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IBM Bluemix platform
and cognitive services
Disruption is upon us
The biggest taxi company
owns no cars.
The largest accommodation
company owns no real estate.
The biggest media company
owns no content.
The largest retailer
carries no inventory.
1/3 of the top 20 companies in every industry will be disrupted
over the next 3 years
Enterprise want to
disrupt, but...
New Business
Agile Innovation in the Cloud is the new currency
“Two guys in a Starbuckscan
have access to the same
computing power as a
Fortune 500 company.”
Jim Deters Founder,
Every developer can quickly
compose apps with new API’s
and digital services to add
features and increase user
The Rise of Inter-Cloud Composable Apps
Applications are no longer being vertically built by single organizations
(Bank API)
(Insurance API)
(Dealer API)
(Map Provider API)
Apps are being “composed” using “microservices”
Rapid iterations
Develop Build Test Deploy
Develop Build Test Deploy
Slower iterations
Systems of
Systems of
Enterprises need instrumented, automated coordination
to handle two-speed IT
Bluemix will enable
Enterprises need to find
a balance between IT &
Hybrid is a great
opportunity to develop
new business via digital
Disruption can occur
when enterprises are
slow to adapt
 Security and Privacy LDAP Integration
 Regulations Corporate Policies
 White Labelling
 Application monitoring and loggin
Enterprise have different requirements
Possess a unique capability by leveraging existing systems
IBM Bluemix Cloud
A Managed Platform to Design, Deploy, and Run Enterprise Applications
Third Party
Your Own
Open Source
• Over 150 Services
• 20K New Devs / Week
Data & Analytics
Application Server on Cloud
OpenStack VMs
Docker Containers
Cloud Foundry Runtimes
API Connect
Service Broker
Secure Gateway (D)
Service Proxy
Service Discovery
Block Storage
Object Storage
User Defined Services
Presence Insights
Mobile Data
Mobile Client Access
IBM Push Notifications
Mobile Quality Assurance
Mobile Application Security
Key Protect
Single Sign-On
Network Security Groups
for VMs
Application Security on
Big Insights
Data Cache (D,L)
Session Cache (D,L)
MQ Light
Business Rules
User Defined APIs
IoT Foundation (D)
IoT Real Time Insights
Message Hub
Workflow Scheduler
CDN & Media
Private APIs
Analytics for Apache Hadoop
dashDB (D)
BigInsights for Apache Hadoop
DataWorks, DataWorks Lift
Cloudant NoSQL DB (D)
Elasticsearch by Compose
Apache Spark
Geospatial Analytics
IBM DB2 on Cloud
Predictive Analytics
MongoDB by Compose
Redis by Compose
PostgreSQL by Compose
SQL Database
Insights for Weather
Streaming Analytics
Time Series Database
Embeddable Reporting
Language Translation
Concept Insights, Dialog
Personality Insights
Natural Language Classifier
Concept Expansion
Relationship Extraction
Retrieve and Rank
Text to Speech
Visual Recognition
Speech To Text
Active Deploy
Delivery Pipeline
Trade Off Analytics
Tracking and Plan GIT
Monitoring and Analytics
Insights for Twitter
IBM Graph
Mobile Application Content
Load Balancer for
Document Conversion
Globalization Pipeline
Alert Notification
Auto-Scaling (D,L)
Tone Analyzer
Analytics Exchange
Compose Enterprise
IoT Driver Insights
IoT Map Insights
Vulnerability Advisor for
Message Connect
Application Security Manager
(D) Dedicated, (L) Local
IBM Bluemix Services
Serverless Environment
IBM Bluemix: Your Ecosystem for Innovation
Third Party
Build Your Own
• Compute
• Runtime
• Deployment
• OpenSource
• Custom API‘s
• Monetize API‘s
140+ API‘s and services:
Watson, IoT, Analytics, DevOps, etc.
Game Changing
• Faster Time to Value: Decreased delivery times
from 6 months to 2 weeks
• Integrated Insights; A travel company increased
bookings by 146%
• Customer Loyalty: An airline increased on time
departure with new flight crew app
What Bluemix offers
Offerings spanning from bare metal to serverless programming
Delivered across public, dedicated and on-premises deployment models
Available in over 26 IBM data centers around the globe
Offers over 140 composable services across Watson, Data, Mobile,
IoT and DevOps
Built on Open- Standards and Architecture
Meet your security and regulatory requirements with flexible
deployment models
With a consistent user experience across …
Managed Multi-tenant
Managed Single-tenant
Managed Single-tenant
Hybrid: Combine Public with Dedicated and Local
Accelerate App Delivery: No need to rip and replace
Integration Bus
Integrate your back end systems with Bluemix Apps
Corporate IT
Websphere Weather
Big Data
Integrated DevOps
IBM Bluemix
• Preserve
investment in
existing back
end applications
• Extend into
Bluemix with
• Rapidly
deploy and run
applications in
Use Cases to support Your Business 1/3
Create, manage and secure Digital Applications regardless of back end language or technology
Microservice App
System API
System API
System API
System API
System API
System API
Interaction API
Create Run
Create Run
API Connect
Use Cases to support Your Business 2/3
Gain deeper business insight by using cognitive computing and artificial intelligence services
Retrieve &
Dialog Natural
• Continuously analyzes data streams.
• Connects to the widest range of data
- from IoT to real time video analysis.
• Completely integrates data streams into existing data
and analytic environments.
