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                                                                                                SuMMER 2011

                                                   THE MAGAZINE OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION

  and seRvices
  foR Global
  n   campaign for the
      World’s libraries
  n   international copyright
  n   ask the ala library
  n   intellectual freedom:
      it’s Global
      it’s local
  n   a bavarian librarian
      in california

 Introducing the Sierra Services Platform
        IFLA Annual Conference, Booth #334

     AmericAn LibrAries                   |    i n t e r n At i o n A L s u p p L e m e n t    |   summer 2011

 3   InternatIonal MeMbers
     ALA membership isn’t just for librarians in the u.s.

 4   ala Is InternatIonal
     Groups, programs, and awards extend the
     Association’s reach worldwide

 6   onlIne learnIng
     Webcasts and e-courses bring educational
     opportunities to you

12   annual conference
     the Association invites international librarians to join
     colleagues in Anaheim, california

13   rDa toolkIt
     the online product is one year old and growing

16   caMpaIgn for the WorlD’s
     Latvia and barbados are the latest nations to join
                                                                  27     ala JoblIst:
                                                                         a global resource
                                                                         the Association’s jobs service offers positions in the
18   a bavarIan lIbrarIan
     In calIfornIa
                                                                         united states and beyond

     A visitor finds an “academic paradise” at ucsD
     by ANgelA güNTNeR
                                                                  28     sIster lIbrarIes
                                                                         pairing up to make lasting connections

20   neW froM ala eDItIons
     the American Library Association offers a wealth of
                                                                  30     Intellectual freeDoM:
                                                                         It’s global, It’s local
     continuing education sources                                        ALA’s freedom-to-read commitment
                                                                         by bARbARA M. JONeS
     ala’s InternatIonal copyrIght
24   efforts                                                      32     connectIng to ala anD
     Advocating for policies that promote accessibility                  ala resources
     by CARRie RuSSell                                                   tools and tips are at your fingertips

26   ala lIbrary: an
     InternatIonal resource
                                                                  opInIon anD coMMentary
                                                                  2     ala presIDent’s Message
     the Association’s own library is here to help, in                  ALA’s global reach
     person and online                                                  by MOlly RApHAel

                                                   ALA’s Global Reach
                                                   by Molly Raphael
                                                                                                                   tHe mAGAZine oF tHe AmericAn LibrArY AssociAtion
                                                                                                                   internAtionAL DiGitAL suppLement, summer 2011

                                              ear Colleagues:                                                      50 e. Huron st., chicago, iL 60611
                                                 On behalf of the membership and staff of the American   
                                              Library Association (ALA), I am pleased to present this 2011         toll free 800-545-2433 x5105 •
                                                                                                                   local 312-280-4216 • fax 312-440-0901
                                     edition of the International Supplement to American Libraries, ALA’s          online career classified ads:
                                     flagship publication.
                                        ALA is dedicated to providing leadership for “the development,             interim editor-in-chief                 beverly Goldberg
                                                                                                                   interim editor-in-chief               George m. eberhart
                                     promotion, and improvement of library and information services                associate editor                          Greg Landgraf
                                     and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and          associate editor                       pamela A. Goodes

                                     ensure access to information for all.” Although we are the American           guest editors
                                                                                                                   director, international relations office michael Dowling
                                     Library Association, in fact our mission is international in its scope        director, membership Development           John chrastka
                                     and global in its reach.                                                      design and production
                                        ALA is 60,000 members strong, with nearly 2,000 located in more            production director                     benjamin segedin
                                                                                                                   production editors                        Jennifer brinson
                                     than 100 countries across the world. In addition to publications and                                                   taína Lagodzinski
                                                                                                                                                              carlos orellana
                                                                        programs, ALA now delivers a grow-
                                                                        ing number of e-learning opportuni-        publishing department
                                 The Association benefits                                                          associate executive director              Donald chatham
                                                                        ties. No matter where you live or          marketing and sales director                 mary mackay
                                 libraries and librarians,                                                         joblist classified advertising/ad traffic      Katie bane
                                                                        work, you can be up-to-date with the       rights, permissions, reprints      mary Jo bolduc • x5416
                                 no matter where.                       most important trends that affect          advisory committee
                                                                        libraries and can find a wide variety      chair Andrew K. pace, brian coutts, Luren Dickinson,
                                                                                                                   pam spencer Holley, Guy Lamolinara, sarah rosenblum,
                                     of training courses for library staff and library supporters.                 paul signorelli; interns sian brannon, Kathryn oberg
                                                                                                                   editorial policy: ALA policy manual, section 10.2
                                        We all face economic, social, technological, and educational chal-
                                     lenges in our respective countries. ALA’s toolkits and resources for          advertising representatives
                                                                                                                   associate publisher                          brian searles
                                     advocacy, serving diverse populations, using technology, evaluating                                   • x5282
  summer 2011

                                     library services, and fundraising can be important resources in               Acceptance of advertising does not constitute endorse-
                                                                                                                   ment. ALA reserves the right to refuse advertising.
                                     countries and cultures throughout the world. Many of ALA’s units of-
                                     fer e-learning opportunities especially relevant for different types of       subscribe
                                                                                                                   Libraries and other institutions: $45/year, 6 issues,
                                     libraries, as well as for the variety of functions within our profes-         u.s., canada, and mexico; foreign: $60. subscription
                                                                                                                   price for individuals included in ALA membership dues.

                                                                                                                   800-545-2433 x5108, email, or visit
international supplement 

                                        My initiatives as ALA president are focused in two areas: advocacy claim missing issues: ALA member and
                                                                                                                   customer service. Allow six weeks. single issues $7.50,
                                     and diversity. “Empowering Voices: Communities Speak Out for                  with 40% discount for five or more; contact charisse
                                                                                                                   perkins, 800-545-2433 x4286.
                                     Libraries” builds on the advocacy work of ALA over the past two de-
                                     cades. Our vision is to identify, engage, and then empower our com-           American libraries (issn 0002-9769) is published 6 times
                                     munities to speak out about the value and transformational power of           yearly by the American Library Association (ALA). printed
                                                                                                                   in u.s.A. periodicals postage paid at chicago, illinois,
                                     libraries, not just in tough economic times but year-in and year-out.         and additional mailing offices. postmAster: personal
                                                                                                                   members: send address changes to American libraries,
                                     In the area of diversity, we are building on the Spectrum Scholarship         c/o membership records, ALA, 50 e. Huron st., chicago,
                                     program to ensure that we are also preparing a diverse cadre of               iL 60611. ©2011 American Library Association. materials

                                                                                                                   in this journal may be reproduced for noncommercial
                                     library professionals to be the library leaders of tomorrow.                  educational purposes. 

                                        We hope that you will find the supplement a useful introduction to
                                     ALA’s products and services to benefit you and your library.
                                                                                                 Molly Raphael,   advertisers | page
                                                                                                                  Duke university press | 11          booklist | cover 4
                                                                                       2011–2012 ALA President    innovative interfaces | cover 2     choice | 14
                                                                                                                  san José state university | 17,     editions | 21
                                                                                                                    cover 3                           Graphics | 5
                                                                                                                  the crowley company | 31            Guide to reference | 15
                                                                                                                                                      JobList | 25, 29
                                                                                                                  American Library Association        pLA | 25
                                                                                                                  AcrL | 19                           techsource | 23
International Supplement | PROFESSIONAL dEVELOPMENT

International Members
ala membership isn’t just for librarians in the united states                                     by John Chrastka

          ersonal membership in      individual librarians,     The International          to ALA resources and
          the American Library       library workers, facul-                               benefits, and all per-
                                                                Relations Round
          Association (ALA) is       ty, trustees, and                                     sonal members have
          available at discounted    Friends focused on         Table creates              the same eligibility to
rates for librarians and library     promoting library ser- connections                    vote in ALA elections,
workers practicing outside of the    vices in school, aca-                                 hold office, and serve
                                                                between librarians
United States. For annual dues of    demic, and public                                     on committees.
US$78, international members         settings; expanding the in the United                    Direct benefits of
receive full rights and benefits     visibility and reach of    States and abroad.         personal membership
of ALA membership, including         the library profession;                               include a subscription
eligibility to serve on commit-      and ensuring that libraries of all   to American Libraries magazine and the
tees, run for office, and join any   types are funded, staffed, and       weekly e-newsletter American
division or round table. ALA         equipped for the future. Joining ALA Libraries Direct, and discounts on reg-
will also extend official letters    as a personal member brings you in   istration rates for Annual Conference,
of invitation for ALA Annual         close contact with your colleagues   the Midwinter Meeting, and division-
Conference to our interna-           who share interests in similar areas al national conferences and symposia.

