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...even if you’ve never made a cent online before

Your Six Step Plan For Doing Meaningful
Work And Making More Money

                                          Kavit Haria
If you’re coming across my work for the very first time, welcome to
our community. If you’re a regular subscriber or client, you’re very
welcome again. Insider Internet Success is a place for authentic,
committed savvy entrepreneurs to learn and get support on their
journey of building a lifestyle business online.

What follows is the most important foundations for your 6-figure         you decide today that you are ready to build a 6-figure business       To your greatest success!
lifestyle business. My goal with this guide is to prepare you mentally   online in 90 days, then forget everything else and follow this one
and give you the exact stages of building your own business.             path wholeheartedly with sharp focus and you will reach your
                                                                         destination faster than you ever thought possible.
Too many people fail too often when they set out to build a business.
They are drawn in by the incredible lifestyle and perks that comes       Do not forget - everyone who has ever succeeded in anything
with owning a business instead of being compelled by the true value      has worked hard. It’s not easy building a business on your own.        Business consultant and mentor
of service and the burning fire of desire that a true entrepreneur       That’s why you have this guide, my help, and our community. My
should have. No doubt, money is a motivating factor, more time off       job is to simplify the process as much as possible for you - but       P.S. I have put several hours into writing and fine-tuning this guide
is also a motivating factor, and freedom is a motivating factor. But     you still have to work hard to implement. That’s why, the true         for you, in the hope that it will give you everything you need to
the biggest drive of an entrepreneur should always be his or her         entrepreneur is always filled with desire and abundance that           understand and implement to get started. I have done my best to
ability to serve a core group of people and transform their lives.       allows him or her to flow to the result.                               keep it as short yet concise as possible so you can take what you
Do this - and you’ll reach your 6-figure blueprint goal in 90 days.                                                                             need and get started. In the end, I hope you will look back and say,
                                                                         This guide is best read on a tablet, smartphone or computer. It        “Wow, really, this was for free?” and then be compelled to share it
Before reading this very guide, you may have read, watched,              is designed for easy reading. I would also suggest that you print      with your friends.
or listened to other material and tutorials that teach you how           it out and keep a hard copy for you to scribble your ideas and
to make money online or build a business fast. One may have              highlight the important parts. Learning becomes implementation         P.P.S. I’ve extended a special opportunity for you to schedule a
differed from another. I often tell my clients that there are as         when you take an active part in the process.                           complimentary Strategy Session with me if you’d like to discuss
many ways to make money as there are ideas born. So jumping                                                                                     how to build your business online and perhaps how my mentoring
from one thing to another, without properly following a set plan, is     Let this be the start of your new, successful, 6-figure                service can benefit you. Details are at the back of this guide if you’d
going to lead to overwhelm. It is the single cause of overwhelm.         lifestyle business online.                                             like to take advantage.

The most successful entrepreneurs have learned to dissolve their         If you have any questions, comments, feedback, testimonials, or just
overwhelm by clearing everything out, focusing on one path and           want to get in touch, I really look forward to hearing from you. You
completing the tasks. With this guide, I offer you the same. If          can email me directly at
To me, the phrase “lifestyle business” is defined as a vehicle for delivering
transformation, requiring as little time as possible from its leadership, yet delivering
the right rewards for the owner to create the lifestyle they truly want for themselves.

I built my consulting and mentoring business on the premise           They understand that the bulk of the work is done once and
that I could work from anywhere in the world as long as I had         that selling can happen constantly. Without mental preparation,
access to the internet or a telephone. I also wanted to be able       you will not be able to hang on to the customers that stop at
to travel regularly and thereby work just 2-3 hours per day. I        your online doorstep.
set an income goal that was appropriate for my lifestyle, yet
still challenging enough and also filled my savings each year.        Lifestyle entrepreneurs are strategic. They don’t jump from
This is how I want to live - and having identified this clearly I     opportunity to opportunity. They are not interested in shiny
set out to design my business in order to serve me in this way        objects that scream out for their attention. Instead, they are
whilst I had the pleasure and good fortune of serving many            determined to stay on the same path and follow through to
hundreds and thousands globally.                                      their results.