Use Cases to support Your Business 3/3
Real time decision making using Streaming Analytics on Bluemix
Self Start Option: Bluemix Free Trial & Pay as you go
• Free 30 Day Trial
• Pay as you go
Community IBM Bluemix Italia
A zoom on cognitive services
La nuova frontiera della statistica: il cognitive computing
La statistica applicata al linguaggio naturale
attraverso gli algoritmi di data mining e machine
learning si è sviluppata molto velocemente negli
ultimi anni al punto di produrre centinaia di algoritmi
che sono alla base del Cognitive Computing
L’evoluzione del Q&A (attraverso le fasi di sviluppo di Watson)
22Page© 2016 IBM Corporation
Hypothesis and
Evidence Scoring
Final Confidence
Merging &
c Analysis
Learned Models
help combine and
weigh the Evidence
Hypothesis and
Evidence Scoring
Watson e UIMA (Unstructured Information Management Architecture)
UIMA è l’architettura sviluppata da IBM per l’analisi delle informazioni non strutturate; costituisce il
fondamento di Watson. Il codice sorgente è stato reso disponibile alla comunità open source come
componente di Apache Software Foundation.
Principali caratteristiche:
- Analisi della domanda
- Ricerca primaria
- Generazione delle ipotesi
- Valutazione delle ipotesi e
delle evidenze
- Valutazione finale del livello
di confidenza
Watson Evolution
• 80K developers
• 10K applications
33 APIs on Bluemix
AI powered applications for all
Watson APIs available in Bluemix
Language Vision
Data Insights Speech
Watson Developer Cloud
Feed DetectionVisionLanguage Data Insights
Watson Offerings
Watson Virtual Agent
Watson Explorer Watson Knowledge Studio
All API’s payloads are
JSON in -> JSON out
They can reason, grasp
underlying concepts,
form hypotheses, and
infer and extract ideas.
Cognitive systems
understand imagery,
language and other
unstructured data
like humans do.
With each data point,
interaction and outcome,
they develop and
sharpen expertise, so
they never stop learning.
With abilities to see,
talk and hear, cognitive
systems interact with
humans in a natural way.
The Core Characteristics of a Cognitive System
26Page© 2016 IBM Corporation
L’utilizzo delle API di Waston permette alle informazioni non
strutturate di contribuire alla ricerca del ‘valore’ dal dato
Alcuni esempi di use cases:
• Chatbot
• Sentiment Analysis (es. Su brand / prodotto)
• Analisi dei documenti
• Analisi delle immagini
• ...........
L’obiettivo è sempre duplice:
 fornire agli utenti delle applicazioni una
interazione con il sistema in linguaggio naturale
 Recepire tutte le informazioni derivanti dalle
interazioni con gli utenti per generare dati
‘analizzabili’ per migliorare il business
Example: Customers moves toward a multichannel engagement model
Customer Customer
28Page© 2016 IBM Corporation
L’era dei ‘chatbot’ (computazione conversazionale)
Mobile Chat Retail Agent Email Forums Web
Oggi: I contact centers gestiscono tutti i canali separatamente rendendo difficile la gestione delle
problematiche di connessione tra i vari canali e non rendendo continuativa l’esperienza degli utenti
nel passaggio da un canale ad un altro.
Domani:. Attraverso le chatbot sarà possibile soddisfare puntualmente le richieste dell’utente
attraverso una conversazione in linguaggio naturale e nello stesso tempo:
• ‘raccogliere’ tutte le informazioni inserite dall’utente per successive analisi di business
• accedere ai sistemi informativi aziendali (CRM, magazzino, catalogo, ecc.) per fornire informazioni di
• accedere ad una serie di documenti opportunamente classificati per fornire informazioni testuali di
aiuto all’utente per lo svolgimento di operazioni, aiuto all’uso di prodotti, e altre informazioni utili.
Mobile Chat
▲ Contact Deflection
▲ First Contact Resolution
▲ Answer Consistency
▲ Cross/up sell opportunities
▲ Customer satisfaction
▲ Net Promoter Score (NPS)
▲ Poor customer experience
▲ High Cost
▲ High Customer Churn
▲ High Agent turnover
▲ Agent Training costs
▲ Channel Complexity
Cosa sono i chatbot
• I chatbot sono applicazioni che consentono di creare dialoghi interattivi con
linguaggio naturale.
• Attraverso le chatbot è possibile soddisfare puntualmente le richieste dell’utente
attraverso una conversazione in linguaggio naturale e nello stesso tempo:
• ‘raccogliere’ tutte le informazioni inserite dall’utente per successive analisi di business
• accedere ai sistemi informativi aziendali (CRM, magazzino, catalogo, ecc.) per fornire
informazioni di dettaglio
• accedere ad una serie di documenti opportunamente classificati per fornire informazioni
testuali di aiuto all’utente per lo svolgimento di operazioni, aiuto all’uso di prodotti, e altre
informazioni utili.
• può essere continuativamente ‘affinata’ e ‘arricchita’ con nuovi termini e modi
conversazionali senza azioni sul sw sviluppato ma agendo unicamente sul ‘training set’ o sul
IBM Watson – A Gentle Technical Introduction 30
• Watson Conversation allows you to create applications that understands natural-
language input and uses machine learning to respond to customers in a way that
simulates a conversation between humans beings.
• Combines a number of cognitive techniques to help you build and train a bot -
defining intents and entities and crafting dialog to simulate conversation.
• The system can then be further refined with supplementary Watson API’s and
other technologies to make the system more human-like or to give it a higher
chance of returning the right answer.
• Allows you to deploy a range of bots via many
channels, from simple, narrowly focused Bots to
much more sophisticated, full-blown virtual agents
across mobile devices, messaging platforms like
Slack, or even through a physical robot.
