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HSE 215 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
Program Evaluation: Analysis Draft
When preparing this milestone, you will analyze the selected
community or school-based program. Be consistent by focusing
on your target age group, the
community or school-based program you selected, and the
developmental needs of the target age group. What risk and
resiliency factors are you going to focus
on regarding your targeted age group, and why? What
interventions have been developed for the age group, and are
they effective? How well do the
interventions address personal and social functioning, and how
could they be improved? Keep in mind that some programs will
focus on all domains of
development, but for this draft, you should focus on personal
and social (socioemotional) functioning of the target age group.
Also, keep in mind that some
programs incorporate evidence in their practices, while others
may not. It is important that you consider the accumulation of
evidence, as perhaps only one
study has supported an intervention to enhance personal and
social functioning for the age group you are targeting. If so, is
that enough evidence? Typically,
several studies are conducted to provide better evidence and to
be considered research-based. One research study points to
suggestions, but this is not usually
the final word for solid evidence-based practice. Try to find and
examine at least three research studies for one intervention in
this milestone.
We recommend using the NREPP website or similar scholarly
database to begin your search.
Prompt: For this milestone, you will submit a draft of the
analysis section (section II of the final project), including all
critical elements as listed below. In writing
your draft, be sure to specify the chosen age group and their
needs that will be addressed by the intervention that you are
planning for section III of your
community program evaluation. Look for specific evidence-
based practices that will support this target group and their
development. Include some risk and
resiliency factors that you believe the interventions will
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed
in this milestone:
II. Analysis
A. What are the most important needs of the selected age group
with respect to the personal and social functioning targeted by
the program?
What is the importance of addressing these needs? For example,
why is learning to cooperate so important for infants?
B. In what ways are the program’s interventions tailored to the
unique developmental needs and resiliency factors of the
targeted age group? For
example, teaching cooperation should take different forms for
different age groups. Why is this important?
C. In what ways are the program’s interventions not tailored to
the unique developmental needs and resiliency factors of the
targeted age group?
Are they too generalized, or more appropriate for a different age
D. What is the role this program and its interventions play in
promoting the improvement of personal and social functioning
of children from birth
to adolescence? In other words, how does this program
contribute to the development of the future adult? Provide
specific examples.
E. Explain how this program and its interventions incorporate or
fail to incorporate evidence-based practices. Some questions to
consider include
the following: How are evidence-based practices used? What
evidence is provided that tell us the practices are effective?
What benefit does
incorporation of these practices provide? Are there any
drawbacks to them not being incorporated? Where are there
opportunities for further
incorporation of evidence-based practices, and how did you
identify these gaps?
F. How do risk and resiliency factors for the targeted age group
influence the type of interventions provided by the program?
G. How do the specific interventions take into consideration
risk and resiliency factors?
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be at least 2 pages
in Microsoft Word, with double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and
at least three sources cited in APA format on a separate
reference page.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%)
Not Evident (0%) Value
Analysis: Needs of the
Selected Age Group
Accurately identifies developmental
needs of the selected age group with
respect to personal and social
Identifies developmental needs of the
age group but does not connect these
to the problem, is missing information,
or is inaccurate
Does not identify developmental
Analysis: Interventions
Accurately assesses how the
program’s interventions are tailored
to developmental needs
Assesses how the program’s
interventions are tailored to
developmental needs but with gaps in
Does not assess how program
interventions are tailored to meet
developmental needs
Analysis: Interventions Not
Accurately assesses how the
program’s interventions are not
tailored to developmental needs
Assesses how the program’s
interventions are not tailored to
developmental needs but with gaps in
Does not assess how program’s
interventions are not tailored to meet
developmental needs
Analysis: Personal and
Social Functioning
Describes how the program promotes
the improvement of personal and
social functioning of children,
providing concrete examples
Describes how the program promotes
the improvement of personal and
social functioning of children but does
not provide concrete examples
Does not describe how the program
promotes the improvement of
personal and social functioning of
Analysis: Evidence-Based
Explains how the program
incorporates evidence-based practices
and discusses related benefits and/or
Either does not explain how the
program incorporates evidence-based
practices or does not discuss related
benefits and drawbacks
Does not explain how the program
incorporates evidence-based practices
and does not discuss related benefits
or drawbacks
Analysis: Risk and Resiliency
Accurately describes how risk and
resiliency factors for this age group
influence the type of intervention
Describes how risk and resiliency
factors influence the type of
intervention, but information is
inaccurate or incomplete
Does not describe how risk and
resiliency factors influence the type of
Analysis: Interventions and
Risk and Resiliency Factors
Accurately describes how the
program’s interventions take into
consideration developmental risk and
resiliency factors
Describes how the program’s
interventions take into consideration
developmental risk and resiliency
factors, but description is inaccurate
or incomplete
Does not describe how the program’s
interventions take into consideration
developmental risk and resiliency
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar, spelling,
syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main
Submission has critical errors related
to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax,
or organization that prevent
understanding of ideas
Total 100%
Interview Research Project
Total Grade Weight=60 points
Essay is worth 50 points
Discussion Board sharing is worth 10 points
This assignment objective is for you to conduct an interview out
in the field in order to experience qualitative research first-
hand. Using your knowledge of interviews as a research method
from the film “Doing Sociological Research,” you will create a
set of interview questions for your chosen subject and then
conduct a one on one interview. The subject of your interview
must be one of the following:
