts with the protesting in the mid nineteenth century. They used
marches, lectures, and petitions to get their cause for women's right to vote out to the public. Many of the protesting groups even used other major
groups to rally with in support of their cause in hopes that more content...
This is how the women's voting act is changed and is still changing the world for women today. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has" (Eisenburg & Ruthsdotter, 2013). A group of brave women and
men changed the way not only how we vote, but also set in motion for the way that we live in the world today. They saw a change that needed to
be made and made I happen. Since 1920 the world views women as people equal to men, worth having a voice, and worth listening to. It might have
taken from the mid 1800's to 1920, nearly a hundred years, but they achieved it the "impossible" goal. They changed history. If it was not for them
and the urge to fight for their voice, then where would women be today? What would the world look like
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Essay On The 19th Amendment
It All Started With The 19th Amendment Have you ever wondered how women became who they are today? Or maybe you're wondering how did
they do it? Well i'll tell you how it all started with the 19th Amendment to the roles they played during the 1920's then from there it lead to the
fashion of what we call Flappers and then after the of the flappers stage it then lead to the new culture of the 1920's. The 19th amendment was the
new start for women in the 1920's. Women would not be who they are today if it wasn't for this amendment. The 19th amendment allows women
the right to vote. It was passed by the congress in 1919 and was ratified by the state legislatures in 1920. Because of this amendment women are
able to vote and also be able to go to college. In fact 26 million women half the population suddenly became eligible to participate in the U.S political
office. More women went on to get higher degrees in education in the 1920's than ever before the number of women enrolled in colleges and
universities nearly doubled between 1920–1930. The 19th amendment was big part as to how we as women came to more content...
Women were taught to tend to their husbands and children. They also had to make sure food was on the table when their husbands came home and that
the house was put together everyday before the husband and children got home from work and school. During the 1920's cleaning the house wasn't all
that bad for the women because the new electrices that were coming out such as the vacuum cleaner, irons,and also washer machines. Which made their
jobs less time consuming and fun all at the same time.Women during the 1920's didn't get a say in what they can and cannot do, it was almost like
their husbands had total control over
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Importance Of The 19th Amendment
If I had to choose an amendment that I believe is the most important, it would the 19th amendment which states that "...the right of citizens of the
United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex" (National Archives and Records
Administration, 2016). The reason I chose this amendment is because it gives women the right to vote, and I like the fact that it essentially put man
and woman on the same footing in terms of voting for the one who will represent the country as President. Meanwhile, the amendment that I would like
to see repealed is the 26th amendment, which talks about the legal voting age, because I do not someone who is 18 is mature enough to vote any
issues pertaining
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19th Amendment Research Paper
"It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we
formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our prosperity, but to the whole people–
women as well as men."(BrainyQuote), a quote said by activist Susan B. Anthony. August 18, 1920, the 19th Amendment was added to the U.S
Constitution which granted American women the right to vote (History). If "it was we the people" (BrainyQuote) who formed the Union, then what
happened before August 18, 1920? Before the civil war woman had already been fighting for their rights. It wasn't untill 1923, the National Women's
Party proposed an more content...
Discussing the problem of women's rights, agreeing that male and females are to be equals (History).
This fight wasn't a physical war but it was a war for equalising the rights of both male and female. Women like Susan B. Anthony andElizabeth Cady
Stanton were the colonel for these wars. Taking 41 years to officially pass the 19th Amendment, granting the rights to vote. Here's the catch though, the
war wasn't over.
On January 21, 2017, more than 2 million people protested in the Women's March when president Donald J. Trump was elected (Przybyla and
Schouten). Many marching for the same equals that they had been fighting for more than 100 years ago.
