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A Social Media Manager’s Manifesto
For Tapping Into   e World Of In uence

Written by Chase Sherman
In This Book, You
Will Learn...

•	   My	story	and	how	I	got	to	where	I	am	today
•	   How	to	embody	the	‘all-holy’	mindset of	a	successful	Social	Media	Manager
•	   Why	now	is	the	best	time	to	call	yourself	a	Social	Media	Manager
•	   Social	Media	etiquette	and	the	rules	of	engagement
•	   An	effective	way	to	tell	if	your	idea	is	valuable	enough	for	the	market
•	   A	step-by-step	process	for	developing	your	own	market	research	strategy
•	   The	power	of	a	‘Win-Win-Win Proposition’	and	what	it	can	do	for	your	
     social	media	marketing	campaign
•	   How	to	launch	a	full-fledged	social	media	marketing	campaign	and	the	tips	
     and	strategies	that	go	into	making	them	run	smoothly	and	save	you	time
•	   How	to	press	the	right	‘emotional	buttons’	when	talking	to	Leverage Points
•	   The	faults	to	avoid	when	building	up	your	social	capital
•	   How	to	construct	irresistible	messages	that	make	it	hard	for	your	recipient	to	
     withstand	their	curiosity
•	   The	secrets	of	pitching	your	business	proposal	to	BIG	INDUSTRY	HITTERS	
     --	and	how	to	bring	them	on	board	with	your	venture
•	   The	play-by-play	email	correspondence	that	convinced	the	right	people	to	
     join	onto	our	company’s	project
•	   How	to	formulate	a	MASTERMIND	Alliance	and	cultivate	a	strong	group	of	
     ‘team	players’
•	   The	‘behind	the	scenes’	of	what	a	real	Mastermind	Group	document	looks	
•	   Where	to	get	the	best	FREE	resource	for	all	your	Social	Media	Management	

This	eBook	is	free	and	does	not	contain	affiliate	links.		Share	it	with	the	
 world	under	the	terms	of	Creative	Commons	Attribution	3.0	License.

             ©	2011	Chase	Sherman	&	Business	Tooligans

Thank You’s

To my business partner,                 To my Dad. 	Thank	you	for	                 To my Brother. 	Thank	you	
Jay Rockman.		Thank	you	for	            your	relentless	pressure	on	me	to	         for	the	mental	support.		You’ve	
standing	by	me	with	this	venture	       figure	out	my	path.		You	are	a	big	        never	given	up	on	me	and	I	con-
even	when	we	weren’t	really	sure	       part	of	why	I’m	able	to	take	action	       tinue	to	see	how	lucky	I	am	to	have	
of	‘what	to	do	next.’		Your	trust	in	   on	what	comes	to	my	mind.		I	am	           a	guy	like	you	in	my	corner.		I	love	
me	has	given	me	conviction	that	        so	grateful	for	your	raising	me	to	        you,	dude.
my	ideas	were	worth	pursuing.		         ‘do	it	myself.’		It’s	something	I	truly	
Your	honest	attention	is	what	made	     value.
                                                                                   To my Grandparents.		
me	believe	we	could	successfully	                                                  Thank	you	for	your	optimism	and	
launch	Business	Tooligans	from	         To my Stepmom. 	Thank	you	                 encouragement.		I’ve	gained	much	
nothing.                                for	the	times	you	looked	over	my	          inspiration	from	your	wisdom	and	
                                        written	work	back	in	high	school	          I	truly	appreciate	your	listening	to	
To my Mom.		Thank	you	for	              and	college.		Without	your	guid-           my	ramblings.
supporting	me	as	I	pursue	my	           ance,	my	ideas	would	be	inflated	
dreams.		Your	faith	in	me	has	truly	    and	less	compelling.		You	taught	
made	my	entrepreneurial	idea	           me	the	importance	of	succinct	and	
growing	into	an	all	consuming	          coherent	communication.
obsession.		Without	you,	nothing	
would	have	ever	made	it	past	the	
idea	in	my	head.
Table of Contents
My	Story............................................................................................................................................................................................6

What	To	Focus	On	As	You	Read...................................................................................................................................................8


Chapter 1: Bold Claims & Blasphemy
Why	The	Business	World	Needs	Intelligent	Social	Media	Managers	More	Than	Any	Other	Web-Based	Prof................11

Paradigm	Shift:	Why	Social	Media	Is	Useful	To	Every	Business	Department.......................................................................12

Before	We	Approach	The	First	Real	Chapter..............................................................................................................................14

Chapter 2: Buckle Up, Bud. Time To Get To Work.
Pep	Talk:	Why	You,	The	Social	Media	Manager,	Need	To	Step	Up	Your	Game	And	Bridge	The	Comm.	Gap	Now!.....16

Consider	Yourself	Warned:	The	Rules	Of	Social	Media............................................................................................................17
	      The Window Principal.................................................................................................................................................17

The	Top	5	Characteristics	Of	A	Successful	Social	Media	Manager.........................................................................................18
	      1. Responsible...............................................................................................................................................................18
       2. Persistent..................................................................................................................................................................18
       3. Considerate..............................................................................................................................................................18
       4. Capable.....................................................................................................................................................................18
       5. Creative....................................................................................................................................................................18

Key	Principles	To	Consider	When	Managing	Social	Media....................................................................................................18

Chapter 3: Slug. It. Out. (You’ll Thank Me Later)
The	Role	Research	Plays	In	Social	Media	Marketing................................................................................................................20
	      The Research Process....................................................................................................................................................20

The	Connection	Between	Research	And	Social	Capital..........................................................................................................21
      Creating Social Capital................................................................................................................................................21
      Documenting The Landscape......................................................................................................................................21

The	4	Can’ts	Of	Building	Up	Your	Social	Capital...................................................................................................................22

10	Power	Tips	To	Finding	Your	Voice.........................................................................................................................................23

Chapter 4: Magic Potions? Why Yes, I’d Love Some
The	Keys	To	Crafting	A	Successful	Social	Media	Marketing	Campaign................................................................................25
	      Simple (Test).................................................................................................................................................................25
       Smart (Test)..................................................................................................................................................................25
       Sticky (Test)..................................................................................................................................................................25
       The Value Of Your Idea...............................................................................................................................................26
       The Win-Win-Win Proposition....................................................................................................................................26

Chapter 5: The Golden Door To All Your Riches (...Study Closely)
The	Primary	Interest	Of	Anyone	Operating	Online:	What’s	In	It	For	Me!?..........................................................................28
	      Core Reasons For Communication..............................................................................................................................28
       Unifying The Push / Pull Opposites.............................................................................................................................28

Chapter 6: GameTime Make It Count
The	Role	Energy	Plays	In	Social	Media	Marketing...................................................................................................................30
       Social Media Marketing Considerations.....................................................................................................................30
       Facaebook Powertip.....................................................................................................................................................30
       Results-Based vs. Efforts-Based Thinking...................................................................................................................31		
       Action Steps..................................................................................................................................................................31

Chapter 7: Bonus Me, Please (No Pun Intended)
BONUS #1	Business	Tooligans	Biz	Model.............................................................................................................................33
	   Initiation Message To Prospective Influencer...............................................................................................................33
    Power Tips....................................................................................................................................................................33
    Followup Message To Prospective Influencer...............................................................................................................34

BONUS #2	The	Mastermind	Blueprint.................................................................................................................................36
    Developing Your Own Mastermind Group.................................................................................................................36
    Roles & Responsibilities...............................................................................................................................................41
    Evaluation Form..........................................................................................................................................................43
    Rules Of The 2TM Co. Mastermind Alliance.............................................................................................................43	

Chapter 8: Bottoms Up
The	End.....................................................................................................................................................................................45

How	To	Sign	Up	For	The	Only	FREE	Social	Media	Manager	Magazine.............................................................................46

My	Story
                                                             what	I	know	          ing	my	first	website	at	19,	selling	
                                                             into	my	com-          my	graphic	design	services	at	20,	
                                                             pany.                 distributing	my	t-shirts	in	stores	at	
                                                                                   21,	and	helping	my	friend	launch	a	
                                                              Now	before	we	       cartoon	at	22.
Most would say I’m a 23                                       jump	into	the	
                                         business,	you	should	also	know	           Clearly, 23’s my year ;-)
year-old punk kid who’s                  I’m	interested	in	creating	a	life	
got no business trying to                that	fulfills	me.		As	a	result,	I’ve	
                                         invested	much	of	my	time	in	search	                     After	graduating	
start his own business.                                                                          from	the	University	
                                         for	gratifying	work.		I	love	learning	
                                         from	people	who’ve	seen	a	lot	and	                      of	Miami,	FL	with	a	
Especially	when	I’ve	got	no	corpo-                                                 B.A.	in	Entrepreneurship,	my	busi-
rate	experience	under	my	belt.		I	       done	a	lot.
                                                                                   ness	partner	and	I	got	started	on	
get	it,	most	CEOs	and	managers	                                                    our	Internet	company,	2TM	Co.
will	look	at	me	like	I’m	nuts.           I’m	a	personal	development	
                                         fiend.		I	love	listening	to	guys	like	
And	to	top	it,	four	months	into	         Tony	Robbins,	Earl	Nightengale,	
                                         Napoleon	Hill,	Bob	Proctor,	Eck-
‘real-life	mode’	I sold my car           hart	Tolle,	Wayne	Dyer,	Deepak	
and moved back to LA in                  Chopra,	Tim	Ferris,	Jack	Canfield,	
order to buy myself more                 and	Brendon	Burchard.

time.	Fortunately	I	could	live	at	       I	eat	this	stuff	for	breakfast,	lunch,	
my	mom’s	and	work	on	my	busi-            and	dinner.		I	try	to	train	my	mind	      I’d	been	studying	Internet	mar-
ness	at	her	office	because	she	had	      to	be	prepared	for	opportuni-             keting	ever	since	my	last	year	of	
an	extra	desk.                           ties.		There’s	something	nice	about	      college	--	learning	from	big	name	
                                         always	being	‘on.’		Thinking	about	       gurus	like	Frank	Kern,	John	Reese,	
But	here’s	the	way	I	see	it	--	be-       the	next	move.	Strategizing.              Jeff	Walker,	Mike	Koenigs,	John	
cause	you’ve	just	now	heard	what	                                                  Jonas,	Amish	Shah,	Yaro	Starak,	
the	rest	of	the	world	thinks	(and	       As	a	23	year-old	college	graduate,	I	     Andy	Jenkins,	Ryan	Deiss,	and	
how	I	set	myself	up	for	absolute	        think	I’m	in	the	best	position	to	do	     more.
commitment	to	my	work).                  great	work.		
                                                                                   But	after	putting	in	12-hour	days	
To	start	off	you	must	know	that	                                                   for	six	months	straight,	our	Inter-
right	when	I	graduated	high	school	      Growing up in an entre-                   net	business	marketing	affiliate	
Facebook	and	other	social	media	         preneurial environment                    products	flopped.		We	really	tried	
platforms	were	just	getting	started.		   I was accustomed to the                   everything	to	make	it	work	--	email	
And	although	I	wasn’t	leveraging	                                                  marketing,	article	marketing,	social	
them	for	business	up	until	this	last	    notion of taking risks.                   media,	Facebook	ads,	SEO...
year,	I	was	using	Facebook	before	
                                         It	became	a	habitual	way	of	op-
many	were	even	able	to	get	on	it.
                                         erating	for	me.		Over	the	years	          I came to realize we were
I	can	remember	every	one	of	my	          I’ve	taken	a	lot	of	them.		I’ve	gone	     missing a primary ingre-
friends	using	their	new	college	         skydiving.		I’ve	studied	abroad	in	       dient to this entire busi-
                                         the	middle	east.		I’ve	visited	third	
emails	to	claim	their	profile.		From	
                                         world	countries...                        ness model -- PASSION.
the	perspective	of	a	college	student,	
I	saw	Facebook	evolve	into	what	it	                                                We	didn’t	have	an	interest	in	what	
is	today.                                I’ve	always	been	an	entrepreneur	
                                         --	washing	cars	at	16,	starting	a	        we	were	selling.		We	invested	time	
                                         streetwear	clothing	brand	at	17,	         in	the	mechanics	(which	is	what	
Consequently,	I’m	now	translating	                                                 I’m	passionate	about),	but	the	at-
                                         launching	a	fundraiser	at	18,	build-
tempt	to	generate	an	income	off	          her,	let	alone	how	they	would	all	       ers called:
how	to	grow	orchids,	how	to	bet	          tie	in	together	to	create	a	cohesive	
on	sports,	and	how	to	beat	video	         strategy	that	could	be	rolled	out	
games	made	it	hard	to	sustain	the	        with	her	employees.                      #SMMGR Magazine.
                                          Naturally	it	sparked	our	interest	       Through	our	magazine	we’ve	
In	that	time	we	launched	fours	sites	     to	serve	small	businesses	as	social	     reached	out	to	some	of	the	top	
but	couldn’t	make	a	dime.                 media	managers	and	consultants	          experts	in	the	field	(which is
                                          --	something	I’m	enthusiastically	       what this book will show you
Three	months	after	being	back	in	         passionate	about.                        how to do effectively)	to	teach	our	
LA,	the	partnership	was	losing	                                                    readership	in	topics	like	storytell-
steam	and	my	friend’s	other	ven-          Today              ing,	blogging,	Facebook,	Twitter,	
ture	was	picking	up.		He	and	I	de-        aims to educate the social me-           LinkedIn,	YouTube,	social	media	
cided	to	scrap	the	affiliate	sites	and	   dia management community in              management	and	strategy,	net-
went	back	to	the	drawing	boards.          best practices across the fields of      working,	public	relations,	lead	gen-
                                          Internet marketing, social media         eration,	location-based	marketing,	
After	speaking	with	small	business	       management, and small business           branding,	email	marketing,	shop-
owners,	we	noticed	there	was	an	          development.                             ping	cart	systems,	and	more.

interest	in	simple-to-use	systems	        Utilizing	social	media	for	our	affili-   We	also	include	free	“sneak	peak”	
for	the	latest	online	tools.	My	mom	      ate	sites	we	learned	how	social	me-      interviews	for	readers	to	gain	in-
was	the	first	one	I	studied	closely...    dia	could	be	tied	into	an	Internet	      sight	into	how	these	experts	think	
                                          marketing	strategy	to	attract	clients	   and	act.		We	offer	full	length	ver-
I	noticed	she	was	really	looking	         and	build	a	business.                    sions	for	purchase	on	the	back-end	
to	reinvigorate	her	business	–	to	                                                 along	with	transcription	notes	and	
create	more	momentum,	gain	new	                                                    expert	bonus	bundles.
                                          So we built the site you
leads,	and	ultimately	forge	new	cli-
ent	relationships.	But	she	wasn’t	fa-     see today and we’ve                      For	more	details	you	can	check	out:
miliar	with	how	things	like	a	blog,	      launched the first FREE
an	email	marketing	campaign,	or	                                         
                                          industry inbox magazine                  newsletter
social	media	services	would	actu-
ally	create	new	opportunities	for	        for Social Media Manag-

Neal Schaffer           Pete Canalichio           Michael Margolis
                                                                                     Here’s what
                                                                                     of the exper
                                                                                                  ts had
                                                                                     to say...

Count me in.            This sounds terrific.     I'm game!
What To Focus On
As You Read...
If you’re reading this book you likely already know
how	to	do	the	things	most	older	generations	don’t	(i.e.	set	up,	operate,	and	
connect	through	Facebook,	Twitter,	YouTube,	LinkedIn,	etc.).		But	just	in	
case	you	don’t,	know	that	this	book	will	not	outline	any	of	those	steps.