1. A person of a different cultural background than your own.
2. A person who is married with kids.
Once you have identified a subject and person, set up your
interview at a time and place that is convenient with no
distractions. You may want to use a tape recorder if possible, or
pen and paper to record responses.
Before you design your interview questions, determine what
your research question is (what you want to find out by
conducting this interview). Refer to the web page I have
provided for you entitled, “Formulating a Sociological
Question” for ideas on how to get started.
Make sure that you take detailed notes or recordings during the
interview. A good interviewer will always provide ‘prompts’ for
interviewees who give short, simple answers. Example of
interviewer; “You stated that you don’t like to help with
domestic chores, could you say more about that?”
After you conduct the interview and have your notes or
recordings, you will write the paper. The paper should be at
least 2.5 pages in length and written in essay format. You will
want to discuss what was learned in the interview process from
your subject, as well as provide some quotes to support what
was discussed. DO NOT number the questions inside of your
essay. You are to submit a list of the questions you designed on
a separate sheet of paper at the beginning of the project and
then include 2.5 pages of written essay material. Here is what I
am looking for in order to give you a grade:
· Your research question typed at the top of the paper. (This is
only for me to see that you formulated one. You would not
share this with the interview subject in the real world).
· A list of 10-15 typed interview questions that were used.
· Are all of the questions relevant to the research question you
are seeking to answer?
· Essay of 2.5 pages that reflects with proper sentence structure
and grammar the findings of the interview. Did you answer your
research question? If so, how?
Discussion Board Sharing = 10 points
Once you have completed your interview assignment, you are to
submit a one paragraph summary (6-8 sentences at least) of
what you did and what some of your findings in the research
were. You will also read at least one classmate’s summary and
comment on their work for full credit.
Observation Assignment
Total Grade Weight=60 points
Essay is worth 50 points
Discussion Board sharing is worth 10 points
This assignment objective is for you to conduct an observation
out in the field in order to experience qualitative research first-
hand. You will choose a place to do your observations outside
of the school and in the community that is open to the public.
Here are some suggestions of locations:
· Grocery store
· Coffee shop
· Mall
· Bar
· Outdoor concert
· Baseball game
· Local park or swimming pool
After you have chosen your location, commit yourself to at least
1.5 hours of observation. You may break this time up into two
visits if you like, and this may give you a better opportunity to
see patterns of behavior emerge. While observing, you will want
to take field notes. In order for you to blend in with the
environment, you may need to take notes on your phone or
tablet. Some researchers soak in everything without any note-
taking and then upon leaving the field, immediately write down
everything they observed. This is important while observations
are fresh in your mind. After you have taken your field notes,
wait at least a day or two to see if anything comes back to mind
that you did not write down. Now you are ready to write your
essay from your field notes. The essay should be at least 2.5
pages in length, typed and double-spaced.
Your ESSAY should have the following sections:
1. PLACE- Explain where you went, the name of the coffee
shop, the date and time of day and why you selected this
particular place.
2. Methodology: this portion is a very detailed description of
how you observed, what did you use to record the observations
(pen, paper etc.). How did you ensure that people couldn’t tell
you were a researcher? Did you speak to anyone in the place to
gather more information?