Watson Conversation Service
IBM Watson – A Gentle Technical Introduction 31
Watson Conversation Service
• Watson Conversation è uno strumento grafico completo, veloce, flessibile e
facile da usare per creare e testare dialoghi interattivi con l’utente.
• Watson Conversation espone le conversazioni create dall’utente via API per
poterle includere all’interno del codice applicativo
 Si basa sul principio degli
intenti e delle entità viste
precedentemente a cui si
aggiunge la capacità di
utilizzare questi intenti e
queste entità per creare dei
veri e propri dialoghi ramificati
Watson Conversation – how to train the service
Come creare le conversazioni
 Per creare le conversazioni si parte dagli intenti che stabiliscono le tipologie di richieste dell’utente. Per ogni intento è necessario istruire
il Watson con un certo numero di esempi che servono ad identificare l’intento stesso.
 Es.: #trova_attività
• “Mi va di uscire stasera”
• ”Voglio andare a mangiare fuori”
• “Credo che andrò al cinema”
• “Non ho per niente voglia di stare a casa”
 Successivamente si stabiliscono le entità con vari valori associati e vari sinonimi per ciascun valore:
 Es: @attività:
• Ristorante mangiare, affamato, ristoranti, cibo
• Cinema film,
• Discoteca disco, ballare
• Bar pub, bere, birra
 Dopo aver definito gli intenti e le entità si costruisce il dialog in maniera grafica:
 Si parte dai convenevoli e poi si aggiungono i percorsi possibili relativi ai vari intenti, per cui se ad esempio il sistema recepisce la
frase “Credo che andrò al cinema” è in grado immediatamente di capire che l’utente vuole andare al cinema e gli chiede magari se
ha preferenze per un cinema, per un film o per un genere di film ecc. Se invece il sistema recepisce la frase “Mi va di uscire stasera”
compirà un percorso diverso per chiedere se l’interlocutore vuole andare a mangiare fuori o vuole andare al cinema o in discoteca e
se gli viene risposto ‘voglio andare al cinema’ allora il dialogo si riconduce alla scelta del cinema o del film
Come fornire informazioni agli utenti
• All’interno del dialogo si possono inserire
• risposte compiute che possono essere ritornate direttamente all’utente
• risposte contengono delle variabili di contesto che l’applicazione usa per capire quale
sistema/servizio esterno può completare la risposta con le informazioni in possesso.
• Es. ”Che tempo fa a Roma oggi”
• Si identifica l’intento #meteo e le entità @city e @date e si costruisce la risposta inserendo una
variabile di contesto modo che l’applicazioni chiami il servizio TheWeatherChannel per ottenere
l’informazione necessaria al completamento della risposta
• Per determinare le ‘entità aperte’ ( è necessario ricorrere al servizio Alchemy
• E’ previsto il caso “Anything else” che si verifica quando il servizio di
conversation non riesce a determinare correttamente uno specifico intento.
Watson Retrieve and Rank per gestire le varie tipologie di richieste
Il servizio Watson Conversation è sufficiente
E’ necessario integrare il Watson Conversation con
Il servizio ‘Retrieve and Rank’
• Il servizio di Retrieve and Rank viene
utilizzato quando il Watson
Conversation non ‘capisce’ l’intento
della domanda o identifica un intento
con una bassa percentuale di
• Il servizio Retrieve and Rank utilizza la
domanda dell’utente per ricercare tra i
documenti che sono stati inseriti nel
servizio una serie di documenti che
possono soddisfare la domanda in
questione (modalità F.A.Q.)
Watson Conversation
Qui Watson usa le strategie
di ragionamento che si
focalizzano sul linguaggio e
sul contesto della domanda
Retrieve and Rank
Qui Watson usa le strategie di
ragionamento che si focalizzano
sull’identificazione della
risposta più appropriata
IBM Watson – A Gentle Technical Introduction 36
Watson Conversation Service – the payload
For every following inputs in
the same conversations, the
CONTEXT of the previous
IBM Watson – A Gentle Technical Introduction 37
• Watson Conversation channels: Botkit (
This middleware plugin for Botkit allows developers to easily integrate a
Watson Conversation workspace with multiple social channels like Slack,
Facebook, and Twilio. Customers can have simultaneous, independent
conversations with a single workspace through different channels.
38Page© 2016 IBM Corporation
Architettura di base di una chatbot
Retrieve and
39Page© 2016 IBM Corporation
Altri servizi Watson utili a rendere la conversazione più efficiente
* Tone
= > attualmente non supportano la lingua italiana
Retrieve and
40Page© 2016 IBM Corporation
Leveraging BlueMix & Watson with Pepper
Sample architecture
Enterprise application
interaction (CRM, ERP, …)
- Big data
- Real time analytics
- Customer insight
- IBM Marketing Cloud
Interation with cloud services exposing
Social, location, weather,
IBM Watson – A Gentle Technical Introduction 41
How to learn
• Courses and use cases
Development section, Watson Technology courses,
Use cases
• Watson Developer Cloud
All Watson services are documented here
• Youtube – Watson channel
For each Watson services you can find an ‘how to’ video
• Documented architecture for various areas including Data &
Analytics, e-Commerce, DevOps, IoT etc.
• Sample code and demo apps as well.
• Goal of this work group was to create a robust set of architecture’s
and guidance for various cognitive adoption
• Currently Cognitive for Engagement
is published.
