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A Hat Trick of an Alphabetacy
Chapter 1.1
Welcome to the Hat Trick of an Alphabetacy, where Harry Potter, History, and Hockey rule. The
standard rules of an alphabetacy apply, in addition though there are the rules I’m applying,
namely: one way street, free roaming ghosts, and storyteller. Because I’m a masochist who likes
pushing her computer to the limit.
Anyway, on to the founders stats:
Manon Bishop
Cancer (5-5-5-5-5)
Turn ons: Hard Worker/Charismatic
Turn off: Unemployed
Her LTW is to become the Minister of Education
Manon is named for two goalies. Manon Rhéaume, the first and (to date) only woman to have
been a goalie for the NHL. Her last name comes from one of the best goalies in the NHL (in my
opinion) Benjamin Bishop, number 30 of the Tampa Bay Lightning, and to date, the tallest goalie
in the NHL. As a side note, Manon Rhéaume was also a goalie for the Tampa Bay Lightning.
An empty lot, ready to be filled with dreams, a home, and the laughter of
children. It’s-
“A dump.”
Cheery Manon, very cheery. You’re not exactly supposed to be this sarcastic.
“I’d say bite me, but whatever. Fine. It’s a work in progress. Better?”
Look, you even get the start of a house.
“Whoopie~ I’m one step closer to be part of the masses of bourgeois. But at
least I have a bookcase, so it’s not all bad.
What happened to ‘not supposed to be mean’?
“…………Imagine that I’m holding my hands up in two very rude gestures,
would you?”
See? Being a legacy founder isn’t all that bad.
“Legacy, uh huh. It’s a bit more than a legacy, isn’t it? This is going to be
carrying on for quite a bit more than ten generations.”
All right, all right. So it may or may not twenty-seven generations of more or less
rinse and repeat. Satisfied?
“Yes, now please go away. I want to enjoy my studying in peace.”
Fine- Oh~ There’s the paperboy! Go greet him.
“Gladly, I’ll be sure to tell him to run.”
Oh, don’t do that.
“Hi there paperboy. Do yourself a favor. Run!”
“Legacy?” The paperboy’s question was more of a bemused statement.
“Alphabetacy, actually. Worse.”
The rest of Manon’s first day on lot was spent meeting her new neighbors, namely Morty Roth,
Leod McGregor, and Patricia Wan
“Against my better judgement, I might add.”
Noted. Though, did you really have to say that in front of them
“They can’t hear you, huh?”
Nope You’re just the little special snowflake that can.
“So, a legacy founder then?” Morty Roth asked with a chuckle as he greeted his new neighbor
with a nod.
“You know anyone else that talks to empty air on a regular basis?” She asked as she
begrudgingly nodded.
“Is the food going to get any better?”
Are you going to stop questioning my judgement in making you my founder?
There’s your answer then.
By the end of the day, Manon had picked up a job as a gamer, a career that
she might have to endure for quite a while, depending on her luck with careers.
Regardless, she was ready for whatever the next day might hold for her.
Because it makes so much sense to want to paint, outside, IN THE SNOW, at
3 in the morning. All I can say is she’s lucky no one’s died yet.
“Hey I can see the snow from inside these flimsy walls!”
Liar. You were just outside in it. Don’t even try and pull that crap.
Any luck so far with the career hunt?
“Nada. Journalism, Politics, and Law Enforcement.”
~Do you wanna build a snowman-~
“You finish that song, I don’t finish this Alphabetacy.”
Aw, you’re no fun.
“Can’t wait to destroy this one, and then never do this again.”
That’s…surprisingly vindictive of you.
“It won’t give you an opportunity to sing that lame ass song, you mean.”
Fingers crossed for a promotion!
“You just jinxed it. Good job.”
Shut up.
“Y’know that was kind of a dick move to throw a water balloon at me, when its
still below freezing here.” She huffed as she settled into a seated position. “I
mean, you’re kind of hot, in a weird way, but you’re an asshole.”
“Yeah? Thanks for the backhanded compliment. I think?”
