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the role of
     imaging in

An Introduction	                                                    Page 4
                                                                                                                                    Prevention & Screening	                                             Page 7
                                                                                                                                     1. The value of screening in cancer care	                             Page 8
                                                                                                                                     2. National screening programmes: objectives and reality	            Page 11
                                                                                                                                     3. Patient information	                                              Page 12
                                                                                                                                     4. Things to keep in mind before an examination is carried out	      Page 14
                                                                                                                                     5. Future developments	                                              Page 17
                                                                                AN INITIATIVE OF THE ESR, ACR AND RSNA

                                                                                                                                    Detection 	                                                        Page 19
                                                                                                                                     1. Medical imaging in the detection of cancer	                       Page 21
                                                                                                                                     2. The role and skills of the radiologist	                           Page 24
                                                                                                                                     3. The communication flow	                                           Page 27
                                                                                                                                     4. Informing the public	                                             Page 28
                                                                                                                                     5. Future developments	                                              Page 30

                                                                                                                                    Staging	                                                           Page 33
                                                                                                                                     1. The importance of staging	                                        Page 34
                                                                                                                                     2. The radiologist takes centre stage	                               Page 36
                                                                                                                                     3. The communication chain	                                          Page 38
                                                                                                                                     4. Looking forward	                                                  Page 40

Published by the
                                                                                                                                    Treatment & Therapy	                                               Page 43
                                                                                                                                     1. Treatment monitoring with imaging: saving time	                   Page 44
ESR – European Society of Radiology
                                                                                                                                     2. The growing use of image-guided therapies	                        Page 46
In cooperation with                                                                                                                  3. Interventional radiology and minimally invasive treatments	       Page 48
ESOI – European Society of Oncologic Imaging
October 2012
                                                                                                                                     4. Future developments	                                              Page 50

ESR Office, Neutorgasse 9, 1010 Vienna, Austria                                                                                     Follow-up Care	                                                    Page 53
Phone: (+ 43 1) 533 40 64-0                                                                                                          1. The importance of follow-up care	                                 Page 54
Fax: (+ 43 1) 533 40 64-441
                                                                                                                                     2. Tools of the trade	                                               Page 56
E-Mail:                                                                                                                        3. The radiologist’s role	                                           Page 59
                                                                                                                                     4. What the public should know about imaging in follow-up care	      Page 60
Managing Editor: Julia Patuzzi

                                                                                                                                    About the Interviewees	                                            Page 63
Editors: Simon Lee, Michael Crean
Contributing Writers: Michael Crean (Chapter 5), Simon Lee (Chapter 3), Mélisande Rouger (Chapter 1+4), David Zizka (Chapter 2)
Art Direction & Layout: Robert Punz

                                                                                                                                    Glossary	                                                          Page 69
Photo Credits: see page 94

The logo for the International Day of Radiology was been created with the help of the MR Center of Excellence in Vienna, Austria.
We would like to thank Prof. Siegfried Trattnig and Ms. Claudia Kronnerwetter for their valuable help.
                                   MAKING CANCER VISIBLE                          PREVENTION
                                                                                                                          AND SCREENING               THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY
                                   THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY                AND SCREENING

    Making Cancer Visible:
    the Role of Imaging in Oncology
    An Introduction
    Cancer, in all of its more-than-200 forms, is one      a very large proportion of this progress is being    medical imaging, as well as the expertise of those    ing, from every continent, each of whom has pro-
    of the leading causes of death worldwide. Accord-      made in the field of medical imaging.                who practise it, is indispensable.                    vided their valuable input via short interviews.
    ing to the World Health Organisation, the disease                                                                                                                 This material has been put together with the lay-
    accounted for around 13% of all deaths in 2008.        Although oncology is the branch of medicine that     This booklet, which has been produced especially      person in mind, but as an aid to the newcomer to
    Due to its high incidence, most people know some-      traditionally deals with cancer, modern cancer       for the first International Day of Radiology, aims    radiology and medical imaging, we have included
    thing about the disease and, inevitably, the major-    care is a multidisciplinary undertaking, and spe-    to highlight the essential contribution imaging       a glossary of terms at the back of the booklet.
    ity also know someone who has been afflicted by        cialists in medical imaging – whether they are       makes to five major steps in the cancer care chain:
    it. But its prevalence also makes cancer a very high   radiologists or practitioners of nuclear medicine    screening and prevention; detection; staging;         We hope that this publication will provide some
    priority for research and healthcare investment.       – are essential members of the team. The techno-     treatment and therapy; and follow-up.                 useful insights into the role of radiology and med-
    Aside from the continuing search for a cure, huge      logical advances made in imaging equipment and                                                             ical imaging in cancer care, and we sincerely hope
    global efforts are being made to improve the pre-      the development of specific techniques for every     The whole booklet has been written with the gen-      it provides a few reasons to celebrate the Interna-
    vention, detection, and treatment of cancer, and       stage of cancer care mean that the contribution of   erous assistance of 15 experts in oncologic imag-     tional Day of Radiology with us on November 8.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                           5

                                                      Prevention &
                                                       1.	THE VALUE OF SCREENING IN CANCER CARE
                                                       2.	NATIONAL SCREENING PROGRAMMES: OBJECTIVES AND REALITY
                                                       3.	PATIENT INFORMATION
                                                       4.	THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND BEFORE AN EXAMINATION IS CARRIED OUT
                                                       5.	FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS

6                                                                                                                       7
    MAKING CANCER VISIBLE                             PREVENTION
                                                                                                                              AND SCREENING              THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY

    CANCER CARE                                                                                                                                                                                            Dynamic Contrast-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Enhanced MR image
                                                                                                                                                                                                              of breast cancer
    Radiology’s role is central to cancer man-        Early detection and prevention of disease     There are many ways for radiologists to       mography screening has helped reduce
    agement, with a wide choice of tools and          has become crucial in the fight against       identify the early signs of an individual     breast cancer mortality by 30%, according
    techniques available for the detection,           cancer, especially in people at higher risk   developing cancer. Of the various tools       to a recent study, which was conducted
    staging and treatment of the disease. But         of developing malignancy, a part of the       available, those that use x-ray technology,   over almost three decades1.
    what is less well known is the value of           general population that will continue to      such as mammography for breast cancer
    medical imaging in recognising early man-         grow worldwide in the decades to come.        screening, are standard examinations.         A recent National Lung Screening Trial
    ifestations of cancer and small clinically                                                      Recently, multidetector computed tomo-        (NLST) in the United States showed a reduc-
    undetectable tumours before they become                                                         graphy (CT), a computerised imaging tool      tion of 20% in lung cancer mortality among
    clinically apparent; a capacity that pushes           “Of course, there is no                   which is used to create 3D images based on    heavy smokers who were screened with
    radiology to the fore of oncologic care.          guarantee that radiology can                  x-rays, has shown its strength in applica-    low-dose spiral CT versus those screened
                                                        prevent cancer before it is                 tions such as colorectal cancer screening.    with traditional chest x-ray.
    Medical experts agree that most cancers           there, but it is of tremendous                Multidetector CT is now being used much
    can be dealt with effectively if detected             help in detecting pre-                    more frequently in the detection of pre-
    early. In this respect, imaging is, second
                                                        cancerous situations like                   malignant lesions, so-called polyps, in the       “This adds to existing
    only to lab tests, when it comes to the most
                                                         colonic polyps and liver                   large bowel, the discovery – followed by           successful imaging
                                                         cirrhotic nodules. If we                                                                   screening studies such as
    valuable tools cancer care teams have at                                                        endoscopic resection – of which may sig-
                                                         detect a tumour early, it                                                                  breast and colon. Without
    their disposal. In particular, different radio-                                                 nificantly improve patient prognosis by
                                                       may make treatment much                                                                     question, early detection of                  The study ‘Swedish Two-County Trial’ was published in
    logical tests have become very helpful in                                                       prompting appropriate management.
                                                        simpler and cheaper and

                                                                                                                                                   disease is greatly improved                   2011 in Radiology by Dr. László Tabár et al. The longest study
    screening as they can show precancerous                may even save lives.”                                                                         with imaging.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ever conducted, it demonstrated that, 29 years after their
                                                                                                                                                                                                 first mammogram, women who were invited to get routine
    lesions before they become malignant and                                                        The benefits of screening have been proven
                                                               Prof. Yves Menu, France                                                                    Dr. Reginald Munden, USA
                                                                                                                                                                                                 screening had a significant reduction in breast cancer mor-
    cause symptoms.                                                                                 repeatedly since its introduction. Mam-                                                      tality compared to those who received usual care.

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                                                                                  AND SCREENING            THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY

                                                       NATIONAL SCREENING
                                                       OBJECTIVES AND REALITY
                                                       Most countries acknowledge the impor-        screening programmes for breast and cer-          dence is expected to increase by as much as
                                                       tance of running national screening pro-     vical cancer, and many of those who have          90% by 2030, according to a recent study2.
                                                       grammes for certain groups of patients.      not already launched nationwide pro-
                                                       However, today, the only widespread          grammes for colorectal cancer are plan-
                                                       screening programmes are for breast cancer   ning to introduce them soon. Lung cancer                 “In most developing
                                                       in women usually aged roughly between 40     is also under evaluation as a possible sub-       countries, access to screening
                                                       and 74, who represent the group with the     ject of screening in many countries.                   is extremely limited or
                                                       highest risk of developing cancer.                                                               even non-existent. Given
                                                                                                    Setting up a national screening pro-                  that cancer incidence is
                                                                                                    gramme is a complex task, partly because
                                                                                                                                                      expected to rise dramatically
                                                            “Large series seem to                   it is difficult to define precise target groups
                                                                                                                                                       in some of these countries
                                                          prove the benefit of such                                                                    in the coming decades, the
                                                                                                    with age limits, similar clinical histories,
                                                             a screening, at least                                                                     global medical community
                                                                                                    and various other characteristics. Guide-
                                                           in a carefully selected                                                                       should work together to
                                                                                                    lines for screening are determined locally
                                                                 population.”                                                                          define minimum screening
                                                                                                    and based on the resources of healthcare             recommendations for all
                                                                Prof. Yves Menu, France             systems, the health concerns of the popu-            countries and to provide
                                                                                                    lation, and cultural attitudes and priorities.      the necessary resources –
                                                       Screening practices vary considerably from                                                       including equipment and
                                                       one country to another. While Korea offers   High rates of under-reported disease pres-             training – for essential
                                                       screening on a national level for stom-      ent another challenge in collecting clear            screening programmes.”
                                                       ach, liver, colorectal, breast and uterine   and reliable figures, while restricted access                 Prof. Hedvig Hricak, USA
                                                       cervix cancer, the most common types in      to the latest technology remains a problem
                                                       that country, China and South Africa, for    in many parts of the world. The absence of        2
                                                                                                                                                       The study ‘Global cancer transitions according to the
                                                       example, do not yet have any established     adequate tools for detecting early or pre-        Human Development Index (2008–2030): a population-
                                                                                                                                                      based study’ was led by Dr. Freddie Bray of the International
                                                       national screening programmes. Most          cancerous conditions is all the more alarm-
                                                                                                                                                      Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and published in The
                                                       countries in America and Europe operate      ing in poorer countries, where cancer inci-       Lancet Oncology in June 2012.

