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Conflict isn ’t n ecessarily a bad thing.
But ignoring it can be.
By Tamara Lytle
At a hospital, employee conflicts can happen
amid life-or-death situations. No one benefits
when these conflicts are ignored—not the staff,
not the managers and certainly not the patients.
While it’s a natural human tendency to avoid
uncomfortable conflict with others, that tactic
won’t work in the long term.
“It’s like a crazy song you can’t get out of your
head,” says Dan Bjerknes, director of HR opera­
tions at Catholic Health Initiatives/Mercy Medi-
cal Center in Williston, N.D., who has a master’s
degree in counseling and previously worked as a
conflict management consultant.
By the time a clash comes to H R ’s atten­
tion, it’s often too late—such as when a valu-
able employee is quitting. Even seemingly small
conflicts can be important because they’re often
really about larger issues. >
J u ly /A u g u s t 2 0 1 5 HR Magazine 27
Workplace conflicts happen everywhere, and ignoring them
can be costly. Every unaddressed conflict wastes about eight
hours of company time in gossip and other unproductive activi-
ties, says Joseph Grenny, co-founder of VitalSmarts, a training
and organizational development company in Provo, Utah. Now
multiply that by all the issues not being resolved.
“It’s an enormous drain on an organization,” says Grenny,
co-author of Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When
Stakes Are High (McGraw-Hill, 2011).
Understanding the reasons behind
workplace conflicts can help HR profes-
sionals tackle problems before—or after—
a conflict turns into a face-off between
departments that refuse to work together
or a screaming match between colleagues.
A good place to start is by realizing that,
even though people may shy away from it,
conflict is actually normal and healthy. In
fact, many believe it’s a vital ingredient to
organizational success. Experts have found
that the most effective teams are those in which members feel
enough to disagree with one another. A culture where dissent is
allowed, or even encouraged, can spur innovation, diversity of
thought and better decision-making.
“ Conflict suggests the way you’ve been doing things is not the
way it’s going to be forever,” says Casey Swartz, HR manager
at CTLGroup in Skokie, 111. “You don’t want to hire a bunch
According to Michael Woodward, an organizational psy-
chologist in the New York City area, the challenge is in figur-
ing out which conflicts are healthy and which ones are harmful.
“Unhealthy conflict is when it becomes personal and emotional.
Then your judgment gets clouded,” Woodward says. By
good conflict can lead to higher levels of trust. If people see
it’s OK to challenge the boss, they can question the status quo,
which is better for the company.
Beneath the Surface
Difference is at the heart of conflict, so it’s important to
areas where people often don’t align.
Conflicting priorities. Some fights
are over resources such as budgets; others
erupt from incompatible goals or reactions
to structural change in the company.
At Black Butte Coal Co. in southwest
Wyoming, a warehouse supervisor and a
maintenance manager were clashing so
severely over policies and procedures that
they were frequently yelling at each other.
The fights worsened until the two depart-
ments didn’t want to work together, recalls
Amanda DeBernardi, SHRM-CP, the company’s HR manager.
In fact, the feuding parties’ manager was ready to fire them
both. Both had strong goals for their departments but had lost
sight of the bigger picture of what was good for the company,
DeBernardi says.
She found help in Grenny’s book on difficult conversations.
She sat the warehouse supervisor and maintenance manager in
a conference room with a blank piece of paper in front of them.
Each person had his say without interruption as the other took
notes rather than presenting a different side of the story. DeBer-
nardi used a white board to categorize the problems and pressed
both to brainstorm solutions. The employees aren’t exactly
buddies now, but the process worked. DeBernardi’s only regret
is not mediating the situation sooner.
“The key thing is the participants knowing they are respon­
sible for the results and they are the ones developing the
she says. “I’m here to facilitate, and that’s all I will do.” She
mates that she spends at least 30 percent of her time dealing
workplace conflicts.
Many fights over resources can be avoided when people per-
ceive that they are operating in an environment of plenty—in
When Should HR Step In?
HR professionals and conflict management experts
recommend that HR get involved in workplace con-
flicts when:
• Employees are threatening to quit over the prob­
lem. Recruiting and training are expensive; it's often
cheaper to work out a solution.
• Disagreements are getting personal, and respect
between employees is being lost.