Moreover,	you	should	know	that	your	proficiency	in	using	these	ma-
jor	networks	will	only	enable	you	to	reach	a	larger	audience.		It	will	not	
guarantee	you	the	type	of	opportunity	and	recognition	that	comes	from	
implementing	an	intelligent	strategy	that’s	backed	by	hard work	and	
diligent research.
                                                                                 Denise Wakeman
And	please	understand,	social	media	is	a	tool	-	not	a	strategy.		Of	course,	
I	believe	it’s	important	that	you	know	how	to	use	these	tools	but	what	I	
teach	in	this	book	is	not	about	tactics	or	methodology.

Now	off	the	bat	you	may	think	much	of	what	I	describe	in	this	book	will	
explain	how	you	leverage	the	networks	of	others	to	generate	more	traffic,	
leads,	and	sales.		And	don’t	get	me	wrong,	it	will.	Whether	you’re	a	corpo-      You're the perfect case
rate	social	media	manager,	Internet	marketer,	or	entrepreneur,	as	a	social	      study because you caught
media	professional	you	will	have	to	know	how	to	tap	into	spheres	of	influ-       my attention. I saw you
ence	-	be	they	individuals	or	communities.                                       retweeting my stuff. I
                                                                                 saw it I might not've
However,	I	will	not	go	into	much	depth	discussing	these	topics.		Plenty	         acknowledged it all the
of	other	blogs	like	Problogger	and	Copyblogger	have	sufficiently	outlined	       time but I saw it. I saw
much	of	this	information	(We’ve	also	done	so	in	a	few	of	our	blog	posts).        that you commented on
                                                                                 things I posted on my
But	more	importantly	with	this	book,	I	hope	to	communicate	something	            Facebook page. I saw
even	more	fundamental	to	you.		And	that	is	that	by	the	end	of	this	reading	      that you commented on
you	gain	an	understanding	of	the	all-holy                                        my blog posts. So when
                                                                                 you reached out to me
mindset	of a successful Social Media Manager.                                    I was like, yea I know
                                                                                 who this guy is. I mean
...In	other	words:	why	one	can	be	effective	in	this	job.                         I don't know you but I
                                                                                 recognized your name.
In	my	opinion,	once	you’ve	reached	a	level	of	thinking	that	exhibits	            So it was like... ok, yea.
creative	problem	solving	and	intelligent	planning,	much	of	the	necessary	        What have you got here.
‘how-to’	information	you	need	will	fall	into	place.		I	also	believe	that	with	   Let's talk. So it totally
this	type	of	mindset,	you	will	have	the	power	to	leverage	any	new	tool	that	     works... you did a great
shows	up	in	the	future	(you	may	just	need	to	put	time	into	learning	how	         job. You're a great role
to	use	it).                                                                      model for your business.

Righty-o,	mates.		Let’s	move	into	the	gooood	stuffff	:-)

...Before we get started, I wanted to make sure you
have these ideas imprinted on the screen of your
mind ;-)

•	 Leverage Points (“LPs”)	-	People	of	influence	with	large-                   Amy Porterfield
   scale	reach	who	expose	your	idea	to	their	audience.		We	stress	that	
   you	reach	out	to	leverage	points	who	have	expert	influence,	leadership	
   positioning,	and/or	extensive	experience	in	their	field.

•	 Win-Win-Win Proposition	-	The	most	effective	way	to	
   leverage	the	networks	of	others	by	devising	a	plan	that	would	serve	        Yes, I am very inter-
   you,	the	customer,	and	your	Leverage	Points.                                ested, so thank you
                                                                               for reaching out. You
                                                                               have some great people
•	 Internet Opportunists	-	Professionals	with	highly	special-                  on board!
   ized	skill-sets	and	unique	positions	of	power,	which	enable	them	to	
   demand	greater	attention,	respect,	and	money	within	the	marketplace.		
   At	one	time,	webmasters	claimed	this	coveted	position.		Today	it	is	
   reserved	for	a	new	category	of	web	professionals	-	Social	Media	Man-

•	 Society of Virtual Dignitaries (“SVD”)	-	This	group	
   is	made	up	of	Social	Media	Managers,	Community	Managers,	and	
   Social	Change	Agents	who	are	interfacing	their	organizations	with	the	
   public.		Although	they	may	not	be	aware,	this	group	of	representa-
   tives	have	the	power	to	shift	public	opinion	by	shaping	and	facilitating	
   public	discussion.		Some	of	its	fellow	members	can	be	found	repairing	
   companies	worldwide	from	unjust	claims.		Others	have	been	respon-
   sible	for	large	scale	change	in	world	affairs	(see	how	members	of	this	
   society	changed	the	Philippines,	Egypt	and	Iran).

Chapter	1:
Bold Claims
Why The Business World
Needs Intelligent Social Me-
dia Managers More Than Any
Other Web-Based Professional
In the early days of Inter-              website	of	any	large	company	
                                         without	a	link	to	their	social	media	
net business webmasters                  profiles.		Why?		Because	consumer	
were king.		They	held	the	keys	          behavior	is	now	being	shaped	           So for you, the Social
to	a	new	world	of	possibility.		As	      through	online	communication.		         Media Manager, you’re
Internet	Opportunists,	they	could	
demand	attention,	respect,	and	          The	emergence	of	social	media	
                                                                                 clearly in the	right spot.
high	prices.		Their	skill-sets	were	     platforms	have	literally	changed	
highly	specialized	and	so	new	that	                                              Companies	that	are	new	to	this	way	
                                         the	way	customers	buy	products	
it	made	anyone	seeking	their	help	                                               of	marketing	and	communication	
                                         and	services.
instantly	trust	their	judgement	and	                                             are	seeking	a	lot	of	help.		They’re	
spend	the	necessary	money	to	get	a	                                              trying	to	use	irrelevant	advertising	
                                         Consumers	don’t	trust	what	a	com-
website	up	and	running.		This	was	                                               in	the	wrong	places	which	is	mak-
                                         pany	says	about	themselves	any-
a	great	time	for	webmasters.                                                     ing	for	bad	strategy	(and	wasting	
                                         more	(as	if	they	ever	did...).		But	
                                                                                 their	time,	money,	and	effort).
                                         instead	they’re	putting	their	faith	
However,	times	have	changed	and	         in	public	consensus	and	opinion.	
with	the	proliferation	of	Word-                                                  Now,	when	a	company	wants	the	
                                         Now	they’re	spending	their	time	
press,	list	management	platforms,	                                               attention	of	its	customers,	the	only	
                                         surfing	reviews	and	prompting	
and	shopping	cart	systems	com-                                                   way	to	get	it	is	to	speak	to	them	
                                         their	networks	to	help	them	answer	
panies	now	need	not	spend	thou-                                                  where	they’re	already	talking.		This	
                                         the	question,
sands	(or	tens	of	thousands)	of	                                                 territory	is	unfamiliar	to	the	com-
dollars	on	websites	or	third	party	                                              pany	in	many	different	respects.		
webmasters.		The	skill-sets	of	these	    “Should I buy from this                 And	what’s	even	better	for	you	is	
                                                                                 business	owners	don’t	fully	under-
service	professionals	are	practically	   company?”                               stand	how	to	join	in	on	-	and	more	
Internet	commodities	(and	much	
of	them	are	free).                                                               importantly	facilitate	-	conversa-
                                         This	question,	by	the	way,	trans-
                                                                                 tions	around	their	brands.
                                         lates	into	70-80%	of	the	buying	
In	fact,	you	could	go	to	a	site	right	   decision.		Consumers	are	more	
now	called	and	find	                                                  Their	business	model	is	fractured	
                                         likely	to	buy	something	(or	not	
someone	who’s	capable	of	setting	                                                at	arguably	the	most	vital	intersec-
                                         buy	something)	based	on	their	
up	your	Wordpress	site	for	$5.00	                                                tion	-	where
                                         peers’	feedback.		And	where’s	the	
easy.		This	was	something	we	            best	place	to	find	these	answers?		     business	meets	buyer
couldn’t	do	five	years	ago.              Through	social	media	networks.

Obviously	things	are	now	differ-         Armed	with	their	research	and	
ent	and	we’re	seeing	a	new	group	        their	convictions,	these	customers	
of	Internet	professionals	come	into	     are	now	not	only	right	but	they	can	
the	ranks	of	top	authority.              also	demand	that	these	companies	
                                         who	serve	them	play	ball	in	their
Today	you	won’t	come	across	the	         courts.

Paradigm Shift: Why Social                                                       (Continued	from	page	11)	Fum-
                                                                                 bling	onto	the	scene,	these	com-
                                                                                 panies	are	certainly	not	capable	
Media Is Useful To Every                                                         of	putting	their	best	foot	forward.		
                                                                                 Their	old	paradigms	of	marketing	

Business Department
                                                                                 and	advertising	have	become	so	
                                                                                 outdated	in	such	a	short	period	of	
                                                                                 time	that	they’ve	found	themselves	
                                                                                 stuck	and	desperate.

                                                                                 As	the	new	wave	of	Internet	Op-
                                                                                 portunists,	you	must	be	prepared	
                                                                                 to	inherit	this	world	of	change.		
                                                                                 Our	access	to	anything	and	anyone	
                                                                                 fundamentally	changes	the	game.		
                                                                                 As a Social Media Manager, you
                                                                                 have a great responsibility to
                                                                                 steer the uninitiated in the right
Before social networks                  what	it	represents	or	are	completely	    direction. 	You’re	the	captain	of	a	
                                        baffled	by	the	possibilities	and	        large	ship.		Grab	the	helm	and	hold	
there was no way, fi-                   don’t	know	where	to	begin.               tight!
nancially speaking, to
adequately learn about                  And	as	we’re	seeing	the	business	        In times of profound change, the
                                        world	transition	into	this	new	          learners inherit the earth, while the
a customer in order to                  paradigm,	the	older	generations	         learned find themselves beautifully
serve him/her better.                   are	still	resistant	and	have	yet	to	     equipped to deal with a world that
                                        embrace	it.                              no longer exists.
Much	of	the	testing	took	place	in	
focus	groups	where	people	were	         In	fact,	you’ll	know	how	deeply	         -Eric	Hoffer,	The	Ordeal	of	Change
paid	to	give	their	feedback.		It	was	   ingrained	a	business	owner’s	belief	
a	sterile	environment	and	it	practi-    is	around	the	topic	of	social	media	
cally	encouraged	dishonesty	from	       when	they	demand	to	see	an	ROI	
prospects	and	customers.                (Return	On	Investment)	-	as	if	its	
                                                                                 HOWEVER, there’s
                                        application	to	sales	and	market-         more to social media...
Social	media	on	the	other	hand,	is	     ing	were	the	only	advantages	to	a	
enabling	companies	to	gain	more	        company.                                 And	the	suggestion	I’m	about	to	
insight	than	ever	before	-	and	at	a	                                             make,	if	executed	properly,	has	the	
fraction	of	the	cost.                   Now	it’s	not	to	say	the	tech	world	      power	to	open	the	business	up	to	a
                                        isn’t	and	shouldn’t	be	working	to-       completely	new	world	of	possi-
It’s	also	multiplying	a	company’s	      wards	the	ability	to	track	the	direct	   bilities.		It’s	a	bold claim,	I	under-
chances	of	reaching	more	buyers.		      effect	of	social	media	marketing.		      stand.		But	hear	me	out:
Period.		This	is	something	we’ve	       They	are.		But	you	and	I	both	know	
never	before	been	able	to	construct	    that	it	serves	more	purposes.            If	a	business	will	set	out	to	ap-
-	not	through	websites,	email,	or                                                proach	the	world	of	influential	
any other Internet-based market-        Of	course,	if	a	company	will	al-         leaders,	experts,	brand	advocates,	
ing platform.                           locate	money	towards	the	man-            early	adopters,	past	and	present	
                                        agement	of	social	media,	they	put	       customers,	as	well	as	prospects	
Which	is	part	of	the	reason	why	it’s	   themselves	in	a	better	position	to	      with	the	intention	of	building	up	
so	hard	for	business	owners	to	un-      create	more	sales	opportunities	         social	capital,	they’ll	soon	find	
derstand	-	because	they	either	fear	    because	of	the	amount	of	users.          social	media	management	produc-

•	 HR	-	With	social	media	we	can	
                                                                                  solve	customer	support	issues	
                                                                                  by	facilitating	real-time	discus-
                                                                                  sion	through	platforms	like	
                                                                                  Facebook	and	Twitter.

                                                                               •	 PR, Sales, Marketing	-	
                                                                                  With	social	media	we	can	
                                                                                  develop	partners	for	cross-pro-
                                                                                  motions,	empower	customers	
                                                                                  to	share	company	news	and	of-
                                                                                  fers,	and	increase	relevance	for	
                                                                                  Google	to	drive	pre-qualified	
                                                                                  traffic	to	the	company’s	website.

                                                                               Obviously	today	things	are	differ-
                                                                               ent.		These	platforms	are	enabling	
                                                                               us	to	perform	tasks	outside	of	the	
                                                                               scope	of	old	business	paradigms.		
                                                                               And	for	companies	who	have	
                                                                               not	caught	onto	this	yet,	they	are	
                                                                               the	ones	in	need	of	Social	Media	
                                                                               Managers	to	help	leverage	these	

                                                                               And	when	the	business	owner	
                                                                               demands	to	see	the	ROI	of	their	
                                                                               investment,	it’s	the	Social	Media	
                                                                               Manager’s	job	to	help	them	un-
                                                                               derstand	that	they’re	trying	to	
                                                                               translate	old	paradigms	of	do-
                                                                               ing	business	into	highly	evolved	
ing	more	value	than	just	in	terms	      and production depart-                 consumer	environments	where	the	
of	direct	leads	and	sales.
                                        ments can also experi-                 investment	in	social	media	doesn’t	
                                        ence extreme benefits...               just	serve	sales	and	marketing	
And	by	doing	this	effectively,	a	
                                                                               objectives	but	it	also	serves	R&D,	
company	will	have	so	much	new	          and at a fraction of the               PR,	HR,	and	production	objectives	
insight	into	their	market	that	it	
seems	almost	laughable	to	turn	
                                        cost!                                  as	well.		
down	the	hiring	of	a	Social	Media	
                                        Let’s	consider	how	it	helps	each	of	   Then	the	Social	Media	Manager	
                                        these	departments	better	serve	the	    needs	to	help	them	understand	
                                        end	consumer:                          that	the	sales-tracking	technol-
In	fact,	if	it	were	up	to	me,	social	
                                                                               ogy	hasn’t	yet	caught	up	with	the	
media	would	be	it’s	own	depart-
                                        •	 R&D, Production	-	With	             capabilities	of	these	tools	--	there’s	
ment	within	a	business	outside	of	
                                           social	media	we	can	survey	         much	that	needs	to	be	“sorted	out”	
marketing	and	sales.		Why?		
                                           loyal	customers	through	direct	     in	this	area.
                                           relationship	building.		It	also	
Because with its use, a                    helps	us	gain	product	develop-
company’s R&D, PR, HR,                     ment	insight.

Before We Approach
   The First Real Chapter...
                            ...I've listed some questions you might
                            not have thought to ask but are vital
                            to your understanding of social media
                            and how to use this book.

Q: Why do I need to grow a following?
Building	a	following	brings	you	great	power.		With	social	media,	your	relationship	and	reach	determine	your	in-
fluence.		With	a	loyal	fan	base,	you	have	the	opportunity	to	generate	honest	feedback,	survey	your	audience,	and	
build	strategic	networks	on	a	mass	scale.		With	the	viral	nature	of	social	media,	your	integrity,	credibility,	and	
value	can	quickly	spread	with	followers.