3. Observations: Discuss everything about the surroundings,
from the people you are observing (i.e. standing, sitting, in
chairs, benches, inside or outside) to the plants, the murals, the
walls, the odors, the type of people (age, race/ethnicity, social
class, languages, alone in groups). What were the people you
observed doing? Discuss any interruptions, problems, dilemmas,
interferences such as not being able to hear comments being
made, other people around you talking. Even list the length of
time you observed the group/individual. This has to be precise
enough, so that if someone would duplicate your observations,
they would follow the same exact procedure. Even the weather
needs to be discussed if you are outside observing people.
4. Findings: What did you find out? Explain in an essay format
your conclusions about what you observed. This is the part of
the project where you can make some generalizations about the
people you observed and your findings. Remember, you are
looking to identify patterns of behavior. This may include
patterns of behavior or behavior that was specific to gender,
age, race, socio-economic status, etc.
5. Evaluation of method: In this last portion, you evaluate your
entire project. What would you do differently? What would you
improve, change, duplicate if you had to do this research again?
How would you further the research? You can also discuss ideas
of other topics that could be studied.
Discussion Board Sharing = 10 points
Once you have completed your observation assignment, you are
to submit a one paragraph summary (6-8 sentences at least) of
what you did and what some of your findings in the research
were. You will also read at least one classmate’s summary and
comment on their work for full credit.
Running head: Milestone One
Milestone One
2-2 Final Project Milestone One: Draft of Introduction
Kevin Menard
Southern New Hampshire University
2-2 Final Project Milestone One: Draft of Introduction
Evaluation is a critical and essential aspect of any activity
because it tries to identify strengths and weaknesses of the
program. The main purpose of this evaluation is to try and
decide if the program is effective and according to the targeted
population. The establishment of any given program is
accompanied with a huge responsibility to make sure that the
goals are achieved. It would, therefore, be not logical to
establish a program and lack to evaluate its effectiveness
(Anderson et al. 2003). The report will examine if the program
reaches the targeted population and if the services that are
provided to the targeted population are of help to them or not.
Program Identification and Targeted Age Group
Citizens for Citizens Head Start is a school based program
which is located in Southeastern Massachusetts. The program
targets children in their early childhood age; 3-5 years old. The
age bracket is in line with the children who are supposed to
gather knowledge before they begin their primary school
Developmental Needs and Risk Factors
Development needs
The development needs which are identified in the program and
which are also in line with the targeted group know shapes,
colors, and letters (Rolnick & Grunewald, 2003). The reason
why these needs are essential is associated with the fact that the
program is in place to make sure that the children who go
through the program are equipped to take on the primary school
challenges. Therefore, making sure that they are ready for their
primary school education is meeting their needs.
Risk factors
Risk factors are poor parenting, lack of parents' and elder
siblings' attention, incompetent teachers, and availability of
materials. Poor parenting affects especially for a child who is
developing. Parents have a significant role when it comes to
providing a peaceful learning environment; therefore when
parents are not supportive, they expose the child to a risk of not
grasping what he or she is supposed to grasp (Rolnick &
Grunewald, 2003). Teachers also have a role to play when it
comes to preparing a child for primary school. When they are
incompetent, they affect the development process of the child
negatively. Availability of learning materials is also an aspect
that promotes the development of the child. Therefore, if
materials are not available, the child might not gain the
knowledge he or she needs.
Resiliency factors
The resiliency factors are safe and effective school systems,
availability of programs, and positive parenting skills. The
program goes a long way in equipping the children and
preparing them for the next stage in their lives. A reliable
school system also has a positive effect because they make the
learning process enjoyable and effective. Positive parenting
keeps the focus on connection, cooperation, learning and
growing together in these early years. There is so much
happening between the third and fifth year of a child’s life.
Preschoolers benefit from a lot of play, discovery, and kind,
respectful guidance. Discipline for three to five year olds can be
positive and effective (Positive Parenting Connection, 2018).
Program Description
Head Start is a free child development program which provides
comprehensive education, health, nutrition and social services
to pre-school children from income eligible families. The
overall goal of Head Start is to increase the child’s
effectiveness in dealing with everyday life and later
responsibilities in school and life. Because parents are the most
important influence in their child’s development, Head Start
provides many opportunities for parents to become involved in
the program, and to improve their own education and
employment potential (Citizens for Citizens, Inc., 2008).
Anderson, L. M., Shinn, C., Fullilove, M. T., Scrimshaw, S. C.,
Fielding, J. E., Normand, J., & Task Force on Community
Preventive Services. (2003). The effectiveness of early
childhood development programs: A systematic review.