In the 21st century, a female will earn less than a male. "Will I have to explain to my daughter that her brother is gonna make more money doing the
exact same job because he's a man? If they both played sports since they were three years old, they both worked just as hard, but because he's a boy,
they're gonna give him more money?" Serena Williams said in Glamour's July issue (May). Gender roles play a big part in the 21st century, either with
the pay gap or how someone is
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The 19th Amendment : Women's Rights
The 19th Amendment is about women's rights. Women gained the right to vote when this amendment was ratified. This amendment was passed
to show that women were slowly gaining the same rights as men. My article is titled "3 female jail guards sue Dart." It is about how these guards
would be sexually harassed by the prisoners, but the male supervisors chose to ignore the problem. The male supervisors when confronted with the
problem by the guards would often say that it is part of the job and they signed up for it. Supervisors would also say if you do not like it then leave
and the prisoners are locked up so what do you expect? The chief policy officer said that if these comments are true then it is exceptionally
unfortunate. Smith stated that this problem is not new to the prison in the United States. But, she also said that in other prisons female guards do not
face this problem with the prisoners. This relates to the Constitution because even though it is not about voters rights for women it is about the
treatment of women in this country. For example, if you have a man working in a female prison this would never happen because of the culture we
have surrounded ourselves in this country. Another example that this is a culture thing is because look at all of the directors who would sexually
assault women because they are in a position of power. I think this is similar to how racism is a part of this country. It will not be solved because there
will always be people who
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The 19th Amendment
Just one hundred years ago, women in the United States were not allowed to vote. The 19th amendment was not ratified until June 4, 1919. The 19th
amendment granted women the right to vote. Women activists had been fighting decades to have such a right. There were many factors that made the
19th amendment possible such as women's rights organizations, advocates, conventions, and marches. The women's right movement paved the way to
accomplishing the ratification of a female's right to vote.
There were many American citizens who helped accomplish the goal of granting the women the right to vote. Some of the leaders of the movement
include Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott and Lucy Stone. Unfortunately. Stanton, Anthony, more content...
It wasn't officially enacted until the !920, when Tennessee became the 36 state that gave women the right to vote. It had been a long journey, about
seven decades. It was a rocky journey that required much hard work. Women in the U.S. should have gratitude to such women as Susan B. Anthony,
Elizabeth Clay Stanton, Lucretia Mott and countless many others who fought for women having the right to vote. Some of the struggles included
public ridicule, discrimination and even getting arrested. Do to the bravery of such women, females in the U.S. now have the right to vote in the U.S.A.
"Elizabeth Cady Stanton." Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2015. Web. 12 July 2015.
"Women Who Fought for the Vote." History. A+E Networks, 2009. Web. July 6 2015.
"Lucretia Mott." Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2015. Web. 13 July 2015.
"This Day in History." History. A+E Networks, 2010. Web. 12 July 2015.
"National Women Suffrage Association." The Social Welfare History. State Boards of Charity. Web. 12 July 2015..
Taylor, Alan. "100 Years Ago, The 1913Women's Suffrage Parade." The Atlantic. In focus, 1 March 2013. Web. 10 July 2015.
"History of Voting Rights: Timeline." Preceden. 2007. Web. 12 July
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Essay On The 19th Amendment
The 19th Amendment
For more than a century, women from all over have deliberately confronted and engaged in numerous protests to destroy all restrictions, control and
violations in regards to many prejudices made against their gender. Yet, it was not until the mid 1800's that powerful women such asSusan B. Anthony,
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucretia Mott passionately fought and publically spoke for the rights that women deserved as American citizens.
Essentially, the movement for women's full entitlement reached out to an enormous audience with the Seneca Falls convention in New York and
inspired the creation of a written stand on political requests by Stanton and other activists, named and remembered as The Declaration of Sentiments. At more content...
Both state laws and vigilante practices effectively disenfranchised most black women in the South. The notion of being educated was an important
prerequisite for being allowed to vote and since most black women portrayed no ability to do so, they were roughly targeted by white suffragists and
people who feared of their say in political matters. Essentially, black people had to wait in line up to twelve hours to register to vote, pay taxes and
pass new tests which required them to read and interpret the Constitution before being eligible to vote. Nevertheless, the historic relationship between
the women's issues and the question of color in society was strengthened through the years leading up to the creation of the Voting Rights Act signed
into law by President Lyndon Johnson on August 6, 1965.