Q: Why should I care about experts, influencers, and networks?
When	it	comes	down	to	messages,	anything	you	publish	has	the	opportunity	to	fall	into	the	hands	of	experts,	
influencers,	and	media	giants	-	if	delivered	in	the	right	'light'.		Building	relationships	with	these	Leverage	Points	
can	bring	you	highly	targeted	traffic	and	help	you	build	credibility	with	your	existing	and	prospective	audiences.

Q: Where do I go to tap into these spheres of influence?
Determine	the	keyword	phrases	of	your	general	market/industry	to	search	for	Facebook	pages,	Twitter	accounts,	
and	LinkedIn	profiles.		Googling	your	market	with	ending	words	like	“blogs,”	“forums,”	“communities,”	etc.	will	
also	pull	up	these	spheres	of	influence.		A	more	comprehensive	approach	is	included	in	this	ebook.

Q: How does social media tie into my sales and marketing strategy?
Your	market	is	thinking,	speaking,	and	evolving	everyday.		As	a	Social	Media	Manager,	it’s	expected	of	you	to	
invest	a	heavy	dose	of	listening	into	your	strategy.		Followers	expect	you	to	be	in-the-know	about	topics,	trends,	
and	news.		By	disseminating	information	and	establishing	credibility	through	the	transference	of	knowledge	
you	are	priming	your	market	to	buy.		Through	the	publication	and	delivery	of	useful	content	on	multiple	social	
networks	your	fans,	followers,	and	connections	have	the	opportunity	to	retrieve	your	content	through	their	ac-
counts.		By	establishing	a	consistent	presence	and	procuring	and	collating	valuable	information	for	them,	your	
market	will	click	through	to	products	and	services	you	promote	because	of	the	credibility	and	trust	you’ve	built.

Chapter	2:
  Buckle Up, Bud.
Time	To	Get	To	Work.
Pep Talk: Why You, The Social Media Manager, Need To Step
Up Your Game And Bridge The Communication Gap Now!
                                       the curve is steep - especially when    Sharing unique content over the
                                       you consider the need to dissemi-       Internet can also help position a
                                       nate messages to create influence       company as a thought leader in its
                                       and drive traffic. This requires a      industry, giving it more influence
                                       new way of thinking altogether          over a market and a more loyal
                                       - one that doesn’t present salesy       fan base. Any skilled Social Media
                                       marketing or push style communi-        Manager understands this.
                                                                               But let’s face it, no one else is will-
                                       The shift we’re experiencing from       ing to spend the time learning
                                       offline to online communication         what you already know. You’re the
                                       is making it very difficult for         only one holding the keys to this
                                       businesspeople to embrace.              ‘vault’. And because the learning
If you weren’t already                                                         curve is so steep for many small
aware, you are in a high-              You will continue to see many balk      businesses,
valued position.                       at the need for a social media pres-
                                       ence. Why? Because they don’t           you have a unique posi-
Although many within a company         get it. They don’t understand that
would consider you a sales and         social media platforms can ignite a     tion of power.
marketing assistant, you know          very powerful explosion of interest
                                       and desire in a brand. As a So-         But let’s not get caught up though.
better than to let them pigeonhole
                                       cial Media Manager your job is to       Power in the hands of most are
your expertise. As a member of
                                       bridge the gap between these two        dangerous - especially in the social
the Society of Virtual Dignitaries,
                                       worlds of communication.                media space. But when channeled
the adept Social Media Manager
                                                                               for good, you have the ability to
knows they have the power to
                                       You know that the power of so-          tap unrealized potential latent in a
serve in more ways than pushing
                                       cial proof and the ability to share     business - whether it be its net-
messages out to herds of prospects
                                       what one finds around the Internet      work, product mix, customer da-
and customers.
                                       makes these social platforms ideal      tabase, supplier network, strategic
                                       places to communicate company           alliances, or friendly competitors
Whether you’re working for your-
                                       messages. And companies who             - when coupled with social media,
self or for a company, if you under-
                                       don’t understand this also don’t        if used properly, can spawn a new
stand ‘how all this stuff works’ you
                                       understand that maintaining pro-        world of possibilities.
have a lot to offer in any business
environment. CEOs and managers         files on networks like Facebook,
                                       Twitter and YouTube allow differ-       If you know how to collaborate
are starving for your knowledge-
                                       ent types of users to engage with a     with these parties through social
base and experience. And it’s best
                                       brand.                                  networks, you become more than
that you understand and embrace
                                                                               just a sales and marketing as-
this because when the time comes,
                                       With social media any company           sistant. And by learning how to
you’ll be expected to ‘make the
                                       can disseminate news, obtain valu-      properly allocate your time and
call’ and you’ll want to have that
                                       able market research, elicit insight-   energy into the right channels, you
confidence when they’re looking to
                                       ful responses, generate qualified       will begin to see huge returns in
you for answers.
                                       leads, and convert more prospects       the way of fans, leads, and buyers.
If a company wanted to learn stra-     into buyers.
                                                                               Of course, this book intends to
tegic use of social media platforms
                                                                               walk you through that process...
                                                                                                      (But first...)     16
Consider Yourself Warned: The Rules Of Social Media
Obviously, this chapter is               Facebook	pictures	in	the	wrong	          You	must	understand	that	what	
                                         places	the	next	day.                     you	say	on	a	social	media	platform	
meant to serve as a "gut                                                          will never go away.	Period.
check."                                  ...For	many	of	us,	operating on          	
                                         social media networks is not a           I	say	"never"	because	the	company	
It's	a	cautionary	message	that	I	        conscious activity.                      who's	platform	you	use	likely	has	
hope	you	take	to	heart	before	you	       	                                        a	clause	in	their	Terms	and	Condi-
journey	into	the	space	of	social	        Therefore,	understand	that	every-        tions	or	Privacy	Policy	that	states	
media	marketing.                         thing	you	think,	type,	and	publish	      that	whatever	you	do	on	their	so-
	                                        onto	the	Internet	is	fair	game	for	      cial	network	is	not	your	property.
With	that,	I'll	start	by	saying:         everyone in the world to see.            	
	                                                                                 In	other	words,	what	you	say	is	out	
If	you're	operating	on	social	media	     So	-	if	you're	not	cut	out	to	face	      of	your	control.		Therefore,	you do
platforms	please	understand,	you         criticism,	strong	opposition,	or	        not get to determine who has ac-
have no absolute privacy.                negative	people	-	reconsider	your	       cess to this information.
	                                        professional	path.
I	say	"absolute"	because	with	many	      	                                        At	any	point	in	time	the	company,	
platforms	you	can	regulate	who	          This	medium	of	doing	business,	          the	government,	advertisers,	or	
sees	what	you	say,	but	if	you	put	all	   creating	relationships,	and	com-         others	may	have	access	to	your	per-
your	faith	in	the	technology	you're	     municating	your	opinions	is	for	         sonal	file.		Just	know	that	the	free	
leaving	out	the	most	important	          the	mature,	honest,	ethical,	and	        use	of	these	tools	come	with	a	very	
variable	of	the	social	media	equa-       sincere.		All	others	are	in	risk	of	     serious price.	
tion	-	people.                           damaging	their	reputations,	hurt-        	
	                                        ing	their	careers,	and	creating	more	    If	you're	not	ready	to	jump	into	
Just	as	an	example,	if	you	manage	       problems	for	themselves.                 this	river,	don't	feel	bad,	but	don't	
to	piss	off	the	"right"	person	(be-      	                                        do	it	either.		It's	not	for	the	faint	of	
cause	they	are	in	your	network),	        Here's	another	point:                    heart.
you	may	just	see	all	your	naughty	       	

  THE WINDOW PRINCIPAL                   if	it	were	a	window.		People	can	see	    come	to	check	out	your	window,	
                                         in,	and	you	may	see	out.                 all	they	see	are	"kittens	and	roses"	
                                         	                                        (which	is	another	way	of	saying	the	
                                         The	choice	to	step	in	front	of	this	     real,	authentic	you	in	the	highest	
                                         window	is	yours.		But	understand,	       light	possible).
                                         that	whatever	you	throw	out	of	this	     	
                                         window	is	accessible	to	anyone	(at	      There	are	very	few	people	who	
                                         least	until	the	Internet	evolves	into	   are	comfortable	conversing	out	
                                         something	greater...	and	somehow	        through	this	window.
                                         all	those	untagged	Facebook	pic-         	
                                         tures	get	left	behind	in	the	transi-     Then	there	are	the	masses,	who	
                                         tion).                                   don't	realize	they're	talking	
                                         	                                        through	this	window	(and	if	they	
                                         What	I	suggest	is	that	you	only	         knew,	they'd	probably	never	engage	
                                         show	up,	ready	to	speak	out	             in	it	for	fear	of	what	others	might	
Now,	if	you	are	prepared	to	work	in	     through	this	window	when you             think	of	them	or	the	repercussions	
this	field,	then	I	suggest	you	begin	    truly have something worthwhile          that	may	come	from	behaving	
looking	at	your	computer	screen	as	      to say.		That	way,	when	other's	         poorly).

The Top 5 Characteristics
Of A Successful Social Media Manager
Now	that	you’re	prepared	to	step	into	the	ring,	let’s	         and	you’ve	shared	your	opinion,	you’ll	immediately	be	
kick	it	off	with	the	5	traits	that	will	make	you	a	suc-        rewarded	with	a	response.		However,	sometimes	you	
cessful	Social	Media	Manager.                                  won’t	see	a	spark	of	interest	from	the	person	you’re	
	                                                              reaching	out	to	until	they’re	sure	you’re	not	just	there	

  1 Responsible                -	When	you’re	willing	to	
        take	responsibility	for	what	you	say,	whether	it	
                                                               for	your	own	vanity.	You’d	be	surprised	at	how	many	
                                                               people	will	spam	others’	blogs	with	their	
                                                               own	URLs	and	neglect	the	importance	of	 Clement Yeung
be	positive	or	negative,	your	audience	will	appreciate	it	
and	like	you	more.		This	can	actually	benefit	you	when	        contributing	to	the	conversation.
you’ve	admitted	you’re	wrong.		Just	understand	that	if	
you’re	honestly	representing	yourself	or	your	brand,	
the	right	people	will	see	you	for	who	you	are	-	the	rest	        4 Capable           	-	As	you	engage	in	
                                                                       conversation	with	influencers	(i.e.	
don’t	‘absolutely’	matter	(...they’re	not	paying	the	bills).   Leverage	Points)	and	others,	you’ll	begin	
                                                               to	recognize	their	interest	levels	based	
                                                               on	their	tone,	sentence	structure,	word- It sounds great
  2 Persistent	           -	Most	strategic	relationships	
        made	through	social	networks	don’t	manifest	           ing,	grammar,	etc.		If	you’re	not	prepared	 from the outset!
                                                               (or	don’t	know	what	to	say)	to	steer	a	conversation	
themselves	immediately.		If	your	goal	is	to	galvanize	
a	strong	network	of	influencers	and	brand	advocates,	          towards	your	personal	interests,	you	won’t	be	able	to	
you	must	be	prepared	to	consistently	reach	out	to	             keep	the	attention	of	your	target	LPs.
these	people.		Whether	it	be	on	their	Facebook,	Twit-
ter,	YouTube,	blog,	or	other	platform	-	they	must	see	
you	as	a	persistent	and	interested	consumer	of	their	
                                                                 5 Creative            	-	Oftentimes	your	plan	will	
                                                                       require	“out-of-the-box”	thinking.		If	you	aren’t	
                                                               able	to	step	outside	the	“corporate”	way	of	handling	
                                                               the	job,	people	will	find	you	stiff	and	uninteresting.		It’s	

  3 Considerate	             -	Generally,	when	you’ve	
        invested	time	in	reading	someone’s	content	
                                                               good	to	have	a	unique	mix	of	ideas	that	will	pique	the	
                                                               interest	of	your	audience	and	target	influencers.

Key Principles To Consider When Managing Social Media
1.	 Everyone	is	your	friend	-	no	one	is	a	stranger.
2.	 Be	careful	about	what	you	say.
3.	 People	want	you,	not	your	facade	or	B.S.	company	messages	(and	if	they	have	to	be	from	your	company,	
    make	sure	they’re	not	B.S.).
4.	 Your	community	expects	you	to	be honest.
5.	 If	you	come	across	information	that	would	be	useful	to	your	fans,	tell	them	about	it.		Again,	be	their	friend.
6.	 Make	sure	you’re	perceived	as	a	thoughtful contributor,	otherwise	you’ll	lose	credibility	and/or	trust.
7.	 The	information	you	share	should	generally	move your audience closer towards their end goal.		This	can	
    be	done	by	creating	your	own	content,	sharing	others	content,	or	simply	answering	questions	posed	by	your	
8.	 Connecting	in	social	media	is	really	just	connecting in real life (IRL),	but	with	hundreds,	thousands,	mil-
    lions,	and	even	billions	of	other	people	present	in	the	conversation.
9.	 What	you	publish	will always be available to someone,	somewhere	down	the	road.
Chapter	3:
     Slug. It. Out.
(You’ll	Thank	Me	Later)
The Role Research Plays In Social Media Marketing
                                         THE RESEARCH PROCESS

                                         Here	are	some	steps	to	get	you	moving	in	the	right	direction:

                                         1. Determine who the experts/influencers/leverage points are within
                                            your industry
                                               Search	in	Google	“[keyword	of	industry]	blogs”	(finance,
                                               management,	etc.)
                                               Look	for	the	top	25	blogs	in	the	industry	(list	the	blog	authors	in	a
                                               simple	spreadsheet)
 I don’t like it anymore
 than you do. But the re-                      Pay	attention	to	the	“web”	of	experts	who	speak	about	the	topic
 search clearly shows our                      and	understand	how	they’re	connected
 members want to engage                        Look	for	ecosystems	built	around	each	LP	>>>	what	fan	pages
 with us as the crew of a                      are	they	a	part	of?		Who	do	they	follow	on	Twitter?	Who	shows	up
 Kingon battle cruiser.                        in	the	related	videos	of	their	YouTube	content?