American journal of preventive medicine, 24(3), 32-46.
Citizens for Citizens, Inc. (2008). Retrieved January 03, 2018,
Positive Parenting Connection. (2018). Retrieved January 03,
2018, from
Rolnick, A., & Grunewald, R. (2003). Early childhood
development: Economic development
with a high public return. The Region, 17(4), 6-12.

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  • 1. HSE 215 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Program Evaluation: Analysis Draft When preparing this milestone, you will analyze the selected community or school-based program. Be consistent by focusing on your target age group, the community or school-based program you selected, and the developmental needs of the target age group. What risk and resiliency factors are you going to focus on regarding your targeted age group, and why? What interventions have been developed for the age group, and are they effective? How well do the interventions address personal and social functioning, and how could they be improved? Keep in mind that some programs will focus on all domains of development, but for this draft, you should focus on personal and social (socioemotional) functioning of the target age group. Also, keep in mind that some programs incorporate evidence in their practices, while others may not. It is important that you consider the accumulation of evidence, as perhaps only one study has supported an intervention to enhance personal and social functioning for the age group you are targeting. If so, is that enough evidence? Typically, several studies are conducted to provide better evidence and to be considered research-based. One research study points to suggestions, but this is not usually the final word for solid evidence-based practice. Try to find and examine at least three research studies for one intervention in this milestone.
  • 2. We recommend using the NREPP website or similar scholarly database to begin your search. Prompt: For this milestone, you will submit a draft of the analysis section (section II of the final project), including all critical elements as listed below. In writing your draft, be sure to specify the chosen age group and their needs that will be addressed by the intervention that you are planning for section III of your community program evaluation. Look for specific evidence- based practices that will support this target group and their development. Include some risk and resiliency factors that you believe the interventions will address. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in this milestone: II. Analysis A. What are the most important needs of the selected age group with respect to the personal and social functioning targeted by the program? What is the importance of addressing these needs? For example, why is learning to cooperate so important for infants? B. In what ways are the program’s interventions tailored to the unique developmental needs and resiliency factors of the targeted age group? For example, teaching cooperation should take different forms for different age groups. Why is this important? C. In what ways are the program’s interventions not tailored to the unique developmental needs and resiliency factors of the targeted age group?
  • 3. Are they too generalized, or more appropriate for a different age group? D. What is the role this program and its interventions play in promoting the improvement of personal and social functioning of children from birth to adolescence? In other words, how does this program contribute to the development of the future adult? Provide specific examples. E. Explain how this program and its interventions incorporate or fail to incorporate evidence-based practices. Some questions to consider include the following: How are evidence-based practices used? What evidence is provided that tell us the practices are effective? What benefit does incorporation of these practices provide? Are there any drawbacks to them not being incorporated? Where are there opportunities for further incorporation of evidence-based practices, and how did you identify these gaps? F. How do risk and resiliency factors for the targeted age group influence the type of interventions provided by the program? G. How do the specific interventions take into consideration risk and resiliency factors? Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be at least 2 pages
  • 4. in Microsoft Word, with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format on a separate reference page. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Analysis: Needs of the Selected Age Group Accurately identifies developmental needs of the selected age group with respect to personal and social functioning Identifies developmental needs of the age group but does not connect these to the problem, is missing information, or is inaccurate Does not identify developmental needs 15 Analysis: Interventions Tailored Accurately assesses how the program’s interventions are tailored to developmental needs Assesses how the program’s interventions are tailored to
  • 5. developmental needs but with gaps in accuracy Does not assess how program interventions are tailored to meet developmental needs 15 Analysis: Interventions Not Tailored Accurately assesses how the program’s interventions are not tailored to developmental needs Assesses how the program’s interventions are not tailored to developmental needs but with gaps in accuracy Does not assess how program’s interventions are not tailored to meet developmental needs 15 Analysis: Personal and Social Functioning Describes how the program promotes the improvement of personal and social functioning of children, providing concrete examples Describes how the program promotes
  • 6. the improvement of personal and social functioning of children but does not provide concrete examples Does not describe how the program promotes the improvement of personal and social functioning of children 15 Analysis: Evidence-Based Practices Explains how the program incorporates evidence-based practices and discusses related benefits and/or drawbacks Either does not explain how the program incorporates evidence-based practices or does not discuss related benefits and drawbacks Does not explain how the program incorporates evidence-based practices and does not discuss related benefits or drawbacks 15 Analysis: Risk and Resiliency Factors Accurately describes how risk and resiliency factors for this age group
  • 7. influence the type of intervention Describes how risk and resiliency factors influence the type of intervention, but information is inaccurate or incomplete Does not describe how risk and resiliency factors influence the type of intervention 10 Analysis: Interventions and Risk and Resiliency Factors Accurately describes how the program’s interventions take into consideration developmental risk and resiliency factors Describes how the program’s interventions take into consideration developmental risk and resiliency factors, but description is inaccurate or incomplete Does not describe how the program’s interventions take into consideration developmental risk and resiliency factors 10
  • 8. Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 5 Total 100% Interview Research Project Total Grade Weight=60 points Essay is worth 50 points Discussion Board sharing is worth 10 points This assignment objective is for you to conduct an interview out in the field in order to experience qualitative research first- hand. Using your knowledge of interviews as a research method from the film “Doing Sociological Research,” you will create a set of interview questions for your chosen subject and then conduct a one on one interview. The subject of your interview must be one of the following: 1. A person of a different cultural background than your own.