Despite the years it took for all women to be treated somewhat equally, foundations and laws such as the Affordable Care Act, FDA, Comstock Law
of 1873, and Title X made it possible for women to afford and easily obtain family insurance, access to preventive health services, and higher
education which generated more delayed marriages, less mortality rates and an increase in the proportion of women in skilled carriers from 1978–1990
by more than
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When the constitution was written, the idea of universal suffrage was too radical for our founding fathers to address. They decided to leave the states
with the authority to decide the requirements for voting. (Janda) By allowing the states to decide who voted, the authors had not intended for each
state's discriminations to prevent the country from maintaining true democracy. However, by not setting up a nationwide regulation, the authors
launched the country into a century and a half long fight for freedom and equality for all.
White males over the age of 21 were the first to be able to participate in American democracy. Besides some taxpaying or property owning laws, the
majority of all working class white males were eligible to more content...
Neither was very happy with that arrangement which led to the creation of Stanton's, "Declaration of Principles." This document called for a change in
women's current social status in America. The Woman's Rights Convention in Syracuse in 1852 introduced one of the most prominent speakers in
women's suffrage, Susan B. Anthony. She and Stanton became two of the biggest influences that helped women gain equality.
Women activists involved in the movement were called suffragists. The typical woman activist was middle class, and usually unmarried. These were
the women who were not afraid to step outside their traditional role in American history. They were becoming frustrated with their status, economically,
because they had just watched black slaves gain more rights than they held.
Not all states denied women from voting; Wyoming and Colorado gave women the right to vote in 1869 and 1893, respectively. The western states
awarded women this right more quickly than other states because the women who pioneered out west were rebelling from the traditional role of
women in society. (Janda) The western states were just being created and the founders were, usually, more modern thinkers.
Ironically, many women were deeply opposed to women gaining the right to vote. They were comfortable with their positions as socialites, completely
dependent on men. "Women were considered sub–sets of their husbands, and after marriage they did not have the right to own property, maintain their
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Article Review: The 19th Amendment
In the article "19th Amendment" I liked that they let women have equal rights as men at one point. I didn't like how people didn't treat men, women,
and black people the same, they just treated men like they were better than anyone else in the world. I also don't like that women couldn't vote! I liked
that at least one state respected woman, which was Wyoming.
According to the text, women were fighting for 70 years. I found that on paragraph 1 page 1. Based on what I read, married women couldn't own
property. I found this on paragraph 2 page 1. I learned that the movement for women's rights was applied in 1848. I found this on paragraph 1 page 2.
I will apply what I learned by, first, being equal to all people, no matter who they are.
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Importance Of The 19Th Amendment

  • 1. Importance Of The 19th Amendment First The amendment that I chose was the 19th amendment.This amendment was necessary becuase it gave a chance to people who wanted to give their opinion.This law gave them the chance to do what they wanted not what other people wanted.This gave them a chance to vote for whoever they wanted.Also people wanted the right but this amendment changed all that.It let the people have the right that they rightfully deserved.The amendment was the the medal that they have one.This amendment was this is the beginning of giving the people what they want. Secondly This amendment affected the people who didnt have the money or right to vote.Also the women were greatful so they didnt have to protest anymore.For the people that didnt money had a relief becuase Get more content on
  • 2. Persuasive Essay On The 19th Amendment The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. Back in the 1800's, men were the only ones eligible to vote. Not only were they the only ones, but they also didn't see it as unfair that women were not able to vote. Women were also not allowed to own property, or legally claim money they earned. They were suppose to do the household duties, and take care of the children. Since the 19th amendment was ratified, women have been able to voice their opinions, stand up for what they believe in, and feel empowered. In 1866 The Statue of Liberty was gifted from France, as a peace offering. This statue not only symbolized peace between the U.S and France, but it also symbolized freedom. During the unveiling of it, women were not allowed to be there. With the statue being a woman, people would think that females had just as much of a right to see it as men. This was just another example of the unfair treatment women received. In 1848 Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton held the first women's suffrage convention. It took place at Seneca Falls, New York, where hundreds of women and some men participated in the movement. These two ladies, met at the 1840 World Anti–Slavery Convention in London. ( They worked with Mary Ann McClintock, Martha Wright, and Jane Hunt, to hold this convention. It was said that the first day was meant for women only, and the second day anyone could attend. The women read pieces from the Declaration of Independence, specifically paying close Get more content on
