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                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                    Addressing code injection

          Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web:
         Injection attacks in the Semantic Query Languages

            Pablo Ordu˜a, Aitor Almeida, Unai Aguilera, Xabier Laiseca,
                     Diego L´pez-de-Ipi˜a, Aitor G´mez-Goiri
                            o          n          o

                                               September 9th, 2010

        Future Internet - Elkarlaneko ikerkuntza estrategikorako programa;
                                  ETORTEK 2008                         img/deustotech.png

P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Query Languages
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   Security issues


               The Semantic Web is based on a set of technologies:


P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                     Query Languages
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                     Security issues

 Query Languages
               New technologies have been developed to query the ontologies
                                    later                    later
                       RDQL − − SPARQL − − SPARUL
                                −→           −→
                       These new query languages are based on SQL
                       RDQL and SPARQL → Read-only query languages
                       SPARUL (SPARQL/Update) − − − − modification
                                                   − − −→
               SPARQL Sample:

  1    PREFIX injection: <
  2    SELECT ?p1
  3    WHERE {
  4    ?p1 a injection:Person .
  5    }                                                img/deustotech.png

P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o                Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Query Languages
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   Security issues

 Security issues

               The use of these new query languages introduce vulnerabilities
               already found in a bad use of query languages
                       Attacks like SQL Injection, LDAP Injection or even XPath
                       Injection are already well known
                       Libraries provide tools to sanitize user input in these languages
               A proper usage of the query languages is required in order to
               face new techniques, including:
                       (Blind) SPARQL Injection
                       SPARUL Injection


P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 SPARQL Injection
               Introducing SPARQL Injection
                       The following query is assumed to retrieve the friends of a user
                       whom fullName is provided by the variable name
                       The ontology is available in


P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 SPARQL Injection

  1    String queryString =
  2       "PREFIX injection: <
             /injection.owl#> " +
  3       "SELECT ?name1 ?name2 " +
  4       "WHERE {" +
  5       "    ?p1 a injection:Person . " +
  6       "    ?p2 a injection:Person . " +
  7       "    ?p1 injection:fullName ’" + name + "’ . "
  8       "    ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " +
  9       "    ?p1 injection:fullName ?name1 . " +
 10       "    ?p2 injection:fullName ?name2 . " +
 11       "}";
 12    Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);

P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 SPARQL Injection

               Introducing SPARQL Injection
                       This code can be exploited to retrieve any information in the
                       The problem is that the variable name has not been sanitized
                                This variable can include SPARQL code, and thus modify the
                                query itself
                                A variable with malicious content can be found in the next


P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 Appending the Strings

  1    String queryString =
  2       "PREFIX injection: <
             /injection.owl#> " +
  3       "SELECT ?name1 ?name2 WHERE {" +
  4       " ?p1 a injection:Person . " +
  5       " ?p2 a injection:Person . " +
  6       " ?p1 injection:fullName ’" + name + "’ . " +
  7       " ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " +
  8       " ?p1 injection:fullName ?name1 . " +
  9       " ?p2 injection:fullName ?name2 . " +
 10       "}";
 11    String name = "Pablo Orduna’ . " +
 12       "?b1 a injection:Building . " +
 13       "?b1 injection:name ?name1 . " +
 14       "} #";

P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 Appending the Strings

  1    String queryString =
  2       "PREFIX injection: <
             /injection.owl#> " +
  3       "SELECT ?name1 ?name2 WHERE {" +
  4       " ?p1 a injection:Person . " +
  5       " ?p2 a injection:Person . " +
  6       " ?p1 injection:fullName ’" + "Pablo Orduna’ .
             " +
  7       "   ?b1 a injection:Building . " +
  8       "   ?b1 injection:name ?name1 . " +
  9       "   } #" + "’ . " +
 10       " ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " +
 11       " ?p1 injection:fullName ?name1 . " +
 12       " ?p2 injection:fullName ?name2 . " +
 13       "}";

P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 The final query

  1    String queryString =
  2       "PREFIX injection: <
             /injection.owl#> " +
  3       "SELECT ?name1 ?name2 WHERE {" +
  4       " ?p1 a injection:Person . " +
  5       " ?p2 a injection:Person . " +
  6       " ?p1 injection:fullName ’Pablo Orduna’ . " +
  7       "   ?b1 a injection:Building . " +
  8       "   ?b1 injection:name ?name1 . " +
  9       "   } #" + /* From this point everything
 10         is commented and thus ignored */ "’ . " +
 11       " ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " +
 12       " ?p1 injection:fullName ?name1 . " +
 13       " ?p2 injection:fullName ?name2 . " +
 14       "}";

