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How to Webpack
your Django!
David Gibbons
PyCon Ireland, October 2019
About Me
Many time PyCon Ireland attendee (many t-shirts! 👕👕), 1st time PyCon
Working with Python (and JavaScript) for over seven years 🐍
Software engineer at OpenApp, creating bespoke Web applications
Server and client-side Web development
About OpenApp
Founded in 2002, 45 staff employed
Web applications for industries such as Healthcare and Postal. Patient registries,
health data analytics
Always interested in interesting CVs (Software engineers, Project managers, QA
and test automation, etc).
Recent greenfield project, an address cleaning application
Decided on Vue.js and webpack - origin of this talk
About Talk
Django (without webpack)
Webpack introduction
Integration of webpack into Django
Added webpack extras
Talk goals
1. Webpack worth learning
The latest JavaScript features can improve your application
2. Straightforward to incorporate into Django
Simple architecture works for local development and production
Django (without webpack)
A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and
clean pragmatic design
MTV separation with models-template-views architecture
● Models define what is created in database
● Templates contain presentation logic
● Views contain business logic
Django static (eg js, css, images) stored in static file directories and referenced
in HTML Template code.
Example application
Small example application:
PyCon Ireland 2019 theme: “Environment”.
Django API provides a random “Environment” related quote.
Result: Request and display quote and corresponding author.
Models and views for Django API.
HTML template references
frontend files
A frontend directory with static (js,
css, images)
Store the quote text and the author
from django.db import models
class Quote(models.Model):
text = models.CharField(max_length=1000, help_text="The quote text")
author = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text="The quote author")
Django fixtures
Fixture file environment.json contains a list of famous environment quotes
"model": "quotes.Quote",
"pk": 1,
"fields": {
"text": "The Earth is what we all have in common.",
"author": "Wendell Berry"
Send request to URL “/random-quote” to get a random Environment quote
from django.http import JsonResponse
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from .models import Quote
def random_quote(request):
quote = Quote.objects.order_by('?').first()
return JsonResponse(model_to_dict(quote))
{% load static %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' %}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/styles.css' %}">
<div id="app">
<div><img src="{% static 'img/environment.png' %}" height="200px"></div>
<div><h1>Environment Random Quote</h1></div>
<div class="quote">
<div><p>[[ quoteText ]]</p></div>
<div><p>- <i>[[ quoteAuthor ]]</i></p></div>
<div><button class="btn btn-clear button" @click="getQuote()">Next</button></div>
<script src="{% static 'vue/dist/vue.min.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'js/script.js' %}"></script>
{% load static %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' %}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/styles.css' %}">
<div id="app">
<div><img src="{% static 'img/environment.png' %}" height="200px"></div>
<div><h1>Environment Random Quote</h1></div>
<div class="quote">
<div><p>[[ quoteText ]]</p></div>
<div><p>- <i>[[ quoteAuthor ]]</i></p></div>
<div><button class="btn btn-clear button" @click="getQuote()">Next</button></div>
<script src="{% static 'vue/dist/vue.min.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'js/script.js' %}"></script>
{% load static %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' %}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/styles.css' %}">
<div id="app">
<div><img src="{% static 'img/environment.png' %}" height="200px"></div>
<div><h1>Environment Random Quote</h1></div>
<div class="quote">
<div><p>[[ quoteText ]]</p></div>
<div><p>- <i>[[ quoteAuthor ]]</i></p></div>
<div><button class="btn btn-clear button" @click="getQuote()">Next</button></div>
<script src="{% static 'vue/dist/vue.min.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'js/script.js' %}"></script>
That is great, my Web application is working.
So why do I need this webpack?
Missing frontend requirements
● On production, minified JavaScript code with any comments removed
● Unique hash in file names to let browser cache know file updated
● On development, page refresh on code change while retaining state
● Code splitting so that only minimal code downloaded to browser
Webpack Introduction
Static module bundler for modern JavaScript
Initial release in 2012. Currently version 4.
Pete Hunt spoke at OSCON 2014 on how Instagram use webpack.
Can add/remove functionality as you need it
Enter webpack
“Best asset manager is webpack“
~ PyCon 2019 talk by Django co-creator Jacob Kaplan-Moss
webpack.config.js contains all config needed.