  • 3. 19th Amendment Thesis Despite the fact that all races were permitted to vote, women did not completely have that benefit until the nineteenth amendment was set up in 1920. The current development for women to vote traces back to the start of the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, when supporters of a Constitutional Amendment, wanted to permit women to vote, gathered. While their development was moderated amid the Civil War years, the two noteworthy suffragist associations united after the war and pushed forward with the development that was completed, after numerous troublesome years in the nineteenth amendment. The nineteenth amendment expresses that the privileges of citizens of the United States should not be denied or compressed to vote due to gender differences. Get more content on
  • 4. 19th Amendment Adopted Bibliography Bibliography n.d. "19th Amendment Adopted." Accessed July 14, 2015. Bland, Scott. 2010. "19th Amendment: How far have women in politics come since 1920? ." Aug 18. Accessed Jul 14, 2015. 2014. "The Power of the 19th Amendment, Then and Now." Huffingtonpost. Aug. 26. Accessed July 14, 2015. n.d. "Women in WW1." Accessed July 14, 2015. Cassidy Pons Mr. Hansen American Civilization The 19th Amendment and the impact it had on women Prior to August 18th, 1920 for nearly 70 years the rights of women were dismissed in favor to the rights of men. Woman could not own property, have a say in earned income or have the right to vote. The momentous adoption of the 19th amendment initially gave more content... The members of the National Woman's Party decided that the movements were going at too slow of a pace, and decided a more progressive approach by making public protests, picketing in front of the White house, and marching, rather than holding conventions. (19th Amendment Adopted n.d.) Women in the workplace excessively increased in 1917 during World War I nearly 700,000 women took up ranks in the industrial factories, these women build ships, and munitions. Women, prior to the war were barred from working in these types of jobs, It was a misogynistic world, however their aid and efforts during the war helped destroy this misogynistic view. By 1918 women had acquired equal suffrage liberties in nearly one–third of the states, and received the support of both the Democratic and Republican parties. (Women in WW1 n.d.) June 4th 1919 the Woman's Suffrage Amendment was accepted by the senate and was sent to the state governments for approval. Tennessee became the deciding factor by becoming the 36th state to approve the Amendment. Because of this there was a two–thirds majority which made the Woman's Suffrage Amendment the new law of the land commonly known as the 19th Amendment. (19th Amendment Adopted
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  • 6. The Pros And Cons Of The Nineteenth Amendment Not everyone in the United States agreed with the Nineteenth Amendment being passed. Two months after the Federal Government declared that the Amendment had been incorporated to the Constitution in August of 1920, Oscar Lesser "sued to stop two women [Cecilia Street Waters and Mary D. Randolph] to vote in Baltimore, Maryland. Lesser "believed the Maryland Constitution limited the suffrage to men". He said that Maryland had refused to vote regarding the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, and should not be subject to its application.. In 1922, Leser v. Garnett, was argued before the United States Supreme Court. The plaintiffs of the case argued that the Nineteenth Amendment was not passed constitutionally. They claimed there were "three principal grounds" to their argument, which were: that the power to amend the Constitution did not cover this amendment "because of its character"; that several states that had ratified the amendment despite the fact that their state constitutions prohibited women from voting; and that, in particular, the ratifications of the states of Tennessee and West Virginia were were invalid because they were adopted without following the rules of legislative procedure in place in those states". In a unanimous decision, the court ruled that the amendment was passed constitutionally. In their decision, the court responded to each of the three arguments. Lesser's first argument claimed that if Amendment's are added without the State's consent, it Get more content on
