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Behavioral Event Interview: Model Script
Stage I: Opening
Step 1: Open The Session
Hiring Supervisor: (shaking hand) Hi! Good morning. Please sit down.
Job Candidate: (shaking hand) Thank you.
Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome.
Step 2: Express Gratitude For Continuing The Hiring Process
Hiring Supervisor: Thank you for coming to this interview. I am happy that you have decided to
continue your participation in our hiring process.
Job Candidate: You are most welcome. I am committed to participate in your hiring process.
Step 3: Establish Rapport
Hiring Supervisor: I understand that, based on your resume, you like the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Job Candidate: Yes... and Lebron James is my favorite player.
Hiring Supervisor: Lebron is also my favorite player and I think he will be the MVP this year.
Job Candidate: Good. I agree with you that Lebron is the best in the NBA!
Step 4: State Session Objectives
Hiring Supervisor: Let me clarify my purpose in conducting this interview session. My purpose is to
accurately determine your level of proficiency on specific job competencies that our company needs
for the Plane Cabin Cleaner position as indicated in our recruitment advertisement.
Job Candidate: I understand.
Step 5: Describe The Open Job Position
Hiring Supervisor: Here is our Job Specification document describing the details of the Plane Cabin
Cleaner position. Please spend a few minutes to read this document and please ask me questions if
you wish me to clarify certain items.
Job Candidate: I have read the document and I do not have any questions.
Step 6: Describe The Positive Aspects Of The Open Job Position
Hiring Supervisor: I believe that our Plane Cabin Cleaner job position offers very exciting challenges
in achieving work goals within the 15-minute window when the last previous passengers depart and
the time when the first new passengers arrive. In addition, we have intensive training program for
developing the skills of all our employees.
Job Candidate: I understand.
Step 7: Describe The Negative Aspects Of The Open Job Position
Hiring Supervisor: One thing I need to disclose to you is that our stewardesses are the ones receiving
the complaints of passengers regarding garbage items that the assigned Plane Cabin Cleaner failed to
pick up. And our stewardesses can be extremely nasty in sending text messages to the assigned
Plane Cabin Cleaner. In addition, our Plane Cabin Cleaners work up to two shifts during the holidays
when we have large numbers of plane flights.
Job Candidate: I am not surprised because stewardesses are under stress from complaining
passengers during flights. Also, working on two shifts is no problem for me.
Step 8: Confirm Whether The Job Candidate Wants To Continue The Hiring Process
Hiring Supervisor: Do you wish to continue this hiring process so that we will consider you as a
candidate among the many candidates that we are evaluating?
Job Candidate: Yes. I want to be considered as a candidate for the Plane Cabin Cleaner position.
Step 9: Describe The Terms Of The Employment Contract
Hiring Supervisor: Here is our Employment Contract document describing our terms for the Plane
Cabin Cleaner position. Please spend a few minutes to read this document and please ask me
questions if you wish me to clarify certain items.
Job Candidate: I have read the document and I do not have any questions.
Step 10: Confirm Whether The Terms Of The Employment Contract Are Acceptable
Hiring Supervisor: Are these contract terms are acceptable to you?
Job Candidate: Yes. These contract terms are acceptable to me.
Step 11: Describe The Hiring Process
Hiring Supervisor: After this session, I will conduct my rating of your proficiency level based on our job
performance standards for the Plane Cabin Cleaner position. Later on, after I have interviewed all
candidates, I will make a comparative analysis of the ratings of all the candidates based on a rating
system that our company has established. I will submit my formal recommendation to our hiring
committee (HC) on the best job candidate to hire including the employment contract terms. Our HC
will evaluate my recommendation and they will make their final decision. Finally, our HC will inform our
Human Resources Department (HR) to make the job offer to the selected job candidate.
Job Candidate: I understand.
Step 12: State The Duration Of The BEI Session
Hiring Supervisor: Based on my experience with other job candidates, this session will be
approximately 120 minutes.
Job Candidate: I understand.
Step 13: State Your Responsibilities
Hiring Supervisor: On my part, I will be asking you a series of questions about your previous job as a
Plane Cabin Cleaner. I have prepared these questions in advance, and I will be using the same set of
questions when I interview the other job candidates. In this manner, I will be fair with you and other job
candidates because my comparative analysis will be based on my ratings based on the answers to the
same set of questions.
Job Candidate: I understand.
Step 14: State Your Commitment
Hiring Supervisor: I consider this session to be extremely important because our company and you will
make a decision that will both affect our future. On my part, I will focus my attention on our interview
session and I am committed to you that I will eliminate all distractions that might interrupt the flow of
our interview session. I am also committed to you to provide all the information you need, on the
condition that such information is not confidential, for you to make an informed decision on whether to
accept or not our job offer to you in case you have been selected to be hired by our company.
Job Candidate: Thank you for making your commitments.
Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome.
Step 15: State Your Expectations
Hiring Supervisor: During our session, I expect you to focus 100% on the process of disclosing your
level of competencies on your past experience as a Plane Cabin Cleaner in the different companies
that you have been employed. I also expect you to tell me the truth to the best of your ability. I also
expect you to follow these three rules:
1. You need to listen to each of my question very carefully. If you have difficulty in understanding a
given question, please feel free to interrupt me anytime and seek clarification on specific areas. My
role is to ensure that you fully understand my question.
2. You need to formulate your answer very carefully to each question. Take your time. I am more
interested in the quality of your answer in terms of relevance and precision. Relevance is whether your
answer directly addressed my question. Precision is the specific contents of your answer, such as
exact dates, plane flight numbers, garbage items pick up error rates, email messages, text message,
fellow employee names, and the name of your supervisor.
3. You need to state your answers slowly and clearly. Please understand that I will need time to enter
your answer on my computer.
Step 16: Seek Commitment
Hiring Supervisor: I need your commitment that you will focus 100% on the process of disclosing your
level of competencies on your past experience as a Plane Cabin Cleaner in the different companies
that you have been employed. I also need your commitment that you will tell me the truth to the best of
your ability. Lastly, I need your commitment for you to follow the three rules I have just stated.
Job Candidate: You have my commitment that I will focus 100% on the process of disclosing my level
of competencies on my past experience as a Plane Cabin Cleaner in the different companies that I
have been employed. You also have my commitment that I will tell me the truth to the best of my
ability. And you have my commitment that I will follow the three rules you have just stated.
Hiring Supervisor: Thank you for making your commitments.
Job Candidate: You are most welcome.
Step 17: State Transition To BEI Framework
Hiring Supervisor: I will now explain to you the method that I will apply in conducting this interview
Job Candidate: I am ready to listen.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Stage II: BEI Framework
Step 18: Explain The BEI Method
Hiring Supervisor: Our company is deeply committed to having an effective hiring system to ensure
that we hire only the best candidate for our open jobs. Accordingly, we are using the Behavioral Event
Interview (BEI) method in this interview session. BEI is a thorough, planned, systematic, consistent
way to gather and evaluate relevant information about what you have done in your present and
previous jobs to show how you would handle future situations. Specifically, it is based on the theory
that if you have previously demonstrated a particular behavior to address a situation in the workplace
you will repeat that same behavior in the future when confronted with the same set of conditions.
Job Candidate: Thank you for sharing with me the description of the BEI method.
Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome.
Step 19: Seek Confirmation If Familiar With BEI Method
Hiring Supervisor: Are you familiar with the BEI method?
Job Candidate: No. This is the first time I have heard of the BEI Method.
Hiring Supervisor: Let me explain to you the BEI method.
Step 20: State Required Ranked Job Competencies
Hiring Supervisor: BEI is based on job competencies. Hence, it is important for you to know that our
company has identified five job competencies, in ranked order, for the Plane Cabin Cleaner position
you are applying for. These job competencies are:
1. Attention To Detail
2. Sense Of Urgency
3. Physical Energy
4. Tenacity
5. Tolerance For Noise
Job Candidate: Thank you for sharing with me the five ranked job competencies required for the Plane
Cabin Cleaner position.
Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome.
Step 21: Explain The CAR Process
Hiring Supervisor: For me to identify your personal competencies for each job competency, I will be
applying the CAR process. The CAR process is an integral part of the BEI method. Our company has
adopted a standard procedure where the hiring supervisor like myself will ask for a series of highly
interconnected questions to a job candidate like yourself in a strict three-phase format as follows:
Phase 1: A Critical Incident that happened in your present or past job where you either succeeded or
failed in achieving the predetermined work performance target of a given job competency. In this case,
the C stands for Critical Incident.
Phase 2: Based on your answer to my question in Phase 1, I will ask you about the Action you have
taken. In this case, the A stands for Action.
Phase 3: Based on your answer to my question in Phase 2, I will ask you what the Result is in your job
performance. In this case, the R stands for Results.
[Note: Other organizations use STAR (Situation/Task, Action, Result) or SOAR (Situation, Obstacle,
Action, Result) process in conducting BEI sessions. Our company has adopted the CAR process
because this process is much better understood by our job candidates since they find it easy to
visualize this process in terms of the-very-familiar automotive car. ]
Job Candidate: Thank you for sharing with me the description of the CAR process.
Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome.
Step 22: Explain Relationship Between Job Competencies And CAR Process
Hiring Supervisor: The five job competencies and the CAR process are deeply related. And I believe
that the best way to show you this relationship is by showing this structure for the first job competency:
1. Job Competency 1: Attention To Detail
a. CAR 1: Positive Event: Present Job
1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer
2. Action: My Question + Your Answer
3. Results: My Question + Your Answer
b. CAR 2: Negative Event: Present Job
1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer
2. Action: My Question + Your Answer
3. Results: My Question + Your Answer
c. CAR 3: Positive Event: Previous Job 1
1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer
2. Action: My Question + Your Answer
3. Results: My Question + Your Answer
d. CAR 4: Negative Event: Previous Job 1
1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer
2. Action: My Question + Your Answer
3. Results: My Question + Your Answer
e. CAR 5: Positive Event: Previous Job 1
1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer
2. Action: My Question + Your Answer
3. Results: My Question + Your Answer
f. CAR 6: Negative Event: Previous Job 1
1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer
2. Action: My Question + Your Answer
3. Results: My Question + Your Answer
e. CAR 7: Positive Event: Previous Job 2
1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer
2. Action: My Question + Your Answer
3. Results: My Question + Your Answer
f. CAR 8: Negative Event: Previous Job 2
1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer
2. Action: My Question + Your Answer
3. Results: My Question + Your Answer
Job Candidate: I do not understand.... why will you ask me about an event on which I failed?
