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Hypothesis and Research Question Essay example
Research questions are formulated in a study to inquire about variables, both independent and dependent variables, and the relationship between them.
Research questions are categorized into two, that is, qualitative and quantitative research questions. Qualitative questions are used in qualitative
research like case studies, surveys and action research where the approach is non–numerical and analyses special phenomena that occur in nature.
Quantitative research on the other hand is more of a systematic approach with measurable numerical quantities that go through analysis to prove a
hypothesis. Finally, the research hypothesis is either approved or disapproved with regards to the results of the analysis (Laureate Online Education B.V. more content...
It must be logical, and provide a concrete base for any differences between the variables. It must also be simple and clear.
A hypothesis can state the following: there exists a positive relationship between employee performance and flexible working hours. Whereas a
research question could generally be: do flexible working hours affect workers productivity? You can clearly see that the hypothesis states clearly and
it is more specific in its prediction unlike the research question (, Inc 2011).
Hypothesis is typically used in quantitative research only. Moreover, when a question poses an inquiry on the relationship between two variables, a
hypothesis is a statement declarative in nature of the relationship between different variables (Pajares 2007). A researcher chooses whether to use a
question or a hypothesis depending on the purpose of the research, its objectives, the methodology for the research and the preference of the audience
to receive the research. A researcher must be able to interpret the final outcome with reference to the research questions or the hypothesis used (Pajares
2007). A research requires a minimum of two hypotheses namely a null and an alternative hypothesis.
So, somebody can make a certain observation and come up with a hypothesis about how and why a phenomenon occurs the way it is. Hypothesis could
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Standard English Essay
The question to ask is: 'Why not use Standard English all the time?'
Language is a powerful communication tool the user holds to express their individual identity and ingroup solidarity. The use of Standard English helps
to direct this, as it acts as the structure of communication, ingroup and between speech communities to effectively present a standard for mutual
understanding. Outside of Standard English comes the use of slang, netspeak and textspeak, which helps to develop and enrich the language, as well
as evolve with contemporary Australia and its fast paced lifestyle. Using the Standard all the time would be exclusive of the linguistic freedom formed
by the world beyond Standard English with varying ethnolects, but is also more content...
Other forms of the English language are developed from speech communities with an intention, for efficiency and to show inclusion, and to exclude
others. It also helps to convey a specific identity of the speaker, with the use of syntactic and phonological differences from Standard English. These
modifications form non–standard dialects, transferring the speaker's cultural background and language to provide a better perception and reflection of
identity. The falling intonation accompanied with interrogatives in the Asian ethnolect, such as 'Gravy?', is the opposite of the rising intonation used
for the same purpose by Australians, and can quickly cause conflict between the two communities due to the missing benchmark in language. Pronoun
deletion in 'No like' ('I don't like it') is a feature of many ethnolects (Greek, Aboriginal English), and is differing from the Standard, yet still helps to get
the message across. Ethnolects develop from Standard English, and helps to express a user's identity through their language use and in–group solidarity
within the speech community.
There are a range of English varieties which are different from the Standard, developed from communities of speakers all sharing the same use of
language. Aboriginal English, a dialect of Australian English, remains a lingua franca for their speakers, used as a common language to communicate
between tribes for mutual
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English as an Additional Language Essay
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Contents Introduction2 What are Schools' Responsibilities for Inclusion under the National Curriculum?2 What is an EAL learner?3 Inclusion for EAL
Learners and How Their Needs are Met5 Factors that Impact on the Quality of Inclusion within the Classroom6 The Role of Assessment to Provide a
Baseline of Information to Support AFL7 Access and Engagement Strategies Relevant to Design and Technology8 Attainment and the Use of Learners
First Language9 Focussed Practical Tasks (FTPs)10 Additional Support by 'Buddying Up'10 Classroom Support11 A Supportive Classroom
Environment11 The Teacher's Role more content...
Many of their learning needs are similar to those of other children and young people learning in our schools. However, these learners also have distinct
and different needs from other learners by virtue of the fact that they are learning in and through another language, and that they come from cultural
backgrounds and communities with different understandings and expectations of education, language and learning". (NALDIC, 1999).
There are many factors that influence the diverse needs of an individual EAL learner that need to be assessed and taken into account when providing
adequate classroom support: * the age at which learners enter the educational system * their previous experience of schooling and literacy in their first
language; * their knowledge, skills and understanding of languages and the school curriculum; * home and community expectations and understanding
of the education system; * support structures for learning and language development at home and at school (NALDIC, 1999)
The Welsh Government has categorised the different stages of language development that an EAL child can be assessed at. * A– new to English:
needs considerable support * B – early acquisition: significant amount of support * C – developing competence: on going support * D – competent:
occasional support to access curriculum
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Learning English as a Second Language Essay
English is an international language which is used officially all around the world. Anybody who wants to make connections with the world we live in
should learn English. I had English language classes in my secondary and high school years. I also took some private English learning courses
throughout summers in my country, Turkey. However, I could not improve my English effectively as all Turkish students in Turkey. I fully agree that
English will be learned most efficiently in the boundaries of an English–speaking country not in the home country because of some cases. Therefore, I
came here, USA, to learn English better after graduation from my university. First, English is dealt with all the time while staying in an
English– more content...
Neither was I able to get their points, nor could they understand me. The reasons were that my Turkish English teachers are not the experts in
pronunciation and there is no class focusing on speaking at state schools in Turkey. An experiment was performed by Major et al. about speaking and
listening problems for international people. Four groups of one hundred listeners, whose native languages were Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, and
American English, heard brief lectures presented in English by speakers with different native languages and answered questions based on the
lectures. The results indicated that both native and nonnative listeners scored significantly lower on listening comprehension tests when they
listened to nonnative speakers of English, and Chinese group scored significantly lower when listening to speakers who shared their native
language. Only Spanish group did well when they listened to their native speaker (174). This experiment showed that learning English from a
nonnative speaker may cause troubles in both listening and speaking parts of English. Additionally, I lacked of ability on word choice for the first
couple of months in the USA. For example, I was using adjective "too" for positive circumstances " instead of "very" or "so", and I used to say
"according to me" instead of "in my
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Reflective Essay On English 101
Proficient writing is an essential skill in all aspects of academic and professional achievement. English 101, Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric,
provided the framework to good writing, teaching me composition and rhetoric fundamentals, polishing up my grammar and style, and expressing a
clear message. English 102, Composition, Rhetoric, and Research, continued to build on the skills I learned in English 101, focusing on the subject
matter research process and employing various rhetorical and literary devices to better express a clear message to the reader. The course also
improved my critical thinking capacity, allowing me to culturally evaluate my target audience, present logically flowing arguments using appropriate
language and structure, and critically reviewing my writing projects for content and expression. Every writer inherently knows there's always room
to improve and I hold fast to this mindset in all academic, professional, and personal writing projects. English 102 has both challenged and inspired
me to grow into a much better writer than before I began the class, providing the necessary skills to be not just a good writer, but a great writer.