                                                                                                                     summer 2011
tional members upon request.         of library service.                     While many divisions and round
   Personal members in ALA include      All members receive equal access tables will be of interest to interna-
                                                                          tional librarians, ALA’s International
                                                                          Relations Round Table (IRRT) will be
                                                                          particularly relevant. IRRT creates

                                                                          connections between librarians in

                                                                                                                     international supplement
                                                                          the United States and abroad, pro-
                                                                          viding you with access to peers
                                                                          around the world who are interested
                                                                          in similar areas of librarianship as
                                                                          well as issues affecting library ser-
                                                                          vice delivery in various communities.
                                                                             IRRT is staffed by ALA’s Interna-

                                                                          tional Relations Office and is the

                                                                          center of activity for international
                                                                          members throughout the Associa-
                                                                          tion. IRRT membership is free upon
                                                                          request to ALA members residing
                                                                          outside of the United States.
                                                                             Get started as an ALA member to-
                                                                          day by joining the Association on-
                                                                          line at z
PROFESSIONAL dEVELOPMENT | International Supplement

                                ALA Is International
                                groups, programs, and awards extend the association’s reach worldwide

                                                ith nearly 2,000       subcommittees for Africa, East          International Relations
                                                members from           Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia and       Office (IRO)
                                                more than 100          Central Asia, the Near East and         The mission of the International
                                                countries outside      South Asia, Europe, and the Amer-       Relations Office is to increase ALA’s
                                the United States, the Ameri-          icas. All members are eligible to       presence in the global library com-
                                can Library Association is truly       serve on these committees, and          munity, promote greater under-
                                a global organization. That has        representation by members from          standing of international
                                been true since its founding in        each geographic region is encour-       librarianship and international
                                1876, when ALA leaders such            aged.                                   library issues within ALA, and man-
                                as Melvil Dewey attended early                                                 age international library activities
                                conferences in Europe to foster                                                on behalf of the Association. IRO
                                collaboration and improve pro-                                                 Director Michael Dowling (mdowl-
                                fessionalism. And ALA, in 1927,                                       and Program Officer
                                was a founding member of the In-                                               Delin Guerra ( can
                                ternational Federation of Library                                              serve as first contacts to ALA.
                                Associations and Institutions.
                                   One of ALA’s core organizational                                            Other ALA
                                values is “Extending and expanding                                             International Groups
                                library services in America and                                                International interest can be found
                                around the world.” This value is em-   International Relations                 in almost every part of ALA. A num-
                                bodied in ALA’s new 2015 Strategic     Round Table (IRRT)                      ber of ALA divisions, including the
summer 2011

                                Plan and accompanying Interna-         Over 1,800 ALA members from             Association for Library Collections
                                tional Strategic Plan, found at ala    many countries currently make up        and Technical Services (ALCTS) and
                                .org/ala/aboutala/missionhistory/      the IRRT, which was founded in          the Association of College and Re-
                                plan/.                                 1949. For over 60 years it has pro-     search Libraries (ACRL), have their
                                   Many parts of ALA focus on inter-   moted interest in library issues and    own international relations com-

                                national connections, issues, and      librarianship worldwide. The IRRT       mittees. Others, such as the Public
international supplement

                                interests, some of which are fea-      develops programs and activities        Library Association (PLA), have in-
                                tured elsewhere in this supplement.    that further the international objec-   ternational interest groups.
                                Here is a guide to some of ALA’s ma-   tives of ALA and provide hospitality       For subject area specialists, ACRL
                                jor international groups, along with   and information to visitors from        has set up the Asian, African, and
                                a listing of international awards      abroad during ALA’s Annual Con-         Middle Eastern Section (AAMES);
                                presented by ALA.                      ference.                                Western European Studies Section
                                                                          Some of the IRRT’s initiatives are   (WESS); and Slavic and Eastern Eu-

                                International Relations                its Sister Libraries program and In-    ropean Section (SESS).

                                Committee (IRC)                        ternational Partnership for Advoca-        The Government Documents
                                Created in 1923, the IRC’s 12 mem-     cy and Library Services (iPALS)         Round Table (GODORT) has an In-
                                bers provide ALA Council and           project. IRRT members are kept in-      ternational Documents Task Force
                                leaders with international priority    formed about activities of the round    (IDTF) that discusses problems and
                                areas and policy advice, and pro-      table and initiatives around the        concerns related to international
                                mote the global exchange of ideas      world through the quarterly Interna-    and foreign national government
                                and knowledge. The IRC includes        tional Leads newsletter.                information.
The mission of the Ethnic and                                                                                                                                               model for other libraries.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ALA personal
Multicultural Information Exchange                                                                                                                                                Winners in 2011 were the Nation-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       member to attend
Round Table (EMIERT) is to serve as                                                                                                                                            al Library Board of Singapore’s                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           his or her first in-
a source of information on recom-                                                                                                                                              “Quest” Library Reading Program;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ternational confer-
mended ethnic collections and ser-                                                                                                                                             the National Library of Vietnam’s                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ence.
vices, and on programs that deal                                                                                                                                               “Expanding Information Access for
with the key issues of ethnicity and                                                                                                                                           Visually Impaired People”; the E-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mildred L. Batch-
librarianship.                                                                                                                                                                 Publication System Platform Project                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       elder Award
                                                                                                                                                                               at the National Central Library in                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Given since 1966
ALA International Awards                                                                                                                                                       Taiwan; and the RISE Videoconfer-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         by the Association
                                                                                                                                                                               encing Network in Alberta, Canada.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        for Library Services
ALA Presidential Citation for                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            to Children (ALSC)
Innovative International Library                                                                                                                                               John Ames Humphry/OCLC/Forest                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             for the best trans-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2011 batchelder Winner: A
Projects                                                                                                                                                                       Press Award                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               lated children’s       Time of Miracles, written
   Since 2008 the ALA Presidential                                                                                                                                                The award is given to a librarian                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      book, to encourage in french by anne-laure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                bondoux, translated into
Citation for Innovative Internation-                                                                                                                                           or person who has made significant                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the international      english by y. Maudet.
al Library Projects has highlighted                                                                                                                                            contributions to international                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            exchange of quality
highly visible, innovative library                                                                                                                                             librarianship.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            children’s literature.
services outside of the United States                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       For more information on these
that draw attention to the potential                                                                                                                                           Bogle Pratt International Library                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         groups and programs please visit
of libraries to create positive change                                                                                                                                         Travel Fund Award                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                or contact intl@ala
and have the potential to serve as a                                                                                                                                             An award of $1,000 is given to an                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .org. z

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ©2009 American Library Association | Image courtesy of Summit Entertainment, LLC | New Moon by Stephenie Meyer is published by Little, Brown and Company | Design by Distillery Design Studio |
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ©2009 American Library Association | Image courtesy of Summit Entertainment, LLC | New Moon by Stephenie Meyer is published by Little, Brown and Company | Design by Distillery Design Studio |       ©2009 American Library Association | Photography by Kimberly Butler | Design by Distillery Design Studio |
                                                 ©2010 American Library Association |
                                             Photography by Kimberly Butler | Design by Distillery Design Studio

                 READ - Seth Meyers.indd 1                                                                         11/17/09 9:42 AM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        summer 2011
  READ with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        international supplement
  the stars!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ©2009 American Library Association | Photography by Kimberly Butler | Design by Distillery Design Studio |


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Buy 4 posters, get a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        5th poster FREE!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Order your posters at

                                                                                                                                                                      ©2010 American Library Association |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ©2009 American Library Association   | Photography by Kimberly Butler | Design by Distillery Design Studio |
                                                                                                                                                                  Photography by Kimberly Butler | Design by Distillery Design Studio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ©2009 American Library Association | Image courtesy of Summit Entertainment, LLC | New Moon by Stephenie Meyer is published by Little, Brown and Company | Design by Distillery Design Studio |

                                                                                                                                      READ - Seth Meyers.indd 1                                                                         11/17/09 9:42 AM
online learning Webcasts and e-courses bring
                                The American Library Association (ALA)
                                understands the pressures and lack of resources
                                that make engaging in professional development
                                difficult for librarians. In response, ALA has
                                launched its Online Learning website to give library employees across the globe
                                access to web-based training on the fundamentals and latest trends in librarianship.
                                At ALA Online Learning (, you can find topics that cover
                                all facets of the profession, from advocacy to management to youth services. You
                                will find courses and webinars available 24 hours a day (asynchronous, with no live
                                instruction), and others that are scheduled for particular dates and times (so be
                                mindful of time zones). Online learning fees are listed in U.S. dollars, and many are
                                The selections below are offered from August 2011 through spring 2012. For other
                                ALA Online Learning events and the many that will be added in the coming months,
                                please visit the website and bookmark it for ongoing updates.