Hiring Supervisor: I will ask you about a CAR with a negative event because when we hire a job
candidate like yourself, we are interested in identifying not only your strengths but also your
weaknesses. In this manner, we can plan appropriate interventions that can eliminate or reduce your
weaknesses before we can assign you to your job. We are practical. We do not expect a perfect fit on
day one of hiring between the personal competencies of a candidate and the job competencies of our
open job. Did I answer your question?
Job Candidate: Yes. What are these interventions?
Hiring Supervisor: These interventions, among others, are coaching, counseling, on-the-job training,
and formal classroom training.
Job Candidate: Thank you for your clarifications.
Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome.
Step 23: State Benefits Of The CAR Process
Hiring Supervisor: The CAR process will be beneficial to both of us because you can be assured that,
as a job candidate, you will be treated in a fair and objective manner in relation to the other job
candidates. Specifically, perception errors normally associated with the hiring process such as
personal biases are substantially reduced during the CAR process. In addition, if we hire you, you can
be sure, with the appropriate interventions on our part, that you have the required personal
competencies to perform the Plane Cabin Cleaner job in our company.
Job Candidate: I am glad that the CAR process will benefit both of us.
Step 24: State Disadvantages Of The CAR Method
Hiring Supervisor: Nonetheless, the CAR process, in comparison with the traditional interviewing
methods, is time-consuming and extremely complicated for me as the hiring supervisor to plan,
conduct, and rate the job candidates. Also, the CAR process is also time-consuming for you because
you need to answer 40 to 50 questions.
Job Candidate: I understand.
Step 25: Define Complete CARs
Hiring Supervisor: For each of the five job competencies, I intend to extract eight complete CARs
comprising of four events where you were successful and four events where you have failed. In this
manner, these eight complete CARs will allow me to have a rational basis for rating your personal
competency for the first job competency: Attention To Detail.
Job Candidate: What do you mean by complete CARs?
Hiring Supervisor: Complete CARs are CARs that help me in rating your personal competencies in an
accurate manner. Complete CARs are valuable to me so I am continuously exerting my effort to
extract these CARs from you. Here is an example of a complete CAR I extracted last year from
another job candidate who is applying for a Stewardess position in our company:
[Note: Target Job Competency: Emotional Control]
Hiring Supervisor: I will appreciate if you could narrate to me an incident while working for Air France
in 2010, where you were successful in controlling your negative emotions when dealing with a toxic
Job Candidate: Last June 2, 2010, an AFR 223 arrived from London at 4:30 a.m. with 192 passengers.
A middle age male passenger from Norway ordered red wine, but I made a mistake and gave him dark
grape juice. He told me in a sarcastic tone: ‘Red wine, not dark grape juice, you moron!’ I felt boiling
mad when I heard him insulted me and I really wanted to hit his face with the metal water container on
my trolley.
Hiring Supervisor: What specific steps did you take to move from a state of negative emotion to a state
of positive emotion that allowed you to respond to the middle age male passenger from Norway in a
professional manner?
Job Candidate: I quickly remembered my training course in Emotional Intelligence where I gained
skills in handling toxic passengers. Hence, I immediately looked up and took three deep breaths while
focusing my mind on our Air France logo and I regained my composure. I responded to this
passenger: ‘Sir, I am very sorry. I deeply apologize for my mistake. I will give you your red wine right
Hiring Supervisor: What was the result of your response to this toxic passenger?
Job Candidate: Well.... He smiled at me and raised his glass of red wine and said ‘Cheers!’ to me and
I smiled back at him. My supervisor, Ellen Beecham, saw the entire incident and whispered on my left
ear the following words: ‘You were able to control your negative emotions and responded in a
professional manner. Job well done!’ I was delighted because stewardesses were not permitted to
respond to toxic passengers in a negative manner but in a positive, professional manner.
Job Candidate: I now understand the meaning of complete CARs
Step 26: Define Incomplete CARs
Hiring Supervisor: Nonetheless, life is not perfect. Sometimes I get a response from a job candidate
that is an incomplete CAR. This is a CAR that is lacking in some areas for me to use as a basis for
rating a given job candidate. Here is an example:
[Note: Target Job Competency: Emotional Control]
Hiring Supervisor: I will appreciate if you could narrate to me an incident while working for Air France
in 2010, where you were successful in controlling your negative emotions when dealing with a toxic
Job Candidate: Last June 2, 2010, an AFR 223 arrived from London at 4:30 a.m. with 192 passengers.
A middle age male passenger from Norway ordered red wine, but I made a mistake and gave him dark
grape juice. He told me in a sarcastic tone: ‘Red wine, not dark grape juice, you moron!’ I felt boiling
mad when I heard him insulted me and I really wanted to hit his face with the metal water container on
my trolley.
Hiring Supervisor: What specific steps did you take to move from a state of negative emotion to a state
of positive emotion that allowed you to respond to the middle age male passenger from Norway in a
professional manner?
Job Candidate: I quickly remembered my training course in Emotional Intelligence where we gained
skills in handling toxic passengers. Hence, I immediately looked up and took three deep breaths while
focusing my mind on our Air France logo and I regained my composure. I responded to this
passenger: ‘Sir, I am very sorry. I deeply apologize for my mistake. I will give you your red wine right
Hiring Supervisor: What was the result of your response to this toxic passenger?
Job Candidate: Well... I remember that there was a sudden air turbulence that I nearly fell down on the
cabin floor.
Hiring Supervisor: You will notice that the Result portion of this CAR was lacking. Hence, this is an
incomplete CAR. To help me clarify to you the meaning of an incomplete CAR, please imagine the
complete CAR as a fully functioning car with four tires and an incomplete CAR as a defective car with
missing two front tires.
Job Candidate: Can an incomplete CAR be transformed into a complete CAR?
Hiring Supervisor: Yes. As much as possible, I try to transform an incomplete CAR into a complete
CAR. Imagine an incomplete CAR as a defective car with missing two front tires and is being towed
towards a repair shop so that two new front tires can be added to make it a fully functioning car. After I
have identified an incomplete CAR, I ask for follow-up questions to the job candidate to fill the missing
part of a given incomplete CAR. Here is an example:
Hiring Supervisor: Earlier, I asked for you to narrate to me an incident while working for Air France in
2010, when you were successful in controlling your negative emotions when dealing with a toxic
Job Candidate: Yes. I remember.
Hiring Supervisor: You then answered: Last June 2, 2010, an AFR 223 arrived from London at 4:30
a.m. with 192 passengers. A middle age male passenger from Norway ordered red wine, but I made a
mistake and gave him dark grape juice. He told me in a sarcastic tone: ‘Red wine, not dark grape
juice, you moron!’ I felt boiling mad when I heard him insulted me and I really wanted to hit his face
with the metal water container on my trolley.
Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct.
Hiring Supervisor: I then asked for you to share with me the specific steps you take to move from a
state of negative emotion to a state of positive emotion that allowed you to respond to the middle age
male passenger from Norway in a professional manner.
Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct.
Hiring Supervisor: You then answered: I quickly remembered my training course in Emotional
Intelligence where we gained skills in handling toxic passengers. Hence, I immediately looked up and
took three deep breaths while focusing my mind on our Air France logo and I regained my composure.
I responded to this passenger: ‘Sir, I am very sorry. I deeply apologize for my mistake. I will give you
your red wine right now.’
Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct.
Hiring Supervisor: You then answered: ‘I remember that there was a sudden air turbulence that I
nearly fell down on the cabin floor.’
Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct.
Hiring Supervisor: ‘Do you remember now what happened after there was a sudden air turbulence that
you nearly fell down on the cabin floor.’
Job Candidate: Yes. I remember clearly now. This toxic passenger smiled at me and raised his glass
of red wine and said ‘Cheers!’ to me, and I smiled back at him. My supervisor, Ellen Beecham, saw the
entire incident and whispered on my left ear the following words: ‘You were able to control your
negative emotions and responded in a professional manner. Job well done!’ I was delighted because
stewardesses were not permitted to respond to toxic passengers in a negative manner but in a
positive, professional manner.
Job Candidate: I now understand the meaning of incomplete CARs.
Step 27: Define Broken CARs
Hiring Supervisor: Another situation that I encounter is when I get a response from a job candidate that
is a broken CAR. This is a CAR that is extremely defective that it is better for me to discard this CAR
rather than to ‘repair’ it. Here is an example:
[Note: Target Job Competency: Emotional Control]
Hiring Supervisor: I will appreciate if you could narrate to me an incident while working for Air France
in 2010, where you were successful in controlling your negative emotions when dealing with a toxic
Job Candidate: Last June 2, 2010, an AFR 223 arrived from London at 4:30 a.m. with 192 passengers.
A middle age male passenger from Norway ordered red wine, but I made a mistake and gave him dark
grape juice. He told me in a sarcastic tone: ‘Red wine, not dark grape juice, you moron!’ I felt boiling
mad when I heard him insulted me and I really wanted to hit his face with the metal water container on
my trolley.
Hiring Supervisor: What specific steps did you take to move from a state of negative emotion to a state
of positive emotion that allowed you to respond to the middle age male passenger from Norway in a
professional manner?
Job Candidate: Lisa Mayfair, another stewardess who was nearby, responded quickly by stating to this
passenger: ‘Sir, I am very sorry. I deeply apologize for the mistake. I will give you your red wine right
Hiring Supervisor: You will notice that the Action portion of the CAR was lacking because it was Lisa
Mayfair who managed this difficult situation. Hence, this is a broken CAR. For you to better
understand a broken CAR, please imagine a broken CAR as a defective car that is sliced in the middle
such that there are two separate car parts.
Job Candidate: I understand. Can a broken CAR be transformed into a complete CAR?
Hiring Supervisor: No. As much as possible, in our example, it was another stewardess who managed
the situation. However, I was not rating the performance of this other stewardess. Again, imagine a
broken CAR as two separate car parts that are being towed towards a junk shop where these will be
sold as scrap. A broken CAR is useless and should be discarded.
Job Candidate: Your metaphors about the three types of different CARs are very helpful for me in
understanding the CAR process. Thank you.
Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Stage III: CARs Identification
Step 28: State Transition To CAR Process
Hiring Supervisor: I will now ask you a series of questions based on the CAR process. I will focus on
the first job competency: Attention To Detail. This is defined as achieving thoroughness and accuracy
when accomplishing a task through concern for all the areas involved.
Job Candidate: Ok. I am ready.
