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Last Updated: 15.March 2022
I, Lo-fen 衣若芬
School of Humanities
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Dr. I Lo-Fen faculty at the School of Humanities at Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore, and is a columnist for Lianhe Zaobao. She is also Founder and
Honorary President of the Text and Image Studies Society in Singapore.
She once worked at National Taiwan University, Fu Jen Catholic University, and
the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy of Academia Sinica. Invited to
lecture at Stanford University in the United States and Sungkyunkwan University in
South Korea. Planned and hosted multiple international cooperation projects. Producer
and host podcast "Lofen says(有此衣說)".You Tube衣若芬ILofen Bilibili 衣若芬
Her research expertise lies in Text and Image Studies, Su Shi (Su Dongpo) studies,
East Asian literature and intercultural exchanges in Classical Chinese, and Singapore
literature, history, and arts studies.
1 Curriculum Vitae 1
2 Selected Publication List 5
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
I, Lo-fen
Academic Qualifications
1995 PhD, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
1990 MA, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
1987 BA, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Professional Qualifications / Memberships
International Board Member, Academic
Association of Global Cultural Contents
South Korea
International Board Member, Academic
Association of Global Cultural Contents
Founder and Honorary President of the Text
and Image Studies Society
South Korea
Board Member, China Su Shi Studies
International Board Member, Korea Society
of East Asian Comparative Literature
South Korea
Summary of Working Experience
2006 -present
Associate Professor (with tenure), Division of Chinese,
2006 -present
Invited Research Fellows, Centre for Chinese
Language and Culture, NTU
April-July, 2018
Invited Co-teaching Associate Professor
Stanford University, USA
July 2014- June
Head, Division of Chinese, NTU
Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature
and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
Feb. 2004-Jan. 2005
Adjunct Associate Professor, Institute of Taiwan Literature,
National Taipei Education University, Taiwan
Sep. 2002-Aug.2003
Visiting Professor, The East Asian Institute, Sungkyunkwan
University, Seoul, Korea
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature
and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, Fu
Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Chinese Literature,
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Academic Honours and Awards
Year Academic Honour / Award
2019 Koh Boon Hwee Scholars Award, NTU, Singapore
2004 Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators,
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2004 Excellent Research Award of Wu Da-You Foundation, National
Science Council, Ministry of Education, Taiwan
Key Areas of Research
• Text and image studies. I have published 4 books related to this area
• Chinese poetry and visual art. I have published 5 books related to this
• Chinese poet Su Shi studies. I have published 6 books related to this area.
• Interaction of East Asian culture and literature. I have published 1 book
related to this area.
• Singapore Studies. I have published 1 book related to this area
• My current research interests include interchange of East-Asian culture
images and aesthetics. I was invited to join the international collaboration
projects of Asian studies and earn the research fund from Academia Sinica
since 2008 to present. Academia Sinica is the most important academic
institution in Taiwan.
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
Research Awards / Recognition
Year Research Award / Recognition
2022 Publication Grant, National Art Council, Singapore
2015 Publication Grant, National Art Council, Singapore
2015 Excellent Book, National Museum of Taiwan Literature, Taiwan
2003 Excellent Academic Work Award of Sichuan Provincial Government, China
1996-1999 Award of Research, National Science Council, Executive Yuan, Taiwan
Keynote Presentations
Summary(since 2010)
1. I Lo-fen. (2019, Oct). A Study of the ‘Wuyi Nine Bends’ Culture in East Asia
Culture,International Conference on 'Nine Bends’ Culture of East Asia,
Kuishan: Zhong Yuan University, Korea.
2. I Lo-fen. (2019, May).The Significance of Eight Views of Xiao Xiang in East
Asia. International Conference on Eight Views of Xiao Xiang. Yongzhou:
Hunan University of Science and Engineering, China
3. I Lo-fen. (2018, Sept). Studying Su Dongpo in Singapore and the United
State. 2018 International Summit Forum on Dongpo Culture, Meishan:
Meishan Municipal People Government, China.
4. I Lo-fen. (2014, May). Understanding East Asian Civilization from the
Perspective of Culture Images The New Plan for Asian Civilization and its
Publicity, Keynote speech, Seoul: Yonsei University, Korea
5. I Lo-fen. (2010, Dec). The Story of Su Dongpo in a Straw Hat and Sandals in
Hainan: Formation, Spread and Influence. Dongpo International Forum,
Hainan: Dan Zhou People’s Government, China
6. I Lo-fen. (2010, Oct). New Interpretation of Colophon by Huang Ting-jian for
Su Shih’s ‘The Cold Food Observance Festival’ Manuscript. Dongpo
International Forum, Huanggang: Hubei People’s Government, China.
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
Invited Presentations/Talk
Summary(since 2007)
Year Amount
2022-present 2
2021 17
2020 6
2019 20
2018 8
2017 9
2016 11
2015 6
2014 7
2013 7
2012 3
2011 3
2010 11
2009 4
2008 3
2007 3
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
Selected Publication List
13 Single author academic books
3 Co-authored academic monographs
3 Single edited academic books
16 Single author creative literary books
119 Articles in academic journals
38 Book chapters
124 International conference papers
1. I Lo-fen ed.. (2021). Quartet Gathered: Text and Image Studies of Picture Books
and Comics from Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, and Singapore(四方雲集:臺.港.
中.新的繪本漫畫文圖學). Taipei: Yuan-Liou Publishing Co., Ltd.( ISBN:
2. I Lo-fen. (2020). Through the Ages: Encountering Text and Image Studies(春光秋
波:看見文圖學). Nanjing: Nanjing University Press. (ISBN: 9787305237881)
3. I Lo-fen. (2020). Of Cloud Shadows and Celestial Light: Poems and Paintings of
the Landscape of Xiao Xiang (雲影天光:瀟湘山水之畫意與詩情).(new edition).
Beijing: Beijing University Press.(ISBN:9787301317242)
4. I Lo-fen. (2019). The Art of Su Dongpo's Calligraphy(書藝東坡). Shanghai:
Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House. (ISBN: 9787532590780)(One of
the Ten Best Art History books selected by readers in 2019, China. One of the
best 50 Su Shi Studies books selected by Bo Hong book award of Zhonghua Book
Company, China
5. I Lo-fen. ed. (2019). Observing the Synergy: Text and Image Studies and Asia
Horizon(東張西望:文圖學與亞洲視界). Singapore: Global Publishing. (ISBN:
6. I Lo-fen. Cui Feng eds. (2017). Han Suyin Centennial Memorial Collection (素音
傳音—韓素音百年誕辰紀念文集). Singapore: Global Publishing. (ISBN:
7. I Lo-fen. (2016). Gorgeous Nanyang: Arts, Advertisements, Crossover Singapore
(南洋風華:藝文.廣告.跨界新加坡). Singapore: Global Publishing, (Funded by
Singapore National Art Council, Presentation & Participation Grant)(Selected One
of the Best Books by Lainhe Zaobao, 2016)(ISBN: 9789814740074)
8. I Lo-fen ed.. (2016). Taiwan Literature Reading (台灣文學花園). Singapore: Self
Publishing. (ISBN: 9789811115462)
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
9. I Lo-fen ed.. (2015). Learning and Reflection: Sinologists Interview (學術金針度
與人). Singapore: Global Publishing. (ISBN: 9789814704151)
10. I Lo-fen. (2013). Of Cloud Shadows and Celestial Light: Poems and Paintings of
the Landscape of Xiao Xiang (雲影天光:瀟湘山水之畫意與詩情). Taipei: Li Ren
Publishing Co..(ISBN:9789866178665)
11. I Lo-fen. (2012). Exploration of Art (藝林探微:繪畫.古物.文學). Shanghai:
East China Normal University Press. (ISBN: 9787561797716)
12. I Lo-fen. (2011). Intextuality and Citationality in Chinese Literature and Art (遊目騁
懷:文學與美術的互文與再生). Taipei: Li Ren Publishing Co.. (Selected One of the
Best Ten Books of literature and Image Studies in the World by Nanjing University)
(ISBN: 9789866178337)
13. I Lo-fen. (2009). The Poetry, Paintings and Calligraphy of Zhen Bangqiao (三絕之
美鄭板橋). Taipei: Hua Mu Lan Publishing Co..(ISBN: 9789866449765)
14. I Lo-fen. (2004). Observation, Description, Appreciation: Studies of Tang-Song
Writings on Painting (觀看.敘述.審美─唐宋題畫文學論集). Taipei: Academia
Sinica, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy.(ISBN: 9789570174199)
15. I Lo-fen. (2001). Wandering under the Red Cliffs and Elegant Gathering in the
Western Garden: Studies on Su Shi (赤壁漫游與西園雅集─蘇軾研究論集). Beijing:
Xian Zhuang Publishers.(ISBN: 9787801060792)
16. I Lo-fen, Zeng Zaozhuang. (2001). A History of Su Shi Studies (蘇軾研究史).
Nanjing: Jiangsu Jiaoyu Publishing . (Excellent Academic Work Award of Sichuan
Provincial Government, 2003)( ISBN: 9787534340130)
17. I Lo-fen and Liu Yuan-Ju eds. (2000). Historical Transitions and Creativity:
Literature and Art in the Han-Tang and Tang-Song Transitions (世變與創化:漢
唐、唐宋轉換期之文藝現象). Taipei: Academia Sinica, Institute of Chinese
Literature and Philosophy Preparatory Office.(ISBN: 9576716721)
18. I Lo-fen. (1999). Su Shi’s Literary Works on Paintings (蘇軾題畫文學研究). Taipei:
Wenjin Publishing Co..(ISBN: 9789576685378)
Creative Literary Work
1. I Lo-fen. (2021). Dear Me: Learn Self-Love from Su Dongpo, Delight in Life(倍萬自
享受快意人生). Taipei: Route Culture. . (Selected One of the
Best Books by Lainhe Zaobao, 2021)(ISBN: 9789860607512)
2. I Lo-fen. (2020). Bringing You Through the Journey of Su Dongpo(陪你去看蘇東坡)
Taipei: Route Culture. (Selected One of the Best Books by Lainhe Zaobao, 2020)
(ISBN: 9789869818896)
3. I Lo-fen. (2015). One Degree North Latitude, Singapore(北緯一度新加坡).Taipei:
Elite Books. (ISBN: 9789576395925)
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
4. I Lo-fen. (2014). East Asia Observation (感觀東亞). Taipei: Fish & Fish Publishing
Co.. Ltd.. (Excellent Book Award, National Museum of Taiwan Literature, 2015).
(ISBN: 9789865813468)
5. I Lo-fen. (2014). The Drawer of Emily (Emily 的抽屜). Nanjing: Nanjing University
Press. (ISBN:9787305145865)
6. I Lo-fen. (2012).《南國藝語》. Taipei: 群傳媒.
7. I Lo-fen. (2012). 《東坡先生生日快樂》. Taipei: 群傳媒.
8. I Lo-fen. (2012). 《月光秋千》. Taipei: 群傳媒.
9. I Lo-fen. (2012). 《背對彩虹》. Taipei: 群傳媒.
10. I Lo-fen. (2012). 《飄洋過海賣掉你》. Taipei: 群傳媒.
11. I Lo-fen. (2012). 《大人我要結婚》. Taipei: 群傳媒.
12. I Lo-fen. (2012). 《紅豆書簡》. Hongkong: 夢想書城.
13. I Lo-fen. (2012). 《春衫舊香》. Hongkong: 夢想書城.
14. I Lo-fen. (1995). 《青春祭》. Taipei: 九歌出版社.( ISBN: 9575603850)
15. I Lo-fen. (1991). 《衣若芬極短篇》. Taipei: 爾雅出版社.( ISBN: 9576390435)
16. I Lo-fen. (1989). 《踏花歸去》. Taipei: 林白出版社.
Journal Papers
1. I Lo-fen. (2021). A Study of the Painting Li Dong yang’s Portrait with Weng
Fanggang’s Inscription and the Supplement of Bamboo by Luo Pin(《清翁方纲题
李东阳像罗聘补竹》图考).Journal of National Museum of China(中國國家博物館
館刊), 3, 150-160. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
2. I Lo-fen. (2020).Learning by Doing: Teaching Text and Image Studies at
Stanford University(做中學:在斯坦福大學教文圖學).(Malaysia) Erudite:
Journal of Chinese Studies and Education(依大中文與教育學刊),2,77-88. (Invited
3. I Lo-fen. (2020).The Nine Bends Culture in East Asia (東亞九曲山水文化研
究).Zu Xi Studies(朱子學研究), 2,183-195.(in Chinese)
4. I Lo-fen. (2020).Picture, Image, Imagination: Chinese Classic Literature
encounter with Text and Image Studies(圖像.形象.意象:當中國古典文學研究
遇到文圖學).(Hong Kong) Journal of Chinese Literary Studies(文學論衡),36,
79-91. (in Chinese)
5. I Lo-fen. (2020).The Publication of Chinese Classics Books in Nineteenth
Century Singapore (十九世紀新加坡漢籍出版述略). (Korea) The Sinological
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
Research Society of East Asia(東亞漢學研究), 14, 11-46.( in Chinese and
6. I Lo-fen. (2020). The Nine Bends Culture in China and Korea(중한 구곡산수
문화 연구〉(中韓九曲山水文化研究) The Yon Min Hak Chi, 33, 225-272. (in
Korean and Chinese)(KCI, Korea Citation Index).
7. I Lo-fen. (2020). Study Su Dongpo's Calligraphy from the Perspective of Text
and Image Studies(文圖學視角下的蘇東坡書藝).Chinese Calligraphy(中國書法),
370, 144-147 (in Chinese) (Invited paper) (CSSCI)
8. I Lo-fen. (2019). Virtual Epistle: Text and Image of the Film 7 Letters in
Celebration of Singapore’s Golden Jubilee. The Journal of Global Cultural
Contents, 41, 131-156.(in English) (KCI, Korea Citation Index)
9. I Lo-fen. (2019). Understand the World by Text and Image Studies(“文图学”就是
看世界). Social Sciences Weekly(社會科學報), 10-17. (in Chinese) (Invited
10. I Lo-fen. (2019). The Mistake of HARADA Goro's Talk about Su Shi's
Calligraphy The Cold Food Observance Festival’ Manuscript(原田悟朗口述蘇軾
《寒食帖》東售日本之疑謬——文圖學視角的理解). Journal of Gugong Studies
(故宮學刊), 20, 587-596. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
11. I Lo-fen. (2019). Open the Arts of Su Dongpo's Calligraphy(用文圖學方法打開書
藝東坡). Chinese Culture and Fine Arts (中華文物學會), 272-278. (in Chinese)
(Invited paper)
12. I Lo-fen. (2019). A Study of Ten Scenes of West Lake from the Perspective of
Text and Image Studies(文圖學理論框架下的東亞“西湖十景”研究). Journal of
Overseas Chinese Classics(域外漢籍研究集刊),18, 3-23. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
13. I Lo-fen. (2019). Text and Image of the Film 7 Letters in Celebration of
Singapore’s Golden Jubilee(虛擬的書信:慶祝新加坡建國五十周年電影《七封信》
的文本與圖像). Sichuan Drama(四川戲劇), 1, 105-110. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
14. I Lo-fen. (2019). Text and Image Studies: Theory of East Asian Cultural Diffusion.
Journal of Cultural Interaction in East Asia, 10, 43-54.(in English)
15. I Lo-fen. (2019). Text and Image Studies: Theory of East Asian Cultural Diffusion
(文圖學與東亞文化交流研究理論芻議). Journal of Wuhan University(武漢大學學
報), 72(2), 101-107. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
16. I Lo-fen. (2018). Studying Su Dongpo in Singapore and United States. Su Shi
Studies, 4, 12-14. (in Chinese) (Invited paper)
17. I Lo-fen. (2018). Ideal Wonderland: Korean “Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang” Poems
and Folk Paintings in Joseon Dynasty. Journal of Korean Literature, 38, 7-27.(in
English) (KCI, Korea Citation Index)
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
18. I Lo-fen. (2018).Su Shi's Calligraphy Scroll Containing “Rhapsody on Dongting
Spring Colors Wine” and “Rhapsody on Pine Wine of Zhongshan(遞藏.題跋.複
書跡). Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies
(嶺南學報), 9, 143-16. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
19. I Lo-fen. (2018). On Text and Image Studies: A New Academic Horizon (文圖
學:學術升級新視界). Contemporary Literary Criticism(當代文壇), 4, 118-124.
(in Chinese) (CSSCI)
20. I Lo-fen. (2018). Text and Image Studies-The New Vision of East Asian Classics
Studies(文圖學-동양 고전학 연구의 새로운 시각) .Journal of Eastern Studies(大
東文化研究),10, 9-40. (in Korean)(KCI, Korea Citation Index)
21. I Lo-fen. (2017). A Study of Su Shi's Calligraphy Scroll Containing “Rhapsody on
Dongting Spring Colors Wine” and “Rhapsody on Pine Wine of Zhongshan”. The
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture, 4(2), 279-305. (SSCI)
22. I Lo-fen. (2017).The Comparison of Wuyi Boating Song Poems of Zhu Xi with
Chinese and Korean Literati (주희(朱熹) <무이도가(武夷櫂歌)>와 한중 문인의
차운시 비교),(朱熹”武夷櫂歌”與中韓文人之次韻詩比較). The Yon Min Hak Chi,
28, 345-363. (in Korean and Chinese)(KCI, Korea Citation Index)
23. I Lo-fen. (2016). The inscription on the portrait of Bai Juyi by Wuxue Zhuyuan
(Mugaku Sogen): A Case Study of Text and Image Studies (無學祖元贊《白樂天
像》の文圖學的研究). Studies of Bai Juyi(Tokyo)(白居易研究年報), 17 , 96-124.
(Translated by Morioka Yukari) (Invited paper)
24. I Lo-fen. (2016). Interchange of East-Asian Culture and Literature in Classical
Chinese: A study of Huang Hua Ji (韓中日所藏皇華集與東亞漢文學跨國交流).
Journal of Overseas Chinese Classics(域外漢籍研究集刊), 14, 283-296. (in
Chinese) (CSSCI)
25. I Lo-fen. (2016). Time, Material and Memories: The Cultural Scape of “Shou Su
Hui” (Gathering for Su Shih’s Birthday Remembrance) in Qing Dynasty (時間.物
質.記憶──清代壽蘇會之文化圖景). Yangtze River Academic(長江學術), 4,
57-69. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
26. I Lo-fen. (2016). A Study of the Cultural Image of Chrysanthemum in China (中國
菊文化意象之梳與探). Forbidden City(紫禁城), 9, 26-29. (in Chinese) (Invited
27. I Lo-fen. (2016). A New Exploration on Qing Palace’s Collection of Ming Dynasty
Artist Wang Fu’s Painting- “The Eight Views of Beijing”(玉堂天上:清宮舊藏明代
「北京八景圖」新探). Journal of Gugong Studies (故宮學刊), 16, 283-296. (in
Chinese) (CSSCI)
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
28. I Lo-fen. (2016). The Authorial Consciousness of Pan Shou's Poetry and
Calligraphy(海內存知己─新加坡"國寶"潘受) Taiwan. Hong Kong and Overseas
Chinese Literature (華文文學), 3, 96-106. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
29. I Lo-fen. (2016). A Comparative Study of Ni Yuanlu and Dong Qichang's Wu He
Fu(寓意與造型: 倪元璐與董其昌書
). Forbidden City(紫禁城), 4, 85-97.
(in Chinese) (Invited paper)
30. I Lo-fen. (2015). Remembrance through Painting: Paintings in Commemoration
of Joseon Envoys from15th-19th Century (睹畫思人:15 至 19 世紀朝鮮燕行使的
紀念圖像). (Taiwan) The National Palace Museum Research Quarterly (故宫學術
季刊), 33 (2), 51-82. (in Chinese) (THCI)
31. I Lo-fen. (2015). Su Shih’s Calligraphy ‘Tian Ji Wu Yun Tie’ Collected by Ong
Fanggang and it’s Influence in 19th Century Korea (翁方綱藏蘇軾“天際烏雲帖”與
十九世紀朝鮮“東坡熱”). Journal of Overseas Chinese Classics (域外漢籍研究集
刊), 11, 344-367. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
32. I Lo-fen. (2015). Wandering in the Capital: The Amendments of ‘Continuation of
Shi Qu Bao Ji’ with Ancient Korea Edition of ‘The Poem Collection of Eight Views
in Beijing’ (帝都勝遊:朝鮮本
Forbidden City (紫禁城), 248, 91-99. (in Chinese) (Invited paper)
33. I Lo-fen. (2015). The Interpretation of Su-shi’s ‘Dark Clouds on Sky’s Edge’ (蘇軾
《天際烏雲帖》詮解). Literary Review (文學評論), 4, 211-220. (in Chinese)
34. I Lo-fen. (2015) Writing, Translation, and Painting: Zhong Mei Yin in Southeast
Asia (文筆.譯筆.畫筆─鍾梅音在南洋). Taiwan, Hong Kong and Overseas
Chinese Literature (華文文學), 2, 50-57. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
35. I Lo-fen. (2015). Wandering and Pursuing: Zhu Xi’s Wuyi Boating Song and
Follow Writings in Joseon Dynasty Korea (遊觀與求道:朱熹〈武夷櫂歌〉與朝鮮
士人的理解與續作).(Hong Kong) Journal of Chinese Studies(中國文化研究所學
報), 60, 53-71. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
36. I Lo-fen. (2014). Calligraphy and Paintings on Lan Ting Xu in Ancient Korea (蘭
亭流芳在朝鮮). Literature and Image(文學與圖像), 3, 287-304. (in Chinese)
37. I Lo-fen. (2014). ‘Dongpo Ti’: Games and Competition of Diplomatic Interaction
between China Ming and Chosun via Poetry and Prose (“東坡體":明代中韓詩
賦外交之戲筆與競技). Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics(域外漢籍研究集
刊),10, 433-459. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
38. I Lo-fen. (2014). The Eight Views of Xiao Xiang: East Asian Cultural Image (瀟湘
八景:東亞共同母題的文化意象). Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia (東
亞觀念史集刊), 6, 35-55. (in Chinese) (THCI)
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
39. I Lo-fen. (2014). A Study of the Weng Fanggang Collection of the Shi Gu Zhu
Dongpo Shi (敬觀真賞:翁方綱舊藏本《施顧註東坡詩》研究). Tsing Hua Journal
of Chinese Literature(清華中文學報), 11, 57-102. (in Chinese) (THCI)
40. I Lo-fen. (2014). The Eight Views of Xiao Xiang: East Asian Cultural Image
(소상팔경: 동아시아 공통 모티프의 문화형상). 숭실대학교 한국문예연구소,
Korean Literature and Art(한국문학과 예술),13, 5-25. (in Korean)(KCI, Korea
Citation Index)
41. I Lo-fen. (2014). Anti-Counterfeiting: Newspaper Advertising and Knowledge of
Tiger Brand’s Yong An Tang (Eng Aun Tong) Medicinal Products in the 1920s to
1930s (商品宣傳與法律知識─1920-30 年代虎標永安堂藥品的「反仿冒」廣告).
