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Icon Exchange Discrimination Phases Created By: Courtney June Behavior Analysis Training System Western Michigan University
What is discrimination? The ability to choose between a preferred item and a non preferred item. “Which icon will get me something cool, and which one will get me something lame?”
General Info Always have the correct icon for each item If not, ask for it Reinforce within ½ second Use a variety of tutors and items, both preferred and non-preferred Set up for next trial while child is engaged with the reinforcer Number of icons on the  	three right strips is phase  	specific
Remember: There should never be more than 5 icons on the three right strips for discrimination phases
Preferred Vs. Non-preferred A preferred item-- an item the child consistently eats or engages with for 10 – 15 seconds Eating goldfish Putting a puzzle together Flipping through a book A non-preferred item-- something the child is not interested in, and will not engage in for 10 – 15 seconds A spoon A shoe A piece of paper
Non-preferred Vs. Neutral Again, a non-preferred is anything the child does not like and rejects  Paper towel A sock A neutral item is an item that is non-preferred but used functionally: Using a fork to eat	 Drinking from a cup Putting on a shoe If you find a neutral item for your child do not use it as preferred or non-preferred, in the discrimination trials.
Phases 3 The child learns to discriminate between a reinforcing preferred item and a non-preferred item Previously the child always got something good from exchanging the icon, now they have to look at the icons to make sure they are getting what they want
Question #1:  What is the maximum number of icons that can be on the three right strips of the PECS book?
Enticing vs. Prompting Entice a child “to want” an item  	and, Prompt a child “to ask” for an item Examples of enticing: Pretend to eat an edible without attending to the child Play with a car or toy by yourself Examples of prompting: “WOW look at this COOL car!” “OOO this is a YUMMY Cheeto
Which is Enticing? Prompting?
Enticing vs Prompting Prompting Enticing
What happens in an incorrect trial? The child chooses a non-preferred icon and rejects it when it is presented Examples of rejection: Not taking the item from you Throwing the item Pushing the item away Dropping the item If 3 incorrect responses occur, move onto the 4 Step Error Correction
Tips for Emotional Responding During instances of emotional rejection Such as crying or tantrums, Do not give the child a different preferred item to calm them, Work through the rest of the trial, giving prompts as needed, and If the child aggresses: Block it and continue to work through the trial After completing the trial do ELOs to achieve compliance  Once child complies, move on to the next trial
Question #2:  Which is an example of rejection? A. The child grabs the sock and makes a hand puppet. B. The child eats the cheeto. C. The child ignores the item and pretends to sleep.
Phase 3 Allow the child to play with the preferred item for 10–15 seconds before the trial begins 1 preferred item and 1 non-preferred item is used Do preference assessments every few trials to find both preferred and non-preferred items “OOO the new” Reinforce the childs correct reaching response with “OOO” as the child reaches for the correct icon during the trial
Phase 3 Be sure to place the PECS book between the student and tutor Alternate back and forth between phases 3 and 2F 5 trials of 2F outside of the booth 5 trials of 3 in the setting the tutor chooses Trial is considered incorrect after 15 seconds If the child makes 3 incorrect responses in a row, remove incorrect icon during the 4 step error correction
Question #3: The tutor silently reading a child’s book in front of the child is an example of what? Question #4: Exclaiming “VROOM VROOM, this car is so much FUN!” in front of the child is an example of what?