10                                                                                                                                                                                                            11
                                               MAKING CANCER VISIBLE                          PREVENTION
                                                                                                                                                                         AND SCREENING    THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY
                                               THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY                AND SCREENING

                                                                                                                                                                                          Diffusion cellularity map reflects the probability
                                                                                                                                                                                                    of cancer in the central prostate gland.
Without such global guidelines or nation-      should be screened for lung cancer. For
wide screening programmes, it is all the       women with a lifetime cancer risk of 20% or      “Providing the public with                           “A lot depends on the
more important to provide clear recom-         greater, for instance women with a genetic        complete information is                            educational level of the
mendations to patients. Some people are        risk, a breast examination with magnetic          really a key issue for the                      population. Unfortunately, in
more at risk than others due to their clini-   resonance imaging (MRI) is recommended.            success of a screening                          developing countries, there
cal history or family background, and doc-     People with liver cirrhosis and/or hepatitis       campaign. Having the                              are still great challenges
tors can advise them on how to proceed to      B or C virus should be screened to detect
                                                                                                patient as a partner makes                        to achieving a satisfactory
avoid any future complications.                any signs of liver cancer.
                                                                                                    everything easier.”                            level of understanding of
                                                                                                        Prof. Yves Menu, France                  these issues. The population
                                                                                                                                                     needs to be informed
                                               People can obtain information about
                                                                                                                                                    about the importance of
 “People who have high risk                    screening from their general practitioners,    Public awareness campaigns play a major
                                                                                                                                                 imaging in cancer screening
   factors, such as a family                   gynaecologists, urologists, and any other      role in this dialogue, and the participation         programmes, in order for
history of particular cancers                  specialist, who should be able to advise       of institutional partners is highly desir-          them to be able to demand
    and some related gene                      when to screen and for what. Some patients     able. Healthcare stakeholders and cancer            health authorities to set up
carriers, should be screened.”                 may also benefit from their companies’         patient societies should be incorporated                such programmes.”
          Prof. Feng Feng, China               medical insurance, which in some coun-         into these campaigns.                               Prof. Marcos Duarte Guimaraes, Brazil
                                               tries may cover the annual health-check
It is generally accepted that people aged      for their employees over a certain age. The    Information is also key to improving pub-
over 55, with a smoking history of one pack    success of screening depends entirely on       lic healthcare. The more informed the pub-
per day over 30 years, and former smok-        how well-informed the public is and on the     lic is, the likelier they are to push their gov-
ers, who have quit within the last 15 years,   health policies of each country.               ernments to take action.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        13
                                                MAKING CANCER VISIBLE                          PREVENTION
                                                                                                                                                                              AND SCREENING             THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY
                                                THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY                AND SCREENING

IS CARRIED OUT                                                                                                                                                                                      F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET-CT of lung cancer

                                                                                                                                                                                                            with mediastinal lymph node metastases

Cancer screening undoubtedly brings ben-                                                       image, may also cause allergies and kidney
efits, when it leads to the identification of    “Disadvantages are minor                      dysfunction in sensitive patients. On the          “False positive diagnosis may
cancer before it poses a real danger and        compared to the lives saved                    other hand, ultrasound examinations used           result in over-investigation of
requires intensive and often expensive            by the technology. Most                      in ovarian cancer screening, for example,           what ultimately turns out to
treatment. But one should also be aware of       radiological tests used for                   have no side effects at all. As for multide-      be a benign condition. This can
the risks that are associated with imaging       early detection of disease                    tector CT colonography, it causes much less        in turn result in unnecessary
                                                  have no or minimal side                      discomfort than conventional colonoscopy
                                                                                                                                                    anxiety in the patient and
                                                   effects that are greatly                    in screening for colon cancer, and can be
                                                                                                                                                       unnecessary costs.”
                                                outweighed by the benefits.”                                                                          Dr. Adriana Dieguez, Argentina
Mammography, for instance, involves a                                                          carried out much more rapidly.
                                                       Prof. Anno Graser, Germany
small amount of ionising radiation, which
can have a potentially carcinogenic effect.                                                    Finally, one should not underestimate the         The best option for patients is to discuss all
Because it also uses x-ray technology, CT is    Some examinations, like mammography,           risk of false positive diagnosis and the series   these issues directly with their doctors, who
not a risk free procedure either. However,      may also cause discomfort to patients,         of costly examinations it can trigger. A false    should inform them of all the possible risks,
radiation risks remain very low and must        because they will have a device pressed        positive result indicates that a person has       as well as the benefits, before deciding to
be weighed against the benefits brought         firmly against their bodies. The use of con-   a given condition when they do not. For           undergo screening tests. Patients should
by the examination.                             trast products, media swallowed or injected    instance, a cancer test might return positive     know that screening is not perfect; it may
                                                into the body to enhance the contrast of an    when the person is actually healthy.              not detect every cancer, but it can detect can-
                                                                                                                                                 cer early enough to achieve remission.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                15
                           MAKING CANCER VISIBLE             PREVENTION
                                                                                                       AND SCREENING             THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY

                                                                             Imaging techniques have significantly         Radiologists are increasingly using radia-    rent trend in screening is toward person-
                                                                             improved in recent decades. As technolo-      tion dose reduction strategies, which min-    alisation, to find out the individual’s risk
                                                                             gies are constantly being refined, imag-      imise the potential risks of radiation in     of cancer, based on very specific biological
                                                                             ing modalities will become even more          x-ray-based imaging modalities without        tests.
                                                                             accurate and reliable in the future. Low-     compromising image quality. Computer-
                                                                             dose chest spiral CT in lung cancer screen-   aided detection and diagnosis systems
                                                                             ing is very promising. But there are still    can reduce the rate of missed cancers            “We all know that some
                                                                             enormous challenges and questions to be       and may also help to characterise early       people are more predisposed
                                                                             answered before this technique can be         lesions. Researchers are also working on         to some cancers, and we
                                                                             approved for use around the world. One        ways to identify high-risk subjects, based         should maintain our
                                                                             of the main problems remains the sig-         on molecular or genetic studies, which           progress in the ability to
                                                                             nificant disparity in access to and use of    may enhance screening effectiveness.
                                                                                                                                                                           propose to the individual a
                                                                             tools for prevention and early detection
                                                                                                                                                                         screening programme that is
                                                                                                                                                                          tailored, rather than a ‘mass
                                                                             of cancer.                                    Cooperation with other medical specialties
                                                                                                                           is key to these achievements. Radiologists
                                                                                                                                                                                  Prof. Yves Menu, France
                                                                                                                           already work in multidisciplinary teams to
 A 3-dimensional image from a neurosurgical navigational system,               “It is desirable to develop                 treat cancer patients. Close collaboration
 which allows the neurosurgeon to see functional information during                strategies to enable                    with other specialists, for instance biolo-   In addition to the benefits brought by
 the operation. The tumour is in yellow. The motor cortex (the part of          new technologies to be                     gists, physicists and doctors of nuclear      imaging, diet and obesity management, as
 the brain that controls motor function) is in red. Purple indicates the      implemented universally in                   medicine is fundamental to the develop-       well as environmental and lifestyle modi-
                                                                               order to reduce mortality.”
 large veins overlying the surface of the brain.                                  Dr. Adriana Dieguez, Argentina
                                                                                                                           ment of new screening tools. As is the case   fications, may also help to prevent cancer
                                                                                                                           in many other areas of medicine, the cur-     in the future.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                               17

Breast MR image
of Invasive Ductal


                                                                    1.	MEDICAL IMAGING IN THE DETECTION OF CANCER
                                                                    2.	THE ROLE AND SKILLS OF THE RADIOLOGIST
                                                                    3.	THE COMMUNICATION FLOW
                                                                    4.	INFORMING THE PUBLIC
                                                                    5.	FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS

18                                                                                                                  19
                           MAKING CANCER VISIBLE
                                                                                                           DETECTION             THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY
                           THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY   DETECTION

                                                                         MEDICAL IMAGING IN THE
                                                                         DETECTION OF CANCER
                                                                         Imaging plays a major role in the detection       tion of a malignancy while participating in   onance imaging (MRI) and mammography,
                                                                         of cancer as it provides a detailed insight       a screening programme.                        the latter being used specifically to detect
                                                                         into the exact location and extent of the                                                       breast cancer.
                                                                         disease. It can also provide detailed infor-
                                                                         mation about structural or cancer-related         “Certainly radiology is by far
                                                                         changes. Emerging methods of molecular             the best method for cancer                     “The technique of choice
                                                                         imaging, which combine traditional imag-           detection in the majority of                 depends on the type and site
                                                                         ing technology and nuclear medicine tech-           cancers. However, the vast                    of the cancer. All of these
                                                                         niques, can also be used to obtain more           majority of tumours are only                    modalities provide cross-
                                                                         detailed information about abnormalities,
                                                                                                                            apparent with an advanced                    sectional anatomical images.
                                                                         including their distinct metabolism.
                                                                                                                            test, especially at the initial                 US and CT are generally
                                                                                                                               stage, and radiology is                     less expensive and more
                                                                                                                            certainly the major player.”                  widely available than MRI
                                                                         There are various ways to detect cancer
                                                                                                                                    Prof. Yves Menu, France              and are therefore used more
     Contrast-Enhanced Spectral                                          using imaging methods. Cancer may be
                                                                         detected incidentally, when an examina-
                                                                                                                                                                               frequently around
     Mammography shows                                                                                                                                                             the world.”
                                                                         tion is carried out for other reasons, or there   Modern medical technology offers a wide
     enhancing cancer that was not                                       may be clear symptoms and the patient             range of imaging methods to imaging spe-
                                                                                                                                                                                  Prof. Hedvig Hricak, USA

     seen on mammography                                                 may undergo imaging to confirm, locate,           cialists. Well known methods used for the
                                                                         and determine the extent of the disease.          detection of cancer are ultrasound (US),      In many cases cancer is identified based
                                                                         Another possibility is of course the detec-       computed tomography (CT), magnetic res-       on the discovery of abnormalities in the

