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Importance Of College Education Essay
Stephanie Escobedo
Dr. Sunderbruch
Eng 101
September 28, 2017
The Importance of College Education Nationwide and worldwide, education is continuing to expand as an important asset for citizens to have an
opportunity to gain and strengthen knowledge. In many third world countries, education is widely accepted and viewed as a form of luxury and wisdom.
College is not just the beginning of bundles of opportunities but an opening for growth and learning. A good education is beneficial from many
different viewpoints, and while the importance of a college education is quite distinct for many high school students, what is often not as clear is the
opportunities found within the experience. A college education maintains and serves as more content...
With a college education, skills are found through whichever kind of major that will help continue move up the ladder to a profitable gross. In
recent years, many critics have stressed that dropping out of school to pursue a successful life is not needed with a complete college education.
Many entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs and David Thomas, have become successful without the education that is stressed today. Yet, if using wealth
as a measure of success, Forbes' 2012 edition revealed that 85% of Americas 400 richest people and successful citizens do in fact possess a college
degree (Is a College). In the workforce, many employers are hungry driven to find the best of the best for the job and a college degree sure makes a
great impression. The probability of keeping a successful job will increase through a college degree. The quality of life after maintaining a college
degree will significantly be comfortable and more prominent.
College is particularly a crucial time for many to be socially challenged in viewing perspective ideologies. Whether through group projects with fellow
peers, an internship with a company, or even individual research, the college experience helps educates the whole individual and helps develop the
person's values. A study conducted by the Pew Research Center showed that more than 90% of college graduates reported that college helped to
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Education is extremely important for the development of a nation. It is the process of instruction aimed at all round development of youth. It is the
only wealth that cannot be robbed. Learning includes the moral values and the improvement of character and the methods to increase the strength of
mind. Education enables people to cause and to contribute to societal development. Education has the responsibility for transferring human being into
human resources (Gopalan, 2001). Development of human resources is the main function of education. In a modern society education is a very
important sector. Education, at the individual level helps in the process of socialization. At the level of society, it ensures that the traditional wisdom
passes from one generation to the other and the new and modern knowledge is imbibed by the present generation.
Higher education is a powerful tool to build knowledge– based society. It is considered one of the important instruments for the development of any
country. Primary education is necessary for creating base while higher education is extremely important for providing cutting edge. Higher education
(or tertiary education) encompassing teaching, research and applied work training, imparted as undergraduate, postgraduate or vocational degree
programs (Sobti, 2010).
The goal of higher education is to develop the younger people of the country in such manner that they not only have a satisfying personal life but can
also make a worthy
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The Importance of Education and Teaching Essay
"I do not want to go to school today!" "I hate my teacher, and she hates us!" "She's boring and we do not even learn anything!" "Ugh, why do I
even have to go?" At one point or another in our lives, we have all been in this situation. Whether it was watching a friend or sibling throw the
tantrum, or if it was you yourself, we have heard the excuses above plenty of times. Ironically, these are not always excuses used in hoped of enjoying
a day off from school, as sadly, these "boring" and "hateful" teachers do exist. But what causes teachers to act this way and treat their students in a way
that they feel under–appreciated or as if they are a nuisance? Many teachers go to work everyday to do just that, work. They feel no sense of duty to more content...
All throughout my schooling, I have also been lucky enough to have had tremendous and inspirational teachers who have shown me the power in
being on the other end of the learning by being an educator. That power that I was shown, by my teachers who were engaged, had infectiously
positive attitudes and simply loved what they did, is one of the main reasons that I want to become and educator, so that I may too spread that same
love and thirst for knowledge. Another, more personal reason that I want to become an educator is due to my grandparents. Growing up, I have seen
both ends of what an education can provide, and what not having one can do to your whole life. One on side, I have grandparents who themselves
were teachers and were always willing to share their stories, both good and bad, their lessons and have provided me with knowledge and words of
wisdom that only someone who has been in the classroom can give. One the other side, I have grandparents who have shown me what a lack of
opportunities and an education can do to your life. As they both migrated to the United States as young teenagers, they did not receive the chance to
properly finish their education, which causes them to lack basic skills such as reading and writing fluently. Seeing them struggle with these basic tasks
on a daily has shown me that an education is not something that should ever be taken for granted. For me, I believe education is something that
everyone should
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Indian Streams Research Journal
Volume 2, Issue. 6, July 2012
Available online at
"Emerging trends in Commerce Education to face the challenges of dynamic business world"
Jitendra Ahirrao1 and Prakash Ratanlal Rodiya2
Asoociate Professor, Department of Commerce,Smt. Dankunwar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jalna.E–mail: 2 (M. Com., M.
Phil., UGC NET)H. No. 135, Near Vitthal Mandir, Mahada Colony,Mantha Road, Jalna–431203. E–mail:
Abstract: Commerce education is business education. Commerce education is that area of education which develops the required knowledge, skills and
attitudes for the handling of Trade, Commerce and Industry. more content...
As a result the importance of Commerce education has been increased many folds. Business executives need to update their skills due to sudden
changes in the external environment. Due to the increasingly complex nature of organizations and businesses, there is a need that the business schools
impart relevant, current, and cutting edge knowledge to the students. The School of commerce should play pivotal role in equipping our future
dynamic managers with the emerging trends of Commerce skills to face the challenges of dynamic business world. CONTENTS OF COMMERCE
EDUCATION: Commerce offers foundation for many professional careers like Finance, Planning, Accountancy, Tax Practitioners, Banking and
Broking etc, besides academics, research, and many more. Persons having flair for accounting, finance, commodities, marketing and trading etc.
generally choose Commerce. As a stream of study, Commerce can be studied the Higher Secondary level. This paves the way for higher studies in
commerce related subjects. The undergraduate and postgraduate Education in Commerce is offered at University departments and colleges spread all
across the country. Specializations are offered at post graduate and at research levels. A number of subjects can be studied under disciplines of
Commerce in conjugation like; Accountancy, Economics, Mathematics, Business, Finance, Marketing, etc. Most commerce colleges in India offer the
following subjects in their curriculum:
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The Importance Of Commerce For The Dutch
Without commerce, the scientific revolution would not have been possible. The Jewel House, Matters of Exchange, and Experiencing Nature all
illustrate the importance of commerce in different types of settings: a community, Dutch society, and the explorations of the Spanish. This commerce
allowed the people to prosper, brought them together in collaboration, and fueled curiosity which ultimately brought forth the scientific revolution.
