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Imperialism Dbq
The United States did not want to be apart of any foreign affairs. The proclamation of Neutrality
and the Monroe Doctrine was a way to make sure the United Stated did not intervene in foreign
affairs. President Thomas Jefferson thought that the only way to increase land and resources was to
expand westward. They thought westward expansion was like childbirth; the idea was exciting but
when it come across to giving birth it messed everything up in the body. Imperialism is the policy in
which stronger nations extend their economic, political, and/or military control over weaker
territories. And it all started when Britain started expanding to other countries. When other countries
like the US saw britain expanding to Africa, everyone wanted Africa
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Imperialism Dbq
In the nineteenth century, the United States became involved in world problems for many reasons.
The US gained control of countries and people who lived in the Pacific and Caribbean by using the
imperialism policy. Some Americans were against imperialism while others supported them.
However, the United States was not justified for overseas expansion in the late 19th and 20th century
because of cultural and political rationales. The policy of imperialism was, stronger nations
extending their economic, political, or military control over the weaker territories. Many Americans
supported US expansion while others did not. For example, the American Anti–Imperialist League
was a movement that wanted the US out of the Philippines. On October 17,
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European Imperialism
Throughout the history of the world, imperialism has played a major role. Imperialism is one
country's complete domination of the political, economic, and social life of another country.
Imperialism has many positive and negative effects. The Age of Imperialism is considered 1800 –
1914. During this time Europe became a major world leader. European countries set up colonies all
over Africa, Latin America, and Asia, and encouraged their citizens to populate them. European
imperialism boosted Europe's economy, and made them a world power. Imperialization had an
entirely different effect on Africa, Latin America, and Asia. People of these countries were
mistreated, they lost their culture, land, and self respect. The negative effects more content...
Austin, it shows how the larger nations gave to the smaller colonies. The nations built them roads,
canals, and railways, telegraphs, newspapers, and schools. Europe gave them the blessing of their
civilization, and overall made them economized. They were part of modern culture after
imperialization. Another positive effect is how the colonial governments introduced improved
medical care, and better methods of sanitation. There were new crops; tools and farming methods,
which helped, increase food production. These changes meant less death to smaller colonies, and
overall improve the state of living. They now could live longer and have better sanitation.
European Imperialization had an entirely different effect on Africa, Latin America, and Asia.
People of these countries endored lots of hard work, and lost their culture, land, and self respect.
A negative effect is seen in Document two, a picture called "Learning civilized ways is hard
work." In the picture you can see an Asain and an African pulling around a seated European. For
the native poeple colonization ment doing the European's hard work. Natvie people were used as a
form of cheap, and somtimes even slave labor. The Africans, Latin Americans, and Asians had no
freedom, they were completly controlled by the Europeans. This did not civilize the smaller contries.
All of the promisies and benifits sated in
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British Imperialism Dbq Essay
The British originally came in as a decent sized company in East India, but when the sepoys attacked
that company, England sent their whole army and navy to get the sepoys under control, but while
doing that they also took over all of India. Although economically and socially the Indians did benefit
in some ways, the British established a massive infrastructure by controlling India and having a huge
political, economic, and social impact on India that helped them more than it helped the Indians.
British imperialism did not benefit the Indians politically because the British maintained almost a
complete control of the government and also controlling the Indians lives, a way they did that was
by having the police kill innocent people. Their police killed 400 people at Amritsar because they
were protesting (Gandhi). Yes, the British might of had a well established efficient government in
their eyes because they had everything under control but, out of the 960 people who ran their
government only 60 of them were Indian and the other 900 were British (Doc 2). That
more content...
The British laid down 10,000 miles of railroads and made 136,000 bridges (Lalvani). Although the
railroads might of helped with the transportation of goods and other materials the British had to
take down trees and ruin India's land which also created famine, that happened by all the cash
crops they were growing (Lalvani). Cash crops are crops they grow but can't eat which ruins the
soil so they couldn't reuse it. Some examples of cash crops are cotton, indigo, and tobacco. With
all of these cash crops being made and all of the hard breathtaking work the Indians had to do,
around 58 million Indians died because of famine (Doc 7). They had no good soil to grow their
crops with, so they had barely anything to eat. With all of that nothing good came from British
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Imperialism Dbq
The economy, social/cultural standings, and politics were three major factors that affect imperialism
in the 19th century. Imperialism is a government system where rulers attempt to conquer other
countries for an increase of power. To occupy the most money and to hold the most trade centers
have a huge impact on imperialism. Possessing the most money affects imperialism, "Purely
financial considerations also characterized the new imperialism" (Document B). Taking
responsibility for your money helped form imperialism. Being superior and owning the most money
was a big competition in the 19th century. Trade and material goods were also crucial to
imperialism, especially in Europe; "European life required material goods" (Document C). Being more content...
"The british empire was a racial construct in which whites were of higher status than non–whites"
(Document K). Whites, being considered superior, caused segregation. No one can control their race,
but countries are constantly fighting to be on the top of the social ladder.
Europeans are not used to sciences and arts, so the spread of other culture could be the start of
imperialism; "It is not natural for the civilized people of [Europe] to gather the marvels of science,
art and civilization and not share the opportunities with the savages in need" (Document S). The
dispersion of a culture can cause other countries to want copy soon conjoining countries or leaving
one dominant. Lastly, politics and fighting for the highest power affected imperialism. "The political
impetus derived from the impact of...power struggles [w/in] Europe and competition for
preeminence [in Europe], Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, and Spain were
competing for power..." (Document R). More power means a country can take control and demand
their necessities."The economic motive is by no means to be dismissed but alongside of it there
evidently was another one, not so easy to define but none the less real – the power complex – sheer
love of power" (Document M). Along with economics, which is still a big factor, politics and being
powerful afflicted conflict over
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Dbq Essay On Imperialism
Imperialism originates from the Latin word "imperium", which means supreme power. But what is
imperialism? Imperialism means "a policy of sending a country's power and influence through
force." In the late 19th century, European imperialism in Africa was fueled by competition between
countries. The driving force behind European imperialism in Africa was national competition
because of cultural attitudes, the need to build up and maintain a good reputation, and economic
Cultural attitudes greatly fueled national competition. For example, Rudyard Kipling's poem "The
White Man's Burden" showed the superiority of the white Europeans towards the Africans
(Document F: Rudyard Kipling, "The White Man's Burden," 1899). This superiority shown
illustrates the need Europeans felt to help the Africans and improve their conditions. Also, John
Ruskin mentioned in a lecture that England need to teach their future African colonists (Document
B: John Ruskin, lecture at Oxford University, February 8, 1870). This shows that the Europeans
believed that colonization could be a way to educate the Africans, thus imperialism. These cultural
attitudes were the roots more content...