• Conflicts are affecting morale and organizational
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other words, where everyone has what they need to operate
tively, says Lindred Greer, assistant professor of organizational
behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business. Note that the
key is creating the perception of abundance—so solutions are
possible even when acquiring more resources is not an option.
Thinking creatively is one way to do this. For example, if two
departments are fighting over a small training budget, HR might
offer to conduct in-house training so both can benefit.
Conflicting perspectives. In an increasingly global and
diverse workplace, sometimes the heart of the problem is that
people differ from each other in age, gender, ethnicity or per-
sonality type.
That’s something Marcia Reynolds, an organizational psy­
chiatrist with Arizona-based Covisioning LLC, has witnessed.
C asey S w a rtz
A m and a
D eB e rn a rd i
2 8 HR Magazine J u ly /A u g u s t 2 01 5
other. The Baby Boomer had taken notes on when her younger
colleague was showing up in the morning and complained about
the quality of his work. He called her overbearing and inflexible
in trying new approaches.
“A lightbulb went off for us on how to get these people to work
together,” Scala says.
HR set up a new system that uses checklists to show the con-
tributions of each person, which helped the Boomer to recognize
her colleague’s accomplishments. As a result of that conflict,
also developed a mentorship program that pairs M illennial with
older workers, enabling younger workers to gain a better under-
standing of the value of older colleagues’ experience.
A recent Society for Human Resource Management survey
found that 72 percent of employees rank “respectful treatment
of all employees at all levels” as the top factor in job
Conflicting assumptions. One of the biggest drivers of con-
flict is when people misinterpret others’ intentions. The
who stays quiet during an entire meeting and brings up a prob-
lem at the end is not trying to sabotage a co-worker; that behav-
ior simply aligns with his personality type. A change in seating
arrangements in the office isn’t a personal attack on someone,
just a reorganization that may not have been thought through.
Someone who’s not acting according to a person’s stereotyped
expectations—like a woman who’s very assertive and thus
behaves in a way that contradicts traditional notions of feminin-
ity—may just be being herself. >
To get a sense of how diverse perspectives color people’s
tions, she asked leaders at a global company she was consult-
ing with to participate in an activity in which they were blind-
folded and asked to describe the puzzle pieces in their hands.
She observed as people gave descriptions so different that they
couldn’t figure out they were holding the same piece.
“Conflict is inevitable because we’re human beings and come
from different backgrounds,” Reynolds says. That’s why organi­
zations need to remember to bring people together to get to
each other, she points out.
Brian Scala, an HR administrator, repeatedly saw genera-
tional clashes in his job at Vince and Associates Clinical
Inc. in Overland Park, Kan. The Baby Boomers and members of
Generation X saw the M illennial as lazy with poor work eth-
ics, while the M illennial viewed their older colleagues as less
adaptable to change.
In one instance, two lab workers from different generations
who performed the same job came to HR complaining about
When Should You
Seek Outside Help?
While it's better to address workplace conflicts as soon
as possible and at a local level, sometimes you need out-
side help from a mediator, arbitrator or attorney. Experts
say those situations include the following:
• When potential legal issues are involved, such as alle­
gations of discrimination or harassment.
• When the HR department doesn't have the time
or training to provide the conflict resolution assistance
• When there are patterns of recurring issues.
• When the flare-ups are becoming abusive or resem-
ble bullying.
• When a manager needs retraining that can't be done
• When the environment is so toxic it's time to get
everyone offsite so the office doesn't trigger continuing
negative responses.LI
10 Steps to Resolving Conflict
Schedule a meeting to address the problem,
preferably at a neutral place.
Set ground rules. Ask all parties to treat each other
with respect and to make an effort to listen and
understand others' views.
i .
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Ask each participant to describe the conflict,
including desired changes. Direct participants to
use "I" statements, not "you" statements. They
should focus on specific behaviors and problems
rather than people.
Ask participants to restate what others have said.
Summarize the conflict based on what you have
heard and obtain agreement from participants.
Brainstorm solutions. Discuss all of the options in a
positive manner. Rule out any options that partici-
pants agree are unworkable.
Summarize all possible options for a solution.
Assign further analysis of each option to individual
Make sure all parties agree on the next steps.
Close the meeting by asking participants to shake
hands, apologize and thank each other for working
to resolve the conflict.