  • 7. Why Is The 19th Amendment Important The 19th Amendment; From the Seneca Falls Convention to Its Ratification Equal rights have long been sought out by the people of America and they continue to be chased after today. Several of our freedoms were originally seen by the Constitutional to be inalienable, so ingrained in what the founding fathers saw as American values that the Bill of Rights has set them in stone. Unfortunately for some, universal suffrage was not one of those rights. While voting was largely limited at the founding of America, citizens, namely white males, slowly gained the right to vote without discrimination towards age or social status. However, women remained barred from the ballot, regardless of race. Though the suffrage movement started as a woman's social movement, it evolved into a driving force that would hold the power to put in place a nineteenth constitutional amendment. Before the suffrage movement could gain prominence, the women's rights movement had to formulate the idea that they should be able to vote. In 1848 more content... (2) In 1917 Wilson began supporting the Suffrage Movement, and the process for the bill to become a ratified amendment was set in motion. (2) In order to be ratified, an amendment has to go through one of two processes in the legislature. The amendment can be voted in either by a two–thirds majority vote in the House of Representatives and the Senate or via a constitutional convention, which first must be called upon by the Senate legislatures in a two–thirds vote as well. (1) However, none of the present 27 amendments have been ratified via a constitutional convention. (1) Once the amendment has been proposed by congress it is sent to the states to be ratified in a three–fourths vote, or 38 out of 50, and then it can officially become part of the constitution. Get more content on
  • 8. Woodrow Wilson 19th Amendment "The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it"(Woodrow Wilson). With this in mind Woodrow Wilson ordered the U.S. to join WW1. He created the 19th amendment, took responsible risks to end WW1 and illuminated the world by creating the League of Nations. Woodrow Wilson created many things. He created the 19th amendment which allows women to vote(Woodrow Wilson biography, 2015). The 19th amendment was a huge change and ended up being a great one. Also, after World War 1 created a peace treaty. The treaty includes aLeague of Nations which the U.S, eventually did not join. The peace treaty was definitely the greatest document written by him. Wilson created many things that helped America become what it is today. In Get more content on
  • 9. The 19th Amendment: The Women's Suffrage Movement Taking over a decade to pass, the 19th Amendment is one that starts the movement towards equal rights between men and women. Ratified on August 1920, the 19th amendment guaranteed voting rights to all American women, thus ending the suffrage movement. Between the time of 1890 and 1920, the Women's Era was booming. More states started to have greater economic and political opportunities,gained more educational opportunities, and had the right to own property, control wages, make contracts, and wills. Women in America were always vital contributors in the economy as producers and consumers and always worked whether in a factory or in the home as a mother. One of the greatest contributions came through with their membership and leadership in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, founded in 1874, with over 150,000 making it the largest female organization in the United States. They soon embraced a broad reform agenda by pushing for the right of Women's vote in their more content... Once the idea of Women's voting rights were produced, two ladies (Susie B. Anthony and and Elizabeth Cady Stanton) wrote the 19th amendment, but it took 41 years for it to pass fully through congress and get accepted into the Constitution. In fact, it took so long that neither of them got to actually see the amendment pass. It was passed in congress in June of 1919 and ratified August of 1920. Men were the main cause as to why this amendment didn't pass through right away, they felt it wasn't a woman's "job" to uphold "their" country. However, women did not back down, they rallied and formed alliances until finally it was passed and ratified. With this strong devodance to their American rights, they captured the ideal image of the Woman's Suffrage Era, showing the amount of strength and persuasion it took to get their equal Get more content on
  • 10. The 19th Amendment The 19th amendment was the true beginning of the women's fight for their rights, because the right to vote provides a powerful voice. In the twenties, women were discriminated – sadly, they still are – so society didn't let them vote. However, women didn't accept it, and they began to fight for their right to vote. Senator Aaron A. Sargent introduced the Nineteenth Amendment to the Congress, which prohibited denying the right of vote to U.S. citizens based on their sex. In 1919, the Congress passed the amendment, and in 1920 it was ratified. Today, women not only can vote, but they also have participation on the government, for example Madeleine Albright. She was the first woman that became the Secretary of States on the United States. Even Get more content on