Step 29: Apply The CAR Process [Job Competency 1: Attention To Detail]
CAR 1: Positive Question: United Air Lines
Hiring Supervisor: I would appreciate it if you could describe to me an occasion during your present
job in United Air Lines when you succeeded in performing your work because you were committed to
minimize your pick up error rate.
Job Candidate: Last July 12, 2014, an UAL 1009 arrived from Houston at 8:15 p.m. with 120
passengers. I noticed that there was a lot of garbage left, but I took the challenge of really doing a
good job.
Hiring Supervisor: What specific action did you take to ensure that you pick up all the garbage items
that were left by the 120 passengers in the plane cabin?
Job Candidate: First, I scanned the entire cabin. Then, I identified and picked up the garbage items.
Lastly, I again scanned the entire cabin for any garbage items left and picked up these items.
Hiring Supervisor: What was the impact to your pick up error rate when you scanned the entire cabin
first, picked up the garbage items, and scanned again the entire cabin to pick up any garbage items
Job Candidate: I was able to meet my performance target as indicated in my production report dated
July 13, 2014. I picked up 525 items, but failed to pick up 28 items or 5% pick up error rate. This rate
is within my job performance target range of 4%-5% error.
Hiring Supervisor: I highly appreciate your answer because it is in the right form and content. This type
of answer will definitely help me in rating your proficiency level for a given target job competency.
[Note: This is a complete CAR: Positive Question]
CAR 2: Positive Question: Delta Airlines
Hiring Supervisor: Please tell me an experience while working for Delta Airlines when you did a good
job because you had a pick up error rate within acceptable performance standard.
Job Candidate: Last January 2, 2011, a DAL 127 arrived from San Francisco at 11:40 a.m. with only
28 passengers. However, I noticed that 12 of these passengers were clustered together and ate raw
dried peanuts. Hence, to my dismay, there was a lot of small peanut peeling scattered all over the
Hiring Supervisor: You were dismayed because there was a lot of small peanut peeling scattered all
over the floor.
Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct.
Hiring Supervisor: What exactly did you do to ensure that you pick up most of the small peanut
peelings scattered all over the floor?
Job Candidate: First, I got a broom and a dust pan. Then, I swept the small peanut peelings. Lastly, I
scanned the area and picked up leftover peelings one-by-one.
Hiring Supervisor: That was quick thinking on your part to respond creatively to this difficult situation.
Job Candidate: Thank you for your compliment.
Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome. What was the result of your pick up error rate when you
swept the small peanut peelings, scanned the area, and picked up leftover peelings one-by-one?
Job Candidate: I was able to meet my performance target as indicated in my daily production report
dated January 3, 2011. I picked up 219 items, but failed to pick up 13 items or 6% pick up error rate.
This rate is within my job performance target range of 6%-7% error.
[Note: This is a complete CAR: Positive Question]
CAR 3: Negative Question: United Air Lines
Hiring Supervisor: No one is perfect. Please tell me an experience while working for United Air Lines
when you failed in your job because you were careless.
Job Candidate: Last June 1, 2014, a chartered UAL 1103 arrived from Detroit at 8:00 a.m. with 120
Boy Scouts going to a jamboree. I made the mistake of assuming that their garbage items were the
traditional garbage items. Boy, I was wrong.
Hiring Supervisor: What specific steps did you apply to ensure that you pick up most of the garbage
items left by the 120 Boy Scouts?
Job Candidate: I picked up the garbage items in the areas where I normally found garbage items.
Nothing special.
Hiring Supervisor: What was the result of your pick up error rate when you picked up the garbage
items in the areas where you normally found garbage items?
Job Candidate: 15 minutes after I left the plane cabin to dispose the 300 garbage items I have
collected, I received a text message from Helen Williamson, Chief Stewardess: 30 items of bubble
gums on the side metal armrest not collected.
Hiring Supervisor: Uh ha....
Job Candidate: I rushed back to the plane cabin, but I was not allowed to enter because the
passengers for the next flight were already entering the plane. Hence, my pick rate error rate was 10%
- way below my job performance target of 4%-5% error.
Hiring Supervisor: In this particular experience your pick up error rate was 10%, which was being way
below your job performance target of 4%-5% error. Did I hear you right?
Job Candidate: Yes. You heard me right.
Hiring Supervisor: I guarantee you that everyone encounters a situation similar to what you did where
you thought it was a normal batch of passengers with the traditional set of garbage items. You just
have to bear with, your failure and learn from it.
Job Candidate: Yes. After this event, I made sure that I never assume that the next flight that lands will
have a normal batch of passengers with the traditional set of garbage items.
[Note: This is a complete CAR: Negative Question]
CAR 4: Positive Question: Southwest Air Lines
Hiring Supervisor: It will be helpful to me if you could narrate to me an incident while working for
Southwest Air Lines where you were happy because you had a pick up error rate within acceptable
performance standard.
Job Candidate: Last May 23, 2006, a chartered SWA 115 arrived from Denver at 1:20 p.m. with 103
nuns going to a religious convention. I was happy because I noticed that there were no garbage items
left. I learned later that these nuns believed strongly that 'Cleanliness in next to Godliness.' Hence, for
the only time in my career where I achieved 0% pick up error rate because there were no garbage
items to pick up!
Hiring Supervisor: You were happy because you achieved 0% pick up error rate because there were
no garbage items to pick up.
Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct.
[Note: This is a broken CAR.]
CAR 5: Negative Question: Delta Airlines
Hiring Supervisor: It will be helpful to me if you could narrate to me an incident while working for Delta
Airlines where you were disappointed because your pick up error rate was below the acceptable
performance standard.
Job Candidate: Last February 12, 2010, a DAL 317 arrived from Miami at 3:50 p.m. with 315
passengers - a full-packed plane.
Hiring Supervisor: Share with me the specific steps you took to pick up the garbage items inside the
cabin of this full-packed plane.
Job Candidate: I immediately knew I had a big problem. However, I am having difficulty remembering
what really happened because I had a migraine on this date.
Hiring Supervisor: That is fine. Let me focus on my next question.
[Note: This is either an incomplete CAR or a Broken CAR. The resolution of this CAR will be deferred
to Stage III.]
CAR 6: Negative Question: Air France
Hiring Supervisor: I will appreciate if you could narrate to me an incident while working for Air France,
where you were sad because your pick up error rate was below the acceptable performance standard.
Job Candidate: Last May 29, 2004, an AFR 221 arrived from Amsterdam at 7:30 a.m. with 92
passengers. A female passenger approached me and told me that she lost her pink iPod and
requested me to look for it since she was in the advance state of pregnancy.
Hiring Supervisor: What specific steps you took to respond to the female passenger who lost her pink
iPod and requested you to look for it since she was in the advance stage of pregnancy?
Job Candidate: I agreed to her request, and I searched all over her seat area for two minutes, but I
could not find her iPod.
Hiring Supervisor: What was the result of your pick up error rate when you agreed to her request and
you searched all over her seat area for two minutes but you did not find her iPod?
Job Candidate: Well.... I picked up a total 306 garbage items, but failed to pick up 28 garbage items or
9% pick up error rate. This rate is way below my job performance target range of 6%-7% error. I was
sad because I wasted two minutes of searching for the iPod when what I should have done was to
refer her problem to one of the Stewardess.
[Note: This is a complete CAR: Negative Question]
CAR 7: Negative Question: Southwest Airlines
Hiring Supervisor: Sometimes we are careless. Please tell me an incident while working for Southwest
Airlines where you were disappointed because your pick up error rate was below the acceptable
performance standard.
Job Candidate: Last June 23, 2005, a SWA 301 arrived from Montreal at 3:50 p.m. with 118
passengers. I was disappointed in this situation because I made the wrong assumption that vacant
seats do not have garbage items. Specifically, I noticed that the last six passenger seats in the back
area were vacant so I assumed that there were no garbage items there.
Hiring Supervisor: What specific steps did you take when you noticed that the last six passenger seats
in the back area were vacant and you assumed that there were no garbage items there?
Job Candidate: I picked up the garbage items in all areas except the last six passenger seats. I guess
I was careless. No excuses.
Hiring Supervisor: What was the consequence of your pick up error rate when you picked up the
garbage items in all areas except the last six passenger seats?
Job Candidate: I later learned that there were 38 garbage items left in the last six passenger seats.
The bad part is that it was a Stewardess who finally picked it all up. Well.... I picked up a total 291
garbage items, but failed to pick up 38 garbage items or 12% pick up error rate. This rate is way below
my job performance target range of 6%-7% error.
Hiring Supervisor: It must have been difficult for you to go over this disappointing incident, especially
to you because you need to rebuild your relationship to the Stewardess who picked up the 38 garbage
items left in the last six passenger seats.
Job Candidate: Yes. After this incident, I made sure that I carefully scan all passenger seats without
[Note: This is a complete CAR: Negative Question]
CAR 8: Positive Question: Air France
Hiring Supervisor: Kindly tell me an experience in your job with Air France, where you had an easy
time in achieving your desired pick up error rate.
Job Candidate: Last March 2, 2004, an AFR 102 arrived from Paris at 7:30 a.m. with 128 passengers.
I learned that there was a 30-minute delay in the next flight due to a failure in the baggage loading
Hiring Supervisor: What are the specific steps you took to pick up the garbage items inside this plane
considering that there was a 30-minute delay in the next flight due to a failure in the baggage loading
Job Candidate: In this situation, considering that I had plenty of time, I did three rounds of scanning
and picking up the garbage items instead of my normal two rounds.
Hiring Supervisor: What was the result to your pick up error rate when you did three rounds of picking
up the garbage items instead of the two rounds that you perform in a normal flight?
Job Candidate: Here is the result:
a. First Round: 287 garbage items scanned and picked up, 20 items remained
b. Second Round: 16 garbage items scanned and picked up, 4 items remained
c. Third Round: 3 garbage items scanned and picked up, one item remained
In summary, I picked up a total 455 garbage items, but failed to pick up 21 garbage items or 4% pick
up error rate. This rate is way above my job performance target range of 6%-7% error.
[Note: This is a complete CAR: Positive Question]
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Stage IV: CARs Results Analysis
Step 30: State The Need For A Break
Hiring Supervisor: Let us take a 10-minute break. I need time to analyze my notes and find out if I
need to ask you follow up questions regarding incomplete CARs. In addition, I need to identify broken
CARs and discard these CARs and seek new complete CARs to replace these broken CARs.
Job Candidate: No problem.