S o u rce : S o c ie ty f o r H u m an R e so u rce M a n a g e
m e n t.
J u ly /A u g u s t 2 0 1 5 HR Magazine 29
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Too often, people think that “anything in disagreement with
my belief is intended as a personal affront,” Woodward says.
like to ascribe meaning to everything that happens. But we often
confuse our interpretations about the beliefs of others with their
actual intent. We’re all self-centered that way.”
Moreover, telling people not to take conflicts personally
won’t work. Regardless of any such disclaimers, people take
things personally about 70 percent of the time, according to a
meta-analysis of many surveys by Greer, the Stanford professor.
But what may help is to simply acknowledge people’s feel­
ings, according to Reynolds, author of The Discomfort Zone:
How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs
(Berrett-Koehler, 2014). For example, if someone was irate that
his project wasn’t chosen for funding, the author would say: “It
sounds like you feel like it’s a decision about you personally.”
Conflicting tolerances. Conflict experts and HR practitio-
ners say employees have differing levels of comfort with
ing conflict. Too often, discomfort causes conflicts to be
entirely. And that’s not good.
Conflict avoidance can lead to real blowups when one per-
son can’t hold it in any longer. Dani Kimlinger, SHRM-SCP, an
HR and organizational psychology leader at the business psy-
chology firm MINES & Associates in Littleton, Colo., recalls
how colleagues in adjoining cubicles at a bank were locked in a
silent battle for six months. The woman felt her turf was being
invaded but wouldn’t talk about it—-or anything else—with the
man next door who was causing her consternation. She rolled
eyes at him in meetings, making him feel disrespected. When
finally lit into him, she felt that he should already know what
wrong—but he didn’t.
In counseling the woman, Kimlinger instructed her to start
small, by saying good morning to the man. Conflict resolution
generally works about 80 percent of the time, Kimlinger says,
in this case, it didn’t. The woman ended up leaving the company
after conflicts with other people.
At a previous employer, Swartz coached a manager with an
employee who felt micromanaged. She suggested that the man-
ager set up a weekly report that would allow the worker to keep
3 0 HR Magazine J u ly /A u g u s t 201 5
the boss informed on what he was doing without constantly
peppered with questions.
Almost everyone has some conflict they’re avoiding. In his
book, Grenny defines a “crucial conversation” as one that has
high stakes, with emotion involved and in which people are
to disagree.
Studies show that increased productivity and engagement are
correlated with the shortness of time between identifying a
lem and discussing it.
“If you don’t talk it out, you act it out,” Grenny warns.
Encouraging Trust
Creating a culture of trust is a crucial job for HR. “Try to make
sure when people come to you [the issue] doesn’t just
Swartz says. Below are some tips for building trust,
good conflict, and preventing or addressing the bad kind:
S urvey em ployees. Swartz conducts annual engagement
surveys and has loads of conversations with employees in the
interim. Each year, Bjerknes also surveys employees about how
well conflict is being handled at the medical center. The results
identify departments that have widespread problems so he
where training and intervention are needed.
Catch peop le d o in g th in g s r igh t. Woodward tells
ers to seek out opportunities to acknowledge and praise employ-
ees. Doing so creates an environment where people feel
able bringing up problems.
W elcome d issen t. Managers should encourage dissent that’s
focused on tasks, strategies and mission. Sometimes a retreat
with an outside facilitator is the best way to get beyond surface
C rea te d iv e rse te am s . Create work teams whose mem-
bers have diverse expertise, ways of thinking and backgrounds.
Related Reading
• Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without
Giving In (Penguin Books, 2011) by Roger Fisher,
William L. Ury and Bruce Patton.
• Fish!: A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and
Improve Results (Hyperion, 2000) by Stephen C.
Lundin, Harry Paul and John Christensen.
• The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult
Conversations into Breakthroughs (Berrett-Koehler,
2014) by Marcia Reynolds.
• Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking when
Stakes Are High (McGraw-Hill, 2011) by Kerry
Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan and Al
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Appointing a rotating devil’s advocate is a good way to stir up
productive conflict.
C reate accountability . This is a conflict prophylactic, since
many fights arise from a lack of clarity over who has the final
authority to make a decision. Making sure that roles are well-
established and communicated prevents problems from arising.