Being a lifestyle entrepreneur is not something you are born as. It   Lifestyle entrepreneurs don’t harbour negativity. In a business
is something you become. But changing from a corporate position       where you only work a few hours, there is no time for negativity.
or your 9-5 job to the position of a lifestyle entrepreneur is not    That is why you must also identify clearly what you will do with
always easy if you have not cultivated the necessary mentality,       your time off. Not doing so will keep your mind idle and open to
beliefs and habits.                                                   negativity. It is all about positive planning and brainstorming.    Kavit Haria, Internet entrepreneur
Lifestyle entrepreneurs welcome more time off and use it              Lifestyle entrepreneurs are laser-focused. In an office where
wisely. If you haven’t got interests, hobbies and passions you        you must start at 9am and finish by 5pm, you usually finish all
can pursue in your time off, identify those first. Having time off    your work you’re given. It’s very likely that if you could work
and not doing anything productive and useful with it can lead you     9-1 instead of 9-5 you’d still finish all the same work in the
to doing unnecessary things within your business that may even        shorter time frame. Parkinson’s Law states that you’ll complete        Are you ready to be a
                                                                      all work in the time frame given by making it fit. If you had 3
lead to its downfall - or your own doubts and worries increasing.
                                                                      hours a day or 10 hours a day, you’d make the work fit. Lifestyle
                                                                                                                                             lifestyle entrepreneur with
Lifestyle entrepreneurs are prepared to attract a lot of              entrepreneurs force themselves to have just 3 hours and so need        your own online business?
money in a short space of time and whilst doing nothing.              to be laser-focused to reap the same rewards faster.

If you want to build a really successful business
online, you need to build an authority business.
An authority business is one where you become the go-to person or website for your chosen
marketplace. It takes time, but it becomes easy if you already are an expert in what you are sharing.

If you don’t have an existing business and are starting from scratch, make a list of the varied
interests and topics that you know about or could teach about. Everyone has at least one thing that
could go on this list. Think about how you may have helped, taught, advised, or guided a friend or
family member in the past. What was that about?

The most common objection I get about this is that “But I’m not an expert!” to which I share what I
call the Ladder of Expertise - and then the light bulb moment comes.

As a simple example, if you have made $250,000 via stock trading, you know how to reach there
via stock trading. You can reach out and easily educate someone who wants to get there. But you
probably wouldn’t call yourself “learned” if you want to teach to $1M and haven’t got there yet.

I do not believe for a second that you have no knowledge, no experience, no expertise.
Everyone has expertise to some level.
                What follows here is a six step plan – a systematic
                process to help you design, create and implement
                the foundations of your online business.

                These are not six steps that are meant to be done in one night. If you do that, you will burn out. The
                hardest part of any business is the starting of the business when you have to lay the foundation
                correctly in order to ensure a successful future.

                There are a lot of people that want to brainwash you to believe that building a strong business can
                be done overnight and will lead to instant riches. This is not true. If it ever happens, it’s a fluke. But
                don’t worry - anyone can build a successful lifestyle business with commitment and determination.

                One more thing - these six steps look easy and you may feel that there must be more to building
                a business than just this. In reality this is all there is. This is the core outline and framework for the
                making of a business worth millions. Anything else is just detail that will fit into these steps. Don’t
                be fooled.

                The six step plan:

   1 2 3 4 5 6
Identify your
buyer persona         Discover
                      your offer
                                                      Design your
                                                     money magnet                               Build your
                                                                                                                             new clients    Serve and
                                                                                                                                           over deliver

                In the following pages, we’ll explore each step

    Humanising your ideal client is far better than just
    choosing a target market. The moment I learned
    this, my business shifted another gear. I started to
    attract the people I truly wanted to work with and
    they were all able to pay the fees that I commanded.
    Carefully think about who you want to serve. Use this step to get clear again on your ideal client.
    Give him or her a name, identify their characteristics, interests and behaviours. Doing this will help
    you find them really easily too.

    If you are already in business, the best way to do this exercise is to look back at 3-5 of your
    previous clients and profile them in exactly the same way described above.

    You want to build an exhaustive list about them. Look specifically at their behaviours too - where do
    they hang out online or offline? Do they comment on articles or videos? (This will tell you how they
    prefer to consume information). Do they have jobs or businesses? Do they travel or stay-at-home?

    Create a complete profile of your ideal client, print it out and keep it with you wherever you go.