Phase 3A The child learns to discriminate between a reinforcing preferred item and a non-preferred item WHILE TRAVELING (outside the booth)
Phase 3A Again allow the child to eat or engage with the reinforcer for 10-15 seconds 1 preferred and 2 non-preferred icons on any of the 3 right velcro strips Do preference assessments every few trials If the student does not engage in the item for at least 15 seconds, it is incorrect After 3 incorrect responses in a row, remove the incorrect icon and go into the 4 Step Error Correction
Question #5:  If a child is given a sock and puts in on his/her foot, what kind of item is it? A: Preferred B: Non-preferred C: Neutral
The 4 Step Error Correction Step 1: Model Step 2: Practice Step 3: Distract Step 4: Repeat
Step 1: Model Point to the correct icon If gestural prompt is not effective, move to partial physical prompt and full physical prompt if necessary Move onto step 2
Step 1: Model Gesturaly prompt to the correct icon If gestural prompt is not effective, move to partial physical prompt and full physical prompt if necessary That is all step one requires move on to step 2
Step 2: Practice Let the child give you the icon you prompted towards Label item but do not give it to the child, this is just for practice Move on to step 3
Step 3: Distract Flip the book over and do an ELO: Clap hands Tap table Touch nose Move on to step 4
Step 4: Repeat Flip book back over Wait for the child to make an independent response. Entice if necessary If child makes incorrect response, repeat the 4 Step Error Correction If you go through the 4 step error correction 3 times in one trial, remove the incorrect icons so the child has to make a correct response during step 4
What problems could occur? Children’s preferences may change often If the child changes reinforcers often, make sure you do frequent preference assessments to ensure that you have what the child will be motivated enough to ask for Finding a non-preferred item can sometimes be difficult If you are having trouble finding a non-preferred item, keep doing a preference assessment until you find one, or ask a supervisor for help
No Motivation
Question 7: What are the  4 steps in the 4 Step Error Correction?
Tips Switch icon positions only after a correct trial on the initial trial DO NOT switch icons after a correct response on the “repeat step” of the 4 Step Error Correction  After 3 incorrect initial trials, which include the 4 Step Error Correction, stop the procedure Continuing the procedure then punishes responding
Tips Switch icon positions only after a correct trial on the initial trial DO NOT switch icons after a correct response on the “repeat step” of the 4 Step Error Correction  After 3 incorrect initial trials, which include the 4 Step Error Correction, stop the procedure Continuing the procedure then punishes responding Get a supervisor to code the data sheet, end that PECS session and move on using the reinforcer  the child tried to grab for another procedure
Tips Switch icon positions only after a correct trial on the initial trial DO NOT switch icons after a correct response on the “repeat step” of the 4 Step Error Correction  After 3 incorrect initial trials, which include the 4 Step Error Correction, stop the procedure Continuing the procedure then punishes responding How should the supervisor code it?
Tips Switch icon positions only after a correct trial on the initial trial DO NOT switch icons after a correct response on the “repeat step” of the 4 Step Error Correction  After 3 incorrect initial trials, which include the 4 Step Error Correction, stop the procedure Continuing the procedure then punishes responding Your supervisor should use the Implementation Problem code (IP) or the Alternative Appropriate Activity code (AAA)
Tips on Coding Data Sheet The 4 step error correction cycle can be repeated up to a total of 3 times if necessary If you do complete 2 full cycles of the 4 step error correction & the child still has not responded correctly, remove the incorrect icon and repeat the 4 steps so the child can only make a correct response. Replace the incorrect icon move on to the next initial trial This means in 3 initial trials, if you had to go through the 4 step error correction you could have gone through a total of 9 cycles of 4 step error correction (3 full cycles for each of 3 initial trials)
Tips on Coding Data Sheet The 4 step error correction cycle can be repeated up to a total of 3 times if necessary If you do complete 2 full cycles of the 4 step error correction & the child still has not responded correctly, remove the incorrect icon and repeat the 4 steps so the child can only make a correct response. Replace the incorrect icon move on to the next initial trial This means in 3 initial trials, if you had to go through the 4 step error correction you could have gone through a total of 9 cycles of 4 step error correction (3 full cycles for each of 3 initial trials)  Note: 	 If you do 3 consecutive initial trials & have to go through the 4 step error correction  each time, STOP THE PROCEDURE & GET IT CODED BY A SUPERVISOR
Tips on Coding Data Sheet The 4 step error correction cycle can be repeated up to a total of 3 times if necessary If you do complete 2 full cycles of the 4 step error correction & the child still has not responded correctly, remove the incorrect icon and repeat the 4 steps so the child can only make a correct response. Replace the incorrect icon move on to the next initial trial This means in 3 initial trials, if you had to go through the 4 step error correction you could have gone through a total of 9 cycles of 4 step error correction (3 full cycles for each of 3 initial trials)  If you have to go through the 4 step error correction a few times, you still only take data on the initial trials.
