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I am an athlete and I think because I had a training for seven
years in cricket and skating. Moreover, I do training rigorously
every day. And I have sportsman spirit. I received many awards
and recognition, when I was a part of my District Sports Club.
This will allow me to become good athlete.
Being an athlete, I love playing cricket and skating. And to
support my claim I would like to elaborate by saying when I
was pursing my bachelors our university was organizing cricket
tournament and in that tournament I scored highest runs and
took maximum wickets so as a result I was awarded “man of the
series” title. In addition, I am also good at skating as I have
won gold medal at district level. And as past time activity I
used to train students at primary school.
I believe being athlete I will surely motivate my team members
such as Firstly, to be in disciple by following strict exercise and
proper diet schedule, Secondly, to have focus and vision so that
team can achieve a goal, Thirdly, to have a drive so that team
can work hard every day and Lastly, maintain proper physical
fitness because it helps to keep body in tone and being close to
nature it always helps to get refreshed and re-energised.
Complete the assignment in word file in APA format.
Include in-text citation were possible.
Include title, reference in project.
This is just raw data, need to frame in complex structure.
1. In introduction para include the main claim (Athlete).
2. In Second para include sub claim that is (cricket and skating)
And provide relevant evidence and reason to support the claim.
3. In Third para how your strength will help your team
4. End with a good conclusion.
MGMT 542: Argument and Communication for International
Foundations Week
This class is 2.5 hours long.
Instructor: Alisa Gordaneer
Class 2
Foundations Week – Day 2 Topics
• More about argument:
• Characteristics of weak arguments
• Preparing for Assignment 2
Critical thinking and
assignment analysis
• Organizing your argument:
pyramid and paragraphing
• Topic sentences and evidence sentences
Image source:
Introduction to argument
Claims and evidence
Critical Thinking
Argument and logic
Using quotations
Writing practice exercises
Looking ahead: TAPS for Assignment 4
Discuss with your team:
What is counter-argument?
Why is it used?
Counter argument
Counter Argument
Counter argument
Demonstrates you have considered another point of view
Rebuttal of the counter-argument strengthens your main
On one level: the argument can look solid
Image source:
Different Perspective: can show its weaknesses
Image source:
What makes an argument weak?
Image source:
A weak argument
Is based on flawed logic (see Week 2 reading: Rhetological
Does not have sufficient evidence to support it
Supports with irrelevant or unrelated evidence
Is not tested against other perspectives
Is not logically organized
Just a few common errors in logic
Anonymous authority
“They say…”
Unrelated evidence
9-11 was a conspiracy because it happened in New York.
Slippery slope
If we allow self-driving cars, computers will figure out a way to
take over the world.
Biased generalizing
9 out of 10 dentists agree this toothpaste is the best.
Businesses must be allowed to pursue profit without
interference from the government.
Reading: Rhetological Fallacies
(Week 2)
Insufficient evidence
How much is too little?
How much is enough?
Two Components of Sufficiency…
Do not omit key information
Explore points deeply
Covering key points is linked to the concept of fairness
Always create arguments that present your views in a fair way,
without omitting key evidence.
This makes you more credible. If you seem biased, it reduces
your credibility
Personal experiences or anecdotes
Personal observations
Appeals to experts
Primary research (research author has done themselves)
Secondary research (research author is quoting)
Academic theories
Case facts
What types of evidence can you use?
in all
(Assignment 2)
That said, in business school, you will generally want to explain
your intuition, using other forms of evidence. Use intuition, but
then you’ll need to go into material to find evidence to support
it. What gives you the intuition in the first place? For Hawaii
vs. Alaska, it might be that I’m vaguely aware of differences in
temperature and my dislike of cold. I could use those as
evidence to support my decision.
In your MBA classes, you will frequently be drawing on
evidence like primary and secondary research, as well as
academic theories and case facts in order to support your
That said, you will sometimes be using personal experiences or
anecdotes as well. For example, in the leadership class you will
be taking, you will be asked to make claims about yourself, as a
leader, through drawing on both the readings you will do for
class and your personal professional experiences.