    Your offer is a statement of the transformation
    you create on your clients lives when you deliver
    your service.
    Once you are clear on who you sell to, it’s time to outline your offer.

    Your offer is not the details of what you sell. It should not be described as the service you provide.
    Your offer is the RESULT or OUTCOME of what you do. Everything we are focusing on here is about
    the RESULT - not about us, or what we provide. It is about the massive value that we offer.

    For example, I run a mentoring program called the Big Ticket Group in which my offer is this: “I help
    entrepreneurs build a $1000-per-day business that gives them time and money freedom to live life
    large”. That is the transformation I offer. Notice how I’ve not mentioned any other logistics on how
    I’ve done that. Just that one statement starts to get people interested.

    Here’s the secret to winning clients quickly and easily – work out what it costs a client to NOT take
    advantage of your offer. If you can figure this out, you’re onto a winner. The more you can diagnose their
    current position and figure out what it costs them to NOT take action, the more you’re onto a sale.

    Get even more clear about your offer by answering these questions:
    	 • What are the biggest challenges people in your market face?
    	 • Describe the pain they currently experience having not solved this problem.
    	 •  escribe the end point - the pleasure and bliss they will experience on the other end. What is
        that state? What will they feel like once they’ve achieved their goals?
    	 • What would it cost them NOT to engage with you?
    	 • What results do you WANT to be known for?
    	 • What are the biggest benefits your clients will get from working with you?

Once you have your offer down, you need to
think about a few other details based upon how
you’re going to actually deliver the Statement of
Transformation that you’ve designed.
Here are some questions to get you started:
	 • How will you package your training?
	 • Will this require a one-off payment for one-off course delivery or is it a continuity program?
	 • Will there be any form of live interaction with you in a group or privately?
	 • What price point are you going for? If one-off, can you start with charging $1,000?
	 • How will you increase your pricing? Will you employ deadlines or scarcity?

    A “Money Magnet” is a high-quality piece of
    engaging content which draws attention from
    your audience and invites your prospects to
    connect with you.
    If you don’t have the luxury of being a famous name like Tony Robbins, Oprah, or any other
    household name (which most of us don’t have) then you probably won’t already have an amount of
    trust built up about you in the market.

    Marketing is about allowing your prospects to know, like and trust you. When you succeed with
    doing this, it becomes easy for the prospect to contact you about doing business.

    Your money magnet is the answer to this. It works by providing value upfront, for free, to your
    prospect. The more they see you are open, giving, caring and foster the abundance mentality, the
    easier it will be for them to begin to know, like and trust you. The money magnet creates a sense of
    bonding between you and the prospect before you even discuss your offering.

    For example, a free report you may write and share is a money magnet. People can come to your
    website and download it by giving you their details, if you choose to ask for them. Another example
    is a live teleseminar or Webinar where your marketing invites people to attend your live event and
    join you.

    Your money magnet content could be framed in multiple ways. Two ways that work really well are:
    1) design your piece to feature the answer to the top 3 most pressing challenges your market faces,
    or 2) provide the full outline or framework for a system they need to master. Your job with this is not
    to teach your prospect the content. You do not show them HOW; you show them WHY.

    You get them to see where they are in their life by helping them paint the reality. You then help them
    paint a picture of the ultimate goal they are seeking. You make the gap evident. You make them
    realise the cost of not taking action. Then you invite action - to make the sale, to visit a website, to
    make a phone call, to contact you, etc.

    Your platform is where the business is attracted,
    sealed, and delivered.
    Once you’ve identified your offer and you’ve designed your money magnet in step 2 and 3
    respectively, you need to begin to think more strategically and carefully about your platform.

    You platform starts with your base which is your website and blog. It is not possible to run a
    successful business online without actively sharing content on a regular basis and having a blog
    where you can host this is the best way to do this.

    You also need to have a specific landing page where you will offer your prospects the opportunity to
    request your money magnet by filling out a form. Asking for their e-mail address is most important
    and a list management service like Mailchimp or Aweber will really help you automate your delivery
    and follow up which is a huge part of your business

    Your platform must be well-connected socially too, so don’t forget the importance of having your
    presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and/or any other social website that your prospects may
    hang out at. Connect these to your website so that others can share your content too.