In Matters of Exchange, Cook argues the importance of commerce for the Dutch. The Dutch traveled to many places around the world and during this
travel, new plants, medicines, and other objects were discovered and studied. The Dutch, by the mid seventeenth century, had more
Harkness also mentions "a fruitful tension" between collaboration and competition. There was a profit to be made in these discoveries. In order to
thrive on Lime Street, it was beneficial to be financial well off as there was overcrowding in the city due to the flood of people that came to study
It is important to recognize that commerce did not only include the exchange of goods. There was also an exchange of ideas and perspectives
between the scientists. Those who were not wealthy enough or illiterate were also able to have "easy access to news and information". (Harkness
2007 pg 3) With all the collaboration, no one was left out from learning.
Without the communication, discoveries would not have had happened at such a quick rate during the scientific revolution. In The Jewel House, the
community seen on Lime Street was important for the advancement of science. For them "to truly flourish, a community of naturalists like the one on
Lime Street also needed to be able to forge connections with others who might have access to different plants, animals, and mineral specimens."
(Harkness 2007 pg. 22) There was so much to learn that it would have been impossible for one person alone to do all the work himself. Together,
scientists could challenge each other's claims and tests and resolve confusion. Together, they could flourish.
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The Importance of Education Essay
An education is something that one can keep for a lifetime. Acquiring a good education can affect one's personal life, one's community, and one's entire
generation. The only person who truly controls how educated I am, is me. My education feeds my intelligence, and since I want to be an intellectual, I
want an exemplary education. In the end, no one can transfer knowledge from one brain to another, like a money transfer from account to account. It
is something that I have to achieve with hard work and effort. Of course, I want someone to push me to learn and to grow, but I must decide for
myself whether I want to succeed, or not. I know that I want to succeed and earn my education. I want to know everything there is more
The mayor could spend money unethically, or pass laws that have a negative effect on the people of the community. This is why it is important for
people of a community to get an education. In my high school, I walk the halls every day, and I see people that I know could do great things, but
unfortunately, they are too lazy. The numbers of people who want to succeed and get their education are much fewer than those who do not care to
earn their education. In many of the students, there is a lack of ambition to achieve greater things. Many want to be rich and famous, but they are not
willing to work towards their goals. I try to inspire my peers to achieve as much as they can. I love helping them and working with them to rekindle
their lost ambitions to gain intelligence. If communities are to move forward, they must educate themselves. Once communities start to educate
themselves they will move forward, and supplement their generation. My generation must fill itself with intellectuals if we are to move on, as a
group, to things that are more extraordinary. All the nations of the world are advancing, and we must choose to lead or move along with them, or the
rest of the world will leave us behind. In this generation, there are many extremely intelligent people; however, they do not really have the same drive
as previous generations, such as that of their fathers of grandfathers. One problem of my generation is that many people allow technology
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The Importance Of A College Education? Essay
A college education has a different meaning for every person in the world. To someone a college education could mean that they're smarter than
most, or it's one more step closer to their future goals, or it could just be another piece of paper to make their family proud. The importance of a
college education depends on what a degree means to the person. I think the true purpose of a college education should be base more on a personal
level, and not a broad level. The reason why I think the purpose of a college education should be; don't exactly mean that everyone else agree with
my purpose. That's why I think the purpose shouldn't have an overall answer, but should be dictated based on personal belief. Having the purpose
of a college education be tailor around the individual makes it unique, and significant to that person. Even though the reasons may variety, some
reasons are the same, but others may differ. However, reasoning that may differ have a reason why it differs, and how it's related the person. Going
to college for some people could just simply mean further their education or challenging themselves. Going to college doesn't always mean that
you're just doing it for a job or a career. It could mean you want to learn more about the world around you. Or you could just want to learn some
things here, and there to make you successful in your career; without getting a degree. It's a lot of people who just take a few classes every couple of
years to update,
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Importance Of College Education Essay
Linda Jiang– Student Essay Question #1: Why is a college education important to you? 300–500 words each
A college education is important to me because it opens my future for better opportunities within the medical field. Currently, a pharmacist is a
profession that I am the most interested in because I enjoy chemistry, the meticulous, and well organized work that they are known for. A college
education will teach me the skills to become a pharmacist, provide me with hands–on experiences in this career, and give me ample resources to find a
job in the most enjoyable career path. Even if I choose to pursue a different career, a college education will most definitely prepare me for the career as
long as I am willing to study and work hard. In the competitive world that we live in, even a low–paying job can be difficult to procure, not to mention
how scarce high–paying jobs and reasonable working conditions are. A college education makes it easier to get high paying jobs and stand out in
job applications. College graduates have an edge and a larger variety of jobs to choose from. Even if through the college education I do not find
what I enjoy doing, the professors, people I would have met, and activities that I would have participated in, will most likely give me a larger insight
on what I want to do as a career.
In addition to opening my future to better opportunities, there are also two other reasons why a college education is important to me. The first reason
is that I
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Importance Of Equity In Education
Equity in Education
Student's Name
Institution Affiliation
Equity in Education
According to Nielsen (2013), in the United States, the government has been working hard in the due process of providing education to the children in
the country. Despite the efforts that have been initiated by theUnited States education department, there is a problem of equity in education access
around the nation. There are a good number of students who do not have the same opportunities as others when it comes to the education sector. For
instance, in most cases, the quality of education that a student will get depends with their social class in the community. Those with a weak living
condition are less likely to have the same quality of education as those who belong to the wealthy families. Therefore, the importance of equity, issues
with sameness and the strategies suggested by Natalie (2013) and the report by the equity and excellence commission will form the basis of discussion
for this paper.
