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I.E.S. 2 MARES (Dep of Physical Education)
Unit 1: How to Warm Up
A warm up is a series of exercises you do before physical activity, to prepare your body for it.
For example, before playing an intense sport you can run slowly to warm your muscles and your heart.
Warm ups must prepare the muscles for the activity.
There are very different warm ups, (high intensity, low intensity, for
basketball, for tennis...)
So, the warm-up volleyball players do is different from the one footballers
Warm ups are specific to the sport or activity you practice.
Benefits of the warm up:
If you do a good warm up, you get:
1) Protection against injuries
2) Better performance
And also:
-You increase your body temperature. -Your joints move more efficiently
-Oxygen in blood travels faster. -Muscles move faster and with more strength
-Your muscles extend more and are more
-You react faster
1. Movements of your joints.
This is the first part, and it must have a low intensity. We move our arms in circles forwards and
backwards, we draw circles with our hips...
2. A small run.
I.E.S. 2 MARES (Dep of Physical Education)
This is to warm up your heart and lungs,
and also the muscles.
3. Exercises similar to the sport you are
going to play and/or a game.
In this part, you warm up the muscles
you use in the sport or activity.
This part must be progressive in
intensity. It must start slow and increase the intensity.
It must end at a intensity similar to the sport you are going to practise.
4. Stretching of the main muscles.
This makes the muscles more flexible, prevents injuries and also helps the muscles to develop more
Your teacher uses this vocabulary in every lesson.
It is very important for you to know it, so you can
understand the lessons.
Come here, please: You must go where the teacher is
and form in a semi-circle.
Silence, please: Do not speak.
Please, stay put: You must not make noise and you must not move.
Be quiet: Do not shout or speak loud.
Pay attention: Look to your teacher an listen to what he says.
To blow the whistle: The teacher makes a noise with the whistle so you pay attention.
2.Baseball Basic Rules
I.E.S. 2 MARES (Dep of Physical Education)
The baseball field
Batting, Outs, and Strikes
A youth baseball game usually consists of 6 innings. In each inning, each team will pitch and field while
the other team bats. When the batting team gets 3 outs, the other team bats.
A batter is out when any of the following occur:
• They get 3 strikes
• They hit a ball that is caught before the ball hits the ground
• The ball is thrown to the first-baseman and the first-baseman touches the base with their foot
while the ball is in their glove or hand.
• Any member of the fielding team tags the batter with the ball or the glove containing the ball
before they get safely to 1st base.
• Any member of the fielding team tags the batter with the ball or the glove containing the ball
when the batter is on their way to 2nd base, 3rd base, or home.
Any base-runner is out if any of the following occur:
• The base runner is forced out before arriving at the next base. (See Force Out vs. Tag Out below)
• The base runner is tagged out while off base.
Strikes and Fouls
A batter may get a strike in 3 different ways:
• A swing and a miss at a ball
• A ball thrown into the strike zone that is not swung at but called a strike by the umpire
• A ball hit "foul".
A "foul" ball is one that is hit so it rolls to the outside of the line from home plate to 1st base or outside
the line from home plate to 3rd base. A ball that is hit within the two lines previously described is a "fair"
ball. A batter never receives a 3rd and final strike for hitting a foul ball. If foul balls are hit after 2 strikes
are obtained, the batter keeps batting. The exception is that if a foul hit ball (or fair ball) is caught before
it strikes the ground, the batter is out.
The Strike Zone
I.E.S. 2 MARES (Dep of Physical Education)
The top of the strike zone is the midpoint of the area between the batter's shoulder and the top of his
uniform pants. The bottom of the strike zone is the hollow of the knee. The right and left boundaries of
the strike zone correspond to the edges of home plate. A pitch that touches the outer boundary of the zone
is as much a strike as a pitch that is thrown right down the center.
Balls and Walks
If the pitcher pitches to an area outside the "strike zone" that is called a "ball" by the umpire and the batter
does not swing, this will count as a "ball". If the batter is awarded 4 balls before striking out or getting out
in any other way, they will be given a "walk". In a walk, the batter is allowed to safely proceed to first
Running the Bases
After a batter hits a fair ball, they will attempt to do one of the following:
• Run to 1st base only.