Daydreaming of hockey Manon?
“Hardly. I’m daydreaming of beaches and warmer weather.”
It’s also at this point that I learned that daydreaming will enhance a sim’s
Is it?
“YES! Education. I’m gonna be starting from the bottom, but it’s something at
Have fun at work! Bring back a promotion, if you wouldn’t mind!
“I plan on it. I’d really like to reach my goal at some point in my lifetime.
Preferably before I’m old and grey.”
“You’re now looking at the newest Teacher’s Aide, and that means I’m bringing
home a bit more of a salary. I.e. I’ll get a house faster, yes?”
We’ll see.
So the only picture of the original courtship of Alec and Manon that remains is
this one, because due to events, explained on the next page, what follows is
now considered to be canon for their relationship from here on out. Because
what they were going were actually going to have was going to be somewhat
of a slow burn for a relationship. However…
So a thing happened and I had to reset from where I last saved, namely
because of a mod I didn’t realize was in my game that had it be a traditional
marriage (i.e. Manon took Alec’s last name) and so working back to the point
where it was, they decided it was a great time to use the couch inappropriately
(they did it last time too which is when the other picture is from) and now
Manon is pregnant. *glares at founder and future spouse*
“Sorry, not sorry. I thought the legacy could use a little jump.”
“So Alec, that was nice. How about another date right now?
Just do it please.
A quick engagement and wedding later…
And Alec Jeffress becomes Alec Bishop, moving in with 10,000 as a General,
though he is a fortune sim. He’s a scorpio with the base line personality, and
brought in a smattering of items, most of which were sold.
This was her own fault, so the current count is one passing out since getting
I guess she should be woken up to go into her new house.
Nicely done Alec, You can stay for now.
“…I see where she gets the backhanded compliments from.”
Hey, hey. I encourage her to be nice.
“It didn’t work very well, now did it.”
Bite me, and go to work.
Where are you going?
“Can’t talk! Bathroom needed.”
“Not. One. Word.”
My lips are sealed, but still guess you shouldn’t have done the thing huh?
“Shut up.”
Coming home with a promotion your first day? Trying to get in my good
“Bagman, I’m still at the bottom. Talk to me when I start hitting higher.”
All right, lets see how fast you can hit Criminal mastermind.
“And going right back. This house is nice, but I want my kids to have a good
All right, ‘bye Mr. Workaholic.
While Alec is away at work that night, it seemed that Manon really was
pregnant with their first child.
“Seriously kid? no need to kid that hard. But man, this pregnancy’s running me
Welcome back Alec, still holding strong with coming home with a promotion
every time you leave for work.
“What can I say, my bosses like me.”
Yeah…not sure if that’s a good thing.
Since Manon popped before she could go into work, and we happen to have
this fine vehicle available to us (courtesy of Alec), she can still go to work!
You want to be Minister of Education? You gotta put in the work.
“I guess you have a point, would have preferred staying home and relaxing
since y’know, I’m pregnant?”
Yeah? Your point? I know a lot of women who work up until they’re actually
forced to take leave. ‘Course that might be a mark on where I live but…point
still stands.
So Con Artist huh?
“Have a problem with it?”
Nope. Just don’t pull any cons on your wife and we’ll be good.
“What kind of person do you think I am? Don’t answer that actually.”
*sighs* I guess I can’t fault her, she fell in love and she fell hard. At least they
look good together and he makes her happy.
Okay Alec, since you have off today, and Manon’s at work. You and I are going to
have a little chat.
“Let me guess. ‘You don’t like me, I don’t like you (I really don’t by the way) but
you’re putting up with me for Manon’s sake. And if I ever hurt her, you’ll find a way
to make me suffer for all eternity.’”
…Yeah, actually. I don’t like you yet but you’re getting there.
“As long as you don’t jinx what ‘Non and I have, we’ll be fine. What do I call you
Well…y’know, Manon hasn’t really asked what to call me, she just accepted it. I’m
surprised that you’re so laid back. Anyway, funny you should mention jinxing. The
name you can call me is Jynx.