Importance of education equity
Economic improvement
When each child gets equal access to education, the result is always a working and productive portion of the country's population. With the state having
a large percentage of working people, there is a remarkable improvement realized in the economy due to the high revenues collected by the government.
For instance, if the low performing would have hard better measures to ensure educational equity, each would have
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The Importance Of Higher Education
Education is basically the process involves by facilitating learning, or the achievement of skills, knowledge, habits, beliefs and values. Education is
considered as the golden ticket to a better life. However, this golden ticket is not acquired by many young individuals, during the perfect age to pursue
higher education. At the preset era, students lack proper interest in the benefits of the institutions that are surrounding them. Education has becoming
less available to the general public; the main reason behind this is the increased cost of higher education. This happens due to the enormous reductions
to funding colleges and universities.
Segregation in case of receiving education can never be logically justified as all human beings have the right to obtain knowledge although economic
differences might create a problem in respect of the institution that they might join for receiving education .Higher education is a way to shape the
future of one individual and that of society. Higher education plays an important role in career building of an individual. Auniversity education is
doubtlessly an essential instrument of emancipation in contemporary life.
Teaching is considered as one of the main mechanism in educational planning. Teaching is also a key factor in conducting educational plans. Despite
of getting a good teaching, the outcomes are far from ideal. There are several ways of obtaining knowledge other than following the discourse of
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Essay on The Importance of Business Education
How Business Education can leverage the career of a mid–term to–be–professional
Education has a vital role to play when it comes to ascending in the respective career choices made by individuals. One needs to be eagle eyed for
information as such an attitude always counts in marching forward towards one's goals and objectives. The workplace, irrespective of whichever
sector, is a battleground for all professionals to show their true worth to their employers and get promotions, raise and appreciation for their hard work.
All of the above can happen only when one has principally strong fundamentals and deep understanding about the business one works for as an
One needs to remember the importance of education as it funnels more content...
The gradual rise of a person equipped with business education is high and sky is the limit. It all depends on an individual person's understanding and
comprehensiveness which get sharpened with regular practice with fundamentals and solving issues related to the same. The onset of a child to
become a professional is also a kind of business education. When young, the attitude and understanding is limited; the gradual increase in age leads to
maturity and several things change accordingly. Thismanagement is understood by children as they start maturing and it increases their analytical,
logical, verbal and comprehensive skills.
Any professional at the pinnacle of success, where he/she is directly responsible in creating business opportunities, an absence of a degree/diploma in
business education can be a huge loss career wise. At this point of time when an individual is responsible for the firm's growth, investors' funds,
employees and customers, education specialised in business becomes an added benefit. Such a role is always handled by the CEOs, CFOs, CTOs,
various directors and the management team of a firm.
Apart from this, the role of business education is quite vast as discussed earlier. Assessment of one's job compatibilities, job
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Essay The Importance of Education
Education is important in any society. Parents, teachers and even political leaders encourage education in our society. Many people do not understand
why there is so much emphasis placed upon obtaining a good education. This is why some people do not put in as much effort as they should. It is
important that everyone understand the many benefits of education aside from getting a job and earning a salary. This knowledge will help you to
develop an attitude that is conducive to learning. You will enjoy the true benefits of education. This essay will explore a number of reasons why
education is so important.
Exposure to a New World
You should not live in a cocoon of what you already know. People in the past only knew their more content...
Expose yourself to a completely new world.
Fun and Adventure
People view formal education in a negative light. This is schooling where people only look at voluminous books, boring teachers and hard exams.
Education is actually fun and adventurous. You learn about new things, meet new people and pursue new interests. It gives you a chance to interact
with people other than your neighbors and family members. It also provides an escape for those who suffer from stressful situations at home. You
should adopt a positive attitude towards education. This attitude will help you see the fun in education. Adopt it today.
Build a Network
You need friends who care about you. Finding good friends is not easy. It takes time, patience and perseverance. Experience is usually the best way of
finding good friends. Education allows you to gain this experience by interacting with people within formal and informal settings. You know people
better through these experiences. This helps you to choose a close group of good friends. This group will then become your network within society's
entangled web of networks. You can call upon this network in times of trouble. You will find it hard to build a network of friends and colleagues
without education. This means that you should pursue education as much as you can.
Develop Skills in Life
You will apply what you learn in the classroom beyond the confines of theschool or office. Education applies in
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The Importance Of Equity In Education
Over the past few centuries, the education system has had several changes, some positive, some negative, and some controversial. But ultimately the
goal is to format and build the educational school system, we need to support our students so they can be successful in their life's. "During the past 30
years, local school districts have gradually yielded policy–making discretion to state legislatures and bureaucracies. States' efforts to achieve equity and
improve student and teacher performance have considerably diminished local controls over funding, standards, and curricular content"
(Hadderman,1988). Though I think that local control of schools does deal side by side with the schools, I believe that the state can offer more support
during the policies discussion and along with input into the budgeting of each state, for education. Equity in the classroom to me means that all children
and teachers should have equal opportunity to express and develop thought into the classroom discussions. Especially when young children are starting
to develop their thought process, key point to encourage their thoughts. We as the educators need to find ways to support the children's language and
knowledge of their surroundings. In many situations, the schools fail to be successful due to the need of money, to be able purchase materials needed
to teach and assist the students. School district budgets should include bring more teachers into the school to lower the classroom size. Along with
assisting the teachers that have students who learn at different levels. I wonder that if special education classes have enough materials. For example, in
my son's high school, I have seen that they need more technology. Yet it turns out that technology has their own budget, as well as staffing contains
their own budget. The hard work and good intentions of educators who often lacked professional support and sometimes worked in substandard
conditions (Blankstein, Noguera, & Kelly, 2016, p. 186). Sadly, many schools don't fix the building or classroom that need improvements, so that the
students can have safe and well lighted and fully stored with the needed materials. As a teacher can you really work if you don't have enough
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The Importance Of Innovations In Education
Topic: Innovations
Title: Innovations in education
Essay type: Persuasive
Word count: 1243
As 21st century is the century of Innovations, the world is changing and modern Technology has already become an intrinsic part of peoples' lives
today, but educational Sphere remains constant at the same level. In this case, there is a Need for innovating it. Despite the Fact that the usage of the
Internet and electronic Devices promotes Cheating , modern Technology should be widely used in educational Institutions due to some Factors, that
might assist learning process, based on utilizing online Tasks and Feedback System, developing research skills of Students and modernizing the
Organization of classes and assessment Methods.