                                         2. Set up a Gmail account (If you weren’t already using it for this doc)
I really want to stress the
                                         3. Establish listening posts
value of researching and
                                               Set	up	a	Google	Reader	to	receive	RSS	from	top	LPs’	blogs	(file
understanding the land-                        these	blogs	in	appropriate	categories)
scape before you jump in
                                               “Like”	all	these	experts/influencers’	pages	from	your	company	page
to engage.
                                         4. Facebook: create spreadsheet with the following column labels
Engagement	can	seriously	hurt	you	
(or	just	waste	a	lot	of	your	time)	if	        Page	name
you	don’t	have	a	clear	path	towards	          Company	name
an	objective.
	                                             Category	(social	media,	Internet	marketing,	blogging,	etc.)
Putting	up-front	time	into	re-                Type	(company,	individual,	partnership,	etc.)
searching	the	social	media	land-
scape	will	give	you	confidence	               #	of	fans
when	you’re	ready	to	execute	your	            Admin	contact
	                                             Admin	details
As	“un-sexy”	as	this	sounds,	your	            Wall	post	activity	based	on	comments/likes	(1-5	scale)
up-front	research	will	determine	
the	magnitude	of	your	success.                Facebook	URL
                                              Website	URL
Therefore,	before	ever	moving	
into	the	next	segment,	please	stop	           Alternate	URL
everything	and	create	an	Excel	or	            Email
Google	doc	spreadsheet	so	you	are	
ready	to	throw	these	onto	your	list.          Other	details

The Connection Between Research And Social Capital
CREATING SOCIAL CAPITAL                     this	equation:	if	you’re	engaging	        any	worthwhile	social	media	user	
                                            in	stimulating,	thought-provoking	        will	resonate	with	you	is	because	
Your social capital is the                  conversation	with	other	users	with	       they	can	see	you	through	your	
                                            the	intention	of	building	strategic	      words;	you’re	communication	is	
most valuable asset you                     relationships,	leveraging	networks,	      transparent;	there’s	no	B.S.
can create for your brand                   and	creating	new	value,	your	out-
--	and	the	sole	power	of	social	me-         put	will	reflect	that	just	as	readily.    And	if	you	operate	with	the	intent	
dia	lies	in	the	people...	it	isn’t	about	   	                                         of	building	social	capital,	you	must	
the	tools,	tech,	or	widgets.                The key is in determining                 understand	that	there’s	no	way	of	
                                                                                      faking	it.	Thus,	the	only	logical	
So	if	you’re	spending	time	com-             which of these you think                  conclusion	we	can	make	is	that...
municating	with	dead-beats,	                about (and changing
pessimists,	or	losers	-	you’re	tone,	       your perspective if neces- ...this asset can not be
perception,	and	output	will	reflect	
it.                                         sary).                     ‘bought’ in any form -- it
                                            	                          must be cultivated!
However,	consider	the	flip-side	of	         Just	know	that	the	primary	reason	


                                            •	   What	is	their	field	of	expertise?
                                            •	   What	do	they	talk	about?
                                            •	   Who	is	their	audience?
                                            •	   What	other	experts	endorse	them?
                                            •	   Who	are	the	"big	name"	affiliates	to	their	products?
                                            •	   How	many	comments	are	they	getting	on	every	blog	post?
                                            •	   How	active	are	their	Facebook,	Twitter,	YouTube,	LinkedIn,	etc.?
                                            •	   What	other	blogs	do	they	read?
                                            •	   Who	are	their	role	models?
                                            •	   What	events,	seminars,	conferences	do	they	attend?
                                            •	   What	is	their	contact	information?	(website,	email	address,	phone	
                                                 number,	LinkedIn	profile,	Twitter	profile,	YouTube	channel,	etc.)

Building your social                        You	want	to	know	very	particular	         It’s	important	that	you	understand	
capital requires that you                   details	about	each	of	your	Leverage	      their	social	web	so	you	can	“lock-
                                            Points.		And	you	want	to	make	sure	       into”	their	world	and	show	them	
show your face in the                       all	of	these	details	are	included	in	a	   that	you’re	a	sincere	follower	of	
right places.                               new	tab	on	your	Research	Spread-          their	work.
The	experts/influencers/leverage	                                                     NOTE:	You	won’t	get	far	in	your	
points	you	look	to	formulate	strate-        ...As you study this list,                efforts	if	you’re	employing	a	“shot-
gic	relationships	with	are	not	only	                                                  gun”	approach.		Social	capital	is	
writing	for	their	own	websites,	but	        you’ll start to see angles                built	on	sincerity,	interest,	and	
are	also	engaging	on	other's	pro-           of approach for when you                  communication.		If	you’re	firing	off	
files,	channels,	and	blogs.		Thus	it’s	     present them with your                    (i.e.	“spamming”)	messages,	you’ll	
important	that	you	document	the	                                                      waste	a	lot	of	time	and	energy.
landscape.                                  idea.
The 4 Can'ts Of Building Up Your Social Capital
With	social	media,	you	cannot	          media	planning	and	communica-                you’re	offer	is	worth	their	time.
control	how	others	read	into	your	      tion,	you	are	likely	to	fail	at	build-
words,	gestures,	or	writings.		What	    ing	up	legitimate	social	capital.		      •	 You	can’t	spam	your	audience	
you	say,	how	you	say	it,	and	when	      Thus,	it’s	important	to	consider	the	       with	sales	messages	-	For	every	
you	say	it	are	all	being	scrutinized	   things	you	can’t do as much as you          two	sales	messages,	you	should	
and	critiqued	now	and	in	the	fu-        consider the things you must do.            be	sending	off	eight	pieces	of	
ture.		Therefore,	make	sure	you're	                                                 content	that	move	your	ideal	
putting	your	best	foot	forward	ev-      •	 You	can’t	fake	it	-	Your	entire	         customer	closer	towards	his/
ery	time	you	step	up	to	the	podium	        plan	must	rest	on	the	assump-            her	end	goals.
to	speak.	                                 tion	that	you	are	who	you	say	
                                           you	are	and	intend	to	do	what	        In	the	case	of	bullet	‘one’	listed,	just	
You are only as good as your last          you	say	you’ll	do.                    as	we’ve	recently	seen,	a	politician	
message.                                                                         was	found	to	be	lying	about	his	
	                                       •	 You	can’t	go	in	without	a	plan	       Twitter	activities	-	he	couldn’t	run	
That	means	if	you’ve	broadcasted	a	        -	If	your	partners	(Leverage	         from	it.
message,	shared	a	piece	of	content,	       Points)	agree	to	your	proposal,	      	
responded	to	a	question,	tweeted	          you	must	be	prepared	to	follow	       Neither can you.
out	your	thoughts,	given	your	             through	with	the	execution	and	
opinion,	etc.	you	should	always	           make	sure	they’re	“in	the	loop”	      Obviously	some	of	these	things	
keep	in	mind	why	your	talking	and	         on	what’s	next	for	them	to	do.		      can	hit	you	pretty	hard,	others	can	
who	you’re	talking	to.                     Don’t	leave	anyone	hanging.           slowly	crumble	your	credibility	
                                                                                 over	time	(without	you	even	know-
The	same	goes	for	your	social	          •	 You	can’t	waste	any	parties’	         ing	it).		But	know	that	every	time	
capital...                                 time	-	Anything	you	propose	to	       you	engage	in	any	of	these	faulty	
                                           your	customers	and/or	partners	       activities,	your	capital	depreciates	
If	you	have	a	poor	concept	of	social	      should	clearly	indicate	why	          in	value.

10 Power Tips To Finding Your Voice
As we consider the im-
portance of social capital
(and	how	to	create	it),	I	wanted	to	
list	some	tips	for	you	to	keep	in	
mind	as	you	engage	in	conversa-
1. Be honest.		Your	reputation	is	so	
     fragile.		A	single	lie	could	severe	
     the	trust	you	have	with	your	com-
     munity	forever.

2. Be thoughtful.		Think	through	
   your	responses	to	comments,	feed-
   back,	and	questions	raised	and	directed	towards	you.		Today’s	Internet	communication	channels	enable	us	
   to	respond	immediately	to	any	inquiry.		However,	we	should	not	rush	to	respond	with	a	message	that	is	not	
   ready	for	the	public	eye.

3. Be strategic.		Think	about	how	many	different	groups	of	people	actually	listen	to	what	you	have	to	say	and	
   consider	their	positions	when	you	chose	to	publish	information.

4. Be aware.		Don’t	be	so	naive	as	to	think	others	(competitors,	friends,	relatives,	customers,	prospects,	etc.)	
   are	not	listening	closely	to	what	you	are	saying.

5. Be conscious. 	Oftentimes	we	come	across	tragic	stories	of	Facebookers	getting	fired	from	their	jobs	be-
   cause	they	were	caught	acting	inappropriately.		Today	more	than	EVER,	we	must	be	conscious	of	EVERY-
   THING	we	are	doing	and	saying.

6. Be sincere.		Your	voice	is	important.		The	real	person	you	are	should	always	show	through	in	what	you	say.		
   This	also	goes	for	what	you	write,	record,	or	otherwise	create.

7. Be clear. 	Your	words	must	be	placed	together	intelligently	so	that	your	audience	can	understand	you.		If	
   you	shoot	a	video	and	you’re	fumbling	over	your	words,	keep	shooting	it	until	you	get	it	right.		Once	it’s	up	
   there,	you	don’t	have	a	chance	to	‘erase’	what	people	saw.

8. Be concise. 	Keep	your	sentences	tight.		Keep	your	content	as	brief	as	it	needs	to	be	for	your	audience	to	un-
   derstand	it.		The	average	attention	span	of	an	Internet	user	is	shrinking	more	and	more.		You	don’t	want	them	
   to	miss	out	on	the	good	stuff	because	you’ve	bored	them	in	the	beginning.

9. Be humble. 	You	don’t	want	to	come	across	a	video	of	you	bragging	about	your	success	10,	20,	or	even	30	
   years	down	the	line	(and	maybe	even	have	your	kids	see	how	much	of	a	d-bag	you	were).

10. Be cool.		You	gain	a	lot	more	praise	from	sharing	your	‘positive’	comments	than	negative	ones.		There’s	
    no	need	for	you	to	make	public	things	that	you	can	express	offline.		Plus,	everyone	else	will	know	that	you	
    couldn’t	keep	your	cool,	which	ultimately	makes	you	look	bad	(whether	or	not	they	understood	the	situa-

Chapter	4:
   Magic Potions?
Why	Yes,	I’d	Love	Some
The Keys To Crafting A Successful
Social Media Marketing Campaign
       Simple:                          Test:
       People	don’t	want	to	think	      A	great	test	is	to	try	and	explain	your	idea	to	someone	
       too	hard	when	you’ve	pre-        who	has	no	relation	to	your	market/industry.		If	they	
       sented	them	with	an	idea.		      think	it’s	a	good	idea,	generally	it	means	you’ve	found	
       If	you	can’t	communicate	        something	that	people	can	understand	and	appreciate.
       the	value	of	it	in	one	to	two	
       sentences,	it’s	not	simple	
       enough	yet.		Keep	refining	
       it	until	you’ve	reached	that	
       level	of	simplicity.		Re-
       member,	this	idea	should	
       present	value	to	yourself,	
       your	Leverage	Points	and	
       your	core	customer.

       Smart:                           Test:
       Think	about	how	your	idea	       Approach	someone	who’s	been	bashing	you	and	your	
       can	present	an	intelligent	      efforts.		Ask	them	what	they	think	about	your	concept.		
       way	for	all	parties	to	gain	     If	they	like	it,	this	probably	means	they’re	willing	to	
       value	from	its	execution.		If	   admit	you	have	a	good	idea.
       one	party	doesn’t	resonate	
       with	your	concept,	go	back	
       to	the	drawing	boards	to	
       determine	what’s	working	
       and	what’s	not.		Ultimately,	
       you	want	to	make	sure	it’s	
       “wow”-ing	your	audience.

       Sticky:                          Test:
       Would	your	core	customer	        Survey	your	market	and	see	which	of	their	needs	are	
       share	this	with	their	fellow	    not	being	met.		Make	sure	you	probe	with	a	lot	of	
       colleagues,	friends,	neigh-      questions	that	touch	on	features	and	benefits	of	your	
       bors	or	relatives?		You	want	    own	idea.		This	will	help	you	refine,	tweak,	or	rethink	
       to	make	sure	that	there’s	       your	approach.
       a	real	need	for	your	idea.		
       Otherwise,	you	won’t	gain	
       enough	traction	with	the	
       people	who	use	or	interact	
       with	it.		In	order	for	your	
       idea	to	build	momentum,	
       attract	new	audiences,	and	
       bring	you	more	traffic,	you	
       have	to	have	something	
       your	market	really	wants.
The Keys To Crafting A Successful
Social Media Marketing Campaign
THE VALUE OF YOUR IDEA                                           THE WIN-WIN-WIN PROPOSITION

Before	ever	implementing	anything	I	talk	about	in	this	          In	order	to	drive	home	the	point	of	providing	value,	
eBook,	please	understand	that	the	value	of	its	use	all	          I've	listed	three	MUSTS	you’ll	want	to	consider.
rests	on	your	idea.		If	the	idea	is	faulty,	unethical,	false,	
or	otherwise	deemed	to	be	invaluable	to	the	parties	             These	three	MUSTS	can	also	be	looked	at	as	a
you're	looking	to	influence,	you	need	to	rethink	your	           Win-Win-Win Proposition.
idea	so	that	it	conveys	the	3	core	characteristics	listed	
on	the	last	page.                                                Thus,	you’re	idea...

                                                                                            (1) YOU
                                                                                            (2) CUSTOMER
                                                                                            (3) INFLUENCER

If	you,	your	community,	AND	your	          in	how	compelling	your	idea	is.		            Once	you	have	the	idea,	you’re	very	
LPs	don’t	gain	from	the	execu-             You	will	get	very	little	leverage	if	        much	ready	to	take	the	right	action	
tion	of	your	idea,	then	you	must	          you	are	not	serving	all	three	parties	       (in	the	right	order).
take	a	step	back	and	consider	how	         listed	above.                                	
you	can	fulfill	all	these	MUSTS	in	        	                                            Please	also	note,	I	encourage	you	
order	to	move	forward.                     And keep in mind I only                      to	read	through	this	entire	book	
                                                                                        at	least	once	before	you	consider	
You	will	not	make	real	progress	in	        tell you this to save you                    going	back	to	rethink	your	idea.		
the	area	of	social	media	market-           time, not to slow you                        This	book	gives	you	a	lot	of	things	
ing	unless	you	have	clearly deter-         down in your implemen-                       to	think	about	when	you’re	retool-
mined what each party will gain.		                                                      ing	for	greater	impact	(and	more	
The	leverage	you	maintain	all	lies	        tation.		                                    success).
Chapter	5:
The Golden Door
To	All	Your	Riches
(...Study	Closely)
The Primary Interest Of Anyone Operating Online:
            What's In It For Me!?
You’ve heard it all before,	but	really	stop	and	           ...As	a	social	media	professional	you	must	be	prepared	
think	about	it...When	you’re	talking	to	another	person,	   to	show	them	(at	some	point	in	the	relationship	build-
they’re	always	thinking	to	themselves:		What	are	their	    ing	process)	why	they	should	listen.		And	if	you	can	
motives?		Why	did	they	decide	to	reach	out	to	me?	         shape	your	marketing	strategy	around	this	question,	
What	do	they	want	from	me?                                 you’ll	have	no	problem	getting	the	results	you’re	after.

                                CORE REASONS FOR COMMUNICATION
                             There	are	a	few	reasons	you	might	be	speaking	to	an	LP:

    ONE                     TWO                  THREE                    FOUR                      FIVE
    They	have                They	have              They	have               They	have               They	have
       REACH               INFLUENCE               PRODUCTS             CONNECTIONS               PERSPECTIVE
(i.e.	a	lot	of	people	      (i.e.	a	strong	      (i.e.	an	excellent	   (i.e.	someone	you’d	     (i.e.	a	shared	inter-
 in	their	network	        network	-	other	      product	/	service	      like	them	to	refer	     est	with	your	own	
 -	fans,	followers,	     professionals	who	      you	want	to	sell	             you	to)          business,	life,	and/
    subscribers)          are	connected	to	     as	a	JV	partner	or	                               or	personal	phi-
                                them)                 affiliate)                                       losophy)

These	5	reasons	can	be	tied	to	very	powerful emotional interests	that	you	must	be	conscious	of	before	
                                     you	reach	out	to	these	Leverage	Points:

       FAME                   POWER                   MONEY               RELATIONSHIP          UNDERSTANDING

As	you	engage	in	conversation,	make	sure	you're	considering	both	parties’	emotional	interests	-	your’s	and	their’s.	
          The	relationship	should	always	be	pulling	and	pushing	in	both	directions	at	the	same	time.
                                  UNIFYING THE PUSH / PULL OPPOSITES
PUSH	-	steer	conversation	towards	how	they	benefit.           PULL	-	steer	conversation	towards	how	you	benefit.