IBM Cloud Architecture Center
IBM Watson – A Gentle Technical Introduction 43
Project Intu
Project Intu is an experimental service that allows
developers to quickly and seamlessly integrate
various cognitive services, such as Conversation
and Speech-to-Text, with the capabilities of various
devices, spaces and physical objects.
What’s coming ….. Stay tuned
TJ Bot
I'm an open source project designed to help you access
Watson Services in a fun way.
You can 3D print me or laser cut me,
then use one of my recipes to bring me to life!
What will you do with Watson?
Iscrivetevi alla commynity
facebook !!!

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IBM Bluemix

  • 1. IBM Bluemix platform and cognitive services
  • 3. The biggest taxi company owns no cars. The largest accommodation company owns no real estate. The biggest media company owns no content. The largest retailer carries no inventory.
  • 4. 1/3 of the top 20 companies in every industry will be disrupted over the next 3 years
  • 5. Enterprise want to disrupt, but... New Business Value Existing Applications
  • 6. Agile Innovation in the Cloud is the new currency “Two guys in a Starbuckscan have access to the same computing power as a Fortune 500 company.” Jim Deters Founder, Galvanize Every developer can quickly compose apps with new API’s and digital services to add features and increase user engagement
  • 7. The Rise of Inter-Cloud Composable Apps Applications are no longer being vertically built by single organizations LOANS (Bank API) AUTO (Insurance API) AVAILABILITY (Dealer API) LOCATION (Map Provider API) ANALYTICS (IBM API) Apps are being “composed” using “microservices”
  • 8. Rapid iterations Develop Build Test Deploy Production API Catalog Develop Build Test Deploy Slower iterations Production Systems of Interaction Systems of Record Digital Applications Enterprise Application s Enterprises need instrumented, automated coordination to handle two-speed IT Bluemix will enable Enterprises need to find a balance between IT & Innovation. Hybrid is a great opportunity to develop new business via digital channels. Disruption can occur when enterprises are slow to adapt  Security and Privacy LDAP Integration  Regulations Corporate Policies  White Labelling  Application monitoring and loggin Enterprise have different requirements Possess a unique capability by leveraging existing systems
  • 9. IBM Bluemix Cloud A Managed Platform to Design, Deploy, and Run Enterprise Applications Third Party IBM Your Own Open Source • Over 150 Services • 20K New Devs / Week
  • 10. Data & Analytics Application Server on Cloud OpenStack VMs Docker Containers Cloud Foundry Runtimes API Connect Service Broker Secure Gateway (D) Service Proxy Service Discovery CDN Block Storage Object Storage User Defined Services Presence Insights Mobile Data Mobile Client Access IBM Push Notifications Mobile Quality Assurance Mobile Application Security Key Protect Single Sign-On Network Security Groups for VMs Application Security on Cloud Workflow Big Insights Data Cache (D,L) Session Cache (D,L) MQ Light Business Rules User Defined APIs IoT Foundation (D) IoT Real Time Insights Message Hub Workflow Scheduler Compute CDN & Media Security IOT Application Mobile Storage Private APIs Analytics for Apache Hadoop dashDB (D) BigInsights for Apache Hadoop DataWorks, DataWorks Lift Cloudant NoSQL DB (D) Elasticsearch by Compose Apache Spark Geospatial Analytics IBM DB2 on Cloud Predictive Analytics MongoDB by Compose Redis by Compose PostgreSQL by Compose SQL Database Insights for Weather Streaming Analytics Time Series Database Embeddable Reporting AlchemyAPI Language Translation Concept Insights, Dialog Personality Insights Natural Language Classifier Concept Expansion Relationship Extraction Retrieve and Rank Text to Speech Visual Recognition Speech To Text Active Deploy Delivery Pipeline Watson DevOps Trade Off Analytics Tracking and Plan GIT Monitoring and Analytics Insights for Twitter IBM Graph Mobile Application Content Manager Load Balancer for Containers Networking VPN Document Conversion Globalization Pipeline Alert Notification Auto-Scaling (D,L) Tone Analyzer Analytics Exchange Compose Enterprise Blockchain IoT Driver Insights IoT Map Insights Vulnerability Advisor for Containers Integrate Message Connect Application Security Manager (D) Dedicated, (L) Local IBM Bluemix Services Serverless Environment
  • 11. IBM Bluemix: Your Ecosystem for Innovation IBM Third Party Build Your Own Community Choice • Compute • Runtime • Deployment Extensible • OpenSource • Custom API‘s • Monetize API‘s Composable 140+ API‘s and services: Watson, IoT, Analytics, DevOps, etc. Game Changing • Faster Time to Value: Decreased delivery times from 6 months to 2 weeks • Integrated Insights; A travel company increased bookings by 146% • Customer Loyalty: An airline increased on time departure with new flight crew app
  • 12. What Bluemix offers Compute Hybrid Global Services Open Offerings spanning from bare metal to serverless programming Delivered across public, dedicated and on-premises deployment models Available in over 26 IBM data centers around the globe Offers over 140 composable services across Watson, Data, Mobile, IoT and DevOps Built on Open- Standards and Architecture