  • 11. 19th Amendment Research Paper 1.05 PSA Slide one: PUBIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: CITIZEN RIGHTS FOR ALL This is Erika Mandile and I am here to break down the two amendments that are key to Success in Citizen Rights! Slide two: 19th Amendment: Voting for all! A big question that may be left unanswered to some, is whether or not this amendment protects citizens' rights. YES. This amendment gives equal right to any citizen of any gender to have the right to vote. Though this equality was determined in the 14th amendment, many states still restricted women's suffrage. Now let's see... Who supported it? Of course, women were the main supporters of the 19th amendment! This is because women wanted equality because they were citizens just like any other male who was eligible more content... It states that "The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for president or vice president, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative of Congress shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay poll tax or other tax" This means... NO MORE POLL TAXES! Slide six: 24th Amendment: No Poll Tax! Now that we know more about this amendment, let's begin to break it down. Let's see who supported it! African Americans specifically supported this amendment because even though they were freed, most southern states kept poll tax to prevent them from voting. The House passed the amendment with a vote of 295 to 86 Was there anyone against the 24th Amendment? Five southern states, including Virginia, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama and Texas still maintained Poll taxes that affected African Americans at the time when the Amendment was passed by the House. Slide seven: 24th Amendment: No Poll tax! Now that we've broken down the 24th Amendment, lets look at the dates. Lets start from the beginning; When was it first
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  • 13. Essay On The 19th Amendment The nineteenth amendment to the United States Constitution states, "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." This amendment was ratified on August eighteenth of 1920 by the Secretary of State, Bainbridge Colby. The amendment did not get ratified till 1920, but the fight for women's suffrage started long before, in the mid nineteenth century (General Records of the United States Government, 2002). Today many women assume that their right to vote as if it has always; however, this luxury has not long existed. The amendment is not even a hundred year old yet. The nineteenth amendment has great history behind it, strong women who led it, and effects on the way we live our lives today. The history of this amendment starts with the protesting in the mid nineteenth century. They used marches, lectures, and petitions to get their cause for women's right to vote out to the public. Many of the protesting groups even used other major groups to rally with in support of their cause in hopes that more content... This is how the women's voting act is changed and is still changing the world for women today. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has" (Eisenburg & Ruthsdotter, 2013). A group of brave women and men changed the way not only how we vote, but also set in motion for the way that we live in the world today. They saw a change that needed to be made and made I happen. Since 1920 the world views women as people equal to men, worth having a voice, and worth listening to. It might have taken from the mid 1800's to 1920, nearly a hundred years, but they achieved it the "impossible" goal. They changed history. If it was not for them and the urge to fight for their voice, then where would women be today? What would the world look like Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On The 19th Amendment It All Started With The 19th Amendment Have you ever wondered how women became who they are today? Or maybe you're wondering how did they do it? Well i'll tell you how it all started with the 19th Amendment to the roles they played during the 1920's then from there it lead to the fashion of what we call Flappers and then after the of the flappers stage it then lead to the new culture of the 1920's. The 19th amendment was the new start for women in the 1920's. Women would not be who they are today if it wasn't for this amendment. The 19th amendment allows women the right to vote. It was passed by the congress in 1919 and was ratified by the state legislatures in 1920. Because of this amendment women are able to vote and also be able to go to college. In fact 26 million women half the population suddenly became eligible to participate in the U.S political office. More women went on to get higher degrees in education in the 1920's than ever before the number of women enrolled in colleges and universities nearly doubled between 1920–1930. The 19th amendment was big part as to how we as women came to more content... Women were taught to tend to their husbands and children. They also had to make sure food was on the table when their husbands came home and that the house was put together everyday before the husband and children got home from work and school. During the 1920's cleaning the house wasn't all that bad for the women because the new electrices that were coming out such as the vacuum cleaner, irons,and also washer machines. Which made their jobs less time consuming and fun all at the same time.Women during the 1920's didn't get a say in what they can and cannot do, it was almost like their husbands had total control over Get more content on
  • 15. Importance Of The 19th Amendment If I had to choose an amendment that I believe is the most important, it would the 19th amendment which states that "...the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex" (National Archives and Records Administration, 2016). The reason I chose this amendment is because it gives women the right to vote, and I like the fact that it essentially put man and woman on the same footing in terms of voting for the one who will represent the country as President. Meanwhile, the amendment that I would like to see repealed is the 26th amendment, which talks about the legal voting age, because I do not someone who is 18 is mature enough to vote any issues pertaining Get more content on