“You’re not serious.”
‘Fraid so.
So now you’re getting to work with little ones huh?
“Yep! I like it a lot! They like me too~”
So now you’re not gonna be the one with the chance of getting caught, but it
won’t look good on you if you get the guys caught.
“…I’m still a lackey. I get it.”
And with that, Alec went right back to work, leaving his poor wife about to pop
with their first child.
“Uh…Jynx? I get the feeling this is going to hurt a lot…help?”
I don’t have much experience with this myself…all I can offer is the
stereotypical advice of breath?
“Fat lot of help you are.”
“I’m going to kill Alec when he gets home!!”
Right…well just breath, twirl, and catch?
“What kind of advice is that now?!”
Best kind to give a new sim mother.
Sims. Granted, hormones do that to you. Standard baby face, but the kid’s
cute. What about a name for the little tike?
“I liked Aberforth for him. I thought it might be some what appropriate.”
Aberforth is named for Aberforth Dumbledore from the universe of Harry
Potter, and is Albus Dumbledore’s younger brother.
I know I don’t have to say this Alec, but you really are starting to grow on me.
Don’t get caught and leave Aberforth without a dad.
“Yeah, I got it Jy- wait Aberforth? I have a son?!”
“He’s so tiny…He’s got my eyes… Hey there Abe…You’re a cool little dude
aren’t you? He’s gonna have to be a big brother too isn’t he?”
Yeah, he seems like he’ll be up to the somewhat monumental task, but all that
said and done, I also happen to think you’ll be a great dad.
“Thanks Jynx.”
*whistles* I’m impressed Alec. You’re making short work of this career path…it
does help though that you came in with an impressive amount of skills. And
friends. Nicely done there.
“Fortune sim, remember? I like working and I like being able to make money.”
Point. Which promotion is this?
“Cat burglar. Three more to go.”
All right Manon, you’ve done skilling the hard way, now let me introduce you to
one of my favorite things about you having the Education career as the goal for
your life, since you’ve hit the point where you received the reward, as you’re a
high school teacher now.
“Okay…do I want to know?”
You’ll like it. Oh and two more to go Alec.
“I’m not quitting right after I hit the top.”
I know, I know. Moving on.
I forget why I included this, but it might have to do with the fact that she’s
currently pregnant once again and I forgot to take pictures of them choosing to
hit the bed again, and I know for a fact that its twins.
Only one more to go Alec! That’s pretty exciting, though you know you’re going
to have to be stuck with a nanny for a while until Abe is a teen.
“That’s actually pretty okay…she hasn’t done anything too detrimental to him.”
Maybe…but I don’t trust nannies.
“Ready to grow up baby boy?” Manon cooed as she bounced Aberforth in her
arms as her husband looked on.
“Blow out the candles Abe, and lets see what we got!”
I have high hopes for this kid, hopefully he doesn’t disappoint.
“HEY!” The sound of a squawking male could be heard from behind Manon
who simply blew out the candles
One missed spin later, and we have a baby boy that looks really cute, even if
the stabby death nose is very prominent at this point, all right let’s check his
Aries (10-10-9-3-1)
*tries not to crack up laughing* That is a hell of a personality you got there, kid.
And even though I missed him glowing, he’s already starting that scary fast
learning curve. You might just be heir material yet Abe.
“Bu what if I don’ wanna be heiw?”
You’re not going to be happy with your hubby when these ones are born.
“You’re telling me something I’ve already known. I enjoy the process but when
it comes to this…not so much.”
You had to have three kids anyway, you knew that when you signed the
You did it! You’re the criminal mastermind of a small town, that doesn’t seem
to have all that much crime, petty or otherwise, in it. So, what’s next for you.
“I want to have five businesses, not just any but top level businesses. I’ve
found that that’s the best way to have a lucrative empire.”
…I’m just going to ignore that now, go in and greet your wife.
Though I will admit, those duds aren’t too shabby on you. It’s definitely a good
look for you Alec, though we do need to take you shopping for better clothes at
some point.