Freidrich Fabri from Germany wrote that establishing colonies would not only build up, but also
maintain a good reputation for the country (Document B: Freidrich Fabri, Does Germany Need
Colonies? 1879). A good reputation would not only increase a country's recognition as a world
power, but also improve their political power. This urge for a good reputation is also seen in maps
from the late 19th century (Document A: "Partition of Africa," 1884–85). The map shows Africa
split into many European colonies. The map also shows a tension between countries, which can be
understood from Fabri's words. This tension is for a good reputation, and this tension is what will
lead to national
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Imperialism DBQ Essay examples
What role did Imperialism play in shaping U.S. foreign policy in the late 19th and early 20th
Prior to the late 19th century, the United States was preoccupied with domestic affairs and simply
used the Monroe Doctrine as their lone foreign policy. By the late 19th century, however, domestic
concerns suppressed just enough to let foreign issues take the spotlight. The Industrial Revolution
brought mass production, which forced the United States to seek a new global market for trade.
America also became increasingly concerned with intervening in Latin American affairs and
spreading democracy to less powerful nations. Due to the aforementioned factors, imperialism played
a pivotal role in shaping American more content...
Intervention in Latin America, mainly Cuba, also led to the Spanish–American War. When the
American naval ship, the USS Maine, exploded in the Havana Harbor, President McKinley
immediately decided to go to war after being labeled a coward by yellow journalists. This is a
prime example of how incidents in Latin American countries forced presidents to act rapidly and
without much thought, causing America to form a bold and aggressive foreign policy.
According to the United States, democracy and Christianity were principal elements of a successful
society. During the end of the eighteen–hundreds and throughout the beginning of the
nineteen–hundreds, America tried to colonize and reform less fortunate nations. Following a
social–Darwinist point of view, Americans took their "God–given" superiority to those who were
incapable of establishing their own self–government (Doc. H). After much debate, American foreign
policy towards the Philippines and Cuba was that it is our duty to rule them until they could rule
themselves. We pledged to save the indigenous people from their savage, bloody, and corrupt ways
of life. President McKinley's foreign policy towards the Philippines stated that "they would soon
have anarchy and misrule...there was nothing left to do but take them all, educate the Filipinos, and
uplift and civilize them" (Doc. A).
Imperialistic fervor was spreading more than ever during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The
United States was eager to propel itself
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African Imperialism DBQ
European powers shamelessly exploited the people and resources of Africa in the 19th century. They
often tried to justify their actions by using ideology, religion and moralism. After the end of the
African slave trade, the development of steam power, and medical discovery, European nations
started exploring not only the coast but also the unmapped interior of the continent. In this essay, I
will explain the main driving forces behind African Imperialism. The Western europeans countries
all competed for land and resources because of their self interest. They sought natural resources, and
technology gave them the ability to exploit them. The philosophy of national pride however, was the
primary reason. (Main document) (Doc C, D & B)
The technical advances in the early and middle part of the 19th century enabled Western European
powers to exploit imperial objectives in Africa. Among these advances were the steam engine,
extraction of quinine, invention of the telegraph, steal processing and improved weaponry. The
steam engine was important in increasing the speed and reliability of transportation. Extracting
quinine from the bark of the cinchona tree helped treat malaria; a mosquito borne disease that killed
thousands; it was now possible to survive in the interior of Africa. The telegraph was invented in
1837 and allowed fast communication over more content...
These countries wanted their most worthy citizens to be part of their imperial desires, which lead to
a philosophy of their ideals, religion and morals being developed. They meant that they could justify
the colonies and labor based on the superiority of their culture, and the need to spread it to other
cultures. When doing this, local cultures often destroyed, and people lost a sense of their identity.
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European Imperialism In Africa Dbq
From 1500 to 1800, the Europeans already had their eyes on Africa, although not for the purpose
of imperialism. Over the next century, slavery was abolished and Belgium began by establishing
the Free Congo State in order to make money. Soon, many other European leaders began to realize
that Africa was rich with natural resources (Background Essay). The main forces driving European
Imperialism in Africa were the capabilities of the European countries' economies and the
opportunity for more wealth and money. Prior to imperialism, many European countries already
had a good economy, which was an incentive for them to colonize. "Developed in the 1830s and
1840s by Samuel Morse (1791–1872) and other inventors, the telegraph revolutionized long–distance
communication" (Document C). Technological advancements such as the telegraph were useful and
provided advantages in colonizing. This encouraged Europeans to colonize because access to
long–distance communication and the like would make colonization a much easier process. Also,
Friedrich Fabri said that, "Germany will have success in colonization because of its experience on
the seas, industry and commerce skill, capability in agricultural colonization, and ample manpower"
(Document B). Since Germany's economy was already powerful in terms of agriculture, industry,
and commerce, they had confidence that colonizing in Africa would be a success. Therefore, they
were more motivated to take action. The strong economies of the European
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Dbq Imperialism
Although expansionism around the year 1900 shared some similar motivation with that of earlier
decades, it was to a greater degree the result of new economic and political pursuits. Past expansion
had involved annexing adjacent territory contiguous with the existing states that enabled the spread
of American settlement; it was utilized for the spread of agriculture and the American population,
and all acquired territory was intended to ultimately become states. Contrastingly, new territory in
the age of imperialism was acquired with the economic intent of use as a colony: a provider of raw
materials and markets for the products of industrialism. By denying citizenship to the inhabitants of
the territory of the Philippines in the Insular Case
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Imperialism Dbq Essay
DBQ Essay
Throughout the 19th and 20th century, imperialism was a common force used by Europeans against
ethnic countries. They used a superior demeanor implemented by social darwinism to convince
natives that their way of life and international affairs were uncivilized in order to gain control of
their land for selfish economic interests. Although the Europeans promised a progressive society by
establishing colonies, they also forced civilization, stole resources, and stripped away culture.
The Europeans thought it as their duty to civilize the "inferior" races by expanding western ideals.
However, they did so in a vicious and grueling way where citizens were treated inhumanely. From
An Anthology of West African Verse by David Diop, he entails more content...
Europeans were encouraged and convinced that the white race was superior due to the evolution
ideologies theorized by Charles Darwin, the well renowned scientist. A British imperialist inAfrica,
Cecil Rhodes, exemplifies these false interpretations in Confessions of Faith, published in 1877. She
arrogantly states that "[Britons] are the finest race in the world, and the more of the world we
inhabit, the better it is for the human race". She then continues to express that colonizing is their
duty because they would also be expanding the "Anglo–Saxon race", assuming to "better the world."