One particular significance of the Integration of modern Technology is an Application of a specific social network for each educational Institution. To
be more precise, teachers should utilize online tasks, activities and feedback system. Providing that a Student faces some Difficulties related to a
particular topic or task, he or she will be able to communicate directly with teacher via E–mail and get a Reply immediately as the Internet
revolutionized the way people communicate (Galvin, Braithwait and Bylund, 2015). It is a good Chance for shy students to easily maintain a Contact
with tutors instead of feeling Inconvenience stemming from face–to–face conversations in class. As Gibson and Oberg stated, such student–teacher
Interactions enable
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A Bachelor of Commerce
Development assignment
1. Introduction– field of study (PAGE 1)
2. Purpose and key functions (PAGE 2)
3. Characteristics of employees in this field (PAGE 3)
4. Top Companies in this field (PAGE 4 AND 5)
5. Current trends in the industry (PAGE 6)
6. Career opportunities in this field (PAGE 7)
7. Conclusion (PAGE 8)
8. References (PAGE 9 AND 10)
The field of study being discussed in this assignment is a Bachelor of Commerce (Bcom).
A Bachelor of Commerce according to the Oxford English Dictionary is the study of an undergraduate degree in commerce or related subjects. The
Bachelor of Commerce provides students with the necessary and important managerial skills while at the same time building their knowledge in the
world of business. There are many areas of studying as well as a variety of majors that can be taken in this field of study, namely, Accounting,Finance,
Marketing Law and Economics.
The key functions and purposes of a BCom degree will be explained as follows. In the public and private sectors of the economy, managerial
experience is highly valued and can boost careers within the management specialty and is supported and recognized by a degree qualification. Many
experienced people in sectors such as engineering, health services and education choose to reinforce their existing
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The Importance of E-Commerce in Our Lives
With rapid change of technology in social web, e–commerce is become one of important think in our life. E–commerce is the use of internet and the
social web to do business, when focus on digitally enabled commercial transactions between among of firm and individuals involving information
systems under the control of the firm it takes the form of e–business. Nowadays, e–commerce is gaining momentum and most of the things if not
everything is getting digitally enabled. Therefore, it becomes very important to clearly draw the line between different types of commerce or business
integrated with the 'e' factor. Based on the type of relationship between different sides of commerce, it can be categorized in different types.
Business–to–business is one type of business model that buyer sell product or service to buyer. Usually business to business describes ecommerce
transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. Contrasting terms are
business–to consumer which type of business model that usually between retailers to customers.
The volume of business–to–business transactions is much higher than the volume of business–to consumer transactions. The mainly reason for this is
that in a usual supply chain there will be many business–to–business transactions involving sub components or raw materials, and only one business–to
consumer transaction, specifically sale of the finished product to the end
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The Importance Of Higher Education
The improvement in the education sector promotes the stability of the economy since the educated citizens have better payrolls. The societal
economies have a chance to develop with increased educated people. The whole nation benefits from education because they influence the economic
growth of a country. Hence, higher education provides the citizens with a chance for economic growth. Higher education gives the citizens an
opportunity to lead happy and healthy lives. This is because, with training, a person can earn a decent pay and as a result improve personal lives. With
the knowledge that comes from education, people know the importance of societal activities, which allows them to enhance their lives and as a result
make a positive impact on the world (Johnson et al., 2015). Education provides people with essential skills that give them an opportunity to participate
in societal and cultural activities. Hence, people lead successful and fulfilling lives. In addition to improving the daily lives of a person, higher
education helps to promote the lifestyles of the whole nation. Hence, higher education provides the citizens with an opportunity to lead healthy and
better lives.
The educational journey has helped me achieve a lot of things in life, and I would encourage other people to follow in my footsteps. I have a positive
effect when engaging with others which have been facilitated by education. Education has enabled me to develop myself whereby I am not held by
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Essay on PowerPoint in Education
PowerPoint in Education
Over the years education has been making rapid technological advances, it seems like every year there is some new tool entering the classroom. Most
of us today don't remember when classrooms were using chalk and slate boards because of the new technology that we have developed. Now we have
grown accustom to overheard projectors, television and computers, but what seems to be the new trend of education is Power Point. It is every where
we turn, "more than 90% of computer–based presentation visuals in the country are created using PowerPoint."(Ricky Telg, Ph.D., andTracy Irani,
Ph.D.) The basic break down of power–point, has to do with visuals, it is a program that offers templates for doing a presentation more
In our technologically based society, power point presentations are slowly beginning to take over the out–dated and tedious job of scribbling on
chalkboards. A power point presentation is a simple process which can be done by the non–computer oriented people as well as the experts. It involves
creating slides, then projecting the slides on to a large projection screen and the presenter is in complete charge of slide transition in the presentation
with a simple click of the mouse. It can be filled with bright colored fonts and animated effects to promote interest. When used effectively, it can
provide a great deal of information to the audience by using the graphically enhanced effects. It also helps the presenter to organize their presentation
instead of dealing with note cards or papers. A power point presentation is highly powerful tool in the classroom, and as technology progresses so will
the program. Ensuring that teaching in the classroom will gradually become a much easier task (Telg, 2001).