  • 13. Meet your security and regulatory requirements with flexible deployment models With a consistent user experience across … Public Managed Multi-tenant off-prem Dedicated Managed Single-tenant off-prem Local Managed Single-tenant on-prem Hybrid: Combine Public with Dedicated and Local
  • 14. Accelerate App Delivery: No need to rip and replace 3rd-Party API API API 3rd-Party API API API Integration Bus Integrate your back end systems with Bluemix Apps Corporate IT Websphere Weather IoT Analytics Mobile Big Data Integrated DevOps IBM Bluemix Watson • Preserve investment in existing back end applications • Extend into Bluemix with API’s • Rapidly compose, deploy and run applications in Bluemix
  • 15. Use Cases to support Your Business 1/3 Create, manage and secure Digital Applications regardless of back end language or technology Microservice App Or Web Service System API ManageSecure System API ManageSecure System API ESB ManageSecure System API ManageSecure System API ManageSecure IBM z System API ManageSecure Interaction API ManageSecure Create Run ManageSecure Create Run API Connect
  • 16. Use Cases to support Your Business 2/3 Gain deeper business insight by using cognitive computing and artificial intelligence services Retrieve & Rank Alchemy API‘s Personality Insights Tradeoff Analytics Dialog Natural Language Classifier
  • 17. • Continuously analyzes data streams. • Connects to the widest range of data sources - from IoT to real time video analysis. • Completely integrates data streams into existing data and analytic environments. Use Cases to support Your Business 3/3 Hadoop Data Warehouse NoSQL Real time decision making using Streaming Analytics on Bluemix
  • 18. Self Start Option: Bluemix Free Trial & Pay as you go • Free 30 Day Trial • Pay as you go Community IBM Bluemix Italia
  • 19. A zoom on cognitive services
  • 20. La nuova frontiera della statistica: il cognitive computing La statistica applicata al linguaggio naturale attraverso gli algoritmi di data mining e machine learning si è sviluppata molto velocemente negli ultimi anni al punto di produrre centinaia di algoritmi che sono alla base del Cognitive Computing
  • 21. L’evoluzione del Q&A (attraverso le fasi di sviluppo di Watson)
  • 22. 22Page© 2016 IBM Corporation Answer Scoring Models Responses with Confidence Inquiry Evidence Sources Models Models Models Models ModelsPrimary Search Candidate Answer Generation Hypothesis Generation Hypothesis and Evidence Scoring Final Confidence Merging & Ranking Synthesis Answer Sources Inquiry/Topi c Analysis Evidence Retrieval Deep Evidence Scoring Learned Models help combine and weigh the Evidence Hypothesis Generation Hypothesis and Evidence Scoring Inquiry Decomposition Watson e UIMA (Unstructured Information Management Architecture) 2 2 UIMA è l’architettura sviluppata da IBM per l’analisi delle informazioni non strutturate; costituisce il fondamento di Watson. Il codice sorgente è stato reso disponibile alla comunità open source come componente di Apache Software Foundation. Principali caratteristiche: - Analisi della domanda - Ricerca primaria - Generazione delle ipotesi - Valutazione delle ipotesi e delle evidenze - Valutazione finale del livello di confidenza
  • 23. Watson Evolution 23 • 80K developers • 10K applications 33 APIs on Bluemix 2011 AI powered applications for all 2016
  • 24. 24 Watson APIs available in Bluemix Language Vision Data Insights Speech Watson Developer Cloud Feed DetectionVisionLanguage Data Insights Watson Offerings Watson Virtual Agent Watson Explorer Watson Knowledge Studio All API’s payloads are JSON in -> JSON out
  • 25. REASON They can reason, grasp underlying concepts, form hypotheses, and infer and extract ideas. UNDERSTAND Cognitive systems understand imagery, language and other unstructured data like humans do. LEARN With each data point, interaction and outcome, they develop and sharpen expertise, so they never stop learning. INTERACT With abilities to see, talk and hear, cognitive systems interact with humans in a natural way. 2 5 The Core Characteristics of a Cognitive System
  • 26. 26Page© 2016 IBM Corporation L’utilizzo delle API di Waston permette alle informazioni non strutturate di contribuire alla ricerca del ‘valore’ dal dato 2 6 Alcuni esempi di use cases: • Chatbot • Sentiment Analysis (es. Su brand / prodotto) • Analisi dei documenti • Analisi delle immagini • ........... ANALYTICS COGNITIVEINFORMATION KnowledgeDATASENSORS L’obiettivo è sempre duplice:  fornire agli utenti delle applicazioni una interazione con il sistema in linguaggio naturale  Recepire tutte le informazioni derivanti dalle interazioni con gli utenti per generare dati ‘analizzabili’ per migliorare il business
  • 27. Example: Customers moves toward a multichannel engagement model THEN NOW Customer Customer