Most of my English 102 writing projects are rhetorical arguments, intended to persuade the reader in one direction or another. Reflecting on the many
skills I honed in English 102, my predetermined use of rhetorical strategies (ethos, logos, pathos), developing a concise thesis statement, and clearly
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I have learned many things throughout the course of the term, including such things as: how to write an essay and how to improve on essays that I
have already written, how to locate and composite better research through the use of numerous resources found at the campus library, the internet, and
the "Common Sense" textbook, how to cite research, examples, and quotations properly within the contents of my research paper as well as document
it accurately according to MLA standards. Through the exploration of the "Subjects and Strategies" textbook, I have learned nine different methods
used when writing an effective essay and how the different writing styles affect the overall theme and tone of the essay when used properly. This past more content...
This allowed me to write more extensively on the topic I had chosen which in turn helped expand the size of my research paper. I received a B on
my final draft; the first passing grade I have ever received on a research paper. I am very satisfied with my grade. When it came to the essays
writing became a little trickier because I had to understand what it was I needed to write about and the style in which I need to write it in. There
are nine essay writing methods which I learned while attending this course: exemplification, compare/contrast, cause and effect, proposal, narration,
process, division/classification, definition, and argument. The only problems I encountered when trying to write the essays that were assigned to
me by the instructor was finding suitable subject matter to write about. Once I found my topics for my essay, everything else became easier. I
would first produce a rough draft and then the students, the instructor, and myself would go over them in class and decided if what I was writing
was in its best form. Most of my rough drafts needed improvement, but if it didn't it wouldn't be a rough draft, so it was understood. My final drafts
were very satisfying for me as well as the grades I received on them. For my exemplification essay I chose to write about the reasons why condoms
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American English Essays
The question of whether or not English should be an official language has been a controversial topic since our country was founded. The English
language is a tie that helps combine the many pieces of our society together. Our nation should not acclaim bilingualism, but should enfold English as
the national language spoken in the United States, to secure the future unity of our nation.
The United States is a nation composed of many immigrants from all around the world. We are a country of many cultural and racial ethnic groups that
are constantly reacting to shape the American culture. The English language binds and unites immigrants with native– born Americans. English allows
us to communicate with each other and discuss more content...
It is starting to become the international language as well. Speaking one language helps the ability of all backgrounds to communicate with one
another. With so much diversity in the United States, we need something that joins us together. To speak a language that is used by the world, will help
all Americans. English is the common bond of our community, and understanding it is the only way a citizen will be able to fully participate in
democracy, business, and education. It is the language of international relations, as well as the language of our historical documents, of communication
and of safety. By making English the official language, it will help to bring together Americans, not propel them farther apart.
Many Americans are composed of Hispanic origin. With such a great number of the population speaking a second language, bilingualism will more than
likely become an even more common occurrence in many states, in the future. This thought strongly associates with the job market of the United
States. The second generation is becoming more bilingual, using one language for their home and the other for business. Workers are going to have to
be able to communicate with one another to get the job done. Should native– born American employees learn to speak Spanish to communicate with
other fellow employees? My answer would have to be, no. A system that accommodates immigrants in their native languages removes the
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For me, learning a language is a complicated process. It is different from learning other subjects. It involves a lot of practices and follow up. When I
talk about my personal experience, I would say that I have a rich experience in learning English as a second language. English was taught to me for
ten years starting from grade seven till graduation from university. After graduation, I felt that I should improve my language skills. Therefore, I did a
lot of efforts personally to increase my fluency. Until now I still learn the language. Indeed, learning a language takes a lifetime.
I started learning English as a second language when I was in first intermediate. I still remember my first classes and my first teachers. I remember that
my teachers changed frequently in the first year but all of them have much in common. All of them used grammar translation method. They used to
write bilingual lists of words on board, then we, as students, were asked to copy these lists and memorize them by heart. All teaching concentrated on
reading and writing skills, but there were no activities concentrating on speaking or listening. In addition, grammar rules were taught in that stage of
learning the language as mathematics equations, and we were asked to memorize the rules as more content...
Of course, there are certain defects or gaps in my knowledge or ability to use the English language like using idioms and the appropriateness of some
vocabulary. Idioms have many connotations and denotations in the English language. Sometimes I use an idiom and I mean something, but the
connotations of the idiom means something else. Another gap of my knowledge of the language is the appropriateness of using certain vocabulary.
English language entails high sense of using the appropriate word for describing or narrating something. To my mind, I have not reached this point
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Compare And Contrast Questions In Ielts
How to write 'Compare and Contrast' question in IELTS writing task 2
What is the question?
In this essay, IELTS examiners want you to discuss the points of comparing and contrasting the two things i.e. similarities and differences between the
two. Therefore, it is important that you find out relevant points of similarities and differences of the two mentioned things after reading the question.
Let's look at an example:
Some people want to live in a house while others prefer living in an apartment.
Does living in a house bring more advantages than living in an apartment?
With this type of essay, you have two points to be discussed as follows:
Benefits of living in a house/apartment
Issues of living in an house/ more content...
Some people think that learning online is more efficient. However, according to some other people, studying from books is still the preferred method.
Which is the better method of learning out of the two?
2. Distance education is gaining popularity day by day and more students are enrolling through distance mode than full–time course in colleges. Make
comparison of distance education and full–time course to find which is better and why.
3. A growing number of people own personal vehicle as they find it a convenient mode of transport in comparison to public transport. Compare the
public and private mode of transportation and state which is better out of the two.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Some people want to live in a house while others prefer living in an apartment.
Does living in a house bring more advantages than living in an apartment?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250
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Reflection In English 101
Whitney Bailey
Professor Johnson
English 101
October 19, 2016 Reflection Paper
It's hard to believe that it's already time for Midterms in my English 101 class. The adventure has been a lot easier than I at first anticipated. In any
case, I am happy that I am taking the class and learning from it. In the beginning it appeared somewhat hard however I was resolved to compel my
way through this class regardless of what difficulties I needed to persevere.