P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 SPARQL Injection

               This code will return the name of the building instead of the
               name of a user
               It is possible to use the flexibility of SPARQL to perform other
               kind of queries retrieving any information in the ontology


P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 Blind SPARQL Injection

               Introducing Blind SPARQL Injection
                       The previous sample was especially vulnerable since it returned
                       a string
                                It is possible to retrieve any information as a string
                                Strings are usually not retrieved in SPARQL, but individuals
                       What if the returning value is an individual?
                                It’s still possible to retrieve any information
                                If it’s possible to know if a given query is true or false, it’s
                                possible to iteratively retrieve any information
                       The following code retrieves the individuals themselves
                                It’s possible to know if the query provided or not the


P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 Blind SPARQL Injection

  1    String queryString =
  2       "PREFIX xsd: <>
             " +
  3       "PREFIX injection: <
             /injection.owl#> " +
  4       "SELECT ?p1 ?p2 " +
  5       "WHERE {" +
  6       "    ?p1 a injection:Person . " +
  7       "    ?p2 a injection:Person . " +
  8       "    ?p1 injection:fullName ’" + name + "’ˆˆxsd
             :string . " +
  9       "    ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " +
 10       "}";
 11    Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);

P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 Blind SPARQL Injection

               Once again, the variable name has not been sanitized
                       So it’s still possible to inject SPARQL code
                       The injected code can’t return a building or the building name
                       But, adding a condition like “does the building name start by
                       this letter” we will get:
                                The common results → so the building name starts by that
                                No results → so the building name does not start by that


P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 Blind SPARQL Injection

  1    String queryString = /* PREFIXES ... */
  2       "SELECT ?p1 ?p2 " +
  3       "WHERE {" +
  4       "     ?p1 a injection:Person . " +
  5       "     ?p2 a injection:Person . " +
  6       "     ?p1 injection:fullName ’" + name                                                   + "’ˆˆxsd
              :string . " +
  7       "     ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . "                                                   +
  8       "}";
  9    String name = "Pablo Orduna’ . " +
 10        "?b1 a injection:Building . " +
 11        "?b1 injection:name ?buildingName . "                                                    +
 12        "FILTER regex(?buildingName, "ˆ" + s                                                    + ".*")
               . " +
 13        "} #"; // }:-D

P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 The final query would be. . .

  1           "PREFIX xsd: <>
                 " +
  2           "PREFIX injection: <
                 /injection.owl#> " +
  3           "SELECT ?p1 ?p2 WHERE {" +
  4           " ?p1 a injection:Person . " +
  5           " ?p2 a injection:Person . " +
  6           " ?p1 injection:fullName ’Pablo Orduna’ . " +
  7           " ?b1 a injection:Building . " +
  8           " ?b1 injection:name ?buildingName . " +
  9           " FILTER regex(?buildingName, "ˆ" + s + ".*")
                 . " +
 10           " } #" + /* from here ignored*/ "’ˆˆxsd:string .
                  " +
 11           "    ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . }";

P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 Querying recursively. . .

  1    public static String recursively(String letters)
          throws Exception{
  2       for(int i = 0; i < POSSIBLE_LETTERS.length(); ++
  3          char c = POSSIBLE_LETTERS.charAt(i);
  4          if(tryBlind(letters + c)){
  5             System.out.println(c);
  6             return "" + c + recursively(letters + c);
  7          }
  8       }
  9       return "";
 10    }


P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 Blind SPARQL Injection

               It is possible to optimize this system using binary search
                       Performing queries using Regular Expressions like ˆ[A-M].*
                       to know if the char is between the char A and M
                       Given a charset of length 64, we would reduce the number of
                       iterations from 64 times 10 (640) to 6 times 10 (60)
                                Using the whole UTF-16 charset, it would reduce the number
                                of iterations from 65536 times 10 (655360) to 16 times 10
               The point is that it’s possible to retrieve any information in
               the ontology independently from the values returned by the


P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 SPARUL Injection

               Introducing SPARQL/Update Injection
                       All the previous examples are executed in read-only query
                       SPARUL introduces the chance to modify the ontology
                                INSERT, MODIFY and DELETE statements are available
                       The following sample modifies the fullName of the resource
                       injection:Pablo, setting it to the value of the variable name