20                                                                                                                                                                                                               21
                                                                                                                                      DETECTION            THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY

     appearance of soft tissue and bone. But       changes, which opens up a completely new          ity are collected for further examination, is   improved to generate higher resolution
     there are also functional imaging tech-       field of possibilities such as earlier detec-     necessary.                                      images while significantly decreasing the
     niques, which detect physiological or func-   tion and better understanding of tumour                                                           amount of radiation and exposure time.
     tional changes, such as specific changes in   development. One of the most promising            Side-effects may occur and vary depend-
     blood flow that can also signify the pres-    molecular imaging techniques is positron          ing on the method used and the area of
     ence of cancer.                               emission tomography (PET), which is most          the body to be examined. The use of con-         “Effects on the patient can
                                                   often combined with CT (PET-CT) and used          trast agents may cause allergies and may           be considered as related
     A very promising set of imaging techniques    to track probes in order to detect meta-          pose risks to patients with renal insuf-           to discomfort during the
     are available to radiologists through the     static disease.                                   ficiency. Techniques such as US and MRI          test, use of contrast agents,
     methods of molecular imaging, which dif-                                                        do not entail any radiation exposure and            irradiation and directly
     fers from traditional imaging in that bio-    When it comes to the characterisation of          are generally considered to be very safe.
                                                                                                                                                          invasive tests such as
     marker probes are used to target specific     a finding, or the differentiation between         In some situations however, MRI is not
                                                                                                                                                       biopsies. Radiation effects
                                                                                                                                                      are from ionising radiation
     areas or suspicious findings. In general,     a malignant or benign abnormality, it is          recommended, for instance in patients
                                                                                                                                                       from x-ray and CT. Effects
     a biomarker is anything that can be used      sometimes difficult to reach a final diag-        with a pacemaker or other metallic
                                                                                                                                                     are proportional to the dose
     as an indicator of disease or changes in      nosis. To avoid unnecessary invasive pro-         implant, because of the magnetic field
                                                                                                                                                     of radiation and cumulative
     the human body, which interacts chemi-        cedures and save the patient further dis-         used during the examination. Methods like              effects of multiple
     cally with its surroundings to produce an     comfort, a comparison of various images,          x-ray and CT, on the other hand, expose the         examinations although
     effect that can then be seen on the screen.   often obtained through different methods,         patient to ionising radiation. Radiologists     these are seldom relevant in
     In comparison to other methods which          is the first step towards a final diagnosis. If   always use the lowest radiation dose pos-                daily practice.”
     show changes in size, density or water con-   a definite diagnosis still cannot be made, a      sible to get the desired results and mod-           Dr. Jean de Villiers, South Africa
     tent, the radiologist can observe molecular   biopsy, where small parts of the abnormal-        ern imaging devices are constantly being

22                                                                                                                                                                                               23
                                                 MAKING CANCER VISIBLE
                                                                                                                                                                           DETECTION   THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY
                                                 THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY                    DETECTION

OF THE RADIOLOGIST                                                                                                                                                                                                       Detection of hepatocellular

The radiologist is likely to be the first per-                                                      When it comes to cancer, patient care is
son to detect a tumour based on either             “Image interpretation is the                     a team effort and not the work of a sin-       “A lot of communication
clear symptoms or previous suspicions.              most visible contribution of                    gle doctor. A multidisciplinary approach     takes place with the clinical
Imaging specialists also detect cancer           radiologists. Diagnosis by expert                  and good teamwork between the various         oncologists and surgeons,
during routine screening and are the                radiologists is based on the                    physicians are crucial to the successful       usually in the context of
most experienced physicians in choos-            extensive knowledge of anatomy,                    care of cancer patients from detection to     regular multidisciplinary
ing from a wide range of available imag-
                                                   normal variations, pathology                     treatment and follow-up. The role of the
                                                                                                                                                     committee meetings.
ing techniques in order to get the best
                                                  and technical principles of the                   radiologist is not limited to the phase
                                                                                                                                                However, it is good practice to
                                                        imaging modality.”                                                                      communicate with colleagues
results. When a tumour or an abnormal-                                                              between detection and diagnosis but
                                                         Prof. Hiroshi Honda, Japan                                                             who have referred patients for
ity is detected, the first task of the radi-                                                        extends further, as radiology will also
                                                                                                                                                examinations and, obviously,
ologist is to identify the exact location of                                                        be involved in the choice of therapy, its
                                                                                                                                                 are in charge of the patient.
the tumour and the extent of the disease.        A radiologist is not only an expert in the field   monitoring, delivery, and follow-up. In        This communication can
After the detection of cancer, the radiolo-      of imaging techniques, but also an expert in       hospitals especially, a multidisciplinary     be by telephone, e-mail or
gist interprets the cross-sectional images       understanding the patterns and appearance          approach to the fight against cancer is            videoconference.”
of the patient, makes the diagnosis and          of cancer in various body parts and organs         very common and radiologists frequently        Dr. Adriana Dieguez, Argentina
determines the stage and extent of the           as well as ways of local and distant spread of     work in a team together with other spe-
disease based on their findings.                 different tumours, so-called metastases.           cialists.

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                            MAKING CANCER VISIBLE
                                                                                                          DETECTION             THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY
                            THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY   DETECTION

                                                                          THE COMMUNICATION

Characterisation of                                                       When the final diagnosis is reached and        more involved. When working in multidis-
equivocal ultrasound                                                      clarified, the next step is to inform the      ciplinary teams, the attending physician        “For instance, if a cancer is
                                                                                                                                                                        detected, the patient should
findings (not shown)                                                      patient of their condition and the further     often requests that the radiologist be pres-
                                                                                                                                                                        be very clearly encouraged
with CT. CT of the kidney                                                 steps and treatment options available. At
                                                                          this stage, the role and the involvement of
                                                                                                                         ent when the patient is informed of a find-
                                                                                                                         ing, so that specific questions regarding         to consult his referring
shows a cystic structure                                                  the radiologist vary and are strongly depen-   imaging can be answered by a specialist.       clinician very soon in order
in the left kidney (white                                                 dent upon the local situation. In most cases
                                                                                                                                                                           to organise the medical
arrow). However, this                                                     it is referring physicians who will inform     The radiologist is in many cases the first
                                                                                                                                                                          strategy. More and more
is not a simple cyst. CT                                                  the patient about the results, as they are     person to detect a tumour, but rarely the
                                                                                                                                                                         the patients ask for clearly
                                                                                                                                                                            shared comprehensive
demonstrates a solid                                                      generally the people who have the most         one who informs the patient. But the radi-
                                                                                                                                                                        information. However, this
nodule (green arrow),                                                     detailed knowledge of the patient’s medi-      ologist is still left with a degree of per-
                                                                                                                                                                          is not a simple situation,
which is suspicious for a                                                 cal history. There are also cases, where       sonal responsibility as the patient has to        because it may change
cystic cancer.                                                            the final diagnosis can only be reached        be advised to see their attending physician       the patient’s life, so the
                                                                          by performing a pathological test, which       quickly to discuss their diagnosis and fur-       way the information is
                                                                          excludes the participation of a radiologist.   ther options. He should make it clear to the     communicated should be
                                                                          But the conventional background role of        patient that they should seek further treat-    considered very carefully.”
                                                                          the radiologist is changing slightly as the    ment and see their doctor. In these situa-           Prof. Yves Menu, France
                                                                          multidisciplinary approach and patients’       tions, patients might also ask the radiolo-
                                                                          demands make the radiologist more and          gist directly for clear information.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                      27
                           MAKING CANCER VISIBLE
                                                                                                                                   DETECTION       THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY
                           THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY                    DETECTION

                           INFORMING                                                                                            “The population should
                           THE PUBLIC                                                                                            be informed about the
                                                                                                                                importance of imaging
                                                                                                                                   in cancer detection.
                           With imaging being one of the major play-          undergo a specific procedure. It is also in the
                           ers in the fight against cancer, it is impera-     public’s best interests to be aware of the spe-
                           tive that the public be well informed about        cific costs of imaging and whether a referral

                                                                                                                                  Thus the population
                           its benefits and possibilities. The early detec-   is needed if they want to see a specialist or
                           tion of cancer, its prognosis and detailed         undergo a specific imaging examination.
                           information about the extent of the disease

                                                                                                                                 will be able to require
                           wouldn’t be available to patients without          Besides all the information on the benefits
                           medical imaging. All further treatment             of modern imaging, the public should also

                                                                                                                                that health authorities
                           decisions are based on these findings.             be made aware of the possible disadvan-
                                                                              tages and side effects which go hand in

Computed tomography        There is also a need to inform the public          hand with some techniques. Some methods

                                                                                                                                  take action aimed at
                           about the wide range of imaging tech-              expose the human body to larger amounts
image of the chest using   niques available and which are the best            of radiation than others and some such as
low radiation dose

                                                                                                                                 implementing cancer
                           diagnostic tests for a specific cancer or          ultrasound and MRI use no radiation at all.
                           condition. More recently developed meth-           It is important for patients to be aware of
                           ods such as PET-CT are not well known to           those facts in order to understand why the

                           patients, but bring crucial benefits to the        radiologist has to decide in each individ-
                           field of oncologic imaging.                        ual case which method is the most appro-
                                                                              priate. This is particularly important for
                           Information on the availability of the dif-        patients with special conditions, who may                        Prof. Marcos Duarte Guimaraes, Brazil
                           ferent methods, whether they are available         for instance be allergic to contrast agents
                           at all or only in specialised hospital depart-     or have metal implants, in the case of MRI
                           ments, would make it easier for patients to        examination. Pregnancy also limits the use
                           consider their options when they have to           of some methods.