On the first day of my English 101 class I was apprehensive, I had no clue what's in store from the class. As I discovered what the class would have
been similar to, I let myself know I was going to attempt to get an B or higher toward the end of the semester and put all the exertion I had into each
paper I kept in touch with, I was not going to set this class aside for later and linger like I use to do. A standout amongst the most
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I have an unmistakable view in my head of what I am going to compose and what structures I have to utilize. Things have ended up less difficult now
since I don't need to experience the battle of how things are done or on the chance that I don't understand how I should do what I am expected to do.
These aptitudes may empower me to enjoy additionally composing and not need to stress over having a written assignment.
This course has helped me with many chances to figure out how to properly write papers. Prior to this class, I had little experience with how to
build a legitimate paper. It has taken experience, and getting normal evaluations, to show me how to precisely write. Despite the fact that this course
required different papers to be turned in, I am appreciative to have possessed the capacity to gain from my oversights and develop as a writer. I have
constantly cherished written work, however now I am ready to improve my writing as the semester
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The Dreaded English Class
The dreaded English 102. Could this be my final English course in my career as a student? I don't know for sure. I still need to decide what my
major will be in. There is something that I know for sure, that is, needing to take this class to move on. I am not certain how my time in this class
will go, but I plan to work hard to get the best grade that I can. Hence, I have decided to get this out of the way now, I look to fine–tune my writing
skills, and I expect this course to help me understand my writing style. To start, I chose this class because I knew that eventually I would need to
complete it. What better time to do it, than right now? I had recently completed a math course this past semester, so I did not want to take another
stressful class that I find to not be my strongest subject right after. My brother and some friends have mentioned that this course isn't as bad as it is
said to be. That is what pushed me to sign up and attempt to complete this course. Being a part time student and working full time is a lot to
balance on ones plate. I have learned that from experience. I formally was a full time student and worked part time, but the roles tend to reverse once
you find yourself struggling to pay bills. Seeing that this class isn't as costly as a math course, and isn't as time restraining either. This course will
give me more time at work and more time to study. This sums up the reasons I chose to complete English 102. I hope to gain more writing experience in
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Questions On Open Ended Questions Essay
There are many techniques to asking a question. Open ended questions where we are wanting many details from the person or closed ended
questions where we simply just need a yes or a no answer. Funnel questions are where we need to weed out and focus on finding the exact
information we are looking for. We need to Probe the person and really think about what we are asking for in hopes of getting a specific answer.
There are also rhetorical questions where we don't really need an answer at all. When asking a personal question it is extremely important to be
considerate and use the proper method of questioning to get the best result. When we know the person is sharing something of a personal nature we want
to ask an open question where they feel safe and encouraged to share what they feel comfortable sharing.
When the topic is that of a sensitive nature we don't want to ask yes or no questions or risk being too blunt and possibly offend the person. We also
don't want to probe someone for one part of information we were after and become distracted or seem uninterested with the rest of the things they
have to say. The idea is to be open, caring & empathetic. Everyone loves to talk about themselves, however, being able to assess the situation and
knowing how far you can go with someone is a great skill to develop.
The questions I planned to ask were pretty basic. Where did you grow up? Who was in your family? If you could, is there anything you would go
back and change about
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Importance of Grammar Essay
It is not uncommon to say that grammar instruction plays an important role in language teaching. Regarding the status and importance of grammar
teaching, a variety of opinions have been made. Batstone (1994) states that "language without grammar would be chaotic: countless words without the
indispensable guidelines for how they can be ordered and modified" (p. 4). More vividly, Wang (2010) makes two similes. She compares grammar to
the frame of a house, which is a decisive factor to ensure the solidness of it. Additionally, she regards grammar as a walking stick, whose function is to
help and support students to learn English. Thus, the nature of grammar instruction manifests its own significance as it helps more
In the third part, three pedagogical implications will be presented. In addition, a grammar activity and its theoretical rationale will be respectively
reported in the fourth and fifth part before the final conclusion is displayed.
B.Evaluation of Miss Wong's Teaching Approach
B(1). Teaching philosophy
It is teachers' beliefs rather than their knowledge that have a greater influence on their instruction (William & Burden, 2000). Meighan suggests seven
kinks of teachers' beliefs about learners: resisters, receptacles, raw materials, clients, partners, individual explorers and democratic explorers. Unlike the
first three concepts which focus on teachers, the last four require learners' active involvement (as cited in William & Burden, 2000). In Miss Wong's
teaching approach, a PPP model (i.e., Presentation, Practice and Production) is generally adopted. She firstly presents target grammatical structure of
passive voice. Then students do some exercises along with teacher's answer checking. However, it seems the final production step is omitted, resulting
in students' lacking opportunities to apply the knowledge into other contexts. From her instruction, we can see Miss Wong tends to regard her students
as receptacles that are required to absorb the items she transmits. What the instruction concerns is whether students can transform sentences from active
to passive or vice verse from a structural level, which is a typical example of a
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My English 101 Experience
As I look back on my English 101 experience, I have come to the conclusion that I have learned many new things that have improved my abilities as a
writer. I have learned some new techniques that have improved my ways of approaching an essay. I learned all about the rhetorical appeals and how to
apply them in my writing and how to look for them in a essay written by a author. I have also learned how to argue both sides of a argument, and how
to look for reliable sources and to properly quote and site the author of the essay. I feel as if I have become a better writer and my improved writing
skills are shown within each essay. When I first signed up for English 101 at soar, I thought it was more of a reading and comprehension
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I now see myself as a writer who has learned new techniques to help improve my writing including style, word choice and the revision process.
Even though I see myself as a improved writer, I still believe I have plenty of room for improvement. When I first started English 101, I saw myself
as having a few good strengths and a lot of weaknesses as a writer. Some of my strengths included being able to write a good introduction minus the
thesis part. I also saw myself as knowing how to write a good conclusion that summarized what I talked about in my essay and being able to
understand a article or essay by knowing what the author was talking about. Some of the improvements I saw in my writing thorough out the
semester is learning how to write an essay where I can communicate with the audience with my own personal voice. I also feel I improved on
knowing how to properly include quotes and how to find good creditable sources to include in my essay and on how to include both sides of a
argument in my paper. Another improvement I found in my papers is learning how to revise them and approach each essay. However, there are
some items of writing that I believe I improved on but still needs some work. For example, even though I have learned all about the rhetorical
appeals and how to determine them in a essay, I still feel as if I do not know how to properly included them in my essay. I also see myself as improving
on knowing how to write a thesis but still need work on
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Language is important because it's one of the main ways to communicate and interact with other people around us. It keeps us in contact with other
people. English language is an example for the importance of a language because it is the international language and has become the most important
language to people in many parts of the world. It is most widely used in communicating around the world, Also it is spoken as the first language in many
countries. English is playing a major role in many sections like education, medicine, engineering and business. There are many reasons that makes
English is the most important language in the world.