E ncourage p eop le to m an ag e th e ir ow n co n flic ts .
employees to work out conflict at the level it happens, instead
pushing it up the organizational chain. Doing so will give
confidence that they are capable of handling these issues on
own. “It doesn’t help the culture of our organization if I drop in
and fix the problem and get back out,” Bjerknes says. “We have
500 employees. It’s not possible for me to fix all the problems.”
After people address their own conflicts, the manager or
department leader should follow up to make sure not only that
the immediate problem has been solved but also that the root
cause has been addressed, Grenny says.
P rov ide tra in in g . HR can help people learn the skills they
need to handle conflict by sending them to courses or recom-
mending helpful books. Conflicts tend to become emotionally
fraught when someone chooses not to focus on the issue at hand
but rather to question another person’s competency, autonomy
integrity. Bjerknes advises people to choose the right time to
a difficult conversation and to prepare in advance the three most
important things they want to say about the conflict.
“My objective is to be a good coach,” he says. “At the end of
the day, the coach is not out there playing. You hope they will
the things you’ve taught them.” DO
Tamara Lytle is a freelance writer based in the Washington,
July/August 2015 HR Magazine 31
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Resource Management and
its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or
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Social Change (writing only)
Re-imagine historical images. Research the work and writings
of social activist photographers until you can become them; that
is, what would Hill and Adamson, Lewis Hine or Jacob Riis
photograph today if they lived where you live? What social
issue needs an advocate? In a 250-to-400-word essay, which
includes references to readings on the photographer you are
emulating, discuss how you would approach creating this
extended documentary project. For this project you need to
consult at least three credible and substantial sources and list
them in an endnote. If you quote from the source, you need to
include the page number(s) of the source you quoted or the URL
of the electronic source and the page number the quote is on.
Grading rubric for option 3 (writing only): (Total 100 points)
Grading rubric
Does the paper include a research question that frames the
Were at least three credible and substantial sources consulted
and included in an endnote
Quality of the writing (how well you develop the essay, clarity
of expression, structure)
Is the paper free of spelling and grammatical mistakes?
Does the paper fall within the word limit of 250–400 words?

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  • 2. E C K E R F O R H R M A G A Z IN E COVER STORYEMPLOYEE RELATIONS Conflict isn ’t n ecessarily a bad thing. But ignoring it can be. By Tamara Lytle
  • 3. At a hospital, employee conflicts can happen amid life-or-death situations. No one benefits when these conflicts are ignored—not the staff, not the managers and certainly not the patients. While it’s a natural human tendency to avoid uncomfortable conflict with others, that tactic won’t work in the long term. “It’s like a crazy song you can’t get out of your head,” says Dan Bjerknes, director of HR opera­ tions at Catholic Health Initiatives/Mercy Medi- cal Center in Williston, N.D., who has a master’s degree in counseling and previously worked as a conflict management consultant. By the time a clash comes to H R ’s atten­ tion, it’s often too late—such as when a valu- able employee is quitting. Even seemingly small conflicts can be important because they’re often really about larger issues. > J u ly /A u g u s t 2 0 1 5 HR Magazine 27 COVER STORY EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Workplace conflicts happen everywhere, and ignoring them can be costly. Every unaddressed conflict wastes about eight hours of company time in gossip and other unproductive activi- ties, says Joseph Grenny, co-founder of VitalSmarts, a training and organizational development company in Provo, Utah. Now multiply that by all the issues not being resolved. “It’s an enormous drain on an organization,” says Grenny,