  • 9. OR 2. A person who is married with kids. Once you have identified a subject and person, set up your interview at a time and place that is convenient with no distractions. You may want to use a tape recorder if possible, or pen and paper to record responses. Before you design your interview questions, determine what your research question is (what you want to find out by conducting this interview). Refer to the web page I have provided for you entitled, “Formulating a Sociological Question” for ideas on how to get started. Make sure that you take detailed notes or recordings during the interview. A good interviewer will always provide ‘prompts’ for interviewees who give short, simple answers. Example of interviewer; “You stated that you don’t like to help with domestic chores, could you say more about that?” After you conduct the interview and have your notes or recordings, you will write the paper. The paper should be at least 2.5 pages in length and written in essay format. You will want to discuss what was learned in the interview process from your subject, as well as provide some quotes to support what was discussed. DO NOT number the questions inside of your essay. You are to submit a list of the questions you designed on a separate sheet of paper at the beginning of the project and then include 2.5 pages of written essay material. Here is what I am looking for in order to give you a grade: · Your research question typed at the top of the paper. (This is only for me to see that you formulated one. You would not share this with the interview subject in the real world). · A list of 10-15 typed interview questions that were used. · Are all of the questions relevant to the research question you are seeking to answer?
  • 10. · Essay of 2.5 pages that reflects with proper sentence structure and grammar the findings of the interview. Did you answer your research question? If so, how? Discussion Board Sharing = 10 points Once you have completed your interview assignment, you are to submit a one paragraph summary (6-8 sentences at least) of what you did and what some of your findings in the research were. You will also read at least one classmate’s summary and comment on their work for full credit. Observation Assignment Total Grade Weight=60 points Essay is worth 50 points Discussion Board sharing is worth 10 points This assignment objective is for you to conduct an observation out in the field in order to experience qualitative research first- hand. You will choose a place to do your observations outside of the school and in the community that is open to the public. Here are some suggestions of locations: · Grocery store · Coffee shop · Mall · Bar · Outdoor concert · Baseball game · Local park or swimming pool
  • 11. After you have chosen your location, commit yourself to at least 1.5 hours of observation. You may break this time up into two visits if you like, and this may give you a better opportunity to see patterns of behavior emerge. While observing, you will want to take field notes. In order for you to blend in with the environment, you may need to take notes on your phone or tablet. Some researchers soak in everything without any note- taking and then upon leaving the field, immediately write down everything they observed. This is important while observations are fresh in your mind. After you have taken your field notes, wait at least a day or two to see if anything comes back to mind that you did not write down. Now you are ready to write your essay from your field notes. The essay should be at least 2.5 pages in length, typed and double-spaced. Your ESSAY should have the following sections: 1. PLACE- Explain where you went, the name of the coffee shop, the date and time of day and why you selected this particular place. 2. Methodology: this portion is a very detailed description of how you observed, what did you use to record the observations (pen, paper etc.). How did you ensure that people couldn’t tell you were a researcher? Did you speak to anyone in the place to gather more information? 3. Observations: Discuss everything about the surroundings, from the people you are observing (i.e. standing, sitting, in chairs, benches, inside or outside) to the plants, the murals, the walls, the odors, the type of people (age, race/ethnicity, social class, languages, alone in groups). What were the people you observed doing? Discuss any interruptions, problems, dilemmas, interferences such as not being able to hear comments being made, other people around you talking. Even list the length of time you observed the group/individual. This has to be precise enough, so that if someone would duplicate your observations, they would follow the same exact procedure. Even the weather needs to be discussed if you are outside observing people. 4. Findings: What did you find out? Explain in an essay format