What’s key to remember here are that there are different types
of evidence and that it will be up to you to use the type that is
appropriate for a given situation.
Untested against other perspectives
Image source:
Untested against other perspectives
Image source:
A complete argument
has several parts
Counter-argument and rebuttal
Reassertion of claim
For example
Let’s build an argument.
Our claim is “Communication is the most important skill for
global learners to develop.”
Let’s assume we have plenty of researched evidence
Discuss with your team: What reasons can you think of to
support this claim?
Discuss with your team
What is another perspective for this statement?
“Communication is the most important skill for global learners
to develop.”
What are the weaknesses of that perspective?
We’ll hear back from each team.
Building a complete argument
Reassertion of claim:
“Communication is the most important skill”
Information, data, examples that illustrate why communication
is important
Another valid perspective (what did your team identify?)
What are the weaknesses of that perspective?
So clearly, communication is the most important skill
Argument and the writing process
Building your argument requires…
Analyzing your assignment
Organizing your argument
Editing your argument
Conceiving a thesis
Finding evidence
Developing reasons
Revising your argument
Think first, organize next
The writing process
Prewriting essentials
Assignment analysis
Brainstorming/list/talk it out
Research (internal or external)
Prewriting for Assignment 2
Analyze your assignment
Open “Assignment 2” description
Discuss with your team:
Why are you being asked to do this assignment?
What do you need to do to complete this assignment
What is not required in this assignment?
What are the most important things to keep in mind?
How do you know how you’ll be assessed?
Strength: a beneficial characteristic/quality/attribute that you
Ability: a talent or skill in a particular area
Skill: something you are able to do well or have developed
expertise in
Talent: something you have natural aptitude for
Rubrics: your key to evaluation
Prewriting: Your turn
Develop your assignment’s main claim by brainstorming or
making lists:
What are you good at?
How do those skills/abilities demonstrate a strength?
Argument building basics
Claim: My strength is…
Reason (is also disputable + supportable)
More evidence supports this other reason
Evidence supports this other reason
Reason (is also disputable + supportable)
Evidence supports this reason
More evidence supports this reason
Prewriting: Your turn
Internal research: what information do you need to find to prove
your claims?
Make a list.
What do you already know?
What will you need to look up?
Assignment 2 building blocks
Main Claim
Reasons (subclaims) supporting that claim
What strength do you have?
Why do your skills and abilities indicate that strength?
What examples could you include, to illustrate your related
skills and abilities?
A weak argument
Is not logically organized.
How can you fix this?
You have to have something to organize in the first place.
So, how do you make sense of this?
Organizing your argument
Pyramiding and paragraphing
The Pyramid Principle
Barbara Minto. The Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing and
Thinking. (1981)
Let’s get started. What is the Pyramid Principle?
The Pyramid Principle is a system for logically organising
thinking that was written about in a book by Barbara Minto in
1981. It was later adopted by Mckinsey Consulting and became
somewhat a standard in Business communication.
The document you read in Week 1 was written by Stephen Long,
who teaches OB here. It’s a summary of the book’s main points.
The Pyramid Principle is not that different from other methods
you may already use for creating an outline. It is, however,
somewhat more rigorous than other methods. Also, at Royal
Roads, where you will be doing so much teamwork, it can be
helpful to adopt common systems. Even if you have your own
approach to organising documents, please try, at least for now,
working with this system—not because it is better than your
own—but because it will provide you and your teammates a
common language.
Document = Sandwich
To begin, it can be helpful to think of a document like a
sandwich. There’s a piece of bread on the top and the bottom.
And then, there’s the good stuff in the middle.
This is analogous to a document, with an introduction at the
start, a conclusion at the end, and what’s most important—your
argument—in the middle.
Document = Sandwich
When we discuss the Pyramid Principle, we will be discussing
only the body of the document. So as we move through the rest
of this presentation, please keep that in mind. Generally, you
want to start with the body of your document, since it is only
once you know what the body contains that you can compose an
introduction or a conclusion.