  • 4. co-author of Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High (McGraw-Hill, 2011). Understanding the reasons behind workplace conflicts can help HR profes- sionals tackle problems before—or after— a conflict turns into a face-off between departments that refuse to work together or a screaming match between colleagues. A good place to start is by realizing that, even though people may shy away from it, conflict is actually normal and healthy. In fact, many believe it’s a vital ingredient to organizational success. Experts have found that the most effective teams are those in which members feel safe enough to disagree with one another. A culture where dissent is allowed, or even encouraged, can spur innovation, diversity of thought and better decision-making. “ Conflict suggests the way you’ve been doing things is not the way it’s going to be forever,” says Casey Swartz, HR manager at CTLGroup in Skokie, 111. “You don’t want to hire a bunch of clones.” According to Michael Woodward, an organizational psy- chologist in the New York City area, the challenge is in figur- ing out which conflicts are healthy and which ones are harmful. “Unhealthy conflict is when it becomes personal and emotional. Then your judgment gets clouded,” Woodward says. By contrast, good conflict can lead to higher levels of trust. If people see that it’s OK to challenge the boss, they can question the status quo,
  • 5. which is better for the company. Beneath the Surface Difference is at the heart of conflict, so it’s important to explore areas where people often don’t align. Conflicting priorities. Some fights are over resources such as budgets; others erupt from incompatible goals or reactions to structural change in the company. At Black Butte Coal Co. in southwest Wyoming, a warehouse supervisor and a maintenance manager were clashing so severely over policies and procedures that they were frequently yelling at each other. The fights worsened until the two depart- ments didn’t want to work together, recalls Amanda DeBernardi, SHRM-CP, the company’s HR manager. In fact, the feuding parties’ manager was ready to fire them both. Both had strong goals for their departments but had lost sight of the bigger picture of what was good for the company, DeBernardi says. She found help in Grenny’s book on difficult conversations. She sat the warehouse supervisor and maintenance manager in a conference room with a blank piece of paper in front of them. Each person had his say without interruption as the other took notes rather than presenting a different side of the story. DeBer- nardi used a white board to categorize the problems and pressed both to brainstorm solutions. The employees aren’t exactly lunch buddies now, but the process worked. DeBernardi’s only regret
  • 6. is not mediating the situation sooner. “The key thing is the participants knowing they are respon­ sible for the results and they are the ones developing the solution,” she says. “I’m here to facilitate, and that’s all I will do.” She esti- mates that she spends at least 30 percent of her time dealing with workplace conflicts. Many fights over resources can be avoided when people per- ceive that they are operating in an environment of plenty—in When Should HR Step In? HR professionals and conflict management experts recommend that HR get involved in workplace con- flicts when: • Employees are threatening to quit over the prob­ lem. Recruiting and training are expensive; it's often cheaper to work out a solution. • Disagreements are getting personal, and respect between employees is being lost. • Conflicts are affecting morale and organizational success. 1 1 '■ W B . ■ i ^ ■ ■■■.*■"■ --f-|--- other words, where everyone has what they need to operate effec- tively, says Lindred Greer, assistant professor of organizational behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business. Note that the key is creating the perception of abundance—so solutions are possible even when acquiring more resources is not an option. Thinking creatively is one way to do this. For example, if two departments are fighting over a small training budget, HR might
  • 7. offer to conduct in-house training so both can benefit. Conflicting perspectives. In an increasingly global and diverse workplace, sometimes the heart of the problem is that people differ from each other in age, gender, ethnicity or per- sonality type. That’s something Marcia Reynolds, an organizational psy­ chiatrist with Arizona-based Covisioning LLC, has witnessed. C asey S w a rtz A m and a D eB e rn a rd i 2 8 HR Magazine J u ly /A u g u s t 2 01 5 other. The Baby Boomer had taken notes on when her younger colleague was showing up in the morning and complained about the quality of his work. He called her overbearing and inflexible in trying new approaches. “A lightbulb went off for us on how to get these people to work together,” Scala says. HR set up a new system that uses checklists to show the con- tributions of each person, which helped the Boomer to recognize her colleague’s accomplishments. As a result of that conflict, HR also developed a mentorship program that pairs M illennial with older workers, enabling younger workers to gain a better under- standing of the value of older colleagues’ experience.