Configure webpack for your specific needs: React.js, Vue.js, etc.
Contains information on the mode, input and output along with any plugins or
loaders used.
npm install webpack webpack-cli
Webpack bundles modules with dependencies into files for browser.
Webpack.config.js - core concepts
1. mode: “development” or “production” enables the built-in optimizations
2. entry: this is the file(s) which is the starting point for webpack
3. output: this configuration is the place where webpack will place the bundles
mode: 'production',
entry: { app: './apps/frontend/js/index.js'},
output: { filename: '[name].[hash].bundle.js',
path: __dirname + '/apps/frontend/dist/',
publicPath: '/static/dist/' },
Webpack.config.js - core concepts
4. plugins: are used for wide range of tasks such as asset management
5. loaders: allow processing of other types of files. (css, etc)
plugins: [new VueLoaderPlugin()],
module: {rules: [
{ test: /.css$/, use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader']},
{ test: /.vue$/, use: 'vue-loader'},
{ test: /.*.(png|jpe?g)$/, use: 'file-loader'}]}
const VueLoaderPlugin = require('vue-loader/lib/plugin');
module.exports = {
mode: 'production',
entry: { app: './apps/frontend/js/index.js'},
output: { filename: '[name].[hash].bundle.js',
path: __dirname + '/apps/frontend/dist/',
publicPath: '/static/dist/' },
plugins: [
new VueLoaderPlugin(),
module: {rules: [
{ test: /.css$/, use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader']},
{ test: /.vue$/, use: 'vue-loader'},
{ test: /.*.(png|jpe?g)$/, use: 'file-loader'},],},
Update Vue.js code
Webpack also enables the use of Single File Components (SFCs) in vue.js
Really useful as the project expands to create reusable and isolated components
Create new file App.vue. html, javascript and css for app in one file. File index.js
is entry point to App.vue.
NPM scripts: build command
In package.json “scripts” section add a line for “build” command:
scripts: {"build": "webpack"}
Missing frontend requirements
● On production, minified JavaScript code with any comments removed
● Unique hash in file names to let browser cache know file updated
Integrate into Django
Library to transparently use webpack with django
Metadata file, produced by webpack plugin, tells Django where the generated
files are located.
Enter “django-webpack-loader”
“One of the core principles of django-webpack-loader is to not manage webpack
itself in order to give you the flexibility to run webpack the way you want.“
~ django-webpack-loader documentation
Update JavaScript side
const BundleTracker = require('webpack-bundle-tracker');]
plugins: [
<other plugins>...
new BundleTracker({filename: './apps/webpack-stats.json'}),
1. npm install webpack-bundle-tracker
2. Add BundleTracker to webpack.config.js which will write to file on build
1. pip install django-webpack-loader
2. Update Django’s
a. Add “webpack_loader” to INSTALLED_APPS
b. Add in a section WEBPACK_LOADER:
3. Use “render_bundle” template tag rather then “static” in templates. This
links to the files generated in dist/ directory
Update Django side
'BUNDLE_DIR_NAME': 'dist/',
'STATS_FILE': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'webpack-stats.json')}}
npm run build is run first to create the bundles
● Bundles in “dist” directory. webpack-stats.json contains the filenames
python runserver follows to run Django
● Django template will include the bundled files from webpack
Missing frontend requirements
● On production, minified JavaScript code with any comments removed -> Set
the mode to ‘production’
● Unique hash in file names to let browser cache know file updated -> Include
unique hash in each filename
● On development, page refresh on code change while retaining state
● Code splitting so that only minimal code downloaded to browser
Added webpack extras
Extra webpack configuration
The following additional configurations can be added as needed:
Eslint, Babel, clean old bundles plugin, bundle analyzer plugin, …
Chosen extras:
1. Webpack-dev-server: Hot-reload for local development
2. Code splitting: define multiple entry points to avoid downloading the same
code to the browser twice
On a code change, re-run build and update Browser display for quicker
Webpack-dev-server runs in one terminal tab and Django development server in
another tab.