Journal of Suzhou University of Science and Technology, 31(2), 29-36. (in
42. I Lo-fen. (2014). Mystery and Transcendence in Chinese Horse Paintings (畫殺
滿川花─畫馬異事的神祕與超越). Forbidden City(紫禁城), 228, 50-57. ( in
Chinese)(Invited paper)
43. I Lo-fen. (2013). An Inquiry of Yu Jian’s Eight Views of Xiao Xiang Paintings,
Poems and Seals”(玉澗“瀟湘八景圖”詩畫印探析). Literature and Image(文學與圖
像), 2, 331-348. (in Chinese)
44. I Lo-fen. (2013). ‘Dongpo Ti’: Games and Competition of Diplomatic Interaction
between China Ming and Chosun via Poetry and Prose (동파체: 명대 중한
시부외교의 희작과 경기), The Yon Min Hak Chi, 20, 143-214. (in Korean)(KCI,
Korea Citation Index)
45. I Lo-fen. (2013). A Study of Yu Jian’s Eight Views of Xiao Xiang Paintings and
Poems (玉澗「瀟湘八景図」の詩画と印章の研究) . Kokka(国華), 1412, 1-16.
(Translated by Tanaka Den)(in Japanese)(the most outstanding journal of art
history studies in Japan for over 100 years)
46. I Lo-fen. (2013). New Interpretation of Colophon by Huang Ting-jian for Su Shih’s
‘The Cold Food Observance Festival’ Manuscript” (蘇軾〈黃州寒食詩帖〉山谷題
跋析義). Journal of Language and Literature Studies(臺北教育大學語文集刊), 23,
41-64. (in Chinese)
47. I Lo-fen. (2012). A Study of Su Shi’s Letter to Xie Minshi (蘇軾〈與謝民師推官書〉
論析). Tamkang Journal of Chinese Literature(淡江中文學報), 27, 71-90. (in
48. I Lo-fen. (2012). Landscape and Culture in the Wu-yi Zhao Ge (Wu-yi Boat Song)
of Song Dynasty (宋代「武夷棹歌」中的地景空間與文化意蘊). Dong Hwa Journal
of Humanities (東華人文學報), 20, 33-58. (in Chinese) (THCI)
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
49. I Lo-fen. (2012). The Collected Poems of Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute in
Southern Song (南宋〈胡笳十八拍〉集句詩之書寫及其歷史意義). Journal of
Zhejian University (浙江大學學報), 42(1), 128-138. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
50. I Lo-fen. (2012).Su Shih’s Calligraphy ‘Poems by Li Bai’”(詩仙と坡仙の出会い―
蘇軾「李白仙詩巻」). Calligraphy of Chinese Studies (書法漢學研究) , 11, 13-29.
(Translated by Morioka Yukari) (in Japanese)(Invited paper)
51. I Lo-fen. (2011). The‘Emperor Hsüan-tsung’s Flight to Shu’ Painting (National
Palace Museum Taipei) and Bai JuYi’s poem ‘A Song of Everlasting
Regret’(Chang Hen Ge) (台北故宮博物院本“明皇幸蜀圖”與白居易《長恨歌》).
Journal of Sun Yatsen University (Social Science Edition)(中山大學學報), 6,
40-46. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
52. I Lo-fen. (2011). Yu Jian’s Painting Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang and the
Inscription (無邊剎境入毫端─玉澗及其「瀟湘八景圖」詩畫). Dong Hwa Journal of
Chinese Studies(東華漢學) , 13, 79-114. (in Chinese) (THCI)
53. I Lo-fen. (2011). Su Shih’s Calligraphy ‘Poems by Li Bai’”(蘇軾「李白仙詩卷」探
研). Song Dai Wen Zhe Yan Jiu Ji Kan(宋代文哲研究集刊), 1, 153-196(in
54. I Lo-fen. (2011). Wang Anshi’s Rewriting of the Work ‘Eighteen Songs of a
Nomad Flute’ (嚴謹的遊戲:王安石〈胡笳十八拍〉詩論析). Journal of Language
and Literature Studies(國立臺北教育大學語文集刊), 19, 133-167. (in Chinese)
55. I Lo-fen. (2011). New Interpretation of Colophon by Huang Ting-jian for Su Shih’s
‘The Cold Food Observance Festival’ Manuscript (蘇軾「黃州寒食詩卷」山谷題
跋新解). Calligraphy of Chinese Studies (書法漢學研究) , 9, 1-9, (Translated by
Ohno Shusaku)(in Japanese)(Invited paper)
56. I Lo-fen. (2011). Travel to Bali Island as Paul Gauguin (追隨高更去峇里).
Nanyang Arts(南洋藝術), 33, 36-43. (in Chinese) (Invited paper)
57. I Lo-fen. (2010). Painting, Drama and the Actress: ‘Put down Your Whip’
Painted by Xu Beihong (畫中戲,戲中人─徐悲鴻
). Chung Cheng
University Journal of Chinese Studies(中正大學中文學術年刊), 16, 117-140. (in
Chinese) (THCI)
58. I Lo-fen. (2010). The ‘Reject Female Musician’ Poems by Embassies of Ming
Dynasty and the Influence in Korea(禮樂與女色:明代文臣出使朝鮮的「卻妓詩」
及其影響). Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics(域外漢籍研究集刊), 6, 91-113.
(in Chinese) (CSSCI)ojqb
59. I Lo-fen. (2010). A consideration of the Aesthetics of Antiquarianism(好古思想之
審美文化心態試論). Journal of Sun Yatsen University (Social Science Edition)(中
山大學學報), 2, 25-32. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
60. I Lo-fen. (2010). Reading Xu Zhimo’s Writing in Singapore under the Vision of
Globalization (在全球化視野下閱讀徐志摩的南國書寫). Journal of Tsinghua
University(清華大學學報), 6, 75-84. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
61. I Lo-fen. (2010). The‘Emperor Hsüan-tsung’s Flight to Shu’ Painting (National
Palace Museum Taipei) and Bai JuYi’s poem ‘A Song of Everlasting
Regret’(Chang Hen Ge). (〈台北故宮博物院本「明皇幸蜀圖」と白居易「長恨
歌」〉). Studies of Bai Juyi( Tokyo)(白居易研究年報),11, 161-179. (Translated by
Morioka Yukari)(in Japanese) (Invited paper)
62. I Lo-fen. (2010). A Study of Yeh Chi-wei’s Painting and Poem of ‘Untitled (Two
Figures)’(葉之威無題詩試解). Nanyang Arts(南洋藝術), 32, 38-43. (Invited
63. I Lo-fen. (2010). Georgette Chen’s Painting ‘Scene from Peking’ (張荔英的故國
心影). Nanyang Arts(南洋藝術), 31, 30-33. (in Chinese) (Invited paper)
64. I Lo-fen. (2010). Lu Bi-Cheng’s Calligraphy and Books in Singapore(香光莊嚴─
呂碧城星洲書蹟與書緣). Nanyang Arts(南洋藝術), 30, 28-31. (in Chinese) (Invited
65. I Lo-fen. (2009). Smoking and Patriotism: A Study of the Nanyang Brothers
Tobacco Company’s Advertisements on Lat Pau during the May Fourth
Movement period (吸煙與愛國:
報》的廣告). Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics &
Literature(師大學報 ), 54(2), 65-106. (in Chinese) (THCI)
66. I Lo-fen. (2009). Ling Shuhua in Singapore Nanyang University and Her
Argument about Chinese Poetry Ling Shuhua (1900-1990) (南洋大學時期的凌叔
華與新舊體詩之爭). Xinwenxue Shiliao (Historical Documents of New
Literature)(新文學史料), 1, 48-57. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
67. I Lo-fen. (2009). Tsui Ta Tee’s Art in Oracle Bone Script Calligraphy(大地之書─
崔大地的甲骨文書法藝術). Nanyang Arts(南洋藝術), 29, 28-31. (in Chinese)
(Invited paper)
68. I Lo-fen. (2009). Study of Su Shih’s Calligraphy‘Poems by Li Bai’(詩仙與坡仙的交
). Research on Li Bai in China(中國李白研究), 410-438. (in
69. I Lo-fen. (2009). Parables and an Aesthetic Sense: the Pictorial Depiction of
Dufu’s Poem ‘Li Ren Xing’(美感與諷喻:杜甫〈麗人行〉詩的圖像演繹). Research
Journal(HK)(研訊學刊), 15, 26-40. (in Chinese)
70. I Lo-fen. (2008). Replication, Rearrangement and Recollection: A Cultural
Analysis of Ouyang Xiu’s Record of Collecting Antiquities (Jigu lu) (複製.重整.
回憶:歐陽脩《集古錄》的文化考察). Journal of Sun Yatsen University ( Social
Science Edition) (中山大學學報), 5, 30-40. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
71. I Lo-fen. (2008). The Cry of Cai-Yan, Laugh of Medusa: Rethinking Cai-Yan
Studies(蔡琰的號啕,美杜莎的笑─蔡琰研究的性別反思). Xin Guo Xie(新國學), 7,
57-80. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
72. I Lo-fen. (2008). A study on Li Bang-Yi's Poetry ‘Piao Hai Songs’(漂流到澎湖:朝
鮮人李邦翼的意外之旅及其相關書寫). Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics(域外
漢籍研究集刊), 4, 131-156. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
73. I Lo-fen. (2008). Yu Jian’s Painting Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang Prior to Being
Brought to Japan:A Study of the ‘Sanjiao Dizi’ Seal (玉澗「瀟湘八景圖」東渡日本
之前—「三教弟子」印考). Taida Journal of Art History, Taiwan University(台灣大
學美術史研究集刊), 24, 147-174. (in Chinese) (THCI)
74. I Lo-fen. (2008). The Image of Li Bai in Song Dynasty Colophon (宋代題畫詩詞中
的李白形象). Research on Li Bai in China (中國李白研究), 105-122. (in Chinese)
75. I Lo-fen. (2007). The Poems on Portrait and Mirror of Bai Juyi(自我的凝視─白居
易的寫真詩與對鏡詩). Journal of Sun Yatsen University(Social Science
Edition)(中山大學學報), 6, 51-57. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
76. I Lo-fen. (2007). The Untied Boat: Wu Zhen and the Colophon of Fishman
Painting (Yu-Fu Tu) (不繫之舟:吳鎮及其「漁父圖卷」題詞). Si Yu Yan(思與言),
45(2) , 117-186. (in Chinese) (THCI)
77. I Lo-fen. (2007). The Banquet of Emperor: Song Hui Zong's ‘Literary Gathering’
Painting (Wen-Hui Tu) (〈天子の盛宴─徽宗「文會圖」とその周邊〉). Gan Lan (橄
欖), 14, 144-164. (Translated by Murakoshi Kiyomi) (in Japanese)
78. I Lo-fen. (2006). Not So Long Ago: Colophons of ‘Purification at Lanting Pavilion’
Paintings (俯仰之間:《蘭亭修禊圖》及其題跋初探). Zhongguo Xueshu(中國學
術), 24, 69-106. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
79. I Lo-fen. (2006). Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang: Local Experience, Culture Memory
and Wonderland (瀟湘八景─地方經驗.文化記憶.無何有之鄉). Dong Hwa
Journal of Humanities(東華人文學報), 9, 111-134. (in Chinese) (THCI)
80. I Lo-fen. (2006). Gaze to Oneself: the Poems on Portrait and Mirror of Bai
Juyi(〈自己へのまなざし─白居易の寫真詩と對鏡詩〉). Studies of Bai Juyi
(Tokyo)(白居易研究年報), 7, 109-136. (Translated by Morioka Yukari) (in
Japnese) (Invited paper)
81. I Lo-fen. (2006). The Pictorial and Historical Meaning of Nine Songs Paintings
(〈九歌〉〈湘君〉、〈湘夫人〉之圖象表現及其歷史意義). Studies of Han and
Pre-Qin(先秦兩漢學術), 6, 45-88. (in Chinese)
82. I Lo-fen. (2006). Dialogue Between the ‘Fatuous Emperor’ and the ‘Treacherous
Minister’: Song Hui Zong’s ‘Literary Gathering’ Painting (Wen-Hui Tu) and its
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
Poetic Inscriptions (
題詩). Literature
and Philosophy(文與哲), 8, 253-278. (in Chinese) (THCI)
83. I Lo-fen. (2005). An Analysis of Colophons in the Dream Journey Over Xiao
Xiang (Xiao Xiang Wo You Tu) (浮生一看─南宋李生
Chinese Studies(漢學研究), 23(2), 99-132. (in Chinese) (THCI)
84. I Lo-fen. (2005). Analysis of Li Rong and his ‘Eight views of Xiao-Xiang’poems(朝
鮮安平大君李瑢及「匪懈堂瀟湘八景詩卷」析論). Journal of Oversea Chinese
Classics(域外漢籍研究集刊), 1, 113-139. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
85. I Lo-fen. (2005). Iconological Study in Pictures of Wang Zhaojun and Cai
Yan(「出塞」或「歸漢」─王昭君與蔡文姬圖像的重疊與交錯). Forum in Women's
and Gender Studies(婦研縱橫), 74, 1-16. (in Chinese) (THCI)
86. I Lo-fen. (2005). Skeleton Puppet Show: The Consciousness of Life in Chinese
Literature and Iconography(骷髏幻戲─中國文學與圖象中的生命意識). Bulletin of
the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊), 26, 73-125.
(in Chinese) (THCI)
87. I Lo-fen. (2005). The Creation of Song Dynasty Poems on Paintings: Su Che’s
Poem ‘Three Horses of Han Gan’ and the Poems Modeled on it by Su Shi and
Others (宋代題畫詩的創作現象與書寫特質─以蘇轍〈韓幹三馬〉及東坡等人之次
韻詩為例). Journal of Su Shi Yan Jiu(蘇軾研究), 3, 21-24. (in Chinese)
88. I Lo-fen. (2005). Su Shi’s ‘Wandering under the Red Cliffs’ as Material for
Playwrights (劇作家筆下的東坡赤壁之遊). Zhongguo Sushi Yan Jiu (Beijing)(中國
蘇軾研究), 2, 385-398. (in Chinese)
89. I Lo-fen. (2004). Melancholy Longings of the Boudoir‫׃‬ A Reading of Mou Yi's
Painting ‘Pounding Cloth’ (閨怨與相思:牟益「擣衣圖」的解讀). Bulletin of the
Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊), 25, 25-59. (in
Chinese) (THCI)
90. I Lo-fen. (2004). The Poetry of Yi Zae-hyun and the Creation of Korean Local
‘Eight Views’(李齊賢八景詩詞與韓國地方八景之開創). Zhongguo Shixue(中國詩
學), 9, 147-162. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
91. I Lo-fen. (2004). The Influence of Su Shi on Gao Ryeo Dynasty ‘Eight Views of
Xiaoxiang’ Poetry- Yi Kwei-po’s ‘Eight Views of Qian Zhou’ as an Example(蘇軾
對高麗「瀟湘八景」詩之影響─以李奎報〈虔州八景詩〉為例). Songdai Wenxue
Yanjiu Congkan(宋代文學研究叢刊), 10, 205-229. (in Chinese)
92. I Lo-fen. (2003). The Go Ryeo Dynasty Literati Lee Yin-Ro and Jin Hwa and the
Transmission of the Poems and Paintings of the ‘Eight Views of Xiaoxiang’(高麗
文人李仁老、陳澕與中國瀟湘八景詩畫之東傳). Zhongguo Xueshu(中國學術), 16,
158-176. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
93. I Lo-fen. (2003). Landscape Like a Picture’ and ‘Landscape in the Picture’: On
the Song and Yuan Poems on the ‘Xiaoxiang’ Landscape Paintings ( 「江山如畫」
與「畫裡江山」:宋元題「瀟湘」山水畫詩之比較 ). Bulletin of the Institute of
Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊), 23, 33-70. (in Chinese)
94. I Lo-fen. (2003). Observation, Description, Appreciation --Towards Constructing
a Methodology for the Study of Chinese Colophons (觀看、敘述、審美─建構中國
題畫文學研究方法論之我見). Journal of International Chinese Studies (Korea)(國
際中國學研究), 6, 3-21. (in Chinese)
95. I Lo-fen. (2003). An Analysis of the Dongtian Qingluji by Zhao Xihu(趙希鵠《洞天
清祿集》探析). Xin Songxue(新宋學), 2, 410-419. (in Chinese)
96. I Lo-fen. (2002). Drifting and the Return: The Texture of Feelings in the Poems on
Xiaoxiang Landscape Paintings from the Song Dynasty (漂流與回歸:宋代題「瀟
湘」山水畫詩之抒情底蘊 ). Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and
Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊), 21, 1-42. (in Chinese) (THCI)
97. I Lo-fen. (2002). Literary Imagery in Hsiao-Hsiang Landscape Paintings ( 「瀟湘」
山水畫之文學意象情境探微). Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and
Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊), 20, 175-222. (in Chinese) (THCI)
98. I Lo-fen. (2002). Liu Zong-yuan in the Xiao-Xiang literature works and paintings
(瀟湘文學與圖繪中的柳宗元 ). Journal of Ling Ling University(零陵學院學報),
23(1), 6-10. (in Chinese)
99. I Lo-fen. (2001). Fiery Battles and Pure Wanderings: Illustrating the ‘Eulogies of
the Red Cliff’( 戰火與清遊:赤壁圖題詠論析 ). The Nation(in Chinese)al Palace
Museum Research Quarterly(故宮學術季刊), 18(4) , 63-102. (in Chinese)
100. I Lo-fen. (2001). Bibliography of Works on Su Shi from Taiwan and Hong Kong,
1949-1999( 臺港蘇軾研究論著目錄(一九四九∼一九九九) ). Newsletter for
Research in Chinese Studies(漢學研究通訊), 20, 180-200. (in Chinese) (THCI)
101. I Lo-fen. (2001). Verisimilitude and Abstraction: A Discussion of Sung Dynasty
Aesthetics According to Poetry on Painting in the T’ang and Northern Sung (寫真
與寫意:從唐至北宋題畫詩的發展論宋人審美意識的形成). Bulletin of the Institute
of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊), 18, 41-90. (in Chinese)
102. I Lo-fen. (2000). Dynastic Transitions and Literary Innovations: Art and Literature
during the Han-T'ang and T'ang-Sung Transitions, Introduction (Ⅱ)(《世變與創化
─漢唐、唐宋轉換期之文藝現象》導言(2)). Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese
Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究通訊), 10 , 245-249. (in Chinese)
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
103. I Lo-fen. (2000). An Analysis of the Sung Dynasty Colophons to the ‘Pictures on
Poetry’– Based on Colophons to the ‘Kui-ch’ü-lai-t’u’, ‘Ch’i-chi-t’u’ and
關圖」為例). Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文
哲研究集刊), 16, 1-64. 2000(in Chinese) (THCI)
104. I Lo-fen. (2000). Introduction to the Study of Chinese Literary Works on
Painting(題畫文學研究概述). Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese Literature and
Philosophy(中國文哲研究通訊),10 , 215-252. (in Chinese) (THCI)
105. I Lo-fen. (1999). Hsuan-ho Hua-p'u and Su Shih's Thought on Painting”(《宣和畫
譜》與蘇軾繪畫思想 ). Journal of the National Institute for Compilation and
Translation(國立編譯館館刊), 28(2), 107-127. (in Chinese) (THCI)
106. I Lo-fen. (1998). An Analysis of Poetry on Portraiture in Northern Sung
Colophons(北宋題人像畫詩析論). Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature
and Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊), 13, 121-174. (in Chinese) (THCI)
107. I Lo-fen. (1997). An Unsettled Historical Case: Hsi-yuan Ya-chi (Elegant
Gathering in the Western Garden)(一樁歷史的公案─「西園雅集」). Bulletin of the
Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊),10, 221-269.
(in Chinese) (THCI)
108. I Lo-fen. (1997). Su Che’s Three Horses of Han Gan’and the Poems Modeled on
it (蘇轍〈韓幹三馬〉及其次韻詩). Songdai Wenxue Yanjiu Congkan(宋代文學研
究叢刊), 3, 315-329. (in Chinese)
109. I Lo-fen. (1996). Ou Yang-Xiu’s ‘Liu Yi Ju Shi Zhuan’and Su Shi’s ‘Shu Liu Yi Ju
Shi Zhuan Hou’ (歐陽修〈六一居士傳〉與蘇軾〈書六一居士傳後〉). Journal of Fu
Jen Catholic University(輔仁國文學報), 12, 201-224. (in Chinese)
110. I Lo-fen. (1996). Research for the Rising Popularity in Song Dynasty Colophon
(也談宋代題畫詩興盛的幾個原因). Songdai Wenxue Yanjiu Congkan(宋代文學研
究叢刊), 2, 55-70. (in Chinese)
111. I Lo-fen. (1995). The Evaluation and Impacts on Wang Wei and Wu Dao-Zi’s
Paintings by Su Shi (談蘇軾對王維與吳道子繪畫藝術的評價及其影響). Journal of
the National Institute for Compilation and Translation(國立編譯館館刊), 24(1) ,
19-38. (in Chinese) (THCI)
112. I Lo-fen. (1995). The Concept of ‘Chang Xing’and ‘Chang Li’ in Su Shi’s Thought
(談蘇軾繪畫思想中的「常形」與「常理」說). Songdai Wenxue Yanjiu Congkan(宋
代文學研究叢刊), 1, 431-448. (in Chinese)
113. I Lo-fen. (1994). Discussion on the Number of Taoist Priests in Su Shi’s ‘Hou Chi
Bi Fu’(談蘇軾〈後赤壁賦〉中所夢道士人數之問題). Journal of National Taiwan
University(臺大中文學報), 6, 333-356. (in Chinese) (THCI)
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
114. I Lo-fen. (1992).The Image if the horses in Tang Dynasty Poems and
Paintings”(從唐人詩畫中馬的意象看盛唐風光). The World of Chinese Language
and Literature-Monthly(國文天地), 8(3) , 22-31. (in Chinese)
115. I Lo-fen. (1992). A Study on ‘Tang Wen Cui’(試論《唐文粹》之編纂背景、體例及
類作品). Research of Chinese Literature(中國文學研究), 6, 167-180. (in
116. I Lo-fen. (1989). Discussion on Zheng Ban-qiao’s Works on Paintings (鄭板橋的
題畫藝術初探). Journal of the National Institute for Compilation and
Translation(國立編譯館館刊), 18(1) , 303-318. (in Chinese) (THCI)
117. I Lo-fen. (1988). Critical Analysis of Li Yi-Shan’s Poems(李義山詩評論的分析),
Journal of the National Institute for Compilation and Translation(國立編譯館館刊),
17(2), 67-79. (in Chinese) (THCI)
118. I Lo-fen. (1988)Innovation of Freshman Chinese Literature Course (革新大一國
文) . The World of Chinese Language and Literature-Monthly(國文天地), 4(7),
9-28. (in Chinese)
Book Chapters
1. I Lo-fen. (2021).A Study on Su Shi’s Calligraphy article to Xie Minshi (行雲流水─
蘇軾〈答謝民師論文帖卷》論析).in Hidetoshi Higashi ed., A Study of the Eight
Masters of Literature in Tang and Song Dynasty. Fukuoka: Hana Shoin, 131-146.