“I like my clothes though.”
They’re not bad, but consider it a perk of the legacy life.
Not long after Alec went to work, Abe decided now was a prime time for him to
grow up.
“Yes! Functional hands!”
And a better vocabulary.
“Yeah! That too! I’m gonna go read now, kay Miss Jynx?”
Go on. Cute kid, definitely heir material.
A few days later, Manon was ready to give birth for (hopefully) the last time.
“Hm?’ He looked up and quickly jumped up, putting the book away.
Yes baby, now play a quick round of ‘pass the baby’ so that the other one can
“Shush Jynx. You get to name him Alec…But give that just a second okay?”
“Baby! Again!”
So…Names for said babies, so that you can head off to work?
“Alex and Anne.”
Alex is named for Alex Killorn from the Tampa Bay Lightning, and Anne is
named for Anne Bonny, a known female pirate that was more feared than the
man that she sailed with, Calico Jack.
Good timing Manon, now go greet the headmaster so that your son gets into
that swanky private school please? Also congrats on becoming the principal at
a high school.
“Hm? Oh frammit! That was today, right, I’ll go take care of him, just make sure
that Alec takes care of the food.”
The end result (Which I neglected to get a picture of) was that Aberforth did
indeed get into private school with a fairly good margin.
Not too far to go now, now that you’re the professor for a senior class.
“Yeah, that’s all well and good…but I’m sick.”
Crud. Go get some bed rest, before you infect your kid and husband.
Nine down, one to go. Congrats on that Manon. You’re going to be the Minister
of Education soon!
“As if you had any doubts?”
I doubted that it would show up before you got really close to crustifying.
Ack! I didn’t realize your family had the gene for early on-set balding Alec.
“Shut it.”
Right, anyway looks like his nose is going to be a defining feature of the legacy
(though it could also be Manon’s) and he’s a scorpio (6-5-8-3-3)
Cute kid, can’t tell who she has more of right now, beyond hair and eyes. I
really did not think that the green eye gene would be so much stronger than
the light blue, but meh.
Anne is a scorpio (7-5-5-5-3)
Fingers crossed for a promotion today?
“I’m hoping. I’m feeling confident that I’ll be voted in after today.”
If it makes you feel any better, I bet you’ll make a lot of improvements when
you do.
“Thank you, that makes me feel even more confident.”
Typical day at home, eh Alec?
“Aberforth, stop messing with your little brother. And yes Jynx it is.”
Still no more diapers now, so that’s a plus. Also, that gate/fence in the
background? It’s a huge help for keeping Tots out of toilets. I don’t know how I
lived without it.
It’s nice to see when an established routine works as well as it does, though
we could do without the nanny, eh Alec?
“Well ‘course, but not like we can do much about that until at least Aberforth is
a teenager.”
Urgh I know, but they’re so unhelpful!
And with that, Manon has joined her husband in perma-plat-ness, no more
threats of desperation, and an extremely long-lived life. Possibly with the
chance to see Great-Grandchildren.
“I’m actually kind of hoping for that.”
*Gasps* Have kids softened that sarcastic heart of yours Manon?
“Just because I’m sarcastic, doesn’t mean that I don’t like kids or that I don’t
want to see my kids grow to be old and grey. Speaking of my kids though, I
want to see them get a good education.”
Consider it done.
And with this year coming to an end, this is where I’ll leave you.
Next time, a double kidifying, a teenaging, and who knows what else the future
will bring.
Hopefully a bit better camera work on my end, and remembering to take
pictures of important events, as a side note though, Aberforth, Alex, and Anne
all mastered each of their toddler skills.