Many teachers like to use PowerPoint in the classroom because it is easy to use and it portrays information in a very organized manner. From the
growing popularity of PowerPoint in the classroom, it is clear that there are many pros to this teaching tool. When used correctly, PowerPoint benefits
both the teacher and the students because the teacher will be able "to explain abstract concepts, while accommodating all learning
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Importance Of College Education Essay

  • 1. Importance Of College Education Essay Stephanie Escobedo Dr. Sunderbruch Eng 101 September 28, 2017 The Importance of College Education Nationwide and worldwide, education is continuing to expand as an important asset for citizens to have an opportunity to gain and strengthen knowledge. In many third world countries, education is widely accepted and viewed as a form of luxury and wisdom. College is not just the beginning of bundles of opportunities but an opening for growth and learning. A good education is beneficial from many different viewpoints, and while the importance of a college education is quite distinct for many high school students, what is often not as clear is the opportunities found within the experience. A college education maintains and serves as more content... With a college education, skills are found through whichever kind of major that will help continue move up the ladder to a profitable gross. In recent years, many critics have stressed that dropping out of school to pursue a successful life is not needed with a complete college education. Many entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs and David Thomas, have become successful without the education that is stressed today. Yet, if using wealth as a measure of success, Forbes' 2012 edition revealed that 85% of Americas 400 richest people and successful citizens do in fact possess a college degree (Is a College). In the workforce, many employers are hungry driven to find the best of the best for the job and a college degree sure makes a great impression. The probability of keeping a successful job will increase through a college degree. The quality of life after maintaining a college degree will significantly be comfortable and more prominent. College is particularly a crucial time for many to be socially challenged in viewing perspective ideologies. Whether through group projects with fellow peers, an internship with a company, or even individual research, the college experience helps educates the whole individual and helps develop the person's values. A study conducted by the Pew Research Center showed that more than 90% of college graduates reported that college helped to Get more content on
  • 2. Education is extremely important for the development of a nation. It is the process of instruction aimed at all round development of youth. It is the only wealth that cannot be robbed. Learning includes the moral values and the improvement of character and the methods to increase the strength of mind. Education enables people to cause and to contribute to societal development. Education has the responsibility for transferring human being into human resources (Gopalan, 2001). Development of human resources is the main function of education. In a modern society education is a very important sector. Education, at the individual level helps in the process of socialization. At the level of society, it ensures that the traditional wisdom passes from one generation to the other and the new and modern knowledge is imbibed by the present generation. Higher education is a powerful tool to build knowledge– based society. It is considered one of the important instruments for the development of any country. Primary education is necessary for creating base while higher education is extremely important for providing cutting edge. Higher education (or tertiary education) encompassing teaching, research and applied work training, imparted as undergraduate, postgraduate or vocational degree programs (Sobti, 2010). The goal of higher education is to develop the younger people of the country in such manner that they not only have a satisfying personal life but can also make a worthy Get more content on
  • 3. The Importance of Education and Teaching Essay "I do not want to go to school today!" "I hate my teacher, and she hates us!" "She's boring and we do not even learn anything!" "Ugh, why do I even have to go?" At one point or another in our lives, we have all been in this situation. Whether it was watching a friend or sibling throw the tantrum, or if it was you yourself, we have heard the excuses above plenty of times. Ironically, these are not always excuses used in hoped of enjoying a day off from school, as sadly, these "boring" and "hateful" teachers do exist. But what causes teachers to act this way and treat their students in a way that they feel under–appreciated or as if they are a nuisance? Many teachers go to work everyday to do just that, work. They feel no sense of duty to more content... All throughout my schooling, I have also been lucky enough to have had tremendous and inspirational teachers who have shown me the power in being on the other end of the learning by being an educator. That power that I was shown, by my teachers who were engaged, had infectiously positive attitudes and simply loved what they did, is one of the main reasons that I want to become and educator, so that I may too spread that same love and thirst for knowledge. Another, more personal reason that I want to become an educator is due to my grandparents. Growing up, I have seen both ends of what an education can provide, and what not having one can do to your whole life. One on side, I have grandparents who themselves were teachers and were always willing to share their stories, both good and bad, their lessons and have provided me with knowledge and words of wisdom that only someone who has been in the classroom can give. One the other side, I have grandparents who have shown me what a lack of opportunities and an education can do to your life. As they both migrated to the United States as young teenagers, they did not receive the chance to properly finish their education, which causes them to lack basic skills such as reading and writing fluently. Seeing them struggle with these basic tasks on a daily has shown me that an education is not something that should ever be taken for granted. For me, I believe education is something that everyone should Get more content on
  • 4. Indian Streams Research Journal Volume 2, Issue. 6, July 2012 Available online at ISSN:–2230–7850 ORIGINAL ARTICLE "Emerging trends in Commerce Education to face the challenges of dynamic business world" Jitendra Ahirrao1 and Prakash Ratanlal Rodiya2 1 Asoociate Professor, Department of Commerce,Smt. Dankunwar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jalna.E–mail: 2 (M. Com., M. Phil., UGC NET)H. No. 135, Near Vitthal Mandir, Mahada Colony,Mantha Road, Jalna–431203. E–mail: Abstract: Commerce education is business education. Commerce education is that area of education which develops the required knowledge, skills and attitudes for the handling of Trade, Commerce and Industry. more content... As a result the importance of Commerce education has been increased many folds. Business executives need to update their skills due to sudden changes in the external environment. Due to the increasingly complex nature of organizations and businesses, there is a need that the business schools impart relevant, current, and cutting edge knowledge to the students. The School of commerce should play pivotal role in equipping our future dynamic managers with the emerging trends of Commerce skills to face the challenges of dynamic business world. CONTENTS OF COMMERCE EDUCATION: Commerce offers foundation for many professional careers like Finance, Planning, Accountancy, Tax Practitioners, Banking and Broking etc, besides academics, research, and many more. Persons having flair for accounting, finance, commodities, marketing and trading etc. generally choose Commerce. As a stream of study, Commerce can be studied the Higher Secondary level. This paves the way for higher studies in commerce related subjects. The undergraduate and postgraduate Education in Commerce is offered at University departments and colleges spread all across the country. Specializations are offered at post graduate and at research levels. A number of subjects can be studied under disciplines of Commerce in conjugation like; Accountancy, Economics, Mathematics, Business, Finance, Marketing, etc. Most commerce colleges in India offer the