2. I Lo-fen. (2020). “The East Asian Cultural Image: A Study on Eight Views of Xiao
Xiang", in Nanxiu Qian, Richard J Smith, Bowei Zhang eds., Rethinking the
Sinosphere: Poetics, Aesthetics, and Identity. Amherst, New York : Cambria
Press, pp. 205-234.
3. I Lo-fen. (2020)."Su Shi's Lyric Poetry Ci of Double Seventh July and
Reminiscing at Red Cliff"(小喬初嫁─蘇軾黃州七夕詞與《念奴嬌.赤壁懷古》),
in Chi Yan Pan, Ying Chun Yip, Chi Kin Ou eds. Festival and Communication:
Traditional Chinese Valentine Day. Hong Kong:Chung Wah Publishing
4. I Lo-fen. (2019). “Suger Coating Classics” X “Visual Capsule”: Intertextuality and
Intermediality in Comics and Animation of Tsai Chih Chung’s The Tao Speaks:
Lao Tzu's Whispers of Wisdom(糖衣古籍 X 視覺膠囊:蔡志忠繪(老子說)的漫畫、
動畫與視頻彈幕). in I Lo-fen. ed.. Observing the Synergy: Text and Image
Studies and Asia Horizon. Singapore: Global Publishing, 47-74.
5. I Lo-fen. (2019). On May Fourth Movement’s Centennial: Repercussions in
Nanyang (百年五四,南洋餘波), in Kai Wing Chow (周佳榮), Chi Kwong Lai (黎志
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
剛), Chi Kin Au (區志堅) eds. On May Fourth Movement’s Centennial: Inspirations,
Memories, and Innovations (五四百周年︰啟蒙、記憶與開新), Hong Kong :
Chung Wah Publishing Company.329-355.
6. I Lo-fen. (2019). A Text and Image Study of Zheng Sixiao's Ink Orchid Paintings
(鄭思肖墨蘭圖調查研究及其文圖學意涵). in Morihashi Natsumi ed.. Aspects of
the Abe Collection-Cultural Significance and Its Future(阿部コレクションの諸相
―文化的意義とその未來). Osaka: Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts, 81-96.
7. I Lo-fen. (2018). Text and Image Studies: The New Vision of Classic Studies in
East Asia (文圖學-동양 고전학 연구의 새로운 시각). An Tae-hoe ed.. A New
Look for Korean Classics Studies(한국 고전학 의 새로운 모색). Seoul:
Sungkyunkwan University Press, 51-84.
8. I Lo-fen. (2018). The Ancient Korean Literati Yearn and Re-creation for “Ji-men
Yan Shu” (Misty Trees at Jimen) of the “The Eight Views of Beijing”(韓國古代文人
對「北京八景」之「薊門煙樹」的憧憬與創生). Liao Chao-Hen ed.. Commonality
and Divergence: The adaptation and Variation of Cultural Images in East Asia (共
相與殊相:東亞文化意象的轉接與異變), 35-66. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
9. I Lo-fen. (2018) . Cutting through the Smoke: Culture and History of the
Resistance of the Opium in Singapore(脫出煙霞:新加坡戒鴉片的歷史與文化).
Clara Wing-chung Ho, Oiyan Liu, Thomas Marling, Ka-lai Chan, et al. (eds.).
Collected Essays of To the Seas and Beyond: An International Conference on the
Maritime Silk Road (海表行方:海上絲綢之路史國際學術研討會論文集), 145-158.
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of History and Department of History of Hong
Kong Baptist University.
10. I Lo-fen. (2017). Poems and Calligraphy of Singapore’s National Treasure Pan
Shou (海內存知己─新加坡“國寶”潘受). Tsung-Cheng Lin (林宗正), Jiang Yin (蔣
寅) eds.. A Collection of Essays on Classical Chinese Literature in Honor of
Professor Kawai Kozo (川合康三教授榮休紀念文集). Nanjing: Jiangsu Phoenix
Publishing & Media Corporation Limited(鳳凰出版社).
11. I Lo-fen. (2017). Ye Jiyun and Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution (葉季允
與新加坡同濟醫院). Du Nan Fa (杜南發)ed.. 150th Anniversary of the Singapore
Thong Chai Medical Institution (同濟醫院 150 周年文集), 206-213. Singapore:
Thong Chai Medical Institution.
12. I Lo-fen. (2017). The Arts of Wulin: Sushi’s ‘Tian Ji Wu Yun Tie’ and his Interest in
‘Peculiar Fun’(武林藝事─蘇軾(天際烏雲帖)及其"奇趣"觀). Shen Songqin (沈松勤),
Ma Qiangcai (馬強才)eds.. Collected Essays on the 9th Song Dynasty Literature
International Conference (第九屆宋代文學國際研討會論文集), 486-503.
Hangchow: Zhejiang University Press.
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
13. I Lo-fen. (2017). Writing, Translation, and Painting: Zhong Mei Yin in Southeast
Asia (文筆.譯筆.畫筆─鍾梅音在南洋). Hong Shuling(洪淑苓), Mei-e Huang(黃
美娥) eds.. The 1st International Conference on Intertextuality between Taiwan
Literature and Asia-Pacific Humanities(第一屆文化流動與知識傳播國際學術研討
會論文集), 165-184. Taipei: Showwe Information Co..
14. I Lo-fen. (2016). Newspaper Advertising of Tiger Brand’s Yong An Tang (Eng
Aun Tong) Medicinal Products in the 1920s to 1930s in East Asia(20 世紀 20-30
年代虎標永安堂藥品在東亞的報紙廣告— “文圖學”研究示例). In Shengqing
Wu(吳盛青) ed.. Travelling Image and Text in Modern China (旅行的圖像與文
本:現代華語語境中的媒介互動), 254-276. Shanghai: Fudan University Press.
15. I Lo-fen. (2015). The True Colors of Mountains Peaks: Su Xuelin’s Dislike for
“Literati’s Painting(長愛峰巒紙上青─論蘇雪林不喜「文人畫」). In Wang Wei
Yong(王偉勇) ed.. International Conference on Su Xuelin and writers from the
same era(蘇雪林及其同代作家國際術研討會論文集), 137-147. Tainan: National
Cheng Kung University.
16. I Lo-fen. (2015). Drifting to Peng Hu: Li BangYi’s Unexpected Trip and Related
Writings (漂流到澎湖:朝鮮人李邦翼的意外之旅及其相關書寫). In Peng
XiaoYan(彭小妍) ed. Translation and Transcultural Movement: Knowledge
Construction and the Transmission of Texts and Literary Style(翻譯與跨文化流
動:知識建構、文本與文體的傳播), 401-434. Taipei: Institute of Chinese
Literature and Philosophy.
17. I Lo-fen. (2015). Zhu Xi’s ‘Wuyi Boating Song’ and Li Tuixi’s Follow Writings (朱
熹(武夷櫂歌)與朝鮮理學家李退溪的次韻詩). In Wang LiMinn(王利民), Wu
HaiJun(武海軍) eds.. Collected Essays on the 8th Song Dynasty Literature
International Conference(第八屆宋代文學國際學術研討會論文集), 532-539.
Guang Zhou: Zhongshan University Press.
18. I Lo-fen. (2015). Culture Images of the ‘Wuyi Nine Gorges’ in Ancient Korea: A
Study on Printing and Publishing(印刷出版與朝鮮「武夷九曲」文化意象的「理學
化」建構). In Shi Shouqian(石守謙), Liao Chao-Hen(廖肇亨) eds.. Shaping the
culture images of East Asia: viewing, media, agents (轉接與跨界:東亞文化意象
之傳佈), 351-388. Taipei: Asian Culture Publishing.
19. I Lo-fen. (2014). Paradise Years of Zhong Meiyin. in Wang Yuting ed., Research
Data Compilation of Contemporary Taiwan Writers, 147-149. Tainan: National
Museum of Taiwan Literature.
20. I Lo-fen. (2014). Calligraphy and Paintings on Lan Ting Xu in Ancient Korea(蘭亭
流芳在朝鮮). In Palace Museum(故宮博物院) ed.. Collected essays on the
International Conference on Lan Ting Xu (二零一一年蘭亭國際學術研討會論文
集), 36-48. Beijing: Palace Museum.
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
21. I Lo-fen. (2014).The Canonalization of Bai Juyi's Poem Pi Pa Xing(東亞文學經典
研究一隅:白居易琵琶行), 572-583.Guangxi Normal University Press
22. I Lo-fen. (2013). Evaluation of Bai JuYi's poem ‘Song of Everlasting Sorrow’
(Chang Hen Ge) in Song Dynasty and the Influence of Painting in East Asia(宋人
評價《長恨歌》及其對東亞「長恨歌圖」之影響). In Yang Guo-An(楊國安), Wu
He-qing(吳河清) eds.. The 7th International Conference on Song Dynasty
Literature(第七屆宋代文學國際學術研討會論文集), 484-491. Kai Feng: He Nan
23. I Lo-fen. (2012). The Canonization of Bai Juyi’s ‘Song of Everlasting Sorrow’ and
Related Illustrations of the Poem in East Asia (白居易《長恨歌》之經典化及其東
亞相關圖繪簡論). In Xin Ning, Dietrich Tschanz, Ching-I Tu eds.. Chinese
Classics and Traditional Thought: Origin, Development, and Dialogue (中國古代
經典與傳統思想:起源、流變與對話), 225-232. Confucius Institute at Rutgers
University, U.S.A. (anonymous peer-reviewed)
24. I Lo-fen. (2011). Mark the Times of a Ocean City: Study of Huang Zun-xian’s
Couplets in Singapore(海洋城市的時代印記:黃遵憲在新加坡的楹聯試析). In Ma
Sheng-mei eds.. The City and the Ocean(城市與海洋論集), 1-25. Kaohsiung:
Centre for the Humanities and College of Liberal Arts, National Sun Yat-sen
University, Taiwan. (anonymous peer-reviewed)
25. I Lo-fen. (2011) . The ‘Filial Daughter’ in Poems of Chinese and Korean from 15th
to 17th Century(明代中韓
唱和詩的文化意涵). In Shih Shou-Chien(石守謙),
Liao Zhao-heng(廖肇亨) eds.. Shaping the Cultural Images of East Asia(東亞文化
意象之形塑), 507-537. Taipei: Asian Culture Co. (anonymous peer-reviewed)
26. I Lo-fen. (2010). New Interpretation of Colophon by Huang Ting-jian for Su Shih’s
‘The Cold Food Observance Festival’ manuscript (蘇軾 《黃州寒食帖》山谷題跋
新解). In Tu Pu-Sheng(涂普生) ed.. Essays on Su Dongpo at Dongpo(東坡說東
坡). Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology.
27. I Lo-fen. (2008). Heavens’ Blessing for a Thousand Years: Sung Hui-tsung's
‘Literary Gathering’ and its Poetic Inscriptions(天祿千秋─宋徽宗「文會圖」及其
題詩). In Wang, Yao-ting(王耀庭) ed.. Conference on Founding Paradigms -
Papers on the Art and Culture of Northern Sung Dynasty (開創典範─北宋的藝術
與文化研討會論文集), 347-372. Taipei: National Palace Museum. (anonymous
28. I Lo-fen. (2007). Gong Su Ran’s painting of Wang Zhao Jun: In visional culture
(宮素然「明妃出塞圖」及其題詩─視覺文化角度的推想). In Zhang, Gao-ping(張高
評) ed.. International Conference of Pre-Modern Literature(近世文學國際學術研
討會論文集), 67-124. Taipei: Shin Wen Feng Print Co.. (anonymous
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
29. I Lo-fen. (2006). The Zen thought of Southern Song Literati in Colophons on the
‘Dream Journey Over Xiao Xiang’ (Xiao Xiang Wo You Tu) (看畫禪:南宋文人"
以禪解畫"之思想內涵─以李生"瀟湘臥遊圖"之南宋題跋為例). In Zhang
Peiheng(章培恒) ed.. Zhongguo Zhong Shi Wen Xue Yan Jiu Lun Ji(中國中世文
學研究論集), 748-774. Shanghai: Shanghai Gu Ji Chu Ban She.
30. I Lo-fen. (2006). A consideration of the aesthetics of antiquarianism (「好古」思
想の審美文化意識試論). In Asami Yoji(淺見洋二) ed.. Reading and Tradition of
Text (テクストの解讀と傳承), 95 -108. Osaka: University of Osaka. (Translated
by Kato Satoshi)
31. I Lo-fen. (2004). The Reception and the Historical Significance of Chinese Eight
Views Poems by Kotyo Literati (高麗文人對中國八景詩之受容現象及其歷史意義).
In Kwan Sok-Huen(權錫煥) eds.. Eight Views and Nine Gorges in Landscape
Culture of Korea and China (한중팔경구곡과산수문화), 59-72. Seoul: Yihui
32. I Lo-fen. (2004). The Culture and Thought of Ming Literati ‘Xiaoxiang’ Landscape
Poems (旅遊、臥遊與神遊:明代文人題「瀟湘」山水畫詩的文化思考). In Wang
Ailing(王璦玲) ed.. Papers of the International Conference on Subjectivity and
Society in Ming-Qing Literature and Thought (明清文學與思想中的主體意識與社
會國際學術研討會論文集), 17-92. Taipei: Academia Sinica Institute of Chinese
Literature and Philosophy. (anonymous peer-reviewed)
33. I Lo-fen. (2002). Geography, Space and Thought in the Northern Song
‘Xiaoxiang’ Poems (宋代題
山水畫詩的地理概念、空間表述與心理意識). In
Lee Fong-Mao(李豐楙) and Liu Yuan-Ju(劉苑如), eds.. Space, Place and
Culture – The Writing and Expression of Space in Chinese Culture (空間、地域與
文化─中國文化空間的書寫與闡釋), 325-372. Taipei: Academia Sinica Institute of
Chinese Literature and Philosophy. (anonymous peer-reviewed)
34. I Lo-fen. (2001). Reading the Landscape: Su Shi and the Paintings of the ‘Eight
Views of Xiaoxiang’ (閱讀風景:蘇軾與「瀟湘八景圖」的興起). In Wang
Jing-Chi(王靜芝), Wang Ch’u-Ch’ing(王初慶), eds.. Genius through the Ages:
Conference in Commemoration of the Nine Hundredth Anniversary of the Death
of Su Shi (千古風流:東坡逝世九百年紀念學術研討會), 689-717. Taipei: Hongye
Wenhua Shiye Youxian Gongsi. (anonymous peer-reviewed)
35. I Lo-fen. (2001). A Study of Su Shi's Calligraphy and Paintings from Ancient
China(“書畫亦皆精絕”──歷代對蘇軾書畫的評價). I Lo-fen, Ceng Zaozhuang. A
History of Su Shi Studies (蘇軾研究史), 471-499. Nanjing: Jiangsu Jiaoyu
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
36. I Lo-fen. (2001). Su Shi Studies from 1949 to 1999(近五十年(1949-1999)臺港蘇
軾研究概述). I Lo-fen, Ceng Zaozhuang. A History of Su Shi Studies (蘇軾研究
史), 455-470. Nanjing: Jiangsu Jiaoyu Publishing.
37. I Lo-fen. (2000). Aesthetics of Late Tang and Five Dynasties Poems on Paintings
(晚唐五代題畫詩的審美特質). In I Lo-fen and Liu Yuan-Ju(劉苑如), eds..
Historical Transitions and Creativity: Literature and Art in the Han-Tang and
Tang-Song Transitions (世變與創化:漢唐、唐宋轉換期之文藝現象), 377-424.
Taipei, Academia Sinica Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy
Preparatory Office. (anonymous peer-reviewed)
38. I Lo-fen. (1999). Northern Song Poems on Paintings of Women (北宋題仕女畫詩
析論). In Transition and Creation: Essays in Honor of the Tenth Anniversary of the
Academia Sinica Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy (傳承與創新:中
央研究院中國文哲研究所十週年紀念論文集), 301-380. Taipei, Academia Sinica
Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy. (anonymous peer-reviewed)
Conference Papers
1. I Lo-fen. (2021, Dec.).Text and image Studies on Artificial Intelligence Generative
Poems(Nanjing: Nanjing Forum at Nanjing University).
2. I Lo-fen.(2021, Sept.). A Study on the Six Gentlemen Painting collected in
Shanghai Museum(Shanghai: Shanghai Museum).
3. I Lo-fen.(2021, June), "Happiness, Youth and Dreams: Love and Sex in
Advertisements in Singapore Chinese Newspapers from the 1880s to the
Text Image and Audiovisual Culture of Taiwan and East Asia International
Conference (Singapore: Nanyang Technological University).
4. I Lo-fen.(2021, Jan.)."Chinese Classical Literature in Picture Books". Engaging
Chinese Ancient Culture: New Sources, New Directions (jinan: Shandong
5. I, Lo-fen. (2020,February)."Interpreting Ren Bonian's Eight Immortals in Tan Tsze
Chor’s Xiang Xue Zhuang Collection through the Perspective of Text and Image
Studies", Living with Ink Symposium.(Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum).
6. I Lo-fen.(2019, Nov). The Paintings of Su Shi in a Straw Hat and Sandals and the
Korean Emissaries to Beijing(朝鮮燕行使與
). The 3rd International
Conference on Emissaries to Beijing. Beijing: Palace Museum, China.
7. I Lo-fen.(2019, Nov).Text and Image of Su Shi's Calligraphy(文圖學視角下的蘇東
坡書藝). The International Conference of Chinese Studies in Korea. Seoul:
Sogang University, Korea.
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
8. I Lo-fen. (2019, Oct). The ‘Wuyi Nine Bends’ Culture in East Asia from a Text and
Image Studies Perspective. Crossing Boundaries: An International Symposium
on Chinese Literature and Culture. Bloomington: Indiana University, U.S.A..
9. I Lo-fen. (2019, Oct). A Study of the ‘Wuyi Nine Bends’ Culture in East Asia
Culture(東亞九曲文化探析),International Conference on 'Nine Bends’ Culture of
East Asia 동아시아의 九曲 문화 국제학술대회, Kuishan: Zhong Yuan
University, Korea. [keynote speech]
10. I Lo-fen. (2019, Oct). A Brief Account of Singapore’s Chinese Publications in the
19th Century(十九世紀新加坡漢籍出版述略),The Sixth International Conference
on Classic Studies. Seoul: Korea University, Korea.
11. I Lo-fen. (2019, Sept). A Study of Eight Views of Xiao Xiang and the East Asian
Landscape Culture (瀟湘八景與亞洲地方八景文化生成的文圖學觀照). Records
of Mission to Beijing and the Culture of Yanzhao, Baoding: Hebei University,
12. I Lo-fen. (2019, June).The East Asian Landscape Culture from Perspective of
Text and Image Studies(用文圖學觀點研究瀟湘八景及亞洲地方八景文化的構成).
The International Conference on Ancient Chinese Text and Image, Wuhan:
Wuhan University, China
13. I Lo-fen. (2019, May).The Significance of Eight Views of Xiao Xiang in East Asia
(從文圖學視角看瀟湘八景對亞洲景觀文化的意義). International Conference on
Eight Views of Xiao Xiang. Yongzhou: Hunan University of Science and
Engineering, China [keynote speech]
14. I Lo-fen. (2019, Apr). A Study of Eight Views of Beijing in Ming Dynasty (明代
京八景圖詩》探析). The 5th International Conference on Chinese Classic
Literature Study, Taipei: Soochow University, Taiwan.
15. I Lo-fen. (2018, Dec). History, Current Situation and Future of Sinology in
Singapore (新加坡漢學研究的歷史、現狀與未來). Forum on Sinology in South
East Asia, Taipei: National Chengchi University, Taiwan.
16. I Lo-fen. (2018, Nov). Virtual Epistolary: Text and Image of the Film 7 Letters in
Celebration of Singapore's Golden Jubilee. The 3rd Nanjing Forum. Nanjing,
Nanjing University, China.
17. I Lo-fen. (2018, Nov). Research of Zheng Sixiao's Ink Orchid Paintings (鄭思肖
墨蘭圖調查研究及其文圖學意涵). Aspects of the Abe Collection-Cultural
Significance and Its Future, Osaka: Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts, Japan.
18. I Lo-fen. (2018, Sept). Studying Su Dongpo in Singapore and the United State.
2018 International Summit Forum on Dongpo Culture, Meishan: Municipal
People Government, China. [keynote speech]
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
19. I Lo-fen. (2018, Sept). The Sculpture of Su Shi at San Su Ci in Meishan(眉山三
蘇祠東坡盤陀塑像的文圖學審美). 2018 International Summit Forum on Dongpo
Culture, Meishan: Meishan City Goverment, China.
20. I Lo-fen. (2018, Aug). Celebratory Activities Qiansouyan (Banquet for the
Thousands Elderlies) and East Asian Cultural Interaction: A Case Study of
Envoys from from Joseon (乾隆千叟宴與東亞文化交流──以朝鮮使節團活動為中
心).The International Conference on East Asian Cultural Image Study, Taipei:
Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
21. I Lo-fen. (2018, Aug). “Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang” Poems and Folk Paintings in
Joseon Dynasty". 2018 Symposium of the Society of Korean Literature, Seoul:
Seoul National University, Korea.
22. I Lo-fen. (2018,Jan.). Text and Image Studies: A New Vision of East Asian
Classic Studies (文圖學:東洋古典學研究的新視界). The International
Conference on Korean Classics Study, Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, Korea.
23. I Lo-fen. (2017, Dec). Intertextuality and Intermediality in Comics and Animation
of Tsai Chih Chung’s The Tao Speaks: Lao Tzu's Whispers of Wisdom(蔡志忠繪
《老子說》的漫畫、動畫與視頻彈幕). The International Conference of Text and
Image and Cultural Studies, Singapore: Nanyang Technological University.
24. I Lo-fen. (2017, Nov). Open the Calligraphy of Su Shi from Text and Image
用文圖學方法打開蘇軾墨蹟). The 8th International Conference
ob Su Shi Study, Meishan: Meishan City Government, China.
25. I Lo-fen. (2017, Nov). Poetry and Paintings of Eight View of Xiao Xiang in East
Asian Civilization (文化意象視域與東亞文明重思—以「瀟湘八景」詩畫為例). The
International Conference on Chinese Literature and Culture, Taipei: National
Taiwan University, Taiwan.
26. I Lo-fen. (2017, Oct). Ye Jiyun and Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution(新
報》). The International Conference on Chinese Language and Culture, Seoul:
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea.
27. I Lo-fen. (2017, Sept). The Mistake of HARADA Goro's Talk about Su Shi's
Calligraphy The Cold Food Observance Festival’ Manuscript (原田悟朗口述蘇軾
《寒食帖》東售日本之疑謬──文圖學視角的理解). The 10th International
Conference on Song Dynasty Literature, Beijin: Renmin University of China,
28. I Lo-fen. (2017, July). The Cultural Image of Eig ht View of Xiao Xiang in East
Asia(東亞文明精神與瀟湘八景文化意象). The 7th International Conference on
Chinese Literature and Geography, Xining: Chinghai Normal University, China.