  • 8. A recent Society for Human Resource Management survey found that 72 percent of employees rank “respectful treatment of all employees at all levels” as the top factor in job satisfaction. Conflicting assumptions. One of the biggest drivers of con- flict is when people misinterpret others’ intentions. The introvert who stays quiet during an entire meeting and brings up a prob- lem at the end is not trying to sabotage a co-worker; that behav- ior simply aligns with his personality type. A change in seating arrangements in the office isn’t a personal attack on someone, just a reorganization that may not have been thought through. Someone who’s not acting according to a person’s stereotyped expectations—like a woman who’s very assertive and thus behaves in a way that contradicts traditional notions of feminin- ity—may just be being herself. > To get a sense of how diverse perspectives color people’s percep- tions, she asked leaders at a global company she was consult- ing with to participate in an activity in which they were blind- folded and asked to describe the puzzle pieces in their hands. She observed as people gave descriptions so different that they couldn’t figure out they were holding the same piece. “Conflict is inevitable because we’re human beings and come from different backgrounds,” Reynolds says. That’s why organi­ zations need to remember to bring people together to get to know each other, she points out. Brian Scala, an HR administrator, repeatedly saw genera- tional clashes in his job at Vince and Associates Clinical Research Inc. in Overland Park, Kan. The Baby Boomers and members of
  • 9. Generation X saw the M illennial as lazy with poor work eth- ics, while the M illennial viewed their older colleagues as less adaptable to change. In one instance, two lab workers from different generations who performed the same job came to HR complaining about each When Should You Seek Outside Help? While it's better to address workplace conflicts as soon as possible and at a local level, sometimes you need out- side help from a mediator, arbitrator or attorney. Experts say those situations include the following: • When potential legal issues are involved, such as alle­ gations of discrimination or harassment. • When the HR department doesn't have the time or training to provide the conflict resolution assistance needed. • When there are patterns of recurring issues. • When the flare-ups are becoming abusive or resem- ble bullying. • When a manager needs retraining that can't be done in-house. • When the environment is so toxic it's time to get everyone offsite so the office doesn't trigger continuing negative responses.LI 10 Steps to Resolving Conflict Schedule a meeting to address the problem, preferably at a neutral place. Set ground rules. Ask all parties to treat each other with respect and to make an effort to listen and understand others' views.
  • 10. 3. 4. 5. (0■ 7 8. i . I 0 . Ask each participant to describe the conflict, including desired changes. Direct participants to use "I" statements, not "you" statements. They should focus on specific behaviors and problems rather than people. Ask participants to restate what others have said. Summarize the conflict based on what you have heard and obtain agreement from participants. Brainstorm solutions. Discuss all of the options in a positive manner. Rule out any options that partici- pants agree are unworkable. Summarize all possible options for a solution. Assign further analysis of each option to individual participants. Make sure all parties agree on the next steps. Close the meeting by asking participants to shake hands, apologize and thank each other for working
  • 11. to resolve the conflict. S o u rce : S o c ie ty f o r H u m an R e so u rce M a n a g e m e n t. J u ly /A u g u s t 2 0 1 5 HR Magazine 29 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS f 1 r̂ l ) • l P V H # ^ 1 r X ' t s' awfip / vC V / Too often, people think that “anything in disagreement with my belief is intended as a personal affront,” Woodward says. “We like to ascribe meaning to everything that happens. But we often confuse our interpretations about the beliefs of others with their actual intent. We’re all self-centered that way.” Moreover, telling people not to take conflicts personally won’t work. Regardless of any such disclaimers, people take things personally about 70 percent of the time, according to a meta-analysis of many surveys by Greer, the Stanford professor. But what may help is to simply acknowledge people’s feel­ ings, according to Reynolds, author of The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs (Berrett-Koehler, 2014). For example, if someone was irate that
  • 12. his project wasn’t chosen for funding, the author would say: “It sounds like you feel like it’s a decision about you personally.” Conflicting tolerances. Conflict experts and HR practitio- ners say employees have differing levels of comfort with address- ing conflict. Too often, discomfort causes conflicts to be avoided entirely. And that’s not good. Conflict avoidance can lead to real blowups when one per- son can’t hold it in any longer. Dani Kimlinger, SHRM-SCP, an HR and organizational psychology leader at the business psy- chology firm MINES & Associates in Littleton, Colo., recalls how colleagues in adjoining cubicles at a bank were locked in a silent battle for six months. The woman felt her turf was being invaded but wouldn’t talk about it—-or anything else—with the man next door who was causing her consternation. She rolled her eyes at him in meetings, making him feel disrespected. When she finally lit into him, she felt that he should already know what was wrong—but he didn’t. In counseling the woman, Kimlinger instructed her to start small, by saying good morning to the man. Conflict resolution generally works about 80 percent of the time, Kimlinger says, but in this case, it didn’t. The woman ended up leaving the company after conflicts with other people. At a previous employer, Swartz coached a manager with an employee who felt micromanaged. She suggested that the man- ager set up a weekly report that would allow the worker to keep
  • 13. 3 0 HR Magazine J u ly /A u g u s t 201 5 the boss informed on what he was doing without constantly being peppered with questions. Almost everyone has some conflict they’re avoiding. In his book, Grenny defines a “crucial conversation” as one that has high stakes, with emotion involved and in which people are likely to disagree. Studies show that increased productivity and engagement are correlated with the shortness of time between identifying a prob- lem and discussing it. “If you don’t talk it out, you act it out,” Grenny warns. Encouraging Trust Creating a culture of trust is a crucial job for HR. “Try to make sure when people come to you [the issue] doesn’t just disappear,” Swartz says. Below are some tips for building trust, encouraging good conflict, and preventing or addressing the bad kind: S urvey em ployees. Swartz conducts annual engagement surveys and has loads of conversations with employees in the interim. Each year, Bjerknes also surveys employees about how well conflict is being handled at the medical center. The results identify departments that have widespread problems so he knows where training and intervention are needed.