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The Hattrick of an Alphabetacy chapter 1.1

  • 1. A Hat Trick of an Alphabetacy Chapter 1.1
  • 2. Welcome to the Hat Trick of an Alphabetacy, where Harry Potter, History, and Hockey rule. The standard rules of an alphabetacy apply, in addition though there are the rules I’m applying, namely: one way street, free roaming ghosts, and storyteller. Because I’m a masochist who likes pushing her computer to the limit. Anyway, on to the founders stats: Manon Bishop Cancer (5-5-5-5-5) Knowledge Turn ons: Hard Worker/Charismatic Turn off: Unemployed Her LTW is to become the Minister of Education Manon is named for two goalies. Manon Rhéaume, the first and (to date) only woman to have been a goalie for the NHL. Her last name comes from one of the best goalies in the NHL (in my opinion) Benjamin Bishop, number 30 of the Tampa Bay Lightning, and to date, the tallest goalie in the NHL. As a side note, Manon Rhéaume was also a goalie for the Tampa Bay Lightning.
  • 3. An empty lot, ready to be filled with dreams, a home, and the laughter of children. It’s- “A dump.” Cheery Manon, very cheery. You’re not exactly supposed to be this sarcastic. “I’d say bite me, but whatever. Fine. It’s a work in progress. Better?” Much.
  • 4. Look, you even get the start of a house. “Whoopie~ I’m one step closer to be part of the masses of bourgeois. But at least I have a bookcase, so it’s not all bad. What happened to ‘not supposed to be mean’? “…………Imagine that I’m holding my hands up in two very rude gestures, would you?”
  • 5. See? Being a legacy founder isn’t all that bad. “Legacy, uh huh. It’s a bit more than a legacy, isn’t it? This is going to be carrying on for quite a bit more than ten generations.” All right, all right. So it may or may not twenty-seven generations of more or less rinse and repeat. Satisfied? “Yes, now please go away. I want to enjoy my studying in peace.” Fine- Oh~ There’s the paperboy! Go greet him. “Gladly, I’ll be sure to tell him to run.”
  • 6. Oh, don’t do that. “Hi there paperboy. Do yourself a favor. Run!” Traitor. “Legacy?” The paperboy’s question was more of a bemused statement. “Alphabetacy, actually. Worse.”
  • 7. The rest of Manon’s first day on lot was spent meeting her new neighbors, namely Morty Roth, Leod McGregor, and Patricia Wan “Against my better judgement, I might add.” Noted. Though, did you really have to say that in front of them “They can’t hear you, huh?” Nope You’re just the little special snowflake that can. “Great.” “So, a legacy founder then?” Morty Roth asked with a chuckle as he greeted his new neighbor with a nod. “You know anyone else that talks to empty air on a regular basis?” She asked as she begrudgingly nodded.
  • 8. “Is the food going to get any better?” Are you going to stop questioning my judgement in making you my founder? “No.” There’s your answer then.
  • 9. By the end of the day, Manon had picked up a job as a gamer, a career that she might have to endure for quite a while, depending on her luck with careers. Regardless, she was ready for whatever the next day might hold for her.
  • 10. Because it makes so much sense to want to paint, outside, IN THE SNOW, at 3 in the morning. All I can say is she’s lucky no one’s died yet.
  • 11. “Hey I can see the snow from inside these flimsy walls!” Liar. You were just outside in it. Don’t even try and pull that crap.
  • 12. Any luck so far with the career hunt? “Nada. Journalism, Politics, and Law Enforcement.” Dang.
  • 13. ~Do you wanna build a snowman-~ “You finish that song, I don’t finish this Alphabetacy.” Aw, you’re no fun.
  • 14. “Can’t wait to destroy this one, and then never do this again.” That’s…surprisingly vindictive of you. “It won’t give you an opportunity to sing that lame ass song, you mean.”
  • 15. Fingers crossed for a promotion! “You just jinxed it. Good job.” Shut up.
  • 16. “Y’know that was kind of a dick move to throw a water balloon at me, when its still below freezing here.” She huffed as she settled into a seated position. “I mean, you’re kind of hot, in a weird way, but you’re an asshole.” “Yeah? Thanks for the backhanded compliment. I think?”
  • 17. Daydreaming of hockey Manon? “Hardly. I’m daydreaming of beaches and warmer weather.” It’s also at this point that I learned that daydreaming will enhance a sim’s social.