  • 12. your conclusions about what you observed. This is the part of the project where you can make some generalizations about the people you observed and your findings. Remember, you are looking to identify patterns of behavior. This may include patterns of behavior or behavior that was specific to gender, age, race, socio-economic status, etc. 5. Evaluation of method: In this last portion, you evaluate your entire project. What would you do differently? What would you improve, change, duplicate if you had to do this research again? How would you further the research? You can also discuss ideas of other topics that could be studied. Discussion Board Sharing = 10 points Once you have completed your observation assignment, you are to submit a one paragraph summary (6-8 sentences at least) of what you did and what some of your findings in the research were. You will also read at least one classmate’s summary and comment on their work for full credit. Running head: Milestone One 1 Milestone One 3 2-2 Final Project Milestone One: Draft of Introduction Kevin Menard Southern New Hampshire University 2-2 Final Project Milestone One: Draft of Introduction Introduction Evaluation is a critical and essential aspect of any activity because it tries to identify strengths and weaknesses of the program. The main purpose of this evaluation is to try and decide if the program is effective and according to the targeted
  • 13. population. The establishment of any given program is accompanied with a huge responsibility to make sure that the goals are achieved. It would, therefore, be not logical to establish a program and lack to evaluate its effectiveness (Anderson et al. 2003). The report will examine if the program reaches the targeted population and if the services that are provided to the targeted population are of help to them or not. Program Identification and Targeted Age Group Citizens for Citizens Head Start is a school based program which is located in Southeastern Massachusetts. The program targets children in their early childhood age; 3-5 years old. The age bracket is in line with the children who are supposed to gather knowledge before they begin their primary school journey. Developmental Needs and Risk Factors Development needs The development needs which are identified in the program and which are also in line with the targeted group know shapes, colors, and letters (Rolnick & Grunewald, 2003). The reason why these needs are essential is associated with the fact that the program is in place to make sure that the children who go through the program are equipped to take on the primary school challenges. Therefore, making sure that they are ready for their primary school education is meeting their needs. Risk factors Risk factors are poor parenting, lack of parents' and elder siblings' attention, incompetent teachers, and availability of materials. Poor parenting affects especially for a child who is developing. Parents have a significant role when it comes to providing a peaceful learning environment; therefore when
  • 14. parents are not supportive, they expose the child to a risk of not grasping what he or she is supposed to grasp (Rolnick & Grunewald, 2003). Teachers also have a role to play when it comes to preparing a child for primary school. When they are incompetent, they affect the development process of the child negatively. Availability of learning materials is also an aspect that promotes the development of the child. Therefore, if materials are not available, the child might not gain the knowledge he or she needs. Resiliency factors The resiliency factors are safe and effective school systems, availability of programs, and positive parenting skills. The program goes a long way in equipping the children and preparing them for the next stage in their lives. A reliable school system also has a positive effect because they make the learning process enjoyable and effective. Positive parenting keeps the focus on connection, cooperation, learning and growing together in these early years. There is so much happening between the third and fifth year of a child’s life. Preschoolers benefit from a lot of play, discovery, and kind, respectful guidance. Discipline for three to five year olds can be positive and effective (Positive Parenting Connection, 2018). Program Description Head Start is a free child development program which provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition and social services to pre-school children from income eligible families. The overall goal of Head Start is to increase the child’s effectiveness in dealing with everyday life and later responsibilities in school and life. Because parents are the most important influence in their child’s development, Head Start provides many opportunities for parents to become involved in the program, and to improve their own education and employment potential (Citizens for Citizens, Inc., 2008).
  • 15. References Anderson, L. M., Shinn, C., Fullilove, M. T., Scrimshaw, S. C., Fielding, J. E., Normand, J., & Task Force on Community Preventive Services. (2003). The effectiveness of early childhood development programs: A systematic review. American journal of preventive medicine, 24(3), 32-46. Citizens for Citizens, Inc. (2008). Retrieved January 03, 2018, from programs/head-start/ Positive Parenting Connection. (2018). Retrieved January 03, 2018, from years/ Rolnick, A., & Grunewald, R. (2003). Early childhood development: Economic development with a high public return. The Region, 17(4), 6-12.