If	you	want	more	        If	you	want	more	     If	you	want	more	       If	you	want	more	       If	you	want	to	
fame	for	your	own	       power,	think	         money,	think	           relationships,	         strengthen	the	
business,	think	         about	who	they	       about	what	you	         think	about	who	        relationship	based	
about	how	you	           don't	already	know	   can	do	to	help	         you	can	intro-          on	understanding,	
can	appeal	to	their	     that	you	might	be	    them	promote	           duce	them	to	that	      consider	how	you	
own	emotions	and	        able	to	introduce	    their	product	so	       they	don't	already	     can	add	to	their	
create	a	win-win	        them	to.		This	is	    that	you	sell	more	     know.		Save	them	       lives	with	thought-
relationship	that	       effective	if	this	    and	help	them	          time	by	referring	      ful	comments	and	
benefits	you	and	        person	is	in	a	       profit	-	making	        the	contact	so	they	    ideas	and	expose	
helps	them	fur-          related	market	and	   you	both	money.		       can	reach	out	to	       them	to	your	own	
ther	expand	their	       has	influence.        The	shared	inter-       the	person	and	         perspective.
reach.                                         est	is	in	promoting	    build	the	connec-
                                               valuable	products.      tion.
Chapter	6:
The Role Energy Plays In Social Media Marketing
                                         SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING CONSIDERATIONS

                                         In	any	social	media	campaign	you	must	know	what	type	of	effort	is	re-
                                         quired...	Below,	I’ve	listed	some	things	to	consider	as	you	plan	your	social	
                                         media	marketing	strategy:

                                         •	 Will	you	have	to	put an hour into networking	on	LinkedIn	everyday	
                                            for	the	next	month?
                                         •	 Will	you	have	to	create a blog post once per week	to	be	syndicated	
                                            across	all	your	profiles?
                                         •	 Will	you	have	to	research new fan pages	related	to	your	industry	and	
                                            build	connections	with	the	admins?
When many of us “play”                   •	 Will	you	have	to	find Twitter users in	your	local,	regional,	national,	
on social networks, we                      or	international	market	who	have	clout	or	shared	interests	so	you	can	
                                            work	on	building	a	viral	following	of	brand	enthusiasts?
often forget the value of                •	 Will	you	have	to create video and share it	with	your	subscriber	list?
our time.
                                         All	of	these	things	require	you	to	think	-	to	map	out	what	you	should	be	
This	is	a	dangerous	game	because	        doing	with	each	hour	of	the	day	when	you’re	working.
it	cuts	into	many	other	areas	we’d	      	
otherwise	never	fail	to	neglect	(i.e.	   When	you’re	done	with	uploading/tagging/captioning	Facebook	pictures,	
household	chores,	errands	or	other	      for	instance,	let	yourself	move	onto	the	next	related	task.		Keep	from	drift-
obligations.)                            ing	into	your	personal	stream	and	checking	out	what	friends	are	doing	
	                                        with	their	lives	(IMHO	it’s	a	waste	of	time.)
We	get	caught	up	in	what’s	hap-
pening	and	next	thing	you	know,	
the	day	slipped	away	from	us	as	we	      pate	as	you	slip	into	activities	that	   FACEBOOK POWER TIP
check	notifications,	send	Twitter	       aren’t	bringing	you	closer	to	your	
messages,	and	filter	our	inbox.          primary	goal.
And	the	worst	part	is,	we’ve	got	        Yes,	you	will	have	to	do	some	mun-
nothing	to	show	for	the	time	we’ve	      dane	activities	during	the	day	that	
invested	(or	wasted).                    go	along	with	the	job	(like	clearing	    If	you	start	noticing	your	produc-
	                                        out	the	spam	from	your	blog	posts,	      tivity	is	waning	because	of	exces-
The	work	force	is	facing	many	           or	uploading	new	pictures	to	your	       sive	Facebook	use,	use	the	privacy	
issues	with	this.		Companies	are	        Facebook	page.)		But	the	key	is	to	      features	to	throw	all	your	friends	
struggling	to	monitor	the	time	em-       stay	on	schedule	with	your	work.	        on	a	list.		Then,	make	sure	that	
ployees	spend	working	vs.	social-                                                 you	can't	see	this	list	in	your	feed.		
izing.                                                                            Personally,	I	have	many	business	
	                                                                                 connections	and	pages	I	communi-
And	this	is	relevant	to	you	because	                                              cate	with	so	I	like	to	keep	them	in	
your	business	operates	on	these	                                                  my	feed	so	I	know	what's	going	on	
networks	and	uses	these	platforms	                                                in	the	world	of	business	rather	than	
everyday.                                                                         my	"pseudo"	social	life.

If	you’re	not	careful,	the	energy	you	
reserve	for	work	can	slowly	dissi-
The Role Energy Plays In Social Media Marketing
                                                                                 time	at	school.

                                                                                 On	the	other	hand,	when	you’ve	
                                                                                 set	an	objective	to	learn	in	the	
                                                                                 case	of	results-based	thinking,	you	
                                                                                 use	your	time	wisely	in	acquiring	

Remember, just because                    	                                      Trust	me,	results-based	thinking	
                                          •	 Effort-based	thinking	means	        is	what	you	want	to	engage	in	--	it	
you're in a ‘working’ en-                    you're willing to go	to	school.     will	help	you	create	more	output	
vironment, doesn't mean                                                          (with	less	effort	than	you	think).
you'll be productive.                     •	 Results-based	thinking	means	       	
                                             you've set an objective to learn    Moreover,	the	purpose	of	this	book	
A	working	environment	only	lends	            once	you've	arrived.                is	to	help	you	shift	your	thinking	to	
itself	to	quality	output.		But	quality	                                          only	focus	on	results.		Because	ul-
output	is	the	result	of	intelligent	      The	graph	above	illustrates	what	      timately,	results	are	the	only	thing	
planning	and	execution.                   happens	with	these	two	mindsets:       you	can	show	for	when	you've	put	
	                                                                                in	a	day's	worth	of	work.
Ultimately,	you	want	to	be	results-       When	you’re	willing	to	show	up	in	     	
based	in	your	thinking,	not	effort-       the	case	of	effort-based	thinking,	    Listed	below	are	some	suggested	
based.                                    you	invest	much	of	your	time	in	       steps	(in	the	right	order),	so	you	
	                                         unfocused	work.		You	haven’t	set	      can	start	taking	action	now.
To	illustrate:                            a	real	intention	for	spending	your	


     Determine	what	your	primary	goal	is
     List	all	the	details	of	this	goal	and	what	you	will	need	to	accomplish	it
     Map	out	how	your	social	media	efforts	will	integrate	into	the	success	of	this	goal
     Determine	the	amount	of	time	you	need	to	be	spending	in	each	area	of	your	work	in	order	to	achieve	this	
     goal	in the shortest amount of time possible
     Communicate	the	different	responsibilities	to	all	parties	involved
     Set	milestones	with	your	group	to	chart	your	progress
     Take	action	on	the	first	step	in	your	plan
     Don’t	move	onto	the	next	step	until	you	are	satisfied	with	the	quality	of	your	output

Chapter	7:
Bonus Me, Please
(No	Pun	Intended)
Business Tooligans Biz Model
                    Initiation Message To Prospective Influencer

If	you	are	looking	to	leverage	the	networks	of	influencers	in	your	market,	it	is	important	that	you	send	them	an	
email/message.		Below	is	the	message	I	used	to	get	some	of	the	top	experts	in	my	field	interested	in	what	I	had	to	

Excellent	article,	[Name].		Came	across	your	work	through	[person, website, event, article, video, etc.].
How	would	you	feel	about	[as briefly as possible, describe the win-win-win and what every party gains from
your idea]	contributing	to	my	company's	#SMMGR	Magazine	on	a	periodic	basis?	Unlike	guest	posting,	we'll	
utilize	some	of	your	archived	blog	posts	(so	you	don't	have	to	write	new	content)	and	help	you	sell	more	of	your	
products	and	programs	at	the	end	of	your	content	piece?	We'll	earn	a	commission	off	any	sales	made	through	
the	newsletter,	you'll	get	more	exposure	/	leads	/	sales,	and	our	readership	will	learn	from	you,	a	qualified	expert.

It's	a	win-win-win.
Please	send	me	an	email	if	this	sounds	of	interest	to	you.
P.S.	Currently,	we	have	[insert all experts who’ve agreed to this same proposal] on	board.


•	 This	should	be	done	after	you’ve	put	some	time	into	understanding	them,	who	they	are,	what	they	teach,	
   what	other	experts	they’re	connected	to,	etc.		HOWEVER,	please	know	that	I	have	sent	this	off	to	experts	
   without	knowing	extensive	information	about	them	and	it’s	worked	out	fine...	I’ve	just	put	in	time	(once	they	
   agreed	to	talk)	to	better	understand	who	they	were	exactly.		Either	way	works,	but	just	know	you’ll	have	to	do	
   some	research	at	some	point	to	learn	about	them.

•	 Ideally	you’ll	want	to	send	this	in	an	email.		HOWEVER,	you	can	do	this	within	the	comments	section	of	
   their	most	recent	blog	post.		We’ve	found	that	the	speed	of	the	response	is	much	quicker.		This	is	because	the	
   expert	is	already	in	a	“receptive	mode”	to	get	feedback	from	his/her	readership.		It’s	almost	like	a	compli-
   ment	that	you’ve	put	in	effort	to	read	their	post	and	then	helped	them	tack	on	another	comment	so	that	their	
   readership	perceives	the	post	to	be	of	higher	value	(again,	always	be	thinking	about	the	win-win-win	rela-

•	 Please	understand	that	we	were	in	a	very	big	time	crunch	to	get	moving	on	our	idea	so	we	weren’t	afraid	of	
   someone	else	“stealing”	it	if	they	came	across	our	proposal	on	the	expert's	blog	comments.		Our	reasoning	
   for	this	was	that	based	on	our	up	front	investment	in	mapping	out	this	idea,	we	felt	that	there	were	plenty	of	
   other	mechanics	going	on	in	the	background	that	would	make	it	difficult	for	anyone	else	to	be	“first	to	mar-

Business Tooligans Biz Model
                     Followup Message To Prospective Influencer
If	the	influencer	likes	your	concept,	they’ll	most	likely	ask	you	what	the	next	steps	are.		Make	sure	you	have	a	
more	detailed	message	ready	to	fire	off	so	they	know	exactly	what	you’re	trying	to	accomplish	and	how	you	in-
tend	to	serve	the	community.		Below	is	an	email	we’ve	used	to	get	excellent	results:

[Name],                                                                                                Josh Peters
Thanks for your interest and quick response. [Insert brief line that revisits a past conversation or
refreshes their memory about who you are]. Here’s the rundown of

(1) our intention with this [insert idea in as few words as possible] newsletter,
(2) the basic content that we’ll be providing,
(3) what a [insert audience] new subscriber will receive from us,
(4) benefits to our expert panelists (and the people who are already involved) and                     Sounds great.
(5) our marketing and promotional strategy for this [insert idea] newsletter...                        Send over the
                                                                                                       questions and lets
(1) [Insert your idea in a very precise, focused, and powerful sentence] Our service is an inbox       do the interview
magazine (another name for newsletter... BUT, with a very big distinction...) focused on helping       next week.
managers, entrepreneurs, and employees navigate the social media education landscape. ([insert
url to the particular webpage]) (

(2) With our [insert audience] readership, we’d like to [insert idea] serve up articles produced by
experts in the social media, Internet marketing, and small business education realms and expose
them to crucial information (and products) that would be useful for their online marketing activi-
ties. This would allow them to leverage the best knowledge from the most valuable experts.

Our theory is that [insert compelling punch line that makes the LP agree with you] with the right
tools and resources, our subscribers will learn to work smarter, not harder.

...I’m sure you’re always looking for more people to help promote your message. Since we’re both
in the business of [insert main keyword for your industry] social media, we know that our [insert
audience] readership will be very receptive to your information and products.

(3) [List what your audience/customer gains] Upon subscribing, a new reader will receive:

* MP3 “sneak peak” audio of your interview in a professionally packaged format
* Ongoing articles produced by expert panelists which include a bio (ex:
* Promotional emails from experts who are launching new products or services
* Invitations to special events, offers, and bonuses

(4) [List what the influencer gains] Benefits to our expert panelists:

* Little time investment for great exposure
* More mileage from past blog articles (while avoiding SEO issues)
How To Win-Win-Win: A Social Media Manager's Manifesto For Tapping Into The World Of Influence
How To Win-Win-Win: A Social Media Manager's Manifesto For Tapping Into The World Of Influence
How To Win-Win-Win: A Social Media Manager's Manifesto For Tapping Into The World Of Influence
How To Win-Win-Win: A Social Media Manager's Manifesto For Tapping Into The World Of Influence
How To Win-Win-Win: A Social Media Manager's Manifesto For Tapping Into The World Of Influence
How To Win-Win-Win: A Social Media Manager's Manifesto For Tapping Into The World Of Influence
How To Win-Win-Win: A Social Media Manager's Manifesto For Tapping Into The World Of Influence
How To Win-Win-Win: A Social Media Manager's Manifesto For Tapping Into The World Of Influence
How To Win-Win-Win: A Social Media Manager's Manifesto For Tapping Into The World Of Influence
How To Win-Win-Win: A Social Media Manager's Manifesto For Tapping Into The World Of Influence
How To Win-Win-Win: A Social Media Manager's Manifesto For Tapping Into The World Of Influence
How To Win-Win-Win: A Social Media Manager's Manifesto For Tapping Into The World Of Influence

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How To Win-Win-Win: A Social Media Manager's Manifesto For Tapping Into The World Of Influence