• Run to 1st base, then 2nd base (called a double).
• Continue past 2nd base and run to 3rd base (called a triple).
• Continue past 3rd base to home plate (called a home run).
In addition, any previous batters that are on one of the bases may advance to subsequent bases and finally
home. A run is scored for each player of the batting team successfully reaching home plate.
Over-Running the Bases
After a fair ball is hit, the batter proceeds to run to first base. If the batter is only going to run to first base,
they are allowed to overrun the first base and are "safe" if they touch base before the first-baseman
catches the ball while standing on base. The batter is still safe even if they are off base, provided they run
straight past the first base and turn to their right. If the batter, however, tags first base and rounds the
corner to 2nd base, they may be tagged out if they are not successful! Also, players running from 1st to
2nd or 2nd to 3rd base may always be tagged out if they overrun the base and the 2nd or 3rd baseman tags
them. So in summary, overrunning a base without danger of being tagged out is only allowed for a batter
running straight past first base.
Tagging Runners Out
Any player of the fielding team may tag any runner out by touching the player with the ball in hand or the
glove containing the ball provided the runner is off base with exception of the first base over-run covered
in the previous paragraph.
I.E.S. 2 MARES (Dep of Physical Education)
Force-Out vs. Tag-Out Situations
Two runners of the batting team can not occupy a base at the same time. This means that if there is a
runner at 1st base and the next batter hits a fair ball, this runner on 1st must advance to at least 2nd base.
This is known as a "force out at 2nd" situation. If this is the case, the second baseman only has to tag the
base before the runner arrives, rather than tag the runner. If the second baseman has enough time, they
may even throw to first base to get the hitter out as well - if successful, this is known as a "double play".
In a "bases loaded" situation with runners at each base, a force out is possible at 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd
base, or home since all of the runners and batters are forced to advance to the next base. On the other
hand, if a runner is already at 2nd base with 3rd base empty and the ball is hit, the 2nd base runner trying
to reach 3rd may only be tagged out by actually tagging with the ball (as opposed to simply tagging
base). This last case is a "tag out" situation. So in summary, if a runner is forced to advance, a force out
is possible. If a runner is not forced to advance, they must be tagged out. A force-out on the batter is
always possible at first base.
Rule Concerning Runs Scored When 3rd Out Is Made
All runs scored before the 3rd out is actually obtained will count if the third out occurs in a tag-out
situation. So for example, if there are two outs and runners at 2nd and 3rd and the batter hits a ball that
results in the 2nd base runner being tagged out at 3rd for the 3rd out yet the 3rd base runner made it home
before the actual out was made, the run would count. If on the other hand, the runner made it home after
the 3rd out was actually made, the run would not count. If the 3rd out occurred on a force-out situation,
the run at home would not count, even if it was achieved before the 3rd out was made.
Rules Concerning Pop Fly Balls
A "pop fly ball" is a ball hit into the air so a fielder can catch it before it hits the ground. If a pop fly is
caught before it hits the ground, the batter is automatically out. In addition, any runners that start to
advance to another base before the ball is caught are out if the ball is thrown back to the baseman and the
baseman tags the base with his/her foot before the runner returns back to base. So for example, a pop fly
is hit. While the fly ball is in the air, a runner on 2nd base advances to 3rd. The ball is caught and thrown
back to the 2nd baseman and he/she tags base before the runner can get back on base. The runner would
be out. A runner may "tag up" however, and then safely run to the next base. "Tagging up" means the
runner waits until after the fair-hit pop-fly ball is caught and then runs to the next base. So, if our 2nd
base runner had waited until the ball is caught before proceeding to 3rd base, the runner would be safe,
provided they did not get tagged out at 3rd base.