                                                                                         n Title: How to Create Strategic Stories to Gain
                                                                                      Support for Your Library (webcast).
                                                                                         Time: Available anytime.
                                                                                         Registration Fee: Free.
                                association of school librarians                         The single most important skill for librarians is
                                   n  Title: Learning4Life Webinars (webcast).        the ability to share the library’s story in a compel-
                                   Time: Available anytime.                           ling way so people want to help you succeed. These
summer 2011

                                   Registration Fee: $39 AASL member; $69 ALA         complimentary webinars help you significantly im-
                                member; $99 nonmember; $29 student. There is a        prove your ability to tell your story and win support
                                10% discount for purchasing the series. District      from parents, government officials, administra-
                                pricing also available: $199 for 3–5 individuals;     tors, and other stakeholders. Appropriate for all
                                $399 for 6–9 individuals; $699 for 10+ individuals.   types of libraries and information services, this in-

                                The person purchasing district package must be an     teractive workshop includes an overview of tech-
international supplement

                                AASL member.                                          niques; how to tell your library’s story using the
                                   This series of eight webinars addresses the four   “Three-Act Storytelling Method”; and tips, tricks,
                                strands of AASL’s Standards for the 21st-Century      and techniques.
                                Learner and the four chapters of AASL’s Empowering       Audience: All librarians.
                                Learners: Guidelines for School Library Media Pro-       Fore more information:
                                grams. These key webinars will help advance your
                                school library program to meet the needs of the          n Title: Planning Guide Webinars (webinar).

                                changing school library environment. Each webi-          Time: Available anytime.

                                nar is now available in archived format; they can        Registration Fee: Free.
                                also be purchased as a package.                          Six on-demand webinars tailored to help school
                                   Audience: School librarians, school administra-    librarians use AASL’s tool for program evaluation,
                                tors, classroom teachers, school library supervi-     planning, implementation, and advocacy, “A Plan-
                                sors, educators of school librarians, curriculum      ning Guide for Empowering Learners.”
                                specialists.                                             Audience: All librarians.
                                   For more information:                        For more information:
                                aasl/141webinars.                                     guideresources.
educational opportunities to you
                                                              Date: October 31–November 18, 2011.
                                                              Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during
                                                              Registration Fee: $135 ACRL member; $175 ALA
                                                           member; $195 nonmember; $60 student.
                                                              This course will explore new ways that in-
                                                           struction librarians can retool their instructional
    association of college and                             approaches to actively engage students in the pro-
    research libraries (acrl)                              cess of information retrieval and knowledge cre-
       n Title: Statistics for the Non-Mathematical        ation.
    Mind (course).                                            Audience: Academic librarians, instruction
       Date: September 12–30, 2011.                        librarians, educators, and anyone interested in re-
       Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during         invigorating their approach to IL instruction to
    course.                                                better meet rapidly changing student research be-
       Registration Fee: $135 ACRL member; $175 ALA        haviors.
    member; $195 nonmember; $60 student.                      For more information:
       Assessing services, resources, personnel, and fa-   divs/acrl/events/elearning/courses/sociallife.cfm.
    cilities is necessary in our world of accountabili-
    ty. This course explores major concepts and uses
    spreadsheets for collecting, organizing, analyzing,
    and presenting numerical data needed for assessment.
       Audience: Librarians in academic libraries.
       For more information:       ala techsource
    divs/acrl/events/elearning/courses/                       n Title: Using Google Apps for a More Efficient
    statistics.cfm.                                        Library (webinar).
                                                              Dates: September 7 and 14, 2011.
       n Title: Service Learning and Information              Time: 2:30–4 p.m. Eastern Time.
    Literacy: Models for Engagement (live webcast).           Registration Fee: $76.50 ALA member; $85
       Date: October 4, 2011.                              nonmember.
       Time: 11 a.m. Pacific Time; noon Mountain              Google Apps are free and easy to use, and have the
    Time; 1 p.m. Central Time; 2 p.m. Eastern Time.        potential to make work more efficient by increasing

                                                                                                                   summer 2011
       Registration Fee: $50 ACRL member; $75 ALA          the flexibility of documents, making information-
    member, $90 nonmember; $40 student; $295 group.        sharing simpler, and increasing the ability for mul-
       This webcast will define and promote service-       tiple employees to collaborate. In this workshop,
    learning collaborations between librarians, faculty,   library director and Google Apps expert Suzann Hol-
    students, and community partners.                      land will show users how these applications work

       Audience: Academic librarians,.                     and how they can be used in ways that make the work

                                                                                                                   international supplement
       For more information:             of a library administrator more efficient. With less
    mgrps/divs/acrl/events/elearning/courses/              time spent on such tasks, managers can devote more
    servicelearning.cfm.                                   time to creative and strategic work.
                                                              Participants will learn:
       n Title: Creating a “Social Life” for Information      n How to reduce time spent on routine and re-
    Literacy Instruction in Libraries (course).            curring management tasks
                                                              n How to use Google Apps like Google Docs,

                                                           Gmail, and Google Calendar in a library-specific

                                                              n How to customize Google Apps to fit your
                                                           library environment and workflow
                                                              n Strategies for further implementation of
                                                           Google Apps
                                                              Audience: All librarians.
                                                              For more information:
online learning

                                                                                                         ment and collection management is covered. Sections
                                                                                                         include collections policies and budgets as part of
                                                                                                         library planning; collection development; collection
                                              Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
                                                                                                         management; collection analysis; and outreach, liai-
                                                                                                         son, and marketing.
                                association for library collections                                         Audience: This course appeals to anyone inter-
                                and technical services (alcts)                                           ested in the topic with no previous experience.
                                   n Title: Fundamentals of Acquisitions (course).                          For more information:
                                   Date: October 3–28, 2011 (4 weeks).
                                   Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during                              n Title: Fundamentals of Preservation (course).
                                course.                                                                     Date: October 17–November 11, 2011 (4 weeks).
                                   Registration Fee: $109 ALCTS member; $129                                Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during
                                nonmember.                                                               course.
                                   This online course focuses on the basics of                              Registration Fee: $109 ALCTS member; $129
                                library acquisitions. It provides a broad overview of                    nonmember.
                                the operations involved in acquiring materials after                        This course introduces participants to the princi-
                                the selection decision is made.                                          ples, policies, and practices of preservation in libraries
                                   Audience: FOA is tailored for librarians and                          and archives. It provides tools to begin extending the
                                paraprofessionals new to the acquisitions field, in all                  useful life of library collections.
                                types and sizes of libraries.                                               Audience: Designed to inform all staff, across di-
                                   For more information:                              visions and departments and at all levels of respon-
                                  n Title: Fundamentals of Electronic Resources                             For more information:
                                Acquisitions (course).
                                  Dates: August 22 –September 16, 2011; Novem-
                                ber 14–December 9, 2011 (4 weeks).
                                  Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during
                                  Registration Fee: $109 ALCTS member; $129
                                                                                                         association for library
summer 2011

                                  This online course provides an overview of ac-                         service to children (alsc)
                                quiring, providing access to, administering, sup-                           n Title: ALSC Online Education Courses
                                porting, and monitoring access to electronic                             (course).
                                resources. It gives a basic background in electronic                        Dates: Fall (September 26–November 4, 2011);

                                resource acquisitions.                                                   Winter (January 16–February 24, 2012); Spring
international supplement

                                  Audience: This course appeals to anyone inter-                         (April 2–May 11, 2012); Summer (July 11–August 19,
                                ested in the topic with no previous experience.                          2012).
                                  For more information:                                  Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during
                                   n Title: Fundamentals of Collection Develop-                             Registration Fee: $95 ALSC member; $145 ALA
                                ment and Management (course).                                            member; $165 nonmember.
                                   Dates: September 12–October 7, 2011; October                             Learn from your peers around the world from

                                24–November 18, 2011 (4 weeks).                                          the comfort of your home with an asynchronous