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
29. I Lo-fen. (2017, June). Text and Image Studies: Theory of East Asian Cultural
Diffusion. (文圖學與東亞文化交流研究理論芻議). The 2rd International
Conference on Overseas Chinese Classics, Nanjing: Nanjing University, China.
30. I Lo-fen. (2017, Apr). The East Asian Cultural Image: A Study on Eight Views of
Xiao Xiang. Reconsidering the Sinosphere: A Conference to Critically Analyze the
Literary Sinitic in East Asian Cultures, Houston: Rice University, U.S.A..
31. I Lo-fen. (2016, Dec). History and Culture of Anti Opium in Singapore (脫出煙
霞:新加坡戒鴉片的歷史與文化). To the Seas and Beyond: An International
Conference on the History of the Maritime Silk Road, Hong Kong: Hong Kong
History Museum.
32. I Lo-fen. (2016, Dec). The Inscription on the Portrait of Bai Juyi by Wuxue
Zhuyuan (Mugaku Sogen): A Case Study of Text and Image Studies (文圖學方法
). International Conference on Cultural Exchange and
Imagination, Taipei: Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
33. I Lo-fen. (2016, Dec). Dissemination and Influence of Eight Views of Beijing
Painting in the Tian Yi Ge Catalogue in East Asia: A Comparative Study with Da
Ming Yi Tong Zhi (《天一閣書目》著錄《北京八景圖詩》的東亞傳播與影響──兼
與《大明一統志》之「北京八景」比較). International Conference on Books and
Literature in Ming Dynasty, Ningbo: Ningbo Municipal People 's Government,
34. I Lo-fen. (2016, Oct). The Historical Significance and the Advertisement on Lat
Pau via Text and Image Studies (新加坡《叻報》的歷史意義及其廣告的文圖學解
讀). Innovation and Expanding of Chinese Language and Culture Study
International Conference, Seoul: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea.
35. I Lo-fen. (2016, June). A combined study on Su Shi’s Dongting Spring Fu and
Zhongshan Song Lao Fu (蘇軾《洞庭春色賦》、《中山松醪賦》合卷研究). Wang
Jingzhi 100th Anniversary Memorial International Conference, Xin Zhuang: Fu
Jen Catholic University, Taiwan.
36. I Lo-fen. (2016, Apr). Time, Matter and Memories: The Cultural Picture of “Shou
Su Hui” in Qing Dynasty (時間.物質.記憶─清代壽蘇會之文化圖景).
International Conference on Professor Zeng Yongyi's Academic Achievements,
Taipei, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
37. I Lo-fen. (2015, Dec). Rebelling and Following: Poems and Calligraphy of
Singapore’s National Treasure Pan Shou (叛逆與順時─新加坡「國寶」潘受的詩
歌與書藝). International Conference on Humanities Research in the 21st
Century, Singapore: Nanyang Technological University.
38. I Lo-fen. (2015, Oct). Qian Long’s Banquet for the Thousands Elderlies: An Event
for Envoys from Joseon Dynasty Korea and its Historical Significance (乾隆千叟
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
宴朝鮮使節團活動及其歷史意義), The 90th Anniversary of National Palace
Museum: International Conference on the “Wan Shou Grand Ceremony” in Qing
Dynasty, Beijing, Place Museum, China.
39. I Lo-fen. (2015, Sep). The Arts of Wulin: Sushi’s ‘Tian Ji Wu Yun Tie’ and his
Interest in ‘Peculiar Fun’ (武林藝事:蘇軾「天際烏雲帖」及其「奇趣」觀). The
Chinese Society for Song Literautre’s 9th annual meeting and Song Dynasty
Literature International Conference, Hangzhou: Hangzhou Normal University,
40. I Lo-fen. (2015, Sep). Above the Jade Hall of Heaven: A New Exploration on
Qing Palace’s Collection of Ming Dynasty Artist Wang Fu’s Painting- ‘The Eight
Viewss of Beijing’ (玉堂天上:清宮舊藏明代「北京八景圖」新探). 2015
International Conference on “Shi Qu Bao Ji”, Beijing: National Palace Museum,
41. I Lo-fen. (2015, Sep). The Ancient Korean Literati Yearn and Re-creation for
‘Ji-men Yan Shu’ of the ‘The Eight Views of Beijing’ (韓國古代文人對「北京八景」
之「薊門煙樹」的憧憬與創生). Commonality and Divergence: The Convergence,
Transmission, and Variation of Cultural Images of East Asia before the 18th
Century, Taipei: The Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
42. I Lo-fen. (2015, Aug). The two West Lakes: The acceptance and localization of
Hangzhou’s ‘Ten views of West Lake’ in Ancient Korea (兩國西湖:杭州「西湖十
景」在古代韓國的接受與本地化). The 1st China Classical Literature High-end
Forum, Nanjing: Nanjing University, China.
43. I Lo-fen. (2015, Aug). Pictorialization, Performance, and Canonization: The
Crossovers of Cai Wen-ji (圖像化.演藝化.典故化:異境跨界蔡文姬).
International Conference on Females in Ancient China and Creativity, Singapore:
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, jointly with Stanford University,
44. I Lo-fen. (2015, Feb). Interchange of East-Asian Culture and Literature in
Classical Chinese: A study of Huang Hua Ji”(韓中日所藏《皇華集》與東亞漢文學
跨國交流). Sinology Studies in Asian, Seoul: Hankuk University of Foreign
Studies, Korea.
45. I Lo-fen. (2014, Oct). Critique on Literati Paintings by Su Xuelin. International
Conference on Su Xuelin Studies, Tainan: National Cheng Kung University,
46. I Lo-fen. (2014, Aug). The Dissemination and Cultural Significance of Eight
Views of Xiao Xiang in East Asia. Relational Culture in Chinese Classic Literature,
Gui Yang: Institute of Literature in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China.
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
47. I Lo-fen. (2014, Jul). Study of Text and Image: Some Experiences and Ideas.
Learning and Reflection: International Conference on Sinology. Singapore:
Nanyang Technological University.
48. I Lo-fen. (2014, Jun). The Paintings of Envoy in Ancient Korea. International
Conference on Envoy and Forbidden City, Beijing: National Palace Museum,
49. I Lo-fen. (2014, Jun). Zhong Mei’s Writing, Translation and Paintings in Southern
East Asia. International Conference on Culture Flows and Knowledge
Dissemination between Taiwan Literature and Asia-Pacific Humanities, Taipei:
National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
50. I Lo-fen. (2014, May). Understanding East Asian Civilization from the
Perspective of Culture Images (從文化意象理解東亞文明). The New Plan for
Asian Civilization and its Publicity, Keynote speech, Seoul: Yonsei University,
Korea. [keynote speech]
51. I Lo-fen. (2014, Feb). “Wuyi Boating Song” in Ancient China and Korea (朱熹(武
夷櫂歌)與中韓文人之次韻詩比較) . Humanities and Transnationalism in East
Asian Studies, Seoul: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea.
52. I Lo-fen. (2013, Dec). Newspaper Advertising of Tiger Brand’s Yong An Tang
(Eng Aun Tong) Medicinal Products in the 1920s to 1930s in East Asia (1920-30
年代虎標永安堂藥品在東亞的報紙廣告). Travelling Image and Text in Modern,
Shanghai: Fu Dan University, China.
53. I Lo-fen. (2013, Dec). Eight Views of Xiao Xiang: Culture Image in East Asian
(소상팔경: 동아시아 공통 모티브의 문화형상). Eight Views of Xiao Xiang and
Korean Literature and Art, Seoul: Soongsil University, Korea.
54. I Lo-fen. (2013, Oct). Wandering and Pursuing: Zhu Xi’s “Wuyi Boating Song”
and Follow Writings in Joseon Dynasty Korea. American Oriental Society
Western Branch (WBAOS) Meeting, Victoria: University of Victoria, Canada.
55. I Lo-fen. (2013, Sep). Zhu Xi’s “Wuyi Boating Song” and Li Tuixi’s Follow Writings
(朱熹(武夷櫂歌)與朝鮮理學家李退溪的次韻詩). The 8th International Conference
in Song Dynasty Literature, Ganzhou: Gan Nan Normal College, China.
56. I Lo-fen. (2012, Dec). Poetry Battles between China and Korea from 15th
to 17th
Century (詩戰朝鮮:明代中韓詩賦外交綜論) . International Conference of the
Cultural Images and Interaction of Envoys in Early Modern East Asia, Taipei:
Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
57. I Lo-fen. (2012, Nov). Su Shih’s Calligraphy ‘Tian Ji Wu Yun Tie’ Collected by
Ong Fanggang and it’s Influence in 19th Century Korea (翁方綱藏蘇軾「天際烏雲
). The 7th
International Conference on Qing Dynasty
Literature, Gaoshung: National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
58. I Lo-fen. (2012, Sept). Culture Images of the ‘Wuyi Nine Bends’ in Ancient Korea:
A Study on Printing and Publishing (印刷出版與朝鮮「武夷九曲」文化意象的「理
建構). International Conference of Shaping the Culture Images of East Asia :
Viewing, Media, Agents, Taipei: Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
59. I Lo-fen. (2012, Aug). The Canonization of Bai Juyi’s ‘Pi Pa Xing’ in East Asian
Literature (東亞文學經典研究一隅:白居易(琵琶行)). The 16th International
Conference in Tang Dynasty Literature, Wulumuchi: XinJiang Normal University,
60. I Lo-fen. (2012, May). A Study of Su Shih’s Calligraphy Tian Ji Wu Yun Tie (蘇軾
「天際烏雲帖」研究). The 16th
Symposium on Song Dynasty Literature, Fukuoka:
Kyushu University, Japan.
61. I Lo-fen. (2012, Mar). The Authorial Consciousness of Pan Shou's Poetry and
Calligraphy (海內存知己─潘受詩歌與書藝的創作主體意識). International
Conference on Pan Shou, Singapore: Nanyang Technological University.
62. I Lo-fen. (2011, Oct). Calligraphy and Paintings on Lan Ting Xu in Ancient Korea
(蘭亭流芳在朝鮮). The International Conference on Lan Ting Xu, Beijing: National
Palace Museum, China.
63. I Lo-fen. (2011, Sep). Evaluation of Bai JuYi’s poem ‘A Song of Everlasting
Regret’(Chang Hen Ge) in Song Dynasty and the Influence of Painting in East
Asia (宋人評價(長恨歌)及其對東亞「長恨歌圖」之影響). The 7th
Conference on Song Dynasty Literature, Kaifeng: He Nan University, China.
64. I, Lo-fen (2011, Aug). Poems for Fun: The Exchange of Poems by Matching
Rhyming between Chinese and Korean from 15th to 17th Century (明代中韓詩賦
外交之文學角力). The 13th
Korea-China Culture Forum, Incheon: Incheon
University, Korea.
65. I Lo-fen. (2011, Jul). Newspaper Advertising of Tiger Brand’s Yong An Tang (Eng
Aun Tong) Medicinal Products in the 1920s to 1930s (商品宣傳與法律知識
─1920-30 年代虎標永安堂藥品的「反仿冒」廣告) . Knowledge Formation and
Cultural Transformation in Multicultural East Asia, Singapore: Nanyang
Technological University.
66. I Lo-fen. (2011, May). A Study on Su Shih’s ‘Da Xie Min Shi Shu’ (蘇軾「答謝民
論析). The 12th
International Conference of Literature and Aesthetics,
Taipei: Tamkang University, Taiwan.
67. I Lo-fen. (2011, Jan). Landscape and Culture in the Wu-yi Zhao Ge (Wu-yi Boat
Song) of Song Dynasty (宋代「武夷棹歌」中的地景空間與文化意蘊).The
International Conference on Space and Literature, Hualien: National Dong Hwa
University, Taiwan.
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
68. I Lo-fen. (2010, Dec). The Story of Su Dongpo in a Straw Hat and Sandals in
Hainan: Formation, Spread and Influence (東坡海南笠屐故事的形成,傳播與影
響). Dongpo International Forum, Hainan: Dan Zhou People’s Government,
China. [keynote speech]
69. I Lo-fen. (2010, Oct). New Interpretation of Colophon by Huang Ting-jian for Su
Shih’s ‘The Cold Food Observance Festival’ Manuscript (蘇軾「黃州寒食帖」山
谷題跋新解). Dongpo International Forum, Huanggang: Hubei People’s
Government, China. [keynote speech]
70. I Lo-fen. (2010, Aug). The art of prose and calligraphy in Su Shih’s ‘Da Xie Min
Shi Shu’ (行雲流水─蘇軾(答謝民師書)的散文與書法藝術). The International
Conference of Ancient Chinese Prose Study, Fuzhou: Fu Jian Normal University,
71. I Lo-fen. (2010, Aug). Painting, Drama and the Actress: ‘Put down Your Whip’
Painted by Xu Beihong. Circuits of Cultural Entrepreneurship in China and
Southeast Asia, Singapore: National University of Singapore.
72. I Lo-fen. (2010, July). Gender and Violence: Cai Yan and Her Poems. XVIII
Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS),
Riga: University of Latvia, Latvia
73. I Lo-fen. (2010, June). Bai Juyi ‘s ”A Song of Immortal Regret” and the Related
Paintings. An International Symposium: Chinese Classics and Thoughts, New
York: Rutgers University, U.S.A.
74. I Lo-fen. (2010, May). The Collected Poems of Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute
in Southern Song”(南宋(胡笳十八拍)集句詩之書寫及其歷史意義) .Interpretation,
comparison and construction of Literary Theory in Ancient China, Hong Kong:
The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
75. I Lo-fen. (2010, Mar). Yu Jian’s Painting Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang and the
Inscription (無邊剎境入毫端─玉澗及其「瀟湘八景圖」詩畫).The International
Symposium on Zen Paintings and Their Inscriptions, Kyoto: Hanazono University,
76. I Lo-fen. (2009, Oct). “Wang Anshi’s Rewriting of the Work ‘Eighteen Songs of a
Nomad Flute’ (嚴謹的遊戲:王安石「胡笳十八拍」論析). The 6th International
Conference in Song Dynasty Literature, Chengdu: Si Chuan University, China
77. I Lo-fen. (2009, Sep). The “Filial Daughter” in Poems of Chinese and Korean
from 15th to 17th Century (明代中韓「孝女」唱和詩的文化意涵). Image of East
Asia: The interaction of China, Japan and Korea from 11th to 17th Century, Taipei:
Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
78. I Lo-fen. (2009, Aug). The “Reject Female Musician” Poems by Embassies of
Ming Dynasty and the Inference in Korea (明代出使朝鮮文臣的「卻妓詩」及其影
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
響初探). The 6th International Conference on Poetry Studies of the Orient, Jilin:
Yanbien University, China.
79. I Lo-fen. (2009, June). Study of Su Shih’s Calligraphy Poems by Li Bai (蘇軾「李
白仙詩卷」探研). The 14th International Conference on Li Bai Studies, Institute of
Li Bai Studies, Su Zhou, Su Zhou Technological University, China.
80. I Lo-fen. (2009, Feb). Rereading Xu Zhi-mo’s novel about Singapore in
Globalization Vision (在全球化視野下閱讀徐志摩的南國書寫). Trans-national
Circulation of Chinese Language and Literature in Asia in Globalization Era,
Seoul: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea.
81. I Lo-fen. (2008, Nov). The Secular Taste in Korean ‘Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang’
Folk Paintings. Korea and Korean Studies: Vision from Asia, Hanoi: The
University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam.
82. I Lo-fen. (2008, Oct). Paintings of Du Fu's Poem ‘Li Ren Xing’ (美感與諷喻:杜甫
(麗人行)詩的圖像演繹). The 14th International Conference in Tang Dynasty
Literature, Wuhu: Anhui Normal University, China.
83. I Lo-fen. (2008, Oct). Violence and Narrative: Cai Yan’s Two Narrative Poems
‘Poem of Sorrow and Anger’ (暴力與敘事─蔡琰五言體(悲憤詩)析論). The Third
International Conference of Chinese Rhyme, Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University,
84. I Lo-fen. (2008, June). Ling Shuhua in Singapore Nanyang University and her
Argument about Chinese Poetry. Issues of Far Eastern Literatures, Saint
Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University, Russia.
85. I Lo-fen. (2007, Dec). Ouany Xiu's ‘Collected Records of the Past’. The 5th
International Conference in Song Dynasty Literature, Guang Zhou: Gi Nan
University, China.
86. I Lo-fen. (2007, Dec). The Cry of Cai-Yan, Laugh of Medusa: Rethinking Cai-Yan
Studies. Theory and Practice in Literature History Writing, Beijing: Chinese
Academy of Social Sciences, China.
87. I Lo-fen. (2007, Aug). The Image of Li Bai in Song Dynasty Colophon. The 13th
International Conference on Li Bai Studies, Xiangtan: Hunan, China.
88. I Lo-fen. (2007, July). The Poems on Portrait and Mirror of Bai Juyi. The 5th
International Conference on Poetry Studies of the Orient, Seoul: Hankuk
University of Foreign Studies, Korea.
89. I Lo-fen. (2007, Feb). Heavens’ Blessing for a Thousand Years: Sung
Hui-tsung's ‘literary Gathering’ and its Poetic Inscriptions. Founding
Paradigms-The Art and Culture of the Northern Sung Dynasty, Taipei: National
Palace Museum, Taiwan.
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
90. I Lo-fen. (2006, Dec). A study on Li Bang-Yi's Poetry ‘Piao Hai Songs’.
East-Asian Literature in Classical Chinese, Taipei: Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
91. I Lo-fen. (2006). Yu Jian’s Painting Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang Prior to Being
Brought to Japan: A Study of the ‘Sanjiao Dizi’ Seal.
92. I Lo-fen. (2006). Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang: Local Experience, Culture Memory
and Wonderland.
93. I Lo-fen. (2005). The Pictorial and Historical Meaning of Nine Songs Paintings.
94. I Lo-fen. (2005). Gong Su Ran’s painting of Wang Zhao Jun: In visional culture.
95. I Lo-fen. (2005). Dialogue Between the ‘Fatuous Emperor’ and the ‘Treacherous
Minister’: Song Hui Zong’s ‘Literary Gathering’ Painting (Wen-Hui Tu) and its
Poetic Inscriptions.
96. I Lo-fen. (2005). Colophons of ‘Purification at Lanting Pavilion’ Paintings.
97. I Lo-fen. (2004). The Untied Boat: Wu Zhen and the Colophon of Fishman
98. I Lo-fen. (2004). Analysis of Li Rong and his ‘Eight views of Xiao-Xiang’poems.
99. I Lo-fen. (2004). The Zen thought of Southern Song Literati in Colophons on the
‘Dream Journey Over Xiao Xiang’ (Xiao Xiang Wo You Tu).
100. I Lo-fen. (2003). Skeleton Puppet Show: The Consciousness of Life in Chinese
Literature and Iconography.
101. I Lo-fen. (2003). Introduction to the Study of Chinese Literary Works on Painting.
102. I Lo-fen. (2003). Melancholy Longings of the Boudoir‫׃‬ A Reading of Mou Yi's
Painting ‘Pounding Cloth’.
103. I Lo-fen. (2003). The Influence of Su Shi on Gao Ryeo Dynasty ‘Eight Views of
Xiaoxiang’ Poetry- Yi Kwei-po’s ‘Eight Views of Qian Zhou’ as an Example.
104. I Lo-fen. (2003). Observation, Description, Appreciation --Towards Constructing
a Methodology for the Study of Chinese Colophons.
105. I Lo-fen. (2003). A consideration of the aesthetics of antiquarianism.
106. I Lo-fen. (2003). The Poetry of Yi Zae-hyun and the Creation of Korean Local
‘Eight Views.
107. I Lo-fen. (2002). The Go Ryeo Dynasty Literati Lee Yin-Ro and Jin Hwa and the
Transmission of the Poems and Paintings of the ‘Eight Views of Xiaoxiang.
108. I Lo-fen. (2002). ‘Landscape Like a Picture’ and ‘Landscape in the Picture’: On
the Song and Yuan Poems on the ‘Xiaoxiang’ Landscape Paintings.
109. I Lo-fen. (2002). The Culture and Thought of Ming Literati ‘Xiaoxiang’ Landscape
110. I Lo-fen. (2002). Liu Zong-yuan in the Xiao-Xiang literature works and paintings.
I Lo-fen 衣若芬
111. I Lo-fen. (2002). Drifting and the Return—The Texture of Feelings in the Poems
on Xiaoxiang Landscape Paintings from the Song Dynasty.
112. I Lo-fen. (2001). Su Shi’s ‘Wandering under the Red Cliffs’ as Material for
113. I Lo-fen. (2001). Literary Imagery in Hsiao-Hsiang Landscape Paintings.
114. I Lo-fen. (2001). An Analysis of the Dongtian Qingluji by Zhao Xihu.
115. I Lo-fen. (2001). Fiery Battles and Pure Wanderings: Illustrating the ‘Eulogies of
the Red Cliff’.
116. I Lo-fen. (2000). Reading the Landscape: Su Shi and the Paintings of the ‘Eight
Views of Xiaoxiang.
117. I Lo-fen. (2000). Geography, Space and Thought in the Northern Song
‘Xiaoxiang’ Poems.
118. I Lo-fen. (2000). Works on Su Shi from Taiwan and Hong Kong.
119. I Lo-fen. (2000). Verisimilitude and Abstraction: A Discussion of Sung Dynasty
Aesthetics According to Poetry on Painting in the T’ang and Northern Sung.
120. I Lo-fen. (2000). An Analysis of the Sung Dynasty Colophons to the ‘Pictures on
Poetry’– Based on Colophons to the ‘Kui-ch’ü-lai-t’u’, ‘Ch’i-chi-t’u’ and
121. I Lo-fen. (1999). Northern Song Poems on Paintings of Women.
122. I Lo-fen. (1999). Aesthetics of Late Tang and Five Dynasties Poems on
123. I Lo-fen. (1998). Hsuan-ho Hua-p'u and Su Shih's Thought on Painting.
124. I Lo-fen. (1997). The Creation of Song Dynasty Poems on Paintings: Su Che’s
‘Three Horses of Han Gan’ and the Poems Modeled on it by Su Shi and Others.