Pyramid Basics
Determine your main point
Ask the question your readers will want to know
Keep asking questions until readers have no more logical
Here’s how it works.
You determine your main point—or, in the language of
argumentation, your main claim. Here’s my position statement.
Then you ask the question your reader will want to know. You
then you keep asking questions until the typical reader would
have no more logical questions.
Example: Cover Letter
Let’s use a straightforward example to illustrate: A Cover
Letter. What’s the main point of a cover letter? To persuade the
reader to call you in for an interview, and ultimately to hire
Example you reviewed in week one.
The pyramid helps you sort out your thoughts so your reader
can follow them
Hire me
For the sake of simplicity, we’ll say that you could summarize
the document’s point in two words: Hire me.
Now, you ask the question your reader will want to know.
Hire me
In this case, “Why should I hire you?”
Hire me
I have relevant work
I have a personality
that’s well-suited to
the job
I have the necessary education
You might provide three reasons: [READ]. In the case of this
very short document, each of these sub-claims might represent a
paragraph. When you are writing longer documents, each might
represent a section, which could be several pages long.
Just as an aside, What kind of logic are we using here?
Hire me
I have relevant work
I have a personality
that’s well-suited to
the job
I have the necessary education
What education?
The reader would then have more questions. For example,
“What education do you have?”
Hire me
I have relevant work
I have a personality
that’s well-suited to
the job
I have the necessary education
What education?
On the job
You might then respond, I went to BCIT & RRU, and I have on-
the job training. Each of these points might be a sentence or
two within a paragraph about your educational experiences.
You’d continue in this way until you’ve responded to all
questions you might anticipate from the reader.
Pyramid Basics: Three Rules
Ideas at any level in the pyramid must be summaries of the
ideas grouped below them
Ideas in each grouping must be the same kind of idea
Ideas in each grouping must be logically ordered
There are three rules to adhere to in structuring your document.
We’ll go through each using our cover letter example.
Hire me
I have relevant work
I have a personality
that’s well-suited to
the job
I have the necessary education
What education?
On the job
Ideas at any level in the pyramid must be summaries of the
ideas grouped below them
One, [Read].
“Hire me” summarizes the whole document.
“I have the necessary education” summarizes your educational
experiences: BCIT, RRU, and on-the-job training
Example from readings—pyramid did not effectively summarize
what came below, paper only 80 because not as effective as
could have been.
Look at heading—look at whether each paragraph under heading
actually respond to what the heading suggests?
Hire me
I have relevant work
I have a personality
that’s well-suited to
the job
I have the necessary education
What education?
On the job
2. Ideas in a grouping must be the same kind of idea
Two, [Read].
Here, BCIT, RRU, and on the job training are all kinds of
educational experiences.
By adhering to this rule, you will ensure that information you
position in a given section of a document actually belongs in
that section.
Hire me
I have relevant work
I have a personality
that’s well-suited to
the job
I have the necessary education
What education?
On the job
3. Ideas in each grouping must be logically ordered
Three, [Read].
There are different approaches to logically ordering ideas, but
the most common approach in business and business-related
study is to put more important information first.
In this example, the writer is probably a young person, not an
older person, because in ordering their document, they have put
education first, suggesting that their education is more
impressive than their work experience. Older people, with
extensive resumes, usually include their work experience first.
Other logical approaches include chronological, general to
Building your assignments
Your whole argument!
Parts of a paragraph
Topic sentence
Evidence sentence(s)
Summative sentence
Topic sentences
What is a topic sentence?
Topic sentences
Begin each paragraph
Make a clearly stated claim
If you’re writing an argument:
Contain your perspective or opinion
If you’re writing a summary:
Contain the author’s perspective, opinion or main point
Evidence sentences
Logically link to claim in topic sentence
Illustrate claim with facts
Summarize and paraphrase information
Include direct quotes only when necessary
Include signal phrases and in-text citations as needed
Summative sentences
Answer “so what?”