Stealing Bases
In youth baseball leagues for ages 9 and below, stealing bases in generally not allowed although there are
exceptions. For youth baseball leagues for ages 9-12, stealing bases is allowed. An existing runner may
run to the next base after the pitch is thrown and arrives at the catcher, even if the ball is not hit. This is
known as a steal. The pitching team may try to tag this runner out. This is a tag-out situation. Note that a
runner may not steal on a ball hit foul - in this case the stealing runner is allowed to safely return to the
original base. Also note that some leagues may allow stealing bases before the ball gets to the catcher.
Answer the following questions in english:
1. What’s a “double play”?
2. You are a runner in second base, How would you play in case of a “pop fly ball” hit by one of
your team mates?
3. Write an example of a force-out situation
4. What are the most important fitness factors (strength, endurance, speed, reactions or reflexes,
agility, …) in baseball?
5. ¿Qué es robar una base?
Just in case you missed something …
El Juego
I.E.S. 2 MARES (Dep of Physical Education)
El béisbol es un deporte de equipo y un deporte de masas en Norteamérica. Cada equipo se compone de
nueve jugadores, cada uno de ellos tiene responsabilidades específicas las cuales deben ser ejecutadas con
destreza y eficiencia.
El objetivo del juego es que un equipo haga más "carreras" que el oponente.
Un equipo anota una carrera cuando un corredor recorre consecutivamente la primera, segunda, tercera
base y llega al “home”, antes de que se hagan los 3 ‘strikes’
Los equipos son designados como el equipo "home" y el equipo "visitante"
Play Ball
El partido comienza con el equipo visitante en el turno de bateo. Cada equipo se mantiene al bateo hasta
que el equipo a la defensiva elimina a tres jugadores. Se completa una entrada cuando ambos equipos han
tenido su turno al bateo.
Un partido regular dura 9 entradas. Un partido que termina empate continúa hasta que se rompa la
igualdad y el equipo de casa haya completado su último turno al bate.
Campo de juego
El campo de juego está formado por un rombo en cuyos ángulos se encuentran las bases (rombos blancos)
y se debe jugar por delante de las dos líneas negras que delimitan la zona de bateo bueno
Posiciones en el Campo
Las posiciones cuando al equipo le corresponde ir a la defensiva son:
1. Lanzador (Pitcher)
2. Receptor (Catcher)
3. Primera Base
4. Segunda Base
5. Tercera Base
6. Shortstop
7. Jardinero Izquierdo
8. Jardinero Central
9. Jardinero Derecho
I.E.S. 2 MARES (Dep of Physical Education)
Reglas Básicas
El corredor puede avanzar una base en cualquier momento mientras la pelota esté en juego, pero corre el
riesgo de ser tocado por un jugador de la defensiva, que tenga la pelota, cuando esté fuera de la base.
Un jugador a la defensiva debe tener libertad para atrapar una pelota bateada, si el corredor se lo impide
el corredor es eliminado.
Un corredor debe tener el camino despejado para llegar a regresar a una base cuando el jugador a la
defensiva no está en posesión de la pelota, y llega "quieto" a la base si el jugador interfiere con él.
El corredor debe permanecer en su línea cuando el jugador de la defensa tiene la bola o será eliminado
por el árbitro.
El pitcher no puede hacer ningún movimiento que resulte engañoso mientras tenga el pie en la "goma" de
pitcheo. Esta acción es llamada "balk", la penalidad es que los corredores avanzan una base.
Un bateador o corredor avanza una base cuando:
1. Batea la pelota y no es puesto out en primera base.
2. Se le otorga primera base por cuatro lanzamientos malos del pitcher (bases por bola).
3. Cuando es golpeado por el lanzamiento del pitcher.
4. Se roba una base.
5. Cuando el equipo a la defensiva comete un error.
Un Bateador o corredor es eliminado cuando:
1. Un jugador de la defensiva atrapa una bola al vuelo bateado por él.
2. Un jugador de la defensiva intercepta una bola y lanza a la base, antes de que este llegue a la
3. El corredor es tocado con la bola cuando está fuera de la base
4. El bateador no logra conectar ninguno de 3 lanzamientos buenos del pitcher. (es "ponchado").
5. El jugador es eliminado por el árbitro por alguna acción ilegal (eliminado por regla).
Activity:Take a look at the picture and fill in the blanks according to the vocabulary hand out. There are
9 positions on the field.