Save to File
Watch for
Hot reload to refresh page the part of the page that has changed.
npm install webpack-dev-server webpack-merge
Add a 2nd entry to the “scripts” section of package.json:
scripts: {"build": "webpack"
"start": "webpack-dev-server --config"}
Add new config for development specific config
const merge = require('webpack-merge');
const common = require('./webpack.config.js');
module.exports = merge(common, {
mode: 'development',
output: {publicPath: 'http://localhost:3000/static/dist/'},
devServer: {
port: 3000,
hot: true,
headers: {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}}
Code Splitting
Powerful webpack feature to split code into various bundles which can then be
loaded on demand or in parallel to help improve page load time.
Code Splitting
Prevent Duplication: Split out “vendor” code so when a new entry point is added,
no need for browser to re-download vendor (Vue.js, bootstrap).
Separate “render_bundle” call in HTML template for “vendor” bundle
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
cacheGroups: { commons: {
test: /[/]node_modules[/]/,
chunks: 'initial',
name: 'vendor'}}}},
● On production, minified JavaScript code with any comments removed -> Set
the mode to ‘production’
● Unique hash in file names to let browser cache know file updated -> Include
hash in each filename
● On development, page refresh on code change while retaining state -> add
webpack-dev-server with configuration to watch source files
● Code splitting so that only minimal code downloaded to browser -> make
use of optimisation in webpack to split files
Missing frontend requirements
Talk Summary
Webpack is a tool for modern JavaScript development, handles different file
types of static files to produce bundles.
Example application which uses webpack to bundle static files and incorporated
into Django with django-webpack-loader.
Once basic webpack configuration is in place, it is easy to add functionality as
Tried-and-tested way to webpack your Django!
Thank you for listening!
Any Questions?
Code from this talk:
Django static files:
Webpack documentation:
Homepage for django-webpack-loader:

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How to Webpack your Django!

  • 1. How to Webpack your Django! David Gibbons PyCon Ireland, October 2019
  • 2. About Me Many time PyCon Ireland attendee (many t-shirts! 👕👕), 1st time PyCon speaker Working with Python (and JavaScript) for over seven years 🐍 Software engineer at OpenApp, creating bespoke Web applications Server and client-side Web development 2 @davgibbs @davgibbs
  • 3. About OpenApp Founded in 2002, 45 staff employed Web applications for industries such as Healthcare and Postal. Patient registries, health data analytics Always interested in interesting CVs (Software engineers, Project managers, QA and test automation, etc). Recent greenfield project, an address cleaning application Decided on Vue.js and webpack - origin of this talk 3
  • 4. About Talk Django (without webpack) Webpack introduction Integration of webpack into Django Added webpack extras 4
  • 5. Talk goals 1. Webpack worth learning The latest JavaScript features can improve your application 2. Straightforward to incorporate into Django Simple architecture works for local development and production 5
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 7
  • 9. Django A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean pragmatic design MTV separation with models-template-views architecture ● Models define what is created in database ● Templates contain presentation logic ● Views contain business logic Django static (eg js, css, images) stored in static file directories and referenced in HTML Template code. 9
  • 10. Example application Small example application: PyCon Ireland 2019 theme: “Environment”. Django API provides a random “Environment” related quote. Result: Request and display quote and corresponding author. 10
  • 11. 11 Models and views for Django API. HTML template references frontend files A frontend directory with static (js, css, images)
  • 12. Models Store the quote text and the author 12 from django.db import models class Quote(models.Model): text = models.CharField(max_length=1000, help_text="The quote text") author = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text="The quote author")
  • 13. Django fixtures Fixture file environment.json contains a list of famous environment quotes 13 { "model": "quotes.Quote", "pk": 1, "fields": { "text": "The Earth is what we all have in common.", "author": "Wendell Berry" } },
  • 14. Send request to URL “/random-quote” to get a random Environment quote Views 14 from django.http import JsonResponse from django.forms.models import model_to_dict from .models import Quote def random_quote(request): quote = Quote.objects.order_by('?').first() return JsonResponse(model_to_dict(quote))