The enforcers were blinded by their self inflated thoughts to realize the damage they caused. In 1903,
a report made by Roger Casement, an Irish human activist and anti–imperialist, interviewed African
natives on the colonialism. One quoted Congo Basin chief, Moyo, "our country has not many
people in it and we are dying fast. We are killed by the work you make us do, but the stoppage of
our plantations, and the breakin up of our homes". This proves the harsh reality colonizers were
putting into effect on the natives. They only cared about the land resources they could gain to
benefit themselves and enslaved the natives to do the dirty labor. The racial bias was a lousy
excuse to acquire territory and was a problematic factor of progressive force during the new
imperialism which lead to the killings of innocent
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Imperialism Dbq
Imperialism is when one country that is larger than others take over small countries for their land
and natural resources. The most influential factor that caused conflicts associated with imperialism
was economic because European nations wanted to demonstrate their power and prestige to the
world. They were forced to acquire new colonies, and be known as "economically–well developed
country". As the world approached 20th century, several powers grew desperate for more land and
more control. In 1870s, the Belgian king Leopold sent emissaries to establish trade with native
Africans in the Congo. This single act began a flurry of imperialistic activity as the other nations of
Europe, Germany, Spain, Portugal, etc.. Many things, positive more content...
Even though trade between nations grew greatly and a world economy developed, it "created
bitter rivalries among the imperial powers and hatred among the colonized people." From Doc.
#5 (A Place in the Sun), says "In spite of the fact that we have no such flect as we should have, we
have conquered for ourselves a place in the sun." This reveals that Germans were encouraged to
take part in Imperialism. It demonstrates how Germany wanted to keep its empire economically and
politically growing, in order to compete with other nations. We could also look at Doc. #6 (Letter to
SIr George Grey), announces "I know that you have followed with interest the transactions with your excellency's meditation." This is important because it shows that Moshweshewe
request for peace to Sir George Grey, due to situation that Moshweshewe and his tribe has been put
into by the invasive Boers and other high–ranking British officials, asking for help to stop their
unfair territorial advances.
Imperialism has definitely played a key role in the formation of the modern world, and economic
was the most important and essential part of it. The "New Imperialism" in Africa has proven both
destructive and creative. And also has destroyed traditional institutions and ways of thinking, has
replaced them with the habits and mentality of the western world. The Age of Imperialism was an
unforgettable period of time in the history, people wanted
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Dbq Imperialism
After an elite revolution involving the advance of new technology and economy, global changes
occurred. Capitalism, socialism, and nationalism were very popular before the fall of Africa, and
before imperialism. With these ideas in mind, motivations like: the military, politics, demographic
features, economics, and social classes had influence for the future of Africa and countries like
Europe, Germany, and Russia were more powerful than Africa. Imperialism shaped when borders
were opened, and authority was limited. A nation that is thriving on foreign trade and control
outside its borders is more likely to imperialize. Europe's acquisition towards African colonies in
1880 to 1914 included actions like the spread of religion , Africa's more content...
Christian members in Europe established churches in conquered territories during the nineteenth
century. With this Western cultural values were spread. Europe found the option to use imperialism
to their advantage when the scramble for Africa occurred. This is when The Berlin West Africa
conference occurred regarding the split of Africa into colonies. The country was so behind with the
rapid industrialization, that new diffusion of ideas was necessary and sought out by citizens.
Colliding of religions also involved new education and new foreign languages. As seen in document
five, philanthropy was a key part and wanted "five percent better" through Europe at the time. This
showed Africa's hesitant distinction through the late 1880's to 1950's and was portrayed across the
globe as a developing reputation. Problems with governments, leaders, and trade reflected onto
Africa that also left religious views and questions in the air. Against imperialism, Africa saw no hope
in ever regaining independence. Colonial conflict struct, and a self government without the help of
other countries was out of the picture. In documents three and nine, a German man and German
Social Democratic party address how Africa is beginning to look like Europe and how markets
within Africa are no longer relevant "to new markets which each country tries to usurp to itself".
These documents showed how after many
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Dbq Essay On Imperialism
The standard way of thinking about the topic of imperialism is that the British seized other peoples
lands without considering how the people felt, but many other countries followed in the footsteps of
the British. Other countries saw that they had expanded and were gaining territory, and wanted to
expand also. There were many reasons as to why imperialism became popular, money, land,
education, resources, because of this many people were greatly affected by imperialism. Some of the
main people affected were the British, the Germans, and the people living in imperialized countries.
Of the people who were impacted by imperialism, the group that was influenced the most were the
British. The British played a huge role in imperialism. In Confessions of Faith, Cecil Rhodes, a
British imperialist in Africa, wrote about how the British had begun colonization. Per Rhodes the
British were the "superior" race and it was their duty to help other countries become
more content...
Rhodes believes that for this to happen the British need the other countries land so that the British
empire could continue to grow. While Rhodes is probably wrong when he claimed that the British
are the "superior" race. On the other hand, i agree that the white man's burden was a big part of
imperialism. Rhodes is not the only one to bring up the white man's burden in his work, in An
Anthology of West African Verse, by David Diop, he also mentioned the white man's burden in his
piece, but unlike Rhodes's he doesn't show the positive side to the white man's burden (doc 4). Diop
argues that the white man's burden wasn't helpful at all. From his point of view the "white men"
killed, seduced, and hurt his family, and after they had done that they had tried to "educate him".
You can tell from his Diop complains about the white man's burden in his writing, and he believes
that it
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European Imperialism In Africa Dbq Essay
As Europe's economy and standard of living rose, the need for more land flourished as well. Europe
sought to split the various parts of Africa during the Berlin conference (without the approval of the
Africans, of course). Eventually, Europe successfully stole most of Africa from its rightful owners.
The greedy Europeans showed pretentiousness towards the colonies in Africa and wanted to seize
territory in order to utilize their available resources while displaying supremacy over the other races.
During this time, Europe was beginning to industrialize. Great Britain was the leading innovator in
industrial progress with the invention of the steam engine, spinning jenny, and implementation of
railroads. As more countries began to modernize, the urgency for raw materials surged; thus
explaining why Europeans turned to Africa for the wishes. One example of an avaricious
entrepreneur would be the (in)famous Cecil Rhodes. He was the mastermind behind the creation of
the De Beers Diamond Company. He monopolized the diamond industry from mining in Africa. He
eventually gained enough popularity to become the Prime Minister of Cape Colony, spreading his
influence furthermore. Imperialism in Africa was in full more content...
In Document 3, Bismarck totally disregards the current map of Africa and constructs his own view
of Africa after Germany, Russia, and France take over it. He is confident that the Europeans are in
total control over Africa's fate. In Document 6, the baptist minister's point of view shows that he is
inattentive of the Africans' feelings and only cares about Belgian's interests, displaying selfishness
and negligence. Document 8 is different because it features a public letter from the London Times.