28                                                                                                                                                                                     29
                                                                                                                                          DETECTION              THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY

     DEVELOPMENTS                                                                                                                                                                                           Breast MR image
                                                                                                                                                                                                            of Invasive Lobular
     Medical imaging strongly depends on tech-        PET, which is able to produce a 3D image of
     nology, so progress and further develop-         a functional process in the body, has become        “PET-MR is a cutting-edge imaging modality and has been
     ments in the field of imaging technology         an integral part of cancer diagnosis. As               released by some vendors very recently. Compared to
     are vital to the progress of the discipline      tumours or inflammation use up high levels           PET-CT, PET-MR provides a better background image with
     itself. Over the last 40 years, there have       of glucose, the radiologist can easily track the    improved soft tissue contrast without radiation exposure.
     been major innovations in the field of med-      location and spread of the disease.                     Moreover, integration of molecular and functional
     ical imaging, such as CT and MRI, which                                                                information generated from PET and MR could provide
     currently achieve a high level of diagnos-       But it is not only newly developed meth-                 useful information in characterising the cancer.”
     tic accuracy and spatial resolution when         ods that bring about improvements in can-                                           Prof. Hiroshi Honda, Japan
     combined with the methods of molecular           cer detection; established methods such as
     imaging, which is for many radiologists          MRI also have a lot to offer. At the moment
     the most promising tool for the future.          most MR devices operate at a magnetic field-       results, and will certainly see further devel-   logic imaging and when patients will ben-
                                                      strength of 1.5 and 3 Tesla, but in experiments    opments that will aid understanding of the       efit from it. What can be said for sure is that
     The very early stages of cancer and other ill-   strengths of up to 11 Tesla have been achieved     function, structure and evolution of tissues     imaging will become an even more power-
     nesses should then become detectable using       and provide extremely high quality images.         like cancer when treatment is administered.      ful cancer detection tool in the future espe-
     customised biomarkers which can detect           Diffusion-weighted imag­ ng, which allows
                                                                             i                                                                            cially when biomarkers and molecular
     the smallest traces of the disease. The use of   the mapping of the diffu­ ion process of mol-
                                                                              s                          It is of course hard to predict how new          methods have been developed to their full
     radiolabelled glucose in combination with        ecules, has already shown some very positive       methods or devices will influence onco-          potential.

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                31

CT for tumour staging                 1.	 THE IMPORTANCE OF STAGING
CT in a patient with long-standing    2.	THE RADIOLOGIST TAKES CENTRE STAGE
upper abdominal pain shows a          3.	THE COMMUNICATION CHAIN
large, advanced pancreatic cancer     4.	LOOKING FORWARD
(arrows), which infiltrates the
surrounding vessels. The cancer
was found to be unresectable
because of the advanced stage at
the time of diagnosis.

                                                MAKING CANCER VISIBLE
                                                                                                                                                                         STAGING             THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY
                                                THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY               STAGING

                                                                                              “Once a histologic diagnosis
                                                                                                   is made, imaging is the
                                                                                               key diagnostic tool used to
                                                                                              stage the cancer – that is, to                                                                                                             Chemical exchange
                                                                                              determine exactly where the
                                                                                                primary tumour is located                                                                                                                 saturation transfer
                                                                                               and how far the cancer has                                                                                                                (CEST) imaging of a
                                                                                                spread. For some tumours,                                                                                                             malignant brain tumor
                                                                                                 imaging findings are still                                                                                                               Post-contrast T1-weighted image

There are many clinical factors that might      characterising tumours that have been
                                                                                                supplemented by findings           As Prof. Hricak says, as soon as cancer is diag-   is where the radiologist’s skill, and experi-
                                                                                              from surgery – but with the
raise the initial suspicion of cancer, and      evidenced via other methods, but it is also                                        nosed, the most important thing to establish,      ence of medical images, plays a very impor-
                                                                                                continuous advancement
there are various methods used to con-          extremely useful in taking the next step.                                          which will determine the first steps of treat-     tant part.
                                                                                                of cross-sectional imaging
firm its presence in one form or another.       Being able to visualise the exact location        and the development of           ment – if not the entire treatment plan – is
The actual diagnosis of cancer is generally     of a suspected tumour allows doctors to       molecular imaging, staging           the precise extent of the cancer. Doctors will
made through laboratory tests of a tissue       closely examine the surrounding area,             laparotomy is becoming           only know how to proceed by finding out             “Accurate staging is widely
sample collected through biopsy or sur-         providing a first impression of whether or      obsolete. Accurate staging         exactly where cancer is in the original site       based on imaging. No other
gery, the need for which is usually deter-      not any potential cancer may have spread,           is essential in order to       (the primary tumour), whether it has spread        test allows for the depiction
mined by blood tests, imaging, or both.         and if so, how far. Not only does this mean         select the appropriate         to other parts of the body (the process known      of both the primary tumour
So, imaging alone cannot provide definite       doctors can visually pick the best point in    treatment. Thus, by staging         as ‘metastasis’), and how large any tumours        and its potential metastases.
diagnosis, but it very often helps doctors to   that area for the biopsy sample to be taken        cancer, radiologists and        are. In this sense, staging is essentially the
                                                                                                                                                                                          The prognosis of any
reach their conclusion.                         from, but it also provides the first hints       other imaging specialists         reconnaissance, which informs exactly how
                                                                                                                                                                                       given malignant condition
                                                                                                   significantly influence                                                            depends on the initial stage
                                                as to the ‘stage’ of what may later be con-                                        the ‘battle plan’ of treatment will be drawn
                                                                                                          cancer care.”                                                                 at the time of diagnosis.”
As the previous chapter explained, radiol-      firmed as cancer.                                                                  up. Imaging is by far the most effective
                                                                                                        Prof. Hedvig Hricak, USA                                                             Prof. Anno Graser, Germany
ogy provides vital tools for detecting and                                                                                         method to accurately stage cancer, and this

34                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   35
                        MAKING CANCER VISIBLE
                                                                                                                                                          STAGING           THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY
                        THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY                  STAGING

                        The broad range of radiological tools and        scope (a very small tube containing a light   While complete staging relies on a com-                                                    ciplinary team of doctors, responsible for
                        techniques available means radiologists can      and camera) into the body.                    bination of clinical findings, including            “The radiologist has a                 the management of each cancer patient.
                        choose how to examine the body when stag                                                       blood tests, radiology provides the cen-       fundamental understanding                   Images obtained in the examinations will
                        ing cancer. The decision of which method         No single method is guaranteed to spot        tral and pivotal staging process, so the             of the strengths and                  be presented and commented on by the
                        to use can be influenced by various factors,     everything, but the big advantage of hav-     radiologist’s role at this point in the can-    weaknesses of the imaging                  radiologist, before being discussed by the
                        such as the area of the body where the pri-      ing so many options to choose from is that    cer care continuum is absolutely essen-           tools available and which                team, usually including oncologists and
                        mary tumour is located, the areas to which       they can often be used in combination to      tial. As well as managing and operating
                                                                                                                                                                      imaging modalities are best                 pathologists. Frequently, new questions
                        cancer is most likely to spread, the sensitiv-   provide a more comprehensive picture.         the equipment used for staging and diag-
                                                                                                                                                                       suited for the investigation               may be raised, due to new events or bio-
                                                                                                                                                                       of particular tumour types.
                        ity of the patient to radiation (influenced by                                                 nosis, and selecting the methods used to                                                   logical findings, and very commonly, the
                                                                                                                                                                        Particular cancers are best
                        age, physical condition, pregnancy, etc.) and,                                                 carry out the examinations, the radiolo-                                                   radiologist will return to previous exami-
                                                                                                                                                                         appreciated with certain
                        in some cases, the cost of the examination.      “In order to answer different                 gist is also the person who will analyse
                                                                                                                                                                       types of investigations and                nations with the same or another imaging
                                                                         questions, the radiologist can                and interpret the resulting images, with        a radiologist is best situated             tool, in order to characterise images or to
                        CT, PET-CT and, increasingly, MRI are perhaps     use all imaging techniques.                  reference to important clinical knowl-           to know which is the most                 ensure that nothing was missed.
                        the most commonly used methods employed               But it is important to                   edge about the patient’s current condi-           appropriate investigation
                        in staging, particularly where a whole-body       understand that there is no                  tion and medical history. The radiologist                   to use.”
                        exam is required, but other techniques such
                                                                          single perfect examination.                  is therefore relied upon not only to detect
Chemical exchange       as ultrasound, x-ray, and mammography are
                                                                         In most cases, a combination                  already evident findings, but to know to
                                                                                                                                                                            Prof. Andrew Little, Australia

saturation transfer                                                          of examinations is the
                        also commonly used. Aside from these meth-                                                     where a given tumour may spread and to
                                                                         appropriate strategy, even if
(CEST) imaging of a     ods, all of which are used to look inside the
                                                                         computed tomography is the                    confirm or exclude the presence of local       The radiologist’s expert analysis will be
malignant brain tumor   body from outside, doctors may also occa-
                                                                             usual starting point.”                    and distant metastases (the new sites          an integral factor in the decision about
CEST image              sionally use endoscopy in the course of stag-                                                  of spread) through detailed analysis of        the course of action to be taken, but the
                                                                                   Prof. Yves Menu, France
                        ing, which involves the insertion of an endo-                                                  these locations.                               decisions are usually made by a multidis-

36                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       37
                                                                                                                                         STAGING             THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY

     There are usually many people involved       doctors from various branches of medi-            well as numerous other physicians, includ-        tion findings for the team, as well as pro-     When it comes to informing the patient
     in the management of an individual case      cine, all of whom work together closely to        ing those who specialise in the particular        viding recommendations and coordination         of the actual diagnosis, this is done by the
     of cancer, some of whom the patient will     achieve the best possible results. At every       body regions affected.                            of follow-up (covered in chapter five of this   oncologist or referring physician in the
     have close contact with and some of whom     stage of a patient’s progress, meetings usu-                                                        booklet). Although patients may not neces-      majority of cases, although occasionally the
     remain very much ‘behind the scenes’.        ally take place that draw on the expertise        Individual team members are involved to           sarily hear directly from radiologists, their   radiologist will be involved. This varies from
     Most healthcare institutions take a mul-     of oncologists (cancer specialists), patholo-     varying degrees in the different steps of can-    involvement in meetings, and particularly       country to country, but in general the radiol-
     tidisciplinary approach to cancer care,      gists (specialists in disease processes), radi-   cer care, but communication is still vital. For   through frequent contact with the referring     ogist will only be consulted when the patient
     meaning that the management of each          ation oncologists (specialists in treating        the radiologist, this means compiling clear,      clinician, is an important factor in cancer     has a particular question.
     patient is the responsibility of a team of   cancer with radiation), and radiologists, as      detailed and accurate reports on examina-         management.