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How to warm up and softball (apuntes)

  • 1. I.E.S. 2 MARES (Dep of Physical Education) Unit 1: How to Warm Up WHAT IS A WARM-UP? A warm up is a series of exercises you do before physical activity, to prepare your body for it. For example, before playing an intense sport you can run slowly to warm your muscles and your heart. Warm ups must prepare the muscles for the activity. There are very different warm ups, (high intensity, low intensity, for basketball, for tennis...) So, the warm-up volleyball players do is different from the one footballers do. Warm ups are specific to the sport or activity you practice. Benefits of the warm up: If you do a good warm up, you get: 1) Protection against injuries 2) Better performance And also: -You increase your body temperature. -Your joints move more efficiently -Oxygen in blood travels faster. -Muscles move faster and with more strength -Your muscles extend more and are more elastic -You react faster PARTS OF A WARM-UP: 1. Movements of your joints. This is the first part, and it must have a low intensity. We move our arms in circles forwards and backwards, we draw circles with our hips... 2. A small run.
  • 2. I.E.S. 2 MARES (Dep of Physical Education) This is to warm up your heart and lungs, and also the muscles. 3. Exercises similar to the sport you are going to play and/or a game. In this part, you warm up the muscles you use in the sport or activity. This part must be progressive in intensity. It must start slow and increase the intensity. It must end at a intensity similar to the sport you are going to practise. 4. Stretching of the main muscles. This makes the muscles more flexible, prevents injuries and also helps the muscles to develop more power. 1.1: BASIC VOCABULARY Your teacher uses this vocabulary in every lesson. It is very important for you to know it, so you can understand the lessons. ATTENTION: Come here, please: You must go where the teacher is and form in a semi-circle. Silence, please: Do not speak. Please, stay put: You must not make noise and you must not move. Be quiet: Do not shout or speak loud. Pay attention: Look to your teacher an listen to what he says. To blow the whistle: The teacher makes a noise with the whistle so you pay attention. 2.Baseball Basic Rules
  • 3. I.E.S. 2 MARES (Dep of Physical Education) The baseball field Batting, Outs, and Strikes A youth baseball game usually consists of 6 innings. In each inning, each team will pitch and field while the other team bats. When the batting team gets 3 outs, the other team bats. Outs A batter is out when any of the following occur: • They get 3 strikes • They hit a ball that is caught before the ball hits the ground • The ball is thrown to the first-baseman and the first-baseman touches the base with their foot while the ball is in their glove or hand. • Any member of the fielding team tags the batter with the ball or the glove containing the ball before they get safely to 1st base. • Any member of the fielding team tags the batter with the ball or the glove containing the ball when the batter is on their way to 2nd base, 3rd base, or home. Any base-runner is out if any of the following occur: • The base runner is forced out before arriving at the next base. (See Force Out vs. Tag Out below) • The base runner is tagged out while off base. Strikes and Fouls A batter may get a strike in 3 different ways: • A swing and a miss at a ball • A ball thrown into the strike zone that is not swung at but called a strike by the umpire • A ball hit "foul". A "foul" ball is one that is hit so it rolls to the outside of the line from home plate to 1st base or outside the line from home plate to 3rd base. A ball that is hit within the two lines previously described is a "fair" ball. A batter never receives a 3rd and final strike for hitting a foul ball. If foul balls are hit after 2 strikes are obtained, the batter keeps batting. The exception is that if a foul hit ball (or fair ball) is caught before it strikes the ground, the batter is out. The Strike Zone