The article lists four reasons why English is important the first reason is that more content...
Moreover the internet sites are in English and we can see the other languages sites gives options to translate into English and a lot of information we
will find are written in English. Another fact is that it the writer thing is that it is the easiest language to learn and suggest that starting learning
English for one week and see the results. If we understand and communicate in English it will be every easy for us while traveling and we can get
help in English around the world. Many companies and governmental companies hire people who are good readers and writers and can speak English
very well.
One of the most international languages is English. It is from the requirements from studying abroad and the textbooks are almost in English. If a
person wants to get PHD degree English is important and helpful for them. The writer of the article wants to shed the lights on how to improve
English skills. 1) students should differentiate between textbooks languages and real English language and focus on grammar and how to write
without any mistake. The writer compared between the use of English and Arabic language. 2) How to get fluent English language speaker and
explains the tips for it. We don't have to memorize each single word but only the phrases and statements. Also read and write stories, articles and
conversation. Moreover download and listen to BBC, CNN, WEE and Euro news agencies to be familiar
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English in My Life Essay
When my teacher said "good morning" to me on the very first day of school, I knew that she would be teaching a tough subject. She didn't
get any answer for that greeting because back then, I knew nothing about "good morning". Surprisingly, as I went through the class session
on that day, I realized that "good morning" wasn't the first English phrase that I'd known. English has been rooted in my society long
before my country achieved its independence and shockingly I've used some of its words in my daily speech without realizing it because the words
were fully modified by the society so that they could be installed smoothly into our language. Learning English was always an interesting yet tough more content...
When someone speaks English in my society, he or she feels a sense of withdrawal because they are set apart to a very small group in the society.
People tend to belittle this group for speaking other languages, and normally they will end up speaking their first language to comply with the
larger group in the society. With all these reasons, my interest towards English was completely gone when I enrolled in secondary school, six years
after my formal `encounter' with the English language. For having this negative feeling, I became a member of a large group of students who had
never realized the significance of the English language. One day was unusually dull. I was waiting for the teacher to come to the class and instead of
revising my past English lessons that I rarely cared about, I prayed that she wouldn't show up that day. After ten minutes' wait, she entered the class
saying "good morning". The greeting didn't bother me much, but when she came to me asking for the assignment that she gave the day
before, I was speechless and I just gave her the blank handout that I was supposed to complete for that day. Her face showed no emotion and with that
she ripped the paper into pieces. That day marked a massive change in my attitude toward English lessons and the English language in general. The
incident was very important to me because I then realized that even in a subtle way, language represents people and to respect the language means to
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English Form 1 Assessment Paper
Name: Date:
English Form 1
Model Test
This test consists of 40 questions. Each question is followed by three or four possible answers A, B and C or A, B, C and D. For each question, choose
ONE answer only and circle your answer.
Questions 1 – 10 are based on the information given.
ART GALLERY 1 The sign tells us to A turn left at the junction. B walk to enjoy the Art Gallery. C turn left to get to the Art Gallery.
7 February
Dear Yan Dong, I'm sorry but my sister and I will not be able to attend your birthday party tomorrow. My grandmother passed away this morning. My
family and I are going to more content...
B are sad to leave the country. C have to pay for their studies. D will be studying in another country.
Question 11 – 18 are based on the following text. To Malaysians, the name Malacca is almost synonymous with history. School students (11) that the
name is associated with many important historical dates and names in the history of Malaya and later, Malaysia. Malacca's rich and multicultural
history(12) due to the succession of conquerors – the British, Dutch and Portuguese. All left(13) mark and legacy on Malacca. History is coincidentally
a prime reason (14) visiting the city of Malacca. This is (15) it is one of the must–visit places for tourists in Malaysia. Visitors to this wonderful city
will not be disappointed. There are enough historical sites and streets to (16) them busy for more than just a few days. Many of the popular sites can
be visited by just walking from one place to another. And then there is the option of(17) a trishaw ride. The trishaw service is also part of the city's
history. (18) trishaw is colourfully and flamboyantly decorated to add to the experience. Do not forgo a visit to this historical city.
11 A knowC knows15 A
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Examples Of Prescriptive Grammar
Grammar is a set of language rules and system. There are various types of grammar. Descriptive grammar is the rules that English speakers follow.
Whereas, prescriptive grammar is the textbook rules in order to write and speak correctly. For example, the sentence I didn't go nowhere. is correct in
descriptive grammar but incorrect in prescriptive grammar. "The part of the grammar that concerns the structure of phrases and sentences is called
syntax. Rules of grammar determine how morphemes and words can combine to express a specific meaning" (Fromkin, & Rodman, 1998).
Grammaticality is based on specific patterns determined by the syntactic rules. The rules are acquired or constructed unconsciously as children
(Fromkin, & Rodman, 1998) more content...
In other word, Do support doesn't occur in negative statements and questions if the affirmative statement already has an auxiliary verb such as be/do
/have or can/could/may/might/must/shall/should/will/would. Examples are as follows.
+ You are living here. (pronoun/ auxiliary/ verb/ adverb)
Q Are you living here?
_ Aren't you living here? / Are you not living here?
Are in the first affirmative statement is an auxiliary verb. Therefore, do support doesn't occur in questions and negative statements. Although be/do
/have usually function as auxiliaries, they can also work as main verbs in sentences (Teschner, & Evans, 1993). When be functions as a main verb it
never allows Do support. However, both do and have require Do support when working as a main verb. A wh–word can function either as the subject in
its wh/co question or the object in it (Teschner, & Evans, 1993). If wh–words are objects, the words move to the front of the sentence, which is called
wh–fronting. Whereas, wh–words are subjects, the wh–movement doesn't occur because someone as a subject already appears at the front.