  • 14. Catch peop le d o in g th in g s r igh t. Woodward tells manag- ers to seek out opportunities to acknowledge and praise employ- ees. Doing so creates an environment where people feel comfort- able bringing up problems. W elcome d issen t. Managers should encourage dissent that’s focused on tasks, strategies and mission. Sometimes a retreat with an outside facilitator is the best way to get beyond surface conversations. C rea te d iv e rse te am s . Create work teams whose mem- bers have diverse expertise, ways of thinking and backgrounds. Related Reading • Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (Penguin Books, 2011) by Roger Fisher, William L. Ury and Bruce Patton. • Fish!: A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results (Hyperion, 2000) by Stephen C. Lundin, Harry Paul and John Christensen. • The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs (Berrett-Koehler, 2014) by Marcia Reynolds. • Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking when Stakes Are High (McGraw-Hill, 2011) by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan and Al Switzler. ____^ > # 1 n i» * W B I I I p III Hi
  • 15. Appointing a rotating devil’s advocate is a good way to stir up productive conflict. C reate accountability . This is a conflict prophylactic, since many fights arise from a lack of clarity over who has the final authority to make a decision. Making sure that roles are well- established and communicated prevents problems from arising. E ncourage p eop le to m an ag e th e ir ow n co n flic ts . Tell employees to work out conflict at the level it happens, instead of pushing it up the organizational chain. Doing so will give people confidence that they are capable of handling these issues on their own. “It doesn’t help the culture of our organization if I drop in and fix the problem and get back out,” Bjerknes says. “We have 500 employees. It’s not possible for me to fix all the problems.” After people address their own conflicts, the manager or department leader should follow up to make sure not only that the immediate problem has been solved but also that the root cause has been addressed, Grenny says. P rov ide tra in in g . HR can help people learn the skills they need to handle conflict by sending them to courses or recom- mending helpful books. Conflicts tend to become emotionally fraught when someone chooses not to focus on the issue at hand but rather to question another person’s competency, autonomy or integrity. Bjerknes advises people to choose the right time to have a difficult conversation and to prepare in advance the three most important things they want to say about the conflict.
  • 16. “My objective is to be a good coach,” he says. “At the end of the day, the coach is not out there playing. You hope they will use the things you’ve taught them.” DO Tamara Lytle is a freelance writer based in the Washington, D.C., area. July/August 2015 HR Magazine 31 Copyright of HR Magazine is the property of Society for Human Resource Management and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. Social Change (writing only) Re-imagine historical images. Research the work and writings of social activist photographers until you can become them; that is, what would Hill and Adamson, Lewis Hine or Jacob Riis photograph today if they lived where you live? What social issue needs an advocate? In a 250-to-400-word essay, which includes references to readings on the photographer you are emulating, discuss how you would approach creating this extended documentary project. For this project you need to consult at least three credible and substantial sources and list them in an endnote. If you quote from the source, you need to include the page number(s) of the source you quoted or the URL of the electronic source and the page number the quote is on.
  • 17. Grading rubric for option 3 (writing only): (Total 100 points) Grading rubric Points Does the paper include a research question that frames the discussion? 10 Were at least three credible and substantial sources consulted and included in an endnote 25 Quality of the writing (how well you develop the essay, clarity of expression, structure) 50 Is the paper free of spelling and grammatical mistakes? 5 Does the paper fall within the word limit of 250–400 words? 10 Total 100