  • 16. 19th Amendment Research Paper "It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our prosperity, but to the whole people– women as well as men."(BrainyQuote), a quote said by activist Susan B. Anthony. August 18, 1920, the 19th Amendment was added to the U.S Constitution which granted American women the right to vote (History). If "it was we the people" (BrainyQuote) who formed the Union, then what happened before August 18, 1920? Before the civil war woman had already been fighting for their rights. It wasn't untill 1923, the National Women's Party proposed an more content... Discussing the problem of women's rights, agreeing that male and females are to be equals (History). This fight wasn't a physical war but it was a war for equalising the rights of both male and female. Women like Susan B. Anthony andElizabeth Cady Stanton were the colonel for these wars. Taking 41 years to officially pass the 19th Amendment, granting the rights to vote. Here's the catch though, the war wasn't over. On January 21, 2017, more than 2 million people protested in the Women's March when president Donald J. Trump was elected (Przybyla and Schouten). Many marching for the same equals that they had been fighting for more than 100 years ago. In the 21st century, a female will earn less than a male. "Will I have to explain to my daughter that her brother is gonna make more money doing the exact same job because he's a man? If they both played sports since they were three years old, they both worked just as hard, but because he's a boy, they're gonna give him more money?" Serena Williams said in Glamour's July issue (May). Gender roles play a big part in the 21st century, either with the pay gap or how someone is Get more content on
  • 17. The 19th Amendment : Women's Rights The 19th Amendment is about women's rights. Women gained the right to vote when this amendment was ratified. This amendment was passed to show that women were slowly gaining the same rights as men. My article is titled "3 female jail guards sue Dart." It is about how these guards would be sexually harassed by the prisoners, but the male supervisors chose to ignore the problem. The male supervisors when confronted with the problem by the guards would often say that it is part of the job and they signed up for it. Supervisors would also say if you do not like it then leave and the prisoners are locked up so what do you expect? The chief policy officer said that if these comments are true then it is exceptionally unfortunate. Smith stated that this problem is not new to the prison in the United States. But, she also said that in other prisons female guards do not face this problem with the prisoners. This relates to the Constitution because even though it is not about voters rights for women it is about the treatment of women in this country. For example, if you have a man working in a female prison this would never happen because of the culture we have surrounded ourselves in this country. Another example that this is a culture thing is because look at all of the directors who would sexually assault women because they are in a position of power. I think this is similar to how racism is a part of this country. It will not be solved because there will always be people who Get more content on
  • 18. The 19th Amendment Just one hundred years ago, women in the United States were not allowed to vote. The 19th amendment was not ratified until June 4, 1919. The 19th amendment granted women the right to vote. Women activists had been fighting decades to have such a right. There were many factors that made the 19th amendment possible such as women's rights organizations, advocates, conventions, and marches. The women's right movement paved the way to accomplishing the ratification of a female's right to vote. There were many American citizens who helped accomplish the goal of granting the women the right to vote. Some of the leaders of the movement include Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott and Lucy Stone. Unfortunately. Stanton, Anthony, more content... It wasn't officially enacted until the !920, when Tennessee became the 36 state that gave women the right to vote. It had been a long journey, about seven decades. It was a rocky journey that required much hard work. Women in the U.S. should have gratitude to such women as Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Clay Stanton, Lucretia Mott and countless many others who fought for women having the right to vote. Some of the struggles included public ridicule, discrimination and even getting arrested. Do to the bravery of such women, females in the U.S. now have the right to vote in the U.S.A. Bibliography "Elizabeth Cady Stanton." Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2015. Web. 12 July 2015. "Women Who Fought for the Vote." History. A+E Networks, 2009. Web. July 6 2015. "Lucretia Mott." Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2015. Web. 13 July 2015. "This Day in History." History. A+E Networks, 2010. Web. 12 July 2015. "National Women Suffrage Association." The Social Welfare History. State Boards of Charity. Web. 12 July 2015.. Taylor, Alan. "100 Years Ago, The 1913Women's Suffrage Parade." The Atlantic. In focus, 1 March 2013. Web. 10 July 2015. Image "History of Voting Rights: Timeline." Preceden. 2007. Web. 12 July Get more content on