       “At a local level good communication with all members                                          “In China, patients receive their                          “Depending on local clinical practice, the radiologist
         of the multidisciplinary team managing a patient is                                         medical imaging reports from the                            either talks to the patient directly, or to the referring
       key to quality care. It is now routine in many countries                                      department of radiology, and they                             physician. In Germany, for example, most private
       for the initial diagnosis, imaging staging and potential                                      will see their physicians/surgeons                          radiology centres offer direct patient interviews and
     management strategies for cancer patients to be discussed in                                    with the reports. Occasionally, the                           discussion of findings after the imaging. In most
     a multidisciplinary team meeting. This ensures that there is                                    patient will consult the radiologist                        hospitals, however, that is impossible to provide and
              good communication between all parties.”                                                directly and the radiologist will                          findings will be communicated to the patient during
                                Prof. Vicky Goh, United Kingdom                                     provide the necessary explanations.”                                      clinical rounds on the ward.”
                                                                                                                    Prof. Feng Feng, China                                                Prof. Anno Graser, Germany

38                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             39
                                               MAKING CANCER VISIBLE
                                                                                                                                                        STAGING   THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY
                                               THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY                 STAGING

                                                                                                                                                   “Not only can the same type of cancer
                                                                                                                                               behave differently in different patients, but
LOOKING                                                                                                                                          even within a single patient, metastatic
FORWARD                                                                                                                                           tumours arising from the same cancer
                                                                                                                                                    may behave differently. In fact, even
                                                                                                                                                 different regions within a single tumour
                                                                                                                                                  may have their own distinct molecular
Due to the nature of the tasks involved,       Arguably, the most significant advances         Molecular imaging in general is an
many of the advances being made in radiol-     being made are related to molecular imag-       extremely promising field, which benefits

                                                                                                                                                     characteristics. Because molecular
ogy to benefit cancer staging are the same     ing, which is used to observe molecular         all the stages of cancer management where
as, or similar to, those benefitting detec-    changes on a cellular level, and specifi-       images are involved, i.e. diagnosis, staging,

                                                                                                                                                  imaging can distinguish differences in
tion and characterisation (described in the    cally positron emission tomography (PET),       treatment evaluation, and follow-up. The
previous chapter). Incremental improve-        which is usually used in combination with       most important feature of these tests is that
ments in the many technical components of
today’s common imaging equipment mean
                                               high quality CT or MR scans. PET is an espe-
                                               cially sensitive imaging tool, which relies
                                                                                               they combine, in a single scan, morphologi-
                                                                                               cal (anatomical), physiological (functional)     these characteristics within and between
that progress is always being made and that
the resolution and clarity of images are on
                                               on the unusually high rate of metabolic
                                               activity that occurs in cancer tissue to pro-
                                                                                               and metabolic information. This means that
                                                                                               doctors can obtain an unprecedented level         tumours, the role of imaging specialists
the rise. But new developments also include
the additional features that are being added
                                               duce three-dimensional images of particu-
                                               lar functional processes. The combination
                                                                                               of detail about the nature of cancer tissue,
                                                                                               even to the extent that fine differences can
                                                                                                                                                in diagnosing, characterising, and staging
to existing technology, such as functional     of PET with CT or MR provides far superior      be detected between individual tumours
                                                                                                                                                     cancer, as well as determining the
                                                                                                                                                appropriate treatment, is likely to become
imaging: the ability to visualise processes    images, which help the radiologist to accu-     in a single patient, which could prove to
in the body, such as blood flow and other      rately localise the active cancer tissue to a   be invaluable when it comes to planning

                                                                                                                                                 even more pronounced with progress in
functional (or physiological) processes.       particular site or organ.                       therapy.

                                                                                                                                                molecular imaging and targeted therapy.”
                                                                                                                                                                   Prof. Hedvig Hricak, USA

40                                                                                                                                                                                                  41
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Idor 2012 oncology_imaging
Idor 2012 oncology_imaging
Idor 2012 oncology_imaging
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Idor 2012 oncology_imaging