  • 4. I.E.S. 2 MARES (Dep of Physical Education) The top of the strike zone is the midpoint of the area between the batter's shoulder and the top of his uniform pants. The bottom of the strike zone is the hollow of the knee. The right and left boundaries of the strike zone correspond to the edges of home plate. A pitch that touches the outer boundary of the zone is as much a strike as a pitch that is thrown right down the center. Balls and Walks If the pitcher pitches to an area outside the "strike zone" that is called a "ball" by the umpire and the batter does not swing, this will count as a "ball". If the batter is awarded 4 balls before striking out or getting out in any other way, they will be given a "walk". In a walk, the batter is allowed to safely proceed to first base. Running the Bases After a batter hits a fair ball, they will attempt to do one of the following: • Run to 1st base only. • Run to 1st base, then 2nd base (called a double). • Continue past 2nd base and run to 3rd base (called a triple). • Continue past 3rd base to home plate (called a home run). In addition, any previous batters that are on one of the bases may advance to subsequent bases and finally home. A run is scored for each player of the batting team successfully reaching home plate. Over-Running the Bases After a fair ball is hit, the batter proceeds to run to first base. If the batter is only going to run to first base, they are allowed to overrun the first base and are "safe" if they touch base before the first-baseman catches the ball while standing on base. The batter is still safe even if they are off base, provided they run straight past the first base and turn to their right. If the batter, however, tags first base and rounds the corner to 2nd base, they may be tagged out if they are not successful! Also, players running from 1st to 2nd or 2nd to 3rd base may always be tagged out if they overrun the base and the 2nd or 3rd baseman tags them. So in summary, overrunning a base without danger of being tagged out is only allowed for a batter running straight past first base. Tagging Runners Out Any player of the fielding team may tag any runner out by touching the player with the ball in hand or the glove containing the ball provided the runner is off base with exception of the first base over-run covered in the previous paragraph.
  • 5. I.E.S. 2 MARES (Dep of Physical Education) Force-Out vs. Tag-Out Situations Two runners of the batting team can not occupy a base at the same time. This means that if there is a runner at 1st base and the next batter hits a fair ball, this runner on 1st must advance to at least 2nd base. This is known as a "force out at 2nd" situation. If this is the case, the second baseman only has to tag the base before the runner arrives, rather than tag the runner. If the second baseman has enough time, they may even throw to first base to get the hitter out as well - if successful, this is known as a "double play". In a "bases loaded" situation with runners at each base, a force out is possible at 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, or home since all of the runners and batters are forced to advance to the next base. On the other hand, if a runner is already at 2nd base with 3rd base empty and the ball is hit, the 2nd base runner trying to reach 3rd may only be tagged out by actually tagging with the ball (as opposed to simply tagging base). This last case is a "tag out" situation. So in summary, if a runner is forced to advance, a force out is possible. If a runner is not forced to advance, they must be tagged out. A force-out on the batter is always possible at first base. Rule Concerning Runs Scored When 3rd Out Is Made All runs scored before the 3rd out is actually obtained will count if the third out occurs in a tag-out situation. So for example, if there are two outs and runners at 2nd and 3rd and the batter hits a ball that results in the 2nd base runner being tagged out at 3rd for the 3rd out yet the 3rd base runner made it home before the actual out was made, the run would count. If on the other hand, the runner made it home after the 3rd out was actually made, the run would not count. If the 3rd out occurred on a force-out situation, the run at home would not count, even if it was achieved before the 3rd out was made. Rules Concerning Pop Fly Balls A "pop fly ball" is a ball hit into the air so a fielder can catch it before it hits the ground. If a pop fly is caught before it hits the ground, the batter is automatically out. In addition, any runners that start to advance to another base before the ball is caught are out if the ball is thrown back to the baseman and the baseman tags the base with his/her foot before the runner returns back to base. So for example, a pop fly is hit. While the fly ball is in the air, a runner on 2nd base advances to 3rd. The ball is caught and thrown back to the 2nd baseman and he/she tags base before the runner can get back on base. The runner would be out. A runner may "tag up" however, and then safely run to the next base. "Tagging up" means the runner waits until after the fair-hit pop-fly ball is