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소상팔경(瀟湘八景) : 동아시아 공통 모티프의 문화형상
소상팔경(瀟湘八景) : 동아시아 공통 모티프의 문화형상소상팔경(瀟湘八景) : 동아시아 공통 모티프의 문화형상
소상팔경(瀟湘八景) : 동아시아 공통 모티프의 문화형상
翁方綱舊藏本《施顧註東坡詩》研究 衣若芬
翁方綱舊藏本《施顧註東坡詩》研究 衣若芬翁方綱舊藏本《施顧註東坡詩》研究 衣若芬
翁方綱舊藏本《施顧註東坡詩》研究 衣若芬

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衣若芬生平與寫作大事記- Life & Writing I Lo-fen2021
衣若芬生平與寫作大事記- Life & Writing I Lo-fen2021衣若芬生平與寫作大事記- Life & Writing I Lo-fen2021
衣若芬生平與寫作大事記- Life & Writing I Lo-fen2021
 印刷出版與朝鮮「武夷九曲」文化意象的「理學化」建構 印刷出版與朝鮮「武夷九曲」文化意象的「理學化」建構
소상팔경(瀟湘八景) : 동아시아 공통 모티프의 문화형상
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소상팔경(瀟湘八景) : 동아시아 공통 모티프의 문화형상
翁方綱舊藏本《施顧註東坡詩》研究 衣若芬
翁方綱舊藏本《施顧註東坡詩》研究 衣若芬翁方綱舊藏本《施顧註東坡詩》研究 衣若芬
翁方綱舊藏本《施顧註東坡詩》研究 衣若芬

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I Lo-fen CV & Publication

  • 1. Last Updated: 15.March 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS I, Lo-fen 衣若芬 School of Humanities Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Dr. I Lo-Fen faculty at the School of Humanities at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and is a columnist for Lianhe Zaobao. She is also Founder and Honorary President of the Text and Image Studies Society in Singapore. She once worked at National Taiwan University, Fu Jen Catholic University, and the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy of Academia Sinica. Invited to lecture at Stanford University in the United States and Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea. Planned and hosted multiple international cooperation projects. Producer and host podcast "Lofen says(有此衣說)".You Tube衣若芬ILofen Bilibili 衣若芬 lofen Her research expertise lies in Text and Image Studies, Su Shi (Su Dongpo) studies, East Asian literature and intercultural exchanges in Classical Chinese, and Singapore literature, history, and arts studies. 1 Curriculum Vitae 1 2 Selected Publication List 5
  • 2. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 1 CURRICULUM VITAE I, Lo-fen Academic Qualifications 1995 PhD, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University, Taiwan 1990 MA, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University, Taiwan 1987 BA, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Professional Qualifications / Memberships 2022-present International Board Member, Academic Association of Global Cultural Contents South Korea 2017-Present International Board Member, Academic Association of Global Cultural Contents Founder and Honorary President of the Text and Image Studies Society South Korea Singapore 2017-Present Board Member, China Su Shi Studies Society China 2015-Present International Board Member, Korea Society of East Asian Comparative Literature South Korea Summary of Working Experience 2006 -present Associate Professor (with tenure), Division of Chinese, NTU 2006 -present Invited Research Fellows, Centre for Chinese Language and Culture, NTU April-July, 2018 Invited Co-teaching Associate Professor Stanford University, USA July 2014- June 2016 Head, Division of Chinese, NTU 2001-2006 Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
  • 3. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 2 Feb. 2004-Jan. 2005 Adjunct Associate Professor, Institute of Taiwan Literature, National Taipei Education University, Taiwan Sep. 2002-Aug.2003 Visiting Professor, The East Asian Institute, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea 1996-2001 Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan 1995-1996 Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan 1990-1995 Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Academic Honours and Awards Year Academic Honour / Award 2019 Koh Boon Hwee Scholars Award, NTU, Singapore 2004 Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators, Academia Sinica, Taiwan 2004 Excellent Research Award of Wu Da-You Foundation, National Science Council, Ministry of Education, Taiwan RESEARCH SUMMARY Key Areas of Research • Text and image studies. I have published 4 books related to this area • Chinese poetry and visual art. I have published 5 books related to this area. • Chinese poet Su Shi studies. I have published 6 books related to this area. • Interaction of East Asian culture and literature. I have published 1 book related to this area. • Singapore Studies. I have published 1 book related to this area • My current research interests include interchange of East-Asian culture images and aesthetics. I was invited to join the international collaboration projects of Asian studies and earn the research fund from Academia Sinica since 2008 to present. Academia Sinica is the most important academic institution in Taiwan.
  • 4. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 3 Research Awards / Recognition Year Research Award / Recognition 2022 Publication Grant, National Art Council, Singapore 2015 Publication Grant, National Art Council, Singapore 2015 Excellent Book, National Museum of Taiwan Literature, Taiwan 2003 Excellent Academic Work Award of Sichuan Provincial Government, China 1996-1999 Award of Research, National Science Council, Executive Yuan, Taiwan Keynote Presentations Summary(since 2010) 1. I Lo-fen. (2019, Oct). A Study of the ‘Wuyi Nine Bends’ Culture in East Asia Culture,International Conference on 'Nine Bends’ Culture of East Asia, Kuishan: Zhong Yuan University, Korea. 2. I Lo-fen. (2019, May).The Significance of Eight Views of Xiao Xiang in East Asia. International Conference on Eight Views of Xiao Xiang. Yongzhou: Hunan University of Science and Engineering, China 3. I Lo-fen. (2018, Sept). Studying Su Dongpo in Singapore and the United State. 2018 International Summit Forum on Dongpo Culture, Meishan: Meishan Municipal People Government, China. 4. I Lo-fen. (2014, May). Understanding East Asian Civilization from the Perspective of Culture Images The New Plan for Asian Civilization and its Publicity, Keynote speech, Seoul: Yonsei University, Korea 5. I Lo-fen. (2010, Dec). The Story of Su Dongpo in a Straw Hat and Sandals in Hainan: Formation, Spread and Influence. Dongpo International Forum, Hainan: Dan Zhou People’s Government, China 6. I Lo-fen. (2010, Oct). New Interpretation of Colophon by Huang Ting-jian for Su Shih’s ‘The Cold Food Observance Festival’ Manuscript. Dongpo International Forum, Huanggang: Hubei People’s Government, China.
  • 5. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 4 Invited Presentations/Talk Summary(since 2007) Year Amount 2022-present 2 2021 17 2020 6 2019 20 2018 8 2017 9 2016 11 2015 6 2014 7 2013 7 2012 3 2011 3 2010 11 2009 4 2008 3 2007 3
  • 6. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 5 Selected Publication List Summary 13 Single author academic books 3 Co-authored academic monographs 3 Single edited academic books 16 Single author creative literary books 119 Articles in academic journals 38 Book chapters 124 International conference papers Books 1. I Lo-fen ed.. (2021). Quartet Gathered: Text and Image Studies of Picture Books and Comics from Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, and Singapore(四方雲集:臺.港. 中.新的繪本漫畫文圖學). Taipei: Yuan-Liou Publishing Co., Ltd.( ISBN: 9789865659370) 2. I Lo-fen. (2020). Through the Ages: Encountering Text and Image Studies(春光秋 波:看見文圖學). Nanjing: Nanjing University Press. (ISBN: 9787305237881) 3. I Lo-fen. (2020). Of Cloud Shadows and Celestial Light: Poems and Paintings of the Landscape of Xiao Xiang (雲影天光:瀟湘山水之畫意與詩情).(new edition). Beijing: Beijing University Press.(ISBN:9787301317242) 4. I Lo-fen. (2019). The Art of Su Dongpo's Calligraphy(書藝東坡). Shanghai: Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House. (ISBN: 9787532590780)(One of the Ten Best Art History books selected by readers in 2019, China. One of the best 50 Su Shi Studies books selected by Bo Hong book award of Zhonghua Book Company, China 5. I Lo-fen. ed. (2019). Observing the Synergy: Text and Image Studies and Asia Horizon(東張西望:文圖學與亞洲視界). Singapore: Global Publishing. (ISBN: 9789811201646). 6. I Lo-fen. Cui Feng eds. (2017). Han Suyin Centennial Memorial Collection (素音 傳音—韓素音百年誕辰紀念文集). Singapore: Global Publishing. (ISBN: 9789813223110) 7. I Lo-fen. (2016). Gorgeous Nanyang: Arts, Advertisements, Crossover Singapore (南洋風華:藝文.廣告.跨界新加坡). Singapore: Global Publishing, (Funded by Singapore National Art Council, Presentation & Participation Grant)(Selected One of the Best Books by Lainhe Zaobao, 2016)(ISBN: 9789814740074) 8. I Lo-fen ed.. (2016). Taiwan Literature Reading (台灣文學花園). Singapore: Self Publishing. (ISBN: 9789811115462)
  • 7. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 6 9. I Lo-fen ed.. (2015). Learning and Reflection: Sinologists Interview (學術金針度 與人). Singapore: Global Publishing. (ISBN: 9789814704151) 10. I Lo-fen. (2013). Of Cloud Shadows and Celestial Light: Poems and Paintings of the Landscape of Xiao Xiang (雲影天光:瀟湘山水之畫意與詩情). Taipei: Li Ren Publishing Co..(ISBN:9789866178665) 11. I Lo-fen. (2012). Exploration of Art (藝林探微:繪畫.古物.文學). Shanghai: East China Normal University Press. (ISBN: 9787561797716) 12. I Lo-fen. (2011). Intextuality and Citationality in Chinese Literature and Art (遊目騁 懷:文學與美術的互文與再生). Taipei: Li Ren Publishing Co.. (Selected One of the Best Ten Books of literature and Image Studies in the World by Nanjing University) (ISBN: 9789866178337) 13. I Lo-fen. (2009). The Poetry, Paintings and Calligraphy of Zhen Bangqiao (三絕之 美鄭板橋). Taipei: Hua Mu Lan Publishing Co..(ISBN: 9789866449765) 14. I Lo-fen. (2004). Observation, Description, Appreciation: Studies of Tang-Song Writings on Painting (觀看.敘述.審美─唐宋題畫文學論集). Taipei: Academia Sinica, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy.(ISBN: 9789570174199) 15. I Lo-fen. (2001). Wandering under the Red Cliffs and Elegant Gathering in the Western Garden: Studies on Su Shi (赤壁漫游與西園雅集─蘇軾研究論集). Beijing: Xian Zhuang Publishers.(ISBN: 9787801060792) 16. I Lo-fen, Zeng Zaozhuang. (2001). A History of Su Shi Studies (蘇軾研究史). Nanjing: Jiangsu Jiaoyu Publishing . (Excellent Academic Work Award of Sichuan Provincial Government, 2003)( ISBN: 9787534340130) 17. I Lo-fen and Liu Yuan-Ju eds. (2000). Historical Transitions and Creativity: Literature and Art in the Han-Tang and Tang-Song Transitions (世變與創化:漢 唐、唐宋轉換期之文藝現象). Taipei: Academia Sinica, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Preparatory Office.(ISBN: 9576716721) 18. I Lo-fen. (1999). Su Shi’s Literary Works on Paintings (蘇軾題畫文學研究). Taipei: Wenjin Publishing Co..(ISBN: 9789576685378) Creative Literary Work 1. I Lo-fen. (2021). Dear Me: Learn Self-Love from Su Dongpo, Delight in Life(倍萬自 愛 : 學著蘇東坡愛自己 , 享受快意人生). Taipei: Route Culture. . (Selected One of the Best Books by Lainhe Zaobao, 2021)(ISBN: 9789860607512) 2. I Lo-fen. (2020). Bringing You Through the Journey of Su Dongpo(陪你去看蘇東坡) Taipei: Route Culture. (Selected One of the Best Books by Lainhe Zaobao, 2020) (ISBN: 9789869818896) 3. I Lo-fen. (2015). One Degree North Latitude, Singapore(北緯一度新加坡).Taipei: Elite Books. (ISBN: 9789576395925)
  • 8. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 7 4. I Lo-fen. (2014). East Asia Observation (感觀東亞). Taipei: Fish & Fish Publishing Co.. Ltd.. (Excellent Book Award, National Museum of Taiwan Literature, 2015). (ISBN: 9789865813468) 5. I Lo-fen. (2014). The Drawer of Emily (Emily 的抽屜). Nanjing: Nanjing University Press. (ISBN:9787305145865) 6. I Lo-fen. (2012).《南國藝語》. Taipei: 群傳媒. 7. I Lo-fen. (2012). 《東坡先生生日快樂》. Taipei: 群傳媒. 8. I Lo-fen. (2012). 《月光秋千》. Taipei: 群傳媒. 9. I Lo-fen. (2012). 《背對彩虹》. Taipei: 群傳媒. 10. I Lo-fen. (2012). 《飄洋過海賣掉你》. Taipei: 群傳媒. 11. I Lo-fen. (2012). 《大人我要結婚》. Taipei: 群傳媒. 12. I Lo-fen. (2012). 《紅豆書簡》. Hongkong: 夢想書城. 13. I Lo-fen. (2012). 《春衫舊香》. Hongkong: 夢想書城. 14. I Lo-fen. (1995). 《青春祭》. Taipei: 九歌出版社.( ISBN: 9575603850) 15. I Lo-fen. (1991). 《衣若芬極短篇》. Taipei: 爾雅出版社.( ISBN: 9576390435) 16. I Lo-fen. (1989). 《踏花歸去》. Taipei: 林白出版社. Journal Papers 1. I Lo-fen. (2021). A Study of the Painting Li Dong yang’s Portrait with Weng Fanggang’s Inscription and the Supplement of Bamboo by Luo Pin(《清翁方纲题 李东阳像罗聘补竹》图考).Journal of National Museum of China(中國國家博物館 館刊), 3, 150-160. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 2. I Lo-fen. (2020).Learning by Doing: Teaching Text and Image Studies at Stanford University(做中學:在斯坦福大學教文圖學).(Malaysia) Erudite: Journal of Chinese Studies and Education(依大中文與教育學刊),2,77-88. (Invited paper) 3. I Lo-fen. (2020).The Nine Bends Culture in East Asia (東亞九曲山水文化研 究).Zu Xi Studies(朱子學研究), 2,183-195.(in Chinese) 4. I Lo-fen. (2020).Picture, Image, Imagination: Chinese Classic Literature encounter with Text and Image Studies(圖像.形象.意象:當中國古典文學研究 遇到文圖學).(Hong Kong) Journal of Chinese Literary Studies(文學論衡),36, 79-91. (in Chinese) 5. I Lo-fen. (2020).The Publication of Chinese Classics Books in Nineteenth Century Singapore (十九世紀新加坡漢籍出版述略). (Korea) The Sinological
  • 9. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 8 Research Society of East Asia(東亞漢學研究), 14, 11-46.( in Chinese and Korean) 6. I Lo-fen. (2020). The Nine Bends Culture in China and Korea(중한 구곡산수 문화 연구〉(中韓九曲山水文化研究) The Yon Min Hak Chi, 33, 225-272. (in Korean and Chinese)(KCI, Korea Citation Index). 7. I Lo-fen. (2020). Study Su Dongpo's Calligraphy from the Perspective of Text and Image Studies(文圖學視角下的蘇東坡書藝).Chinese Calligraphy(中國書法), 370, 144-147 (in Chinese) (Invited paper) (CSSCI) 8. I Lo-fen. (2019). Virtual Epistle: Text and Image of the Film 7 Letters in Celebration of Singapore’s Golden Jubilee. The Journal of Global Cultural Contents, 41, 131-156.(in English) (KCI, Korea Citation Index) 9. I Lo-fen. (2019). Understand the World by Text and Image Studies(“文图学”就是 看世界). Social Sciences Weekly(社會科學報), 10-17. (in Chinese) (Invited paper) 10. I Lo-fen. (2019). The Mistake of HARADA Goro's Talk about Su Shi's Calligraphy The Cold Food Observance Festival’ Manuscript(原田悟朗口述蘇軾 《寒食帖》東售日本之疑謬——文圖學視角的理解). Journal of Gugong Studies (故宮學刊), 20, 587-596. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 11. I Lo-fen. (2019). Open the Arts of Su Dongpo's Calligraphy(用文圖學方法打開書 藝東坡). Chinese Culture and Fine Arts (中華文物學會), 272-278. (in Chinese) (Invited paper) 12. I Lo-fen. (2019). A Study of Ten Scenes of West Lake from the Perspective of Text and Image Studies(文圖學理論框架下的東亞“西湖十景”研究). Journal of Overseas Chinese Classics(域外漢籍研究集刊),18, 3-23. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 13. I Lo-fen. (2019). Text and Image of the Film 7 Letters in Celebration of Singapore’s Golden Jubilee(虛擬的書信:慶祝新加坡建國五十周年電影《七封信》 的文本與圖像). Sichuan Drama(四川戲劇), 1, 105-110. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 14. I Lo-fen. (2019). Text and Image Studies: Theory of East Asian Cultural Diffusion. Journal of Cultural Interaction in East Asia, 10, 43-54.(in English) 15. I Lo-fen. (2019). Text and Image Studies: Theory of East Asian Cultural Diffusion (文圖學與東亞文化交流研究理論芻議). Journal of Wuhan University(武漢大學學 報), 72(2), 101-107. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 16. I Lo-fen. (2018). Studying Su Dongpo in Singapore and United States. Su Shi Studies, 4, 12-14. (in Chinese) (Invited paper) 17. I Lo-fen. (2018). Ideal Wonderland: Korean “Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang” Poems and Folk Paintings in Joseon Dynasty. Journal of Korean Literature, 38, 7-27.(in English) (KCI, Korea Citation Index)
  • 10. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 9 18. I Lo-fen. (2018).Su Shi's Calligraphy Scroll Containing “Rhapsody on Dongting Spring Colors Wine” and “Rhapsody on Pine Wine of Zhongshan(遞藏.題跋.複 製:蘇軾 《洞庭春色賦》 、 《中山松醪賦》 書跡). Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies (嶺南學報), 9, 143-16. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 19. I Lo-fen. (2018). On Text and Image Studies: A New Academic Horizon (文圖 學:學術升級新視界). Contemporary Literary Criticism(當代文壇), 4, 118-124. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 20. I Lo-fen. (2018). Text and Image Studies-The New Vision of East Asian Classics Studies(文圖學-동양 고전학 연구의 새로운 시각) .Journal of Eastern Studies(大 東文化研究),10, 9-40. (in Korean)(KCI, Korea Citation Index) 21. I Lo-fen. (2017). A Study of Su Shi's Calligraphy Scroll Containing “Rhapsody on Dongting Spring Colors Wine” and “Rhapsody on Pine Wine of Zhongshan”. The Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture, 4(2), 279-305. (SSCI) 22. I Lo-fen. (2017).The Comparison of Wuyi Boating Song Poems of Zhu Xi with Chinese and Korean Literati (주희(朱熹) <무이도가(武夷櫂歌)>와 한중 문인의 차운시 비교),(朱熹”武夷櫂歌”與中韓文人之次韻詩比較). The Yon Min Hak Chi, 28, 345-363. (in Korean and Chinese)(KCI, Korea Citation Index) 23. I Lo-fen. (2016). The inscription on the portrait of Bai Juyi by Wuxue Zhuyuan (Mugaku Sogen): A Case Study of Text and Image Studies (無學祖元贊《白樂天 像》の文圖學的研究). Studies of Bai Juyi(Tokyo)(白居易研究年報), 17 , 96-124. (Translated by Morioka Yukari) (Invited paper) 24. I Lo-fen. (2016). Interchange of East-Asian Culture and Literature in Classical Chinese: A study of Huang Hua Ji (韓中日所藏皇華集與東亞漢文學跨國交流). Journal of Overseas Chinese Classics(域外漢籍研究集刊), 14, 283-296. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 25. I Lo-fen. (2016). Time, Material and Memories: The Cultural Scape of “Shou Su Hui” (Gathering for Su Shih’s Birthday Remembrance) in Qing Dynasty (時間.物 質.記憶──清代壽蘇會之文化圖景). Yangtze River Academic(長江學術), 4, 57-69. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 26. I Lo-fen. (2016). A Study of the Cultural Image of Chrysanthemum in China (中國 菊文化意象之梳與探). Forbidden City(紫禁城), 9, 26-29. (in Chinese) (Invited paper) 27. I Lo-fen. (2016). A New Exploration on Qing Palace’s Collection of Ming Dynasty Artist Wang Fu’s Painting- “The Eight Views of Beijing”(玉堂天上:清宮舊藏明代 「北京八景圖」新探). Journal of Gugong Studies (故宮學刊), 16, 283-296. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
  • 11. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 10 28. I Lo-fen. (2016). The Authorial Consciousness of Pan Shou's Poetry and Calligraphy(海內存知己─新加坡"國寶"潘受) Taiwan. Hong Kong and Overseas Chinese Literature (華文文學), 3, 96-106. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 29. I Lo-fen. (2016). A Comparative Study of Ni Yuanlu and Dong Qichang's Wu He Fu(寓意與造型: 倪元璐與董其昌書 《舞鶴賦》 ). Forbidden City(紫禁城), 4, 85-97. (in Chinese) (Invited paper) 30. I Lo-fen. (2015). Remembrance through Painting: Paintings in Commemoration of Joseon Envoys from15th-19th Century (睹畫思人:15 至 19 世紀朝鮮燕行使的 紀念圖像). (Taiwan) The National Palace Museum Research Quarterly (故宫學術 季刊), 33 (2), 51-82. (in Chinese) (THCI) 31. I Lo-fen. (2015). Su Shih’s Calligraphy ‘Tian Ji Wu Yun Tie’ Collected by Ong Fanggang and it’s Influence in 19th Century Korea (翁方綱藏蘇軾“天際烏雲帖”與 十九世紀朝鮮“東坡熱”). Journal of Overseas Chinese Classics (域外漢籍研究集 刊), 11, 344-367. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 32. I Lo-fen. (2015). Wandering in the Capital: The Amendments of ‘Continuation of Shi Qu Bao Ji’ with Ancient Korea Edition of ‘The Poem Collection of Eight Views in Beijing’ (帝都勝遊:朝鮮本 《北京八景詩集》 對 《石渠寶笈續編》 的補充與修正). Forbidden City (紫禁城), 248, 91-99. (in Chinese) (Invited paper) 33. I Lo-fen. (2015). The Interpretation of Su-shi’s ‘Dark Clouds on Sky’s Edge’ (蘇軾 《天際烏雲帖》詮解). Literary Review (文學評論), 4, 211-220. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 34. I Lo-fen. (2015) Writing, Translation, and Painting: Zhong Mei Yin in Southeast Asia (文筆.譯筆.畫筆─鍾梅音在南洋). Taiwan, Hong Kong and Overseas Chinese Literature (華文文學), 2, 50-57. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 35. I Lo-fen. (2015). Wandering and Pursuing: Zhu Xi’s Wuyi Boating Song and Follow Writings in Joseon Dynasty Korea (遊觀與求道:朱熹〈武夷櫂歌〉與朝鮮 士人的理解與續作).(Hong Kong) Journal of Chinese Studies(中國文化研究所學 報), 60, 53-71. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 36. I Lo-fen. (2014). Calligraphy and Paintings on Lan Ting Xu in Ancient Korea (蘭 亭流芳在朝鮮). Literature and Image(文學與圖像), 3, 287-304. (in Chinese) 37. I Lo-fen. (2014). ‘Dongpo Ti’: Games and Competition of Diplomatic Interaction between China Ming and Chosun via Poetry and Prose (“東坡體":明代中韓詩 賦外交之戲筆與競技). Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics(域外漢籍研究集 刊),10, 433-459. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 38. I Lo-fen. (2014). The Eight Views of Xiao Xiang: East Asian Cultural Image (瀟湘 八景:東亞共同母題的文化意象). Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia (東 亞觀念史集刊), 6, 35-55. (in Chinese) (THCI)