  • 1. PREVENTION MAKING CANCER VISIBLE AND SCREENING THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY making cancer visible the role of imaging in oncology 1
  • 2. An Introduction Page 4 Prevention & Screening Page 7 1. The value of screening in cancer care Page 8 2. National screening programmes: objectives and reality Page 11 3. Patient information Page 12 4. Things to keep in mind before an examination is carried out Page 14 5. Future developments Page 17 AN INITIATIVE OF THE ESR, ACR AND RSNA Detection Page 19 1. Medical imaging in the detection of cancer Page 21 2. The role and skills of the radiologist Page 24 3. The communication flow Page 27 4. Informing the public Page 28 5. Future developments Page 30 Staging Page 33 1. The importance of staging Page 34 2. The radiologist takes centre stage Page 36 3. The communication chain Page 38 4. Looking forward Page 40 Published by the Treatment & Therapy Page 43 1. Treatment monitoring with imaging: saving time Page 44 ESR – European Society of Radiology 2. The growing use of image-guided therapies Page 46 In cooperation with 3. Interventional radiology and minimally invasive treatments Page 48 ESOI – European Society of Oncologic Imaging October 2012 4. Future developments Page 50 Coordination: ESR Office, Neutorgasse 9, 1010 Vienna, Austria Follow-up Care Page 53 Phone: (+ 43 1) 533 40 64-0 1. The importance of follow-up care Page 54 Fax: (+ 43 1) 533 40 64-441 2. Tools of the trade Page 56 E-Mail: 3. The radiologist’s role Page 59 4. What the public should know about imaging in follow-up care Page 60 Managing Editor: Julia Patuzzi About the Interviewees Page 63 Editors: Simon Lee, Michael Crean Contributing Writers: Michael Crean (Chapter 5), Simon Lee (Chapter 3), Mélisande Rouger (Chapter 1+4), David Zizka (Chapter 2) Art Direction & Layout: Robert Punz Glossary Page 69 Photo Credits: see page 94 The logo for the International Day of Radiology was been created with the help of the MR Center of Excellence in Vienna, Austria. We would like to thank Prof. Siegfried Trattnig and Ms. Claudia Kronnerwetter for their valuable help.
  • 3. PREVENTION MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE PREVENTION AND SCREENING THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY AND SCREENING Making Cancer Visible: the Role of Imaging in Oncology An Introduction Cancer, in all of its more-than-200 forms, is one a very large proportion of this progress is being medical imaging, as well as the expertise of those ing, from every continent, each of whom has pro- of the leading causes of death worldwide. Accord- made in the field of medical imaging. who practise it, is indispensable. vided their valuable input via short interviews. ing to the World Health Organisation, the disease This material has been put together with the lay- accounted for around 13% of all deaths in 2008. Although oncology is the branch of medicine that This booklet, which has been produced especially person in mind, but as an aid to the newcomer to Due to its high incidence, most people know some- traditionally deals with cancer, modern cancer for the first International Day of Radiology, aims radiology and medical imaging, we have included thing about the disease and, inevitably, the major- care is a multidisciplinary undertaking, and spe- to highlight the essential contribution imaging a glossary of terms at the back of the booklet. ity also know someone who has been afflicted by cialists in medical imaging – whether they are makes to five major steps in the cancer care chain: it. But its prevalence also makes cancer a very high radiologists or practitioners of nuclear medicine screening and prevention; detection; staging; We hope that this publication will provide some priority for research and healthcare investment. – are essential members of the team. The techno- treatment and therapy; and follow-up. useful insights into the role of radiology and med- Aside from the continuing search for a cure, huge logical advances made in imaging equipment and ical imaging in cancer care, and we sincerely hope global efforts are being made to improve the pre- the development of specific techniques for every The whole booklet has been written with the gen- it provides a few reasons to celebrate the Interna- vention, detection, and treatment of cancer, and stage of cancer care mean that the contribution of erous assistance of 15 experts in oncologic imag- tional Day of Radiology with us on November 8. 4 5
  • 5. PREVENTION MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE PREVENTION AND SCREENING THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY AND SCREENING THE VALUE OF SCREENING IN CANCER CARE Dynamic Contrast- Enhanced MR image of breast cancer Radiology’s role is central to cancer man- Early detection and prevention of disease There are many ways for radiologists to mography screening has helped reduce agement, with a wide choice of tools and has become crucial in the fight against identify the early signs of an individual breast cancer mortality by 30%, according techniques available for the detection, cancer, especially in people at higher risk developing cancer. Of the various tools to a recent study, which was conducted staging and treatment of the disease. But of developing malignancy, a part of the available, those that use x-ray technology, over almost three decades1. what is less well known is the value of general population that will continue to such as mammography for breast cancer medical imaging in recognising early man- grow worldwide in the decades to come. screening, are standard examinations. A recent National Lung Screening Trial ifestations of cancer and small clinically Recently, multidetector computed tomo- (NLST) in the United States showed a reduc- undetectable tumours before they become graphy (CT), a computerised imaging tool tion of 20% in lung cancer mortality among clinically apparent; a capacity that pushes “Of course, there is no which is used to create 3D images based on heavy smokers who were screened with radiology to the fore of oncologic care. guarantee that radiology can x-rays, has shown its strength in applica- low-dose spiral CT versus those screened prevent cancer before it is tions such as colorectal cancer screening. with traditional chest x-ray. Medical experts agree that most cancers there, but it is of tremendous Multidetector CT is now being used much can be dealt with effectively if detected help in detecting pre- more frequently in the detection of pre- early. In this respect, imaging is, second cancerous situations like malignant lesions, so-called polyps, in the “This adds to existing only to lab tests, when it comes to the most colonic polyps and liver large bowel, the discovery – followed by successful imaging cirrhotic nodules. If we screening studies such as valuable tools cancer care teams have at endoscopic resection – of which may sig- detect a tumour early, it breast and colon. Without their disposal. In particular, different radio- nificantly improve patient prognosis by may make treatment much question, early detection of The study ‘Swedish Two-County Trial’ was published in logical tests have become very helpful in prompting appropriate management. simpler and cheaper and 1 disease is greatly improved 2011 in Radiology by Dr. László Tabár et al. The longest study screening as they can show precancerous may even save lives.” with imaging.” ever conducted, it demonstrated that, 29 years after their first mammogram, women who were invited to get routine lesions before they become malignant and The benefits of screening have been proven Prof. Yves Menu, France Dr. Reginald Munden, USA screening had a significant reduction in breast cancer mor- cause symptoms. repeatedly since its introduction. Mam- tality compared to those who received usual care. 8 9
  • 6. PREVENTION MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE PREVENTION AND SCREENING THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY AND SCREENING NATIONAL SCREENING PROGRAMMES: OBJECTIVES AND REALITY Most countries acknowledge the impor- screening programmes for breast and cer- dence is expected to increase by as much as tance of running national screening pro- vical cancer, and many of those who have 90% by 2030, according to a recent study2. grammes for certain groups of patients. not already launched nationwide pro- However, today, the only widespread grammes for colorectal cancer are plan- screening programmes are for breast cancer ning to introduce them soon. Lung cancer “In most developing in women usually aged roughly between 40 is also under evaluation as a possible sub- countries, access to screening and 74, who represent the group with the ject of screening in many countries. is extremely limited or highest risk of developing cancer. even non-existent. Given Setting up a national screening pro- that cancer incidence is gramme is a complex task, partly because expected to rise dramatically “Large series seem to it is difficult to define precise target groups in some of these countries prove the benefit of such in the coming decades, the with age limits, similar clinical histories, a screening, at least global medical community and various other characteristics. Guide- in a carefully selected should work together to lines for screening are determined locally population.” define minimum screening and based on the resources of healthcare recommendations for all Prof. Yves Menu, France systems, the health concerns of the popu- countries and to provide lation, and cultural attitudes and priorities. the necessary resources – Screening practices vary considerably from including equipment and one country to another. While Korea offers High rates of under-reported disease pres- training – for essential screening on a national level for stom- ent another challenge in collecting clear screening programmes.” ach, liver, colorectal, breast and uterine and reliable figures, while restricted access Prof. Hedvig Hricak, USA cervix cancer, the most common types in to the latest technology remains a problem that country, China and South Africa, for in many parts of the world. The absence of 2 The study ‘Global cancer transitions according to the example, do not yet have any established adequate tools for detecting early or pre- Human Development Index (2008–2030): a population- based study’ was led by Dr. Freddie Bray of the International national screening programmes. Most cancerous conditions is all the more alarm- Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and published in The countries in America and Europe operate ing in poorer countries, where cancer inci- Lancet Oncology in June 2012. 10 11
  • 7. PREVENTION MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE PREVENTION AND SCREENING THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY AND SCREENING PATIENT INFORMATION Diffusion cellularity map reflects the probability of cancer in the central prostate gland. Without such global guidelines or nation- should be screened for lung cancer. For wide screening programmes, it is all the women with a lifetime cancer risk of 20% or “Providing the public with “A lot depends on the more important to provide clear recom- greater, for instance women with a genetic complete information is educational level of the mendations to patients. Some people are risk, a breast examination with magnetic really a key issue for the population. Unfortunately, in more at risk than others due to their clini- resonance imaging (MRI) is recommended. success of a screening developing countries, there cal history or family background, and doc- People with liver cirrhosis and/or hepatitis campaign. Having the are still great challenges tors can advise them on how to proceed to B or C virus should be screened to detect patient as a partner makes to achieving a satisfactory avoid any future complications. any signs of liver cancer. everything easier.” level of understanding of Prof. Yves Menu, France these issues. The population needs to be informed People can obtain information about about the importance of “People who have high risk screening from their general practitioners, Public awareness campaigns play a major imaging in cancer screening factors, such as a family gynaecologists, urologists, and any other role in this dialogue, and the participation programmes, in order for history of particular cancers specialist, who should be able to advise of institutional partners is highly desir- them to be able to demand and some related gene when to screen and for what. Some patients able. Healthcare stakeholders and cancer health authorities to set up carriers, should be screened.” may also benefit from their companies’ patient societies should be incorporated such programmes.” Prof. Feng Feng, China medical insurance, which in some coun- into these campaigns. Prof. Marcos Duarte Guimaraes, Brazil tries may cover the annual health-check It is generally accepted that people aged for their employees over a certain age. The Information is also key to improving pub- over 55, with a smoking history of one pack success of screening depends entirely on lic healthcare. The more informed the pub- per day over 30 years, and former smok- how well-informed the public is and on the lic is, the likelier they are to push their gov- ers, who have quit within the last 15 years, health policies of each country. ernments to take action. 12 13
  • 8. PREVENTION MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE PREVENTION AND SCREENING THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY AND SCREENING THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND BEFORE AN EXAMINATION IS CARRIED OUT F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET-CT of lung cancer 18 with mediastinal lymph node metastases Cancer screening undoubtedly brings ben- image, may also cause allergies and kidney efits, when it leads to the identification of “Disadvantages are minor dysfunction in sensitive patients. On the “False positive diagnosis may cancer before it poses a real danger and compared to the lives saved other hand, ultrasound examinations used result in over-investigation of requires intensive and often expensive by the technology. Most in ovarian cancer screening, for example, what ultimately turns out to treatment. But one should also be aware of radiological tests used for have no side effects at all. As for multide- be a benign condition. This can the risks that are associated with imaging early detection of disease tector CT colonography, it causes much less in turn result in unnecessary examinations. have no or minimal side discomfort than conventional colonoscopy anxiety in the patient and effects that are greatly in screening for colon cancer, and can be unnecessary costs.” outweighed by the benefits.” Dr. Adriana Dieguez, Argentina Mammography, for instance, involves a carried out much more rapidly. Prof. Anno Graser, Germany small amount of ionising radiation, which can have a potentially carcinogenic effect. Finally, one should not underestimate the The best option for patients is to discuss all Because it also uses x-ray technology, CT is Some examinations, like mammography, risk of false positive diagnosis and the series these issues directly with their doctors, who not a risk free procedure either. However, may also cause discomfort to patients, of costly examinations it can trigger. A false should inform them of all the possible risks, radiation risks remain very low and must because they will have a device pressed positive result indicates that a person has as well as the benefits, before deciding to be weighed against the benefits brought firmly against their bodies. The use of con- a given condition when they do not. For undergo screening tests. Patients should by the examination. trast products, media swallowed or injected instance, a cancer test might return positive know that screening is not perfect; it may into the body to enhance the contrast of an when the person is actually healthy. not detect every cancer, but it can detect can- cer early enough to achieve remission. 14 15