P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 SPARUL Injection

  1    String updateString = "PREFIX injection: <http://
> " +
  2       "PREFIX xsd: <>
               " +
  3       "DELETE {" +
  4       " injection:Pablo injection:fullName ?name1 "+
  5       "} WHERE {" +
  6       " injection:Pablo injection:fullName ?name1" +
  7       "}n INSERT {" +
  8       " injection:Pablo injection:fullName ’" + name +
               "’ˆˆxsd:string" +
  9       "}";
 10    UpdateRequest update = UpdateFactory.create(

P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                                                   SPARQL Injection
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                                                   Blind SPARQL Injection
                                    Addressing code injection
                                                                   SPARUL Injection

 SPARUL Injection

  1    String name = "Pablo Ordunya’ˆˆxsd:string" +
  2       "} n " +
  3       "INSERT {" +
  4       "   injection:Pablo injection:isFriendOf
             injection:EvilMonkey" +
  5       "} #"; // }:-D
  6    String result =;

               With this vulnerability, it is possible to modify the whole


P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                    Addressing code injection

 Addressing code injection

               Mechanisms provided by the library must be used (if provided)

                       Not as simple as scaping the ’ characters: the string u0027 is
                       a simple quote, just as in Java

  1                             System.out.println("au0022.length() +
  2                             // This code prints "2", the result of
                                   ("a".length() + "b".length())
  3                             // since u0022 will be replaced by "
                                   even if it is commented or inside
  4                             // String


P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                    Addressing code injection


               In Jena, the initialBinding argument can be used in the

  1    // initial binding
  2    QuerySolutionMap initialBinding = new
  3    RDFNode parameterizedName = model.createLiteral(
  4    initialSetting.add("thename", parameterizedName);
  6    // Perform the query
  7    Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);
  8    QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(
          query, model, initialBinding);
  9    ResultSet results = qe.execSelect();

P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                    Addressing code injection


               Not sanitizing the user input might add a set of security
               vulnerabilities in our systems
               In the paper it is presented how new query languages inherit
               security issues present in older query languages, and therefore
               they should also be taken into account when working with


P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
                                     Vulnerable code samples
                                    Addressing code injection


                             DeustoTech - Internet


                                   Pablo Ordu˜an              

                                   Aitor Almeida              

                                   Unai Aguilera              

                                   Xabier Laiseca             

                                Diego L´pez-de-Ipi˜a
                                       o          n              

                                 Aitor G´mez-Goiri


P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . .
       n                                            o              Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .

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Identifying Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection attacks in the Semantic Query Languages