As a professional lifestyle business, you will want
to look and feel the part. Your clients will come to
trust you more when they see a presence that’s in
tune with who you are and that is coherent across
your entire online platform.
To identify your brand, here are some questions to help:
	 • What do you stand for?
	 • What three keywords describe you?
	 • What three keywords describe what you do?
	 • What colours best suit your audience and will help you stand out?
	 • What font, size, style and imagery will appeal to your audience best?

Give this to any good designer and it will allow them to create a strong branding throughout your
online platform for you.

    You could have the best money magnet in your
    industry, the most persuasive website and a
    brilliant follow up system – but if your lead flow is
    dried up, you’ll convert zero clients.
    Traffic and lead flow is different. Traffic is the visitors that come to your website, read your blog,
    interact with you on social websites, and even hit your landing page. Leads, however, are those wise
    people that complete a form to request your money magnet and seek more information. They have
    showed their curiosity and desire to find out more.

    If you are selling direct from a website, you will want to warm up your leads using your automated
    e-mail follow up, webinars, teleseminars, free ebooks, etc and then direct them to the sales page
    where they can choose to purchase right away and convert to client status.

    If you are selling via the telephone, your approach has to be more qualified. If you don’t do this,
    you’ll speak to dozens and dozens of people and the odd one or two may buy. Using this process I’m
    about to briefly outline, my students and I are able to complete a 1/5 conversion with a no-push or
    no-hard-sell selling approach.

    If the prospect is interested in speaking about working with me, I invite them to book a time when
    we can talk on the telephone one-to-one. I conduct this as an application process before we speak,
    so that I have a few critical pieces of information at hand. Then, on the telephone, I simply allow
    them to speak with me about what they want to achieve, where they currently are, and what it will
    cost them should they decide to not take action today. I’ll then tell them about how I can help, their
    investment, and leave the decision to them. There is no hard selling; it is more an authentic, caring
    and helpful conversation.

    Whenever I sell anything that is “big ticket” and worth $2,000+ or more to me, I use the telephone
    approach. I’m able to really connect with the prospect and sales come naturally. Let the prospect
    become a client without any push using this no-sales selling process!

    If you want your future business to be taken care of,
    focus on nothing else but serving and overdelivering
    to your current clients. That is the secret.
    There is nothing worse than someone paying you $1,000 and you not delivering on your promise.
    It is bad for business and bad for your reputation. If you want to save yourself from financial ruin,
    business worry and struggling to find clients, go the extra mile with the ones you currently have.

    First of all, identify the ways in which they best consume information. Do they prefer to access
    material digitally or physically? Do they prefer to talk, read or listen? Do they prefer to meet in
    person or are happy doing things virtually? Get clear on this and you can deliver your training and
    service in the way that meets their expectations for your specific offering.

    Taking extra care and having attention to detail will foster client loyalty. You’ll become their primary
    choice in your field. They’ll hire you and convince their friends to hire you.

    Inject personality and make your relationships personal. Care about them more than just the
    money and the business. Consistently check-in and give them what they need.
So there you have it – the complete outline for my
6-step plan for building a six figure business in 90
days. It really can be easy, lucrative and fun.
One of the reasons people ask me to mentor them through this process is because I’ve gone
through it many times myself. I’ve lived through dozens of different online business models and
have myself offered many types of products and services, so I can safely and confidently guide you
in the direction of your result.

Schedule Your Complimentary One-On-One Strategy Session With Kavit Haria
(Worth $397)
If you’re ready to build your business online from scratch - or          Which is why we don’t charge for this Strategy Session, making
you’ve got an existing business that needs a push online and             it a risk-free way of getting a lot of value and ideas for your own
you want to create a strategy for building more traffic, leads and       business and finding out whether you would be interested in
sales, take advantage of this special offer and book a 30-minute         working with Kavit.
one-to-one complimentary Strategy Session with marketing
expert Kavit Haria.                                                      Play a bigger game. Schedule your Strategy Session by visiting
                                                                         the URL below or calling us on any of the numbers listed below.
This call is an opportunity for Kavit to get to know you and your
business. He will also share several insights, tips and strategies
that you could implement immediately to get started or grow your
marketing and profits.
There is no cost for this Strategy Session. It’s entirely free to you.
We’re convinced that when you see what Kavit has to share -                               UK office: +44 (0) 20 8133 7437
and how he can help you transform your business and income in                              USA office: +1 (954) 892 5016
a short space of time - you’ll be interested in speaking with him
about how you can have him as a mentor.
Any Questions?
Get In Touch
UK:	 +44 (0) 20 8133 7437
USA:	+1 (954) 892 5016