Who did he call? (who functions as an object)
Who called him? (who functions as a
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Hypothesis And Research Question Essay Example

  • 1. Hypothesis and Research Question Essay example Research questions are formulated in a study to inquire about variables, both independent and dependent variables, and the relationship between them. Research questions are categorized into two, that is, qualitative and quantitative research questions. Qualitative questions are used in qualitative research like case studies, surveys and action research where the approach is non–numerical and analyses special phenomena that occur in nature. Quantitative research on the other hand is more of a systematic approach with measurable numerical quantities that go through analysis to prove a hypothesis. Finally, the research hypothesis is either approved or disapproved with regards to the results of the analysis (Laureate Online Education B.V. more content... It must be logical, and provide a concrete base for any differences between the variables. It must also be simple and clear. A hypothesis can state the following: there exists a positive relationship between employee performance and flexible working hours. Whereas a research question could generally be: do flexible working hours affect workers productivity? You can clearly see that the hypothesis states clearly and it is more specific in its prediction unlike the research question (, Inc 2011). Hypothesis is typically used in quantitative research only. Moreover, when a question poses an inquiry on the relationship between two variables, a hypothesis is a statement declarative in nature of the relationship between different variables (Pajares 2007). A researcher chooses whether to use a question or a hypothesis depending on the purpose of the research, its objectives, the methodology for the research and the preference of the audience to receive the research. A researcher must be able to interpret the final outcome with reference to the research questions or the hypothesis used (Pajares 2007). A research requires a minimum of two hypotheses namely a null and an alternative hypothesis. So, somebody can make a certain observation and come up with a hypothesis about how and why a phenomenon occurs the way it is. Hypothesis could be Get more content on
  • 2. Standard English Essay The question to ask is: 'Why not use Standard English all the time?' Language is a powerful communication tool the user holds to express their individual identity and ingroup solidarity. The use of Standard English helps to direct this, as it acts as the structure of communication, ingroup and between speech communities to effectively present a standard for mutual understanding. Outside of Standard English comes the use of slang, netspeak and textspeak, which helps to develop and enrich the language, as well as evolve with contemporary Australia and its fast paced lifestyle. Using the Standard all the time would be exclusive of the linguistic freedom formed by the world beyond Standard English with varying ethnolects, but is also more content... Other forms of the English language are developed from speech communities with an intention, for efficiency and to show inclusion, and to exclude others. It also helps to convey a specific identity of the speaker, with the use of syntactic and phonological differences from Standard English. These modifications form non–standard dialects, transferring the speaker's cultural background and language to provide a better perception and reflection of identity. The falling intonation accompanied with interrogatives in the Asian ethnolect, such as 'Gravy?', is the opposite of the rising intonation used for the same purpose by Australians, and can quickly cause conflict between the two communities due to the missing benchmark in language. Pronoun deletion in 'No like' ('I don't like it') is a feature of many ethnolects (Greek, Aboriginal English), and is differing from the Standard, yet still helps to get the message across. Ethnolects develop from Standard English, and helps to express a user's identity through their language use and in–group solidarity within the speech community. There are a range of English varieties which are different from the Standard, developed from communities of speakers all sharing the same use of language. Aboriginal English, a dialect of Australian English, remains a lingua franca for their speakers, used as a common language to communicate between tribes for mutual Get more content on
  • 3. English as an Additional Language Essay English as an Additional Language (EAL) English as an Additional Language (EAL) emanaid emanaid Contents Introduction2 What are Schools' Responsibilities for Inclusion under the National Curriculum?2 What is an EAL learner?3 Inclusion for EAL Learners and How Their Needs are Met5 Factors that Impact on the Quality of Inclusion within the Classroom6 The Role of Assessment to Provide a Baseline of Information to Support AFL7 Access and Engagement Strategies Relevant to Design and Technology8 Attainment and the Use of Learners First Language9 Focussed Practical Tasks (FTPs)10 Additional Support by 'Buddying Up'10 Classroom Support11 A Supportive Classroom Environment11 The Teacher's Role more content... Many of their learning needs are similar to those of other children and young people learning in our schools. However, these learners also have distinct and different needs from other learners by virtue of the fact that they are learning in and through another language, and that they come from cultural backgrounds and communities with different understandings and expectations of education, language and learning". (NALDIC, 1999). There are many factors that influence the diverse needs of an individual EAL learner that need to be assessed and taken into account when providing adequate classroom support: * the age at which learners enter the educational system * their previous experience of schooling and literacy in their first language; * their knowledge, skills and understanding of languages and the school curriculum; * home and community expectations and understanding of the education system; * support structures for learning and language development at home and at school (NALDIC, 1999) The Welsh Government has categorised the different stages of language development that an EAL child can be assessed at. * A– new to English: needs considerable support * B – early acquisition: significant amount of support * C – developing competence: on going support * D – competent: occasional support to access curriculum Get more content on
  • 4. Learning English as a Second Language Essay English is an international language which is used officially all around the world. Anybody who wants to make connections with the world we live in should learn English. I had English language classes in my secondary and high school years. I also took some private English learning courses throughout summers in my country, Turkey. However, I could not improve my English effectively as all Turkish students in Turkey. I fully agree that English will be learned most efficiently in the boundaries of an English–speaking country not in the home country because of some cases. Therefore, I came here, USA, to learn English better after graduation from my university. First, English is dealt with all the time while staying in an English– more content... Neither was I able to get their points, nor could they understand me. The reasons were that my Turkish English teachers are not the experts in pronunciation and there is no class focusing on speaking at state schools in Turkey. An experiment was performed by Major et al. about speaking and listening problems for international people. Four groups of one hundred listeners, whose native languages were Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, and American English, heard brief lectures presented in English by speakers with different native languages and answered questions based on the lectures. The results indicated that both native and nonnative listeners scored significantly lower on listening comprehension tests when they listened to nonnative speakers of English, and Chinese group scored significantly lower when listening to speakers who shared their native language. Only Spanish group did well when they listened to their native speaker (174). This experiment showed that learning English from a nonnative speaker may cause troubles in both listening and speaking parts of English. Additionally, I lacked of ability on word choice for the first couple of months in the USA. For example, I was using adjective "too" for positive circumstances " instead of "very" or "so", and I used to say "according to me" instead of "in my Get more content on