  • 9. PREVENTION MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE PREVENTION AND SCREENING THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY AND SCREENING FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Imaging techniques have significantly Radiologists are increasingly using radia- rent trend in screening is toward person- improved in recent decades. As technolo- tion dose reduction strategies, which min- alisation, to find out the individual’s risk gies are constantly being refined, imag- imise the potential risks of radiation in of cancer, based on very specific biological ing modalities will become even more x-ray-based imaging modalities without tests. accurate and reliable in the future. Low- compromising image quality. Computer- dose chest spiral CT in lung cancer screen- aided detection and diagnosis systems ing is very promising. But there are still can reduce the rate of missed cancers “We all know that some enormous challenges and questions to be and may also help to characterise early people are more predisposed answered before this technique can be lesions. Researchers are also working on to some cancers, and we approved for use around the world. One ways to identify high-risk subjects, based should maintain our of the main problems remains the sig- on molecular or genetic studies, which progress in the ability to nificant disparity in access to and use of may enhance screening effectiveness. propose to the individual a tools for prevention and early detection screening programme that is tailored, rather than a ‘mass of cancer. Cooperation with other medical specialties product’.” is key to these achievements. Radiologists Prof. Yves Menu, France already work in multidisciplinary teams to A 3-dimensional image from a neurosurgical navigational system, “It is desirable to develop treat cancer patients. Close collaboration which allows the neurosurgeon to see functional information during strategies to enable with other specialists, for instance biolo- In addition to the benefits brought by the operation. The tumour is in yellow. The motor cortex (the part of new technologies to be gists, physicists and doctors of nuclear imaging, diet and obesity management, as the brain that controls motor function) is in red. Purple indicates the implemented universally in medicine is fundamental to the develop- well as environmental and lifestyle modi- order to reduce mortality.” large veins overlying the surface of the brain. Dr. Adriana Dieguez, Argentina ment of new screening tools. As is the case fications, may also help to prevent cancer in many other areas of medicine, the cur- in the future. 16 17
  • 11. MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE DETECTION THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY DETECTION MEDICAL IMAGING IN THE DETECTION OF CANCER Imaging plays a major role in the detection tion of a malignancy while participating in onance imaging (MRI) and mammography, of cancer as it provides a detailed insight a screening programme. the latter being used specifically to detect into the exact location and extent of the breast cancer. disease. It can also provide detailed infor- mation about structural or cancer-related “Certainly radiology is by far changes. Emerging methods of molecular the best method for cancer “The technique of choice imaging, which combine traditional imag- detection in the majority of depends on the type and site ing technology and nuclear medicine tech- cancers. However, the vast of the cancer. All of these niques, can also be used to obtain more majority of tumours are only modalities provide cross- detailed information about abnormalities, apparent with an advanced sectional anatomical images. including their distinct metabolism. test, especially at the initial US and CT are generally stage, and radiology is less expensive and more certainly the major player.” widely available than MRI There are various ways to detect cancer Prof. Yves Menu, France and are therefore used more Contrast-Enhanced Spectral using imaging methods. Cancer may be detected incidentally, when an examina- frequently around Mammography shows the world.” tion is carried out for other reasons, or there Modern medical technology offers a wide enhancing cancer that was not may be clear symptoms and the patient range of imaging methods to imaging spe- Prof. Hedvig Hricak, USA seen on mammography may undergo imaging to confirm, locate, cialists. Well known methods used for the and determine the extent of the disease. detection of cancer are ultrasound (US), In many cases cancer is identified based Another possibility is of course the detec- computed tomography (CT), magnetic res- on the discovery of abnormalities in the 20 21
  • 12. MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE DETECTION THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY DETECTION appearance of soft tissue and bone. But changes, which opens up a completely new ity are collected for further examination, is improved to generate higher resolution there are also functional imaging tech- field of possibilities such as earlier detec- necessary. images while significantly decreasing the niques, which detect physiological or func- tion and better understanding of tumour amount of radiation and exposure time. tional changes, such as specific changes in development. One of the most promising Side-effects may occur and vary depend- blood flow that can also signify the pres- molecular imaging techniques is positron ing on the method used and the area of ence of cancer. emission tomography (PET), which is most the body to be examined. The use of con- “Effects on the patient can often combined with CT (PET-CT) and used trast agents may cause allergies and may be considered as related A very promising set of imaging techniques to track probes in order to detect meta- pose risks to patients with renal insuf- to discomfort during the are available to radiologists through the static disease. ficiency. Techniques such as US and MRI test, use of contrast agents, methods of molecular imaging, which dif- do not entail any radiation exposure and irradiation and directly fers from traditional imaging in that bio- When it comes to the characterisation of are generally considered to be very safe. invasive tests such as marker probes are used to target specific a finding, or the differentiation between In some situations however, MRI is not biopsies. Radiation effects are from ionising radiation areas or suspicious findings. In general, a malignant or benign abnormality, it is recommended, for instance in patients from x-ray and CT. Effects a biomarker is anything that can be used sometimes difficult to reach a final diag- with a pacemaker or other metallic are proportional to the dose as an indicator of disease or changes in nosis. To avoid unnecessary invasive pro- implant, because of the magnetic field of radiation and cumulative the human body, which interacts chemi- cedures and save the patient further dis- used during the examination. Methods like effects of multiple cally with its surroundings to produce an comfort, a comparison of various images, x-ray and CT, on the other hand, expose the examinations although effect that can then be seen on the screen. often obtained through different methods, patient to ionising radiation. Radiologists these are seldom relevant in In comparison to other methods which is the first step towards a final diagnosis. If always use the lowest radiation dose pos- daily practice.” show changes in size, density or water con- a definite diagnosis still cannot be made, a sible to get the desired results and mod- Dr. Jean de Villiers, South Africa tent, the radiologist can observe molecular biopsy, where small parts of the abnormal- ern imaging devices are constantly being 22 23
  • 13. MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE DETECTION THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY DETECTION THE ROLE AND THE SKILLS OF THE RADIOLOGIST Detection of hepatocellular carcinoma The radiologist is likely to be the first per- When it comes to cancer, patient care is son to detect a tumour based on either “Image interpretation is the a team effort and not the work of a sin- “A lot of communication clear symptoms or previous suspicions. most visible contribution of gle doctor. A multidisciplinary approach takes place with the clinical Imaging specialists also detect cancer radiologists. Diagnosis by expert and good teamwork between the various oncologists and surgeons, during routine screening and are the radiologists is based on the physicians are crucial to the successful usually in the context of most experienced physicians in choos- extensive knowledge of anatomy, care of cancer patients from detection to regular multidisciplinary ing from a wide range of available imag- normal variations, pathology treatment and follow-up. The role of the committee meetings. ing techniques in order to get the best and technical principles of the radiologist is not limited to the phase However, it is good practice to imaging modality.” communicate with colleagues results. When a tumour or an abnormal- between detection and diagnosis but Prof. Hiroshi Honda, Japan who have referred patients for ity is detected, the first task of the radi- extends further, as radiology will also examinations and, obviously, ologist is to identify the exact location of be involved in the choice of therapy, its are in charge of the patient. the tumour and the extent of the disease. A radiologist is not only an expert in the field monitoring, delivery, and follow-up. In This communication can After the detection of cancer, the radiolo- of imaging techniques, but also an expert in hospitals especially, a multidisciplinary be by telephone, e-mail or gist interprets the cross-sectional images understanding the patterns and appearance approach to the fight against cancer is videoconference.” of the patient, makes the diagnosis and of cancer in various body parts and organs very common and radiologists frequently Dr. Adriana Dieguez, Argentina determines the stage and extent of the as well as ways of local and distant spread of work in a team together with other spe- disease based on their findings. different tumours, so-called metastases. cialists. 24 25
  • 14. MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE DETECTION THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY DETECTION THE COMMUNICATION FLOW Characterisation of When the final diagnosis is reached and more involved. When working in multidis- equivocal ultrasound clarified, the next step is to inform the ciplinary teams, the attending physician “For instance, if a cancer is detected, the patient should findings (not shown) patient of their condition and the further often requests that the radiologist be pres- be very clearly encouraged with CT. CT of the kidney steps and treatment options available. At this stage, the role and the involvement of ent when the patient is informed of a find- ing, so that specific questions regarding to consult his referring shows a cystic structure the radiologist vary and are strongly depen- imaging can be answered by a specialist. clinician very soon in order in the left kidney (white dent upon the local situation. In most cases to organise the medical arrow). However, this it is referring physicians who will inform The radiologist is in many cases the first strategy. More and more is not a simple cyst. CT the patient about the results, as they are person to detect a tumour, but rarely the the patients ask for clearly shared comprehensive demonstrates a solid generally the people who have the most one who informs the patient. But the radi- information. However, this nodule (green arrow), detailed knowledge of the patient’s medi- ologist is still left with a degree of per- is not a simple situation, which is suspicious for a cal history. There are also cases, where sonal responsibility as the patient has to because it may change cystic cancer. the final diagnosis can only be reached be advised to see their attending physician the patient’s life, so the by performing a pathological test, which quickly to discuss their diagnosis and fur- way the information is excludes the participation of a radiologist. ther options. He should make it clear to the communicated should be But the conventional background role of patient that they should seek further treat- considered very carefully.” the radiologist is changing slightly as the ment and see their doctor. In these situa- Prof. Yves Menu, France multidisciplinary approach and patients’ tions, patients might also ask the radiolo- demands make the radiologist more and gist directly for clear information. 26 27
  • 15. MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE DETECTION THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY DETECTION INFORMING “The population should THE PUBLIC be informed about the importance of imaging in cancer detection. With imaging being one of the major play- undergo a specific procedure. It is also in the ers in the fight against cancer, it is impera- public’s best interests to be aware of the spe- tive that the public be well informed about cific costs of imaging and whether a referral Thus the population its benefits and possibilities. The early detec- is needed if they want to see a specialist or tion of cancer, its prognosis and detailed undergo a specific imaging examination. information about the extent of the disease will be able to require wouldn’t be available to patients without Besides all the information on the benefits medical imaging. All further treatment of modern imaging, the public should also that health authorities decisions are based on these findings. be made aware of the possible disadvan- tages and side effects which go hand in Computed tomography There is also a need to inform the public hand with some techniques. Some methods take action aimed at about the wide range of imaging tech- expose the human body to larger amounts image of the chest using niques available and which are the best of radiation than others and some such as low radiation dose implementing cancer diagnostic tests for a specific cancer or ultrasound and MRI use no radiation at all. condition. More recently developed meth- It is important for patients to be aware of ods such as PET-CT are not well known to those facts in order to understand why the detection.” patients, but bring crucial benefits to the radiologist has to decide in each individ- field of oncologic imaging. ual case which method is the most appro- priate. This is particularly important for Information on the availability of the dif- patients with special conditions, who may Prof. Marcos Duarte Guimaraes, Brazil ferent methods, whether they are available for instance be allergic to contrast agents at all or only in specialised hospital depart- or have metal implants, in the case of MRI ments, would make it easier for patients to examination. Pregnancy also limits the use consider their options when they have to of some methods. 28 29