                                   Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during                           ALSC Online Education course. Sessions run from
                                course.                                                                  four to six weeks, depending on the course, and in-
                                   Registration Fee: $109 ALCTS member; $129                             clude topics such as reading instruction, book eval-
                                nonmember.                                                               uation, and children’s programming.
                                   This online course addresses the basic components                        Audience: Children’s librarians and/or parapro-
                                of collection development and management (CDM) in                        fessionals in public libraries and schools.
                                libraries. Complete definition of collection develop-                       For more information:
n Title: Job Hunting for the Recent or Future
                                                           MLS Graduate (webinar).
                                                              Date: October 19, 2011.
                                                              Time: 2:30–4 p.m. Eastern Time.
                                                              Registration Fee: Free.
                                                              You have or soon will earn your MLS degree—but
library leadership and                                     what’s next? How do you put it to work? Applying
Management association (llaMa)                             and interviewing for a professional library position
   n Title: Return on Investment in a Tough                can be fraught with anxiety and frustrations, but
Economy—Defining the Value of the Academic                 you can put yourself ahead of the herd with the
Library (webinar).                                         right information and strategies.
   Date: September 14, 2011.                                  Audience: Library students or recent MLS gradu-
   Time: 2:30–4 p.m. Eastern Time.Registration             ates about to enter the workforce or start a job search.
Fee: $49 LLAMA member; $59 non-LLAMA mem-                     For more information: :
ber; $199 LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at            divs/llama/conted/index.cfm.
one site); $239 non-LLAMA group rate (5 or more
people at one site).
   Highlights two projects to help academic                             OFFICE FOR
libraries apply return on investment (ROI)
principles to demonstrate their value and impact                        Intellectual Freedom
on users and justify the expense during challeng-                       American Library Association
ing economic times. Irene Herold, dean of the
library, Mason Library, Keene State College;               office for Intellectual
and Jon Cawthorne, associate university libra-             freedom (oIf)
rian, public services, Office of the University               n Title: Intellectual Freedom Summer School
Librarian, O’Neill Library, Boston College, will           (webinars).
explain the application of Triple (people, planet,            Dates: August 2011, weekly offerings.
and profit) Bottom Line Accounting (TBLA) to                  Registration Fee: $39 ALA member; $49 non-
ROI.                                                       member; $95 group of two or more attendees at the
   Audience: All interested.                               same location.

                                                                                                                      summer 2011
   For more information: :                 During the summer of 2011, ALA’s Office for In-
divs/llama/conted/index.cfm.                               tellectual Freedom will offer a series of online
                                                           learning opportunities on a wide range of issues to
   n Title: A Person of Interest: Safety and Security in   meet the needs of busy library professionals. Cur-
the Library (webinar).                                     rent events and hot topics in intellectual freedom,

   Date: November 16, 2011.                                including international issues and perspectives,

                                                                                                                      international supplement
   Time: 2:30–4 p.m. Eastern Time.                         will be the focus of these webinars.
   Registration Fee: $49 LLAMA member;                        Audience: Specific programming will be avail-
$59 non-LLAMA member; $199 LLAMA group                     able for public, school, and academic librarians.
rate (5 or more people at one site); $239 non-                For more information:
LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at one                  ing/issues/censorship.cfm.
   Learn how to deal with patrons in the library who

are displaying behavioral problems, breaking the

law, or breaking library policy. Hear about strate-
gies for effectively addressing difficult situations as
they arise and what you can do to minimize disrup-
tions to library service.                                  public library association (pla)
   Audience: All interested.                                 n Title: Turning the Page 2.0 Advocacy Training
   For more information: :         Program (course).
llama/conted/index.cfm.                                      Dates: Sessions beginning October 31, 2011;
online learning
                                                                                            Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during
                                                                                            Registration Fee: $130 RUSA member; $175 ALA
                                                                                         member; $210 nonmember; $100 student or re-
                                                                                         tired member.
                                                                                            A comprehensive course focusing on methods of
                                                                                         evaluating reference service, behavioral aspects of ref-
                                                                                         erence service, and different types of questions that
                                March 19, 2012; and June 25, 2012.                       can be used to help patrons identify their need(s). Us-
                                   Time: Weekly one-hour webinar. One                    ing images, audio, and video, this in-depth education-
                                to two hours of independent homework each                al approach covers everything from the approachability
                                week.                                                    of the librarian to how to follow up with a patron.
                                   Registration Fee: Free.                                  Audience: Support staff, library technicians,
                                   Become your library’s strongest advocate with         newly hired reference librarians, and librarians
                                “Turning the Page 2.0,” a six-week blended learning      who want to brush up on their interview skills.
                                program led by professional facilitators who will           For more information:
                                teach valuable skills and lead you through the cre-      rusa/development/referenceinterview/index.cfm.
                                ation of a customized Advocacy Work Plan for your
                                library.                                                    n Title: Business Reference 101 (course).
                                   Audience: Open to all public librarians, library         Date: September 19–October 14; October 24–
                                staff, and library supporters.                           November 18, 2011.
                                   For more information:                Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during
                                thepage.                                                 course.
                                                                                            Registration Fee: $130 RUSA member; $175
                                                                                         ALA member; $210 nonmember; $100 student or
                                                                                         retired member.
                                                                                            Four-week, web-based professional develop-
                                                                                         ment course designed for academic, special, or
                                                                                         public librarians and other researchers and library
                                                                                         staff who have a basic understanding of some busi-
summer 2011

                                                                                         ness resources but who do not work with them of-
                                reference and user services                              ten enough to build expertise.
                                association (rusa)                                          Audience: Public, special, and academic librar-
                                   n Title: Genealogy 101 (course).                      ians and other researchers and library staff who
                                   Date: Fall 2011.                                      may feel somewhat intimidated when faced with

                                   Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during           business reference questions.
international supplement

                                course.                                                     For more information:
                                   Registration Fee: $130 RUSA member; $175 ALA          rusa/development/businessreference101/index
                                member; $210 nonmember; $100 student or retired          .cfm.
                                   Genealogy 101 is aimed at reference staff with lit-      n Title: Introduction to Spatial Literacy and
                                tle or no experience in genealogy and will provide       Online Mapping (course).
                                tools for assisting patrons with family history re-         Date: Fall 2011.

                                search. The goal of the class is to give students con-      Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during

                                fidence and skill in assisting family history            course.
                                researchers.                                                Registration Fee: $130 RUSA member; $175
                                   Audience: Library students and reference staff.       ALA member; $210 nonmember; $100 student or
                                   For more information:         retired member.
                                rusa/development/genealogy101/index.cfm.                    Three-week course that will introduce students
                                                                                         and library staff to a variety of mapping tools and
                                  n Title: The Reference Interview (course).             GIS technologies that are of interest to both public
                                  Date: November 1–December 9, 2011.                     and academic library users.
Audience: Any librarian interested in GIS and                 policy should include, how the policy can help you
online mapping as a way to improve information                  support teens, and how you can use the policy as an
delivery and for other uses in a library setting.               advocacy tool.
  For more information:                    Audience: Young adult librarians, school librar-
rusa/development/spatialliteracy/index.cfm.                     ians, library workers, teachers, administrators, and
                                                                any professional whose focus is teens and tweens.
                                                                   For more information:

                                                                   n Title: What Is That Thing? Making QR Codes
                                                                Work in Your Library (webinar).
young adult library services                                       Date: October 20, 2011.
association (yalsa)                                                Time: 2–3 p.m. Eastern Time.
   n Title: Secrets of the Seal: The Michael L.                    Registration Fee: $29 student; $39 member;
Printz Award (course).                                          $49 nonmember; $195 group.
   Date: Fall 2011.                                                In this webinar you’ll learn what a QR code is,
   Registration Fee: $135 YALSA member; $175                    how to use QR codes to market library program-
ALA member; $195 nonmember.                                     ming and events, and how to use QR codes as a
   Join YALSA for a brand new e-course this fall.               bridge to teen-related content.
The “Secrets of the Seal” course will explore the                  Audience: Young adult librarians, school librar-
history of the award, the criteria for award winners,           ians, library workers, teachers, administrators, and
and how to connect readers with the Printz award                any professional whose focus is teens and tweens.
winner and honor books.                                            For more information:
   Audience: Young adult librarians, school librar-             yalsa/onlinecourses/webinar.cfm#live. z
ians, library workers, teachers, administrators, and
any professional whose focus is teens and tweens.
   For more information:

   n Title: Webinars-on-Demand (webinars).