Tie together claim and evidence
Can offer transition to next topic/claim
Pyramid into paragraph
Hire me
I have the necessary education
RRU, BCIT, on the job course
I have the right experience
Work at Place A
Work at Place B
I would be a great manager because I earned an MGM degree at
RRU, a Bachelors of Commerce at BCIT, and received on-the-
job training. I also have extensive experience from my work at
Place A and Place B. This will allow me to be an effective
Paragraph Length Depends on Audience
You Must Feed Your Reader Ideas in Digestible Bites…
…but paragraph size will depend on audience
Paragraph unity means putting just one idea in each paragraph.
As a writer, you have the responsibility of feeding your reader
one idea at a time.
Paragraph Length
Paragraphs too long
You are not doing the work of dividing ideas up for your reader
Paragraphs too short
You are not doing the work of making links for your reader
Appropriate Length?
3 sentences
8 sentences
Example: Cover letter paragraph
I would be a great manager because I have the right education
and experience. I earned an MGM degree at RRU, a Bachelors
of Commerce at BCIT, and received on-the-job training. I have
also done lots of work at Place A and Place B. This will allow
me to be an effective employee.
Parts of the paragraph
I would be a great manager because I have the right education
and experience (topic sentence includes claim). I earned an
MGM degree at RRU, a Bachelors of Commerce at BCIT, and
received on-the-job training. I have also done lots of work at
Place A and Place B. (Evidence sentences give examples to
support claim) This will allow me to be an effective
employee.(Summative sentence ties back to main point)
In your own notebook, make notes for yourself:
What do you know now that you didn’t know before?
What strength will you write about for your Assignment 2?
What subclaims/evidence will you use to support your claim?
Review PPTs and Week 2 readings
Complete Assignment 2 and submit by deadline (11:55pm
Read through Week 3 material (to be posted by Monday

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  • 1. I am an athlete and I think because I had a training for seven years in cricket and skating. Moreover, I do training rigorously every day. And I have sportsman spirit. I received many awards and recognition, when I was a part of my District Sports Club. This will allow me to become good athlete. Being an athlete, I love playing cricket and skating. And to support my claim I would like to elaborate by saying when I was pursing my bachelors our university was organizing cricket tournament and in that tournament I scored highest runs and took maximum wickets so as a result I was awarded “man of the series” title. In addition, I am also good at skating as I have won gold medal at district level. And as past time activity I used to train students at primary school. I believe being athlete I will surely motivate my team members such as Firstly, to be in disciple by following strict exercise and proper diet schedule, Secondly, to have focus and vision so that team can achieve a goal, Thirdly, to have a drive so that team can work hard every day and Lastly, maintain proper physical fitness because it helps to keep body in tone and being close to nature it always helps to get refreshed and re-energised. Note: Complete the assignment in word file in APA format. Include in-text citation were possible. Include title, reference in project. This is just raw data, need to frame in complex structure. 1. In introduction para include the main claim (Athlete). 2. In Second para include sub claim that is (cricket and skating) And provide relevant evidence and reason to support the claim. 3. In Third para how your strength will help your team members. 4. End with a good conclusion.
  • 2. MGMT 542: Argument and Communication for International Business Foundations Week This class is 2.5 hours long. Instructor: Alisa Gordaneer Class 2 Attendance 1 Foundations Week – Day 2 Topics • More about argument: counter-argument • Characteristics of weak arguments • Preparing for Assignment 2 Critical thinking and assignment analysis • Organizing your argument: pyramid and paragraphing • Topic sentences and evidence sentences Image source:
  • 3. Introduction to argument Claims and evidence Critical Thinking Argument and logic Using quotations Writing practice exercises Looking ahead: TAPS for Assignment 4 2 Counter-argument Discuss with your team: What is counter-argument? Why is it used? Counter argument Argument Counter Argument Counter argument
  • 4. Demonstrates you have considered another point of view Rebuttal of the counter-argument strengthens your main argument On one level: the argument can look solid Image source: 3434373431 6 Different Perspective: can show its weaknesses Image source: 7 What makes an argument weak? Image source: erms.png 8
  • 5. A weak argument Is based on flawed logic (see Week 2 reading: Rhetological Fallacies) Does not have sufficient evidence to support it Supports with irrelevant or unrelated evidence Is not tested against other perspectives Is not logically organized Just a few common errors in logic Anonymous authority “They say…” Unrelated evidence 9-11 was a conspiracy because it happened in New York. Slippery slope If we allow self-driving cars, computers will figure out a way to take over the world. Biased generalizing 9 out of 10 dentists agree this toothpaste is the best.