The audience of the letter is directed towards the citizens of Great Britain. Primrose is trying to
convince the reader that they are apart of the most important
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Imperialism Dbq
The second Industrial Revolution was a time of economic prosperity. This success made many think
America should spread overseas. Foreign policy was a debated topic in the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries. Many Americans, including William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt, should
spread its influence overseas to places like the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Cuba, but many others,
including Mark Twain and William J. Bryan, felt that imperialism was not what the country needed
and was against its values. Those in favor of overseas involvement thought America should civilize
others, while those against thought America should spend its time and focus on domestic issues.
The Spanish American War began the discussion of more content...
They felt America should not involve itself in foreign issues that they did not have ties to. In
George Washington's Farewell Address, he advised the nation to stay in isolation and that is what
this side believes. They were against the Panama Canal and the Spanish American War. They
feared that the US was becoming an empire. William Graham Sumner was strongly against the
war and imperialism. He thought the nation was becoming an empire and was becoming more and
more like Spain (Doc 2). Sumner was more concerned with domestic problems and thought that the
addition of new colonies would distract us from handling these problems. Jane Adams was another
one against imperialism. She thought America becoming an empire was not the democratic thing
to do and was creating a militarism mentality (Doc 4). William Jennings Bryan made the same
argument during his presidential campaign. He stated that the US could not be a republic and do
these things, noting that the Filipinos did not add anything to the nation, we just took them
because we could. He said this was embarrassing and humiliating to the nation and this behavior
could not continue (Doc 6). This act of grabbing colonies was seen as the US flexing its muscles,
or spreading its wings if you will, to the other nations to show its international control. The
reasoning of spreading the wings of liberty to less fortunate colonies was not bought by all (Doc
7). Puck, a satirical magazine, captured this attempt with a patriotic bald eagle spreading its
majestic wings across Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. This was not seen as liberty or
imperialism, it was becoming an
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Imperialism Dbq
Did you know the word imperialism is derived from the Latin verb "imperare", which means 'to
command' and from the Roman concept of "imperium" (expansion). Imperialism was introduced in
1870 for the purpose of arranging footholds and trading posts on the coasts of Africa and China,
exploring the New World, and settling down colonies in North and South America, before ending in
1914. The few leading nations were: United States of America, Great Britain, Japan, and Germany;
and the prime developing nations were: Africa and China. With the background of imperialism, we
still have this burning question: Was imperialism beneficial to developing nations? The answer is
no, because it is important to realize, developing nations were stripped of their
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Imperialism Essay
Imperialism could be considered as a defining characteristic of America in the late 19th and early
20th centuries. Imperialism is defined as "a policy of extending a country's power and influence
through diplomacy or military force" (Imperialism and Immigration). When it comes to imperialism
in America, I must say that other factors were more influential than social Darwinism. Although I do
agree to a certain extent that social Darwinism did play a big role, things such as expansionist
objectives, European activity, and economic opportunity overall had a bigger part in the movement.
Expansionist objectives became well known and a widely shared view in the 1830s, and by 1893
Americans were ready to expand past the United States. more content...
This expansion of Europe then became concerning to Americans, if Europe kept expanding, they
would gain more power, and with more power, we couldn't be sure that we would be able to protect
ourselves or our ideas (Imperialism and Immigration). This worry then led to the ideas of Alfred
Thayer Mahan who thought that we needed a much stronger navy to protect ourselves. Mahan
believed that the United States could use sea power in two different but beneficial ways, one was
for peace which meant commerce with other countries as well as being able to build ports for our
ships, and then our men could refuel and rest, and the other reason simply put, was for war. Mahan
even states "The influence of the government will be felt in its most legitimate manner in
maintaining an armed navy, of a size commensurate with the growth of its shipping and the
importance of the interests connected with it" (Mahan 1890). These worries of European activity
and the worries of building up our own economy became the driving force behind building a
stronger navy to be able to pursue imperialism, not social Darwinism.
Furthermore, economic opportunity for the United States had a huge role in the push for
imperialism. With growing concerns of Europe expanding in size, the US began to be further
concerned about the potential
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Imperialism Dbq Essay
Imperialism is the control over an uncivilized country socially, politically and economically.
Imperialism affected many countries. China, Africa, India, the Americas and Euurope were all
affected by imperialism. Imperialism was caused by nations wanting to expand their territory, their
army and develop a better trade system. Imperialism began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
due to political, social and economic forces. Economic factors played a huge role in the expansion
of imperialism. Document 5 says, "But the economic side... must not be allowed to obscure the other
factors. Psychologically speaking... evolutionary teachings was perhaps most crucial." This means
that the economy shouldn't be allowed to hide other factors and that the evolutionary teachings of
"survival of the fittest" was the most crucial. William Langer claims that it only causes competion.
Every country is trying to compete in order to gain money. Document 1 explains how iron and
cotton producers were able to sell their goods overseas to their colonies. Also more
Some countries believed they could show their power to other countries by taking over weaker
lands. "we are weak agianst them... The French immense warships filled with soldiers and armed
with large cannons. No one could ressit them. They go where they want, the strongest ramparts the
fall before them"(Document 7). This quote shows how France took over a weaker country and
made sure that they were seen as the stronger ones. In document 4, Cecil Rhodes states " I contend
that we are the finnest race in the world, and the more of the world we inhbbit, the better it is for
the human race." He believes that the Britons must take over the weaker ones and teach them how
to be more like them. He also thought that if they did this then they would look stronger and more
superior to other countries. A country's image towards others had a big impact on the expansion of
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European Imperialism Dbq Essay
During the 19th century in 1880, King Leopold of Belgium began the process of European
imperialism in Africa. Leopold had acquired 900,000 square miles of Africa, he called this Congo
Free State. He began to take out ivory and rubber in order to make money. All while Leopold was
exporting those goods, other European leaders held a conference to divide up Africa in a practicable
and tranquil manner. What was the main driving force behind the European imperialism in Africa?
Imperialism had several driving forces behind it including national competition, technological
advances, and cultural superiority. However, the most important cause of imperialism was economics.