                                                                                                                                  summer 2011
   Time: Available anytime.
   Registration Fee: $19 individual; $49 for a
series of three.
   Looking for professional guidance on teen ser-
vices trends? Look no further than YALSA’s Webi-

nars-on-Demand. In these previously recorded                         Publisher of scholarly

                                                                                                                                  international supplement
webinars, experts from the field will guide you
through hour-long sessions that you can put into                     Books, Journals, and
practice at your library immediately.                                ElEctronic collEctions
   Audience: Young adult librarians, school librar-
ians, library workers, teachers, administrators, and
any professional whose focus is teens and tweens.                    Duke University Press
   For more information:
                                                                     is a division of Duke University

                                                                     in Durham, North Carolina, USA.
  n Title: Tweet, Like, Link: Creating a Social Me-
dia Policy for Your Library (webinar).
  Date: September 15, 2011.                                          Visit us at Booth 219
  Time: 2–3 p.m. Eastern Time.                                       for morE information.
  Registration Fee: $29 student; $39 member;
$49 nonmember; $195 group.                                 
  In this webinar you’ll learn what a social media
policy is, why it’s important to have one, what the

                                                  IFLA Ad_2011_print.indd 1                                   7/7/11 3:09:07 PM
PROFESSIONAL dEVELOPMENT | International Supplement

                                Annual Conference
                                the association invites international librarians to join colleagues in anaheim,

                                           ome and join us at           and depth of content for attendees
                                           the 2012 ALA Annual          from any size or type of library. In
                                           Conference, to be held       addition, your colleagues are plan-
                                           June 21–26 in Ana-           ning more social events for net-
                                heim, California. Known as the          working and learning than you’ll
                                “Land of Vacations,” Anaheim            find at any other library event.
                                has inviting beaches, world-               With your conference registra-
                                famous attractions, hundreds of         tion, you will have an opportunity to
                                fashion-setting stores and bou-         visit ALA’s exhibit hall, the Stacks.
                                tiques, and restaurants, cafés,         With over 900 exhibiting organiza-         n  International papers—ALA
                                and microbreweries to suit every        tions, the Stacks features 10 pavil-    invites you to submit a proposal for
                                taste. Anaheim offers a wealth of       ions of targeted products and four      a paper on how your library or
                                activities for the entire family,       stages with the hottest authors,        country is addressing a selected
                                from Disneyland to the Crystal          chefs, poets, and illustrators. The     topic. To learn more about how to
                                Cathedral, drawing visitors to this     exhibit floor is an integral part of    submit an application to present a
                                center of entertainment and fun.        the education that takes place at the   paper, email ALA’s International
                                   During the conference, you will      Annual Conference and of the over-      Relations Office at
                                have an opportunity to choose from      all conference experience.                 n  International reception—A
                                hundreds of programs spanning the                                               special evening reception will be
                                                                        Especially for
summer 2011

                                hot topics and current issues affect-                                           held in honor of international
                                ing libraries and the communities       international visitors                  librarians, so you can meet other
                                they serve. Planned by ALA’s divi-      n  Orientation—A special introduc-      international guests as well as col-
                                sions, round tables, offices, and af-   tion to ALA, the conference, and the    leagues from the United States.
                                filiated organizations, the programs    city of Anaheim. During the orien-         n  International visitors

                                presented at the Annual Conference      tation, you will have an opportunity    lounge—A place where you can re-
international supplement

                                are unparalleled in their breadth       to meet U.S. librarians who serve as    lax, review the conference program,
                                                                        advisors to help you navigate the       or even hold a small meeting with
                                                                        conference. If you are interested,      newfound colleagues and friends. A
                                                                        please check the mentor box on your     computer with internet access will
                                                                        registration form.                      be provided. ALA volunteers will be
                                                                           n  Preconference—A half-day          available to answer questions and
                                                                        program that will focus on how U.S.     provide assistance.

                                                                        libraries are managing some of the

                                                                        important issues that affect librar-    Registration and
                                                                        ians around the world.                  information
                                                                           n  International poster ses-         Information on hotels and registra-
                                                                        sions—An opportunity to promote         tion will be available in January
                                                                        the activities of your library, show-   2012. You may preregister directly
                                                                        case innovative programming, and        through ALA using the online regis-
                                                                        share ideas with your colleagues        tration form at the ALA website
                                                                        worldwide.                              ( beginning in January. z
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
IFLA Preview from American Libraries
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IFLA Preview from American Libraries