caught and then runs to the next base. So, if our 2nd base runner had waited until the ball is caught before proceeding to 3rd base, the runner would be safe, provided they did not get tagged out at 3rd base. Stealing Bases In youth baseball leagues for ages 9 and below, stealing bases in generally not allowed although there are exceptions. For youth baseball leagues for ages 9-12, stealing bases is allowed. An existing runner may run to the next base after the pitch is thrown and arrives at the catcher, even if the ball is not hit. This is known as a steal. The pitching team may try to tag this runner out. This is a tag-out situation. Note that a runner may not steal on a ball hit foul - in this case the stealing runner is allowed to safely return to the original base. Also note that some leagues may allow stealing bases before the ball gets to the catcher. Activities: Answer the following questions in english: 1. What’s a “double play”? 2. You are a runner in second base, How would you play in case of a “pop fly ball” hit by one of your team mates? 3. Write an example of a force-out situation 4. What are the most important fitness factors (strength, endurance, speed, reactions or reflexes, agility, …) in baseball? 5. ¿Qué es robar una base? Just in case you missed something … El Juego
  • 6. I.E.S. 2 MARES (Dep of Physical Education) El béisbol es un deporte de equipo y un deporte de masas en Norteamérica. Cada equipo se compone de nueve jugadores, cada uno de ellos tiene responsabilidades específicas las cuales deben ser ejecutadas con destreza y eficiencia. El objetivo del juego es que un equipo haga más "carreras" que el oponente. Un equipo anota una carrera cuando un corredor recorre consecutivamente la primera, segunda, tercera base y llega al “home”, antes de que se hagan los 3 ‘strikes’ Los equipos son designados como el equipo "home" y el equipo "visitante" ------- Play Ball El partido comienza con el equipo visitante en el turno de bateo. Cada equipo se mantiene al bateo hasta que el equipo a la defensiva elimina a tres jugadores. Se completa una entrada cuando ambos equipos han tenido su turno al bateo. Un partido regular dura 9 entradas. Un partido que termina empate continúa hasta que se rompa la igualdad y el equipo de casa haya completado su último turno al bate. Campo de juego El campo de juego está formado por un rombo en cuyos ángulos se encuentran las bases (rombos blancos) y se debe jugar por delante de las dos líneas negras que delimitan la zona de bateo bueno Posiciones en el Campo Las posiciones cuando al equipo le corresponde ir a la defensiva son: 1. Lanzador (Pitcher) 2. Receptor (Catcher) 3. Primera Base 4. Segunda Base 5. Tercera Base 6. Shortstop 7. Jardinero Izquierdo 8. Jardinero Central 9. Jardinero Derecho
  • 7. I.E.S. 2 MARES (Dep of Physical Education) Reglas Básicas El corredor puede avanzar una base en cualquier momento mientras la pelota esté en juego, pero corre el riesgo de ser tocado por un jugador de la defensiva, que tenga la pelota, cuando esté fuera de la base. Un jugador a la defensiva debe tener libertad para atrapar una pelota bateada, si el corredor se lo impide el corredor es eliminado. Un corredor debe tener el camino despejado para llegar a regresar a una base cuando el jugador a la defensiva no está en posesión de la pelota, y llega "quieto" a la base si el jugador interfiere con él. El corredor debe permanecer en su línea cuando el jugador de la defensa tiene la bola o será eliminado por el árbitro. El pitcher no puede hacer ningún movimiento que resulte engañoso mientras tenga el pie en la "goma" de pitcheo. Esta acción es llamada "balk", la penalidad es que los corredores avanzan una base. Un bateador o corredor avanza una base cuando: 1. Batea la pelota y no es puesto out en primera base. 2. Se le otorga primera base por cuatro lanzamientos malos del pitcher (bases por bola). 3. Cuando es golpeado por el lanzamiento del pitcher. 4. Se roba una base. 5. Cuando el equipo a la defensiva comete un error. Un Bateador o corredor es eliminado cuando: 1. Un jugador de la defensiva atrapa una bola al vuelo bateado por él. 2. Un jugador de la defensiva intercepta una bola y lanza a la base, antes de que este llegue a la base. 3. El corredor es tocado con la bola cuando está fuera de la base 4. El bateador no logra conectar ninguno de 3 lanzamientos buenos del pitcher. (es "ponchado"). 5. El jugador es eliminado por el árbitro por alguna acción ilegal (eliminado por regla). Activity:Take a look at the picture and fill in the blanks according to the vocabulary hand out. There are 9 positions on the field.