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6 Steps To Build A 6 Figure Lifestyle Business Online

  • 1. HOW TO BUILD YOUR 6-FIGURE “BIG TICKET” LIFESTYLE BUSINESS ONLINE IN 90 DAYS... ...even if you’ve never made a cent online before Your Six Step Plan For Doing Meaningful Work And Making More Money Kavit Haria
  • 2. INTRODUCTION If you’re coming across my work for the very first time, welcome to our community. If you’re a regular subscriber or client, you’re very welcome again. Insider Internet Success is a place for authentic, committed savvy entrepreneurs to learn and get support on their journey of building a lifestyle business online. What follows is the most important foundations for your 6-figure you decide today that you are ready to build a 6-figure business To your greatest success! lifestyle business. My goal with this guide is to prepare you mentally online in 90 days, then forget everything else and follow this one and give you the exact stages of building your own business. path wholeheartedly with sharp focus and you will reach your destination faster than you ever thought possible. Too many people fail too often when they set out to build a business. They are drawn in by the incredible lifestyle and perks that comes Do not forget - everyone who has ever succeeded in anything with owning a business instead of being compelled by the true value has worked hard. It’s not easy building a business on your own. Business consultant and mentor of service and the burning fire of desire that a true entrepreneur That’s why you have this guide, my help, and our community. My should have. No doubt, money is a motivating factor, more time off job is to simplify the process as much as possible for you - but P.S. I have put several hours into writing and fine-tuning this guide is also a motivating factor, and freedom is a motivating factor. But you still have to work hard to implement. That’s why, the true for you, in the hope that it will give you everything you need to the biggest drive of an entrepreneur should always be his or her entrepreneur is always filled with desire and abundance that understand and implement to get started. I have done my best to ability to serve a core group of people and transform their lives. allows him or her to flow to the result. keep it as short yet concise as possible so you can take what you Do this - and you’ll reach your 6-figure blueprint goal in 90 days. need and get started. In the end, I hope you will look back and say, This guide is best read on a tablet, smartphone or computer. It “Wow, really, this was for free?” and then be compelled to share it Before reading this very guide, you may have read, watched, is designed for easy reading. I would also suggest that you print with your friends. or listened to other material and tutorials that teach you how it out and keep a hard copy for you to scribble your ideas and to make money online or build a business fast. One may have highlight the important parts. Learning becomes implementation P.P.S. I’ve extended a special opportunity for you to schedule a differed from another. I often tell my clients that there are as when you take an active part in the process. complimentary Strategy Session with me if you’d like to discuss many ways to make money as there are ideas born. So jumping how to build your business online and perhaps how my mentoring from one thing to another, without properly following a set plan, is Let this be the start of your new, successful, 6-figure service can benefit you. Details are at the back of this guide if you’d going to lead to overwhelm. It is the single cause of overwhelm. lifestyle business online. like to take advantage. The most successful entrepreneurs have learned to dissolve their If you have any questions, comments, feedback, testimonials, or just overwhelm by clearing everything out, focusing on one path and want to get in touch, I really look forward to hearing from you. You completing the tasks. With this guide, I offer you the same. If can email me directly at
  • 3. THE LIFESTYLE BUSINESS ENTREPRENEUR To me, the phrase “lifestyle business” is defined as a vehicle for delivering transformation, requiring as little time as possible from its leadership, yet delivering the right rewards for the owner to create the lifestyle they truly want for themselves. I built my consulting and mentoring business on the premise They understand that the bulk of the work is done once and that I could work from anywhere in the world as long as I had that selling can happen constantly. Without mental preparation, access to the internet or a telephone. I also wanted to be able you will not be able to hang on to the customers that stop at to travel regularly and thereby work just 2-3 hours per day. I your online doorstep. set an income goal that was appropriate for my lifestyle, yet still challenging enough and also filled my savings each year. Lifestyle entrepreneurs are strategic. They don’t jump from This is how I want to live - and having identified this clearly I opportunity to opportunity. They are not interested in shiny set out to design my business in order to serve me in this way objects that scream out for their attention. Instead, they are whilst I had the pleasure and good fortune of serving many determined to stay on the same path and follow through to hundreds and thousands globally. their results. Being a lifestyle entrepreneur is not something you are born as. It Lifestyle entrepreneurs don’t harbour negativity. In a business