  • 6. Overgeneralizing Businesses must be allowed to pursue profit without interference from the government. Reading: Rhetological Fallacies (Week 2) Insufficient evidence How much is too little? How much is enough?
  • 7. Two Components of Sufficiency… Do not omit key information Explore points deeply 13 Covering key points is linked to the concept of fairness Always create arguments that present your views in a fair way, without omitting key evidence. This makes you more credible. If you seem biased, it reduces your credibility Intuition Personal experiences or anecdotes Testimonials Personal observations Analogies Appeals to experts Primary research (research author has done themselves) Secondary research (research author is quoting) Academic theories Case facts What types of evidence can you use? Frequently,
  • 8. in all assignments Almost never Sometimes (Assignment 2) That said, in business school, you will generally want to explain your intuition, using other forms of evidence. Use intuition, but then you’ll need to go into material to find evidence to support it. What gives you the intuition in the first place? For Hawaii vs. Alaska, it might be that I’m vaguely aware of differences in temperature and my dislike of cold. I could use those as evidence to support my decision. In your MBA classes, you will frequently be drawing on evidence like primary and secondary research, as well as academic theories and case facts in order to support your claims. That said, you will sometimes be using personal experiences or anecdotes as well. For example, in the leadership class you will be taking, you will be asked to make claims about yourself, as a leader, through drawing on both the readings you will do for class and your personal professional experiences. What’s key to remember here are that there are different types of evidence and that it will be up to you to use the type that is appropriate for a given situation. 15 Untested against other perspectives
  • 9. Image source: 16 Untested against other perspectives Image source: 17 A complete argument has several parts Claim Evidence Counter-argument and rebuttal Reassertion of claim
  • 10. For example Let’s build an argument. Our claim is “Communication is the most important skill for global learners to develop.” Let’s assume we have plenty of researched evidence Discuss with your team: What reasons can you think of to support this claim? Discuss with your team What is another perspective for this statement? “Communication is the most important skill for global learners to develop.” What are the weaknesses of that perspective? We’ll hear back from each team. Building a complete argument Claim Evidence Counter-argument Reassertion of claim:
  • 11. “Communication is the most important skill” Information, data, examples that illustrate why communication is important Another valid perspective (what did your team identify?) Rebuttal What are the weaknesses of that perspective? So clearly, communication is the most important skill Argument and the writing process Prewriting Writing Postwriting
  • 12. Building your argument requires… Prewriting Analyzing your assignment Writing Organizing your argument Postwriting Editing your argument Conceiving a thesis Finding evidence Developing reasons Revising your argument
  • 13. Think first, organize next The writing process Prewriting Writing Postwriting
  • 14. Prewriting essentials Assignment analysis Brainstorming/list/talk it out Research (internal or external) Prewriting for Assignment 2 Analyze your assignment Open “Assignment 2” description Discuss with your team: Why are you being asked to do this assignment? What do you need to do to complete this assignment successfully? What is not required in this assignment? What are the most important things to keep in mind? How do you know how you’ll be assessed? Terminology Strength: a beneficial characteristic/quality/attribute that you possess Ability: a talent or skill in a particular area Skill: something you are able to do well or have developed expertise in Talent: something you have natural aptitude for 29 Rubrics: your key to evaluation
  • 15. Prewriting: Your turn Develop your assignment’s main claim by brainstorming or making lists: What are you good at? How do those skills/abilities demonstrate a strength? Argument building basics subclaims Claim: My strength is… Reason (is also disputable + supportable) More evidence supports this other reason Evidence supports this other reason Reason (is also disputable + supportable) Evidence supports this reason More evidence supports this reason
  • 16.