Example Data Sheet
What do we mean by the Initial Trial? The initial trial is the chance when the child gets to independently make a response and choose what item they want. If they reject the item they chose only then do you go into the 4 step error correction. Although the  4 step error correction comes right after an incorrect response it is not part of the initial trial, it is the correction procedure When the child rejected the item they received a – on the data sheet and that was the end of the initial trial.
What do we mean by the Initial Trial? The initial trial is the chance when the child gets to independently make a response and choose what item they want. If they reject the item they chose only then do you go into the 4 step error correction. Although the  4 step error correction comes right after an incorrect response it is not part of the initial trial, it is the correction procedure When the child rejected the item they received a – on the data sheet and that was the end of the initial trial. So, if I start the initial trial and the child rejects the item, I mark the data for the initial trial as - and do the 4 step error correction, with the possibility of doing the 4 steps up to three times?
What do we mean by the Initial Trial? The initial trial is the chance when the child gets to independently make a response and choose what item they want. If they reject the item they chose only then do you go into the 4 step error correction. Although the  4 step error correction comes right after an incorrect response it is not part of the initial trial, it is the correction procedure When the child rejected the item they received a – on the data sheet and that was the end of the initial trial. That’s right!
What do we mean by the Initial Trial? The initial trial is the chance when the child gets to independently make a response and choose what item they want. If they reject the item they chose only then do you go into the 4 step error correction. Although the  4 step error correction comes right after an incorrect response it is not part of the initial trial, it is the correction procedure When the child rejected the item they received a – on the data sheet and that was the end of the initial trial. Then what do I do?
What do we mean by the Initial Trial? The initial trial is the chance when the child gets to independently make a response and choose what item they want. If they reject the item they chose only then do you go into the 4 step error correction. Although the  4 step error correction comes right after an incorrect response it is not part of the initial trial, it is the correction procedure When the child rejected the item they received a – on the data sheet and that was the end of the initial trial. You start the next initial trial, and take your next data mark.
4-Step Error Correction Child chooses icon Accepts item Rejects item TAKE DATA HERE Correct on data sheet Incorrect on data sheet Read from top to bottom following the arrows as necessary Go onto next trial Model-Gestural prompt to preferred icon Practice -Child exchanges preferred icon -Label, but do not give item Distract -Turn book over -Do ELO Repeat -Turn book back over -Child independently chooses icon -Label and give item 1 4 3 2 Accepts item Rejects item Go onto next trial 3 2 1 Accepts item 4 ModelPracticeDistractRepeat Rejects  item Go onto next trial Accepts item 1 4 3 2 ModelPracticeDistractRepeat Do preference assessment Go onto next trial Rejects item Remove the incorrect icon and repeat the 4 steps On repeat they get the treat!
4-Step Error Correction Child chooses icon Accepts item Rejects item TAKE DATA HERE Correct on data sheet Incorrect on data sheet Go onto next trial Model-Gestural prompt to preferred icon Practice -Child exchanges preferred icon -Label, but do not give item Distract -Turn book over -Do ELO Repeat -Turn book back over -Child independently chooses icon -Label and give item 1 4 3 2 Accepts item Rejects item Go onto next trial 3 2 1 Accepts item 4 ModelPracticeDistractRepeat Rejects  item Go onto next trial Accepts item 1 4 3 2 ModelPracticeDistractRepeat Do preference assessment Go onto next trial Rejects item Remove the incorrect icon and repeat the 4 steps On repeat they get the treat!