  • 15. 15 {% load static %} <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' %}"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/styles.css' %}"> </head> <body> <div id="app"> <div><img src="{% static 'img/environment.png' %}" height="200px"></div> <div><h1>Environment Random Quote</h1></div> <div class="quote"> <div><p>[[ quoteText ]]</p></div> <div><p>- <i>[[ quoteAuthor ]]</i></p></div> </div> <div><button class="btn btn-clear button" @click="getQuote()">Next</button></div> </div> <script src="{% static 'vue/dist/vue.min.js' %}"></script> <script src="{% static 'js/script.js' %}"></script> </body> </html>
  • 16. 16 {% load static %} <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' %}"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/styles.css' %}"> </head> <body> <div id="app"> <div><img src="{% static 'img/environment.png' %}" height="200px"></div> <div><h1>Environment Random Quote</h1></div> <div class="quote"> <div><p>[[ quoteText ]]</p></div> <div><p>- <i>[[ quoteAuthor ]]</i></p></div> </div> <div><button class="btn btn-clear button" @click="getQuote()">Next</button></div> </div> <script src="{% static 'vue/dist/vue.min.js' %}"></script> <script src="{% static 'js/script.js' %}"></script> </body> </html>
  • 17. 17 {% load static %} <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' %}"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/styles.css' %}"> </head> <body> <div id="app"> <div><img src="{% static 'img/environment.png' %}" height="200px"></div> <div><h1>Environment Random Quote</h1></div> <div class="quote"> <div><p>[[ quoteText ]]</p></div> <div><p>- <i>[[ quoteAuthor ]]</i></p></div> </div> <div><button class="btn btn-clear button" @click="getQuote()">Next</button></div> </div> <script src="{% static 'vue/dist/vue.min.js' %}"></script> <script src="{% static 'js/script.js' %}"></script> </body> </html>
  • 20. That is great, my Web application is working. 20 So why do I need this webpack?
  • 21. Missing frontend requirements ● On production, minified JavaScript code with any comments removed ● Unique hash in file names to let browser cache know file updated ● On development, page refresh on code change while retaining state ● Code splitting so that only minimal code downloaded to browser 21
  • 23. Static module bundler for modern JavaScript Initial release in 2012. Currently version 4. Pete Hunt spoke at OSCON 2014 on how Instagram use webpack. Can add/remove functionality as you need it Enter webpack 23 “Best asset manager is webpack“ ~ PyCon 2019 talk by Django co-creator Jacob Kaplan-Moss
  • 24. webpack webpack.config.js contains all config needed. Configure webpack for your specific needs: React.js, Vue.js, etc. Contains information on the mode, input and output along with any plugins or loaders used. 24 npm install webpack webpack-cli
  • 25. webpack Webpack bundles modules with dependencies into files for browser. 25
  • 26. Webpack.config.js - core concepts 1. mode: “development” or “production” enables the built-in optimizations 2. entry: this is the file(s) which is the starting point for webpack 3. output: this configuration is the place where webpack will place the bundles 26 mode: 'production', entry: { app: './apps/frontend/js/index.js'}, output: { filename: '[name].[hash].bundle.js', path: __dirname + '/apps/frontend/dist/', publicPath: '/static/dist/' },
  • 27. Webpack.config.js - core concepts 4. plugins: are used for wide range of tasks such as asset management 5. loaders: allow processing of other types of files. (css, etc) 27 plugins: [new VueLoaderPlugin()], module: {rules: [ { test: /.css$/, use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader']}, { test: /.vue$/, use: 'vue-loader'}, { test: /.*.(png|jpe?g)$/, use: 'file-loader'}]}
  • 28. 28 const VueLoaderPlugin = require('vue-loader/lib/plugin'); module.exports = { mode: 'production', entry: { app: './apps/frontend/js/index.js'}, output: { filename: '[name].[hash].bundle.js', path: __dirname + '/apps/frontend/dist/', publicPath: '/static/dist/' }, plugins: [ new VueLoaderPlugin(), ], module: {rules: [ { test: /.css$/, use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader']}, { test: /.vue$/, use: 'vue-loader'}, { test: /.*.(png|jpe?g)$/, use: 'file-loader'},],}, }; Additional requires Additional plugins Additional loaders
  • 29. Update Vue.js code Webpack also enables the use of Single File Components (SFCs) in vue.js Really useful as the project expands to create reusable and isolated components Create new file App.vue. html, javascript and css for app in one file. File index.js is entry point to App.vue. 29
  • 30. 30 NPM scripts: build command In package.json “scripts” section add a line for “build” command: scripts: {"build": "webpack"}