  • 17. Prewriting: Your turn Internal research: what information do you need to find to prove your claims? Make a list. What do you already know? What will you need to look up? Assignment 2 building blocks Main Claim Reasons (subclaims) supporting that claim Evidence What strength do you have? Why do your skills and abilities indicate that strength? What examples could you include, to illustrate your related skills and abilities?
  • 18. A weak argument Is not logically organized. How can you fix this? You have to have something to organize in the first place. So, how do you make sense of this? 36 Organizing your argument Pyramiding and paragraphing The Pyramid Principle Barbara Minto. The Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing and Thinking. (1981) Let’s get started. What is the Pyramid Principle? The Pyramid Principle is a system for logically organising
  • 19. thinking that was written about in a book by Barbara Minto in 1981. It was later adopted by Mckinsey Consulting and became somewhat a standard in Business communication. The document you read in Week 1 was written by Stephen Long, who teaches OB here. It’s a summary of the book’s main points. The Pyramid Principle is not that different from other methods you may already use for creating an outline. It is, however, somewhat more rigorous than other methods. Also, at Royal Roads, where you will be doing so much teamwork, it can be helpful to adopt common systems. Even if you have your own approach to organising documents, please try, at least for now, working with this system—not because it is better than your own—but because it will provide you and your teammates a common language. 38 Document = Sandwich 39 To begin, it can be helpful to think of a document like a sandwich. There’s a piece of bread on the top and the bottom. And then, there’s the good stuff in the middle. This is analogous to a document, with an introduction at the start, a conclusion at the end, and what’s most important—your argument—in the middle. Document = Sandwich Body
  • 20. Conclusion Introduction 40 When we discuss the Pyramid Principle, we will be discussing only the body of the document. So as we move through the rest of this presentation, please keep that in mind. Generally, you want to start with the body of your document, since it is only once you know what the body contains that you can compose an introduction or a conclusion. Pyramid Basics Determine your main point Ask the question your readers will want to know Keep asking questions until readers have no more logical questions Here’s how it works. You determine your main point—or, in the language of argumentation, your main claim. Here’s my position statement. Then you ask the question your reader will want to know. You then you keep asking questions until the typical reader would have no more logical questions. 41 Example: Cover Letter
  • 21. Let’s use a straightforward example to illustrate: A Cover Letter. What’s the main point of a cover letter? To persuade the reader to call you in for an interview, and ultimately to hire you. Example you reviewed in week one. 42 The pyramid helps you sort out your thoughts so your reader can follow them Hire me For the sake of simplicity, we’ll say that you could summarize the document’s point in two words: Hire me.
  • 22. Now, you ask the question your reader will want to know. 44 Hire me Why? In this case, “Why should I hire you?” 45 Hire me Why? I have relevant work experience I have a personality that’s well-suited to the job I have the necessary education
  • 23. You might provide three reasons: [READ]. In the case of this very short document, each of these sub-claims might represent a paragraph. When you are writing longer documents, each might represent a section, which could be several pages long. Just as an aside, What kind of logic are we using here? 46 Hire me Why? I have relevant work experience I have a personality that’s well-suited to the job I have the necessary education What education? The reader would then have more questions. For example, “What education do you have?” 47 Hire me
  • 24. Why? I have relevant work experience I have a personality that’s well-suited to the job I have the necessary education What education? BCIT RRU On the job You might then respond, I went to BCIT & RRU, and I have on- the job training. Each of these points might be a sentence or two within a paragraph about your educational experiences. You’d continue in this way until you’ve responded to all questions you might anticipate from the reader. 48 Pyramid Basics: Three Rules Ideas at any level in the pyramid must be summaries of the ideas grouped below them Ideas in each grouping must be the same kind of idea Ideas in each grouping must be logically ordered
  • 25. There are three rules to adhere to in structuring your document. We’ll go through each using our cover letter example. 49 Hire me Why? I have relevant work experience I have a personality that’s well-suited to the job I have the necessary education What education? BCIT RRU On the job Ideas at any level in the pyramid must be summaries of the ideas grouped below them One, [Read]. “Hire me” summarizes the whole document.