  • 1. A Social Media Manager’s Manifesto For Tapping Into e World Of In uence Written by Chase Sherman
  • 2. In This Book, You Will Learn... • My story and how I got to where I am today • How to embody the ‘all-holy’ mindset of a successful Social Media Manager • Why now is the best time to call yourself a Social Media Manager • Social Media etiquette and the rules of engagement • An effective way to tell if your idea is valuable enough for the market • A step-by-step process for developing your own market research strategy • The power of a ‘Win-Win-Win Proposition’ and what it can do for your social media marketing campaign • How to launch a full-fledged social media marketing campaign and the tips and strategies that go into making them run smoothly and save you time • How to press the right ‘emotional buttons’ when talking to Leverage Points • The faults to avoid when building up your social capital • How to construct irresistible messages that make it hard for your recipient to withstand their curiosity • The secrets of pitching your business proposal to BIG INDUSTRY HITTERS -- and how to bring them on board with your venture • The play-by-play email correspondence that convinced the right people to join onto our company’s project • How to formulate a MASTERMIND Alliance and cultivate a strong group of ‘team players’ • The ‘behind the scenes’ of what a real Mastermind Group document looks like -- STRAIGHT FROM OUR OWN PLAYBOOK! • Where to get the best FREE resource for all your Social Media Management needs! 1
  • 4. Thank You’s To my business partner, To my Dad. Thank you for To my Brother. Thank you Jay Rockman. Thank you for your relentless pressure on me to for the mental support. You’ve standing by me with this venture figure out my path. You are a big never given up on me and I con- even when we weren’t really sure part of why I’m able to take action tinue to see how lucky I am to have of ‘what to do next.’ Your trust in on what comes to my mind. I am a guy like you in my corner. I love me has given me conviction that so grateful for your raising me to you, dude. my ideas were worth pursuing. ‘do it myself.’ It’s something I truly Your honest attention is what made value. To my Grandparents. me believe we could successfully Thank you for your optimism and launch Business Tooligans from To my Stepmom. Thank you encouragement. I’ve gained much nothing. for the times you looked over my inspiration from your wisdom and written work back in high school I truly appreciate your listening to To my Mom. Thank you for and college. Without your guid- my ramblings. supporting me as I pursue my ance, my ideas would be inflated dreams. Your faith in me has truly and less compelling. You taught made my entrepreneurial idea me the importance of succinct and growing into an all consuming coherent communication. obsession. Without you, nothing would have ever made it past the idea in my head.
  • 5. Table of Contents My Story............................................................................................................................................................................................6 What To Focus On As You Read...................................................................................................................................................8 Terms................................................................................................................................................................................................9 Chapter 1: Bold Claims & Blasphemy Why The Business World Needs Intelligent Social Media Managers More Than Any Other Web-Based Prof................11 Paradigm Shift: Why Social Media Is Useful To Every Business Department.......................................................................12 Before We Approach The First Real Chapter..............................................................................................................................14 Chapter 2: Buckle Up, Bud. Time To Get To Work. Pep Talk: Why You, The Social Media Manager, Need To Step Up Your Game And Bridge The Comm. Gap Now!.....16 Consider Yourself Warned: The Rules Of Social Media............................................................................................................17 The Window Principal.................................................................................................................................................17 The Top 5 Characteristics Of A Successful Social Media Manager.........................................................................................18 1. Responsible...............................................................................................................................................................18 2. Persistent..................................................................................................................................................................18 3. Considerate..............................................................................................................................................................18 4. Capable.....................................................................................................................................................................18 5. Creative....................................................................................................................................................................18 Key Principles To Consider When Managing Social Media....................................................................................................18 Chapter 3: Slug. It. Out. (You’ll Thank Me Later) The Role Research Plays In Social Media Marketing................................................................................................................20 The Research Process....................................................................................................................................................20 The Connection Between Research And Social Capital..........................................................................................................21 Creating Social Capital................................................................................................................................................21 Documenting The Landscape......................................................................................................................................21 The 4 Can’ts Of Building Up Your Social Capital...................................................................................................................22 10 Power Tips To Finding Your Voice.........................................................................................................................................23 4
  • 6. Chapter 4: Magic Potions? Why Yes, I’d Love Some The Keys To Crafting A Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign................................................................................25 Simple (Test).................................................................................................................................................................25 Smart (Test)..................................................................................................................................................................25 Sticky (Test)..................................................................................................................................................................25 The Value Of Your Idea...............................................................................................................................................26 The Win-Win-Win Proposition....................................................................................................................................26 Chapter 5: The Golden Door To All Your Riches (...Study Closely) The Primary Interest Of Anyone Operating Online: What’s In It For Me!?..........................................................................28 Core Reasons For Communication..............................................................................................................................28 Unifying The Push / Pull Opposites.............................................................................................................................28 Chapter 6: GameTime Make It Count The Role Energy Plays In Social Media Marketing...................................................................................................................30 Social Media Marketing Considerations.....................................................................................................................30 Facaebook Powertip.....................................................................................................................................................30 Results-Based vs. Efforts-Based Thinking...................................................................................................................31 Action Steps..................................................................................................................................................................31 Chapter 7: Bonus Me, Please (No Pun Intended) BONUS #1 Business Tooligans Biz Model.............................................................................................................................33 Initiation Message To Prospective Influencer...............................................................................................................33 Power Tips....................................................................................................................................................................33 Followup Message To Prospective Influencer...............................................................................................................34 BONUS #2 The Mastermind Blueprint.................................................................................................................................36 Developing Your Own Mastermind Group.................................................................................................................36 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................38 Purpose.........................................................................................................................................................................39 Benefits.........................................................................................................................................................................40 Roles & Responsibilities...............................................................................................................................................41 Evaluation Form..........................................................................................................................................................43 Rules Of The 2TM Co. Mastermind Alliance.............................................................................................................43 Chapter 8: Bottoms Up The End.....................................................................................................................................................................................45 How To Sign Up For The Only FREE Social Media Manager Magazine.............................................................................46 5
  • 7. My Story what I know ing my first website at 19, selling into my com- my graphic design services at 20, pany. distributing my t-shirts in stores at 21, and helping my friend launch a Now before we cartoon at 22. Most would say I’m a 23 jump into the business, you should also know Clearly, 23’s my year ;-) year-old punk kid who’s I’m interested in creating a life got no business trying to that fulfills me. As a result, I’ve invested much of my time in search After graduating start his own business. from the University for gratifying work. I love learning from people who’ve seen a lot and of Miami, FL with a Especially when I’ve got no corpo- B.A. in Entrepreneurship, my busi- rate experience under my belt. I done a lot. ness partner and I got started on get it, most CEOs and managers our Internet company, 2TM Co. will look at me like I’m nuts. I’m a personal development fiend. I love listening to guys like And to top it, four months into Tony Robbins, Earl Nightengale, Napoleon Hill, Bob Proctor, Eck- ‘real-life mode’ I sold my car hart Tolle, Wayne Dyer, Deepak and moved back to LA in Chopra, Tim Ferris, Jack Canfield, order to buy myself more and Brendon Burchard. time. Fortunately I could live at I eat this stuff for breakfast, lunch, my mom’s and work on my busi- and dinner. I try to train my mind I’d been studying Internet mar- ness at her office because she had to be prepared for opportuni- keting ever since my last year of an extra desk. ties. There’s something nice about college -- learning from big name always being ‘on.’ Thinking about gurus like Frank Kern, John Reese, But here’s the way I see it -- be- the next move. Strategizing. Jeff Walker, Mike Koenigs, John cause you’ve just now heard what Jonas, Amish Shah, Yaro Starak, the rest of the world thinks (and As a 23 year-old college graduate, I Andy Jenkins, Ryan Deiss, and how I set myself up for absolute think I’m in the best position to do more. commitment to my work). great work. But after putting in 12-hour days To start off you must know that for six months straight, our Inter- right when I graduated high school Growing up in an entre- net business marketing affiliate Facebook and other social media preneurial environment products flopped. We really tried platforms were just getting started. I was accustomed to the everything to make it work -- email And although I wasn’t leveraging marketing, article marketing, social them for business up until this last notion of taking risks. media, Facebook ads, SEO... year, I was using Facebook before It became a habitual way of op- many were even able to get on it. erating for me. Over the years I came to realize we were I can remember every one of my I’ve taken a lot of them. I’ve gone missing a primary ingre- friends using their new college skydiving. I’ve studied abroad in dient to this entire busi- the middle east. I’ve visited third emails to claim their profile. From world countries... ness model -- PASSION. the perspective of a college student, I saw Facebook evolve into what it We didn’t have an interest in what is today. I’ve always been an entrepreneur -- washing cars at 16, starting a we were selling. We invested time streetwear clothing brand at 17, in the mechanics (which is what Consequently, I’m now translating I’m passionate about), but the at- launching a fundraiser at 18, build- 6
  • 8. tempt to generate an income off her, let alone how they would all ers called: how to grow orchids, how to bet tie in together to create a cohesive on sports, and how to beat video strategy that could be rolled out games made it hard to sustain the with her employees. #SMMGR Magazine. enthusiasm. Naturally it sparked our interest Through our magazine we’ve In that time we launched fours sites to serve small businesses as social reached out to some of the top but couldn’t make a dime. media managers and consultants experts in the field (which is -- something I’m enthusiastically what this book will show you Three months after being back in passionate about. how to do effectively) to teach our LA, the partnership was losing readership in topics like storytell- steam and my friend’s other ven- Today ing, blogging, Facebook, Twitter, ture was picking up. He and I de- aims to educate the social me- LinkedIn, YouTube, social media cided to scrap the affiliate sites and dia management community in management and strategy, net- went back to the drawing boards. best practices across the fields of working, public relations, lead gen- Internet marketing, social media eration, location-based marketing, After speaking with small business management, and small business branding, email marketing, shop- owners, we noticed there was an development. ping cart systems, and more. interest in simple-to-use systems Utilizing social media for our affili- We also include free “sneak peak” for the latest online tools. My mom ate sites we learned how social me- interviews for readers to gain in- was the first one I studied closely... dia could be tied into an Internet sight into how these experts think marketing strategy to attract clients and act. We offer full length ver- I noticed she was really looking and build a business. sions for purchase on the back-end to reinvigorate her business – to along with transcription notes and create more momentum, gain new expert bonus bundles. So we built the site you leads, and ultimately forge new cli- ent relationships. But she wasn’t fa- see today and we’ve For more details you can check out: miliar with how things like a blog, launched the first FREE an email marketing campaign, or industry inbox magazine newsletter social media services would actu- ally create new opportunities for for Social Media Manag- Neal Schaffer Pete Canalichio Michael Margolis Here’s what some of the exper ts had to say... Count me in. This sounds terrific. I'm game! 7
  • 9. What To Focus On As You Read... If you’re reading this book you likely already know how to do the things most older generations don’t (i.e. set up, operate, and connect through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.). But just in case you don’t, know that this book will not outline any of those steps. Moreover, you should know that your proficiency in using these ma- jor networks will only enable you to reach a larger audience. It will not guarantee you the type of opportunity and recognition that comes from implementing an intelligent strategy that’s backed by hard work and diligent research. Denise Wakeman And please understand, social media is a tool - not a strategy. Of course, I believe it’s important that you know how to use these tools but what I teach in this book is not about tactics or methodology. Now off the bat you may think much of what I describe in this book will explain how you leverage the networks of others to generate more traffic, leads, and sales. And don’t get me wrong, it will. Whether you’re a corpo- You're the perfect case rate social media manager, Internet marketer, or entrepreneur, as a social study because you caught media professional you will have to know how to tap into spheres of influ- my attention. I saw you ence - be they individuals or communities. retweeting my stuff. I saw it I might not've However, I will not go into much depth discussing these topics. Plenty acknowledged it all the of other blogs like Problogger and Copyblogger have sufficiently outlined time but I saw it. I saw much of this information (We’ve also done so in a few of our blog posts). that you commented on things I posted on my But more importantly with this book, I hope to communicate something Facebook page. I saw even more fundamental to you. And that is that by the end of this reading that you commented on you gain an understanding of the all-holy my blog posts. So when you reached out to me mindset of a successful Social Media Manager. I was like, yea I know who this guy is. I mean ...In other words: why one can be effective in this job. I don't know you but I recognized your name. In my opinion, once you’ve reached a level of thinking that exhibits So it was like... ok, yea. creative problem solving and intelligent planning, much of the necessary What have you got here. ‘how-to’ information you need will fall into place. I also believe that with Let's talk. So it totally this type of mindset, you will have the power to leverage any new tool that works... you did a great shows up in the future (you may just need to put time into learning how job. You're a great role to use it). model for your business. Righty-o, mates. Let’s move into the gooood stuffff :-) 8
  • 10. Terms ...Before we get started, I wanted to make sure you have these ideas imprinted on the screen of your mind ;-) • Leverage Points (“LPs”) - People of influence with large- Amy Porterfield scale reach who expose your idea to their audience. We stress that you reach out to leverage points who have expert influence, leadership positioning, and/or extensive experience in their field. • Win-Win-Win Proposition - The most effective way to leverage the networks of others by devising a plan that would serve Yes, I am very inter- you, the customer, and your Leverage Points. ested, so thank you for reaching out. You have some great people • Internet Opportunists - Professionals with highly special- on board! ized skill-sets and unique positions of power, which enable them to demand greater attention, respect, and money within the marketplace. At one time, webmasters claimed this coveted position. Today it is reserved for a new category of web professionals - Social Media Man- agers. • Society of Virtual Dignitaries (“SVD”) - This group is made up of Social Media Managers, Community Managers, and Social Change Agents who are interfacing their organizations with the public. Although they may not be aware, this group of representa- tives have the power to shift public opinion by shaping and facilitating public discussion. Some of its fellow members can be found repairing companies worldwide from unjust claims. Others have been respon- sible for large scale change in world affairs (see how members of this society changed the Philippines, Egypt and Iran). 9
  • 11. Chapter 1: Bold Claims & Blasphemy