  • 28. 28Page© 2016 IBM Corporation L’era dei ‘chatbot’ (computazione conversazionale) Mobile Chat Retail Agent Email Forums Web Oggi: I contact centers gestiscono tutti i canali separatamente rendendo difficile la gestione delle problematiche di connessione tra i vari canali e non rendendo continuativa l’esperienza degli utenti nel passaggio da un canale ad un altro. Domani:. Attraverso le chatbot sarà possibile soddisfare puntualmente le richieste dell’utente attraverso una conversazione in linguaggio naturale e nello stesso tempo: • ‘raccogliere’ tutte le informazioni inserite dall’utente per successive analisi di business • accedere ai sistemi informativi aziendali (CRM, magazzino, catalogo, ecc.) per fornire informazioni di dettaglio • accedere ad una serie di documenti opportunamente classificati per fornire informazioni testuali di aiuto all’utente per lo svolgimento di operazioni, aiuto all’uso di prodotti, e altre informazioni utili. Mobile Chat Web ▲ Contact Deflection ▲ First Contact Resolution ▲ Answer Consistency ▲ Cross/up sell opportunities ▲ Customer satisfaction ▲ Net Promoter Score (NPS) Results ▲ Poor customer experience ▲ High Cost ▲ High Customer Churn ▲ High Agent turnover ▲ Agent Training costs ▲ Channel Complexity Issues
  • 29. Cosa sono i chatbot • I chatbot sono applicazioni che consentono di creare dialoghi interattivi con linguaggio naturale. • Attraverso le chatbot è possibile soddisfare puntualmente le richieste dell’utente attraverso una conversazione in linguaggio naturale e nello stesso tempo: • ‘raccogliere’ tutte le informazioni inserite dall’utente per successive analisi di business • accedere ai sistemi informativi aziendali (CRM, magazzino, catalogo, ecc.) per fornire informazioni di dettaglio • accedere ad una serie di documenti opportunamente classificati per fornire informazioni testuali di aiuto all’utente per lo svolgimento di operazioni, aiuto all’uso di prodotti, e altre informazioni utili. • può essere continuativamente ‘affinata’ e ‘arricchita’ con nuovi termini e modi conversazionali senza azioni sul sw sviluppato ma agendo unicamente sul ‘training set’ o sul ’dialogo’
  • 30. IBM Watson – A Gentle Technical Introduction 30 • Watson Conversation allows you to create applications that understands natural- language input and uses machine learning to respond to customers in a way that simulates a conversation between humans beings. • Combines a number of cognitive techniques to help you build and train a bot - defining intents and entities and crafting dialog to simulate conversation. • The system can then be further refined with supplementary Watson API’s and other technologies to make the system more human-like or to give it a higher chance of returning the right answer. • Allows you to deploy a range of bots via many channels, from simple, narrowly focused Bots to much more sophisticated, full-blown virtual agents across mobile devices, messaging platforms like Slack, or even through a physical robot. Watson Conversation Service
  • 31. IBM Watson – A Gentle Technical Introduction 31 Watson Conversation Service
  • 32. • Watson Conversation è uno strumento grafico completo, veloce, flessibile e facile da usare per creare e testare dialoghi interattivi con l’utente. • Watson Conversation espone le conversazioni create dall’utente via API per poterle includere all’interno del codice applicativo  Si basa sul principio degli intenti e delle entità viste precedentemente a cui si aggiunge la capacità di utilizzare questi intenti e queste entità per creare dei veri e propri dialoghi ramificati Watson Conversation – how to train the service
  • 33. Come creare le conversazioni  Per creare le conversazioni si parte dagli intenti che stabiliscono le tipologie di richieste dell’utente. Per ogni intento è necessario istruire il Watson con un certo numero di esempi che servono ad identificare l’intento stesso.  Es.: #trova_attività • “Mi va di uscire stasera” • ”Voglio andare a mangiare fuori” • “Credo che andrò al cinema” • “Non ho per niente voglia di stare a casa”  Successivamente si stabiliscono le entità con vari valori associati e vari sinonimi per ciascun valore:  Es: @attività: • Ristorante mangiare, affamato, ristoranti, cibo • Cinema film, • Discoteca disco, ballare • Bar pub, bere, birra  Dopo aver definito gli intenti e le entità si costruisce il dialog in maniera grafica:  Si parte dai convenevoli e poi si aggiungono i percorsi possibili relativi ai vari intenti, per cui se ad esempio il sistema recepisce la frase “Credo che andrò al cinema” è in grado immediatamente di capire che l’utente vuole andare al cinema e gli chiede magari se ha preferenze per un cinema, per un film o per un genere di film ecc. Se invece il sistema recepisce la frase “Mi va di uscire stasera” compirà un percorso diverso per chiedere se l’interlocutore vuole andare a mangiare fuori o vuole andare al cinema o in discoteca e se gli viene risposto ‘voglio andare al cinema’ allora il dialogo si riconduce alla scelta del cinema o del film
  • 34. Come fornire informazioni agli utenti • All’interno del dialogo si possono inserire • risposte compiute che possono essere ritornate direttamente all’utente • risposte contengono delle variabili di contesto che l’applicazione usa per capire quale sistema/servizio esterno può completare la risposta con le informazioni in possesso. • Es. ”Che tempo fa a Roma oggi” • Si identifica l’intento #meteo e le entità @city e @date e si costruisce la risposta inserendo una variabile di contesto modo che l’applicazioni chiami il servizio TheWeatherChannel per ottenere l’informazione necessaria al completamento della risposta • Per determinare le ‘entità aperte’ ( è necessario ricorrere al servizio Alchemy • E’ previsto il caso “Anything else” che si verifica quando il servizio di conversation non riesce a determinare correttamente uno specifico intento.