  • 5. Reflective Essay On English 101 Proficient writing is an essential skill in all aspects of academic and professional achievement. English 101, Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric, provided the framework to good writing, teaching me composition and rhetoric fundamentals, polishing up my grammar and style, and expressing a clear message. English 102, Composition, Rhetoric, and Research, continued to build on the skills I learned in English 101, focusing on the subject matter research process and employing various rhetorical and literary devices to better express a clear message to the reader. The course also improved my critical thinking capacity, allowing me to culturally evaluate my target audience, present logically flowing arguments using appropriate language and structure, and critically reviewing my writing projects for content and expression. Every writer inherently knows there's always room to improve and I hold fast to this mindset in all academic, professional, and personal writing projects. English 102 has both challenged and inspired me to grow into a much better writer than before I began the class, providing the necessary skills to be not just a good writer, but a great writer. Most of my English 102 writing projects are rhetorical arguments, intended to persuade the reader in one direction or another. Reflecting on the many skills I honed in English 102, my predetermined use of rhetorical strategies (ethos, logos, pathos), developing a concise thesis statement, and clearly defining Get more content on
  • 6. I have learned many things throughout the course of the term, including such things as: how to write an essay and how to improve on essays that I have already written, how to locate and composite better research through the use of numerous resources found at the campus library, the internet, and the "Common Sense" textbook, how to cite research, examples, and quotations properly within the contents of my research paper as well as document it accurately according to MLA standards. Through the exploration of the "Subjects and Strategies" textbook, I have learned nine different methods used when writing an effective essay and how the different writing styles affect the overall theme and tone of the essay when used properly. This past more content... This allowed me to write more extensively on the topic I had chosen which in turn helped expand the size of my research paper. I received a B on my final draft; the first passing grade I have ever received on a research paper. I am very satisfied with my grade. When it came to the essays writing became a little trickier because I had to understand what it was I needed to write about and the style in which I need to write it in. There are nine essay writing methods which I learned while attending this course: exemplification, compare/contrast, cause and effect, proposal, narration, process, division/classification, definition, and argument. The only problems I encountered when trying to write the essays that were assigned to me by the instructor was finding suitable subject matter to write about. Once I found my topics for my essay, everything else became easier. I would first produce a rough draft and then the students, the instructor, and myself would go over them in class and decided if what I was writing was in its best form. Most of my rough drafts needed improvement, but if it didn't it wouldn't be a rough draft, so it was understood. My final drafts were very satisfying for me as well as the grades I received on them. For my exemplification essay I chose to write about the reasons why condoms Get more content on
  • 7. American English Essays The question of whether or not English should be an official language has been a controversial topic since our country was founded. The English language is a tie that helps combine the many pieces of our society together. Our nation should not acclaim bilingualism, but should enfold English as the national language spoken in the United States, to secure the future unity of our nation. The United States is a nation composed of many immigrants from all around the world. We are a country of many cultural and racial ethnic groups that are constantly reacting to shape the American culture. The English language binds and unites immigrants with native– born Americans. English allows us to communicate with each other and discuss more content... It is starting to become the international language as well. Speaking one language helps the ability of all backgrounds to communicate with one another. With so much diversity in the United States, we need something that joins us together. To speak a language that is used by the world, will help all Americans. English is the common bond of our community, and understanding it is the only way a citizen will be able to fully participate in democracy, business, and education. It is the language of international relations, as well as the language of our historical documents, of communication and of safety. By making English the official language, it will help to bring together Americans, not propel them farther apart. Many Americans are composed of Hispanic origin. With such a great number of the population speaking a second language, bilingualism will more than likely become an even more common occurrence in many states, in the future. This thought strongly associates with the job market of the United States. The second generation is becoming more bilingual, using one language for their home and the other for business. Workers are going to have to be able to communicate with one another to get the job done. Should native– born American employees learn to speak Spanish to communicate with other fellow employees? My answer would have to be, no. A system that accommodates immigrants in their native languages removes the Get more content on
  • 8. For me, learning a language is a complicated process. It is different from learning other subjects. It involves a lot of practices and follow up. When I talk about my personal experience, I would say that I have a rich experience in learning English as a second language. English was taught to me for ten years starting from grade seven till graduation from university. After graduation, I felt that I should improve my language skills. Therefore, I did a lot of efforts personally to increase my fluency. Until now I still learn the language. Indeed, learning a language takes a lifetime. I started learning English as a second language when I was in first intermediate. I still remember my first classes and my first teachers. I remember that my teachers changed frequently in the first year but all of them have much in common. All of them used grammar translation method. They used to write bilingual lists of words on board, then we, as students, were asked to copy these lists and memorize them by heart. All teaching concentrated on reading and writing skills, but there were no activities concentrating on speaking or listening. In addition, grammar rules were taught in that stage of learning the language as mathematics equations, and we were asked to memorize the rules as more content... Of course, there are certain defects or gaps in my knowledge or ability to use the English language like using idioms and the appropriateness of some vocabulary. Idioms have many connotations and denotations in the English language. Sometimes I use an idiom and I mean something, but the connotations of the idiom means something else. Another gap of my knowledge of the language is the appropriateness of using certain vocabulary. English language entails high sense of using the appropriate word for describing or narrating something. To my mind, I have not reached this point Get more content on
  • 9. Compare And Contrast Questions In Ielts How to write 'Compare and Contrast' question in IELTS writing task 2 What is the question? In this essay, IELTS examiners want you to discuss the points of comparing and contrasting the two things i.e. similarities and differences between the two. Therefore, it is important that you find out relevant points of similarities and differences of the two mentioned things after reading the question. Let's look at an example: Some people want to live in a house while others prefer living in an apartment. Does living in a house bring more advantages than living in an apartment? With this type of essay, you have two points to be discussed as follows: Benefits of living in a house/apartment Issues of living in an house/ more content... Some people think that learning online is more efficient. However, according to some other people, studying from books is still the preferred method. Which is the better method of learning out of the two? 2. Distance education is gaining popularity day by day and more students are enrolling through distance mode than full–time course in colleges. Make comparison of distance education and full–time course to find which is better and why. 3. A growing number of people own personal vehicle as they find it a convenient mode of transport in comparison to public transport. Compare the public and private mode of transportation and state which is better out of the two. Question: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