  • 19. Essay On The 19th Amendment The 19th Amendment For more than a century, women from all over have deliberately confronted and engaged in numerous protests to destroy all restrictions, control and violations in regards to many prejudices made against their gender. Yet, it was not until the mid 1800's that powerful women such asSusan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucretia Mott passionately fought and publically spoke for the rights that women deserved as American citizens. Essentially, the movement for women's full entitlement reached out to an enormous audience with the Seneca Falls convention in New York and inspired the creation of a written stand on political requests by Stanton and other activists, named and remembered as The Declaration of Sentiments. At more content... Both state laws and vigilante practices effectively disenfranchised most black women in the South. The notion of being educated was an important prerequisite for being allowed to vote and since most black women portrayed no ability to do so, they were roughly targeted by white suffragists and people who feared of their say in political matters. Essentially, black people had to wait in line up to twelve hours to register to vote, pay taxes and pass new tests which required them to read and interpret the Constitution before being eligible to vote. Nevertheless, the historic relationship between the women's issues and the question of color in society was strengthened through the years leading up to the creation of the Voting Rights Act signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on August 6, 1965. Despite the years it took for all women to be treated somewhat equally, foundations and laws such as the Affordable Care Act, FDA, Comstock Law of 1873, and Title X made it possible for women to afford and easily obtain family insurance, access to preventive health services, and higher education which generated more delayed marriages, less mortality rates and an increase in the proportion of women in skilled carriers from 1978–1990 by more than Get more content on
  • 20. When the constitution was written, the idea of universal suffrage was too radical for our founding fathers to address. They decided to leave the states with the authority to decide the requirements for voting. (Janda) By allowing the states to decide who voted, the authors had not intended for each state's discriminations to prevent the country from maintaining true democracy. However, by not setting up a nationwide regulation, the authors launched the country into a century and a half long fight for freedom and equality for all. White males over the age of 21 were the first to be able to participate in American democracy. Besides some taxpaying or property owning laws, the majority of all working class white males were eligible to more content... Neither was very happy with that arrangement which led to the creation of Stanton's, "Declaration of Principles." This document called for a change in women's current social status in America. The Woman's Rights Convention in Syracuse in 1852 introduced one of the most prominent speakers in women's suffrage, Susan B. Anthony. She and Stanton became two of the biggest influences that helped women gain equality. Women activists involved in the movement were called suffragists. The typical woman activist was middle class, and usually unmarried. These were the women who were not afraid to step outside their traditional role in American history. They were becoming frustrated with their status, economically, because they had just watched black slaves gain more rights than they held. Not all states denied women from voting; Wyoming and Colorado gave women the right to vote in 1869 and 1893, respectively. The western states awarded women this right more quickly than other states because the women who pioneered out west were rebelling from the traditional role of women in society. (Janda) The western states were just being created and the founders were, usually, more modern thinkers. Ironically, many women were deeply opposed to women gaining the right to vote. They were comfortable with their positions as socialites, completely dependent on men. "Women were considered sub–sets of their husbands, and after marriage they did not have the right to own property, maintain their Get more content on
  • 21. Article Review: The 19th Amendment In the article "19th Amendment" I liked that they let women have equal rights as men at one point. I didn't like how people didn't treat men, women, and black people the same, they just treated men like they were better than anyone else in the world. I also don't like that women couldn't vote! I liked that at least one state respected woman, which was Wyoming. According to the text, women were fighting for 70 years. I found that on paragraph 1 page 1. Based on what I read, married women couldn't own property. I found this on paragraph 2 page 1. I learned that the movement for women's rights was applied in 1848. I found this on paragraph 1 page 2. I will apply what I learned by, first, being equal to all people, no matter who they are. Get more content on