  • 35. Watson Retrieve and Rank per gestire le varie tipologie di richieste Il servizio Watson Conversation è sufficiente E’ necessario integrare il Watson Conversation con Il servizio ‘Retrieve and Rank’ • Il servizio di Retrieve and Rank viene utilizzato quando il Watson Conversation non ‘capisce’ l’intento della domanda o identifica un intento con una bassa percentuale di ‘confidenza’. • Il servizio Retrieve and Rank utilizza la domanda dell’utente per ricercare tra i documenti che sono stati inseriti nel servizio una serie di documenti che possono soddisfare la domanda in questione (modalità F.A.Q.) Watson Conversation Qui Watson usa le strategie di ragionamento che si focalizzano sul linguaggio e sul contesto della domanda Retrieve and Rank Qui Watson usa le strategie di ragionamento che si focalizzano sull’identificazione della risposta più appropriata
  • 36. IBM Watson – A Gentle Technical Introduction 36 Start Watson Conversation Service – the payload For every following inputs in the same conversations, the input MUST INCLUDE THE CONTEXT of the previous output
  • 37. IBM Watson – A Gentle Technical Introduction 37 • Watson Conversation channels: Botkit ( This middleware plugin for Botkit allows developers to easily integrate a Watson Conversation workspace with multiple social channels like Slack, Facebook, and Twilio. Customers can have simultaneous, independent conversations with a single workspace through different channels. Integration
  • 38. 38Page© 2016 IBM Corporation Architettura di base di una chatbot Conversation Retrieve and Rank USER APPLICATION LOGIC DEVICE PUBLIC NETWORK CLOUD NETWORK ENTERPRISE NETWORK EDGE SERVICES PUBLIC API 3rd PARTY API DocumentsDocument Conversion KNOWLEDGE ENGINEER TRANSFORMATION & CONNECTIVITY Preparazione Training
  • 39. 39Page© 2016 IBM Corporation Altri servizi Watson utili a rendere la conversazione più efficiente Language Translator Speech-to- text * Tone analyzer * = > attualmente non supportano la lingua italiana Conversation Retrieve and Rank Text-to- speech Tradeoff Analytics Personality Insight * USER APPLICATION LOGIC DEVICE PUBLIC NETWORK CLOUD NETWORK ENTERPRISE NETWORK EDGE SERVICES PUBLIC API 3rd PARTY API DocumentsDocument Conversion KNOWLEDGE ENGINEER TRANSFORMATION & CONNECTIVITY Preparazione Training Alchemy Language
  • 40. 40Page© 2016 IBM Corporation CUSTOMER /PROSPECT APPLICATION ENTERPRISE APPLICATION ENTERPRISE USER DIRECTORY ENTERPRISE DATA TRANSFORMATION & CONNECTIVITY PUBLIC NETWORK IBM CLOUD NETWORK ENTERPRISE NETWORK ACTIONABLE INSIGHTDATA STORE Leveraging BlueMix & Watson with Pepper Sample architecture LOCATION SERVICE COGNITIVE SERVICE ......... Enterprise application interaction (CRM, ERP, …) - Big data - Real time analytics - Customer insight - IBM Marketing Cloud Interation with cloud services exposing API: Social, location, weather, cognitive,....... WEATHER SERVICE SOCIAL SERVICE
  • 41. IBM Watson – A Gentle Technical Introduction 41 How to learn • Courses and use cases Development section, Watson Technology courses, Use cases • Watson Developer Cloud All Watson services are documented here • Youtube – Watson channel For each Watson services you can find an ‘how to’ video
  • 42. 42 • Documented architecture for various areas including Data & Analytics, e-Commerce, DevOps, IoT etc. • Sample code and demo apps as well. • • Goal of this work group was to create a robust set of architecture’s and guidance for various cognitive adoption patterns • Currently Cognitive for Engagement is published. IBM Cloud Architecture Center
  • 43. IBM Watson – A Gentle Technical Introduction 43 Project Intu Project Intu is an experimental service that allows developers to quickly and seamlessly integrate various cognitive services, such as Conversation and Speech-to-Text, with the capabilities of various devices, spaces and physical objects. What’s coming ….. Stay tuned TJ Bot I'm an open source project designed to help you access Watson Services in a fun way. You can 3D print me or laser cut me, then use one of my recipes to bring me to life!
  • 44. What will you do with Watson?

Editor's Notes

  1. This is the deck cover. Change the user icon with your picture. Do not change picture dimensions. Remove image if you do not wish to publish your own picture on deck cover.
  2. So what are companies doing about it?
  3. Composable’apps and microservices allow companies to greatly reduce development time and get to market more quickly. Microservice means less coding, testing, and debugging – spend time on creating secret sauce – your business value. Companies are realizing that they don’t need to build everything themselves. They can now buy or use functionality that someone has already built and compose new apps very quickly. is a good example – they did not write the mapping app, or the loan app, but they compose an application that uses API’s to quickly assemble the functions that they need.
  4. Bluemix is an IBM managed platform that enables organizations and developers to quickly and easily create, compose, deploy, and manage applications on the cloud. IBM manages and maintains the platform which allows companies to focus on creating great apps – reducing complexity for your team to allow them to focus on your apps and not worry about being able to scale the applications as needed, and without having to worry about the infrastructure and middleware at all. Bluemix delivers enterprise-level services that can easily integrate with your existing applications. Bringing together infrastructure and platform services this way - Bluemix offers a rich and continuously expanding ecosystem of IBM and 3rd party services to support the accelerating pace of business and the need for innovation. Bluemix is an implementation of IBM's Open Cloud Architecture based on Cloud Foundry. Bluemix provides points of entry for companies to deliver faster regardless of where their apps or services need to run With Bluemix, companies can accelerate innovation on both sides of the firewall. The flexibility to shift deployment model mix over time Smart enterprises know they will have a mix of dedicated, public, and local cloud, but can’t predict the balance of these resources at any point in the future. Bluemix has the flexibility to optimize the placement of workloads Run workloads where they make the most sense, utilizing the highest performance infrastructure with no responsibility for its maintenance. Bluemix empowers IT teams via a single integrated Admin console Gain visibility across public, dedicated, and local deployments via the Bluemix console to ensure control and governance of enterprise systems. Secure connectivity protects access and data transfer on both sides of the firewall Only Bluemix offers VPN, Direct Link, Secure Gateway to encrypt and securely transfer enterprise data over the public internet, over private networks, and between cloud applications and on-premises endpoints.