is something you become. But changing from a corporate position where you only work a few hours, there is no time for negativity. or your 9-5 job to the position of a lifestyle entrepreneur is not That is why you must also identify clearly what you will do with always easy if you have not cultivated the necessary mentality, your time off. Not doing so will keep your mind idle and open to beliefs and habits. negativity. It is all about positive planning and brainstorming. Kavit Haria, Internet entrepreneur Lifestyle entrepreneurs welcome more time off and use it Lifestyle entrepreneurs are laser-focused. In an office where wisely. If you haven’t got interests, hobbies and passions you you must start at 9am and finish by 5pm, you usually finish all can pursue in your time off, identify those first. Having time off your work you’re given. It’s very likely that if you could work and not doing anything productive and useful with it can lead you 9-1 instead of 9-5 you’d still finish all the same work in the to doing unnecessary things within your business that may even shorter time frame. Parkinson’s Law states that you’ll complete Are you ready to be a all work in the time frame given by making it fit. If you had 3 lead to its downfall - or your own doubts and worries increasing. hours a day or 10 hours a day, you’d make the work fit. Lifestyle lifestyle entrepreneur with Lifestyle entrepreneurs are prepared to attract a lot of entrepreneurs force themselves to have just 3 hours and so need your own online business? money in a short space of time and whilst doing nothing. to be laser-focused to reap the same rewards faster.
  • 4. THE LADDER OF EXPERTISE If you want to build a really successful business online, you need to build an authority business. An authority business is one where you become the go-to person or website for your chosen marketplace. It takes time, but it becomes easy if you already are an expert in what you are sharing. If you don’t have an existing business and are starting from scratch, make a list of the varied interests and topics that you know about or could teach about. Everyone has at least one thing that could go on this list. Think about how you may have helped, taught, advised, or guided a friend or family member in the past. What was that about? The most common objection I get about this is that “But I’m not an expert!” to which I share what I call the Ladder of Expertise - and then the light bulb moment comes. As a simple example, if you have made $250,000 via stock trading, you know how to reach there via stock trading. You can reach out and easily educate someone who wants to get there. But you probably wouldn’t call yourself “learned” if you want to teach to $1M and haven’t got there yet. I do not believe for a second that you have no knowledge, no experience, no expertise. Everyone has expertise to some level.
  • 5. SIX STEP PLAN What follows here is a six step plan – a systematic process to help you design, create and implement the foundations of your online business. These are not six steps that are meant to be done in one night. If you do that, you will burn out. The hardest part of any business is the starting of the business when you have to lay the foundation correctly in order to ensure a successful future. There are a lot of people that want to brainwash you to believe that building a strong business can be done overnight and will lead to instant riches. This is not true. If it ever happens, it’s a fluke. But don’t worry - anyone can build a successful lifestyle business with commitment and determination. One more thing - these six steps look easy and you may feel that there must be more to building a business than just this. In reality this is all there is. This is the core outline and framework for the making of a business worth millions. Anything else is just detail that will fit into these steps. Don’t be fooled. The six step plan: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Identify your buyer persona Discover your offer Design your money magnet Build your platform Convert new clients Serve and over deliver In the following pages, we’ll explore each step one-by-one.
  • 6. 1 IDENTIFY YOUR BUYER PERSONA Humanising your ideal client is far better than just choosing a target market. The moment I learned this, my business shifted another gear. I started to attract the people I truly wanted to work with and they were all able to pay the fees that I commanded. Carefully think about who you want to serve. Use this step to get clear again on your ideal client. Give him or her a name, identify their characteristics, interests and behaviours. Doing this will help you find them really easily too. If you are already in business, the best way to do this exercise is to look back at 3-5 of your previous clients and profile them in exactly the same way described above. You want to build an exhaustive list about them. Look specifically at their behaviours too - where do they hang out online or offline? Do they comment on articles or videos? (This will tell you how they prefer to consume information). Do they have jobs or businesses? Do they travel or stay-at-home? Create a complete profile of your ideal client, print it out and keep it with you wherever you go.