  • 18. Is it? “YES! Education. I’m gonna be starting from the bottom, but it’s something at least.”
  • 19. Have fun at work! Bring back a promotion, if you wouldn’t mind! “I plan on it. I’d really like to reach my goal at some point in my lifetime. Preferably before I’m old and grey.”
  • 20. And~? “You’re now looking at the newest Teacher’s Aide, and that means I’m bringing home a bit more of a salary. I.e. I’ll get a house faster, yes?” We’ll see.
  • 21. So the only picture of the original courtship of Alec and Manon that remains is this one, because due to events, explained on the next page, what follows is now considered to be canon for their relationship from here on out. Because what they were going were actually going to have was going to be somewhat of a slow burn for a relationship. However…
  • 22. So a thing happened and I had to reset from where I last saved, namely because of a mod I didn’t realize was in my game that had it be a traditional marriage (i.e. Manon took Alec’s last name) and so working back to the point where it was, they decided it was a great time to use the couch inappropriately (they did it last time too which is when the other picture is from) and now Manon is pregnant. *glares at founder and future spouse* “Sorry, not sorry. I thought the legacy could use a little jump.”
  • 23. “So Alec, that was nice. How about another date right now? Somykidsdontendupbeingbastards” “Uh…sure?” Just do it please.
  • 24. A quick engagement and wedding later…
  • 25.
  • 26. And Alec Jeffress becomes Alec Bishop, moving in with 10,000 as a General, though he is a fortune sim. He’s a scorpio with the base line personality, and brought in a smattering of items, most of which were sold.
  • 27. This was her own fault, so the current count is one passing out since getting pregnant. I guess she should be woken up to go into her new house.
  • 28. Nicely done Alec, You can stay for now. “…I see where she gets the backhanded compliments from.”
  • 29. Hey, hey. I encourage her to be nice. “It didn’t work very well, now did it.” Bite me, and go to work.
  • 30. Where are you going? “Can’t talk! Bathroom needed.”
  • 31. Ooooh “Not. One. Word.” My lips are sealed, but still guess you shouldn’t have done the thing huh? “Shut up.”
  • 32. Coming home with a promotion your first day? Trying to get in my good graces? “Bagman, I’m still at the bottom. Talk to me when I start hitting higher.” All right, lets see how fast you can hit Criminal mastermind.
  • 33. “And going right back. This house is nice, but I want my kids to have a good life.” All right, ‘bye Mr. Workaholic.
  • 34. While Alec is away at work that night, it seemed that Manon really was pregnant with their first child. “Seriously kid? no need to kid that hard. But man, this pregnancy’s running me down.”
  • 35. Welcome back Alec, still holding strong with coming home with a promotion every time you leave for work. “What can I say, my bosses like me.” Yeah…not sure if that’s a good thing.
  • 36. Since Manon popped before she could go into work, and we happen to have this fine vehicle available to us (courtesy of Alec), she can still go to work! “Yay?” You want to be Minister of Education? You gotta put in the work.
  • 37. “I guess you have a point, would have preferred staying home and relaxing since y’know, I’m pregnant?” Yeah? Your point? I know a lot of women who work up until they’re actually forced to take leave. ‘Course that might be a mark on where I live but…point still stands.
  • 38. So Con Artist huh? “Have a problem with it?” Nope. Just don’t pull any cons on your wife and we’ll be good. “What kind of person do you think I am? Don’t answer that actually.”
  • 39. *sighs* I guess I can’t fault her, she fell in love and she fell hard. At least they look good together and he makes her happy.
  • 40. Okay Alec, since you have off today, and Manon’s at work. You and I are going to have a little chat. “Let me guess. ‘You don’t like me, I don’t like you (I really don’t by the way) but you’re putting up with me for Manon’s sake. And if I ever hurt her, you’ll find a way to make me suffer for all eternity.’” …Yeah, actually. I don’t like you yet but you’re getting there. “As long as you don’t jinx what ‘Non and I have, we’ll be fine. What do I call you actually?” Well…y’know, Manon hasn’t really asked what to call me, she just accepted it. I’m surprised that you’re so laid back. Anyway, funny you should mention jinxing. The name you can call me is Jynx. “You’re not serious.” ‘Fraid so.