  • 5. following subjects in their curriculum: ? Get more content on
  • 6. The Importance Of Commerce For The Dutch Without commerce, the scientific revolution would not have been possible. The Jewel House, Matters of Exchange, and Experiencing Nature all illustrate the importance of commerce in different types of settings: a community, Dutch society, and the explorations of the Spanish. This commerce allowed the people to prosper, brought them together in collaboration, and fueled curiosity which ultimately brought forth the scientific revolution. PROSPERITY (TRANSITION NEEDED) In Matters of Exchange, Cook argues the importance of commerce for the Dutch. The Dutch traveled to many places around the world and during this travel, new plants, medicines, and other objects were discovered and studied. The Dutch, by the mid seventeenth century, had more content... Harkness also mentions "a fruitful tension" between collaboration and competition. There was a profit to be made in these discoveries. In order to thrive on Lime Street, it was beneficial to be financial well off as there was overcrowding in the city due to the flood of people that came to study science. COLLABORATION It is important to recognize that commerce did not only include the exchange of goods. There was also an exchange of ideas and perspectives between the scientists. Those who were not wealthy enough or illiterate were also able to have "easy access to news and information". (Harkness 2007 pg 3) With all the collaboration, no one was left out from learning. Without the communication, discoveries would not have had happened at such a quick rate during the scientific revolution. In The Jewel House, the community seen on Lime Street was important for the advancement of science. For them "to truly flourish, a community of naturalists like the one on Lime Street also needed to be able to forge connections with others who might have access to different plants, animals, and mineral specimens." (Harkness 2007 pg. 22) There was so much to learn that it would have been impossible for one person alone to do all the work himself. Together, scientists could challenge each other's claims and tests and resolve confusion. Together, they could flourish. This
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  • 8. The Importance of Education Essay An education is something that one can keep for a lifetime. Acquiring a good education can affect one's personal life, one's community, and one's entire generation. The only person who truly controls how educated I am, is me. My education feeds my intelligence, and since I want to be an intellectual, I want an exemplary education. In the end, no one can transfer knowledge from one brain to another, like a money transfer from account to account. It is something that I have to achieve with hard work and effort. Of course, I want someone to push me to learn and to grow, but I must decide for myself whether I want to succeed, or not. I know that I want to succeed and earn my education. I want to know everything there is more content... The mayor could spend money unethically, or pass laws that have a negative effect on the people of the community. This is why it is important for people of a community to get an education. In my high school, I walk the halls every day, and I see people that I know could do great things, but unfortunately, they are too lazy. The numbers of people who want to succeed and get their education are much fewer than those who do not care to earn their education. In many of the students, there is a lack of ambition to achieve greater things. Many want to be rich and famous, but they are not willing to work towards their goals. I try to inspire my peers to achieve as much as they can. I love helping them and working with them to rekindle their lost ambitions to gain intelligence. If communities are to move forward, they must educate themselves. Once communities start to educate themselves they will move forward, and supplement their generation. My generation must fill itself with intellectuals if we are to move on, as a group, to things that are more extraordinary. All the nations of the world are advancing, and we must choose to lead or move along with them, or the rest of the world will leave us behind. In this generation, there are many extremely intelligent people; however, they do not really have the same drive as previous generations, such as that of their fathers of grandfathers. One problem of my generation is that many people allow technology Get more content on
  • 9. The Importance Of A College Education? Essay A college education has a different meaning for every person in the world. To someone a college education could mean that they're smarter than most, or it's one more step closer to their future goals, or it could just be another piece of paper to make their family proud. The importance of a college education depends on what a degree means to the person. I think the true purpose of a college education should be base more on a personal level, and not a broad level. The reason why I think the purpose of a college education should be; don't exactly mean that everyone else agree with my purpose. That's why I think the purpose shouldn't have an overall answer, but should be dictated based on personal belief. Having the purpose of a college education be tailor around the individual makes it unique, and significant to that person. Even though the reasons may variety, some reasons are the same, but others may differ. However, reasoning that may differ have a reason why it differs, and how it's related the person. Going to college for some people could just simply mean further their education or challenging themselves. Going to college doesn't always mean that you're just doing it for a job or a career. It could mean you want to learn more about the world around you. Or you could just want to learn some things here, and there to make you successful in your career; without getting a degree. It's a lot of people who just take a few classes every couple of years to update, Get more content on
  • 10. Importance Of College Education Essay Linda Jiang– Student Essay Question #1: Why is a college education important to you? 300–500 words each A college education is important to me because it opens my future for better opportunities within the medical field. Currently, a pharmacist is a profession that I am the most interested in because I enjoy chemistry, the meticulous, and well organized work that they are known for. A college education will teach me the skills to become a pharmacist, provide me with hands–on experiences in this career, and give me ample resources to find a job in the most enjoyable career path. Even if I choose to pursue a different career, a college education will most definitely prepare me for the career as long as I am willing to study and work hard. In the competitive world that we live in, even a low–paying job can be difficult to procure, not to mention how scarce high–paying jobs and reasonable working conditions are. A college education makes it easier to get high paying jobs and stand out in job applications. College graduates have an edge and a larger variety of jobs to choose from. Even if through the college education I do not find what I enjoy doing, the professors, people I would have met, and activities that I would have participated in, will most likely give me a larger insight on what I want to do as a career. In addition to opening my future to better opportunities, there are also two other reasons why a college education is important to me. The first reason is that I Get more content on
  • 11. Importance Of Equity In Education Equity in Education Student's Name Institution Affiliation Equity in Education Introduction According to Nielsen (2013), in the United States, the government has been working hard in the due process of providing education to the children in the country. Despite the efforts that have been initiated by theUnited States education department, there is a problem of equity in education access around the nation. There are a good number of students who do not have the same opportunities as others when it comes to the education sector. For instance, in most cases, the quality of education that a student will get depends with their social class in the community. Those with a weak living condition are less likely to have the same quality of education as those who belong to the wealthy families. Therefore, the importance of equity, issues with sameness and the strategies suggested by Natalie (2013) and the report by the equity and excellence commission will form the basis of discussion for this paper. Importance of education equity Economic improvement When each child gets equal access to education, the result is always a working and productive portion of the country's population. With the state having a large percentage of working people, there is a remarkable improvement realized in the economy due to the high revenues collected by the government. For instance, if the low performing would have hard better measures to ensure educational equity, each would have Get more content on