  • 7. 2 DISCOVER YOUR OFFER Your offer is a statement of the transformation you create on your clients lives when you deliver your service. Once you are clear on who you sell to, it’s time to outline your offer. Your offer is not the details of what you sell. It should not be described as the service you provide. Your offer is the RESULT or OUTCOME of what you do. Everything we are focusing on here is about the RESULT - not about us, or what we provide. It is about the massive value that we offer. For example, I run a mentoring program called the Big Ticket Group in which my offer is this: “I help entrepreneurs build a $1000-per-day business that gives them time and money freedom to live life large”. That is the transformation I offer. Notice how I’ve not mentioned any other logistics on how I’ve done that. Just that one statement starts to get people interested. Here’s the secret to winning clients quickly and easily – work out what it costs a client to NOT take advantage of your offer. If you can figure this out, you’re onto a winner. The more you can diagnose their current position and figure out what it costs them to NOT take action, the more you’re onto a sale. Get even more clear about your offer by answering these questions: • What are the biggest challenges people in your market face? • Describe the pain they currently experience having not solved this problem. • escribe the end point - the pleasure and bliss they will experience on the other end. What is D that state? What will they feel like once they’ve achieved their goals? • What would it cost them NOT to engage with you? • What results do you WANT to be known for? • What are the biggest benefits your clients will get from working with you?
  • 8. THE DETAILS Once you have your offer down, you need to think about a few other details based upon how you’re going to actually deliver the Statement of Transformation that you’ve designed. Here are some questions to get you started: • How will you package your training? • Will this require a one-off payment for one-off course delivery or is it a continuity program? • Will there be any form of live interaction with you in a group or privately? • What price point are you going for? If one-off, can you start with charging $1,000? • How will you increase your pricing? Will you employ deadlines or scarcity?
  • 9. 3 DESIGN YOUR MONEY MAGNET A “Money Magnet” is a high-quality piece of engaging content which draws attention from your audience and invites your prospects to connect with you. If you don’t have the luxury of being a famous name like Tony Robbins, Oprah, or any other household name (which most of us don’t have) then you probably won’t already have an amount of trust built up about you in the market. Marketing is about allowing your prospects to know, like and trust you. When you succeed with doing this, it becomes easy for the prospect to contact you about doing business. Your money magnet is the answer to this. It works by providing value upfront, for free, to your prospect. The more they see you are open, giving, caring and foster the abundance mentality, the easier it will be for them to begin to know, like and trust you. The money magnet creates a sense of bonding between you and the prospect before you even discuss your offering. For example, a free report you may write and share is a money magnet. People can come to your website and download it by giving you their details, if you choose to ask for them. Another example is a live teleseminar or Webinar where your marketing invites people to attend your live event and join you. Your money magnet content could be framed in multiple ways. Two ways that work really well are: 1) design your piece to feature the answer to the top 3 most pressing challenges your market faces, or 2) provide the full outline or framework for a system they need to master. Your job with this is not to teach your prospect the content. You do not show them HOW; you show them WHY. You get them to see where they are in their life by helping them paint the reality. You then help them paint a picture of the ultimate goal they are seeking. You make the gap evident. You make them realise the cost of not taking action. Then you invite action - to make the sale, to visit a website, to make a phone call, to contact you, etc.
  • 10. 4 BUILD YOUR PLATFORM Your platform is where the business is attracted, sealed, and delivered. Once you’ve identified your offer and you’ve designed your money magnet in step 2 and 3 respectively, you need to begin to think more strategically and carefully about your platform. You platform starts with your base which is your website and blog. It is not possible to run a successful business online without actively sharing content on a regular basis and having a blog where you can host this is the best way to do this. You also need to have a specific landing page where you will offer your prospects the opportunity to request your money magnet by filling out a form. Asking for their e-mail address is most important and a list management service like Mailchimp or Aweber will really help you automate your delivery and follow up which is a huge part of your business Your platform must be well-connected socially too, so don’t forget the importance of having your presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and/or any other social website that your prospects may hang out at. Connect these to your website so that others can share your content too.