  • 41. So now you’re getting to work with little ones huh? “Yep! I like it a lot! They like me too~”
  • 42. So now you’re not gonna be the one with the chance of getting caught, but it won’t look good on you if you get the guys caught. “…I’m still a lackey. I get it.”
  • 43. And with that, Alec went right back to work, leaving his poor wife about to pop with their first child. “Uh…Jynx? I get the feeling this is going to hurt a lot…help?” I don’t have much experience with this myself…all I can offer is the stereotypical advice of breath? “Fat lot of help you are.”
  • 44. “I’m going to kill Alec when he gets home!!” Right…well just breath, twirl, and catch? “What kind of advice is that now?!” Best kind to give a new sim mother.
  • 45. “Baby~” Sims. Granted, hormones do that to you. Standard baby face, but the kid’s cute. What about a name for the little tike? “I liked Aberforth for him. I thought it might be some what appropriate.” Aberforth is named for Aberforth Dumbledore from the universe of Harry Potter, and is Albus Dumbledore’s younger brother.
  • 46. I know I don’t have to say this Alec, but you really are starting to grow on me. Don’t get caught and leave Aberforth without a dad. “Yeah, I got it Jy- wait Aberforth? I have a son?!”
  • 47. “He’s so tiny…He’s got my eyes… Hey there Abe…You’re a cool little dude aren’t you? He’s gonna have to be a big brother too isn’t he?” Yeah, he seems like he’ll be up to the somewhat monumental task, but all that said and done, I also happen to think you’ll be a great dad. “Thanks Jynx.”
  • 48. *whistles* I’m impressed Alec. You’re making short work of this career path…it does help though that you came in with an impressive amount of skills. And friends. Nicely done there. “Fortune sim, remember? I like working and I like being able to make money.” Point. Which promotion is this? “Cat burglar. Three more to go.”
  • 49. All right Manon, you’ve done skilling the hard way, now let me introduce you to one of my favorite things about you having the Education career as the goal for your life, since you’ve hit the point where you received the reward, as you’re a high school teacher now. “Okay…do I want to know?” You’ll like it. Oh and two more to go Alec. “I’m not quitting right after I hit the top.” I know, I know. Moving on.
  • 50. I forget why I included this, but it might have to do with the fact that she’s currently pregnant once again and I forgot to take pictures of them choosing to hit the bed again, and I know for a fact that its twins.
  • 51. Only one more to go Alec! That’s pretty exciting, though you know you’re going to have to be stuck with a nanny for a while until Abe is a teen. “That’s actually pretty okay…she hasn’t done anything too detrimental to him.” Maybe…but I don’t trust nannies.
  • 52. “Ready to grow up baby boy?” Manon cooed as she bounced Aberforth in her arms as her husband looked on.
  • 53. “Blow out the candles Abe, and lets see what we got!” I have high hopes for this kid, hopefully he doesn’t disappoint. “HEY!” The sound of a squawking male could be heard from behind Manon who simply blew out the candles
  • 54. One missed spin later, and we have a baby boy that looks really cute, even if the stabby death nose is very prominent at this point, all right let’s check his personality- Aries (10-10-9-3-1) *tries not to crack up laughing* That is a hell of a personality you got there, kid.
  • 55. And even though I missed him glowing, he’s already starting that scary fast learning curve. You might just be heir material yet Abe. “Bu what if I don’ wanna be heiw?”
  • 56. You’re not going to be happy with your hubby when these ones are born. “You’re telling me something I’ve already known. I enjoy the process but when it comes to this…not so much.” You had to have three kids anyway, you knew that when you signed the contract.
  • 57. You did it! You’re the criminal mastermind of a small town, that doesn’t seem to have all that much crime, petty or otherwise, in it. So, what’s next for you. “I want to have five businesses, not just any but top level businesses. I’ve found that that’s the best way to have a lucrative empire.” …I’m just going to ignore that now, go in and greet your wife.