  • 1. Introduction Vulnerable code samples Addressing code injection Conclusions Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection attacks in the Semantic Query Languages Pablo Ordu˜a, Aitor Almeida, Unai Aguilera, Xabier Laiseca, n Diego L´pez-de-Ipi˜a, Aitor G´mez-Goiri o n o September 9th, 2010 Future Internet - Elkarlaneko ikerkuntza estrategikorako programa; ETORTEK 2008 img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 2. Introduction Introduction Vulnerable code samples Query Languages Addressing code injection Security issues Conclusions Introduction The Semantic Web is based on a set of technologies: XML RDF OWL ... img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 3. Introduction Introduction Vulnerable code samples Query Languages Addressing code injection Security issues Conclusions Query Languages New technologies have been developed to query the ontologies later later RDQL − − SPARQL − − SPARUL −→ −→ These new query languages are based on SQL RDQL and SPARQL → Read-only query languages introduces SPARUL (SPARQL/Update) − − − − modification − − −→ capabilities SPARQL Sample: 1 PREFIX injection: < injection.owl#> 2 SELECT ?p1 3 WHERE { 4 ?p1 a injection:Person . 5 } img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 4. Introduction Introduction Vulnerable code samples Query Languages Addressing code injection Security issues Conclusions Security issues The use of these new query languages introduce vulnerabilities already found in a bad use of query languages Attacks like SQL Injection, LDAP Injection or even XPath Injection are already well known Libraries provide tools to sanitize user input in these languages A proper usage of the query languages is required in order to face new techniques, including: (Blind) SPARQL Injection SPARUL Injection img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 5. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions SPARQL Injection Introducing SPARQL Injection The following query is assumed to retrieve the friends of a user whom fullName is provided by the variable name The ontology is available in img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 6. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions SPARQL Injection 1 String queryString = 2 "PREFIX injection: < /injection.owl#> " + 3 "SELECT ?name1 ?name2 " + 4 "WHERE {" + 5 " ?p1 a injection:Person . " + 6 " ?p2 a injection:Person . " + 7 " ?p1 injection:fullName ’" + name + "’ . " + 8 " ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " + 9 " ?p1 injection:fullName ?name1 . " + 10 " ?p2 injection:fullName ?name2 . " + 11 "}"; 12 Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString); img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 7. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions SPARQL Injection Introducing SPARQL Injection This code can be exploited to retrieve any information in the ontology The problem is that the variable name has not been sanitized This variable can include SPARQL code, and thus modify the query itself A variable with malicious content can be found in the next slide img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 8. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions Appending the Strings 1 String queryString = 2 "PREFIX injection: < /injection.owl#> " + 3 "SELECT ?name1 ?name2 WHERE {" + 4 " ?p1 a injection:Person . " + 5 " ?p2 a injection:Person . " + 6 " ?p1 injection:fullName ’" + name + "’ . " + 7 " ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " + 8 " ?p1 injection:fullName ?name1 . " + 9 " ?p2 injection:fullName ?name2 . " + 10 "}"; 11 String name = "Pablo Orduna’ . " + 12 "?b1 a injection:Building . " + 13 "?b1 injection:name ?name1 . " + 14 "} #"; img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 9. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions Appending the Strings 1 String queryString = 2 "PREFIX injection: < /injection.owl#> " + 3 "SELECT ?name1 ?name2 WHERE {" + 4 " ?p1 a injection:Person . " + 5 " ?p2 a injection:Person . " + 6 " ?p1 injection:fullName ’" + "Pablo Orduna’ . " + 7 " ?b1 a injection:Building . " + 8 " ?b1 injection:name ?name1 . " + 9 " } #" + "’ . " + 10 " ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " + 11 " ?p1 injection:fullName ?name1 . " + 12 " ?p2 injection:fullName ?name2 . " + 13 "}"; img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 10. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions The final query 1 String queryString = 2 "PREFIX injection: < /injection.owl#> " + 3 "SELECT ?name1 ?name2 WHERE {" + 4 " ?p1 a injection:Person . " + 5 " ?p2 a injection:Person . " + 6 " ?p1 injection:fullName ’Pablo Orduna’ . " + 7 " ?b1 a injection:Building . " + 8 " ?b1 injection:name ?name1 . " + 9 " } #" + /* From this point everything 10 is commented and thus ignored */ "’ . " + 11 " ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " + 12 " ?p1 injection:fullName ?name1 . " + 13 " ?p2 injection:fullName ?name2 . " + 14 "}"; img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 11. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions SPARQL Injection This code will return the name of the building instead of the name of a user It is possible to use the flexibility of SPARQL to perform other kind of queries retrieving any information in the ontology img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 12. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions Blind SPARQL Injection Introducing Blind SPARQL Injection The previous sample was especially vulnerable since it returned a string It is possible to retrieve any information as a string Strings are usually not retrieved in SPARQL, but individuals What if the returning value is an individual? It’s still possible to retrieve any information If it’s possible to know if a given query is true or false, it’s possible to iteratively retrieve any information The following code retrieves the individuals themselves It’s possible to know if the query provided or not the individuals img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 13. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions Blind SPARQL Injection 1 String queryString = 2 "PREFIX xsd: <> " + 3 "PREFIX injection: < /injection.owl#> " + 4 "SELECT ?p1 ?p2 " + 5 "WHERE {" + 6 " ?p1 a injection:Person . " + 7 " ?p2 a injection:Person . " + 8 " ?p1 injection:fullName ’" + name + "’ˆˆxsd :string . " + 9 " ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " + 10 "}"; 11 Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString); img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 14. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions Blind SPARQL Injection Once again, the variable name has not been sanitized So it’s still possible to inject SPARQL code The injected code can’t return a building or the building name But, adding a condition like “does the building name start by this letter” we will get: The common results → so the building name starts by that letter No results → so the building name does not start by that letter img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 15. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions Blind SPARQL Injection 1 String queryString = /* PREFIXES ... */ 2 "SELECT ?p1 ?p2 " + 3 "WHERE {" + 4 " ?p1 a injection:Person . " + 5 " ?p2 a injection:Person . " + 6 " ?p1 injection:fullName ’" + name + "’ˆˆxsd :string . " + 7 " ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . " + 8 "}"; 9 String name = "Pablo Orduna’ . " + 10 "?b1 a injection:Building . " + 11 "?b1 injection:name ?buildingName . " + 12 "FILTER regex(?buildingName, "ˆ" + s + ".*") . " + 13 "} #"; // }:-D img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 16. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions The final query would be. . . 1 "PREFIX xsd: <> " + 2 "PREFIX injection: < /injection.owl#> " + 3 "SELECT ?p1 ?p2 WHERE {" + 4 " ?p1 a injection:Person . " + 5 " ?p2 a injection:Person . " + 6 " ?p1 injection:fullName ’Pablo Orduna’ . " + 7 " ?b1 a injection:Building . " + 8 " ?b1 injection:name ?buildingName . " + 9 " FILTER regex(?buildingName, "ˆ" + s + ".*") . " + 10 " } #" + /* from here ignored*/ "’ˆˆxsd:string . " + 11 " ?p1 injection:isFriendOf ?p2 . }"; img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 17. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions Querying recursively. . . 1 public static String recursively(String letters) throws Exception{ 2 for(int i = 0; i < POSSIBLE_LETTERS.length(); ++ i){ 3 char c = POSSIBLE_LETTERS.charAt(i); 4 if(tryBlind(letters + c)){ 5 System.out.println(c); 6 return "" + c + recursively(letters + c); 7 } 8 } 9 return ""; 10 } img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 18. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions Blind SPARQL Injection It is possible to optimize this system using binary search Performing queries using Regular Expressions like ˆ[A-M].* to know if the char is between the char A and M Given a charset of length 64, we would reduce the number of iterations from 64 times 10 (640) to 6 times 10 (60) Using the whole UTF-16 charset, it would reduce the number of iterations from 65536 times 10 (655360) to 16 times 10 (160) The point is that it’s possible to retrieve any information in the ontology independently from the values returned by the query img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 19. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions SPARUL Injection Introducing SPARQL/Update Injection All the previous examples are executed in read-only query languages SPARUL introduces the chance to modify the ontology INSERT, MODIFY and DELETE statements are available The following sample modifies the fullName of the resource injection:Pablo, setting it to the value of the variable name img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 20. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions SPARUL Injection 1 String updateString = "PREFIX injection: <http://> " + 2 "PREFIX xsd: <> " + 3 "DELETE {" + 4 " injection:Pablo injection:fullName ?name1 "+ 5 "} WHERE {" + 6 " injection:Pablo injection:fullName ?name1" + 7 "}n INSERT {" + 8 " injection:Pablo injection:fullName ’" + name + "’ˆˆxsd:string" + 9 "}"; 10 UpdateRequest update = UpdateFactory.create( updateString); img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 21. Introduction SPARQL Injection Vulnerable code samples Blind SPARQL Injection Addressing code injection SPARUL Injection Conclusions SPARUL Injection 1 String name = "Pablo Ordunya’ˆˆxsd:string" + 2 "} n " + 3 "INSERT {" + 4 " injection:Pablo injection:isFriendOf injection:EvilMonkey" + 5 "} #"; // }:-D 6 String result =; With this vulnerability, it is possible to modify the whole ontology. img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 22. Introduction Vulnerable code samples Introduction Addressing code injection Conclusions Addressing code injection Mechanisms provided by the library must be used (if provided) Not as simple as scaping the ’ characters: the string u0027 is a simple quote, just as in Java 1 System.out.println("au0022.length() + u0022b".length()); 2 // This code prints "2", the result of ("a".length() + "b".length()) 3 // since u0022 will be replaced by " even if it is commented or inside 4 // String img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 23. Introduction Vulnerable code samples Introduction Addressing code injection Conclusions Frameworks In Jena, the initialBinding argument can be used in the QueryExecutionFactory 1 // initial binding 2 QuerySolutionMap initialBinding = new QuerySolutionMap(); 3 RDFNode parameterizedName = model.createLiteral( name); 4 initialSetting.add("thename", parameterizedName); 5 6 // Perform the query 7 Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString); 8 QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create( query, model, initialBinding); 9 ResultSet results = qe.execSelect(); img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 24. Introduction Vulnerable code samples Addressing code injection Conclusions Conclusions Not sanitizing the user input might add a set of security vulnerabilities in our systems In the paper it is presented how new query languages inherit security issues present in older query languages, and therefore they should also be taken into account when working with them img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .
  • 25. Introduction Vulnerable code samples Addressing code injection Conclusions Questions? DeustoTech - Internet Pablo Ordu˜an Aitor Almeida Unai Aguilera Xabier Laiseca Diego L´pez-de-Ipi˜a o n Aitor G´mez-Goiri o img/deustotech.png P. Ordu˜a, A. Almeida, U. Aguilera, X. Laiseca, D. L´pez-de. . . n o Addressing Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection att. . .