  • 12. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 11 39. I Lo-fen. (2014). A Study of the Weng Fanggang Collection of the Shi Gu Zhu Dongpo Shi (敬觀真賞:翁方綱舊藏本《施顧註東坡詩》研究). Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Literature(清華中文學報), 11, 57-102. (in Chinese) (THCI) 40. I Lo-fen. (2014). The Eight Views of Xiao Xiang: East Asian Cultural Image (소상팔경: 동아시아 공통 모티프의 문화형상). 숭실대학교 한국문예연구소, Korean Literature and Art(한국문학과 예술),13, 5-25. (in Korean)(KCI, Korea Citation Index) 41. I Lo-fen. (2014). Anti-Counterfeiting: Newspaper Advertising and Knowledge of Tiger Brand’s Yong An Tang (Eng Aun Tong) Medicinal Products in the 1920s to 1930s (商品宣傳與法律知識─1920-30 年代虎標永安堂藥品的「反仿冒」廣告). Journal of Suzhou University of Science and Technology, 31(2), 29-36. (in Chinese) 42. I Lo-fen. (2014). Mystery and Transcendence in Chinese Horse Paintings (畫殺 滿川花─畫馬異事的神祕與超越). Forbidden City(紫禁城), 228, 50-57. ( in Chinese)(Invited paper) 43. I Lo-fen. (2013). An Inquiry of Yu Jian’s Eight Views of Xiao Xiang Paintings, Poems and Seals”(玉澗“瀟湘八景圖”詩畫印探析). Literature and Image(文學與圖 像), 2, 331-348. (in Chinese) 44. I Lo-fen. (2013). ‘Dongpo Ti’: Games and Competition of Diplomatic Interaction between China Ming and Chosun via Poetry and Prose (동파체: 명대 중한 시부외교의 희작과 경기), The Yon Min Hak Chi, 20, 143-214. (in Korean)(KCI, Korea Citation Index) 45. I Lo-fen. (2013). A Study of Yu Jian’s Eight Views of Xiao Xiang Paintings and Poems (玉澗「瀟湘八景図」の詩画と印章の研究) . Kokka(国華), 1412, 1-16. (Translated by Tanaka Den)(in Japanese)(the most outstanding journal of art history studies in Japan for over 100 years) 46. I Lo-fen. (2013). New Interpretation of Colophon by Huang Ting-jian for Su Shih’s ‘The Cold Food Observance Festival’ Manuscript” (蘇軾〈黃州寒食詩帖〉山谷題 跋析義). Journal of Language and Literature Studies(臺北教育大學語文集刊), 23, 41-64. (in Chinese) 47. I Lo-fen. (2012). A Study of Su Shi’s Letter to Xie Minshi (蘇軾〈與謝民師推官書〉 論析). Tamkang Journal of Chinese Literature(淡江中文學報), 27, 71-90. (in Chinese) 48. I Lo-fen. (2012). Landscape and Culture in the Wu-yi Zhao Ge (Wu-yi Boat Song) of Song Dynasty (宋代「武夷棹歌」中的地景空間與文化意蘊). Dong Hwa Journal of Humanities (東華人文學報), 20, 33-58. (in Chinese) (THCI)
  • 13. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 12 49. I Lo-fen. (2012). The Collected Poems of Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute in Southern Song (南宋〈胡笳十八拍〉集句詩之書寫及其歷史意義). Journal of Zhejian University (浙江大學學報), 42(1), 128-138. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 50. I Lo-fen. (2012).Su Shih’s Calligraphy ‘Poems by Li Bai’”(詩仙と坡仙の出会い― 蘇軾「李白仙詩巻」). Calligraphy of Chinese Studies (書法漢學研究) , 11, 13-29. (Translated by Morioka Yukari) (in Japanese)(Invited paper) 51. I Lo-fen. (2011). The‘Emperor Hsüan-tsung’s Flight to Shu’ Painting (National Palace Museum Taipei) and Bai JuYi’s poem ‘A Song of Everlasting Regret’(Chang Hen Ge) (台北故宮博物院本“明皇幸蜀圖”與白居易《長恨歌》). Journal of Sun Yatsen University (Social Science Edition)(中山大學學報), 6, 40-46. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 52. I Lo-fen. (2011). Yu Jian’s Painting Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang and the Inscription (無邊剎境入毫端─玉澗及其「瀟湘八景圖」詩畫). Dong Hwa Journal of Chinese Studies(東華漢學) , 13, 79-114. (in Chinese) (THCI) 53. I Lo-fen. (2011). Su Shih’s Calligraphy ‘Poems by Li Bai’”(蘇軾「李白仙詩卷」探 研). Song Dai Wen Zhe Yan Jiu Ji Kan(宋代文哲研究集刊), 1, 153-196(in Chinese). 54. I Lo-fen. (2011). Wang Anshi’s Rewriting of the Work ‘Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute’ (嚴謹的遊戲:王安石〈胡笳十八拍〉詩論析). Journal of Language and Literature Studies(國立臺北教育大學語文集刊), 19, 133-167. (in Chinese) (THCI) 55. I Lo-fen. (2011). New Interpretation of Colophon by Huang Ting-jian for Su Shih’s ‘The Cold Food Observance Festival’ Manuscript (蘇軾「黃州寒食詩卷」山谷題 跋新解). Calligraphy of Chinese Studies (書法漢學研究) , 9, 1-9, (Translated by Ohno Shusaku)(in Japanese)(Invited paper) 56. I Lo-fen. (2011). Travel to Bali Island as Paul Gauguin (追隨高更去峇里). Nanyang Arts(南洋藝術), 33, 36-43. (in Chinese) (Invited paper) 57. I Lo-fen. (2010). Painting, Drama and the Actress: ‘Put down Your Whip’ Painted by Xu Beihong (畫中戲,戲中人─徐悲鴻 「放下你的鞭子」 ). Chung Cheng University Journal of Chinese Studies(中正大學中文學術年刊), 16, 117-140. (in Chinese) (THCI) 58. I Lo-fen. (2010). The ‘Reject Female Musician’ Poems by Embassies of Ming Dynasty and the Influence in Korea(禮樂與女色:明代文臣出使朝鮮的「卻妓詩」 及其影響). Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics(域外漢籍研究集刊), 6, 91-113. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)ojqb 59. I Lo-fen. (2010). A consideration of the Aesthetics of Antiquarianism(好古思想之 審美文化心態試論). Journal of Sun Yatsen University (Social Science Edition)(中 山大學學報), 2, 25-32. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
  • 14. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 13 60. I Lo-fen. (2010). Reading Xu Zhimo’s Writing in Singapore under the Vision of Globalization (在全球化視野下閱讀徐志摩的南國書寫). Journal of Tsinghua University(清華大學學報), 6, 75-84. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 61. I Lo-fen. (2010). The‘Emperor Hsüan-tsung’s Flight to Shu’ Painting (National Palace Museum Taipei) and Bai JuYi’s poem ‘A Song of Everlasting Regret’(Chang Hen Ge). (〈台北故宮博物院本「明皇幸蜀圖」と白居易「長恨 歌」〉). Studies of Bai Juyi( Tokyo)(白居易研究年報),11, 161-179. (Translated by Morioka Yukari)(in Japanese) (Invited paper) 62. I Lo-fen. (2010). A Study of Yeh Chi-wei’s Painting and Poem of ‘Untitled (Two Figures)’(葉之威無題詩試解). Nanyang Arts(南洋藝術), 32, 38-43. (Invited paper) 63. I Lo-fen. (2010). Georgette Chen’s Painting ‘Scene from Peking’ (張荔英的故國 心影). Nanyang Arts(南洋藝術), 31, 30-33. (in Chinese) (Invited paper) 64. I Lo-fen. (2010). Lu Bi-Cheng’s Calligraphy and Books in Singapore(香光莊嚴─ 呂碧城星洲書蹟與書緣). Nanyang Arts(南洋藝術), 30, 28-31. (in Chinese) (Invited paper) 65. I Lo-fen. (2009). Smoking and Patriotism: A Study of the Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Company’s Advertisements on Lat Pau during the May Fourth Movement period (吸煙與愛國: 「五四運動」 前後南洋兄弟煙草公司在新加坡 《叻 報》的廣告). Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics & Literature(師大學報 ), 54(2), 65-106. (in Chinese) (THCI) 66. I Lo-fen. (2009). Ling Shuhua in Singapore Nanyang University and Her Argument about Chinese Poetry Ling Shuhua (1900-1990) (南洋大學時期的凌叔 華與新舊體詩之爭). Xinwenxue Shiliao (Historical Documents of New Literature)(新文學史料), 1, 48-57. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 67. I Lo-fen. (2009). Tsui Ta Tee’s Art in Oracle Bone Script Calligraphy(大地之書─ 崔大地的甲骨文書法藝術). Nanyang Arts(南洋藝術), 29, 28-31. (in Chinese) (Invited paper) 68. I Lo-fen. (2009). Study of Su Shih’s Calligraphy‘Poems by Li Bai’(詩仙與坡仙的交 會:蘇軾 《李白仙詩卷》 ). Research on Li Bai in China(中國李白研究), 410-438. (in Chinese) 69. I Lo-fen. (2009). Parables and an Aesthetic Sense: the Pictorial Depiction of Dufu’s Poem ‘Li Ren Xing’(美感與諷喻:杜甫〈麗人行〉詩的圖像演繹). Research Journal(HK)(研訊學刊), 15, 26-40. (in Chinese) 70. I Lo-fen. (2008). Replication, Rearrangement and Recollection: A Cultural Analysis of Ouyang Xiu’s Record of Collecting Antiquities (Jigu lu) (複製.重整. 回憶:歐陽脩《集古錄》的文化考察). Journal of Sun Yatsen University ( Social Science Edition) (中山大學學報), 5, 30-40. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
  • 15. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 14 71. I Lo-fen. (2008). The Cry of Cai-Yan, Laugh of Medusa: Rethinking Cai-Yan Studies(蔡琰的號啕,美杜莎的笑─蔡琰研究的性別反思). Xin Guo Xie(新國學), 7, 57-80. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 72. I Lo-fen. (2008). A study on Li Bang-Yi's Poetry ‘Piao Hai Songs’(漂流到澎湖:朝 鮮人李邦翼的意外之旅及其相關書寫). Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics(域外 漢籍研究集刊), 4, 131-156. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 73. I Lo-fen. (2008). Yu Jian’s Painting Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang Prior to Being Brought to Japan:A Study of the ‘Sanjiao Dizi’ Seal (玉澗「瀟湘八景圖」東渡日本 之前—「三教弟子」印考). Taida Journal of Art History, Taiwan University(台灣大 學美術史研究集刊), 24, 147-174. (in Chinese) (THCI) 74. I Lo-fen. (2008). The Image of Li Bai in Song Dynasty Colophon (宋代題畫詩詞中 的李白形象). Research on Li Bai in China (中國李白研究), 105-122. (in Chinese) 75. I Lo-fen. (2007). The Poems on Portrait and Mirror of Bai Juyi(自我的凝視─白居 易的寫真詩與對鏡詩). Journal of Sun Yatsen University(Social Science Edition)(中山大學學報), 6, 51-57. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 76. I Lo-fen. (2007). The Untied Boat: Wu Zhen and the Colophon of Fishman Painting (Yu-Fu Tu) (不繫之舟:吳鎮及其「漁父圖卷」題詞). Si Yu Yan(思與言), 45(2) , 117-186. (in Chinese) (THCI) 77. I Lo-fen. (2007). The Banquet of Emperor: Song Hui Zong's ‘Literary Gathering’ Painting (Wen-Hui Tu) (〈天子の盛宴─徽宗「文會圖」とその周邊〉). Gan Lan (橄 欖), 14, 144-164. (Translated by Murakoshi Kiyomi) (in Japanese) 78. I Lo-fen. (2006). Not So Long Ago: Colophons of ‘Purification at Lanting Pavilion’ Paintings (俯仰之間:《蘭亭修禊圖》及其題跋初探). Zhongguo Xueshu(中國學 術), 24, 69-106. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 79. I Lo-fen. (2006). Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang: Local Experience, Culture Memory and Wonderland (瀟湘八景─地方經驗.文化記憶.無何有之鄉). Dong Hwa Journal of Humanities(東華人文學報), 9, 111-134. (in Chinese) (THCI) 80. I Lo-fen. (2006). Gaze to Oneself: the Poems on Portrait and Mirror of Bai Juyi(〈自己へのまなざし─白居易の寫真詩と對鏡詩〉). Studies of Bai Juyi (Tokyo)(白居易研究年報), 7, 109-136. (Translated by Morioka Yukari) (in Japnese) (Invited paper) 81. I Lo-fen. (2006). The Pictorial and Historical Meaning of Nine Songs Paintings (〈九歌〉〈湘君〉、〈湘夫人〉之圖象表現及其歷史意義). Studies of Han and Pre-Qin(先秦兩漢學術), 6, 45-88. (in Chinese) 82. I Lo-fen. (2006). Dialogue Between the ‘Fatuous Emperor’ and the ‘Treacherous Minister’: Song Hui Zong’s ‘Literary Gathering’ Painting (Wen-Hui Tu) and its
  • 16. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 15 Poetic Inscriptions ( 「昏君」 與 「奸臣」 的對話─談宋徽宗 「文會圖」 題詩). Literature and Philosophy(文與哲), 8, 253-278. (in Chinese) (THCI) 83. I Lo-fen. (2005). An Analysis of Colophons in the Dream Journey Over Xiao Xiang (Xiao Xiang Wo You Tu) (浮生一看─南宋李生 「瀟湘臥遊圖」 及其歷代題跋). Chinese Studies(漢學研究), 23(2), 99-132. (in Chinese) (THCI) 84. I Lo-fen. (2005). Analysis of Li Rong and his ‘Eight views of Xiao-Xiang’poems(朝 鮮安平大君李瑢及「匪懈堂瀟湘八景詩卷」析論). Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics(域外漢籍研究集刊), 1, 113-139. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 85. I Lo-fen. (2005). Iconological Study in Pictures of Wang Zhaojun and Cai Yan(「出塞」或「歸漢」─王昭君與蔡文姬圖像的重疊與交錯). Forum in Women's and Gender Studies(婦研縱橫), 74, 1-16. (in Chinese) (THCI) 86. I Lo-fen. (2005). Skeleton Puppet Show: The Consciousness of Life in Chinese Literature and Iconography(骷髏幻戲─中國文學與圖象中的生命意識). Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊), 26, 73-125. (in Chinese) (THCI) 87. I Lo-fen. (2005). The Creation of Song Dynasty Poems on Paintings: Su Che’s Poem ‘Three Horses of Han Gan’ and the Poems Modeled on it by Su Shi and Others (宋代題畫詩的創作現象與書寫特質─以蘇轍〈韓幹三馬〉及東坡等人之次 韻詩為例). Journal of Su Shi Yan Jiu(蘇軾研究), 3, 21-24. (in Chinese) 88. I Lo-fen. (2005). Su Shi’s ‘Wandering under the Red Cliffs’ as Material for Playwrights (劇作家筆下的東坡赤壁之遊). Zhongguo Sushi Yan Jiu (Beijing)(中國 蘇軾研究), 2, 385-398. (in Chinese) 89. I Lo-fen. (2004). Melancholy Longings of the Boudoir‫׃‬ A Reading of Mou Yi's Painting ‘Pounding Cloth’ (閨怨與相思:牟益「擣衣圖」的解讀). Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊), 25, 25-59. (in Chinese) (THCI) 90. I Lo-fen. (2004). The Poetry of Yi Zae-hyun and the Creation of Korean Local ‘Eight Views’(李齊賢八景詩詞與韓國地方八景之開創). Zhongguo Shixue(中國詩 學), 9, 147-162. (in Chinese) (CSSCI) 91. I Lo-fen. (2004). The Influence of Su Shi on Gao Ryeo Dynasty ‘Eight Views of Xiaoxiang’ Poetry- Yi Kwei-po’s ‘Eight Views of Qian Zhou’ as an Example(蘇軾 對高麗「瀟湘八景」詩之影響─以李奎報〈虔州八景詩〉為例). Songdai Wenxue Yanjiu Congkan(宋代文學研究叢刊), 10, 205-229. (in Chinese) 92. I Lo-fen. (2003). The Go Ryeo Dynasty Literati Lee Yin-Ro and Jin Hwa and the Transmission of the Poems and Paintings of the ‘Eight Views of Xiaoxiang’(高麗 文人李仁老、陳澕與中國瀟湘八景詩畫之東傳). Zhongguo Xueshu(中國學術), 16, 158-176. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
  • 17. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 16 93. I Lo-fen. (2003). Landscape Like a Picture’ and ‘Landscape in the Picture’: On the Song and Yuan Poems on the ‘Xiaoxiang’ Landscape Paintings ( 「江山如畫」 與「畫裡江山」:宋元題「瀟湘」山水畫詩之比較 ). Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊), 23, 33-70. (in Chinese) (THCI) 94. I Lo-fen. (2003). Observation, Description, Appreciation --Towards Constructing a Methodology for the Study of Chinese Colophons (觀看、敘述、審美─建構中國 題畫文學研究方法論之我見). Journal of International Chinese Studies (Korea)(國 際中國學研究), 6, 3-21. (in Chinese) 95. I Lo-fen. (2003). An Analysis of the Dongtian Qingluji by Zhao Xihu(趙希鵠《洞天 清祿集》探析). Xin Songxue(新宋學), 2, 410-419. (in Chinese) 96. I Lo-fen. (2002). Drifting and the Return: The Texture of Feelings in the Poems on Xiaoxiang Landscape Paintings from the Song Dynasty (漂流與回歸:宋代題「瀟 湘」山水畫詩之抒情底蘊 ). Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊), 21, 1-42. (in Chinese) (THCI) 97. I Lo-fen. (2002). Literary Imagery in Hsiao-Hsiang Landscape Paintings ( 「瀟湘」 山水畫之文學意象情境探微). Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊), 20, 175-222. (in Chinese) (THCI) 98. I Lo-fen. (2002). Liu Zong-yuan in the Xiao-Xiang literature works and paintings (瀟湘文學與圖繪中的柳宗元 ). Journal of Ling Ling University(零陵學院學報), 23(1), 6-10. (in Chinese) 99. I Lo-fen. (2001). Fiery Battles and Pure Wanderings: Illustrating the ‘Eulogies of the Red Cliff’( 戰火與清遊:赤壁圖題詠論析 ). The Nation(in Chinese)al Palace Museum Research Quarterly(故宮學術季刊), 18(4) , 63-102. (in Chinese) (THCI) 100. I Lo-fen. (2001). Bibliography of Works on Su Shi from Taiwan and Hong Kong, 1949-1999( 臺港蘇軾研究論著目錄(一九四九∼一九九九) ). Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies(漢學研究通訊), 20, 180-200. (in Chinese) (THCI) 101. I Lo-fen. (2001). Verisimilitude and Abstraction: A Discussion of Sung Dynasty Aesthetics According to Poetry on Painting in the T’ang and Northern Sung (寫真 與寫意:從唐至北宋題畫詩的發展論宋人審美意識的形成). Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊), 18, 41-90. (in Chinese) (THCI) 102. I Lo-fen. (2000). Dynastic Transitions and Literary Innovations: Art and Literature during the Han-T'ang and T'ang-Sung Transitions, Introduction (Ⅱ)(《世變與創化 ─漢唐、唐宋轉換期之文藝現象》導言(2)). Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究通訊), 10 , 245-249. (in Chinese) (THCI)
  • 18. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 17 103. I Lo-fen. (2000). An Analysis of the Sung Dynasty Colophons to the ‘Pictures on Poetry’– Based on Colophons to the ‘Kui-ch’ü-lai-t’u’, ‘Ch’i-chi-t’u’ and ‘Yang-kuan-t’u’(宋代題「詩意圖」詩析論─以題「歸去來圖」、「憩寂圖」、「陽 關圖」為例). Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文 哲研究集刊), 16, 1-64. 2000(in Chinese) (THCI) 104. I Lo-fen. (2000). Introduction to the Study of Chinese Literary Works on Painting(題畫文學研究概述). Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究通訊),10 , 215-252. (in Chinese) (THCI) 105. I Lo-fen. (1999). Hsuan-ho Hua-p'u and Su Shih's Thought on Painting”(《宣和畫 譜》與蘇軾繪畫思想 ). Journal of the National Institute for Compilation and Translation(國立編譯館館刊), 28(2), 107-127. (in Chinese) (THCI) 106. I Lo-fen. (1998). An Analysis of Poetry on Portraiture in Northern Sung Colophons(北宋題人像畫詩析論). Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊), 13, 121-174. (in Chinese) (THCI) 107. I Lo-fen. (1997). An Unsettled Historical Case: Hsi-yuan Ya-chi (Elegant Gathering in the Western Garden)(一樁歷史的公案─「西園雅集」). Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy(中國文哲研究集刊),10, 221-269. (in Chinese) (THCI) 108. I Lo-fen. (1997). Su Che’s Three Horses of Han Gan’and the Poems Modeled on it (蘇轍〈韓幹三馬〉及其次韻詩). Songdai Wenxue Yanjiu Congkan(宋代文學研 究叢刊), 3, 315-329. (in Chinese) 109. I Lo-fen. (1996). Ou Yang-Xiu’s ‘Liu Yi Ju Shi Zhuan’and Su Shi’s ‘Shu Liu Yi Ju Shi Zhuan Hou’ (歐陽修〈六一居士傳〉與蘇軾〈書六一居士傳後〉). Journal of Fu Jen Catholic University(輔仁國文學報), 12, 201-224. (in Chinese) 110. I Lo-fen. (1996). Research for the Rising Popularity in Song Dynasty Colophon (也談宋代題畫詩興盛的幾個原因). Songdai Wenxue Yanjiu Congkan(宋代文學研 究叢刊), 2, 55-70. (in Chinese) 111. I Lo-fen. (1995). The Evaluation and Impacts on Wang Wei and Wu Dao-Zi’s Paintings by Su Shi (談蘇軾對王維與吳道子繪畫藝術的評價及其影響). Journal of the National Institute for Compilation and Translation(國立編譯館館刊), 24(1) , 19-38. (in Chinese) (THCI) 112. I Lo-fen. (1995). The Concept of ‘Chang Xing’and ‘Chang Li’ in Su Shi’s Thought (談蘇軾繪畫思想中的「常形」與「常理」說). Songdai Wenxue Yanjiu Congkan(宋 代文學研究叢刊), 1, 431-448. (in Chinese) 113. I Lo-fen. (1994). Discussion on the Number of Taoist Priests in Su Shi’s ‘Hou Chi Bi Fu’(談蘇軾〈後赤壁賦〉中所夢道士人數之問題). Journal of National Taiwan University(臺大中文學報), 6, 333-356. (in Chinese) (THCI)
  • 19. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 18 114. I Lo-fen. (1992).The Image if the horses in Tang Dynasty Poems and Paintings”(從唐人詩畫中馬的意象看盛唐風光). The World of Chinese Language and Literature-Monthly(國文天地), 8(3) , 22-31. (in Chinese) 115. I Lo-fen. (1992). A Study on ‘Tang Wen Cui’(試論《唐文粹》之編纂背景、體例及 其 「古文」 類作品). Research of Chinese Literature(中國文學研究), 6, 167-180. (in Chinese) 116. I Lo-fen. (1989). Discussion on Zheng Ban-qiao’s Works on Paintings (鄭板橋的 題畫藝術初探). Journal of the National Institute for Compilation and Translation(國立編譯館館刊), 18(1) , 303-318. (in Chinese) (THCI) 117. I Lo-fen. (1988). Critical Analysis of Li Yi-Shan’s Poems(李義山詩評論的分析), Journal of the National Institute for Compilation and Translation(國立編譯館館刊), 17(2), 67-79. (in Chinese) (THCI) 118. I Lo-fen. (1988)Innovation of Freshman Chinese Literature Course (革新大一國 文) . The World of Chinese Language and Literature-Monthly(國文天地), 4(7), 9-28. (in Chinese) Book Chapters 1. I Lo-fen. (2021).A Study on Su Shi’s Calligraphy article to Xie Minshi (行雲流水─ 蘇軾〈答謝民師論文帖卷》論析).in Hidetoshi Higashi ed., A Study of the Eight Masters of Literature in Tang and Song Dynasty. Fukuoka: Hana Shoin, 131-146. 2. I Lo-fen. (2020). “The East Asian Cultural Image: A Study on Eight Views of Xiao Xiang", in Nanxiu Qian, Richard J Smith, Bowei Zhang eds., Rethinking the Sinosphere: Poetics, Aesthetics, and Identity. Amherst, New York : Cambria Press, pp. 205-234. 3. I Lo-fen. (2020)."Su Shi's Lyric Poetry Ci of Double Seventh July and Reminiscing at Red Cliff"(小喬初嫁─蘇軾黃州七夕詞與《念奴嬌.赤壁懷古》), in Chi Yan Pan, Ying Chun Yip, Chi Kin Ou eds. Festival and Communication: Traditional Chinese Valentine Day. Hong Kong:Chung Wah Publishing Company,148-154. 4. I Lo-fen. (2019). “Suger Coating Classics” X “Visual Capsule”: Intertextuality and Intermediality in Comics and Animation of Tsai Chih Chung’s The Tao Speaks: Lao Tzu's Whispers of Wisdom(糖衣古籍 X 視覺膠囊:蔡志忠繪(老子說)的漫畫、 動畫與視頻彈幕). in I Lo-fen. ed.. Observing the Synergy: Text and Image Studies and Asia Horizon. Singapore: Global Publishing, 47-74. 5. I Lo-fen. (2019). On May Fourth Movement’s Centennial: Repercussions in Nanyang (百年五四,南洋餘波), in Kai Wing Chow (周佳榮), Chi Kwong Lai (黎志
  • 20. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 19 剛), Chi Kin Au (區志堅) eds. On May Fourth Movement’s Centennial: Inspirations, Memories, and Innovations (五四百周年︰啟蒙、記憶與開新), Hong Kong : Chung Wah Publishing Company.329-355. 6. I Lo-fen. (2019). A Text and Image Study of Zheng Sixiao's Ink Orchid Paintings (鄭思肖墨蘭圖調查研究及其文圖學意涵). in Morihashi Natsumi ed.. Aspects of the Abe Collection-Cultural Significance and Its Future(阿部コレクションの諸相 ―文化的意義とその未來). Osaka: Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts, 81-96. 7. I Lo-fen. (2018). Text and Image Studies: The New Vision of Classic Studies in East Asia (文圖學-동양 고전학 연구의 새로운 시각). An Tae-hoe ed.. A New Look for Korean Classics Studies(한국 고전학 의 새로운 모색). Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University Press, 51-84. 8. I Lo-fen. (2018). The Ancient Korean Literati Yearn and Re-creation for “Ji-men Yan Shu” (Misty Trees at Jimen) of the “The Eight Views of Beijing”(韓國古代文人 對「北京八景」之「薊門煙樹」的憧憬與創生). Liao Chao-Hen ed.. Commonality and Divergence: The adaptation and Variation of Cultural Images in East Asia (共 相與殊相:東亞文化意象的轉接與異變), 35-66. Taipei: Academia Sinica. 9. I Lo-fen. (2018) . Cutting through the Smoke: Culture and History of the Resistance of the Opium in Singapore(脫出煙霞:新加坡戒鴉片的歷史與文化). Clara Wing-chung Ho, Oiyan Liu, Thomas Marling, Ka-lai Chan, et al. (eds.). Collected Essays of To the Seas and Beyond: An International Conference on the Maritime Silk Road (海表行方:海上絲綢之路史國際學術研討會論文集), 145-158. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of History and Department of History of Hong Kong Baptist University. 10. I Lo-fen. (2017). Poems and Calligraphy of Singapore’s National Treasure Pan Shou (海內存知己─新加坡“國寶”潘受). Tsung-Cheng Lin (林宗正), Jiang Yin (蔣 寅) eds.. A Collection of Essays on Classical Chinese Literature in Honor of Professor Kawai Kozo (川合康三教授榮休紀念文集). Nanjing: Jiangsu Phoenix Publishing & Media Corporation Limited(鳳凰出版社). 11. I Lo-fen. (2017). Ye Jiyun and Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution (葉季允 與新加坡同濟醫院). Du Nan Fa (杜南發)ed.. 150th Anniversary of the Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution (同濟醫院 150 周年文集), 206-213. Singapore: Thong Chai Medical Institution. 12. I Lo-fen. (2017). The Arts of Wulin: Sushi’s ‘Tian Ji Wu Yun Tie’ and his Interest in ‘Peculiar Fun’(武林藝事─蘇軾(天際烏雲帖)及其"奇趣"觀). Shen Songqin (沈松勤), Ma Qiangcai (馬強才)eds.. Collected Essays on the 9th Song Dynasty Literature International Conference (第九屆宋代文學國際研討會論文集), 486-503. Hangchow: Zhejiang University Press.