Phase 3B Phase 3B teaches discrimination between preferred items/icons while traveling Tutor has 2 highly preferred items available and the 2 corresponding icons on the book Incorrect responses:  student reaches for a different item, or Chooses corresponding item but does not engage in interacting with it for at least 15 seconds
Phase 3B continued Correspondence checks are necessary for 50% of the trials 5 of the 10 trials Rotate between correspondence checks and labeling while giving the item Label then give item Student does not accept the item when it is presented If the student makes 3 incorrect responses in a row, remove incorrect icon during 4 Step Error Correction
For Correspondence Checks Hold out the items corresponding to icons, and say, “Take it” Then mark “CC” in the OT column on the data sheet Correct trial:  the child chooses the item corresponding to the icon they gave you Incorrect trial:  the child chooses the item that does not correspond to the icon they gave you Block the incorrect response and go directly into the 4 Step Error Correction Start with pointing to the item the child should have taken
Requirement: Combine phases 2F and 3B Complete  5 trials of 2F outside the booth 5 trials of 3B in the setting  the tutor chooses
Phase 3C Phase 3C teaches discrimination between preferred items/icons while traveling Tutor has 5 highly preferred items available And 5 corresponding icons on the book Run correspondence checks for 60% of the trials (6 of 10) Randomly rotate between correspondence checks and labeling while giving the item
Correspondence Checks Hold out the items on a bin lid corresponding to the icons, and say, “take it” Mark “CC” in the OT column on the data sheet REQUIREMENT: Combine phases 2F and 3C.   5 trials must be completed outside the booth where the student must travel to book and then discriminate between icons
Phase 3C 4 preferred items Do correspondence checks using all 4 items For this phase it is easier to put the items on a bin lid so that they are spread out and easily accessible to the child When items are not spread out and accessible, tutors can easily mistake which item the child is reaching for Trial is correct when child chooses the item they asked for Trial is incorrect if child chooses a different item then what they asked for Use 4 step error correction for incorrect trials
Phase 3C continued Trial is correct if the student gives the icon to the tutor then picks up and accepts corresponding item  (engages with for at least 15 seconds) Trial is incorrect if the student does not give icon to tutor or does not pick up or accept (engage in item for at least 15 seconds) corresponding item
Question 8:  	True or False: You have to run 10 trials for every PECS session Question 9:   	How often should you do correspondence checks in phase 3B ? __  How about in 3C?  __ A: 20% of the trials	 B: 40% of the trials C: 60% of the trials D:  never
4-Step Error Correction Chooses correct item Chooses incorrect item Child chooses item TAKE DATA HERE Correct on data sheet Incorrect on data sheet Go onto next trial Model-Gestural prompt to preferred icon Practice -Child exchanges preferred icon -Label, but do not give item Distract -Turn book over -Do ELO Repeat -Turn book back over -Child independently chooses icon -Correspondence check 1 4 3 2 Correct item Incorrect item Go onto next trial 3 2 1 Correct item 4 ModelPracticeDistractRepeat Incorrect item Go onto next trial Correct item 1 4 3 2 ModelPracticeDistractRepeat Do preference assessment Go onto next trial Incorrect item Remove the incorrect icon and repeat the 4 steps On repeat they get the treat!
Tips Remember we do not take data on the 4 step error correction, we only take data on the initial trial Note: If you get three consecutive incorrect responses on the initial trials, stop the procedure and get it coded by a supervisor
Still have questions? Contact the  Icon Exchange Junior System Manager:  Courtney June  at or ask a supervisor.

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Icon Exchange Discrimination Phases

  • 1. Icon Exchange Discrimination Phases Created By: Courtney June Behavior Analysis Training System Western Michigan University
  • 2. What is discrimination? The ability to choose between a preferred item and a non preferred item. “Which icon will get me something cool, and which one will get me something lame?”