  • 1. Books Professional Reading n online learning Webcasts and E-courses n rDa resource Description and Access SuMMER 2011 THE MAGAZINE OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ResouRces and seRvices foR Global libRaRians Plus: n campaign for the World’s libraries n international copyright efforts n ask the ala library n intellectual freedom: it’s Global it’s local n a bavarian librarian in california
  • 2. CONNECT IMAGINE CONNECTING USERS, CONTENT, AND SERVICES LIKE NEVER BEFORE Introducing the Sierra Services Platform IFLA Annual Conference, Booth #334
  • 3. CONTENTS AmericAn LibrAries | i n t e r n At i o n A L s u p p L e m e n t | summer 2011 Features 3 InternatIonal MeMbers WelcoMe! ALA membership isn’t just for librarians in the u.s. by JOHN CHRASTKA 4 ala Is InternatIonal Groups, programs, and awards extend the Association’s reach worldwide 6 onlIne learnIng Webcasts and e-courses bring educational opportunities to you 12 annual conference the Association invites international librarians to join colleagues in Anaheim, california 13 rDa toolkIt the online product is one year old and growing 16 caMpaIgn for the WorlD’s lIbrarIes Latvia and barbados are the latest nations to join 27 ala JoblIst: a global resource the Association’s jobs service offers positions in the 18 a bavarIan lIbrarIan In calIfornIa united states and beyond A visitor finds an “academic paradise” at ucsD by ANgelA güNTNeR 28 sIster lIbrarIes pairing up to make lasting connections 20 neW froM ala eDItIons the American Library Association offers a wealth of 30 Intellectual freeDoM: It’s global, It’s local continuing education sources ALA’s freedom-to-read commitment by bARbARA M. JONeS ala’s InternatIonal copyrIght 24 efforts 32 connectIng to ala anD Advocating for policies that promote accessibility ala resources by CARRie RuSSell tools and tips are at your fingertips 26 ala lIbrary: an InternatIonal resource opInIon anD coMMentary 2 ala presIDent’s Message the Association’s own library is here to help, in ALA’s global reach person and online by MOlly RApHAel
  • 4. ALA PRESIdENT’S MESSAGE | Masthead ALA’s Global Reach by Molly Raphael tHe mAGAZine oF tHe AmericAn LibrArY AssociAtion internAtionAL DiGitAL suppLement, summer 2011 D ear Colleagues: 50 e. Huron st., chicago, iL 60611 On behalf of the membership and staff of the American email Library Association (ALA), I am pleased to present this 2011 toll free 800-545-2433 x5105 • local 312-280-4216 • fax 312-440-0901 edition of the International Supplement to American Libraries, ALA’s online career classified ads: flagship publication. editorial ALA is dedicated to providing leadership for “the development, interim editor-in-chief beverly Goldberg interim editor-in-chief George m. eberhart promotion, and improvement of library and information services associate editor Greg Landgraf and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and associate editor pamela A. Goodes ensure access to information for all.” Although we are the American guest editors director, international relations office michael Dowling Library Association, in fact our mission is international in its scope director, membership Development John chrastka and global in its reach. design and production ALA is 60,000 members strong, with nearly 2,000 located in more production director benjamin segedin production editors Jennifer brinson than 100 countries across the world. In addition to publications and taína Lagodzinski carlos orellana programs, ALA now delivers a grow- ing number of e-learning opportuni- publishing department The Association benefits associate executive director Donald chatham ties. No matter where you live or marketing and sales director mary mackay libraries and librarians, joblist classified advertising/ad traffic Katie bane work, you can be up-to-date with the rights, permissions, reprints mary Jo bolduc • x5416 no matter where. most important trends that affect advisory committee libraries and can find a wide variety chair Andrew K. pace, brian coutts, Luren Dickinson, pam spencer Holley, Guy Lamolinara, sarah rosenblum, of training courses for library staff and library supporters. paul signorelli; interns sian brannon, Kathryn oberg editorial policy: ALA policy manual, section 10.2 We all face economic, social, technological, and educational chal- lenges in our respective countries. ALA’s toolkits and resources for advertising representatives associate publisher brian searles advocacy, serving diverse populations, using technology, evaluating • x5282 summer 2011 library services, and fundraising can be important resources in Acceptance of advertising does not constitute endorse- ment. ALA reserves the right to refuse advertising. countries and cultures throughout the world. Many of ALA’s units of- fer e-learning opportunities especially relevant for different types of subscribe Libraries and other institutions: $45/year, 6 issues, libraries, as well as for the variety of functions within our profes- u.s., canada, and mexico; foreign: $60. subscription price for individuals included in ALA membership dues. sion. |  800-545-2433 x5108, email, or visit international supplement  My initiatives as ALA president are focused in two areas: advocacy claim missing issues: ALA member and customer service. Allow six weeks. single issues $7.50, and diversity. “Empowering Voices: Communities Speak Out for with 40% discount for five or more; contact charisse perkins, 800-545-2433 x4286. Libraries” builds on the advocacy work of ALA over the past two de- published cades. Our vision is to identify, engage, and then empower our com- American libraries (issn 0002-9769) is published 6 times munities to speak out about the value and transformational power of yearly by the American Library Association (ALA). printed in u.s.A. periodicals postage paid at chicago, illinois, libraries, not just in tough economic times but year-in and year-out. and additional mailing offices. postmAster: personal members: send address changes to American libraries, In the area of diversity, we are building on the Spectrum Scholarship c/o membership records, ALA, 50 e. Huron st., chicago, program to ensure that we are also preparing a diverse cadre of iL 60611. ©2011 American Library Association. materials |  in this journal may be reproduced for noncommercial library professionals to be the library leaders of tomorrow. educational purposes.  We hope that you will find the supplement a useful introduction to ALA’s products and services to benefit you and your library. Molly Raphael, advertisers | page Duke university press | 11 booklist | cover 4 2011–2012 ALA President innovative interfaces | cover 2 choice | 14 san José state university | 17, editions | 21 cover 3 Graphics | 5 the crowley company | 31 Guide to reference | 15 JobList | 25, 29 American Library Association pLA | 25 AcrL | 19 techsource | 23 2
  • 5. International Supplement | PROFESSIONAL dEVELOPMENT International Members Welcome! ala membership isn’t just for librarians in the united states by John Chrastka P ersonal membership in individual librarians, The International to ALA resources and the American Library library workers, facul- benefits, and all per- Relations Round Association (ALA) is ty, trustees, and sonal members have available at discounted Friends focused on Table creates the same eligibility to rates for librarians and library promoting library ser- connections vote in ALA elections, workers practicing outside of the vices in school, aca- hold office, and serve between librarians United States. For annual dues of demic, and public on committees. US$78, international members settings; expanding the in the United Direct benefits of receive full rights and benefits visibility and reach of States and abroad. personal membership of ALA membership, including the library profession; include a subscription eligibility to serve on commit- and ensuring that libraries of all to American Libraries magazine and the tees, run for office, and join any types are funded, staffed, and weekly e-newsletter American division or round table. ALA equipped for the future. Joining ALA Libraries Direct, and discounts on reg- will also extend official letters as a personal member brings you in istration rates for Annual Conference, of invitation for ALA Annual close contact with your colleagues the Midwinter Meeting, and division- Conference to our interna- who share interests in similar areas al national conferences and symposia. summer 2011 tional members upon request. of library service. While many divisions and round Personal members in ALA include All members receive equal access tables will be of interest to interna- tional librarians, ALA’s International Relations Round Table (IRRT) will be particularly relevant. IRRT creates | connections between librarians in international supplement the United States and abroad, pro- viding you with access to peers around the world who are interested in similar areas of librarianship as well as issues affecting library ser- vice delivery in various communities. IRRT is staffed by ALA’s Interna- | tional Relations Office and is the center of activity for international members throughout the Associa- tion. IRRT membership is free upon request to ALA members residing outside of the United States. Get started as an ALA member to- day by joining the Association on- line at z 3
  • 6. PROFESSIONAL dEVELOPMENT | International Supplement ALA Is International groups, programs, and awards extend the association’s reach worldwide W ith nearly 2,000 subcommittees for Africa, East International Relations members from Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia and Office (IRO) more than 100 Central Asia, the Near East and The mission of the International countries outside South Asia, Europe, and the Amer- Relations Office is to increase ALA’s the United States, the Ameri- icas. All members are eligible to presence in the global library com- can Library Association is truly serve on these committees, and munity, promote greater under- a global organization. That has representation by members from standing of international been true since its founding in each geographic region is encour- librarianship and international 1876, when ALA leaders such aged. library issues within ALA, and man- as Melvil Dewey attended early age international library activities conferences in Europe to foster on behalf of the Association. IRO collaboration and improve pro- Director Michael Dowling (mdowl- fessionalism. And ALA, in 1927, and Program Officer was a founding member of the In- Delin Guerra ( can ternational Federation of Library serve as first contacts to ALA. Associations and Institutions. One of ALA’s core organizational Other ALA values is “Extending and expanding International Groups library services in America and International interest can be found around the world.” This value is em- International Relations in almost every part of ALA. A num- bodied in ALA’s new 2015 Strategic Round Table (IRRT) ber of ALA divisions, including the summer 2011 Plan and accompanying Interna- Over 1,800 ALA members from Association for Library Collections tional Strategic Plan, found at ala many countries currently make up and Technical Services (ALCTS) and .org/ala/aboutala/missionhistory/ the IRRT, which was founded in the Association of College and Re- plan/. 1949. For over 60 years it has pro- search Libraries (ACRL), have their Many parts of ALA focus on inter- moted interest in library issues and own international relations com- | national connections, issues, and librarianship worldwide. The IRRT mittees. Others, such as the Public international supplement interests, some of which are fea- develops programs and activities Library Association (PLA), have in- tured elsewhere in this supplement. that further the international objec- ternational interest groups. Here is a guide to some of ALA’s ma- tives of ALA and provide hospitality For subject area specialists, ACRL jor international groups, along with and information to visitors from has set up the Asian, African, and a listing of international awards abroad during ALA’s Annual Con- Middle Eastern Section (AAMES); presented by ALA. ference. Western European Studies Section Some of the IRRT’s initiatives are (WESS); and Slavic and Eastern Eu- | International Relations its Sister Libraries program and In- ropean Section (SESS). Committee (IRC) ternational Partnership for Advoca- The Government Documents Created in 1923, the IRC’s 12 mem- cy and Library Services (iPALS) Round Table (GODORT) has an In- bers provide ALA Council and project. IRRT members are kept in- ternational Documents Task Force leaders with international priority formed about activities of the round (IDTF) that discusses problems and areas and policy advice, and pro- table and initiatives around the concerns related to international mote the global exchange of ideas world through the quarterly Interna- and foreign national government and knowledge. The IRC includes tional Leads newsletter. information. 4