One of the driving forces behind European imperialism was national competition. There were seven
different European countries within Africa with colonies (Doc A). All these countries wanted to be
equal to their neighbors or stay above them. None of them wanted to be surpassed by them in
wealth or distinction. England had the idea that they needed to take others colonies. Germany had
the idea that in order to " prove and maintain its newly won position" they needed to take others
colonies (Doc B). The national competition helped drive imperialism because of more
Europeans had many technological advancements. Although the development of the steam engine
was their most powerful force for imperialism. The "steam engines powered ships and railroads"
creating a more efficient way of trading resources (Doc C). All European industries benefited from
the African resources. The industries benefited the most from was "French West Africa" because
they exported everything from oils to cotton (Doc D). The industries were able to make "cosmetics,
drugs, food products, and fabrics" from the exported resources (Doc D). Technological advancements
helped drive imperialism because Africa had an abundance of natural resources that Europe
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Imperialism Dbq Essay

  • 1. Imperialism Dbq The United States did not want to be apart of any foreign affairs. The proclamation of Neutrality and the Monroe Doctrine was a way to make sure the United Stated did not intervene in foreign affairs. President Thomas Jefferson thought that the only way to increase land and resources was to expand westward. They thought westward expansion was like childbirth; the idea was exciting but when it come across to giving birth it messed everything up in the body. Imperialism is the policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, and/or military control over weaker territories. And it all started when Britain started expanding to other countries. When other countries like the US saw britain expanding to Africa, everyone wanted Africa Get more content on
  • 2. Imperialism Dbq In the nineteenth century, the United States became involved in world problems for many reasons. The US gained control of countries and people who lived in the Pacific and Caribbean by using the imperialism policy. Some Americans were against imperialism while others supported them. However, the United States was not justified for overseas expansion in the late 19th and 20th century because of cultural and political rationales. The policy of imperialism was, stronger nations extending their economic, political, or military control over the weaker territories. Many Americans supported US expansion while others did not. For example, the American Anti–Imperialist League was a movement that wanted the US out of the Philippines. On October 17, Get more content on
  • 3. European Imperialism Throughout the history of the world, imperialism has played a major role. Imperialism is one country's complete domination of the political, economic, and social life of another country. Imperialism has many positive and negative effects. The Age of Imperialism is considered 1800 – 1914. During this time Europe became a major world leader. European countries set up colonies all over Africa, Latin America, and Asia, and encouraged their citizens to populate them. European imperialism boosted Europe's economy, and made them a world power. Imperialization had an entirely different effect on Africa, Latin America, and Asia. People of these countries were mistreated, they lost their culture, land, and self respect. The negative effects more content... Austin, it shows how the larger nations gave to the smaller colonies. The nations built them roads, canals, and railways, telegraphs, newspapers, and schools. Europe gave them the blessing of their civilization, and overall made them economized. They were part of modern culture after imperialization. Another positive effect is how the colonial governments introduced improved medical care, and better methods of sanitation. There were new crops; tools and farming methods, which helped, increase food production. These changes meant less death to smaller colonies, and overall improve the state of living. They now could live longer and have better sanitation. European Imperialization had an entirely different effect on Africa, Latin America, and Asia. People of these countries endored lots of hard work, and lost their culture, land, and self respect. A negative effect is seen in Document two, a picture called "Learning civilized ways is hard work." In the picture you can see an Asain and an African pulling around a seated European. For the native poeple colonization ment doing the European's hard work. Natvie people were used as a form of cheap, and somtimes even slave labor. The Africans, Latin Americans, and Asians had no freedom, they were completly controlled by the Europeans. This did not civilize the smaller contries. All of the promisies and benifits sated in Get more content on
  • 4. British Imperialism Dbq Essay The British originally came in as a decent sized company in East India, but when the sepoys attacked that company, England sent their whole army and navy to get the sepoys under control, but while doing that they also took over all of India. Although economically and socially the Indians did benefit in some ways, the British established a massive infrastructure by controlling India and having a huge political, economic, and social impact on India that helped them more than it helped the Indians. British imperialism did not benefit the Indians politically because the British maintained almost a complete control of the government and also controlling the Indians lives, a way they did that was by having the police kill innocent people. Their police killed 400 people at Amritsar because they were protesting (Gandhi). Yes, the British might of had a well established efficient government in their eyes because they had everything under control but, out of the 960 people who ran their government only 60 of them were Indian and the other 900 were British (Doc 2). That more content... The British laid down 10,000 miles of railroads and made 136,000 bridges (Lalvani). Although the railroads might of helped with the transportation of goods and other materials the British had to take down trees and ruin India's land which also created famine, that happened by all the cash crops they were growing (Lalvani). Cash crops are crops they grow but can't eat which ruins the soil so they couldn't reuse it. Some examples of cash crops are cotton, indigo, and tobacco. With all of these cash crops being made and all of the hard breathtaking work the Indians had to do, around 58 million Indians died because of famine (Doc 7). They had no good soil to grow their crops with, so they had barely anything to eat. With all of that nothing good came from British Get more content on
  • 5. Imperialism Dbq The economy, social/cultural standings, and politics were three major factors that affect imperialism in the 19th century. Imperialism is a government system where rulers attempt to conquer other countries for an increase of power. To occupy the most money and to hold the most trade centers have a huge impact on imperialism. Possessing the most money affects imperialism, "Purely financial considerations also characterized the new imperialism" (Document B). Taking responsibility for your money helped form imperialism. Being superior and owning the most money was a big competition in the 19th century. Trade and material goods were also crucial to imperialism, especially in Europe; "European life required material goods" (Document C). Being more content... "The british empire was a racial construct in which whites were of higher status than non–whites" (Document K). Whites, being considered superior, caused segregation. No one can control their race, but countries are constantly fighting to be on the top of the social ladder. Europeans are not used to sciences and arts, so the spread of other culture could be the start of imperialism; "It is not natural for the civilized people of [Europe] to gather the marvels of science, art and civilization and not share the opportunities with the savages in need" (Document S). The dispersion of a culture can cause other countries to want copy soon conjoining countries or leaving one dominant. Lastly, politics and fighting for the highest power affected imperialism. "The political impetus derived from the impact of...power struggles [w/in] Europe and competition for preeminence [in Europe], Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, and Spain were competing for power..." (Document R). More power means a country can take control and demand their necessities."The economic motive is by no means to be dismissed but alongside of it there evidently was another one, not so easy to define but none the less real – the power complex – sheer love of power" (Document M). Along with economics, which is still a big factor, politics and being powerful afflicted conflict over Get more content on