  • 12. Why The Business World Needs Intelligent Social Me- dia Managers More Than Any Other Web-Based Professional In the early days of Inter- website of any large company without a link to their social media net business webmasters profiles. Why? Because consumer were king. They held the keys behavior is now being shaped So for you, the Social to a new world of possibility. As through online communication. Media Manager, you’re Internet Opportunists, they could demand attention, respect, and The emergence of social media clearly in the right spot. high prices. Their skill-sets were platforms have literally changed highly specialized and so new that Companies that are new to this way the way customers buy products it made anyone seeking their help of marketing and communication and services. instantly trust their judgement and are seeking a lot of help. They’re spend the necessary money to get a trying to use irrelevant advertising Consumers don’t trust what a com- website up and running. This was in the wrong places which is mak- pany says about themselves any- a great time for webmasters. ing for bad strategy (and wasting more (as if they ever did...). But their time, money, and effort). instead they’re putting their faith However, times have changed and in public consensus and opinion. with the proliferation of Word- Now, when a company wants the Now they’re spending their time press, list management platforms, attention of its customers, the only surfing reviews and prompting and shopping cart systems com- way to get it is to speak to them their networks to help them answer panies now need not spend thou- where they’re already talking. This the question, sands (or tens of thousands) of territory is unfamiliar to the com- dollars on websites or third party pany in many different respects. webmasters. The skill-sets of these “Should I buy from this And what’s even better for you is business owners don’t fully under- service professionals are practically company?” stand how to join in on - and more Internet commodities (and much of them are free). importantly facilitate - conversa- This question, by the way, trans- tions around their brands. lates into 70-80% of the buying In fact, you could go to a site right decision. Consumers are more now called and find Their business model is fractured likely to buy something (or not someone who’s capable of setting at arguably the most vital intersec- buy something) based on their up your Wordpress site for $5.00 tion - where peers’ feedback. And where’s the easy. This was something we best place to find these answers? business meets buyer couldn’t do five years ago. Through social media networks. Obviously things are now differ- Armed with their research and ent and we’re seeing a new group their convictions, these customers of Internet professionals come into are now not only right but they can the ranks of top authority. also demand that these companies who serve them play ball in their Today you won’t come across the courts. 11
  • 13. Paradigm Shift: Why Social (Continued from page 11) Fum- bling onto the scene, these com- panies are certainly not capable Media Is Useful To Every of putting their best foot forward. Their old paradigms of marketing Business Department and advertising have become so outdated in such a short period of time that they’ve found themselves stuck and desperate. As the new wave of Internet Op- portunists, you must be prepared to inherit this world of change. Our access to anything and anyone fundamentally changes the game. As a Social Media Manager, you have a great responsibility to steer the uninitiated in the right Before social networks what it represents or are completely direction. You’re the captain of a baffled by the possibilities and large ship. Grab the helm and hold there was no way, fi- don’t know where to begin. tight! nancially speaking, to adequately learn about And as we’re seeing the business In times of profound change, the world transition into this new learners inherit the earth, while the a customer in order to paradigm, the older generations learned find themselves beautifully serve him/her better. are still resistant and have yet to equipped to deal with a world that embrace it. no longer exists. Much of the testing took place in focus groups where people were In fact, you’ll know how deeply -Eric Hoffer, The Ordeal of Change paid to give their feedback. It was ingrained a business owner’s belief a sterile environment and it practi- is around the topic of social media cally encouraged dishonesty from when they demand to see an ROI prospects and customers. (Return On Investment) - as if its HOWEVER, there’s application to sales and market- more to social media... Social media on the other hand, is ing were the only advantages to a enabling companies to gain more company. And the suggestion I’m about to insight than ever before - and at a make, if executed properly, has the fraction of the cost. Now it’s not to say the tech world power to open the business up to a isn’t and shouldn’t be working to- completely new world of possi- It’s also multiplying a company’s wards the ability to track the direct bilities. It’s a bold claim, I under- chances of reaching more buyers. effect of social media marketing. stand. But hear me out: Period. This is something we’ve They are. But you and I both know never before been able to construct that it serves more purposes. If a business will set out to ap- - not through websites, email, or proach the world of influential any other Internet-based market- Of course, if a company will al- leaders, experts, brand advocates, ing platform. locate money towards the man- early adopters, past and present agement of social media, they put customers, as well as prospects Which is part of the reason why it’s themselves in a better position to with the intention of building up so hard for business owners to un- create more sales opportunities social capital, they’ll soon find derstand - because they either fear because of the amount of users. social media management produc- 12
  • 14. • HR - With social media we can solve customer support issues by facilitating real-time discus- sion through platforms like Facebook and Twitter. • PR, Sales, Marketing - With social media we can develop partners for cross-pro- motions, empower customers to share company news and of- fers, and increase relevance for Google to drive pre-qualified traffic to the company’s website. Obviously today things are differ- ent. These platforms are enabling us to perform tasks outside of the scope of old business paradigms. And for companies who have not caught onto this yet, they are the ones in need of Social Media Managers to help leverage these networks. And when the business owner demands to see the ROI of their investment, it’s the Social Media Manager’s job to help them un- derstand that they’re trying to translate old paradigms of do- ing business into highly evolved ing more value than just in terms and production depart- consumer environments where the of direct leads and sales. ments can also experi- investment in social media doesn’t ence extreme benefits... just serve sales and marketing And by doing this effectively, a objectives but it also serves R&D, company will have so much new and at a fraction of the PR, HR, and production objectives insight into their market that it seems almost laughable to turn cost! as well. down the hiring of a Social Media Let’s consider how it helps each of Then the Social Media Manager Manager. these departments better serve the needs to help them understand end consumer: that the sales-tracking technol- In fact, if it were up to me, social ogy hasn’t yet caught up with the media would be it’s own depart- • R&D, Production - With capabilities of these tools -- there’s ment within a business outside of social media we can survey much that needs to be “sorted out” marketing and sales. Why? loyal customers through direct in this area. relationship building. It also Because with its use, a helps us gain product develop- company’s R&D, PR, HR, ment insight. 13
  • 15. Before We Approach The First Real Chapter... ...I've listed some questions you might not have thought to ask but are vital to your understanding of social media and how to use this book. Q: Why do I need to grow a following? Building a following brings you great power. With social media, your relationship and reach determine your in- fluence. With a loyal fan base, you have the opportunity to generate honest feedback, survey your audience, and build strategic networks on a mass scale. With the viral nature of social media, your integrity, credibility, and value can quickly spread with followers. Q: Why should I care about experts, influencers, and networks? When it comes down to messages, anything you publish has the opportunity to fall into the hands of experts, influencers, and media giants - if delivered in the right 'light'. Building relationships with these Leverage Points can bring you highly targeted traffic and help you build credibility with your existing and prospective audiences. Q: Where do I go to tap into these spheres of influence? Determine the keyword phrases of your general market/industry to search for Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, and LinkedIn profiles. Googling your market with ending words like “blogs,” “forums,” “communities,” etc. will also pull up these spheres of influence. A more comprehensive approach is included in this ebook. Q: How does social media tie into my sales and marketing strategy? Your market is thinking, speaking, and evolving everyday. As a Social Media Manager, it’s expected of you to invest a heavy dose of listening into your strategy. Followers expect you to be in-the-know about topics, trends, and news. By disseminating information and establishing credibility through the transference of knowledge you are priming your market to buy. Through the publication and delivery of useful content on multiple social networks your fans, followers, and connections have the opportunity to retrieve your content through their ac- counts. By establishing a consistent presence and procuring and collating valuable information for them, your market will click through to products and services you promote because of the credibility and trust you’ve built. 14
  • 16. Chapter 2: Buckle Up, Bud. Time To Get To Work.
  • 17. Pep Talk: Why You, The Social Media Manager, Need To Step Up Your Game And Bridge The Communication Gap Now! the curve is steep - especially when Sharing unique content over the you consider the need to dissemi- Internet can also help position a nate messages to create influence company as a thought leader in its and drive traffic. This requires a industry, giving it more influence new way of thinking altogether over a market and a more loyal - one that doesn’t present salesy fan base. Any skilled Social Media marketing or push style communi- Manager understands this. cation. But let’s face it, no one else is will- The shift we’re experiencing from ing to spend the time learning offline to online communication what you already know. You’re the is making it very difficult for only one holding the keys to this businesspeople to embrace. ‘vault’. And because the learning If you weren’t already curve is so steep for many small aware, you are in a high- You will continue to see many balk businesses, valued position. at the need for a social media pres- ence. Why? Because they don’t you have a unique posi- Although many within a company get it. They don’t understand that would consider you a sales and social media platforms can ignite a tion of power. marketing assistant, you know very powerful explosion of interest and desire in a brand. As a So- But let’s not get caught up though. better than to let them pigeonhole cial Media Manager your job is to Power in the hands of most are your expertise. As a member of bridge the gap between these two dangerous - especially in the social the Society of Virtual Dignitaries, worlds of communication. media space. But when channeled the adept Social Media Manager for good, you have the ability to knows they have the power to You know that the power of so- tap unrealized potential latent in a serve in more ways than pushing cial proof and the ability to share business - whether it be its net- messages out to herds of prospects what one finds around the Internet work, product mix, customer da- and customers. makes these social platforms ideal tabase, supplier network, strategic places to communicate company alliances, or friendly competitors Whether you’re working for your- messages. And companies who - when coupled with social media, self or for a company, if you under- don’t understand this also don’t if used properly, can spawn a new stand ‘how all this stuff works’ you understand that maintaining pro- world of possibilities. have a lot to offer in any business environment. CEOs and managers files on networks like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube allow differ- If you know how to collaborate are starving for your knowledge- ent types of users to engage with a with these parties through social base and experience. And it’s best brand. networks, you become more than that you understand and embrace just a sales and marketing as- this because when the time comes, With social media any company sistant. And by learning how to you’ll be expected to ‘make the can disseminate news, obtain valu- properly allocate your time and call’ and you’ll want to have that able market research, elicit insight- energy into the right channels, you confidence when they’re looking to ful responses, generate qualified will begin to see huge returns in you for answers. leads, and convert more prospects the way of fans, leads, and buyers. If a company wanted to learn stra- into buyers. Of course, this book intends to tegic use of social media platforms walk you through that process... (But first...) 16
  • 18. Consider Yourself Warned: The Rules Of Social Media Obviously, this chapter is Facebook pictures in the wrong You must understand that what places the next day. you say on a social media platform meant to serve as a "gut will never go away. Period. check." ...For many of us, operating on social media networks is not a I say "never" because the company It's a cautionary message that I conscious activity. who's platform you use likely has hope you take to heart before you a clause in their Terms and Condi- journey into the space of social Therefore, understand that every- tions or Privacy Policy that states media marketing. thing you think, type, and publish that whatever you do on their so- onto the Internet is fair game for cial network is not your property. With that, I'll start by saying: everyone in the world to see. In other words, what you say is out If you're operating on social media So - if you're not cut out to face of your control. Therefore, you do platforms please understand, you criticism, strong opposition, or not get to determine who has ac- have no absolute privacy. negative people - reconsider your cess to this information. professional path. I say "absolute" because with many At any point in time the company, platforms you can regulate who This medium of doing business, the government, advertisers, or sees what you say, but if you put all creating relationships, and com- others may have access to your per- your faith in the technology you're municating your opinions is for sonal file. Just know that the free leaving out the most important the mature, honest, ethical, and use of these tools come with a very variable of the social media equa- sincere. All others are in risk of serious price. tion - people. damaging their reputations, hurt- ing their careers, and creating more If you're not ready to jump into Just as an example, if you manage problems for themselves. this river, don't feel bad, but don't to piss off the "right" person (be- do it either. It's not for the faint of cause they are in your network), Here's another point: heart. you may just see all your naughty THE WINDOW PRINCIPAL if it were a window. People can see come to check out your window, in, and you may see out. all they see are "kittens and roses" (which is another way of saying the The choice to step in front of this real, authentic you in the highest window is yours. But understand, light possible). that whatever you throw out of this window is accessible to anyone (at There are very few people who least until the Internet evolves into are comfortable conversing out something greater... and somehow through this window. all those untagged Facebook pic- tures get left behind in the transi- Then there are the masses, who tion). don't realize they're talking through this window (and if they What I suggest is that you only knew, they'd probably never engage show up, ready to speak out in it for fear of what others might Now, if you are prepared to work in through this window when you think of them or the repercussions this field, then I suggest you begin truly have something worthwhile that may come from behaving looking at your computer screen as to say. That way, when other's poorly). 17
  • 19. The Top 5 Characteristics Of A Successful Social Media Manager Now that you’re prepared to step into the ring, let’s and you’ve shared your opinion, you’ll immediately be kick it off with the 5 traits that will make you a suc- rewarded with a response. However, sometimes you cessful Social Media Manager. won’t see a spark of interest from the person you’re reaching out to until they’re sure you’re not just there 1 Responsible - When you’re willing to take responsibility for what you say, whether it for your own vanity. You’d be surprised at how many people will spam others’ blogs with their own URLs and neglect the importance of Clement Yeung be positive or negative, your audience will appreciate it and like you more. This can actually benefit you when contributing to the conversation. you’ve admitted you’re wrong. Just understand that if you’re honestly representing yourself or your brand, the right people will see you for who you are - the rest 4 Capable - As you engage in conversation with influencers (i.e. don’t ‘absolutely’ matter (...they’re not paying the bills). Leverage Points) and others, you’ll begin to recognize their interest levels based on their tone, sentence structure, word- It sounds great 2 Persistent - Most strategic relationships made through social networks don’t manifest ing, grammar, etc. If you’re not prepared from the outset! (or don’t know what to say) to steer a conversation themselves immediately. If your goal is to galvanize a strong network of influencers and brand advocates, towards your personal interests, you won’t be able to you must be prepared to consistently reach out to keep the attention of your target LPs. these people. Whether it be on their Facebook, Twit- ter, YouTube, blog, or other platform - they must see you as a persistent and interested consumer of their content. 5 Creative - Oftentimes your plan will require “out-of-the-box” thinking. If you aren’t able to step outside the “corporate” way of handling the job, people will find you stiff and uninteresting. It’s 3 Considerate - Generally, when you’ve invested time in reading someone’s content good to have a unique mix of ideas that will pique the interest of your audience and target influencers. Key Principles To Consider When Managing Social Media 1. Everyone is your friend - no one is a stranger. 2. Be careful about what you say. 3. People want you, not your facade or B.S. company messages (and if they have to be from your company, make sure they’re not B.S.). 4. Your community expects you to be honest. 5. If you come across information that would be useful to your fans, tell them about it. Again, be their friend. 6. Make sure you’re perceived as a thoughtful contributor, otherwise you’ll lose credibility and/or trust. 7. The information you share should generally move your audience closer towards their end goal. This can be done by creating your own content, sharing others content, or simply answering questions posed by your community. 8. Connecting in social media is really just connecting in real life (IRL), but with hundreds, thousands, mil- lions, and even billions of other people present in the conversation. 9. What you publish will always be available to someone, somewhere down the road. 18
  • 20. Chapter 3: Slug. It. Out. (You’ll Thank Me Later)
  • 21. The Role Research Plays In Social Media Marketing THE RESEARCH PROCESS Here are some steps to get you moving in the right direction: 1. Determine who the experts/influencers/leverage points are within your industry Search in Google “[keyword of industry] blogs” (finance, management, etc.) Look for the top 25 blogs in the industry (list the blog authors in a simple spreadsheet) I don’t like it anymore than you do. But the re- Pay attention to the “web” of experts who speak about the topic search clearly shows our and understand how they’re connected members want to engage Look for ecosystems built around each LP >>> what fan pages with us as the crew of a are they a part of? Who do they follow on Twitter? Who shows up Kingon battle cruiser. in the related videos of their YouTube content? 2. Set up a Gmail account (If you weren’t already using it for this doc) I really want to stress the 3. Establish listening posts value of researching and Set up a Google Reader to receive RSS from top LPs’ blogs (file understanding the land- these blogs in appropriate categories) scape before you jump in “Like” all these experts/influencers’ pages from your company page to engage. 4. Facebook: create spreadsheet with the following column labels Engagement can seriously hurt you (or just waste a lot of your time) if Page name you don’t have a clear path towards Company name an objective. Category (social media, Internet marketing, blogging, etc.) Putting up-front time into re- Type (company, individual, partnership, etc.) searching the social media land- scape will give you confidence # of fans when you’re ready to execute your Admin contact plan. Admin details As “un-sexy” as this sounds, your Wall post activity based on comments/likes (1-5 scale) up-front research will determine the magnitude of your success. Facebook URL Website URL Therefore, before ever moving into the next segment, please stop Alternate URL everything and create an Excel or Email Google doc spreadsheet so you are ready to throw these onto your list. Other details 20