  • 7. The mission of the Ethnic and model for other libraries. ALA personal Multicultural Information Exchange Winners in 2011 were the Nation- member to attend Round Table (EMIERT) is to serve as al Library Board of Singapore’s his or her first in- a source of information on recom- “Quest” Library Reading Program; ternational confer- mended ethnic collections and ser- the National Library of Vietnam’s ence. vices, and on programs that deal “Expanding Information Access for with the key issues of ethnicity and Visually Impaired People”; the E- Mildred L. Batch- librarianship. Publication System Platform Project elder Award at the National Central Library in Given since 1966 ALA International Awards Taiwan; and the RISE Videoconfer- by the Association encing Network in Alberta, Canada. for Library Services ALA Presidential Citation for to Children (ALSC) Innovative International Library John Ames Humphry/OCLC/Forest for the best trans- 2011 batchelder Winner: A Projects Press Award lated children’s Time of Miracles, written Since 2008 the ALA Presidential The award is given to a librarian book, to encourage in french by anne-laure bondoux, translated into Citation for Innovative Internation- or person who has made significant the international english by y. Maudet. al Library Projects has highlighted contributions to international exchange of quality highly visible, innovative library librarianship. children’s literature. services outside of the United States For more information on these that draw attention to the potential Bogle Pratt International Library groups and programs please visit of libraries to create positive change Travel Fund Award or contact intl@ala and have the potential to serve as a An award of $1,000 is given to an .org. z ©2009 American Library Association | Image courtesy of Summit Entertainment, LLC | New Moon by Stephenie Meyer is published by Little, Brown and Company | Design by Distillery Design Studio | ©2009 American Library Association | Image courtesy of Summit Entertainment, LLC | New Moon by Stephenie Meyer is published by Little, Brown and Company | Design by Distillery Design Studio | ©2009 American Library Association | Photography by Kimberly Butler | Design by Distillery Design Studio | ©2010 American Library Association | Photography by Kimberly Butler | Design by Distillery Design Studio READ - Seth Meyers.indd 1 11/17/09 9:42 AM summer 2011 | READ with international supplement the stars! ©2009 American Library Association | Photography by Kimberly Butler | Design by Distillery Design Studio | | Buy 4 posters, get a 5th poster FREE! Order your posters at ©2010 American Library Association | ©2009 American Library Association | Photography by Kimberly Butler | Design by Distillery Design Studio | Photography by Kimberly Butler | Design by Distillery Design Studio ©2009 American Library Association | Image courtesy of Summit Entertainment, LLC | New Moon by Stephenie Meyer is published by Little, Brown and Company | Design by Distillery Design Studio | READ - Seth Meyers.indd 1 11/17/09 9:42 AM 5
  • 8. online learning Webcasts and e-courses bring The American Library Association (ALA) understands the pressures and lack of resources that make engaging in professional development difficult for librarians. In response, ALA has launched its Online Learning website to give library employees across the globe access to web-based training on the fundamentals and latest trends in librarianship. At ALA Online Learning (, you can find topics that cover all facets of the profession, from advocacy to management to youth services. You will find courses and webinars available 24 hours a day (asynchronous, with no live instruction), and others that are scheduled for particular dates and times (so be mindful of time zones). Online learning fees are listed in U.S. dollars, and many are free. The selections below are offered from August 2011 through spring 2012. For other ALA Online Learning events and the many that will be added in the coming months, please visit the website and bookmark it for ongoing updates. n Title: How to Create Strategic Stories to Gain Support for Your Library (webcast). Time: Available anytime. Registration Fee: Free. association of school librarians The single most important skill for librarians is n  Title: Learning4Life Webinars (webcast). the ability to share the library’s story in a compel- Time: Available anytime. ling way so people want to help you succeed. These summer 2011 Registration Fee: $39 AASL member; $69 ALA complimentary webinars help you significantly im- member; $99 nonmember; $29 student. There is a prove your ability to tell your story and win support 10% discount for purchasing the series. District from parents, government officials, administra- pricing also available: $199 for 3–5 individuals; tors, and other stakeholders. Appropriate for all $399 for 6–9 individuals; $699 for 10+ individuals. types of libraries and information services, this in- | The person purchasing district package must be an teractive workshop includes an overview of tech- international supplement AASL member. niques; how to tell your library’s story using the This series of eight webinars addresses the four “Three-Act Storytelling Method”; and tips, tricks, strands of AASL’s Standards for the 21st-Century and techniques. Learner and the four chapters of AASL’s Empowering Audience: All librarians. Learners: Guidelines for School Library Media Pro- Fore more information: grams. These key webinars will help advance your school library program to meet the needs of the n Title: Planning Guide Webinars (webinar). | changing school library environment. Each webi- Time: Available anytime. nar is now available in archived format; they can Registration Fee: Free. also be purchased as a package. Six on-demand webinars tailored to help school Audience: School librarians, school administra- librarians use AASL’s tool for program evaluation, tors, classroom teachers, school library supervi- planning, implementation, and advocacy, “A Plan- sors, educators of school librarians, curriculum ning Guide for Empowering Learners.” specialists. Audience: All librarians. For more information: For more information: aasl/141webinars. guideresources. 6
  • 9. educational opportunities to you Date: October 31–November 18, 2011. Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during course. Registration Fee: $135 ACRL member; $175 ALA member; $195 nonmember; $60 student. This course will explore new ways that in- struction librarians can retool their instructional association of college and approaches to actively engage students in the pro- research libraries (acrl) cess of information retrieval and knowledge cre- n Title: Statistics for the Non-Mathematical ation. Mind (course). Audience: Academic librarians, instruction Date: September 12–30, 2011. librarians, educators, and anyone interested in re- Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during invigorating their approach to IL instruction to course. better meet rapidly changing student research be- Registration Fee: $135 ACRL member; $175 ALA haviors. member; $195 nonmember; $60 student. For more information: Assessing services, resources, personnel, and fa- divs/acrl/events/elearning/courses/sociallife.cfm. cilities is necessary in our world of accountabili- ty. This course explores major concepts and uses spreadsheets for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and presenting numerical data needed for assessment. Audience: Librarians in academic libraries. For more information: ala techsource divs/acrl/events/elearning/courses/ n Title: Using Google Apps for a More Efficient statistics.cfm. Library (webinar). Dates: September 7 and 14, 2011. n Title: Service Learning and Information Time: 2:30–4 p.m. Eastern Time. Literacy: Models for Engagement (live webcast). Registration Fee: $76.50 ALA member; $85 Date: October 4, 2011. nonmember. Time: 11 a.m. Pacific Time; noon Mountain Google Apps are free and easy to use, and have the Time; 1 p.m. Central Time; 2 p.m. Eastern Time. potential to make work more efficient by increasing summer 2011 Registration Fee: $50 ACRL member; $75 ALA the flexibility of documents, making information- member, $90 nonmember; $40 student; $295 group. sharing simpler, and increasing the ability for mul- This webcast will define and promote service- tiple employees to collaborate. In this workshop, learning collaborations between librarians, faculty, library director and Google Apps expert Suzann Hol- students, and community partners. land will show users how these applications work | Audience: Academic librarians,. and how they can be used in ways that make the work international supplement For more information: of a library administrator more efficient. With less mgrps/divs/acrl/events/elearning/courses/ time spent on such tasks, managers can devote more servicelearning.cfm. time to creative and strategic work. Participants will learn: n Title: Creating a “Social Life” for Information n How to reduce time spent on routine and re- Literacy Instruction in Libraries (course). curring management tasks n How to use Google Apps like Google Docs, | Gmail, and Google Calendar in a library-specific context n How to customize Google Apps to fit your library environment and workflow n Strategies for further implementation of Google Apps Audience: All librarians. For more information: detail.aspx?ID=3434. 7
  • 10. online learning ment and collection management is covered. Sections include collections policies and budgets as part of library planning; collection development; collection Association for Library Collections & Technical Services management; collection analysis; and outreach, liai- son, and marketing. association for library collections Audience: This course appeals to anyone inter- and technical services (alcts) ested in the topic with no previous experience. n Title: Fundamentals of Acquisitions (course). For more information: Date: October 3–28, 2011 (4 weeks). Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during n Title: Fundamentals of Preservation (course). course. Date: October 17–November 11, 2011 (4 weeks). Registration Fee: $109 ALCTS member; $129 Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during nonmember. course. This online course focuses on the basics of Registration Fee: $109 ALCTS member; $129 library acquisitions. It provides a broad overview of nonmember. the operations involved in acquiring materials after This course introduces participants to the princi- the selection decision is made. ples, policies, and practices of preservation in libraries Audience: FOA is tailored for librarians and and archives. It provides tools to begin extending the paraprofessionals new to the acquisitions field, in all useful life of library collections. types and sizes of libraries. Audience: Designed to inform all staff, across di- For more information: visions and departments and at all levels of respon- sibility. n Title: Fundamentals of Electronic Resources For more information: Acquisitions (course). Dates: August 22 –September 16, 2011; Novem- ber 14–December 9, 2011 (4 weeks). Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during course. Registration Fee: $109 ALCTS member; $129 association for library summer 2011 nonmember. This online course provides an overview of ac- service to children (alsc) quiring, providing access to, administering, sup- n Title: ALSC Online Education Courses porting, and monitoring access to electronic (course). resources. It gives a basic background in electronic Dates: Fall (September 26–November 4, 2011); | resource acquisitions. Winter (January 16–February 24, 2012); Spring international supplement Audience: This course appeals to anyone inter- (April 2–May 11, 2012); Summer (July 11–August 19, ested in the topic with no previous experience. 2012). For more information: Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during course. n Title: Fundamentals of Collection Develop- Registration Fee: $95 ALSC member; $145 ALA ment and Management (course). member; $165 nonmember. Dates: September 12–October 7, 2011; October Learn from your peers around the world from | 24–November 18, 2011 (4 weeks). the comfort of your home with an asynchronous Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during ALSC Online Education course. Sessions run from course. four to six weeks, depending on the course, and in- Registration Fee: $109 ALCTS member; $129 clude topics such as reading instruction, book eval- nonmember. uation, and children’s programming. This online course addresses the basic components Audience: Children’s librarians and/or parapro- of collection development and management (CDM) in fessionals in public libraries and schools. libraries. Complete definition of collection develop- For more information: 8