  • 31. Missing frontend requirements ● On production, minified JavaScript code with any comments removed ● Unique hash in file names to let browser cache know file updated 31
  • 33. Library to transparently use webpack with django Metadata file, produced by webpack plugin, tells Django where the generated files are located. 33 Enter “django-webpack-loader” “One of the core principles of django-webpack-loader is to not manage webpack itself in order to give you the flexibility to run webpack the way you want.“ ~ django-webpack-loader documentation
  • 34. 34 Update JavaScript side const BundleTracker = require('webpack-bundle-tracker');] plugins: [ <other plugins>... new BundleTracker({filename: './apps/webpack-stats.json'}), ] 1. npm install webpack-bundle-tracker 2. Add BundleTracker to webpack.config.js which will write to file on build
  • 35. 1. pip install django-webpack-loader 2. Update Django’s a. Add “webpack_loader” to INSTALLED_APPS b. Add in a section WEBPACK_LOADER: 3. Use “render_bundle” template tag rather then “static” in templates. This links to the files generated in dist/ directory 35 Update Django side WEBPACK_LOADER = { 'DEFAULT': { 'BUNDLE_DIR_NAME': 'dist/', 'STATS_FILE': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'webpack-stats.json')}}
  • 36. Integrated! npm run build is run first to create the bundles ● Bundles in “dist” directory. webpack-stats.json contains the filenames python runserver follows to run Django ● Django template will include the bundled files from webpack 36
  • 37. 37
  • 38. Missing frontend requirements ● On production, minified JavaScript code with any comments removed -> Set the mode to ‘production’ ● Unique hash in file names to let browser cache know file updated -> Include unique hash in each filename ● On development, page refresh on code change while retaining state ● Code splitting so that only minimal code downloaded to browser 38
  • 40. Extra webpack configuration 40 The following additional configurations can be added as needed: Eslint, Babel, clean old bundles plugin, bundle analyzer plugin, … Chosen extras: 1. Webpack-dev-server: Hot-reload for local development 2. Code splitting: define multiple entry points to avoid downloading the same code to the browser twice
  • 41. Webpack-dev-server On a code change, re-run build and update Browser display for quicker development. Webpack-dev-server runs in one terminal tab and Django development server in another tab. 41 webpack-dev-server Save to File system Watch for changes Update display Browser
  • 42. Webpack-dev-server Hot reload to refresh page the part of the page that has changed. npm install webpack-dev-server webpack-merge Add a 2nd entry to the “scripts” section of package.json: 42 scripts: {"build": "webpack" "start": "webpack-dev-server --config"}
  • 43. Webpack-dev-server 43 Add new config for development specific config const merge = require('webpack-merge'); const common = require('./webpack.config.js'); module.exports = merge(common, { mode: 'development', output: {publicPath: 'http://localhost:3000/static/dist/'}, devServer: { port: 3000, hot: true, headers: {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}} });
  • 44. Code Splitting Powerful webpack feature to split code into various bundles which can then be loaded on demand or in parallel to help improve page load time. 44
  • 45. Code Splitting Prevent Duplication: Split out “vendor” code so when a new entry point is added, no need for browser to re-download vendor (Vue.js, bootstrap). Separate “render_bundle” call in HTML template for “vendor” bundle 45 optimization: { splitChunks: { cacheGroups: { commons: { test: /[/]node_modules[/]/, chunks: 'initial', name: 'vendor'}}}},
  • 46. ● On production, minified JavaScript code with any comments removed -> Set the mode to ‘production’ ● Unique hash in file names to let browser cache know file updated -> Include hash in each filename ● On development, page refresh on code change while retaining state -> add webpack-dev-server with configuration to watch source files ● Code splitting so that only minimal code downloaded to browser -> make use of optimisation in webpack to split files Missing frontend requirements 46
  • 47. 47
  • 48. Talk Summary Webpack is a tool for modern JavaScript development, handles different file types of static files to produce bundles. Example application which uses webpack to bundle static files and incorporated into Django with django-webpack-loader. Once basic webpack configuration is in place, it is easy to add functionality as needed. Tried-and-tested way to webpack your Django! 48
  • 49. Thank you for listening! 49 Any Questions?
  • 50. Links Code from this talk: Django static files: Webpack documentation: Homepage for django-webpack-loader: 50