  • 6. Dbq Essay On Imperialism Imperialism originates from the Latin word "imperium", which means supreme power. But what is imperialism? Imperialism means "a policy of sending a country's power and influence through force." In the late 19th century, European imperialism in Africa was fueled by competition between countries. The driving force behind European imperialism in Africa was national competition because of cultural attitudes, the need to build up and maintain a good reputation, and economic reasons. Cultural attitudes greatly fueled national competition. For example, Rudyard Kipling's poem "The White Man's Burden" showed the superiority of the white Europeans towards the Africans (Document F: Rudyard Kipling, "The White Man's Burden," 1899). This superiority shown illustrates the need Europeans felt to help the Africans and improve their conditions. Also, John Ruskin mentioned in a lecture that England need to teach their future African colonists (Document B: John Ruskin, lecture at Oxford University, February 8, 1870). This shows that the Europeans believed that colonization could be a way to educate the Africans, thus imperialism. These cultural attitudes were the roots more content... Freidrich Fabri from Germany wrote that establishing colonies would not only build up, but also maintain a good reputation for the country (Document B: Freidrich Fabri, Does Germany Need Colonies? 1879). A good reputation would not only increase a country's recognition as a world power, but also improve their political power. This urge for a good reputation is also seen in maps from the late 19th century (Document A: "Partition of Africa," 1884–85). The map shows Africa split into many European colonies. The map also shows a tension between countries, which can be understood from Fabri's words. This tension is for a good reputation, and this tension is what will lead to national Get more content on
  • 7. Imperialism DBQ Essay examples A.P. U.S. II DBQ What role did Imperialism play in shaping U.S. foreign policy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? Prior to the late 19th century, the United States was preoccupied with domestic affairs and simply used the Monroe Doctrine as their lone foreign policy. By the late 19th century, however, domestic concerns suppressed just enough to let foreign issues take the spotlight. The Industrial Revolution brought mass production, which forced the United States to seek a new global market for trade. America also became increasingly concerned with intervening in Latin American affairs and spreading democracy to less powerful nations. Due to the aforementioned factors, imperialism played a pivotal role in shaping American more content... Intervention in Latin America, mainly Cuba, also led to the Spanish–American War. When the American naval ship, the USS Maine, exploded in the Havana Harbor, President McKinley immediately decided to go to war after being labeled a coward by yellow journalists. This is a prime example of how incidents in Latin American countries forced presidents to act rapidly and without much thought, causing America to form a bold and aggressive foreign policy. According to the United States, democracy and Christianity were principal elements of a successful society. During the end of the eighteen–hundreds and throughout the beginning of the nineteen–hundreds, America tried to colonize and reform less fortunate nations. Following a social–Darwinist point of view, Americans took their "God–given" superiority to those who were incapable of establishing their own self–government (Doc. H). After much debate, American foreign policy towards the Philippines and Cuba was that it is our duty to rule them until they could rule themselves. We pledged to save the indigenous people from their savage, bloody, and corrupt ways of life. President McKinley's foreign policy towards the Philippines stated that "they would soon have anarchy and misrule...there was nothing left to do but take them all, educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize them" (Doc. A). Imperialistic fervor was spreading more than ever during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The United States was eager to propel itself Get more content on
  • 8. African Imperialism DBQ European powers shamelessly exploited the people and resources of Africa in the 19th century. They often tried to justify their actions by using ideology, religion and moralism. After the end of the African slave trade, the development of steam power, and medical discovery, European nations started exploring not only the coast but also the unmapped interior of the continent. In this essay, I will explain the main driving forces behind African Imperialism. The Western europeans countries all competed for land and resources because of their self interest. They sought natural resources, and technology gave them the ability to exploit them. The philosophy of national pride however, was the primary reason. (Main document) (Doc C, D & B) The technical advances in the early and middle part of the 19th century enabled Western European powers to exploit imperial objectives in Africa. Among these advances were the steam engine, extraction of quinine, invention of the telegraph, steal processing and improved weaponry. The steam engine was important in increasing the speed and reliability of transportation. Extracting quinine from the bark of the cinchona tree helped treat malaria; a mosquito borne disease that killed thousands; it was now possible to survive in the interior of Africa. The telegraph was invented in 1837 and allowed fast communication over more content... These countries wanted their most worthy citizens to be part of their imperial desires, which lead to a philosophy of their ideals, religion and morals being developed. They meant that they could justify the colonies and labor based on the superiority of their culture, and the need to spread it to other cultures. When doing this, local cultures often destroyed, and people lost a sense of their identity. (Doc Get more content on
  • 9. European Imperialism In Africa Dbq From 1500 to 1800, the Europeans already had their eyes on Africa, although not for the purpose of imperialism. Over the next century, slavery was abolished and Belgium began by establishing the Free Congo State in order to make money. Soon, many other European leaders began to realize that Africa was rich with natural resources (Background Essay). The main forces driving European Imperialism in Africa were the capabilities of the European countries' economies and the opportunity for more wealth and money. Prior to imperialism, many European countries already had a good economy, which was an incentive for them to colonize. "Developed in the 1830s and 1840s by Samuel Morse (1791–1872) and other inventors, the telegraph revolutionized long–distance communication" (Document C). Technological advancements such as the telegraph were useful and provided advantages in colonizing. This encouraged Europeans to colonize because access to long–distance communication and the like would make colonization a much easier process. Also, Friedrich Fabri said that, "Germany will have success in colonization because of its experience on the seas, industry and commerce skill, capability in agricultural colonization, and ample manpower" (Document B). Since Germany's economy was already powerful in terms of agriculture, industry, and commerce, they had confidence that colonizing in Africa would be a success. Therefore, they were more motivated to take action. The strong economies of the European Get more content on
  • 10. Dbq Imperialism Although expansionism around the year 1900 shared some similar motivation with that of earlier decades, it was to a greater degree the result of new economic and political pursuits. Past expansion had involved annexing adjacent territory contiguous with the existing states that enabled the spread of American settlement; it was utilized for the spread of agriculture and the American population, and all acquired territory was intended to ultimately become states. Contrastingly, new territory in the age of imperialism was acquired with the economic intent of use as a colony: a provider of raw materials and markets for the products of industrialism. By denying citizenship to the inhabitants of the territory of the Philippines in the Insular Case Get more content on
  • 11. Imperialism Dbq Essay DBQ Essay Throughout the 19th and 20th century, imperialism was a common force used by Europeans against ethnic countries. They used a superior demeanor implemented by social darwinism to convince natives that their way of life and international affairs were uncivilized in order to gain control of their land for selfish economic interests. Although the Europeans promised a progressive society by establishing colonies, they also forced civilization, stole resources, and stripped away culture. The Europeans thought it as their duty to civilize the "inferior" races by expanding western ideals. However, they did so in a vicious and grueling way where citizens were treated inhumanely. From An Anthology of West African Verse by David Diop, he entails more content... Europeans were encouraged and convinced that the white race was superior due to the evolution ideologies theorized by Charles Darwin, the well renowned scientist. A British imperialist inAfrica, Cecil Rhodes, exemplifies these false interpretations in Confessions of Faith, published in 1877. She arrogantly states that "[Britons] are the finest race in the world, and the more of the world we inhabit, the better it is for the human race". She then continues to express that colonizing is their duty because they would also be expanding the "Anglo–Saxon race", assuming to "better the world." The enforcers were blinded by their self inflated thoughts to realize the damage they caused. In 1903, a report made by Roger Casement, an Irish human activist and anti–imperialist, interviewed African natives on the colonialism. One quoted Congo Basin chief, Moyo, "our country has not many people in it and we are dying fast. We are killed by the work you make us do, but the stoppage of our plantations, and the breakin up of our homes". This proves the harsh reality colonizers were putting into effect on the natives. They only cared about the land resources they could gain to benefit themselves and enslaved the natives to do the dirty labor. The racial bias was a lousy excuse to acquire territory and was a problematic factor of progressive force during the new imperialism which lead to the killings of innocent Get more content on