[Note: Results of your analysis for CARs for Job Competency 1: Attention To Detail:
1. CAR 1: Complete
2. CAR 2: Complete
3. CAR 3: Complete
4. CAR 4: Broken ( Disregard )
5. CAR 5: Incomplete ( Apply Resolution Techniques )
6. CAR 6: Complete
7. CAR 7: Complete
8. CAR 8: Complete
Based on these results, you need to perform these two tasks:
1. You need to add a new complete CAR to replace a broken CAR (Item 4).
2. You need to ask follow-up questions to transform an incomplete CAR (Item 5) into a complete CAR.]
Step 31: Share The Results Of Your Initial CARs Analysis
[ After the 10-minute break ]
Hiring Supervisor: Let me share with you the results of my initial analysis:
1. I obtained a total of eight CARs, but only six CARs were complete CARs.
2. I obtained one broken CAR and I need to add a new complete CAR to replace this broken CAR.
3. I obtained one incomplete CAR and I need to ask you follow-up questions to transform this
incomplete CAR into a complete CAR.]
Here are the details:
1. CAR 1: Complete (Positive Question, UAL 1009, July 12, 2014)
2. CAR 2: Complete (Positive Question, DAL 127, January 2, 2011)
3. CAR 3: Complete (Negative Question, UAL 1103, June 1, 2014)
4. CAR 4: Broken (Positive Question, SWA 115, May 23, 2006)
5. CAR 5: Incomplete (Negative Question, DAL 317, February 12, 2010)
6. CAR 6: Complete (Negative Question, AFR 221, May 29, 2004)
7. CAR 7: Complete (Negative Question, SWA 301, June 23, 2005)
8. CAR 8: Complete (Positive Question, AFR 102, March 2, 2004)
Job Candidate: Thank you for sharing with me the results of your analysis of our just-concluded CAR
Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome.
Step 32: Seek Another CAR To Replace A Broken CAR [ CAR 4 ]
Hiring Supervisor: I will now try to extract another complete CAR from you to replace the broken CAR
4Job Candidate: Yes. I understand.
Hiring Supervisor: I would appreciate it if you could describe to me an occasion during your present
job in United Air Lines when your supervisor praised your work performance despite a difficult
Job Candidate: Last July 16, 2014, an UAL 1008 arrived from Dubai at 10:15 a.m. with 110
passengers. I noticed that there was thick white chocolate syrup on the floor under the seat 18D.
Please note that our company considers a stain to be a garbage item.
Hiring Supervisor: What specific action did you take to ensure that you cleaned the thick white
chocolate syrup on the floor under the seat 18D?
Job Candidate: First, I got a sodium precarbonate bleach spray from my supply bag. Second, I
sprayed the thick white chocolate syrup. Lastly, I scrubbed this syrup with a wet rag until the syrup
was gone.
Hiring Supervisor: What was the impact to your supervisor you got your sodium precarbonate bleach
spray from your supply bag, sprayed the thick white chocolate syrup, and scrubbed this syrup with a
wet rag until the syrup was gone.
Job Candidate: I was able to meet my performance target as indicated in my production report dated
July 18, 2014. I picked up 525 items, but failed to pick up 28 items or 5% pick up error rate. This rate
is within my job performance target range of 4%-5% error. In addition, my supervisor indicated in my
production report: ‘Was able to detect the presence of thick white chocolate syrup on the floor under
the seat 18D. Also, was able to clean the said syrup with the right bleaching agent. Job well-done!’
[Note: This is a complete CAR: Positive Question]
Step 33: Resolve An Incomplete CAR [ CAR 5 ]
Hiring Supervisor: I will now try to resolve, if possible, the incomplete CAR 5 that we have discussed
Job Candidate: Yes. I understand.
Hiring Supervisor: Earlier, I asked you to narrate to me an incident while working for Delta Airlines,
where you were disappointed because you pick up error rate was below the acceptable job
performance standard.
Job Candidate: Yes. I remember.
Hiring Supervisor: You then answered: Last February 12, 2010, a DAL 317 arrived from Miami at 3:50
p.m. with 258 passengers - a full-packed plane.
Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct.
Hiring Supervisor: I then asked you to share with me the specific steps you took to pick up the
garbage items inside the cabin of this full-packed plane.
Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct.
Hiring Supervisor: You then answered: I immediately knew I had a big problem. However, I am having
difficulty remembering what really happened because I had a migraine on this date.
Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct.
Hiring Supervisor: Do you remember now what happened on DAL 127 on February 12, 2010?
Job Candidate: Yes. I remember clearly now. I first picked up the garbage items with my two hands
and placed these items on top of each of the passenger seat. After I picked the garbage items, I
returned to each passenger seat and used my right palm to sweep the garbage items into the plastic
garbage bag that I was holding in my left hand.
Hiring Supervisor: What was the effect to your pick up error when you first picked up the garbage
items with your two hands and placed these items on top of each of the passenger seat to be collected
Job Candidate: I was able to meet my performance target as indicated in my production report dated
February 13, 2010. I picked up 525 items, but failed to pick up 28 items or 5% pick up error rate. This
rate is within my job performance target range of 6%-7% error.
[Note: You have now obtained eight complete CARs for Competency 1: Attention To Detail.
1. CAR 1: Complete (Positive Question, UAL 1009, July 12, 2014)
2. CAR 2: Complete (Positive Question, DAL 127, January 2, 2011)
3. CAR 3: Complete (Negative Question, UAL 1103, June 1, 2014)
4. CAR 4: Complete (Positive Question, UAL 1008, July 16, 2014)
5. CAR 5: Complete (Negative Question, DAL 317, February 12, 2010)
6. CAR 6: Complete (Negative Question, AFR 221, May 29, 2004)
7. CAR 7: Complete (Negative Question, SWA 301, June 23, 2005)
8. CAR 8: Complete (Positive Question, AFR 102, March 2, 2004)
[Note: This step is extremely sensitive. I suggest that you should not exert pressure if the candidate is
not able to provide you precise CAR-format answers. In this case, you have to accept that this CAR as
a broken CAR without showing any sign displeasure on your part. And you should continue the
process of asking questions to the job candidate until you have obtained the required number of
complete CARs.
Step 34: Share The Results Of Your Final CARs Analysis
Hiring Supervisor: Let me share with you the results of my final analysis:
1. I obtained a total of eight complete CARs.
2. I replaced one broken CAR with a new complete CAR.
3. I transformed one incomplete CAR into a complete CAR.
Here are the details:
1. CAR 1: Complete (Positive Question, UAL 1009, July 12, 2014)
2. CAR 2: Complete (Positive Question, DAL 127, January 2, 2011)
3. CAR 3: Complete (Negative Question, UAL 1103, June 1, 2014)
4. CAR 4: Complete (Positive Question, UAL 1008, July 16, 2014)
5. CAR 5: Complete (Negative Question, DAL 317, February 12, 2010)
6. CAR 6: Complete (Negative Question, AFR 221, May 29, 2004)
7. CAR 7: Complete (Negative Question, SWA 301, June 23, 2005)
8. CAR 8: Complete (Positive Question, AFR 102, March 2, 2004)
With these results, I can now rate you on your proficiency as a candidate for the Plane Cabin Cleaner
position on the first job competency: Attention To Detail. My rating will be based on the rating system
that our company has decided to use for all the results of these BEI sessions. Finally, I can make a
comparative analysis of the ratings of all candidates and make my recommendation for the candidate
that our company should hire.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Stage V: Closing
Step 35: State That The CAR Process Is Finished For The First Job Competency: Attention To Detail.
Hiring Supervisor: We are now finished with the CAR Process for the first job competency: Attention To
Job Candidate: I understand.
Step 36: Seek Concerns, If Any
Hiring Supervisor: What questions do you have?
Job Candidate: I would like to see the results of my interview. Is this possible?
Step 37: Answer Concerns, If Any
Hiring Supervisor: The results of your interview as well as the interviews of other candidates are for
the internal use of our company. Hence, our policy is to keep related files as highly confidential.
Job Candidate: Fair enough.
Step 38: State Next Step In The CAR Process
Hiring Supervisor: I will continue the CAR process for the remaining four job competencies as follows:
1. Sense Of Urgency
2. Physical Energy
3. Tenacity
4. Tolerance For Noise
Job Candidate: I am ready to continue the CAR process.
[Note: This article does not include the CAR process for the remaining four job competencies.]
Step 39: State That The CAR Process Is Finished For The Five Job Competencies
Hiring Supervisor: We are now finished with the CAR Process for the five job competencies.
Job Candidate: I understand.
Step 40: State Next Step In The Hiring Process
Hiring Supervisor: Based on the results of our BEI interviews of all job candidates, Ms. Susan S. Gary,
Recruitment Officer, HRD will contact you on or before next Wednesday regarding our decision on
whether we will give you a job offer or not. Her telephone number is 875 4371 local 819.
Job Candidate: I will wait for the call of Ms. Susan S. Gary.
Step 41: Seek One Area You Should Improve On As A BEI Interviewer
Hiring Supervisor: I really want to improve my skills as a BEI interviewer. And I believe the best source
of areas that I should improve on is the job candidate. Therefore, I would highly appreciate if you could
tell me, from your perspective, one area that I need to further polish my interviewing skills. Please
realize that this step is optional and it is OK if you prefer to skip this step.
Job Candidate: Yes. Let me tell you my opinion on one area that you should improve on as a BEI
interviewer. During our first discussion on CAR 4, you typed in something on the computer after our
said discussion but you did share with me what you typed. I would have preferred that you shared with
me whatever you typed in.
Hiring Supervisor: Thank you for sharing with me the one area that I need to further polish my
interviewing skills. I agree with your suggestion, and, in the future, I am committed to informing a given
job candidate the contents of my notes when I type in these notes in my computer.
Job Candidate: You are most welcome.
Hiring Supervisor: With reference to the initial CAR 4 discussion, I typed in: ‘CAR 4 might be a broken
CAR.’This is a note to myself that I will analyze CAR 4 much deeper when we had a break at Step 30.
You see, I need to be very sure that CAR 4 is a broken CAR and not an incomplete CAR.
Job Candidate: Thank you for sharing with me the contents of your note during the CAR 4 discussion
and what you intended to do with this note.
Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome.
Step 42: Express Gratitude For Actively Participating
Hiring Supervisor: Thank you so much for sharing with me valuable information about your work
experiences. This information will help our company in arriving at a fair and objective decision on
selecting the most competent candidate for our open Plane Cabin Cleaner position.