  • 21. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 20 13. I Lo-fen. (2017). Writing, Translation, and Painting: Zhong Mei Yin in Southeast Asia (文筆.譯筆.畫筆─鍾梅音在南洋). Hong Shuling(洪淑苓), Mei-e Huang(黃 美娥) eds.. The 1st International Conference on Intertextuality between Taiwan Literature and Asia-Pacific Humanities(第一屆文化流動與知識傳播國際學術研討 會論文集), 165-184. Taipei: Showwe Information Co.. 14. I Lo-fen. (2016). Newspaper Advertising of Tiger Brand’s Yong An Tang (Eng Aun Tong) Medicinal Products in the 1920s to 1930s in East Asia(20 世紀 20-30 年代虎標永安堂藥品在東亞的報紙廣告— “文圖學”研究示例). In Shengqing Wu(吳盛青) ed.. Travelling Image and Text in Modern China (旅行的圖像與文 本:現代華語語境中的媒介互動), 254-276. Shanghai: Fudan University Press. 15. I Lo-fen. (2015). The True Colors of Mountains Peaks: Su Xuelin’s Dislike for “Literati’s Painting(長愛峰巒紙上青─論蘇雪林不喜「文人畫」). In Wang Wei Yong(王偉勇) ed.. International Conference on Su Xuelin and writers from the same era(蘇雪林及其同代作家國際術研討會論文集), 137-147. Tainan: National Cheng Kung University. 16. I Lo-fen. (2015). Drifting to Peng Hu: Li BangYi’s Unexpected Trip and Related Writings (漂流到澎湖:朝鮮人李邦翼的意外之旅及其相關書寫). In Peng XiaoYan(彭小妍) ed. Translation and Transcultural Movement: Knowledge Construction and the Transmission of Texts and Literary Style(翻譯與跨文化流 動:知識建構、文本與文體的傳播), 401-434. Taipei: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy. 17. I Lo-fen. (2015). Zhu Xi’s ‘Wuyi Boating Song’ and Li Tuixi’s Follow Writings (朱 熹(武夷櫂歌)與朝鮮理學家李退溪的次韻詩). In Wang LiMinn(王利民), Wu HaiJun(武海軍) eds.. Collected Essays on the 8th Song Dynasty Literature International Conference(第八屆宋代文學國際學術研討會論文集), 532-539. Guang Zhou: Zhongshan University Press. 18. I Lo-fen. (2015). Culture Images of the ‘Wuyi Nine Gorges’ in Ancient Korea: A Study on Printing and Publishing(印刷出版與朝鮮「武夷九曲」文化意象的「理學 化」建構). In Shi Shouqian(石守謙), Liao Chao-Hen(廖肇亨) eds.. Shaping the culture images of East Asia: viewing, media, agents (轉接與跨界:東亞文化意象 之傳佈), 351-388. Taipei: Asian Culture Publishing. 19. I Lo-fen. (2014). Paradise Years of Zhong Meiyin. in Wang Yuting ed., Research Data Compilation of Contemporary Taiwan Writers, 147-149. Tainan: National Museum of Taiwan Literature. 20. I Lo-fen. (2014). Calligraphy and Paintings on Lan Ting Xu in Ancient Korea(蘭亭 流芳在朝鮮). In Palace Museum(故宮博物院) ed.. Collected essays on the International Conference on Lan Ting Xu (二零一一年蘭亭國際學術研討會論文 集), 36-48. Beijing: Palace Museum.
  • 22. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 21 21. I Lo-fen. (2014).The Canonalization of Bai Juyi's Poem Pi Pa Xing(東亞文學經典 研究一隅:白居易琵琶行), 572-583.Guangxi Normal University Press 22. I Lo-fen. (2013). Evaluation of Bai JuYi's poem ‘Song of Everlasting Sorrow’ (Chang Hen Ge) in Song Dynasty and the Influence of Painting in East Asia(宋人 評價《長恨歌》及其對東亞「長恨歌圖」之影響). In Yang Guo-An(楊國安), Wu He-qing(吳河清) eds.. The 7th International Conference on Song Dynasty Literature(第七屆宋代文學國際學術研討會論文集), 484-491. Kai Feng: He Nan University. 23. I Lo-fen. (2012). The Canonization of Bai Juyi’s ‘Song of Everlasting Sorrow’ and Related Illustrations of the Poem in East Asia (白居易《長恨歌》之經典化及其東 亞相關圖繪簡論). In Xin Ning, Dietrich Tschanz, Ching-I Tu eds.. Chinese Classics and Traditional Thought: Origin, Development, and Dialogue (中國古代 經典與傳統思想:起源、流變與對話), 225-232. Confucius Institute at Rutgers University, U.S.A. (anonymous peer-reviewed) 24. I Lo-fen. (2011). Mark the Times of a Ocean City: Study of Huang Zun-xian’s Couplets in Singapore(海洋城市的時代印記:黃遵憲在新加坡的楹聯試析). In Ma Sheng-mei eds.. The City and the Ocean(城市與海洋論集), 1-25. Kaohsiung: Centre for the Humanities and College of Liberal Arts, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan. (anonymous peer-reviewed) 25. I Lo-fen. (2011) . The ‘Filial Daughter’ in Poems of Chinese and Korean from 15th to 17th Century(明代中韓 「孝女」 唱和詩的文化意涵). In Shih Shou-Chien(石守謙), Liao Zhao-heng(廖肇亨) eds.. Shaping the Cultural Images of East Asia(東亞文化 意象之形塑), 507-537. Taipei: Asian Culture Co. (anonymous peer-reviewed) 26. I Lo-fen. (2010). New Interpretation of Colophon by Huang Ting-jian for Su Shih’s ‘The Cold Food Observance Festival’ manuscript (蘇軾 《黃州寒食帖》山谷題跋 新解). In Tu Pu-Sheng(涂普生) ed.. Essays on Su Dongpo at Dongpo(東坡說東 坡). Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology. 27. I Lo-fen. (2008). Heavens’ Blessing for a Thousand Years: Sung Hui-tsung's ‘Literary Gathering’ and its Poetic Inscriptions(天祿千秋─宋徽宗「文會圖」及其 題詩). In Wang, Yao-ting(王耀庭) ed.. Conference on Founding Paradigms - Papers on the Art and Culture of Northern Sung Dynasty (開創典範─北宋的藝術 與文化研討會論文集), 347-372. Taipei: National Palace Museum. (anonymous peer-reviewed) 28. I Lo-fen. (2007). Gong Su Ran’s painting of Wang Zhao Jun: In visional culture (宮素然「明妃出塞圖」及其題詩─視覺文化角度的推想). In Zhang, Gao-ping(張高 評) ed.. International Conference of Pre-Modern Literature(近世文學國際學術研 討會論文集), 67-124. Taipei: Shin Wen Feng Print Co.. (anonymous peer-reviewed)
  • 23. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 22 29. I Lo-fen. (2006). The Zen thought of Southern Song Literati in Colophons on the ‘Dream Journey Over Xiao Xiang’ (Xiao Xiang Wo You Tu) (看畫禪:南宋文人" 以禪解畫"之思想內涵─以李生"瀟湘臥遊圖"之南宋題跋為例). In Zhang Peiheng(章培恒) ed.. Zhongguo Zhong Shi Wen Xue Yan Jiu Lun Ji(中國中世文 學研究論集), 748-774. Shanghai: Shanghai Gu Ji Chu Ban She. 30. I Lo-fen. (2006). A consideration of the aesthetics of antiquarianism (「好古」思 想の審美文化意識試論). In Asami Yoji(淺見洋二) ed.. Reading and Tradition of Text (テクストの解讀と傳承), 95 -108. Osaka: University of Osaka. (Translated by Kato Satoshi) 31. I Lo-fen. (2004). The Reception and the Historical Significance of Chinese Eight Views Poems by Kotyo Literati (高麗文人對中國八景詩之受容現象及其歷史意義). In Kwan Sok-Huen(權錫煥) eds.. Eight Views and Nine Gorges in Landscape Culture of Korea and China (한중팔경구곡과산수문화), 59-72. Seoul: Yihui publisher. 32. I Lo-fen. (2004). The Culture and Thought of Ming Literati ‘Xiaoxiang’ Landscape Poems (旅遊、臥遊與神遊:明代文人題「瀟湘」山水畫詩的文化思考). In Wang Ailing(王璦玲) ed.. Papers of the International Conference on Subjectivity and Society in Ming-Qing Literature and Thought (明清文學與思想中的主體意識與社 會國際學術研討會論文集), 17-92. Taipei: Academia Sinica Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy. (anonymous peer-reviewed) 33. I Lo-fen. (2002). Geography, Space and Thought in the Northern Song ‘Xiaoxiang’ Poems (宋代題 「瀟湘」 山水畫詩的地理概念、空間表述與心理意識). In Lee Fong-Mao(李豐楙) and Liu Yuan-Ju(劉苑如), eds.. Space, Place and Culture – The Writing and Expression of Space in Chinese Culture (空間、地域與 文化─中國文化空間的書寫與闡釋), 325-372. Taipei: Academia Sinica Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy. (anonymous peer-reviewed) 34. I Lo-fen. (2001). Reading the Landscape: Su Shi and the Paintings of the ‘Eight Views of Xiaoxiang’ (閱讀風景:蘇軾與「瀟湘八景圖」的興起). In Wang Jing-Chi(王靜芝), Wang Ch’u-Ch’ing(王初慶), eds.. Genius through the Ages: Conference in Commemoration of the Nine Hundredth Anniversary of the Death of Su Shi (千古風流:東坡逝世九百年紀念學術研討會), 689-717. Taipei: Hongye Wenhua Shiye Youxian Gongsi. (anonymous peer-reviewed) 35. I Lo-fen. (2001). A Study of Su Shi's Calligraphy and Paintings from Ancient China(“書畫亦皆精絕”──歷代對蘇軾書畫的評價). I Lo-fen, Ceng Zaozhuang. A History of Su Shi Studies (蘇軾研究史), 471-499. Nanjing: Jiangsu Jiaoyu Publishing.
  • 24. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 23 36. I Lo-fen. (2001). Su Shi Studies from 1949 to 1999(近五十年(1949-1999)臺港蘇 軾研究概述). I Lo-fen, Ceng Zaozhuang. A History of Su Shi Studies (蘇軾研究 史), 455-470. Nanjing: Jiangsu Jiaoyu Publishing. 37. I Lo-fen. (2000). Aesthetics of Late Tang and Five Dynasties Poems on Paintings (晚唐五代題畫詩的審美特質). In I Lo-fen and Liu Yuan-Ju(劉苑如), eds.. Historical Transitions and Creativity: Literature and Art in the Han-Tang and Tang-Song Transitions (世變與創化:漢唐、唐宋轉換期之文藝現象), 377-424. Taipei, Academia Sinica Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Preparatory Office. (anonymous peer-reviewed) 38. I Lo-fen. (1999). Northern Song Poems on Paintings of Women (北宋題仕女畫詩 析論). In Transition and Creation: Essays in Honor of the Tenth Anniversary of the Academia Sinica Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy (傳承與創新:中 央研究院中國文哲研究所十週年紀念論文集), 301-380. Taipei, Academia Sinica Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy. (anonymous peer-reviewed) Conference Papers 1. I Lo-fen. (2021, Dec.).Text and image Studies on Artificial Intelligence Generative Poems(Nanjing: Nanjing Forum at Nanjing University). 2. I Lo-fen.(2021, Sept.). A Study on the Six Gentlemen Painting collected in Shanghai Museum(Shanghai: Shanghai Museum). 3. I Lo-fen.(2021, June), "Happiness, Youth and Dreams: Love and Sex in Advertisements in Singapore Chinese Newspapers from the 1880s to the 1960s". Text Image and Audiovisual Culture of Taiwan and East Asia International Conference (Singapore: Nanyang Technological University). 4. I Lo-fen.(2021, Jan.)."Chinese Classical Literature in Picture Books". Engaging Chinese Ancient Culture: New Sources, New Directions (jinan: Shandong University). 5. I, Lo-fen. (2020,February)."Interpreting Ren Bonian's Eight Immortals in Tan Tsze Chor’s Xiang Xue Zhuang Collection through the Perspective of Text and Image Studies", Living with Ink Symposium.(Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum). 6. I Lo-fen.(2019, Nov). The Paintings of Su Shi in a Straw Hat and Sandals and the Korean Emissaries to Beijing(朝鮮燕行使與 《東坡笠屐圖》 ). The 3rd International Conference on Emissaries to Beijing. Beijing: Palace Museum, China. 7. I Lo-fen.(2019, Nov).Text and Image of Su Shi's Calligraphy(文圖學視角下的蘇東 坡書藝). The International Conference of Chinese Studies in Korea. Seoul: Sogang University, Korea.
  • 25. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 24 8. I Lo-fen. (2019, Oct). The ‘Wuyi Nine Bends’ Culture in East Asia from a Text and Image Studies Perspective. Crossing Boundaries: An International Symposium on Chinese Literature and Culture. Bloomington: Indiana University, U.S.A.. 9. I Lo-fen. (2019, Oct). A Study of the ‘Wuyi Nine Bends’ Culture in East Asia Culture(東亞九曲文化探析),International Conference on 'Nine Bends’ Culture of East Asia 동아시아의 九曲 문화 국제학술대회, Kuishan: Zhong Yuan University, Korea. [keynote speech] 10. I Lo-fen. (2019, Oct). A Brief Account of Singapore’s Chinese Publications in the 19th Century(十九世紀新加坡漢籍出版述略),The Sixth International Conference on Classic Studies. Seoul: Korea University, Korea. 11. I Lo-fen. (2019, Sept). A Study of Eight Views of Xiao Xiang and the East Asian Landscape Culture (瀟湘八景與亞洲地方八景文化生成的文圖學觀照). Records of Mission to Beijing and the Culture of Yanzhao, Baoding: Hebei University, China 12. I Lo-fen. (2019, June).The East Asian Landscape Culture from Perspective of Text and Image Studies(用文圖學觀點研究瀟湘八景及亞洲地方八景文化的構成). The International Conference on Ancient Chinese Text and Image, Wuhan: Wuhan University, China 13. I Lo-fen. (2019, May).The Significance of Eight Views of Xiao Xiang in East Asia (從文圖學視角看瀟湘八景對亞洲景觀文化的意義). International Conference on Eight Views of Xiao Xiang. Yongzhou: Hunan University of Science and Engineering, China [keynote speech] 14. I Lo-fen. (2019, Apr). A Study of Eight Views of Beijing in Ming Dynasty (明代 《北 京八景圖詩》探析). The 5th International Conference on Chinese Classic Literature Study, Taipei: Soochow University, Taiwan. 15. I Lo-fen. (2018, Dec). History, Current Situation and Future of Sinology in Singapore (新加坡漢學研究的歷史、現狀與未來). Forum on Sinology in South East Asia, Taipei: National Chengchi University, Taiwan. 16. I Lo-fen. (2018, Nov). Virtual Epistolary: Text and Image of the Film 7 Letters in Celebration of Singapore's Golden Jubilee. The 3rd Nanjing Forum. Nanjing, Nanjing University, China. 17. I Lo-fen. (2018, Nov). Research of Zheng Sixiao's Ink Orchid Paintings (鄭思肖 墨蘭圖調查研究及其文圖學意涵). Aspects of the Abe Collection-Cultural Significance and Its Future, Osaka: Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts, Japan. 18. I Lo-fen. (2018, Sept). Studying Su Dongpo in Singapore and the United State. 2018 International Summit Forum on Dongpo Culture, Meishan: Municipal People Government, China. [keynote speech]
  • 26. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 25 19. I Lo-fen. (2018, Sept). The Sculpture of Su Shi at San Su Ci in Meishan(眉山三 蘇祠東坡盤陀塑像的文圖學審美). 2018 International Summit Forum on Dongpo Culture, Meishan: Meishan City Goverment, China. 20. I Lo-fen. (2018, Aug). Celebratory Activities Qiansouyan (Banquet for the Thousands Elderlies) and East Asian Cultural Interaction: A Case Study of Envoys from from Joseon (乾隆千叟宴與東亞文化交流──以朝鮮使節團活動為中 心).The International Conference on East Asian Cultural Image Study, Taipei: Academia Sinica, Taiwan. 21. I Lo-fen. (2018, Aug). “Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang” Poems and Folk Paintings in Joseon Dynasty". 2018 Symposium of the Society of Korean Literature, Seoul: Seoul National University, Korea. 22. I Lo-fen. (2018,Jan.). Text and Image Studies: A New Vision of East Asian Classic Studies (文圖學:東洋古典學研究的新視界). The International Conference on Korean Classics Study, Seoul: Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. 23. I Lo-fen. (2017, Dec). Intertextuality and Intermediality in Comics and Animation of Tsai Chih Chung’s The Tao Speaks: Lao Tzu's Whispers of Wisdom(蔡志忠繪 《老子說》的漫畫、動畫與視頻彈幕). The International Conference of Text and Image and Cultural Studies, Singapore: Nanyang Technological University. 24. I Lo-fen. (2017, Nov). Open the Calligraphy of Su Shi from Text and Image Studies(書藝東坡 : 用文圖學方法打開蘇軾墨蹟). The 8th International Conference ob Su Shi Study, Meishan: Meishan City Government, China. 25. I Lo-fen. (2017, Nov). Poetry and Paintings of Eight View of Xiao Xiang in East Asian Civilization (文化意象視域與東亞文明重思—以「瀟湘八景」詩畫為例). The International Conference on Chinese Literature and Culture, Taipei: National Taiwan University, Taiwan. 26. I Lo-fen. (2017, Oct). Ye Jiyun and Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution(新 加坡報人醫生葉季允與同濟醫院的發展─兼論創辦海外首份醫學刊物《新嘉坡醫學 報》). The International Conference on Chinese Language and Culture, Seoul: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea. 27. I Lo-fen. (2017, Sept). The Mistake of HARADA Goro's Talk about Su Shi's Calligraphy The Cold Food Observance Festival’ Manuscript (原田悟朗口述蘇軾 《寒食帖》東售日本之疑謬──文圖學視角的理解). The 10th International Conference on Song Dynasty Literature, Beijin: Renmin University of China, China. 28. I Lo-fen. (2017, July). The Cultural Image of Eig ht View of Xiao Xiang in East Asia(東亞文明精神與瀟湘八景文化意象). The 7th International Conference on Chinese Literature and Geography, Xining: Chinghai Normal University, China.