  • 3. General Info Always have the correct icon for each item If not, ask for it Reinforce within ½ second Use a variety of tutors and items, both preferred and non-preferred Set up for next trial while child is engaged with the reinforcer Number of icons on the three right strips is phase specific
  • 4. Remember: There should never be more than 5 icons on the three right strips for discrimination phases
  • 5. Preferred Vs. Non-preferred A preferred item-- an item the child consistently eats or engages with for 10 – 15 seconds Eating goldfish Putting a puzzle together Flipping through a book A non-preferred item-- something the child is not interested in, and will not engage in for 10 – 15 seconds A spoon A shoe A piece of paper
  • 6. Non-preferred Vs. Neutral Again, a non-preferred is anything the child does not like and rejects Paper towel A sock A neutral item is an item that is non-preferred but used functionally: Using a fork to eat Drinking from a cup Putting on a shoe If you find a neutral item for your child do not use it as preferred or non-preferred, in the discrimination trials.
  • 7. Phases 3 The child learns to discriminate between a reinforcing preferred item and a non-preferred item Previously the child always got something good from exchanging the icon, now they have to look at the icons to make sure they are getting what they want
  • 8. Question #1: What is the maximum number of icons that can be on the three right strips of the PECS book?
  • 9. Enticing vs. Prompting Entice a child “to want” an item and, Prompt a child “to ask” for an item Examples of enticing: Pretend to eat an edible without attending to the child Play with a car or toy by yourself Examples of prompting: “WOW look at this COOL car!” “OOO this is a YUMMY Cheeto
  • 10. Which is Enticing? Prompting?
  • 11. Enticing vs Prompting Prompting Enticing
  • 12. What happens in an incorrect trial? The child chooses a non-preferred icon and rejects it when it is presented Examples of rejection: Not taking the item from you Throwing the item Pushing the item away Dropping the item If 3 incorrect responses occur, move onto the 4 Step Error Correction
  • 13. Tips for Emotional Responding During instances of emotional rejection Such as crying or tantrums, Do not give the child a different preferred item to calm them, Work through the rest of the trial, giving prompts as needed, and If the child aggresses: Block it and continue to work through the trial After completing the trial do ELOs to achieve compliance Once child complies, move on to the next trial
  • 14.
  • 15. Question #2: Which is an example of rejection? A. The child grabs the sock and makes a hand puppet. B. The child eats the cheeto. C. The child ignores the item and pretends to sleep.
  • 16. Phase 3 Allow the child to play with the preferred item for 10–15 seconds before the trial begins 1 preferred item and 1 non-preferred item is used Do preference assessments every few trials to find both preferred and non-preferred items “OOO the new” Reinforce the childs correct reaching response with “OOO” as the child reaches for the correct icon during the trial
  • 18. Phase 3 Be sure to place the PECS book between the student and tutor Alternate back and forth between phases 3 and 2F 5 trials of 2F outside of the booth 5 trials of 3 in the setting the tutor chooses Trial is considered incorrect after 15 seconds If the child makes 3 incorrect responses in a row, remove incorrect icon during the 4 step error correction
  • 19. Question #3: The tutor silently reading a child’s book in front of the child is an example of what? Question #4: Exclaiming “VROOM VROOM, this car is so much FUN!” in front of the child is an example of what?