Job Candidate: You are most welcome.
Step 43: Close The Interview Session
Hiring Supervisor: We are now finished with the BEI interview session.
Copyright © 2015 Norman L. Goss. All rights reserved. Copyright holder is licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 unported.

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Skye Residences | Extended Stay Residences Near Toronto Airport
3.0 Project 2_ Developing My Brand Identity Kit.pptx
3.0 Project 2_ Developing My Brand Identity Kit.pptx3.0 Project 2_ Developing My Brand Identity Kit.pptx
3.0 Project 2_ Developing My Brand Identity Kit.pptx

How to-conduct-behavioral-event-interviews

  • 1. Behavioral Event Interview: Model Script Stage I: Opening Step 1: Open The Session Hiring Supervisor: (shaking hand) Hi! Good morning. Please sit down. Job Candidate: (shaking hand) Thank you. Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome. Step 2: Express Gratitude For Continuing The Hiring Process Hiring Supervisor: Thank you for coming to this interview. I am happy that you have decided to continue your participation in our hiring process. Job Candidate: You are most welcome. I am committed to participate in your hiring process. Step 3: Establish Rapport Hiring Supervisor: I understand that, based on your resume, you like the Cleveland Cavaliers. Job Candidate: Yes... and Lebron James is my favorite player. Hiring Supervisor: Lebron is also my favorite player and I think he will be the MVP this year. Job Candidate: Good. I agree with you that Lebron is the best in the NBA! Step 4: State Session Objectives Hiring Supervisor: Let me clarify my purpose in conducting this interview session. My purpose is to accurately determine your level of proficiency on specific job competencies that our company needs for the Plane Cabin Cleaner position as indicated in our recruitment advertisement. Job Candidate: I understand. Step 5: Describe The Open Job Position Hiring Supervisor: Here is our Job Specification document describing the details of the Plane Cabin Cleaner position. Please spend a few minutes to read this document and please ask me questions if you wish me to clarify certain items. Job Candidate: I have read the document and I do not have any questions. Step 6: Describe The Positive Aspects Of The Open Job Position Hiring Supervisor: I believe that our Plane Cabin Cleaner job position offers very exciting challenges in achieving work goals within the 15-minute window when the last previous passengers depart and the time when the first new passengers arrive. In addition, we have intensive training program for developing the skills of all our employees. Job Candidate: I understand. Step 7: Describe The Negative Aspects Of The Open Job Position Hiring Supervisor: One thing I need to disclose to you is that our stewardesses are the ones receiving the complaints of passengers regarding garbage items that the assigned Plane Cabin Cleaner failed to pick up. And our stewardesses can be extremely nasty in sending text messages to the assigned Plane Cabin Cleaner. In addition, our Plane Cabin Cleaners work up to two shifts during the holidays when we have large numbers of plane flights. Job Candidate: I am not surprised because stewardesses are under stress from complaining passengers during flights. Also, working on two shifts is no problem for me. Step 8: Confirm Whether The Job Candidate Wants To Continue The Hiring Process Hiring Supervisor: Do you wish to continue this hiring process so that we will consider you as a candidate among the many candidates that we are evaluating?
  • 2. Job Candidate: Yes. I want to be considered as a candidate for the Plane Cabin Cleaner position. Step 9: Describe The Terms Of The Employment Contract Hiring Supervisor: Here is our Employment Contract document describing our terms for the Plane Cabin Cleaner position. Please spend a few minutes to read this document and please ask me questions if you wish me to clarify certain items. Job Candidate: I have read the document and I do not have any questions. Step 10: Confirm Whether The Terms Of The Employment Contract Are Acceptable Hiring Supervisor: Are these contract terms are acceptable to you? Job Candidate: Yes. These contract terms are acceptable to me. Step 11: Describe The Hiring Process Hiring Supervisor: After this session, I will conduct my rating of your proficiency level based on our job performance standards for the Plane Cabin Cleaner position. Later on, after I have interviewed all candidates, I will make a comparative analysis of the ratings of all the candidates based on a rating system that our company has established. I will submit my formal recommendation to our hiring committee (HC) on the best job candidate to hire including the employment contract terms. Our HC will evaluate my recommendation and they will make their final decision. Finally, our HC will inform our Human Resources Department (HR) to make the job offer to the selected job candidate. Job Candidate: I understand. Step 12: State The Duration Of The BEI Session Hiring Supervisor: Based on my experience with other job candidates, this session will be approximately 120 minutes. Job Candidate: I understand. Step 13: State Your Responsibilities Hiring Supervisor: On my part, I will be asking you a series of questions about your previous job as a Plane Cabin Cleaner. I have prepared these questions in advance, and I will be using the same set of questions when I interview the other job candidates. In this manner, I will be fair with you and other job candidates because my comparative analysis will be based on my ratings based on the answers to the same set of questions. Job Candidate: I understand. Step 14: State Your Commitment Hiring Supervisor: I consider this session to be extremely important because our company and you will make a decision that will both affect our future. On my part, I will focus my attention on our interview session and I am committed to you that I will eliminate all distractions that might interrupt the flow of our interview session. I am also committed to you to provide all the information you need, on the condition that such information is not confidential, for you to make an informed decision on whether to accept or not our job offer to you in case you have been selected to be hired by our company. Job Candidate: Thank you for making your commitments. Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome. Step 15: State Your Expectations Hiring Supervisor: During our session, I expect you to focus 100% on the process of disclosing your level of competencies on your past experience as a Plane Cabin Cleaner in the different companies that you have been employed. I also expect you to tell me the truth to the best of your ability. I also expect you to follow these three rules: 1. You need to listen to each of my question very carefully. If you have difficulty in understanding a given question, please feel free to interrupt me anytime and seek clarification on specific areas. My role is to ensure that you fully understand my question.
  • 3. 2. You need to formulate your answer very carefully to each question. Take your time. I am more interested in the quality of your answer in terms of relevance and precision. Relevance is whether your answer directly addressed my question. Precision is the specific contents of your answer, such as exact dates, plane flight numbers, garbage items pick up error rates, email messages, text message, fellow employee names, and the name of your supervisor. 3. You need to state your answers slowly and clearly. Please understand that I will need time to enter your answer on my computer. Step 16: Seek Commitment Hiring Supervisor: I need your commitment that you will focus 100% on the process of disclosing your level of competencies on your past experience as a Plane Cabin Cleaner in the different companies that you have been employed. I also need your commitment that you will tell me the truth to the best of your ability. Lastly, I need your commitment for you to follow the three rules I have just stated. Job Candidate: You have my commitment that I will focus 100% on the process of disclosing my level of competencies on my past experience as a Plane Cabin Cleaner in the different companies that I have been employed. You also have my commitment that I will tell me the truth to the best of my ability. And you have my commitment that I will follow the three rules you have just stated. Hiring Supervisor: Thank you for making your commitments. Job Candidate: You are most welcome. Step 17: State Transition To BEI Framework Hiring Supervisor: I will now explain to you the method that I will apply in conducting this interview session. Job Candidate: I am ready to listen. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Stage II: BEI Framework Step 18: Explain The BEI Method Hiring Supervisor: Our company is deeply committed to having an effective hiring system to ensure that we hire only the best candidate for our open jobs. Accordingly, we are using the Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) method in this interview session. BEI is a thorough, planned, systematic, consistent way to gather and evaluate relevant information about what you have done in your present and previous jobs to show how you would handle future situations. Specifically, it is based on the theory that if you have previously demonstrated a particular behavior to address a situation in the workplace you will repeat that same behavior in the future when confronted with the same set of conditions. Job Candidate: Thank you for sharing with me the description of the BEI method. Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome. Step 19: Seek Confirmation If Familiar With BEI Method Hiring Supervisor: Are you familiar with the BEI method? Job Candidate: No. This is the first time I have heard of the BEI Method. Hiring Supervisor: Let me explain to you the BEI method. Step 20: State Required Ranked Job Competencies Hiring Supervisor: BEI is based on job competencies. Hence, it is important for you to know that our company has identified five job competencies, in ranked order, for the Plane Cabin Cleaner position you are applying for. These job competencies are: 1. Attention To Detail 2. Sense Of Urgency 3. Physical Energy 4. Tenacity 5. Tolerance For Noise
  • 4. Job Candidate: Thank you for sharing with me the five ranked job competencies required for the Plane Cabin Cleaner position. Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome. Step 21: Explain The CAR Process Hiring Supervisor: For me to identify your personal competencies for each job competency, I will be applying the CAR process. The CAR process is an integral part of the BEI method. Our company has adopted a standard procedure where the hiring supervisor like myself will ask for a series of highly interconnected questions to a job candidate like yourself in a strict three-phase format as follows: Phase 1: A Critical Incident that happened in your present or past job where you either succeeded or failed in achieving the predetermined work performance target of a given job competency. In this case, the C stands for Critical Incident. Phase 2: Based on your answer to my question in Phase 1, I will ask you about the Action you have taken. In this case, the A stands for Action. Phase 3: Based on your answer to my question in Phase 2, I will ask you what the Result is in your job performance. In this case, the R stands for Results. [Note: Other organizations use STAR (Situation/Task, Action, Result) or SOAR (Situation, Obstacle, Action, Result) process in conducting BEI sessions. Our company has adopted the CAR process because this process is much better understood by our job candidates since they find it easy to visualize this process in terms of the-very-familiar automotive car. ] Job Candidate: Thank you for sharing with me the description of the CAR process. Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome. Step 22: Explain Relationship Between Job Competencies And CAR Process Hiring Supervisor: The five job competencies and the CAR process are deeply related. And I believe that the best way to show you this relationship is by showing this structure for the first job competency: 1. Job Competency 1: Attention To Detail a. CAR 1: Positive Event: Present Job 1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer 2. Action: My Question + Your Answer 3. Results: My Question + Your Answer b. CAR 2: Negative Event: Present Job 1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer 2. Action: My Question + Your Answer 3. Results: My Question + Your Answer c. CAR 3: Positive Event: Previous Job 1 1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer 2. Action: My Question + Your Answer 3. Results: My Question + Your Answer d. CAR 4: Negative Event: Previous Job 1 1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer 2. Action: My Question + Your Answer 3. Results: My Question + Your Answer e. CAR 5: Positive Event: Previous Job 1 1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer 2. Action: My Question + Your Answer 3. Results: My Question + Your Answer f. CAR 6: Negative Event: Previous Job 1 1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer 2. Action: My Question + Your Answer 3. Results: My Question + Your Answer e. CAR 7: Positive Event: Previous Job 2 1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer 2. Action: My Question + Your Answer 3. Results: My Question + Your Answer f. CAR 8: Negative Event: Previous Job 2 1. Critical Incident: My Question + Your Answer 2. Action: My Question + Your Answer 3. Results: My Question + Your Answer