  • 10. Write about the following topic: Some people want to live in a house while others prefer living in an apartment. Does living in a house bring more advantages than living in an apartment? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 Get more content on
  • 11. Reflection In English 101 Whitney Bailey Professor Johnson English 101 October 19, 2016 Reflection Paper It's hard to believe that it's already time for Midterms in my English 101 class. The adventure has been a lot easier than I at first anticipated. In any case, I am happy that I am taking the class and learning from it. In the beginning it appeared somewhat hard however I was resolved to compel my way through this class regardless of what difficulties I needed to persevere. On the first day of my English 101 class I was apprehensive, I had no clue what's in store from the class. As I discovered what the class would have been similar to, I let myself know I was going to attempt to get an B or higher toward the end of the semester and put all the exertion I had into each paper I kept in touch with, I was not going to set this class aside for later and linger like I use to do. A standout amongst the most more content... I have an unmistakable view in my head of what I am going to compose and what structures I have to utilize. Things have ended up less difficult now since I don't need to experience the battle of how things are done or on the chance that I don't understand how I should do what I am expected to do. These aptitudes may empower me to enjoy additionally composing and not need to stress over having a written assignment. This course has helped me with many chances to figure out how to properly write papers. Prior to this class, I had little experience with how to build a legitimate paper. It has taken experience, and getting normal evaluations, to show me how to precisely write. Despite the fact that this course required different papers to be turned in, I am appreciative to have possessed the capacity to gain from my oversights and develop as a writer. I have constantly cherished written work, however now I am ready to improve my writing as the semester Get more content on
  • 12. The Dreaded English Class The dreaded English 102. Could this be my final English course in my career as a student? I don't know for sure. I still need to decide what my major will be in. There is something that I know for sure, that is, needing to take this class to move on. I am not certain how my time in this class will go, but I plan to work hard to get the best grade that I can. Hence, I have decided to get this out of the way now, I look to fine–tune my writing skills, and I expect this course to help me understand my writing style. To start, I chose this class because I knew that eventually I would need to complete it. What better time to do it, than right now? I had recently completed a math course this past semester, so I did not want to take another stressful class that I find to not be my strongest subject right after. My brother and some friends have mentioned that this course isn't as bad as it is said to be. That is what pushed me to sign up and attempt to complete this course. Being a part time student and working full time is a lot to balance on ones plate. I have learned that from experience. I formally was a full time student and worked part time, but the roles tend to reverse once you find yourself struggling to pay bills. Seeing that this class isn't as costly as a math course, and isn't as time restraining either. This course will give me more time at work and more time to study. This sums up the reasons I chose to complete English 102. I hope to gain more writing experience in Get more content on
  • 13. Questions On Open Ended Questions Essay There are many techniques to asking a question. Open ended questions where we are wanting many details from the person or closed ended questions where we simply just need a yes or a no answer. Funnel questions are where we need to weed out and focus on finding the exact information we are looking for. We need to Probe the person and really think about what we are asking for in hopes of getting a specific answer. There are also rhetorical questions where we don't really need an answer at all. When asking a personal question it is extremely important to be considerate and use the proper method of questioning to get the best result. When we know the person is sharing something of a personal nature we want to ask an open question where they feel safe and encouraged to share what they feel comfortable sharing. When the topic is that of a sensitive nature we don't want to ask yes or no questions or risk being too blunt and possibly offend the person. We also don't want to probe someone for one part of information we were after and become distracted or seem uninterested with the rest of the things they have to say. The idea is to be open, caring & empathetic. Everyone loves to talk about themselves, however, being able to assess the situation and knowing how far you can go with someone is a great skill to develop. The questions I planned to ask were pretty basic. Where did you grow up? Who was in your family? If you could, is there anything you would go back and change about Get more content on
  • 14. Importance of Grammar Essay A.Introduction It is not uncommon to say that grammar instruction plays an important role in language teaching. Regarding the status and importance of grammar teaching, a variety of opinions have been made. Batstone (1994) states that "language without grammar would be chaotic: countless words without the indispensable guidelines for how they can be ordered and modified" (p. 4). More vividly, Wang (2010) makes two similes. She compares grammar to the frame of a house, which is a decisive factor to ensure the solidness of it. Additionally, she regards grammar as a walking stick, whose function is to help and support students to learn English. Thus, the nature of grammar instruction manifests its own significance as it helps more content... In the third part, three pedagogical implications will be presented. In addition, a grammar activity and its theoretical rationale will be respectively reported in the fourth and fifth part before the final conclusion is displayed. B.Evaluation of Miss Wong's Teaching Approach B(1). Teaching philosophy It is teachers' beliefs rather than their knowledge that have a greater influence on their instruction (William & Burden, 2000). Meighan suggests seven kinks of teachers' beliefs about learners: resisters, receptacles, raw materials, clients, partners, individual explorers and democratic explorers. Unlike the first three concepts which focus on teachers, the last four require learners' active involvement (as cited in William & Burden, 2000). In Miss Wong's teaching approach, a PPP model (i.e., Presentation, Practice and Production) is generally adopted. She firstly presents target grammatical structure of passive voice. Then students do some exercises along with teacher's answer checking. However, it seems the final production step is omitted, resulting in students' lacking opportunities to apply the knowledge into other contexts. From her instruction, we can see Miss Wong tends to regard her students as receptacles that are required to absorb the items she transmits. What the instruction concerns is whether students can transform sentences from active to passive or vice verse from a structural level, which is a typical example of a Get more content on
  • 15. My English 101 Experience As I look back on my English 101 experience, I have come to the conclusion that I have learned many new things that have improved my abilities as a writer. I have learned some new techniques that have improved my ways of approaching an essay. I learned all about the rhetorical appeals and how to apply them in my writing and how to look for them in a essay written by a author. I have also learned how to argue both sides of a argument, and how to look for reliable sources and to properly quote and site the author of the essay. I feel as if I have become a better writer and my improved writing skills are shown within each essay. When I first signed up for English 101 at soar, I thought it was more of a reading and comprehension more content... I now see myself as a writer who has learned new techniques to help improve my writing including style, word choice and the revision process. Even though I see myself as a improved writer, I still believe I have plenty of room for improvement. When I first started English 101, I saw myself as having a few good strengths and a lot of weaknesses as a writer. Some of my strengths included being able to write a good introduction minus the thesis part. I also saw myself as knowing how to write a good conclusion that summarized what I talked about in my essay and being able to understand a article or essay by knowing what the author was talking about. Some of the improvements I saw in my writing thorough out the semester is learning how to write an essay where I can communicate with the audience with my own personal voice. I also feel I improved on knowing how to properly include quotes and how to find good creditable sources to include in my essay and on how to include both sides of a argument in my paper. Another improvement I found in my papers is learning how to revise them and approach each essay. However, there are some items of writing that I believe I improved on but still needs some work. For example, even though I have learned all about the rhetorical appeals and how to determine them in a essay, I still feel as if I do not know how to properly included them in my essay. I also see myself as improving on knowing how to write a thesis but still need work on Get more content on