  • 12. The Importance Of Higher Education Introduction Education is basically the process involves by facilitating learning, or the achievement of skills, knowledge, habits, beliefs and values. Education is considered as the golden ticket to a better life. However, this golden ticket is not acquired by many young individuals, during the perfect age to pursue higher education. At the preset era, students lack proper interest in the benefits of the institutions that are surrounding them. Education has becoming less available to the general public; the main reason behind this is the increased cost of higher education. This happens due to the enormous reductions to funding colleges and universities. Segregation in case of receiving education can never be logically justified as all human beings have the right to obtain knowledge although economic differences might create a problem in respect of the institution that they might join for receiving education .Higher education is a way to shape the future of one individual and that of society. Higher education plays an important role in career building of an individual. Auniversity education is doubtlessly an essential instrument of emancipation in contemporary life. Methods Teaching is considered as one of the main mechanism in educational planning. Teaching is also a key factor in conducting educational plans. Despite of getting a good teaching, the outcomes are far from ideal. There are several ways of obtaining knowledge other than following the discourse of Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on The Importance of Business Education How Business Education can leverage the career of a mid–term to–be–professional Education has a vital role to play when it comes to ascending in the respective career choices made by individuals. One needs to be eagle eyed for information as such an attitude always counts in marching forward towards one's goals and objectives. The workplace, irrespective of whichever sector, is a battleground for all professionals to show their true worth to their employers and get promotions, raise and appreciation for their hard work. All of the above can happen only when one has principally strong fundamentals and deep understanding about the business one works for as an employee. One needs to remember the importance of education as it funnels more content... The gradual rise of a person equipped with business education is high and sky is the limit. It all depends on an individual person's understanding and comprehensiveness which get sharpened with regular practice with fundamentals and solving issues related to the same. The onset of a child to become a professional is also a kind of business education. When young, the attitude and understanding is limited; the gradual increase in age leads to maturity and several things change accordingly. Thismanagement is understood by children as they start maturing and it increases their analytical, logical, verbal and comprehensive skills. Any professional at the pinnacle of success, where he/she is directly responsible in creating business opportunities, an absence of a degree/diploma in business education can be a huge loss career wise. At this point of time when an individual is responsible for the firm's growth, investors' funds, employees and customers, education specialised in business becomes an added benefit. Such a role is always handled by the CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, various directors and the management team of a firm. Apart from this, the role of business education is quite vast as discussed earlier. Assessment of one's job compatibilities, job Get more content on
  • 14. Essay The Importance of Education Education is important in any society. Parents, teachers and even political leaders encourage education in our society. Many people do not understand why there is so much emphasis placed upon obtaining a good education. This is why some people do not put in as much effort as they should. It is important that everyone understand the many benefits of education aside from getting a job and earning a salary. This knowledge will help you to develop an attitude that is conducive to learning. You will enjoy the true benefits of education. This essay will explore a number of reasons why education is so important. Exposure to a New World You should not live in a cocoon of what you already know. People in the past only knew their more content... Expose yourself to a completely new world. Fun and Adventure People view formal education in a negative light. This is schooling where people only look at voluminous books, boring teachers and hard exams. Education is actually fun and adventurous. You learn about new things, meet new people and pursue new interests. It gives you a chance to interact with people other than your neighbors and family members. It also provides an escape for those who suffer from stressful situations at home. You should adopt a positive attitude towards education. This attitude will help you see the fun in education. Adopt it today. Build a Network You need friends who care about you. Finding good friends is not easy. It takes time, patience and perseverance. Experience is usually the best way of finding good friends. Education allows you to gain this experience by interacting with people within formal and informal settings. You know people better through these experiences. This helps you to choose a close group of good friends. This group will then become your network within society's entangled web of networks. You can call upon this network in times of trouble. You will find it hard to build a network of friends and colleagues without education. This means that you should pursue education as much as you can. Develop Skills in Life You will apply what you learn in the classroom beyond the confines of theschool or office. Education applies in
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  • 16. The Importance Of Equity In Education Over the past few centuries, the education system has had several changes, some positive, some negative, and some controversial. But ultimately the goal is to format and build the educational school system, we need to support our students so they can be successful in their life's. "During the past 30 years, local school districts have gradually yielded policy–making discretion to state legislatures and bureaucracies. States' efforts to achieve equity and improve student and teacher performance have considerably diminished local controls over funding, standards, and curricular content" (Hadderman,1988). Though I think that local control of schools does deal side by side with the schools, I believe that the state can offer more support during the policies discussion and along with input into the budgeting of each state, for education. Equity in the classroom to me means that all children and teachers should have equal opportunity to express and develop thought into the classroom discussions. Especially when young children are starting to develop their thought process, key point to encourage their thoughts. We as the educators need to find ways to support the children's language and knowledge of their surroundings. In many situations, the schools fail to be successful due to the need of money, to be able purchase materials needed to teach and assist the students. School district budgets should include bring more teachers into the school to lower the classroom size. Along with assisting the teachers that have students who learn at different levels. I wonder that if special education classes have enough materials. For example, in my son's high school, I have seen that they need more technology. Yet it turns out that technology has their own budget, as well as staffing contains their own budget. The hard work and good intentions of educators who often lacked professional support and sometimes worked in substandard conditions (Blankstein, Noguera, & Kelly, 2016, p. 186). Sadly, many schools don't fix the building or classroom that need improvements, so that the students can have safe and well lighted and fully stored with the needed materials. As a teacher can you really work if you don't have enough Get more content on