  • 11. BRAND YOUR PLATFORM As a professional lifestyle business, you will want to look and feel the part. Your clients will come to trust you more when they see a presence that’s in tune with who you are and that is coherent across your entire online platform. To identify your brand, here are some questions to help: • What do you stand for? • What three keywords describe you? • What three keywords describe what you do? • What colours best suit your audience and will help you stand out? • What font, size, style and imagery will appeal to your audience best? Give this to any good designer and it will allow them to create a strong branding throughout your online platform for you.
  • 12. 5 CONVERT NEW CLIENTS You could have the best money magnet in your industry, the most persuasive website and a brilliant follow up system – but if your lead flow is dried up, you’ll convert zero clients. Traffic and lead flow is different. Traffic is the visitors that come to your website, read your blog, interact with you on social websites, and even hit your landing page. Leads, however, are those wise people that complete a form to request your money magnet and seek more information. They have showed their curiosity and desire to find out more. If you are selling direct from a website, you will want to warm up your leads using your automated e-mail follow up, webinars, teleseminars, free ebooks, etc and then direct them to the sales page where they can choose to purchase right away and convert to client status. If you are selling via the telephone, your approach has to be more qualified. If you don’t do this, you’ll speak to dozens and dozens of people and the odd one or two may buy. Using this process I’m about to briefly outline, my students and I are able to complete a 1/5 conversion with a no-push or no-hard-sell selling approach. If the prospect is interested in speaking about working with me, I invite them to book a time when we can talk on the telephone one-to-one. I conduct this as an application process before we speak, so that I have a few critical pieces of information at hand. Then, on the telephone, I simply allow them to speak with me about what they want to achieve, where they currently are, and what it will cost them should they decide to not take action today. I’ll then tell them about how I can help, their investment, and leave the decision to them. There is no hard selling; it is more an authentic, caring and helpful conversation. Whenever I sell anything that is “big ticket” and worth $2,000+ or more to me, I use the telephone approach. I’m able to really connect with the prospect and sales come naturally. Let the prospect become a client without any push using this no-sales selling process!
  • 13. 6 SERVE AND OVER-DELIVER If you want your future business to be taken care of, focus on nothing else but serving and overdelivering to your current clients. That is the secret. There is nothing worse than someone paying you $1,000 and you not delivering on your promise. It is bad for business and bad for your reputation. If you want to save yourself from financial ruin, business worry and struggling to find clients, go the extra mile with the ones you currently have. First of all, identify the ways in which they best consume information. Do they prefer to access material digitally or physically? Do they prefer to talk, read or listen? Do they prefer to meet in person or are happy doing things virtually? Get clear on this and you can deliver your training and service in the way that meets their expectations for your specific offering. Taking extra care and having attention to detail will foster client loyalty. You’ll become their primary choice in your field. They’ll hire you and convince their friends to hire you. Inject personality and make your relationships personal. Care about them more than just the money and the business. Consistently check-in and give them what they need.
  • 14. YOUR JOURNEY BEGINS HERE So there you have it – the complete outline for my 6-step plan for building a six figure business in 90 days. It really can be easy, lucrative and fun. One of the reasons people ask me to mentor them through this process is because I’ve gone through it many times myself. I’ve lived through dozens of different online business models and have myself offered many types of products and services, so I can safely and confidently guide you in the direction of your result. Schedule Your Complimentary One-On-One Strategy Session With Kavit Haria (Worth $397) If you’re ready to build your business online from scratch - or Which is why we don’t charge for this Strategy Session, making you’ve got an existing business that needs a push online and it a risk-free way of getting a lot of value and ideas for your own you want to create a strategy for building more traffic, leads and business and finding out whether you would be interested in sales, take advantage of this special offer and book a 30-minute working with Kavit. one-to-one complimentary Strategy Session with marketing expert Kavit Haria. Play a bigger game. Schedule your Strategy Session by visiting the URL below or calling us on any of the numbers listed below. This call is an opportunity for Kavit to get to know you and your business. He will also share several insights, tips and strategies that you could implement immediately to get started or grow your marketing and profits. There is no cost for this Strategy Session. It’s entirely free to you. We’re convinced that when you see what Kavit has to share - UK office: +44 (0) 20 8133 7437 and how he can help you transform your business and income in USA office: +1 (954) 892 5016 a short space of time - you’ll be interested in speaking with him about how you can have him as a mentor.
  • 15. Any Questions? Get In Touch UK: +44 (0) 20 8133 7437 USA: +1 (954) 892 5016