  • 20. Phase 3A The child learns to discriminate between a reinforcing preferred item and a non-preferred item WHILE TRAVELING (outside the booth)
  • 21. Phase 3A Again allow the child to eat or engage with the reinforcer for 10-15 seconds 1 preferred and 2 non-preferred icons on any of the 3 right velcro strips Do preference assessments every few trials If the student does not engage in the item for at least 15 seconds, it is incorrect After 3 incorrect responses in a row, remove the incorrect icon and go into the 4 Step Error Correction
  • 22. Question #5: If a child is given a sock and puts in on his/her foot, what kind of item is it? A: Preferred B: Non-preferred C: Neutral
  • 23. The 4 Step Error Correction Step 1: Model Step 2: Practice Step 3: Distract Step 4: Repeat
  • 24. Step 1: Model Point to the correct icon If gestural prompt is not effective, move to partial physical prompt and full physical prompt if necessary Move onto step 2
  • 25. Step 1: Model Gesturaly prompt to the correct icon If gestural prompt is not effective, move to partial physical prompt and full physical prompt if necessary That is all step one requires move on to step 2
  • 26. Step 2: Practice Let the child give you the icon you prompted towards Label item but do not give it to the child, this is just for practice Move on to step 3
  • 27. Step 3: Distract Flip the book over and do an ELO: Clap hands Tap table Touch nose Move on to step 4
  • 28. Step 4: Repeat Flip book back over Wait for the child to make an independent response. Entice if necessary If child makes incorrect response, repeat the 4 Step Error Correction If you go through the 4 step error correction 3 times in one trial, remove the incorrect icons so the child has to make a correct response during step 4
  • 29. What problems could occur? Children’s preferences may change often If the child changes reinforcers often, make sure you do frequent preference assessments to ensure that you have what the child will be motivated enough to ask for Finding a non-preferred item can sometimes be difficult If you are having trouble finding a non-preferred item, keep doing a preference assessment until you find one, or ask a supervisor for help
  • 31. Question 7: What are the 4 steps in the 4 Step Error Correction?
  • 32. Tips Switch icon positions only after a correct trial on the initial trial DO NOT switch icons after a correct response on the “repeat step” of the 4 Step Error Correction After 3 incorrect initial trials, which include the 4 Step Error Correction, stop the procedure Continuing the procedure then punishes responding
  • 33. Tips Switch icon positions only after a correct trial on the initial trial DO NOT switch icons after a correct response on the “repeat step” of the 4 Step Error Correction After 3 incorrect initial trials, which include the 4 Step Error Correction, stop the procedure Continuing the procedure then punishes responding Get a supervisor to code the data sheet, end that PECS session and move on using the reinforcer the child tried to grab for another procedure
  • 34. Tips Switch icon positions only after a correct trial on the initial trial DO NOT switch icons after a correct response on the “repeat step” of the 4 Step Error Correction After 3 incorrect initial trials, which include the 4 Step Error Correction, stop the procedure Continuing the procedure then punishes responding How should the supervisor code it?
  • 35. Tips Switch icon positions only after a correct trial on the initial trial DO NOT switch icons after a correct response on the “repeat step” of the 4 Step Error Correction After 3 incorrect initial trials, which include the 4 Step Error Correction, stop the procedure Continuing the procedure then punishes responding Your supervisor should use the Implementation Problem code (IP) or the Alternative Appropriate Activity code (AAA)
  • 36. Tips on Coding Data Sheet The 4 step error correction cycle can be repeated up to a total of 3 times if necessary If you do complete 2 full cycles of the 4 step error correction & the child still has not responded correctly, remove the incorrect icon and repeat the 4 steps so the child can only make a correct response. Replace the incorrect icon move on to the next initial trial This means in 3 initial trials, if you had to go through the 4 step error correction you could have gone through a total of 9 cycles of 4 step error correction (3 full cycles for each of 3 initial trials)
  • 37. Tips on Coding Data Sheet The 4 step error correction cycle can be repeated up to a total of 3 times if necessary If you do complete 2 full cycles of the 4 step error correction & the child still has not responded correctly, remove the incorrect icon and repeat the 4 steps so the child can only make a correct response. Replace the incorrect icon move on to the next initial trial This means in 3 initial trials, if you had to go through the 4 step error correction you could have gone through a total of 9 cycles of 4 step error correction (3 full cycles for each of 3 initial trials) Note: If you do 3 consecutive initial trials & have to go through the 4 step error correction each time, STOP THE PROCEDURE & GET IT CODED BY A SUPERVISOR
  • 38. Tips on Coding Data Sheet The 4 step error correction cycle can be repeated up to a total of 3 times if necessary If you do complete 2 full cycles of the 4 step error correction & the child still has not responded correctly, remove the incorrect icon and repeat the 4 steps so the child can only make a correct response. Replace the incorrect icon move on to the next initial trial This means in 3 initial trials, if you had to go through the 4 step error correction you could have gone through a total of 9 cycles of 4 step error correction (3 full cycles for each of 3 initial trials) If you have to go through the 4 step error correction a few times, you still only take data on the initial trials.