  • 16. Language is important because it's one of the main ways to communicate and interact with other people around us. It keeps us in contact with other people. English language is an example for the importance of a language because it is the international language and has become the most important language to people in many parts of the world. It is most widely used in communicating around the world, Also it is spoken as the first language in many countries. English is playing a major role in many sections like education, medicine, engineering and business. There are many reasons that makes English is the most important language in the world. The article lists four reasons why English is important the first reason is that more content... Moreover the internet sites are in English and we can see the other languages sites gives options to translate into English and a lot of information we will find are written in English. Another fact is that it the writer thing is that it is the easiest language to learn and suggest that starting learning English for one week and see the results. If we understand and communicate in English it will be every easy for us while traveling and we can get help in English around the world. Many companies and governmental companies hire people who are good readers and writers and can speak English very well. One of the most international languages is English. It is from the requirements from studying abroad and the textbooks are almost in English. If a person wants to get PHD degree English is important and helpful for them. The writer of the article wants to shed the lights on how to improve English skills. 1) students should differentiate between textbooks languages and real English language and focus on grammar and how to write without any mistake. The writer compared between the use of English and Arabic language. 2) How to get fluent English language speaker and explains the tips for it. We don't have to memorize each single word but only the phrases and statements. Also read and write stories, articles and conversation. Moreover download and listen to BBC, CNN, WEE and Euro news agencies to be familiar Get more content on
  • 17. English in My Life Essay When my teacher said "good morning" to me on the very first day of school, I knew that she would be teaching a tough subject. She didn't get any answer for that greeting because back then, I knew nothing about "good morning". Surprisingly, as I went through the class session on that day, I realized that "good morning" wasn't the first English phrase that I'd known. English has been rooted in my society long before my country achieved its independence and shockingly I've used some of its words in my daily speech without realizing it because the words were fully modified by the society so that they could be installed smoothly into our language. Learning English was always an interesting yet tough more content... When someone speaks English in my society, he or she feels a sense of withdrawal because they are set apart to a very small group in the society. People tend to belittle this group for speaking other languages, and normally they will end up speaking their first language to comply with the larger group in the society. With all these reasons, my interest towards English was completely gone when I enrolled in secondary school, six years after my formal `encounter' with the English language. For having this negative feeling, I became a member of a large group of students who had never realized the significance of the English language. One day was unusually dull. I was waiting for the teacher to come to the class and instead of revising my past English lessons that I rarely cared about, I prayed that she wouldn't show up that day. After ten minutes' wait, she entered the class saying "good morning". The greeting didn't bother me much, but when she came to me asking for the assignment that she gave the day before, I was speechless and I just gave her the blank handout that I was supposed to complete for that day. Her face showed no emotion and with that she ripped the paper into pieces. That day marked a massive change in my attitude toward English lessons and the English language in general. The incident was very important to me because I then realized that even in a subtle way, language represents people and to respect the language means to respect Get more content on
  • 18. English Form 1 Assessment Paper Name: Date: English Form 1 Model Test This test consists of 40 questions. Each question is followed by three or four possible answers A, B and C or A, B, C and D. For each question, choose ONE answer only and circle your answer. Questions 1 – 10 are based on the information given. SECTION A ART GALLERY 1 The sign tells us to A turn left at the junction. B walk to enjoy the Art Gallery. C turn left to get to the Art Gallery. 7 February Dear Yan Dong, I'm sorry but my sister and I will not be able to attend your birthday party tomorrow. My grandmother passed away this morning. My family and I are going to more content... B are sad to leave the country. C have to pay for their studies. D will be studying in another country. SECTION B Question 11 – 18 are based on the following text. To Malaysians, the name Malacca is almost synonymous with history. School students (11) that the name is associated with many important historical dates and names in the history of Malaya and later, Malaysia. Malacca's rich and multicultural history(12) due to the succession of conquerors – the British, Dutch and Portuguese. All left(13) mark and legacy on Malacca. History is coincidentally a prime reason (14) visiting the city of Malacca. This is (15) it is one of the must–visit places for tourists in Malaysia. Visitors to this wonderful city will not be disappointed. There are enough historical sites and streets to (16) them busy for more than just a few days. Many of the popular sites can be visited by just walking from one place to another. And then there is the option of(17) a trishaw ride. The trishaw service is also part of the city's history. (18) trishaw is colourfully and flamboyantly decorated to add to the experience. Do not forgo a visit to this historical city. 11 A knowC knows15 A
  • 19. Get more content on
  • 20. Examples Of Prescriptive Grammar Grammar is a set of language rules and system. There are various types of grammar. Descriptive grammar is the rules that English speakers follow. Whereas, prescriptive grammar is the textbook rules in order to write and speak correctly. For example, the sentence I didn't go nowhere. is correct in descriptive grammar but incorrect in prescriptive grammar. "The part of the grammar that concerns the structure of phrases and sentences is called syntax. Rules of grammar determine how morphemes and words can combine to express a specific meaning" (Fromkin, & Rodman, 1998). Grammaticality is based on specific patterns determined by the syntactic rules. The rules are acquired or constructed unconsciously as children (Fromkin, & Rodman, 1998) more content... In other word, Do support doesn't occur in negative statements and questions if the affirmative statement already has an auxiliary verb such as be/do /have or can/could/may/might/must/shall/should/will/would. Examples are as follows. + You are living here. (pronoun/ auxiliary/ verb/ adverb) Q Are you living here? _ Aren't you living here? / Are you not living here? Are in the first affirmative statement is an auxiliary verb. Therefore, do support doesn't occur in questions and negative statements. Although be/do /have usually function as auxiliaries, they can also work as main verbs in sentences (Teschner, & Evans, 1993). When be functions as a main verb it never allows Do support. However, both do and have require Do support when working as a main verb. A wh–word can function either as the subject in its wh/co question or the object in it (Teschner, & Evans, 1993). If wh–words are objects, the words move to the front of the sentence, which is called wh–fronting. Whereas, wh–words are subjects, the wh–movement doesn't occur because someone as a subject already appears at the front. Compare: Who did he call? (who functions as an object) Who called him? (who functions as a Get more content on