  • 11. n Title: Job Hunting for the Recent or Future MLS Graduate (webinar). Date: October 19, 2011. Time: 2:30–4 p.m. Eastern Time. Registration Fee: Free. You have or soon will earn your MLS degree—but library leadership and what’s next? How do you put it to work? Applying Management association (llaMa) and interviewing for a professional library position n Title: Return on Investment in a Tough can be fraught with anxiety and frustrations, but Economy—Defining the Value of the Academic you can put yourself ahead of the herd with the Library (webinar). right information and strategies. Date: September 14, 2011. Audience: Library students or recent MLS gradu- Time: 2:30–4 p.m. Eastern Time.Registration ates about to enter the workforce or start a job search. Fee: $49 LLAMA member; $59 non-LLAMA mem- For more information: : ber; $199 LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at divs/llama/conted/index.cfm. one site); $239 non-LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at one site). Highlights two projects to help academic OFFICE FOR libraries apply return on investment (ROI) principles to demonstrate their value and impact Intellectual Freedom on users and justify the expense during challeng- American Library Association ing economic times. Irene Herold, dean of the library, Mason Library, Keene State College; office for Intellectual and Jon Cawthorne, associate university libra- freedom (oIf) rian, public services, Office of the University n Title: Intellectual Freedom Summer School Librarian, O’Neill Library, Boston College, will (webinars). explain the application of Triple (people, planet, Dates: August 2011, weekly offerings. and profit) Bottom Line Accounting (TBLA) to Registration Fee: $39 ALA member; $49 non- ROI. member; $95 group of two or more attendees at the Audience: All interested. same location. summer 2011 For more information: : During the summer of 2011, ALA’s Office for In- divs/llama/conted/index.cfm. tellectual Freedom will offer a series of online learning opportunities on a wide range of issues to n Title: A Person of Interest: Safety and Security in meet the needs of busy library professionals. Cur- the Library (webinar). rent events and hot topics in intellectual freedom, | Date: November 16, 2011. including international issues and perspectives, international supplement Time: 2:30–4 p.m. Eastern Time. will be the focus of these webinars. Registration Fee: $49 LLAMA member; Audience: Specific programming will be avail- $59 non-LLAMA member; $199 LLAMA group able for public, school, and academic librarians. rate (5 or more people at one site); $239 non- For more information: LLAMA group rate (5 or more people at one ing/issues/censorship.cfm. site). Learn how to deal with patrons in the library who | are displaying behavioral problems, breaking the law, or breaking library policy. Hear about strate- gies for effectively addressing difficult situations as they arise and what you can do to minimize disrup- tions to library service. public library association (pla) Audience: All interested. n Title: Turning the Page 2.0 Advocacy Training For more information: : Program (course). llama/conted/index.cfm. Dates: Sessions beginning October 31, 2011; 9
  • 12. online learning Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during course. Registration Fee: $130 RUSA member; $175 ALA member; $210 nonmember; $100 student or re- tired member. A comprehensive course focusing on methods of evaluating reference service, behavioral aspects of ref- erence service, and different types of questions that March 19, 2012; and June 25, 2012. can be used to help patrons identify their need(s). Us- Time: Weekly one-hour webinar. One ing images, audio, and video, this in-depth education- to two hours of independent homework each al approach covers everything from the approachability week. of the librarian to how to follow up with a patron. Registration Fee: Free. Audience: Support staff, library technicians, Become your library’s strongest advocate with newly hired reference librarians, and librarians “Turning the Page 2.0,” a six-week blended learning who want to brush up on their interview skills. program led by professional facilitators who will For more information: teach valuable skills and lead you through the cre- rusa/development/referenceinterview/index.cfm. ation of a customized Advocacy Work Plan for your library. n Title: Business Reference 101 (course). Audience: Open to all public librarians, library Date: September 19–October 14; October 24– staff, and library supporters. November 18, 2011. For more information: Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during thepage. course. Registration Fee: $130 RUSA member; $175 ALA member; $210 nonmember; $100 student or retired member. Four-week, web-based professional develop- ment course designed for academic, special, or public librarians and other researchers and library staff who have a basic understanding of some busi- summer 2011 ness resources but who do not work with them of- reference and user services ten enough to build expertise. association (rusa) Audience: Public, special, and academic librar- n Title: Genealogy 101 (course). ians and other researchers and library staff who Date: Fall 2011. may feel somewhat intimidated when faced with | Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during business reference questions. international supplement course. For more information: Registration Fee: $130 RUSA member; $175 ALA rusa/development/businessreference101/index member; $210 nonmember; $100 student or retired .cfm. member. Genealogy 101 is aimed at reference staff with lit- n Title: Introduction to Spatial Literacy and tle or no experience in genealogy and will provide Online Mapping (course). tools for assisting patrons with family history re- Date: Fall 2011. | search. The goal of the class is to give students con- Time: Asynchronous, unlimited access during fidence and skill in assisting family history course. researchers. Registration Fee: $130 RUSA member; $175 Audience: Library students and reference staff. ALA member; $210 nonmember; $100 student or For more information: retired member. rusa/development/genealogy101/index.cfm. Three-week course that will introduce students and library staff to a variety of mapping tools and n Title: The Reference Interview (course). GIS technologies that are of interest to both public Date: November 1–December 9, 2011. and academic library users. 10
  • 13. Audience: Any librarian interested in GIS and policy should include, how the policy can help you online mapping as a way to improve information support teens, and how you can use the policy as an delivery and for other uses in a library setting. advocacy tool. For more information: Audience: Young adult librarians, school librar- rusa/development/spatialliteracy/index.cfm. ians, library workers, teachers, administrators, and any professional whose focus is teens and tweens. For more information: yalsa/onlinecourses/webinar.cfm#live. n Title: What Is That Thing? Making QR Codes Work in Your Library (webinar). young adult library services Date: October 20, 2011. association (yalsa) Time: 2–3 p.m. Eastern Time. n Title: Secrets of the Seal: The Michael L. Registration Fee: $29 student; $39 member; Printz Award (course). $49 nonmember; $195 group. Date: Fall 2011. In this webinar you’ll learn what a QR code is, Registration Fee: $135 YALSA member; $175 how to use QR codes to market library program- ALA member; $195 nonmember. ming and events, and how to use QR codes as a Join YALSA for a brand new e-course this fall. bridge to teen-related content. The “Secrets of the Seal” course will explore the Audience: Young adult librarians, school librar- history of the award, the criteria for award winners, ians, library workers, teachers, administrators, and and how to connect readers with the Printz award any professional whose focus is teens and tweens. winner and honor books. For more information: Audience: Young adult librarians, school librar- yalsa/onlinecourses/webinar.cfm#live. z ians, library workers, teachers, administrators, and any professional whose focus is teens and tweens. For more information: onlinecourses. n Title: Webinars-on-Demand (webinars). summer 2011 Time: Available anytime. Registration Fee: $19 individual; $49 for a series of three. Looking for professional guidance on teen ser- vices trends? Look no further than YALSA’s Webi- | nars-on-Demand. In these previously recorded Publisher of scholarly international supplement webinars, experts from the field will guide you through hour-long sessions that you can put into Books, Journals, and practice at your library immediately. ElEctronic collEctions Audience: Young adult librarians, school librar- ians, library workers, teachers, administrators, and any professional whose focus is teens and tweens. Duke University Press For more information: is a division of Duke University | in Durham, North Carolina, USA. n Title: Tweet, Like, Link: Creating a Social Me- dia Policy for Your Library (webinar). Date: September 15, 2011. Visit us at Booth 219 Time: 2–3 p.m. Eastern Time. for morE information. Registration Fee: $29 student; $39 member; $49 nonmember; $195 group. In this webinar you’ll learn what a social media policy is, why it’s important to have one, what the 11 IFLA Ad_2011_print.indd 1 7/7/11 3:09:07 PM
  • 14. PROFESSIONAL dEVELOPMENT | International Supplement Annual Conference the association invites international librarians to join colleagues in anaheim, california C ome and join us at and depth of content for attendees the 2012 ALA Annual from any size or type of library. In Conference, to be held addition, your colleagues are plan- June 21–26 in Ana- ning more social events for net- heim, California. Known as the working and learning than you’ll “Land of Vacations,” Anaheim find at any other library event. has inviting beaches, world- With your conference registra- famous attractions, hundreds of tion, you will have an opportunity to fashion-setting stores and bou- visit ALA’s exhibit hall, the Stacks. tiques, and restaurants, cafés, With over 900 exhibiting organiza- n  International papers—ALA and microbreweries to suit every tions, the Stacks features 10 pavil- invites you to submit a proposal for taste. Anaheim offers a wealth of ions of targeted products and four a paper on how your library or activities for the entire family, stages with the hottest authors, country is addressing a selected from Disneyland to the Crystal chefs, poets, and illustrators. The topic. To learn more about how to Cathedral, drawing visitors to this exhibit floor is an integral part of submit an application to present a center of entertainment and fun. the education that takes place at the paper, email ALA’s International During the conference, you will Annual Conference and of the over- Relations Office at have an opportunity to choose from all conference experience. n  International reception—A hundreds of programs spanning the special evening reception will be Especially for summer 2011 hot topics and current issues affect- held in honor of international ing libraries and the communities international visitors librarians, so you can meet other they serve. Planned by ALA’s divi- n  Orientation—A special introduc- international guests as well as col- sions, round tables, offices, and af- tion to ALA, the conference, and the leagues from the United States. filiated organizations, the programs city of Anaheim. During the orien- n  International visitors | presented at the Annual Conference tation, you will have an opportunity lounge—A place where you can re- international supplement are unparalleled in their breadth to meet U.S. librarians who serve as lax, review the conference program, advisors to help you navigate the or even hold a small meeting with conference. If you are interested, newfound colleagues and friends. A please check the mentor box on your computer with internet access will registration form. be provided. ALA volunteers will be n  Preconference—A half-day available to answer questions and program that will focus on how U.S. provide assistance. | libraries are managing some of the important issues that affect librar- Registration and ians around the world. information n  International poster ses- Information on hotels and registra- sions—An opportunity to promote tion will be available in January the activities of your library, show- 2012. You may preregister directly case innovative programming, and through ALA using the online regis- share ideas with your colleagues tration form at the ALA website worldwide. ( beginning in January. z 12