  5. Bluemix allows you to get started quickly by using the choice of compute and runtimes that your developers are already using today. As we have said, you can select the right deployment models to meet your security and regulatory requirements – Public, Dedicated, Local, and hybrid Compute – don’t worry about infrastructure, continue to leverage Docker Containers or VM’s Pick and choose a runtime (runs the instructions in the code) that works for you. We support many such as Java, Node.js, Ruby, etc., Composable apps are built by leveraging Bluemix services, there are over 140 services today, as compared to Pivotal which has less than 30 at last check We continue to expand with new IBM and 3rd party services. IBM includes unique impactful services such as Watson and analytics providing insight, IoT, and DevOps to build, test, secure, and run applications was a good example of this Extensibility is a key attribute of the Bluemix platform. New services can be integrated from the open source Cloud Foundry community and Your own custom services. The services API’s allow for consumption or usage based business model. The outcomes can be dramatic; Bluemix is a platform that enables the fast development and continuous integration and deployment, app delivery can decrease from 6 months to 2 weeks Watson and analytic services provide high value insights, by example, enabling a travel company increase bookings by 146% Customer loyalty is a focus area for many travel and retail applications and can lead to improvements, as example, an airline increasing on-time departures by leveraging a new app
  6. Various industries and geographies have unique security and regulatory requirements that influence the deployment of IT assets. Data sovereignty is one example of these requirements, in various geographies around the globe application data must reside within specific geographic boundaries. The flexible deployment models of Bluemix will meet these requirements through Public, Dedicated, and Local – or any Hybrid combination. Another hybrid example, could be a cognitive application that runs on Public may access your customer data that resides behind your firewall. There is a consistent experience for Administrators and users across all deployment models which reduces development time. The admin console allows you to gain visibility across public, dedicated, and local deployments to helps to ensure control and governance.
  7. Bluemix can leverage the investment that you have made in your existing back end systems – you do not have to rewrite your back end apps Mobile apps, banking in particular are a good example of how bank end systems are doing this. If you look along the bottom – we preserve your investment in your existing back end or System of Record (SOR) by exposing it through API’s and extend up into Bluemix This allows you to focus on creating innovative applications in Bluemix that can access your applications and data and use the DevOps pipeline in Bluemix for continuous integration and continuous deployment Bluemix helps manage the “shadow IT” problem for CIOs. It provides a complete secure controlled environment for LOBs to build their own solutions while also adhering to corporate wide security policies.
  8. IBM API Connect offering on Bluemix solves the challenge to rapidly expose business data and assets as APIs, publish those APIs in a secure, controlled & managed fashion while gaining insights into their usage and ensuring a self-service developer experience for API Consumers. All done by providing a single, comprehensive API solution to create, run, manage, secure, socialize & analyze APIs and Microservices to allow organizations to participate in the API Economy.
  9. Retrieve and Rank enhanced information retrieval with: Power of natural language search. Sophisticated machine learning. Ranking results based on probability of accuracy Personality Insights can help with personalized one to one marketing... At scale Tradeoff Analytics helps people make better choices while taking into account multiple, often conflicting, goals that matter when making that choice. The IBM Watson Dialog Service allows a developer to design the way an application interacts with an end user through a conversational interface. Natural Language Classifier interprets and classifies natural language and turns text into meaning
  10. Organizations need optimized analytics to address unique industry requirements at the right time like holiday season for retailers, weather conditions for insurers, & marketing campaigns for teleo. The Streams cloud offerings name this possible, while also delivering faster and simplified systems management for the developer. Tap into data-in-motion easily without massive investments in infrastructure or additional staff time. Scale up or down quickly and easily to meet demand. Streaming Analytics - Deploy streaming analytics on cloud to prevent data overload and lower development, storage and administrative costs Respond to business requirements leveraging continuous analytics Deploy analytics with flexible cloud deployment options
  11. For those who want to roll up their sleeves and jump right in – You can start today using the 30 day free trial and later switch to PayGO or use Bluemix subscription.
  12. So what are companies doing about it?
  13. A COGNITIVE BUSINESS HAS SYSTEMS THAT CAN ENHANCE DIGITAL INTELLIGENCE EXPONENTIALLY.   Key to attaining a richer digital intelligence are cognitive systems. With analytics, we get key insights from data, but with cognitive systems, we can turn those key insights into knowledge. Traditional computing is programmed (rules-based, logic-driven, dependent on organized information), but cognitive systems are probabilistic (they learn systematically, they are not dependent on rules, they handle disparate and varied data). Cognitive systems can understand unstructured information such as the imagery, natural language and sounds in books, emails, tweets, journals, blogs, images, sound and videos. They unlock meaning because they can reason through it, giving us new contexts to weigh and consider. Cognitive systems also learn continually, honing our own expertise so we can immediately take more informed actions. And they interact with us and with our customers, dissolving barriers between humans and machine, fueling unique, essential user experiences.
  14. What are the forces driving the idea of cognitive business? It’s information, it’s data -- For several decades we’ve been digitizing the world; building networks to connect the world around us. Social networks that created a whole new channel of information that runs in parallel to all other business information that’s flowing. And with the Internet of Things, we’re connecting all of the world’s devices; applying sensors and instrumentation to all of our applications, products, operations and processes – creating connected cars, satellites, supply chains, and factories. These are the elements of a supply chain that drives cognitive businesses: Sensors and instruments generate the data that becomes information once analytics are applied But we’ve reached an inflection point in which the sheer volume of information generated is so vast; we no longer have the ability to use it productively. Cognitive systems are knowledge systems; fueled by the magnitudes of information available to us.