  • 40. What do we mean by the Initial Trial? The initial trial is the chance when the child gets to independently make a response and choose what item they want. If they reject the item they chose only then do you go into the 4 step error correction. Although the 4 step error correction comes right after an incorrect response it is not part of the initial trial, it is the correction procedure When the child rejected the item they received a – on the data sheet and that was the end of the initial trial.
  • 41. What do we mean by the Initial Trial? The initial trial is the chance when the child gets to independently make a response and choose what item they want. If they reject the item they chose only then do you go into the 4 step error correction. Although the 4 step error correction comes right after an incorrect response it is not part of the initial trial, it is the correction procedure When the child rejected the item they received a – on the data sheet and that was the end of the initial trial. So, if I start the initial trial and the child rejects the item, I mark the data for the initial trial as - and do the 4 step error correction, with the possibility of doing the 4 steps up to three times?
  • 42. What do we mean by the Initial Trial? The initial trial is the chance when the child gets to independently make a response and choose what item they want. If they reject the item they chose only then do you go into the 4 step error correction. Although the 4 step error correction comes right after an incorrect response it is not part of the initial trial, it is the correction procedure When the child rejected the item they received a – on the data sheet and that was the end of the initial trial. That’s right!
  • 43. What do we mean by the Initial Trial? The initial trial is the chance when the child gets to independently make a response and choose what item they want. If they reject the item they chose only then do you go into the 4 step error correction. Although the 4 step error correction comes right after an incorrect response it is not part of the initial trial, it is the correction procedure When the child rejected the item they received a – on the data sheet and that was the end of the initial trial. Then what do I do?
  • 44. What do we mean by the Initial Trial? The initial trial is the chance when the child gets to independently make a response and choose what item they want. If they reject the item they chose only then do you go into the 4 step error correction. Although the 4 step error correction comes right after an incorrect response it is not part of the initial trial, it is the correction procedure When the child rejected the item they received a – on the data sheet and that was the end of the initial trial. You start the next initial trial, and take your next data mark.
  • 45. 4-Step Error Correction Child chooses icon Accepts item Rejects item TAKE DATA HERE Correct on data sheet Incorrect on data sheet Read from top to bottom following the arrows as necessary Go onto next trial Model-Gestural prompt to preferred icon Practice -Child exchanges preferred icon -Label, but do not give item Distract -Turn book over -Do ELO Repeat -Turn book back over -Child independently chooses icon -Label and give item 1 4 3 2 Accepts item Rejects item Go onto next trial 3 2 1 Accepts item 4 ModelPracticeDistractRepeat Rejects item Go onto next trial Accepts item 1 4 3 2 ModelPracticeDistractRepeat Do preference assessment Go onto next trial Rejects item Remove the incorrect icon and repeat the 4 steps On repeat they get the treat!
  • 46. 4-Step Error Correction Child chooses icon Accepts item Rejects item TAKE DATA HERE Correct on data sheet Incorrect on data sheet Go onto next trial Model-Gestural prompt to preferred icon Practice -Child exchanges preferred icon -Label, but do not give item Distract -Turn book over -Do ELO Repeat -Turn book back over -Child independently chooses icon -Label and give item 1 4 3 2 Accepts item Rejects item Go onto next trial 3 2 1 Accepts item 4 ModelPracticeDistractRepeat Rejects item Go onto next trial Accepts item 1 4 3 2 ModelPracticeDistractRepeat Do preference assessment Go onto next trial Rejects item Remove the incorrect icon and repeat the 4 steps On repeat they get the treat!