  • 27. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 26 29. I Lo-fen. (2017, June). Text and Image Studies: Theory of East Asian Cultural Diffusion. (文圖學與東亞文化交流研究理論芻議). The 2rd International Conference on Overseas Chinese Classics, Nanjing: Nanjing University, China. 30. I Lo-fen. (2017, Apr). The East Asian Cultural Image: A Study on Eight Views of Xiao Xiang. Reconsidering the Sinosphere: A Conference to Critically Analyze the Literary Sinitic in East Asian Cultures, Houston: Rice University, U.S.A.. 31. I Lo-fen. (2016, Dec). History and Culture of Anti Opium in Singapore (脫出煙 霞:新加坡戒鴉片的歷史與文化). To the Seas and Beyond: An International Conference on the History of the Maritime Silk Road, Hong Kong: Hong Kong History Museum. 32. I Lo-fen. (2016, Dec). The Inscription on the Portrait of Bai Juyi by Wuxue Zhuyuan (Mugaku Sogen): A Case Study of Text and Image Studies (文圖學方法 研究無學祖元贊 《白樂天像》 ). International Conference on Cultural Exchange and Imagination, Taipei: Academia Sinica, Taiwan. 33. I Lo-fen. (2016, Dec). Dissemination and Influence of Eight Views of Beijing Painting in the Tian Yi Ge Catalogue in East Asia: A Comparative Study with Da Ming Yi Tong Zhi (《天一閣書目》著錄《北京八景圖詩》的東亞傳播與影響──兼 與《大明一統志》之「北京八景」比較). International Conference on Books and Literature in Ming Dynasty, Ningbo: Ningbo Municipal People 's Government, China. 34. I Lo-fen. (2016, Oct). The Historical Significance and the Advertisement on Lat Pau via Text and Image Studies (新加坡《叻報》的歷史意義及其廣告的文圖學解 讀). Innovation and Expanding of Chinese Language and Culture Study International Conference, Seoul: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea. 35. I Lo-fen. (2016, June). A combined study on Su Shi’s Dongting Spring Fu and Zhongshan Song Lao Fu (蘇軾《洞庭春色賦》、《中山松醪賦》合卷研究). Wang Jingzhi 100th Anniversary Memorial International Conference, Xin Zhuang: Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan. 36. I Lo-fen. (2016, Apr). Time, Matter and Memories: The Cultural Picture of “Shou Su Hui” in Qing Dynasty (時間.物質.記憶─清代壽蘇會之文化圖景). International Conference on Professor Zeng Yongyi's Academic Achievements, Taipei, National Taiwan University, Taiwan. 37. I Lo-fen. (2015, Dec). Rebelling and Following: Poems and Calligraphy of Singapore’s National Treasure Pan Shou (叛逆與順時─新加坡「國寶」潘受的詩 歌與書藝). International Conference on Humanities Research in the 21st Century, Singapore: Nanyang Technological University. 38. I Lo-fen. (2015, Oct). Qian Long’s Banquet for the Thousands Elderlies: An Event for Envoys from Joseon Dynasty Korea and its Historical Significance (乾隆千叟
  • 28. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 27 宴朝鮮使節團活動及其歷史意義), The 90th Anniversary of National Palace Museum: International Conference on the “Wan Shou Grand Ceremony” in Qing Dynasty, Beijing, Place Museum, China. 39. I Lo-fen. (2015, Sep). The Arts of Wulin: Sushi’s ‘Tian Ji Wu Yun Tie’ and his Interest in ‘Peculiar Fun’ (武林藝事:蘇軾「天際烏雲帖」及其「奇趣」觀). The Chinese Society for Song Literautre’s 9th annual meeting and Song Dynasty Literature International Conference, Hangzhou: Hangzhou Normal University, China. 40. I Lo-fen. (2015, Sep). Above the Jade Hall of Heaven: A New Exploration on Qing Palace’s Collection of Ming Dynasty Artist Wang Fu’s Painting- ‘The Eight Viewss of Beijing’ (玉堂天上:清宮舊藏明代「北京八景圖」新探). 2015 International Conference on “Shi Qu Bao Ji”, Beijing: National Palace Museum, China. 41. I Lo-fen. (2015, Sep). The Ancient Korean Literati Yearn and Re-creation for ‘Ji-men Yan Shu’ of the ‘The Eight Views of Beijing’ (韓國古代文人對「北京八景」 之「薊門煙樹」的憧憬與創生). Commonality and Divergence: The Convergence, Transmission, and Variation of Cultural Images of East Asia before the 18th Century, Taipei: The Academia Sinica, Taiwan. 42. I Lo-fen. (2015, Aug). The two West Lakes: The acceptance and localization of Hangzhou’s ‘Ten views of West Lake’ in Ancient Korea (兩國西湖:杭州「西湖十 景」在古代韓國的接受與本地化). The 1st China Classical Literature High-end Forum, Nanjing: Nanjing University, China. 43. I Lo-fen. (2015, Aug). Pictorialization, Performance, and Canonization: The Crossovers of Cai Wen-ji (圖像化.演藝化.典故化:異境跨界蔡文姬). International Conference on Females in Ancient China and Creativity, Singapore: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, jointly with Stanford University, USA. 44. I Lo-fen. (2015, Feb). Interchange of East-Asian Culture and Literature in Classical Chinese: A study of Huang Hua Ji”(韓中日所藏《皇華集》與東亞漢文學 跨國交流). Sinology Studies in Asian, Seoul: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea. 45. I Lo-fen. (2014, Oct). Critique on Literati Paintings by Su Xuelin. International Conference on Su Xuelin Studies, Tainan: National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. 46. I Lo-fen. (2014, Aug). The Dissemination and Cultural Significance of Eight Views of Xiao Xiang in East Asia. Relational Culture in Chinese Classic Literature, Gui Yang: Institute of Literature in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China.
  • 29. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 28 47. I Lo-fen. (2014, Jul). Study of Text and Image: Some Experiences and Ideas. Learning and Reflection: International Conference on Sinology. Singapore: Nanyang Technological University. 48. I Lo-fen. (2014, Jun). The Paintings of Envoy in Ancient Korea. International Conference on Envoy and Forbidden City, Beijing: National Palace Museum, China. 49. I Lo-fen. (2014, Jun). Zhong Mei’s Writing, Translation and Paintings in Southern East Asia. International Conference on Culture Flows and Knowledge Dissemination between Taiwan Literature and Asia-Pacific Humanities, Taipei: National Taiwan University, Taiwan. 50. I Lo-fen. (2014, May). Understanding East Asian Civilization from the Perspective of Culture Images (從文化意象理解東亞文明). The New Plan for Asian Civilization and its Publicity, Keynote speech, Seoul: Yonsei University, Korea. [keynote speech] 51. I Lo-fen. (2014, Feb). “Wuyi Boating Song” in Ancient China and Korea (朱熹(武 夷櫂歌)與中韓文人之次韻詩比較) . Humanities and Transnationalism in East Asian Studies, Seoul: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea. 52. I Lo-fen. (2013, Dec). Newspaper Advertising of Tiger Brand’s Yong An Tang (Eng Aun Tong) Medicinal Products in the 1920s to 1930s in East Asia (1920-30 年代虎標永安堂藥品在東亞的報紙廣告). Travelling Image and Text in Modern, Shanghai: Fu Dan University, China. 53. I Lo-fen. (2013, Dec). Eight Views of Xiao Xiang: Culture Image in East Asian (소상팔경: 동아시아 공통 모티브의 문화형상). Eight Views of Xiao Xiang and Korean Literature and Art, Seoul: Soongsil University, Korea. 54. I Lo-fen. (2013, Oct). Wandering and Pursuing: Zhu Xi’s “Wuyi Boating Song” and Follow Writings in Joseon Dynasty Korea. American Oriental Society Western Branch (WBAOS) Meeting, Victoria: University of Victoria, Canada. 55. I Lo-fen. (2013, Sep). Zhu Xi’s “Wuyi Boating Song” and Li Tuixi’s Follow Writings (朱熹(武夷櫂歌)與朝鮮理學家李退溪的次韻詩). The 8th International Conference in Song Dynasty Literature, Ganzhou: Gan Nan Normal College, China. 56. I Lo-fen. (2012, Dec). Poetry Battles between China and Korea from 15th to 17th Century (詩戰朝鮮:明代中韓詩賦外交綜論) . International Conference of the Cultural Images and Interaction of Envoys in Early Modern East Asia, Taipei: Academia Sinica, Taiwan. 57. I Lo-fen. (2012, Nov). Su Shih’s Calligraphy ‘Tian Ji Wu Yun Tie’ Collected by Ong Fanggang and it’s Influence in 19th Century Korea (翁方綱藏蘇軾「天際烏雲 帖」 與十九世紀朝鮮 「東坡熱」 ). The 7th International Conference on Qing Dynasty Literature, Gaoshung: National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
  • 30. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 29 58. I Lo-fen. (2012, Sept). Culture Images of the ‘Wuyi Nine Bends’ in Ancient Korea: A Study on Printing and Publishing (印刷出版與朝鮮「武夷九曲」文化意象的「理 學化」 建構). International Conference of Shaping the Culture Images of East Asia : Viewing, Media, Agents, Taipei: Academia Sinica, Taiwan. 59. I Lo-fen. (2012, Aug). The Canonization of Bai Juyi’s ‘Pi Pa Xing’ in East Asian Literature (東亞文學經典研究一隅:白居易(琵琶行)). The 16th International Conference in Tang Dynasty Literature, Wulumuchi: XinJiang Normal University, China. 60. I Lo-fen. (2012, May). A Study of Su Shih’s Calligraphy Tian Ji Wu Yun Tie (蘇軾 「天際烏雲帖」研究). The 16th Symposium on Song Dynasty Literature, Fukuoka: Kyushu University, Japan. 61. I Lo-fen. (2012, Mar). The Authorial Consciousness of Pan Shou's Poetry and Calligraphy (海內存知己─潘受詩歌與書藝的創作主體意識). International Conference on Pan Shou, Singapore: Nanyang Technological University. 62. I Lo-fen. (2011, Oct). Calligraphy and Paintings on Lan Ting Xu in Ancient Korea (蘭亭流芳在朝鮮). The International Conference on Lan Ting Xu, Beijing: National Palace Museum, China. 63. I Lo-fen. (2011, Sep). Evaluation of Bai JuYi’s poem ‘A Song of Everlasting Regret’(Chang Hen Ge) in Song Dynasty and the Influence of Painting in East Asia (宋人評價(長恨歌)及其對東亞「長恨歌圖」之影響). The 7th International Conference on Song Dynasty Literature, Kaifeng: He Nan University, China. 64. I, Lo-fen (2011, Aug). Poems for Fun: The Exchange of Poems by Matching Rhyming between Chinese and Korean from 15th to 17th Century (明代中韓詩賦 外交之文學角力). The 13th Korea-China Culture Forum, Incheon: Incheon University, Korea. 65. I Lo-fen. (2011, Jul). Newspaper Advertising of Tiger Brand’s Yong An Tang (Eng Aun Tong) Medicinal Products in the 1920s to 1930s (商品宣傳與法律知識 ─1920-30 年代虎標永安堂藥品的「反仿冒」廣告) . Knowledge Formation and Cultural Transformation in Multicultural East Asia, Singapore: Nanyang Technological University. 66. I Lo-fen. (2011, May). A Study on Su Shih’s ‘Da Xie Min Shi Shu’ (蘇軾「答謝民 師論文書卷」 論析). The 12th International Conference of Literature and Aesthetics, Taipei: Tamkang University, Taiwan. 67. I Lo-fen. (2011, Jan). Landscape and Culture in the Wu-yi Zhao Ge (Wu-yi Boat Song) of Song Dynasty (宋代「武夷棹歌」中的地景空間與文化意蘊).The International Conference on Space and Literature, Hualien: National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan.
  • 31. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 30 68. I Lo-fen. (2010, Dec). The Story of Su Dongpo in a Straw Hat and Sandals in Hainan: Formation, Spread and Influence (東坡海南笠屐故事的形成,傳播與影 響). Dongpo International Forum, Hainan: Dan Zhou People’s Government, China. [keynote speech] 69. I Lo-fen. (2010, Oct). New Interpretation of Colophon by Huang Ting-jian for Su Shih’s ‘The Cold Food Observance Festival’ Manuscript (蘇軾「黃州寒食帖」山 谷題跋新解). Dongpo International Forum, Huanggang: Hubei People’s Government, China. [keynote speech] 70. I Lo-fen. (2010, Aug). The art of prose and calligraphy in Su Shih’s ‘Da Xie Min Shi Shu’ (行雲流水─蘇軾(答謝民師書)的散文與書法藝術). The International Conference of Ancient Chinese Prose Study, Fuzhou: Fu Jian Normal University, China. 71. I Lo-fen. (2010, Aug). Painting, Drama and the Actress: ‘Put down Your Whip’ Painted by Xu Beihong. Circuits of Cultural Entrepreneurship in China and Southeast Asia, Singapore: National University of Singapore. 72. I Lo-fen. (2010, July). Gender and Violence: Cai Yan and Her Poems. XVIII Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS), Riga: University of Latvia, Latvia 73. I Lo-fen. (2010, June). Bai Juyi ‘s ”A Song of Immortal Regret” and the Related Paintings. An International Symposium: Chinese Classics and Thoughts, New York: Rutgers University, U.S.A. 74. I Lo-fen. (2010, May). The Collected Poems of Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute in Southern Song”(南宋(胡笳十八拍)集句詩之書寫及其歷史意義) .Interpretation, comparison and construction of Literary Theory in Ancient China, Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 75. I Lo-fen. (2010, Mar). Yu Jian’s Painting Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang and the Inscription (無邊剎境入毫端─玉澗及其「瀟湘八景圖」詩畫).The International Symposium on Zen Paintings and Their Inscriptions, Kyoto: Hanazono University, Japan. 76. I Lo-fen. (2009, Oct). “Wang Anshi’s Rewriting of the Work ‘Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute’ (嚴謹的遊戲:王安石「胡笳十八拍」論析). The 6th International Conference in Song Dynasty Literature, Chengdu: Si Chuan University, China 77. I Lo-fen. (2009, Sep). The “Filial Daughter” in Poems of Chinese and Korean from 15th to 17th Century (明代中韓「孝女」唱和詩的文化意涵). Image of East Asia: The interaction of China, Japan and Korea from 11th to 17th Century, Taipei: Academia Sinica, Taiwan. 78. I Lo-fen. (2009, Aug). The “Reject Female Musician” Poems by Embassies of Ming Dynasty and the Inference in Korea (明代出使朝鮮文臣的「卻妓詩」及其影
  • 32. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 31 響初探). The 6th International Conference on Poetry Studies of the Orient, Jilin: Yanbien University, China. 79. I Lo-fen. (2009, June). Study of Su Shih’s Calligraphy Poems by Li Bai (蘇軾「李 白仙詩卷」探研). The 14th International Conference on Li Bai Studies, Institute of Li Bai Studies, Su Zhou, Su Zhou Technological University, China. 80. I Lo-fen. (2009, Feb). Rereading Xu Zhi-mo’s novel about Singapore in Globalization Vision (在全球化視野下閱讀徐志摩的南國書寫). Trans-national Circulation of Chinese Language and Literature in Asia in Globalization Era, Seoul: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea. 81. I Lo-fen. (2008, Nov). The Secular Taste in Korean ‘Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang’ Folk Paintings. Korea and Korean Studies: Vision from Asia, Hanoi: The University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam. 82. I Lo-fen. (2008, Oct). Paintings of Du Fu's Poem ‘Li Ren Xing’ (美感與諷喻:杜甫 (麗人行)詩的圖像演繹). The 14th International Conference in Tang Dynasty Literature, Wuhu: Anhui Normal University, China. 83. I Lo-fen. (2008, Oct). Violence and Narrative: Cai Yan’s Two Narrative Poems ‘Poem of Sorrow and Anger’ (暴力與敘事─蔡琰五言體(悲憤詩)析論). The Third International Conference of Chinese Rhyme, Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University, China. 84. I Lo-fen. (2008, June). Ling Shuhua in Singapore Nanyang University and her Argument about Chinese Poetry. Issues of Far Eastern Literatures, Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University, Russia. 85. I Lo-fen. (2007, Dec). Ouany Xiu's ‘Collected Records of the Past’. The 5th International Conference in Song Dynasty Literature, Guang Zhou: Gi Nan University, China. 86. I Lo-fen. (2007, Dec). The Cry of Cai-Yan, Laugh of Medusa: Rethinking Cai-Yan Studies. Theory and Practice in Literature History Writing, Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China. 87. I Lo-fen. (2007, Aug). The Image of Li Bai in Song Dynasty Colophon. The 13th International Conference on Li Bai Studies, Xiangtan: Hunan, China. 88. I Lo-fen. (2007, July). The Poems on Portrait and Mirror of Bai Juyi. The 5th International Conference on Poetry Studies of the Orient, Seoul: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea. 89. I Lo-fen. (2007, Feb). Heavens’ Blessing for a Thousand Years: Sung Hui-tsung's ‘literary Gathering’ and its Poetic Inscriptions. Founding Paradigms-The Art and Culture of the Northern Sung Dynasty, Taipei: National Palace Museum, Taiwan.
  • 33. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 32 90. I Lo-fen. (2006, Dec). A study on Li Bang-Yi's Poetry ‘Piao Hai Songs’. East-Asian Literature in Classical Chinese, Taipei: Academia Sinica, Taiwan. 91. I Lo-fen. (2006). Yu Jian’s Painting Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang Prior to Being Brought to Japan: A Study of the ‘Sanjiao Dizi’ Seal. 92. I Lo-fen. (2006). Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang: Local Experience, Culture Memory and Wonderland. 93. I Lo-fen. (2005). The Pictorial and Historical Meaning of Nine Songs Paintings. 94. I Lo-fen. (2005). Gong Su Ran’s painting of Wang Zhao Jun: In visional culture. 95. I Lo-fen. (2005). Dialogue Between the ‘Fatuous Emperor’ and the ‘Treacherous Minister’: Song Hui Zong’s ‘Literary Gathering’ Painting (Wen-Hui Tu) and its Poetic Inscriptions. 96. I Lo-fen. (2005). Colophons of ‘Purification at Lanting Pavilion’ Paintings. 97. I Lo-fen. (2004). The Untied Boat: Wu Zhen and the Colophon of Fishman Painting. 98. I Lo-fen. (2004). Analysis of Li Rong and his ‘Eight views of Xiao-Xiang’poems. 99. I Lo-fen. (2004). The Zen thought of Southern Song Literati in Colophons on the ‘Dream Journey Over Xiao Xiang’ (Xiao Xiang Wo You Tu). 100. I Lo-fen. (2003). Skeleton Puppet Show: The Consciousness of Life in Chinese Literature and Iconography. 101. I Lo-fen. (2003). Introduction to the Study of Chinese Literary Works on Painting. 102. I Lo-fen. (2003). Melancholy Longings of the Boudoir‫׃‬ A Reading of Mou Yi's Painting ‘Pounding Cloth’. 103. I Lo-fen. (2003). The Influence of Su Shi on Gao Ryeo Dynasty ‘Eight Views of Xiaoxiang’ Poetry- Yi Kwei-po’s ‘Eight Views of Qian Zhou’ as an Example. 104. I Lo-fen. (2003). Observation, Description, Appreciation --Towards Constructing a Methodology for the Study of Chinese Colophons. 105. I Lo-fen. (2003). A consideration of the aesthetics of antiquarianism. 106. I Lo-fen. (2003). The Poetry of Yi Zae-hyun and the Creation of Korean Local ‘Eight Views. 107. I Lo-fen. (2002). The Go Ryeo Dynasty Literati Lee Yin-Ro and Jin Hwa and the Transmission of the Poems and Paintings of the ‘Eight Views of Xiaoxiang. 108. I Lo-fen. (2002). ‘Landscape Like a Picture’ and ‘Landscape in the Picture’: On the Song and Yuan Poems on the ‘Xiaoxiang’ Landscape Paintings. 109. I Lo-fen. (2002). The Culture and Thought of Ming Literati ‘Xiaoxiang’ Landscape Poems. 110. I Lo-fen. (2002). Liu Zong-yuan in the Xiao-Xiang literature works and paintings.
  • 34. I Lo-fen 衣若芬 33 111. I Lo-fen. (2002). Drifting and the Return—The Texture of Feelings in the Poems on Xiaoxiang Landscape Paintings from the Song Dynasty. 112. I Lo-fen. (2001). Su Shi’s ‘Wandering under the Red Cliffs’ as Material for Playwrights. 113. I Lo-fen. (2001). Literary Imagery in Hsiao-Hsiang Landscape Paintings. 114. I Lo-fen. (2001). An Analysis of the Dongtian Qingluji by Zhao Xihu. 115. I Lo-fen. (2001). Fiery Battles and Pure Wanderings: Illustrating the ‘Eulogies of the Red Cliff’. 116. I Lo-fen. (2000). Reading the Landscape: Su Shi and the Paintings of the ‘Eight Views of Xiaoxiang. 117. I Lo-fen. (2000). Geography, Space and Thought in the Northern Song ‘Xiaoxiang’ Poems. 118. I Lo-fen. (2000). Works on Su Shi from Taiwan and Hong Kong. 119. I Lo-fen. (2000). Verisimilitude and Abstraction: A Discussion of Sung Dynasty Aesthetics According to Poetry on Painting in the T’ang and Northern Sung. 120. I Lo-fen. (2000). An Analysis of the Sung Dynasty Colophons to the ‘Pictures on Poetry’– Based on Colophons to the ‘Kui-ch’ü-lai-t’u’, ‘Ch’i-chi-t’u’ and ‘Yang-kuan-t’u’. 121. I Lo-fen. (1999). Northern Song Poems on Paintings of Women. 122. I Lo-fen. (1999). Aesthetics of Late Tang and Five Dynasties Poems on Paintings. 123. I Lo-fen. (1998). Hsuan-ho Hua-p'u and Su Shih's Thought on Painting. 124. I Lo-fen. (1997). The Creation of Song Dynasty Poems on Paintings: Su Che’s ‘Three Horses of Han Gan’ and the Poems Modeled on it by Su Shi and Others.