  • 17. The Importance Of Innovations In Education Essay Topic: Innovations Title: Innovations in education Essay type: Persuasive Word count: 1243 As 21st century is the century of Innovations, the world is changing and modern Technology has already become an intrinsic part of peoples' lives today, but educational Sphere remains constant at the same level. In this case, there is a Need for innovating it. Despite the Fact that the usage of the Internet and electronic Devices promotes Cheating , modern Technology should be widely used in educational Institutions due to some Factors, that might assist learning process, based on utilizing online Tasks and Feedback System, developing research skills of Students and modernizing the Organization of classes and assessment Methods. One particular significance of the Integration of modern Technology is an Application of a specific social network for each educational Institution. To be more precise, teachers should utilize online tasks, activities and feedback system. Providing that a Student faces some Difficulties related to a particular topic or task, he or she will be able to communicate directly with teacher via E–mail and get a Reply immediately as the Internet revolutionized the way people communicate (Galvin, Braithwait and Bylund, 2015). It is a good Chance for shy students to easily maintain a Contact with tutors instead of feeling Inconvenience stemming from face–to–face conversations in class. As Gibson and Oberg stated, such student–teacher Interactions enable Get more content on
  • 18. A Bachelor of Commerce Development assignment TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction– field of study (PAGE 1) 2. Purpose and key functions (PAGE 2) 3. Characteristics of employees in this field (PAGE 3) 4. Top Companies in this field (PAGE 4 AND 5) 5. Current trends in the industry (PAGE 6) 6. Career opportunities in this field (PAGE 7) 7. Conclusion (PAGE 8) 8. References (PAGE 9 AND 10) 1. INTRODUCTION– FIELD OF STUDY The field of study being discussed in this assignment is a Bachelor of Commerce (Bcom). A Bachelor of Commerce according to the Oxford English Dictionary is the study of an undergraduate degree in commerce or related subjects. The Bachelor of Commerce provides students with the necessary and important managerial skills while at the same time building their knowledge in the world of business. There are many areas of studying as well as a variety of majors that can be taken in this field of study, namely, Accounting,Finance, Marketing Law and Economics. 2. PURPOSE AND KEY FUNCTIONS
  • 19. The key functions and purposes of a BCom degree will be explained as follows. In the public and private sectors of the economy, managerial experience is highly valued and can boost careers within the management specialty and is supported and recognized by a degree qualification. Many experienced people in sectors such as engineering, health services and education choose to reinforce their existing Get more content on
  • 20. The Importance of E-Commerce in Our Lives With rapid change of technology in social web, e–commerce is become one of important think in our life. E–commerce is the use of internet and the social web to do business, when focus on digitally enabled commercial transactions between among of firm and individuals involving information systems under the control of the firm it takes the form of e–business. Nowadays, e–commerce is gaining momentum and most of the things if not everything is getting digitally enabled. Therefore, it becomes very important to clearly draw the line between different types of commerce or business integrated with the 'e' factor. Based on the type of relationship between different sides of commerce, it can be categorized in different types. 2.1.1B2B Business–to–business is one type of business model that buyer sell product or service to buyer. Usually business to business describes ecommerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. Contrasting terms are business–to consumer which type of business model that usually between retailers to customers. The volume of business–to–business transactions is much higher than the volume of business–to consumer transactions. The mainly reason for this is that in a usual supply chain there will be many business–to–business transactions involving sub components or raw materials, and only one business–to consumer transaction, specifically sale of the finished product to the end Get more content on
  • 21. The Importance Of Higher Education The improvement in the education sector promotes the stability of the economy since the educated citizens have better payrolls. The societal economies have a chance to develop with increased educated people. The whole nation benefits from education because they influence the economic growth of a country. Hence, higher education provides the citizens with a chance for economic growth. Higher education gives the citizens an opportunity to lead happy and healthy lives. This is because, with training, a person can earn a decent pay and as a result improve personal lives. With the knowledge that comes from education, people know the importance of societal activities, which allows them to enhance their lives and as a result make a positive impact on the world (Johnson et al., 2015). Education provides people with essential skills that give them an opportunity to participate in societal and cultural activities. Hence, people lead successful and fulfilling lives. In addition to improving the daily lives of a person, higher education helps to promote the lifestyles of the whole nation. Hence, higher education provides the citizens with an opportunity to lead healthy and better lives. The educational journey has helped me achieve a lot of things in life, and I would encourage other people to follow in my footsteps. I have a positive effect when engaging with others which have been facilitated by education. Education has enabled me to develop myself whereby I am not held by feelings. Get more content on
  • 22. Essay on PowerPoint in Education PowerPoint in Education Over the years education has been making rapid technological advances, it seems like every year there is some new tool entering the classroom. Most of us today don't remember when classrooms were using chalk and slate boards because of the new technology that we have developed. Now we have grown accustom to overheard projectors, television and computers, but what seems to be the new trend of education is Power Point. It is every where we turn, "more than 90% of computer–based presentation visuals in the country are created using PowerPoint."(Ricky Telg, Ph.D., andTracy Irani, Ph.D.) The basic break down of power–point, has to do with visuals, it is a program that offers templates for doing a presentation more content... In our technologically based society, power point presentations are slowly beginning to take over the out–dated and tedious job of scribbling on chalkboards. A power point presentation is a simple process which can be done by the non–computer oriented people as well as the experts. It involves creating slides, then projecting the slides on to a large projection screen and the presenter is in complete charge of slide transition in the presentation with a simple click of the mouse. It can be filled with bright colored fonts and animated effects to promote interest. When used effectively, it can provide a great deal of information to the audience by using the graphically enhanced effects. It also helps the presenter to organize their presentation instead of dealing with note cards or papers. A power point presentation is highly powerful tool in the classroom, and as technology progresses so will the program. Ensuring that teaching in the classroom will gradually become a much easier task (Telg, 2001). Many teachers like to use PowerPoint in the classroom because it is easy to use and it portrays information in a very organized manner. From the growing popularity of PowerPoint in the classroom, it is clear that there are many pros to this teaching tool. When used correctly, PowerPoint benefits both the teacher and the students because the teacher will be able "to explain abstract concepts, while accommodating all learning Get more content on