  • 22. The Connection Between Research And Social Capital CREATING SOCIAL CAPITAL this equation: if you’re engaging any worthwhile social media user in stimulating, thought-provoking will resonate with you is because Your social capital is the conversation with other users with they can see you through your the intention of building strategic words; you’re communication is most valuable asset you relationships, leveraging networks, transparent; there’s no B.S. can create for your brand and creating new value, your out- -- and the sole power of social me- put will reflect that just as readily. And if you operate with the intent dia lies in the people... it isn’t about of building social capital, you must the tools, tech, or widgets. The key is in determining understand that there’s no way of faking it. Thus, the only logical So if you’re spending time com- which of these you think conclusion we can make is that... municating with dead-beats, about (and changing pessimists, or losers - you’re tone, your perspective if neces- ...this asset can not be perception, and output will reflect it. sary). ‘bought’ in any form -- it must be cultivated! However, consider the flip-side of Just know that the primary reason DOCUMENTING THE LANDSCAPE • What is their field of expertise? • What do they talk about? • Who is their audience? • What other experts endorse them? • Who are the "big name" affiliates to their products? • How many comments are they getting on every blog post? • How active are their Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.? • What other blogs do they read? • Who are their role models? • What events, seminars, conferences do they attend? • What is their contact information? (website, email address, phone number, LinkedIn profile, Twitter profile, YouTube channel, etc.) Building your social You want to know very particular It’s important that you understand capital requires that you details about each of your Leverage their social web so you can “lock- Points. And you want to make sure into” their world and show them show your face in the all of these details are included in a that you’re a sincere follower of right places. new tab on your Research Spread- their work. sheet. The experts/influencers/leverage NOTE: You won’t get far in your points you look to formulate strate- ...As you study this list, efforts if you’re employing a “shot- gic relationships with are not only gun” approach. Social capital is writing for their own websites, but you’ll start to see angles built on sincerity, interest, and are also engaging on other's pro- of approach for when you communication. If you’re firing off files, channels, and blogs. Thus it’s present them with your (i.e. “spamming”) messages, you’ll important that you document the waste a lot of time and energy. landscape. idea. 21
  • 23. The 4 Can'ts Of Building Up Your Social Capital With social media, you cannot media planning and communica- you’re offer is worth their time. control how others read into your tion, you are likely to fail at build- words, gestures, or writings. What ing up legitimate social capital. • You can’t spam your audience you say, how you say it, and when Thus, it’s important to consider the with sales messages - For every you say it are all being scrutinized things you can’t do as much as you two sales messages, you should and critiqued now and in the fu- consider the things you must do. be sending off eight pieces of ture. Therefore, make sure you're content that move your ideal putting your best foot forward ev- • You can’t fake it - Your entire customer closer towards his/ ery time you step up to the podium plan must rest on the assump- her end goals. to speak. tion that you are who you say you are and intend to do what In the case of bullet ‘one’ listed, just You are only as good as your last you say you’ll do. as we’ve recently seen, a politician message. was found to be lying about his • You can’t go in without a plan Twitter activities - he couldn’t run That means if you’ve broadcasted a - If your partners (Leverage from it. message, shared a piece of content, Points) agree to your proposal, responded to a question, tweeted you must be prepared to follow Neither can you. out your thoughts, given your through with the execution and opinion, etc. you should always make sure they’re “in the loop” Obviously some of these things keep in mind why your talking and on what’s next for them to do. can hit you pretty hard, others can who you’re talking to. Don’t leave anyone hanging. slowly crumble your credibility over time (without you even know- The same goes for your social • You can’t waste any parties’ ing it). But know that every time capital... time - Anything you propose to you engage in any of these faulty your customers and/or partners activities, your capital depreciates If you have a poor concept of social should clearly indicate why in value. 22
  • 24. 10 Power Tips To Finding Your Voice As we consider the im- portance of social capital (and how to create it), I wanted to list some tips for you to keep in mind as you engage in conversa- tions. 1. Be honest. Your reputation is so fragile. A single lie could severe the trust you have with your com- munity forever. 2. Be thoughtful. Think through your responses to comments, feed- back, and questions raised and directed towards you. Today’s Internet communication channels enable us to respond immediately to any inquiry. However, we should not rush to respond with a message that is not ready for the public eye. 3. Be strategic. Think about how many different groups of people actually listen to what you have to say and consider their positions when you chose to publish information. 4. Be aware. Don’t be so naive as to think others (competitors, friends, relatives, customers, prospects, etc.) are not listening closely to what you are saying. 5. Be conscious. Oftentimes we come across tragic stories of Facebookers getting fired from their jobs be- cause they were caught acting inappropriately. Today more than EVER, we must be conscious of EVERY- THING we are doing and saying. 6. Be sincere. Your voice is important. The real person you are should always show through in what you say. This also goes for what you write, record, or otherwise create. 7. Be clear. Your words must be placed together intelligently so that your audience can understand you. If you shoot a video and you’re fumbling over your words, keep shooting it until you get it right. Once it’s up there, you don’t have a chance to ‘erase’ what people saw. 8. Be concise. Keep your sentences tight. Keep your content as brief as it needs to be for your audience to un- derstand it. The average attention span of an Internet user is shrinking more and more. You don’t want them to miss out on the good stuff because you’ve bored them in the beginning. 9. Be humble. You don’t want to come across a video of you bragging about your success 10, 20, or even 30 years down the line (and maybe even have your kids see how much of a d-bag you were). 10. Be cool. You gain a lot more praise from sharing your ‘positive’ comments than negative ones. There’s no need for you to make public things that you can express offline. Plus, everyone else will know that you couldn’t keep your cool, which ultimately makes you look bad (whether or not they understood the situa- tion). 23
  • 25. Chapter 4: Magic Potions? Why Yes, I’d Love Some
  • 26. The Keys To Crafting A Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign Simple: Test: People don’t want to think A great test is to try and explain your idea to someone too hard when you’ve pre- who has no relation to your market/industry. If they sented them with an idea. think it’s a good idea, generally it means you’ve found If you can’t communicate something that people can understand and appreciate. the value of it in one to two sentences, it’s not simple enough yet. Keep refining it until you’ve reached that level of simplicity. Re- member, this idea should present value to yourself, your Leverage Points and your core customer. Smart: Test: Think about how your idea Approach someone who’s been bashing you and your can present an intelligent efforts. Ask them what they think about your concept. way for all parties to gain If they like it, this probably means they’re willing to value from its execution. If admit you have a good idea. one party doesn’t resonate with your concept, go back to the drawing boards to determine what’s working and what’s not. Ultimately, you want to make sure it’s “wow”-ing your audience. Sticky: Test: Would your core customer Survey your market and see which of their needs are share this with their fellow not being met. Make sure you probe with a lot of colleagues, friends, neigh- questions that touch on features and benefits of your bors or relatives? You want own idea. This will help you refine, tweak, or rethink to make sure that there’s your approach. a real need for your idea. Otherwise, you won’t gain enough traction with the people who use or interact with it. In order for your idea to build momentum, attract new audiences, and bring you more traffic, you have to have something your market really wants. 25
  • 27. The Keys To Crafting A Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign THE VALUE OF YOUR IDEA THE WIN-WIN-WIN PROPOSITION Before ever implementing anything I talk about in this In order to drive home the point of providing value, eBook, please understand that the value of its use all I've listed three MUSTS you’ll want to consider. rests on your idea. If the idea is faulty, unethical, false, or otherwise deemed to be invaluable to the parties These three MUSTS can also be looked at as a you're looking to influence, you need to rethink your Win-Win-Win Proposition. idea so that it conveys the 3 core characteristics listed on the last page. Thus, you’re idea... MUST SERVE (1) YOU (2) CUSTOMER (3) INFLUENCER PROPOSITION If you, your community, AND your in how compelling your idea is. Once you have the idea, you’re very LPs don’t gain from the execu- You will get very little leverage if much ready to take the right action tion of your idea, then you must you are not serving all three parties (in the right order). take a step back and consider how listed above. you can fulfill all these MUSTS in Please also note, I encourage you order to move forward. And keep in mind I only to read through this entire book at least once before you consider You will not make real progress in tell you this to save you going back to rethink your idea. the area of social media market- time, not to slow you This book gives you a lot of things ing unless you have clearly deter- down in your implemen- to think about when you’re retool- mined what each party will gain. ing for greater impact (and more The leverage you maintain all lies tation. success). 26
  • 29. The Primary Interest Of Anyone Operating Online: What's In It For Me!? You’ve heard it all before, but really stop and ...As a social media professional you must be prepared think about it...When you’re talking to another person, to show them (at some point in the relationship build- they’re always thinking to themselves: What are their ing process) why they should listen. And if you can motives? Why did they decide to reach out to me? shape your marketing strategy around this question, What do they want from me? you’ll have no problem getting the results you’re after. CORE REASONS FOR COMMUNICATION There are a few reasons you might be speaking to an LP: ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE They have They have They have They have They have REACH INFLUENCE PRODUCTS CONNECTIONS PERSPECTIVE (i.e. a lot of people (i.e. a strong (i.e. an excellent (i.e. someone you’d (i.e. a shared inter- in their network network - other product / service like them to refer est with your own - fans, followers, professionals who you want to sell you to) business, life, and/ subscribers) are connected to as a JV partner or or personal phi- them) affiliate) losophy) These 5 reasons can be tied to very powerful emotional interests that you must be conscious of before you reach out to these Leverage Points: FAME POWER MONEY RELATIONSHIP UNDERSTANDING As you engage in conversation, make sure you're considering both parties’ emotional interests - your’s and their’s. The relationship should always be pulling and pushing in both directions at the same time. UNIFYING THE PUSH / PULL OPPOSITES PUSH - steer conversation towards how they benefit. PULL - steer conversation towards how you benefit. If you want more If you want more If you want more If you want more If you want to fame for your own power, think money, think relationships, strengthen the business, think about who they about what you think about who relationship based about how you don't already know can do to help you can intro- on understanding, can appeal to their that you might be them promote duce them to that consider how you own emotions and able to introduce their product so they don't already can add to their create a win-win them to. This is that you sell more know. Save them lives with thought- relationship that effective if this and help them time by referring ful comments and benefits you and person is in a profit - making the contact so they ideas and expose helps them fur- related market and you both money. can reach out to them to your own ther expand their has influence. The shared inter- the person and perspective. reach. est is in promoting build the connec- valuable products. tion. 28
  • 31. The Role Energy Plays In Social Media Marketing SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING CONSIDERATIONS In any social media campaign you must know what type of effort is re- quired... Below, I’ve listed some things to consider as you plan your social media marketing strategy: • Will you have to put an hour into networking on LinkedIn everyday for the next month? • Will you have to create a blog post once per week to be syndicated across all your profiles? • Will you have to research new fan pages related to your industry and build connections with the admins? When many of us “play” • Will you have to find Twitter users in your local, regional, national, on social networks, we or international market who have clout or shared interests so you can work on building a viral following of brand enthusiasts? often forget the value of • Will you have to create video and share it with your subscriber list? our time. All of these things require you to think - to map out what you should be This is a dangerous game because doing with each hour of the day when you’re working. it cuts into many other areas we’d otherwise never fail to neglect (i.e. When you’re done with uploading/tagging/captioning Facebook pictures, household chores, errands or other for instance, let yourself move onto the next related task. Keep from drift- obligations.) ing into your personal stream and checking out what friends are doing with their lives (IMHO it’s a waste of time.) We get caught up in what’s hap- pening and next thing you know, the day slipped away from us as we pate as you slip into activities that FACEBOOK POWER TIP check notifications, send Twitter aren’t bringing you closer to your messages, and filter our inbox. primary goal. And the worst part is, we’ve got Yes, you will have to do some mun- nothing to show for the time we’ve dane activities during the day that invested (or wasted). go along with the job (like clearing If you start noticing your produc- out the spam from your blog posts, tivity is waning because of exces- The work force is facing many or uploading new pictures to your sive Facebook use, use the privacy issues with this. Companies are Facebook page.) But the key is to features to throw all your friends struggling to monitor the time em- stay on schedule with your work. on a list. Then, make sure that ployees spend working vs. social- you can't see this list in your feed. izing. Personally, I have many business connections and pages I communi- And this is relevant to you because cate with so I like to keep them in your business operates on these my feed so I know what's going on networks and uses these platforms in the world of business rather than everyday. my "pseudo" social life. If you’re not careful, the energy you reserve for work can slowly dissi- 30
  • 32. The Role Energy Plays In Social Media Marketing RESULTS-BASED VS. EFFORT-BASED THINKING time at school. On the other hand, when you’ve set an objective to learn in the case of results-based thinking, you use your time wisely in acquiring knowledge. Remember, just because Trust me, results-based thinking • Effort-based thinking means is what you want to engage in -- it you're in a ‘working’ en- you're willing to go to school. will help you create more output vironment, doesn't mean (with less effort than you think). you'll be productive. • Results-based thinking means you've set an objective to learn Moreover, the purpose of this book A working environment only lends once you've arrived. is to help you shift your thinking to itself to quality output. But quality only focus on results. Because ul- output is the result of intelligent The graph above illustrates what timately, results are the only thing planning and execution. happens with these two mindsets: you can show for when you've put in a day's worth of work. Ultimately, you want to be results- When you’re willing to show up in based in your thinking, not effort- the case of effort-based thinking, Listed below are some suggested based. you invest much of your time in steps (in the right order), so you unfocused work. You haven’t set can start taking action now. To illustrate: a real intention for spending your ACTION STEPS Determine what your primary goal is List all the details of this goal and what you will need to accomplish it Map out how your social media efforts will integrate into the success of this goal Determine the amount of time you need to be spending in each area of your work in order to achieve this goal in the shortest amount of time possible Communicate the different responsibilities to all parties involved Set milestones with your group to chart your progress Take action on the first step in your plan Don’t move onto the next step until you are satisfied with the quality of your output 31
  • 34. Business Tooligans Biz Model Initiation Message To Prospective Influencer If you are looking to leverage the networks of influencers in your market, it is important that you send them an email/message. Below is the message I used to get some of the top experts in my field interested in what I had to say... Excellent article, [Name]. Came across your work through [person, website, event, article, video, etc.]. How would you feel about [as briefly as possible, describe the win-win-win and what every party gains from your idea] contributing to my company's #SMMGR Magazine on a periodic basis? Unlike guest posting, we'll utilize some of your archived blog posts (so you don't have to write new content) and help you sell more of your products and programs at the end of your content piece? We'll earn a commission off any sales made through the newsletter, you'll get more exposure / leads / sales, and our readership will learn from you, a qualified expert. It's a win-win-win. Please send me an email if this sounds of interest to you. Sincerely, P.S. Currently, we have [insert all experts who’ve agreed to this same proposal] on board. POWER TIPS • This should be done after you’ve put some time into understanding them, who they are, what they teach, what other experts they’re connected to, etc. HOWEVER, please know that I have sent this off to experts without knowing extensive information about them and it’s worked out fine... I’ve just put in time (once they agreed to talk) to better understand who they were exactly. Either way works, but just know you’ll have to do some research at some point to learn about them. • Ideally you’ll want to send this in an email. HOWEVER, you can do this within the comments section of their most recent blog post. We’ve found that the speed of the response is much quicker. This is because the expert is already in a “receptive mode” to get feedback from his/her readership. It’s almost like a compli- ment that you’ve put in effort to read their post and then helped them tack on another comment so that their readership perceives the post to be of higher value (again, always be thinking about the win-win-win rela- tionship). • Please understand that we were in a very big time crunch to get moving on our idea so we weren’t afraid of someone else “stealing” it if they came across our proposal on the expert's blog comments. Our reasoning for this was that based on our up front investment in mapping out this idea, we felt that there were plenty of other mechanics going on in the background that would make it difficult for anyone else to be “first to mar- ket.” 33
  • 35. Business Tooligans Biz Model Followup Message To Prospective Influencer If the influencer likes your concept, they’ll most likely ask you what the next steps are. Make sure you have a more detailed message ready to fire off so they know exactly what you’re trying to accomplish and how you in- tend to serve the community. Below is an email we’ve used to get excellent results: [Name], Josh Peters Thanks for your interest and quick response. [Insert brief line that revisits a past conversation or refreshes their memory about who you are]. Here’s the rundown of (1) our intention with this [insert idea in as few words as possible] newsletter, (2) the basic content that we’ll be providing, (3) what a [insert audience] new subscriber will receive from us, (4) benefits to our expert panelists (and the people who are already involved) and Sounds great. (5) our marketing and promotional strategy for this [insert idea] newsletter... Send over the questions and lets (1) [Insert your idea in a very precise, focused, and powerful sentence] Our service is an inbox do the interview magazine (another name for newsletter... BUT, with a very big distinction...) focused on helping next week. managers, entrepreneurs, and employees navigate the social media education landscape. ([insert url to the particular webpage]) ( (2) With our [insert audience] readership, we’d like to [insert idea] serve up articles produced by experts in the social media, Internet marketing, and small business education realms and expose them to crucial information (and products) that would be useful for their online marketing activi- ties. This would allow them to leverage the best knowledge from the most valuable experts. Our theory is that [insert compelling punch line that makes the LP agree with you] with the right tools and resources, our subscribers will learn to work smarter, not harder. ...I’m sure you’re always looking for more people to help promote your message. Since we’re both in the business of [insert main keyword for your industry] social media, we know that our [insert audience] readership will be very receptive to your information and products. (3) [List what your audience/customer gains] Upon subscribing, a new reader will receive: * MP3 “sneak peak” audio of your interview in a professionally packaged format * Ongoing articles produced by expert panelists which include a bio (ex: * Promotional emails from experts who are launching new products or services * Invitations to special events, offers, and bonuses (4) [List what the influencer gains] Benefits to our expert panelists: * Little time investment for great exposure * More mileage from past blog articles (while avoiding SEO issues) 34