  • 58. Though I will admit, those duds aren’t too shabby on you. It’s definitely a good look for you Alec, though we do need to take you shopping for better clothes at some point. “I like my clothes though.” They’re not bad, but consider it a perk of the legacy life.
  • 59. Not long after Alec went to work, Abe decided now was a prime time for him to grow up.
  • 60. “Yes! Functional hands!” And a better vocabulary. “Yeah! That too! I’m gonna go read now, kay Miss Jynx?” Go on. Cute kid, definitely heir material.
  • 61. A few days later, Manon was ready to give birth for (hopefully) the last time. “ALEC! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!” “Hm?’ He looked up and quickly jumped up, putting the book away.
  • 62. “Baby!” Yes baby, now play a quick round of ‘pass the baby’ so that the other one can come.
  • 63. “Shush Jynx. You get to name him Alec…But give that just a second okay?”
  • 64. “Baby! Again!” So…Names for said babies, so that you can head off to work? “Alex and Anne.” Alex is named for Alex Killorn from the Tampa Bay Lightning, and Anne is named for Anne Bonny, a known female pirate that was more feared than the man that she sailed with, Calico Jack.
  • 65. Good timing Manon, now go greet the headmaster so that your son gets into that swanky private school please? Also congrats on becoming the principal at a high school. “Hm? Oh frammit! That was today, right, I’ll go take care of him, just make sure that Alec takes care of the food.” The end result (Which I neglected to get a picture of) was that Aberforth did indeed get into private school with a fairly good margin.
  • 66. Not too far to go now, now that you’re the professor for a senior class. “Yeah, that’s all well and good…but I’m sick.” Crud. Go get some bed rest, before you infect your kid and husband.
  • 67. Nine down, one to go. Congrats on that Manon. You’re going to be the Minister of Education soon! “As if you had any doubts?” I doubted that it would show up before you got really close to crustifying.
  • 68. Ack! I didn’t realize your family had the gene for early on-set balding Alec. “Shut it.” Right, anyway looks like his nose is going to be a defining feature of the legacy (though it could also be Manon’s) and he’s a scorpio (6-5-8-3-3)
  • 69. Cute kid, can’t tell who she has more of right now, beyond hair and eyes. I really did not think that the green eye gene would be so much stronger than the light blue, but meh. Anne is a scorpio (7-5-5-5-3)
  • 70. Fingers crossed for a promotion today? “I’m hoping. I’m feeling confident that I’ll be voted in after today.” If it makes you feel any better, I bet you’ll make a lot of improvements when you do. “Thank you, that makes me feel even more confident.”
  • 71. Typical day at home, eh Alec? “Aberforth, stop messing with your little brother. And yes Jynx it is.” Still no more diapers now, so that’s a plus. Also, that gate/fence in the background? It’s a huge help for keeping Tots out of toilets. I don’t know how I lived without it.
  • 72. It’s nice to see when an established routine works as well as it does, though we could do without the nanny, eh Alec? “Well ‘course, but not like we can do much about that until at least Aberforth is a teenager.” Urgh I know, but they’re so unhelpful!
  • 73. And with that, Manon has joined her husband in perma-plat-ness, no more threats of desperation, and an extremely long-lived life. Possibly with the chance to see Great-Grandchildren. “I’m actually kind of hoping for that.” *Gasps* Have kids softened that sarcastic heart of yours Manon? “Just because I’m sarcastic, doesn’t mean that I don’t like kids or that I don’t want to see my kids grow to be old and grey. Speaking of my kids though, I want to see them get a good education.” Consider it done.
  • 74. And with this year coming to an end, this is where I’ll leave you. Next time, a double kidifying, a teenaging, and who knows what else the future will bring. Hopefully a bit better camera work on my end, and remembering to take pictures of important events, as a side note though, Aberforth, Alex, and Anne all mastered each of their toddler skills.