  • 12. Imperialism Dbq Imperialism is when one country that is larger than others take over small countries for their land and natural resources. The most influential factor that caused conflicts associated with imperialism was economic because European nations wanted to demonstrate their power and prestige to the world. They were forced to acquire new colonies, and be known as "economically–well developed country". As the world approached 20th century, several powers grew desperate for more land and more control. In 1870s, the Belgian king Leopold sent emissaries to establish trade with native Africans in the Congo. This single act began a flurry of imperialistic activity as the other nations of Europe, Germany, Spain, Portugal, etc.. Many things, positive more content... Even though trade between nations grew greatly and a world economy developed, it "created bitter rivalries among the imperial powers and hatred among the colonized people." From Doc. #5 (A Place in the Sun), says "In spite of the fact that we have no such flect as we should have, we have conquered for ourselves a place in the sun." This reveals that Germans were encouraged to take part in Imperialism. It demonstrates how Germany wanted to keep its empire economically and politically growing, in order to compete with other nations. We could also look at Doc. #6 (Letter to SIr George Grey), announces "I know that you have followed with interest the transactions with your excellency's meditation." This is important because it shows that Moshweshewe request for peace to Sir George Grey, due to situation that Moshweshewe and his tribe has been put into by the invasive Boers and other high–ranking British officials, asking for help to stop their unfair territorial advances. Imperialism has definitely played a key role in the formation of the modern world, and economic was the most important and essential part of it. The "New Imperialism" in Africa has proven both destructive and creative. And also has destroyed traditional institutions and ways of thinking, has replaced them with the habits and mentality of the western world. The Age of Imperialism was an unforgettable period of time in the history, people wanted Get more content on
  • 13. Dbq Imperialism After an elite revolution involving the advance of new technology and economy, global changes occurred. Capitalism, socialism, and nationalism were very popular before the fall of Africa, and before imperialism. With these ideas in mind, motivations like: the military, politics, demographic features, economics, and social classes had influence for the future of Africa and countries like Europe, Germany, and Russia were more powerful than Africa. Imperialism shaped when borders were opened, and authority was limited. A nation that is thriving on foreign trade and control outside its borders is more likely to imperialize. Europe's acquisition towards African colonies in 1880 to 1914 included actions like the spread of religion , Africa's more content... Christian members in Europe established churches in conquered territories during the nineteenth century. With this Western cultural values were spread. Europe found the option to use imperialism to their advantage when the scramble for Africa occurred. This is when The Berlin West Africa conference occurred regarding the split of Africa into colonies. The country was so behind with the rapid industrialization, that new diffusion of ideas was necessary and sought out by citizens. Colliding of religions also involved new education and new foreign languages. As seen in document five, philanthropy was a key part and wanted "five percent better" through Europe at the time. This showed Africa's hesitant distinction through the late 1880's to 1950's and was portrayed across the globe as a developing reputation. Problems with governments, leaders, and trade reflected onto Africa that also left religious views and questions in the air. Against imperialism, Africa saw no hope in ever regaining independence. Colonial conflict struct, and a self government without the help of other countries was out of the picture. In documents three and nine, a German man and German Social Democratic party address how Africa is beginning to look like Europe and how markets within Africa are no longer relevant "to new markets which each country tries to usurp to itself". These documents showed how after many Get more content on
  • 14. Dbq Essay On Imperialism The standard way of thinking about the topic of imperialism is that the British seized other peoples lands without considering how the people felt, but many other countries followed in the footsteps of the British. Other countries saw that they had expanded and were gaining territory, and wanted to expand also. There were many reasons as to why imperialism became popular, money, land, education, resources, because of this many people were greatly affected by imperialism. Some of the main people affected were the British, the Germans, and the people living in imperialized countries. Of the people who were impacted by imperialism, the group that was influenced the most were the British. The British played a huge role in imperialism. In Confessions of Faith, Cecil Rhodes, a British imperialist in Africa, wrote about how the British had begun colonization. Per Rhodes the British were the "superior" race and it was their duty to help other countries become more content... Rhodes believes that for this to happen the British need the other countries land so that the British empire could continue to grow. While Rhodes is probably wrong when he claimed that the British are the "superior" race. On the other hand, i agree that the white man's burden was a big part of imperialism. Rhodes is not the only one to bring up the white man's burden in his work, in An Anthology of West African Verse, by David Diop, he also mentioned the white man's burden in his piece, but unlike Rhodes's he doesn't show the positive side to the white man's burden (doc 4). Diop argues that the white man's burden wasn't helpful at all. From his point of view the "white men" killed, seduced, and hurt his family, and after they had done that they had tried to "educate him". You can tell from his Diop complains about the white man's burden in his writing, and he believes that it Get more content on
  • 15. European Imperialism In Africa Dbq Essay As Europe's economy and standard of living rose, the need for more land flourished as well. Europe sought to split the various parts of Africa during the Berlin conference (without the approval of the Africans, of course). Eventually, Europe successfully stole most of Africa from its rightful owners. The greedy Europeans showed pretentiousness towards the colonies in Africa and wanted to seize territory in order to utilize their available resources while displaying supremacy over the other races. During this time, Europe was beginning to industrialize. Great Britain was the leading innovator in industrial progress with the invention of the steam engine, spinning jenny, and implementation of railroads. As more countries began to modernize, the urgency for raw materials surged; thus explaining why Europeans turned to Africa for the wishes. One example of an avaricious entrepreneur would be the (in)famous Cecil Rhodes. He was the mastermind behind the creation of the De Beers Diamond Company. He monopolized the diamond industry from mining in Africa. He eventually gained enough popularity to become the Prime Minister of Cape Colony, spreading his influence furthermore. Imperialism in Africa was in full more content... In Document 3, Bismarck totally disregards the current map of Africa and constructs his own view of Africa after Germany, Russia, and France take over it. He is confident that the Europeans are in total control over Africa's fate. In Document 6, the baptist minister's point of view shows that he is inattentive of the Africans' feelings and only cares about Belgian's interests, displaying selfishness and negligence. Document 8 is different because it features a public letter from the London Times. The audience of the letter is directed towards the citizens of Great Britain. Primrose is trying to convince the reader that they are apart of the most important Get more content on