  • 5. Job Candidate: I do not understand.... why will you ask me about an event on which I failed? Hiring Supervisor: I will ask you about a CAR with a negative event because when we hire a job candidate like yourself, we are interested in identifying not only your strengths but also your weaknesses. In this manner, we can plan appropriate interventions that can eliminate or reduce your weaknesses before we can assign you to your job. We are practical. We do not expect a perfect fit on day one of hiring between the personal competencies of a candidate and the job competencies of our open job. Did I answer your question? Job Candidate: Yes. What are these interventions? Hiring Supervisor: These interventions, among others, are coaching, counseling, on-the-job training, and formal classroom training. Job Candidate: Thank you for your clarifications. Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome. Step 23: State Benefits Of The CAR Process Hiring Supervisor: The CAR process will be beneficial to both of us because you can be assured that, as a job candidate, you will be treated in a fair and objective manner in relation to the other job candidates. Specifically, perception errors normally associated with the hiring process such as personal biases are substantially reduced during the CAR process. In addition, if we hire you, you can be sure, with the appropriate interventions on our part, that you have the required personal competencies to perform the Plane Cabin Cleaner job in our company. Job Candidate: I am glad that the CAR process will benefit both of us. Step 24: State Disadvantages Of The CAR Method Hiring Supervisor: Nonetheless, the CAR process, in comparison with the traditional interviewing methods, is time-consuming and extremely complicated for me as the hiring supervisor to plan, conduct, and rate the job candidates. Also, the CAR process is also time-consuming for you because you need to answer 40 to 50 questions. Job Candidate: I understand. Step 25: Define Complete CARs Hiring Supervisor: For each of the five job competencies, I intend to extract eight complete CARs comprising of four events where you were successful and four events where you have failed. In this manner, these eight complete CARs will allow me to have a rational basis for rating your personal competency for the first job competency: Attention To Detail. Job Candidate: What do you mean by complete CARs? Hiring Supervisor: Complete CARs are CARs that help me in rating your personal competencies in an accurate manner. Complete CARs are valuable to me so I am continuously exerting my effort to extract these CARs from you. Here is an example of a complete CAR I extracted last year from another job candidate who is applying for a Stewardess position in our company: [Note: Target Job Competency: Emotional Control] Hiring Supervisor: I will appreciate if you could narrate to me an incident while working for Air France in 2010, where you were successful in controlling your negative emotions when dealing with a toxic passenger. Job Candidate: Last June 2, 2010, an AFR 223 arrived from London at 4:30 a.m. with 192 passengers. A middle age male passenger from Norway ordered red wine, but I made a mistake and gave him dark grape juice. He told me in a sarcastic tone: ‘Red wine, not dark grape juice, you moron!’ I felt boiling mad when I heard him insulted me and I really wanted to hit his face with the metal water container on my trolley. Hiring Supervisor: What specific steps did you take to move from a state of negative emotion to a state of positive emotion that allowed you to respond to the middle age male passenger from Norway in a professional manner? Job Candidate: I quickly remembered my training course in Emotional Intelligence where I gained skills in handling toxic passengers. Hence, I immediately looked up and took three deep breaths while
  • 6. focusing my mind on our Air France logo and I regained my composure. I responded to this passenger: ‘Sir, I am very sorry. I deeply apologize for my mistake. I will give you your red wine right now.’ Hiring Supervisor: What was the result of your response to this toxic passenger? Job Candidate: Well.... He smiled at me and raised his glass of red wine and said ‘Cheers!’ to me and I smiled back at him. My supervisor, Ellen Beecham, saw the entire incident and whispered on my left ear the following words: ‘You were able to control your negative emotions and responded in a professional manner. Job well done!’ I was delighted because stewardesses were not permitted to respond to toxic passengers in a negative manner but in a positive, professional manner. Job Candidate: I now understand the meaning of complete CARs Step 26: Define Incomplete CARs Hiring Supervisor: Nonetheless, life is not perfect. Sometimes I get a response from a job candidate that is an incomplete CAR. This is a CAR that is lacking in some areas for me to use as a basis for rating a given job candidate. Here is an example: [Note: Target Job Competency: Emotional Control] Hiring Supervisor: I will appreciate if you could narrate to me an incident while working for Air France in 2010, where you were successful in controlling your negative emotions when dealing with a toxic passenger. Job Candidate: Last June 2, 2010, an AFR 223 arrived from London at 4:30 a.m. with 192 passengers. A middle age male passenger from Norway ordered red wine, but I made a mistake and gave him dark grape juice. He told me in a sarcastic tone: ‘Red wine, not dark grape juice, you moron!’ I felt boiling mad when I heard him insulted me and I really wanted to hit his face with the metal water container on my trolley. Hiring Supervisor: What specific steps did you take to move from a state of negative emotion to a state of positive emotion that allowed you to respond to the middle age male passenger from Norway in a professional manner? Job Candidate: I quickly remembered my training course in Emotional Intelligence where we gained skills in handling toxic passengers. Hence, I immediately looked up and took three deep breaths while focusing my mind on our Air France logo and I regained my composure. I responded to this passenger: ‘Sir, I am very sorry. I deeply apologize for my mistake. I will give you your red wine right now.’ Hiring Supervisor: What was the result of your response to this toxic passenger? Job Candidate: Well... I remember that there was a sudden air turbulence that I nearly fell down on the cabin floor. Hiring Supervisor: You will notice that the Result portion of this CAR was lacking. Hence, this is an incomplete CAR. To help me clarify to you the meaning of an incomplete CAR, please imagine the complete CAR as a fully functioning car with four tires and an incomplete CAR as a defective car with missing two front tires. Job Candidate: Can an incomplete CAR be transformed into a complete CAR? Hiring Supervisor: Yes. As much as possible, I try to transform an incomplete CAR into a complete CAR. Imagine an incomplete CAR as a defective car with missing two front tires and is being towed towards a repair shop so that two new front tires can be added to make it a fully functioning car. After I have identified an incomplete CAR, I ask for follow-up questions to the job candidate to fill the missing part of a given incomplete CAR. Here is an example: Hiring Supervisor: Earlier, I asked for you to narrate to me an incident while working for Air France in 2010, when you were successful in controlling your negative emotions when dealing with a toxic passenger. Job Candidate: Yes. I remember. Hiring Supervisor: You then answered: Last June 2, 2010, an AFR 223 arrived from London at 4:30 a.m. with 192 passengers. A middle age male passenger from Norway ordered red wine, but I made a mistake and gave him dark grape juice. He told me in a sarcastic tone: ‘Red wine, not dark grape
  • 7. juice, you moron!’ I felt boiling mad when I heard him insulted me and I really wanted to hit his face with the metal water container on my trolley. Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct. Hiring Supervisor: I then asked for you to share with me the specific steps you take to move from a state of negative emotion to a state of positive emotion that allowed you to respond to the middle age male passenger from Norway in a professional manner. Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct. Hiring Supervisor: You then answered: I quickly remembered my training course in Emotional Intelligence where we gained skills in handling toxic passengers. Hence, I immediately looked up and took three deep breaths while focusing my mind on our Air France logo and I regained my composure. I responded to this passenger: ‘Sir, I am very sorry. I deeply apologize for my mistake. I will give you your red wine right now.’ Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct. Hiring Supervisor: You then answered: ‘I remember that there was a sudden air turbulence that I nearly fell down on the cabin floor.’ Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct. Hiring Supervisor: ‘Do you remember now what happened after there was a sudden air turbulence that you nearly fell down on the cabin floor.’ Job Candidate: Yes. I remember clearly now. This toxic passenger smiled at me and raised his glass of red wine and said ‘Cheers!’ to me, and I smiled back at him. My supervisor, Ellen Beecham, saw the entire incident and whispered on my left ear the following words: ‘You were able to control your negative emotions and responded in a professional manner. Job well done!’ I was delighted because stewardesses were not permitted to respond to toxic passengers in a negative manner but in a positive, professional manner. Job Candidate: I now understand the meaning of incomplete CARs. Step 27: Define Broken CARs Hiring Supervisor: Another situation that I encounter is when I get a response from a job candidate that is a broken CAR. This is a CAR that is extremely defective that it is better for me to discard this CAR rather than to ‘repair’ it. Here is an example: [Note: Target Job Competency: Emotional Control] Hiring Supervisor: I will appreciate if you could narrate to me an incident while working for Air France in 2010, where you were successful in controlling your negative emotions when dealing with a toxic passenger. Job Candidate: Last June 2, 2010, an AFR 223 arrived from London at 4:30 a.m. with 192 passengers. A middle age male passenger from Norway ordered red wine, but I made a mistake and gave him dark grape juice. He told me in a sarcastic tone: ‘Red wine, not dark grape juice, you moron!’ I felt boiling mad when I heard him insulted me and I really wanted to hit his face with the metal water container on my trolley. Hiring Supervisor: What specific steps did you take to move from a state of negative emotion to a state of positive emotion that allowed you to respond to the middle age male passenger from Norway in a professional manner? Job Candidate: Lisa Mayfair, another stewardess who was nearby, responded quickly by stating to this passenger: ‘Sir, I am very sorry. I deeply apologize for the mistake. I will give you your red wine right now.’ Hiring Supervisor: You will notice that the Action portion of the CAR was lacking because it was Lisa Mayfair who managed this difficult situation. Hence, this is a broken CAR. For you to better understand a broken CAR, please imagine a broken CAR as a defective car that is sliced in the middle such that there are two separate car parts. Job Candidate: I understand. Can a broken CAR be transformed into a complete CAR?