  • 26. “I have the necessary education” summarizes your educational experiences: BCIT, RRU, and on-the-job training Example from readings—pyramid did not effectively summarize what came below, paper only 80 because not as effective as could have been. Look at heading—look at whether each paragraph under heading actually respond to what the heading suggests? 50 Hire me Why? I have relevant work experience I have a personality that’s well-suited to the job I have the necessary education What education? BCIT RRU On the job 2. Ideas in a grouping must be the same kind of idea Two, [Read].
  • 27. Here, BCIT, RRU, and on the job training are all kinds of educational experiences. By adhering to this rule, you will ensure that information you position in a given section of a document actually belongs in that section. 51 Hire me Why? I have relevant work experience I have a personality that’s well-suited to the job I have the necessary education What education? BCIT RRU On the job 3. Ideas in each grouping must be logically ordered Three, [Read]. There are different approaches to logically ordering ideas, but the most common approach in business and business-related
  • 28. study is to put more important information first. In this example, the writer is probably a young person, not an older person, because in ordering their document, they have put education first, suggesting that their education is more impressive than their work experience. Older people, with extensive resumes, usually include their work experience first. Other logical approaches include chronological, general to specific 52 Building your assignments Words Paragraphs Your whole argument! Sentences Parts of a paragraph
  • 29. Topic sentence Evidence sentence(s) Summative sentence Topic sentences What is a topic sentence? Topic sentences Begin each paragraph Make a clearly stated claim If you’re writing an argument: Contain your perspective or opinion If you’re writing a summary: Contain the author’s perspective, opinion or main point
  • 30. Evidence sentences Logically link to claim in topic sentence Illustrate claim with facts Summarize and paraphrase information Include direct quotes only when necessary Include signal phrases and in-text citations as needed Summative sentences Answer “so what?”
  • 31. Tie together claim and evidence Can offer transition to next topic/claim Pyramid into paragraph Hire me I have the necessary education RRU, BCIT, on the job course I have the right experience Work at Place A Work at Place B I would be a great manager because I earned an MGM degree at RRU, a Bachelors of Commerce at BCIT, and received on-the- job training. I also have extensive experience from my work at Place A and Place B. This will allow me to be an effective employee. 60 Paragraph Length Depends on Audience
  • 32. 61 You Must Feed Your Reader Ideas in Digestible Bites… …but paragraph size will depend on audience 61 Paragraph unity means putting just one idea in each paragraph. As a writer, you have the responsibility of feeding your reader one idea at a time. Paragraph Length Paragraphs too long You are not doing the work of dividing ideas up for your reader Paragraphs too short You are not doing the work of making links for your reader Appropriate Length? 3 sentences 8 sentences Example: Cover letter paragraph I would be a great manager because I have the right education and experience. I earned an MGM degree at RRU, a Bachelors of Commerce at BCIT, and received on-the-job training. I have
  • 33. also done lots of work at Place A and Place B. This will allow me to be an effective employee. Parts of the paragraph I would be a great manager because I have the right education and experience (topic sentence includes claim). I earned an MGM degree at RRU, a Bachelors of Commerce at BCIT, and received on-the-job training. I have also done lots of work at Place A and Place B. (Evidence sentences give examples to support claim) This will allow me to be an effective employee.(Summative sentence ties back to main point) Questions? Reflection In your own notebook, make notes for yourself: What do you know now that you didn’t know before? What strength will you write about for your Assignment 2? What subclaims/evidence will you use to support your claim? Homework Review PPTs and Week 2 readings Complete Assignment 2 and submit by deadline (11:55pm Sunday) Read through Week 3 material (to be posted by Monday morning)
  • 34. 68