  • 16. Imperialism Dbq The second Industrial Revolution was a time of economic prosperity. This success made many think America should spread overseas. Foreign policy was a debated topic in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Many Americans, including William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt, should spread its influence overseas to places like the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Cuba, but many others, including Mark Twain and William J. Bryan, felt that imperialism was not what the country needed and was against its values. Those in favor of overseas involvement thought America should civilize others, while those against thought America should spend its time and focus on domestic issues. The Spanish American War began the discussion of more content... They felt America should not involve itself in foreign issues that they did not have ties to. In George Washington's Farewell Address, he advised the nation to stay in isolation and that is what this side believes. They were against the Panama Canal and the Spanish American War. They feared that the US was becoming an empire. William Graham Sumner was strongly against the war and imperialism. He thought the nation was becoming an empire and was becoming more and more like Spain (Doc 2). Sumner was more concerned with domestic problems and thought that the addition of new colonies would distract us from handling these problems. Jane Adams was another one against imperialism. She thought America becoming an empire was not the democratic thing to do and was creating a militarism mentality (Doc 4). William Jennings Bryan made the same argument during his presidential campaign. He stated that the US could not be a republic and do these things, noting that the Filipinos did not add anything to the nation, we just took them because we could. He said this was embarrassing and humiliating to the nation and this behavior could not continue (Doc 6). This act of grabbing colonies was seen as the US flexing its muscles, or spreading its wings if you will, to the other nations to show its international control. The reasoning of spreading the wings of liberty to less fortunate colonies was not bought by all (Doc 7). Puck, a satirical magazine, captured this attempt with a patriotic bald eagle spreading its majestic wings across Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. This was not seen as liberty or imperialism, it was becoming an Get more content on
  • 17. Imperialism Dbq Did you know the word imperialism is derived from the Latin verb "imperare", which means 'to command' and from the Roman concept of "imperium" (expansion). Imperialism was introduced in 1870 for the purpose of arranging footholds and trading posts on the coasts of Africa and China, exploring the New World, and settling down colonies in North and South America, before ending in 1914. The few leading nations were: United States of America, Great Britain, Japan, and Germany; and the prime developing nations were: Africa and China. With the background of imperialism, we still have this burning question: Was imperialism beneficial to developing nations? The answer is no, because it is important to realize, developing nations were stripped of their Get more content on
  • 18. Imperialism Essay Imperialism could be considered as a defining characteristic of America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Imperialism is defined as "a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force" (Imperialism and Immigration). When it comes to imperialism in America, I must say that other factors were more influential than social Darwinism. Although I do agree to a certain extent that social Darwinism did play a big role, things such as expansionist objectives, European activity, and economic opportunity overall had a bigger part in the movement. Expansionist objectives became well known and a widely shared view in the 1830s, and by 1893 Americans were ready to expand past the United States. more content... This expansion of Europe then became concerning to Americans, if Europe kept expanding, they would gain more power, and with more power, we couldn't be sure that we would be able to protect ourselves or our ideas (Imperialism and Immigration). This worry then led to the ideas of Alfred Thayer Mahan who thought that we needed a much stronger navy to protect ourselves. Mahan believed that the United States could use sea power in two different but beneficial ways, one was for peace which meant commerce with other countries as well as being able to build ports for our ships, and then our men could refuel and rest, and the other reason simply put, was for war. Mahan even states "The influence of the government will be felt in its most legitimate manner in maintaining an armed navy, of a size commensurate with the growth of its shipping and the importance of the interests connected with it" (Mahan 1890). These worries of European activity and the worries of building up our own economy became the driving force behind building a stronger navy to be able to pursue imperialism, not social Darwinism. Furthermore, economic opportunity for the United States had a huge role in the push for imperialism. With growing concerns of Europe expanding in size, the US began to be further concerned about the potential Get more content on
  • 19. Imperialism Dbq Essay Imperialism is the control over an uncivilized country socially, politically and economically. Imperialism affected many countries. China, Africa, India, the Americas and Euurope were all affected by imperialism. Imperialism was caused by nations wanting to expand their territory, their army and develop a better trade system. Imperialism began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries due to political, social and economic forces. Economic factors played a huge role in the expansion of imperialism. Document 5 says, "But the economic side... must not be allowed to obscure the other factors. Psychologically speaking... evolutionary teachings was perhaps most crucial." This means that the economy shouldn't be allowed to hide other factors and that the evolutionary teachings of "survival of the fittest" was the most crucial. William Langer claims that it only causes competion. Every country is trying to compete in order to gain money. Document 1 explains how iron and cotton producers were able to sell their goods overseas to their colonies. Also more content... Some countries believed they could show their power to other countries by taking over weaker lands. "we are weak agianst them... The French immense warships filled with soldiers and armed with large cannons. No one could ressit them. They go where they want, the strongest ramparts the fall before them"(Document 7). This quote shows how France took over a weaker country and made sure that they were seen as the stronger ones. In document 4, Cecil Rhodes states " I contend that we are the finnest race in the world, and the more of the world we inhbbit, the better it is for the human race." He believes that the Britons must take over the weaker ones and teach them how to be more like them. He also thought that if they did this then they would look stronger and more superior to other countries. A country's image towards others had a big impact on the expansion of Get more content on
  • 20. European Imperialism Dbq Essay During the 19th century in 1880, King Leopold of Belgium began the process of European imperialism in Africa. Leopold had acquired 900,000 square miles of Africa, he called this Congo Free State. He began to take out ivory and rubber in order to make money. All while Leopold was exporting those goods, other European leaders held a conference to divide up Africa in a practicable and tranquil manner. What was the main driving force behind the European imperialism in Africa? Imperialism had several driving forces behind it including national competition, technological advances, and cultural superiority. However, the most important cause of imperialism was economics. One of the driving forces behind European imperialism was national competition. There were seven different European countries within Africa with colonies (Doc A). All these countries wanted to be equal to their neighbors or stay above them. None of them wanted to be surpassed by them in wealth or distinction. England had the idea that they needed to take others colonies. Germany had the idea that in order to " prove and maintain its newly won position" they needed to take others colonies (Doc B). The national competition helped drive imperialism because of more content... Europeans had many technological advancements. Although the development of the steam engine was their most powerful force for imperialism. The "steam engines powered ships and railroads" creating a more efficient way of trading resources (Doc C). All European industries benefited from the African resources. The industries benefited the most from was "French West Africa" because they exported everything from oils to cotton (Doc D). The industries were able to make "cosmetics, drugs, food products, and fabrics" from the exported resources (Doc D). Technological advancements helped drive imperialism because Africa had an abundance of natural resources that Europe Get more content on