  • 8. Hiring Supervisor: No. As much as possible, in our example, it was another stewardess who managed the situation. However, I was not rating the performance of this other stewardess. Again, imagine a broken CAR as two separate car parts that are being towed towards a junk shop where these will be sold as scrap. A broken CAR is useless and should be discarded. Job Candidate: Your metaphors about the three types of different CARs are very helpful for me in understanding the CAR process. Thank you. Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Stage III: CARs Identification Step 28: State Transition To CAR Process Hiring Supervisor: I will now ask you a series of questions based on the CAR process. I will focus on the first job competency: Attention To Detail. This is defined as achieving thoroughness and accuracy when accomplishing a task through concern for all the areas involved. Job Candidate: Ok. I am ready. Step 29: Apply The CAR Process [Job Competency 1: Attention To Detail] CAR 1: Positive Question: United Air Lines Hiring Supervisor: I would appreciate it if you could describe to me an occasion during your present job in United Air Lines when you succeeded in performing your work because you were committed to minimize your pick up error rate. Job Candidate: Last July 12, 2014, an UAL 1009 arrived from Houston at 8:15 p.m. with 120 passengers. I noticed that there was a lot of garbage left, but I took the challenge of really doing a good job. Hiring Supervisor: What specific action did you take to ensure that you pick up all the garbage items that were left by the 120 passengers in the plane cabin? Job Candidate: First, I scanned the entire cabin. Then, I identified and picked up the garbage items. Lastly, I again scanned the entire cabin for any garbage items left and picked up these items. Hiring Supervisor: What was the impact to your pick up error rate when you scanned the entire cabin first, picked up the garbage items, and scanned again the entire cabin to pick up any garbage items left? Job Candidate: I was able to meet my performance target as indicated in my production report dated July 13, 2014. I picked up 525 items, but failed to pick up 28 items or 5% pick up error rate. This rate is within my job performance target range of 4%-5% error. Hiring Supervisor: I highly appreciate your answer because it is in the right form and content. This type of answer will definitely help me in rating your proficiency level for a given target job competency. [Note: This is a complete CAR: Positive Question] CAR 2: Positive Question: Delta Airlines Hiring Supervisor: Please tell me an experience while working for Delta Airlines when you did a good job because you had a pick up error rate within acceptable performance standard. Job Candidate: Last January 2, 2011, a DAL 127 arrived from San Francisco at 11:40 a.m. with only 28 passengers. However, I noticed that 12 of these passengers were clustered together and ate raw dried peanuts. Hence, to my dismay, there was a lot of small peanut peeling scattered all over the floor. Hiring Supervisor: You were dismayed because there was a lot of small peanut peeling scattered all over the floor. Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct. Hiring Supervisor: What exactly did you do to ensure that you pick up most of the small peanut peelings scattered all over the floor?
  • 9. Job Candidate: First, I got a broom and a dust pan. Then, I swept the small peanut peelings. Lastly, I scanned the area and picked up leftover peelings one-by-one. Hiring Supervisor: That was quick thinking on your part to respond creatively to this difficult situation. Job Candidate: Thank you for your compliment. Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome. What was the result of your pick up error rate when you swept the small peanut peelings, scanned the area, and picked up leftover peelings one-by-one? Job Candidate: I was able to meet my performance target as indicated in my daily production report dated January 3, 2011. I picked up 219 items, but failed to pick up 13 items or 6% pick up error rate. This rate is within my job performance target range of 6%-7% error. [Note: This is a complete CAR: Positive Question] CAR 3: Negative Question: United Air Lines Hiring Supervisor: No one is perfect. Please tell me an experience while working for United Air Lines when you failed in your job because you were careless. Job Candidate: Last June 1, 2014, a chartered UAL 1103 arrived from Detroit at 8:00 a.m. with 120 Boy Scouts going to a jamboree. I made the mistake of assuming that their garbage items were the traditional garbage items. Boy, I was wrong. Hiring Supervisor: What specific steps did you apply to ensure that you pick up most of the garbage items left by the 120 Boy Scouts? Job Candidate: I picked up the garbage items in the areas where I normally found garbage items. Nothing special. Hiring Supervisor: What was the result of your pick up error rate when you picked up the garbage items in the areas where you normally found garbage items? Job Candidate: 15 minutes after I left the plane cabin to dispose the 300 garbage items I have collected, I received a text message from Helen Williamson, Chief Stewardess: 30 items of bubble gums on the side metal armrest not collected. Hiring Supervisor: Uh ha.... Job Candidate: I rushed back to the plane cabin, but I was not allowed to enter because the passengers for the next flight were already entering the plane. Hence, my pick rate error rate was 10% - way below my job performance target of 4%-5% error. Hiring Supervisor: In this particular experience your pick up error rate was 10%, which was being way below your job performance target of 4%-5% error. Did I hear you right? Job Candidate: Yes. You heard me right. Hiring Supervisor: I guarantee you that everyone encounters a situation similar to what you did where you thought it was a normal batch of passengers with the traditional set of garbage items. You just have to bear with, your failure and learn from it. Job Candidate: Yes. After this event, I made sure that I never assume that the next flight that lands will have a normal batch of passengers with the traditional set of garbage items. [Note: This is a complete CAR: Negative Question] CAR 4: Positive Question: Southwest Air Lines Hiring Supervisor: It will be helpful to me if you could narrate to me an incident while working for Southwest Air Lines where you were happy because you had a pick up error rate within acceptable performance standard. Job Candidate: Last May 23, 2006, a chartered SWA 115 arrived from Denver at 1:20 p.m. with 103 nuns going to a religious convention. I was happy because I noticed that there were no garbage items left. I learned later that these nuns believed strongly that 'Cleanliness in next to Godliness.' Hence, for the only time in my career where I achieved 0% pick up error rate because there were no garbage items to pick up!
  • 10. Hiring Supervisor: You were happy because you achieved 0% pick up error rate because there were no garbage items to pick up. Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct. [Note: This is a broken CAR.] CAR 5: Negative Question: Delta Airlines Hiring Supervisor: It will be helpful to me if you could narrate to me an incident while working for Delta Airlines where you were disappointed because your pick up error rate was below the acceptable performance standard. Job Candidate: Last February 12, 2010, a DAL 317 arrived from Miami at 3:50 p.m. with 315 passengers - a full-packed plane. Hiring Supervisor: Share with me the specific steps you took to pick up the garbage items inside the cabin of this full-packed plane. Job Candidate: I immediately knew I had a big problem. However, I am having difficulty remembering what really happened because I had a migraine on this date. Hiring Supervisor: That is fine. Let me focus on my next question. [Note: This is either an incomplete CAR or a Broken CAR. The resolution of this CAR will be deferred to Stage III.] CAR 6: Negative Question: Air France Hiring Supervisor: I will appreciate if you could narrate to me an incident while working for Air France, where you were sad because your pick up error rate was below the acceptable performance standard. Job Candidate: Last May 29, 2004, an AFR 221 arrived from Amsterdam at 7:30 a.m. with 92 passengers. A female passenger approached me and told me that she lost her pink iPod and requested me to look for it since she was in the advance state of pregnancy. Hiring Supervisor: What specific steps you took to respond to the female passenger who lost her pink iPod and requested you to look for it since she was in the advance stage of pregnancy? Job Candidate: I agreed to her request, and I searched all over her seat area for two minutes, but I could not find her iPod. Hiring Supervisor: What was the result of your pick up error rate when you agreed to her request and you searched all over her seat area for two minutes but you did not find her iPod? Job Candidate: Well.... I picked up a total 306 garbage items, but failed to pick up 28 garbage items or 9% pick up error rate. This rate is way below my job performance target range of 6%-7% error. I was sad because I wasted two minutes of searching for the iPod when what I should have done was to refer her problem to one of the Stewardess. [Note: This is a complete CAR: Negative Question] CAR 7: Negative Question: Southwest Airlines Hiring Supervisor: Sometimes we are careless. Please tell me an incident while working for Southwest Airlines where you were disappointed because your pick up error rate was below the acceptable performance standard. Job Candidate: Last June 23, 2005, a SWA 301 arrived from Montreal at 3:50 p.m. with 118 passengers. I was disappointed in this situation because I made the wrong assumption that vacant seats do not have garbage items. Specifically, I noticed that the last six passenger seats in the back area were vacant so I assumed that there were no garbage items there. Hiring Supervisor: What specific steps did you take when you noticed that the last six passenger seats in the back area were vacant and you assumed that there were no garbage items there? Job Candidate: I picked up the garbage items in all areas except the last six passenger seats. I guess I was careless. No excuses.