  • 47. Phase 3B Phase 3B teaches discrimination between preferred items/icons while traveling Tutor has 2 highly preferred items available and the 2 corresponding icons on the book Incorrect responses: student reaches for a different item, or Chooses corresponding item but does not engage in interacting with it for at least 15 seconds
  • 48. Phase 3B continued Correspondence checks are necessary for 50% of the trials 5 of the 10 trials Rotate between correspondence checks and labeling while giving the item Label then give item Student does not accept the item when it is presented If the student makes 3 incorrect responses in a row, remove incorrect icon during 4 Step Error Correction
  • 49. For Correspondence Checks Hold out the items corresponding to icons, and say, “Take it” Then mark “CC” in the OT column on the data sheet Correct trial: the child chooses the item corresponding to the icon they gave you Incorrect trial: the child chooses the item that does not correspond to the icon they gave you Block the incorrect response and go directly into the 4 Step Error Correction Start with pointing to the item the child should have taken
  • 50. Requirement: Combine phases 2F and 3B Complete 5 trials of 2F outside the booth 5 trials of 3B in the setting the tutor chooses
  • 51. Phase 3C Phase 3C teaches discrimination between preferred items/icons while traveling Tutor has 5 highly preferred items available And 5 corresponding icons on the book Run correspondence checks for 60% of the trials (6 of 10) Randomly rotate between correspondence checks and labeling while giving the item
  • 52. Correspondence Checks Hold out the items on a bin lid corresponding to the icons, and say, “take it” Mark “CC” in the OT column on the data sheet REQUIREMENT: Combine phases 2F and 3C. 5 trials must be completed outside the booth where the student must travel to book and then discriminate between icons
  • 53. Phase 3C 4 preferred items Do correspondence checks using all 4 items For this phase it is easier to put the items on a bin lid so that they are spread out and easily accessible to the child When items are not spread out and accessible, tutors can easily mistake which item the child is reaching for Trial is correct when child chooses the item they asked for Trial is incorrect if child chooses a different item then what they asked for Use 4 step error correction for incorrect trials
  • 54. Phase 3C continued Trial is correct if the student gives the icon to the tutor then picks up and accepts corresponding item (engages with for at least 15 seconds) Trial is incorrect if the student does not give icon to tutor or does not pick up or accept (engage in item for at least 15 seconds) corresponding item
  • 55. Question 8: True or False: You have to run 10 trials for every PECS session Question 9: How often should you do correspondence checks in phase 3B ? __ How about in 3C? __ A: 20% of the trials B: 40% of the trials C: 60% of the trials D: never
  • 56. 4-Step Error Correction Chooses correct item Chooses incorrect item Child chooses item TAKE DATA HERE Correct on data sheet Incorrect on data sheet Go onto next trial Model-Gestural prompt to preferred icon Practice -Child exchanges preferred icon -Label, but do not give item Distract -Turn book over -Do ELO Repeat -Turn book back over -Child independently chooses icon -Correspondence check 1 4 3 2 Correct item Incorrect item Go onto next trial 3 2 1 Correct item 4 ModelPracticeDistractRepeat Incorrect item Go onto next trial Correct item 1 4 3 2 ModelPracticeDistractRepeat Do preference assessment Go onto next trial Incorrect item Remove the incorrect icon and repeat the 4 steps On repeat they get the treat!
  • 57. Tips Remember we do not take data on the 4 step error correction, we only take data on the initial trial Note: If you get three consecutive incorrect responses on the initial trials, stop the procedure and get it coded by a supervisor
  • 58. Still have questions? Contact the Icon Exchange Junior System Manager: Courtney June at or ask a supervisor.