  • 16. MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE DETECTION THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY DETECTION FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Breast MR image of Invasive Lobular Carcinoma Medical imaging strongly depends on tech- PET, which is able to produce a 3D image of nology, so progress and further develop- a functional process in the body, has become “PET-MR is a cutting-edge imaging modality and has been ments in the field of imaging technology an integral part of cancer diagnosis. As released by some vendors very recently. Compared to are vital to the progress of the discipline tumours or inflammation use up high levels PET-CT, PET-MR provides a better background image with itself. Over the last 40 years, there have of glucose, the radiologist can easily track the improved soft tissue contrast without radiation exposure. been major innovations in the field of med- location and spread of the disease. Moreover, integration of molecular and functional ical imaging, such as CT and MRI, which information generated from PET and MR could provide currently achieve a high level of diagnos- But it is not only newly developed meth- useful information in characterising the cancer.” tic accuracy and spatial resolution when ods that bring about improvements in can- Prof. Hiroshi Honda, Japan combined with the methods of molecular cer detection; established methods such as imaging, which is for many radiologists MRI also have a lot to offer. At the moment the most promising tool for the future. most MR devices operate at a magnetic field- results, and will certainly see further devel- logic imaging and when patients will ben- strength of 1.5 and 3 Tesla, but in experiments opments that will aid understanding of the efit from it. What can be said for sure is that The very early stages of cancer and other ill- strengths of up to 11 Tesla have been achieved function, structure and evolution of tissues imaging will become an even more power- nesses should then become detectable using and provide extremely high quality images. like cancer when treatment is administered. ful cancer detection tool in the future espe- customised biomarkers which can detect Diffusion-weighted imag­ ng, which allows i cially when biomarkers and molecular the smallest traces of the disease. The use of the mapping of the diffu­ ion process of mol- s It is of course hard to predict how new methods have been developed to their full radiolabelled glucose in combination with ecules, has already shown some very positive methods or devices will influence onco- potential. 30 31
  • 17. Staging CT for tumour staging 1. THE IMPORTANCE OF STAGING CT in a patient with long-standing 2. THE RADIOLOGIST TAKES CENTRE STAGE upper abdominal pain shows a 3. THE COMMUNICATION CHAIN large, advanced pancreatic cancer 4. LOOKING FORWARD (arrows), which infiltrates the surrounding vessels. The cancer was found to be unresectable because of the advanced stage at the time of diagnosis. 33
  • 18. MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE STAGING THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY STAGING THE IMPORTANCE OF STAGING “Once a histologic diagnosis is made, imaging is the key diagnostic tool used to stage the cancer – that is, to Chemical exchange determine exactly where the primary tumour is located saturation transfer and how far the cancer has (CEST) imaging of a spread. For some tumours, malignant brain tumor imaging findings are still Post-contrast T1-weighted image There are many clinical factors that might characterising tumours that have been supplemented by findings As Prof. Hricak says, as soon as cancer is diag- is where the radiologist’s skill, and experi- from surgery – but with the raise the initial suspicion of cancer, and evidenced via other methods, but it is also nosed, the most important thing to establish, ence of medical images, plays a very impor- continuous advancement there are various methods used to con- extremely useful in taking the next step. which will determine the first steps of treat- tant part. of cross-sectional imaging firm its presence in one form or another. Being able to visualise the exact location and the development of ment – if not the entire treatment plan – is The actual diagnosis of cancer is generally of a suspected tumour allows doctors to molecular imaging, staging the precise extent of the cancer. Doctors will made through laboratory tests of a tissue closely examine the surrounding area, laparotomy is becoming only know how to proceed by finding out “Accurate staging is widely sample collected through biopsy or sur- providing a first impression of whether or obsolete. Accurate staging exactly where cancer is in the original site based on imaging. No other gery, the need for which is usually deter- not any potential cancer may have spread, is essential in order to (the primary tumour), whether it has spread test allows for the depiction mined by blood tests, imaging, or both. and if so, how far. Not only does this mean select the appropriate to other parts of the body (the process known of both the primary tumour So, imaging alone cannot provide definite doctors can visually pick the best point in treatment. Thus, by staging as ‘metastasis’), and how large any tumours and its potential metastases. diagnosis, but it very often helps doctors to that area for the biopsy sample to be taken cancer, radiologists and are. In this sense, staging is essentially the The prognosis of any reach their conclusion. from, but it also provides the first hints other imaging specialists reconnaissance, which informs exactly how given malignant condition significantly influence depends on the initial stage as to the ‘stage’ of what may later be con- the ‘battle plan’ of treatment will be drawn cancer care.” at the time of diagnosis.” As the previous chapter explained, radiol- firmed as cancer. up. Imaging is by far the most effective Prof. Hedvig Hricak, USA Prof. Anno Graser, Germany ogy provides vital tools for detecting and method to accurately stage cancer, and this 34 35
  • 19. MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE STAGING THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY STAGING THE RADIOLOGIST TAKES CENTRE STAGE The broad range of radiological tools and scope (a very small tube containing a light While complete staging relies on a com- ciplinary team of doctors, responsible for techniques available means radiologists can and camera) into the body. bination of clinical findings, including “The radiologist has a the management of each cancer patient. choose how to examine the body when stag blood tests, radiology provides the cen- fundamental understanding Images obtained in the examinations will ing cancer. The decision of which method No single method is guaranteed to spot tral and pivotal staging process, so the of the strengths and be presented and commented on by the to use can be influenced by various factors, everything, but the big advantage of hav- radiologist’s role at this point in the can- weaknesses of the imaging radiologist, before being discussed by the such as the area of the body where the pri- ing so many options to choose from is that cer care continuum is absolutely essen- tools available and which team, usually including oncologists and mary tumour is located, the areas to which they can often be used in combination to tial. As well as managing and operating imaging modalities are best pathologists. Frequently, new questions cancer is most likely to spread, the sensitiv- provide a more comprehensive picture. the equipment used for staging and diag- suited for the investigation may be raised, due to new events or bio- of particular tumour types. ity of the patient to radiation (influenced by nosis, and selecting the methods used to logical findings, and very commonly, the Particular cancers are best age, physical condition, pregnancy, etc.) and, carry out the examinations, the radiolo- radiologist will return to previous exami- appreciated with certain in some cases, the cost of the examination. “In order to answer different gist is also the person who will analyse types of investigations and nations with the same or another imaging questions, the radiologist can and interpret the resulting images, with a radiologist is best situated tool, in order to characterise images or to CT, PET-CT and, increasingly, MRI are perhaps use all imaging techniques. reference to important clinical knowl- to know which is the most ensure that nothing was missed. the most commonly used methods employed But it is important to edge about the patient’s current condi- appropriate investigation in staging, particularly where a whole-body understand that there is no tion and medical history. The radiologist to use.” exam is required, but other techniques such single perfect examination. is therefore relied upon not only to detect Chemical exchange as ultrasound, x-ray, and mammography are In most cases, a combination already evident findings, but to know to Prof. Andrew Little, Australia saturation transfer of examinations is the also commonly used. Aside from these meth- where a given tumour may spread and to appropriate strategy, even if (CEST) imaging of a ods, all of which are used to look inside the computed tomography is the confirm or exclude the presence of local The radiologist’s expert analysis will be malignant brain tumor body from outside, doctors may also occa- usual starting point.” and distant metastases (the new sites an integral factor in the decision about CEST image sionally use endoscopy in the course of stag- of spread) through detailed analysis of the course of action to be taken, but the Prof. Yves Menu, France ing, which involves the insertion of an endo- these locations. decisions are usually made by a multidis- 36 37
  • 20. MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE STAGING THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY STAGING THE COMMUNICATION CHAIN There are usually many people involved doctors from various branches of medi- well as numerous other physicians, includ- tion findings for the team, as well as pro- When it comes to informing the patient in the management of an individual case cine, all of whom work together closely to ing those who specialise in the particular viding recommendations and coordination of the actual diagnosis, this is done by the of cancer, some of whom the patient will achieve the best possible results. At every body regions affected. of follow-up (covered in chapter five of this oncologist or referring physician in the have close contact with and some of whom stage of a patient’s progress, meetings usu- booklet). Although patients may not neces- majority of cases, although occasionally the remain very much ‘behind the scenes’. ally take place that draw on the expertise Individual team members are involved to sarily hear directly from radiologists, their radiologist will be involved. This varies from Most healthcare institutions take a mul- of oncologists (cancer specialists), patholo- varying degrees in the different steps of can- involvement in meetings, and particularly country to country, but in general the radiol- tidisciplinary approach to cancer care, gists (specialists in disease processes), radi- cer care, but communication is still vital. For through frequent contact with the referring ogist will only be consulted when the patient meaning that the management of each ation oncologists (specialists in treating the radiologist, this means compiling clear, clinician, is an important factor in cancer has a particular question. patient is the responsibility of a team of cancer with radiation), and radiologists, as detailed and accurate reports on examina- management. “At a local level good communication with all members “In China, patients receive their “Depending on local clinical practice, the radiologist of the multidisciplinary team managing a patient is medical imaging reports from the either talks to the patient directly, or to the referring key to quality care. It is now routine in many countries department of radiology, and they physician. In Germany, for example, most private for the initial diagnosis, imaging staging and potential will see their physicians/surgeons radiology centres offer direct patient interviews and management strategies for cancer patients to be discussed in with the reports. Occasionally, the discussion of findings after the imaging. In most a multidisciplinary team meeting. This ensures that there is patient will consult the radiologist hospitals, however, that is impossible to provide and good communication between all parties.” directly and the radiologist will findings will be communicated to the patient during Prof. Vicky Goh, United Kingdom provide the necessary explanations.” clinical rounds on the ward.” Prof. Feng Feng, China Prof. Anno Graser, Germany 38 39
  • 21. MAKING CANCER VISIBLE MAKING CANCER VISIBLE STAGING THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY THE ROLE OF IMAGING IN ONCOLOGY STAGING “Not only can the same type of cancer behave differently in different patients, but LOOKING even within a single patient, metastatic FORWARD tumours arising from the same cancer may behave differently. In fact, even different regions within a single tumour may have their own distinct molecular Due to the nature of the tasks involved, Arguably, the most significant advances Molecular imaging in general is an many of the advances being made in radiol- being made are related to molecular imag- extremely promising field, which benefits characteristics. Because molecular ogy to benefit cancer staging are the same ing, which is used to observe molecular all the stages of cancer management where as, or similar to, those benefitting detec- changes on a cellular level, and specifi- images are involved, i.e. diagnosis, staging, imaging can distinguish differences in tion and characterisation (described in the cally positron emission tomography (PET), treatment evaluation, and follow-up. The previous chapter). Incremental improve- which is usually used in combination with most important feature of these tests is that ments in the many technical components of today’s common imaging equipment mean high quality CT or MR scans. PET is an espe- cially sensitive imaging tool, which relies they combine, in a single scan, morphologi- cal (anatomical), physiological (functional) these characteristics within and between that progress is always being made and that the resolution and clarity of images are on on the unusually high rate of metabolic activity that occurs in cancer tissue to pro- and metabolic information. This means that doctors can obtain an unprecedented level tumours, the role of imaging specialists the rise. But new developments also include the additional features that are being added duce three-dimensional images of particu- lar functional processes. The combination of detail about the nature of cancer tissue, even to the extent that fine differences can in diagnosing, characterising, and staging to existing technology, such as functional of PET with CT or MR provides far superior be detected between individual tumours cancer, as well as determining the appropriate treatment, is likely to become imaging: the ability to visualise processes images, which help the radiologist to accu- in a single patient, which could prove to in the body, such as blood flow and other rately localise the active cancer tissue to a be invaluable when it comes to planning even more pronounced with progress in functional (or physiological) processes. particular site or organ. therapy. molecular imaging and targeted therapy.” Prof. Hedvig Hricak, USA 40 41