  • 11. Hiring Supervisor: What was the consequence of your pick up error rate when you picked up the garbage items in all areas except the last six passenger seats? Job Candidate: I later learned that there were 38 garbage items left in the last six passenger seats. The bad part is that it was a Stewardess who finally picked it all up. Well.... I picked up a total 291 garbage items, but failed to pick up 38 garbage items or 12% pick up error rate. This rate is way below my job performance target range of 6%-7% error. Hiring Supervisor: It must have been difficult for you to go over this disappointing incident, especially to you because you need to rebuild your relationship to the Stewardess who picked up the 38 garbage items left in the last six passenger seats. Job Candidate: Yes. After this incident, I made sure that I carefully scan all passenger seats without exception! [Note: This is a complete CAR: Negative Question] CAR 8: Positive Question: Air France Hiring Supervisor: Kindly tell me an experience in your job with Air France, where you had an easy time in achieving your desired pick up error rate. Job Candidate: Last March 2, 2004, an AFR 102 arrived from Paris at 7:30 a.m. with 128 passengers. I learned that there was a 30-minute delay in the next flight due to a failure in the baggage loading equipment. Hiring Supervisor: What are the specific steps you took to pick up the garbage items inside this plane considering that there was a 30-minute delay in the next flight due to a failure in the baggage loading equipment.? Job Candidate: In this situation, considering that I had plenty of time, I did three rounds of scanning and picking up the garbage items instead of my normal two rounds. Hiring Supervisor: What was the result to your pick up error rate when you did three rounds of picking up the garbage items instead of the two rounds that you perform in a normal flight? Job Candidate: Here is the result: a. First Round: 287 garbage items scanned and picked up, 20 items remained b. Second Round: 16 garbage items scanned and picked up, 4 items remained c. Third Round: 3 garbage items scanned and picked up, one item remained In summary, I picked up a total 455 garbage items, but failed to pick up 21 garbage items or 4% pick up error rate. This rate is way above my job performance target range of 6%-7% error. [Note: This is a complete CAR: Positive Question] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Stage IV: CARs Results Analysis Step 30: State The Need For A Break Hiring Supervisor: Let us take a 10-minute break. I need time to analyze my notes and find out if I need to ask you follow up questions regarding incomplete CARs. In addition, I need to identify broken CARs and discard these CARs and seek new complete CARs to replace these broken CARs. Job Candidate: No problem. [Note: Results of your analysis for CARs for Job Competency 1: Attention To Detail: 1. CAR 1: Complete 2. CAR 2: Complete 3. CAR 3: Complete 4. CAR 4: Broken ( Disregard ) 5. CAR 5: Incomplete ( Apply Resolution Techniques ) 6. CAR 6: Complete 7. CAR 7: Complete 8. CAR 8: Complete
  • 12. Based on these results, you need to perform these two tasks: 1. You need to add a new complete CAR to replace a broken CAR (Item 4). 2. You need to ask follow-up questions to transform an incomplete CAR (Item 5) into a complete CAR.] Step 31: Share The Results Of Your Initial CARs Analysis [ After the 10-minute break ] Hiring Supervisor: Let me share with you the results of my initial analysis: 1. I obtained a total of eight CARs, but only six CARs were complete CARs. 2. I obtained one broken CAR and I need to add a new complete CAR to replace this broken CAR. 3. I obtained one incomplete CAR and I need to ask you follow-up questions to transform this incomplete CAR into a complete CAR.] Here are the details: 1. CAR 1: Complete (Positive Question, UAL 1009, July 12, 2014) 2. CAR 2: Complete (Positive Question, DAL 127, January 2, 2011) 3. CAR 3: Complete (Negative Question, UAL 1103, June 1, 2014) 4. CAR 4: Broken (Positive Question, SWA 115, May 23, 2006) 5. CAR 5: Incomplete (Negative Question, DAL 317, February 12, 2010) 6. CAR 6: Complete (Negative Question, AFR 221, May 29, 2004) 7. CAR 7: Complete (Negative Question, SWA 301, June 23, 2005) 8. CAR 8: Complete (Positive Question, AFR 102, March 2, 2004) Job Candidate: Thank you for sharing with me the results of your analysis of our just-concluded CAR process. Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome. Step 32: Seek Another CAR To Replace A Broken CAR [ CAR 4 ] Hiring Supervisor: I will now try to extract another complete CAR from you to replace the broken CAR 4Job Candidate: Yes. I understand. Hiring Supervisor: I would appreciate it if you could describe to me an occasion during your present job in United Air Lines when your supervisor praised your work performance despite a difficult situation. Job Candidate: Last July 16, 2014, an UAL 1008 arrived from Dubai at 10:15 a.m. with 110 passengers. I noticed that there was thick white chocolate syrup on the floor under the seat 18D. Please note that our company considers a stain to be a garbage item. Hiring Supervisor: What specific action did you take to ensure that you cleaned the thick white chocolate syrup on the floor under the seat 18D? Job Candidate: First, I got a sodium precarbonate bleach spray from my supply bag. Second, I sprayed the thick white chocolate syrup. Lastly, I scrubbed this syrup with a wet rag until the syrup was gone. Hiring Supervisor: What was the impact to your supervisor you got your sodium precarbonate bleach spray from your supply bag, sprayed the thick white chocolate syrup, and scrubbed this syrup with a wet rag until the syrup was gone. Job Candidate: I was able to meet my performance target as indicated in my production report dated July 18, 2014. I picked up 525 items, but failed to pick up 28 items or 5% pick up error rate. This rate is within my job performance target range of 4%-5% error. In addition, my supervisor indicated in my production report: ‘Was able to detect the presence of thick white chocolate syrup on the floor under the seat 18D. Also, was able to clean the said syrup with the right bleaching agent. Job well-done!’ [Note: This is a complete CAR: Positive Question] Step 33: Resolve An Incomplete CAR [ CAR 5 ] Hiring Supervisor: I will now try to resolve, if possible, the incomplete CAR 5 that we have discussed previously. Job Candidate: Yes. I understand.
  • 13. Hiring Supervisor: Earlier, I asked you to narrate to me an incident while working for Delta Airlines, where you were disappointed because you pick up error rate was below the acceptable job performance standard. Job Candidate: Yes. I remember. Hiring Supervisor: You then answered: Last February 12, 2010, a DAL 317 arrived from Miami at 3:50 p.m. with 258 passengers - a full-packed plane. Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct. Hiring Supervisor: I then asked you to share with me the specific steps you took to pick up the garbage items inside the cabin of this full-packed plane. Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct. Hiring Supervisor: You then answered: I immediately knew I had a big problem. However, I am having difficulty remembering what really happened because I had a migraine on this date. Job Candidate: Yes. That is correct. Hiring Supervisor: Do you remember now what happened on DAL 127 on February 12, 2010? Job Candidate: Yes. I remember clearly now. I first picked up the garbage items with my two hands and placed these items on top of each of the passenger seat. After I picked the garbage items, I returned to each passenger seat and used my right palm to sweep the garbage items into the plastic garbage bag that I was holding in my left hand. Hiring Supervisor: What was the effect to your pick up error when you first picked up the garbage items with your two hands and placed these items on top of each of the passenger seat to be collected afterwards? Job Candidate: I was able to meet my performance target as indicated in my production report dated February 13, 2010. I picked up 525 items, but failed to pick up 28 items or 5% pick up error rate. This rate is within my job performance target range of 6%-7% error. [Note: You have now obtained eight complete CARs for Competency 1: Attention To Detail. 1. CAR 1: Complete (Positive Question, UAL 1009, July 12, 2014) 2. CAR 2: Complete (Positive Question, DAL 127, January 2, 2011) 3. CAR 3: Complete (Negative Question, UAL 1103, June 1, 2014) 4. CAR 4: Complete (Positive Question, UAL 1008, July 16, 2014) 5. CAR 5: Complete (Negative Question, DAL 317, February 12, 2010) 6. CAR 6: Complete (Negative Question, AFR 221, May 29, 2004) 7. CAR 7: Complete (Negative Question, SWA 301, June 23, 2005) 8. CAR 8: Complete (Positive Question, AFR 102, March 2, 2004) [Note: This step is extremely sensitive. I suggest that you should not exert pressure if the candidate is not able to provide you precise CAR-format answers. In this case, you have to accept that this CAR as a broken CAR without showing any sign displeasure on your part. And you should continue the process of asking questions to the job candidate until you have obtained the required number of complete CARs. Step 34: Share The Results Of Your Final CARs Analysis Hiring Supervisor: Let me share with you the results of my final analysis: 1. I obtained a total of eight complete CARs. 2. I replaced one broken CAR with a new complete CAR. 3. I transformed one incomplete CAR into a complete CAR. Here are the details: 1. CAR 1: Complete (Positive Question, UAL 1009, July 12, 2014) 2. CAR 2: Complete (Positive Question, DAL 127, January 2, 2011) 3. CAR 3: Complete (Negative Question, UAL 1103, June 1, 2014) 4. CAR 4: Complete (Positive Question, UAL 1008, July 16, 2014) 5. CAR 5: Complete (Negative Question, DAL 317, February 12, 2010) 6. CAR 6: Complete (Negative Question, AFR 221, May 29, 2004)
  • 14. 7. CAR 7: Complete (Negative Question, SWA 301, June 23, 2005) 8. CAR 8: Complete (Positive Question, AFR 102, March 2, 2004) With these results, I can now rate you on your proficiency as a candidate for the Plane Cabin Cleaner position on the first job competency: Attention To Detail. My rating will be based on the rating system that our company has decided to use for all the results of these BEI sessions. Finally, I can make a comparative analysis of the ratings of all candidates and make my recommendation for the candidate that our company should hire. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Stage V: Closing Step 35: State That The CAR Process Is Finished For The First Job Competency: Attention To Detail. Hiring Supervisor: We are now finished with the CAR Process for the first job competency: Attention To Detail. Job Candidate: I understand. Step 36: Seek Concerns, If Any Hiring Supervisor: What questions do you have? Job Candidate: I would like to see the results of my interview. Is this possible? Step 37: Answer Concerns, If Any Hiring Supervisor: The results of your interview as well as the interviews of other candidates are for the internal use of our company. Hence, our policy is to keep related files as highly confidential. Job Candidate: Fair enough. Step 38: State Next Step In The CAR Process Hiring Supervisor: I will continue the CAR process for the remaining four job competencies as follows: 1. Sense Of Urgency 2. Physical Energy 3. Tenacity 4. Tolerance For Noise Job Candidate: I am ready to continue the CAR process. [Note: This article does not include the CAR process for the remaining four job competencies.] Step 39: State That The CAR Process Is Finished For The Five Job Competencies Hiring Supervisor: We are now finished with the CAR Process for the five job competencies. Job Candidate: I understand. Step 40: State Next Step In The Hiring Process Hiring Supervisor: Based on the results of our BEI interviews of all job candidates, Ms. Susan S. Gary, Recruitment Officer, HRD will contact you on or before next Wednesday regarding our decision on whether we will give you a job offer or not. Her telephone number is 875 4371 local 819. Job Candidate: I will wait for the call of Ms. Susan S. Gary. Step 41: Seek One Area You Should Improve On As A BEI Interviewer Hiring Supervisor: I really want to improve my skills as a BEI interviewer. And I believe the best source of areas that I should improve on is the job candidate. Therefore, I would highly appreciate if you could tell me, from your perspective, one area that I need to further polish my interviewing skills. Please realize that this step is optional and it is OK if you prefer to skip this step. Job Candidate: Yes. Let me tell you my opinion on one area that you should improve on as a BEI interviewer. During our first discussion on CAR 4, you typed in something on the computer after our
  • 15. said discussion but you did share with me what you typed. I would have preferred that you shared with me whatever you typed in. Hiring Supervisor: Thank you for sharing with me the one area that I need to further polish my interviewing skills. I agree with your suggestion, and, in the future, I am committed to informing a given job candidate the contents of my notes when I type in these notes in my computer. Job Candidate: You are most welcome. Hiring Supervisor: With reference to the initial CAR 4 discussion, I typed in: ‘CAR 4 might be a broken CAR.’This is a note to myself that I will analyze CAR 4 much deeper when we had a break at Step 30. You see, I need to be very sure that CAR 4 is a broken CAR and not an incomplete CAR. Job Candidate: Thank you for sharing with me the contents of your note during the CAR 4 discussion and what you intended to do with this note. Hiring Supervisor: You are most welcome. Step 42: Express Gratitude For Actively Participating Hiring Supervisor: Thank you so much for sharing with me valuable information about your work experiences. This information will help our company in arriving at a fair and objective decision on selecting the most competent candidate for our open Plane Cabin Cleaner position. Job Candidate: You are most welcome. Step 43: Close The Interview Session Hiring Supervisor: We are now finished with the BEI interview session. ---------------------------- Copyright © 2015 Norman L. Goss. All rights reserved. Copyright holder is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 unported.